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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Hey, folks, sorry about the delay, but this is a really important show.


We want to make sure we get it right today. We want to make sure he is absolutely critically right today. What happened this weekend is obviously an apocalyptic global, cosmic, catastrophic freaking security failure. I'm really Really pissed off with some of the commentary on television.


Oh, we don't want a Monday morning quarterback? Fuck that Monday morning quarterback shit. This isn't a football game. We're not talking about the Jets versus the Giants. We're talking about the life of the former and potential next President and changing and altering the history of humankind as we know it by potentially losing the next former President and causing a civil crisis we haven't seen in decades. This isn't the time for a bullshit or cutesy time. I know you've been waiting for this show all weekend. I've got a great show for you lined up. We're going to go through of Donald Trump. That was the evidence. He could have called and asked about that, but instead, he had to write an asshole piece. Let's cut through all the bullshit now and walk through this frame by frame and talk about what happened.And I promise you, you're not going to get this perspective anyone else because no one else I know on the radio actually did this for a living. It's not a knock on them. It's just true. Let's go to this NTD News. This is, by the way, I believe the definitive perspective of what happened this past week and when we almost lost President Trump, okay? I'm going to walk through it. I'm going to stop this at various points. Gee, put the NTD News video up on the screen. Let's talk about questions first, like where was the perimeter surveillance? And let's watch what happened. We'll watch about a minute of it. I know you may have seen this before, but I'm going to reference it multiple times, so check this out. Okay, so obviously, he's talking. They're just around. Ducks. The Body People cover. Maximum to the Protective. They're following the rules here. Maximum to the Protective, minimum to the problem. This is a different video you probably haven't seen, but you'll see there's obviously some chaos. People start to hear gunshots. They realize what's going on right now. The Secret Services are covering the body, which is the right thing to do.You see these guys coming on stage right now? Those are additional shift agents. You're also going to see two guys in black uniforms. They got the black BDU Ninja suits on. I want you to listen to what's happening here. You see them on stage covering, looking for additional threats, because remember, they don't know the threat's been neutralized. There may be more. So that's the cat team, the counter-assault team. So you see them up on stage. Now you get that is not one of our guys. That's a local SWAT guy. The cat team, the counter assault team is a two-man element, so that's a third guy. Why are there balloons on the screen? What is that? Okay, now they're picking them up. He's not a light guy, and they're getting ready to evacuate him. And now the iconic image, President Trump, who's had enough of this bullshit, and these people messing with him, trying to kill him and blow his head off. You're going to see... Okay, let's stop here, okay? I'm going to refer back to that video often. So a couple of things right there.The mission of the shift around the President.The shift around the President, you have two different sets of security personnel from the Secret Service, okay? You have a shift. Consider the shift, the body guys. I'm not going to say how many there are. You can probably count and do the math yourself, but I feel no need to put that out there.The people who responded to the President or the body people, they're the ones who covered them.They did what they were supposed to do. Cover and evacuate is the rule. Cover the President and evacuate.They were putting them behind that bunting on the stage, which appears to be armor, making sure that there was no threat right in front of them.They waited for the cat team. You'll hear them say, if you listen to that video very closely, Hawk Eyes on the stage or Hawk Eyes here. Hawk Eyes, it's out there. It's their code name. They were They're up there. It's not classified or anything like that. You can hear it, but that's who they're talking about right there up on the stage, okay? So they're waiting for that team. They're then looking to see if there's any other threats. He gets up, and then they evac them. Let's talk about some stuff, though, that happened and what led up to this, and then we'll reference that often, okay?Where was the perimeter surveillance?Folks, we have a white building in the middle of the day. We have a sniper on the building at 130 yards. 130 yards is a rookie shot. A nine-year-old kid from Missouri with a 22 could take out a squirrel at that distance, probably no problem, probably without a scope. There is absolutely no way that the Secret Service should be putting out public statements indicating right now that that wasn't their responsibility.Brother, everything is your responsibility, okay?Keeping the President alive is your responsibility.If a rookie sniper at 130 yards can come within a millimeter of taking out the potential future President of the United States, then let me tell you something. That's your freaking responsibility. Where was the perimeter surveillance team and how did they miss this thing? How did they miss it? He was on a white roof in the middle of the day. There's absolutely no excuse for them to have missed this thing. None, zero. I told you in the beginning, in the beginning of the show, I think it's breaking here, from a source, they had been tracking this guy from the minute he approached the event. They lost him. Why was President Trump even on the stage? Does anybody have an explanation Patient for that? Here's TMZ video from TMZ.Well, I just said TMZ video.I want you to listen to the response of the crowd. How did security personnel on the ground? How is it that the crowd who is acting as a surveillance team and picked out the threat and they missed it? Can anybody explain this? These aren't even trained security personnel. They're just rally goers. They're the ones telling you you got a guy on the roof getting ready to kill someone. Check this out. Get over here.What are you doing?I hope he's turning this way.Be careful, guys. Ron! Ron! Ron!Ron! Ron That's exactly why we need fucking Trump here. Fucking secret service. Don't fuck around. Holy shit.Yeah, look, they're under cover. Where's that one? That's him right here.Guys, we have specific Secret Service security personnel and law enforcement personnel who were dedicated to a surveillance function to surveil people. How is it that this was missed? I don't understand. The guys on the roof, we got the crowd calling this guy out. Where was Where's the aerial surveillance? Where were the drones? Where was this forward-looking infrared? Where was the thermal imagery? Are you really suggesting to me, the Secret Service and their spokesman, this guy, Google EME, that this is the best technology you have where a guy can creep up on the President from 130 yards away and get within a millimeter of popping his head open like a freaking watermelon? Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? It gets even worse. The BBC interviewed this guy, and this guy's saying that it was pointed out to multiple people on the ground. How did this not make it back to the Secret Service? And that makes an executive decision to say, Hey, we're going to keep him off stage for a few minutes while we mitigate this potential threat. How was he allowed on stage? Why is no one asking this question? Why was he allowed on stage with a potential deadly threat sitting out there just outside the perimeter, but within the zone we should have been securing?Listen What is this BBC interview again. It's about 30 seconds of it. And this guy clearly says multiple people saw this guy. Where was... So question number one, so I keep everybody focused.I'm sorry. I've been so excited to do this show for all the wrong reasons.I wish I didn't have to. Where was the perimeter surveillance team? How did they miss this?Check this out. Someone who was here.You weren't inside the event, but you were just outside. Tell us what you saw. We had a party here all day. You can see behind us at the Brinkles Farm and Greenhouse here. We had a party, and we all decided, Hey, when we hear Trump up there, we're going to walk up through the field, stand by the trees up there under the shade, and listen to the rally. We couldn't see him, but we could hear him. Well, so we walked up in probably 5 to 7 minutes of Trump speaking, I'm estimating here, I have no idea, but we noticed the guy crawling bear crawling up the in the woods, folks. He wasn't sitting there in a Ninja suit at night covered up with dirt. He was in broad daylight. Where was the aerial surveillance plan? Drones, spotters. How did the spotters miss this guy? Where was the helicopter assets? Where was the forward-looking infrared? Where were the thermos? Thermals. Folks, this stuff works during the day. You ever see that movie Predator, where they fake all the thermal imagery? Where was the thermal imagery? This is the best technology you have. A guy can walk up onto the roof with a freaking ladder. I want you to listen to this FBI press conference. Listen, I have zero faith in the management of the FBI, okay? But it's in the FBI's best interest to conduct a thorough investigation and get to the bottom of it because it doesn't reflect poorly on them.It's going to reflect poorly on them if they screw it up. This reflects poorly on the Secret Service. Watch this reporter ask the FBI representative and spokesman the exact same question. Hey, how the hell this guy get on the roof? Where was the aerial surveillance plan? You better not tell me you didn't have one. Someone better get under oath and explain what the hell this aerial surveillance plan, along with the perimeter surveillance, which we addressed first was.Check this out. From what you've been brief on, it sounds like law enforcement only knew he was up there until shots were fired.Is that what you're hearing?So that is the assessment at this time.Are you surprised that a sniper was able to fire off a handful of shots at the former President?Again, we're still working through the security apparatus that the Secret Service had in place, what potentially happened. There's going to be a long investigation into exactly what took place and how the individual was able to get access to the location. From what you've been brief on, it sounds like long-course men.Nobody has any answers. Listen, I don't want to call into account this guy's integrity from the FBI.Be responsible. I don't know him. I've never met him.I will call into account Christopher Ray and others, for screwing us over. But I'm telling you, they have zero interest right now in making the Secret Service look good, the FBI. I'm not suggesting they're doing this for any other reason. I'm not imputing anyone's motives. I don't want to be an asshole for stuff. We don't even know what happened. The investigation just started. So until this guy proves me wrong, I'm going to assume he's going to try to do the right thing and find out what happened. But he seems genuinely perplexed like you and I do. How the hell did this guy get on the damn roof? He's not even a security guy. He's an investigator. It's a different function. Where was the aerial surveillance plan? Question one, where was the perimeter surveillance plan? Question two, where's the aerial surveillance plan? I'm going to take a quick break, my last one, and I'm going to get back to the third question. Do you know what protective intelligence is?Well, I'll tell you, that's my job.Protective intelligence is intelligence work you do on threat assessments. Before we go to a location, if the President is going to go to Butler County, Pennsylvania, wherever he is, there's a protective intelligence squad in that office that goes out and looks at any threats in the area. Was there a file on this guy? How did we miss it? Folks, you don't find it odd that we're spying on Americans with metadata and FISA files and 702 and all this other bullshit, and we seem to miss every freaking threat? Every freaking threat we seem to miss. So why are we spying on... We shouldn't be spying on Americans anyway.Holy Moses. Quick break.Birch Gold.Hey, if you weren't following the news, a big hit to the US dollar just came. When the Saudis didn't renew the PetroDollars deal they've had with the US since 1974, Saudi Arabia sold oil in US dollars, largely, and it was huge to our global economic Now they want options other than the dollar.So I ask you, if there's less demand for the dollar, what happens to the US dollar?Look, this is one of the reasons I buy gold from Birch Gold and have many times, B-I-R-C-H. They're a valuable resource for you as well. For over 20 years, Birch Gold Group has helped tens of thousands of Americans protect their savings by converting an IRA of 401k into an IRA in physical gold. To learn more, text Dan to 989898. Claim your free no obligation info kit on gold. Birch Gold deserve my trust with their education-first approach. They're thousands of happy customers and their countless five-star reviews. Protect your savings with gold before the dollar plunges any further.Text Dan to 989898 today.Message and data rate supply. Our last sponsor today, Blackout Coffee.I may have had way too many cups of Blackout Coffee today.I love Blackout Coffee. It's delicious. Cinnamon French toast is my favorite, although the dark chocolate is pretty outstanding, too. Paula is here. She likes the Blueberry crumble. They're an active supporter of hardworking Americans. They love the Constitution. They love this country. But most importantly, they're capitalists because we love economic freedom, too. And that means what? They're going to produce the best darn coffee with the best customer service out there. John, who runs a company, is a really amazing guy. I love Blackout. I have a few cups of it a day. I really enjoy it. Bold coffee taste, never bitter. It's absolutely delicious. I'm proud to endorse them. So do me a favor. The folks at Blackout will ship within 48 hours of roasting.It's incredible.Go to blackoutcauffy. Com/bongino and see what I'm talking about. They're the real deal. That's blackoutcauffy. Com/bongino, or use coupon code Bongino for 20% off your first order. Make the switch to Blackout Coffee. You're going to thank me. It's really good stuff. Check it out. Thanks, Blackout Coffee. Okay, back to the show. 200,000 people. Holy Moses. Imagine what would have happened. Sorry about the technical snafu. We could have been at 250, but this is All right. 200,000 people. I'm honored to be here with you.Where was the protective intelligence file?I want you all to take a time out from whatever you're doing right now.Put your phone down, put your computer down.If you're driving, drive the car. Don't get hurt.Folks, you You realize we have this extensive network of surveillance that entraps Americans?This 702 surveillance, this metadata. We have big metadata files. We have all this stuff. We should not be spying on Americans, period. I am a civil libertarian in that respect, period. You get me?But don't you find it a little bit offensive that they are spying on Americans, and they're spying on Americans, and they're still actually missing threats to America, which this young man who shot at the President and future President would have changed the course of American history if he would have killed him, and we still missed it. Here's Kim Chetel. This is a short one. This is about 10 %. The disgraced director of the Secret Service who should resign immediately. Here is Kim Sheetle on ABC, remarkably not that long ago, saying, You know what? There's really no credible threats. How do we keep missing this stuff? Check this out. Threats out there right now. So there's nothing specific and nothing credible out there right now, but we are tracking all threat streams, and we certainly work with our partners at the FBI and other intelligence agencies that supply that information to us. You're working with the FBI. They have access to this enormous file and all this stuff. Again, we missed this. Folks, I'm not saying that this should be an excuse to spy on Americans.I hope you understand that. I'm saying actually quite the opposite.I'm saying we shouldn't be spying on Americans because even though we do and we shouldn't, we still never find the bad guys. So we might as well at least respect the Civil Liberties of Americans and not do dumb shit. This is not hitting anyone. It's weird. We have this massive global can. Chris, come say hello from Rumbl.I want to introduce you one of my best friends, the smartest tech guy in the business. There you're saying, I can see you. Wave to the right there. This is Chris from Rumbel, folks. How's it going, everyone? He's the CEO. I love this guy. 268. 268,000 people. We need 300,000 if we keep going. And you know what? We have Rumbel Cloud, so we didn't even have to... Now we got Rumbel Cloud. We're running everything on our infrastructure right now.This is all on Rumbel.We're not... You guys... Sorry. We're running everything on Rumbel, right? Yeah, we're running everything on our infrastructure right now. It's all on Rumbel tech. We're not using any of the big tech stuff. This is all run by Rumble, which is a big, big accomplishment. I love this guy.He's the best. This is the CEO of Rumbel.Follow him on X, follow him on truth. This is the future of tech right here in the parallel economy. A lot of us can speak freely, me included, because of this thanks for everything. I'll see you on a radio show in a little bit.You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


of Donald Trump. That was the evidence. He could have called and asked about that, but instead, he had to write an asshole piece. Let's cut through all the bullshit now and walk through this frame by frame and talk about what happened.


And I promise you, you're not going to get this perspective anyone else because no one else I know on the radio actually did this for a living. It's not a knock on them. It's just true. Let's go to this NTD News. This is, by the way, I believe the definitive perspective of what happened this past week and when we almost lost President Trump, okay? I'm going to walk through it. I'm going to stop this at various points. Gee, put the NTD News video up on the screen. Let's talk about questions first, like where was the perimeter surveillance? And let's watch what happened. We'll watch about a minute of it. I know you may have seen this before, but I'm going to reference it multiple times, so check this out. Okay, so obviously, he's talking. They're just around. Ducks. The Body People cover. Maximum to the Protective. They're following the rules here. Maximum to the Protective, minimum to the problem. This is a different video you probably haven't seen, but you'll see there's obviously some chaos. People start to hear gunshots. They realize what's going on right now. The Secret Services are covering the body, which is the right thing to do.


You see these guys coming on stage right now? Those are additional shift agents. You're also going to see two guys in black uniforms. They got the black BDU Ninja suits on. I want you to listen to what's happening here. You see them on stage covering, looking for additional threats, because remember, they don't know the threat's been neutralized. There may be more. So that's the cat team, the counter-assault team. So you see them up on stage. Now you get that is not one of our guys. That's a local SWAT guy. The cat team, the counter assault team is a two-man element, so that's a third guy. Why are there balloons on the screen? What is that? Okay, now they're picking them up. He's not a light guy, and they're getting ready to evacuate him. And now the iconic image, President Trump, who's had enough of this bullshit, and these people messing with him, trying to kill him and blow his head off. You're going to see... Okay, let's stop here, okay? I'm going to refer back to that video often. So a couple of things right there.


The mission of the shift around the President.


The shift around the President, you have two different sets of security personnel from the Secret Service, okay? You have a shift. Consider the shift, the body guys. I'm not going to say how many there are. You can probably count and do the math yourself, but I feel no need to put that out there.


The people who responded to the President or the body people, they're the ones who covered them.


They did what they were supposed to do. Cover and evacuate is the rule. Cover the President and evacuate.


They were putting them behind that bunting on the stage, which appears to be armor, making sure that there was no threat right in front of them.


They waited for the cat team. You'll hear them say, if you listen to that video very closely, Hawk Eyes on the stage or Hawk Eyes here. Hawk Eyes, it's out there. It's their code name. They were They're up there. It's not classified or anything like that. You can hear it, but that's who they're talking about right there up on the stage, okay? So they're waiting for that team. They're then looking to see if there's any other threats. He gets up, and then they evac them. Let's talk about some stuff, though, that happened and what led up to this, and then we'll reference that often, okay?


Where was the perimeter surveillance?


Folks, we have a white building in the middle of the day. We have a sniper on the building at 130 yards. 130 yards is a rookie shot. A nine-year-old kid from Missouri with a 22 could take out a squirrel at that distance, probably no problem, probably without a scope. There is absolutely no way that the Secret Service should be putting out public statements indicating right now that that wasn't their responsibility.


Brother, everything is your responsibility, okay?


Keeping the President alive is your responsibility.


If a rookie sniper at 130 yards can come within a millimeter of taking out the potential future President of the United States, then let me tell you something. That's your freaking responsibility. Where was the perimeter surveillance team and how did they miss this thing? How did they miss it? He was on a white roof in the middle of the day. There's absolutely no excuse for them to have missed this thing. None, zero. I told you in the beginning, in the beginning of the show, I think it's breaking here, from a source, they had been tracking this guy from the minute he approached the event. They lost him. Why was President Trump even on the stage? Does anybody have an explanation Patient for that? Here's TMZ video from TMZ.


Well, I just said TMZ video.


I want you to listen to the response of the crowd. How did security personnel on the ground? How is it that the crowd who is acting as a surveillance team and picked out the threat and they missed it? Can anybody explain this? These aren't even trained security personnel. They're just rally goers. They're the ones telling you you got a guy on the roof getting ready to kill someone. Check this out. Get over here.


What are you doing?


I hope he's turning this way.


Be careful, guys. Ron! Ron! Ron!


Ron! Ron That's exactly why we need fucking Trump here. Fucking secret service. Don't fuck around. Holy shit.


Yeah, look, they're under cover. Where's that one? That's him right here.


Guys, we have specific Secret Service security personnel and law enforcement personnel who were dedicated to a surveillance function to surveil people. How is it that this was missed? I don't understand. The guys on the roof, we got the crowd calling this guy out. Where was Where's the aerial surveillance? Where were the drones? Where was this forward-looking infrared? Where was the thermal imagery? Are you really suggesting to me, the Secret Service and their spokesman, this guy, Google EME, that this is the best technology you have where a guy can creep up on the President from 130 yards away and get within a millimeter of popping his head open like a freaking watermelon? Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? It gets even worse. The BBC interviewed this guy, and this guy's saying that it was pointed out to multiple people on the ground. How did this not make it back to the Secret Service? And that makes an executive decision to say, Hey, we're going to keep him off stage for a few minutes while we mitigate this potential threat. How was he allowed on stage? Why is no one asking this question? Why was he allowed on stage with a potential deadly threat sitting out there just outside the perimeter, but within the zone we should have been securing?


Listen What is this BBC interview again. It's about 30 seconds of it. And this guy clearly says multiple people saw this guy. Where was... So question number one, so I keep everybody focused.


I'm sorry. I've been so excited to do this show for all the wrong reasons.


I wish I didn't have to. Where was the perimeter surveillance team? How did they miss this?


Check this out. Someone who was here.


You weren't inside the event, but you were just outside. Tell us what you saw. We had a party here all day. You can see behind us at the Brinkles Farm and Greenhouse here. We had a party, and we all decided, Hey, when we hear Trump up there, we're going to walk up through the field, stand by the trees up there under the shade, and listen to the rally. We couldn't see him, but we could hear him. Well, so we walked up in probably 5 to 7 minutes of Trump speaking, I'm estimating here, I have no idea, but we noticed the guy crawling bear crawling up the in the woods, folks. He wasn't sitting there in a Ninja suit at night covered up with dirt. He was in broad daylight. Where was the aerial surveillance plan? Drones, spotters. How did the spotters miss this guy? Where was the helicopter assets? Where was the forward-looking infrared? Where were the thermos? Thermals. Folks, this stuff works during the day. You ever see that movie Predator, where they fake all the thermal imagery? Where was the thermal imagery? This is the best technology you have. A guy can walk up onto the roof with a freaking ladder. I want you to listen to this FBI press conference. Listen, I have zero faith in the management of the FBI, okay? But it's in the FBI's best interest to conduct a thorough investigation and get to the bottom of it because it doesn't reflect poorly on them.It's going to reflect poorly on them if they screw it up. This reflects poorly on the Secret Service. Watch this reporter ask the FBI representative and spokesman the exact same question. Hey, how the hell this guy get on the roof? Where was the aerial surveillance plan? You better not tell me you didn't have one. Someone better get under oath and explain what the hell this aerial surveillance plan, along with the perimeter surveillance, which we addressed first was.Check this out. From what you've been brief on, it sounds like law enforcement only knew he was up there until shots were fired.Is that what you're hearing?So that is the assessment at this time.Are you surprised that a sniper was able to fire off a handful of shots at the former President?Again, we're still working through the security apparatus that the Secret Service had in place, what potentially happened. There's going to be a long investigation into exactly what took place and how the individual was able to get access to the location. From what you've been brief on, it sounds like long-course men.Nobody has any answers. Listen, I don't want to call into account this guy's integrity from the FBI.Be responsible. I don't know him. I've never met him.I will call into account Christopher Ray and others, for screwing us over. But I'm telling you, they have zero interest right now in making the Secret Service look good, the FBI. I'm not suggesting they're doing this for any other reason. I'm not imputing anyone's motives. I don't want to be an asshole for stuff. We don't even know what happened. The investigation just started. So until this guy proves me wrong, I'm going to assume he's going to try to do the right thing and find out what happened. But he seems genuinely perplexed like you and I do. How the hell did this guy get on the damn roof? He's not even a security guy. He's an investigator. It's a different function. Where was the aerial surveillance plan? Question one, where was the perimeter surveillance plan? Question two, where's the aerial surveillance plan? I'm going to take a quick break, my last one, and I'm going to get back to the third question. Do you know what protective intelligence is?Well, I'll tell you, that's my job.Protective intelligence is intelligence work you do on threat assessments. Before we go to a location, if the President is going to go to Butler County, Pennsylvania, wherever he is, there's a protective intelligence squad in that office that goes out and looks at any threats in the area. Was there a file on this guy? How did we miss it? Folks, you don't find it odd that we're spying on Americans with metadata and FISA files and 702 and all this other bullshit, and we seem to miss every freaking threat? Every freaking threat we seem to miss. So why are we spying on... We shouldn't be spying on Americans anyway.Holy Moses. Quick break.Birch Gold.Hey, if you weren't following the news, a big hit to the US dollar just came. When the Saudis didn't renew the PetroDollars deal they've had with the US since 1974, Saudi Arabia sold oil in US dollars, largely, and it was huge to our global economic Now they want options other than the dollar.So I ask you, if there's less demand for the dollar, what happens to the US dollar?Look, this is one of the reasons I buy gold from Birch Gold and have many times, B-I-R-C-H. They're a valuable resource for you as well. For over 20 years, Birch Gold Group has helped tens of thousands of Americans protect their savings by converting an IRA of 401k into an IRA in physical gold. To learn more, text Dan to 989898. Claim your free no obligation info kit on gold. Birch Gold deserve my trust with their education-first approach. They're thousands of happy customers and their countless five-star reviews. Protect your savings with gold before the dollar plunges any further.Text Dan to 989898 today.Message and data rate supply. Our last sponsor today, Blackout Coffee.I may have had way too many cups of Blackout Coffee today.I love Blackout Coffee. It's delicious. Cinnamon French toast is my favorite, although the dark chocolate is pretty outstanding, too. Paula is here. She likes the Blueberry crumble. They're an active supporter of hardworking Americans. They love the Constitution. They love this country. But most importantly, they're capitalists because we love economic freedom, too. And that means what? They're going to produce the best darn coffee with the best customer service out there. John, who runs a company, is a really amazing guy. I love Blackout. I have a few cups of it a day. I really enjoy it. Bold coffee taste, never bitter. It's absolutely delicious. I'm proud to endorse them. So do me a favor. The folks at Blackout will ship within 48 hours of roasting.It's incredible.Go to blackoutcauffy. Com/bongino and see what I'm talking about. They're the real deal. That's blackoutcauffy. Com/bongino, or use coupon code Bongino for 20% off your first order. Make the switch to Blackout Coffee. You're going to thank me. It's really good stuff. Check it out. Thanks, Blackout Coffee. Okay, back to the show. 200,000 people. Holy Moses. Imagine what would have happened. Sorry about the technical snafu. We could have been at 250, but this is All right. 200,000 people. I'm honored to be here with you.Where was the protective intelligence file?I want you all to take a time out from whatever you're doing right now.Put your phone down, put your computer down.If you're driving, drive the car. Don't get hurt.Folks, you You realize we have this extensive network of surveillance that entraps Americans?This 702 surveillance, this metadata. We have big metadata files. We have all this stuff. We should not be spying on Americans, period. I am a civil libertarian in that respect, period. You get me?But don't you find it a little bit offensive that they are spying on Americans, and they're spying on Americans, and they're still actually missing threats to America, which this young man who shot at the President and future President would have changed the course of American history if he would have killed him, and we still missed it. Here's Kim Chetel. This is a short one. This is about 10 %. The disgraced director of the Secret Service who should resign immediately. Here is Kim Sheetle on ABC, remarkably not that long ago, saying, You know what? There's really no credible threats. How do we keep missing this stuff? Check this out. Threats out there right now. So there's nothing specific and nothing credible out there right now, but we are tracking all threat streams, and we certainly work with our partners at the FBI and other intelligence agencies that supply that information to us. You're working with the FBI. They have access to this enormous file and all this stuff. Again, we missed this. Folks, I'm not saying that this should be an excuse to spy on Americans.I hope you understand that. I'm saying actually quite the opposite.I'm saying we shouldn't be spying on Americans because even though we do and we shouldn't, we still never find the bad guys. So we might as well at least respect the Civil Liberties of Americans and not do dumb shit. This is not hitting anyone. It's weird. We have this massive global can. Chris, come say hello from Rumbl.I want to introduce you one of my best friends, the smartest tech guy in the business. There you're saying, I can see you. Wave to the right there. This is Chris from Rumbel, folks. How's it going, everyone? He's the CEO. I love this guy. 268. 268,000 people. We need 300,000 if we keep going. And you know what? We have Rumbel Cloud, so we didn't even have to... Now we got Rumbel Cloud. We're running everything on our infrastructure right now.This is all on Rumbel.We're not... You guys... Sorry. We're running everything on Rumbel, right? Yeah, we're running everything on our infrastructure right now. It's all on Rumbel tech. We're not using any of the big tech stuff. This is all run by Rumble, which is a big, big accomplishment. I love this guy.He's the best. This is the CEO of Rumbel.Follow him on X, follow him on truth. This is the future of tech right here in the parallel economy. A lot of us can speak freely, me included, because of this thanks for everything. I'll see you on a radio show in a little bit.You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


in the woods, folks. He wasn't sitting there in a Ninja suit at night covered up with dirt. He was in broad daylight. Where was the aerial surveillance plan? Drones, spotters. How did the spotters miss this guy? Where was the helicopter assets? Where was the forward-looking infrared? Where were the thermos? Thermals. Folks, this stuff works during the day. You ever see that movie Predator, where they fake all the thermal imagery? Where was the thermal imagery? This is the best technology you have. A guy can walk up onto the roof with a freaking ladder. I want you to listen to this FBI press conference. Listen, I have zero faith in the management of the FBI, okay? But it's in the FBI's best interest to conduct a thorough investigation and get to the bottom of it because it doesn't reflect poorly on them.


It's going to reflect poorly on them if they screw it up. This reflects poorly on the Secret Service. Watch this reporter ask the FBI representative and spokesman the exact same question. Hey, how the hell this guy get on the roof? Where was the aerial surveillance plan? You better not tell me you didn't have one. Someone better get under oath and explain what the hell this aerial surveillance plan, along with the perimeter surveillance, which we addressed first was.


Check this out. From what you've been brief on, it sounds like law enforcement only knew he was up there until shots were fired.


Is that what you're hearing?


So that is the assessment at this time.


Are you surprised that a sniper was able to fire off a handful of shots at the former President?


Again, we're still working through the security apparatus that the Secret Service had in place, what potentially happened. There's going to be a long investigation into exactly what took place and how the individual was able to get access to the location. From what you've been brief on, it sounds like long-course men.


Nobody has any answers. Listen, I don't want to call into account this guy's integrity from the FBI.


Be responsible. I don't know him. I've never met him.


I will call into account Christopher Ray and others, for screwing us over. But I'm telling you, they have zero interest right now in making the Secret Service look good, the FBI. I'm not suggesting they're doing this for any other reason. I'm not imputing anyone's motives. I don't want to be an asshole for stuff. We don't even know what happened. The investigation just started. So until this guy proves me wrong, I'm going to assume he's going to try to do the right thing and find out what happened. But he seems genuinely perplexed like you and I do. How the hell did this guy get on the damn roof? He's not even a security guy. He's an investigator. It's a different function. Where was the aerial surveillance plan? Question one, where was the perimeter surveillance plan? Question two, where's the aerial surveillance plan? I'm going to take a quick break, my last one, and I'm going to get back to the third question. Do you know what protective intelligence is?


Well, I'll tell you, that's my job.


Protective intelligence is intelligence work you do on threat assessments. Before we go to a location, if the President is going to go to Butler County, Pennsylvania, wherever he is, there's a protective intelligence squad in that office that goes out and looks at any threats in the area. Was there a file on this guy? How did we miss it? Folks, you don't find it odd that we're spying on Americans with metadata and FISA files and 702 and all this other bullshit, and we seem to miss every freaking threat? Every freaking threat we seem to miss. So why are we spying on... We shouldn't be spying on Americans anyway.


Holy Moses. Quick break.


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Where was the protective intelligence file?


I want you all to take a time out from whatever you're doing right now.


Put your phone down, put your computer down.


If you're driving, drive the car. Don't get hurt.


Folks, you You realize we have this extensive network of surveillance that entraps Americans?


This 702 surveillance, this metadata. We have big metadata files. We have all this stuff. We should not be spying on Americans, period. I am a civil libertarian in that respect, period. You get me?


But don't you find it a little bit offensive that they are spying on Americans, and they're spying on Americans, and they're still actually missing threats to America, which this young man who shot at the President and future President would have changed the course of American history if he would have killed him, and we still missed it. Here's Kim Chetel. This is a short one. This is about 10 %. The disgraced director of the Secret Service who should resign immediately. Here is Kim Sheetle on ABC, remarkably not that long ago, saying, You know what? There's really no credible threats. How do we keep missing this stuff? Check this out. Threats out there right now. So there's nothing specific and nothing credible out there right now, but we are tracking all threat streams, and we certainly work with our partners at the FBI and other intelligence agencies that supply that information to us. You're working with the FBI. They have access to this enormous file and all this stuff. Again, we missed this. Folks, I'm not saying that this should be an excuse to spy on Americans.


I hope you understand that. I'm saying actually quite the opposite.


I'm saying we shouldn't be spying on Americans because even though we do and we shouldn't, we still never find the bad guys. So we might as well at least respect the Civil Liberties of Americans and not do dumb shit. This is not hitting anyone. It's weird. We have this massive global can. Chris, come say hello from Rumbl.I want to introduce you one of my best friends, the smartest tech guy in the business. There you're saying, I can see you. Wave to the right there. This is Chris from Rumbel, folks. How's it going, everyone? He's the CEO. I love this guy. 268. 268,000 people. We need 300,000 if we keep going. And you know what? We have Rumbel Cloud, so we didn't even have to... Now we got Rumbel Cloud. We're running everything on our infrastructure right now.This is all on Rumbel.We're not... You guys... Sorry. We're running everything on Rumbel, right? Yeah, we're running everything on our infrastructure right now. It's all on Rumbel tech. We're not using any of the big tech stuff. This is all run by Rumble, which is a big, big accomplishment. I love this guy.He's the best. This is the CEO of Rumbel.Follow him on X, follow him on truth. This is the future of tech right here in the parallel economy. A lot of us can speak freely, me included, because of this thanks for everything. I'll see you on a radio show in a little bit.You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


can. Chris, come say hello from Rumbl.


I want to introduce you one of my best friends, the smartest tech guy in the business. There you're saying, I can see you. Wave to the right there. This is Chris from Rumbel, folks. How's it going, everyone? He's the CEO. I love this guy. 268. 268,000 people. We need 300,000 if we keep going. And you know what? We have Rumbel Cloud, so we didn't even have to... Now we got Rumbel Cloud. We're running everything on our infrastructure right now.


This is all on Rumbel.


We're not... You guys... Sorry. We're running everything on Rumbel, right? Yeah, we're running everything on our infrastructure right now. It's all on Rumbel tech. We're not using any of the big tech stuff. This is all run by Rumble, which is a big, big accomplishment. I love this guy.


He's the best. This is the CEO of Rumbel.


Follow him on X, follow him on truth. This is the future of tech right here in the parallel economy. A lot of us can speak freely, me included, because of this thanks for everything. I'll see you on a radio show in a little bit.


You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.