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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


Folks, I'm a little bit raging today. I just gotta be straight with you.


I'm gonna.


I'm really gonna try to put a lid on the volcanic language today because I'm extremely pissed off for a variety of reasons. But I can't take the kid sniffer anymore. I can't.


I look at this rotting bag of.


Meat, this disgusting, kid sniffing, woman feeling, lying, chinese communist party money taking, sociopathic, plagiarizing piece of human waste, and I can't take it anymore.


I can't believe we live in this unbelievable country. It's so great. And yet this piece of garbage, one of the biggest pieces of filth the United States has ever produced. A guy I would not trust to wash maggots out of my garbage pan.


Garbage can in Florida. And you get a lot of maggots in the summer.


I wouldn't let him do that. Is the president of the United States. This is an embarrassment.


This guy's disgusting.


Did you see that interview on CNN yesterday? This bumbling, stumbling idiot.


I really, really, I mean, can't stand this guy, folks. I got a big show today. I got that. And I'm telling you, they're getting ready to dump this guy. The signs are everywhere. This is not some catchy title I put in there to grab your attention and dump you. They are getting ready to dump this guy.


The only thing stopping them is what? Him?


Because he's an egomaniac sociopath who actually thinks he's doing a good job. Hey, I've been telling you about beams. Dream powder, their hot cocoa for sleep. Get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to shop.

[00:01:43] bangino and use code bongino at checkout again.


I got that and a lot more. I'm going to produce the receipts. This thing is getting really ugly for this guy.


As the court cases collapse.


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So here's what I'm talking about. This guy, he, folks, listen, folks in.


The chat, are you with me or are you not? I know you're upset at this guy. That's not what I'm asking. That's obvious. We're all conservatives who love America. If you love America, you hate Joe Biden.


I get that.


Because he doesn't love a guy hates America. He's trying to destroy it. But I really genuinely can't stand this guy. I mean, he's under my skin almost worse than Obama at this point because he's so grotesquely incompetent.


This guy, everything he does is just.


Either intentionally designed to destroy the United.


States or he doesn't says things because.


He'S lying or he doesn't says things.


Because he's just stupid.


He gives an interview, a sit down interview, of course, to CNN. He'll never go on Fox or Newsmax or anywhere where they'll ask him a real question.


Anywhere. Because he's a moron. He's a moron. He is.


Jimmy Carter right now is celebrating. There's like a big birthday cake for the Carter legacy right now because this.


Guy is now without a doubt the.


Worst president in modern us history. Here he is last night confronted on.


CNN, CNN with the facts about his.


Shit presidency so far.


And I want you to watch the.


Response of like, how dare you insult me. I'm a kid sniffer.


I'm Joe Biden.


I shower with my daughter.


Look at this loser.


Check this out.


So when you talk about the economy, of course it is by far the most important issue for voters. It's also true right now, mister president, that voters by a wide margin trust Trump more on the economy. They say that in polls and part of the reason for that may be the numbers. And you're aware of many of these. Of course, the cost of buying a home in the United States is double what it was. When you look at your monthly costs from before the pandemic. Real income, when you account for inflation, is actually down. Since you took office, economic growth last week far short of expectations. Consumer confidence, maybe no surprise, is near a two year low with less than six months to go to election day. Are you worried that you're running out of time to turn that around?


We've already turned around.




Look at the Michigan survey. For 65% of american people think they're.


In good shape economically. This guy is a bum. He is a bum. We've already turned it around.


You've turned nothing around. When Joe Biden took over, inflation was below 2%. It spiked at 9%. Real wages are down.


GDP is struggling.


This guy is spending us into a bankruptcy vacuum faster than anyone in american history.


While he actively bses people to their.


Face and tells them he's cutting the debt, he's not. He's running up more debt than anyone in american history. Crime rates are down. They're not down. Matter of fact, they're up. He knows he's lying. New York and La aren't even reporting crime rates to the FBI. The guy's claiming wages are up.


They are not up.


Real wages.


The power of your paycheck are down.


Since this guy got in office. Him and his people, these lying sacks of human waste.


Garbage. People.


The border is secure. The border is not secure.


There are millions of people, maybe over ten plus million. We don't even know the gotaways that will have entered this country illegally.


He is fighting every effort to stop it. This guy is an agent of destruction. If there are demons on planet Earth, I'm sure this guy is infected with them right now.


Think about who this guy is. He lies about everything he's done.


There's disgusting entries by his own daughter in a diary about his gross behavior.


He raises this kid with a drug issue and then sends him out overseas. And these business deals.


He lies to everybody about the economy.


Public safety, the border. I'm telling you, I woke up this.


Morning and I can't believe even the.


Democrats have not scuttled this idiot yet.


But folks, the signs are everywhere that they're looking to get rid of this guy at this point. They are in absolute desperation mode. And I believe this clip coming up here is the Hail Mary. This is Adrienne Elrod. She's a Democrat consultant forever. She's been around.


She used to be on Fox.


She's been doing this stuff for eons. Here she is on a cable news network with the lefties.


Is CNN or NBC it's all the same.


MSNBC here she is claiming that now the Biden team is going to debate Donald Trump. Folks, if they've agreed to this, this is a sign of clear and utter desperation. I need you to understand this is their Hail Mary.


This is it.


They're going to probably let him debate, see if he can turn it around. And if he can't, I make the case to you. This is the end of this guy. They're going to dump him at the convention.


Watch this.


No, I think absolutely it is, Mika, on it.


And look, President Biden has made it.


Very clear he will be debating Donald Trump.


Folks, if they are doing that, if they are agreeing to debate Donald Trump, it is out of sheer utter desperation. There is nothing going in this guy's direction right now. Swing state polls, minority voters, youth voters, hispanic voters, he is down on every issue. CNN is forced to confront him.


Now, you may be asking fairly enough.


Why would Aaron Burnett at CNN, an obvious left wing hack, you're probably saying, why would they hit him up on this stuff? Folks, you have to view it in.


Context of what the republican party looks like, too.


You know, when I'm interviewing Donald Trump or any other Republican, there are issues.


That matter to you.


You know, we had Speaker Mike Johnson on. You guys are my listeners. We're going to, you know, you, I mean, I'm just watching the chat now. There are things you guys and ladies care about. You care about Fisa and spying on Americans. You care about spending. So when I had Mike Johnson on, it's not about personal stuff. It's not about trying to be the guy. I asked him those questions and confronted.


Him the same way.


I have some issues with, with Trump on the abortion issue. We talked about that, too. But this is what a party does. Now, I'm not putting myself in the league with these losers at CNN. I'm just saying, do you know how bad things have to have gotten on the left where the Democrats in their newsrooms because they are Democrat newsrooms at CNN.


That's obvious, right?


They're all activists.


You know how bad it has to.


Be where they're like, hey, our base is really grumbling. Like, we can't lose our viewers. We're going to have to call this guy out. That had nothing to do with journalism, journalistic principles, nothing. They are in desperation time. That is why you saw the Hail Mary pass with this debate thing. Do I think they're going to do it?


They may.


They may because there's nothing working for.


These people right now nothing.


He's trying to buy off kids with the student loan stuff he's got. He's screwing up names of hispanic folks at recognition days in the country. The guy's an idiot. And his party is turning on him. In live time, folks.


Washington Times.


House Democrats call on Biden to restore.


Order at the border.


Why is that? Why is this happening?


Don't mistake this for principle like. Don't mistake Aaron Burnett for now being a journalist. Folks, Democrats. Democrats are now warming up to mass deportations.


Forget about closing the border.


That's already a lock. The Democrats are warming up to mass deportations. You think Democrats and Biden, all of a sudden? Who's announcing now he may do executive action on the border? Wait, fellas, didn't he tell us he didn't have the power to do that?


He did.


He was bullshitting again. Because that's what he does. He's a freaking liar. Immigration Nationality act, section 212 F. The president can exclude any class of immigrants at any time for any reason he chooses. He just doesn't want to because he's a kid sniffing loser. Axios exclusive poll, half of Americans, including 42% of Democrats, for those non math majors on the left, that's almost half say they now support mass deportations.


The greatest gift, the greatest gift to.


A harsher immigration policy in the future, ironically, ladies and gentlemen, is going to.


Be who the kid sniffer Joe bribe.


It's true. No.


You doubt me?


You may know, Dan, that's. That's crazy that you're, this is a bridge too far.


No, it isn't. No, it isn't. You will never in your life see.


A poll again where almost half of Democrats, the Democrat crowd supports or is moving towards mass deportations.


Why Joe Biden.


Think about this.


Sucks so bad. The level of suck is so bad.


That he's got his own party now supporting a conservative position. That's why they're turning on this guy, folks, the signs are everywhere. They want this guy out. They want him out so bad. The problem is he can't stop sniffing kids and he can't stop sniffing himself. He looks in the mirror, this freaking.


Sociopath, and he really believes he's a good president.


He is the shittiest president we have ever seen.


Everybody knows it.


Look at this tweet from the House.


Homeland GOP, House Homeland Committee there, the.


CCP, the Chinese Communist Party. You think they may have some negative intentions sending a bunch of chinese nationals to the southwest border?


Oh, look, there's even a handy dandy bar graph. The numbers don't lie. Look at all those people coming in. This is a major national security threat. Yes, sir, it is. Yes, it is. Look at the bar graph.


Makes it real easy. Even liberals can read that.


That looks like a lot, by the way.


23 and 24 libs. Those are years like 2023. I know, they're confused.


Like, what is that, big man? 23, 24.


Those are years like 2024. Who are.


These people coming from?


The chinese communist party and chinese communist dominated China? The answer is we have no freaking idea. Because the president, United States, chooses not to exercise his powers under 212 f. There has been no greater president at turning public opinion on immigration than this piece of human waste in the White.


House who I absolutely revile.


I can't stand. Folks.


I. Listen to me.


I really, genuinely dislike this guy. And in this case, it's personal.


Everyone in the room getting that subtle drift?


I can't stand this loser.




Justin's like, you're being subtle. I didn't catch the subtlety. I can't stand this guy.


I'm telling you, I woke up in.


The morning just furious at this guy.


He doesn't know what he wants to do. We love Israel. We hate Israel. I love Gaza. We're for Israel. I love Ukraine. Hold up, f 15s. Russia stinks. Don't take their money.


We're going to defend Taiwan. We're not going to defend Taiwan. I've been great on inflation. Inflation is horrible.


We're not going to hike your taxes.


I'm going to hike your taxes, not renew the Trump tax cuts.


The guy's full of shit. Now, notice what I just did? All of you out there have strong.


Feelings about anything I just said. Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, Taiwan.




Inflation, economics.


Do you notice what I just did? I just told you how this guy.


Has tried to pander to every single one of you while simultaneously alienating every one of you from taking the opposite position.


Let me tell you something.


Forget personal stories.


I do.


The weekend update on Monday.




I went to a great high school. Archbishop Malloy.


I loved it back at the day.


It was back in the time it was all boys. It was an all boys school, was.


Run by the Marist brothers.


And brother Leo, he was a good dude.


He was the guidance counselor. And brother Leo, man, he'd have a.


Bunch of us in there, and he'd.


Be talking to us about life, man.


He died.


But he said, dan, real men walk alone, man.


You know why real men walk alone?


Real men walk alone because they're going to take stances throughout their entire life. And if you are principled and you.


Believe in something, you're going to alienate some other people. And in the end, you may find yourself alone.


But that's what good people do.


Joe Biden is not a good person. He is a near five foot ten piece of human waste. He is one of the worst people in the United States. He is a corrupt, morally compromised, awful human being who, I'm telling you, four more years of this guy will be the end of the United States. There has never been a bigger cancerous malignancy in the White House.


Even Obama hates this guy.


Now, folks, the desperation is kicking in. I already told you, they're getting. They're getting ready to scrap this guy. I promise you, by the convention, there is going to be behind closed doors conversations that are already happening right now but are starting to really heat up. I've got a number of people leaking this out to me. There is a very, very credible movement right now to dump this loser at the convention if they can't, because he won't step aside, which is a distinct.


Possibility because he's a sociopath.


He believes he's wonderful. They are going to have to double.


Down on every door.


Dirty trick in the book. You think 2016 and 2020 were bad?


Listen to me.


Get ready for what's coming, folks. Right now, they're just advertising it, too. They're not even remotely attempting to hide it.


Did you see this article?


Next, Gov. Cisa, which was the censorship outlet of.


The Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Information.


Agency there, and the FBI are resuming talks with social media firms over disinformation removal. That is censorship.


Senate intel chair says, you mean they're not hiding it? It's in the freaking article, bro. Just read the article. Key federal agencies have resumed discussions with social media companies over removing disinformation on their sites. You're like, wait, timeout. Weren't they just sued for this? The case is still in the supreme court.


They don't give a shit.


You see why yesterdays radio show and podcast did you all listen?


Chat how at the end of yesterdays show, on the radio show, on the podcast, I implored you as your friend. I begged you, please do not rely on the courts, bureaucrats, or other people to save you.


The only thing that matters is what, Chad?


What matters? Anyone.


Power. Power.


You can see what I'm power.


That is all that matters.


No, it doesn't.


Damn. We have a system of checks and balances.


That's a good one.


That's really funny.


We do. The courts just told Joe Biden you.


Have no authority to pay off student loans.


What did he do? Fellas, thank you. Justin paid off student loans.


The courts tell them now, too.


Hey, you're not allowed to censor things.


Censor items on social media and order social media. Take it down, Justin.


What is he doing? Order him to take it down. Why? Because. How many shits does the Joe Biden team give Justin? Zero. Thank you.


Because they have power.




This is why. I don't want to hear shit about the dogs.


I don't want to hear about motions to vacate.


I don't want to hear it. Here's the only question.


This is the only question. I don't give a shit what other commentator out there is telling you something.


They are wrong.


And they're welcome to come on the show where I'll tell them to their.


Face how stupid this is. Will what you're doing help us get.


Power in November to stop us being constitutionally eviscerated?


If answer is no, shut the if answer is yes, then do it. That's it. There's no other fork in the road. There's no third fork. There's no reverse fork.


It's not like a stick shift, okay?


There's a fork in a road. Is what you're doing in helping. No, we won't. Dan, shadow st of you. That's it. That's it.


I don't want to hear.


Oh, no. We're going to make a moral. You're not doing shit. You're not doing anything.


You're stopping us from getting power.


And the only rule is power. The only rule is power. That is it. Joe Biden is proving to you right now, power is all that matters.


The courts, you can't censor, can't pay off student loans.


He don't care.


Because he has power.


Because he has power. Because he has power. This is all I want to hear.


Is all I want to hear from now on.


Is your book.


Is this motion of a.


Is it.


Is any of this stuff, is it helping us obtain power that we can.


Use to save the country?


No, it isn't. Here, see, this is a little penalty flag. It's got. Looks like I got lost.


Like this.


Sew it closed so no time for dicking around.


I want to hear about dick and around. I want to win.


Because Joe Biden is showing you right.


Now what power looks like. The problem is he's using demon power, guys.


Trying to destroy the country. As you can tell, I came in.


A little frosty today.




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Beam. I got to write this down because I'm telling you, I'm, like, obsessed with this idea right now. I can't believe how we're getting off. We're just getting, like, pulled away from. I forget it.


Hey, I want to play this quick.


Video for you here.


I just want to show you how bad it is and why they're getting ready to scuttle this guy, too. Biden's getting destroyed in every issue. The general consensus on if it's possible for you to win reelection are these.


Right track, wrong track numbers, folks.


The right track, wrong track numbers on nearly every single significant issue. Countries on the right track on the wrong track are so weighted against Joe Biden. This is not time to pop champagne. Zero red wave talk. I'm just telling you, if you're going by the numbers, not factoring in the cheating or anything else, which is, you know, going to be an issue right now, Joe Biden stands almost no chance. And if it continues, this guy's getting a boot. Here's a Wisconsin voter.


Evita knows Wisconsin well, sounding off about.


The inflation crisis in a state that if he doesn't win, forget it.


You might as well toss this race in the garbage. It's over for him. Check this out.


Being retired, I can't afford a lot.


Of this stuff because it's so inflated. I do not like Biden at all.


Not at all, folks.


Inflation is one of those, I call them finger stick issues. Remember in the day before the glucose meter, some people still do the finger sticks for diabetics.


They got to test their blood.


Is it really painful?


No. My uncle had diabetes. And once in a while we'd stick ourselves with this.


It's not painful, but it's annoying.


The thing about inflation is it's a finger stick every single day, and people are looking for someone to blame. And when you're the president of the United States, for better or for worse, in this case, for worse, you are going to take the heat of it. The finger stick issue, the analogy I make, it's not meant to go over your head. I really want you to tattoo it.


On your, on your cerebral cortex.


The thing about inflation is it's a constant annoyance. It's like a tattoo. When you first start getting a tattoo, it doesn't hurt so bad. After a half an hour of those needles. Believe me, I got a lot of.


Them, like all over the place.


That hurts, like, bad.


By the time you're an hour and a half, 2 hours in, you're like, this sucks. That's the thing with inflation. It's a constant finger stick. You go to the gas station, boom. Stick the finger. You go in the supermarket, boom. Stick the finger. You get a cup of coffee, a d and d, boom. Stick the finger. You get a couple of, you know, whatever my daughter wants. A lemonade.


A lemonade stand, like $5, $5. When I was a kid, it was a quarter, boom.


Finger stick.


It drives people nuts.


This is why this guy, if this continues, which it will, has almost no chance at this point if they don't cheat massively.


And even the cheating, even the cheating.


I was told, is about one to one and a half percent in liberal states of the vote that that's what.


You got to win by liberal states.


Georgia just signed an election bill.


Did some things, could have been better, but did something, folks.


And getting this guy on the stump.


Biden is our greatest asset.


I've been pushing. Everything I do on this show is tactical. You know, we have a lot of fun in the show. Sometimes I'm frosty, like today because I just can't stand this loser. You're probably asking like, what pissed you off that CNN interview. I just, I just can't stand this guy. I really can't. Like, I watch him. I want to throw up. Because I love my country and I'm.


So proud of it.


This is the greatest thing that's ever happened on this rock called Earth, this collection of people at this time.


And you can't tell me that this.


Piece of garbage is the best we can do.


You just can't tell me that. So I woke up frosty this morning.


But I thought to myself, nothing I do is by accident. I like the show to be somewhat educational, so I'm not just wasting your.


Time screaming and yelling.


We have been trying to get Biden out on the stump by highlighting his lack of a daily schedule. And it's working. I don't know if it's only because of us, but other people have picked up on the fact that Biden doesn't do anything. So now he's been getting out on the stump on the campaign trail. And every time he goes out, folks, every single time, he causes himself more damage. Every interview he does, everything is, here he is yesterday with this ridiculous thing he does.


You're going to see it now.


It's like some verbal tick he has. Every time he looks up and sees someone, he does this embarrassingly stupid don't jump thing. And it's like he forgets he said it last time. He does it all the time.


You'll see it now.


Every time.


He's done this at least 2030 times. Take a look.


Don't jump.


Folks, here's my. I don't want to overly psychoanalyze this, but here's just my take on this. He's a really stupid guy. He has nothing deeper productive to say when the teleprompter stops. He has no, he's not a conversationalist. Every time he opens his mouth, he says something like, Barack Obama is the first candidate to take a shower. So he doesn't know what to say.


So that's why he has these little.


Verbal tics like, don't jump.


It's just stupid.


He's not funny. Here he is yesterday.


Watch him.


Watch him at the top. So he's using the shortsteps because he can't walk anymore. He has no motor coordination. I'll watch when he gets to the top. Not yet. Not yet. Here he turns around.


Look, look. Watch. Oops.


Almost had to grab that.


Almost fell again.


The guy cannot function. You're probably asking yourself, did he crap himself again?




Is that why he stumbled? Was he trying to wiggle one down his leg?


I have no idea. Here we go. He can't even make it up the short steps. You think this guy's going to make it another four years. Are we serious? This d can, how old is he.


Going to be at the end of the next four year term?




I'm stunned, Duke. He can't believe he made it this far. Folks, you know, this, this is not about, well, everything's about chronological, chronological age. But, you know, well, there are people in their eighties and nineties who still have a lot of their neurological function, obviously less muscle mass, but they still get around. They're still ambulatory.




But let's all be candid with ourselves, okay?


Age catches up with everyone.


So he's 81 now. So he'd be about 85, 86 by the time this guy's done. You really believe 81 to 86 is the same as like 20 to 24? Folks, every year is going to be like dog years. This guy is going to be 742 by the time he leaves. There is no way this guy makes that at office. And I'm going to say something here, and I mean it, because I don't wish ill health on anyone. I'm angry at this guy, but I don't want to see anybody get hurt. That's just stupid and juvenile and it's evil.


I'm going to tell you something. As a guy who watched these guys for a living, he's going to fall on his face and get hurt.


No, I mean bad. Not like the one he did during.


That military graduation ceremony.


He's going to fall on his face.


And get really hurt.


This is getting really dangerous. I don't wish ill on anyone. Someone from the secret Service or the.


Staff should be walking with this guy behind the steps.


Folks, I'm dead serious. You're going to see this guy fall backwards on the stairs. He's going to crack his head open. This guy cannot, he is not ambulatory anymore. He can barely walk without shuffling. This is a serious issue. The guys, the president, United States is going to cause a massive national security crisis. We imagine Kamala Harris. Somebody needs to walk with this guy. The alternative right now is worse that we have. We're stuck with this loser, the kid sniffing loser. Somebody needs to walk with this guy. I'm asking my friends in the secret Service. I know it's hard. I know the staff makes the rules. Go to the chief of staff, have a sit down. Say, Dan Bongino sent me. I'm sure they'll love it. And say, listen, I'm really serious. We don't want to be responsible. We're going to walk two steps behind this guy. I'm telling you right now, he's going to fall. Unfortunately, it is. And I came up recently, you know, a thing with my mom. I found out just recently the leading cause of death of people, was it over 70 or 75, is falls. And here's the kicker.


Even if you survive a bad fall and a hip fracture, your chances of living two more years are remote. I don't spend too much time on.


It, folks, but I'm really serious, man.


This is getting really bad. And then this. Let me get. Let me take a quick break. Did you see this RFK junior story yesterday?


This is one of those stories, you know, hold on, just hold on. This is one of those. Wouldn't you guys agree?


A story better left unsaid. Evita, you're a good election analyst.


If you had a. No, hold on. Show her the story. Do you know the story? Show her the story about it.


And you just, you think about this for a second, and I want you to. I want you to ponder this. Avina, is this the kind of story, even if it's true, better off left unsaid.


Just think about it. Just think.


She's already laughing.


Stand easy.


Stand easy. We got a moment here.


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Evita, correct. Probably a story you may just want to like. Are you, you think he should? You're you're unsure of this?




Justin, your take. So put the story up on the screen. We'll let the audio audience bot Geno on the case, please. Quickie poll. Uh, we do campaign analysis here. So RFK Junior, uh, put out a story recently said that a parasitic worm had eaten part of his brain. Court documents revealed devastating impact it had on the presidential candidates health.


Listen, I'm not doubting the story. I'm not. I'm not doubting the story at all.


These things do happen. People jump in warm lakes and, you know, you have lakes, right?


You have. Unless you guys have a lake house or something, you jump in a warm lake.


This does happen once in a while.


Some brain eating amoeba gets up there. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying it's not a tragedy. I don't wish y'all on anyone. I'm just saying, as a candidate who lost running for others, you learn more losing than winning. This is kind of the story. I'd want to keep what they call a close hold on. I don't want people knowing a parasitic worm may have died in my brain. And answer part all this reminded me of when I heard this story.


Has anyone seen Star Trek to the wrath of Khan? When fantasy islands. Ricardo Mantlebaugh. When they put the little thing in the guy's ear.


Remember that?


The bug with the thing? And it's like, oh, it's gonna get you, Tony.


You remember that, right?


Everybody remembers that scene because it was so gross from the rath of. I don't know, folks. This is kind of a story like he, you know, the Biden administration is probably celebrating right now that, you know what, man?


Who knows?


You may be right. Maybe the Biden administration leaked that. I'm just saying, folks, RFK's presence in the race and being a strong candidate is absolutely vital for us winning in a landslide.


Anyone telling you, oh, RFK is going to hurt Trump more than Biden is 100% full of.


They are lying to you. They don't know what they're talking about. I don't want to see this guy screw up. I want to see him stay in the race. And by the way, he got on another ballot for another state. That's awesome. He got on a ballot in Delaware.


Because it's going to destroy Biden. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying.


Is lying. I'm straight up. There is zero chance Trump people in mass are voting for a dude named Kennedy who is a hardcore leftist. He's not a softcore leftist.


He's a hardcore leftist.


He does not share our values, period. So he did it again yesterday. Biden out on the stump. He was out there. And I told you, the guy is a sociopathic liar. Here's the genesis of why Biden lies about his autobiography. Folks, you ever met someone like this in your life? They have a lot of, lot of personal inadequacies. Maybe they were the, you know, the youngest brother.


I don't know.


Maybe they were the runt in the family. I don't know what it is.


But what they have to do is.


When you see people who have power.


And strength, I'm obsessed with this idea of power. I love Robert Green's book on power. It's fantastic.


What they do is they overcompensate. You ever been at a dinner party or whatever with people you don't know? Your wife brings you to a work thing and there's always that one guy who can't shut up. He's so self centered. Everybody gets it but him. And he really thinks he's doing himself some good by telling you how wonderful he is.


I want you to understand.


That's Joe Biden. Everything this guy says is nonsense. He just makes it up. His entire autobiography is a fabrication. Here, listen to this, where he says yesterday that his, his old coach, his professor, was drafted by the packers. Totally made up story. People looked it up within five minutes. He doesn't care. He'll say it again later.


Check this out.


I went to a catholic high school in Delaware taught by the norbertine priests from St. Norbert's College, you know, a little team called Green Bay. Now, here's the deal. We were the only high school in Delaware, but overwhelmingly rooted for Green Bay. Not a joke. I'll tell you why every single Sunday. Not only did they have great teams at the time, we still do. But not only that, my theology professor at the catholic school I went to was a guy named Riley, last name, and he had been drafted by the Green Bay packers.


Folks, of course, this is total B's. He made up the whole story. And here's the thing with Biden. When you're watching him tactically, the tactics matter. Again, we got to learn something from this guy, so we learn how to defeat him. The weirdest thing about Biden is the more detail he puts into a story about his self centered, narcissistic self. The more detail, the less likely it's true.


It's this bizarre behavior he has.


It's like he knows what he's telling you is bullshit, right? That this guy was drafted by the packers. Everybody looked it up instantly, like there's no record of a packer, the packers drafting some guy by this name at all, ever.


This is not hard.


Like, they have records of the NFL draft.


He just made it up. But he throws in all these details.


The guy, Riley, last name, because he can't even read a teleprompter and he was six foot one and he had.


Hair on his chin, and he used.


To make a right where he should have make a left coming out of school, and everybody yelled at him and.


It was a four way stop sign. He makes everything up.


He thinks if he throws, more details.


In his bullshit story will sound more relevant. It's another one of his little verbal.


Tics, like the don't jump thing.


You'll see it now.


Once you open that can of worms with this guy, you'll never unsee it. Listen for all these little things, and you can tell. He's lying. By the way, the guy's a clinical narcissist. Here's the Webster definition of a narcissist. An extremely self centered person who has an exaggerated sense of self importance. I'm telling you, this guy is a clinical narcissist. And that is a very, very dangerous.


Trait to have as a president, United States.


Especially. Especially when it's all about power. This guy is all about abusing power, folks. And that is why we must take it from him and steal it back.




I hate to get into this again. I just absolutely despise distractions, folks. You know, I understand. Moving forward, we. The show, we built it from a little video show to mid size to a monster show with six figure audiences on livestream. But I'm not. I'm sorry, man. I'm not going to cater to the masses. I have to do what's right here.


Please, I am begging you, Marjorie Taylor Greene, please stop.


You are forcing me to waste time on my show every single day with this constant stuff. Marjorie Taylor Green is getting on my shit list really fast, okay? Because now it just won't stop.


If you're going to do the damn.


Motion to vacate, then do it. She was going to do it. This politico piece comes out last night.


Marjorie Taylor Greene relents for now. This morning, the hills refer. Marjorie Taylor Greene is back with. Just shut up. At this point, just stop. Enough. Holy shit. Why are you doing this? Do you want to. Do you need pr? You can come on my show. We'll talk about anything other than this. You want to? What do you want? What are you trying to do here at this point? If you're going to do it, just do it and stop with the bullshit. Every day you're making hosts like me waste our time because I have to address it.


Then I can't pretend it's not happening.


This is a news show again, folks. You don't trust me? Fine. Fair enough. Do you think Trump is crazy? Here he is.


I love Marjorie Taylor Green.


This is Donald Trump on truth.


She's got spirits, got fight goes on.


But here he's basically saying, with a.


Majority of one vote shortly growing to three or four, we're not in a position of voting on a motion to vacate. Thank you, Mister Trump.


He notes, which I said, because I.


Don'T think Johnson's done a good job at all. And I agree with Trump. At some point, we very well wait.


We may be after the election.


We may get the House back by 510 votes.


Then we could pick a different speaker, he says, but this is not the time. Yes, sir, it is not the time.


He says we're leading in the presidential.


Polls by a lot, and we're doing.


Well in the Senate, and he believes we'll do well in the House. Again, folks, his words, not mine.


But if we show disunity, which will.


Be portrayed as chaos, it'll negatively affect everything. Says Mike Johnson's a good man who's trying hard. I personally don't care if he's a good man. That's his take.


I don't really care.


I also wish certain things were done over the past two months. Me, too. Finally says it's my request the Republicans vote for the motion to table. In other words, making this thing go away. We will win big, and it will be soon.


Listen, I know some of you disagree with me. It's cool, okay? It's cool.


I respect you. I'm not telling you because Dan Bongino said it. It's gospel.


Maybe I'm wrong.


Who knows? Maybe a motion to vacate right now is the greatest thing ever. Maybe you get rid of Mike Johnson and magically Marjorie Taylor Greene pulls more than three votes.


That's all she has. And we get Jim Jordan or someone else.


I've seen no plan. I've seen no evidence of a plan. I've seen absolutely nothing. And I'm just encouraging you, no matter how bad Johnson is right now, and listen, spending FISA, this foreign aid bill, they're debacles.


I get it. I'm asking you just two questions.


Number one, to any host out there telling you this is a good idea.


Your only question to them should be.


Who are we getting in there and where are you finding the votes?


If they can't answer you that there's.


They'Re walking you off a cliff.


And second, does this help us win.


In November or not?


It's a fork in the road.


Goes two ways. If it doesn't help us win, exit. Enough. I'm sorry, but I had to bring.


It up, folks, the chaos right now is on the left.


Never, ever get in the way of your political enemies when they are cannibalizing.


Themselves, they are eating themselves alive.


You saw the lady on inflation. Democrats are pissed off now with Biden on the border. He's down in every swing state poll. This issue in the Middle east is.


Destroying him because he cannot take a position.


I have proudly stated my position on this conflict in the Middle east.


Proudly, proudly.


Hamas is our enemy. They're the enemies of humankind. You know what, folks?


Some of you, you don't agree with me, you're entitled to your own opinion. But at least I have one.


At least I have one and have the balls to tell you what it.


Is and you tell me what yours is. Joe Biden has no opinion.


Joe Biden loves Hamas one day, pretends.


To love Israel the next day.


JEREMY CNN interview but I gave a speech on the holocaust that then he.


Goes and cuts the weapon supply over there is to finally get rid of these savages over there.


At least I have an opinion. Here's Kareem John Pierre. I want you to listen to what she does here.


She's asked to call out anti Semitism, right, or whatever, which isn't hard. I don't like bigotry in any form.


But notice what she has to do.


Instead of calling out the anti Semitism, which is obvious, she has to roll it in with the Islamophobia argument.




There's mass Islamophobia. You got a bunch of people wearing Hamas headbands on college campuses. Islamophobia?


Are you crazy? Watch this.


The secretary of education put out a letter, a dear colleague letter that went out to universities talking about title VI and giving examples of anti Semitism, but also was very clear, was very clear about the hate that we have been seeing more broadly. Anti Semitism, anti Israel, anti Muslim, anti Palestinian. We have seen that across, across campuses, across the country, obviously in communities.


This is what she does, folks. This is what she does.


She can't take a clear stand on anything. She can't. So she ropes it all in together. And this is why the chaos is broiling on the left. Enough of that.


But don't get in their way.


Donald Trump is not crazy.


Even some of you in the chat.


Are probably DeSantis people, or maybe you're Nikki Haley people. I understand that even those, this is for you, only for you. If you were not a Trumper, they're in there.


I'm asking just you. You've got to admit that Donald Trump.


Has pretty good political instincts. You may not like the way he manifests them in his texts or, excuse me, in the text, like when he tweets or too social or whatever it may be.


Right, I get that. But are you going to suggest to.


Me with a straight face? I was thinking about this the other day, that a guy with no political experience at all vanquished what? You know, 1620 Republicans over two primaries won the 2016 election, I believe won 2020 as well, but is forced to run again in 2024. And is now ahead in the polls.


Are you going to suggest to me.


The straight face, no matter how much you dislike them, that he doesn't have good political instincts?


Come on.


Come on.


Just stop. You make yourself look silly. You do. You know it.


If he's telling you this is going to be portrayed as chaos on our side while the Democrats are eating themselves alive, why wouldn't you listen?


Don't do it.


And by the way, Rolling Stone is running a full page ad for Donald Trump. He's obviously trying. Rolling Rolling Stone, guys, you believe it? Justin's confused. He's like, dan, isn't that a liberal outlet? They're running a full page ad for Donald Trump. They must be trying to get Donald Trump reelected. Justin's like, this wasn't an ad. This is an actual article.


No, no, no.


I'm pretty convinced this is an ad. This is an actual piece by Rolling Stone.


You could check it out yourself if you think I'm messing with you. Rolling Stone. Assa win sub sang Trump is planning.


To send kill teams to Mexico to.


Take out cartel leaders. Yeah, he's already got my vote. You don't have to. You don't have to sell us. Everyone here is like, we don't need to hear more. We all get folks bought. Gino, get on the case. Yes or no? Is this a political ad for Donald? I'm saying, yes. I'm saying, is it ad for Donald Trump? I love how they write this piece. Like it's some kind of, like, bad thing.


Donald Trump's going to go whack these cartels in Mexico.


Oh, my gosh. That's so horrible. Are they trying to get him elected? Assa Winsang, can you please write more of these pieces? You know what this reminds me of? This reminds me of Jerry Maguire.


Tony, you remember Jerry Maguire?


Everybody else is too young.


Jerry Maguire. Remember the movie Tony? You had me at hello.


You had me at hello. I said Winston Bay.


I didn't even read the article.


I don't even.


Apparently, he's told allies about these planes, too. He's going to spend the special force. Send them special forces to Mexico to assassinate drug pigments. Yes. This is awesome. We did. You had me at a low. Remember Renee Zellweger? She's like, shut up. Shut up. You had me. Could someone look at. Is that. Did Asu and Sousa man get a donation from the RNC for that piece?


And, of course, these are the people we're fighting. I randomly threw this in at the end of the show, strictly for your entertainment.


Here are some.


Justin said, you know why Justin thinks this is funny and no one else is? Because Justin's the only one actually still in college, so he's got to get the college experience going on right now. So there were some protesters at Princeton.


They're on a hunger strike.


Don't care a little bit.


Some of you could use a hunger strike.


I don't give a shit.


I do intermittent fasting. So I go on a hunger strike every day at 03:00 p.m. And about once every three months, I do a full 72 hours fast.


It's really not that bad.


I use a little bit of salt water and black coffee.


You don't even feel it. After a while, that feels good.


I wake up, I feel energized. Once you hit ketosis, you're rocking and rolling. So these Princeton protesters are on hunger strike. They haven't eaten in about 20 minutes. I want you to listen to them on the megaphones here.


We are literally starving our electrolytes. There's a solution to that, jerk wads. You know what the solution to starving is, Justin? What's the solution to starving? Eating. Eating. Yes, you can. No one's stopping you idiots from eating. We are literally starving. These are the people we're running as.


Again, this should be classified as another ad for Donald Trump. You lose the election, these are going to be the people running the country.


Check this out.


Free, free, free Palestine.


Free, free Palestine.


This is absolutely unfair. My peers and I, we are starving. We are physically exhausted. I am quite literally shaking right now. As you can see, we are both cold and hot at the same time. We are all immunocompromised. And based on the university's meeting yesterday with some of our bargaining team, they would love to continue physically weakening us because they can't stand to say no to. Unto just murder.


Listen to the youngsters out there. I'm not going to pull you in.


With everyone else, okay? We had those frat kids saving the flag.


We've got some.


I mean, listen, Avita is very young. She feels in my radio show, I.


Get all these great compliments. People like, man, she does her homework.


She knows her stuff.


This is not a reflection on youth in general.


Some people are, you know, are way.


Ahead of their age. However, I think you'd all agree that a lot of members of this younger.


Generation, ladies and gentlemen, live in just a different cosmos.


I don't know what world they live.


In free of consequence, but this is just really pathetic.


You have a cause. Free Palestine. Even though there is no Palestine. Whatever it is you want to free, it doesn't even exist.


That's okay, fine.


Do your thing. Free speech, brothers.


I get it. I'm all about it. All about it. Don't break the law. Free speech. Go on rum.


I own a chunk of rumble. Go on, rumble.


Go put all your free Palestine videos.


We will happily broadcast it.


As long as you don't break the.


Law and start threatening people.


It's a okay.


I put my money where my mouth.


Is, but stop being a whiny little. You know I'm saying whiny little.




Make me want to throw up. Make me sick.


When I was your age, you know what I used to do?


I lived on Myrtle Avenue in Queens, above a bar. My mom would give me $0.50. I'd go buy a daredevil comic. I'd be out the whole day. I'd take the comic and a quarter drink. You know the quarter drink? It was like purple with sugar in it. It was shaped like a barrel. And you'd like, rip the aluminum foil thing off the top. You remember the quarter, Tony? You remember quarter drinks? Tony's like, I.


No one guzzled. That was it.


I was gone. My mother didn't even know where I was. I'd come back like 08:00 at night. She'd be like, oh, where were you? I was just out reading the comics, hanging out, playing SpongeBob. Whatever. All right, here's my last story today, but this is an important one.


Don't go anywhere.


Folks, I'm really proud to be part.


Of Rumble where you are right now.


And I want you to know you.


Guys are part of something special. This parallel economy has exploded because of people like you.


We started it about four or five.


Years ago, and it has exploded into an entirely parallel ecosystem away from liberal nuts. So first, Russia came to us at Rumble, and they said, you guys are going to start.


This really happened.


Reclaim the net is a really good article about it. Rick Finley. Rumble is blocked in Russia. After refusing censorship requests, Russia came to Rumble. And so you guys are going to censor for us? What did Rumble do?


Does anybody know? Anyone else like to join in? We gave him about 47 middle fingers.


48 because we have two hands. We're not blocking shit. We're not blocking anything.


Matter of fact, we'll block you. We're not blocking squad. And by the way, other countries have come to us, too, and said, you're going to censor him. He said, we're not, but have a nice day.




This isn't so much a self celebratory thing about rumble. This is more a story about the media than anything.


It is.


Are you talking about rumble being banned in Russia after we said no? The interesting thing about this story is not that rumble stands for free speech. You know that you're here celebrating free speech with me.


The interesting thing about the story is.


The scumbags on the left at the daily yeast, which is an ongoing yeast infection on America. They wrote an article not that long ago about how we were controlled by Russia.


Kremlin controlled. RT finds new home on MAga, YouTube copycat rumble by the hapless asshole Jamie Ross. So the media went in. You guys are a bunch of russian.


Stooges because you actually support free speech. RT, which is russian television.


We don't support russian television. Russian television was on rumble because we're a free speech platform. They can say what they want as long as they don't break the law. And what does the daily yeast say?


You guys are a bunch of russian stooges. Russia then comes to us and says, hey, start banning shit.


We say, go f yourself. And now all of a sudden, we're banned by Russia.


You will get no retraction from Jamie Ross or the daily yeast. I'm just making a point here that you have principal people on our side to stand for something, and then you have a yeast infection on America, in America, if you know what I mean. The daily yeast and Jamie Ross, of course, there'll be zero retraction to this story at all. Zero. Implying where russian stooges.


As Russia cancels us shark wads, we stand for something. These dipshits don't stand for anything. Folks, one last time, man. Most important message of the show today, no distractions, okay?




The only rule is power. We lose power, man. It is over. It is over. They have weaponized power. We will never get this place back. We've got one opportunity in November.


Remember the fork in the road. Does this help us win elections or not? After the election, we can do whatever we want.


We can get a new speaker. We can dump committee chairs.


We can do whatever we like.


We will have four years.


We don't have that now. Just no time for messing around.


Hey, thanks again for tuning in. Please support rumble. This has only been a success story because of you. I'd really appreciate if you download the Rumble app. All of it's free and cost you a dime. Or you can join us every single.


Day on your Bangino 11:00 a.m.. Set up an account.


Join the chat.


I love chatting with you all here. I'll see you there.


And give us a follow on Apple and Spotify as well.


We've been rocking on Spotify lately too, which is great. I'll see you back here tomorrow and the radio show in just a few minutes. Thanks.


You just heard the Dan Bongino show.