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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. What the hell happened last night? Ladies and gentlemen, sometimes I'll send a tweet out, right? We still call them tweets. I'm so confused. X, whatever. I sent out a tweet last night, and it was... I didn't even really say too much. I'm watching the beginning of whatever that was supposed to be. A press conference bribe him, whatever it is. And I send out this tweet, language alert, sorry. What the fuck is happening? The first 10 minutes of that, the guy introduces his vice President as Donald Trump. He's all over the place. There's word salad. And I'm like, I'm scared. I'm scurred. I'm scurred. Why was I scurred? Because I don't want this guy out of the race. I'm like, I'm looking at Paula. We're like, What the fuck is happening? What is happening? It's all fallen apart. And then, I don't know what it is. The caffeine kicks in, or who knows, and he winds up going on this 30-minute filibuster. No, he didn't answer a question coherently, but he winds up speaking in Biden's a semi-coherent sentence.


And because the bar is so low, everybody's like, Yes. And what was I saying, Justin? Let's go, Brandon, baby. I was like, Do it, bro. Get it done. And he did it. There it is on the screen. And he rescued it. And I was so happy. Yeah, he messed up at the end again, but it was like a shit sandwich. The beginning sucked, the end sucked, but the middle, it was like a reverse shit sandwich where the bread, and then there's like a thing in the middle. In the middle, he saved himself. Last night was the best of both worlds. The suck was horrible. But because it wasn't enough suck to meet the low bar of suck we have in the Biden's Suck Detector, he will survive probably another week or two until a superseding amount of suck happens that supersedes in a negative direction the low level of suck that we saw last night. Oh, man. What happened last night? By the way, I knew this was good for us last night when Biden passed the Paula test. What is the Paula test? Anyone in the studio know? They're like, We don't know. It's because I've never told you before.


Like, You ever going to get to the... Eventually, I will. By the way, I'm going to do the beginning of my radio Show today because I can't let the radio audience miss this. My review of last night. Folks, you're having trouble or sleeping or staying to sleep. I was last night. I was so geeked up after this press conference. Listen, I've been there. It's not about just feeling tired the next day. It's about the toll poor sleep can take on every aspect of your life. But guess what? There's hope on the horizon comes in the form of Beam's dream powder. The stuff has been a game changer for me. Seeing we're sleeping well, we're sharper, more focused, and ready to tackle whatever life throws our way. Today, my listeners get a special discount on Beam's Dream Powder. It's a science-backed hot cocoa for sleep with no added sugar. Better sleeps never tastes the better. Other sleep aids can cause the next day grogginess, but Dream contains a powerful all-natural blend of Reishi, magnesium, alfianine, apogenin, and melatonin to help you All asleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed. Want to try Beam's best-selling Dream Powder?


Beam is now offering BONGINO listeners an exclusive discount. Get up to 45% off for a limited time when you go to shopbeam. Com/bongino and use code Bungino at checkout. That's shop, B-E-A-M. Com/bungino. Use code Bungino for up to 45% off. Let's get this freaking party started. By the your freaking time. Let's get this some clips. So the shit sandwich, here's how it started out. Last night, he opens up the presser. He's not two minutes in. This is when I tweeted out that what is happening and it went nuclear. I think the thing's got like three million something impressions or whatever. It's crazy. He opens up the presser He introduces Kamala Harris into the sentence, but he says vice President Trump instead. But that's not the interesting part. Well, it is, but it isn't. The interesting part is his Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, in the front row. His reaction, which was caught on video. This is real, by the way. Check this out. The consideration is-What happened?No, that's not the phone. Come on, play. You don't want to see it. Watch when he He says... Watch when he introduces him. Play it again. The consideration is... All right, you got to find this video. But bottom line is he freaking loses his marbles. Again, you'll see it. For Tony Blinken, he's a little like, These little microexpressions he makes, you'll notice he's done with this guy, too. Keep in mind, this is his inner sanctum. This is a guy right here who absolutely loves it. He's like the John Kirby, Kareen Jean-Pierre type. He sacrifices his entire reputation for this guy. Work on that. You got it? I don't know. I think maybe, I forget it. You guys kill my point on that one. All right, here he goes, Reverend Cain style. This is another thing this guy can't stop doing. This is indicative, ladies and gentlemen, of some cognitive disorder. He has this emotional affect problem where he goes randomly from this creepy kid sniffing whisper he does. How many times have they told this guy, Stop whispering. You look like a freaking weirdo. Does it matter to him? No, he doesn't anyway. Then he goes from whispering to this weird yelling where it's like...It's not that he's yelling, honestly, that bothers me. Politicians yell all the time. It's that he yells at the most inappropriate time, and it's so inappropriate to what's going on in the emotional roller coaster of the room. Watch this. United States of America. What the hell are we doing? What are we doing? You guys are knocking it out of park. You missed all that. That's the whole... Did you guys cut any of this stuff, right? Okay, we're 0 for 2. All right, here's the next one. Fox News put this one together. He did this other thing last night, too. He does this anyway, at any rate thing. Once you see this, you'll never unsee this. When he does anyway or at any rate, he Are you guys playing this in my ear? Hey, everybody, time out. You're killing my show. Time out. Okay, you got the Anyway thing? Okay. Getting a little annoyed. When he does this Anyway, is Crackin? He's going to forget it. Crackin is going to be on the case right now. He's definitely the HR rep. He's going to of good little birdies, but this one I haven't heard. I'm going to be straight with you. Apparently, he's not had a cabinet meeting in a really long time. I guess what he's trying to do, my humble opinion, is he's trying to prevent leaks because these cabinet meetings have principles, and then there's usually a backup. If you ever watch a cabinet meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the White House, you'll see, Pay attention now when you see it. The cabinet officials are the principals. They'll be at the table, and Biden will be right there in the middle. And then look behind them, you'll see people seated along the window. Those are the backups. The Biden team, I think, is afraid of his own cabinet now. I think they're afraid that the backups or the principals are going to leak at the bad mental condition he's in. So they're saying he hasn't had a meeting in a while. But here's the kicker.Even when he did have a meeting, he makes his own cabinet official submit questions in advance. Folks, I got to tell you, I worked in a White House for five years. I've never heard anything like this. This is the craziest thing I have heard about cabinet meetings. Check this out. According to two sources, before cabinet meetings that the President attends, cabinet officials will submit their questions and talking points, key talking points and bullet points that they plan to present to the President in these closed-door meetings. This is how one source described it. They said the entire display is an act. They would the way, we were ahead of all this. You're seeing an absolute collapse in the Black community, too. That Juneteenth release from last night. At a bunch of attendance at the Juneteenth ceremony at the White House, thought Biden was off. That's not an accident, folks. Nothing that happens in the liberal media is an accident. You dig in me? Remember Hawk to a Girl? You get me? You get me? I'm telling you, nothing Something happens by accident. The Black community and prominent Black Democrats and donors who are big voters in the Democrat Party, just by sheer numbers, are starting to send a message that Biden, we want you out, which is a problem for us because we want him in.Wait till this starts to get out there, by the way. Now, proving again, you are at least three weeks, if not six months heard that once. To your staff, and your staff told him he He has no bandwidth.Well, my son is dying. I guess that's why he said it. All of this stuff is going to come out. Now, why am I playing this for you now? Understandably, folks in the chat, Apple, Spotify, Rumble crowd, you may be saying, and I'm encouraging you not to, I'm not wasting your time here. Look, I got Justin, am I right? We have more. I have so much left here. I have the Garm stuff I haven't even got to. Some say, I know. I I promise you there's more there. I'm not wasting your time. The reason I'm putting this out there is to remind you that you already know this because the Democrats, I didn't say that wrong, the Democrats looking to get rid of Biden are now going to start filtering this stuff out. Hunter Biden on the board of the bank we just played, Hunter Biden, Burisma, and your liberal friends, if you have any, I certainly don't anymore, are going to say to you, Holy shit, I just found out the other day Biden was a fake civil rights activist. Oh, really? I just found out they had a problem back in Delaware with family members on the board of a bank.Oh, you just found out about that? I just found out Hunter worked in Ukraine while Joe Biden was the vice President pointman in Ukraine. Oh, really? You just knew about that now? I found out Biden lied about getting arrested, seeing Nelson Mandela and marching in the civil rights movement. All of this stuff is going to come out on their show. On their show Now, if you're missing a video show, you guys got to check this out. It's going to come out on their shows. On their shows. You have been way, way, way ahead of this. Okay, listen, I got to bolt a little bit early today. I'm going to do the beginning of the radio show, and I got to travel, do some stuff. We'll be at the RNC next week, Tuesday through Friday. Avita will be launching a show there. We're going to have primetime stuff. Anita, spread the word, please. And McGroins, you guys are my P1s of P1s. You're the generals in the Bongino Army. By the way, Paul is working on a shirt for you guys. You asked for it. Paul is there for you. Customer service, that's what we do.Tuesday through Thursday, we'll be there. We'll have the regular 11 AM Eastern podcast. We'll also have some primetime coverage and a radio show. Producer Jim will be there. If you're going to the RNC, come by and say hello. If you've met us in the past, and if you're going to be in Tampa tonight at the Morgan concert, say hello to us tonight, too. We always love hanging with people. I promise we're just normal people. I ask you one thing, folks, please don't be disappointed when you meet me. That's my biggest fear. It's true. I meet people and I always think like they're expecting me to say something really profound, and I really don't have anything other than, Hello, thanks for... I promise, I love you to death. I'm just not that impressive in person. I'm just a normal guy. If you agree not to be disappointed, we can chat forever. Rumble. Com/bongino. Please download the Rumble app. Give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. See you in the radio show here in Rumble in a few minutes. And back here on the podcast on Monday. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


your freaking time. Let's get this some clips. So the shit sandwich, here's how it started out. Last night, he opens up the presser. He's not two minutes in. This is when I tweeted out that what is happening and it went nuclear. I think the thing's got like three million something impressions or whatever. It's crazy. He opens up the presser He introduces Kamala Harris into the sentence, but he says vice President Trump instead. But that's not the interesting part. Well, it is, but it isn't. The interesting part is his Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, in the front row. His reaction, which was caught on video. This is real, by the way. Check this out. The consideration is-What happened?


No, that's not the phone. Come on, play. You don't want to see it. Watch when he He says... Watch when he introduces him. Play it again. The consideration is... All right, you got to find this video. But bottom line is he freaking loses his marbles. Again, you'll see it. For Tony Blinken, he's a little like, These little microexpressions he makes, you'll notice he's done with this guy, too. Keep in mind, this is his inner sanctum. This is a guy right here who absolutely loves it. He's like the John Kirby, Kareen Jean-Pierre type. He sacrifices his entire reputation for this guy. Work on that. You got it? I don't know. I think maybe, I forget it. You guys kill my point on that one. All right, here he goes, Reverend Cain style. This is another thing this guy can't stop doing. This is indicative, ladies and gentlemen, of some cognitive disorder. He has this emotional affect problem where he goes randomly from this creepy kid sniffing whisper he does. How many times have they told this guy, Stop whispering. You look like a freaking weirdo. Does it matter to him? No, he doesn't anyway. Then he goes from whispering to this weird yelling where it's like...


It's not that he's yelling, honestly, that bothers me. Politicians yell all the time. It's that he yells at the most inappropriate time, and it's so inappropriate to what's going on in the emotional roller coaster of the room. Watch this. United States of America. What the hell are we doing? What are we doing? You guys are knocking it out of park. You missed all that. That's the whole... Did you guys cut any of this stuff, right? Okay, we're 0 for 2. All right, here's the next one. Fox News put this one together. He did this other thing last night, too. He does this anyway, at any rate thing. Once you see this, you'll never unsee this. When he does anyway or at any rate, he Are you guys playing this in my ear? Hey, everybody, time out. You're killing my show. Time out. Okay, you got the Anyway thing? Okay. Getting a little annoyed. When he does this Anyway, is Crackin? He's going to forget it. Crackin is going to be on the case right now. He's definitely the HR rep. He's going to of good little birdies, but this one I haven't heard. I'm going to be straight with you. Apparently, he's not had a cabinet meeting in a really long time. I guess what he's trying to do, my humble opinion, is he's trying to prevent leaks because these cabinet meetings have principles, and then there's usually a backup. If you ever watch a cabinet meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the White House, you'll see, Pay attention now when you see it. The cabinet officials are the principals. They'll be at the table, and Biden will be right there in the middle. And then look behind them, you'll see people seated along the window. Those are the backups. The Biden team, I think, is afraid of his own cabinet now. I think they're afraid that the backups or the principals are going to leak at the bad mental condition he's in. So they're saying he hasn't had a meeting in a while. But here's the kicker.Even when he did have a meeting, he makes his own cabinet official submit questions in advance. Folks, I got to tell you, I worked in a White House for five years. I've never heard anything like this. This is the craziest thing I have heard about cabinet meetings. Check this out. According to two sources, before cabinet meetings that the President attends, cabinet officials will submit their questions and talking points, key talking points and bullet points that they plan to present to the President in these closed-door meetings. This is how one source described it. They said the entire display is an act. They would the way, we were ahead of all this. You're seeing an absolute collapse in the Black community, too. That Juneteenth release from last night. At a bunch of attendance at the Juneteenth ceremony at the White House, thought Biden was off. That's not an accident, folks. Nothing that happens in the liberal media is an accident. You dig in me? Remember Hawk to a Girl? You get me? You get me? I'm telling you, nothing Something happens by accident. The Black community and prominent Black Democrats and donors who are big voters in the Democrat Party, just by sheer numbers, are starting to send a message that Biden, we want you out, which is a problem for us because we want him in.Wait till this starts to get out there, by the way. Now, proving again, you are at least three weeks, if not six months heard that once. To your staff, and your staff told him he He has no bandwidth.Well, my son is dying. I guess that's why he said it. All of this stuff is going to come out. Now, why am I playing this for you now? Understandably, folks in the chat, Apple, Spotify, Rumble crowd, you may be saying, and I'm encouraging you not to, I'm not wasting your time here. Look, I got Justin, am I right? We have more. I have so much left here. I have the Garm stuff I haven't even got to. Some say, I know. I I promise you there's more there. I'm not wasting your time. The reason I'm putting this out there is to remind you that you already know this because the Democrats, I didn't say that wrong, the Democrats looking to get rid of Biden are now going to start filtering this stuff out. Hunter Biden on the board of the bank we just played, Hunter Biden, Burisma, and your liberal friends, if you have any, I certainly don't anymore, are going to say to you, Holy shit, I just found out the other day Biden was a fake civil rights activist. Oh, really? I just found out they had a problem back in Delaware with family members on the board of a bank.Oh, you just found out about that? I just found out Hunter worked in Ukraine while Joe Biden was the vice President pointman in Ukraine. Oh, really? You just knew about that now? I found out Biden lied about getting arrested, seeing Nelson Mandela and marching in the civil rights movement. All of this stuff is going to come out on their show. On their show Now, if you're missing a video show, you guys got to check this out. It's going to come out on their shows. On their shows. You have been way, way, way ahead of this. Okay, listen, I got to bolt a little bit early today. I'm going to do the beginning of the radio show, and I got to travel, do some stuff. We'll be at the RNC next week, Tuesday through Friday. Avita will be launching a show there. We're going to have primetime stuff. Anita, spread the word, please. And McGroins, you guys are my P1s of P1s. You're the generals in the Bongino Army. By the way, Paul is working on a shirt for you guys. You asked for it. Paul is there for you. Customer service, that's what we do.Tuesday through Thursday, we'll be there. We'll have the regular 11 AM Eastern podcast. We'll also have some primetime coverage and a radio show. Producer Jim will be there. If you're going to the RNC, come by and say hello. If you've met us in the past, and if you're going to be in Tampa tonight at the Morgan concert, say hello to us tonight, too. We always love hanging with people. I promise we're just normal people. I ask you one thing, folks, please don't be disappointed when you meet me. That's my biggest fear. It's true. I meet people and I always think like they're expecting me to say something really profound, and I really don't have anything other than, Hello, thanks for... I promise, I love you to death. I'm just not that impressive in person. I'm just a normal guy. If you agree not to be disappointed, we can chat forever. Rumble. Com/bongino. Please download the Rumble app. Give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. See you in the radio show here in Rumble in a few minutes. And back here on the podcast on Monday. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


of good little birdies, but this one I haven't heard. I'm going to be straight with you. Apparently, he's not had a cabinet meeting in a really long time. I guess what he's trying to do, my humble opinion, is he's trying to prevent leaks because these cabinet meetings have principles, and then there's usually a backup. If you ever watch a cabinet meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the White House, you'll see, Pay attention now when you see it. The cabinet officials are the principals. They'll be at the table, and Biden will be right there in the middle. And then look behind them, you'll see people seated along the window. Those are the backups. The Biden team, I think, is afraid of his own cabinet now. I think they're afraid that the backups or the principals are going to leak at the bad mental condition he's in. So they're saying he hasn't had a meeting in a while. But here's the kicker.


Even when he did have a meeting, he makes his own cabinet official submit questions in advance. Folks, I got to tell you, I worked in a White House for five years. I've never heard anything like this. This is the craziest thing I have heard about cabinet meetings. Check this out. According to two sources, before cabinet meetings that the President attends, cabinet officials will submit their questions and talking points, key talking points and bullet points that they plan to present to the President in these closed-door meetings. This is how one source described it. They said the entire display is an act. They would the way, we were ahead of all this. You're seeing an absolute collapse in the Black community, too. That Juneteenth release from last night. At a bunch of attendance at the Juneteenth ceremony at the White House, thought Biden was off. That's not an accident, folks. Nothing that happens in the liberal media is an accident. You dig in me? Remember Hawk to a Girl? You get me? You get me? I'm telling you, nothing Something happens by accident. The Black community and prominent Black Democrats and donors who are big voters in the Democrat Party, just by sheer numbers, are starting to send a message that Biden, we want you out, which is a problem for us because we want him in.Wait till this starts to get out there, by the way. Now, proving again, you are at least three weeks, if not six months heard that once. To your staff, and your staff told him he He has no bandwidth.Well, my son is dying. I guess that's why he said it. All of this stuff is going to come out. Now, why am I playing this for you now? Understandably, folks in the chat, Apple, Spotify, Rumble crowd, you may be saying, and I'm encouraging you not to, I'm not wasting your time here. Look, I got Justin, am I right? We have more. I have so much left here. I have the Garm stuff I haven't even got to. Some say, I know. I I promise you there's more there. I'm not wasting your time. The reason I'm putting this out there is to remind you that you already know this because the Democrats, I didn't say that wrong, the Democrats looking to get rid of Biden are now going to start filtering this stuff out. Hunter Biden on the board of the bank we just played, Hunter Biden, Burisma, and your liberal friends, if you have any, I certainly don't anymore, are going to say to you, Holy shit, I just found out the other day Biden was a fake civil rights activist. Oh, really? I just found out they had a problem back in Delaware with family members on the board of a bank.Oh, you just found out about that? I just found out Hunter worked in Ukraine while Joe Biden was the vice President pointman in Ukraine. Oh, really? You just knew about that now? I found out Biden lied about getting arrested, seeing Nelson Mandela and marching in the civil rights movement. All of this stuff is going to come out on their show. On their show Now, if you're missing a video show, you guys got to check this out. It's going to come out on their shows. On their shows. You have been way, way, way ahead of this. Okay, listen, I got to bolt a little bit early today. I'm going to do the beginning of the radio show, and I got to travel, do some stuff. We'll be at the RNC next week, Tuesday through Friday. Avita will be launching a show there. We're going to have primetime stuff. Anita, spread the word, please. And McGroins, you guys are my P1s of P1s. You're the generals in the Bongino Army. By the way, Paul is working on a shirt for you guys. You asked for it. Paul is there for you. Customer service, that's what we do.Tuesday through Thursday, we'll be there. We'll have the regular 11 AM Eastern podcast. We'll also have some primetime coverage and a radio show. Producer Jim will be there. If you're going to the RNC, come by and say hello. If you've met us in the past, and if you're going to be in Tampa tonight at the Morgan concert, say hello to us tonight, too. We always love hanging with people. I promise we're just normal people. I ask you one thing, folks, please don't be disappointed when you meet me. That's my biggest fear. It's true. I meet people and I always think like they're expecting me to say something really profound, and I really don't have anything other than, Hello, thanks for... I promise, I love you to death. I'm just not that impressive in person. I'm just a normal guy. If you agree not to be disappointed, we can chat forever. Rumble. Com/bongino. Please download the Rumble app. Give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. See you in the radio show here in Rumble in a few minutes. And back here on the podcast on Monday. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


the way, we were ahead of all this. You're seeing an absolute collapse in the Black community, too. That Juneteenth release from last night. At a bunch of attendance at the Juneteenth ceremony at the White House, thought Biden was off. That's not an accident, folks. Nothing that happens in the liberal media is an accident. You dig in me? Remember Hawk to a Girl? You get me? You get me? I'm telling you, nothing Something happens by accident. The Black community and prominent Black Democrats and donors who are big voters in the Democrat Party, just by sheer numbers, are starting to send a message that Biden, we want you out, which is a problem for us because we want him in.


Wait till this starts to get out there, by the way. Now, proving again, you are at least three weeks, if not six months heard that once. To your staff, and your staff told him he He has no bandwidth.Well, my son is dying. I guess that's why he said it. All of this stuff is going to come out. Now, why am I playing this for you now? Understandably, folks in the chat, Apple, Spotify, Rumble crowd, you may be saying, and I'm encouraging you not to, I'm not wasting your time here. Look, I got Justin, am I right? We have more. I have so much left here. I have the Garm stuff I haven't even got to. Some say, I know. I I promise you there's more there. I'm not wasting your time. The reason I'm putting this out there is to remind you that you already know this because the Democrats, I didn't say that wrong, the Democrats looking to get rid of Biden are now going to start filtering this stuff out. Hunter Biden on the board of the bank we just played, Hunter Biden, Burisma, and your liberal friends, if you have any, I certainly don't anymore, are going to say to you, Holy shit, I just found out the other day Biden was a fake civil rights activist. Oh, really? I just found out they had a problem back in Delaware with family members on the board of a bank.Oh, you just found out about that? I just found out Hunter worked in Ukraine while Joe Biden was the vice President pointman in Ukraine. Oh, really? You just knew about that now? I found out Biden lied about getting arrested, seeing Nelson Mandela and marching in the civil rights movement. All of this stuff is going to come out on their show. On their show Now, if you're missing a video show, you guys got to check this out. It's going to come out on their shows. On their shows. You have been way, way, way ahead of this. Okay, listen, I got to bolt a little bit early today. I'm going to do the beginning of the radio show, and I got to travel, do some stuff. We'll be at the RNC next week, Tuesday through Friday. Avita will be launching a show there. We're going to have primetime stuff. Anita, spread the word, please. And McGroins, you guys are my P1s of P1s. You're the generals in the Bongino Army. By the way, Paul is working on a shirt for you guys. You asked for it. Paul is there for you. Customer service, that's what we do.Tuesday through Thursday, we'll be there. We'll have the regular 11 AM Eastern podcast. We'll also have some primetime coverage and a radio show. Producer Jim will be there. If you're going to the RNC, come by and say hello. If you've met us in the past, and if you're going to be in Tampa tonight at the Morgan concert, say hello to us tonight, too. We always love hanging with people. I promise we're just normal people. I ask you one thing, folks, please don't be disappointed when you meet me. That's my biggest fear. It's true. I meet people and I always think like they're expecting me to say something really profound, and I really don't have anything other than, Hello, thanks for... I promise, I love you to death. I'm just not that impressive in person. I'm just a normal guy. If you agree not to be disappointed, we can chat forever. Rumble. Com/bongino. Please download the Rumble app. Give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. See you in the radio show here in Rumble in a few minutes. And back here on the podcast on Monday. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


heard that once. To your staff, and your staff told him he He has no bandwidth.


Well, my son is dying. I guess that's why he said it. All of this stuff is going to come out. Now, why am I playing this for you now? Understandably, folks in the chat, Apple, Spotify, Rumble crowd, you may be saying, and I'm encouraging you not to, I'm not wasting your time here. Look, I got Justin, am I right? We have more. I have so much left here. I have the Garm stuff I haven't even got to. Some say, I know. I I promise you there's more there. I'm not wasting your time. The reason I'm putting this out there is to remind you that you already know this because the Democrats, I didn't say that wrong, the Democrats looking to get rid of Biden are now going to start filtering this stuff out. Hunter Biden on the board of the bank we just played, Hunter Biden, Burisma, and your liberal friends, if you have any, I certainly don't anymore, are going to say to you, Holy shit, I just found out the other day Biden was a fake civil rights activist. Oh, really? I just found out they had a problem back in Delaware with family members on the board of a bank.


Oh, you just found out about that? I just found out Hunter worked in Ukraine while Joe Biden was the vice President pointman in Ukraine. Oh, really? You just knew about that now? I found out Biden lied about getting arrested, seeing Nelson Mandela and marching in the civil rights movement. All of this stuff is going to come out on their show. On their show Now, if you're missing a video show, you guys got to check this out. It's going to come out on their shows. On their shows. You have been way, way, way ahead of this. Okay, listen, I got to bolt a little bit early today. I'm going to do the beginning of the radio show, and I got to travel, do some stuff. We'll be at the RNC next week, Tuesday through Friday. Avita will be launching a show there. We're going to have primetime stuff. Anita, spread the word, please. And McGroins, you guys are my P1s of P1s. You're the generals in the Bongino Army. By the way, Paul is working on a shirt for you guys. You asked for it. Paul is there for you. Customer service, that's what we do.


Tuesday through Thursday, we'll be there. We'll have the regular 11 AM Eastern podcast. We'll also have some primetime coverage and a radio show. Producer Jim will be there. If you're going to the RNC, come by and say hello. If you've met us in the past, and if you're going to be in Tampa tonight at the Morgan concert, say hello to us tonight, too. We always love hanging with people. I promise we're just normal people. I ask you one thing, folks, please don't be disappointed when you meet me. That's my biggest fear. It's true. I meet people and I always think like they're expecting me to say something really profound, and I really don't have anything other than, Hello, thanks for... I promise, I love you to death. I'm just not that impressive in person. I'm just a normal guy. If you agree not to be disappointed, we can chat forever. Rumble. Com/bongino. Please download the Rumble app. Give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. See you in the radio show here in Rumble in a few minutes. And back here on the podcast on Monday. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.