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Get ready to hear the truth about.


America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. A lot of volume on that tv right there.


Probably not a good idea, you know, bleeds back. Folks, I'm getting ready to go nuclear today, okay?


I can't believe how many dipshits are.


Falling for what's going on right now.


There is this bubbling up movement right now to decimate and destroy America from within. And there are so many suckers getting sucked into this thing, it's hard to believe this is going to be. Folks, listen, the language I'm telling you right now may get harsh. Bill. Whatever. I'm not mad at you. Just duck out now. It's okay because I'm in a mood today. You have no idea. I had to take one of those cardiomobile things. My heart rate was 97 before the show.


I'm not even doing cardio.


If I only told you what's been.


Going on over the last 24 hours, let me get into it.


Today's show is sponsored by blackout coffee. I need some today.


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We got a lot to talk about.


Including Captain Chaos Biden, another threat by Marjorie Taylor Greene to dispose the speaker.


Enough. Enough. Just stop. Enough. Not now. Many times we have to have this conversation. You got set up by Hakeem Jeffries again being played like a Stradivarius, folks. Whenever something goes viral, rest assured, frauds are going to try to jump on.


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I got goosebumps. Show hasn't even started yet. A couple of days ago I spoke about there's a spiritual war going on right now. I am not a priest, I am not a rabbi, I am not an imam. I'm not Plato or Socrates, and I'm certainly not your spiritual or moral advisor. However, I'm not a moron. There is something going on neither you.


Or I understand, but you know it's.


There and you feel it.


I don't know what it is, this negative spiritual energy. I have no idea. Is it freaking quantum mechanics? I don't know. I have no idea. But I know it's there. There is a war going on right.


Now for the spiritual side of our lives.


And there are so many people getting sucked into this vacuum of evil. I've never seen anything like it. And this is going to be a tough show. I've done this show before, but I'm going to have to do it again because there's going to have to be a divorce here, and not just for me, but you're going to have to divorce yourselves from our movement. If you want to kill people because of their religion or any characteristic whatsoever, and you just want to murder them and you think that's a good idea, then as I said yesterday, I'm going to repeat today, please get the fuck off my show. You understand? I hate you. I think you're a fucking piece of shit. Can I say this any clearer? I'm not your friend. I'm not your ally. I can't stand you. I hate everything about you. You do not belong in our movement. The conservative movement is about conserving people's rights, God given rights. It's not about preserving people's rights. You like and then kill everyone else because of their religion. You don't belong here. I understand that the left loves these kill the Jews people, and I hate them for it.


This is what they do. The left, the commies and the socialists will align with the kill the Jews crowd in a second to make sure the United States leverages the useful idiocracy and buries its country like a cancer from the inside out. I get that the left does it. I hate it. I fight it every day. It's the only purpose to this show. But I understand that. What I don't understand is people pretending, pretending to be on our side and taking advantage of weak minds and sucking them into this vortex of fucking stupid where we're somehow playing along and defending to kill the Jews crowd. It's done, it's out. You're not welcome here. This is not your house. It is everywhere. It is everywhere. And it's time that everybody speak up with a unified voice and be clear as day. And I don't give a shit about the language and say, fuck you, motherfuckers, you're not welcome here. Don't you understand what's going on? There is a violent fight going on for the future of America and our kids. This is not about free speech. How do I know that? Because we defend free speech on this show every day.


I'm not, I'm not, I'm not suggesting anyone, anyone and never have, should have any of their constitutional rights violated. Quite the opposite. You have every single God, God given God, capital g, capital r, God given right to speak out against Israel, to speak out against Jordan, to speak out against the UAE, to speak out against Kra Pakistan. You have every right to speak out against religions you don't like. You're free to do that. I don't have to agree with you. You're free to do that. The only thing this show is fought for and me, because I am this show, it's eponymously named, you have absolutely no right to call for someone's death, to physically beat the shit out of someone and to break into buildings and trespass on property you don't own. You have no right to do that. How are suckers claiming to be part of our movement falling for this childlike bullshit and their comebacks are so immature and ignorant and stupid. I have to laugh every time I hear these morons all day on social media. Oh, Dan, you don't believe in free speech? I don't believe in free speech, motherfucker. Really?


Really? Platforms exist right now because of my sweat equity and money that some of these assholes speak on. Only because of people like me who fought for free speech while you were sitting on your fat ass eating a bowl of Doritos fuck stick. You don't know shit. You never run for office on this stuff. You never financially back platforms up all night on the phone defending assholes right to speak. You haven't done shit. You sit on Twitter all day under a fake name. Get these scumbags out of our movement now. Now you the left will never do this. The left is trying to destroy the United States. These people hate you. Folks, look at what happened at UCLA last night. You really believe this is the future for the kids? You want folks to. My supporters out there who understand where I'm going, I'm not. You know who I'm talking about. You've seen it, too. There is an evil out there, man. It's infecting people's brains like a freaking prion, and it is bad. You want this? You want more of this? You think these people are worth defending?


This is what you want. You have the. You have the right to beat the.


Shit out of people. And by the way, that goes for anyone. Notice I didn't mention any specific ideological denomination. You got a bunch of people on UCLA basically beating the shit out of.


Each other because they killed the Jews. Crowds on the campus over there.


This what you want? You understand? These people are taking advantage of weak minds, man. They're taking advantage of weak minds. How do we know they're weak? You see this video? Last night, you had them take over a building on Columbia, which is called breaking in. Here, look at this. This is what we want. This isn't what we want, man. It's time for all of us to.


Stand up against this shit.


You have the right to speak out. You don't have the right to start riots. Anyone. I told you the other day, I spent years in law enforcement dealing with these absolute wussbags. Chumps. Cowards. Astroturf wussbags. Here they are on Columbia.


They want to occupy a building.


And now the cops, the NYPD said, do you guys own this building? No. You don't get out, and what happens? They start crying. Oh, look, I've got finals. Watch this. Can I go home? I want to go home. I got finals. These are the people some want to.


Get in bed with?


Bunch of dipshit, loser, useful idiots who a bunch of anti american, anti liberty folks are co opting in the name of destroying America.


No, no, no. We're not doing it, man. I'd rather not do a show. I would. I'd rather I. Folks, I'll lose every single person in this audience before I ever acquiesced anything.


Not a single.


I'm not giving up enough and not.


A fucking thing to these pieces of shit. You don't have the right to occupy a building. It's not yours. Are they going to come in your house next? What are you supporting, squatting? Now.


Folks, I'm asking you as friends, man. Clean this. We got to clean this thing out, man. You expect it from the left. They hate this country. They hate you. These people want to see you in prison. Some of them want to see you dead. You expect it from them? Fight it with everything you have, man. Well, there's going to be nothing left. You want to see what a useful idiot looks like?


Look at his moron.


Yesterday, finally asked an honest question by a reporter. They want to take over buildings, break the law, basically steal people's property, assault people, and call for the death of the jews.


And by the way, they want you to feed them in the process. I want you to listen to this.


Reporter question at the end.


These are the pathetic losers, losers that some people are locking arms with. We're not letting.


I'm not letting it happen.


I'm not. This thing will go down in flames.


Before I let this thing fall apart to these assholes. No fucking way. Watch.


Why should the university be obligated to provide food to people who've taken over a building?


First of all, we're saying that they're obligated to provide food to students who pay for a meal plan here.


But you mentioned that there was a request that food and water be brought in, unless I misunderstood.


To allow it to be brought in, I mean. Well, I guess it's ultimately a question of what kind of community and obligation Colombia feels it has to its students. Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill even if they disagree with you? If the answer is no, then you should allow basic. I mean, it's crazy to say because we're on an Ivy League campus, but this is like basic humanitarian aid we're asking for. Like, could people please have a glass of water?


But they did put themselves in that very deliberately in that situation and in that position. So it seems like you're sort of saying, we want to be revolutionaries. We want to take up this building. Now, would you please bring us food and water?


These are the pieces of shit who are representing what, the next generation? No, no, no, man.


Not my country.


No, not in your country. Not in our country. No, we're not doing it.


You want to break and enter. So just to be clear, you want the right to break into my house, property you don't own, and then while you're in my house, breaking the law, you want me to feed you to. What else?


Would you like?


A foot massage?


Maybe a pedicure?


Maybe a mani petty? Maybe do a little french manicure for you? You want your hair?


You want your hair?


Did too, huh? How about get the fuck out of my building.


And by the way, here are some handcuffs, you piece of shit.


Folks, these people want to kill you. They hate your guts. They don't care about anything other than destroying the United States. This is not about Israel. Israel is a symptom of a larger anti liberty, anti prosperity movement that has bubbled from the ground up. I told you this now for three days. Please God. And I'm not using his name in vain.


Listen to me.


These people don't give a damn about Israel. All they want to do is kill Jews because they think it's like the cause du jour. Tomorrow it'll be saved the polar bears. The day after that it'll be some new ev push. The day after that it'll be some fake civil rights issue like voter id or something. They don't care. They just want to be on tick tock with their friends to fill the empty vacuum of their lives, pretending that they're part of something bigger than themselves because they're small. These people hate you. And to the people pretending to be part of our side, you are not. You're not welcome. You're not at all. You need to go now. Join your communist friends on their mission to destroy the United States. At least expose who you really are. And why is it that every. I want to kill the Jews pussy out there. Why is it that they all have some fake avatar and fake name? Grow a pair of nuts, you cowardly pieces of shit, and at least put your face up there. You know where I am?


You know what I look like.


You know my name and everything about me. Why do you gotta hide? Why do you gotta hide?


You embarrassed mommy?




Poor gene pool. Your parents tell people that their kids died young? Is that what it is? They embarrassed? They raised little Nazis?


You want to see what we're fighting? I want to tell you the comically stupid responses. Here's one of the revolutionaries. Notice how she goes right to skin color. Right to skin color. Proving my point. This is not about Israel. This is about them hating you in their hierarchy of victimhood. Watch this.


Fuck it.


You're just a white paper. You're just a white person. You're a white person. Get out.


We don't like white people.


Free. Free Palestine.


We don't like white people. He said it right. At least she's honest. She puts her face on it, unlike some of the other cowards and chumps on social media who wouldn't dare dare say that shit to anybody's face. The responses to that were absolutely comical. As I try to explain to people.


Do you understand you're being used, I don't care what label you put in front of your name. You are being used by anti american intersectionalists who are dying to co opt your weak spirit to get you to destroy the United States. And they're using your hatred of Jews to do it. How do I know how stupid these people are? The minute I posted that video, a bunch of kill the Jews Nazis were like, well, damn, that woman looks like a jew. Look at her nose. Oh, okay, so what she just said is, okay, but now you just hate her cause she's jewish. You just made my point. You don't even know that. By the way. You have no idea. You're just looking for an excuse to hate the Jews. Then I got this yesterday from, again, the little nazi dipshits, all day fighting little Nazis everywhere.


Oh, Dan, I see who you're not allowed to condemn, really.


We've never spoken out against things that have happened in Israel. If I recall, we've played now five or six times. Ehud Barak. Wasn't he the prime minister of Israel? I'm just checking. Talking about leftist organizers. No no, Dan, that's a, we're not talking about those Israelis. Really? Talking about the Jewish again. So you just hate them because they're Jews. So it's not about Israel. When the Jewish Supreme Court situation blew up, we spoke out about that every week. What a dumb idea that was. We're not what happened. We weren't banned. We're not allowed to speak out. We only talk about the Israel issue every, probably every other week. So you just hate them because they're Jews? Oh no no no. You spoke out against the wrong Israelis. Oh, which one should I be speaking out against? The jewish one. Oh, the Jews again. So it's about the Jews. They just want to kill people because they're Jews and we're supposed to just sit back and listen to all this? What do you think, they're not coming for you next? You ever see, uh, you ever see you look up intersectionality? Put this up.


I'm going to get to in detail. I'm going to take a quick break.


Here, but I want you just to see this. And you know what intersectionality is? These leftists are playing you morons out there on these campuses with this intersectionality bullshit. They, it's not about Israel to them, it's about destroying the United States using a period, a pyramid of victimhood. They will fit any group in there. It doesn't matter as long as you hate the United States and the white man. Completely missed by morons. Told you.


Show is going to be heavy. I understand if you're not ready for it. I get it. And to the people who don't like the language, again, I understand. I'm not changing anything. I'm going to talk the only way I know how to talk, because this means everything to me. I'm not letting this country go down in flames, folks. I will cancel this show in a minute before I ever let these pieces of shit destroy this place. We have to stand up, man, for what is right. You have an opportunity in front of you right now to do the right thing and not the easy thing.


And I know you, and I know you guys. I know you're taking it.


But there are people out there trying to be one of us, man. They're not. It's time for a divorce and a permanent one. You're not allowed. You're not allowed in our movement away, folks, despite everything the fed's been trying, we're still feeling the effects of inflation. Filling up your car, groceries, home repairs. You've seen it. Everything's more expensive and getting more expensive. Most of you are paying these bills with a credit card. Credit card debt's at an all time high. If you're a homeowner, there's a way out. You need to call my friends at american financing. They can put together a plan to pay off that high interest credit card debt and create meaningful savings for you every month. They're saving people just like you an average of dollar, 854 a month and closing, and as fast as ten days. Don't wait. Get yourself into a better position today. Call their salary based mortgage consultants. It costs nothing to get started. And if you start today, you could delay two mortgage payments, giving you greater savings upfront. American financing can help you get that monkey off your back. Here's the number. Give them a call.


It's a great company. 888-994-7660 that's 8889-947-6660 or visit comma, nmls 22, three, three, four. dot. All right, back to the show, folks. These lefties who want to destroy America, these communists and the people claiming our mantle, who are aligning with the commies, they're using this intersectionality idea started, ironically, by a critical race theorist. Critical race theory is an offshoot of critical theory. Critical theory is very simply the idea that there is a hierarchy of victims.


That everyone is a victim of the white male patriarchy, that even components of.


Knowledge are only constructs of power. I don't want to get overly complicated, but the idea is even things like.


Telling someone two plus two equals four. Basic math, that the white man is using that as a tool to subjugate you. Look it up if you think I'm making this up. This intersectionality is basically a simple idea saying, leverage someone's physical characteristics, religion, whatever it may be, to put someone in an oppressor, oppressed infrastructure, and then get useful idiots to believe they're oppressed. So what happens? Israel's a very successful country.


Pull up that intersectionality thing for me, if you would.


Israel is a successful country. This has nothing to do with their religion. These people hate the Jews because they're successful, so therefore, they must have stolen it from them, and they sucker people into it using this religious argument, who fall right in a trap and then play their game. The term was coined in 89 by Kimberly Crenshaw, a known critical race theorist, to describe how race, class, gender, and other individual characteristics intersect with one another and overlap. Intersectionality has, in a sense, gone viral over the past half decade, resulting in a backlash from the right. Gee, I wonder why was that?




It's a. Republicans pounce every single time. What they're basically saying is the left is trying to segregate you into a box. Listen to me. It doesn't matter what the box is. The communists are taking advantage of it. Hey, union workers, you're in a union. Republicans hate you. Hey, uh, Palestinians, the Jews hate you. And they're with the Republicans. Black Americans, the Republicans hate you. They're trying to keep you from voting. They do this to make you out to be a victim so that you will vote against the party in power. That's in their way. That's all intersectionality is. What's stunning is how many suckers claiming our mantle who have fallen for this, defending a bunch of from the river to the sea, kill the Jews. Terrorists. Some of them.


A lot of them, as a matter of fact.


Just outright arguing on behalf of Hamas, a terror group who just cut the breasts off women they raped. On camera, on video. You can see the videos. You're welcome to watch them. They bashed the guy's head in with a garden tool. You're defeat. You're defending them. They will kill you, you dip shit, in a second. They are waiting for you to wear your terror garb with your free Palestine flag. And then the second the cops go away, they will cut your head off and feed it to the pigs. How long will they last? I give them under 35 seconds.


No, Kefir is going to say no.


But maybe. Maybe if they tie it as a.


Tourniquet after their arms get cut off.


The over under I give them is 30 seconds in Palestine. Here's a young student on campus who asked a pretty simple question. All of you useful idiots out there falling into the intersectional mob, falling into the trap of being. Of taking fall. Look, I'm a victim. I'm a victim. Oh, who told you? Kimberly Crenshaw said I'm a victim? You go to a $68,000 a year school, you lying piece of shit. You are a victim of nothing. All you want is a delivery of Doritos and Chipotle as you break and enter into buildings you don't own. You are nobody's victim. You would last under over 35 seconds or less in Palestine. The second you got off the plane, they will kill you, and they laugh at you. Listen to this guy.


Check this out.


It's a very leftist like people on the left. A huge LGBTQ population in that crowd. They have no idea would happen if they were to step foot in Palestine. They'd be stoned and beheaded. Israel, in fact, is the one of the only nations. I believe it's the only nation in the Middle east that supports LGBTQ people. I find it ridiculous that you have so many people in that crowd that are so ignorant of this. Of this fact.


Listen, dipshits. Go to Palestine. Go one. It doesn't exist. But wherever you think Palestine is, you go. There's never been a Palestine. But go there. I don't. You. You'll make it up anyway. You probably think Palestine is in Jerusalem. Do me. You'll be safe there. Go to where you think Palestine should be. Just stand there for, like, 20 or so minutes with a sign that says LGBTQ BioPC pride. You will be dead in 30 seconds with your genitals cut off and shove down your mouth. Good luck. Are you stupid? How many times do I have to ask this question? You're the tolerance people. You're the tolerance people. How many Jews you think are serving right now in the country you call Palestine, there is no country you call Palestine number one. But in the areas you'd even consider Palestine, the answer is zero. They'd be dead.


Fuck is wrong with you, man?


What is wrong with you? How can you be so stupid? This has nothing to do. Why do you this has nothing to do with Israel. Israel is a symptom. You are being played. You believe in this? Founding fathers, do you believe they had even a shred of decency? I do. They were flawed men, but they were great men. A lot of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the people who.


Later went on to author our constitution, many of them suffered horribly for what they believed in.


Why do you think the first amendment, the first one they wrote, hence the number one, guaranteed the freedom of religion.


Because they understood there'd be animals out there who wanted to kill Jews, Christians, Muslims or anyone else if you put the lunatics in charge of the asylum.


That's why.


It was the first amendment. That's what we believe in, man.


What are we conserving?


Well, you don't like because they got.


A Star at David and they don't.


Have First Amendment right. Is that where we're going?


So I can passionately argue on the show, despite the fact that I hate.


These from the river to the sea scumbags.


But they have the right to say it. I hate it, but I can passionately.


Argue for their right to say it. I'm not suggesting anyone, anyone, anyone be harassed or be arrested for speaking viewpoints, however disgusting I find them.


But yet it's amazing.


Guys got a star at David's.


Done nothing to you.


But it's okay to say this isn't the jew entrance. The Jews go in over.




That's. Oh, that's okay. How do you look at yourself in the morning, brother? You're not welcome here, man. Get the fuck out. You're not welcome. I want you to listen to this phone call. I don't get to, but listen to this first. This is a mom calling the UCLA campus. Her child happens to be jewish, and.


Apparently he's not allowed to walk in.


Entrances because they killed the Jews. Crowd says this isn't the jew entrance. The jew entrance is over there or something.


I want you to listen to the.


Response we proud of.


This is the United States of America, man, in 2024.


Listen to this.


Speaker two. They said because he's jewish, he cannot enter that area and that they won't issue him a risk.


That wasn't a university thing. That's probably the protesters that are out there.


Right? So are the protesters allowed to not allow a student who pays tuition access to their class and the library?


No, they're not allowed, but unfortunately they have kind of taken over that little area right there. But is there any other entrance that your son can enter through?


No, they are barricading every area for him to get into. And, you know, with all due respect, why is that even tolerated? Like, why should a jewish kid have to go to another entrance?


I don't know if I'm going to say tolerated, but unfortunately, the police are not intervening with that right now. And this is coming from the university. So if you had any questions or concerns, you would take it with the university itself.


That's. This isn't the jew entrance. The Jews go over there. This is 2024 in supposedly the most progressive state in the union, on one of the most progressive campuses, University of California, Los Angeles. We're back to segregation again. Are there jew water fountains, too? What about jew lunch counters? Are we segregating the classroom? Here's the jew side.




What are we doing next? Again, folks, I expect this from the left. The left loves to take advantage of the kill the Jews crowd to kill the United States. They love the fact that you're too stupid on the left to figure it out. But you condone this, you're not welcome on our side. GTFO, man. Like, yesterday? No way. Not a chance. Not while I'm here. We got the biggest audience in live stream and a huge radio show, man, you'll have to fire me before I shut up, because let me tell you something there. You know, there are times I do a show, and when I'm done, I'm not sure I was right. Actually happens a lot. This ain't one of them. You know, if I go 6ft deep and this is my last show, I know I'm on the right moral side of history. I know it for an absolute fact. We got to clean this shit up, man, or you're going to be looking at something really scary. And you don't want to burt that demon, man, because they're coming for you next. You think, oh, it's just the Jews. Good luck. These intersectionalists are looking for any reason to kill you, too.


She doesn't like white people. You heard it from her own mouth. All right, let me take a break. I want to get to one more angle on this, too. We know we're not taking any refugees, by the way, until we figure this thing out. We are not taking any refugees from an area that voted, like, 60% to 70% for the Hamas, you know, baby killing women, rapers. No, we're not doing that either. Why? Because we're not stupid. We're not dumb. Now you see why. Like, I'm having, like, heart issues here. I told evita before the show, passion is a good thing, man. You got to love what you do. But don't love it too much because it'll kill you. It's going to. I'm telling you man, I can't let this happen. This movement matters too much for me. I didn't give up everything to go run for office under a party banner. So we get hijacked by a bunch of folks. Fucking assholes. No way. Hey, are you tossing and turning at night? Talk about perfect timing last night. Yes, I got dark circles under my eyes. Trust me, I've been there. It's not just about feeling tired the next day.


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That's Bangino. Or use coupon code Bongino for 20% off your first order. Make the switch to blackout coffee. You're going to love it. Okay, back to what I was talking about before then. I want to get to this Marjorie Taylor Greene situation, because today's show is going to be tough medicine, and for some people, and it's all right. I have to speak the truth. It's my job. I'm never going to bullshit you, but this is an absolute no. CB's and other news outlets broke yesterday that the Joe bribe and White House is considering welcoming some Palestinians from warden torn Gaza as refugees. The first time going backwards in a show, by the way, because I get so ahead of my. No, we're not doing that, period. That is an absolute no. Please call your senators and representatives today. There is zero chance these people will be vetted. We are talking about an area of the world right now where upwards of 60% of people and I. This is not stereotyping anyone. It's just a pure probability. You have a better chance than not that they supported Hamas, which just executed, you know, thousands of jews in a cold blooded terror attack on October 7.


We're not taking any more refugees.


Country's full for now.


Thank you. Please reach out today. No, thanks.


Have a good day. All right. Getting back to what I opened up about today. Yeah. Oh, 90%, man. I underestimated it. Palestinian polls was a rise in Hamas support.


Yeah, let's bring him here.


It's a great idea.


It's from the.


He says it's from the halcyon days of 2023. From old times, folks. No, thanks. You can stay there and figure it out.


Marjorie Taylor Green.


Folks. How many times are we going to have this conversation about the posing Speaker Johnson?


This is such a horrendous idea right now for so many different reasons that it's hard to believe Marjorie Taylor Greene keeps going with this. She got completely set up and played by Hakeem Jeffries. And I've never seen anything like it. Okay, Hakeem Jeffries, if you case you missed it. So Speaker Johnson, who again came on my show and tried to defend FISA and the Ukraine funding, I couldn't disagree with the guy more personally. I think he's done a terrible job deposing him right now before an election that is just months away, when after the election, if we hold a majority, we can just elect a different speaker. And causing republican chaos with a slim couple vote margin is probably the singles biggest act of dumb fuckery I have ever seen in my life. Why is she still going with this? I don't even understand. The shitty bills for the foreign funding and all the other stuff have already passed and been signed. It's not even like, wait, we're going to stop the bill? Nothing stopped. It's not even like you're stopping anything. Here's the left wingers at Politico playbook here. Here's the problem. Nobody who believes that we should win this next election and take back the country thinks this is a good idea.


No one. Not the MAGA crowd, not a bunch of conservatives. There's like three people who think this is a good idea. Here's the lefties at playbook. Here's the bigger issue. Marjorie Taylor Green's defying not just their House colleagues, who I have no love for either, but also Trump and Michael Whatley, who is the co chair with Laura Trump at the RNC and his, Trump's handpicked team, what they told Playbook in a statement. And he's right. Nothing is more important than party uni, party unity and ensuring that we are focused on beating Joe Biden and the Democrats in November. Yes. Here, just a pile on here for a second. So last night, the Democrats won a special election in the Buffalo area, New York. Remember I kept talking about New York, how it was going to impact our majority. When Tim Kennedy is sworn in, we will have an even smaller margin. We can only lose one Republican on any vote. So what you're saying is we deposed Johnson, two or three Republicans, then resign, complaining about Marjorie Taylor Green, and we get Speaker Hakeem Jeffries. Yes. Who thinks this is a good idea? Anybody? Does anyone in the chat think this is a good idea?


You will literally have Speaker Jeffries, who completely played Marjorie Taylor Greene like a Stradivarius. What did he do? Marjorie Taylor Greene, who took the bait, came out again and said, you know, listen, we're going to put this motion to vacate the chair out there. And Hakeem Jeffries put out a little feeler in the media. He, of course, is the Democrat. Minority leader in the House. Played her perfectly. Follow me here. What does he do? He puts out a thing saying, well, rescue Speaker Johnson.




Why did he do that? Because Hakeem Jeffries, the minority leader in the House, wants to be speaker. So why would he rescue Speaker Johnson if he wants to be speaker? Because he's not rescuing Speaker Johnson. He was playing Marjorie Taylor Greene because he knew Marjorie Taylor Green would then come back and go, look, the Democrats are going to save Johnson now. We definitely got to get rid of them. And what would have happened? We'll get three to five Republicans who resigned from the House, who apparently have already threatened us behind the scenes. And Hakeem Jeffries is like, here we go, man. I just fished right in a stupid pond and you guys bid. You really want Speaker Hakeem Jeffers governing the House of Representatives in a race that could, post election, wind up in the House of Representatives? I've already given you multiple scenarios. Yes, it's the new House. It doesn't matter. It is. You certainly don't want going into an election year, a speaker dumping chairs, dumping investigations into the Democrats, making sure elections aren't looked into. You don't want any as the bully pulpit. He's the second most powerful person in government. More powerful than the vice president.


She is being played. Please stop. This is batshit crazy. I don't even like the guy. I had him on my show. He was nice enough to come on. I challenged him on every single thing. You can hear the interview. Is it on a weekend show? Gee, it's on the podcast. We fought the fight, man. We don't have the votes. Hakeem Jeffries is playing MtG for a fool. We don't have the votes, man. We've got an election to win. We are dealing with disorder all over the streets. Hamas assholes all over the place. Kill the Jews, people out of control inflation, a $34 trillion debt. Donald Trump's in court every day for, you know, drinking a Diet coke because he looked at someone funny. The police state is totally taken over. The FBI doesn't give a shit, nor does UCLA, about separate entrances for jews, but, God forbid, your pro life. And this is what we're fighting over.


I understand if today's show is too much. I do. It's a lot for me, too. I'm. You know, if you're a friend of mine personally, you know, I'm kind of going through a lot. I'm nobody snowflake or victim, but folks were just eating ourselves alive, man. You know, we spent what, two weeks going after operatives on our side? We had our own people, people I supported going after our own people. Then we spent what, a week talking about Christy Noem's dog? I love dogs, man.


Don't shoot a dog.




It's really, this is, this is. You understand how we get played? You have an eruption on campus of destroy America. People who cannot wait for another George Floyd opportunity to tear the country to pieces and we're arguing about a dog?


I love dogs, man. But folks, I live in the real fucking world where we got to make.


Real decisions in lifetime about a country I'm handing away to my two daughters. I've got no time for this. I don't have time to be going after our own. I don't have time to be talking about dogs. And I certainly don't have time for speaker Jeffries. We have time to win.


That is it.


Or you're not going to have a country. You're going to be eating dogs. We all need to surgically remove heads from asses and just laser focus, man. Straight ahead. We lose this, it is gone. It is gone. It'll take us decades to get this place back. You can't seriously make the case to me that we can tolerate four more.


Years of this guy, folks.


He can't even defeat a piece of lettuce. Did you see this shit at the White House correspondents dinner? Biden trying to eat lettuce. You're seriously telling me this guy's going to make it for more? This is Gita. You did not slow this down, correct. This is not edited. You can see from Kelly O'Donnell's lips moving, talking to him. This is Joe Biden. He can't even, like, break a piece of bread. He's like, oh, my gosh, I'm wrestling with this bread. It's harder than I thought. Almost there you go, Joe. He barely gets it. He is. This thing goes on. Watch the lettuce journey to the mouth. Almost there. There we go. There we go. He finally defeated the lettuce. It only took. How long is that clip? 40 seconds. 40 seconds. Joe Biden can't even defeat ahead of lettuce and you're telling me right now we talk about dogs? I'm not talking about dogs. I love dogs. Fine, go adopt one. I'm not doing it. And I'm not deposing the speaker, and I'm not going to support anyone else who does it either. Where. This is what we're the guy can't even defeat ahead of freaking lettuce.


He's got the nuclear codes. Here he is walking out to marine one. He can't walk by himself anymore. He's got to walk with a phalanx of old roman praetorian guards because they're afraid he's going to trip on his face and look stupid in front of everyone. I only did this job for ten years. I've told you.




Look, you got the mill aid. You've got the staff, you've got the body guy. Look at this. You got his chief of staff walking out, surrounding him. Because the commander in chief, who cannot even defeat ahead of lettuce, can't even walk to an aircraft without potentially falling on his face. This is a good point.


I mean, unfortunately true.


Imagine how many. How many, how many times in private.


He probably falls on his face, this guy.


This is why they're so terrified. I want to remind you folks who. This is why we need to stop the bullshit and just focus on winning. This is only about winning. That is it. Everything else has to be subjugated to winning. If we lose, there will be nothing left. You, your business, everything will be finished. Here's who Joe Biden really is.


Who is this western lensman? Who put this up? I want you to watch this.


This is who this garbage person really is. This piece of human waste. I've talked this kid sniffing loser. This is when he dropped out of the race last time. This is who Joe Biden really is. And the media seems to have conveniently forgotten.


Check this out.


Senator Joseph Biden dropped out of the hunt today, saying the disclosures about his plagiarism in law school and his exaggerations about his academic record made it impossible for him to continue.


I do it with incredible reluctance, and it makes me angry. I'm angry with myself for having been put in the position put myself in the position of having to make this choice.


The Delaware Democrat is the second candidate to be forced from the race by questions of character and integrity.


Folks, the guy's a bum. He's always been a bum. That's who he is.


He is a plagiarist kid sniffing foreign influence peddling, document stealing piece of garbage.


Not talking about dogs anymore, man. I'm not. I'm not why I mentioned it. Only bringing it up today. I'm not talking about deposing the speaker.


I'm. These are all distractions. These are all distractions. The left loves this stuff because that's what they want you to not talk about. How the guy in the White House is a bum and he's always been a bum. Can't even eat a head of lettuce.


That'S what. By the way, he's telling you. I've got the word from a couple of folks who know. They said that they get really pissed off when I call them a bum.


So when. Tony, do you know this rule yet?


Evita? You know, when people tell me not to say something, do you know what I do?


Yeah. Say it more. Thank you. She picked that up quick. Say it twice. I say it twice. So say when people tell me not to say. So that's. He's a bum. He's always been a bum.


Please, I love you guys more than anything, but you really. I don't mean any of this in a negative tone towards any of the passionate followers out there. Many of you been fighting this fight a lot longer than me. Respect.




They hate it when you call them a bum. So if you could just chime in, in the chat, just make sure everybody knows, maybe we'll break the chat again. Don't ever tell me what to do. But, man, folks, please stay with me. We have got to win. He's a bum. He is a bum. I want to show you this one piece of video, too, because again, we got distracted in Texas, too. It's why I didn't get into this stuff either. We got distracted in Texas when they were. Wow, they really. You guys are tearing up Chris, Rumble.


Watch that chat. I think we're going to break it again. We got distracted in Texas, too. I don't get distracted. There was this whole big thing with the attorney general. Ken Paxton. Not interested. I'm not. We got to win an election. Ken Paxton. Guys, a spreadsheet plus one. That's all I care about. I don't want to marry the guy. I don't want to date the guy. All I care about are you. A plus one for our ideas. That's it. Why is he the only guy showing up in court with Donald Trump? I want to see more of this. I'd like to see a bunch of Republicans. Here's Donald Trump in court yesterday for.


One of his many star chamber trials.


He comes out, you see a bunch of people behind him, and I want you to notice. Oh, there we go. Look, it's Ken Paxton, the attorney general from Texas. Why don't we see more of that? So I'm going to propose that you reach out again to your senators and congressmen and that every day in court, we get a rotating series of republicans to show solidarity. I'd like to see Ron DeSantis there, Tim, Scott, all your local congressmen. I'd like to see your attorney general snapshots and soundbites, folks, let Biden fight. Let Biden fight with the lettuce and stumble across the lawn every single day. I want a. You like this idea?


Holy is a mo. My gosh, folks, I every.


What do you think of this idea on the chat? I want, every single day, I want to see a new national Republican or local Republican in court with this guy showing solidarity. Why? Because we've got a freaking election to win, man. And this isn't time for bullshit.


Oh, well, I didn't like Donald Trump in the primary.


I don't care. Him and DeSantis have made peace. That's great. I love desantis. He's a great governor, period, full stop. No one's talking me out of. Don't even try. He should go up, too, because it's not about Trump. It's about all of us. And I appreciate Paxton doing that. Snapshots, man. Snapshots and sound bites. Those are campaigns. This is what I want to see. Biden struggling to eat a piece of lettuce and the republican party unified behind.


This guy because he's our guy right now. He's the only guy right now. It's the only thing we should be focused on. No more bullshit, man. Please do not get sucked into these stupid debates. And to Marjorie Taylor Green, I'm telling you, stand down. This is not the time.


Cut the bullshit. It ain't about you. Just stop. You can fight this fight in a few months when we take the house back, and I will back you. You are welcome on my show. I would like a new speaker, too. But you know what I'd like more? To win and save my country. No more bullshit.


Don't get sucked into this stuff. Eyes on the prize, man. This bum at it. That's a good way to end the show. I'm gonna go tear it up on the radio now. Probably get fired after today, but that's all right, folks. Please support us over at Rumble, by the way, we're the only platform out there where you can actually speak ideas and free speech. So we're the only one everywhere else, you'd be banned. Bongino, please download the Rumble app. I will always support free speech. Always. But I got my own free speech, too. You're damn right I'm going to use it. Really appreciate you tuning in, folks. I'll see you back here at 11:00 a.m. Tomorrow on radio show in a few minutes.


You just heard the Dan Bon Gino show.