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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Oh, man, I got a weekend update for you. Everything's crazy right now. You ever moved? You've moved. Of course, you've moved. Everybody's moved at some. Well, who knows? Maybe some haven't. You're blessed if you're in your childhood home, right? Most people aren't. We're like all nomads now. Everybody moves around. So I'm finally done moving, and I'm in the new crib, right? And everything's strange. Everything's strange. We upgraded a little bit, so I can't find anything. And it's like, I get up in the morning, and you ever move and you don't even realize you don't have something until you don't have it. And you know why you realize it? Because you don't have it. And you're like, It's not there. And you're like, I think it's in the other house, which we haven't fully moved out of yet. So luckily, they're not too far apart. But I probably put a thousand miles on my car this week and going back and forth getting stuff I forgot. I'm like, I forgot the fish oil. I forgot the red light guy.


I forgot this guy. The craziest week out on a boat, big weekend. Funiest thing I've ever seen with Kamala Harris and Tim Walsh. They are the biggest phonies out there. New secret service thing I've told you about. Beat them to the punch. Hey, you've heard me rave about Beam every week. Go get it now. Get some sleep. I certainly did. They're offering the largest discount at shopbeam. Com/bongino. Use code Bonjino. I got that good weekend update for you. Again, the DNC proving Conservatives are right about everything. The DNC proving Conservatives are right. Don't walls don't work. Seemed to be working at the D&C. Hey, you ever heard of data brokers? They're the middlemen collecting and selling all those digital footprints you leave behind online. They're using your browsing activity and your location data to sell your profile to a company who delivers you a targeted ad. You might be surprised to learn that the same data brokers are selling your information to the Department of Homeland Security and the IRS. To mask my digital footprints, I protect myself with ExpressVPN. Right there on the phone, brokers aggregate data and tie it back to you through your device's unique IP address, which also reveals information about your location.


When you're connected to ExpressVPN, your IP address is hidden, making it difficult for them to identify who you are. Expressvpn also encrypts 100% of your network traffic to keep your data safe from hackers on public WiFi. That's why I have the ExpressVPN app downloaded on all my devices, phone, computer, even the home WiFi router. All I do is tap one button and I'm protected. It's that easy. Get the best VPN money can buy right now. Visit expressvpn. Com/bonjino and get three extra months free. That's expressvpn. Com/bonjino. All right, fellows, let's get this started. So today was my first day commuting over to the studio from the new crib. So moved. I love the place. Paula did an amazing job. And I have this really blacked-out room. I knock out drapes. There's like No light in there whatsoever, which is good at night because it makes me go to sleep. And I get this cold plunge. So I take cold showers in the morning, okay? The freezing cold showers. And I thought I understood. I thought I understood how cold water could be. The shower in my house because it's Florida? It's not that cold, it's probably 60 degrees, but you think it's cold.


So the guy installs this cold plunge, right? Because I love this. I'm all into cold exposure and life hacks, right? And the dude says to me, What do you want the temperature at? And you Have you guys ever been in a cold plunge ever? Like an ice bath? You played football in college or whatever. They throw you in the ice. Same thing, right? I don't know. I say, Put it at 40. He's like, 40? Are you crazy? He's like, 55. He's like, 40. He goes, You're going to pass like, I take cold showers. You know me. If I can do 55, I can do 40. I jumped in that thing this morning. Justin, what did I tell you? I almost died. Folks, if I was in there five seconds, the only reason The only reason I was in there five seconds is it's hard to get out of because it's a cold plant. You got to plunge in. That's the whole problem. I was like, You might as well have dropped me on hot irons and charcoal. I get out of there so fast. Maybe 5.27 seconds I was in there. I jumped back in for about 15 seconds afterwards because I was so embarrassed.


I was such a wuss bag. I don't like being a wuss bag. I'm like, Get back in that sucker. But now I'm bumping that thing up to 50. Do you have any idea how freaking cold 40-degrees water Man, you don't even need coffee anymore. Went out on the boat this weekend, saw a lot of people at the Stuart Sandbar. Love you all. Thank you for all the kind words. It was great seeing you. And listen, had some good times with some friends. I'm going to send you this picture. I'm going to send this to show prep. You got to throw this up by the end of the show. I'll show you. You want to see this picture? This is me and my homies. I'm going to send this to my... Put this up in the show if you can, and then we're done. I wasn't going to do this, but what the hell? Because I have I have a drink in my hand. It's Gatorade, I promise. It was hot out there today, that day. It is. It's electrolyte water. The fermentedte. But we had a good time. I was not driving the boat. We have a skipper.


It's not my boat. I don't have a boat. It's my friend's boat. We have a skipper. But we had a good time at the Stewards Sandbar. So many nice people came up and said hello. So listen, thank you all, man. You all are the best. I appreciate it. All right, there's my weekend up there. Oh, you got it already? Look at that. Look at that guy. White shoulders on that. So that's my doctor friend to the left, because remember my rule, right? Always hang out with people smarter than you. If you are the dumbest guy in the room, you're doing it right because you'll always be smarter. The guy to my left is my doctor friend. The other guy next to me is one of the smartest business guys I know. That's his kid. That's the orthodontist. And then this other guy is a foreign exchange guy we know who comes to the area, and has a skipper over there on the far right. So we had a good time. And again, there's electrolytes in the water. Fermented electrolytes. And it's funny. They make the electrolytes, Justin. It tastes like tequila. It's crazy. Tequila-flaved electrolytes.


It's so nuts. Yes, I see. He's in college. He, unfortunately, has some experience with that. So it was a fun weekend. All right, getting to the serious stuff. So one of the Benny's... Yeah, the serious stuff. I know. This is like the most non-serious thing ever. That's the joke here. This is even funnier than what I just said, even though it's not intentional. Folks, I did this for a living for 12 years. I will never, ever bullshit you, I promise. Every politician does this type of thing where they stage some event. I'll give you an example. A Republican, Democrat. I'm only using a Democrat example, not to be partisan, even though I don't like Democrats, but because it was the last one I remember. When I was on Obama's security detail, they wanted to go stop at a lemonade stand. I think it was near Chicago. I've told this story before. They send an There's a two-week advance guy out there. I mean, about an hour out. I don't want to make it out like it was a two-week advance. And they stop, and it looked like it was all extemporaneous. Like, Oh, my gosh, Obama just stopped for lemonade.


I promise you, folks, none of this stuff It's just like, oh, boom, let's just stop and get lemonade. It doesn't work that way. Everything's scripted. Bush did it. I'm sure Donald Trump did every Republican that they scripted. The reason this is funny, this air quotes unscripted moment with Kamala Harris, her husband, and Tim, Tampon Tim Walls, it's not that it's phony. It's all phony. I just told you that. It's that they're so bad at pretending it's real. Obama faked it like that looked real. Oh, man, look, Obama stopped for lemonade. Even Bush was good at faking it. This woman is the most inauthentic, non-genuine. Are we in a place as a sot? Play this sot because I don't want to talk over this. I want you to watch. She goes She's in a Sheets or a Wawa. I don't know what it is. And she pretends she's looking for Doritos. And Tim Walls is like, You've seen it, Jeff, right? She said, Look, I found the Doritos. And she's like, Is there corn nuts over there, too? Cornuts and Doritos. Really? You really believe she was like, Jonesing for corn nuts and Doritos and just randomly stopped at his sheets?


Watch this video. You want to laugh? This is funnier than my weekend update. Check this out. But Look, I found the Doritos. And it's just like, Oh, wow, Doritos. Look at that. They're so cool. And it's jumbo-sized. But look at Dougie. Look at Dougie, the husband. Dougie's like, We got the Doritos. Look at it. Wow, Doritos. Let me reach over here. As if she doesn't know the Doritos. Notice she's in the candy section. Here's her head, Kamala. The Doritos are on the chips side. Have you ever been in a Sheeter or a Wawa? Look, Look, I found them. I found the Doritos. This is so great. Thank you, Tim. I promise you, not a single Dorito was eaten. Let me let you in on a little secret, okay? When you're the vice president of the President, in the limo on Air Force Two and Air Force One, whatever snacks you want are there times a thousand. George W. They had these little dove chocolates. Trump, I think, was the M&M's guy or whatever. Whatever you want, they I promise she was not hunting for Doritos. She is the phoniest candidate ever. I say that as the DNC starts this week, because, folks, this is not about issues, okay?


I'm sorry. I was watching Fox this morning. I was working out. This is after I almost died. I had Nicole, but almost died. Justin, did I not tell you I almost died? The show almost didn't happen today. I almost had a... I was like, The only thing that saved me was getting out immediately and warming up. After I get out, I go back to the house, I dry off, I recover. I had to put myself under a heat lamp. I'm being so dramatic. I had to put myself... Star Wars reference. This is only for Gee. What was the thing? The Tonton where they cut them open? Was that a Tonton? See, I got there. I had a laser light and get myself in a Tonton. So I made it. But when I turn on Fox, I'm working out, doing a workout. And there's a lady Lawrence Jones, who's a great guy, is in Chicago at the DNC. And he's asking all these people about the election. And it's funny to listen to people talk. And I'm not knocking them. What are these guys? I can already see. There he is. With Doritos Tim. Kat Turd.


Kat Turd army. Get it trending. Doritos Tim. There he is. He's Doritos' champion of the Doritos. Now, folks, I'm sorry. The Monday show is always a little nuts because I got a little pent-up energy from the weekend. But no, this is serious. I'm watching Fox, and they're doing Man on the Street interviews with Lawrence Jones. And people are like, Listen. And it was good to hear them say this. They were interviewing largely minority voters, which is cool that they said, but they're like, Well, we're not really locked in with the Democrats. Awesome. I'm glad you're giving the Republicans a chance. But a lot of people said this, and I had us for a second. I was like, Really? They're like, Well, I got to hear their platforms first. What? You really don't know what the Democrats stand for? I mean, we've had four years of big government, excessive money printing, open borders, castrating kids, porn in schools, public safety crises, defund or repurpose police money, re-imagine ICE. They've said it. Government Government Health care for all, a war on energy. I mean, you can look this stuff up. Folks, I'm not trying to sound like a dick, okay?


Seriously, to voters who are open to vote in Republican, I'm just saying, you can look this stuff up. They've done all this. How does this tie into the Doritos story? See how I do all this? Folks, none of this is about issues. Campaigns are about two things. What are they? Chat. Get on it. Snapshots and sound bites. How many times I got to tell you that? We are 77 days from an election or something, and you're telling me you still don't know the platforms of the two candidates? I'm telling you, they're not kidding. A lot of people don't. They hear snapshots and sound bites. That is it. Kamala Harris is a fake. She's a phony. Everything they're telling you right now is a big freaking fraud. I want you to watch this video. This is freaking tragically hilarious. I mean, it's a tragedy, but at the same time, it's so hilarious that people keep falling for this. I don't understand the Democrats platform. I do. The Democrats have voted against every single border wall measure at the Southern border. Are border walls going to stop every single illegal immigrant? No, not even close. People cut through them.


People do climb over them. The point of a border wall is it's an obstacle. If it stops 60% of people, that's 60% of criminal activity that's not happening. Why do liberals pretend to be stupid with this? It's like putting police officers in a neighborhood. Is crime going to be zero? No. You put police officers in a neighborhood hoping to reduce crime, just like a wall would reduce but not stop illegal immigration. Why do you pretend to not know this? The answer is because the people doing this are evil and want open borders like Kamala Harris. Why am I bringing this up? Here's a local news report out of Chicago. Even the local Democrats in the area are all ticked off that they're putting up walls all over the place. But I don't understand. If liberals If you're telling us walls don't work, then why do they keep using walls at their event? Folks in the chat, is this a dumb-ass question? If it is, stop me. I don't understand. If you're telling me this item, the wall, the wheel, the lever, the incline plane, the bully. If you're telling me these things don't work, then why do you keep using them?


I thought that, Oh, no, people can climb over them. Yeah, no kidding. But most of them Watch this. If you look behind me over my shoulder, you'll notice those fences and snowplows in place. We've actually watched all morning as they have started to bring in more metal fencing, more barricades, and these snowplows have been navigating around those barricades and getting into place around the UC. Take a look at some of this video we got earlier this morning. You can see a lot of cars have been turning around already as they're met with these new closures that have been set in place overnight and early this morning. I didn't even catch this. Justin brought a book. They got a guy named literally Walls on the ticket. And you're like, Walls don't work. You know what? Walls don't work. Tim Walls. That Tim Walls don't work. Walls actually were. Listen, I get it, folks, in the chat. You'd be paying me the biggest compliment right now. Everyone in the chat, Dan, this is the dumbest segment ever. It's the best compliment you could give Because it is. Because you're all smart. You're like, yes, they're obstructions. They'll stop 90% of people.


That's why we use them. Look at this. Now is the tragedy part. Sorry to take you through an emotional roller coaster, but that's what this show is. Bill Malugin, great reporter of Fox, and a super nice guy, by the way. Follow him on Twitter. He's @ Bill Malugin_. This past week alone, this past week, not year, illegal aliens were arrested for rapes of two women in New York City, the rape of a pregnant woman in Massachusetts, the attempted rape of another woman in Massachusetts, a Peruvian gang leader wanted for 23 murders was also arrested. All were caught and released at the border under the Biden administration. Thought they were about protecting women. Folks, it's all BS, man. All of it. It's all BS. Walls don't work. Walls do. Yeah, that's good. There you go. You're absolutely right. Walls don't work. We got to get on that one on social media, too. W-a-l-z don't work. W-a-l-l-s, or three Ls, if you're Biden. Definitely work. Folks, don't buy anything they're telling you. These people are full of crap. All right, I got an update on the Secret Service story, and shockingly, it continues to get worse. Folks, everything I told you, we were 2-3 weeks ahead of the news cycle.


I promise you, self-praise stinks, I just never want you to waste your time here. Remember what I told you about Mar-a-Lago? How Secret Service management kept telling this Trump detail. We're not going to secure... Well, I shouldn't say that. They didn't say that. We're not going to provide extra security at Mar-a-Lago because we don't secure nightclubs. Remember I told you that? How many people in the chat remember that? I told you this what? August of 2023, last The Washington Post finally picked up the story yesterday. Finally. You were a year, literally a year, August of 2023, ahead of them. Let me take a quick break, and then I'm going to get to that, and I'll show you how, again, we keep beating billion-dollar media enterprises on this show, just doing homework. Folks, our good friends at Omaha Steaks have been providing families across our great country with unbelievable quality food and steaks for over for a hundred years. How many companies can say they've been in business for that long. To celebrate, they're offering 50% off, 5-0, site-wide during their anniversary sale. Plus, you'll get $30 off with my promo code, Bongino. That's 50% off at omahasteaks.


Com. Put in code, Bongino, B-O-N-G-I-N-O, for another $30 off. You know I've been a big fan of their food, Omaha Steaks, way before they were sponsored of the show. It's delicious. High-quality proteins for a good, nutritious, solid, good tasting diet. Top-cut sirloins, beef sirloin tips, boneless chicken breasts, and good old fashioned Omaha Steaks burgers that are amazing. Our protein lovers you. I like the burgers so much. I mix them up sometimes and put them in spaghetti sauce. They're that good. Everything is flash frozen, vacuum sealed, and ready to prepare. It makes dinner prep fast and easy. Five generations have run this family-owned business. They take pride and equality in the food they deliver. Here for an unconditional 100% money back guarantee. Visit omahasteaks. Com and look for the anniversary sale. Let's celebrate 100 years. Get 50% off site-wide, plus $30 off if you use code Bongino. Minimum purchase may apply. Go to omahasteaks. Com and use code Bongino. Thanks, Omaha Steaks. All right, back to the show. We beat the Washington Post, again, despite an entire cadre of reporters out there claiming to be doing journalism. Everything in this article you already knew. But now they claim to have their own sources.


Just to be clear, I'm not questioning the fact that these sources are legitimate. They claim to have eight secret service insiders as sources. I don't think they're making it up because the story is true. And unlike the Washington Post that will crap on me at any opportunity, I don't return to favor unless they lie. This article is in the newsletter, bongino. Com/newsletter. Please subscribe. Check it out. Secret Service finds Protecting Trump is extraordinarily challenging. The gist of this article, I think, is to take a shot at Donald Trump. But remember what I told you about how the Secret Service is a government entity, and because it's a government entity, there's almost no accountability whatsoever whomever, and they apply their security model based on titles, not based on threat. I want you to read this. Did I not tell you that? Don't take this, now. Leave this up for a second. Just to remind you what I said, one of the biggest errors the Secret Service makes in allocating agents to a protectee is they do it based on title. Oh, well, this guy's the President, so he should get more. Well, why? Well, because he's the president.


Well, is his threat level higher? No. So why is he getting more? Because we said so. There's no method to the madness at all. Well, we give him less protection because he's a former president. Well, what if there's a high threat level? Too bad. Here, quote, Current and former official says the agency has never been asked to provide such a heavy level of protection to a former president, and the levels provided even before the shooting went beyond secret service guidelines. Some agency officials have grown frustrated with requests from Trump's team to schedule events that seem especially challenging to protect, two of the people said. You're getting the gist of this, how the Washington Post is putting lipstick on this pig I freaking warned you about. Folks, yes, the President of the United States has the nuclear football. He has a staff around him. If we lose the President of the United States, the entire world goes into chaos. There is no doubt, no matter who he is, his threat levels are 99 out of 100. The problem is Donald Trump is a 99 out of 100. And the angle the Washington Post, it appears they're trying to take here.


I applaud them for even writing the piece for him. I'm not going to be applauding these idiots, but at least they wrote it. But you see how they're still trying to point it off on Trump? Like, oh, my gosh, he just travels a lot. Obama traveled a lot. So did Clinton after they left office. Trump's threat level is through the roof. Now, remember That's what I told you about Mar-a-Lago, where the agents who run Trump's detail, the agents, the entire management structure, they were horrified at the Mar-a-Lago security plan. It doesn't matter that Donald Trump has people at Mar-a-Lago. That's not your business, Secret Service Management, at all. Your business is to secure it, not to tell him how to live his life. Trump's Secret Service detail put together an intrusion detection plan they believe would make Mar-a-Lago a safer place for Trump. But when they asked for the funds, several million dollars, according to people with knowledge of the request, they were mostly denied by the Secret Service. Ladies and gentlemen, the current director, Ron Rohe, was part of this. They received about 10% of what they requested, meaning nine out of 10 requests were denied, according to people familiar with the dispute.


Let me tell you on my integrity and everything that matters to me, this story, even though it's in the Washington Post, the PP tape paper, is 100% accurate. I told you the line that was used when they made these requests about Mar-a-Lago. We don't secure nightclubs, like real smart asses, the management team of the Secret Service. It's not your business. What if a nightclub owner wins the presidency? You're going to let the President get killed because you don't secure nightclubs? It's one, it's not even at a nightclub. Folks, listen, I'm not telling you anything different. I haven't told insiders and people in the Trump circle, too. This guy is in real danger. This management team in charge right now is entirely incapable of putting together a thorough security plan to make sure Donald Trump doesn't get hurt. They are not. The people on the Trump detail have a different mindset. You heard it here first. Washington Post, if you would have written this story, Carol Lening and Josh Daucey, and I know Carol, August of 2023, instead of your lackey friends in the media calling me a conspiracy theorist, like that asshole at NBC, Daniel, whatever his name was, saying that me and Tucker were conspiracy theorists for saying Trump was going to get shot or killed or worse, maybe if you guys had written a story about what I talked about, we wouldn't have had this murder I've never seen.


What was that guy's name? Do you remember the Daniel guy at NBC? Dan Arkin. Yeah. Dan Bongino is a conspiracy. As if I didn't have sources in my old job, you dips shit. And by the way, when is that asshole going to apologize? The answer is never. You guys are a year late. All right, let me get back to the show. I got a couple of other things I want to talk about, too, here. A lot of things to talk about. Folks, the liberal media is losing their monopoly over the messaging now. This has been obvious for years. What was Walter Cronkite, NBC, Peter Jennings at ABC and Brokaw years ago, if it didn't happen on those shows and the weekend shows, it didn't happen. It disappeared. Social media and the decreasing power of these liberal enterprises has really, really made it harder to hide the stupid. I want you to focus on this for the next few minutes of the show because it's an important segment. Friday, I got off work, the show, 3:00 on Friday. I was really excited about the weekend. I was going on in a boat with my friends, as you saw, and I really love my life, and I thank God every day for all the gifts.


But it hit me this weekend, and that's why I talked about in the beginning of the show, how there are people out there who either claim they don't know the Democrats platform, and the far-left radicals that do will advocate for the dumbest things known to humankind. Walls don't work, defund the police. Some people fall for this. The evil ones push it and know it's stupid, but some people fall for this. It's getting... Here's the good news. Now, here we take a turn, okay? Because I don't want to be Danny Downer on a Monday. The dumbasserie is getting harder to hide. I want you to watch this segment that's hilarious. I don't know if Don Lemon... Remember Don Lemon? Who CNN parted ways with him, and then he's got this failing show. He's trying to break through in the podcasting space. And by the way, we're kicking ass and taking Ames. Avita's new show is like blowing up the charts. We're still killing it. Thanks to you all. So Don, what does Tucker call him? Don Lemon. So, Don Lemon is trying to start some podcast. And whether he intended this to go viral or not, it went viral for all the wrong reasons.


He's obviously a devout liberal activist, and he's genuinely dumb. He falls for this stuff. He actually believes the Biden economy is doing well. Real wages down, labor force participation, productivity suffering. Now we've got a jobs revision down a million jobs. They said we're up. It's really comical how stupid you have to be. Watch him go to a blue part of New Jersey and just randomly do another man on the street. How many of these we play now, guys? About 20? They can't find a freaking Biden-Harris supporter anywhere. Even the liberals. Check this out. We're here in Jersey, Atlantic City. Who do you support? I'll play the fifth. Trump for the win. Tell me why. I can't really call her right now, but I just feel like she's not good for President. She's good vice, but not for the actual lead role for the country. Does it have anything to do with being a woman? No. No, because I feel like women, no, you're not going to give me that. Your money's on Harris. Yeah. Who do you want? Trump. Why don't you like Harris? She doesn't have any experience. She's the vice President. She's a senator.


No experience. She has no experience. Well, I want Donald Trump. I just feel we need somebody that has a stronger background with the military and the world in general. She was a prosecutor and an attorney general and a senator and a vice president. You're in a gambling town. Who's your money on? I'm going to support the Democratic Party, but I mean, Trump looks like he got it in the bag right now. Four years ago, It was a lot better. I made a lot more money than I do now. I know you feel that way, but that's not actually what the record shows. The economy is actually better under Biden. No, I'm serious. That's what the fact shows. Okay, you know what? No, it's not because I watch CNN. Trump or Harris? Trump. That's who's going to That's who's going to win. Folks, again, I am a man of numbers and facts. I believe in data. When I'm speculating, I tell you that, but I build my opinion based on a data set, polling issues, numbers, and I put together and formulate some a hopefully educated opinion in the end. I get that Man on the Street interviews are not a statistically very sound way to determine who's going to win an election.


I understand. However, don't you find it odd that I have now played seriously, probably 20 plus Man on the Street interviews from Don Lemon, Newsmax, OAN. I mean, you name it. Nobody can find a Biden supporter anywhere. They're in Atlantic City, folks. This is not some diehard, conservative stronghold cold like Norman, Oklahoma, or something. They can't find a supporter. Let's go back to the beginning of the show. Why? Why can't they find a supporter? Because they don't like the platform. Forget the platform. For you, Edmund, sound bites and snapshots. People find Donald Trump relatable. You know why? He goes to a Chick-fil-A and he's not like, Hey, who has the Doritos? Is that That's why the snapshots will always be bad for Kamala Harris, and the sound bites are even worse. That's it. I'm not telling you it's going to be a landslide. I'm not. No talk of that. I'm just saying, don't get all down either after this week, all the gaslighting that's going to happen at the DNC. Oh, it's over, man. This was the best presentation ever. This thing is you're going to hear it this week to try to take the air out of the Republican balloon.


Don't let that happen either. The stupid people are starting to see through it. I'll show you what I mean coming up in a second. Again, even the Washington Post is like, Kamala Harris is a moron. This is how bad her economic plan last week was. Folks, I am really stoked to have this new sponsor. Let me just take... I'm going to read my own spot. You can leave it up, but I don't care. Don, who owns the company, he's a great guy. But Don, If you're mad at me, don't be. I was looking on Instagram, I'm building this home gym in my house because I go to the gym, it takes too long. So many equipment I have from my old house, it's just fallen apart. I've had it for 20 years. I bought it when I was in the Secret Service. I'm on Instagram and I found this company, Jacked Up Fitness, and I started liking their stuff. Don, the owner, reaches out and he's like, Hey, man, we want to outfit your gym. I was like, Brother, let's do it. I got the thing. My first workout was Friday Friday, I hit it Saturday morning, and today, I have the all-in-one home gym.


Now, listen, I get it. These all-in-ones in the past, you know the ones I'm talking about, Justin? Nothing works. You're like, It's nothing in one. Brother, I promise you, not this one. I had a thousand companies reach out. This one is legit, like the real deal. Jacked Up Fitness. The machines work better than the individual machines. The pull down, the row. I was doing the cable flies this morning. The dip attachments. Everything is super clean. The movement's amazing. Folks, you just push and play and follow along. Jacked Up Fitness has full body video workouts, too. They've got this mirror on the thing. It is amazing. It's a proud American company, Jacked Up Fitness. By the way, they're donating 900 machines in partnership with my show to the Wounded Warrior Project. Don sent me a text. Some of them already got there. It's a project, listen, man, this is good stuff. This is what they do. That's a million dollar value donation. You want to take charge of your health? Trust me on this one. You want to support veterans doing in a company that loves America and is proud of it? Order your gym today at getjackedup.


Com. Getjackedup. Com. That's getjackedup. Com. That all-in-one machine is a I'm going to show you some pictures once we clean up the gym. It's still a little messy. Exclusive promo code for my listeners. You want 10% off? I know you do. Use promo code, Bonjino. Getjackedup. Com. Amazing, Jim. Sorry, Dawn, for my improv, but I really like the Jim, and I want to make sure people know about it. Our last sponsor today, americanfinancing. Net. Interest rates have dropped, and right now is the perfect time to call my friends at American Financing. They're a family-owned company. They've been helping people just like you create meaningful savings every month. They're salary-based mortgage consultants. Look at your full financial picture. All your debts, including those frustrating credit card balances where you're paying upwards of 20, 30% in interest payments every month, you don't need that anymore. They work with you. They create a loan program, and they wipe that all out. In some cases, have some cash left over to create some emergency savings. They've been with us a long time. American Finance is a true partner in helping you and your family save money. They never charge any upfront or hidden fees.


It costs you absolutely nothing to find out how much you can save. Their average customer is saving over $800 a month. If you start today, you may delay two mortgage payments. So don't wait. Give them a call, American Financing. The number is 888-994-7660. That's 888-994-7660. Or go to americanfinancing. Net. Nmls182334. Nmls, consumeraccess. Org. Thank you, American Financing. Folks, they can't hide the stupid anymore, okay? People are starting to see through the dopey sound bites. Kamala Harris came out with what she alleges as an economic plan last week. She said, We're going to institute Soviet-style price controls. She didn't use those words, of course. She used flowery sound bites. But proving to you that the stupid isn't sticking anymore, the left-wing Communist Washington Washington Post wrote a piece just destroying the stupidity of Soviet-style price controls in the United States. Here it is right here. You think I'm lying here? The Times demands serious economic ideas. The Times demands serious economic ideas. Harris supplies gimmicks. Price gouging is not causing inflation. So why is the vice president promising to stamp it out? Folks, this is the Washington Post. I want you to understand something. I know the poll, I know you guys like the economic segments.


Why? Our poll had a lot of big sample size. Folks, whenever the government tells a company, you can only charge this much for a product, if it costs more, the company is not going to produce the product because they can't make money. Folks, please in the chat, help me. Help me before I lose my mind because I'm serious. I can't do this stupid anymore, especially after almost dying. I had a near-death experience, and it called me near-death. I had to go in the Tonton. Avita is like, I think you're being a little dramatic. No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm totally not. It was like this close, folks. This close. Avita is like, This is going on the show tomorrow? It's Bungino. But I want full coverage of my near-death experience on our early edition with Avita tomorrow. I'll be very upset. I'm finding a new host if she doesn't cover it tomorrow. Extensively, the whole show, as a matter of fact. Start to finish. Folks, chat, please help me. Is there Anyone in the chat, seriously, who doesn't understand this? I'm not being a jerk. Does anyone in the chat understand that the government that has no idea how to run your business or how much it costs to make your product, that the government, if they tell you you can only charge this and it I'm going to send you this plus this, you will not produce the product because you will lose money and go out of business?


Is there anyone... Guys, can you watch the chat? If anyone says, No, Dan, I don't understand, please, I'm going to send you a link to an economics book. It's called Charlie Brown's Economics. I think it's still out there, okay? It comes with a crayon set, as Michael just said. It comes with crayons, and you can figure it out. This is not hard. So now even the Washington The host is like, Kamala Harris is as dumb as she looks. Soviet price controls don't work. Here is CNN. I had to cut this two clips, which I never do from the same clip on CNN. This is a CNN clip, where even CNN and Katherine Rampell, the guest, are like, This is the dumbest freaking thing I've ever heard. You want Soviet-style economics? Vote Kamal Harris. Here's part one where the lady Rampelle and see it, they're marking price gouging, saying, What the hell is price gouging? How does the government know what a fair price is? The government needs to know how to run the government. Check this out. Katherine, I read your piece, and I heard you just mention it, the federal ban on price gouging for groceries.


You are skeptical of this. Why? Well, first of all, nobody can explain what price gouging means. It's like that old line about pornography. I know it when I see it in the sense that what does it mean to have an excessive price or an excessive profit margin? That seems to be shorthand for a price or a profit margin that bugs me, that seems too high. The government doesn't know how to run the government. If you have a company, look, this keychain I got, right? It's like this cool It's a magnetic little thing. So when I leave the key fob in the car, something like that. Well, I don't know anything about it. Anything. Dan, you're a reasonably smart guy. Even if you think I'm only an average smart, even if you think I'm a dumb guy. How hard can it be to figure out how to make magnetic keychains? The answer, really hard. Or else everybody would be making millions selling magnetic keychains, but only a few people are because they're really good at it. They found the best magnet people at the best price, the best metal people, the best fabricators. None of this is easy.


We don't like your price for the keychain. That's gouging. Really? Explain to me how to run my business. We don't know how to run your business. Then shut the This is CNN. Here's the same segment. I never make two cuts from the same thing on CNN because this is like the Moron Network. Here they are again, noting that this has been tried before. The government that's too stupid to run the government, trying to run private businesses. It's been tried in these really successful places, the Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela, and it has a 100% success rate of failing every time. Again, CNN clip. Check this out. It also would be very bad for markets. We've seen this thing tried in lots of other countries before, Venezuela, Argentina, the Soviet Union, et cetera. It leads to shortages. It leads to black markets, plenty of uncertain uncertainty. And beyond that, the specific way this bill is written might actually increase prices because of some of the other language in it. Folks, I want to tell you what, they brought up a good point, these guys. The government and its official money printer, the Federal Reserve, can't even control effectively the price of the dollar.


The price of the dollar by inflation or deflation, what a dollar buys, the value of it, they can't even control that. How Why the hell is the government going to control a magnetic keymaker? They're too stupid. Now, because folks, I hate being put in some partisan box. I'm a conservative first, a Republican, believe me, a distant second. I am not ever going to tell you that dumb Republicans haven't fallen into this same trap. The government is going to control the economy. They have. Richard Richard Nixon tried it. He was a Republican, wanted a big landslide. His re-election, Wall Street Journal. It's a good piece. It's not inaccurate. Kamala Harris endorses Nixonomics. They note in a piece that, by the way, Kamala Harris is promising to fight price gouging in supermarkets. The journal notes there's no evidence, basically at all, that supermarkets or food retailers are gouging anyone. Food prices are higher than they were before the Biden presidency, but it's because Because of inflation. Retail grocery prices have risen roughly in tandem with wholesale prices, meaning the supermarkets are charging more because they're paying more to get the stuff. Supermarkets also have narrow margins on sales, roughly 2% compared to 8% on average for other businesses.


Basically, Kamala Harris thinks you're a moron. None of what she's saying is actually true. They note the last American President to try price controls was Nixon. He had stage of humiliating retreat amid shortages and market dislocations, and prices immediately soared when controls were lifted. Oh, man. Folks, this is extremely dangerous stuff. I need you to listen to me. We now have a set of open communists running for President. Tim Walls, Tampon Tim, Doritos Tim, right? We have Doritos here running for President as a Communist, for vice President, with an open Communist running on actual Soviet price controls. We have a Communist running for President. This is extremely dangerous. I get it. You've heard it. It's the most important election of your lifetime. It is. It is the most important election of your lifetime. By the way, if you live in Florida, there's a primary tomorrow. Make sure you vote in a primary tomorrow in Florida. Folks, here is Communist Kamala. That's exactly what she is. She is a Communist. The proof is everywhere. Everywhere. Government take over health care, price controls. Here's a recently resurface clip from our last run for office. Here's Kamala, outright Communist, saying she wants to confiscate people's patents.


So just to be clear, you invent a new way to make a cassette tape or whatever it is, back in the... They want to confiscate that because the government's entitled to your earnings, not you. She didn't say that. Okay, listen to yourself. Check this out. I will snatch their patent so that we will take over. Yes, we can do that. Yes, we can do that. Yes, we can do that. The question is, do you have the will to do it? I have the will to do it. What else could you possibly want to see? You've got less than 70 years. Early voting starts very soon. You've got half that time. You have an open commi running. She is a Communist. Can I Let me ask you a simple question again, folks. Chat, please help me. I'm not trying to be a jerk. Anyone in the chat who doesn't understand this, I will send you the link to the Charlie Brown Encyclopedia about Economics. I will send you the link. You can go pick it up yourself, okay? Does anyone not understand why you would never get another invention if people can't profit from the invention?


There was a lady who lived next door to me when I was in Saverna Park. Her name was Rachel. She invented this hair clip product called the Clever Clip. You ever see those little like, stock holder thingies like that? You know what? They look like a U, like a thin U, and the sock gets looped through it. Sometimes you see hangers that look like that, too, with pants. Well, one day in college, this lady, Rachel, was looking for a thing for her hair, and she couldn't find it. She took the stock thing, and she did the hair thing and clipped it, and she was like, wow. Then she invented this product called the Clever Clip. You know what they do? They patent these things, okay? Because they make money on them. They make money on of them. If you steal people's patents, nobody's going to invent anything, or they're going to take it to another country. Does anybody not understand this? This is what happens when an idiot like communists Kamala Harris runs for President, who has never had a real job in her adult life, ever. She is an idiot. Here's Charlie Gasparino. He's the Fox, one of the business guys over at Fox.


He's got some good contacts in the field. Wall Street people, I got news for you, ladies and gentlemen, this may shock you. A lot of Wall Street people are diehard lips. You know that? They are. Look at it. Corzine, the old governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, these are all Wall Street guys. He's noting that even these Wall Street lefties, their research departments are working overtime to alert clients about the potential for the socialist economic agenda of Kamala Harris since her speech on Friday, especially since there are calls for price controls. He notes, even the gentle souls of finance can't escape the reality that Kamala Harris is clueless about business. Price controls always lead to shortages and is looking to take the country down a dangerous socialist path. Folks, the goons lefties at Wall Street who've been screwing us over forever, even they're worried about the communists. She's a commie. Snapshots and sound bites, kids. Snapshots and sound bites. That's why I love this short ad from the Trump team about the communist ticket. Harris Walls, commies. Hammer and sickle commies, straight up commies. Snapshots and sound bites. Keep it punchy. That's why this ad, pay close attention, because I promise it's short, is one of the best I've ever seen.


You ready? All right, go. A loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50%. I'm Donald Trump, and I approve this message. Did you? Snapshots and sound bites. Did you miss it? It's good, right? Best spot I've seen yet. That is Kamala Harris's Communist agenda. Now you see why black markets are going to develop the minute she gets in? Because people aren't going to pay that. What happened when they put confiscatory taxes on cigarettes? You get a black market for cigarettes. None of this is new. Here's Larry Cudlow explaining this, by the way, why people are hurting so bad? Folks, you can get a nominal raise due to inflation. If it buys less stuff, you're making less money. The only thing you should be concerned about are real wages. Real wages, i. E, what What your money buys, not the number. The number is meaningless. What it buys is what matters. Check this out. Wages have not kept up with prices. That's right. You have what I call the affordability crisis, where real wages are falling about 4% over the course of the Biden-Harris term, and average families can't afford it.


Mortgage rates are still It's what your money buys, it matters. Not the number at the end of the paycheck. What does it buy? But don't worry, folks. Kamala the Communist and her Communists Running Mate. Don't worry, he's got Doritos. If you guys are listening on Apple and Spotify, you may have to go to the 49 minute mark. Just watch. Things just randomly pop up on the screen now. Straight up commies. This is what communists do. They try to break down. Can I get a little wonky here for a second? Forgive me, I'll make it real quick. One of the things communists, like Kamala Harris and Tim Walsh love to do, is break down any objective truth. Objective truth, meaning evil is real, values come from the family, this thing. Anything objective, male, female, they need to break it down. Because once they break down the fact that there's no objective truth, no God, there's no evil versus good, then the government can do anything to people because it's not evil, because the ends justify the means. You get it? Anything objective. There is a reason they are involved in gender warfare. It's not because they don't know what a woman is.


It's they don't want you to know what a woman is because anything objective, male and female, has to be wiped out. Don't ever forget this clip where she was such a radical moron on the stage with CNN and Chris Cuomo. Even Chris Cuomo was taken aback by her giving out her pronouns as if anyone was confused as to who she was, a male or a female. Remember this? Good to see you, Senator. Thank you for joining us. I appreciate it. How are you? How are you? Anna. Thank you, guys. My pronouns are she, her, and hers. She, her, and hers? Mine, too. All right. All right, first question for the night. The cringiest... Did you forget about that? Chris Cuomo is like, Okay, yeah, me too. Because he's so confused by the stupid. He's like, She's actually doing this? Oh, gosh. She practiced that. Some focus group told her to say that. She is the most inauthentic, fake, phony person. You got Cardoops? She got Doritos? She's a fraud. I get it. They're all phonies, folks. Some people fake it better and at least do smart things. Kamala Harris doesn't fake it, and does dumb things that get people killed, like communism.


I'm going to help you out here because I love you. I try not to play these too much. If you see Milton Friedmann, honestly, they know it's probably a pretty slow news week because I like to take those opportunities to put a little educational material. Look, I got two full-paid... I promise you that's not the case today at all. I really need to play this before the election. It's only about a minute. This is Milton Friedmann describing why Kamala Harris expanding the government even more than it is now is such a threat to you. Tax rates matter, but what matters more is what the government spends. Because whether you're paying it in taxes now or taxes tomorrow or inflation today, every single government debt is paid by you. Every debt. Don't forget it. Save this clip and play this clip for every one of your liberal friends and ask them to debate you. It's only a minute long. What government spends is what matters, and Kamala wants to spend a whole lot more. Watch this. As I said before, keep your eye on one thing and one thing only, how much government is spending, because that's the true tax.


Every budget is balanced. There is no such thing as an unbalanced federal budget. You're paying for it. If you're not paying for it through in the form of explicit taxes, you're paying for it indirectly in the form of inflation or in the form of borrowing. The thing you should keep your eye on is what government spends. And the real problem is to hold down government spending as a fraction of our income. And if you do that, you can stop worrying about the debt. Folks, Kamala Harris wants to spend more, not less. Every dollar spent is a dollar taken from you in the form of a tax, in the form of inflation, and in in a form of a lower quality of life, period. Jd Vance had a... Jd is getting better. He had a hell of a weekend again. He is just killing it on any... Come on, Anita. He's crushing it. Anita and the McGroin crew. We were thinking, he was talking about this morning, the original McGroin. Remember Holden McGroin, how the whole thing started? At the end of the year, we're going to do a shout out to you, McGroin. The original McGroin show.


Jd has been crushing on the weekend shows. Here he is this weekend. One of the best analogies I've ever heard on TV, why allowing Kamala to control the government budget as president and inflation? Listen to this analogy. You'll get it after it's done. Check this out. The American people just don't buy the idea that Kamala Harris, who has been vice president for three and a half years, is somehow going to tackle the inflation crisis in a way tomorrow that she hasn't for the past 1,300 days. Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy, Shannon, it's like giving Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy. The American people are much smarter than that. They don't buy the idea that Kamala Harris represents a fresh start. She is more of the same. It is doubling down on the failed policies of the Harris administration to give Kamala Harris a promotion rather than to fire her, which is what I think most Americans are going to do on November. How did he... Did you see Shadow Brief's face? That's hilarious. Let it control inflation. They put Jeffrey Epstein in charge of human trafficking. Jd, again. What did I tell you?


Listen to your boy, Dan. Listen. Listen. I know these guys. I know these guys. I promise it's only going to get better. Guy is a freaking bulldog. That is one of the best things I've ever heard on TV. All right, I'm going to end the show today with something hilarious, okay? This guy Jason works with me, social media good guy. This week, I I'm in the house, we're moving. I'm all tired. I'm sitting down. I needed a good last, so I'm just scrolling through X. I see on Jason's feed, he's like, Oh, my gosh, you got to hear this comedian. Every time I hear, you got to hear this comedian, I'm like, Yeah, boy, it's not going to be funny. But I was like, Whatever. I was sitting at the couch. I had a minute or two. I'm like, Let me play this clip. Have you ever heard of this guy, Drew Dunn? Anyone in the chat? This guy, I don't know him, never met him. Again, I don't care about any of his politics. If you're funny, you're funny. I'm not interested. Wait, this guy He has the funniest clip. Listen, I get it.


It's about the whole Trump thing, but we got to learn to at least laugh a little bit, even in times of crisis. It keeps us all saying, Drew Dunn has his bit about the Butler. Just listen about what happened with the assassination plot. You tell me at the end. Check this out. All the conspiracy theories come out around it, too. I don't know what to believe. All I do know is that if our government tried to do an assassination attempt, that's how it would look. It was very inefficient. That was the DMV of assassination in town. That was not good. They had a very small budget, you could tell. They wanted to do it with a grassy knoll at a parade like they were used to. They're like, We can't swing that. We got to do a tin roof at a town fair. That's all we got. Can't get any ex-military people to take the shot. Let's get the kid who came in last place on his marksman team. That apparently high schools have marksman teams. I've never tried it. Dude, that was just one big government block of cheese. That's all I wanted. I was hoping Trump was going to come out the same day, here still bleeding, and do the press conference.


They tried to shoot me. They tried to shoot me. They were too slow, and I'm too fast. I dodged the bullet. They didn't even see. At Drew Dunn Comedy. We're going to give him a follow. I laughed. Listen, it's crazy times. Sometimes you need to take a blow some steam off. Folks, thanks so much for tuning in. Please download the Rumbl app. Rumbl is growing. Rumbl Premium is out there for you. If you want an ad-free experience, you can subscribe. We would love to have you. Helps us fight cancel culture. You could also subscribe to my locals if you want all three hours of the radio show. The button's right there on the Rumbl account. Join us every day, 11 AM live for free. Rumble. Com/bongino. Rumble. Com/bongino. Download the Rumbl app. Also, please give us a follow for our podcast, The Dan Bongino Show on Apple and Spotify. It means a lot to us. It keeps us on the charts. We deeply appreciate it. See you on the radio show here in Rumbl in a few minutes, and back here tomorrow at 11 AM. Thanks for tuning in. You just heard The Dan Bongino Show.