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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


You know, folks, we've been doing this Hero of the Day segment at the end of every show, every day. And, you know, it's meant to kind of put a smile on your face, knowing that even with all the bad news, there are some good people out there doing really good things today. We're not going to end the show with a Hero of the Day segment. We're going to start the show with a Hero of the Century segment.


I think it's obvious, given the untimely passing of my hero of the century, Rush Limbaugh, that that's who we're going to start the show acknowledging his efforts to really change the country for the better. I've got a lot to say on that. I've got a lot more as well as a lot of information that came out yesterday, the ongoing disaster in Texas, the ongoing attacks on Florida, and a stunning piece by Glenn Greenwald about all the misinformation making its way into the mainstream media about January 6th and what happened on that day Today show brought to you by Express VPN.


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Go to Brickhouse Nutrition. Dr. Dan Brickhouse Nutrition dot com slash. Dan that's Brickhouse Nutrition dot com slash Danus promo code. Dan today. All right, so let's go. My brother, we may have to call that the rush bell from now we get the Kenny Bell, maybe we'll call that rush bell. So folks, yesterday was a really devastating day when we wrapped up recording this show. Sadly, we found out the awful news that Rush Limbaugh was taken from us way too soon.


He was only 70. Rush probably had a good, solid 30 more years of transforming the political landscape. And now we're left without him. There have been relatively few people in the history of the Republic who have had such a profound effect on the politics of the country than Rush Limbaugh. He changed everything. As I said the other day, it's not that Rush Limbaugh said it was in multiple Fox appearances and I meant it. It's not that Rush Limbaugh changed the game.


Rush Limbaugh invented the game. You know, Michael Jordan was a really spectacular basketball player, the most dominant athlete of his time in any sport, and he had about a 10 to 15 year run where he was the most talented, most valuable player in the game. I think in any sport, a game changer in every respect, but. Michael Jordan did not invent basketball. Not only was Limbaugh the MVP of talk radio for 30 years, number one, the best player on any team anywhere, he invented the conservative national talk radio platform.


Please understand that for all the leftist lunatics who are piling on, rush piling on and the death of Rush, because you're evil people, evil has no place here. That's the lesson. No, no evil has a place right in your hearts. And we've seen it over and over when conservatives pass and are taken from us way too soon. Understand to the liberals listening and others, even the younger folks out there, liberal or otherwise, who don't understand the profound nature of what Rush did.


Rush invented the game. Talk radio existed before Rush. He didn't invent radio, he didn't invent talk radio, he didn't even invent political talk radio. But what he did invent. Is national conservative talk radio, the meat and potatoes you were all used to have talk radio you could not. And Joe Jo, listen, producer Jo has been involved in radio for about as long as I've been alive. He is on a station that carried Rush that carried on and they carried he was the Sieben forever.


Still a great station in the Baltimore area. Got a lot of friends over there. Joe, was there a long time? Joe, would it be proper to say that you couldn't drive 50 miles almost anywhere in the United States without getting a signal where Rush Limbaugh would be on the air?


Is that a fair assessment? I think so. And he was everywhere and he was everywhere nationwide. And he was worried. But I think even 50 miles I'm being I was probably closer to 15 miles. You couldn't drive anywhere. And it was what was the the triumvirate, the titans of radio from 12 to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, it was Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, you I'm telling you, there's not a place in the country, probably 15, 20 miles, where you couldn't drive and you wouldn't hear one of those three on the radio.


And Rush started it all. Yeah. Yep, I forgive me yesterday for not I heard he passed, I mean, I'm not telling you five minutes after we got off the air and I debated, what do I do? Do I do a Facebook live? Do I do a parlor video? Do I go back on the air and do a special? And I thought the only way to do this right. To acknowledge the greatness of this titan of the conservative movement is to take a while and put together a proper segment.


So let me do my best here. Remember, he didn't change the game. He invented the game. Here is the opening of Rush's show yesterday, and you'll notice the voice that opens the show, I'll play about 45 seconds of it. It was it was a very eloquent opening. But the voice you'll hear at the opening of Rush Limbaugh's show yesterday, sadly, was not Rush Limbaugh. Check this out.


Know everyone I know that I am most certainly not the Limbaugh that you tunes in to listen to today. I, like you very much. Wish Rush was behind this for the microphone right now, welcoming you to another exceptional three hours of broadcasting for over 32 years. Rush has cherished you, his loyal audience, and always look forward to every single show. It is with profound sadness I must share with you directly. That our beloved Ross, my wonderful husband, passed away this morning due to complications from lung cancer.


I mean, goosebumps. Look, can you see those are bad goose bumps? I don't think I've had goose here. Bumps than that, I mean, a piece of all of us, right, was like ripped out. Like a collective Band-Aid that we all wore just ripped off at one time, I mean, we Rush was the godfather. A lot of us in this business and in politics and just, you know, regular working Americans who found some sanity in Russia's three hour broadcast every day.


You know, a lot of us tuned in to Rush sometimes when we just couldn't put. Couldn't put together how we were supposed to see things. Sometimes we listen to Rush and be like, what did we miss? And you'd watch and listen to the show some of you watched on the ditto cam and you'd say, you know what? Now, now, now I get it. Now it makes more sense. You know, Rush wasn't kidding, Joe.


Remember Rush, Joe Rush pretended to be on the air a big, like kind of arrogant guy, he thought it was an act rush in real life as anybody who knew him. I did not know Rush personally. I know many people who did on a very personal level who will tell you Rush was it was an act that in the in his real life rush was the most humble down to earth, stacked with humility guy you would ever meet. And is his charitable endeavors are legend.


I'll talk about one of them in a second that you probably hadn't heard of. But to do what he did for as long as he did. To transform the movement. It's just tough to grasp how, you know, we're going to go forward without without having his voice, their. Can I can I tell you? I'm sorry, because I don't I feel like I'm doing the man a disservice, like we all learned from Rush, we all every single person in this space when it when he I almost lost myself there.


I'm sorry. Joe, remember when he used to joke that sometimes I get off on tangents and. Mm hmm. Remember he used to say in his show, he's a hall host, your you all talk radio show hosts out there and let your show prep again.


It was a joke, but it was a joke. He was pretending. In other words, what he was saying is all you other second rate and believe me, we were all second rate compared to Rush all you second rate B teamers. Here's what you're going to talk about today, because I'm Rush Limbaugh and I'm going to dictate the conversation. It was a joke. It was a faux bravado. He did as a joke. It was a shtick.


But, Joe, I think you can acknowledge it really wasn't. It wasn't. People did listen to Rush Limbaugh in this industry. Joe, am I making this up? You know, the people did listen to Rush Limbaugh to say to themselves, yeah, OK, what am I going to talk about today and how should I frame it? Matter of fact, yeah, one of the reasons Joe and I are little known story. And it's true, one of the reasons Joe and I just randomly decided to record our show, we start at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time.


And the show goes live around noon or so Eastern Time, then it is broadcast on terrestrial radio later. One of the reasons Joe and I picked that time is because we didn't want the temptation to listen to Rush and be like, we got to just repeat that. Right. We wanted to get out ahead because the temptation because he was so good. I am not messing with you. Joe knows the temptation. He was so good. Rush to listen to Rush and just do what Rush did was so great.


The only way to avoid it was to get out before Rush, there wasn't trying to beat. Nobody beats Rush, nobody. We have a substantial audience rush with the KIG light years ahead of us. Let's just show up again. He wasn't kidding. That's why this show airs early, because the temptation to listen to him and repeat it was so great. You know, I never get distracted, and you can probably tell. Today that I'm just I.


I want to tell my story, if I could, just quick, you know, we all had them make the first time you heard Rush, right? I remember driving up to Queens College where I was going obviously to college at the time, and I forget what was going on at that dreadful Hillary Clinton Hillary care disaster or whatever it was. You know, I'm in college with a bunch of liberal professors. I mean, it's a city university in New York, Queens College.


You know, there's no conservatives there. Very few, at least. And I just had never been exposed to conservative thought in my life, and I remember of trying to park my car, you can't park anywhere near Queens College now, used to be able to and turn it on the radio and hear in this guy. And I'm like, you know, I knew he was, but thinking, man. This cat really makes sense, like what have I what have I been missing?


But it's not just those rush stories. We all have them when you first heard Limbaugh, right. We all have these stories, too, if you're like Joe and I and Drew and others in this space who produce content or been on the back end of it. And Joe can probably attest to this, too, we all have a story of when you were first mentioned on Rush Limbaugh, whether it was your station where Joe was at WCB, WCB, the fifty thousand stembridge out that they had Limbaugh's voice.


But flame thrower. Yeah, that's right. That's right. That's right. But we all have a rush story, too. In the business of the first time you were mentioned on the show, I was at Oneko Castle in New York. I don't know what I was doing. I was up there for an event and I did a segment on Fox News that morning on Benghazi is a long time ago. And by phone, such ringing off the hook.


OMG, Rush Limbaugh, Limbaugh's talking about you right now, they think there's a phone going crazy, right? We all have stories like that. When Limbaugh first mentioned your article, if you wrote at Town Hall or Conservative Review or Breitbart or whatever it may be, Limbaugh brought up your article. That article promptly got seventy two million clicks and shut the website. We all had we all had stories like that. He was the godfather. Irreplaceable. The other thing about Rush, you know, folks, he never dialed it in, and if he did dial it in, you never knew.


Again, Joe and I've been in radio a long time, I've guest hosted the largest shows in the world, never Limbaugh, but Hannity, Levin, millions and millions of people. There are times you're just really tired. What are the tricks, Joe? Tell me if I'm wrong in any of these when when you just. You're sick. Yeah, come on, Joe. I mean, he has been behind the engineering board for 30 years. You're sick.


You know, you have a health scare. You're just tired. You didn't sleep well. What are the tricks? Take a lot of callers. Right. What else do they call? What else you kickers. Kickers. Right. Kicker stories. They give you the kickers sound. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I see. Joe knows all the true kicker stories like you talk about a sports thing that happen in stories that don't require you to think anything through.


Russia never did that. He never did. He had open line Friday, and that wasn't him dialing it in, that was just him interacting with his audience and giving them a special thing on his show. But Russia never dialed it in. And if he did dial it in, you never knew because that's how talented Russia was. Russia could take the kickers, like what would be a kicker today, a kick or something about like, you know, some dopey story, like, you know, and I don't say dopey not don't like a story that doesn't require you see this all the time.


You know, UPS, guy witnesses, someone fall in the street, helps them up. This is great. That's a cool story. But it's not something like you can go on all day about. Wow, that's really nice video ups guy helping this young kid. Right Joe. But Joe Rush, we take the kicker and make it like it's like the most fascinating story ever.


Let me tell you about my time at UPS and you be like, the guy's a genius, the guys that you like, he never dialed it in. And when he did, you didn't even know you'd go out of the car. Right. You'd have to get on the app. You want to hear the end of the UPS story? Do you understand the skill it takes to do that, you have any idea, folks, it's just a fact.


It's not any kind of hey, look at me time. It's not the time for that. I have filled in that big, big, big shows a lot. Radios really hard. It's three hours. You have to hit marks all the time. Joe knows about hard outs, you know what hard outs mean means you have to hit it to the second you baby. You got like maybe a two or three second window. You have to hit it to the second.


You can't stop Midford. Let me tell you a story about Russian, and that's what's going to happen, you don't even get the ass ups, they'll cut you off. You know how hard that is to do. There's no script. There's no prompter. Speaking of markets, that's why I love the show, because I make the money, I got to get to my second sponsor because I don't have to do what I love about pocket. There's no more.


I do whatever I want. I've been at it 17 minutes and 50. I do what I want. You can't do that radio before I get to the second sponsor. I didn't even attend that hearing. No, I'm not hitting the marks as a story about the marks. I will never forget the time in the green room, and I'm not allowed to say who it was, but she's a really cool person. She was asked to fill in for Lytvyn on radio.


And one of the producers, the giving, can attest to this story, and she failed and a couple of weeks after I ran into her in the green room, awesome person, by the way, like superstar rock star. And we were talking about Levin and radio and she goes, oh, my gosh, I can't believe it was that hard. I'm like, well, what happen? Because I've been doing radio for a while and I'm like, well, what happened?


Somebody messed me. No, no, no. It's not that. I just didn't realize how hard it is to talk about stuff for three hours. I'm like, oh yeah. You think like you go on Fox, you're lucky if the hits five minutes, they call them hits and hits. It's every hit appearances, hits, they call it. If you get a hit five minutes or more on Fox, that's an iron. That's like an epic.


That's like a thousand years on TV. That's not radio radio. Three hours, two hours and 20 minutes. You've got to talk constantly. Keep it in your head Markes. Cuz everything I got ten seconds left. How do I wrap it up. What happens when you get out early. That's happened to me a few times. Where it's not a soft break, it's a hard break. And you have to fill 10 more seconds. Believe me, folks, 10 seconds of silence is a long time.


You want to try, let's say you. Yeah, a good laugh a little bit because it'll keep us from going along. We're still going. We're still going. It's not even done yet. Seven to one. That's 10 seconds.


Can you imagine if I remember a producer in show one time when I missed the mark and we had like 20 seconds ago, he was like this if you're watching a rumble. He wasn't like he wasn't kneading dough, he was like, stretch the stretch, stretch, just say something. And I was like, this is like the first time I did it, I was like, I forget what I said. But it was so stupid because I couldn't know.


I was I think I was talking about Sarah Silverman, who made a dumb comment, the comedian. And I was like, oh, so so let's talk more about Sarah. Sarah Silverman, still 15 more seconds on, like, you know, Sarah. Silverman, let me spell it for you. 10 as a you got five more are a I'm not kidding. That segment is still out there somewhere. Some genius will find it. That's because I missed the morning rush.


Never missed the mark in 30 years. And the cool part about Rush. Rush was so good at hitting the marks that later in his career, Joe, Joe, you listen to it, you know what? To later in his career, Rush got so good at hitting the mark. He just stopped caring about the marks. Am I messing with Joe Brushwood talk right through the or not? Because he missed it. Because he was Rush Limbaugh. Because he could.


Yeah, right. Maybe his producer, James inertly. I think he was left to talk right through the mark and 40. You got five more seconds. Yeah, sure.


Let me start this. He just didn't care Rush at the end with whatever he wanted because he was he was Rush Limbaugh and he could do whatever he wanted. The man just wasn't just the MVP, he was the MVP for 30 years in a game he invented. This adds, been sitting there forever, just how I will get to that when the ad goes up on my teleprompter and he's read the ad already, you're already 20 minutes past your mark.


I will get to it. This is just important. Stop. You know, everybody's got a bucket list, right? Probably a dumb term, but you know what it is? You got that list of stuff you'd really like to do before you pass an. Given some of the scares I've had myself, the bucket list means a lot to me and one of them that will never be filled, this meeting, Rush Limbaugh. And I thought a lot, not a joke.


Again, not hyperbole for a fact about making this story up because we lost Rush. I'm telling you, this is real. I don't really care about meeting a lot of people the role of disappointment, really. Worked for three presidents, been on Fox for most people will disappoint you, and I just don't care except Rush. I really wanted to be Russian. I always thought what I would say to Russian. I thought the one thing I wouldn't say to Russia is how much he changed my life.


You know why, Joe? Because everyone tells Rush that. Because he did he's told that was told that every day. Not that it didn't mean it meant a lot to him. It's just I thought. It's almost selfishly like, how would I be memorable to Rush, like, I wouldn't want them to forget me in that transaction, even though it only took a second. And I thought I wouldn't say anything. I just shake his hand. And give them a nod by on my life, I thought about that hundreds of times, if I ever met Rush, I would just shake his hand and nod my head and move on, because there's nothing to say to a guy like Rush that he hadn't heard a thousand.


Not that it had meant the world to him, the world to him. Anyone who knew him can tell you that. I just, again, almost selfishly thought, how would I be memorable to such a great guy like Rush? Because it would I wanted it to matter to him as much as it mattered to me. And I thought maybe not saying anything. True story. All right, I want to get to some videos after this, just quick a quick one minute videos, but one we need to see again and another one from a speech he gave in 2009 at CPAC, which if you watch the whole thing, it was an hour and about 20 minutes long.


If you watched the whole speech and I encourage you to do it, it's one of the best speeches you'll have, not just political speeches, one of the best speeches you'll ever hear in your life. I remember like it was yesterday sitting in my living room in Severna Park with the worst seated layout ever. You couldn't even it was Paul is laughing because the living room was like it was like designed to make you uncomfortable. But I remember sitting there on this chaise, the chaise.


I remember watching the whole speech and say, an apple, a hole. That was an amazing speech. All right, today's show brought to you by a power air fryer, this death. Listen, I told you, I'm a nugget's guy. I love chicken nuggets, whatever. I love them. I don't care. I love nuggets. That's why we got the power zl air fryer girl. Why? Because we had about five million different appliances on our kitchen counter with the power Xolair Fryer.


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That's just lame. That's it. You should be arrested for doing something like that.


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Nice go to try power zl dotcom use promo code Bongino one last time try power XLV Dotcom use promo code Mangino Save the pizza save the Nuggets Power Zellar. I'll check it out. So yeah folks sadly you know my bucket list thing I said will never be filled because I really just wanted to meet Rush and you know, I don't like to repeat things I said on Fox, but given the tragedy of losing Rush Limbaugh, The Godfather.


It's important, I repeat again, that people have asked me often, what do you think made Rush so popular? And I always give the example of the French expression we've pulled into English, you know, the genocide qua the genocide. Why use it all the time? And I think the direct translation I don't speak French is I don't know what. And what it means is it's a it's a way to sum up the X Factor, like what made Rush Limbaugh so great.


And he answer is, nobody could tell you if they knew what they'd be Rush Limbaugh. What was it that you know, that he was funny? A lot of people are funny, Lytvyn could be hilarious, Limbaugh was funny, so it wasn't just that. A lot of radio hosts are funny and have no audience at all was that he understood conservatism. We all understand conservatism. Was it that he told cool stories? I don't know, I'd like to think we all tell cool stories.


What was it? Was he, as he said all the time, the big lovable fuzzball was that remember that? I don't know. I have no idea. Janice Equa. But Rush had the choir, whatever the choir is, Rush had the choir. I knew what it was, I bottle it and sell it, and I'd be a trillionaire, I have no idea. I know we have a special. And I know he's not replaceable. He will be replaced, but he's not replaceable.


There's a difference. All right, this is a quick video, this is just worth playing again today, the great president, Donald Trump, giving the great Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom. This is just a minute of that and it's just worth checking out again today. Take a look. Almost every American family knows the pain when a loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness. Here tonight is a special man beloved by millions of Americans who just received a stage for advanced cancer diagnosis.


This is not good news, but what is good news is that he is the greatest fighter and winner that you will ever meet.


Rush Limbaugh, thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our country. And Rush, in recognition of all that you have done for our nation, the millions of people a day that you speak to and that you inspire and all of the incredible work that you have done for charity, I am proud to announce tonight that you will be receiving our country's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. I need you to watch that. I need you to watch it.


Just watch a video version of the show, either you listen to me on terrestrial radio or some digital platform audio only, watch the show Rumbold Dotcom slash Bonjean or not, because I need the views of the CLECs. That's all secondary nonsense. I want you to watch Rush's face. It's not an act, rochus. Was so uncomfortable. With public attention directed at him, he was a very private guy that it's not that he really doesn't know how to respond.


He doesn't get up and do a dance and take a victory lap, he's almost uncomfortable with all the attention. So he does gestures that. I think I or other people who are kind of uncomfortable, public attention would do to you give them the salute, you know, the bow, whatever, you don't know what to do. Thank you. And if people keep clapping because it's Rush Limbaugh and you. Just want them to stop because you're so uncomfortable with the attention that was Rush.


That was Rush. Here's one more one of the greatest speeches I've ever heard, two thousand nine CPAC, I lived in Maryland. Let me tell you something. I kick myself in the teeth forever for not going to see this live. I could have drove right down. I think this was a national harbor at the time. Matter of fact, I know it was no, not National Harbor. It was in the other one. The the they used to have it in downtown D.C. and they moved it to National Harbor.


This is Rush 2009 speech at CPAC. I was watching from my dreadfully laid out living room in Savannah Park that purposely made you uncomfortable. I think the designers quietly hated me, but I watched this and this was just one small snippet of that CPAC speech, which is the stuff of Legend two thousand nine Rush Limbaugh, CPAC. For those of you just tuning in on the Fox News Channel or C-SPAN, I'm Rush Limbaugh and I want everyone in this room and every one of you around the country to succeed.


I want anyone who believes in life, liberty, pursuit of happiness to succeed. And I want any force, any person, any element of an overarching big government that would stop your success. I want that organization, that element or that person to fail.


I want you to succeed. I'm telling you, that's one of probably, again, goosebump it out here, this is really weird. Like I'm telling you, there's a Goussis of goosebumps.


That's one of probably 200 applause lines in there. That speech totally off the cuff. He's only been looking at notes that I'll just blow your mind. 2009, Rush Limbaugh, CPAC. Just an amazing speech. I want to wrap it up on kind of a down note.


I mean, obviously, this is a hold down segment given that we've lost Rush, but it is a celebration of all his contributions. I just want you to remember the evil people you're dealing with on the other side. You know, when Ruth Bader Ginsburg and other liberal scions have passed, I've said on my show and Joe can attest to it and Paul and anyone else here has been involved, you know, we don't ever, ever celebrate or stomp on the graves of the dead.


You know, I tell you, folks, I have some listeners actually who were upset at me because I I'm not kidding. Not a lot. I just a few. But they think that these people did so much damage that. Yeah, you know what? And there'll be time for that. But they have families, too, and those families miss them. And not all of those people have terrible, bad ideas. It's just inappropriate. I'm sorry.


I'm not we don't do that. But that's not the left. An article by Breitbart you'll see in the show notes today, Bungeni dot com slash newsletters.


How you subscribe to ASHO notes Free Hollywood celebrities celebrate Rush Limbaugh's death saying, quote, Cancer killed the cancer. I. Just beg of you humbly and with the greatest of respect. Understand your political opponents. Many of them are genuinely evil, evil. Evil people who would wish you dead to. And all of their nonsense and bumper stickers, Love Trumps Hate. Hate has no place here. Evil has no place here. That's all it is, is a bumper sticker.


The reality is they are filled with hate and rage and will celebrate your death, too. I have an expiration date, folks. I don't know when that is. But I'll tell you right now, I fully expect my family to have to deal with that to. Because that's the sickness we're dealing with on the left. They're the real cancer on our society. Now, instead of leaving you with an overly dower note, Rash always loved a good parody, he loved the good parody of his show, while sometimes parody becomes real life.


The Babylon B is a parody site, but the Babylon B yesterday decided to unpretty themselves and put out a headline on a parody site that is in fact real. The Babylon B Russia would have loved this. The party of love and progress rejoices over the death of political opponent. I think Rush would love that headline, that's a satire site. Not engaged in satire. Meant to be satire, but unfortunately very real. No, your political opponents, folks, these are genuinely evil people.


I was going to cover this content later in the show, but I believe it's a really important story. Just moving on here into another segment. This will be in the show notes. And I need you to read this again up on slash newsletter. Our newsletter is the show notes. I will email you these stories every morning. I try to pick five or six stories you must read. Police. This one's worth your time, Glenn Greenwald is a not a conservative again, I hate to keep saying this, but it's critical to understanding the fall of modern journalism in America that a guy who is a self-proclaimed leftist on many issues, Glenn Greenwald, is one of the few real journalists left in America who's actually covering facts.


Glenn Greenwald is not a conservative. He has a substance. I strongly recommend you subscribe to just go to substract that can't put in Greenwald's name and you'll get actual journalism. Again, he's not a conservative. But he has a respect for his craft. And one of the things Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson have been highlighting is, listen, you can't fall into this trap about the January 6th incident of promoting misinformation because you're afraid if you tell the truth, you'll be accused of putting lipstick on what happened.


I'm not doing that. Nobody I know is doing that. That was a very serious, tragic event. What happened, and it shouldn't have happened. There were people who were hurt. There was a woman who was killed. People did die. But that is not and will never, ever, ever be an excuse for lying to people, ever, ever. And we will not do it on this show. You will listen to me take this golden rule out, this tautological fact.


You will never, ever, ever be on the wrong side of history if you just speak the truth. Tucker says that every night he says that thing is the truth, the truth matters, even if it involves. You know. Lobbing a stink bomb into a room of journalists who are just lying to you and having to say, hey. I'm sorry, everybody needs to wake up and smell what's going on here. Greenwald in this piece today does just that.


Glenn Greenwald, February 16, the false and exaggerated claims still being spread about the capital riot. Insisting on factual accuracy does not make one an apologist for the protesters false reporting is never justified, especially to inflate threat and fear levels. A man. The facts matter, the truth matters. So what false stories is Greenwald talking about stories with no basis, in fact, whatsoever that some people believe are true because the media made them up. Here's one a highlight from the piece.


He covers the New York Times headline about the tragic death of a fellow brother in blue, a hero nonetheless. Brian sic Nick, I don't care how he died. Listen, he is I don't I'm talking about in relationship to the tragedy, but how he died is important for the facts. That is heroism, here's a New York Times headline. Terrorism speaks for itself and you swear in. He dreamed of being a police officer. New York Times headline then was killed by a pro Trump mob.


They go on Mr. Senik, 40 to. They say the Trump rioters attacked the Citadel democracy, overpowered Mr. Senik, 42, and struck him in the head with a fire extinguisher, according to two law enforcement officials with a bloody gash in his head, Mr. Michnik was rushed to the hospital and placed on life support. He died on Thursday evening. Folks, you're never, ever wrong if you speak the truth. Unfortunately, that story is not true.


So why why would The New York Times harm the family? Spout untruths about. Officer Psionic, why would they why would they do that? The man died. The tragedy speaks for itself, why make up a story, that story, ladies and gentlemen, is not true. Well, let's go to screenshot number two, where Greenwall expounds a little bit on why this made up story made its way all around the world and it's still out there. He talks about the deaths of the protesters, he says, but none of the other four deaths at the hands of protesters, the only other person killed with deliberate violence was a pro Trump protester, Ashley Babbette, unarmed when shot in the neck by a police officer at close range.


The other three deaths were all pro Trump protesters, Kevin Greeson, who died of a heart attack outside the Capitol. Benjamin Phillips, the founder of pro Trump website, called Trump Uru, who died of a stroke that day, and Rosann Boyland, a fanatical Trump supporter whom the Times says was inadvertently killed in a crush of fellow rioters during their attempt to fight through a police line. Goes on, This is why the fire extinguisher story became so vital to those intent on depicting these events in the most violent and menacing way possible without sick Nick having his skull bashed in with a fire extinguisher.


There were no deaths that day that could be attributed to deliberate violence by pro Trump protesters. You can never, ever go wrong with the truth. You will be vilified. You will be attacked by communists and Provida media people, by propagandists and others. But you can fairly criticize the disaster that happened that day and the fallout from it. Without having to lie to people. That is not what happened, officer signee, he was not hit with a fire extinguisher.


Just tell the truth. Well, here is another one, you were told another lie. Is a headline from The New York Times again. FBI arrests a man who carried zip ties into the capital. I think Glenn Greenwald says. But on January 20, first the zip tie man's own prosecutors admitted none of that was true. He did not take zip ties with him from home or carry them into the Capitol. Instead, he found them on a table and took them to prevent their use by the police.


No one's excusing anyone's behavior inside the Capitol, it's not what's happening at all. But kind of relevant no to the story. That he didn't take zip ties into the Capitol with him. Why would that be relevant? Well, let's think this through for a minute. Why would The New York Times be eager to lie to you again, like with the second story of their version of that story? And tell you that this guy found inside the Capitol brought those zip ties in.


Well, it lended to their narrative that this was some premeditated kidnaping event in this guy had these zip ties to take lawmakers. And zip tie their hands and take them away or whatever the problem is, the prosecutors in the case didn't say that. Right. He found the zip ties inside and not excusing it, please don't misinterpret at all what I'm saying. He found the zip ties inside and took them because he said he didn't want the police to get them or whatever it was.


Not smart. But kind of kills your premeditation narrative, doesn't it? You never go wrong with the truth, folks, ever. You'll be attacked for the truth. You know, real truth tellers will never have a safe space ever. That's OK. I've accepted that. But you'll never be on the wrong side. Right. If you tell the truth. All right, let me get to my last sponsor and then let me see where do we go to next?


You know, what can we do the Texas stuff, guys, the video of the Republicans, that news story, we do have video next. And then let's do the Wall Street Journal story about the the Texas situation, because it's important. All right. Let me get you caught that we got a whole new team here. We got the thumbs up. All right, Jianyu. So listen up, ladies and gentlemen. Sharmini is extended their Valentine's Day sale for one more week.


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I'm tired of it today. I wake up every morning trying to get you facts and unfortunately, to get to the facts, which should be easy enough to do. First, we have to dismantle the fake facts. The left told you like the story about officer sickness they wanted out there and the story about the zip tie guy, both of which are false. You can all create and form in your head responsible opinions about what you think happened or didn't.


But you're never going to be able to do that. And we're never going to be able to fix these problems if we don't have the darn facts because we don't understand the problem to begin with. It's happening again with this ongoing disaster in Texas, with their meltdown of their energy grid. People are freezing, people died. We want to solve this problem. Joe, do we not? Is that not the goal of public policy is to look at problems, get some smart people who can figure things out and some hands on people with some expertize in the room and say what happened?


What led to the failure on January 6th? How do we fix it? What led to this failure of the electric grid? How do we fix it? It's impossible to do that if when you get to the question what led to this failure? Everybody lies to you. I'm tired of the spin and the fairy tales about the Texas electric grid meltdown, given their cold temperatures, covered it yesterday. Just quickly today, here we go again. I'm going to play a quick video for you.


What did I tell you that whenever the left has a narrative, they're uncomfortable with that they're wind farm dreams failed in Texas, they immediately make the story not about their failures or the failure of wind farms in Texas. They make the story about conservatives and Republicans and their response to it. Once you see the headlines, you'll never unsee it. Republicans pounce, Republicans seize on, Republicans jump. Conservatives jump, conservatives seize. Here we go again. Here is a story from newsie or whatever it may be, is a quick video.


Listen to the beginning about how the story's not about when it's about Republicans jumping or pouncing or seizing. Once you hear it, you'll never hear it again. A perfect example of what the left does to distract from their failures and make the story about the Republican response. Check this out.


As millions tried desperately to survive the bitter cold waters, our lawmakers and commentators are jumping at a chance to supercharge the debate over Texas power grid.


This shows how the green New Deal would be a deadly deal for the United States of America. Our win and our solar got shut down and they were collectively more than 10 percent of our power grid.


The governor arguing that puts strain on the natural gas power supply to reduce it to a conversation about renewable energy at this point in time is is outrageous. In Texas, the push for deregulation so great, there's no incentive at that point for people to to to do what it takes to be able to harden a system.


You can catch it to catch the Republicans jump. Republicans are jumping up, pouncing. Now you're jumping. Next, it'll be leaping and seizing. You're getting this I've been covering this for four years. Excuse me for four years on my show, the Republicans, Pouncer, you'll you'll see it everywhere. Now, it's no one in the media is really interested in diving into what happened. So they talk about the Republican response. First, Republicans pounce, Republicans jump, and then they go into protection mode where that other liberal lawmaker comes and goes.


This is really about deregulation. No, it's about wind turbines not working because we have the actual video of the turbine. Not spinning, we can see it. So, again, let's get to some facts here, because facts matter. Yes, there were failures in the natural gas energy infrastructure in Texas and the nuclear one as well, but who was really at fault? And let's look at raw performance numbers and data, because I thought the left believed, you know, science.


Joe Zorin, I thought they believed in science. Well, science involves data, right? Informed opinions are based on data and facts. Let's go to the Wall Street Journal article again today where we have some actual facts and numbers about who really failed in this Wall Street Journal opinion. Texas spins into the wind. An electricity grid that relies on renewables also needs nuclear or coal power. By the way, The Wall Street Journal, this is not like some far right outlet here, OK?


Let's go to this little chart here are the changes in power output from February 8th to February 16th. Measured is, by the way, the source folks for the state. If you're watching on Rumble, Rumble, Dotcom Bongino, you can see the chart right in front of your face right now. It is super easy to read. It's not complicated even for liberals. The source of your job is the US Energy Information Administration. Again, a government entity under the Biden administration.


This is not some bastion of right wing values, the sources and Bongino Dotcom. Not that we would fudge the numbers, but there's no saying, oh, my God, that's a right wing. Those are right wing numbers. No, no, they're US government numbers under the Biden administration. So here's the changes in power output during this unfolding tragedy. A tragedy in Texas, February eight to the 16. So gas, of course, the left wants to make this all about failures in the natural gas industry, not about their own failures in wind power.


That's where, Joe, because in the charts, I see this crazy thing that gas production was up four hundred and fifty percent over the year that you see you're see you see in that we get to them the policy, they get the OK, we get three to.


So that's really weird. Now, to be clear, there were natural gas pipes that froze the rolling blackouts, stopped natural gas compressors that now run on electricity from pressing out, pushing out the gas to the public. There were failures, but it was only a failure because natural gas produced so much they couldn't produce anymore. They produced four hundred and fifty percent more. Nuclear was down 26 percent, so clearly a failure there call was up 47 percent in their production of energy during this disaster.


But look at wind.


That's that's as weird as I'm pouncing. I'm passing. I'm definitely jumping and seizing, jumping, seizing and passing at the same time. This is really weird. So you're looking at the same chart. I am. When was down 93 percent, 93. That's a lot. Armacost, genius. Yes, that is a lot. There is a lot I thought we do not mind doing numbers, I remember Will Ferrell in Old School, the greatest movie of the trust, try to win the trust, remember, are we in the trust treaty?


I'm just looking at numbers from Biden's own administration. The U.S. Energy Information Administration win lost ninety three percent when natural gas was up 450 percent. And somehow, again, we shouldn't blame wind at all. They should be absolved of anything because Republicans are pouncing, seizing and jumping at the same time. But again, the left is the science of the party or the party of science and the Science Science Party facts, data matter, the left, the left is totally full of folks.


Totally, totally. And a bleep myself. These people are liars, they wake up every morning and they lie to you every single day of your life, there is a leftist plotting on how to lie to you and make you look like a buffoon, whether it was the tragedy of the Sixth and their false made up stories or whether it's their story about how wind was great, it was really just you deregulating natural gas lunatics that didn't none of the data backs any of that up.


You're just making it up. Let me just read this little segment below, it says, Between 12 a.m. on February 8th and February 16th, wind wind power plunged ninety three percent while coal increased forty seven percent and gas four hundred fifty percent, according to the EIA.


Yet the renewable industry and its media mouthpieces are tarring gas, coal and nuclear because they didn't operate at 100 percent of their expected potential during the Arctic blast, even though wind turbines failed nearly one hundred percent. Keep it up, liberal lunatic dunce's, keep it up, keep lying to me, this is where I'll never be Rush Limbaugh. Rush had a nicer way of saying this. That took the edge off this. I don't have that capability that Gen. Equi don't have the I just go right for it because I'm so sick of liberal communists liars.


I am so tired of it. They lie to people through their lying media mouthpieces, and people live the lie every day of their lives. Let me get to one last story about, again, continued liberal lies only stated on this show, not to highlight how liberals are liars. You know, that that's not news, but to deconstruct the liberal lies and give you the facts. So when you're done with this show, unlike liberals, you can live the informed, meaningful lives.


Now, you know, that wind had a catastrophic failure and now, you know, we have to fix it. Deicing Chedid blades, maybe not an overreliance on wind on windmills, maybe more natural gas infrastructure. Those are problems that can be fixed, but not if we lie. I'm not going to lie to you. Here's another media narrative that's driving me absolutely nuts that finally, now that Donald Trump is out of office, the media is waking up a little bit.


Why? Because they're phony frauds. I give them no credit whatsoever for doing this. But here's a media person at MSNBC who finally starts asking questions about, hey, why is it that California and Florida, Florida's performing even a little better? She says similar numbers are not. Florida is performing a lot better. But why is it that California has these draconian lockdowns and isn't doing any better than Florida that doesn't have any of that stuff? This is an MSNBC.


And keep in mind, she deserves no credit whatsoever. She's only doing this because Trump's out of office and they feel like any damage done to Biden is four years away. So now all of a sudden they start doing media, thingy's and journalism. This is our interviewing. Andy Slavitt, Abi Abidin rep on the coronavirus. Check this out.


States like Florida and California and California basically in lockdown and their numbers aren't that different from Florida.


Well, good morning, Stephanie. Look, there's so much of this virus that we think we understand that we think we can predict this just beyond a little bit beyond our explanation.


Thank you. Thank you. By the way, because you may why you cut that so short? Because Joe cut it. He can. It just goes on. It's just dopey. If he does actually answer the question, he just says the key takeaway. Why is California still locked down, not Florida, and yet Florida is performing better than California, it doesn't seem to make a lot sense. And he says, you know, there's quote, there's still so much we don't know.


Thank you. Exactly. The fatal conceit, if you've read Hyeok. The idea that you know things and should put out government wide diktats to impact people's lives, that will destroy their businesses and you only find out after you've destroyed them that quote, there's still so much we don't know. Yeah, maybe you should have thought about that before you decimated the entire economy of the United States. Just the thought. Just a thought. The knowledge problem. What's the knowledge problem that people in government have no knowledge?


That's the problem. Maybe you should have thought that through before the blaze. Article in the place, Dan Horowitz, with no mask mandating schools open, Florida ranks 11th lowest in covid deaths per capita among seniors. Well, I thought they're calling him the governor death. Santurce, of course, they are the great governor around the state of Florida because the left their lunatic, liar, fraud, disgusting, filthy people. They don't want to admit that they're their God, Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom of California, New York have totally failed and a conservative in Florida made them all look stupid.


You want the actual numbers, I know you'll love this tune out now. I know you don't care for same people, Democrats and otherwise Republicans interested in the facts. Here are the numbers about death Santas who has decimated California and New York in performance and in this dreaded scenario, quote the Horowitz piece in the place being the schnozz. What's most striking is that if you rank the number of covid-19 deaths among seniors by state per 100000, Florida ranks 11th lowest in the nation.


Florida suffered four hundred seventy four covid deaths per 100000, while California suffered five hundred seventy three per hundred thousand. Florida beat even some smaller lockdown states as well. Despite the fact, ladies and gentlemen, that Florida has an older population that's very population dense, we still did better look at the chart right here up at the place. For those of you watching on Rumball, that's Florida in yellow at the bottom. But of course, you were lied to, you're still being lied to because your life is a lie, liberalism is a lie.


It's a wart on the caboose of humankind. It's a forest fire that destroys everything. It's a it's a bad fairy tale that never made it to publication that that sadly people fell prey to. It's the Hester printing scarlet letter of society. It's the shaming and cancel culturing of truth tellers. It's the it's the driving them into dark spaces of the Internet because they've dared to speak truth. They'll never be safe spaces for truth tellers, ever. And I'm OK with that.


Let me end with this video, another. Left wing. Radical propaganda promoting media outlet that's finally starting to realize now that they can't damage Trump anymore, that they're ultimately going to have to tell the American people the truth. About the disastrous performance of liberal governors in the coronaviruses era we're living in. I think this is John Berman from CNN, but he's questioning Simon Sanders, a spokesman for the Biden administration spokeswoman, I should say. And he's asking, why aren't teachers back in school?


I'm asking you a simple question, yes or no, this is like a three minute segment we cut down to a minute because again, just like the prior segment, she just babbles on and never answers the question. And even CNN now again, now that they deserve no credit because they can't hurt Trump, even John Berman. I think that's him at CNN. I like this just you're just you're just not answering anything. Check this out.


Prioritizes one thing, and I think there's wide agreement they should be prioritized. And why not? Is it necessary, though? That's the question. It really is a yes, no question.


Well, John, I think the real question, frankly, if I can be frank here, is what you're getting to is is it safe for kids to go back to school? And the president is actually not in this case.


That's not the question. The question is, is it safe for teachers to go back to school? And that's that's a very specific question in this case. And again, I'm not sure I don't understand why it's a hard question to answer. It may be that you want every teacher to be vaccinated. It may be the answer is yes. Teachers should if they can be vaccinated before they return to school, but it's not necessary. Well, John, I think the president has been clear.


The vice president has been clear. And I think I was really clear just now that it is the administration's position, the president and vice president believe that teachers should be prioritized for vaccinations. And in twenty two states at least, and the District of Columbia, that's exactly what is happening. You know, look, I'll try one more time.


I'll try the last. The president does the president feel that the teachers have to be vaccinated in order to open safely? Yes or no?


You'll never get it. I didn't even waste your time with the rest of that because there's no yes or no or answer or anything even resembling an answer, because there's absolutely no reason for teachers to be back at school. None. None. I have worked through this. Joe has worked through this and, you know, for all those out there, I get some comments sometimes, you know, especially people on social media. No, no. It all liberal, you know, angry losers.


The same people celebrating that. The Rush Limbaugh. I say that's easy for you to say. You work from home. Really? What do you think I was doing in a hotel room for two weeks traveling and doing other events? You're suggesting those are all made up? Like I doctored those pictures, by the way, in a hotel, getting treatment, going to a hospital where people were working in a hotel, where people were working, taking cars with people who were working and goober's with people who are working with pilots who flew us to Houston, with people who are working with flight attendants, who are working on the planes, with people who are working in the airports.


But, yes, teachers unions keep telling your folks we're not going back to work despite having the lowest risk we know about. No, no, you don't have to go back. We just all have to go back to work. And by the way, we can't because you don't want your teachers going back into the classrooms. So we have no way to pay for daycare for our kids. So we should do your job, pay the taxes that pay for your job, not be able to go back to work ourselves.


But, yeah, just stick to it by demonstration. That's a real winner in the long run. Great call teachers unions, great cop. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. Again, the loss of Rush Limbaugh is just really going to be a game changer for us going forward. Absolutely irreplaceable. Unique is the most overused, ironically and inappropriately overused word in the English language, not in this case. He was a unique human being, and he said, always, always align your talent on loan from God, and he did that all the time.


Well, God's got his talent back now. And. Love the guy, love the guy, always gave him his proper respect on the show. I'll leave it with this. Most of you get it. Don't doubt me. All right, folks, I'll see you tomorrow. You just heard Dan Bongino.