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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Hey, so a big note of caution. You know what? Penalty. Right away, right at the beginning of the show. Listen, man, this debate thing with Biden, I'm just telling you right now, don't underestimate this guy. I know you're all out of it. Don't underestimate. I get it. He's a clown, a kid sniffer, a plagiarizer, a sociopath, a liar, a woman groper. I totally understand that. But can the guy muster up enough in two hours to put on some even semi-passible performance in a debate, Joe Biden, with the media, the audience, and everyone protecting him? Yeah. It does us no good at all to underestimate this guy in a debate. Why am I talking about a Biden debate. I got that. Big show today, a lot more. I've been raving about Beam's Dream Powder, the Hot Coco for Sleep that I love. Get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to shop Beam, B-E-A-M. Com/bonjino, and use code Bonjino at checkout. I'm just telling you, it does us absolutely no good to talk about this guy and underestimating him in a debate.


It does us no good. What do we get out of it? The answer is nothing. It's like red wave talk. The only thing you're going to do is keep people home. If we win, great, we won. It doesn't make any sense. All right, big show today. Hey, can stress cause you to gain weight and keep you from losing it? A hundred %, yes, it can. A major study found stress can cause hormone changes that spike your insulin, cause hunger and cravings for high fat, high calorie foods. No good. Stress hormones can store extra fat around the midsection and keep you from losing weight. Use non-prescription lean. I love it. It was created by its doctors for busy people with 10 or more pounds to lose. The studied ingredients in lean help burn fat by converting it into energy. Next, lean helps optimize your metabolism so you can burn calories more efficiently. The stuff works. It's fantastic. Lean helps you control your stress-related appetites and cravings. Let lean help you lose weight while you lower your stress. Get 15% off in free shipping at takelean. Com. Enter promo code dan15, dan15. That's promo code dan15@takelean. Com.


Takelean. Com. Check it out. It works. Statements of products have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent any disease. Not a substitute or alternative for care from a health care provider. All right, fellows, let's go. We got a stacked show today. I promised you yesterday, one of the best segments we've done and put together in a long time. To show you what a cancerous forest fire and a malignancy, a wart on the ass of humankind, Joe Biden has become. I put together a list, and guys, it's a pretty extensive list, of agencies just in the last four years, Joe Biden has Absolutely decimated. You're going to love it. But I got a lot to get to first, and first is this debate. So right before we came on the air this morning, Joe Biden, in a hilarious cut, Gee, Tony, your video guys, right? Did you happen to notice something special about this video? It's gone nuclear for all the wrong reasons on Twitter. Joe Biden put out a video challenging Donald Trump to a debate. Has anybody noticed in the 13-second video, there are five jump cuts, meaning he could not even get through 13 13 seconds.


Do you know how short 13 seconds is? 13:33. The guy can't even get through a freaking video without screwing up. Ladies and gentlemen, that was 13 seconds. He couldn't even do that. Watch this.


Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. And since then, he hadn't shown up for debate. Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal. I'll even do it twice. So let's pick the dates, Donald. I hear you're free on Wednesdays.


You guys see the jump cuts? The shifts and angle? Why is he doing that? They're doing it because the guy can't get two or three seconds without messing up. He can't even speak in coherent sentences without word salads and making stuff up. Bring it on, pal. Sounds like such a loser and a dork. Also, there were conditions. Oh, yeah, anytime, anywhere, whatever, All this stuff. Fine. Donald Trump should debate him because the guy's such a loser. He's probably going to smoke him. However, here were the conditions. They don't want any an audience out there. They don't want RFK in the debate, and they want the debate hosted by a bunch of Trade up freaking Communist networks who will do anything to protect Joe Biden. Cbs, ABC, CNN, and Telemundo. Apparently, they've already agreed to a date, June 27th. Folks, I have zero doubt. Donald Trump will absolutely annihilate in cataclysmic fashion, Joe Biden. I'm just saying with a note of caution for all of us, the Trump team, I don't think they will, but we should not underestimate this guy simply because of this one reason. It does us no good. If we go in overprepared and we bury this guy and he drops another one or two points in the polls, great, awesome.


But if we go in saying we're going to smoke the guy and it turns out to be a push because the media protects them, they shut off Trump's mic, and they pull all their tricks. It was a huge mistake. We had an opportunity to bury this campaign for this guy, and we didn't take it. Folks, the man is a forest fire. What I am going to present to you today in this show is indisputable evidence that this is the worst president we've had in modern United States history. Everything he touches, he destroys. We're going to go through the FBI, the Secret Service, FDIC, DOJ, SEC, FAA, military, FDIC, DHS. Everything he touches, he destroys. But I want to get to the news that happened yesterday first because it was important. The Twinkies trial up in New York is turning into an absolute abomination for this guy. I've never seen a political backfire like this. It keeps getting worse. Yesterday, on the stand, again, was Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former lawyer. He was under cross-examination, folded like a cheap suit, and was completely exposed for just disgusting attacks on Donald Trump. I want you to keep in mind this guy was his former lawyer.


I want you to remember something I discussed yesterday because it's important, and it's an angle that's frequently left out of a lot of the coverage. When you're not a lawyer and you're in court, you're a guy like me who was either an investigator or a cop, whatever it is, you see court different. You start to read people and see what they're... You have to tap into your social IQ, not so much your legal one. Whether they like you or not as a witness is 90% of the game. No. No, yes, it's true. 10% of the game is what you 90% is how you say it. Michael Cohen yesterday came off like a complete tool. I want you to watch this segment from Fox yesterday, where they talk about some of the disgusting stuff Cohen said about Trump. The guy is totally unlikable. He's collapsing as a witness. It is unbelievable to see in live time. Check this out. On TikTok, Cohen referred to Trump as a dictator D-bag and also said he belongs in a cage like an effing animal. I mean, for Todd Blanch to bring this stuff up shows a huge degree of animosity on Cohen's part, which could suggest to the jury that Cohen, when testifying for the state, might be willing to say anything to put Trump in jail.


Listen to me, your good friend, Dan. I'm telling you this is a brilliant move by Todd Blanch, one of Donald Trump's lawyers. It's a brilliant move. It has nothing to do with the legality of what's going on because this is not a legal case. No law has been broken. There is no crime. If you doubt me, I'm going to play a segment for you coming up here in second. We had it late to the show to prove to you there is no crime. Even lefties don't know what the crime is. If he is on trial for being Donald Trump, and it's basically a battle of personalities, who do we hate more, Donald Trump or Michael Cohen? That's all this is. You're playing to the jury. That's all this is. Who do you dislike more in this blue state, Michael Cohen or Trump? Todd Blanch did a beautiful job yesterday of making Michael Cohen exactly what he is. Extremely unlikable. Because, folks, that's all this case is. There's no element of the crime Todd Blanch, Trump's lawyer, needs to discredit or debunk because no one has stated the crime yet. No one. Now, if you're a liberal or a Democrat or even a modern anti-Trump Republican who watches the show, they're out there.


You may be saying, No, Dan, surely, surely in a criminal case, someone has told the jury what the crime is. No, they haven't. Watch this MSNBC. Yes, MSNBC, not Fox, not Newsmax, segment where nobody on the panel, nobody, can articulate what crime has been laid out. The defense, the prosecution is rested, and no one has yet to state a law. Donald Trump broke. Watch this. If they're arguing that this is a falsification of documents and they want to bump it up to a felony, what's the underlying crime here? What is that rule? I'm assuming it's your collection law, a conspiracy to promote an election by unlawful means. How come we don't know that at this point? Well, Josh Steinglass said that earlier, not in front of the jury. This was like a week ago. I don't know why it wasn't said in opening statements. Folks, Nobody has said it in court. And even more hilarious about that cut, hilarious in the most tragic of ways, the commentator, the black female on the panel there, she's assuming that that's the... Because Nobody has said anything. I know you think... I get it, right? You live in America, obviously, the United States of America is this beautiful, wonderful country.


I get it that some of you out there, the ones who get the police, they get it. But there are some out there, and I get it, you may be new to politics. Maybe it's the first time you're watching my show. Maybe someone turned you on to us. You're welcome here, too. You may be saying to yourself, Dan, that's not possible. How the hell could a guy be in court, post-indictment, in front of a jury for absolutely nothing. This is what a police state looks like. You just heard the vitriolic haters of Donald Trump just say on MSNBC, Hey, is anyone ever going to say what the crime is? How bad is this of a setup? Folks, I saw this yesterday, and I was actually shocked this didn't make news in a bigger splash. This is a huge story. I was not aware of this. It's a very short clip, so get ready for it. You know Dan Goldman? He is a Democrat member of Congress. He is an absolute life loser and a disgrace to humankind in every way, shape, or form possible. He is a discredited liar, a loser, a dips shit. He is everything we hate about government bureaucrats in the police state.


But Dan Goldman has got a connection to something else, too. Dan Goldman He briefed Michael Cohen or prepared him? Hold on a second. This opens a whole different can of worms. Check this out. I have deposed Michael Cohen. I have met with him a number of times to prepare him. Really? Dan Goldman prepared Michael Cohen for a trial where no one has articulated a crime at all. Forget about probable cause that a crime has been committed. No one's even articulated the crime. Donald Trump is in court because he's Donald Trump. That's it. And he was prepared by Dan Goldman. Did everyone out there in the media who missed this story yesterday, forget Dan Goldman? Here, Newsweek, in case you think I'm making this up, Newsweek, a far left alley. Who is Dan Goldman? Democrats hire a former Russian organized crime prosecutor to lead the Trump probes. Look at the date, folks. 2019. Dan Goldman was the Peepee hoax guy. Him and Adam Schiff worked like this to fabricate the entire collusion thing. So in case you're saying to yourself, Oh, they wouldn't make stuff up. Oh, well, they made up the collusion thing. As a matter of fact, they took the exact same team that fabricated the Russian collusion narrative, the nonsense narrative, the bullshit.


They took the exact same team and transplanted them up into the New York district Attorney's office to make up another fake case. The only difference is this case, unlike the collusion case, actually made it to trial. Well, I shouldn't say that because Papadopolis and others got screwed over. But I mean for Donald Trump, specifically. It's the same team, man. It's the exact same group of dips shits. You see what the police state does? They're making this up. That's why I said yesterday, and I got a lot of feedback, most of it I'm positive, so thank you. A couple of people disagree, but that's okay. They show you're not forced to, but I'm just one voice in this, okay? The most important position in this upcoming election cycle, bar none, is attorney general. Vp is important. But let's just say you had a choice, and your only choice is for this. If one of these pics is going to be screwed up, who would you screw up? I don't want to screw up either. But if you had, I'd say, I'd rather screw up the VP than the attorney general. Because if he didn't do anything, the attorney general is going to have to clean this freaking mess up.


Did you see Vivek yesterday in front of court? Folks, this is the reason also. Thank you to all the politicians who listened to me, and there were others out there calling for people to get up in front of that camera over Donald Trump's shoulder. Every day is in court. They're off today. It's Wednesday. But we have to have a show of Republican force, and it's driving the liberals crazy. There's another reason I need prominent Republican politicians up in New York in the courtroom. It's not just the snapshots. That's very important, obviously. It's the sound bites, too. There's a microphone outside that court. This gives us multiple opportunities for people who are not under a gag order, Vivek, Doug Burgum, and others, to go out there and filet the police state and say what Donald Trump can't. The microphone is right there, folks. It's a national TV audience. It is super important that every Republican get their butts out of the chair, prominent ones, and Start scheduling a date to be in court with Donald Trump because you can do things like this. Check out Vivek yesterday. He gave a really great speech right outside. This is a golden opportunity for free media to circumvent this unconstitutional police state gag order.


Check this the prosecution that is nakedly apparent. What I want to do is dive a little bit deeper into what we actually learned today in that courtroom. What do we see in there? First of all, I learned a lot from being in there in person. It is one of the most depressing places I have been in my life, but it is fitting because the only thing more depressing than the environment of that courtroom is what's actually happening in there. It's straight out of a Kafka novel. The prosecution's main strategy appears to be to bore the jurors into submission. If you look in that direction, sadly, it may appear to actually be working. Now, I would like for anybody, anybody here in the press, anybody at home, anybody in MSNBC or the media afterwards, to clearly state what exactly is the crime that Donald Trump committed. Folks, you understand the power of that microphone? I ran for office and lost, okay, but you learn a lot when you run for office. It bothers some people when I say that to them. I don't know why, but you learn so much. There are two types of media.


There's paid media. When I pay, whatever, Dan Bongino for President, and I put an ad on TV, I got to pay for that. And then there's earned media. Earned media when the cameras come to you and you don't have to pay a damn thing. This is a huge opportunity for earned media Media. Folks, every single camera and microphone for every prominent media outlet of the world is sitting out there in front of this courtroom. Republicans, man, we got to be more tactical. I'm glad you're starting to show up there. That should be just a conga line of Republican officials at that microphone while Donald Trump's in court because there's no cameras in there, giving speeches all day about the police state, the judge, the daughter, the Democrat AG, the Democrat DA, the Democrat That jury pool, the police state nonsense, the fact that there's no crime like Vivek just said. This is how you grind, grind, grind, grind, grind marketing. You got to hear about a product, what, 7-21 times? Even that's not enough. You got to keep hammering this home because we can't rely on the courts. Folks, the only thing we have, I hate to say, is power of the people, man.


That is it. I don't mean to sound cliched, but that's all we have. The courts are not going to save us. Donald Trump has been gagged in one of the most disgusting acts of Soviet-style repression I've ever seen. He's not allowed to defend himself against a fake star chamber trial, or else they'll throw him in jail. This is North Korea type stuff. You're waiting for the courts to save us? How many times I got to tell you that's a total waste of your time? Here's Fox yesterday, Kaylee McEnany, on the appeal. They send the the gag order up to appeal, and it got quashed. Of course, it was going to get squashed. It's a blue state full of Soviets. Check this out. This was appealed up to the Appellant Division. Here's what they found, Paul. Trump's documented pattern of speech. It's demonstrated real-time, real-world consequences pose a significant and imminent threat to the functioning of the criminal trial process. You see the projection going on there? An imminent threat to the process. The imminent threat to the is the trial itself because the process is supposed to be what? Justice. This isn't justice. This is bullshit.


They made this whole thing up. Not even the MSNBC The DC Panel can figure out what the crime is. But you see how they do the Dipsy Do flipperoo? There was a great piece in the Wall Street Journal about this yesterday, how the communists have been doing this forever. They do this projection thing. The guy was making a comment about how whenever you They go to a Communist country, they always call themselves the Democratic Republic of or something like that. It's total projection. There's nothing democratic about Soviet style or Communist socialist behavior. Nothing. It's tyrannical. But they do this projection thing. That's exactly what they're doing now. Oh, Donald Trump's a threat to the process. No, the process is a threat to the process. You're just afraid of him talking about it. All right, I want to show you what we're up against, folks. He did it again. Biden did it again. This guy is unbelievable. Even on the White House grounds, where I worked for five straight years, the White House grounds is only 18 acres, man, the whole complex. It is not hard to navigate your way around. It's not an office building.


It's very easy. He can't even figure out a way to get back into the oval office. Stay tuned. I got that. And then I'm going to show you just how bad, how much of a cancer this guy is. As you can tell, had some Blackout coffee. Time to be awake, not woke. Start your day with some of the best coffee I've ever had, an America first cup of Blackout coffee like I do. Love Blackout. The Cinnamon French toast. Folks in the chat, who's tried it? You know it's delicious. They've got Blueberry crumble, got Espresso, they got regular flavor. It's amazing. Blackout Coffee loves their customers. They love the country. Most people don't even know what premium coffee tastes like because we're used to drinking that Woke Garbage coffee. They use nothing but premium beans. Their customer service is incredible. The owner of the company is a really great guy. I'm proud to personally recommend Blackout Coffee because the coffee is good. Folks, I'm not just going to recommend a coffee because they like conservatism. A lot of people do. They love the country, love being good, solid Conservatives, but they also love good coffee. Skip the lines at the store and order online.


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Really, we get that. But trying to remove my emotions from it, I have never seen anything I like this. Throw that up on the screen. He's given a speech yesterday in the Rose Garden. Look at the Marine, the Marine now. God bless our Marines. He doesn't even know where the door is to get back into the oval. Folks, I don't want to say too much here, given my experience. I don't want to give anything away. Do you understand how easy it is to get back into the oval from the Rose Garden? You have to walk up the stairs and do one thing. Make a left. That's it. There's There's no other direction to go. Well, you could go right and zip your way all the way around, but the oval is right there. All he has to do is turn around. Now, love the Marines. They're the most amazing people at the White House. A hugely dedicated unit. Just great guys. Semperfi, love every Marine out there, and he's doing his job, this Marine. But I'm telling you, the Marines at the White House, it's not a security function. It's a ceremonial function. Believe me, Marines will kick some ass if you need them to.


If the ship went down at the White House, they'll be the first ones picking up a gun, defending it. But the Secret Service and Uniform Division defend the White House. The Marines are there in a ceremonial role. I have never in my life seen a Marine assist the President in getting back to the oval office from the Rose Garden. Folks, I've been there. The Rose Garden is not big. People think it looks like a football field. I promise it's smaller than your backyard. It's tiny. It's a little patch of grass and a stair. You walk up five or six steps, you make a left, and the oval is right there. You don't even have to do anything. All he's got to do is look at the mirror, there's his glass, and he'd see his own desk. Holy shit, man, is this guy a train wreck? That's just why I would say to Donald Trump, no matter what, debate this guy. If he says CNN on the 27th at 4:00 in the morning, just do it because he's such a mess. But don't underestimate him. I don't know what they're going to give this guy. If he's going to have a cup of coffee before he gets on stage, I have no freaking idea.


But debate this guy because he is a rotting metastasizing cancer on this country. I'm going to lay it out for you coming up next, but I want to show you this first. The Media Research Center, Big Hats him, put out a phenomenal, This is so good. You know there's nothing I like more than Joe Biden's fake autobiography, Civil Rights Activist, Arrested Sea in Mandela, Million Miles on Amtrak, Sorangelo, Oil Slicks on his window, truck driver. I love this stuff. The MRC put this together. Go to their Twitter feed if you want to see the whole thing. But this is about a minute, 20 seconds. This is so worth your time. Check this out.


I was raised in the Puerto Rican community at home. I got involved in the civil rights movement. I got involved in the civil rights movement. We got involved in the segregated movie theaters. Got arrested be standing on the porch with a Black family.


I I was not out marching. I was not an activist.


There were these two well-dressed men standing in a corner. The light changed. They kissed each other and went in different directions. I'd never seen that before. I looked at my dad. He looked back at me and said, It's simple. They love each other.


Did you ever save anyone's life when you were a lifeguard? Was anyone ever drowning? Yeah.


You did? Yeah, well, half a dozen times. Usually younger kids. They call them Bozey. My uncle Bozey, he got shot down in New Guinea, and they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals for real in that part of New Guinea. I actually taught for a number of years in law school, and then I was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. You make me miss being a professor at Penn. I really enjoyed teaching and writing. I came back from South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela and getting arrested for trying to see him on Robin's Island I have the great honor of being arrested with our UN ambassador on the streets of Soweto, trying to get to see him on Robin's Island. One of the conductors said to me, You've traveled over a million miles on Amtrak. How the hell do you know that? And they added it up.


Folks, fellows, you saw it, right? This thing goes on for another 30, 40 seconds. The Hat Tip Media Research Center. Absolutely fantastic job. Watch the whole thing, spread it around. This guy is totally, completely full of shit. My simple advice to the Donald Trump team, you don't need my advice. You're doing just fine without me. I'm just throwing it out there as a courtesy, take it, disregard it. If you're going to do this debate, I would have props. Everybody loves props. I would pull out, one, a copy of the check that Joe Biden got paid in cash, that $40,000 check. And second, I would also have an index card of all of the things Joe Biden has said he I did. Puerto Rican community, Black community, civil rights activists, Hero Lifeguard, Beat Up Cornpop, Uncle Bro's Eat by Cannibals. I would have that, and I would just read it off. Everybody loves props. It would be the most glorious moment in the history of television, and it would prove to people once and for all, because it's going to be 30 million people, if not more, watching that debate, just how full of shit this loser is.


Do it. I put this together yesterday. It took a little while, but man, I'm proud of this segment. Here's the genesis of this. Someone asked me on a Facebook comment, because I read a lot, not all, but I try to read many of them. Someone said, Hey, Dan, I want to hear you talk a little more about what this election actually means. Like, put meat on the bone. Not all of us are as knee deep in this. What destruction is this? You say how bad he is, and I thought, Okay, that's a fair question. I read your feedback, and it matters. I thought, What easier way or better way to show you than just to go through six Six or seven agencies and headlines, they're not my stories, they're other people's stories, some left wing Alons, to show you how every single thing this loser has touched, everything, he's destroyed. Keep in mind, this is a small sample. I could talk about Afghanistan and other things, too. Here is going to be the meat on the bone. I'm going to take a quick break before I do it. I promise you're going to love this.


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We appreciate our last sponsor today. When we get that segment, My Pillow. Hey, you guys know Mike and My Pillow, they're no longer in the support of box stores. Why? They've been targeted by this cancel culture crap, which we hate. They've been part of this cancel culture. So now they're taking action. They're going to pass the savings directly on to you. They're having a $25 extravaganza. When Mike started MyPillow, it was a problem solution, one product company. Now they've grown with the help of dedicated employees and customers like you. They have products you may not even know about. To get the word out, they're having a $25 extravaganza. Two-pack multi-use My Pillows, just $25. Mypillow sandals, $25. Six-pack towel sets, $25. Brand-new four-pack dish towels, you guessed it, just $25. For the first time ever, the premium My Pillows with the all-new Giza fabric, any size, any loft level, even king size, just $25. It's amazing offer, it won't last long. So what Now, just go to mypillow. Com or call 800-637-4982 and use promo code Dan. When you do, you'll get free shipping on orders over $75. Thanks, My Pillow. We appreciate it. Okay, look at this.


These are the headlines. Tell me After we go through these, I'm going to try to get through them in a rapid fashion, but enough that you can digest it. I'm going to go through these agencies, Biden is burned to the ground. I want you to tell me when I'm done that I'm not right, that this guy is a metastases in cancer, destroying our country intentionally from the inside out. First, we'll just go with the obvious one. I'm going to pull from all over the place, conservative outlets, left-wing outlets, so I can't be accused of bias. Here's Newsweek, a left-wing outlet, exclusive Donald Trump followers targeted by FBI as 2024 electioneers. I want you to pay special attention to on all these articles, the date. What is the date? October fourth, 2023. Who was the President in 2023? Evita Duffy. Yes, Joe Biden. Thank you very much. Fbi. Now, the FBI has been going downhill for a long time, but Joe Biden It seems to revel in it and really enjoy it. But that was an easy one. That was a total bun. So scrap that one for now. Let's move on. He's only screwed up the FBI.


There's a whole lot more. This one stinks. This one hurts because it's personal. Nbc News. Secret Service ends its White House cocaine investigation with no leads. What's the date in the corner? 2023. Evita Duffy, Alfonso. Who was the President in 2023? Joe, yes, you are correct. One Joseph R. Biden. Cocaine investigation in the White House. Tony, you're the oldest one here. Do you ever recall a previous cocaine investigation in the White House prior to Joe Biden? No, he doesn't. Do we need the demo? Should we do the demo again? The cocaine was found in a baggie. A baggie is a non-porous substance. Now, you don't have to be a criminal investigator to realize that if you're going to leave a fingerprint, which is basically a little oil and sweat, right? The best way to do it, you think it's on paper or a porous substance like paper or a non-porous like plastic? Anyone? Justin? Plastic? Yes. Good, Justin. He didn't even answer what I asked for. Plastic. So if it was found in a baggie that's plastic and someone dropped it in a box in the White House, then how are there no fingerprints on it?


It's so weird. What did they do with their mouth? Wouldn't there be DNA from the saliva? Yes, there would. Does the Secret Service know who put that cocaine in the White House? I have from very good sources that they do know, and they just don't want to tell you. Why? Because Joe Biden is a metastasizing cancer who has ruined the FBI and ruined the Secret Service. That's why. Maybe that's it, right? Secret Service FBI. Let's go to another engine. Let's just throw a curve. Here we go. Let's throw a curve ball. Here we go. You got the hook? Let's throw the deuce out there. What about the FDIC? The FDIC, you mean the bank regulator? Fdic insured deposits, A federal deposit insurance company? Yes, that one. How the hell do you ruin that? Turns out there's a toxic atmosphere at the FDIC. What's the date on that? 2024. Avita, who is the President 2024? Joe, but yes, Yes, ma'am. That is correct. Joe Biden. Now, what's the allegation at the FDIC? The allegation is that the guy running it, this guy, Grunberg, who's going to be up on the hill testifying, and by the way, the media won't report on this at all, is running a toxic agency with a bunch of sexual harassment stuff.


I thought the Democrats were into this me too stuff. That's funny. That's good. You believe that? Penalty, bullshit, 15 yards, replay first down. You actually believe that? You think the Democrats care about sexual harassment? The reason they don't care about the FDIC guy under Joe Biden, who's ruined that agency, too, with his appointees, is because the guy's a Democrat, or at least leans in that direction. If he's forced to resign, they won't have someone in it or do their bidding with the banks. So weird. I thought they cared about me, too, stuff. That's good. That's really funny you bought that. That's bad. Fbi, Secret Service, FDIC. He couldn't have possibly ruined anything else. You'd be wrong. Republicans sue two Department of Justice officials for ignoring subpoenas in a Hunter Biden investigation. 2024, Joe Biden's presidency, Department of Justicia, not even... Wait, the Department of Justice is ignoring subpoenas? Isn't their job as the Justice Department to follow the justice process? Not under Joe Biden because he's a rotting malignancy on the body politic. He seems to ruin a lot of stuff, Joe Biden. Let's go back to another agency you probably don't think a lot about because you're like, All right, he screws up the big stuff.


Maybe the FDIC was an outlier. He leaves the small stuff alone. He'd be wrong there, too, Daddy Hope. Fortune. Judge slams the SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission, for a gross abuse of power in a crypto case and imposes sanctions. He screwed up the SEC, too. Folks, I can pull for you 100 SEC stories of how his guy over at the SEC, Gary Gensler, how this operation is totally, completely falling apart under Joe Biden. Why? Because he's Joe Biden. Everything he touches, he destroys. He appoints incompetent people. They don't They respect him. They do whatever they want. They abuse power left and right, and they give you the double-b barrel middle finger because he doesn't stop it. You mean he screwed up more? Everything. What about the FAA I mean, that's a pretty non-partisan entity, right? Federal Aviation Administration. I mean, you don't want planes crashing into each other in the sky. I mean, even Democrats and Republicans fly planes. He screwed up that, too. Fox News. Republican attorney general has warned the Biden administration of catastrophic consequences of the FAA pushing DEI over merit. Dei? What the hell does DEI have to do with keeping plane A from going like this with plane B?


What? Absolutely nothing. But Joe Biden prioritizes diversity over merit. So if two planes crash into each other in the sky, as long as two DEI hires, we're out there working, everything's A-OK on his watch. This guy's track record's freaking amazing. What else could he possibly screw up? Well, let's go back to a big one. He can ass up our military like nothing else, too. Joe Bribin is building a military based on DEI and wokeness. It needs merit and preparedness. Daily signal. You mean we're not emphasizing lethality and actually killing the enemy? No, we're not. We're emphasizing diversity, inclusion, equity, the die agenda, because we're all going to die, whether in the sky or on the ground in combat, if Joe Biden is elected for another four years. Two more for you. We'll go right back to a small one because this guy can wrap up anything. Big agencies, military entities, small entities, medium-size, medium-large. It don't matter. He has no ability to control his people forever. Are you noticing this abuse of power narrative, by the way? Here's Reuters, left wing outlet. Let's go back to the lefties. Federal Trade Commission chair, the FTC, Lena Khan, accused of abuse of power in new US house problem.


I can't even... Here's one last one for you. Let's go Back to a big one. Fox News, Biden's controversial Department of Homeland Security Experts Panel, shuttered after being slapped with a lawsuit. I'm going to end this here, and I'm going to ask you a question. Imagine this was a big, say, Fortune a 500 company that had multiple different... Like a GE. They've got their military applications, their home appliances. Imagine you're the CEO of GE, like Biden's the CEO of the country. Every single entity that reports to you, the CTO, the CIO, military applications, home appliances, engines, aerodynamics. Every single person is accused of sexual harassment, non-merit-based promotions, abuses of power, inadequate business practices, a failing to protect their stockholder's rights. What would happen? The answer is you'd be let go by the board immediately. Not Joe Bribin. The Democrats love this shit. The failure is baked into the cake for them. As long as government's big, whether it's stupid or not, is totally irrelevant to them. The guy can't get out of his own freaking way. And he did it again yesterday. Did you see the story about the tariffs on China? Were you not laughing Number one, he hated tariffs when Donald Trump did.


Just on the record, I don't like tariffs either. Having said that, though, Joe Bribin attacked Donald Trump for tariffs on Chinese products. He implemented a tariff yesterday, 100% tariff, on electric vehicle Chinese cars from coming over here, right? Do you know why? Do you know the backstory? The backstory, this guy cannot get out of his own way. He has his environmental zars. They're destroying the auto industry. They want to phase out gas cars. The problem is nobody wants electric vehicles, so they're sitting on lots and dealers are being forced to sell them in a fire sale. So the dealers are afraid China is then going to compete with them on the cars nobody wants with additional Chinese cars nobody wants. This is so hilariously bad. If Biden would just let them sell gas cars, no one would give a shit about the China electric vehicles. This dude cannot get out of his own freaking way, and he keeps lying to people all the time about everything. He did it again yesterday. Here he is on the White House South grounds, again, insisting magically that he somehow lowered costs for Americans. Check this out.


I could go out. Look, the point here is we're lowering costs, expanding opportunities, and protecting freedoms.


He is not lowering costs, folks. He He has printed a bunch of money because he cannot stop spending. I'm going to show you an article tomorrow where even the lefties at the Telegraph are starting to acknowledge that we're in a really serious debt crisis that nobody wants to do a damn thing about, and Biden's making worse. And he continues to lie about it and blame everyone else for price gouging. How could these companies be price gouging when the PPI, the producer price index, was about 19% or so? And since He's gotten into office, and the consumer price index gone up 17%. Do you understand what that means? That means companies that are selling you products that he insists on price gouging you are paying more for the products than they're passing on to you. How are they price gouging? Here he is using the same bullshit line again of inflation. Inflation was 9% when I took office. Total, complete, utter fabrication, completely made up.


Check this out. Inflation has gone slightly up. It wasn't 9% when I came in.


It was not 9%, bro. Cut the bullshit. Inflation was not 9%. Any moron can go online and look up an article. Fox News, Biden claims inflation was 9%. It was 1.4. Just go to the government statistics. Even if you trust the government, I don't. You would still find out this guy is a liar. When he's not busy sniffing kids and groping women, he is lying. Story popped yesterday, too. I don't know if you saw it, but apparently Biden and his team are living in this bubble right now where they just refuse to buy into the poll numbers. Now, a number of insiders, did you read this story? A number of insiders have said that it's not an act. Biden genuinely believes he's winning. People laughed. Folks, don't. Don't. I'm telling you, he's that crazy. Biden is a delusional narcissist. Have you ever met a genuine narcissist? I don't mean someone who looks in the mirror and combs their hair once a month. I'm not talking about that. I mean a genuine narcissist. You see him on TikTok all the time. Everything is about them and how they look and tell me how good-looking I am all the time.


You've seen them all over social media, Instagram and TikTok. They're everywhere. What's that? Avita says, because she knows, but she says they're called thirst traps. These people, they're thirsty for attention. I need you to understand people have been around Joe Biden. That's Joe Biden. Yes, he doesn't think he's an Instagram model, but he thinks he's the most transformative politician since FDR. You doubt me that he doesn't believe the polls? Listen to Kareen Jean-Pierre. She's part of this bubble telling him how great he is. She's asked, Why do you guys suck so bad? Suck so bad? Everything we're doing is really popular. This is absolute insanity. Check this out. Have you considered in the White House that some of President Biden's recent policy positions could be a turn off to the people that used to like him? Here, I would disagree with you there. Because a lot of the policies that the President is pushing forward are incredibly popular. They are. Why is it important that we highlight this? Because when you're dealing tactically and politically with a candidate you want to defeat, in what at this point, it realistically appears to be a two-way race.


Rfk is in it, but he's not polling enough, at least to win the race. Right now, we have effectively a two-way race. Dealing with someone who knows he's in trouble, who thinks they're a wounded political animal? Versus dealing with someone who is in fact wounded but doesn't recognize the wound, letting it bleed out, are two completely different tactics. I need you to understand that. That is super important. Biden is going to go on stage in a debate, and instead of trying to redirect away from his failures, he's going to paint those failures as successes. The Trump team needs to be aware of that because Biden sees them as successes. He doesn't recognize their failures. Obama understood because he was a better debater than this idiot, anyone's a better debater than Biden. He understood to redirect away and just not discuss the failures and make it about something else. Biden's not going to do that. Biden thinks inflation is a huge success. He thinks he conquered it. Very different debating The tactics we have to use are going to be entirely different. Another thing they should do in the debate, Donald Trump should have some of these headlines ready to go because this illegal immigration crisis is turning into a huge open sore for the Democrats.


The White Bart. Another one. I told you these stories, sadly, we're going to be popping daily, if not weekly. A legal alien charging the death of a three-month-old, and the illegal was deported under Donald Trump. You are going to see this every single A single day. The Democrats know they're in trouble. Biden does not. Another reason this is important for us tactically is the only thing stopping the Democrats from scuttling Joe Biden and dumping him at the convention is Joe Biden. No one has been able to convince him he's doing a terrible job. That's why clips like this are important. This was Van Jones on a left-wing cable. That was just CNN, whatever it is. It doesn't even matter. Here's Van Jones trying to get through to Biden. This guy's like a big Obama mouthpiece, by the way. This is him and Axel Rod speaking for Obama, make no mistake, trying to get through to Biden that you can't possibly win, dude. You're getting crushed. Check this out. We just do not have a pathway for young people to be able to pay off their student debt, get a house. People are looking at this AI wave and are worried about what job, what career path.


And so that pain has to be spoken to directly and specifically. I think that we're not yet hearing a full-throated approach to the young people. There's a symbolic piece around student loans, but that's not going to be enough for Joe Biden. Now, I'm going to let you in on some inside baseball here, okay? That guy and Axel Rod are, practically speaking, for Obama. Obama wants Biden out. No, he doesn't, Dan. He's doing fundraisers for him. He's doing fundraisers for him because he has no choice at this point because Biden won't leave, and he's the President. Trust me, they want this guy out. Him, Axel and Carville are going to get louder and louder. The three musketeers of... Carville is a Clinton guy. Van Jones and Axelrod, they call them Ax, are Obama mouthpieces. Make no mistake, the Clinton orbit and the Obama orbit absolutely wants this guy out. If there are any Democrats watching and you still are subscribing to the bizarre Joe Biden theory that all the polls are wrong, yeah, they may be. And it's even worse for you. Here's Tom Bevin at RealClearPolitics. Apparently, Joe Scarborough at MBC said, Those New York Times polls have slanted towards Trump.


Really, bro? Do you even look at the data? Bevin notes, That's flatly untrue. The final New York Times polls in 2020 overestimated Biden's support in every swing state by an average of nearly 5%. Their final poll in Wisconsin, the Vita's home state, was Biden plus 11. Look at the chart, folks, right there. Just look at the data. What does that say to you? Don't get cocky. Don't underestimate Biden. Don't underestimate the Democrats' ability to cheat. But if you're sitting there as a Democrat telling yourself, Oh, the polls have been wrong, and we don't have to worry about any of this stuff, and we're going to be A-O-K. You are absolutely full of shit. And you don't believe... You have vaccinated to fax. The numbers are right there. The polls have been wrong. They've been wrong in Biden's favor, not ours. Folks, the media is going to do their best, though, to alter the course of this election. I know you already know that. That's why, again, being candid with you, I'm a little concerned about the debates. Not that Trump I was going to win. I don't underestimate Donald Trump's debating ability either. He's hilarious in debates, and he's a total showman, and that's what you need on the stage.


It's a performance more than anything. But don't underestimate these people. They've got a body of people in entertainment and the media out there dedicated full-time to protecting this insanity in the White House. Nelly Bowles has a book out. She used to be at the New York Times. I think she has a book out. And in there, the excerpt in this book about the New York Times Slack channel is insane, showing you how just crazy these people are. You know what a Slack channel is? It's an internal microblog where employees of a company can talk to each other. So she's talking about what the New York Times people internally talk. Here's an excerpt from the book where she's talking about the Wuhan lab. There was this guy, Todd, in the Slack channel, reminding everyone that COVID might come from a lab, that that was a conspiracy theory. She notes, sarcastically, he was the authority on these things. Folks, the disinformation coming out in this election from the left to protect Biden is going to be like nothing you've ever seen. I know you think, Oh, there's no way. We're not going to go back there again.


We're going to be hip to it. Yeah, maybe. Maybe. But it is going to come fast and furious, and you need to be ready. I'm absolutely sure all of these agencies I just described to you to have been corrupted are going to use every piece of bureaucratic power to feed misinformation into the pipeline, too. All right, this is my hierarchy debate I haven't done in a long time. We have specific blocks we do in the show. One of the evergreen narratives in the show, I really hope you tattoo on your cerebral cortex, is dump the idea that liberals are hypocrites. They are, but they don't care about that. Liberals care about hierarchy. You understand that? When Soviets and communists put people up against the wall and killed them, they really didn't care that the Soviet leaders got rich and basically stole people's money while claiming not to care about money. Hierarchy to them is all that matters. I say that because it's important tactically dealing with them, that you understand that appeals to the courts and reason are not going to work. You have to take power. I got a couple of stories to show you that.


They're important. Post-millennial, pro-life activist Lauren Hardy, sentenced to four years and nine months in prison. For protesting in front of an abortion clinic. So just to be clear, folks, terrorizing a Supreme Court justice outside of their house, no jail time for you. Tearing up stores and outlets and beating the shit out of people in an Antifa BLM riot, that's okay. Calling for the death of the Jews on a college campus, you get a promotion, probably get an extra dual degree, maybe an honorary one. Protesting the extermination of life In the womb, five years in the clink for you. It's hypocrisy. No, it's not. They're in charge, the left. You're not. Abusing power is their thing. They're not being hypocrites at all. In their minds, we have power, and this is what we do. Here's another gem I saw yesterday. I was supposed to be part of yesterday's show, but I was running a little late. I went on with a story a little bit. Do you see this Washington Times story from a while back? Remember when the left loved, loved, loved segregation? Segregation was back. Now, can we take a poll in the room?


Anybody here thinks segregation racially is a good idea? That's a big no. That's a big no. 0 for 4. Segregation is a really bad idea. A part of American history, we're all glad to leave behind. Not the lefties. Washington Times. This was from a little bit back. Colleges expand segregation He did graduation ceremonies. I love segregation. It's back again. Why am I bringing this up? Because I'm going through some news stories the other day, and I see this Axio story, and now the same left that love segregation is upset that schools are racially segregated. I thought that's what they love. Axios. School segregation surges 70 years after Brown ruling. They note that, and I want you to look at the states where schools have said, it's just not the jury segregation, where just some schools are largely white, some are Black and Hispanic. I want you to notice where the majority of these places are. California has intensely segregated schools, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, and Texas. We note that Most of those states have a liberal blend or a blue lean, including California and Maryland. Why is that? Because they hate school choice, where Black and Hispanic parents could go to schools where a lot of white students attend that may or may not be better.


But they don't like that. They only like segregation and college ceremonies and stuff like that. These people have segregated dorms, segregated safe space areas as well. Folks, these people are full of shit. But you understand how it ties into the abortion? Appealing to their hypocrisy is irrelevant. You've got to get them out of power because they don't care about looking like hypocrites. We go back to that Wall Street Journal piece by Reilly. I put this in just to show you how insane this whole thing is. Jason Reilly is a great piece in the Wall Street Journal. In case any of you think that this over or under performance, and I know you don't, but there are some people out there who want to attribute it to race. It's nonsense. Reilly He clearly notes some of the best public schools in the country, a majority of the students are Black and Hispanic. Do you know that? Which is also true of some of the worst public schools in the country. Clearly, the defining feature of a successful school is in its racial makeup. Yet at Education policy continues to emphasize racial balance in the classroom. Just get these kids in education, man.


It's got nothing to do with race. Just get them a freaking education, but the left can't get this stuff out of their head. But everything is to them, folks. Everything. You see last night, Kaitlyn Clarke. Kaitlyn Clarke is a very, very popular college female basketball player. She happens to be white. Nobody gives a shit about that except the race baiters everywhere. She has bought a incredible amount of attention into the WNBA. She's a hugely talented basketball player. Let's be honest, folks, nobody watched the WNBA. The league was dying. There was nobody there. You go to these games, they were almost never sellouts. Even the finals, nobody watches this stuff. Nobody cared about the WNBA. You got this super talented player. She comes in, I guarantee you, last night's ratings, she opened up. She's on the Indiana Fever. They played, I think, the Connecticut Suns. I'm going to guarantee you, the ratings for that game were a multiple, a geometrically higher multiple than they've ever had before, including their final. But of course, there's an athlete out there who says, WNBA star foolishly claims people People like Kaitlyn Clarke, they like her because she's white. The whole liberal attitude, man.


This is it. This is all these people are about. Race, race, race. You got these WNBA athletes who are going to make a fortune because people finally want to watch them and they will cut off their nose despite their face. They don't care. They'd rather make this thing a race thing, completely invented out of whole cloth. They would rather the league be destroyed than a woman who happens to be a white basketball player come in and bring attention to them. It's the most insane, destructive thing I've ever seen. This is what you're dealing with from today, and everything is racist. Folks, thanks so much for tuning And again, who's coming with us, folks in the chat? You're going to watch us on election night. We're planning the show. We got big things planned. It's going to be me and Avita. We'll be with you all night. Gee and Tony and Justin, we're going to put together a bunch of elements and packages. It's going to be a great-looking show. We We're going to be doing it from the Rumbles Studio in Washington, DC. I'm really excited about this show. I'll keep you update on some other stuff we're working on, too, but we would love to have you guys there.


We're going to try to blow it up that night. We're going to show you something you've never seen before. We're going to show you we can compete with cable news. Even with a fraction of the budget, we're going to bring you a better show, I promise you. Thanks a lot. See you on the radio show in a little bit. Please download the Rumbles app and join us every day at 11:00 AM for the live show, rumble. Com/bongino. Really appreciate it. You back here in a little bit. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.