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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Again, you are 2-3 weeks ahead of the news cycle. What did I tell you? This one about a week ago, to be fair, Precision Matters. Did I not say there was a cadre, use a fancy Sat word, of whistleblowers within the United States secret service ready to start speaking out? Did I I tell you that? Now another one's come forward. It's a shocker. Saying, Hey, the agents who did the site that day that led to the death of Cory Comperator and three people shot really didn't know what We were doing that day and probably wasn't qualified. It's like something I told you. Hey, I got a favor to ask you right away, as per Paula.


So this means take it serious.


Anita, pin this to the top.


Friday night and all, I can't You get what I'm saying, right? Paula was very upset that the newsletter is not growing because I don't promote it enough. I promised her that I would put it out there. It is bonjino. Com/newsletter. We put out a daily newsletter with all the links to all our content, articles of the day. Of course, it's free.




Com/newsletter. Please go there, subscribe, click that follow button. If you don't, it's not me.


I'm not personally. I'm just saying you don't want to upset Paula. Upsetting Anita is bad enough.


Upsetting Paula, I don't even want to go there. That could get ugly fast. Bongino. Com/newsletter. Everyone in the Bongino army, you must subscribe. It is mandatory for membership. It is, of course, free, and we will not spam your inbox. I'm just saying, I'm just saying, Hey, you've heard me rave about Beam every week.


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Use Cobungino. Big show.


We got some serious stuff to talk about with just explosive new body cam footage emerging about the scandalous Secret Service security, I mean, apocalyptic, deadly failure, and everything we've been talking about is coming out. I'm not kidding. Now you're a month ahead of the news cycle.


Everything we told you on the Monday after it happened, go back and watch, is now filtering out, and it's breaking news in the media. I wish it were breaking news a month ago when it happened. Hey, can you feel it now?


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Mypatriotsupply. Com. All right, fellows, big show today on a Friday. Huge show. First, remember my suspicions early about this taking a bath strategy that's going on right now? In some, not to redo a prior show, but I told you that I'm getting from whistleblowers that are coming out left and right now, folks. I'm candidly having a hard time prioritizing which whistleblowers because some of them tell you the same stories as other ones, and I'm losing track of who's telling me what. I told you there are people within the Secret Service, FBI, the intelligence community.


Listen, this is super important, okay?


They are really worried right now that Donald Trump is going to win this election. They were terrified with Biden in. There's a little bit of peace of mind now because some of them think this Kamala Bump is real, and she could win. But they were terrified with Biden because they saw it as a fate of complete. They thought, Trump is in here, and basically, they're all afraid of losing their jobs. They know they're part of multiple deep state conspiracies to censor Conservatives, attack Donald Trump. You get the point. They saw the writing on the wall, and all of them are taking a bath. In other words, just like they do in the business world, throw all the bad news in one report, get it out of the way. What you've seen is all of this information is coming out just in the last few weeks. Folks, you really believe this is a coincidence? Of course you don't. You all are smart. They're getting it out there to try to get back and get on the good side of the Trump administration and Conservatives. I said to you, be very I'm not suspicious about this stuff.


One of the stories the other day was about this Pakistani guy. They were like, We got this guy trying to kill Donald Trump. Everybody's like, Yes, the DOJ, FBI, you guys are amazing. What did I tell you the other day? I said, But, bravehearts, the Hold. Hold.


I don't believe anything coming out of our DOJ. One of our go-to sources on Deep State, man, this is Mike Benz. He puts out this tweet yesterday, which immediately grabbed my eye because I follow him.


He says, Remember the Pakistani guy just arrested for the plot to assassinate Trump? Well, the FBI gave him special permission to enter the country, even though he was on the terror watch list.


Here's the John Solomon article from Just the News that's attached.


The FBI allowed Raza Merchant, who's charged with plotting with Tehran to assassinate Trump, to enter the US in April with special permission, known as a significant public benefit parole, even though he was flagged on the terror watch list and recently traveled to Iran.


Folks, we're getting to the point now where for us to suspend disbelief, you go to a movie and you pretend it's real.


You're watching Hope Floats when the kid runs out, remember?


And the dad doesn't want to... You know it's acting, right? I hate that. I It's a joke story.


But you ever see that scene?


The kid runs out and the dad leaves and the kid starts crying. Man, that always gets me. It's fake. It didn't happen. That's not a real dad.


But we suspend disbelief. Do you know how much suspension of disbelief you have to engage in now to believe that there's not some malfeasance going on?


This is ridiculous.


Can this freaking government get anything right? Special permission to enter the country? Folks, I'm asking you a favor here as a friend. Trust absolutely no one. Absolutely no one.


They have not earned your trust. They don't deserve it.


Nothing they're telling you believe at first...


Nothing. Believe at first glance. Zero. I told you last week that there were a bevy of whistleblowers coming out. It's for a lot of reasons. A lot of guys are retiring now. Listen, folks, their motives for being whistleblowers, I don't know. I can't get in their heads. I'm not their priest. I'm not here to give people absolution for their sins, moral or venal. That's not my job.


All I'm telling you is people are coming out of the woodwork now.


To me, Susan Crabbtree, Julie Kelly, and others.


You're seeing this bevy of people trying to out what happened at this secret service debacle because they can't believe a guy was murdered there and how incompetent this site was, if you believe the incompetence theory.


Now you're seeing it again.


Josh Hawley is reporting that a whistleblower came out to him now and said, Listen, the agent in charge of that site in Butler, Pennsylvania, was completely, absolutely unqualified to do it. That a bunch of people are coming out.


Susan Cranberry, I think, has the exact same story.


I'm now doubly suspicious because the security failures here were so obvious at this site that we have to start talking about potential criminal negligence. That's a hard thing to say. You're talking about a big burden of proof here. You're talking about a burden of proof in a Constitutional Republic of beyond a reasonable doubt. But ladies and gentlemen, the factor is that led to the murder of Cory Comperator and the shooting of three other people, Donald Trump included, are just getting really hard to ignore at this point.


I'm not ignoring him.


I'm not talking... Someone tweet out the other day, Why isn't no one talking about this? What are you talking about? We've been talking about the assassination attempt freaking every day for a month. I'm not letting this go. The freaking left is still talking about January sixth. It was almost four years ago. This is brand new. I'm not letting this go. You want to let it go, fine. I'm not. I want you I'm going to watch some of these body cam videos that just came out.


We're going to go through them, and I'm going to give you an insider's perspective you're not going to get anywhere else.


First, this one's only interesting for this reason. You want to run this on V. O?


I think it's probably the best way to do it.


I want you to watch what happens, and this is more for security professionals out there, Secret Service and others included.


I know you guys know this. This is not a lecture. I'm not telling you because you didn't do anything wrong.


But it helps us all, people who are in this space and people who may consult in this space now and in the future.


I want you to remember what happens when we do the wrong thing.


When we do the wrong thing, people die, chaos happens, and you get scenes like this.


Here's a body cam from a police officer. This looks like, folks, an episode like The Walking Dead. Nobody knows what to do. People are screaming, this guy, can we have audio to this? I want you to hear this a little bit. You're going to hear at one point, he's yelling out, If you're not law enforcement, you need to leave this poor guy's coming over to help.


No one even knows if there's an active gunman. There could still be an active. This could have been a multiple person attack, like the Malcolm X attack, where they shot from one direction, or excuse me, created chaos in one direction, and the firearms was in the other direction. Do you understand how dangerous this is? You need to understand that they didn't even know that this was the end. You see people just roaming, milling around everywhere. Again, a warning to security professionals. When things break bad, they break really bad. The fog of war-If you're not law enforcement, go. Here, now. When the fog of war kicks in, don't assume like there's going to be some plan. It's like what Mike Tyson said once. He said it jokingly, but he wasn't joking. They said, Hey, this guy's got a plan to fight you.


Was it Spinks or whatever? He said, Everybody's got a plan until I punch him in the face.


When it breaks bad, ladies and gentlemen, it breaks really bad.


This I want to show you as well.


Here's one of the officers trying to get on the roof as they find out that they have a target on the roof that's getting ready to take a shot at Donald Trump. I want you to keep in mind as this is happening, Donald Trump is still on the stage. Donald Trump is there at the event. He has not been evacuated yet. This is an officer giving another officer the boost. You'll see him giving him a boost. You'll see on the body cam, and he takes a look, and they see the shooter. Now you'll see, he pops over the roof, he takes a look. The guy points of gun at him, boom, right back down. Folks, what in the... Was Donald Trump still doing on stage? Again, we're getting into the realm of criminal negligence at this point. You've got a guy on the roof who is now manually on the roof, actually there.


Manually is probably a poor word.


He's physically on the roof. He can visually We see the guy with the firearms getting ready to take a shot. And Donald Trump has still not been evacuated on the stage. You need to understand the hierarchy at a security event of Secret Service officials to understand Because right now, we want to seek blame, and that's the right thing to do. Don't let anybody in the Secret Service go, Oh, it's not about who to blame. F that shit. It is about who to blame. You were given a job. Keep this guy alive, and you didn't. Someone got killed at an event. And Trump was nearly... His head was blown off, almost. What are you, crazy? The hierarchy at events is very simple. You've got a lead advance agent that runs the entire trip, that site included. That person needs to be fired. You've got a site advance agent at that site, and you've got a supervisor who oversees it all, a field office supervisor. Folks, how those people still have jobs is perplexing. It's absolutely stunning. But the site agent, the one responsible specifically for that site, the lead and the supervisor we can get to later.


But the site agent personally responsible responsible. How they did not get this guy off the stage right there at that... He shouldn't have been on the stage at all. But assume this is just regular negligence and not potentially criminal negligence, okay? Assume it's This is regular stupidity. This is why this is abnormal stupidity. Regular stupidity, you take them off the stage the minute you find a guy with a range finder until you can locate who the guy is, and you never let Trump on the stage. Now, you have physically managed to get on the roof and made visual contact with a guy pointing a gun at you, and he's still on the stage? Now you understand why people out there are No, this has to be an inside job. Now, you understand why people, they simply can't fathom this stupidity. They can't. I want you to watch this. This is after the shooting. This site was so poorly designed. They allowed an assassin to get at a visual and physical high point, take a shot at three people and kill one. They allowed with no access to the same high point themselves. Imagine not only, again, this is what I'm talking about, criminal potential, criminal negligence here, okay?


You let a guy access a tactical visual high point. You let him, that's bad enough. But you don't even have a way to access the same high point yourself. So if he gets up there, you are in turn locked out, and he has the tactical advantage against a group of trained protection agents I said police officers? This is just borderline criminal negligence. Here, watch the chaos here. They still can't get up on the roof. This is after. We have a unit on the roof. We have a unit on the roof. Look at this. They don't know how many shooters are there. Some of them understand that we still look like they're taking cover. Oh, look, we finally get up on the roof. Keep in mind, this is not the local law enforcement's fault. I can't say this enough. Keep watching. It is absolutely not. The secret services job was to secure this site and to make sure that that roof line was at a minimum accessible. So you could go in patrolling if you don't have a steady post there. They did nothing.


Now they finally get to the guy.


This is way after the damage has been done and a murder has happened. Folks, to describe this as inexcusable is probably the nicest thing I could say. Again, you have to investigate this, I believe at this point as potential criminal negligence. I cannot describe to you in the hierarchy of secret service assignments that day how the site agent, whose only job was to secure that site, not only missed it once, missed it twice, missed it on game day, missed the target, missed an access point to the target, and never even got to the target or facilitated communication to get to the target until after the target had been neutralized. I want to bring this up, too. Notice how long it took him to get up on that roof.


Folks, thankfully, this is just a hypothetical, but it may not be in the future with continued failures like this.


Just imagine for a moment Just one small moment in time, if that counter-sniper team for the Secret Service had not neutralized that target with that shot, or say, missed, the local team shot missed, the Secret Service team, one shot, and they killed them. Can you imagine for a second if they hadn't and this guy managed to move around and secrete himself again behind these buildings? He had enough ammunition to engage in what would have been a mass, mass murder. Can you imagine how bad this thing was, how bad it would have been if that counter-sniper team wasn't forced to unscrew the big-time F-ups of this site agent? Just think about that for a second. This thing only ended because of a miracle shot by a counter-sniper team that should have never, ever been put in that position, ever. They couldn't get on the roof. You give a guy the tactical visual high ground with no way to access it? This is not even security 702. It's like security 101, like kindergarten security. And again, for anyone out there like, Oh, Monday morning, quarterbacking.


One, go F yourself, okay? This isn't a football game.


A guy was murdered in front of his family. Three people were shot. You can shove that up your ass.


I'm going to play for you some more videos coming up in a second, including one where everybody...


Keep in mind, no one's been fired here. Not only has no one been fired, from what I hear, the agents who did this are still on protection despite being on video acknowledging they, quote, effed up, acknowledging it. I get it, man. I totally, completely I understand, and I am open to anything at this point, why you guys and ladies feel like you...


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This is beyond a reasonable doubt at this point. They clearly screwed this up. Listen to this. Is he a shooter? Did he have a weapon? That was a report. I thought you were on the roof. I thought it was you. I thought you guys were on the roof. Why were we not on the roof?


Why weren't we?


I'd say this was a fuck up.


Sorry, not to wish to ask somebody.


Somebody got down there. This is not reasonable suspicion. Everybody's acknowledging on tape that this was a major screw up. It gets even worse. Folks, this would have been a mass murder, if not for that Secret Service counter sniper. A mass murder. There could have been 5, 10, 15 people killed. Donald Trump could have been shot again. Remember, that security team on stage, don't assume their ballistic capabilities there were enough to respond to multiple, multiple attacks. He could have moved, could have shown his head, could have creeped up, could have went to grab a shoe, whatever happened. He could have been dead. They couldn't get to him for In five minutes. Here is the isolated audio of a local police officer at the scene saying repeatedly that he warned the Secret Service about this tactical visual high point, how this was going to be a threat area. Listen to this and tell me again, this was just a simple accident or just basic ignorance.


Check this out.


I told them they need to post the guy over here. I told them that the secret service. I told him that fucking Tuesday. I told him to post the guy over here. Folks, this is what's called evidence. Now, for those of you out there who are not really experienced in the tactical space. Understand me, I'm not experiencing the electrician space.


It doesn't mean anything.


It's just what we do and what we don't do. The high ground is valuable. It gives you visual superiority and dominance over the battlefield, number one, the higher you are. And second, it is harder to shoot up to hit a target than it is to shoot down. You have really simple things like bullets will travel down, but bullets won't travel up and over. So if I'm over a wall like this shooting and you're down there, you can shoot all you want. All you're going to do is hit the wall. However, I can almost spray and pray. And I've got, as you saw at the Las Vegas shooting, another thing we still don't have answers on. When When I have the high ground, it is tactically so dangerous for the people on the ground. You never, ever forfeit the high ground, ever. To leave it open like that with no access point. Folks, this is inexcusable. Even for a low-level protectee, there should have been eyeballs on that. There should have been an access point on that. There should have been some way to clear I would have that if there was a problem, if you weren't going to post it.


Now, here comes the question that I have as someone who, again, did this for over a decade of my life.


What was the site agent, the special agent from Pittsburgh assigned that site who probably had upwards of, at a minimum, two days, at a maximum, maybe a week? That's enough time to get a strong security plan together. It's not ideal two days, but you can do it. I've done sites in a day. You can do it. If she was given between 2:00 to 5:00 days or 2:00 to 7:00 days, or he, whoever it was, was given to do that site, How the hell did they miss this? And if they did, why do they still have a job?


I want you to watch this clip from Jesse Watters' show. It's an interview with Josh Hawley.


It's a quick minute clip where Hawley talks about exactly this. I told you whistleblowers are coming out because the agent I'm hearing from people should not have been doing that site at all.


Check this out.


Josh Hawley has been speaking with these whistleblowers, and he joins us now.


Senator, what have these whistleblowers been telling your office? Well, what they've been saying, Jesse, is that this individual, the site agent, the lead agent, was known to the Trump campaign to be inexperienced, to be ineffectual, to be frankly incompetent at their job. I'm also told by whistleblowers that on that day, she was not enforcing the normal security protocols. She was not checking people's IDs. She did not use secret service agents. Most of the agents there that day were not secret service agents. They were homeland security agents. And get this, Jessie, most of them had never worked a rally before. And yet this is who she chose to staff the event with, and she didn't train them or integrate them. From top to bottom, it was a total disaster. Jessie, it is a miracle, a miracle, not only that Trump is alive, but that more good Americans were not killed. It's unbelievable.


Here's my only favor I have to ask from Senator Hawley and Jesse, and I say this respectfully.


It's no fault of anyone. I don't understand being a US Senator like he does.


We have to make sure, and folks, this is for you, too. I'm going to give you Secret Service 101. Please do not conflate the terminology because they're different people. If we do, we're going to lose sight of this because believe me, the left wants to make this story go away because it paints Donald Trump as a sympathetic figure. You notice the Kyron at the end?


I don't know if you guys can pull it up against the end. It says lead agent.


The lead agent and the site agent are not the same thing. You have to be very careful This is not just some word game I'm playing. The reason is if you subpoena the Secret Service.


There, stay right there.


If you subpoena the Secret Service and ask them about the lead agent, that's a different person. The lead agent, special agent, is responsible for the whole trip. The airport, the site, the motorcade, the LZ, the landing zone, everything. That's a different person. I'm not telling you don't have a role in this. They were the lead agent. The site agent is the one who was specifically responsible for that site. Don't screw this up because the Secret Service benefits if we don't nail down who exactly That's what exactly we're looking for. If I want to talk to people in order, I want to talk to the site agent first. That was the agent. That was their only job was that site. The lead agent, second. And I want to talk to the field office supervisor, third. Because that's the order of responsibility for that specific site. Don't screw it up. Make sure you get the terminology down because this is how they lose you. This is where a guy like me can help you. I've been asked, I want to hat-tip a couple of members of Congress who reached out to me. I'm not going to say who they are, but you know.


Thank you. So, folks, in case you think like, Oh, damn, why aren't people calling? They are many times, a matter of fact. Dan, can you clear this up? Can you clear that up? I'm here for you as a resource. I'm only here for the truth. That is it. I got no agenda in this. None. It's not a partisan agenda. I don't want to see Biden or Kamala Harris hurt either, or RFK. No one. Don't mess the two up, or you're going to find the secret service is going to play word games with Oh, you meant to cite, you said the lead agent. They're not the same thing.


I'm going to get back to this in a second because there's no excuse, ladies and gentlemen, for what is happening right now. I got that. I want to get to the Trump presser yesterday. A lot of breaking news yesterday.


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Be sure to select the Dan Bongino show, please. How did you hear about this section? We really appreciate the terms apply. Go to coin. Com/disclosures for full details. Thank you, Coin. We really appreciate it. Folks, just finally on this thing before I get to the Trump presser. That agent right now should not be working protection. That agent who screwed this up at that site and left that visual tactical high point open with no access at this point, committed an unforgivable sin. The negligence is so severe at this point that I believe there should be a criminal investigation at this point. Everybody is on tape talking about this being a screw up. There is absolutely no excuse for any of this. There is no plausible deniability at this point.


Yesterday was a big day. It was the first time on the radio show we covered a press conference for a whole hour. It was a big deal. For those of you in the chat who watched the radio show yesterday, how did you feel about that? I'd I love your feedback. I felt it was really important on live radio to take the entire presser yesterday. We made the executive decision.


Of course, it's got to be breaks. It's a radio program. They're programmed in breaks. You can't get out of that.


However, I thought it was important, and the presser was very telling. The first point I want to make about the press conference yesterday with Trump is, can Kamala Harris do that? The answer is no. Why? Because she doesn't do that. Kamala Harris refuses to do press conferences and make herself available. Why? Kamala Harris is a ghost. She's not even a real candidate. Did you see what's happening now with Kamala Harris? Every single position she's taken in the past, which has been communists, government-run health care, defunding the police, open borders, illegals getting health care that you pay for. Do you notice her team is leaking to the media behind the scenes without putting a name to it?


I shouldn't believe it anymore. Fracking? Oh, no,.


She's not saying it. She's a ghost. What I'm hearing from liberal Allison, I think I read this in playbook this morning.


That's like the liberal dog whisperer, right?


Political playbook said this morning, Their strategy right now is be as vanilla as possible, do absolutely nothing, don't screw up, and let Donald Trump talk. I'm just telling you, that's what they're reporting. You will not hear anything from Kamala Harris. She is ducking everywhere. I think it's disgraceful. Trump sat out there yesterday for over an hour and answered questions. This was a big hit on her yesterday. I don't expect the media to do anything, but she can't hide for long. But folks, I'm going to warn you, though. We have to stay on this.


I shouldn't say she can't hide. She absolutely can.


This basement strategy, don't laugh. They did it last time with Biden and fleeced the damn thing, okay? So let's not pretend like, Oh, she's going to have to talk to the media eventually. No, she's not. It's going to require the Trump team to pressure them.


Check this out.


Because I'm letting their convention go through, and I am campaigning a lot. I'm doing tremendous amounts of taping here. We have commercials that are at a level I don't think that anybody's ever done before. Plus, in certain cases, I see many of you in the room where I'm speaking to you on phones, I'm speaking to radio, I'm speaking to television. Television is coming over here. Excuse me, what are we doing right now? She's not doing any news conference. You know why she's not doing it? Because she can't do a news conference. She doesn't know how to do a news conference. She's not smart enough to do a news conference. I'm sorry, we need smart people to lead this country.


Folks, we got to keep the squeeze on.


Listen to me, please, as your friend, again. I'm just a soldier in this army with you.


I've been doing this, though, a long time. If you think for a second that she can't sit there and hide for the next now 87 days, you are crazy. They've already done it with Biden. They already did it, fleecing it or not fleecing it. Even if you believe Biden won 2020 legitimately. I don't. But even if you do, The thieving it, the media cover-ups, and the hiding strategy work. I've got evidence. You don't. Oh, she can't hide from... Yes, she can. It is going to be up to us to pressure her to get in front of the camera, because when she does, she's terrible. That's why she can never get off teleprompter. This segment was hilarious. Waters did this. Hat-tip Fox News. He did a side-by-side of two separate...


What are they, two separate?


Two two separate Kamala Harris speeches. They are separate. They're in different states. I want you to listen to the side by side. You cannot get her off the prompter if you're a Democrat. She's worse than Biden. Listen to her on prompter giving the exact same speech in two separate states. She doesn't even care. You notice.


Watch this.


It's so good to be back in Michigan. Listen, let me tell you, I am clear. The path to the White House runs right through this state. And listen, I am clear The path to the White House runs right through this state. I took on perpetrators of all kinds. I took on perpetrators of all kinds and had a summer job at McDonald's. I had a summer job at McDonald's. So hear me when I say, so hear me, Detroit, when I say, I know Donald Trump's type. I know Donald Trump's type. And are we ready to fight for it? And are we ready to fight for it? And when we fight, we win.


Kamal is plagiarizing herself and Trump.


I thought fight, fight, fight was his line.


Folks, that's two completely separate speeches. If you're listening on Apple and Spotify, watch the Dwartes clip on Rumbler, watch it on his show. It's hilarious. It's the exact same speech. But you got to remember, I saw someone tweet this out this morning. Forgive me, I don't remember who it was. The Democrats vote like robots. We've got this good and bad side to individualism. I don't mean good and bad side, morally or ethically. Put that aside. I'm not the Holy Father. I'm not judging. I'm talking about just in terms of tactical wins. The good thing about us is we don't think like robots. We're individuals and we're proud of it.


We're hard working and we have to make our own way.


I forget stupid morality. I'm not getting into that.


I'm not trying to lecture you.


The downside to that is being individuals, we don't vote like collective robots. We're thinkers. Morally, that's great, and ethically, it's not great tactically. The Democrats don't think about anything, ever. I assure you, not a A single person who is a moderate Democrat has thought through any of Kamala Harris's communist positions because they don't know them. If you don't think they can win this thing by her sitting on her ass, hiding from the media, and giving the literal same speech over and over. You're crazy. Folks, get out and vote early. I can't say this enough. Am I annoying you? Say yes in the chat. Yes, you're, Because that's how I know I need to say it again. If I'm not annoying you, you got to go away. I'm trying to annoy you into voting. Vote early. There is going to be a problem on election day. They are going to say, Oh, my gosh, the water main's broke. There's a cyber attack from Iran. We ran out of printer ink. How many examples do you need? It already happened in Arizona to carry Lake and him. Get out and vote early. If you don't vote early, you are taking a massive chance, a massive chance Get out and vote early.


Tell me, please. Say, Dan, shut up. I'm tired of hearing it. Then I'm saying it again. We can't lose. Anyone telling you, Oh, this is over. I had a friend say that, the other smart guy, too. This thing's... This is not over. This is not over. Stop. It's not even close to over. I thought Trump did good at the presser yesterday. They do have to stay a little bit more on target now. This isn't the Biden race anymore. It's the Kamala Harris race, and we've got to stay on target. We can't get distracted. We can't get distracted. It's not a knock. Everybody gets distracted on stuff. No candidate's perfect. I get it. Trump's greatest benefit is he doesn't speak in focus group-tested talking points. We got to stay on target. This is a message that's going to resonate. Is Is it economically the sound this way to tax people or not tax people? Probably not. Folks, that cat's out of the bag. The tax code is shit, so we might as well take advantage of it at this point, okay? I'm sorry, but if they're not going to fix the tax code and we can use the tax code to win elections and then hopefully fix it permanently later, then we should do it, too.


You want to play cutesy time? Fine. Go to a different show. It isn't that show.


Here's Donald Trump yesterday.


Talking about his proposal to cut taxes, if not eliminate them on tips in the service industry. I want to tell you something important here about Social Security, too, because it's funny how the left doesn't give a shit about Social Security going bankrupt, which their own actuaries have pointed out, this is going bankrupt. But now, all of a sudden, when it comes to cutting taxes on Social Security, which I don't think is a terrible idea, by the way, now all of a sudden, left's like, Oh, my gosh, Social Security is going to go bankrupt. It's already You're going bankrupt. Now you give a shit when people get more money in their wallet. Kind of weird, huh?


Listen to this. I'm going to destroy Social Security. I am going to leave Social Security. I'm not raising the years. I'm not raising the age. I will be saving Social Security, and I'm going to work it out that there's no tax on Social Security for seniors. I'm also doing no tax on tips. No tax on tips. So waiters, waitresses, caddies, people that drive cars, people that get tips who have been harassed by this government, we're going to have no tax on tips. That's a big thing.


Again, the tax code is a mess, folks. Let me be clear, because I don't want to be a hypocrite. I am a supporter in order of a fair tax, then a flat tax. The fair tax, you're going to have a really tough time.


The Democrats lie about it all the time.


They'll say something like, Dan Pancito wants a national sales tax. What they don't All I'm going to tell you is it eliminates all the other taxes. It's a political hard sell. However, it's the most efficient. The next best way, if you can't get that, would be a flat tax. Right across the board, that's it. You get a 15% tax, and That's it across the board. Capital, corporate, income, that's it. No death taxes, no nothing. Below that, I would like some reform to the brackets in the individual. I don't want to get into this whole big thing. I don't want to do an economics lecture. I'm telling you is we're not there at any of that yet. We're not. Because swampy Republicans and Democrats love carveouts. They love high taxes. So when their buddies come in and go, Hey, I'm in the plastics industry. Oh, look, we'll give you a special carveout. They benefit from it. That's why they love the shitty tax code. So if they're going to use the shitty tax code to subordinate and subjugate us, then we're going to use it, too. Good for you. Cut taxes on tips. And you know what?


If you're a senior, you've already You paid taxes your entire life. What the hell are you paying taxes on Social Security for? Now, the guy who wrote this piece in the Wall Street Journal, to be fair, is not a liberal, and he's not wrong about the inefficiency of the tax code. However, again, this guy I'm not a liberal. I'm not attacking him. It's just fascinating how liberals how liberals will jump on this specific talking point that taxing Social Security they think is fair. Well, I don't. And they note that, well, listen, if 85% of the benefits subject to income tax, they know 50% goes to Social Security and 35% to Medicare. They know that this would basically screw up Social Security and make it insolvent by 2030, six years earlier than expected. This is incredible. Social Security is going insolvent, and so is Medicare. And so is Medicaid, by the way. They are bankrupting the United States government. You really believe a tax cut for seniors is the problem? I'm not knocking this guy. His article is economically sound on the economics on this front. However, seniors shouldn't be paying taxes on Social Security, and we should be revamping this whole thing.


And if we've got to use these tools to politically take over and fix this economy, then, shit, man, we're going to do it. Freaking cutesy time is over, man.


By the way, you want to see cutesy time really over? Do you see this clip from The Five the other day? Hat tip, producer Jim. Gutfeld has just been tearing it up lately on The Five.


I know Greg, but I haven't spoken about this at all.


I promise you he doesn't send me clips behind the scenes or anything like that. I've known Greg a while.


The one thing about Gutfeld is when his bullshit meter is pegged, you can tell on the 5. I don't know if he went in that day. He was like, I'm not going to listen to bullshit. But Jessica Tarlov, who's one of the liberals, they have her, Marie, Harold.


Harold's not so much a liberal, but you get the point. They always have a Democrat on the panel on the 5.


Jessica went and wanted to spout some ridiculous liberal talking points about Tampin Tim. Greg made this great point, folks, this is worth every second. How for liberals, this is going to be your downfall. I love how you always tell us, Conservatives, what's good for us.


You don't know shit about us, okay? So just stop.


We know about you, though, because we watch your stuff. In this clip, he's telling Jessica something that should be obvious to you, liberal nutbags. You were supporting stuff that mainstream American parents workers, people with their fingers of the fingers, think is ridiculous. You can continue to fight for it, but we're laughing at you the entire time. You're not obligated to defend every dumb ass idea that comes out of your stupid party.


Listen to every second of this. This is really good. Check this out.


So Liberals, in their very best sense, are the party of empathy and compassion. Their problem is they extend that benefit to people who prey upon innocent citizens. That is their problem. They don't know the boundaries to their compassion or their empathy. And That's why they need Conservatives to say, Hey, knock it off, pull back. But why do Liberals have to accept certain positions that are that bad? Why do they have to make excuses for rioters and looters? That is not necessarily a liberal position. They don't have to do it. If you think of other liberal positions, arguing for surgical transitions for children, banning school choice, funding foreign wars, bailing out failings, what if If these aren't liberal positions, they're just awful ones, then you could reject them. You don't have to sit here and defend tampons for boys. You could just say, You know what? There's nothing liberal about that. Only nut jobs want kids to have nut jobs. It's not about being liberal or conservative. But the problem is the Democrats have allowed radicals to define what is liberal. So tampons for boys. Suddenly, Jessica, you have to defend it. You shouldn't have to.


Liberals were always against conversion therapy. That was a psychological attempt at curing homosexuality. Now they're defending invasive surgical solutions to do the same thing. How did that become liberal and the other one not? It's a plea that you don't have to defend this crap. You don't have to defend tampons for boys. You should laugh at it and go, This is bullshit. I don't believe any of it. And then all of a sudden, you find that the Democrats and the Republicans are in the same room again. We reject our crazies. It's time for you guys to reject them.


Folks, that is such a brilliant point. Here's the issue.


I'm reading the chat, by the way, as this is going on, because I've seen that clip many times.


Here's the issue. The issue is they are incapable of rejecting their crazy people.


They are.


They are absolutely incapable of rejecting their crazy people because it's the source of their power. See, here's the problem. Conservatism, the basic tenets of conservatism, for you to have access into what I call it our club, the conservative club, requires no leap in craziness at all. What do you believe in to be a conservative to join the club? There's a sign on the door. Check these boxes. We believe in the lowest taxes possible so we can have a growing economy. Okay, that's not crazy. That Americans should be able to pick where their kids go to school. Check. That don't sound crazy. We should probably not be killing a bunch of kids a moment. That sounds good to me. We believe in the nuclear family and independence as the source of power, not the government. That sounds good. We believe in a strong military, good court system, and basically limited government. There's nothing crazy about any of that. Everything liberals believe in is the opposite of that. If they reject even the slightest thing, all of the crazy comes out, the crazy damn breaks, and everybody realizes it's over. They They will never reject this. Here, another video emerge, the Tampon Tim, the vice presidential nominate.


This is the craziest ticket in American history. Communists Kamula and Tampin Tim, borderar Kamula. This is the looniest ticket in American history. Do you see this one? It just came out. Here he is, again, going to bat publicly, proudly for boys to be walking in your little girls bathroom at your kids' schools. He loves this stuff. This guy going to be the second most powerful person in America if we lose. Check this out. For those who have concerns, and I will not minimize people's concerns who are concerned that this is going to make an unsafe situation, whatever, I ask you that in many cases, these are children my son's age, a fourth grader, a 10-year-old who just wants to go to the bathroom, and their identity is they are male or female, and they just go in that bathroom and use it. There he is. Tampon Tim. Right there. We got a little emoji in there. He's like, Zuce holding up a lightning bolt. This is what he's all about. Tampons for boys in the bathroom. You see, here's the thing. One more thing I want to add on this.


There's another just explosive piece of information I have for you from America First Legal. I teased it yesterday.


Do you ever notice how the Democrats have to constantly couch and lie about their positions? Do you notice now, if you read about Tampon Tim online after me and cat turd set the World on fire with Tampon Tim, once Tampon is in the boys room? Did you notice?


Look at this chat. I know, crazy. Look at the tampon Tim all over the place. You guys in the chat are awesome.


Do you notice how the Liberals had to rewrite the story now? This is about what, listen to the euphemism's game, it's always bullshit.


News people are like, You Republicans are so evil. Of course, women should have feminine hygiene products in their bathrooms.


Nobody's saying that, assholes. No one. You You have a bathroom in a Target or a Walmart or whatever, and you want to stock it with free stuff, you go right ahead. I'm not paying, after working my ass off my entire life, a shit ton of my tax dollars to go I'm going to stock a boys bathroom with a bunch of tampons that they're going to rip out and flush down the toilet and throw down the toilet bowl because you're going to be wondering what they're doing in there. I'm not doing it, crazy people. Just tell us where you stand and They cut the bullshit. You ever notice as Conservatives, we don't have to do this? What's your stance on tampons in the boys room? Against. Stupin. You have any more to add? No, it's dumb. What's your stance? We should have feminine high-leam products in the female. I mean, someone who identifies as non- cisgender, B-I-L-P-C, 2+1-A spirit, restroom products. And you're like, What the fuck are you talking about? What in the fuck are you talking about? We're talking about a freaking tampon in the guy's bathroom, you dips shits. What are you talking about?


A feminine high D products. If a human being suspects chromosomal analysis identifies as one of 75 different-What the fuck are you talking? What? That's a good point. We would like to be in high-team products in the non-birthing person's potential. What the hell is a non-birthing person? What is that? What is that? You ever notice we don't got to do this shit? Imagine how embarrassing it is to be one of these goons. And here's the scary thing. Nobody knows anything about their positions. I guarantee you 50% of the people who would vote for Kamala I'm in a dark mode down a while. Fifty % of people are going to vote for these crazy communists and tampon-tamp, have no freaking idea about any of this stuff. Thanks to this show, they will. We are the most powerful livestream in conservative media. Look it up. They're not even close. We do it. We kick ass and take names here. Us. This is a story I was telling you about, too, by the way. You lose this election, ladies and gentlemen. Remember I went over this yesterday? If you missed yesterday's show, watch it, especially the beginning. The Yuval Harari, globalists, how they use COVID to spy on you.


You may vote your way into this election mess, but you sure as hell ain't going to vote your way out if we lose.


I promise you.


Folks, we're going to be in deep shit if we lose. America First Legal.


Awesome. Add it again.


Fbi surveillance exposed. Shocker. The FBI is spying on us again. Again, again.


Again, again. Some of you get that.


Our lawsuit just exposed the FBI implemented extensive nationwide social media monitoring ahead of the 2022 midterms. Oh, my gosh. Elizabeth, I'm coming for you. Color me surprise. Get me the nitriglycerin tablets. The FBI's National Election Command Post received lists of multiple Twitter accounts posting misinformation, i.


E. Conservative tweets they didn't like. Folks, we win this thing. It is time for a massive, and I mean unprecedented government house cleaning. If you are in the senior executive service of the government right now in the law enforcement intel side or frankly, anywhere else, you should have to reapply for your job. The government can't continue as it is now. It is an absolute total nightmare. Everything they're doing is a scam. The job numbers are a scam. What they're pulling with the Medicare rate hikes is a scam. Read that story, what they're doing to manipulate seniors. Your rates are about to go up dramatically on Medicare plans, they're hiding it until after the elections. You know that?


The scams they're pulling with student loans.


Your government is out of control. It is a disgusting thief stealing your money at the end of the barrel of a gun.


It is the most useless, dangerous enterprise anywhere. The Secret Service can't do shit. The FBI can't do shit, the CIA can't do shit, and the shit they do is all wrong and hurts you. This is a total nightmare. We are living in a dystopian nightmare.


The good news is on a Friday, and I do mean this, we a very, very good chance to switch this thing out in November. If not, it's going to be a totally different show. Folks, what a banger of a week.


Man, you are lighting up the Spotify and Apple charts for us.


Please, I'm asking for a favor from the Bongino army. Today, I have a couple of asks. I try not to ask too much, okay? I hope you understand that. Couple of things. First, go to the newsletter, bungino. Com/newsletter. You'll see that. Follow us or subscribe. It's free. None of this costs any money at all. We're not asking you for Just click subscribe. You'll get our articles every day. A Vita's show would be fantastic. Second, go to our show on Apple and Spotify, the Dan Bongino Show. Click that follow button and follow us on Rumbl. Rumble. Com/bongino, and then rumble. Com/bonginoreport, where you get a Vita's show every day at 9:00 AM. I know it's a big ask. I'm sorry, but this stuff really, really genuinely helps us. Paul will be very happy if you follow the newsletter. Deeply appreciate it.


See you on the radio show here on Rumbl in just a few minutes.


And back here, Monday morning, 11:00 AM Eastern Time. What a great week. Thanks for tuning in.


You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.