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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


Did you catch the video? Senator Ron Johnson on Capitol Hill yesterday on the election malfeasance, hearing total beast mode. If there were mode's non beast mode and beast mode, Senator Johnson Switched-On beast mode like is there a beast mode? Is there a gavel for beast mode going beast mode? And three to one he is the chairman beast mode. Time is on. If you haven't said you've probably seen it because it's been around a little bit, I'm going to play that video, but I want to add to it.


With another piece in town hall by the great Kurt Schlachter talking about basically the new rules, what are the new rules if you're an older listener of the show, not older in chronological, chronological age, but you've been with us for a long time. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Forgive me for the deep breaths today, ladies and gentlemen. I'm very sorry, but the chemo hiccups were back last night. I've got like loads of pharmaceuticals here to get me through it.


So we may have to edit the Hades out of this show today again. So that's the deep breath. So please bear with me. I appreciate your patience. Let me get right to it today. Show Batebi Express VPN. Ladies and gentlemen, protect your online activity from prying eyeballs today. Get a VPN, go to express VPN Dotcom Bongino. Welcome to Dan Bongino, show producer. Joe, how are you today? Fine, sir.


Well, Mr. Bongino, I'm doing very well and ready to go. Go, go. How is it.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Joe, I'd like to do the bidding. And folks, as I always say, I feel good. So don't worry about I appreciate all your emails. You all are awesome, but I feel good. It's just the hiccups. Obviously, when you're in a broadcasting business, turn into a big deal. And if you think the chemo hiccups are like some fairy tale, go go to your search engine. Put it in there.


I had them yesterday. What do you think, Paul? Twelve hours. Twelve I took about if I showed you how many pharmaceuticals I can't say this enough, the waste products from my body, if you could distill the pharmaceuticals, they're probably worth about one hundred grand. And what I do is a few days after the chemo and week two, I sweat it all out and you feel good. So one more cycle to go. I feel all right.


But I got a loaded show today, including some huge updates on this Hunter Biden case on another angle of this story about Hunter Biden that people in the mainstream media have entirely missed. You're not going to want to miss that either. OK, today show a bunch of our friends and zip recruiter businesses have had to be flexible this year from working remotely to pivoting their business models for long term survival and growth. That's important, folks. That matters. Restaurants are moving their dining outdoors and eating takeout and catering.


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I do that daddio on the end to make sure we had the the Joe Bell work. We didn't have to resort to the belt that I've been wearing. The county bail out a little bit. Kenny gave me this cool wrench to hit the bell. I don't know if you saw that strike. We got to switch back to me. And I said, yeah, it's a new technology.


We're still working on the whole remote that she's used to getting up and bouncing around at the Nuti. I know, I know she's been helping me out last night. She had it because I couldn't stop. So when you when you get these dreaded chemo hiccups, you can't sleep. So you go like you sleep like two hours and then you roll over and this massive hiccup wakes you up. So Paul had to, like, slam me on the back.


It's the only thing that works. It's the weirdest thing. And can I say one more thing? I mean, not to listen. I don't want to talk about it, really. It's I'm fine. I feel good. Don't you worry about me. But for those of you out there, God forbid, who have cancer or one day, I hope it never happens to you. But do you know everyone's experience with cancer is is different, but you learn little tricks.


So I was talking to I'm not name dropping here because it's stupid, but I was talking to Hannity yesterday about something totally different on the phone. And Seans like Dan, I've been in the broadcasting business most of my adult life hiccups are that's it, you're done right? So you can't go on the radio with hiccups. But in the 30 years you got the hiccups, you can't talk. So on TV, it's even worse. So he goes, I learned and everybody's given me like a thousand tips, some work, some don't say suck on a lemon wedge.


Sean says, Dan, bend over at the waist like you're trying to touch your toes, take a glass of water and drink the water, bend over from the top of the glass rather than the bottom. Ladies and gentlemen, I. I. I was going to say some, but I can't go, I hit you not you can fill in. I'm not kidding at work. Weirdest thing ever. Try it, bend over, go like this.


And drink the water from the top of the glass at work. Now they came back an hour later, but it gave me an hour of peace and that's all I needed to get some peace to go to Lily White's party, as my mom used to say. All right. Get to the show. We got important stuff to cover. So I just feel like you all have lived this life with me. And I enjoy the fact that you know as much about me.


I run into you in malls and people like, hey, how are the chemo hiccups? And I forget sometimes I have to show my cards, you know, that I feel like it's a real honor to be in your home. And, you know, you deserve to know what's going on. It means a lot to me if I'm a little loopy, it's just because I took a muscle relaxer. So if I pass out on the air, I start talking funny.


I literally just took out the bottles right here. And what is it? Wait, hold on. Hold on. On the air here. Here it is. May make you drowsy or dizzy. Check with doctor before drinking alcohol use care when operating a vehicle, vessel or other machines and definitely don't do a podcast. I'm just kidding. That's not on. But I added that at the end, so we'll see how this goes. The medication. This is the medicated show with Dan Bongino.


It's a bit to my. I can't. The hiccups were done.


All right, so this Hunter Biden thing is really on a very serious note, is getting worse and there's an angle a lot of folks in the mainstream media are missing because they're liberal, they're activists, and they're not in any way eager to do actual journalism if it hurts Democrats. That's all we already know that there's a big secret, that it's not like Joe's gonna have a heart attack. Could be said that, folks, we need a special counsel immediately.


Donald Trump cannot leave office without appointing a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden. Them's the rules, folks. That's what they said, Joe. Right. When there's a conflict of interest like Jeff Sessions, fake conflict of interest when he was the attorney general for president Trump the rules where we need a special counsel. Ladies and gentlemen, I'll go into this next with the Ron Johnson segment. The new rules apply. I'm not interested in your Robert's Rules of order because you Democrats stuck it to us and made up new rules.


So now we're going to take your new rules and shove them down your gullet. The new rules, our special counsel. Sorry. OK, I'm down with that. When you decide special counsel suck will decide that, too. How's that for a deal? OK, double barrel. You get it. Why do we need a special counsel? Well, I told you on what was a Monday show, what is it, Thursday? I don't know, Monday or Tuesday that it's awfully weird that Hunter Biden sent this email in September of twenty seventeen.


That date is important. He sends an email to this office building where they're looking for an office for him, his dad and Jill Biden. Dr. Jill Biden. And then why keys for this office and they're talking about who office, who the office mates are going to be? Sorry, folks. Yeah, so they're talking about who the officemates are going to be in this office. And he clearly says Hunter Biden in the September 2017 email, he says that officemates are going to be Joe Biden and the chairman of this company called CFC, which is this Chinese company connected to the Chinese Communist Party.


Ladies and gentlemen, that's bad enough. Yeah, but what was even worse than, you know, not to relitigate Monday's show, but this is important. What's even worse is now the potential. We'll see what happens here. I'm not conceding anything. Not today. Not tomorrow. And as Joey says, next week doesn't look good either. Don't look good for me either. But we'll see what happens here. The potential next president of the United States was going to be officemates in September 2017 with a major figure from the Chinese Communist Party who was the chairman of a company called CFC.


Kind of weird. No, maybe worth entertaining, not just on this show. So what's even weirder, as I pointed out on Monday, is that CFC, this company at the very same time in September of 2017, was working out a deal to try to purchase shares in a company called Rosneft Rosneft. That sounds familiar. Wasn't that the company involved with Rosatom, which was the company involved with trying to buy our uranium, the Russian company, the Uranium One scandal.


Exactly. That was the same company. Isn't that kind of strange? Again, not redoing Monday's show. I don't want to relitigate anything, I just think it's very important you understand the background here because the story gets complicated. If you don't, it's September twenty seventeen. Joe Biden himself in an email was going to be officemates with a Chinese communist who was running a company trying to buy the Russian company or get in a business with them that was trying to buy our uranium in the Uranium One scandal.


Joe, I need you as the audience ombudsman. This is not me just unnecessarily relying on you for today is a very serious. Do you get that makes sense because if you don't get it wrong, no one else yet. We got it. We got it. Are very crooked line. Yeah. But they cut the contacts here and you can go back to Monday, show where I produce all the references you need. So this Russian company, Rosneft, Rosatom, that had a deal there, were going to buy Uranium One, a Canadian company that wanted access to our uranium in the United States, and they were going to partner up with this Chinese company linked to Hunter Biden.


Wouldn't it be really crazy? If the Uranium One company and other companies involved in this deal, Rosatom and others, were very interested in uranium, not just in the United States, but they were very interested in very uranium, voluminous uranium mines in Kazakhstan, that would be weird. I mean, OK, not unusual, but if Kazakhstan has supplies of uranium, of course, they want to buy that to. Look at this New York Post article from a while ago.


So, again, keep in mind I'm sorry, I don't mean to pound this over yet, but if you don't get it, I will feel like I've done you a disservice. Hunter Biden and his dad officemates Chinese company, Chinese company, trying to buy Russian company, Russian company, trying to buy our uranium, also interested in mines in Kazakhstan. Everybody get it. Look who Hunter Biden. It is that this is one of those. Well, looky here.


Moments of oh, we've got to get to this for a little background on this. First, New York Times, in case you think we're making any this up. This is when The New York thank you for keeping me on track there, because you know how I get flighty sometimes.


This is before The New York Times understood Hunter Biden and his his dad was going to run for president and they were trying to do actual journalism because they didn't think there'd be any penalty for the Democrat Party. You dig? So notice the date in this New York Times piece. Joe Becker, Mike McIntyre. Twenty fifteen. They had no idea Joe Biden was going to run for president, said, my God, who cares? This guy is painless. We can cover this guy and do actual journalism for once.


New York Times Cash Flow to Clinton Foundation amid Russian Uranium Deal.


Screenshot from this piece again, when they were doing real journalism in 2015, before they realized there'd be a penalty for real journalism for the Democrats, which means fake journalism took over. Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control talking about the Uranium One deal of one fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States since uranium is considered a strategic asset with implications for national security. The deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives for a number of U.S. government agencies.


Amongst those agencies that eventually signed off as the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton's wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton. So, again, in case you think, because you're a liberal, watching my show is a conspiracy here, ladies and gentlemen, that's The New York Times own reporting there. You're sions. They're your guards. They're your golden calf. You genuflect before them. The old gray lady reporting in twenty fifteen before they realized Joe Biden was going to run for president.


Nobody thought he would do it again. They thought he was too old. They were reporting honestly on the Uranium One deal and they were saying, wow, this is awfully weird that the Russians want control of our uranium and they're also looking heavily into Kazakhstan to buy uranium there as well. Check out this New York Post piece that luckily Paula stopped me because we had to do The New York Times first. Oh, look at this, Joe, isn't this weird?


Ebonie Bowdon, New York Post back in October of twenty twenty. A photo emerges showing Joe Biden's meeting, Joe Biden meeting Hunter's alleged business partners from from from from Kazakhstan. Well, so, yeah, so you have the. Now, that's the batteries in my systems that rebooting it, that's for next week for science fiction is definitely next week. Systems are definitely down for the they're down for like three for this one next week. This we know this is a it's the other way, not this.


So, again, forgive me if this is complicated, because there are liberals, it's not for you conservatives, you're really getting it. So now Hunter Biden, who wants keys to an office so his dad can be officemates with a Chinese company looking to do a deal with the Russian company, looking to buy our uranium in Kazakhstan mines. A photo emerges of Hunter Biden and his dad meeting with officials from Kazakhstan to a new one. This Hunter Biden got his tentacles everywhere.


Isn't it amazing? Have. They have this crazy interest, Joe, in Kazakhstan all of a sudden, you know, that has the uranium, you know, uranium like a nuclear fuel you can use to, like, kill us and stuff. Yeah, yeah. This guy could potentially be the next president of United States and his son seemingly has his tentacles in everywhere. Weird how that Uranium One deal, they wanted mines in Kazakhstan and now Joe Biden and Hunter surface up in a picture with Kazakh officials as well.


Really strange. Now we get this little gem Jaroussky last night for Fox News, which will be in the show. Notes, by the way, that this letter has surfaced. Fox News. That Joe Biden's son, Hunter, sent an email, so we now have the email and we have the letter demanding that the 10 million dollar payment from CFC, the Chinese company where they wanted the chairman to be, officemates with Joe Biden that was looking to buy the Russian company, looking to buy uranium that Hunter Biden in 2017 sent best wishes from the entire entire Biden family.


Let me read that again from Hunter Biden in twenty seventeen, as this Chinese company is looking to buy the Russian company, looking to buy uranium or getting a business deal with them, Hunter Biden sends best wishes to the company from the entire Biden family. And what does he do at the end of that little thing, Joe, he requested he requested ten million dollars wiretap, not a one million dollar wire. That's a one and a zero one zero one zero.


Folks, tell me again, please explain to me in rational, commonsense, logical terms how this should not be a special counsel investigation right now. Do you understand? I don't want to sit on this topic all day because I had a lot to get to. I've got like six or seven stories and I'm getting bogged down with with a lot of stuff. I have a lot to give you in an hour, but I'm going to sum this up here.


We may have a president of the United States who is at this point almost unquestionably compromised by communists in the Chinese government, who is in photos, email chains and elsewhere with his son as well, involved with other countries as well, involved in the sale of our nuclear fuel to Russians. That a Chinese Communist Party official took an interest in the deal to. If there were if the last name behind these people were Trump rather than Biden, you would see calls for for for for public trials right now.


But the media give him a pass. The New York Times is going to follow up on those Kazak minds, the story about Hillary Clinton approving all that stuff. And her State Department, why is Hunter, Biden and Joe Biden and officials in photos with these Kazakh officials from Kazakhstan, why? What was that about? Does anybody else outside of the show have any questions at all? All right, let's move to beast mode time before I get to that, let me get to my second sponsor.


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Kind of a bad thing. No, we really don't want to sell our nuclear fuel to enemies of the United States like Russia, especially when Chinese communists are involved who are officemates with Joe Biden. I'm just going to suggest that's probably not a good idea. I can almost guarantee you, if I took a poll of our studio audience of Joe and Paula, we'd get a three out of three, me, Joe and Paul. A terrible idea. No good.


No bueno. Senator Johnson's been all over this. Therefore, the left hates him. So I suggest more of this as we go forward. Why we should be sitting back listening to hack Democrats and their media allies attack us with both talking points every time, this is the new best talking point, folks. The new best talking point from the activists in the liberal media and their Democrats are every time we bring up something that's damning about the Bidens or the Democrats, what's the talking point, Joe?


That's disinformation. It's a conspiracy theory. They did it the whole time. Ron Johnson was the head of this Hunter Biden story I just laid out for you about his suspicious business dealings with China months ago. And the media chimed in this information. It's not Russian disinformation. It was real. Johnson's tired of it. He's tired of it, as he should be. Quick video here, this is Ron Johnson calling out. It starts with Haak leftist Senator Gary Peters, Gary Peters goes after Johnson and Johnson just goes flips the gavel, goes down to Chairman Gavel Beast Mode Time.


And ladies and gentlemen, we need more of this. I'm going to follow up on an article by Kirchlechner, which explains exactly what I mean by go in Beast Mode, New Rules Time.


Check this out, Mr. Mr. Chairman. I got to respond to that. I mean, you're saying I'm putting it right? Well, one, I that had nothing to do with this report.


You lied repeatedly. You lied repeatedly in the press. And I was spreading Russian Russian disinformation. And that was an outright lie. And I told you to stop lying and you continue to do it.


Mr. Chairman, this is not about airing your grievances. I know what I don't know what rabbit hole you're running down. You talked about Russia down Rationals. Senator Paul is simply not what we're dealing with. Well, Mr. Chairman, you can't make good allegations and then drop it there.


That is why Senator Paul needs to return back to what are your thoughts and thinks this is this is this is terrible what you're doing to this committee and all the great work that you talk to. It is what you have done to this committee, not falsely accusing the chairman of spreading disinformation. Nothing could have been further from the truth. And you're spouting it again, which is why I had this one senator call Mr. Gujjar outrageous.


Judge, Judge Starr.


This guy is a fraud. Gary Peters. He's always been a fraud. He jumps on TV, claims everything's Russian disinformation, has no evidence to back up that assertion at all, attacks the personal character of people like Ron Johnson. And then they want Roberts rule of order, take Roberts rules of order and jam up your caboose. I'm sorry. I don't know what battle you think we're fighting. And forgive me, folks, I'm not like trying to attack anyone in the audience here.


But if you're worried, let's just be candid. If you're one of those squishy Republicans who thinks if we're really nice to the Democrats, one day they'll see the light and think we're good people and vote for us and support us. I don't know where you got that idea from. Those days are over. They're not there anymore. They're gone. Social media, the twenty four hour verified blue checkmark attack machine on social media has forget it. Those days are over.


Those days are over. There was limited space in the Cronkite, Brokaw, David Brinkley days to discuss on the evening news attacks on Republicans. They only had a half an hour every night, right? The New York Times only had a limited front page. Twitter is a twenty four hour attack machine. What I'm getting at here is we are never, ever listen to me. We are never going back to the old rules again. It is not going to happen.


It is not our fault. We are principled conservatives. We believe everyone is big, our God given rights. But if you're fighting according to the old rules, don't attack the press. They buy ink by the barrel. Don't go after Democrats personally, even though they go after you personally, because one of these days people will understand that they're the bad guys, we're the good guys. You have grossly misinterpreted this situation. Johnson did what he had to do.


Ron Johnson has been accused relentlessly of promoting Russian disinformation. That is an inaccurate, ridiculous, absurd focus group tested talking point that dopey Democrats fed to the media and they scooped it up, which allowed them to ignore the Hunter Biden story. And I've got a whole block on that next to how the media does it with big tech. Do not miss that one. The new rules are in effect for those who don't know the new rules and miss that show is one of our most viral shows ever.


I'm sorry to keep bringing it up, but it's important. The new rules are this. We are in political trench warfare right now. And when you're in trench warfare, where there are existential threats to your freedoms to speak freely, I'm not kidding. Right now, people are being banned from Twitter. Facebook is falsely fact checking things to the press. Their dissemination happen to us again yesterday with Facebook. When you have people talking about taking away your gun rights, your firearm rights, your right to practice your religion and church folks, this is happening right now.


It's not a joke. Cancel culture, getting people fired from their jobs and bankrupted your life and the components of your life with which which which make you happy and put a smile on your face. Religion, your ability to defend yourself, to sit there and have a job and work productively are literally at threat. They're under threat right now. The old rules are out. The new rules are this. When you're in trench warfare with your political opponent and it's existential, do you worry about what the guy next to you, you know, tweeted to his girlfriend five years ago?


No, you don't you know what you worry about the guy next to you firing down range when the enemy's coming at you, you can handle the formalities and the other stuff later. What I'm getting at is we are in political trench warfare now and the moral and ethical totem pole rules we had before have to get scrapped because there's not going to be anything left. The I'm very sorry we're here. I don't want to be here as a big r God given rights, a God given rights and a God fearing conservative.


I want to believe that one day we'll get back to a constitutional republic. But sadly, it's evaporating before your eyes right now, like a broken Alka Seltzer tablet and a glass of water. And it brings tears to my tears, to my eyes to think about. There are some people who understand this fight and there are some people who don't the never Trump Republicans, the squishy Republicans, the Vishy Republicans who sell out, they really believe if you're just nice to the other side.


That they're somehow going to come and smoke a peace pipe with you, they won't. I've seen very few people get it as much as Kurt Schlichter, he has this piece up at Town Hall, I'd really like you to read and I agree with it, headlines the entire premise, but I'll put up the pardon. Everyone, pardon everyone. Everyone, Gary Oldman said, was that movie the professional I bring up all the time. I always get what we say, the specialist.


But that's the Sylvester Stallone movie, The Professional. Right when it. But he's the whip because we listen, I know I don't know if we're allowed to use movies or not in the show. I don't know the stuff, but we've got to get that show at least for a sounder when he's the police lieutenant. And I'm looking for these this are these people the assassin in the building? We go for everyone, Lieutenant.


Every you pardon everyone. Pardon everyone tan, we can't do that, some of these people might be guilty of process crimes. Did you hear what I said? You don't have to. It's what I said. You don't have to take it seriously, did you? We're in a trench right now. I'm not worried about a processed crime anymore, I'm worried about the Democrats jeopardizing the justice system to come after not just processed crimes people, but anybody associated with the Trump team pardon everyone every.


Everybody gets a pardon, everyone. From Kirchlechner, read this piece. In the show notes today, Bunshiro, that consolation newsletter, I got my mojo back a little bit. Right. All right. All right. First half, we took a little worried for the back of Femi's kicking in, getting the mojo back here. Kurt is helping me from his piece. Town hall selecter. We're talking about the pardons. It is just it is right and it's necessary to stymie the Democrat establishment's attempt to make examples of anyone opposing them.


Amen, Brother Curt. It goes on. Is this yet another norm that mean old Trump is overturning, you know, pardoning everyone? Hardly. Instead, it is a woak recognition of the new rules. Thank you, Kurt. He didn't steal that from me, cartoony friends. The new rules the Democrats imposed, which they should now experience, is the Democrats should experience the new rules. He's suppository like, well, pardon me if I don't take this down.


I know Paula, she likes for people to see my expressions on Rumball, but it's important.


So Kurt wants them to experience the new rules and I quote suppository like any good and hard, although, don't you, that she likes me.


How many innocent people went bankrupt after being caught up in the rush hoax? Good question. Did they care? No, they didn't. So why should we worry about depriving them of their jollies? There might have been a time we were all playing by the rules that said that the feds would only investigate bad people and bring them to justice where the innocent people were not pursued, due process or punished due process. Excuse me, those were the good times.


But they are not these times. Amen, brother Kurt. Pardon, everyone. You like your new rules where you weaponized the Justice Department to suppository, like give it to anyone who was associated with the Trump team, good and hard. But we'll just pardon everyone. See how that works out for you. I am 100 percent in support of that, and when the DOJ and the FBI and the Justice Department want to get back to investigating actual crimes and not political opponents.


Then we can return to Robert's Rules of Order. Until then, the new rules will remain in effect. Ladies, jump in this block I have coming up next is very important. I read a story in The Wall Street Journal today, yesterday excuse me, I was going to cover this yesterday, but we got that George Soros story just lit up the Internet. Thanks for picking up my book, by the way. I follow the money. We jump like two thousand spots and bookstore rankings yesterday.


I there's a whole chapter on Soros in my latest book, Follow the Money and How He really is involved. It's very detailed and referenced while they check it out, follow the money, pick it up. Thanks to everyone who picked it up yesterday. We were flying high. We were the number one book yesterday in three different categories on Amazon. So thank you. I really appreciate it. Having said that, because of the length of the Soros story yesterday, I missed this blog, but this story was in The Wall Street Journal.


I'll get to it. And I want to point out first using Twitter, how real election interference happened and how the so-called smartest among us. You know, Joe, the white paper crowd, the NGO crowd, the think tank crowd, you know, the mandarins, the bureaucrats, the you know, the higher ups, the Mount Olympus of the intellectual aptitude up in Washington, D.C., how they're missing the threat to freedom in front of their faces.


While simultaneously writing op ed in the Wall Street Wall Street Journal about the same threat overseas, so you're missing the threat right here to write about it. I get that a minute. Let me get to my third sponsor. Here it is.


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You know, when I say serious, I mean it, ladies and gentlemen, it's an existential freedom and liberty crisis right now going on in our country, churches being attacked. You're right to defend yourself being attacked. You're very right to exist in our entire supposedly capitalistic free market business system is under attack by cancel culture where authors can't write. People can't go to work. If they had a Facebook post about Trump, it's an absurdity. Here's the real election interference, big hat tip, Logan Hall, I put this out in his Twitter account, which I retweeted form.


He produced some headlines. Showing you just this headline, speak for themselves, I don't need to add, let's just go through them one by one. Let's start with NPR and you'll see where the real election interference was. NPR Headline, October 14, 20, 20. That was before the election.


Facebook and Twitter limit sharing New York Post story about Joe Biden. We all know about that. The Hunter Biden fiasco was suppressed by people like Facebook and Twitter. NPR was more than happy to cover that. So then when they deemed the penalty for publishing the Hunter Biden story before the election, the penalty being what? Armacost, that they may lose votes if Hunter, Biden and the Biden crime family were exposed once they felt like that timeline had passed and they could safely use it.


This is what happened. Let's go to the Wall Street Journal, Twitter that unlocks the New York Post account after a two week standoff. Two weeks was enough time, Joe, for the story they thought to die down. So then they said, OK, we'll just unlock a major mainstream media news outlet like The New York Post. So block a bad Hunter Biden story, total election interference, give it two weeks to dissipate and then we'll unlock you.


We'll pretend we did that, but we will. We should be beatified and sainted because it was so nice that we did that. Here's a fact story about who works at Fiderer, Twitter and Facebook that blocked one hundred nine story Fox News published December 15, 20 20 top Facebook Twitter execs donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Trump campaign. Just kidding. The Biden campaign, of course. No Facebook executive, no, let me read the sub headline again, no Facebook or Twitter executives were found to have donated the Trump to Trump's campaign.


None for the liberals. Watching the show or listening, that's a zero. That means the absence of value. I think the Greeks that they discovered zero. The absence, there were none.


They couldn't find any. Let's go to Twitter, which is now decided that re tweets are now back, you can read tweet on Twitter, Twitter, we're switching back. You can now choose to read Twitter, quote, tweet the way you did before, before Wojo. Yeah, before the election, where you may say, if you're watching my show and you're not Twitter savvy, which you shouldn't be because Twitter sucks, use parler instead, which I am an investor in because I hate Twitter and can't stand them and I use it to promote parler.


Why didn't Twitter stop allowing you to read, tweet or share stuff on their platform before the election because they were afraid Donald Trump, given his dominance on social media, Twitter, would actually tweet stuff that would go viral and hurt the Democrats. Now that the election's over and they think they've won, Joe, all of a sudden retreats are back about their backyards, they're back. How about that? Yeah, how about that? When our 1980s Chuck Woolery, a game show us they were Wakaba.


How about that. That said, I had said girl through from the Dr. Phil Show People hate when I bring it up. Here's our buddy Drew producer Drew. This is not a joke. Drew is our video producer will be seeing a lot more of him in the future. Drew has a radio show up on the west coast of Florida. He's a morning host and after the morning show, he does our show, he does the video production. You go, he's Drew Steel.


So Drew has a YouTube account where he rebroadcast segments on YouTube of his radio show. Well, Drew got this little gem from YouTube. This is an actual screenshot. Yeah, they took down one of his videos. They think it violates their spam or deceptive practices and scams policy. What was the video? The Supreme Court stodge on the twenty twenty election, plus vaccines and data breaches. They just told Drew a double barrel middle finger were basically going to pull your stuff down.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is the real. Election interference. How does that move into this next segment? So now that we've established the baseline of how big tech interfered in this election. It's very important. To discuss how the threat is in front of our faces and is being ignored by people who could stop it, when I say the threat, I want to be very clear about what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the threat to free speech if you don't have free speech and the right to speak and profess your beliefs openly.


Ladies and gentlemen, you have a totalitarian society. Our worst fears would come true. Big tech is assisting in the battle to shut you up. That goes into my next article, the Wall Street Journal article, I've been talking about how the white paper crowd and the think tank crowd and the NGO crowd, the non-governmental organization crowd, you know, Joe, the smart people, how they managed to see threats everywhere all over the world, but they miss what's right in front of their face.


This big threat that I just got, this big threat from big tech that I just got done talking about. Here's a Wall Street Journal piece by Anders Fogh Rasmussen. That's a very impressive name. He was the NATO secretary general, clearly an important human being here. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, he says a new way to lead the free world. And a Wall Street Journal opinion piece, the author, the authoritarian, the authoritarian tide has risen, but a global alliance of democracies would help turn it back.


So Anders Fogh Rasmussen is very concerned about the authoritarian streak brewing overseas. What about the authoritarian streak here, so what example does he use? He uses a very interesting example from the piece. He says now he's talking about tech. This is fascinating. This is Anders Fogh Rasmussen in The Wall Street Journal. He's talking about the threat from tech, how it can help. Keep this up for a second, how big tech in technology can help authoritarian regimes like China and North Korea suppress their people and their ability to speak freely and take away their freedoms?


I'll quote from the piece. He says, It's that last topic tech that poses an existential challenge for democracies. He's not wrong. He says the world is in a figurative technological arms race. Whoever wins that race will lead in setting rules, standards and norms for emerging technological systems from facial recognition to weapons of war. If China wins the race, freedom will wane. So he's worried about China, missed some that up for you, basically using advances in facial recognition technology.


To wait there, China is the largest surveillance state in the world. They have cameras everywhere to use that technology to pinpoint exactly where you are at any given point, to be able to track you to do what? They're not looking to track you, ladies and gentlemen, the Chinese government, to hand you some kind of a welfare stimulus check, the Chinese communists are looking to track you because if you speak out against the Chinese communists, they want to send you to the Coolac.


And wouldn't it be really easy, Joe, to send you to the gulag if they knew where you were at all times? Because I can't send you to the gulag if I don't know where Joe is. So what's really weird is Anders Fogh Rasmussen, very impressive name, is very concerned about the abuse of big tech and tech technology and A.I. and stuff to suppress free speech, to suppress dissidents in China, how China will use the technology to take people who speak freely against the Chinese government and ship them to the gulag.


But they don't seem to be at all concerned about the abuse of big tech here. Tearing down videos, blocking people from Facebook, censoring the press, the United States is speech. To do the exact same thing minus the gulag. Thankfully, Joe, up until this point, YouTube doesn't have a YouTube gulak, who knows? I don't know anybody's big plans, but there's no gulag now, thankfully, but they are doing the same thing on the speech suppression front, there's no doubt.


I just showed you Drewes think they literally deleted his video. It does not exist now on a platform for people who want to see it. What's the difference minus the gulag? Please tell me what the differences between China abusing tech to shut up people from speaking out about the communists in China. I'm waiting. We'll give it a second. I can't use the Jeopardy sound. But I'd love to give you a chance to think about it. What's the difference?


Big tech here silencing people who say things they don't like and big tech in China using technology to shut people up in China. The only difference is we don't have to go logs yet. Why? Now, why don't we have the gulags, but why is the left silent here? Why are liberals on the left and big government, smart people, NGO types, white paper types think because that's all they do is they write up white papers. Look at this.


I was brilliant white paper. Think tight, think tankers. Why are they so blind to this threat in front of their faces, that if this continues, ladies and gentlemen, we are going down the China path? I wanted to write it down, which is an important segment, and I want to it's a very serious segment I want to mess around. Now, I hate Teleprompter's. Why is the left blind to this? No one. Because, folks, I hate to tell you, I'm not talking about everyone on the left, I'm talking about the radicals who want you suppressed and what you pulled off YouTube and why you attacked and fired from your job.


The cancer culture people, why do they enjoy that? Because they do, because they're mercenary, vengeful people, don't ever, ever forget the Dan Bongino golden rule of politics. If you don't understand this rule, you listen to the wrong show. Conservatives think liberals are people with bad ideas copy. Liberals think conservatives are bad people with ideas. That is an axiomatic truth. Don't ever forget that. The reason we go and listen, we get personal sometimes, too, but we don't disrespect their God given rights, no credible conservative.


I know, and you should never if you are, I'm sorry, but it's suggesting that the press should all be put in jail for reporting stupid things. I believe in the God given right to a free press that right includes, Joe, their ability to act like morons and they take us up on the offer all the time, but their credibility is zero. I mean, it's not like they're winning that fight. You just take polls and expect the judge to trust the press.


Ninety percent of Republicans like now, we don't they're not winning that fight. But they're free and they should remain free to be stupid. Liberals don't feel that way about you. Why are they blind to the threat to freedom right here at home and so attentive to the threat to freedom in China, North Korea and elsewhere? Because, number one, they enjoy it. They enjoy they I am not kidding. They think you are bad people, this is not a joke.


I'm not talking about all Democrats, not talking about everyone in the media. And I'm not stereotyping every liberal, the radical portion of the left. I said, unfortunately, growing portion of the party, the Attia excuse me, antifa, BLM crowd and all the people who associate with them want to see you punished. Literally punished, not figuratively lose your job, your income, humiliated on social media for being a conservative. Now you see why collector's piece is the right one.


Pardon everyone. They will put all of you in jail tomorrow. They are blind to the threat over here while paying attention to the threat overseas because no. One, they can use big tech here to punish you and they think it's great. But the second part of this is more important. They don't think castle culture is ever going to come for them. So they don't see any penalty. Uh, China. Yeah, they do their thing. We'll never be like China, remember, we're just attacking conservatives and cancelling them.


Now, they are absolutely convinced this threat will never wind up on their doormat at their front door. Folks, I'm telling you, this is the. History has borne this out. And I'm begging you, I'm to the liberals who listen to my show, I'm not kidding, this is not hyperbole. I am begging you, please, this consent, this continued insistence on the cancel culture road of using big tax to silence your conservative enemies because you consider us enemies.


Well, definitely come for you. This is mandatory. Everybody keeps asking me to put together a book list, I'll give you a few right now. Conflict of Visions, Thomas sole vision of the anointed two great ones. Maybe we'll do that on the website one day. We have some real great tech come in for. But I, I get that and. Well, but here's another one. And this is about this specific topic, if you have any doubts that the left is listening to the college kids who are on the fence about being a conservative or a liberal, you're not really sure yet.


You're independent. Read the book in the first circle by Solzhenitsyn, I love Solzhenitsyn, I've talked about his books all the time. Solzhenitsyn is one of the great thinkers of our time, he exposed the Soviets like like no human being on the planet. Timeless author. There's a book he has it's been around for a while, it's not obviously new, but it's called In the First Circle. Mandatory reading, folks, and especially if you're a liberal, what's the book about without going through the whole thing?


I'm going to give a brief summary. It's about how in the Soviet Union, once they instilled this sense of totalitarianism and fear. How the people who thought they were on the right side, like the liberals think they're on the right side now, they're like, oh, no, no, we're just going to cancel conservatives. They'll never come for us where their friends, friends. So did some of the academics in the Soviet Union, they thought that to.


If that what Stalin won't come for us, we were the academics who believed in communism, we were the ones who told the population communism's great, just like the papers tell us that now about socialism in the United States. Well, what happened, the thing about totalitarianism is, is Lord Acton has set another axiomatic truth is power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So what happened to the academics who told the people in the Soviet Union how great communism was going to be, they found themselves in jail to.


They were the Zak's. Z, x. And when they found themselves in the gulags with the Soviets, Stalin did to the academics who had previously supported him when they found themselves in the gulags, what they did. To the Zachs, the Soviets was awful. They put them in gulags that were. The conditions follow me if this makes sense out of the stobie, they put them in gulags, they were the conditions were better than the Siberian gulags, if you get what I mean.


They got three, four solid meals because what had Starlene, they were the academics and the smart people. So even though they were imprisoned in gulags, he wanted to make sure he could get some work out of them. So he didn't want them to be starving to death or beat the snot out of him every day. So they were in we'll call them the good gulags if there are good gulags. And he told the sex, I'm going to use your academic skills to find these other traders out there, academics.


So he made the Zachs Analise like spectrographs and other things, so when they got wiretaps of other academics who were talking about Stollen and didn't say nice things, some of their friends would be who had expertise in this, would have to identify their friends, who we're talking about, who then later got locked up. Eventually, these academics said, we're not going to do that anymore, we're not going to let you imprison our friends and use us to do it.


In the first circle. It's a reference to DONTAE. Remember that? Eventually, they come for you and they force you to turn your friends over. Ladies and gentlemen, the answers are in the history books. You just got to read them. It's a powerful, powerful, powerful book. And will frighten you forever. And that's why. You get emotional about the topic a bit. That's why even though I have a heavy financial interest in two companies who are competitors to YouTube and parler, I mean, YouTube and Twitter excuse me, with parler and rumble, I have committed to even liberals listening.


It's a free platform for you to as it makes some people happy. Again, don't let those idiots on there know. Ladies and gentlemen, free speech matters, even stupid free speech. I will never go down that in the first circle route ever where like, well, we'll only suppress the people we don't like because eventually the suppression and the gulags come for you to. All right, let me get to my last sponsor and then on the other side of this, listen, I don't want to wear you down with the Milton Friedman videos I'm sorry, the last one for the week, I promise.


But they're so good. And the economic stupidity in the media has been just endless. And no one says it better than Friedman. So, again, another axiomatic truth is, and this is not my quote, it's from I heard it at the LEAP Foundation. I should do some charitable work there for them. Don't try to create mediocrity, replicate genius, so we're Friedman says it best chess by Friedman It's the easiest way. OK, there with the click of Ruskie there.


We love the new technology folks, but the click of Russkis given you come over, I swear, I think people think you don't exist. She's got this new clicker to get over this. You're not going to want to miss this Friedman video next because it's so Josa. It's good right now. It Friedman the best. Yeah. He said the classic. I promise, though, it's not because I'm going to be like a Friedman section of every show.


It's just I'm obsessed with economics. And the last few days, given that I can't leave my house because of the chemo. All I do is watch Friedman videos all day. My favorite thing to do folks today show all surrounded by friends at stamp's. They have saved us I am not kidding. This holiday season more people will be mailing stuff than ever before. That means the post office is going to be packed and busy. You don't have time for that.


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You just use your computer to print official U.S. postage 24/7 for any letter, any package, any class email, anywhere you want to send it is can it get any simpler once your mail is ready to schedule a pick up or drop it off? It's that simple. Don't waste money. Don't waste time. Makes no sense. We you get five cents off every first class stamp and up the 40 percent off priority mail and up to sixty two percent off shipping rates.


This is a no brainer. Not to mention it's a fraction of the cost of the most expensive postal meters. It saves you time and money. Don't spend a minute of your holiday season at the post office this year. Sign up for instead. There's no risk with my promo code. Dan, my first name, Dan, you get a special offer. It includes a four week trial plus free postage and a digital scale. You're going to love it.


There are no long term commitments or contracts they don't need. And once you get it, you're never going to go back again. You're going to love it. Just go to, click on the microphone at the top of the page and type in Dan at Click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and enter Dan Dan Never go to the post office again. OK, ok. Back to. So again, not trying to wear you out at the Friedman videos, but I saw this article in the Wall Street Journal, which Paula swore.


I would never get to I mentioned it a bit yesterday. Again, it's about this phantom multiplier. The left is obsessed with this John Maynard Keynes economic theory, decades old. It's called Keynesian economics. It's the one member AOC screwed up in the video, but she couldn't figure it out because she associates, who actually has a college degree in economics and has no idea who Keynes is, by the way. But John Maynard Keynes, his whole Keynesian economic theory is a foundation of leftist economics.


I'll sum it up very simply, and this is extremely simply. Basically, government spending can fill a hole when the private economy is in some kind of recession or depression. It's a lot more complicated than that. But that's the essence of it. It's nonsense. It's never worked. It won't ever work. But one of the theories embedded in Keynesian economics is this theory, the multiplier that the government can spend money and it multiplies throughout the economy, which is ridiculous because the government has to take money from people to multiply it, which means it's dividing money to multiply.


It would means which means ordinarily that would net out to zero, right? Well, it's even worse because the government, as it does, it takes a cut for itself, which I showed that Friedman video yesterday. Here's The Wall Street Journal peace talks. I encourage you to read it. And I don't put it in the show notes because Wall Street Journal subscription only. But if you choose and you have a subscription, you can just put this in a search engine and check out the story yourself.


You didn't think I was going to get through it, did you? See, I totally. You don't have it. Do you have it?


I love this woman did that.


A stimulus dollar is only a dollar by the great folks that I mean, this guy's pieces in the Wall Street Journal are spectacular. I can't say enough about him. Andy Kessler, he's so good. So readable to. Some people are thinkers and I can't write, not him, he's a thinker who can write. He talks about this dreaded multiplier making a comeback. Remember, the multiplier is simply this. If the government takes your money and it goes and spends it out of the people, it'll dramatically multiply into more money, which is if that sounds stupid to you, that's because it is from the peace, he says.


Labor statistics data shows that from May through July, when unemployment benefits were high, job openings surged. As the general reported, employers complain they were having trouble rehiring workers once the benefits expired. In August, job openings fell for the first time since the start of the pandemic. They certainly because it wasn't because the economy was faltering, third quarter gross domestic product surged to 33 percent, an annualized rate. The warnings from the CBO and Krugman were all wrong, even as the bonus benefits were cut in half.


Retail sales, retail sales increased three percent July to October. That's actually the wrong quote from the other article about the stimulus benefits. Totally busted on the air. But it's OK. We'll get to the multiplier stuff another time because we're going to be short on time. That's the wrong widra. She's putting a hand on the head motion right there. Still, it doesn't matter. It's OK. That was another Wall Street Journal article. It's not the Kestler piece.


But here's the thing. Don't don't even worry about the other one because he says the same thing. That piece was about the unemployment benefits that were above what people were making when they went back to work. In other words, the theory that the government can give you more money than you were going to make in the private sector and somehow stimulate the economy, how are you going to stimulate the economy if you are literally paying people not to work? You have it.


I'm saying, Joe, I'll pay you more. Is the government to not do stuff is not a way to stimulate the economy. Now. To the Friedman video. Last one for the week, I can't make any promises, I see a good one to come back, but I'll try. Here's Milton Friedman again, where some kind of semi left this gets up is a smart guy and he asks Friedman the most ridiculous question I've ever. It's like a 15 part question.


But the guy says to Milton Friedman, hey, listen, the government spending money, which I just told you is nonsense. If you pay people not to work, they'll do this crazy thing like not work. And if they don't produce stuff, you won't have stuff to use. Does that make sense if we pay people in the medicinal health care industry to not work and produce vaccines? You won't have vaccines. Because ladies and gentlemen. Goods and services are what make us wealthy.


You can't pay people not to build homes and then wonder why everybody's homeless. So this guy is Friedemann, he goes, hey, I got an idea. He goes, the government should take more of people's money because when the government confiscates 40 percent of people's money, if you're laughing when I say this was an actual question, which Friedman's answer, Joe, listen to the logic here. The guy goes, if the government takes 40 percent of people's money, then those people have to work harder to get that money back.


Friedman's got to be sitting there like her. Listen to his answer to that stupid question, this is the best lover can't say it any better. Take the extreme case that that 40 percent is being used just to have people sit around. The fact that they spend their money doesn't alter the situation. The only product there is is what the 60 percent produce, and that 60 percent is divided among the hundred percent. If those 40 percent are also producing goods and there more goods to go around among everybody, you are just involved in a fallacy of looking at dollars, which is important sometimes instead of looking at the real product, the goods and services that people produce and people consume, spending isn't good.


What's good is producing. What we want to have is more goods and services. And as I say, the obvious indication that that's clear is that if your logic were right, it would apply it for 50 percent, 60 percent, 70, 90. Ninety eight, 100 percent. And obviously you would see that that would be a bunch of nonsense. At that stage. It is desirable to have some money spent by government for those things, those services that we believe we can get more usefully and more effectively through government.


If people are getting their money's worth, fine. That's why it's very desirable to have governmental expenditures take place at a local level as possible, because you, as a citizen of a small community, can judge whether you're getting your money's worth. You can decide that you want to spend it. But when it comes to the federal government, you tend to think that you're spending somebody else's money and you are in a way, but he's spending yours.


Ladies and gentlemen, again, I've repeated that line by Friedman so many times. You understand why this man again, I can't say enough. Change my life, God rest his soul. You hear that line at the end. Joe, how many times we use that on the show, the joke of government spending is you think you're spending your neighbor's money? Yes, but he thinks the same thing. Did you hear his point in the beginning? Ladies and gentlemen, this is critical, this is tautological when you think about it, the guy's point is if the government is 40 percent of the economy.


So 40 percent of people are employed by the government and they take away the money from the 60 percent and spend it on others, that that's productive. This was the liberal guys point, because as we take that 40 percent away from the population, they'll have to work harder to get their money back. So Friedman says to he makes two points. His first point is an obvious one. Well, if stealing people's money is the government makes them work harder, why not take it?


All right. So why take 40 take 98 percent work really hard to get all their money back. And right, I mean, it's just rational if that point was rational, it's not. Then it makes even more sense to steal everybody's money all the time. Of course, that's ridiculous when you take people's money. It does the opposite, it this incentivizes them to work. Why? Because they're working to pay someone else, not themselves. Did this did this liberal I want to play the video guy, the guys question, but I wanted the clip manageable.


It would have been like five minutes long. The guy goes on with the super long question. That obviously makes no sense. Working for someone else does not incentivise if you're not getting paid you to work harder, it incentivizes you to work less because you're not reaping any of the benefits. But his second point is critical. If 40 percent of the population. Is working in the nonproductive, productive sector, and I don't mean non valuable, but I mean non-productive sector in the government, we have extremely valuable sectors like our military, our court system.


But what I mean is non-productive, meaning they're not value added activities, they're not creating businesses. The government doesn't do that. If 40 percent of our society is in government and is taking and taking and taking. Then who is left to produce all the medicines, the homes, the cars, the computers, the phones, the pens, the cannibals, the gavel's, who's producing all the stuff they need to make us wealthy, not one hundred percent of society, but you have 60 percent working to support.


Everyone, because the other 40 percent are out there working for government and taking all the money out of the system. Did you catch that second point he made? The take away is production matters, not spending. Don't get lost in government spending. Spending is irrelevant. You can print money. The facial value of money doesn't mean anything if there's no value behind it. Do you get what I'm saying? That it's what a society produces, not what it spends.


It makes it wealthy if you don't have a society of people. Producing homes and medicines and food and microphones, building it, literally building it and the services that support it, the IP, the intellectual property that designed this R.E. 20 microphone and this fancy iPhone, if you don't have those productive people doing it and you siphoned them off to go and work for government in non-value added activities, you don't have any products. Ladies and gentlemen, we're back in the Stone Age.


It's not spending that makes us wealthy. Stimulus from the government is not stimulus at all. It's production that makes us wealthy. And going back to that article, Paula, put up, even though it was a mistake and peace. When you pay people more money than they'd make to work and produce stuff, to not produce stuff, you have a society that's slowly bankrupting itself no matter what you spend because you're not producing anything. Friedman was a genius.


What do I have that's more stuff I did in Breitbart, so the thing had the decent this video. All right, I'll play that tomorrow.


Hey, just a quick update. So yesterday, I mentioned the idea of doing a charity book signing for some restaurant friends of mine that are struggling, I think we've added a new location in Maryland, too. So we're going to do this. Now, here's the thing. Here's how it's going to go down, because we got a tremendous audience feedback. I need a favor from you. We got so many emails you like Dan. I will totally be there.


Here's how I want to work this. I got to wait for the restaurants and stuff to open up because I don't want Cuomo to target these people when we go up there and find them at a business that doesn't do any good. But I have two friends that are their businesses are dying. They're very close friends. I spoke to them yesterday on the phone. They're in New York. It's one location in Queens and one location in Westbury, Long Island.


We're going to do it. It's probably going to be around maybe March or April when the vaccine stuff in, you know, and everybody can open up. We'll do a book signing. I'm going to grossly overcharge you for the book. I'm buying the books. It's all charity. All, all all proceeds are going to go to the servers and the waiters in the restaurant. All you gotta do is show up, make the box like 50 bucks if you're cool with it.


Every dollar I'm going to buy the books, but I still have to buy my own books. I don't get it for free. All proceeds are going to go to the waiters, the cooks, everything in these two places because they deserve it. And I'm doing it, folks. Again, I can't I wish I could help everyone. I'm limited, you know, we help Jackson, North Carolina, tattoo place, you know, end up in the gym.


I wish I could, but I. I have another friend who in Maryland who has another restaurant. I don't know this restaurant, but they're struggling too. So we're going to do that in Maryland, too. So we'll make the books like 50 bucks, which granted is a little expensive for a book. But all the proceeds will go, go in, eat, sit out at the restaurant, whatever we'll do, we'll give you another sign, a book.


We'll chat, we'll take selfies, whatever you want to do. I will pay for everything. I'm going to throw in a couple G's myself for everybody. And we're going to make sure that the waiter, the waiters and the and and the servers and the bartenders are all taking care of. All I ask is you show up, let's pack these places. If we can get four or five hundred people like we got at the book signing I did on Long Island, great differences.


I made money off that. And this was not about me. This is about them. We got to give back. I've had a great year, thanks to you and I. I can't sit back and watch these folks struggle, their friends. I can't. You got to do stuff, man. Talk is cheap. The action matters. Hey, thanks for tuning and I really appreciate it. Please subscribe to my show on Rumball. It's all free.


It's our video channel Alternative to YouTube. Rumball Dotcom Slash Mangena. We are way past our YouTube subscribers now closing in on a million and use Bongino for your morning news dumptruck. They dumped us a long time ago. Traffic was crazy yesterday upon Jenah reports of. Thanks a lot, Bungeni I'll see you all tomorrow.


You just heard Dan Bongino.