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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Folks, one of the worst things you can do in the business is to tell someone what's not on today's show, but on tomorrow's show. I promise today's show is a banger, too. But I am tidying up a show tomorrow, Friday, that you can't miss. I have got some information from a source about the pipe bomber that I have been double and triple checking, to be sure, because multiple people are telling me they think the same story is accurate based on receipts they have. Tomorrow's show, I'll hint at it a little bit today, too. I'm not trying to save it till tomorrow. I just want to make sure cherry on top, this thing is right. So media people, get your pens out tomorrow. By the way, big happy anniversary to my lovely spouse, the lovely Polita. 21 years. It's like our drinking age marriage anniversary. Is that a thing? I think it's like, is that a thing? You can now drink officially. It is now. We just made it one. Paula said it was a thing.


It's now a thing. There you go. We just made it a thing. Hey, Beem's Labor Day sales here. It's never been a better time to finally try Beem's Dream Powder. So it's been a game changer for me. Find it at shopbeem. Com. Com/bonjino. Okay, today's show, the beginning is going to be important, though. Get ready for something big that's going to happen in this election. I'm going to show you how they're already putting out these little trowel balloons and poking, and they're waiting to see if we poke back. If we don't, they're going to poke harder and harder. I've got the receipts to show you in the video, and you'll see what I mean. Hey, Berna, when it comes to protecting your family, it's not just about having a firearms. Lethal force isn't the answer for every situation. Imagine an imminent threat comes your way. You've got to get that threat away from you. But imagine it was a way to defend yourself and de-escalate the situation without the irreversible consequences of deadly force. Well, there is. Berna has got a non-lethal pistol launcher equipped with tear gas and kinetic ammo. I have one. I love it.


It can incapacitate an attacker for up to 40 minutes. No need to go Defcon 1. We just need protection to ensure we can diffuse the situation and drive the threat away. I've trained with firearms for many years. Let me tell you, the Berna pistol they sent me, it's really easy to learn and operate. If you're not on a firearms, it's an amazing option to It's made in America legal in all 50 states, requires no background checks, and it's shipped right to your door. How do you get one? You go to berna. Com/dan now. You'll even get an exclusive 10% discount. That's B-Y-R-N-A. B-y-r-n-a. Burna. Com/dan. Check it out. You won't regret it. All right, fellows, let's go. Before we get to that stuff, I want you to know I'm being serious here. It's not my usual sarcasm. There was a very serious disagreement if we should open up the show this way today. I took a poll. Evita, Michael, and half of Justin were with me. He was half and half. Guy was against. So I get voicemails from crazy deranged liberals all the time. It happens probably three or four times a week where they'll call, they'll threaten me.


I don't talk about it often because I hate when these whiny leftists, they're like, Look at you, Violent Magga people. For as much as I dislike Liberals and Democrats, I don't blame peaceful Liberals and Democrats for the stuff other morons do. So I don't want to get on the air like a snowflake and be like, Oh, my gosh, someone threatened me. Oh, poor me. I'm just telling you between you, me in the NSA here. It happens all the time. So last night, some lunatic calls my phone like 20 or 30 times in a row. Of course, I just do what I always do. I just keep the thing on do not disturb. You can call all day, and I got to get through. It doesn't really matter. However, decides to leave a voicemail. I'm going to heavily warn you in advance. The language here is repulsive. There are really nasty bigoted attacks in this thing. But I'm only saying this because the liberal maniacs that do call me and leave these voicemails and send me horrible messages, always, always use these terms. Every time. I could put it up for you on the screen right now.


It's the weirdest thing. They claim to be LGBTQIA, BIO, PC+, activists and supporters, and yet every time they use this language. Heavy, language alert. If you have kids in the car, it's about 30 seconds. I would definitely turn this down, but you need to see how these people really are. This is like the 100th one I've got of these. You ready? All right, play it. Hey, Dan, I heard you were a little fucking whiny ass Snowflake, pussy goddamn fascist, fucking little faggot. Well, guess what, bitch? Your anti-Christ Trump is going down in November. Your new God is Kamala, and there's not a goddamn mother fucking thing that your stupid goddamn fucking fascist What fucking traitor ass can do about it, you little fucking goddamn cunt, you fucking pussy, you little fucking piece of shit. Fuck you, bitch. I told you. Gee did not want me to play it. Everyone else agreed. No, the country should see who these people are. Again, I'm not blaming every liberal or Democrat. I'm just telling you, I get these all the time. The anti-gay slurs, racial slurs, the C-word bombs, which I don't say. I mean, my language isn't terrific, but it's always an angry liberal.


Now, I just want to take a quick poll because if I do this in the future, really, the show is for you. It's not for me. I know what's in my head. The show is for you. Botchino, please get on the case. Should But I play those occasionally or is it too much? Really, because the show is for you. Yes, play them and let us see what you have to deal with, or no, it's too much. We don't need to hear that stuff. I just want to say I resolutely object to the language in there. It's just this is how liberals are. I don't know about you, but I've never in my life ever thought of calling a political opponent, of which I have a lot, and leaving an insane, deranged, bigoted, just lunatic, padded room style voicemail like that in my entire life. I mean, just crazy. So Bocino, get on the case. Yeah, okay, good. See, Guy, my judgment is correct. Again, Gee goes down in flames. Wow. Gee, we are like the chat is on Gee, you are getting smoked right now. Maybe the next... Here's the next poll. Should we fire Gee?


I'm kidding. We love Gee. I wouldn't listen anyway. I love Gee's the best. No, he does have good judgment, but he doesn't... He's very defensive of the audience, and he thinks the language is so bad. But I think the point that the language is so bad is one of the reasons we should play it. This is who these people are. Okay, let's get back to the show. Get ready for something big before the election. Now, folks, anybody can throw that out there, okay? Oh, get ready for something big. I have produced a number of receipts and facts and data points to back up that the left is preparing some wicked October surprise. They are going to somehow, folks, flags in the chat, too, not to keep the chat. We're going to break this chat any second now. Poor Rumbles going to melt down. The servers are like this, smoking. Fire alarms are going off right now. Flags in the chat, please. There we go. Thank you, 93 %. Only seven %. So that's unanimous. I will continue. I know, but still, that's a heavy 93 to seven. So we are going to continue to play.


I won't do it too much, I promise. But those ones like that, I'll play for That way you see what you're dealing with. Flags in the chat, please. The arrest of the Telegram CEO, I'm convinced, is part of a new Russiagate coming up. I don't know how they're going to do it exactly, but there was a raid recently on two specific figures who have done some commentary with a Russia-based network. They're going to somehow, I believe, tie that in the arrest of the Telegram CEO to some fake phony Russian effort again to steal the election. I know what you're thinking. There's no way they're going to go back to Russiagate Part VII. Yes, they will, because the media, I promise, will cover for them. Don't tell me what they won't do. Tell me what they did, because what they did, the past is prolog. They will do again. Here's what I mean. In addition to the Telegram CEO, who is, I'm I was 100% certain, going to be tied to some Russiagate fake story again, and you got the flag in the chat, they're also starting to panic. They're starting to realize... If Kamala Harris is really up seven points in this poll, we just saw coming out today, which is ridiculous.


Again, I'm not a red wave guy, as you know. I don't buy any of this Kamala Harris BS at all. This is all AstroTurf, folks. There is zero chance she is up seven nationally. Zero. Zero. If they were up by that amount, they would not be panicking like this. Cornell West is a very, very far left guy, extremely far left guy. You may have seen him on Fox and other CNN networks and elsewhere. He's been around forever. Cornell West is running, too. Well, his name is on the Michigan ballot, a state that if Kamala Harris is up and you believe the polls, I don't, if If you do, she's only up by a little, and it's within the margin of error. So the Democrats, remarkably, are trying to pull Cornell West's name from the ballot because he's liberal and may pull from Kamala Harris, while simultaneously keeping RFK on the ballot to siphon votes from Trump. Here's Cornel West in a media hit, directly saying that someone's been offering to pay off some of his campaign debt to make sure he gets off the ballot. You want to talk about collusion? It's right here. This isn't me saying it.


This is him saying it. Listen. Just one more on this. Did they offer you a cabinet position, a lower position, and offer to pay off any of your campaign debt? Well, they offered serious substantive conversation about all of those that could lead toward it. Got you. Now, folks, keep in mind, if the situation were reversed and the RNC was throwing around money to get people off the ballot, it would be the biggest freaking media story of our time. But because it's the left in Cornell West, right over the head, no one wants to talk about it. But the good news is you are here on the most popular livestream news program in the world, the Bonchino Army. We dominate, and we make no apologies for it. We dominate cable news, everything else. So you're ahead of the story. Now, if the Republicans had any cojones, they'd be investigating this right now because that sounds like a pretty serious charge. Sounds like election interference to me. Greg Price is all over this on Twitter. He's like, You can't make this up. The Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, is denying RFK's request to remove his name from the ballot, but just attempted to remove Cornel West from the ballot, losing a court case she's now appealing.


Sounds to me like election interference. You see what she's doing, right? I mean, I'm sorry to misstate the obvious, but Cornel West is a very far-left liberal. So people who don't like Kamala Harris, now that she's flip-flopping on some of these positions, might vote for Cornel West and siphon votes from Harris. Rfk now endorse Trump. So if they really don't like Trump and RFK is on the ballot, but they hate Kamala Harris, now they have an option. You see exactly what she's doing, right? There appears to be a massive colluding circle of people interfering in the election in a critical swing state that could very well decide this entire election. Now, again, in case you think that I'm crazy, When I say something big is about to happen before the election, they are not going... By the way, tomorrow, I hate to keep teasing tomorrow. I'm sorry, but I'm still putting it together. I've got an exhaustive segment tomorrow on voting machines as well and why we're going to need paper ballots as a backup. It doesn't mean don't vote, folks. This may be our last chance to save this thing, but it doesn't mean be stupid either about the potential for hacking.


I'm going to show you left wingers talking about So when they say, Oh, it's a conspiracy theory, you'll know what I'm talking about. But why am I bringing this up in the context of this segment? Folks, they are not going to lose this thing without every possible legal, illegal, immoral, and unethical effort to stop Donald Trump. They're not. And I'm just begging you as a friend, listen to me, please. I am your friend, I promise you. I have no dog in this fight. My skin in the game is purely ideological. I want to advance conservatism. I think Donald Trump is the best vehicle to do it. I'm telling you right now, we have got to win this thing, and they are not going to stop. I am trying to get you mentally prepared. That way you can respond immediately on Twitter, Facebook, TruSocial, and you are ready. And that way you won't be swayed. Say you're a moderate. Some people listen to show who aren't really diehard Conservatives. I don't want you to be swayed by bullshit narratives going forward. Here's the same Secretary of State in Michigan, Jocelyn Benson, issuing, just like Merrick Garland the other day, threatening people using the January sixth thing.


You saw it. I played the video the other day. Here's the Michigan Secretary of State. Again, in a not even vealed threat that you better damn well certify this election, even if you have questions. It's not a vealed thread she makes. It's an open one. You think they're going to just go down quietly? Good luck. Check this out. If someone were to violate the law and not certify the election at the local level, we will come for you. So any local certifier thinking of skirting the law and not certifying the vote, don't even think about it because we'll get-Folks, again, folks in the chat, you think I'm just throwing this out there? It's a conspiracy. There's a conspiracy theory from who? You just I heard her say it. She's threatened, along with Merrick Garland, they are threatening you. They have to certify the... What if there's something legitimately wrong with the election? Like the vote count doesn't match up with the amount of people who showed up to vote. You better certify it, Winkie Winkie, winkie, nod, nod. We'll be cracking down on you, too. Remember January sixth? Folks, we're living in a police state now.


I did a whole movie on this. Entire movie on this. You're living in a police state right now, not tomorrow. Look at this now, this tweet out of Brazil, the Brazilian Supreme Court going after Elon Musk now. You've got the Telegram CEO now being charged, indicted in France. You got the Telegram CEO. You now got this guy, the Brazilian Supreme Court Minister, Alexandre Demouras, has issued a summons for Elon Musk and threatened to ban X in Brazil in 24 hours. You think This is an accident that we're 60 plus days out from the most important election to overturn global elites in the swamp, their hegemonic rule over the entire globe for the last 50, 60 years. You think this is all an accident? There isn't a single show that is going to prepare you better for what's coming in this show. Folks, be ready. This is why, again, can I say this one last time? And I'm apologizing I'm promising in advance for the redundancy, but I promise you and assure you, I am deeming it absolutely critical to winning this election. You have got to vote early and bank your vote. If there are problems with the machines, which there will be, if there is a DDOS attack on election day, which I believe there may be, the DHS is already hinting at it.


Whether intentional or not, they're hinting at it. If we We have a Maricopa County, Arizona situation. Well, we're out of printing paper, we can't print the ballots. If you vote early, you will have time to fix it. For all the people reaching out to me with legitimate, I get it, legitimate It's a fair questions. Well, doesn't that give them time to figure out how many votes they need to cheat? If they're going to cheat, they're going to cheat on election day 2, and you'll have no time to detect it. This is hands down a ground ball decision. Vote early. The day the polls open, vote early. Go to your county board of elections website. Every single county in the country has one, every one. Every one. And It'll say check voter status, and you can see if they registered your vote. Screenshot it, take a picture of it. If something happens and it says you didn't vote when you did, you now have 2-3 weeks, depending on how long early voting is. In some states, some states don't have it long at all. Some don't have it. You can figure it out. Please bank the vote.


We can fight for a national election day with paper ballots once we win. We can't now. We don't have it now. We have to fight the fight in front of us, not the fight after the fight in front of us. Because if we don't survive the fight in front of us, there is no other fight. I'm only telling this as a friend, folks. She I'm not on the ballot. I'm not voting for myself. I'm not asking you for anything. I'm asking you to support other people. One more thing. I saw some of these Senate candidates are down in the polls, but Trump's ahead. If you're voting for Trump, you have got to vote down ballot Republican. Some of them suck. You are correct. Some of them are going to suck. Let me just get it in advance. You are correct. Some suck. Some suck really bad. Some are actually pretty good. The problem is they will never suck as bad as the Democrat who will impeach Donald Trump the minute he gets in there. Please listen to me on this. I'm asking you as a friend. Let me take a quick break, and the FBI, folks, add it again.


They can't determine the motive for the guy who shot Donald Trump in the head? Folks, man, we're going to like this chat on fire today. Anybody in the chat, if a guy with an AR platform rifle shoots former President President Trump in the head and unloads seven additional rounds in addition to the one that hit Trump in the head, what do you think his motive would be? You guys knocked that out in the chat. What do you think his motive would be? I'm going to throw that out there. The FBI can't figure it out, folks. Their old tricks are back in. This is why nobody trusts these people. Quick break. We'll get back to that with a news story about that. Hey, getting a good night's sleep is really important in your overall wellness. Hey, man, I'm not messing with you. I got a new Helix since I moved in the new place. It is just the most comfortable thing. I will not sleep on anything different. The only problem is when you go to hotels, I'll be in one this weekend. It's hard to sleep because you're not on your Helix mattress. Helix offers 20 unique mattresses, including their award-winning Lux and Ultra Premium Elite collections.


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It doesn't mean I believe it. Is everybody cool with that? Okay, thank you. This is important because I get a whole bunch of feedback as if I'm saying it. I have been told that the investigator running from the FBI, I should say, the lead investigator from the FBI running the investigation into the Butler County assassination site is a pretty straight-laced guy. I don't know him. Don't send me a message on Rumba. What are you say it is? I'm not saying it. I'm telling you what someone told me who I trust. Period. You do it what you want. However, after yesterday's press conference, again, I'm starting to throw cold water on that because it doesn't make any sense. If these guys were straight-laced investigators, then they would tell the truth. It is fairly obvious what this guy's motive was. And before anyone on the other side, liberals down my throat, Well, how would you know? What's your experience? Gee, I don't know. Maybe six, seven years doing protective intelligence investigations between the New York field office and the Long Island field office. What's your experience? What's yours? Oh, nothing. So you can shut the VMM. The Las Vegas shooting.


We don't have a motive. The Nashville shooter. We don't have a motive. Yet when some lunatic attacked CNN headquarters, they're like, Maga people, violent extremist, terrorist, fascist, Nazis, every one of you, arrest them with a red hat. Round them up. It's amazing how they can never find a motive when the motive is right in front of your face or when the shooting is really suspicious and could indict a left-wing ideology. Potentially, Las Vegas, Nashville. Oh, look, we don't know. Waukesha. Remember the Walker Shah guy? The car? But we don't know the motive. What could the motive possibly be? This Fox article is in the newsletter, bonzino. Com/newsletter. It's worth your time. Trump assassination attempt. Fbi reveals the first photos, and I'll show you those in a minute, of Thomas Crooks' firearms and the IEDs in a car truck. This line here is ridiculous. While the FBI has not established a definitive motive for the shooter or any co-conspirators with advanced knowledge of the attack, Kevin Rojik, the special agent in charge the field office there, told reporters that crooks had a sustained, detailed effort to plan an attack on some event, meaning he looked at any number of events or targets.


Here, the 20-year-old government became hyper-focused on Trump's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, when it was announced in early July. He had no identifiable political ideology, Rodjick added. You just said he became hyper-focused on a Trump A Trump rally. Ladies and gentlemen, please take your whatever hat you're wearing now. You're an HVAC repairman, a mom or dad. Take that off and put your investigator hat on. The guy became, not focused, but hyper-focused on a Trump rally, which he scoped out, did pre-op surveillance on days before, showed up with a range finder, climbed onto a roof from an AC unit, took up, what is it, a Panthar AR-15 rifle, shot President Trump in the head, two others, and murdered Cory Comperator. Gee, I don't know. Why do you think he was hyper-focused? Maybe because he had a political ideology. And the political ideology is, I don't like that politician, so I'm going to shoot him. It's stuff like this that drives people freaking crazy. If this guy, God forbid, I'm not using the Lord's name in vain, had shot a Democrat, you know damn well they would be pinning this guy, and it'd be leaks from the FBI eye all over the place about how he's a Trump supporter.


Seven years ago, he wore a red Cincinnati reds hat or something, but he knew in advance that red was going to be the MAGA color. So he put on a Reds hat. Or, yeah, He wore a red tie. You know that's what would happen. And I love that they say he was doing internet searches for other events. Here, the next screenshot from the piece. Over the month leading up to the attack, crooks made more than 60 searches related to Biden and Trump. In late September, an account associated with crooks, searched the former president's campaign schedule and upcoming appearances in Pennsylvania. This is in 2023, folks. Now, again, to the FBI, guys, I actually did these protective investigations, protective intelligence investigations for a long time. Anyone questioning my experience, you can sit down on a corner and shut your mouth. You have no freaking idea what you're talking about. I will concede a point Point here from experience because I've said it on my show and it's true. Target shifting is not uncommon. I've used the example many times of that movie In the Line of Fire with Clint Eastwood, this guy singular obsessed with this one person.


When you're dealing with a psychopathology, a mental cognitive disorder, target shifting is not uncommon. Going from one target to the next. Some singer, Joey Bagadona, a famous boy band guy. And then you switch to Donald Trump. But to suggest that this guy had been doing internet searches, became hyper-focused, and as far back as 2023, was looking up at the Trump rally where he did pre-op surveillance, that you may not be able to determine a political ideology, frankly, sounds silly. Here, it gets even worse. Last one. The subject registered to attend the rally the same day he searched for, How far was Oswald from Kennedy? Holy shit. I don't know. What could the motive be? He also searched, Where will Trump speak from at the Butler Farm Show? Butler Farm Show podium and Butler Farm Show photos. The subject also searched AGR International. And on July 10th, just a few days before, searched, Whether in Butler. Thirty days prior, he searched 60 searches related to Biden and Trump. Notice, though. Notice what they don't say. Did you Can't you guys catch it? They're trying to say, Oh, the searches related to Biden and Trump. And by the way, I find it awfully convenient.


They held this press conference after we called them out for not holding a press conference. They don't say specifically what the Biden searches are, only the Trump ones. Anyone in the chat know why? Any of you guys know why? Folks, I search President Biden all the time in Trump for show prep. Thankfully, it doesn't mean I have any violent tendencies. He could have been reading President Biden's The latest student loan theft program. Did you notice in the article, the FBI doesn't say at all? Did you catch this? I know some of you did. Some of you are better investigators than I was. They never say what Biden's are. Trumps are It's not related to where he's speaking from, the weather that day. Things an assassin would be planning in a pre-op type tactical exercise. This is bullshit. I don't trust them at all. I'm sorry. I'm going to show you these photos coming up in a in it, too. The photos, I'm reasonably confident, are legitimate. I'm going to put that out in advance. Their theory, however, I think is obscene. I'm going to show you something about the rifle used, and I think we can now settle on how Crooks was killed from the picture of the rifle.


Some of you may have caught it yesterday. They released a picture of the rifle, and there's something missing in that rifle. That should show you that one of these stories about how he died is not accurate. Folks, you're having trouble sleeping or staying asleep? Listen, I've been there. It's not just about feeling tired the same day. A poor sleep takes a really nasty toll on your body. But guess what? There's hope on the horizon. It comes in the form of Beam's Dream powder. It's been a game changer for me because when we're sleeping well, we're sharper, more focused, and ready to tackle whatever life throws our way. Today, my listeners get a special discount on Beam's Dream Powder. They're science-backed hot cocoa for sleep with no added sugar. Better sleep, it's never tasted better. Other sleep aids can cause the next day grogginess, but Dream contains a powerful all-natural blend. It has Reyesha, Magnesium, Althenium, Apigenin, and Melatonin. Hope you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed. You want to try Beam's best-selling Dream Powder? Beam is now offering Bongino listeners an exclusive discount. Get up to 45% off for a limited time. When you go to shopbeam.


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Visit takelean. Com and enter dan15. Com Take Lean for your discount. That's promo code dan15, dan15, at takelean, lean. Com. Takelean. Com. The savings of products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They're not done to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. They're not a substitute or alternative for care from a health care provider. Thank you, Liam. We appreciate it. I wanted to show you these pictures now from the FBI. One of them comports with the story I heard from Eli Crane, excellent Republican congressman this Monday in our Congressional hearing. Still up on my Rumbel account, if you I want to take a look at it. This first picture of the Ammo can. We were told initially, I shouldn't say told because no one knows who said it. It was out there. Let's just put it out there. It was out there that these bombs were pipe bombs. Folks, that is not the case. The reason I want to... Even though these pictures come from the FBI, who I candidly do not trust, when it comports with what I'm being told from whistleblowers, I do trust, especially Eli Crain, who's hearing it, too. This just looks legit.


You can see It's actually a relatively sophisticated bomb constructed in an ammunition can. If you're looking at the picture, if you're watching on Spotify or listening on Spotify and Apple, you have an explosive, some detonation device there, and you have an ammo can. Apparently, what we know is packed with explosives. This could have done some real damage if there were people near this. This was not a... The FBI is putting out there yesterday, which, again, you can discard completely. It wasn't a particularly sophisticated device. They're doing that for ideological reasons. They're only trying to counter the information Eli Crane and the Congressional Committee I'm working with, the renegades, are putting out there. This is a particularly sophisticated device. Yes, not if you're an EOD tech, Green Beret, but if you're a 20-year-old kid, it's pretty sophisticated. Stop the bullshit. Again, you're ruining your credibility. I've been ahead of you guys on every story out there. The spigate lies, everything else. Stop lying. You Just leave it as what it is. You don't have to give your opinion on it. Here's the other picture. This one's very interesting. Why? It's an AR. What's missing? You guys see it?


You're listening audio only. You're going to notice on the stock of the rifle at the end, there's a huge chunk of it missing. Keep that up for a second. I know you I don't like keeping these pictures up for long, but this one matters. I have no reason to believe this picture is in any way inaccurate. There were two versions of how Crooks was killed. The first version, or I shouldn't say the shots. There were 10 shots total, that I'm sure of. Eight from crooks, one from a local CS team, one from Secret Service CS. There are two different versions of the events. The first version we had heard, which I put out a long time ago, appears to be accurate that the local CS team engaged crooks and did not hit him. They thought he may have hit the portion of the gun. That may not be true. I'm not 90% sure. I'm still open to the first or second possibility. The second story I heard, which now appears accurate, is that they did not, in fact, hit him. They did not hit the gun either. And that the CS team, the Secret Service counter sniper team, shot Crooks at such an angle that it went in through his face out through the shoulder, and took out the stock of the gun.


If you see the gun with it missing, it appears that story is accurate. Something took a huge chunk out of that, and I believe it was the second round from the Secret Service sniper as it penetrated through the shoulder and frag. Thank you. That's not how that's supposed to look, folks. There's a chunk of that missing. So the picture, not a lot of people. I didn't matter if I didn't see Anyone catch on. If I missed it, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to get ahead of people who may have put it out there, but it's important. We can be reasonably confident right now that the secret service counter sniper story that they killed them and took out a piece of the gun is pretty accurate. We're just trying to get a story about what happened. Okay, all right. Now that we got that, moving on. Folks, listen, if we elect Kamala, you're never going to get answers to any of this. I was stunned. For me to be shocked about what Kamala Harris, who is a Communist, by the way, and I don't care how many times the Wall Street Journal, I like their up and come, but how many times he tells not to call her a Communist?


Why? She's a Communist. She's espousing Communist ideas. We will call her a Communist until she stops being a Communist. Nothing shocks me with her. This I was shocked about. Do you remember the show I did, I don't know, two months ago? You P1s and folks in the chat, the McGroins will remember. You guys remember everything. The most important position in the next administration is what? Anybody in the chat? You guys remember? It's not the VP. Super important. We've got JD Vant. Super important. Could be the President if something happens. The most important position, however, is attorney general. There is no doubt about it. Someone is going to have to get rid of these tyrannical, deep state, unconstitutional cases against Donald Trump. They're going to have to prosecute a number of people who weaponize the government. We need someone, ladies and gentlemen, with balls of a diamond. They've got to be made of diamond, like one of the hardest substances. They got to be uncrackable. Well, Kamala Harris is thinking the same thing. Democrats are already buzzing about a successor to Merrick Garland, and they're speculating insiders about who it could be. I couldn't believe this.


One of the names that came up, Lisa Monaco, man. You have got to be kidding me. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco could fit the bill given that she's worked in high-ranking prosecutorial and intelligence positions. Do you remember the Merrick Garland video we ran the other day? Do we have that? Where he was threatening people for January sixth? Do you happen to remember flanking his left shoulder who is there? That person looks really familiar. It's Lisa Monaco. Now, that's one of a thousand reasons. If Lisa Monaco becomes the attorney general, Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to tell you, you might as well move to Thailand. Because if you are a conservative and you have any position of prominence in business, influence or thought leader, politics, whatever, you will become a target of this crazy person. Lisa Monaco has been knee deep in just about every huge deep state scandal of the last five or six years, even more, the Ukraine stuff. Remember Lisa Monaco on the audio with the Ukraine stuff? The quid pro quo nonsense, impeachment hoax, spigate, collusion. Monaco has been knee deep in all of them. Do you have the CNN piece? I'm sorry to make you guys multitask, but I want to show you something about Lisa Monaco.


Here is it. Obama orders review of Russia election-related hacking. You know the hack that never happened? Look at this article from December of 2016. The Russia hacking story, remember? That they said led to collusion? Russia hacked the election for Donald Trump. The President has directed the intelligence community, talking about Obama, to conduct a full review of what happened. To capture lessons, White House, Homeland Security, and counterterrorism, Lisa Monaco said. Folks, Lisa Monaco. There she is. You don't even... Keep it up on the screen. There she is right there. Lisa Monaco. Remember Lisa Monaco with the bio labs in Ukraine with Rubio? You remember that one? Yes, we do have bio labs. And you get in. Two days later, fact check goes, There are no bio labs in Ukraine. There are no bio labs in Ukraine. If she becomes the AG, you really think you're going to get answers to the pipe bomber, the missing secret service text, spigate, collusion, what happened in Butler County, Pennsylvania? That's a good one. You see how they don't mess around? This positively said, We don't like the Democrats. I get that. But I'm going to tell you right now, I respect their balls.


And by respect, I don't mean that in a nice way. I mean, I know who I'm fighting. These people are not effing around. Do you understand? This is who she's considering? Here's another Another one from that political article. Sally Yates. You remember Sally Yates? She was a Deputy Attorney General during the Obama administration. Remember her fighting the Muslim ban? Remember the guy who sent her a message after she went after Donald Trump because they mistakenly kept her on board too long there? They had to get rid of her. Sally Yates resigned over the fake Muslim ban, which was fake, totally real, a total left-wing conspiracy. No Muslim was banned. No one. They made it up. Remember who sent her a big thank you? Andy Weissman. Andy Weissman, the Mueller Lieutenant, throw up the next piece. Yes, Bob Muller's Bulldog, Little Pitbull. Muller Lieutenant sent an email saying he He's proud of Sally Yates. Folks, this is going to get ugly if we lose. Listen, it's a Thursday, and it's been a great week for us. I've been having a really good time with you, and I really don't want to sound macabre. This is not meant to be an Edgar Allen Poe show, okay?


It's not. This isn't like the Raven. I don't mean this to be dark because I'm really confident we have a good shot, not a great shot at winning. But a good shot. I'll take a 50/50 chance given all the stuff we're dealing with. But I'm just telling you now, if we lose, they are not screwing around. If you think things are bad now, they will be thousands of times magnitude worse with four more years of this, and all of us will be at risk. The people they're ready to put in are crazy. It's amazing how they'll focus on Project 2025, which is nothing more than a think tank document that think tanks get paid to produce thoughts. But yet, if we mention the radical nature of what Kamala Harris wants to do, the media is like, No, she doesn't want to do that. Wait, I hear something in my ear. Whatever you're playing, it's in my ear. Harris is really dangerous. We must stop her. I want to show you this, too, because Donald Trump... This is good. Donald Trump was just indicted again by tyrannical Special Counsel Jack Smith. Despite being smacked down by the Supreme Court and told to stand down, he did it again.


Why? Because these people are crazy. If Kamala Harris had any sense at all and wasn't a Communist, she would say to Joe Biden, I'm going to go on the record in challenges. Kamala Harris, listen, I'm not giving anyone advice, and I'm sorry if this bothers you, but it's important to put out there. She's a Communist. She would never do this in a million years. If Kamala Harris wanted to pick up a legitimate one or two points in the polls, she could go out tomorrow and say, You know what? I want to run McDonald Trump fair and square. This Jack Smith case, I'm not commenting on it because I don't know the details. I'm the vice president. I'm not the special counsel. However, this indictment is a bad idea. We should have delayed it after the election. I'm telling you right now, she'd gained one or two points in the polls. Why are you giving them advice? Because it doesn't matter. She's a commie. Do you understand She loves this. There is not a chance in hell her or Biden are going to stop and move back from their communists' tendencies. Hat tip Tom Elliott over at Gravium.


You haven't played one of his great legendary Supercuts in a Here is a supercut of... This is funny, Smith indicting Trump for an election interference thing. Here are the Democrats and the media openly interfering in the last election by squashing this Hunter Biden story and then pretending they had nothing to do with them when the story turned out to be true from the minute it broke. Check this out. Obviously, we're not going with the New York Post story right now on Hunter Biden. This is really one of the stupidest October surprises I've ever seen. It helps to really view this as storytelling, not so much as news coverage, but as political entertainment. Npr explained, We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories. Who even thought to make that story up? It's a story that many intelligence experts say has all the hallmarks of a foreign interference campaign. It looks like it's tied to Vladimir Putin in Moscow. This is a Russian intelligence disinformation campaign. Foreign intelligence operation. Foreign intelligence operation. Russian intelligence. Rudy Giuliani was not fed passively Russian disinformation. He ordered off the menu. This is a classic example of the right-wing media machine.


And he's in the midst of a scandal. He's not. He's not. And he's taking... He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. He's not. We should note Hunter Biden isn't running for President. That argument has been debunked. There is no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong. For all we know, these emails are made up. It just lacks credibility. Okay, I would love if you guys would start doing that digging and start doing that verification. No, we're not going to do your work for you. Character matters. It matters. Telling the truth matters. Being a good person matters. I don't know why I'm crying. You really believe these people are going to be the ones to expose the truth to you about the dangers of Kamala Harris and her Communist agenda? Folks, I know you don't trust the media. I get it. It's not breaking news on the show that the The media sucks and are full-blown communists at this point. I get that. The point I'm trying to make is you have to be ready to counter these narratives because I know what you're saying.


Many of you may say, Dan, what's the point? We already know the Hunter Biden story was true. Yeah, But about 17% of Biden voters didn't before the election. That's why my 10, 10, and 10 rule matters. When I say, Bring 10 people to the polls, send 10 emails, and make 10 social media posts or call 10 people, you should be calling them to get out information as well. Folks, we're running against Mystique here. If you've never seen the Xmen movies, Mystique is one of these characters. She could become whatever she touches. She touches Justin, she looks like Justin. She touches Michael, she looks like Michael. She can become anything. That's Kamala Harris. That's who she is. She's Mystique from the Xmen. And the media will do everything they can to tell you that Mystique is in fact Magneto when we know it's Mystique. By the way, it's a big moment today. What are you laughing? It's big. Listen, the goosebumps are here. You guys ready? In the chat? You P1s in the McGroins. I know you get it. We haven't done a change in the dopey media talking head Olympics in eons. This is historic.


We've had movement before the election. I generally try not to do that before an election, unlike the DOJ. But Jonathan Karl has been so pathetic lately. Jonathan Karl, you may not have heard this guy, that he's actually bumped Chuck Todd off the charts completely, given Scarborough a promotion. Joy Reid, of course, still is the gold medal for the Dopey Media Talking Head Olympics. But we are now awarding Jonathan Karl from what is it, ABC? We are rewarding him the Bronze medal. These guys They got something prepared. Oh, my gosh. Okay, it's the final event in the Dopey Media Talking Head Olympics. In his last instance, Jonathan Karl is going to attempt to pull words out of the rear part of his body, one that is rarely seen in public, and put them into Kamala Harris's mouth to see if he can throw Tom Cotton off his game. This one's to see if he can make the medal stand. Let's watch. She said that she was ready for President, that she wants to eliminate private health insurance on the Well, 170 million Americans, John. Yeah, I mean, that is not her position now. How do you know that's not her position?


How do you know that's not her position? I mean, she said she know what supports Medicare for All. She has not said that. He did it. He did it. He got the bronze. Congratulations, John Carl. Congratulations. Jonathan Carl. Fellas, everybody up. Everybody up. Everyone's standing. Michael. Michael's like seven feet tall. Justin's like seven foot five. Yes. Yes. Big, huge moment. Awesome. Jonathan Carl. Everybody, applause, emoji in the chat for Jon Karl. Huge moment in Bonjino's show history. He is now the Bronze medal winner, just so we have it. Anita, do me a favor. Keep track of it. I know Jim has it, they have it, but we need a McGroin chart as well. So it is now Joy Reid with the gold, still. I mean, by far. Like the world... No, not even. Intergalactic record holder. I don't think that's going to change. Joe Scarborough, number two. Silver. And now John Karl removing Chuck Todd, giving Joe Scarborough a promotion. By the way, congrats to Scarborough, too. Scarborough moving up. So it's a big deal with the Silver. It's a big deal. Okay, folks, we're getting back to the show. This is what I'm talking about.


It's people like John Karl who say ridiculous things like that to Tom Cotton. Like, Oh, no. Kamala Harris changed her position. No, she didn't. She did not. Anonymous staffers on a Friday night sent it to idiots like you who repeated it. Here's Kamala Harris. This is the best ad you're going to see in a long time. But you said that about the last one. This one's even better. I like them short and punchy. That's why I like this ad. Here's a Trump ad of, again, Kamala Harris debating herself and people like John Karl covering for her. Check this out. Every day prices are too high. Food, rent, gas, back to school clothes. That is called bi dynamics. A loaf bread cost 50% more today Ground beef is up almost 50%. There's not much left at the end of the month. Bi dynamics is working. The price of housing has gone up. It feels so hard to just be able to get ahead. And we are very proud of bi dynamics. There she is debating herself. This stuff is terrible, but Bidenomics is working. I love ads like that. You don't need to... Trump team, you don't need to do anymore.


They don't need my advice. I get it. I'm a supporter. You got my vote. You don't need to convince me. If you're open to it, keep firing out ads like this. You don't have to say anything. She's Mystique. Just play what she said versus what she's saying now. It's not the same thing. It's not even close. Here's what you have when you do something like that. This is why that's so brilliant. Whoever did that, congrats. Kamala Harris is one of two things then. She's either a colossal phony or someone so stupid, she's running against her own record. There's no option C. There's no option C. Folks, they're panicking now, too. Look at Anita. There we go. Always to the rescue. Look at me. I love Anita. She's the best. The Queen. You know when Aaron Judge gets up at the plate, they say, All rise. When Anita comments, we're going to say, Bow down. Everybody nod their heads a little bit. This show. I don't know, man. This show is crazy. You have no idea how much fun I have doing this show. It's not fair. It's not fair. I don't even feel like a job anymore.


It doesn't. I can never let this thing go. I just can't. Oh, by the way, we're going to be doing a debate night show. How cool is that? Spread the word. Debate night show. We're going to be knocking it out of the park again. So debate night will be with you. I got to travel the next day. So we'll be doing something the next day, too. But I'm the We got the Tucker thing, September 11th in Tulsa. But we'll be doing a debate in that show. This is how much they're panicking, by the way, about Kamala Harris, because they've got 60 days to hide her. She's going to do an interview with Dana Basch, which is ridiculous. Dana Basch is the most. Left-wing goofball, you're going to find out. It's going to be a softball interview, I guarantee it. They're trying after that. They're going to try to hide her for 60 days. But they are so desperate to make her seem real and authentic that they pulled this stunt with Joe Rogan. Did you guys hear about this? Rogan was not happy at all. Apparently, they wanted to imply that Rogan supported her when Rogan was really doing a bit about Tulsi Gabbard.


Do you know how unethical this is? Listen to Rogan talk about this. Check this out. For sure. So there's a business in that. And then there's also people that are doing... Msnbc did this recently. This has gotten so popular that my fucking stepdad contacted me to tell me he's happy that I'm suing MSNBC. I'm like, I'm not suing MSNBC. But this is what MSNBC did. They took a clip of me talking about Tulsi Gabbard, and they edited it up and made it look like I was saying great things about Kamal Harris. Wait, what? Yeah. You and I have been mashed up on other stuff and AI, and like you said, we don't want to draw attention. They got taken off the internet, thank goodness, but it was bullshit. It was AI and mashup. Yeah, there's a lot of AI ads with us. They did that about politics? Yes, they did it about politics, but they didn't do it like AI. They just deceptively edited the things that I was saying, took it completely out of context, where I was talking about, first of all, I was talking about Tulsi Gabbard, and then I was talking about that the media behind Kamala Harris, all this surge and all these people just deciding that she could win.


Do you know how bad it has to be for them to so blatantly do that, knowing you're opening yourselves up to lawsuits and other things? Folks, if Kamala Harris, the phenomenon was real, why would they be doing this? I want to show you. You know what? Can we skip to Dana Basch? Because I'm going to get to the other stuff tomorrow. I just wanted to show you that Dana, whatever her name, Dana Dana, Dana. I'm not saying it. I'm wrong intention. What is it? Dana, Dana. Who cares? Here's Dana Basch. She's supposed to be doing this interview with Kamala Harris and Tim Walls. And by the way, the fact that Kamala Harris can't do the interview by herself. I'm sorry, folks, but wasn't the left all about women's lib and all this stuff? You can't do it without your male running mate. It's embarrassing, isn't it? Paula do an interview, no problem. She needs to help. Here's Dana Basch. This woman is going to be objective, talking about the Supreme Court case in Trump, saying how unfortunate it is. You think she's going to be objective? Take a look. Look, unfortunately for America, the court isn't necessarily that this is the way the framers wanted it to be.


They wanted Congress, the people who are closest to their constituents, to be able to make the rules of the laws. They were trying to keep Trump off the ballot, and she opens up talking about, Unfortunately, you think this person is going to be objective? Stop. Please stop. I know you don't, but please stop, Libbs. Folks, thanks again for tuning in. I hope that voicemail wasn't too disturbing in the beginning of the show, but I'm telling you, I get them three, four times a week. Liberals are maniacs. I'm just going to say, I know you don't need any lectures from me, but don't ever... I mean, really, you don't need to hear it from me. You know that. This is who they are. Let them own the crazy, violent nonsense thing because it just over time, I'm convinced, at least I know there's a second creation. I'm comfortable walking in front of the creator saying I'd never be involved in nonsense like that. They're not. They just don't care. They're lunatics. Thanks again for tuning in. Please give us a follow on Rumbl. It's really If you want to watch every day at 11:00 AM, it is free.


It costs you nothing. Rumble. Com/bongino on your computer, or you could download the Rumbl app and just search the Dan Bongino show. Click that follow button. Please give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. We're still in the top 20 in Spotify and Apple news. Really, really appreciate that for the podcast. I really appreciate it. Thanks a lot. I'll be here in the radio show in just a few minutes on Rumble, and then back here tomorrow at 11:00 AM. Big, big story on the Pipe Bomer. See you then. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.