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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Folks, you love to see it. You love to see it. There's now an entire group of republican congressmen and women who have paraded up to New York to show support against the dreaded, disgusting, gross police state commies we're living with now in New York state and sitting in the White House. It's a beautiful thing. Of course, we're going to name names to make sure you all know who showed up and who hasn't been there yet. Get your asses up to New York and show support for Trump and show support against this police state. Because if you don't, who's it coming for next? The answer is you. That's who it's coming for next. And lesson of the day, don't be Mitt Romney. What a doofus. If you seen this clip, I got a lot to talk about today. Hey, I can't stop raving about beams dream powder, their science backed tacocal for sleep. Get up to 45% off Memorial Day at shop bangino. Use code Bongino at checkout to get up to 45% off.


I've got that. And I've got a special little item for you today, ladies and gentlemen. The debates already happened. What you're going to see in the debate on CNN, ABC is simply a performance. However, the debate on the issues has already happened. I'm going to prove it for you today because I'm not going to let Biden wiggle and worm his way out of things. He's already said yes. He's going to raise your taxes. Yes. He's going to screw you over at the border. Yes. Inflation is going to get worse, period. I got the receipts to back it up. As always, folks, you're having trouble sleeping or staying asleep. Trust me, I've been there. It's not just about feeling tired the next day. It's the toll poor sleep takes on your body and every aspect of your life. But guess what? There's hope on the horizon. It comes in the form of beams dream powder. It's been a game changer for me. Seeing we're sleeping well, we can be sharper, more focused and ready to tackle whatever life throws our way in. Today, my listeners get a special discount on beams dream powder. Theyre science backed tacoca for sleep with no added sugar.


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Nice to see you all taking a stand against the silly state, the deep state, the shit state. What we got right now, we need to do more of that. Everyone, every day, asses up there to New York. Ass New York. I'm south, you go north. I don't care where you are. If you're in Maine, you go south, you're out in California, you go east, get your ass to New York. If you're down in DC and Congress is in session, it's a very easy Amtrak trip. It drops you right off in Penn Station. The courthouse isn't far from there. No excuses. Get it done. All right, I got that debate preview for you coming up. Because after we're done with you here on the debate preview, there's going to be the only. The only purpose to watching the debate is going to be to see if Biden falls asleep or pees himself or not. And don't underestimate this guy. Said that yesterday. Don't make that mistake. The media is already setting the bar low. So if he shows up and doesn't wet his diaper on stage, they're going to declare it a big success. Don't fall for that trick.


But first, Capitol Hill lit up yesterday, ladies and gentlemen. The police state is collapsing. It's freaking glorious to watch the Twinkies Michael Cohen trial is turning into the biggest judicial farce ever. And here is the biggest irony of all about this disgusting farce of a bullshit case I've ever seen, I mean, I've never seen something legally as much of an abomination as this thing up in New York. There's a case right now you probably heard about. It's the presidential immunity case in the Supreme Court. I want you guys to think about this. This is a very important point. The case in the Supreme Court now is being brought against, basically against Jack Smith's case, the special tyrant prosecuting Donald Trump for the January 6, what they refer to as the insurrection. Right. And all the nonsense associated with Jack Smith's got the presidential records case. All of this stuff, this is all garbage. Okay? They're trying to determine what the level of presidential immunity is. And, folks, the biggest fear of the founding fathers was that a president was going to be dragged into court for nonsense, civil and criminal stuff, which if he were to serve a term or two terms or there were no term limits in the beginning, five terms would distract the president away from governing the country and involve him in petty nonsense stuff.


And they were afraid his political opponents would use that against him. That had never happened up until the garbage can loser. Zero Democrats decided to engage in tactical lawfare against Donald Trump. The irony here, putting all this together is the Twinkies trial, which has fallen apart so badly, even legal analyst, analysts on the left providing legal analysis. I showed you it on MSNBC yesterday. In that clip, none of them know what the crime is. The testimony has been both salacious and ridiculous. It's been unnecessary. It's making the country look foolish. The biggest irony of all is the Supreme Court seeing this folks right now. And I'm wondering, forget about the liberals. They don't care. I'm not talking about Sotomayor. They're, they're lost. They're activists. Forget it. But I'm talking about like, John Roberts, who's a liberal most of the time. John Roberts, who was a conservative appointee but has now gone left. I wonder if even he's seeing this and going, listen, man, this is exactly what we feared. These guys, folks, the catastrophe this thing has been is just incredible to grasp. Let's get to what I'm talking about. So Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's lawyer, is up on the stand again today.


He's under cross examination. The case is entirely collapsed. He has zero credibility. He's been apparently lying to everyone. He's a documented liar. Cohen's former legal adviser. So Michael Cohen had a legal, went to someone for legal advice, too, who is the attorney client privilege has been waived so he can speak. Was up on Capitol Hill yesterday and this is him talking to Congressman Greg Stubey. I want you to listen about 20 seconds. This where he completely annihilates the narrative that Donald Trump orchestrated some kind of campaign scheme to hide this stormy Daniel story. This is Michael Cohen's legal advisor. This is so bad for them. Watch this. Through further cross examination, Cohen told me that he knew there was money missing from the Trump inauguration. I see where you are now. Thank you. Okay. And then on the next page, end of that first paragraph, Cohen decided that while he didn't believe the allegation of the Stormy Daniels story, that he thought the story would be embarrassing for Trump and especially for Melania, so he decided he would take care of it himself.




And that is contrary to what this.


Guy testified to in court in New York yesterday.


Folks, this is the guy's legal adviser under oath on Capitol Hill. Again, you don't think the Supreme Court is watching this? I like to give you angles not a lot of people are talking about because I never want to waste your time and I don't want to repeat what you're seeing on cable news. The Supreme Court is presently determining if the president, United States, can be dragged into court for nonsense stuff. That is their right. You don't think they're watching this? This legal adviser to Cohen is under oath saying this was Cohen's idea, Trump had nothing to do with it. The guys under oath did nothing, that this entire case has collapsed. It got even worse. This is Matt Gaetz talking to him. Matt Gaetz was up in, up in the courthouse today in New York. Good job, Matt Gates. But here's Matt Gates in a short clip yesterday asking the lawyer a very simple question. The star witness against Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, is there a single branch of government Michael Cohen hasn't been accused of lying to? And the lawyers like, check this out. Is there a single branch of government that Michael Cohen hasn't lied to?


Gee, I think there, there isn't.


Folks. This is the guy's legal adviser, man. And just so we're clear, you may be asking yourself, why would he waive attorney client privilege? There's a Cohen. For a guy who was going to go and make them look foolish, the answer is, it happened a long time ago. The FBI and the assistant United States attorney were trying to go after that guy, too. So it was Cohen who has the attorney client privilege. Cohen waived it because I think they thought they were going to rope this guy in and it didn't work. You get it? So once he waived it, now this guy's free to tell the truth. This whole thing is a mess. So the big takeaways, I want to get to debate. I got other stuff. And we're going to hear a lot about this today. Big takeaway, number one from this, the Supreme Court is watching this. They are getting ready to rule on a case about if the president can be dragged into court for shenanigans while they're watching their worst nightmare shenanigans unfold in New York. In a case that, that has turned into a total embarrassment for everyone involved. The case has turned into a disgrace.


Now here's the second takeaway, folks. I have showed you hardcore receipts. This thing is blowing up for them at the polls. It's a legal loser and it's a political loser. So why do they keep doing it? Because liberals can't stop themselves. Why does a baby crap in his diaper? Because it can't help itself. It doesn't have control yet of its lower quarters. Liberals don't have control of their lower quarters either, or their higher quarters. They just do things out of emotion. They hate Trump and they will burn their party to the ground trying to go after this guy. And it's freaking glorious to watch. Liberal a holes. We love every second of it. This legal thing's blowing up, but the politics are blowing up, too. Oh, come on. That's, sure you're, you know, you're a Trump supporter, really. Let's watch this clip from MSNBC. They put together a little focus group of people, a couple of people out there, and they start asking them quite MSNBC folks, this is not Fox. And they start asking him questions about these legal cases. I want you to listen to what this guy says as the entire thing blows up an MSNBC's face.


And I'm telling you, everybody I talked to in politics, out of politics, even moderate Democrats that I talked to, pretty much feel the same way. They've turned this guy right now into a martyr. By this guy, I mean Donald Trump. Again, this is MSNBC. Listen to this. Are they being impacted by this trial? Are they paying close attention?


And what impact might a guilty verdict.


Have on their decision to support the former president?


Here's what they told me.


Take a look.


Do each of you support Donald Trump?


I do. Yes.






For all three of you, has this trial changed your opinion, even caused you to waiver or question that at all?


No, it's actually caused me to support him more. I just don't believe there's a coincidence that we have a trial happening in Atlanta. We have one happening in New York. So the question people are beginning to ask themselves, like I did, like, why now, folks, these are every panel they do on CNN or MSNBC. Big panels, small panels, man on the street interviews, they are blowing up in their faces. These polls are horrible. Even if you are totally skeptical of polls, as you should be, and I understand the polls have always been weighted against Donald Trump, not for Donald Trump. Do you understand that? Even if you're saying the polls suck and you're a liberal, they do suck. They suck for Republicans, not Democrats. Meaning if you're losing, you're probably losing even worse. Now that he's agreed to the debate, I suspect this is going to get even worse now. Do you know Harriet Hagerman? Harriet Hagerman is the congresswoman from Wyoming. She's the one who beat Liz Cheney in a primary. It was like 99 to one. In one of the most humiliating defeats for a pseudo republican incumbent we've ever seen in american history.


Liz Cheney was, was sent home packing for good. Harriet Hageman's turned into a real ball buster up there. And I mean that as a compliment. So here's where this case gets even worse. Here's takeaway number three. First, the legal part to take away really bad for the Supreme Court case. Second, the politics of this are blowing up with the electorate. That's why Trump's polls are ahead. But third, this is now turning into a case of severe conflicts of interest for Democrats up on the Hill. The judge in this case, merchants daughter, has business consulting arrangements with prominent Democrats. Yes, I said that correctly. If it sounds third world banana republic stuff, that's because it is. The judge in this insane case's daughter is profiting off the Democrat shenanigans. One of the people she's connected with is the hapless goofball gift to the Republican Party. Congressman Dan Goldman from New York, the biggest moron, male moron up on Capitol Hill. AOC definitely takes a cake in the female side. This guy is an imbecile of the highest order. No one wrecks himself more than this guy. Harriet Hagerman just absolutely filets this guy yesterday on the record, up on Capitol Hill about all his conflicts of interest.


In this case. It's so bad, the ranking member, Democrat has to try to cut her off at the end because this thing just keeps getting ugly. Hot tip, Harriet Hagerman. This was fantastic. Watch this.


Well, thank you. And if it seems like there might be a dog in this hunt on the other side, what you need to understand is that Mister Goldman, the novice representative from New York actually does have a personal stake in this case. He has stated that he has been involved with the Bragg case, helping to prepare Mister Cohen for his testimony. So he is quite closely aligned with an admitted and convicted liar and perjurer. He's also paid the judge merchant's daughter's firm over $150,000 for her services. So I think we've got quite a conflict of interest from Mister Dan Goldman, the novice representative from New York.


Let's get more of this on the record, folks. Let's take this case that has blown up in their face and make it about them. You see the difference now, now listen, I don't want to get off topic here, because what we're talking about here, this case is really important. Okay? But now we have three takeaways. Okay? The politics of this and making this about them and the internal corruption involved in this case here is a critical point. There are a lot of people who will email me and I understand. Listen to me, I get you. I'm not criticizing you. I get it. I feel your pain before I say anything. We all understand that. Yes. Cool. A lot of people email me all the time, Dan, voting doesn't matter. Voting doesn't matter. Voting does matter. Does it matter? As much as I wanted to know, voting obviously matters. We got a huge upgrade in Wyoming. You got rid of Liz Cheney because of voting. Is it solved all of our problems? No. Does the republican party still have a lot of people that suck? Abso freaking lutely. Is voting going to fix every problem? Probably not.


Is the republican party the solution to your problems? No. But are the Democrats the cause of your problems? Yes. And if we in primaries, if we can get the right solid conservative candidates, we can upgrade. I don't mean to get off topic, but again, this is important stuff to keep people somewhat motivated. The country's not lost. There are some decent people out there. Is Hagerman great? I don't know, I just view plus one minus one. I know that was a plus one. And I know Liz Cheney was a perpetual minus one. Sorry, little side note, but important nonetheless. I mentioned Romney in the beginning of the show as well. Mitt Romney, ladies and gentlemen, is example of an absolute disgrace on the other end. This is the kind of guy where I get it to give you the other argument. When people say things like, hey, Dan, voting doesn't matter. We have a bunch of Jeff flakes and Mitt Romney's there. I totally get it. Mitt Romney has been a weapon for the Democrat party. Not the Republicans. The guy is clueless. I will, I'll tell you a quick story about Romney when this clip is over.


How awful of a guy this guy really is. He is. He's a terrible guy. Here's Mitt Romney up on Capitol Hill yesterday. Clearly does not understand the assignment at all. We are fighting the weaponized police state against Donald Trump. Everyone should be up there supporting him in court again in this ridiculous trial. And here's Mitt Romney again trying to take the faux moral high road and supporting the commies and the tyrants because he's just gross and stupid. Check this out. I think it's a little demeaning to show up in front of a courthouse, and particularly one where we're talking about an allegation of paying a porn star. It's really, really very difficult to watch. Why is it difficult to watch? Well, you know, there is a level of, of dignity and decorum that you expect to people who are running for the highest station in the land and going out and prostrating themselves in front of the public to try and apparently curry favor with the person who's our nominee is a little embarrassing. You know what's embarrassing? This piece of garbage. This dude is trash. I want you to go back and look at Mitt Romney in Massachusetts and Utah when he ran for president.


Mitt Romney has taken the opposite side of every single conservative position, the opposite side of it when he thought it was convenient to get power, because he's a garbage person and he always has been. I gave Mitt Romney the benefit of the doubt a long time ago because I want to believe someone's got an ounce of dignity. This guy talking about dignity is freaking hilarious. I ran for office in 2012. I won the republican nomination for Senate. He did a visit up to, I think it was Baltimore. You can go look it up. I was the nominee for the republican side. We had a small chance in that race. Small, but, and we were pretty. We won. I mean, we did. We upset everyone. Mitt Romney's team that wanted nothing to do with us at all. You know why not? Because, by the way, I wasn't even on the radio back then. Almost no one knew who I was because I was a really conservative candidate running on conservative principles. He didn't want anything to do with us. The guy is a fraud. He's a fake, he's a phony. He surrounded himself with losers. And that's why he's jealous of Donald Trump, because Mitt Romney got his ass kicked by one of the worst presidents in us history.


Barack Obama. So Mitt Romney, disappear, get off the scene, get out of the republican party, and go write your dumb ass op eds for the Washington Post. Loser. I'm sick of this dip shit. Guy. Makes me sick. And Z. But you want to talk about a guy who never understood the assignment, it's that loser. Don't hold back, Dan. Tell us how you really that is. All right. Quick break. And here we're going to do it. I'm not letting Joe Bribe and wiggle out of this debate. The debates already happened, folks. The debate about the issues has already happened. Got the receipts to back it up. The rest is just performance. That's all it is. Helix. I got to tell you, I'm sleeping better and feeling better lately thanks to my new Helix mattress. Everyone in the family loves their Helix mattress. The Helix lineup includes 20 unique mattresses, including their award winning luxe and ultra Premium Elite collections. The Helix Plus, a mattress designed for big and tall sleepers, and the Helix kid mattress, which is designed for growing bodies. Take the Helix sleep quiz. Find your perfect mattress. Another two minutes and your personalized mattress is shipped straight to your door free of charge.


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You're correct. And when I go, and let's say I'm scrolling through and I'm on a sports channel, say Fox Sports one or something, they're talking about the NBA finals. They're assuming you know who you know, jokic and all these players are in the NBA. Right? I make the same mistake with politics. I get it. I assume everybody knows everything all the time. Maybe we should make it really simple. Here is a very simple debate on the big issues. We're going to do the border, inflation, taxes and the police state, because these are what? Rank high with conservatives. I'm going to make this super easy for you. I'm going to show you their own words on these issues. So there's no disputing that I'm making this up. I'm not going to edit it or be funny with it or silly with it. And then I'm going to show you where Trump is on the issue and you make your decision that way when the debate comes up and Biden does what he always does. I didn't say that. You could say, oh, bullshit. Go to today's episode. It's may what, 16th? Here's Dan Bongino show. He has the evidence.


They did say that. So let's start with the border first. Here is Biden on the border, proudly, proudly stating, again, this is not manipulated. I promise you it's not meant to be a silly statement. Proudly standing, he's rolled back Trump's border protections. Why is the border exploded? Why do we have 600,000 gotaways and millions of people in the country illegally? Because he stopped doing what Trump was doing and he actually bragged about it in his own words. Here's Biden on the, Deborah, on the border in the debate. Check this out. Responsibility for everything that's happening at the border. Now, I hear you talking a lot about the past administration. You decided to roll back some of those policies. Did you move too quickly to roll.


Back what, I'm sorry, policies.


Did you move too quickly to roll back some of the executive orders of your predecessor?


Rolling back the policies of separating children from their, from their mothers. I make no apology for that. Rolling back the policies of remain in Mexico, sitting on the edge of the Rio Grande grand in a muddy circumstance with not enough to eat. I make no apologies for that.


Folks. This is the debate. Forget what you're going to see on stage. Yeah, we should all watch it. It'll probably be funny watching Biden meltdown. Don't underestimate the guy, however, but don't let him run away from what he said when he came into office. There was a remain in Mexico policy and there was the Lopez agreement, which, by the way, he lied about there because that's all he does. Because Biden's full of shit all the time. He's a kid sniffing loser, and he's always full of shit. The separation of the children policy was an Obama era thing. Look up the Lopez agreement. And by the way, when they say separating kids, that's a liberal talking point. What it did was they didn't want to keep kids in prison so they would keep the illegals that broke the law in a facility while the child was taken away. You want to put the kid in prison, too? Let me ask you a question, dumb ass. Stupid liberals watching the show. When someone breaks the law, an assault, a rape of homebreaking, do they take the kid to prison, too? No, that would be stupid. Okay, dip shits.


That's not a separation of children policy. That's a don't break the freaking law policy, you dumbasses. And it's not even a Trump era policy. Lying sacks of. And yes, he rolled that back to his thing is, let everybody commit crime and let them all out. Remain in Mexico, which was working great. You want to claim amnesty? Fine, do it from Mexico. You're not allowed in. You know what they said? We give up. He dumped that. That's why you have millions of people in the country illegally. He's admitting it. This is the debate. Where's Trump? On the border. It's been pretty clear. He talks about it all the time in public. He wants to obviously go back and do the stuff. He did. Remain in Mexico. The migrant protection protocols, build the wall. However, he also is going to unscrew Biden's policy by deporting all the people Biden led in illegally. How do I know? Because he said it. Here's the only debate that matters. Take a look.


Yeah, we have no choice. Within moments of my inauguration, we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in America.


Folks, this is the debate. It's the only debate that matters. How do I know Donald Trump wants to deport these people, letting the country illegally? Because he freaking said it. I don't need to see it again in a debate. Good. Great. Let's do a debate. Fine. All I want to hear is where they are in the issues. The debate is over. The rest is all performative. That's it. I'm going to make this super easy for you. You want more mass illegal immigration? Some of you do. The liberals that watch the show, I know you're out there. I see you idiots in the chat, liberals trolling people and doing dumb shit to all the solid conservatives in there. We don't ban you. We don't ban you because we know you're morons and we, look, this is what you want. Vote for Biden. You want these people who are here illegally out of the country, vote for Trump. That's it. That is the debate. Let's do another issue that matters to you, inflation. Here's Joe Biden. When inflation was going up and up and up, he constantly claimed it was transitory, going to go away. It's going to pop up and it was going to come back down again.


It did pop up and come back down and then went back up again. That's not transitory. That's a persistent inflation problem. And prices, by the way, have never gone down. They've just gone up. Here's your price point. When he got in, up, up. The rate of change going up has changed. Prices have never come down under this guy, ever. They're still going up. Listen to this idiot on inflation, where he doesn't want to take any responsibility for spending all this money and flooding the economy with money that caused all the inflation. Take a look at his own words.


And by the way, talking inflation, the overwhelming consensus is going to pop up a little bit and then go back down. No one's talking about this.


Great, great.


You know, so again, if it turns out that what I've done so far, what we've done so far is a mistake, it's going to show.


Speaker one, it did show. Dip shit. Do you understand? This was in 2021 when inflation was about to peak at about 9%. It did show. Then he was like, well, it came down from 9%. Now it's going back up again. He doesn't know what he's doing. You want an open border? Vote for Biden. That's it. You want inflation, you want your real wages going down, you want mortgage rates going up? Vote for Biden. It's his own words. He doesn't even understand the problem. This guy has been wrong on everything. Here's Trump on inflation, accurately stating what in fact inflation is. It is the most pernicious tax of all. I would rather a 10% tax hike than no inflation, than a persistent 78935 6% inflation rate. It's worse. Check this out.


Announced last month, inflation surged once again and surged very badly. Joe Biden's inflation tax continues to take away 30% to 50% of every dollar you have. It's a 50% tax. That's what it is. Joe Biden, without any tax hikes, which he's going to give the biggest ever, has already tax hiked you 50% it's like a sales tax, but much bigger, more painful and more destructive because all of the money goes to pay for Joe Biden's wasteful inflation spending like the green new scam. And that's what it is. It's a scam.


Folks. I want you to understand something. What Donald Trump said there, he always talks with a lot of emotion and passion and some people don't like that. But what he said there was economically sound. What he's talking about is inflation is so dangerous because like a sales tax. Think about what he said here. Everybody pay attention here. This is really important. It affects everyone. That's not the case with every tax, folks. Property taxes paid, they're paid indirectly by renters, but not directly income tax rates. If you're not at the top income tax rate, you're not paying the top income tax rate. People at the highest end are paying upwards of 40%. People who make 2030 grand a year are barely paying any income tax. It doesn't affect everyone the same way income taxes, inflation hits anyone who carries us dollars, which is all of you. You're not spending yen or renminbi or rubles. You get what he's saying there. I love how people gaffed this guy off like he's a moron when he's. What he's saying makes perfect sense. He totally understands the problem. Inflation is dangerous because it's a tax on every single one of you.


It's not selective. It's destroying everyone at the same time. You want more inflation and someone who completely doesn't understand the problem. You just saw it. Vote for dipstick Biden. You want someone who gets it? Vote for Trump. Their own words, folks. The debate is over. What about on taxes and the police state? I'll do a couple more. And I got a couple other things to get through. Biden tripping again, yet again. The guy cannot stop tripping over himself, folks. And he did it again. Gave another speech in front of a group of people who've lost people and had to make the story about himself because that's who he is. Quick break. It's time to be awake, not woke. Start your day with a hot America first delicious cup of my favorite coffee, blackout coffee. Blackout coffee is an active supporter of hard working Americans who see work as their duty. They honor and take care of their customers. Blackout coffee does more than any coffee company out there that use premium grade coffee beans. Most people, they don't know what premium grade coffee tastes like because we're used to these woke mega corporations pushing these garbage beans into the pipeline.


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The answer is that guy behind the camera watching you. Do you have to work more taxes suck. Everybody hates taxes. Even liberals hate taxes even though they pretend otherwise. That's why they don't pay anymore voluntarily. So where's the debate on taxes? All you got to do is listen to them talk. Here is Joe Biden on taxes, making it crystal clear that if you want to pay more taxes, I'm not letting them wiggle out of this in a debate. Vote for him, Joe Biden, and he will make you pay more taxes. It can't get any clearer than this.


Just, speaker one, I want to make it clear I'm going to raise some taxes.


Speaker one, can you, can you fire that one up again, folks, is just in case you missed it just one more time because I don't want to hear any bullshit from the left like, no, no, no, Joe Biden, people under 400,000 aren't going to pay more bullshit. He is threatening right now to hike everyone's income taxes because he doesn't want to renew the Trump tax cuts. Stop lying, dipshits. One more time.


I want to make it clear I'm going to raise some taxes.


He's not wiggling out of this in the debate. He's already said it.


I want to make it clear I'm going to raise some taxes just in.


Case you missed it the second time. Now where's Donald Trump on taxes? Donald Trump's been pretty clear, I'm going.


To raise some taxes. I'm going to raise some taxes. Raise some taxes.


Remember the eighties? Cut and wax? I did not plan that these guys hijacked the show sometimes. He wanted to be a DJ growing up, so he was cutting some wax out of it. Where is Donald Trump on tax cuts? How do I know what he said? Because I, listen, Donald Trump is going to renew his tax cuts and therefore you will pay less. So again, if you want to pay higher taxes, go vote for Joe Biden. He's already told you what he's going to do. Here is Trump. Check this out.


Speaker one, happy tax day to everyone. This year, the typical family's tax bill is thousands of dollars lower because of the Trump tax cuts. We doubled your standard deduction, we doubled the child tax cuts and we lowered income tax rates for everyone, a very big thing. Everybody was very happy when we did that. But if Joe Biden gets his way, you will soon be facing colossal tax hikes the likes of which no one has ever seen before.


Debate's over. There's no debate. Everything's performance at this point, it's all for show. The movie script has already been written. The only question is, what does it look like on screen? I want to see the debates. I think they're going to be great. I'm not underestimating Biden for the thousandth time, because anybody can get this guy going for 2 hours with a cup of coffee or whatever the hell he's taking. Ok? However, it's all performance. I need you all to understand and go in there prepared. All the stuff Biden's going to say is bullshit. He's going to say there's a secure border, I'm working on inflation, I'm trying to bring it down. I'm not going to hike to middle class taxes. Everything he says is full of shit. But this is the most important issues. One more and I've got an unbelievable ad Trump war room put together. This thing is good, man. If you haven't seen this, if anything highlights the discrepancies between these two campaigns, it says, but this is the most important issue and that's the Republic, folks. It's why I said in the beginning of the show, Republicans, Mitt Romney types, everyone.


That's why I'm so disgusted with Romney. You are not going up there to New York to support Donald Trump. We, I do support Donald Trump. You were going up there to support the Republic in this vicious attack by this new Fang police state. If you don't understand that, get the hell out of our party. Where is Biden on the police state, folks? He's running on it. He is proud of the January 6 gulags. He doesn't care that a bunch of, you know, the free Palestine people have taken over college campuses, set up little chop zones. He doesn't care BLM almost burned american cities down in some cases did. He doesn't care about antifa left wing riots, pro abortion activists threatening Supreme Court justices. He doesn't care about any of that stuff. However, if you were anywhere near the Capitol on January 6, the police state's coming from you, coming for you. How do I know? Ladies and gentlemen, Biden is run on it. The guy's proud of the gulags. You want more gulags, vote for Biden.


Here, listen to this one desperate act available to him. The violence of January 6. And since that day, more than 1200 people have been charged for their assault on the Capitol. Nearly 900 of them have been convicted or pled guilty collectively. To date, they have been sentenced to more than 840 years in prison.


You, you understand he's proud of this, right? He just said 840 trillion years in prison for 22,000 people. Meanwhile, ask him how many antifa, BLM and kill the jews. People are in jail right now for the only, there's probably none in prison. He loves this. That's his favorite part. You want more of this? Yes. And believe me, liberals watching. Do you, as conservatives have to understand, we are fighting for the republic here. Donald Trump again gets it. He understands this isn't even, this isn't democratic socialism. This isn't even social, this is full blown communism we're fighting here. How do I know he gets it? Because he said it. The debates over, check this out.


Before our very eyes, Biden and his left wing handlers are turning America into a police state. And I don't even think it's Biden, to be honest with you, but they got some bad people around. Like something straight out of a communist country. See, I used to say socialist, but we've skipped socialism. We don't talk about that. I don't even mention it anymore. We're not socialist anymore. We're communists. We've gone over socialism. We're gone. It's over. It's communist. They're talking about communists. It's a communist system that we're putting up with right now, folks.


They are coming for you next. Here's the thing about these sick Joe Biden types and all these liberal gulag types. Once they get a taste like vampires for that blood of power, once they get that taste. You ever see that scene from interview with a vampire with the young female actress? I forget her name and she's like, I want some more. That's what they're like. You understand? This will never stop. You've got an opportunity right now to rip the rug out from under this police state and rip it root from branch and tear it apart. If we don't take it now, you are going to rue the day. Rue the day that you didn't because they're coming for you next. That's why everybody needs to get their asses up there and support this guy. Folks, that was an important segment. The debate is already over. The rest is performance. Do not let this guy escape. Make sure we've got these issues nailed down. I want you to watch this. And this came out from the Trump war room yesterday. You want to talk about different energy levels. You know, on the show, I talk about a lot of tactics and edutainment, educational entertainment.


I just like to talk about things. To talk about it, folks. One of the things in politics no one can really describe, but you know it when you feel it. It's like the old thing about porn. What's porn? I don't know, but I know when I see it. The big mo is the same way. Momentum in politics, you can kind of feel it, but it's hard to describe. Is it crowds? Maybe. I mean, some people have had crowds. Some. Is it energy? I don't know, but you know it when you've got it. Donald Trump has it now, momentum is on his side. And let me tell you something, the Biden campaign is collapsing. Nobody gives a shit about this guy. Don't get cocky. Bring ten people to vote for you. But this ad by Trump war pretty much nails this home. This is a devastating side by side of these two campaigns, one flowing with momentum and the other one just stagnant in a pool of nasty, mosquito infested water. Check this out.


Now, for those of you who want to watch the whole ad, go to the Trump war room account. For those who listen on audio. What you missed there, well, you heard it. You hear the intensity of those Donald Trump crowds. New Jersey, other places he went, that was Bronx, the Bronx bodega. And then you see it intercut with Joe Biden at the beach, nearly falling over. Why he's taking his shirt off at the beach like he's impressing us with his musculature is so bizarre. And then him walking in that wawa, wherever it was. Nobody even knows who he is. People know who he is. Don't even care. Nobody cares about this guy. He has no momentum. Nobody likes him. He's losing minority voters. He's losing young voters because he sucks. He's a liar. Everything he does is a finger stick issue, crushing the american voter across the board. He tripped again yesterday. This one's kind of tough to see. And listen, I don't wish ill will on anyone. Let me be clear for the thousandth time. I'm not a liberal democrat. I'm not antifa, a BLM that likes beating the shit out of people. However, the guy is an older gentleman, and for his age, he's not in great shape.


Other people are. It's hard for me to believe that him and Bernie Sanders are roughly the same age. Bernie Sanders, who I don't like, is mentally lucid. It doesn't walk around stumbling everywhere. Something happened to Biden. I don't know if it's something he's, something he's not telling us. He's got some kind of condition. Clearly. Here he is yesterday. He's walking up on stage to give a speech, and he stumbles at the beginning of the speech. You'll see in the beginning. He can watch. There again, folks, this guy is. You understand? Watch. He's like five minutes away from falling on his face. This is not funny. This is that world leaders are watching this. This is really bad, this guy. I'm hesitant. What. Let me just say, a lot of people know this, and the biggest fear going on with the staff, secret service and others is this guy is going to fall flat on his face and crack his face open in front of the entire world. He can't even move around. I'm not. I'd be honestly be surprised if he makes it out on a debate stage without tripping over some mic wire taped to the ground or something like that.


He is in bad shape. And then he gets a really. You think? I was told. I thought that was actually kind of bl. I'm. You just want to throw that in. I'm actually trying because I don't want to see anybody get hurt. I really don't. But the guy is a freaking train wreck and he did it yesterday. Again, here's another reason people don't like him. He has no sense of empathy. Ladies and gentlemen, empathy is an important thing tactically in politics and morally for your life. You want people to know, I'm not trying to be your armchair psychologist, but when I would go knock on doors in politics, what do people hate? People hate politics. Evita, you ever knock on doors with your dad when he was a congressman at all? She's knocked under. Do people hate it? They don't love it. I mean, you get some nice people, but, you know, usually they give you a look the first time. You're not gonna do like, what are you doing here? You. The first thing you do, folks, trust me, if you're an activist or a politician, you give an empathetic statement to disarm them right away, they're going to slam the door in your face.


Sir, ma'am, I'm really sorry to bother you. I hate it when people knock on my door, too. I totally understand. I just want to introduce myself quick. I'm Dan Bargino, running for office. May I give this to you? Nine out of ten times, even people who hate your guts will be nice and say, sure, no problem. Most of them throw it out, whatever. You give an empathetic statement to let them know that they're important. They're important. Biden does the opposite all the time. Biden goes to an event, dead soldiers, dead police officers, memorials, and he wants to make sure everybody knows how he feels. He does the exact opposite. It's reverse empathy. That's why everybody hates this guy. He did it again yesterday at the police memorial. They've lost people there. They don't want to hear your story. They want to hear that you understand theirs. And he just can't do it because he's incapable of it. Listen to this.


That black hole in the middle of your chest you feel like you're being sucked into. It's like losing part of your soul. I know. When my son Bo spent a year in Iraq, came home with stage four glioblastoma. He's gonna die. And he did. I know what it's like.


Folks. No one wants to lose a kid. That has absolutely nothing to do with the police memorial at all, okay? Nothing. I just lost my mom not long ago. She fell down the stairs. When someone comes up to me and says, oh, my kid is sick, they've got. I don't go, oh, my God, my mom just fell down the. It has nothing to do with it. It has nothing to do with it. The first words out of your mouth should be, oh, my gosh, that's horrible. What can I do for you? And Sean Parnell, a good friend of mine, Pennsylvania real. I'm a solid military guy, a good man. Sean Parnell put on his twitter account. He's like, listen, I was. He did some kind of grief counseling when he was with the military zone. The worst thing you can say to people in that situation, families of police officers who lost someone or military people, is, I know how you feel. You don't. And they don't want to hear that. Even if you do, they don't want to hear that he has. The guy is just really, really bad at this. He's a liar, folks.


He is a morally corrupt, real world corrupt, sociopathic, pathetic, a lot pathological liar. Oh, you saw that? Thank you. I didn't put that. Here it is. He served as a casualty notification officer. This is Parnell's tweet. He says it's a horrible job. No one wants it. Notifying families about their dead heroes. He says one of the first things they tell you in training is never, ever say to a grieving spouse or parents, I know how you feel. He knows. Biden does this constantly. Horrible stuff from someone who should know better. Sean Parnell should know. This guy's a hero in our military. Should actually know. You don't do it. But Biden does it all the time. Why? Because he's evil. Evita just said it right. He is a self obsessed narcissist. Everything is about him and he's a freaking liar. On a lighter note, I want you to watch this segment from Fox yesterday. This guy bullshits people, Biden and lies so often. This clip is hilarious. His own economic people, the talking heads out there defending him. Biden lies so much he has even them gaslit. Biden has repeated this farcical lie over and over that when he came into office, Donald Trump handed him 9% inflation, which is ridiculous.


That's high. He did not. When Donald Trump left office, inflation was 1.4%. That's just a fact. Any idiot can look it up. However, because Biden wants to look like he cut inflation and didn't drive it up, which he did. The 9% happened under Biden. He's a liar. His own people don't even know this. Watch this segment on Fox. This is Sandra Smith, the host, and this Democrat guy, I forget his name. Robertson, whatever. He doesn't even know. This is how often Biden lies. His own people don't even know the difference. Watch Sandra Smith laugh at him when he gets it wrong. Check this out. Obama. Welcome to both of you. Robert, what was inflation when Biden took office? 910 percent. No, no, no. Come on. All right, 3% now. So it's down by. I apologize. I put you on the spot there. It was 1.4%. And that is fact. And any points to his ear? Was he pretending he can't hear anything? I don't know. Can he hear? I don't know. I've been on Fox. Sometimes the IFP goes out, but it's rare key how many times that happened. Usually he will hear like, yeah, like maybe once or twice.


Maybe one time on Fox and Friends and that was it. But it's kind of weird. Like, he heard the opening question and he answers it wrong. They start laughing. Oh, my. If people don't work and, Sandra, could you. Right. Hold on, folks. I got a phone call. I got a. Hold on, guys. I'll be back in a minute for the show. I mean, what kind of bullshit is this? And Sandra, you did a great job. You don't need to apologize to that guy. You asked him a simple question, what was inflation when they took. He doesn't have to nail it. Even get it. He's not even close. This is how much this guy bullshits people. And by the way, some of you in the chat, you may think, oh, no, he was just trying to perpetuate the lie. I don't, I don't buy it. I think he actually thinks inflation was 9% when Biden took office. So he said this so often, Corinne Jean Pierre gets called out yesterday at the briefing, hey, why does he keep lying about inflation? Right? Listen to this bullshit answer, instead of just saying, hey, he misspoke. Inflation was 1.4%. We're doing our best to bring it down.


It peaked at nine. Prices haven't gone down, but the rate has. And we're working hard. That's the answer. And the american people, the Democrats, Republicans are sick of this guy. Probably be like, ok, she can't even tell the truth about that, too. What does she say? Well, the factors were in what, listen to this. I'm going to ask you about how the president talks about inflation. So two times over the past two weeks, the president said inflation was 9% when he came into office. Is the president misleading Americans on that? Or does it just not realize that inflation was 1.4%?


You know, and thank you for the question, because I know that this, we got a lot of incoming on this yesterday. And look, I, what the president was, the point that he was making is that the factors that caused inflation was in place when he walked in, into the administration, when he took office.


Holy shit. Have, I can't stand this lady anymore. She is so freaking incompetent. Do you realize she just made the argument for Donald Trump? Well, that's how dumb she is. So I used to not be able to see it. Now I can see it. That's my favorite element of the show by far. She just made the argument for Trump. So what you were saying is when Donald Trump was in office, even though all these malicious, pernicious factors were in place, he still managed to control inflation by incentivizing production. And then the minute he left, all the same factors blew up under Biden. And she thinks this is a compliment. You understand? She thinks this is a compliment. Like, she's, she's making Biden look good here, folks. I can't take this guy anymore. We cannot lose this election. Do not underestimate this guy. Run like you're freaking 25 points down. I had Tim Burchett on the show yesterday. Congressman from Tennessee. I like this guy. Burchard had a great line. There's only two ways to run a race for politics, scared and unopposed. That's it. That's it. There's no third way. Anybody who's cocky about November, just watch what happened in 2020 when they pulled the rug out from under us.


All right, I want you to check this out because this is a story that bothers me a lot. And it may not bother you, but I. I'm gonna go with it, and I'm gonna use my gut. Folks, on a very serious note, I'm really getting tired, as you have, over the last 49 years of my life, of every single thing being used to further division in the country. I mean, the left just cannot stop with the division. I know this Caitlin Clark story is probably not a big deal to any of you, but it is to me, because it's not about a female basketball player at all. It's not. It should be, but it's not. She happens to be white.




The WNBA has not been very popular. She's brought a lot of attention to it. People are making money now. There are chartered flights. They used to fly commercial ad dollars, new tv contracts. You would think this is how sick the left is in this story. You would think this would be one of those things where everybody would be happy. A bunch. And a lot of minority female basketball players are about to get a lot richer because this very successful play is going to. Nope, nope. They've got to ruin it. They got to attack this woman simply because she's white. It's. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. This guy, David Cohn does a sports show. He's really good guy. Not. Not the pitcher for the Yankees and Mets, but he had his couple comments on this Caitlyn Clark thing, and I want you to hear this. Cause he's absolutely spot on. Check this out. WNBA players critical of Caitlyn Clark's skin color need to get off my lawn. White girl summer. Caitlin Clark made her professional debut last night. She scored a game high 20 points in front of a sold out arena where the cheapest ten ticket was $105.


For comparison, the least expensive seat for next week's game in Connecticut is $17. But instead of this being a celebratory moment for the league, Ajah Wilson, the Las Vegas Aces defending champion, chalked up Clark's popularity to her race, stating, it doesn't matter how hard I work, it doesn't matter what we all do as black women. We're still going to be swept underneath the rug, folks. This is why I'm so tired of the left. You have an opportunity right now in this election coming up. That's why I say drag ten people with you. Remember my 1010 and ten rule. Do you want to win or not? Everybody in the chat, you want to win. Yes. A unanimous yes, we want to win. You have to email ten people. Make at least ten social media posts on all your channels and call ten people before November. This isn't hard. If everyone here does that, that'll be thousands of extra votes. It'll make sure we win this election, especially in swing states. Please. You will have more of this race baiting, more of this border nonsense, more inflation, higher taxes, the police state, the gulags. We've got one opportunity to fix it, and that opportunity is right freaking now.


And to those Republicans and the anti Mitt Romneys out there, please get your asses up the court with Donald J. Trump and show your support so the american people know he's not up there alone fighting against a police state. You all are awesome. Another 115,000 people today. Love you. Make sure to download the Rumble app. We appreciate it. Join us every day at 11:00 a.m. mangeno and a quick thank you everyone out there who hit the follow button on Apple and Spotify. We've had a huge jump over there, a surge, and we really appreciate it. Bumps us up to the charts. More people find the show that way. We love you. Thanks so much for doing it. Click those follow buttons. Apple, Spotify, rumble, it's all free. I'll see you in the radio show in a little bit and back here tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino show.