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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


So, you know, they had that Oklahoma rally for Trump a while ago and a bunch of teenyboppers on on ticktock, that app associated with the with Chinese with the Chinese Communist Party. They sabotage the event by reserving tickets they never planned on using. Well, they tried that again. And the failure was areas up donating to the Trump campaign. I want to get to that story. I also want to get to the tech tyrant's folks and what they're doing.


They are now doubling and tripling and quadrupling down on being in the tank for Democrats and liberals, Twitter, Google, Facebook, it's disgusting. It's abhorrent. It's really the suppression of free speech. It's again, it's not illegal. These are private companies. I'm not suggesting that. I do believe it's immoral, unethical. I don't believe it fosters free competition. I want to show you how we can fight back because that's super important. And I mentioned this before, but I don't think it's being entertained right now.


We have to fight back or we're going to lose. That is the new public square and conservatives aren't allowed to talk anymore. Today show brought to you by Express VPN. My savvy listeners have a VPN. Why they don't want people prying on their Internet activity online. Get a VPN today. Go to express VPN dot com slash Bongino. Welcome to the Dan Bongino show producer. Joe, how are you today. Fine, sir.


Well, sir, I am doing said Amylin. I liked your English tonight. Yes. Do you like that? I know. I know. You put that Joe does these cats after the show and I put on Instagram and I noticed you use it here too, for if you like that. Yeah. Do you do you. Sometimes you have to say things in an English accent, especially when you are a Democrat. It makes you sound more serious when everybody knows you're ridiculous.


So cut. Yes. Well, Don, we always appreciate it. Thank you. All right. We got a lot to get through today. A lot of that I got. Also today in the Biden follies, Biden thinks he's running for Senate again, apparently confused. This is. All right. Today's show brought to you by Friends at Policy Genius. It's Halloween this month, and policy genius would like to mark the occasion by making making something less scary for one's life insurance.


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All right, Joe, let's go back to the Digital Bell, Canada. Kenny Bell staying on the sideline for today. So let's start with this tech dirani stuff, because as you know, me being a part owner of of Rumball and Parler, having equity interest in the competitors to both YouTube and Twitter, these stories fascinate me. But ladies and gentlemen, we're looking at unprecedented interference by the tech tyrants here. You know, why am I bringing this up with Amy coni bearing everything and got stuff on that too?


Don't you worry, we've got a stack news day today. But folks, we're just, I mean we're just weeks away from it. We're not even weeks away from an election. I already voted. The election is over for me. Me and Paul already voted. We're in an election right now and these big tech titans are abusing you. They're abusing their authority. Again, I'm not suggesting what they're doing is illegal. They are private companies. I want to be crystal clear on that.


Right. But I am suggesting to you what they're doing is anti-competitive, immoral and will lead to the long term destruction of their business model, just like big media who tried this, too, before we had places like Fox News, Breitbart, Bunshiro, Dotcom, the Federalist than otherwise. They are systematically attacking and silencing conservative voices and given their monopoly over the public space. This is dangerous. It's effectively you two hundred years ago going out to the town square, trying to advocate for your candidate and some free marketeer buying up all the streets.


This is a better analogy than I thought. I just made you something, the finance R.A.F. thing, but buying up all the streets to say, no, you can't talk here now. You can't talk to air either. You can't remember there were no telephones ringing. No, no. You can't talk to every. Well, where can I talk? You can talk in your house. Free speech. You still have free speech. I'm not a representative of the government.


I just brought up all the streets. The government is not telling you you can't speak. I just bought them all. That's what's going on right now, folks. Julie Kelly has a terrific piece in the show, Notes, please read this to access the show notes go to Bon newsletter. The newsletter is the show, not subscribe for free. I'll send you these articles every day. American greatness, Julie Kelly, who's been all over this, ladies and gentlemen, there's unprecedented election interference going on by these tech giants.


If we don't do something soon, this is going to be over his big tech breaking campaign finance laws. Julie Kelly, American greatness. Yes, yes, hallelujah. I've been talking about this for, gosh, four years now. It's a dead end with this section 230 stuffed section 230 that what they want to do is some people are trying to change to 30 and suggesting that. And folks, I want to be candid, I go back and forth on this, depending on when new information surfaces, these tech tyrants are claiming their platforms.


We're independent, we're just platforms. People publish what they want. We're not responsible for it. Everybody got it. It's not what they're doing. A lot of them are acting as publishers, kind of like The New York Times now. I don't think getting rid of Section 230, which enables them to do that, which would effectively make them de facto publishers and susceptible to lawsuits, is the answer. I don't think I just don't think that's the answer for a number of reasons.


I owe you those reasons. No one is now having seen it from the inside and how it works, not a moneyed interests thing for me. It's having more expertise on the issue now. It would really empower Twitter and Facebook more because any free market competitors to those products parler and others. What if, again, we label a tweet sensitive because it has some Gore in it, but we don't want to delete it. Maybe it's a terror attack.


Is that making us a publisher, too? We don't have the ability to you know, we're not a multibillion dollar enterprise like Facebook yet. We don't have the ability to fight that out in court. Facebook and Twitter can fight that out all day. I think that's why they quietly want this 230 thing to go away, because they know what eliminate the competition. Makes sense, Joe. Yeah, easily. Yes, but they're. But there is is another route that was funny, almost aired into my English, but there is another there's another round here.


There's another route to go that I suggested a long time ago that Julie, Julie, Kelly Hamer's I'll get you a piece of meat where she lays out the problem, the solution. Ladies and gentlemen, what about election law? If you are going to start playing games and playing footsie with political candidates, you never do the same for Democrats, but you're only hammering Republicans, Twitter, fact checking tweets, sanctioning tweets, putting warnings on tweets. And it only seems to happen to Donald Trump, people like Laura Loomer in Florida who's been banned from Twitter altogether.


Other candidates as well have had their message, whether you agree with it or not, sanction sensor to put a little warning labels on it. Then, ladies and gentlemen, you are de facto making a donation to the opposition by creating a platform that benefits the opposition to the candidate, the Republicans you're sanctioning. Did we not mention this, Joe? Yes, years ago, and Julie Kelly's on top of this right now. And in kind donations to a campaign, it's not a monetary donation, but it is a donation nonetheless.


If I want to donate to a campaign, there are campaign limits. If I wanted to sing, play, play, play, some scam or stunt, what you could do is say, well, listen, can't Joey Bagua doughnut's campaign because I can only donate say what is it? Fifty two hundred dollars. To you, I think I can do more and here's what I'll do, I'll let you use my campaign offices so you don't have to rent anything at all our technology, so you don't have to pay for it.


That's like twenty thousand dollars in value. But I won't give you any money. We can not. Totally illegal. That has to be declared as an in kind donation, not cash, but has a value. How is that any different from what Twitter and Facebook are doing right now by attacking conservative candidates for office, how? Please explain. This needs to be litigated to death because it's not fair and maybe it'll open their eyes. Let's go to Julie Keli's piece.


What's going on now? What happened recently that has me all fired up about this? Well, Twitter is also pledging to give, quote, context, context, folks, to trending topics, context, I thought they weren't. I thought they were only a platform, not a publisher. Don't publishers give context? That's what they do. Purportedly so users get an idea why a subject is popular and, quote, to reduce the potential for misleading information to spread.


On Sunday, the company added a disclaimer to the quote, Eighty two percent of Americans trend, which referred to the percentage of Americans who will see a tax hike if Biden repeals the Trump tax cuts, Twitter costs and uses that the figure promoted by the RNC chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, quote, created some mathematical inconsistencies. This is this is infuriating. Infuriating. I know, because Joe and I have talked about this repeatedly. If Biden gets elected, you are going to see your taxes go up.


Just do the math yourself. You got a tax cut under President Trump. Pretty much everyone, the middle class, their rate went from twenty five percent to twenty two percent. Twitter moron's, that means it went down additionally for Twitter moron's if you were in the lower middle class, your taxes before Trump were 15 percent of your income. They're now 12. That means they went down to the Twitter imbeciles on the board who can't do basic math. That statistic, Ronna McDaniel tweeted out to that.


Eighty two percent of Americans will see their taxes go up if Biden is elected is a mathematical certainty. I would argue that undersells how many Americans are going to see their taxes go up. And yet, Twitter quote has added context. Added context, meaning what they are acting as a publisher. They are not a platform Twitter. And not only that, they are effectively publishing op eds and opinion pieces by Democrat talking points, giving a large, enormous in kind donation.


How is the FEC, the Federal Election Commission, not involved here? Now, Julie Kelly makes some interesting points about how there's not a quorum right now, so there's not much the FEC can do. But ladies and gentlemen, this is a very gray area in terms of litigation. The Democrats understood a long time ago that what the quote, my good friend Tom fit in the process is punishment. What does that mean? Liberals figure it out a long time ago that the legal process suing people, lawsuits that that process, regardless of the result.


Win or lose, the lawsuit is, in fact, the punishment. Because nobody wants to go to court. Well, it's time Republicans played that same game, folks. How is this not in court with Twitter right now? With Facebook and others, Google, YouTube, how is this not in court? They are making a massive donation to the Joe Biden campaign. Where real damages can be calculated. You can calculate the penetration of a tweet by Donald Trump on average based on his following an average reach, if you censor that tweet, you can calculate the financial damage.


And in fact, that would be an in kind donation to the Biden campaign. How is this not caught? How is it not in court damage to the Republican Party and Ronna McDaniel, when you fact checked with erroneous nonsense her tweet about Biden's massive tax hikes? How is that not a donation to the DNC? It's a disgrace, again, why I'm involved in parler where you speak freely. Democrat or Republican, we don't censor your stuff. You want to make a prediction about the election, you can't do it on Twitter, you can do it on our platform.


Julie Kelly goes on about this in Condonation language, I'm not trying to take any steam out of her engine here at all, folks. She's very smart. But this is a topic again, we talked about, Joe, I know you know, in the old studio years ago. Yes. Where this was the real path towards taking these tech tyrants on is they are making campaign donations in kind to opposing candidates. Here's the second screenshot from this piece.


The president, the DOJ and congressional Republicans have fixated on reigning in bias big tech companies by eliminating Section 230 protections. Time and resources, however, might be better spent, yes, pursuing legal recourse against these companies for openly campaigning on behalf of Democrats in possible violation of federal law. Yes. Another angle could involve accusing the Biden campaign and Democrat Party of failing to report income in campaign contributions from big tech during this cycle. Maybe uncharted territory, but plenty of options are on the table.


Ladies and gentlemen, Julie nails it. This is a disgrace, which is going to have long term ramifications. We have a public spat, a public square you are not allowed to campaign on because the tech tyrants bought all the streets. They've left this screaming from the outside grant, and it's been great for our business and parler fantastic, but I'm in this to try to save the country and then this to cash in on it. I wanted to give you an alternative, but these companies need to be taken on regardless of what happens with Palawa Rumbo, what they're doing is not fair.


It is unethical. And although they may have a legal argument and a good one saying, hey, we're a private company, we can do what we want with free speech, fine. But that doesn't mean you can impact federal campaigns by discriminating against or making donations to the Democrats. No, no, no. It's got to stop. And quick, are you going to have a far different country when you grow up? Imagine a public square with all of these leftist lunatics or voices are heard.


Now they own the culture, they own academia, they own social media. Where the real renegades, not them, the leftists, are the conformist lemming losers walking off a cliff together, not an ounce of ideological confrontation their entire lives. It's disgusting. It's pathetic. All right. Don't miss the Emmy Koni buried here, and I'm going to get to that. They're going on now. Folks, this is not a lot to report. I wish there were Paul and I were talking about it before the show.


The strong likelihood she's going to be confirmed. The Democrats, of course, are doing really stupid things again, like attacking her faith, you know, promoting all the nonsense going to repeal the ACA. She can't repeal the Affordable Care Act. I wish she could. It's a total disaster. Get to that in a minute. Let me get to my second sponsored our friends at Rush Tax Resolution. Happy to have them on board. Ladies and gentlemen, you know, tax season right just around the corner that anybody like that, if you're getting scary notices from the IRS like a threat of bank levies or wage garnishment, you're crazy to try to deal with the IRS on your own.


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Then that's Rush tax resolution dotcom. Then go today. OK, so I didn't forget about the Amy CONI Barrett hearings, the. I just think the Democrats are really destroying themselves, and I'd like to see them continue to do it because they're humiliating themselves, attacking the woman on her Catholic faith, repeatedly making insinuations, innuendo, just degrading stuff for such an accomplished woman. And it's disgusting. And as Paula said to me this morning, and she's right, you know, watching these idiots up there questioned a woman of such high intellect is quite rewarding for me because it exposes again how these.


Members of the United States Senate and others, especially on the Democrat side, how it's just amazing in a country of three hundred and thirty million people, the dumbest people all managed to get elected to the U.S. Senate. It's just the statistical anomaly I can't figure out. And when they deal with someone of superior intellect like Amy CONI Barrett to finished number one in our class and our law class, they are so outmatched. It's just funny watching them collapse and wilt under pressure.


But the Democrats, of course, are making a big stink. We saw Cory Booker and other losers up in the Senate yesterday saying this is such an anomaly, filling a Supreme Court seat by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in an election year. This is an anomaly, folks, for the liberals listening. That means it's unusual and we have to do that. Dan Bongino, thesaurus here. When you guys and ladies are listening, that's a shame.


I feel bad, but is it really an anomaly? So the great Tom Elliott over at Greybeard always has the best Supercuts out there. And Tom put together a little supercute here of Democrats themselves, from Hillary Clinton to Joe Biden talking about filling a seat in an election year. And it's not exactly the talking points from the focus group. Lick your finger. We'll see where the wind is blowing that they're promoting. Now, this is the Democrats, a montage of them, a supercute suggesting, yeah, we definitely have to fill that seat in an election year.


Check this out.


Only quarterbacking going on right now. What's going on with the Republican Party? The court now is not constitutional.


What they're doing implicit in the Constitution is that the Senate will act on its constitutional responsibility of give us advice and consent. They, in my view, are required to give the nominee a hearing and a vote.


So far, most Senate Republicans have refused to even meet with Judge Garland, which means they've also refused to do their job and hold a hearing on his nomination. This is an abdication of the Senate's responsibility.


We hope the saner heads in the Republican Party will prevail on Chuck Grassley and on Mitch McConnell to do their job.


This is someone of great merit. A consensus candidate who is a fine public servant deserves a hearing.


They're not being fair and they're certainly not living up to the historic precedent of the Senate, which has never, never refused a hearing to a presidential nominee. We've taken an oath to uphold the Constitution. Some of us sit down there quietly and say, we raised our hand to God, we made it, or did we? The court should not be dragged down into the ordinary morass and muck of partisan politics. And here again, the Republicans, in fact, are shutting down the government.


President Obama has done his job and nominated Merrick Garland to be the ninth justice as time for the Senate Republicans to do their job. Listen, I mean, no one actually believes that Democrats have any principles. No one's ever believed that, especially Democrats running for president up there in the Congress. But it's just a joke watching them say now this is so unprecedented by the very same people. Hillary Clinton, Biden and others are lecturing the press. Just a few years ago when Obama made an election year selection of Merrick Garland telling us the exact opposite.


May say, well, the GOP blocked it because the GOP was in charge of the Senate and they could and the Democrats would have done the same thing. So please spare me the nonsense, folks. This is political power. We elected Senate Republicans. They have a majority and that's what they're going to do. When you win, you can do the same thing. I hope you don't. You may Democrats. You can put up whoever you want for the judgeships and you can advise and consent and place them in those seats.


OK, I don't like it, but that's how the cookie crumbles, ladies and gents. But please spare me the media talking head nonsense about how the Democrats are so principled here and the Republicans started this fight. The Democrats started this decades ago with Robert Bork, where they had to politicize every single Supreme Court nomination. So please take your nonsense and ram it up your wazoo wherever the wazoo is. Another thing I heard yesterday during the hearings, which again is another Democrat lie, it's hard to parse through all the Democrat lies, but that's what I do for you on the show.


I wake up every morning committed to debunking liberal nonsense because it's everywhere. But you do have to prioritize it because all of liberalism is nonsense. It's a it's a forest fire. Going to say something else, but I have to pass, you know what I was going to say? No, she doesn't.


Yeah, she can only imagine the Democrats keep bringing up in this hearing with Amy CONI Barrett. Well, my gosh, Obamacare is going to go away. And people with pre-existing conditions. Millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions are going to lose their health care. Ladies and gentlemen, Obamacare sucks. Obamacare will always suck. Why? I've explained this to you a thousand times before. My listeners. I'll explain it very simply again. Obamacare is two things.


The people who like Obamacare only like it because they don't understand it. When you explain to people what Obamacare is, I'll get to the preexisting conditions thing they're using against Judge Baratz and how not. That's nonsense, too. I discussed it a little last week, but this is important. You understand what Obamacare is. First, I'm not kidding when you ask people about Obamacare and they say it polls well, it polls well. Do you tell them what Obamacare actually is?


It is two things granted, there were subordinate details of it that are important, too, but the two top of the totem pole, key tenets of Obamacare are a thing called community rating and another thing called guaranteed issue. It's basically this Obamacare dictated to the insurance companies community rating, which means they couldn't charge people who are older. Three time, more than three times more than they would charge people who are younger for roughly the same insurance coverage. Now, you may say to yourself, that sounds great.


I'm all for that, except for one that's not mathematically possible. Ladies and gentlemen, because older folks generally cost insurance wise five times as much. You're wondering why your insurance costs went up, because what insurance companies were forced to do, because then they'd go out of business otherwise you can't force insurance companies to charge people less than the product costs. It's like we're going to the government's mandated Korvettes cost thirty thousand dollars yet, but they're seventy thousand dollars.


Doesn't matter. Charge 30. GM would go out of business, they'd lose 40 thousand dollars a car is this hard for anyone to understand? Not my audience, but for liberal dunce's listening. They don't get this. They can't do basic math. So what the insurance companies did, because they were losing a fortune on policies for older folks and people who were sick because they couldn't charge them, what it would actually cost is they just bumped up the price for younger people and everyone else.


What was? Everyone else paid more. There was no way around the math. It's an it's an immovable object math. What you cost, you cost. That's what you cost, whether the government mandate you cost less or not, you're not going to cost less, you're just going to have to move the costs elsewhere, which is why everyone else's insurance went up and everyone's network shrunk that. When you explain that to people, you say, hey, they mandated price caps.


Do community rating on older folks. Jurisich, that's great. I love that. What a great idea. Yeah, but here's the catch. Yeah, the prices were capped on older folks to community rating, but you in turn are going to have to pay double digit like, oh, wait, wait, I'm not so sure I like that anymore. Hold on. That's what happened. Why do you think your insurance went up? Why? My plan was canceled.


I tweeted it out yesterday. I still have the letter. Your plan will cease. I have it highlighted. It's on my Twitter and Ryan Upsala account right now. Look at it. Also, they had guaranteed issue making it even worse. Guaranteed issue, meaning you had to issue people an insurance policy, health insurance almost any time. So what did people do? Not only do they gamed the system, they went out, waited till they got sick and then bought insurance.


And people like all, but that's good, that's great, everybody should be able to get insurance at any time. Really, you're sure? So your whole life you've been paying premiums, right? Paying premiums, living a relatively healthy life. And now all of a sudden your insurance is going through the roof because your neighbor, who does nothing, smokes drinks, drives a motorcycle around recklessly, doesn't stop for stop signs. They waited till they got in a car accident and God forbid, came down with lung cancer.


And it's a no no. Now I want insurance. And now your insurance is double because you have to pay for the now, when you tell people that. Wait, wait, I don't that doesn't sound fair to me because it's not. Obamacare sucks. It's running up against an immovable object, mathematics. That's why everybody's costs were going up. Sorry, I don't mean to rant on this, but it's just infuriating how much ignorance out there by the left.


People love Obamacare until you tell them what it is, then they hate it. Finally on this, you're going to lose if Obamacare is repealed, you're going to lose, millions of people are going to lose their access with preexisting conditions, are going to lose their health care. I have a preexisting condition now, sadly stinks. So does my wife. I've talked about it. Ladies and gentlemen, peak enrollment peak for liberals, that means the top, the highest.


Peak enrollment for Obamacare with people with pre-existing conditions was back in 2013, you know what the numbers look, the Democrats told us it was hundreds of millions, was it? No, that's just made up. They're just lying. Said, no, the dog jumps to doing someone that's they're making it up, peak enrollment was one hundred and fifteen thousand people. So even if Obamacare was fully repeal. Fully repeal and we allow the market to produce lower costs and better health care, which would be a good thing.


You would have one hundred and fifteen thousand people in a lurch. We could literally give them one hundred thousand dollars each and save ourselves trillions of dollars. I'm not suggesting that's what I'm just telling you. We could give them a hundred cage to manage their health condition, whatever it is, lupus, diabetes, cancer, HIV, whatever that preexisting condition is. You could give them a hundred thousand dollars each and you would still save yourself trillions of dollars.


But the Democrats want you to pay everyone for everyone else all the time. Because redistribution is their thing. One more thing on the Amy CONI Barrett hearing, so again, they're lying about this, how millions of people are going to lose access to health care, preexisting conditions, really, that how come only one hundred thousand plus people registered when they could do it? Because you're just lying. You're just making it up. One more thing on this, so the Democrats, I told you yesterday, hilariously with these media idiots who are just the total embarrassment, are now trying to claim that court packing, which has always, always, always meant adding seats to a court that were not there previously.


That's what court packing means in plain English. The Democrats are trying to redefine the term court packing because they're morons to mean filling a seat that's now empty. Which it's never meant ever. Hat tip, the great Peter Hisun, a Daily Caller who found this old PolitiFact, you know, one of these ridiculous liberal opinion sites they call caught that calls himself a fact checker. Here's how to change your mind on this, I'm sure soon, too. Here's PolitiFact from a while ago talking about the real definition of court packing.


But this is when it was different. This is when they were going after Republicans. They say Chuck Grassley stated that President Obama is trying to pack the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeal. So they're going after Chuck Grassley now is a Republican. Notice how their definition of quarterback, you don't change too much. Check this out from the PolitiFact piece. The claim that Obama is backing the D.C. Circuit Court largely runs counter to American legal and political history. Genuine court packing is involved one branch of government proposing to change the structure of the courts either by expanding or decreasing the number of judges.


That's not what Obama is doing. We rate the claim false.


There it is on the record, the liberal lunatics at PolitiFact telling you that the Democrats narrative right now is totally fabricated, made up. He's had to Peter Hassan for finding out one. They're just making that up. At no time in American history has the term court packing refer to filling an empty seat on a court structured as it is right now, it is referred to adding seats and changing the structure, period. Full stop there, just lying to you.


And the media loves to parrot their lies because that's what they do.


The show's pretty good today, right? I'm a little worried night policy because we're a fire. So I guess sometimes they get a little nervous, like the way the topics are structured and stuff today. So I'm really digging this show today. I got more I've got today and Joe Biden Follies. Listen, I know we're not making fun of the guy, but the guy is running for president. Ladies and gentlemen, it's a fair question to ask, is it not?


If you're going to hold the nuclear football and you have the ability in your hand to annihilate planet Earth, you should probably have your cognitive capacities intact. I'm just saying. We'll get to that in a second. Let me get to my third sponsor for today, our friends at all form. Now, you've heard me raving about Helix Mattresses. Why? Because they're the best in the business and we love them. And we have two of them, as I have great news, has now gone beyond the bedroom and they're making sofas.


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So, you know, yesterday we covered pretty extensively. Why it's and I'm let me just put this in the beginning. Let we put a little warning so I'm not in the predictions game and I'm trying to stay out of it. I hope the president wins. I don't know what's going to happen. I'm just saying I'm having a really hard time believing these polls out there based on the sampling they're doing of Democrats versus Republicans and based on the complete lack of any enthusiasm whatsoever for Biden.


I showed you a clip yesterday, a Biden rally with Paul. I had a great idea after the show. We should have a picture of a Trump rally, like, look at all these people look like, oh, just kidding. I was a Trump rally. Here's a Biden rally where there was nobody there yesterday. So we showed you that. I've got a little more a couple of really funny one at the end of this segment here where the ad at a Biden rally, I think there are more Trump supporters that a Biden rally.


But why why is there this lack of enthusiasm? And it's not perceived. It's real enthusiasm matters. People show up, doorknockers show up. We're not seeing any of that any of that with Biden. That's why it's really difficult to believe these polls showing President Trump down double digits. I'm I would really put a hard pass on these polls. Ladies and gentlemen, it doesn't seem accurate. Now, just a quick tease. I'll have an election special coming up in a couple of weeks right before the election.


I'm going to I'm putting together now it's going to be about an hour and a half show. I'm hoping to get two to three guests. I want to get a pollster on. I want to get someone from the Trump campaign on. I want to give you a full spectrum analysis, the campaign. So, you know, coming up, that's going to be an interesting show. But the pollsters I've spoken to are saying, listen, this is this can't be right.


It can't be right there. Got there has to be some sampling errors here. Now, why is there a lack of enthusiasm for Biden? Folks, my prior line of work, again, we were involved in political campaigns, I can't tell you how many times when Barack Obama was running against Hillary Clinton, when he won his first term was running against Clinton and John McCain, obviously, as well. How many Secret Service agents called me and said, this guy is going to win?


Obama, even though Hillary was considered the de facto nominee like Obama, he's got a shot at Hillary.


Everybody's behind Hillary. Why, because everywhere they went, the crowds were ridiculous. I don't like Trump now. Biden is none of that, and the reason is because of segments like this year. Here's yesterday a guy who clearly, again, cannot seem to get out of his own way and can't doesn't appear able to handle the rigors of the job at all. Here's clip number one to Biden yesterday. You may have seen this is a short one, less than 10 seconds, where, again, he forgets the office he's actually running for.


Unbelievable. Check this out.


You know, we have to come together. That's why I'm running. I'm running as a proud Democrat for the Senate.


I mean, folks, listen, I stuff happens. Stuff happens once in a while. I mean, I'm sure I made mistakes when I was running for Congress versus the Senate. But really, the man's running for the presidency of the United States, he's repeatedly screwed this up. All right, you may give him a pass on that, that's fine. Again, I'm not poking fun. I don't think this is funny. I want to be crystal clear.


I know Joe doesn't either. We've had this in my family. The man is running for the presidency, though. I'm. And I'm asking you a simple question, and I hope this is fair. Putting aside my political differences with former Vice President Biden for a moment. If this man, Joe Biden. Was coming to your house. And auditioning for a job to be a caregiver for someone in your house and you saw this cognitive decline. You would feel very bad for them, like we feel bad for them now.


I do, but that doesn't mean you're going to hire them to take care of your kids, does it? It's again, of course not my kids could get hurt, he could forget something. But you want to hire them to be the president. Really? Here's another one. Where he forgets the name of Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney, you know, Mitt Romney, who they ran against in the second term, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan ticket, I mean, the fact that I have to repeat this for some of the liberal listeners is disturbing because Joe Biden doesn't even know his name.


He calls him the Mormon guy, which, by the way, that's all you remember is his religion, the Mormon guy. You don't remember anything else about him. Joe Biden yesterday running against the Mormon guy or whatever. Check this out. You may remember I got in trouble when we were running against the senator who is a Mormon governor.


OK, the governor. The Mormon guy. Yeah. You took him out here. You took a moderate. You remember same. Again, I ask you a simple question, if this man was running to be a babysitter for your kids and displayed cognitive impairment symptoms like this guy does, would you hire him? The answer is of course not. But you'd vote for him for president if you're a Democrat makes a whole bunch of sense. OK, now that explains why there's no enthusiasm for Joe, no one, Joe lies to everyone.


He is a con man and he's not a good man, I'm sorry, independent of his sad medical condition there or apparent one. Joe Biden is not a good person. He's leveraged his position throughout decades of public service to make himself and his family rich at your expense, which is disgusting and gross. He's not a good man. He lies to everyone. He tells moderates he's a moderate liberals. He's a liberal. He lies to everyone, as I have repeatedly said on Fox News at night.


That's why there's no enthusiasm for him. People know he can't handle the job. They know he's a liar and they know he's a con man. This is hilarious. I want you to pay attention because I play this football. You can get what I was doing here, Joy, to kind of make this. This is a this is at a Joe Biden rally yesterday, dreaded air quotes. I want you to listen to what's going on in the background because you notice you're not going to hear anything from the Joe Biden rally.


You're just going to hear some chanting in the background. And it's not from Biden supporters. Check this out. Thanks for the introduction. That's Trump supporters in the background screaming for more years for the liberals listening. In case you don't know what that means, four more years for Trump, not for Biden. Those were Trump supporters at a Biden rally by Zach. Thanks for the introduction. Yeah, thanks, Joe. You're welcome. Four more years, four more years for Trump, there were more Trump supporters than Biden people.


Folks, I don't believe these polls I'm sorry, again, I don't know what's going to happen. I'm not in the predictions business. Could the president lose? Sadly, I hope he doesn't. Country will be finished. And I don't believe these polls one bit, I just don't believe them. They cannot be right. It doesn't comport with the information we openly have available on the ground. You're an idiot not to process it. Maybe he's down, but he ain't down 16.


I could tell you that. All right, moving on, I saw this interesting article, this is this is key because there is so many swing states, Ohio, Pennsylvania. Other places throughout the union may not be so swingy as those two states, but where natural gas, fracking is a huge deal and I'm really tired of talking about hydraulic fracturing of rock, otherwise known as fracking and horizontal drilling. In case you don't know what this is, this is a technique invented over the last few decades to fracture rock using water, hydraulic fracturing of rock.


The natural gas then seeps out of the rock and they've learned to drill horizontally, not just down and maximize their ability to extract natural gas from the ground. The United States is a pioneer in this field, and it has been to call it a revolution. In energy development in this country is understatement of the millenia, it has changed the entire energy picture of the United States. Ladies and gentlemen, whether you like fracking or not, I'm not suggesting there are any downsides.


There are downsides to everything. The question is, are there more upsides and downsides? And the answer, I believe, with hydraulic fracturing otherwise known as fracking. Ah, yes. What's weird about fracking is it's been the biggest boon of all to the environmental movement, which hates fracking. That doesn't make sense. That's really. Well, then let's check out this Wall Street Journal article because, you know, facts matter and stuff which you get on this show, but you won't get on other shows, especially the liberal ones which lie to you all the time.


Wall Street Journal Kamala Harris gets a fracking education pences, right, shale drilling for natural gas has cut CO2 emissions cuts. You, the Liberals told us that fracking was causing CO2 emissions to go through the roof. Fracking is terrible because they just don't know what they're talking about. They never do. Look at this from the Wall Street Journal piece. According to this report, energy related CO2 emissions in the United States fell 2.8 percent last year as many utilities replaced coal and heating oil with less expensive natural gas.


Hydraulic fracturing, combined with horizontal drilling, has unleashed a gusher of natural gas production in the Midwest and Southwest. As a result, natural gas prices have plunged, putting many coal plants out of business. I don't have a big issue with Cole not knocking Cole, I'm just telling you, liberals hate Cole and the free market competition of natural gas has caused the Cole business to go down and down and down. But liberals don't tell you any of that because liberals don't care about the facts.


Again, coal's a valuable piece of our energy economy. There's no doubt about that. But liberals will tell you none of this, so the CO2, carbon dioxide production in the United States. Has gone down. I thought we were. I thought we were super emitters or super polluters and the rest of the world or all the good guys, but us did not know where our CO2 production going down. I can fax, I know fax and stuff are really hard for you, just quickly to the other pieces.


I want to move on, get this Tic-Tac story, which I love. But again, CO2 emissions from coal declined by more than 50 percent, not five folks, 50 percent from twenty seven to twenty nineteen, the report notes, and by 15 percent in twenty nineteen alone. Between twenty sixteen to twenty nineteen, the share of electricity generated by natural natural gas rose to thirty eight percent from thirty three percent. CO2 emissions have dropped that dramatically, 50 percent for the last decade.


Yes. Oh, I thought we were super polluters, the United States, we need draconian new green new deal. You're just an idiot then I'm sorry you don't have any ability to grasp basic data and facts. You're just talking. You can't say it because we're on terrestrial radio now. Junk. You're just talking junk. I'm sorry. You don't know what you're talking about. You remind me of the people telling you repeal Obamacare. Millions of people with pre-existing conditions will lose their health care.


Really? You mean the same ones that never applied for pre-existing condition coverage under Obamacare? Because there's never been millions ever. There's been a tenth of a million at one hundred thousand. Being the same people that say they love Obamacare, let's say you tell them what Obamacare is like. No, no, no, that doesn't sound good. Well, maybe do your homework first. Sorry, I'm a little hostile that I haven't done what he's chosen. Look, I just can't take the stupidity.


We're human beings in a fallible world where there's constant tradeoffs between bad and good things, acting like one thing is universally good, one thing is universally bad without going through that calculus of getting the facts. It's just moronic. It is the very hallmark of a childlike behavior. My dad is stronger than your daddy. Why? That's what that is. Repeal Obamacare, everybody's going to die. What are you talking about? Do you even know what Obamacare is?


No, but that sounded good when I said it. All right, a final sponsor and this Tic-Tac story makes me let obd the whole thing because it's so funny, just goes to show again how dopey liberals are. They really are. They're just morons. They try to make a point to sabotage a Trump rally again and they wound up donating to the Trump campaign. Today's show brought to you by my good friends at Liquid Ivy. Folks, here we go and open this in a second flu season right around the corner.


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It's a great company. I love having him on board.


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Bongino, check them out. All right.


So hilarity ensued. I saw this story, Red State. They're really terrific. So just so you have some background on what happened here. When President Trump went back to rallies a few months ago, remember the Tulsa, Oklahoma rally? The crowd wasn't what they anticipated, but it was substantial. My from my contacts, it was between six and ten thousand people, which is about five thousand nine hundred ninety nine more people than a Biden rally at its best.


So they had the rally in Tulsa. But what happened was a bunch of younger folks on Ticktock, which is a nap associated with the Chinese Communist Party, sadly, when they're trying to sell that now, the tick tock was right. They wound up going and reserving tickets for the Tulsa rally and sabotage it because those tickets weren't available for others. So Red State as a piece up by Brandon Morris, Tic-Tac tried sabotaging Republicans again. They tried the same stunt scam, but they ended up helping them bigly.


This is great. So you get the scam is pretty simple. Go tell your Tic-Tac friends to reserve seats at a Tulsa rally for President Trump. They're for real. Trump supporters don't get in and then you just don't show up and it therefore looks empty. They tried that again at an outdoor rally, but the president, Trump's campaign team, of course, outsmarted them because, again, a lot of these liberals just really aren't that bright. So what did they do this time?


Well, from the red stapes, which is sighting of you should read it yourself. So according to The New York Post, they had to deter the Trickster's, this time with a five dollar nonrefundable fee, which was added to the sign up. But these super smart and totally clever tick tock, Trickster's didn't read the fine print, according to The New York Post. By the time the October 3rd rally, this recent one began in a commercial parking lot on the South Shore, the Trump haters had shelled out fifteen thousand seven hundred eighty five dollars to buy more than three thousand vouchers they had no intention of using.


They hate the president so much, they're willing to donate to the Republican Party to troll him, a guy named Lantry said, well, ladies and gentlemen, you may say, well, all right, so these dopey kids on tick tock, whatever, donated fifteen thousand dollars for seats they didn't plan on using. Ladies and gentlemen, they were in seats. It was an outdoor parking lot. Whether you paid or not, it didn't matter. You didn't take any space from someone else.


Oh. Nice job, kids. Well done. Fifteen thousand dollar donation goes a long way, buys you a nice cable news spot. Well done. You may want to read the fine print next time. Genius's. And by the way, what you don't understand either is by registering these things and even giving your emails, those email lists or so later, whether those emails are active or not irrelevant, those email lists are so that you're still generating more money for the Trump campaign.


So whatever you think you're doing, you are not doing, you're actually contributing in kind or in actual cash to the Trump campaign effort. Not that bright. Rypple chief. All right, my last story of the day, but an important one. Folks, we haven't covered the coronavirus in a while, at least in any detailed manner, because there hasn't been, sadly, any more breaking news. It's still a plague on our country. We're still working on it.


Operation warp speed for the vaccine seems to be coming along, which I'll get to in a minute. Even The New York Times shocker, a moment of actual journalism had to admit that the Trump efforts at a vaccine are going really well. I'm not kidding. It's in The New York Times. I'll get to that in a second. But I wanted to cover a really important piece by Dan Hannan in The Washington Examiner. It's in the show Notes again, Gambon newsletter.


Please read this. I really appreciate it. It'd be worth your time because Sweden, which did not engage in draconian lockdown's but did basic health measures, has been under relentless attack by panic merchants in the media. Headline Dan Hannan, Washington Examiner. This drives liberals nuts, by the way, it's the case of Sweden, the better Sweden does on the coronavirus, the angrier they get. This is sick Sweden again, which did not do draconian lockdown's did some basic health measures but did not do what liberals wanted, which was to shut down and destroy and annihilate the entire economy that really candidly pissed the liberals off.


They hated that. So now liberals and their media panic merchants who need you fully invested in panic so they can blame the panic on Donald Trump, you get it right. You dig. Yeah, now can't stand it that Sweden is having some modicum of success in fighting the coronavirus. So what are they doing? They're just inventing fairy tales. So Dan Hannan goes through each one of the fairy tales to attack Sweden and debunks them, because, again, as has been the theme of the whole show today, liberals lie.


That's what they do. It's the hallmark of liberalism. It's why it's a forest fire on the face of humankind. Myth number one about Sweden. Well, Sweden only is doing well now because it's not really population dense. So Hanson says, well, Sweden does have a low population density if you divide its population by its land area, but Swedes are not evenly spaced out. Oh, OK. Most of them live in towns and cities. Eighty five percent of the population occupies two percent of its surface area.


The idea that Swedes live shyly amongst the birch trees plunging into their chilly lakes at the foot fall of a stranger is one of the oddest arguments that have come out of this whole unedifying debate. Again, ladies and gentlemen, liberals, why? It's the hallmark of liberalism. Sweden is only doing well because it's not population dense. No, folks, it is. A lot of people live in a small space in Sweden, meaning because you have a tough time with this, it is population dense when you actually go to where the people are.


What's myth number two? Oh, they did terrible sweeden, people dying everywhere don't replicate Sweden. We were right the whole time when we lied to you. Quote Dan piece. While it is true that Sweden has had more coronavirus fatalities and other Nordic states, but you've got to remember, the lockdown was only intended to buy time. Infection rates in these other places are now rising faster in the rest of Scandinavia as things catch up. That's not a good thing, it's a horrible thing.


Those are human lives being lost. But ladies and gentlemen, the lockdown's they did everywhere, but Sweden postponed the deaths until later, they didn't make them go anywhere. So the lockdown's did nothing. Sweden basically, sadly, had front loaded a lot of fatalities by not locking down in draconian fashion. But has developed measures and the ability to keep their people economically afloat and be able to survive themselves without doing the same thing, and the death rate, sadly, are catching up elsewhere.


Again, the process lie to you all the time. One more sweeden, oh, my gosh, the effect in the economy was devastating, worse than everywhere else. Again, I know you don't do data, facts and stuff, but that's not what the data actually says about Sweden. As for the argument that the Swedish economy is taking as bad a hit as everyone else, it's nonsense. There are medium sized country. They were affected by the downturn and voluntary social distancing.


But Sweden got off more likely than most. Yes, liberals more likely than most. Can you read its GDP dropped by eight point three percent in the second quarter compared to twenty nineteen. In the US, the drop was nine point five percent. Germany, 11 percent. In Canada, 13. In Britain twenty one percent. And in Spain, twenty two percent. Can you do basic math in twenty twenty as a whole? According to the new paper, Sweden is expected to see a three point three percent contraction compared to four point three percent for the US, five point eight percent for the UK and eight point three for the Eurozone.


Again, I know you don't do basic math in your ridiculous talking points about how Sweden's collapsing and falling apart because they didn't do what you told them to do and lock down in draconian fashion. But you're talking points are just lies. You just made them up. I don't know who you got them from. If you just randomly pulled them out of your wazoo, I'm not sure. But none of what you're saying is actually true. Finally. As they opened up with on this segment.


Even The New York Times reluctantly has had to admit. That President Trump's. Whole of government effort to combat this play is working in many respects. This is from The New York Times. That a joke they're starting to come to around and we can't ignore this forever. New York Times Don McNeil. A dose of optimism is a pandemic rages on optimism. An all out of President Trump ruined everything. Everybody's dying. The country's falling apart. So walking dead.


Officer Ricks coming out with the accent and the revolver. But that's not what people are seeing. From the New York Times piece, this is I mean, I was stunned to read this, but an act of actual journalism at The New York Times is worth celebrating. It says sometime in the next three months, health experts say the FDA is likely to begin granting approval to vaccines now in the works. Despite the chaos in day to day politics and the fighting over issues like masks and Lockdown's operation, warp speed appears to have been working with remarkable efficiency.


It's put more than 11 billion at the seven vaccine candidates and the FDA says was approved, one that is at least 50 percent effective at preventing infection or reducing its severity. Sounds like what the president's been telling you, right? That they've had in all of government and all in approach to combating this thing and that it's worked with remarkable efficiency. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm just going to close on this note. Before Donald Trump, when was the last time you heard the words remarkable efficiency ever associated with government?


I'll leave that. I'll leave that, I'm going to. Throw that a bunt that went out there, you can pick it up and throw at the first because the last time you heard that. Joe, how old are you? Are you in your 50s? No, I'm in my 60s. Do you know who you are? How many times I asked you how old you are now? He looks good. He looks like the young Elvis. He's not like the gravy sweating Elvis.


He looks like a young, you know, the young, handsome Elvis. That's a shaggy show. In your 60 years on this planet, do you ever remember the term remarkable efficiency because you were a little older? Lee never had been in this space of a very long time, folks.


Believe me, he's been in political talk radio almost as long as I've been alive. I don't remember that term either. But now The New York Times. Has to fess up to the truth that a businessman in charge started to look at government like he looked at business and found efficiencies were efficiencies have never been found before. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. I deeply appreciate you all picking up my new book. I promised you I wouldn't hammer you with it.


I didn't get to do a lot of PR last week for obvious reasons. So I'll be doing some Mark Levin radio, Breitbart Radio and others this week promoting. It's called Follow the Money. We didn't get to number one yesterday on Amazon, but we did get the number three, which I was very proud of. So I'm very happy. The book's been doing great, thanks to you and your support. I really appreciate it. Please pick up a copy.


And if you would, please go to parler. Follow me on parler today. Get away from these tech tyrants and please watch my video show on Rumble, Rumble, Dotcom Slash Bongino. We really appreciate it. We got all kinds of people over on Rumball, Buck Sexton, Joe Pags, Diamond Selke and others. You don't need to go to YouTube anymore. Don't give them detectorists your money. Thanks, folks. We'll see you tomorrow.


You just heard Dan Bongino.