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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. This is the most explosive interview show we've done yet. I am not kidding. I'm not overselling this. So we've had three guests on the show. It's the first time we've done that. I've got former Mayor Rudy Giuliani about the Hunter Biden thing. I've got Robert Healy from the Trafalgar Polling Group and Steve Cortez from the Trump campaign.


Folks, just a quick preview of what you're going to see on this show. Our first.


Robert Haley just blew my mind some of the stuff he's talking about, about state polling, the national polling. Don't let me just leave it at this. Don't believe anything you've heard about this election until you've listened to Mr. Haley first from this Trafalgar group that nailed the polling in 2016 and everybody else screwed it up. Second, we have former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He brings up something about the Chinese government and what they were really up to with the Bidens that I have to tell you, I had to stop and ask him twice.


Paula, am I kidding? I had to do I had to have him say I missed it. It's stunning what they were really buying in Hunter blackmail material. Oh, you got to listen to that. And finally, Steve Cortez closing out the game out of the bullpen from the Trump campaign. Absolutely. Hammering in about a 15 minute interview. We did exactly what the Trump campaign is going to do, why they're going to win and how to get out.


The vote is going. I'm really proud of this show. Ladies and gentlemen, we have some sponsors who paid for it. They're happy to be here. Thank you for joining us. We really appreciate it. First sponsor today, Helix Sleep Helix that makes personalized mattresses right here in America and ship straight to your door with free, no contact delivery, free returns and one hundred nights sleep shop to choose a mattress. Helix made a quiz. It takes just two minutes to complete matches your body type and sleep references to a mattress for you.


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Check this out. All right. I'm really excited to welcome Robert Galey, chief pollster at the Trafalgar Group, one of the few polling outfits that really performed well in twenty sixteen when others ended in a cataclysmic disaster when Donald Trump won. Surprising anyone, everyone and everyone. Robert Haley, thank you very much for joining us. We really appreciate it. Let me start off asking this question, since you seem to have your head on your shoulders when it comes to polling, is this hidden Trump phenomenon real?


I mean, the pollster, the quote, mainstream pollsters out there seem to tell us President Trump's going to lose this thing by double digits. Thanks, Don. Yes, it is absolutely for real. It it's hard for me to believe that they could go through twenty sixteen and have learned nothing, but they got they handled it together and decided, oh, they didn't wait properly for education or some nonsense. They cannot acknowledge that there are people who don't share their beliefs.


It's frustrating, but it's entertaining too, because the idea that every single person that you talk to on the phone is telling the truth and there's just nothing could be further from reality. People are being shamed for their opinions, people being dogs, people being attacked. I mean, of course, there's this phenomenon. So it's silly to me that they don't acknowledge it and it's greater this time than it was before. And that's why you see a lot of polling groups that are now using my neighbor question.


Yes, it was us that brought them over to national prominence. We will never question twenty sixteen. You will see our name, but people are using it. And that showing a great difference between those who say they are the numbers for Biden and those who say the neighbors for Trump, because that's part of identifying the hidden vote and it is clearly there. And they just they don't want to admit it's their. So this Nabor question was that the difference in 2016 by the Trafalgar Group, you guys nailed it over there and what were your predictions were pretty much on target and everyone else was so off.


Was it because of this? What is your neighbor going to do? Question was that the differentiator between you and other polling outfits which were way off? It was part of it that there's kind of four factors, really, one, we we we when we were doing the primaries, we noticed that our digital collection, our automated collection methods were showing higher numbers for Trump. So we decided to do a little test and we watched it. And sure enough, Trump was more aligned with the ones that were more anonymous, the digital, than they were with a lot of calls.


So we kind of came up with a theory that the social desirability effect was in play in 2016. So we we added the neighbor question, but we also noticed there were a lot of people who were voting who hadn't voted in a very long time. We're hearing anecdotes about people who can't use the machines and stuff like that. So we we did a lot of research and the summer and found we came up with a list of factors that might lead somebody to participate in the election that hadn't participated in quite some time.


Those were kind of these low propensity voters. So we added those in our sample. And then add to that the fact that we believe in short questionnaires. I think it's unrealistic in this modern world that you're going to call somebody and ask them 20 or 30 questions on a Thursday night at seven o'clock. I mean, who can answer that? You've either got to care too much on the left, too much on the right, or you're just bored and none of those representatives, average people.


So our questions are very short, less than three minutes to answer the whole poll. And we also believe in large sample size. You'll never see a sample of state with under a thousand people. And so all those factors together help us minimize the social desirability effect, but we can't eliminate it. But the minimization of it is why I think we're so different from everyone else.


This year we're talking to Robert Hailie from the Trafalgar Group, again, one of the few polling outlets that was on target in 2016 when everyone else blew it. Robert, I'd like your opinion on something. I ran in twenty sixteen. I ran for Congress in Florida District 19. So I'm pretty intimately familiar with the politics of Florida. And I noticed an interesting phenomenon when you were a candidate for office in a Republican primary, which I was, you get to walk less to go knock on doors.


And of course, the walk list of doors to knock on is only Republicans. It's a Republican primary. You're going to waste your time knocking on Democrat doors. They can't vote in a Republican primary. And I saw this weird thing. I'd be on the walk list and I'd be down these blocks in Cape Coral and Naples and elsewhere. And I would I passed these homes that had Trump signs in the lawn and yet they weren't on my list. So I called.


My campaign manager has happened every day. And I'd say, Maria, you know, you miss this person on the list. She said, no, I did. Their date is accurate. They don't vote. So I would go in and knock on the doors once in a while if we had some time to kill. And I'd say, sure, ma'am, I noticed you had a Trump sign, but you don't show up as a voter on our list here.


And they say, yeah, I haven't voted in years or decades. This is my first time. Basically, I love Donald Trump or some some derivative of that. And it led me to believe before the election that he was going to win Florida. Huge, because all these people who had voted while we're Trump supporters, did that play into some of the polling mishaps in twenty sixteen? Absolutely, and that's what I was talking about, low propensity voters, and it is it is literally one of those things where we've isolated we've been doing studies on these in different states even this year.


And we've looked at and we've got a group between nineteen ninety two and twenty sixteen that registered at any point up until the September deadline for the 2010 general election. So that the kind of the Tea Party wave and we're looking at people who just voted once and quite often that once in twenty sixteen and we think there are a lot of them coming back. So we built that into our models in twenty sixteen when we did it, because we saw them voting in the primary.


And I mean literally they were just voters that hadn't voted in forever. So yes, it's absolutely play and then it will play again. This year you're going to see people that you just didn't even know were still out there and they could possibly participate. And not being called or the doors aren't being knocked, they're not getting mail and they're just low information, low propensity voters. But they do like and are inspired by Trump and they're coming out to vote for him.


Yeah, I saw that throughout the entire election cycle. And I, I still have my podcast from the night before the election in twenty sixteen. And I said on the show, I don't like predictions but I said he's going to win Florida. There's no way. I mean I'm on the ground. I saw this kind of brewing regarding these polls we're seeing now some of them which are all over the place that are not from your group, the Trafalgar Group.


Like I said, you are one of the few people I follow religiously on social media because you're just a very sober analyst of what's going on. And I think you're going to be spot on in twenty twenty two in twenty twenty as well. But are some of these polls out there from some of these, again, air quotes, mainstream outlets, are they dramatically oversampling Democrats because some of the sampling models for Democrats don't seem to marry up to what the turnout models in 2016 were?


And why would you do that? I mean, if you're a polling company selling your product, there's no sensible business reason to embarrass yourself. Is there a reason they're not they make it could be oversampling Democrats. Are they anticipating some huge blue wave? What am I missing here? Well, let's start with a simple question how many polling firms from major national outlets got fired after twenty sixteen? We can spend all day and you're not going to find a name, so there's not really a punishment for getting it wrong, and especially when you start to consider.


Why are they wrong? Are they wrong because they are trying to create and are they agenda driven? And their purpose wasn't to get the election right, but was to convict people of a certain outcome and help move the electorate. So you have to figure out what their motivation is. Yes, they're absolutely under sampling certain people. And their argument is, well, 20, 20 is going to look a lot more like twenty eighteen to twenty sixteen. Well, all right, fine.


So be it. But even if you do that and that's what we do, we take some of the extreme from twenty eighteen, still build them into the model and anticipate probably it turned out they didn't even going to happen. That is more beneficial. The Democrats and Biden just to be extra careful that we're not giving we're not giving them a fair shake. But if your goal is what the numbers say, then you can change turnout model to say what you want them to say, especially if you're not worried about being accurate.


I mean, we put exactly what our percentages are and every one of our polls, geographic, ethnic age and all that, so we can demonstrate that we're balancing them correctly. But I think that there's a lot of that going on. But it's about trying to drive an agenda at much more than it is trying to be accurate because there's no punishment for failure.


And that's a that's a that's a really terrific point that I hadn't considered. You're right. Nobody has been fired. Now, listen, I'm I'm a partisan. You're not. You're a pollster. Again, I'm an opinion guy. I'm not pretend to be a journalist. But one of the things that does worry me being an objective, subjective conservative here is roughly, what, three million or so Obama voters did not show up to vote for Hillary in 2016.


Obviously, Obama was an exciting candidate for the Democrats, not for me, but for the Democrats.


Hillary didn't generate that kind of excitement. Is there a possibility that these three million or millions plus of Obama voters show up again and cause a real turnout problem for Trump? It's possible that a lot of Obama voter turnout, but let's remember who makes up the Obama coalition. Obama was a rejection of an establishment, like it or not, even coming from the Republican perspective, there was a rejection of the Republican running Congress and having having the president for eight years in a row.


So we've seen lots of people who are certainly Clinton, Bush and then Obama and Trump voters. I mean, there are people who move back and forth between. There are a lot of similarities between Obama and Trump, especially in the battleground states. You hear all the time people who just wanted something other. I mean, they wanted to kind of throw a monkey wrench at the system. They thought Obama was that monkeywrench. They all thought Trump was that monkeywrench.


They didn't necessarily get what they wanted out of Obama, but they certainly didn't think Hillary was the solution. Interesting.


I read something similar in The Wall Street Journal op ed the other day. That's fascinating point. We're going to take a quick break. We're talking to Robert Galey from the Trafalgar Group, an excellent, excellent polling outfit. We'll be right back. Scuse me on the other side of this break.


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Robert Kaili from the Trafalgar Group talking polling the election in 2020. Coming up very shortly. Folks, I'm Robert. If you don't mind, I'd like to just go state by state and I'm going to do all 50 states, obviously, but just a few that are areas of concern for me and others who listen to my show and just kind of give a general trend. What you think, how it could turn out. Pennsylvania, obviously a critical state to the initial election in 2016 to President Trump, a state notably called Fool's Gold by Republicans for years who thought they could win it.


And it never worked out. We hadn't won it. I think since what George H.W. Bush, no Republican, won in a long time. President Trump did. He wanted by a sliver. How does Pennsylvania look now? Because, again, other polling outlets are predicting up to double digit loss for President Trump in Pennsylvania, which doesn't sound right from my operatives that I'm hearing on the ground. Yes, absolutely, I think Pennsylvania is a state that Trump can win.


I will I will give this same caveat that I've given in numerous media outlets, Pennsylvania and my mind is a state that is most likely that if Trump wins, he will still lose due to voter fraud. It is famous for voter fraud. I always get a lot of hate on the from Philly on Twitter, and I can't forget that more because I'm a Cowboys fan or more because I talk about their voter fraud. But either way, they don't like me very much.


But the fact is it has a history of it. And especially, you know, I said it in the National Review article that came out Monday morning. And sure enough, by Monday afternoon there was a court ruling that backed up. What I said. I think that it's a state that he definitely can win. I expect him to win it. Does he win it by enough that he can eclipse the voter fraud? I don't know. Yeah, that's a good quote.


I've heard about that before as well. I mean, having run in Maryland as well, we always had a big problem with fraud in Baltimore City and other areas as well, even in an election where I ran for Congress. Moving on. So Wisconsin, I have again, a number of friends on the ground in Wisconsin said you can't drive through the swing counties anywhere, Wisconsin, without being overwhelmed by Donald Trump signs. You know, I listen, I get it.


Signs aren't a pure indicator of who's going to win or lose.


I mean, Beto O'Rourke had a ton of signs as well in Texas, but he over performed.


He did very well, even though he lost Wisconsin. How does that look for you right now? Another state, President Trump won. But again, mainstream pollsters are saying he's behind by a few points in. We have we have Biden up by a sliver and the and again, one of the things that we say is we can minimize the social desirability effect where it exists, even in our polls. My gut is that he's probably going to it's going to be very close, but he has an excellent chance of winning Wisconsin.


I would tell you what I believe, the silent Trump voter. I think there's a lot of them out there. And so my math is usually for every sign you see, there's probably three more voters that don't live in that house that are for Trump that don't have a sign. Yeah, well, we're talking about some swing states here.


Again, I want to go through all of them.


You've been generous with your time already, but the one state that worries me the most, given the margin President Trump won by is Michigan and other state Republicans have had trouble with for eons. That President Trump pulled out surprisingly on election night, but won by less than a point. Michigan seems to worry me. That's the one state where people on the ground, listeners and elsewhere are telling me they think we could be in a little bit of trouble in Michigan.


Now, he can lose Michigan and still win if he holds the rest of his states. But how are you feeling about Michigan? What are your numbers look like over there? I feel a little better about Michigan than I do Wisconsin one, I think the strength of it is a very I mean, when you look around the other state in Michigan, Trump has a very strong US Senate candidate who I think is going to probably even outpace Trump in the vote.


But John James puts forth a narrative that is hard to define Trump and the way that he's been defined with someone like John James, the next ballot and the next race on the ballot. And I think John James is lifting, lifting him up. I also think that that the best thing Trump has going in Michigan besides John James, is Gretchen Whitmer. She is universally disliked and especially because of her crazy covid rules. I mean, stuff that didn't even make sense.


And we see a lot of pushback on that. We do see a good deal of hidden vote in Michigan. But I expect that Michigan is a state that we have him up in Michigan and I think he will win Michigan. Put me at ease there a little bit.


See, that's why we have experts like you on the show. And I'm not a pollster, which is why we need you. That is a great point about John James, though. He is a fantastic candidate. I believe he'll be presidential timber one day. We'll see a lot of him. If he pulls this out over Peters, that'll be a huge, huge win. Let's do one more swing state. I feel pretty good about Ohio, so we'll leave that out.


But my home state of Florida, again, you know, a single subject designs, in my personal opinion, don't mean much. I'd rather hear yours. But down here in Florida, I live in a swing county in Martin County, which is pretty much 50 50. We've been represented by Democrats and Republicans in Congress. Here I see Trump signs everywhere. I've seen Trump rallies, Trump sine waves of my wife's of Trump motorcades. Right. Trump boat parades, Trump sky parades.


I mean, I'm not kidding. It's everywhere. I have seen nothing for Biden. There's a guy down my block who has a Biden son fence. That's it. It's only Biden said, I've seen anywhere and I'm going to swing county. I feel just pretty good about it. Opinion wise, what are your numbers telling you about Florida, the greatest swing state of all? We have thought for weeks that Florida is a Trump victory. I think that Trump will exceed what he did in twenty sixteen.


I think he will exceed what Governor Santos did. I think it is going to be a significant win there and is going to be a little less hotly contested. People realize the enthusiasm we see in the Hispanic community, the especially the the Cuban and Venezuelan community. I mean, I've seen some of this there's the graffiti with like comparing Biden and and Harris to Castro and to Chavez and to Maduro. And it's just amazing. There's so much energy. And, you know, when you look at it's a state that's very dependent on tourism, they've enjoyed the Trump economy when the tourism was going in and Florida didn't get the hit like a lot of the other states did with cobras are shut down in their economy, Trump has brought new energy to the space program.


He's consolidated a greater portion of the Jewish vote than any Republican ever has. All the signs point in the right direction for Trump in Florida?


Yeah, I think he's even doing well with the northern Florida Orlando area Puerto Rican vote, which is substantial just from, again, talking to a bunch of friends of mine who live up there. Let's talk about some states that could be potential flips in both direction, both directions. Excuse me. Is there any possibility of Trump picking up states he lost, notably New Mexico, New Hampshire and then specifically Maine two and Nebraska two, where they break up the electoral vote within the state?


Any possibility of Trump winning those areas you might have lost in the last election? Well, I believe he did win Maine and Nebraska, I'm sorry I had that backwards. Yeah, I'm sorry. My fault. I had that. Those were more for Biden I'm sorry. New Mexico and New Hampshire for Trump. Forgive me. My fault. Any possibility of flipping those? No, no, no.


I would tell you the two points that I think Trump has the best chance to surprise people. And we're going to be polling these. And the next 10 days are Nevada and. Minnesota, I think those two states, Nevada, especially Nevada, really was a state, it was very tight last time and it comes down there's a lot of support with the hospitality hospitality union for Hillary. But, you know, those hospitality union folks, they're good, hardworking folks.


And man, they really like that Trump economy and they don't like shutdowns because they don't get to go to work when they're shut down. And, you know, Biden threatening more shutdowns. We kind of send the children, some of them, and they're kind of bucking some of that union leadership and then add to the unprecedented numbers Trump seems to be getting across the board with Hispanics that they keep your eyes on Nevada and Minnesota is ground zero for all of this calamity and chaos.


And I feel like it is going to be a big, loud voice of people from across Minnesota, including St. Paul, saying we are not Minneapolis.


Yeah, I have a friend of mine, a former Major League Baseball player who lives in Minnesota now said that there's, again, Trump trump energy everywhere over there on the inverse there. Any possibility of Biden flipping states? Trump won, like we said, Maine to what about Arizona? Any possibility of Biden maybe making a play there? Yeah, they definitely got to work hard and Arizona, Arizona is going to be tight, North Carolina is going to be tight and Wisconsin is going to be tight.


Those are all one where I think Biden has an excellent chance. I think he has an excellent chance of, you know, along with not that he's coordinating with them, but along with some people who want to steal some votes in Pennsylvania. I think that represents a possibility. Yeah. Those are states that I think could go the other way, but I really don't see much of that happening. I think that the probably Wisconsin is the one I'm probably most worried about, but I'd put North Carolina as a close second.


Hmm. Interesting. My father lives and I didn't get to North Carolina. A couple more quick questions where you've been generous with your time with talking to Robert Haley from the Trafalgar Polling Group, a fantastic group. Follow these guys on social media. They're really, really terrific. Any chance some of these Senate candidates that are struggling in some of these polls benefit from a Trump turnout? I mean, you have Tillis in North Carolina, Ernst in Iowa, Cory Gardner, who appears to be in a significant amount of trouble in Colorado.


Any chance they get a bump from Trump or is it the other way around, like you said, Michigan, where, you know, Trump may get a bump from John James. Well, you know, I think that I think what James and Trump are mutually beneficial in their control for each other, but I think that what we've seen in the past is Trump's going to have some coattails. This is a guy who has coattails. And I really I expect that we're going to see a little bit of a Trump wave, and it could be as much as four or five percent that we see as we look at kind of what that way was four years ago.


These polls are tighter than they were four years ago, even with the mainstream. If you look at RCP and that's really the only average you are looking at, anything else is has an agenda. But I think if you if you look at those, you'll see they're tighter now. I think that way that could be four or five points. And if it's four or five, six points, you're going to start seeing things like Colorado getting competitive, competitive enough with Cory Gardner to get there.


You're going to see McSally being able to get there. You're going to see Tillis getting there easily. You're going to see a no real problem for Ernst. I mean, it's really possible. And that Minnesota Senate race, I think you could see some magic there, too, if that wave is as big as I think it really could be. Yeah, that would be huge.


That's obviously a six year seat to cause big trouble for the Democrats trying to get a majority back in the Senate. Just a couple more questions for you. The question I get most of all, when I told people I was going to have you on the show, they were very excited. And I got a couple of emails and social media requests for this one. I get this all the time. Is there a possibility President Trump sets a record for a Republican with the black vote anywhere from, say, 10 to 15, maybe even higher percent of the black vote, which would be historic, at least in modern times?


Well, let me address this as I did Pennsylvania. OK, yes, I think you got a lot of vote last time, but if you're relying on the mainstream media and their exit polls to determine which black voters voted for him or what his numbers are, let's let's think about this for a second. If you're not going to tell the truth on the phone, when you are confronted with some kid with a laptop or an iPad or a clipboard, are you going to tell the truth to them?


Is black vote was understated last time. He will do at least at least 15 percent, if not higher. Wow.


We see that across the board in these battleground states right now. We seem as high as 20 in some of them. But will you ever know? Because if you depend on the mainstream media and their flawed exit polls, the same exit polls that said Hillary was going to win and have them dancing in the control rooms at six o'clock and before they started crying at about 9:00, then you're never going to know it. So, yes, he's going to do extremely well.


Will you know it? Well, not if you depend on exit polls.


That's that's a wonderful point. I was on the air with a different outlet on election night. And you're right, by six or seven p.m., they were celebrating where they were cracking the crystal skull over President Clinton. And then by two o'clock in the morning, it was over. They call Pennsylvania. Yeah, it was hilarious. You're right, though.


That should get it so obvious. Now we're agreeing with each other over each other. It's just so obvious that people are lying.


Exit polls wouldn't be wrong if everybody was telling the truth. Why they cannot accept it. I do not understand.


Yeah, that's that's a great point. If you're not willing to tell someone on the phone because of, you know, social stigma of supporting Trump, you're certainly not going to tell anyone in person with a with an iPad. That's a great point. Last question. I'll let you go again. We're talking to Robert Haley from the Trafalgar Group. Again, can't say in strong enough terms. Can't recommend them on social media. Please check them out, Robert, as well as the Trafalgar Group.


They're terrific. So I'm following the early numbers.


This show is being recorded and will air about a week, a week and a half before the election.


And I'm noticing that the Democrats typically do well in early voting. Republicans in many states tend to show up on game day with coronavirus. Who knows where that's going to go, but they typically need a really big lead, the Democrats in early voting going into Election Day to win. A quick example I've been following is North Carolina State. You brought up before where Hillary was ahead in early voting, roughly 15 or 16 points and still lost the state. Now, Joe Biden is only ahead now by 14 points, two points less than Hillary.


So are the Democrats missing their early voting targets? And is this a good sign for Republicans? Well, I think the comparison with Twenty Sixteen is a strong one, and consider that they're having even more turnout this time, so they really ought to be running these margins up. But they're not. And I think the only thing. So, yes, I think the early voting is not working the way that the Democrats would want it to work. But I think that we need to be very wary of something else.


Whenever one party has a lot to gain by nobody showing up on Election Day. It can be a very scary few days, and that, I think, is my greatest worry for the strength of this entire democracy of shenanigans that will happen, exaggerations of what's going on, coronavirus leading up to the election. Possible fear of retribution for those who vote in the polls. But there would be every incentive if they wanted to play dirty to try to affect turnout, especially if they thought they had an advantage if very few people voted on Election Day.


So you're saying that this is you really caught my attention. You're saying it may. Garner a sense of desperation with the the side that's not hitting their numbers, is that where you're going with this? I agree.


I mean, having run myself, imagine that. Yeah, right. I mean, if the Democrats think, hey, we don't even have the advantage we did last time, this time Election Day voting is going to is going to do us in. I mean, who knows? I mean, it worries me. You start thinking about antifa and and all kind of shenanigans. And, you know, before you know what, we got a few polling places that were burned down or bombed and all that kind of stuff leading up to the day or two before.


And people get nervous. And I think I think that's the way really bad things happen for this country is if everybody didn't get a fair shot to vote. Yeah, absolutely. Regardless what side you're on, you ought to be for everybody having their fair shot now.


Amen to that. You I'm in full agreement there that a voter suppression is immoral, unethical, not the hallmark of a of a constitutional republic like ours. I'd rather lose than cheat. There's that. I agree with you a hundred percent.


Robert, you've been incredibly generous with your time. Thank you very much. Again, you did not disappoint one bit. I watched you on the Sean Hannity show the other day. You were spectacular and you did not disappoint. Thank you so much.


We appreciate your time. I've been a big fan of yours for a long time, and it's an honor to be here. Thank you. So you're looking at the 2020 election differently now after that interview, he was Gray, wasn't he? Robert Galey, follow him on social media. Absolutely terrific. All right. We have other sponsors say they paid to be here to talk to you. We love our sponsors. I love Rickon. I use their wireless earbuds.


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Now to my my interview with former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Ladies and gentlemen, this one. This one gets a little emotional at times. I really can't believe what Biden did to his family and what the Chinese were really up to pay very close attention to this interview with former Mayor Rudy Giuliani.


Check this out. I'm pleased to welcome back to the show, former mayor of New York City and lawyer to the president, Rudy Giuliani. Mr. Mayor, thank you so much for joining us again. Your first episode was one of our, if not the most watched interview we've ever done on the show. So we appreciate you coming back. Thank you very much.


Well well, thank you so much that I'm glad to be back here. You've been you've been nothing less than heroic now. Oh, gosh. Thank you.


Well, likewise, you exposing this disastrous information on the Biden crime family has just been incredible. The man appears to be a national security threat right now running for president. Mr. Mayor, I've been following this story on my show. You've been at the forefront of getting this information out there. We got some devastating new revelations in one of the ugliest scandals I've seen in a long time about it's disturbing to even talk about potential inappropriate behavior with children on Biden's computer.


I have not seen these photos. You have you went to the police. How bad is this stuff? I've got to be careful, obviously, how I describe it. It does involve minors. Sure. First, let me read to you the way he Hunter Biden describes it, because it will give you both sides of it and. And then and then the problem he wrote, he wrote in September twenty third, twenty eighteen to his father, he wrote the following she she meaning his sister in law with whom he had had a relationship, lived in our home.


She she told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate with the 14 year old girl when she says that I face time naked with her. And the reason I can't have her out to see me is because I walk around naked, smoking crack, telling Tom girls on FaceTime. When she was pressed, she said that I never said anything like that, but the bottom line is that I create and cause a very unsafe environment for the kids. So you have two versions, right, you have you have the therapist and the girl apparently saying that he faced time naked with her.


And that he walked around naked in front of her smoking crack. According to him, when she was pressed, she withdrew it. So we don't know, but he does admit that he created to his father a very unsafe environment for the kids. Well, that's enough. An unsafe environment for the kids would require mandatory reporting. If I was a mandatory reporter, as you were when you were a police officer. I was when I was the mayor, US attorney.


But it's worse than that, really. There are three or four other texts from family members about how dangerous the environment is for the kids. And then there are a whole group of photographs. It's very hard to describe. Let me talk about the adult ones first. The adult photographs are. Pornography. Him involved in it, a lot of shots of him admiring his private parts, a lot of shots of him smoking crack, kind of like wiener of a lot of him smoking crack, a lot of him smoking crack and having sex with one or two women.


A kind of fetish thing that he does. So these are all over the computer. Also, all over the computer are pictures of 14 or 15 year old girls in. Seductive. Poses of different kinds. Some are normal. Some are quite normal. Some are marginal, and some are quite clear. And one is very clear. So when we came across that, Bernie Kerik and I were examining it, maybe we went over the text messages first.


I found this maybe three or four days ago, this text message about where he was walking around naked and then she says no, but it's an unsafe environment. And that's what motivated me to go and take a good look at the pictures. And I was shocked when I saw him. So this is not my area of expertise. And many ways it's not even Bernhard's right. So we call two very, very highly skilled former New York City detectives who did child endangerment cases.


As a career, and I showed it to them and I said, what am I obligation to what do I have to do? And they said, well, actually, since that's been given to the FBI. You don't have to do anything. But since the FBI has had it for almost a year and from every other aspect of the case, there seems to have been no action taken. You should probably be safe and reported to the local police.


Well, of course, the local police is in Delaware and he owns Delaware right now. We thought the heck with it, Bernie. And I don't get afraid to resign. Right. Right. So I called the Delaware police. I probably made them faint and I told them who I was and I told them I wanted to come and deliver what I considered to be the material that I had an obligation to deliver to them and that they had an obligation to investigate.


So we went down there on Monday morning. We brought with us. The illustrations that we thought. Kind of laid this out. We also brought the entire hard drive if they wanted, and we showed it to them, did a long presentation. They examined it. They asked for the hard drive, and then they basically assured us that they were going to analyze it and investigate it. And then we learned the day later that they sent it up to the AG of Delaware, who's a politically elected official, Democrat and ally of Senator Biden's.


And then she punted it to the FBI. So think about that right now. It made a circle with the FBI for 10 months, right? They take no action. And they sent it back to the FBI, but something did happen. Early yesterday, there was a leak from the FBI that the emails that we presented. The ones that. Chris Wallace accused me of being unreliable. All right, I'm not happy about that. Yeah, he shouldn't be right.


I found to be accurate. Valerie. And connected to an ongoing money laundering case that they have going on. And I have some knowledge of that case. And then the only money laundering case, yeah, there are five cases here that if I were a U.S. attorney, I could have this indictment, assuming the testimony works out the same way, is that as the text messages and emails probably have the indictment in a month and they have very serious cases.


There we know some of them, I mean, we know about Ukraine and we know that Hunter Biden was paid a total amount in excess of 10 million dollars in Ukraine, including some money, laundered payments that haven't been counted. I have the proof of that. I think I showed you that once the that the document that goes from Ukraine, the money goes from Ukraine to Latvia, Latvia to Cyprus. It's disguised as loans to fictitious companies. And then it ends up in the Hunter Biden, John John Kerry's stepson company.


So we get about 10 to 14 million dollars from Ukraine. That comes to them for no apparent reason, because we now find out that Hunter never showed up in Ukraine. So now we have to describe this as a no show job. A no show job means you're being paid for something else. You can assume what that something else is since Joe Biden acted. To have the prosecutor dismissed, but remember, the prosecutor was not just investigating, but the prosecutor was investigating a very dangerous.


Organized criminal Ukrainian oligarch named Mikola, who had stolen five billion dollars and was an Exxon. He he was Hunter's employee. He was running Barnesville, correct, Mr. Mayor? From yes, from afar now. Now, to be clear, though, they also Berrima didn't just this isn't just about Hunter Biden. Also, Mr. Mayor, I covered on my show the other day. They had also hired other Democrat people, politically connected Democrats. You know, Devin Archer connected to John Kerry, the lighter guy who was John Kerry's old chief of staff.


These Purisma guys knew what they were doing when they were hiring politically connected Democrats like Biden, Hunter, Biden. And they also knew something that the American media covers up and that shows Michelle Joe has been for sale since she was a cheap little senator in Delaware, and you could get them for a few thousand dollars. I mean, it was notorious that Joe's brother, James, was probably the most unethical lobbyist in Washington, constantly getting Biden in trouble.


And Biden would always get away with it by saying, I don't know anything about my family's business. I figure you can say that. I mean, take Corleone. Got to stay at once. Any other criminal gets to say twice, say three times. I don't know my family's business or your family's business is to shake people down for money. I'm going to put you in jail. But he said it about ten times. But because he's Joe Biden, it was left alone.


So we have we have the Ukraine. And we have five witnesses sitting in the Ukraine that are ready to get on a plane and come here and testify under oath. That this was a bribe to Joe Biden not having to do with Hunter at all with the bag man Hunter was the conduit to make to hide the payment to to to to Joe. So then the second one we have is Iraq. In Iraqis, he's appointed and sent there to negotiate a status of forces agreement so that we're allowed to keep troops there.


He fails miserably in doing that, which leads to the death of a substantial number of people because our troops aren't there, including people in the UK who I and many other people represent. These are Iranian dissidents who sided with the United States and were killed in that period of time. We have protection for them because Joe Biden failed. But once again, Joe Biden fails like he did in Ukraine, but the Biden family did really well. His brother James, who has as little experience in housing as Hunter, has an energy.


Becomes part of a one point five billion dollar housing redevelopment contract in Iraq just at the time that he becomes point man. It looks like he could have pulled out. Big money, 100 million. He got one third of one point five billion, it's hard to tell who the hidden partners were, but he got a lot of money and that money went to him, not because he knows a damn thing about housing. It went to him to pay off Joe.


And once again, Joe failed the United States. Now, now, now we move to Russia. Where he gets three point five million from the Arja does from the wife of the mayor of Moscow, who is a very, very close associate of Vladimir Putin. It's really when you count the extra money that comes in, which we've now found, it's getting closer to four million dollars. But it looks to be the first payment in a money laundering scheme that they're trying to set up.


With Russian. That has to be further investigated, so there is no real explanation for this four million dollars from Russia. Now, that one got me really mad then because I spent two and a half years and the president spent four years defending against Russian collusion. Not a false charge. The hoax here, we didn't get anything from Russia and they got at least four million dollars from Vladimir Putin. Yeah, everything they accused the Trump team of, they did themselves.


Yeah, and there's no explanation for this money, so I can there's no explanation for money going to the son of the vice president who can't do anything. I figured the explanation is it's to influence the vice president. And finally, we got the two China transactions, the one the one that everyone knows about been talked about a lot. He flies his son to China on Air Force Two. He goes off to negotiate for the US to get them out of the island state dispute with Japan.


And to have them lower towers. And we don't know what Hunter does 8H. Joe fails again. They don't get out of the islands, in fact, in a short period of time, they put more troops there. They don't lower the tariffs, they raise the tariffs. The newspapers at the time criticize Joe for being such a failure and point out that the combination of Kerry and Biden is much easier on China than even Hillary Clinton was. What the newspapers of the time don't know.


Is that a private equity fund that is owned by Biden's son, Kerry's stepson? And Whitey Bulger's nephew. Got a commitment of one point five dollars billion from China. The first one billion came within eight days of Joh taking them over on Air Force Two. Now, that's a partnership with the government of China because the Bank of China is owned by China. So so we had a rather lengthy period of time. A sitting vice president negotiating with China.


Whose son was a partner with the Chinese communist government and no one told us that. Obama never told us, no one told us. I have no idea if American intelligence made a record of it. If they didn't, they should all be. Well, they can't be fighting, but they should be prosecuted. Really? I mean. Yeah, you know what's stunning, Mr. Mayor? I could not have been made it through the Secret Service selection process to protect a president with this kind of stuff on.


Not even close. I'd probably be under investigation. And yet we have a man running for the White House and his son and his family seem to be involved in, according to one of their business partners, this man who emerged this week, Lieutenant Babeland, Bob Wolinsky, Obama Linskey. If we went from saying his name wrong, who was a business partner, this who is he's not anonymous. He's given his name, who's now saying the Chinese.


Understood, Mr. Mayor, from the start, this was not a return, an ongoing operation. They weren't looking for a monetary return. It wasn't political influence operation. But, you know, I have a different word for it. They were bribing him. They were buying his day. OK, then Joe goes out of office. And he's rumored to be the leading Democratic candidate for president. And the Chinese who are you know, they weren't making an investment, they were making an investment in buying Joe and they figured they could really jamala.


So the Biden family goes into a partnership. Three members of the Biden family. Joe, I'm not Joe James, Sarah, a brother and sister in law, and Hunchy. With these two people, Belinski and Galatoire's, on one side, on the other side, three Chinese communists won a very high level member who's also a Chinese high level intelligence operative. They named JI JinMing. His operatives in America is a gentleman named Stanley Ho. And the other spy they have working in America is Kevin.


They all join joined the partnership. Here's the partnership. The Biden family is going to get ten million dollars a year. And 50 percent of the profits in order to make introductions for C, E, F, C, which is a Chinese energy company which is owned by the Chinese Congress. It may be a bit of a front for an intelligence operation, to me, this looks more like an intelligence operation to jam up the Bidens big time. So now when we get the when we get the hard drive.


I started searching it. And lo and behold, I get the contract I just told it to, and then I go a little more into it and behind it is another piece of paper was another contract. And the other contract has something else added to it that isn't the first one. And the numbers are a little different, so you could come up with 10 percent left. And it says 10 percent to age for the big guy. So I'm sorry, I'm a cynical prosecutor.


I knew right away that was Joe Biden, right. But of course I knew The New York Times would say, oh, absolutely not. Joe's not a big deal. Not that big or. Or somebody made it up. The Russians wrote it now it wasn't written in Russian, but the Russian throat. So I said, we've got to corroborate this. So the first thing we did is we found a document in which they assigned the keys for the new office in which the pilots were going.


I can't even say this. The Bidens were going to be in business with the Chinese communist. Now, imagine saying. So just as here are the teams, we need, key number one, Joe Biden. See, number two, Jill Biden, number three, James, no for him, so the big guy gets the first key. So that was the first indication it was the big guy. Then we looked at it more carefully and we see that in other references, including social references, people writing to Hunt Hunter refer to his father as the big guy.


Here's one just a social reference from a fellow named Jeff Rogers at about that time, Hunt, see below. Big night in Leipzig. I was not there, but heard all about the big guy, made them happy. The speaker that night was Vice President Joe Biden, who spoke at the Leipzig Firehole. Clearly, that's a nickname for Joe. And then we have now Mr. Belinski, who was the CEO of this company, by the way, who has testified and submitted an affidavit under oath that the big guy was Joe Biden, that Joe Biden was indeed.


A participant in the money that not only that, all that stuff about Joe Biden not knowing about Joe's forehead, I mean, his foreign business, which I think we just proved with the meetings with the vice president that that's total crap. That country doesn't do a damn thing without talking to Joe. And that there's no doubt. That all over the years. Hunter's been taking money back to Joe and taking care of Joe's expenses, which explains why Joe, who's never been anything but a senator and his wife, a teacher, has five homes.


People have always wondered how we got the five votes, we don't think he's an investment expert.


Mr. Mayor, you said something there pretty profound. I want to be sure the audience doesn't miss this. Is there a possibility here just to reiterate this, that this from the start was a Chinese operation to get dirt on the Bidens altogether, knowing that he run? I mean, you said that. I just want to be sure the audience understands me having some background in intelligence stuff. That's that's that's perfectly possible that this could have been an up from the start, nothing to do with business and everything to do with dirtying up the Biden's two possibilities.


The Chinese are dumb and like to give away billions of dollars. Right, right. Well, the Chinese are, among other things, very intelligent and they know what they're doing. Mm hmm. And they figure it was a good investment. And the vice president, since he had a lot of discretion over the islands, the tariffs, and he sold us out like crazy. I mean, it was pathetic, America was sold out completely, if, you know, you lost your job to China somewhere in the mid part of twenty, fifteen, sixteen, that Joe Biden.


You lost your job. Biden made one point five billion, which is disgusting. Yes. And then I think they figured that's over, but they had to have another another hold on this week, man. So they came up with this deal and the idiot becomes a 10 percent pardon. But it's worse than that. Then there is one. Text message here that explains the whole 30 year racketeering enterprise. This is the method of payment. Joe is the big guy, the boss of the family.


Hunter, James, Sarah, possibly Frank. Collect the money, they're the bagman. All right, so, Joe, I mean, Hojjati explains now to his daughter, because she's getting older and she may have to take on some of these, I don't know, take on some of these responsibilities. I mean, Joe likes to keep the crime family in the crime family. Right. This is this is much I love you all, but I don't receive any respect.


And that's fine, I guess, works for you, apparently. I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It's really hard, but don't worry, I like Pop, I won't make you give me half your salary. That's incredible, for 30 years has been given. But half of what he earns because Hunter has jobs that are front to produce bribe money for Joe. This is a classic bagman situation, it's also very similar to the way Schweiker at the beginning of Secret Empire describes the Chinese form of corruption.


They don't pay the principal. They pay the trusted people around the principle, trusting the people around the principle to take care of them, to make sure he gets the proper money at the right time and to make sure he wants for nothing. That's the system they set up and what went on all throughout this, and I knew they were doing this two years ago, I just couldn't prove it. But every little piece that I got. When I saw this.


I said. I can't believe you put it in writing, Hunter, but all the circumstantial evidence leads to this. This is what's going on. This man, Biden, is a thoroughly corrupt human being, and I think he's a very bad man and I'm going to tell you why I think he's a bad man, because when you read all this, you realize that Hunter Biden is a very troubled young man. And Hunter Biden. Years ago should have been taken out of this dirty business.


And he should have been put in some easy business where a drug addict gets a chance to rehabilitate. I know a bit about drug addiction. I think you do, too. And the way in which you deal with drug addicts, you don't put them under stress. So this father has his son dealing with some of the worst criminals in the world. Michael Chesky is an organized criminal and a killer. A lot of good arena, maybe a woman.


She's got her share of notches on her belt. Xi Ming is a member of Chinese organized crime, and during the course of their partnership, he ended up in the Yangtze River. He's now at the bottom of the Yangtze River. You want to find in a number of people that this kid did business with Dutil. The number two guy in that partnership went to jail and the first person, he asked what he went to jail with James Bond. And his own partner, Devon Archer, is going to jail, so his father surrounded him.


This reminds me of the Mafia. There were the mafia members who kept their kids in the business, and they were mafia members who went to all lengths to get their kids out of the business. Joe went to all lengths to keep his kid in the business. And when you feel sorry for him for being a drug addict, that's OK. You can feel sorry for him to being a drug addict. But there's a reason that drug addiction was never cured and the reason it wasn't cured is Joe.


Now, that's that's that's that's a great point. It's a sad point, but a great one. And, Mr. Mayor, nobody understands organized crime better than you. It was just interesting on a side note, I was watching, I don't know, History Channel or whatever special on the crime, organized crime in New York City. And you were probably 40 percent of the episode how you came in there and really pioneered the use of RICO to dismantle these crime families, which had run New York for decades.


So that was that was great. You did a great job back then. But today I was covering on my show.


Now, by the time this airs was a few days ago, how it seems like they knew about Biden's problems here, that his associations were going to be troublesome, potentially criminal, and they covered it up. I showed a time article in the Washington Post article from back in 2014. Fourteen. But, you know, when they were actually interested in this case, before they knew Biden was going to run for president. But one of the things I found interesting is an old Wall Street Journal article, Purisma, the company Hunter Biden was working for, headed by this corrupt Zillo Chayefsky.


They had some interesting partnerships, Mr. Mayor. They partnered up with the Atlantic Council, really polluted with deep state swamp rats who were Clinton donors and everything else. And they also partnered with the Transatlantic Election Commission on an Election Integrity, which is a fascinating partnership with a company like Purisma. With all these corruption allegations and who gets appointed to this Election Integrity trans-Atlantic Commission after he leaves office to investigate foreign interference in election. Joe Biden, which is insane, which says to me they already knew this was going to come out and they were going to use election interference and Russian disinformation as a canard to keep people like you and others from looking into it.


Well, Joe Biden made his confession of a bribe in front of the Atlantic Council in January of twenty eighteen, that's what he stood up with, that famous you know, I told Poroshenko, yeah. If he didn't fire the guy, he's going to be gone. And that's right. But he's going to be gone in seven hours. And then Poroshenko said, well, you're not the president.


And he said, call him on the phone call.


And son of a bitch, excuse the language. Joe Biden doesn't have the, you know, watch to act like that. Joe Biden is a weak little man. That never took place, that meeting he incriminated himself with and in front of the Atlantic Council. The thing that amazes me is he he admitted a straight out right. He admitted I withheld a billion dollars unless you took official action that I required. That's the definition of bribery. That's what they wanted to impeach President Trump for, impeach President Trump, but let Biden become president because he actually did it.


And the Atlantic Council said that. And they yawned when he said it. But when that happened with President Trump, we ended up with a world wide commotion until it was proved that it was not true. I mean, from the very beginning, it was clear to me that this was a bribery case. He admitted it. All you need is a tape. The tape admits every part of it. Now we've got 20 pieces of evidence that prove it.


We've got videotapes. We have documents. We have text messages. We have emails and we have direct witnesses about 10. This is a racketeering case should be prosecuted as a Biden crime family racketeering case. Racketeering just doesn't apply to organized crime. I prosecuted Milken that way, prosecute Boesky that way. I prosecuted Wall Street that way. That's right. And I prosecuted corrupt congressmen, commissioners, Republican and Democrats. That way, it's intended for long term crime associations.


And this is a very long term crime association. Don't take my word for it. Take his word for it. 30 years. And the money goes to the big guy, splitting the big guy is the public option, so the sky is defined as bribery. Unless we really have become so corrupt that Democrats can do anything, they can be engaged in multimillion dollar. Sales of the United States. The damage this does to our reputation, when our public officials act this way in a place like Ukraine where we're trying to convince them to be more honest, they left China last.


As we say, China's corrupt and they say, well, you got it right. Right. You're right. They buy your laughing. Hey, buying is expensive, but we can buy them. And we had our own diplomats. Mr. Mayor, we I mean, George Kant and others, even even Amos Hochstein had warned, hey, listen, this could be a serious problem. It's not like they didn't know and they just didn't care enough to do anything about it.


Well, they they raised it as a conflict of interest. Whatever else they are, they're intelligent men, if you didn't know this was a bribe, you shouldn't be working for the government. I mean, if I had an assistant U.S. attorney who looked at this and couldn't figure it out with Broad, I tell him to go, right. Will's right.


Well, Mr. Baer, you've been incredibly generous with your time. You have done yeoman's work in exposing the second biggest scandal of all time after exposing the first biggest scandal of all time. Spygate, thank you so much for joining us on the show. We really appreciate you.


And I have to say then, of all the people who have stayed with this from day one, you're probably one of the one of the strongest, one of the best, one of the most articulate and the one that really connects with people. So I and the president and, you know, the president appreciates that. He doesn't appreciate it as a special favor. We appreciate your honesty and integrity, I think, because whatever they want to say about Donald Trump, I've known him for 30 years.


He's an honest man. He would never do this. I got to tell you, he's one hell of a father. He doesn't know all these facts yet when I tell them all these facts, he knows some of them, I almost didn't tell them because I thought when he debated him, he might rip his head off. There's nothing. There's nothing. There's nothing that bothers me more than a parent that doesn't take care of their child, that ruins their child because they're so darn narcissistic.


It's their career. And they want to be multimillionaires, Nazi hunter Biden didn't have to be in this. And if Joe Biden wanted to get his millions and millions and millions, there are plenty of bad men around Washington who would have gladly done it for him, unfortunately. Yeah, that's a great point, sad point, but a good one. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a great man, used to work for you, cleaned up my hometown, New York City.


I wish you'd go back and clean it up again, though. Gosh, we could use you back there. Thank you very much, sir. We appreciate your time. We'll talk to you again soon.


And God bless you. And I'm praying for you know that. Thank you, sir. I appreciate you've been through it. So, you know, it's tough news, man. Thank you, my friend. All right, Mr. Mayor, I talk to you soon. Take care. Welcome, Lifestream.


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Check this out. All right. Part of my election special, the great Steve Cortez, a man I am pleased to call a friend, one of the strongest advocates for conservatism out there, Steve Cortez. Welcome to the show, my friend. Dan, you're a great American, thanks for having me. Let's, together with the audience, make America great again. Listen, man, fingers are crossed. Toes and cross legs are everything that can be crossed is crossed.


I know the alternative is disastrous. I love you on television, cable news and radio. I really believe you are one of the strongest advocates for the president. Is growth agenda out there. It's why I wanted to have you on for our election special here. Let me get right to it. Listen, obviously, the media sucks. I mean, we can just get past that now. We don't need to, you know, they're terrible. But one of the things that really bothers me about them is they haven't nailed down yet Joe Biden on his cataclysmic middle class tax bomb coming.


He has said, Steve, repeatedly he's going to repeal the Trump tax cuts. Now, anyone can go to the Internet and look up the Trump tax cuts. It's not hard. And you can see that the middle class got a huge tax cut. So if Biden's going to repeal them, doesn't that mean by default that Joe Biden is going to hike taxes on the middle class? Right. You don't have to be a mathematician to follow that logic a lot, right?


Eighty two percent of the American people got a tax cut, got tax relief because of the momentous 20 17 tax cuts. And by the way, let's talk about just how effective those tax cuts have been. Twenty nineteen. So those tax cuts were in twenty seventeen. Didn't really start to take effect until twenty eighteen and really kicked in by twenty nineteen, which is also the last full year that thank goodness we were free of the virus before we were invaded with this terrible virus.


And in twenty nineteen. What happened. Well it was the best year in American history for workers literally not my opinion. That's what the numbers tell us. Six point eight percent wage growth, an all time US record by a mile. Even better than that, Dan, for the deplorable for blue collar people, nine percent wage growth. Minorities did better than the average. Everyone did. Well, OK, look, we want we don't want to put people in the silos and only view them that way by identity politics.


Everyone did well, the wealthy to the most modest earners. But the point is, the strivers, the economic underdogs, the people who had languished so badly, who lagged behind during the slow growth years that Biden was in the White House, those are the people who leap to the front because of those tax cuts. And I don't want to just brag about the past. It's happening again right now. For example, I hope it'll bore you with your audience, with my data.


But I spent twenty five years on Wall Street, so I spent a lot of time watching the numbers and these numbers lately. They are defined Wall Street expectations by the way they define all of the skeptics who thought that we could never get this much ground back this quickly. We know we still have work to do. There are still too many people who are out of work right now because of what the Chinese Communist Party did to the world. But we can also rightly celebrate the amazing economic progress right now in this country.


And it's particularly due to the open states, I call them the liberty states, places like Florida, which has opened aggressively and smartly and the economy is absolutely humming. So because of this, for example, manufacturing wages, just in September, most recent report hit a new all time high. They're up 11 percent so far, average hourly earnings for production people, not the managers, production people in manufacturing that rate. And that's including the pandemic. Eleven percent so far on the Trump presidency.


And that rate is 50 percent better than the last four years of Obama. Biden and I say the last four years, because I'm trying to be fair here and not cherry pick and penalize them for the 08 09 recession.


So this they won't be fair to you. That's very nice. You're a noble man. I give them nothing. I screw them. I'm tired of them. But that's very generous. You're a more noble guy than me in that respect. But Steve, doesn't it infuriate I mean, listen, my listeners hear this every day on my show, on my Daily Show. This what? The media drives me nuts. But this one thing drives me crazy because it's such a simple question that, you know, I'll be fair for a minute.


Biden could clear up right away. Biden could say, hey, I'm not going to repeal the Trump tax cuts because they are tax cuts for the middle class. And I'm just going to hike taxes on the rich with a new bill. You know why he won't say that? Because he'll have to acknowledge to the media that Trump cut taxes for the middle class. That's why he won't answer that. That's what it's like. I want to pull my hair out.


Just ask them the damn question. So you're not going to repeal the Trump tax cut?


You say it right.


And the media, look, unfortunately, they are all too willing to be complicit in Joe Biden's lies. Let's face it, Joe Biden started his entire campaign on a lie on the, I think, the most malicious lie in American public life, which is the fine people hoax, the lie about Charlottesville, the media that President Trump praised violent bigots in Charlottesville when in fact, he said the exact opposite. He condemned them totally and in explicit terms. So he has been spreading that lie with the media's assistance since the very beginning of his campaign.


So, unfortunately, if they're willing to spread that lie, that toxic lie that is so divisive and just totally, provably untrue, then of course, they're willing to also help him spread lies that probably aren't quite as bad regarding taxes. It's very clear, unfortunately, that we don't really have journalism very much in this country, certainly not in the legacy outlets we do in platforms like yours, but not on the legacy outlets. They're completely corrupted. They're completely in the tank for Joe Biden.


And we see it nowhere more exemplified, unfortunately, than their intent to completely ignore the biggest story of this entire campaign, which is, of course, the revelations about the Biden cartel selling us out to communist China.


Oh, we're going to get to that. Got Rudy Giuliani on this show, too. So. So you're on a rock star, so you ain't good. You're right. You're Prager. You video about the the the hoax, about the fine people hoax is is amazing. And if you have not seen it, just put in a search engine. Steve Cortez Prager, you, Steve, eviscerates this ridiculous lie with the actual transcript and footage. It's amazing, Steve.


I use it on my show. You're right. The media is horrible. One of the other things, you're a data guy. I'm a data guy. But really data doesn't resonate with and it's not people's fault. They've got games to get to, work to go to. Don't want to sit and go through portals of data like we do. What are the. Things I saw, though, that surpasses any kind of Wangary and just really hit me hard the other day in The Wall Street Journal was this number under Donald Trump, we have seen the lowest level of black unemployment since World War Two.


Forget about data. That's a that's a powerful, powerful piece of information there that really I hadn't even heard. I knew it was good. I didn't know. Was that good? Right now, it's incredible in total. Let me give you a similar number for Hispanics. I care a lot about these facts. Of course, as an Hispanic, before Donald Trump, there was one month ever because, of course, payroll reports come out every single month.


There was one month ever in twenty six where Hispanic jobless rate was below five percent, one ever under Donald Trump. There have been twenty six of them. I mean, think about that. So the other forty four presidents stacked up one month under under five percent. Donald Trump. Twenty six of them. It's amazing what he's done for working class people, whether they're white or brown or black or purple. This is a president who rewards working class people and creates the conditions for them to thrive and succeed the economic strivers, the deplorable.


And by the way, to contrast that with Joe Biden, again, I think this is really important for us as we head here into the home stretch to contrast it with his record of economic failure. The Biden and Obama years were great for the already successful because you had a lot of asset inflation. So if you already owned a lot of real estate and a lot of stocks, these were salad days for you, Obama and Biden. But but workers languished.


And to put a statistic on this, only 10 percent, only the top 10 percent of earners saw their net worth increase throughout those eight years, 90 percent of Americans, that's most of us folks saw their net worth decrease over the eight years. And it it was even worse for black Americans. Blacks saw, on average, a 30 percent reduction in their household net worth under the leadership of the first black president. So think about that. While it was certainly a real symbolic victory for America to elect a black man, and it was, by the way, for our country to prove that we are no longer a racist nation, that was quite an achievement.


However, what did he do once, given the levers of power and once given control of policy? Unfortunately, all he did was delivered for credentialed elites on the coasts, ignoring workers, including a lot of black and brown people.


So, Steve, another data point fact that really blew my mind without getting too wonky here is they just did one of these real simple polls. Is your life better off now than it was four years ago? The traditional question that everybody always celebrates, if you're doing well and you get over 50 percent, we're in the middle of a pandemic. President Trump scored fifty four percent. Think about this, the processes for a minute. We're in the middle of one of the worst pandemics in modern history.


And it was so bad at the end of the Obama administration that even now. Fifty four percent of people like, no, I trust President Trump more than the Obama Biden people. It's really it's astounding and it shows you, I think, a couple of things, number one is what kind of strength we came into the pandemic with. So thank goodness, right, that this country was humming economically on all cylinders. So while what has happened and the challenges that we faced have been terrible for this country, it's caused a lot of real misery out there, particularly economically health wise, of course, as well.


But the good news is Donald Trump had us coming into the storm in such a position of strength that Americans still report even with the challenges of twenty twenty, that the solid majority are better off than four years ago. Also, to put that number in context, I think this is important because they've been polling on it. Reagan used that line largely to win as a challenger in 1980. So from nineteen eighty four on, Gallup has done this poll every election year and of sitting incumbent US presidents, nobody's ever been north of 50.


The high watermark previously was Bill Clinton in nineteen ninety six when the economy was really rocking and he got to 50. So not only is this a terrific number and a terrific affirmation of President Trump as the prosperity president, but it's also a standout number compared to historical norms.


Yeah, yeah. No kidding, man. It really is. It's it's a stunning number. We had Robert Calyon from the Trafalgar Group, one of the few polling outlets that actually called Twenty Sixteen.


Everyone else, of course, was all over the map and wrong about now President Trump, he thinks that President Trump could get fifteen, possibly more, 15 to 20 percent of the black vote, which would be a historic in modern times accomplishment by a GOP candidate. Are you guys feeling the love out there from the black community? I'll tell you, I am. I got a lot of listeners who happen to be black and Hispanic, and I've never seen anything like this.


Yeah, listen, I think blacks and Hispanics, number one, they're tired of the Democratic Party taking it for granted. Number two, this is not your parents or grandparents Democratic Party. So a lot of traditionally minded blacks and Hispanics and I'll speak for Hispanics know listen, I think that we are generally a very conservative people politically, religiously and culturally. And so a lot of Democrats are using a lot of Hispanics who used to vote Democratic but have traditional minded values, sort of traditional religious blue collar type values.


They have found themselves effectively politically orphaned by the 20 20 Democratic Party as it lurches leftward and as it embraces the terrible policies of the so-called squat. I think the same thing is happening among a lot of black Americans, a lot of black men. One thing we're seeing in internal polling is black men are really starting to trend our way. And I think it's primarily whether it's black men, Hispanic men, white men primarily, particularly younger ones. It's the aspirational aspect of their life that they want to build wealth.


They want to make money. They look at Donald Trump as a man who did it himself in his private life and is now as a public servant, creating the conditions for others to do it. And look, I don't like to put too much stock in celebrities, but I do think that people like 50 Cent coming over and saying, I don't want to be 20. I think that resonates and I want to be twenty seven, he said, which was brilliant.


He's like, I don't want to be twenty said come my wealth. And you know, it's funny when they even Cardi B who is endorsed Bernie Sanders in all kind of leftist nuts and says crazy stuff, put out a video a while ago when she actually looked at the Democrat's tax plan. I don't know if you remember that. She was like, why am I giving you all my taxes? Which is like, I don't get it, that how are you not voting Donald Trump?


Listen, I know we're short on time and you want to get, if I can, two more quick things and one about this this obvious disaster with Hunter Biden. Listen, I get it. I've had addiction in my family. It's a horrible thing. And I certainly don't mean to pile on. But that's not an excuse, Steve. I mean, the man's father, who he clearly was involved in a business relationship with, according to people involved with them, is running for president.


These are fair questions. It appears right now to me, and this is not hyperbole, that Joe Biden is a national security risk to the United States. I mean, normal common sense people, after seeing this bevy of information that have come out, I have to ask themselves, what else do the communist Chinese who appear to have been in a business relationship with them have on the Biden family? This is serious stuff. Oh, it's absolutely deadly serious, you're right, and you're also right, there's a phrase that there's never one cockroach.


I think that's probably true, just what we know is so damning. Think about what we potentially don't know. And listen, I really pushing in our campaign is trying to frame this as we're not really concerned with Hunter Biden. He has his issues. He has dealt with addiction like millions of Americans. He's lived largely a depraved life. None of that matters to the voters. So that's not relevant. He's not on the ballot. Joe Biden is.


And here's the reality. Hunter Biden was just a bagman for the Biden cartel. The head of the cartel is Joe Biden. And what we now know, we previously had been able to factually ascertain that Joe Biden had awareness of his son's nefarious and corrupt business dealings all over the world, including with the two most dangerous enemies of the United States, Russia and China. But what we now know because of this bombshell report from The New York Post and because of the surfacing and the effective public testimony of Bob Alinsky, who I believe is really a patriot and doing the honorable thing here, he has come forward on the record as the CEO of the sham company that was set up to facilitate the grifts, the passage of many millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party through a Chinese energy company directly to the Biden family.


He has come forward to validate what already unnamed sources had already said, which is that that Biden is the, quote, big guy. He's the big guy in the emails, the explosive email, stating that he gets a 10 percent cut of this scam. And this isn't your standard grift. Dan, I think this is important to point out, we're not talking about a Canadian telecom company who wants some influence for an FCC license in Washington, D.C..


OK, that would be bad enough. We're talking about the most dire enemy of the United States, the Chinese Communist Party, and they were able to buy access and influence with the second most powerful man in the world who could potentially become the most powerful man in the world. Joe Biden is disqualified from ever being our commander in chief with just what we know right now than he would be unable to get a security clearance to even work at the lowest level in the Pentagon or in the Secret Service.


He would I was a recruiter in the Secret Service.


He'd be disqualified immediately. Exit question. I know you got to to talking to Steve Cortez, a spokesman for the Trump campaign. Steve, how's your get out the vote effort going to turn out? This is a base election. House turnout looking.


It's great because we've been investing in that as a campaign for months and actually four years. So the Biden campaign has a top down strategy. They raise tons of money from powerful interests, which doesn't surprise me, Hollywood, Wall Street oligarchs. And they're spending that top down, meaning they're spending it primarily on TV advertising. We are a bottom up movement of the deplorable is out there. We've got grassroots enthusiasm like you can't believe. I'll just give one quick last example for the audience out there.


I have yet to see a single Biden flag, and I've traveled a lot around this country. I have two Trump flags in front of middle class homes behind pickup trucks going to work sites behind luxury yachts. I've seen Trump flags everywhere. I have not yet Biden flag. Yeah, no kidding.


I seen him on planes, trains and automobiles. Steve Cortez, you never disappoint again. You really made our show. Terrific. Thank you for making a terrific closing argument. Why the Trump prosperity agenda is the way forward. You're the best, buddy. Thanks for joining the show. We appreciate it. Thank you, Dad. God bless you.


You just heard Dan Bongino.