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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. So that's the question, right? The question is, who's behind all this? Because it's really easy to get suckered into this vortex of stupid, if you're a leftist, because they live in a vortex of stupid, when you don't understand who's behind all this. When I say all of this, I mean the chaos. Who's behind the chaos going on in the country right now? Yeah, obviously Biden and his losers in the White House, but there's somebody financing all this, not just one person, but a group of people. When you understand that, you'll see why they're trying to sucker us in as well. They're trying to use us. Don't fall for it. When I say them, I mean the agitators. They're praying on our principles because we have them, and they know that, and they think it's our weak spot.


Sorry, I shouldn't point. I'll show you exactly what I mean coming up in a second.


Big show for you today on this Friday. I am not doing the radio show today, but I am doing the podcast, Avita and Jim will be in taking over right after me. I'm bouncing out to the Morgan Wallen concert Saturday night in Nashville, and I have a book signing event in Nashville. It's going to be an online event, but I'll have the details for you coming up soon, so don't go anywhere. Hey, can your savings weather an economic storm?


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All right, Tony, controlling Tony is like Captain Kirk behind the con today. So ladies and gentlemen, I'm not going to just... I'm just going to make it really simple. The chaos on campuses and elsewhere where the lefties are playing to our principles going, Hey, Conservatives, please support all this chaos. It's a free speech issue. It is not a free speech issue. The people financing this are literally the same people who are censoring you. Receipts right away, right out of the New York Post. George Souros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests. April 26, 2024. You know, Tony, the halcyon days of last week. Folks, read the peace. Don't take my word for it. You will see the money trail. Hilariously, that dope Philip Bump at the Washington Post. It is, again, endless litany of face plans tried to debunk this story. I'm not even going to show because it's so dumb. And inadvertently, in his own Washington Post story, confirms that there's a money trail between Soros groups and these people. So George Soros, no friend to us, no friend to free speech, is financing this. Why? Why would George Soros be financing campus chaos?


Because of my walking dead theory. Liberals like George Souros want to break down the United States by any means necessary. They want to make sure that we walk into the prison voluntarily, just like in the Walking Dead, where they try to escape the zombies, and we lock ourselves up. Chaos is the best way to do it because people just want it to end. But look, Washington Examiner, Gabe Kaminski, who did amazing reporting on this. This is just December of 2023, not that long ago. George Souros flutter big tech censorship pressure group with millions during midterm elections. It's the same guy. It's the same dude. I can't emphasize to you enough, without beating this This thing to a pulp that the same people trying to censor us are the ones fueling these campus protests. They understand you have principles. The left, that is. Tony, if this doesn't make sense, not me, but this is really important. The left knows we care passionately about free speech, about free speech for liberals, free speech for Conservatives, free speech for everyone. So what do they do? They play on that. This has nothing to do with no one's arguing that these protesters have the right to say what they want.


They just don't have the right to burglarize property, trespass, and beat the shit out of people. But they know if they use code words like free speech, because we so passionately believe it, that the Soros money train and all these losers, they'll get a bunch of vulnerable people on the right to jump in. Not you, but you'd be stunned how many people are falling for this. It is a scam. It's a scam. A couple more things on this. This is not a free speech fight. This has nothing to do with that. No one is arguing against that. I want you to watch this here just to show you how really malicious... The malfeasance here on these college campuses, don't confuse it with misfeasence.


This is malfeasence.


This guy deserves a box of cookies, man. This is a young Black gentleman on the college campus there, and he's at UCLA, and he's like, Hey, bro, I got my GED in prison. I just want to walk around this campus. I mean, I'm the minority you guys all claim to be protecting. I want I'm going to watch this guy humiliate these idiots. I promise you this is going to be one of the best clips you've seen in a long time. You're going to laugh your ass off.


Check this out.


Against censorship. When they try to take out explicit materials from kids, schools, and stuff like that, then you all are against censorship. But now when a student wants to record, suddenly you're wearing masks, you're wearing sunglasses, you're hiding your face, you're trying to censor people's freedoms and rights. Man, you all are a very confused group of people, man. You're free to leave. Is this SJP giving you all these rules or is this FJP? You're free to leave. You're free to leave. I am because I'm a US citizen, so I'm free to do anything I want. That's the cool thing about being a US citizen. When you work hard and get into UCLA, see, I got my GED in prison. So that means less than 1% of us will ever get any college degree. I'm getting a college degree from UCLA, the number one public university in the nation. So I'm free to go anywhere on this campus I want.


Yes, sir, you are. Well done. Well done, You go, You are free to go wherever you want. We need more of that because we're the ones, Conservatives, who are conserving the rights of minorities, religious minorities, even LGBTQ, BIO, PC people. Yes, they have the same constitutional rights as everyone else. It's us defending that, not the commies on the campus who would send you over to Iran to get thrown over across a building. I just want you to see, too, folks, these people were up against in this college campus chaos stuff, the Souros-funded groups and Otherwise, they are losers. They are total life losers. Listen, man, serious. This is like, tell the lefties out there, I'm doing you a favor right now.


I don't like you, okay? You don't like me.


We all understand we get it, right?


There's ever going to be some rapprochement. We can't stand each other. Point stipulated. I'm just warning you now, we don't want trouble.


We certainly don't want political violence.


We do not want some civil war going on.


You keep poking people.


You're poking the wrong people. I did a segment on radio yesterday.


These leftist wuss bags, they're poking and They're poking and they're poking and they're poking and they're asking for something they have no ability to fight back against.


We don't want this. We just want to be left alone.


But I want you to understand that you're treading on really, really, really dangerous through dangerous water right now.


Look at these absolute losers. I call this the Avengers Assemble clip. Look at these zeros, these Antifa, whatever, Soros, Left Wing, BLM, Occupy Wall Street, WTO, Kill the Jews, rally people.


Look at them. Look at these idiots. They come out with their dopey umbrellas. I want you to watch them charge the cops. If you're listening to this on Apple and Spotify, please watch this video. Tony spliced them together. This is the funniest thing. There they are. They've got fake shields made out of garbage cans. Look at this asshole charging a cup with a bike helmet on. I want you to see this guy. This last all of about... There you go. Half a second. Falls on his dopey-looking twig leg ass, gets yanked out and arrested immediately. These are the losers we're fighting. I'm just telling you, lefties, I'm trying to help. Cut the bullshit. Cut the bullshit. This is not going to end like you I think it's going to end when you've poked and prodded the wrong guy. This is the dips shit you've got on your side. Fake Captain America here. The people on the side of America and liberty and freedom and defending everybody's rights, including yours, losers, are people who've worked on farms their whole life, who've got the farm boy strength. You know what I'm talking about. It was a big thing on my show yesterday.


They're cops, they're mechanics, they're firemen. These aren't the people you want to toy with, especially when you're fake Captain America, like that dipset right there, running with his goofy-looking jeans, like he's got a bug up his ass or something, gets absolutely leveled. I mean, how insane does this have to get when freaking Al Sharpton, one of the dumbest dudes to ever get a show. Have you ever watch the Outtakes, by the way, I have to play this once on the show. If Al Sharpton's battle with the teleprompter. It's freaking hilarious. One of the dumbest guys TV. How crazy do things have to get when Al Sharpton is actually the voice of reason? I'm serious. Listen to this where he's like, Democrats, you're losing all credibility. You can't go attack January sixth people and then sit on the sidelines and watch Burj Al Mika Bershinsky, Lose Her Mind.


Check this out.


How do the Democrats, how do all of us on that side say January sixth was wrong? If you could have the same pictures going on on college campus. Lord, don't make a parallel for January sixth. You lose the moral high- That has happened, though. Okay. That has happened. Just so we know what's going on here.


Al Sharpton. Even a blind squirrel gets a nut sometimes, folks. This is how bad this is blowing up in their face. Even dopes like Al Sharpton are starting to openly wonder how bad this looks for the Democrats who are running.


I want you to keep in mind, contrast.


Contrast in elections are what destroy candidates.


Bad ones. When someone looks better than you on an issue and you can put them side by It's no different than two used cars for sale. That's what an election is. You put the car, you drive them up next to each other. I want that one. Contrasts are terrible. Biden, on one hand, is running as the law and order guy. No one's above the law. I'm going to put Donald Trump in jail, put these January 6 people in the gulag. And on the other hand, he's letting a bunch of left-wing agitator groups beat the shit out of people on college campuses and telling Black and Jewish people, No, that's the colored entrance and the Jew entrance. The segregation is not my thing. No good. No, thanks. No distractions, folks. No distractions. We've got a country to save. It ain't going to save itself, man. No distractions. I've told you about this. We've got chaos in the streets. You've got economic stagflation. We're going to cover all this in this next segment here. We've got censorship left and right. This is one of those pivotal moments in American history that you should be grateful to be alive because you have the opportunity to do something great right now.


You have the opportunity to save your country. Greater men than me before my grandfather and others fought in great world wars to hand you down this glorious place. Now, our fight may not be as noble as that, but it's a fight for our time. You got a country to save. Absolutely no distractions right now. I don't want to hear anything else about vacating speakers, dogs, nothing.


I'm not interested. Cover it after the election, not now. Why? Look at this complete rotting piece of meat we're running against. You're going to forfeit the country over the four years.


This guy, he did it again, folks.


Look at him. On the ground at a campaign stop. One, he grabs a woman's hand, he won't let go, which is creepy. He has no idea what he's doing again. He's looking around, completely confused. The man is a fossil. The guy, folks, and this is not about age, okay? There are a lot of older people who can be ambulatory and move around and speak in complete sentences. This guy's not one of them. We cannot lose to this absolute buffoon.


I'm going to take a quick break here. I'm going to show you what I'm talking about here. Take a break a little early because I want to get to this censorship segment here and show you how...


I'm going to show you exactly what the left does.


Don't ever fall for this. This pisses me off more than anything.


When the left to our principles, the left, Joe Biden, Rachida Taleb, Oh, we're all about free speech now. That's not why they're doing this. I'll play it for you in live time, and I'll show you how they're trying to play us like a violin.


Don't fall for it.


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No distractions.


Keep the contrast going. Biden's the chaos guy, Biden's the stagflation guy. Biden's the censorship guy. Keep the contrast going. What are we? We're the opposite.


We're the free speech party, we're the economic growth party, We're the Economic Growth Party. We're the Party of law and order, and you will get a late 1960s result again, where we did the exact same thing and we smoked the Democrats.


Here's Biden's short video here. But here's Biden yesterday. He does not want to take a stand on this chaos because they killed the Jews crowd. They've got this guy like a fishhawk in his jaw. So what is he doing? He's playing to your ears.


He's like, Man, this is a free speech fight.


Free speech. They've been on these campuses 10 days.


We're breaking and entering into buildings.


No one stopped their free speech.


Listen to him. He's trying to play you. Don't fall for it. Check this out.


As President, I will always defend free speech, and I will always be just as strong as standing up for the rule of law. You see what he's doing here? He understands. Remember yesterday during the podcast, I showed you the political playbook, the snippet from yesterday's show, where the White House is now terrified that the photos, the snapshots, and the sound bites for them are terrible. They are awful. They see the contrast. Trump was the law and order guy. There's chaos now. They see this stuff, so they need an out. So they start using a highway ramp using conservative words, assuming that Conservatives will go, Well, he's right.


It is a free speech issue.


These are not free speech champions, folks. I hope everyone understands that. Here, this broke the other day. They had a hearing up on Capitol Hill about censorship. Do you remember Facebook and the lab leak theory? The lab leak theory, which is probably no longer a theory, it's probably confirmed if you followed any of the research on this, why was that censored on Facebook? Well, look here. Congressman Jim Jordan has some documents. In July of 2021, nick Clegg, who worked for Facebook, asked why Facebook had been censoring the lab leak theory of COVID's origin. The answer could not have been clearer. We have these emails, by the way. They're real.


No one disputes them.


Because we were under pressure from the administration, they know we shouldn't have done it.


Tony, I thought they were there. I thought he's a big...


Oh, there's an email. Look, right there. Look from Facebook, from Rob Flaherty, EOP, which stands for Executive Office of the President, Whitehouse. There you go, right there. Look, it's right there. You can read it yourself. I thought Joe Biden's a big free speech advocate. He's using these words suck you in because he thinks we're stupid. We're not. His people are, though. He was Flaherty up on Capitol Hill yesterday. This is one of the White House's top advisors on COVID. He works for you, the taxpayer. You paid this guy. They are not... These are anti-free speech savages, these people. They will shut you down in a minute if they win this next election. No freaking distractions. Here's Rob Flaherty up on Capitol Hill. Well, admitting that the White House pressured these social media companies and platforms to exercise editorial control, which is strange because they're not editorial places. They're not publishers, they're platforms. They're not newspapers.


Watch this.


Social media companies make editorial decisions at the scale of hundreds of millions per second. They decide what content gets shown to whom and in what My office encouraged those companies to exercise that editorial discretion to avoid spreading inaccurate information, particularly related to the ongoing pandemic.


Here's the problem. The government's not supposed to be pressuring organizations to exercise editorial control they claim they don't have because they're just platforms. They're not supposed to be doing that. And the hilarious thing about this is he says, Listen, we were just We're just trying to stop misinformation. We were just trying to stop inaccurate information. Everything they censored was accurate. The lab leak theory, masks are bullshit. The vaccine does not stop the spread of COVID. Nothing they did was correct. Everything they censored was wrong. They weren't on the right side of anything. These are the big free speech warriors. Folks, I'm going to take a hard pass on that. Total BS. These people hate you. They hate free speech. There are no distractions. We are the free speech party, not them. Here's the same guy in the same hearing. He just said, Hey, we pushed these people to censor because we thought it was misinformation. This is a little bit long. It's about a minute. But the same guy can barely explain what misinformation is in the same damn hearing. Take a look.


Mr. Flaherty, when the Biden administration told Americans that the vaccinated couldn't get the virus, were they guessing or lying? Congressmen, I think, first of all, it's important to remember my role in this discussion, which is as a communicator on behalf of-You work for the Biden administration, your assistance to the President. It's a simple question. When they told the American people that if you get the vaccine, you will not get the virus. Was that a guess or was that a lie? Congressman, we were communicating on behalf of the administration, we were communicating the best information provided by some of the best medical scientists in the world in Atlanta, Bethesda, and beyond. Our role is-Let me ask you a simple question. Can the vaccinate... People who got the vaccine, could they still get the virus? Congressman, again, I'm not here as a medical expert. No, no. That's just common. Everyone knows that. Of course they can. I'm just asking you a simple question. Well, let me do it this way. What's the definition of misinformation? Congressmen, certainly there's different and varying definitions of miss and disinformation. At the end of the day, the platform-Tell me the difference.


Tell me what misinformation is. Congressmen, these are decisions that the platforms ultimately get to make about how I'm not asking that. A simple question. What's misinformation? Well, congressman, I think it's important in the context of these platforms. How about you, professor? Can you tell me what misinformation is?


What an absolute craftsman. And I mean toolbox. First, he says, Hey, we had a censor inform... You just heard it. Brothers and sisters, you just heard it. He said, We pushed the platforms to get rid of inaccurate information, which they're not allowed to And then when he's asked, Well, what's misinformation? He doesn't know. And then when he's asked a simple question about the vaccine, he says, Well, I'm not a medical expert. Holy freaking. So you're not a medical expert, but you're censoring medical information because it's inaccurate misinformation. What's misinformation? Shit, man, I don't know what that is either. Just gas, bro. Just guess and save your freaking dignity.


Look at Tony going dark. Really?


He's going full dark mode. Tony's going full. He's got the cons. All of his all he got the cons today. It's true. Do you see what he just said? We push these platforms to your sensor, inaccurate medical information. Are you a doctor? No. Do you have any medical background? No, I don't. Well, then what's the medical misinformation? I don't even know what misinformation is either. You don't know shit. These are the free speech words. Do not dare fall for this. I will be personally in my soul of souls and heart of hearts be devastated if another conservative falls for this trick that any of this shit going on on campus is about free speech. These people would censor you and ban you into the phantom zone of social media forever if they get reelected. Remember this YouTube tweet, too? Here's another one. Sorry, this tweet from Jim Jordan. It wasn't just Google. It wasn't just Amazon. It wasn't just Twitter pre-Elon. It wasn't just Facebook. It was Scrootube. Again, disclosure, I'm an investor in Rumbel, their primary competitor out there. However, YouTube sucks and has nothing to do with my investment. Here's Jordan. But before this proposal was finalized, YouTube was running its policies by the Biden Whitehouse to get their, quote, feedback.


Look, we got the emails right there. Hi, Rob. Same guy. Look, there's the email. Rob Flaherty, EOP, executive officer president. So YouTube's running their policies on COVID-19 and vaccines by the Whitehouse. To a dude, I just played the freaking video who says he doesn't know shit about medicine and doesn't even know what misinformation is. And we're crazy. The dips shit's at YouTube, by the way, who banned me after we quit. Our last video on YouTube, our last video was why I'm leaving YouTube. And then because they were embarrassed, because I went over to Rumbel and have three, four times the subs over there on Rumbel and followers, YouTube got their underwear in a bunch. And YouTube said, We're going to ban him. And they needed an excuse. So they said, He's telling people masks don't work. They don't. That's right.


Again. There's another free speech warrior in Congress.


Rachida Taleb, big free speech. You know that?


Rachida Talee, warrior for free speech.


Tony, cue this one up. Just listen to her. Here's Rachida Talee. It's all about free speech now when she's not supporting terrorists. Free speech. They are playing you, suckers.


Don't even dare fall in this trap. Check this out.


I am deeply concerned about the escalating repression of First Amendment protected speech in assembly on college campuses across our country.


To all the elected university boards and appointed presidents, it needs to be very clear your students' constitutional rights doesn't end when they enter your campus grounds.


I think I made my point. I'm sorry. I know sometimes I get... It's because I know it's not you, and you're probably frustrated. But they are doing this on purpose. Whenever you hear lefties speaking our language, they're doing it for a reason. They're trying to distract you from their pro-terrorists, kill the Jews stuff, occupy, whatever it is. Don't fall for it, please. This woman hates free speech. She would censor you in a second the minute you told the truth about what she calls Palestine or anything else for that matter.


All right, quick break, and I'm going to get to this on the other side. Absolutely no distractions. I'm not having it. I'm sorry. I'm not going to let it happen. This show is committed to winning this election no matter what. We are not losing. I'm not going to let it happen. We are all going to drag each other across this darn finish line if we have to. This economy is a mess. There is something really, really bad happening right now.


We have not seen since the early '80s. I was six or seven years old. But it was bad.


You ask anyone who was alive, the economy was in trouble, and there are signs of it percolating right now, and this could be an apocalypse for the left.


I'll show you what I mean. No distractions.


Quick break.


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Okay, first I'm going to put up this picture. I showed it yesterday.


It's a little bit of a teaser.


I want you to remember the 1980 election.


You may be saying to yourself, I wasn't alive for the 1980 election, or maybe you were. It's fine. You don't need to be alive.


I just want you to look at this map because the map is pretty devastating. When you see all of the places that Jimmy Carter, who was the incumbent President, won, they were very few.


He won West Virginia, he won Rhode Island, what else?


Minnesota, Maryland, and Hawaii. And he got smoked everywhere else. Do you know how hard it is for an incumbent President to get absolutely destroyed? At that point, it was Ronald Reagan. Reagan basically eviscerated this guy. What was going on at the time? Foreign policy chaos, the hostage crisis overseas.


Very bad.


Nobody likes chaos, right?


But stagflation was going on, too. Thanks. That's the map right there. It's very red, as you can tell. Very red everywhere. Oh, Georgia, too, where Carter was from. That's not good. Folks, I don't want to get ahead of myself because red wave talk is absolutely prohibited.


I'm just saying now, if we can keep the distractions out and stay focused with the chaos and the censorship and the bullshit, and stagflation, we could be in for a very good night.


Could. I want you to watch this video. I love this guy, Peter St. Anges, an economist. This guy's great. He does these videos.


He's talking about stagflation.


In other words, it's two things.


Economic stagnation and inflation. Both of them are bad, but put together where the economy is not growing, but prices are apocalyptic for any president.


Watch this.


Last week, we got some ugly economic numbers confirming what I've been warning that prices are jumping while the economy is grinding to a halt. As Business Insider put it, The US economy may be barreling towards stagflation and outcome worse than recession. That's quite the understatement. In fact, the last time we went into stagflation in the 1970s, we got years of double-digit unemployment, together with years of double-digit inflation, and it took interest rates hitting nearly 20% to finally knock it out at the cost of twin recessions that at the time were the worst since the Great Depression. Forget Maestro Jerome Powell's soft landing, he may have screwed us all the way to the '70s. In fact, J. P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, said just that, that the economy, quote, looks more like the '70s than we've ever seen before.


You know what? What's that line?


I hate Jamie James, man. It's just so stupid, but in some cases, they're just so relevant to the topic at hand. His history doesn't repeat itself, but it rimes.


I love all the people out there who always tell me, Oh, the country is permanently divided. There's always going to be these tight presidential elections. There's never going to be another Republican landslide again. They say it like it didn't happen. I'm only 49, folks. It happened twice. It happened in 1980, the election I just showed you, where Reagan defeated the incumbent Democrat, and it happened in Reagan's re-election, where, shockingly, the I showed you before, it was even worse for the Democrats. The only place that Walter Mondale in 1984 won was Minnesota, and he barely won that. It was one of the biggest landslides in electoral history. When you combine all of these ingredients into a witch's brew, don't be surprised when it poisons the host. Censoring people. They're going to be pissed off. A lot of Americans didn't like their social media being censored. Street chaos. A lot of Americans are going to get robbed and mugged, and their kids are going to be told, This isn't the Jewish entrance. It's over there. You thought they were going to like that? You're wondering why they're all pissed off at you? People get mugged, they get robbed, they come home, they tell their parents.


People get tired of this shit. You think people want to see prices going through the roof while the economy is barely growing? If the economy is not growing, their paycheck is not growing. So news flash, liberals, when your paycheck's here and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom I've said it so many times. You can see how committed I am to this. It's not my election, folks. I don't want a job. I'm not asking for a job. I'm not asking for anything. I just want to see my country put back on the straight and narrow. That's it. I promise you, it's my only motivation here. It is critical that we stop this law fair and all this other stuff. This is a great clip. I want you to watch this.


This is Mike Davis, a commentator. I'm really starting to enjoy the mics.


Mike Benz and Mike Davis have been amazing. Davis is talking about another component of this, that if we win, we laser focus on this thing and we can pull off a route, popular vote, Electoral College vote, And I mean, really embarrass these guys and demoralize them for a little bit. We have a chance to get our institutions back, and we better damn well use it. This is an important clip about welfare and what Donald Trump should do if we win.


Check this out.


I think the Supreme Court is going to reman this case. They're going to hold very narrowly. There is a criminal immunity for official acts. They're going to reman this case to DC Obama Judge, Tanya Shutken. She's going to have to hold an evidentiary hearing with witnesses, and she's going to have to make the first determination. What are official acts? For example, Jack Smith alleges that Trump was contemplating firing his acting attorney general. That's clearly an official act. A private citizen can't do that. So that's one example. And then Judge Shuckin is going to have to determine what are personal acts. And then the Supreme Court, in the meantime, is going to decide the Fisher case on the obstruction charges against President Trump and these January 6 defendants, where the Biden Justice Department can It's a supported federal law, this post-Enron obstruction statute, to go after corporate malfeasance, to go after their political enemies. The Supreme Court is likely going to reverse that. So there goes two of the four charges by Jack Smith against Trump. And then after this presidential immunity hearing by Shukin and the appeals, the immediate appeal to the DC Circuit and even the Supreme Court again, I bet you 20 % of Jack Smith's case is going to remain after this process is done.


It's not going to get tried before the election. President Trump is going to win, and his acting attorney general on day one is going to correctly dismiss these bogish charges with prejudice and make them go away.


His acting attorney general is not going to do squad if we don't win. But the first part of... I should have teed that up a little better.


I'm sorry.


The first part of that is important, too, because if we win, and gosh, I hope we do for the sake of this country, not only is the acting attorney general probably going to move on this stuff, which is great, Because we got to stop this welfare and save our country. But the Supreme Court is likely going to rule in Donald Trump's favor about the contours of what the President is immune to from prosecution, which is going to finalize and codify what they can't do because they're going to try to go after him again in office and impeach him and get him out of office. He's going to be, in other words, a stronger President this time around. He'll understand the personnel and everything. Speaking of personnel, I just saw last night there's some rumors going around in the media Let me just say in advance, I would take all of this with not only a grain of salt, but a boulder of salt. Donald Trump is notoriously a closehold guy when it comes to personnel stuff. I'm telling you, I know the President very well. He does not give up the gambit on this. He just doesn't.


So people are reporting out there, Birgrum, Rubio, Vance, and Scott are the four finalists for VP. I'm just I'm telling you, knowing Donald Trump like I know him, I sincerely doubt he has given that up to the media. I would bet that list is actually much longer than that. I'm sure they're on it, and I'm sure they may be on that final list, but I promise you, whatever scoop you think you're hearing, take it from me. Anyone who knows him, he is a very close hold on this stuff. Couple more stories I want to get to on this Friday because they're really important. The chaos argument going forward in the contrast for us is going to be key. We got to stay focused It's on it because it paints an ugly picture for Joe Biden. Bill Malugin tweeted this out the other day, these 15 cities that migrants are being flown into. Folks, look at these. These are major population centers. This is the thing that's meant to tilt an election. Miami, Florida, New York City, Houston, Orlando, Los Angeles, Tampa, Dallas, 91,000 flown to Miami, illegal immigrants by the Biden administration. I want you to keep in mind the mechanics of what he's doing here.


The Democrats are going to argue to you, Well, these people are migrants and they can't vote anyway. Folks, maybe. However, even if they can't, it's still destructive. Why? A lot of these places they are flying illegal immigrants to are swing states they think they can turn, which remember, the Electoral College, the Electoral College Act, where you get the Constitution which determines how we elect the President. It's Electoral College votes. Electoral College votes are allocated by state. It's a number of representatives you have in Congress plus your two senators. If you're a swing state losing population or a blue state losing population, you are going to lose in the next census, you are going to lose electors, presidential electors. What Biden's clearly doing here is trying to turn swing states and get blue states bluer that are losing population to make sure how they can ensure the presidency for them for many years. Does that make sense? I've explained it before, but I hope you get what I'm talking about. The population loss in blue states will make them less effective at electing a president because you're one of his many presidential electors. Why do you think he's picking swing states in many of these cases and blue states?


Because he's trying to replace presidential electors to give the presidency to the next guy. The left is very strategic, man. When they do stuff, they do it on purpose. These people aren't screwing around. And by the way, some of these people will slip through and figure out a way to vote if the left's involved with it at all. A lot of people yesterday asked me about the James O'Keefe video.


I never like to be first on... Well, he was first. It's his story.


But first on reporting on things because I want to make sure I go out and at least take a look at them first and make sure that they're accurate. Sometimes it's better to be right than to be first. So James O'Keefe did an undercover video with his team over there.


He does these undercover videos. You know who he is. He was with Project Veritas, now he's out on his own.


O'keefe got this video of a guy who claims to be a CIA employee and shows his ID.


Apparently, it's true because according to James O'Keefe's call with the CIA, he's been let go.


And the guy says some really, really, I mean, crazy stuff on this hidden video thing. Now, I want to say in advance, I don't know what level of access this guy had.


I have zero doubt that there's a lot of puffery with a lot of these people when they're out on hidden cameras because they don't know. They think they're talking to someone, a friend or a girl or whatever, and they're doing some chest pumping.


But that doesn't matter to me as much. What matters to me as much is this guy who's really confident in claiming here that somebody, at least inside the CIA, had told him about them selectively keeping information from Donald Trump when he was President of the United States spying on him.


I mean, this is serious stuff. This is a newsworthy story. Take a look.


I work in a CIA. I do cyber operations. I've been doing it for a long time. How long have you been working at the CIA? In 2008. I also worked at MSA, though. Then I had a TSAI with a full-school colleague a graph. That means that I'm fully vetted.


Amjad Fashisi shows her his CIA identification badge.


No, where does it say? It doesn't.


It doesn't. That's the point.


That's the point.


What's CMC?


China Mission Center, darling. That's my mission center.


Got you. Amjad talks about how the CIA kept information from Trump.


We kept information from him. Say one more time. We kept information from him. From Trump? Yes. He said he was in here. Now, the CIA is saying this guy was let go, but it's pretty clear that he worked there. So a couple of issues with this. Number one, if you're working at the CIA, and I don't care what your position was, sharpened pencils, typing up documents, cleaning the floor, why are you out there talking to someone about it like that? That sounds like a really genuinely bad idea. But for some out there eager to make this story go away a little bit, saying, Oh, this guy was just a low-level guy. Listen, folks, I worked in the federal government, and the thing is people talk. I can tell you right now, there were people in the secret service who were, I don't know what you'd call a low-level position, like OSTs or PSDs, protective support technicians, When I say low level, I just mean GS level. There are actual government scales of pay. They may have been GS5s, GS7s. A journeyman agent is a GS13.


More than double that on the scale, okay?


People talk. These guys, even at the low level, they're in protective motorcades. They're out in security rooms with guys. Guys are smoking and joking around, and they hear a lot of stuff. So is this guy telling the truth about the CIA the information from Donald Trump? I don't know. I don't know this cat. Apparently, the badge level he had, he wasn't some big higher-up supervisor. But I'm telling you right now, when a CIA guy is on tape telling everyone openly or telling this person on a hidden camera video that Trump was an idiot and we kept all this information from him. It's a freaking story, and we should pay attention to it. All right, I'm going to wrap up a little early today, folks, because just a bit of personal news. I am headed up to Nashville. Here's what's going to happen. I'm going up for a work trip, actually.


I'm just going to hit a concert while I'm there.


I'm going up to do an online book signing for Premiere. I'm getting a lot of requests for my new book, The Gift of Failure, for autograph copies, and I obviously can't send them out personally because we just don't have the time or the capability in the house and studio to do that. What we're going to do is we're going to go up to Premiere. They're going to record it, so you can actually see me there signing them. They're going to We'll release the video, and there'll be a link to buy a signed copy of my new book, The Gift of Failure.


I'll have that for you coming up.


I'll be there with the lovely Paula, who I promise, always looks amazing. We'll do a little bit of Q&A between the both of us, and you can watch it and check it out.


If you'd like an autographed copy, I will get you the link next week.


Then Saturday, while I'm up there, figured we'd catch the Morgan Marlin concert.


If you're going to be there at Nissan, come check us out over in Nashville.


I may stop by Johnny Rich's Bar Saturday night, too, so we'll see.


If you want to come by and say hello, maybe we'll catch you there. Hey, thanks again for tuning in. A little bit of an abbreviated version today. I just got to catch a flight. That's why business calls. Thanks so much.


Avita and Jim will be on the radio show. Don't miss it. Also, one more thing.


I forgot to tell him, Tony.


I will be off on Monday, but we will have an awesome best of...


We're putting together some segments, I promise you've never seen before. It's going to be a Ringer. So check that out. Jim and Avita will be hosting the radio show. See you then. Thanks for tuning in.


You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.