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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. I almost did make it back. You almost on, we have Friday, too? I don't even remember. On Thursday, you Almost saw the last Dan Bongino show on Thursday. I almost didn't make it back. You did? Nice. Didn't even know. Folks, almost did not make it back today on Tuesday. It is good to see you all here. Proof of life. I was in the chat. Evita, was I not? Very early, I was given all the early chat folks there, a take on what happened. Folks, I promise you a weekend update for the ages. I got a lot to talk about today. Today's show, thankfully, Almost hysterically is sponsored by Blackout Coffee. Visit blackoutcauffy. Com/bonjino. Use coupon code bonjino for 20% off your first order because you're going to need it, Blackout Coffee, after weekends like I had. I got that. I got the Trump trial. Is Maxine Waters, does she know something? Because everybody laughed at this little clip by Maxine Waters this weekend because she's so crazy. I wouldn't write her off. I think there's more there, and I think the real question has not yet been asked, but we will.


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Avita did this show yesterday, the radio show. They knocked it out of park. They did a great job. A couple of thanks for it. Friday night, I head up to Nashville going in a Morgan Wallen concert, okay? Not for Friday. We're up there Friday during the day. I went to Premiere. I signed 750 books. If you're interested in the signed book, The Gift of Failure, I'll be pushing that link soon. I do We're going to do a Q&A with Paula at the premiere day on video. I'm not even going to tell you why it's the craziest Q&A ever, but I promise you, if you watch it, you're going to be like, What just happened? Me and Paula did this dating game question thing. Even the people at Premiere were like, That's the greatest half an hour of TV I've ever seen. I'll send you the link. You let me know. Sell praise things. We're like, We're going to go out. We go to this steakhouse with a couple of friends, the orthodontist friend of mine, and we're The concert's Saturday, but it's Friday night. So we're like, We'll take it easy tonight because sometimes we can let loose a little bit.


So my friends are like, The orthodontist, we can throw down a little bit. It's like, I think we should go out a little bit. It's Nashville. Okay. So I emailed this guy, Cory. He runs Kid Rocks, Honky Tonk, probably one of the best, if not the best bar there in Nashville. It's just an amazing place. I said, Cory, can we come in? No So brings us in. We're like, It'll be an early night. It's like two o'clock in the morning. We say, At the concert thing, which is like three o'clock my time. Turns out we got a whole bunch of fans, and their people love to show. Even the drummer, who was awesome, they had this amazing band. So he took this picture of me and Paula sitting up there in the Cadillac. Just call it, there's another word after that room. And that's me and Paula. That was a drummer taking a picture up from the pit. That is not water in that glass. It is not. Paula looking extra lovely. And then the band was awesome, too. The place was absolutely packed. That was just what we were looking at right there. So it was a banger of a time.


Thank you to Kid Rock and his team for letting us chill. We go to the Morgan Wallen concert the next night. And let me tell you something, you all ever heard of Bayly Zimmerman? I had heard of him, my daughter mentioned, but I had never heard any of his music before because I like a lot of Morgan, and I'm a one artist guy. Bayly Zimmerman opens up. This dude tore the house down. Folks, I had never heard someone sing a song with so much passion. This guy's 25 years old. Then he sang this song, Religiously, Download it. Thank me later. Religiously, Bayly Zimmerman. One of the most amazing songs I've ever heard. This guy sang this thing with such passion at the concert. I'm telling you, man, I was going to have to turn in my man card and start crying right there. It was so great. Man card. Here it is. This is actually Bucky Den card. But imagine me. Here you go. Man card, I'm done. I'm done. Oh, yeah, we did have a man card, didn't we? Yeah, here it is. Holy shit. You got a good memory. Someone gave us this.


Man card. The actual man. You got a good memory. I totally forgot about it. I was going to start crying right there. I never see anything like it. This lady behind me, she's like, You want to know what that song is, don't you? I said, I do. She's called Religiously. Amazing. Morgan was great. A little tired in the beginning. He said that, but tore it up. Morgan, he played Lies, Lies, Lies. Total banger. Folks, then that after the concert, we're like, It's time to go home. It's time to go home. No, it isn't because it's freaking Nashville, and I don't go home. So we We went to John Rich's Bar, another amazing bar, one of my favorites, right across the street from Kid Rocks called Red Neck Riviera. Thank you to Lacy and Johnny Rich for taking care of us. We go in John Rich's Bar afterwards, and a whole bunch of people, a whole bunch of people there who would come in met us there because I said I was going to be there. So we had a blast singing with the band. I was paying the band $100 bills to play songs all night.


It was crazy. Blew the whole place up. It was funny because some poor guy came up with 10, and he wanted to play Cover me up by Morgan Wallen. The guy said, I'm going to play this game. I said, No, you play that guy first because he playing Morgan Wallen. Freaking crazy. Then lastly, I went to this place for lunch, Hampton Social. Place is awesome. Had such a blast. The waitress could not I could not have been nicer. I screwed up the order. I screwed up because I always screw everything up. I screwed up the order. Lady comes back, I'm not going to charge you. We'll make it all. Could not have been nicer people. Food was incredible in Nashville. Ladies and gentlemen, it was an amazing weekend. It's the first time in 20 years I saw a 5:30 in the morning, our time, from the other side. I never saw that. I've seen it from this side. No, I'm just going to keep talking now because he wants me to... No, I'm not even getting a maximum orders yet. First, I want to just tease you for this. Let's get to the show now.


This is the craziest weekend ever. Folks, this Trump trial, which I'm going to get to later, is just the insanity of this thing is starting to grow like a cancerous metastasizing stage five tumor. I have never seen a judge in my life like this guy, Murchard, just go so over the top to give the double-barrel middle finger. This is why I tell people all the time when you're dealing with lefties and liberals, I'm like, Dude, I don't understand what it is about you that you think you're dealing with sane people and they're playing by the nicey-nice rules like the George Santos thing. Oh, we need to get rid of George Santos. Like, these people are going to like you. They are not going to like you. They're going to hate you. The judge is now letting the prosecution, they're going, Oh, yeah, we need three more weeks to make the case. They don't have a case. They are clearly delaying this thing to keep Trump off the trail. And then all of a sudden, an FEC witness, federal election commission witness, wants to come in and is probably going to I'm going to testify the fact that Trump broke no election laws or anything at all.


The judge is like, No, he can't talk, but Stormy Daniels can. More on that later. I just had to get that off my chest because this trial is absolute bullshit, and you know it. By popular demand from gig. Okay, did you? I don't do weekend updates. I'm sorry. I spend seven minutes, seven minutes out of 20 hours of content a week. But I enjoy sharing my life with you. It's fun. The fact that so many people showed up to the Red Neck Riviera, I didn't think they were going to show up. I just thought I was going to be there. It was so crazy. You guys are really awesome. But I'm always working, of course, because it's not really work for me. I like what I do. Over the weekend, I saw this Maxine Waters clip, and I thought, all of the iron laws and the theories of the Dan Bongino show are coming true. You know the Dipsy Do, Flipperoo theory? I get it. It's silly name and all, but you know what I'm talking about. The liberals always accuse you of know what they're doing. They do it for a reason. It's not just to be assholes.


The liberals do it because they want to distract from what's going on, and it's like throwing out bait for the media. So if the liberals are, say, training for a violent an election law, like an election loss to Trump, and they're training for violence, what do the liberals do? They'll accuse the Republicans of training in the mountains for violence, even though it's the liberals doing it because they know the media will then focus on Republicans. Now, Maxine Waters did that. You're going to see all of my iron laws are coming true. The iron law of contradiction. The most Republicans are really Democrats, but no Democrats are really Republicans. I want you to watch this clip by crazy Maxine Waters, and everyone's asking all the wrong questions here. They're just making fun of her, which we should, of course. But I'm asking the critical question here. Has Maxine Waters gotten a briefing by the FBI or the DOJ or something? Where is she getting this from? I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss this. Check this crazy stuff out. This is a man who we better be careful about. I tell you what I'm going to do.


I'm going to ask the Justice Department and I'm going to ask the President to tell us what they're going to do to protect this country against violence if he loses. I want to know about all of those right wing organizations that he's connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting what communities they are going to Folks, yes. Okay, time out, T. O. I totally get that she's crazy. I understand. And there is a no better than 50/50 shot that she's telling the truth. But it's not a 50/50 shot I'm willing to take. The first thing I thought as a former agent here is, did she get a briefing by someone? Because she seems to be very specific about people training up in the mountains. And I thought to myself, is the bureau watching us? Is there some West Virginia Republican group that because they're not standard issue, liberal dopes, the FBI's got people watching groups or something, you are perfectly entitled to meet in the mountains, by the sea, on the beach, wherever you'd like and talk about politics. Folks, I think everyone's asking the wrong questions. I think this is a dipsy-dou flipperoo.


I think, yes, Maxine Waters is an idiot, and she's the only one who slipped. I would not be remotely surprised if she got a briefing, and other members of Congress did, too, and that the bureau or some entity under justice has got their eyeballs on MAGA people right before the election, and you shouldn't be surprised either. If this breaks, in the next couple of weeks or months, just remember, Maxine Waters told you first. Everybody's asking all the wrong questions because they remember this crazy person. Here's the Dipsy Do flipperoo. Maxine Waters, of course, is the one who encouraged violence It's getting up in people's face. Remember this, Jim? Let's save the course. Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. Folks, I'm going to leave this part here because I really do have a lot to get to. But remember, the premise of the show today, all of the iron laws of the Dan Bongino show and the theories are coming true in live time.


The Dipsy Do, Flip-a-Roo, where Maxine Waters accuses the Republicans of violence and training for violence. They're doing it to distract you from the fact that these are the violent people that are likely training right now. If Donald Trump wins in November, which is getting increasingly likely, although don't get presumptuous about it, folks, I'm just warning you now, and Please take this to heart as a friend. If you met me this weekend at Johnny Rich's Bar, you know we were chilling and hanging like we were old, but I never met these people in my life. We had a blast. I'm telling you as a friend, you damn well better get ready for violence like you've never seen in the modern era. It's going to be the Vietnam era all over again. These people are going crazy, and this free Palestine stuff is just a warmup because the same people who are going to finance the violence after the election are are financing this stuff now. Oh, I got receipts coming up. But there's another just iron law here that I have on the show. It's this. Most Republicans on Capitol Hill are really Democrats. Comprende? However, no Democrats, none are really Republicans.


It is why we lose on Capitol Hill but continue to do okay out there in elections everywhere. Not great, but okay. We won 2016. We still have that. We should be getting killed, folks, at the polls. We should. There should be a 20-seat Democrat House majority, a 10-seat Senate majority, and we should have never won a presidential election. It's true. Not because we're wrong, but because we're right, and the media hates it. We have nothing on our side, not entertainment, not the media, not the culture, nothing. And we still manage somehow to snatch a victory here and there. But we are always losing, even though we're right, because of what I just told you. Democrats vote in lockstep every single time. They never, ever, ever deviate on something important, ever. From Obama Obamacare on. That's why it is so tragically hilarious that the swampy GOP dumbasses fell for this stupid shit with George Santos. Dan, we're back on the George Santos thing. I'm not back on it. It's come up again because these dumbasses are saying, Oh, look, you guys got Henry Cueillard, Democrat, congressman of trouble. You should get rid of him just like we got rid of Santos.


That's so funny. You You're so freaking dumbasses. You're so freaking stupid. You are a dumbass. The verdict is in. Yes, dumbass, guilty. Dumbass. Politico playbook, left wing Bible. Gop eyes George Santos payback. This is so hilarious. Really? Republicans are now going to argue that turnabout is fair play. Apparently, Henry Coyar, he's a Democrat. Henry Coyar is a congressman. He's been accused of a $600,000 foreign bribery scheme with his wife, Imelda. Wow. Notice how playbook, by the way, noted the lefty, the Marxist's a playbook. Notice how they frame this. That This thing by Cuer, this alleged bribery scheme, is stunning, but it's nowhere near as jaw-dropping as George Santos and his lies and griffs. December's expulsion of Santos came only after the release of devastating Ethics Committee Report detailing the New Yorker's misdeeds. Ladies and gentlemen, this is freaking hilarious how the GOP is now going, Oh, listen, we expelled Santos. You guys got to get rid of Cueillard. You've got a Democrat senator, Bob Menendez, accused of accepting gold bars from the Egyptians. You've got sniffing, kids sniffing, woman groping, overseas influence peddling. Lying Joe Biden, fake civil rights activist in office. The Democrats will never vote to expel these people.


So why did you get rid of Santos? Did we not... Folks in the chat, did we not say, did we not say that they will never, ever respond in kind? You kissing their ass. We're going to take the high road. There's no high road. There's no high road. There is only winning. Listen to me. Listen, I don't use the Lord's name in vain. Jesus, I'm telling you, please listen to me. The only victory is power. That is it. That is it. There are no moral victories in politics because there are no moral people in politics. That's why I don't care about Christine Holmes' dog. That's why I don't care about any of this other shit. She said she met Kim Jong Un. I don't care. I'm not interested. I don't care at all. I don't care. Only victory is power. You gave up power by getting rid of George Santos, thinking like a bunch of idiots that the Democrats would go, Oh, look how How the upstanding these guys are. They're so wonderful. They got rid of one of their own. Hey, you got to get rid of Cueillard now. We did it. You realize the Democrats are laughing in your face.


You dipsits. Power is the only victory. That is it. You want morality? Go watch Mr. Rogers's Neighborhood. Go watch Sesame Street before they went woke. This isn't morality. You're fighting for the survival of your country. What the hell you think this is? Some kids game? You think we're playing Stratego or something? Dumbasses. You deserve everything you got for that, morons. Let's get rid of Santos. Later on, they'll get rid of their guys. Yeah, good luck with that, idiots. You know what pissed off I am about this story? Obviously, bring it up in the beginning. I'm telling you, the same people funding this, by the way, are going to be funding the violence they're accusing you of. The exact same people funding the free Palestine kill the Jews stuff, the exact same people funding it are going to fund the violence right after the election when Trump wins. The receipts are everywhere. I'll show you what I mean. Quick break. Folks, Fastgrowing Trees, the biggest online nursery in the US with more than 10,000 different kinds of plants and over 2 million happy customers in the US. They have everything you could possibly want. Fruit trees, palm trees, evergreen, house plants, and so much more.


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There is no way that was an accidental slip. They're accusing you of violence because there is going to be unprecedented violence if Donald Trump wins, and I need you to get mentally hard for it right now. Get ready, get that brain ready to go. The same people funding this stuff, even Politico. Folks, Politico, which is like Vladimir Lenin looks at Politico and he gets ideas from them. You're not going to get any more left-leaning than this. Even Politico is acknowledging that this free Palestine stuff that they're backed by a surprising source, Biden's biggest donors. I need to ask you a question. Folks in the chat, help me out. Why would Biden's donors be funding these free Palestine rallies? Why would they be doing that? Because they're going to use the exact same people to cause a storm after the election if Donald Trump wins. Don't be Are you fooled by this. Oh, yeah, look at some of these. The crazy ones, the cannibalism theories in effect. But the organization component is there for a reason. Here, two of the organizers supporting the protests at Columbia and on other campuses are Jewish Voices for Peace, and If Not Now.


Both are supported by the Tides Foundation. You're like, Tides Foundation? Isn't that a George Sourosop? Yes. Which is seated by Democratic mega donor George Souros and was previously supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Jewish voice for peace. Jewish voice for peace. Killed a Jews. It's not a Jewish voice for peace. This is all a scam. Folks, the whole thing is a scam. I'm going to say this again because it matters to me. I think it's crystal clear where I stand on the situation in the Middle East. If you don't know it, you don't watch my show. I'm not going to spend a ton of time on it today because these protests are just getting, at this point, ridiculous. People starting to laugh at these idiots now. However, it In a constitutional Republic, it is your duty to argue your case. As long as you don't call for violence or break the law. It is your duty to speak out. If you believe in something, defend it. I'm just telling you, these people doing this now, I don't care what you believe in, are definitely not your friends. Trust me, these are the same people who are going to be beating the shit out of you if you go to a Trump rally after the election.


Guaranteed. And they do this, folks, all of this while having Absolutely zero principles themselves. I want you to understand the George Santos thing. There's a good and a bad to this. The good thing, and I mean the good thing in a spiritual way. I'm not a religious show guy. I have faith myself, but we don't do a lot of religion on the show. But the conservative movement is bedrocked in principle. I need you to understand that liberals will always take advantage of that. They will leverage the fact that you have principles and make an appeal to your principles to get you to join them, i. E, on the George Santos thing. They know you hate fakes and phonies because you're good people. A lot of liberals aren't. They know you are. So they knew you were going to be pissed at the Santos thing. So a bunch of media people hyped up the story. They do this all the time. They appeal to our principles. The only principle right now is power. That is it. That is it. This is how they do it again. They have no principles themselves. Remember this story from a couple of weeks ago?


Arizona, a bunch of what they call fake electors. There's no such thing as fake electors. There are alternative presidential electors. So they're apparently indicting these people because Donald Trump, rightly so, had questions about the Arizona 2020 results, which he should have. They were very fishy and shady. So to have another set of electors to go in case the vote count change was a smart thing to do. So what does the Democrat, attorney general in Arizona do? Of course, tries to put these people in jail because she's a lunatic and so are the Democrats. But showing you they have no principles at all. I just wanted to play less than a minute of this. This was the 2016 election when Donald Trump won. Here are a bunch of Hollywood a-hole jerk wads petitioning electors to do exactly what these people on CBS news reported to not do what they're supposed to do, constitutionally making them, in fact, fake electors. Take a look. Republican members of the Electoral College, this message is for you. As you know, our founding fathers built the Electoral College to safeguard the American people from the dangers of a demog and to ensure that the presidency only goes to someone who is, to an eminent degree, endowed with the requisite qualifications.


An eminent degree. Someone who is highly qualified for the job. The Electoral College was created specifically to prevent an unfit candidate from becoming President. There are 538 members of the Electoral College. You and just 36 other conscientious Republican electors could make a difference by voting your conscience on December 19th. And this is why nobody trusts the media. Everybody thinks they're garbage. They're human waste people. This is a bunch of Hollywood goons arguing for actual fake electors, for electors who are mandated to vote for Trump to not do that. Ap admits half of Americans do not trust news organizations. 53% of people are extremely or very concerned that news organizations will report inaccuracies or misinformation during the election, according to AP. Nobody trusts these people. Put that up on the screen. Nobody trusts these people. No one. Because they have absolutely zero principles at all. Here's the thing, with the democratization of information, everybody can see this stuff in live time. It can't be hidden by Walter Cronkite anymore. It can't be. Folks, before the election, you've got to segregate out the BS man and stay laser-focused. The only principle right now is power. Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.


Philip Bump, probably the biggest dips shit in the media. Easily one of the dumbest guys you will have. I mean, actually clinically stupid, like a guy who could use some Prevagen or whatever it is, maybe some fish oil. Here he is. I just showed you the political piece about Souros' foundation behind some of these groups that are involved in these This is a protest. Philip Bump, the dishonest and ironic push to blame campus protests on George Souris. There's a money trail, dude. Why does nobody trust these people? Here's the same Philip Bump right here. These people have zero principles at all. When confronted again with actual evidence of a check paid to the Biden family through the entire family and their influence peddling thing, here's Dibshit Philip Bum walking off the interview because he doesn't have anything to say when he's confronted with actual facts. Check this out. What do you take from the text message to his adult daughter? Hundred text messages, I have to get 50% of my income to pop. I have no idea what that means. I don't. I have no idea what that means. I know. It's circumstantial evidence, and you prefer that.


What could it be? I have no idea. I don't know. I appreciate your- Has anybody asked her? I don't know. Don't you think somebody should ask her? Okay. I just said I don't know, and I don't know what to make of it, so I have nothing to say about it. What do you want me to say? You say there's no evidence, no But then there's a text message where he says, I give pop 50% of my money. That's evidence. Okay, fine. It's evidence. I appreciate you having me on. Something like that. Who do you think is being more... I listen to that and saying, Okay, you can free to go. I feel you want me to leave, just walk out in the middle of this because that way you can- You can go. You can go. Is this a standard, really? This is the way the Washington Post handles people who disagree with them? When I agree to be on for 45 minutes and then I get on for an hour and 15, yeah, then after a while, I go. Go. Go. Go. Thanks for having me. Do you understand what an absolute canoe this guy is?


There's a documented money trail with the Soros Foundation's connections to these groups. That's not there. There is a text message and a money trail to Joe Biden. That's not there either. However, Philip Bump here says there's a PP tape in a foreign country that no one's seen ever and has been disavowed by everybody alleged to be involved. But he's convinced that PP tape is at the core of a collusion scandal. Ignore the idiots. Please, the only principle is power. Ignore the idiots. Laser-focused. Get out before the election. You have till now to November, 10, 10, and 10. If you don't know what that is, you're going to know right now. Email 10 people, 10 social media posts. Call 10 people. You've got to do that between now and November. It's a small ask. Do not assume Donald Trump is going to win. Assume we're down by five. Please, we cannot lose this election. All right, back to the Trump case coming up after this short break. And again, folks, campaigns or snapshots and sound bites. It happened again this weekend. Joe Biden stops for the camera, looks like he crapped his diaper or something like that.


Believe me, every parent knows this look. While Donald Trump said, Formula One, getting a hero's welcome. Crap your diaper, Formula One. Take a dump in your diaper, Formula One. Take a dump in your diaper in front of the media, Formula One, get cheered in front of the media. Snaps Shots and sound bites, kids. That's all it's about. And he's winning that world. I'll show you what I mean coming up next. If you haven't seen this video, Biden, folks, you guys in the chat, you guys have kids. You notice, look, you've seen it before. What is he doing there? Come on, folks, what is he doing there? What is he doing there? Key, one more time, please. Come on. No, no, no. I want to see it again, and we'll play it again. Folks, if you have kids, you absolutely I really know what's going on here. Somebody on Marine One had to be like, Dude, does this guy need a change? This is the... That's... Folks, come on. You know exactly what that is. This is a snapshot for Biden this weekend. I bet they had some extra wipes on Marine One. Hey, is it time for you to be awake, not woke?


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That's jace. Com. Use promo code, Vongino. J-a-s-e, jace. Com. Code, Vongino. Get this stuff today. Jace Medical owns products are not intended to substitute for professional medical treatment or advice, consult with your health care provider. Okay, so we've already set up the snapshot. Joe Biden, I don't know what he was doing, messing him. Who the hell knows what was going on? I've seen that look before. But here was Donald Trump this weekend at the Formula One. Just getting, of course, a hero's welcome. Check this out. This is just glory. Look at this. Just listen. Notice he's not squatting. There's no attempt to defecate himself. He clearly doesn't have a diaper on. He doesn't look like he's pinching something out there at all. He's just like, waving to people, very relaxed. So there you go. You have that snapshot versus the other one. But folks, this thing with the court trial up in New York, these Judge Merchan, Alvin Bragg, Twinkie's trial, is getting really ugly. I opened it up at the beginning of the show talking about it because I'm really starting to get really ticked off about this entire thing. The judge right now, Andy McCarthy said it right this morning on Fox.


I've got a clip by him coming up, but it was a different clip this morning. He's a lawyer. He's an old friend of mine, Andy McCarthy. To be clear, he's not a big Trump guy. But if people say something smart, folks, it's my obligation to report it to you. He said this judge march on an album break, they don't even care about getting turned over on appeal anymore. The things they're doing are so grossly unethical, so grossly unethical, that they don't even care. If this gets turned over on appeal and does the intended political damage, they're fine with it. The threats to throw Trump in jail are ridiculous. Here he is, Trump talking about exactly this type of stuff, everything that's been going on. And I'm telling you right now, you can take this to the bank, folks. Sign that check, cash it. If he puts Donald Trump in jail, this election is over. It's over. Get it on tape, it's over. Trump will jump one or two points in the polls nationally the second it happens. And I think Donald Trump at this point, I hate to say it, I think he should take Judge Murchon up on his offer.


Put me in jail. Watch this. Because they all want to keep me over the campaign trail. That's all this is about. This is about election interference. How do we stop it? And it's a disgrace. And then you have the other thing that maybe is even more disgraceful is the gag order, where I can't basically... I have to watch every word I tell you people. You ask me a question, a simple question. I'd like to give it, but I can't talk about it because this judge has given me a gag order and said, You'll go to jail if you violate it. Frankly, you know what? Our Constitution is much more important than jail. It's not even close. I'll do that sacrifice any day. But what's happening here is a disgrace of the Appellate Court, so to get involved. Guys, it's time for a tough conversation. I think Donald Trump should take him up on the offer. He's clearly ready. That picture of him in this prison suit behind a jail cell, someone will get a picture, I promise you. Elections over, man. You want to martyr this guy overnight? Do it. There are some people, I agree with McCarthy, I disagree with McCarthy on this clip.


Andy McCarthy doesn't think they're going to put Trump in jail. Folks, I got to tell you, I would not bet on that at all. This judge is insane. I have never seen anything like it. A guy so willing to throw away every single thing he swore to do as a profession. His entire dignity and credibility, his family on the payroll, this guy, There's nothing this guy won't do. Do not for a second believe that, Oh, they won't put him in jail. That is definite BS. I disagree with Andy here. He seems to think there's too many logistics headaches. I don't think they care. I already told you, the Secret Service will lock off a wing of Rikers. It's already being reported in Axios and elsewhere. They've already got this thing prepared, which says to me, You better expect this guy to go to jail, and I think he should. Watch McCarthy's take. I disagree with this, but you should hear it. Judge Mr. Charn just said, It's clear the $1,000 fine is not working. He said, Going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sentence. He then said, The last thing I want to consider is jail.


You are a former president and possibly the next president. Andy, why don't we just start right there because he's going to assess the gag order yet again. Sorry, the gag order stays, but he'll assess the fine. I think you're up to 10, 11, maybe 14 grand. I don't know. I lost count. Andy, go ahead. Bill, as I said I told you last week, if I were Trump, I basically bring in a check for 10 grand every Monday and just say whatever I want. This is all politics at this point. I don't think the judge… I mean, it's easy for me to say because he's not going to put me in custody. But I don't think the judge, because of the politics of this, it would be disastrous politics for the Democrats, for the judge to put former President Trump in jail over this. I don't think they care. I really don't think they care. Like Andy, I just disagree there. I don't think the judge cares. I got to take a poll, Bocce, get on the case. Yes, you think the judge will put him in jail because he's a crazy person, or no, you don't.


Folks, I'm a 100% yes. He will absolutely do it. For as much as it pains me to see a guy, I really support, have a lot of love for, Donald Trump, sitting there in Rikers, I think he should do it. I think he did the elections over at that point. I don't think there's a more devastating snapshot in political history than the police state Democrats putting a president in jail and potentially the next president over a case that has no legal basis whatsoever and no present. There we go. That's pretty overwhelming. A couple of nosing. What's that? Yeah, the chat, I know. Again, only We can do this to the chat, by the way, because we have the biggest crowd here. The chat is running like Joe Biden. That was good. It took me a second to catch on to that. Speaking of which, Bocino, give us the results when it's done, but Everybody agrees with me. Folks, another thing. This is important, okay? We're talking about the election right now. This is one of those stop the presses moment. I'm going to go on the record and say something. If it doesn't turn out to be true, it's okay.


I don't like predictions because they're like a-holes. Everybody Nobody's got one and who really cares. But I think this one's important because there's a reason I'm going to say this. I think it's time for the Republican Party, the RNC and the Trump team, to start preparing for this. I'm going to go on the record and say, If this gets worse for Biden, They put Trump in jail. He jumps another one or two points. I don't think this guy, I don't think he makes it. I think they dropped Biden at the convention. Now, I get it. I may turn out to sound dumb later. Folks, I just feel like we should really start preparing for that. I rate the chances at 50-50 now that Biden is going to make it through to the end. Okay, we got this. Again, Biden crapping his pants this weekend or whatever he was doing. The guy can't go out now. Every time he walks, they're now making the case that you should have less of Joe Biden, not more. We got to play this. I want to see. I mean, come on, folks. Really, there's something running there, and it's not the faucet.


Really, Dr. Jill is like, Oh, we had another accident here. Look at his face. It looks like he's squeezing one out there. This guy is not going to be the nominee, folks. He can't. You understand the candidate? His butt's been wide. Remember? Who's wide? That's funny. I did not put that in the show. I know these guys are just like, renegades. Justin's back, causing trouble. Oh, yeah, Justin's back. Come say hello. Just wave to him. Just give him a little wave. Yeah, come on over. Say hello to him. You guys see Justin? He's back. Intern Justin, Ready and hard at school. Come on, you got to make sure you can see yourself in the camera. There you go. There you go. Justin, he's getting bigger. Remember when he first started a couple of years ago? Got all facial hair now. Looks like grizzly freaking Adams. He's like seven feet tall now. Dude's like Victor Wendminyamba or something like that. He's Yeah, the NBA season's over, so he's back here doing a damn bunch of show. That was Justin causing some shit there with the Butts been white. I hope it was wiped after that. Here's the thing, though.


Here is the golden rule of politics. We can laugh, but this is serious stuff sometimes, too. I call That's not entertainment, right? Just like Boogie down in production. Educational entertainment. Your candidate is your best weapon. That guy isn't. The candidate is the best weapon. When you're going on TV, MSNBC, and you are making the case that we are not going to show you our candidate anymore. You are acknowledging that your campaign is a total, complete failure. They didn't do that. Yes, they did. Here's an MSNBC clip with a Biden representative you're going to hear and disgraced former GOP member, Michael Steele, talking about how, Oh, this is an advantage, us keeping them off the trail. Bull, no chance in hell. That's an advantage. Check this out. Biden's general election strategy is less is more. The President's aides are seeking to tighten his pitch to voters with shorter, crisper speeches. To be honest with you, Quentin, I think that's a very smart idea. I think-For everyone. For everyone. For everyone. I really appreciate that approach because it is a way for the President to hit with clarity, stick his points, and move on and not get lost and sidetracked.


Give us a little bit more of the scene setting around the thinking there and trying to re-imagine the campaign going forward with what you just said and this idea now of the President tighten his grip on his speeches. Look, our campaign believes in quality over quantity. We believe that these touches, these smaller things that are getting directly to the point about what is going on in the stakes of this election are going to be easier for voters to tap into and also go out and say and talk to their friends and family about what's that state. Folks, I ran for office. I've dealt with politicians for the last 10 plus years of my life. Let me just get this and tattoo this onto your brain, okay? No, there is absolutely no theory of campaigning on planet Earth or any other known sentient being in the universe where they're emphasizing equality over quantity. That just doesn't happen. I can prove it to you. There is a reason candidates go to state fairs and embarrass themselves eating a corn dog they've never ate in their entire life. Why? Because it's quality? No. Because the amount of touches, handshakes, baby kiss, as long as you're not sniffing kids like Biden, It matters.


People want to see you. They want to make sure you're real. Nobody wins a campaign. Forget the COVID thing with Biden and the fact they fleeced that thing anyway. Throw 2020 out. Oh, we hit him and he won. That's not what happened. I don't even believe he won. Forget Shut down. That was a totally anomalous election with a ton of scamming, mail-in bouts. Throw that election out. There is no theory of modern politics that says quality over quantity. That's not a You're acknowledging your candidate's a bum. That's all you're doing. Folks, the guy's getting crushed everywhere. Here's ABC. Abc acknowledging that this guy's getting crushed not only on every issue, but with demos, he was up plus 80 last time. This guy's getting smoked. Watch this. Biden seems to be struggling with key demographic groups that he would need to win and win big if he stands a chance of being reelected. John, there is significant softness in the support for Joe Biden among core Democrats. In this poll, he's carrying Black voters by 61 points. Well, that sounds like a lot, but he carried them by 84 points back in 2020. Latino voters, a very slight Biden edge in this poll, but it was a 21 point advantage in the exit polls back in 2020.


And among younger voters, under 30 were actually seeing Trump with a slight edge. That was a big win for Biden last time around. Folks, when is the last time Republicans won the under 30 crowd? So what happens when you got a candidate who looks like he's defecating himself as he walks out to Marine One. Would you expect people under 30 to relate to this guy? They're in real trouble, man. It's only getting worse because the crazy wing of the Democrat Party, like I told you before, make no mistake, the moneyed, organized wing is going to go and in between the election inauguration cause a bunch of violence. But the crazy wing has turned on Biden, too. The cannibalism theory of the left is working in live time. I've always told you this. Have I not? You P1s know what I'm talking about, you P1 listeners. The left will always eat itself in the end. The right, we stand on principles, and sometimes those principles get us hurt in this George Santos thing. The left has no principle. The problem with having no principles is they're so obsessed with power, the left, that they wind up getting very granular with issues.


If it's not their thing, they'll throw you under the bus. It's why there's no pro-life Democrats. Democrats anymore. None. If you are not all in with the George Soros, free Palestine, kill the Jews crowd now, you are out. You doubt me? This is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. She's a Democrat. I'll say again, she's a Democrat. This is her getting confronted by the free Palestine, Soros guys, all these left wingers. This is going to end very badly for them. And the Chicago Convention, mark my words, is going to be one of the most troubling things you've seen in a long time. Not for you, for them, the Democrats. Watch this. How do you justify genocide? How do you justify genocide? How do you justify genocide? How do you justify genocide? What are you doing about Palestinian children? What are you doing about Palestinian students at the U of M? I appreciate you're raising your voice. I'm hearing a graduation meal with my daughter. What about all the children that are in mass graves? What about them? Justify genocide. Yeah. Are you doing Are you going to say anything about it? They will eat themselves alive. Folks, my cannibalism theory, take it, own it, love it, be it.


The left, we don't listen to them anymore. Their power isn't canceling people. They feel important. They live vacuum lives. There's nothing. They have no meaning. Their only meaning is the power of hurting others. They used to do it to us. We give them the middle finger. They've now turned on themselves because they've got nowhere else to go. They've It's an easier way to explain it. They've run out of a food source, so they're eating each other. And nothing's going to stop this. And you should not stop it for them. Let them eat themselves alive on live TV, on video clips. You're going to see more of this because they're crazy. By the way, I want to warn you about something, and I want to just make a big major hat tip here. The biggest hat tip possible. Julie Kelly, I think may have exposed... I don't even want to say Russia hoax 2.0 because it's probably 7.0. But folks, the Russia hoax was a really big deal. We forget about it. The fact that they just made up this whole thing about Trump stealing an election with Putin, which was so stupid, like only a media person would believe it, or try to believe it, or pretend they believe it.


But Julie Kelly may have exposed. I'd make the case to you, a hoax just as big. I'm going to get to it in a second. And folks, if this is the first time you heard this, get those stockholders on because it's going to blow your socks off. Julie's done a lot of work on this. I just want to play this clip for a second. It's about a minute of where we went before because the media, they will go all in on this thing, covering this up if what I tell you is true. Here was the media on the Russia hoax. Check this out. The latest bombshell report. The Whitehouse is slamming a bombshell report by BuzzFeed. A bombshell report Report from BuzzFeed. If the BuzzFeed bombshell is true. It's a bombshell report. The Russians had compromising videos of Donald Trump watching prostitutes urinate on a bed in the Moscow Ritz Carlton presidential suite. Donald Trump engaged in perverted acts with prostitutes. In reality, A, a bunch of the dossier has proven to be true. B, the FBI and the CIA have reportedly validated parts of it as true. Investigators have corroborated part of the dossier.


He had been corroborated by the intelligence community. Us investigators have corroborated some of the allegations in that dossier. We do know that parts of it have been corroborated. The President was compromised by a hostile foreign government. Full stop. The possibility the very real possibility, that President Putin holds damaging information over President Trump. Hat-tip, Kana Coa to great for that great clip right there. That goes on for three, four more minutes. But I play a different You get the point. The point I'm trying to make here, I shouldn't say you get the point, I should tell you the point. There is nothing, nothing they won't do. Anyone out there telling you they're not going to put Trump in jail or they're not going to do X, just fill in the blank, Whatever you think they won't do to Trump, just stop. They will. Stop. I don't care what it is. They will do it. Julie Kelly has been doing some work on this documents case, the Mora Mar-a-Lago raid, where the FBI and the Department of Justice alleges that Donald Trump took classified documents to Mar-a-Lago. Basically, they took documents he wasn't supposed to have. Folks, this case has been getting crazy.


John Solomon has a nice write-up on this, and I encourage you to check this article out, Trump whodunit. Prosecutors admit in this documents case that key evidence has been tampered with. But I strongly encourage you to go to Julie Kelly's social media feeds She has been all over this. I'm just going to throw the allegation out there, and anyone who thinks that they couldn't have done this, you're crazy because they've done it before. The allegation is now that the FBI and the GSA, that when they found these classified documents, that the General Services Administration that sent some of these documents down to Mar-a-Lago may have sent documents down there that Donald Trump didn't request. Stop. Hold the presses for a second. Wow, Wow, that sounds like a BFD, a big deal. So you're alleging that these boxes the FBI found with alleged classified documents were sent from the GSA, but Donald Trump didn't request them, which sounds like an administrative problem, again, air quotes, with the GSA and not a Donald Trump criminal act. Now, why is the order of the documents and the fact that it was tampered with a big deal? Because, ladies and gentlemen, if GSA sent a bunch of documents in a specific order and nobody touched them and went through them at all at the Trump thing, it's pretty clear Donald Trump wasn't using these documents for anything because nobody touched them.


But what if the FBI, after the raid, mixed it around to make it look like someone rifled through the boxes and was like, Oh, that sounds like it's a big freaking deal. Were those documents planted there? Were those documents planted there? I've told you a thousand times that because something has a classified cover, too, it doesn't mean it's classified. You want the example? I'll give you a perfect example of what I mean. When we used to do motorcades for the Secret Service, they'd be staffed classified or for official use only because you don't want the assassins to know our motorcade route, or they can set up on it. Folks, do you think that motorcade route is still classified a day or two after the motorcade passes by? No. Why is it not classified? Because we already drove the route, and everybody knows we drove the route because they're on the route waving. But then it says for official use only, but it's not classified. But it would look really bad if that document showed up, right? At Trump's, that's it, for official use only or classified. Folks, this looks to me like another setup, man.


It looks to me like another setup. I think this is Russia hoax 7.625. Get ready. One last cut I want to play for the day because it shows you how crazy these media people are. We can't trust any of them. I'm just throwing this in. I must be candid with you. For pure entertainment value alone, outside of Philip Bump, Taylor Lorenz, I don't even want to call her. She's not even really a journalist. She's like a She's like a teeny bopper gossip magazine writer who somehow the Washington Post hired. She is easily the most unqualified person, even to work at the Washington Post. All she does is crap all over Conservatives all day and try to have people censored. This is how crazy this woman is. She goes on Don Lemon show, who out of a one to 100 crazy levels, like a 97, and she actually makes Don Lemon look sane. Here she is making the case that That gay people in Texas and Florida, it's almost the same as over in the Middle East, where they'll cut your head off and throw you off a building. The crazy thing is, Don Lemon has to actually correct her.


But I assure you, she actually believes this. Check this out. Well, then, Taylor, how do you reconcile the way marginalized groups, many of the people in these marginalized groups, obviously, they are fighting for Palestine, for the Palestinians, for what's happening in Gaza. But yet in Gaza, they would not have any freedom. They don't have freedoms in Texas and Florida. Does that mean- But I understand that. Taylor, I'm a member of the LGBTQ community. If I go to Texas, they're not going to throw me off of a roof. They're not going... Folks, it's not even like we We get that they say this. These people are freaking crazy. Even Don Lemon's question is dumb. It's that they actually believe in. The question you have to ask these lunatics, and it doesn't matter with them, remember, you're not going to convince Taylor Lawrence to not be crazy. There's a third person listening. That's the person you're trying to convince. You have to ask her, what rights exactly, fundamental rights, do these people you're saying are marginalized, not how? Vote, assemble, petition government, carry a firearms. What rights do I have that they don't have? Please. Rights. We're talking about constant rights.


We're not talking about what your idea. We're talking about the actual legality of the country. What rights? They don't have an answer because they just make it up. How crazy do you have to be for freaking Don Lemon to sound like the voice of reason? All right, folks. Thanks again for tuning in. I appreciate your patience with my weekend update. I have fun talking to you guys by the all seven. Thanks for coming out to John's Bar and everyone who came up to me this weekend, the Morgan Wallen concert. We had a real blast there. Took a lot of pictures with some people. You all are really great, and it always means a lot to me. I don't get out much, so it means a lot to me. So much love. I appreciate it. Be sure to download the Rumbl app. You'd be doing us a huge favor. Or if you want to watch us on desktop, rumble. Com/bongino, 11:00 AM Eastern Time every single day. I'll be here on the radio show in a few minutes and back here on the podcast, 11:00 AM Eastern Time live tomorrow. See you then. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.