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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


So the show looks a little bit different today. If you missed it, we just had a blast, me and Patrick Bet David. I'm in his studio. We did about two hours on his show. And brother, we were all over, right? We were all over. Economics, Black vote, Trump, Biden, how Biden sucks, critical race. We were pulling up articles. Folks, I got more of it for you. We could stay a little longer today because I'm not doing the radio show, but we are live. We're a little bit delayed, but that's for a reason. Let me get through some technical stuff first. Folks, I can't stop raving about Beam Stream powder. You know I'm a life hack guy. It's a science-back hot cocoa for sleep. Plus, they're offering Bongino listeners up to 45% off on Memorial Day. Go to shopbeam. Com/bongino. Use code Bongino at checkout to get up to 45% off. I got that. We're going to talk mailing, ballots, and scamming first with Patrick Bet-David. We're going to talk about Biden, the dictator. A lot coming up. I'm going to try to keep the break sparse today, folks, because I'm really looking forward to this interview.


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They're not a substitute for or alternative to seeking care from your health care providers. All right, Gee, I'd say, ring the bell, but we don't have one, so I'm just going to rock and roll with Patrick right away. So we were doing your show. You and I met. It's funny. I'm doing my show on Fox, and one of my bookers, I think it was Katie. She's like, Dan, man, there's this guy, Patrick Bet David. You heard him? I go, Yeah, I heard him. He's a business guy, really successful. You got to have him on the show. And I don't remember what we were talking about. Some economics saying, I think you took out a Baybrooth baseball card or It was a Peter Schiff.


It was a Peter Schiff Bitcoin against gold debate. Yes.


And man, at Fox, you get the minute by minute breakdown of the guest. So if a guest sucks, you know right away because it's like you'll see it. And you came on, we got this huge spike. And I said, Man, people really I love this guy. We had your back. And then we met up at the UFC. Now you have your own show. I really want to recommend you guys go listen, not just to the one with me and him, but subscribe to his show on Spotify, all the platforms. Patrick Bedd, David, upon a miscellaneous show. Check it out. We met at the UFC. We agreed we'd get together. I'm down here. We had a blast on your show. How did you know you wanted a podcast, man? The success has just been incredible.


Yeah. So for me, first of all, it's great to have you on the podcast today. I know we've been trying to make it work for a while. No, for me, I started the insurance company. I grew it. I did some commentating and some videos privately for my insurance company. And in 2013, I started a channel called Valuetamen, purely around entrepreneurship and business. That grew, and then constantly wanted to talk about politics, but I wanted to hold myself back. I'm like, I don't really want to talk about it, but maybe I should talk about it. Maybe I don't want to talk about it. And then finally, one day, I'm like, I can't help myself. I got to talk about it. So we kept value taming separately, and then we created a PBD podcast by itself, where we can talk current events and politics, and then it grew into what it is today.


Man, you're a titan out there. I was looking the other day. People left. They're like, Why do you look yourself up? Sorry, folks. Why do you look yourself up on Spotify and Apple and Rumble. Because I'm a freaking entrepreneur. If I'm doing a shit show, nobody wants to watch, it's going to reflect in a rating. So I was looking the other day on Spotify, and we've been doing really good over the last few weeks. And I noticed your show was a top 10 show. And man, people really seem to gravitate on it. I think the show we just did, you and I, where we did that dive in economics, I think it's stuff like that. We've gotten away from that, the business thing, and you just tell it like it is, man, you got to invest. But let's dig into some stuff. So you and I were talking about the election. My listeners, I get this question all the time. It was Vincent who asked, too. Is this going to be fair? Is this going to be straight up? Is this election going to be... Is it going to be something we can trust? And one of the things I warn people about a lot is I'm really scared of this mail-in balloting.


Can you pull an article up for me? I show this. 2012, New York Times, Adam Lipptack, L-I-P-T-A-K, and Mail-In Balloting Fraud. It should come right up. This is what irks me and why I'm a little bit frightened about this election. And I tell everyone, I don't want it. There it is. I want you to look at this article here. This is a New York Times. This is not a conservative review or the blaze. This is a left wing. It's from 2012. This is why I get freaked out. The left The left-wing media in the New York Times, scroll down, you'll see at one point it says, Rejection rates or double. Keep going, you'll see it. And one of the things that worries me is the left wing media, Patrick, is known forever that mail in balloting is obviously prone to fraud. It doesn't mean it's guaranteed fraud because you take away a mechanism. If Patrick shows up to vote with ID, they see you voting. If they mail a vote to your house and you drop it in a mailbox, nobody knows what happens. We don't do that with evidence. In fact, if I accuse you for killing someone, I got a vial of your blood at the scene.


I don't mail it. I take it in a police vehicle back. So you look, they talk about these rejection rates, how they're insane. You notice how they totally changed their tune when we went to mass mail and ballots in 2020? No question about it. So it's like they knew it's a problem and they still do it. And that's what worries me about the election.


Yeah. So here's how I process what's going on right now. I like case studies, right? When COVID happened, we're in LA, Beverly Hills. We're about to do our board meeting. And then last minute, I'm there with my wife, my kids. We're I'm going to go to Universal. Last minute, all the board members call. They canceled. Everybody canceled. We can't come. I said, Why can't you come? Because of COVID. This is March 11th or 12th of 2020. Wait a minute. Are you guys serious? And then you turn on the news. Rudy Gobert gives COVID to Donovan Mitchell. Universal Studio shut down, Disney shuts down, NBA, NH. That's the day, right? We fly back to Dallas. I take the family to the house. I come back to the office, and I'm sitting down watching, saying, How does the market react to different pandemics that happen. I look at the top 10 pandemics that we've had, how the market reacted. First six months, you'll have a massive dip due to fear, but market recovers six months later, back to what it was, if not even higher. The only pandemic that the market didn't recover over 12 months was AIDS.


Everything else was fully recovered, stock market, right? Okay, so let's look at this election and look at case studies of what they've done with Trump the last eight years, 2016 to now. How did they try to pin him in 2016? Me Too movement. Look what he did. He's a player. Grab him by this. And then all of a sudden, Trump's like, Oh, you want to do this? No problem. I'm going up against somebody called Hillary. Her husband is this. Let me introduce you to the people that are here right now in the audience. Like, oh, shit, that's the way they're going to do it. And then they blame them with Russia, Russia, Russia. So Russia was the case study for 2016 and Me Too movement. Go to 2020. 2020, everything is going good. Markets good, economy is good, everything is good. Covid, whatever you want to call it, China, Wuhan Lab release comes to US. We got to shut it down. No, this guy's a racist. Nancy Pelosi goes to China. They want to paint him as somebody that's racist, similar to what they did a little bit in 2016. And then the moment they realize, this guy is probably going to get reelected.


We got to find something. May 25th of 2020, you know who died on May 25th, 2020? A guy named George Floyd. When that event took place, May 26th, protesting, it was absolute insanity. Fast forward to November, he loses, whatever, the New York Post, all that stuff, Twitter, they do what they do. Great. Let's bring it to 2024. Now, yesterday or two days ago, Newsweek tweets an article out saying, Tucker Carlson signs a deal with Russia TV, right? What are you talking about? They just showed a video. Oh, shit. It was an Adam Kinzinger. Also, it wasn't a hoax about Russia collusion. Now they No, you can't use Russia collusion. That's out. Now they're using the crisis with school Palestine, free Palestine on universities. All they're waiting for is one crisis, one kid getting killed, to use that as a crisis going into the end of the year, which is November fifth, 2024. You see that. But then the part that I go to right now is a little bit darker than that because defamation hasn't worked. Even the protesting is backfiring on them because what's happening right now is Biden's losing the Muslim vote. Now, the Muslim vote is willing to vote for Trump more than Biden.


And then Biden's also losing the Jewish vote. Are you kidding me? Now, Jews may not be voting for Biden or sitting this one out. So they try to please both, like what you were talking about. They're losing both sides now. That's problematic. You're losing the African-American vote from 2020, from 2016 or 2020, being 9% of African-Americans voting for Trump. It's up to 22% now, to the point where CNN had to report on it, and they're scared shitless. But that's the last thing I'll tell you. It's the only concern that I have. Predictive programming, right? Okay. So movie comes out, leave the world behind Julia Robertson, Barack Obama. You saw the movie Disturbing. You know, like, holy shit, this is actually happening, and they're telling you, we're going to do this to you. Then a movie, Civil War comes out, and you go watch Civil War. You're like, what is this all about? Liberal leftists, Reuters, journalists caring about America. And who is the hero of the movie? How does the movie end at the end? The guy that plays the role of pretty much Trump getting assassinated, and that's how the movie ends. How many people do they need to inspire to do something like that?


Not that many. You only need one person to say, For the rest of my life, I'm going to be written about in history books to do something. The only concern I have right now, the mail-in ballots they're going to try to do, all this stuff that they're going to try to do. Cardi B is sitting out to say, I'm not going to be voting for Biden. Even The Rock, as much as he didn't want to say The Rock, is like, Well, I'm definitely not going to be voting the way I did before. I don't know if you caught that. Yeah, I saw. Meaning the same way in 2020, when a lot of people said, Well, it's not like people are voting for Biden. They're just not voting for Trump, right? The never Bidons are here today and in the millions. For me, they're going to play games. They're going to try to manipulate. They're going to do all that stuff. But I think all their playbooks that they have, there's only one that they have to use, that they may use.


Wow, that was a lot. Let me dig into the mail and go back to the mail and think first. You're right. They exchange out and swap out the X variable as a reason you should hate a Republican. The George Floyd BLM riots were that. They swapped it out for your right. These kill the Jews rallies on college campuses. It's all a way to just organize people against the Republican Party. The Soros money and the people funding this don't really care what the cause is. That's the irony of this whole They don't even care who gets rich off it. All they care is that we'll mobilize them as our shock troops against the Republican candidate. On the positive side, the mail-in, ballot, and thing, I started with the bad stuff, does freak me out because like I said, your producer was kind enough to pull it up. The mail-in balladen has been... The reason, by the way, the New York Times flicked out about it in 2012 is because Republicans used to mail-in ballot a lot, military folks and seniors. So the New York Times hated mail-in balloting. Now that they think they can use it, they love it, of course.


And if you speak of fraud, you're banned immediately on every platform. On a positive note, we have had a lot of changes. In Florida, there's been substantial changes with voter ID laws. Georgia's had some, could be better. Arizona's had some, could be better. The reality is it was easier to cheat in 2020 than it is now. Not impossible. As you know, it's not a national election. It's a series of state elections. The popular vote doesn't matter. Sure. So not that we should try to lose to cheating in liberal states, but you can win New York by 27 trillion votes. It doesn't matter. You're not going to get a single more electoral vote. So that's the positive angle. But I want to hop on something you said because we discussed it on Patrick's show, and I really encourage you to listen. We spoke for two hours. It's today's episode. It's awesome. Listen to it today. Give him a follow. We were talking about how this toe in the line, trying to split the baby is just the worst freaking politics ever. And Biden, Patrick does this shit all the time. Hey, Hey, man, I love the police.


Hey, I hate the police. We should start redirecting money. His words, not mine. He says, I think Israel should stay out of Rafa. And then five minutes later, he's like, Well, we're going to fund a war over here. I don't care what your position is. You're right to have it. But Biden takes every single one. I'm going to be tough on Putin, unlike Trump. If Putin invades Ukraine, and it's a small invasion, it's no big deal. And as you and I know, being in this content space, to be a leader or a content creator or someone people respect, you're You're going to say shit people don't like, bro. And you're going to have your 80 %, your diehard. We got 93,000 people watched. We're only 20 minutes, actually 15, because we were a little late. These are my diehard rock solid P1s. They know we're not going to agree on everything, but they know I believe what I say. I think that's the problem with Biden. But I think it's also why guys like you and I in this space have done pretty well.


Yeah. And listen, for me, as a business owner, one of the things that you always benefit from, I got two guys sitting here on my shoulder. One guy in the left says, Future looks bright. We're going to take over the world. The other guy says, Only the paranoid survive. So I got to stay paranoid. What if this? What if that? What if this? So I am staying as paranoid as I possibly can while still having the element of future looking bright. I just think this is going to be very problematic for them to win. I really do. I think the left is going to have a hard time. Look at the battleground states, right? Okay, Carolina. They're not even showing Carolina anymore. They're like, Yeah, it used to be. It's done. That's Trump, right? Then you look at, I think it's Nevada in another state that he's got an 11 point lead, 39 to 50. Wisconsin, Biden's got three. But out of the six, five out of six is Trump. The black vote is turning this way. The people that are not going to vote for Trump at all, they're not going to vote for RFK, and they voted for Biden.


Some of those guys are just not going to be voting. They're not going to be showing up. So you can gamify and manipulate as much as you want. But you know the hockey stick, 4:00 in the morning when we all went to sleep a lot, it's over, and then boom, it goes like this. This time around, if anything like that will happen, the hockey stick has to be extremely out of control. Where people are going to say, What are you doing here? I think there's a lot of different things that could be concerning on what could prevent him from winning this year. But I'm 70/30 today that this guy is winning. I think that's accurate. It could be a blood. It could be a massive victory landslide, like how Reagan did it with Carter.


Yeah, I'm in the the dirty space, too. And I'm very conservative about this because I think the abortion issue still does motivate a lot of liberals. And listen, I'm a pro-life as they come. However, it is an issue a lot of liberals do vote on. A lot of them are one-issue voters. I think that works in some states. That may be a motivating force, but this guy has been so bad. Another thing I wanted to hit with you about Biden is, the Democrat, I call this thing, I like the joke with the audience a lot. I call this the Dipsy Do, flip a root theory, where The Democrats will do something. And to distract attention from what they're doing to you, they blame you for doing it to them. Russia collusion was a perfect example. Hillary Clinton and her team literally took a dossier from a guy who claimed to be colluding with Russians. That was what the dossier was. And they were like, Well, Trump colluded with the Russians. It's a very simple, stupid theory, but it's effective because it takes attention with a dopey gullible media away from the mouthfeel that you're up to.


What I want to get to in this one is this idea that Trump's going to be a dictator It's freaking hilarious. He's going to be a dictator. How is he going to be a dictator? He gave you back more of your money through the Trump tax cuts. What dictator says, Here are more resources for you to spend and less for me. When you think When you're talking about health care, Trump was like, We got to do our best to make these patient-directed health care decisions, not the government. And you contrast, you're like, What exactly did he do that would meet a data point indicating this guy's a dictator? But then you look at Biden and you're like, Okay, the Supreme Court told him he can't raid the treasury to pay off other people's student loans with your and my money. And what does he do? He gives America the middle finger and doesn't anyone. And then you see things like price controls for these pharmaceutical companies. And by now, we're going to reduce the price. How are you going to reduce the price? Well, we're going to tell a company what they can charge. Like a dictator?


What are you talking about? This is a clear example to me of them understanding what they want, an authoritarian dictatorship, and then blaming us for For sure.


And by the way, it's a lot of fear porn. So the thing about fear porn is it works for first time around. But the second, third, fourth time around, when you have an actual case study to compare, meaning we right now have four to four years, three and a half years to three and a half years, but we're going to have a full term to term to show what happened. Okay, you show Trump's term ends at Inflation is at 1.3% when he's out. You know how Biden the other day got caught, saying 9% to the point where people are asking his quote, Why are you saying 9%? It wasn't 9% when you took office. That was 9% to... It was 1.4, 1.3. Okay, so four years to four years. Economy doing great. Shambles, inflation. War. Oh, I'm worried about him having access to the nuclear. What if he's going to start World War III? Trump is President. There is no Ghassam Soleimani. He kills him. He's the number two guy Iran at the time. And peace, North Korea meets with them, Russia not bullying Ukraine, nothing going on. Everything... Isis used to be something we were worried about under Obama.


Nobody's even talking about it. Now you come over here, Russia, Ukraine, You got Israel, Palestine, Hamas. You got all these other challenges that are taking proxy wars that we're all involved in. Case study to case study. They can say whatever they want. They lose, logically. There is no more if he becomes a president. No, he was a president before for four years, and here's what you got. You don't get to say, If he was a president, X, Y, Z. No, you haven't.


Can I just say-Is what you're saying, which makes perfect sense. In an election, say, where a guy's turned out and there's two newbies coming in, you're dealing with two possible hypotheticals and you're taking a risk, that that's not the case now. That's not the case. We already know what happened.


For sure. We've read the end of the book already. That's right. So we know exactly what's going to be taking place.


So are you saying, too, though, that because this This makes a lot of sense that the Trump's going to be a dictator line doesn't work because we already read the book and nobody saw a dictatorship. And you're like, Bro, we know how the book ends. We can see the movie, but this is how it already seen.


This is fear of point. I mean, the video, the commercial that comes out that Trump shares in, and everybody, Oh, the Nazi. When I think about MAGA, Joy Bayhard, I think about Swastika, and I think about this. That stuff is not working today. I'm telling you, it's not working today. The people on the left, the 40, 40, 20 that we're talking earlier, whatever the numbers, set the 40, 40 aside. They're going to do whatever.


Yeah, 40 Republican, 40 Democrat, 20 in the middle. 20 in the middle.


You got the libertarian, the green, the independent, whatever you want to talk about it. This community here, who's in it? Rogan's in it. Musk is in it. A lot of people are here. And these guys who can reason, they're sitting there saying, what are you talking about? What are you saying here? No, you, the 20 % is a group that gets offended if you think they're dumb. You know How do you talk to people that have the ability to reason? And you may be even asking them a basic question. They're like, You think I'm dumb? I know what you're doing. They hate that. They hate that, right? You can do that to your 40 points. Don't worry about it. You already have that. You have to convert these guys. You don't have those guys. Those guys have gone this way. They've gone this way. So the only thing is going to be, I mean, you know, Musk has already said he's not voting for Biden. And he's got a platform that's God knows how many eyeballs he's getting on Twitter. So what's going to happen if in September or October, he comes out and he says, I'm going to be supporting Trump.


And he said he's going to say who he's voting for. What if he says that? Now, here's a risk. Here's a risk. What if he comes out and he says he's voting for RFK? What if he says that? That's also a risk. Because my only concern here is the following. This is my only concern here with the President Trump. My only concern here is the following. Rfk is trying to get in to be on that CNN debate. He's saying he's going to have all this stuff in place that they have to put him in there. Okay, say he gets in. If he does get in, it is problematic. Why? Because if Trump keeps bragging about Operation Warp Speed vaccine saved a hundred million people's lives. There's a community in America that is liking what RFK is saying with vaccine, not the way Trump is saying it. Large community, too. Large community. Since COVID, it's a huge Massive. The book that he wrote on Fauci, listen, I don't know if you read it. That book was read by... It's an un... You read that book, you will never look at Fauci the same way ever again, ever again.


And this is a guy from the left at the time when he wrote it, RFK. His family is Kennedy. It's the biggest Democratic family in the last eight years, 60 years. So he writes the book. He trashes him. So if RFK comes in and if Trump brags about the vaccine too much, there is a section of the independent that's going to choose between the two. I think they're going to go this way.


You know what, man? I got to tell you, I have not heard that before. You're like one of those callers on my radio show. We're like, damn, this guy should have his own. But you already do. Folks, we're talking to Patrick Bet David. He has his own podcast named after himself, Patrick Bet David. Please subscribe Spotify wherever you get your podcast. Check out our show today, too. Do you have that clip of the South Bronx with Donald Trump? While we're talking about the election, we had mentioned the Black vote. I don't know how you feel about this, but I find it to be an act of grotesque political malpractice that a conservative movement that says to Black or Hispanic, it says to any vote, it doesn't matter if you're Black, but speaks to Black voters, too, and says, Here are very simple ideas. Keep more of your money, control your own health care, and by the way, don't go to those crap schools, send your kid to a school you want. How we don't get 90% of the Black vote has always been to me like, I want to pull the remaining hair I have out of my head because I just don't get it.


I used to knock on doors in Maryland, in largely Black communities when I was running. And if you didn't tell them what party you were, you'd swear you guys were symbiotic. Trump seems to have cracked through this. I want you to just play this video quick. This is him in the South Bronx, as you know, a pretty Democrat area. Check this response out. Look at this. So this is the South Bronx, which is one of the deepest blue areas of the country in New York City. So I have a theory on what is broken down this wall, but they've heard me. I want to hear your theory. Why do you think Black and Hispanic voters, and it's keeping it Black voters because Hispanic voters could be a different issue. I don't want to put people in boxes. Why do you think Black voters in historic numbers are saying, You know what? This is my guy.


When I was in the army and my friends, I got along with... Because when you're Middle Eastern, You're in the army. You have Asians, you have Whites, you have, you know, Hispan, you have Hispan, you have African-American. You don't have a lot of Middle Eastern. So I get along with everybody. But Blacks and I, they had a lot of girlfriends who were African-American. And I'm a hip hop guy. I'm an army guy. I can go pound for pound with anybody in R&B 90s, and I'll remember all the songs. Really? Okay, literally. I can do any R&B you want to go with me. We'll compete there. No problem. But when I was around their grandparents or mothers, and they would to me like I was their son. Do you know what vibe they gave me? A hundred % conservative. Yeah, I'm right. You better not do this, but David, you better not do that, but David. And you know the kind that's you fear and respect? Yes, ma'am. And then you I'm talking to them on miss whatever the last name was. This is how you're speaking to them. I always got the vibe of conservative.


So I have Steven A. Smith here six weeks ago. We're talking on the podcast, and I asked him an interesting question. I said, When I'm around you, when we're having dinner, you're always like, before he touches the bread, he'll say, You guys okay if I touch the bread? Is that okay with you? No problem. And then he goes, Who says stuff like that? And the way he sits and the way he... If there's a woman that comes in, the mannerisms, the way this guy is like, Man, good for you. Super-classy guy. We take him to the house, kids, family. I love the way he handles himself. And I meet his crew. His crew has been with them for 20 plus years. I say, Steven A, you give me conservative vibes. Now, you're in a tough situation because he's in a where he's got to get his renewal on his contract with Disney. It's going to be a big pay date. He's at ESPN, which is Disney, right? And I said, your mom, if she was alive today, she's not. If she was alive today, which way would she vote? Do you know what I'd even hesitating, he says, conservative.


Really? I said, by the way, and that's his hero. This, he said, conservative, right? So they're going through it. It's not easy. Some of them are like, and I'm talking about the influence influencers are going through it, not the day-to-day voter. But the people that are on TV is like, Oh, my God, deep down inside, this shit doesn't make sense. My mother would never support what the hell the left is doing right now. They would never support. That's what he is processing himself, right? So I think The Black vote has been owned by Democrats since Barry Goldwater. They've owned it. And what have they gotten? They're sick of it. By the way, what is the purpose of welfare or some of these entitlement program? Is it meant to be that I stay on it for the rest of my life? Or is your job as a person that creates policies in my community to help me get off of entitlement programs? Who's a better leader? Is it better that if I stay on Section 8 for 30, 40 years, 20 years? Is it better that I stay on food stamps for 10, 20, 30 years?


Is that when you're winning? Or are you winning if you're able to get me off of food stamps six months later? Get me off of unemployment three months later? Get me off of Section 8 six months later? Get me out of the community. Your job is to get me off of it. If somebody intentionally wants to keep you poor for that long, they want to own you. And it goes back to what it was back in the day. So they can say whatever they want. I think a big part of it, they're sick and tired of being owned. They're sick and tired of gamification. They're sick and tired of seeing how the law historically has not favored African-Americans, how a lot of these, even the abortion numbers that are coming out of what happened with, yeah, planned parenthood, what percentage of abortions are Whites, Blacks, Hispanic. Majority African-American. Wait a minute. How many presidents have been aborted? How many major seals have been aborted because of the system that they have? They're eventually, in my opinion, they're going through this right now saying, I don't know if I like what's going on right now. By the way, in 1960, 64% of African-Americans voted Democrats.


In 1960, 64, that went to 92%. So from 1960, only 64% voted Democrats of African-Americans, but 64, Barry Goldwater, that's 64, went to 92. Ten years ago, the African-American vote was 88% still Democrat, give or take. Trump shows up. It's like, wait a minute. What's happening over here right now? So that thing's gone from 88 to 86 to 84 to 82. This time around, it's at 78. We haven't had 70s in decades. I know.


Crazy. We've done so shitty that that's a marker of success. We're like, oh, we're only losing, what, 22% of Getting 22% of vote, we think that's insane. But I think your theory is 100% correct. I haven't knocked on a lot of doors running for office. The conservatism component of the Black community, just from talking, no one's going to say, oh, what do you know about the... I'm I knocked on 7,000 doors. I guarantee you I've talked to more Black voters than most Black politicians who don't knock on doors have. So no one's going to tell me, What do you know about? What do you mean, What do I know? I knocked on doors and talked to people, 100,000 love You people, you're the best. The streamers are the best. These are like the hardcore P-wise. But you're nailed it. When you just say, Forget what party I am. Let's just talk issues. You're like, School choice, conservative. Tax cuts, business, conservative. Religious values, definitely conservative. Why are you a Democrat again? I don't understand. I think we're hinting at a little bit. The only reason we haven't been able to say, Hey, man, we're you, you're us.


We share the same values, is, Man, let's To be honest. We've just had shit politicians. I'm sorry on the Republican side. We have. Patrick, man, listen, George W. Bush, whatever, nice guy. He was just terrible. The guy was an awful politician. He should have won re-election in a landslide. We've had this litany of awful politicians, John McCain, who guy was a war hero and all. But after that, he just came off angry and just couldn't talk to people. Trump goes out there. Do you see that clip, Gee, man? If you could pull it, It's probably too late to ingest it. But Trump does this thing at, what was he in? Was it Wisconsin or Michigan. He's doing this like, comedy bit the other day in the show where he's talking about the teleprompter falling over and the thing. You saw it. I played it on my show, and he's joking around. And I think a lot of black voters who previously wouldn't consider a Republican because of all the race baiting, they watch this guy and they're like, Why am I supposed to hate this guy again? He's freaking funny. And then How do you compare him to the Oatmeal God, and it's like this perfect foil.


Listen, Trump is an anomaly. I think we're going to have more movies, documentaries, shows being made about this man than anybody.


Rather, political science books.


Are you kidding me? The number of case studies. And by the way, each election will be its own case study. 16, 20, and 2024 is going to be its own case study. But there's a few things there while you're talking about Trump and the entertainment side and how he's handling himself versus the others. The only One thing I would say, again, while we're staying on this, I just want to say this because I know some people that watch a show on yourself, their camp watches this. When Trump was asked about the question, So what's your position with LGBTQ? Do you remember how he answered it the first time? I said, That's a non-issue. We've already voted for it. What's your next question?


Everyone else stammers.


So it's like, Oh, shit. So he didn't give an answer. He did what? He danced and moved, right? So I hope if this debate takes place. His position with vaccine is, Yeah, I did Operation Warp Speed because that's what the liberals wanted. And guess what? But I'm all about choice. You want to take it, take it. You don't want to take it, don't take it. But we saved 100 million people's lives. If the messaging is about choice, not too much about the vaccine was a victory. You have to know there is a base that is RFK. I think he kills one-on-one against Biden, no problem. But I don't think Biden is the opponent. I'm telling you, I don't think Biden is the I don't either. I think it's RFK. And not that RFK is going to win. Rfk is not going to win. Rfk is not going to be the President. But RFK has that 3 to 5% of voters that needs to come this side. He has that. If you think he doesn't have it, you're delusional. If you think RFK doesn't have that loyalty, that's the part where he needs to massage the story with the vaccine in a very subtle way, not in a bragging way, my opinion.


But on RFK, I am absolutely resolute. He does far more damage to Biden than he does to Trump.


You think so? Tell me why.


Here's the thing. I'm with Trump supporters all the time, whether it's Turning Point or CPAC years ago. I've been with them since 2016. There isn't a single... Remember we talked about the 40, 40, 20? So folks, if you missed the podcast with Patrick on his show before, most political science research, I don't think it's too deep in the weeds, will tell you about 40% of the country is Republican, 40% There's 20 in the Squishy middle, right? Here's the thing. The Squishy middle is now trending towards Trump. Young voters, Black voters, Hispanic voters. That'll go. We've seen it. The 40% for us, the Republicans, the MAGA crowd, Patrick, they're not going anywhere. They are diehards. I see them. I go out to the Stuart Sandbar all the time up in Stuart. I live in a Martin County. It's 50/50. We've had a Democrat, Congressman, Republican. I have never, ever seen I've seen a Biden flag. I've seen a Fuck Joe Biden flag. I've seen a Mag... I'm out there all the time, and there's hundreds of boats out there. They're not going anywhere. I see no Biden signs anywhere. The 40 % of Biden voters? Yeah, man, there's a good 10 % of those that I think go, I hate this guy.


I can't vote for this loser, inflation, everything. This RFK is a sensible option. But your point about the Vax, though, is I haven't heard anybody... That debate, you're not wrong. That's a soft spot.


He can weave through the middle. If I'm the moderator, that's when I'm pinning him. That's a brilliant point. Because if I have RFK on stage, I'm going to say so-That's his thing, RFK. I'm going to say, Robert, the question for you. President Trump brags about the warp speed that he got done quickly, and you have a problem with that. The former President says XYZ. Why do you have such a big problem with what the President did with vaccine? Rfk is going to destroy that question if he's on stage. If he's not on stage, it's a It's a story.


But here's the thing. This is such a great point. You got me fixated on it, which I'm not supposed to do because I was supposed to be moving from topic to topic seamlessly, but it was so good. Here's the thing. If you're a voter out there and you're a Trump person, yeah, a lot of people are really bitter about the vaccine, me included. But I think, and I'm not apologizing for anyone. I love President Trump. I endorsed him early, but we have disagreements on issues. We had one on the air on my show about abortion. We disagree. And the one thing I love about him, he has never once... All this bullshit you hear about Trump, you align with him 100% or he kicks you to the curb. That's total bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Me and him disagreed on criminal justice reform abortion. He's never once been like, invites tomorrow, lago. It's all bullshit. It's crazy. But I agree, the soft spot is the vax thing. But knowing MAGA people pretty well, I think a lot of them feel like, yeah, that thing sucked. I got this thing. It was the biggest mistake of my life.


I had no choice. It was get cancer treatment or or die. That was it. I had cancer. I didn't have it. To the rest of my life, I'll regret. Take natokinase, everything, trying to get this shit out of me. But I think a lot of people say, all right, maybe it's a bad call, but he got effed over by a lot of these Fauci people, too. And if the thing is, even if he's backing it up, Biden still, at least Trump will come out and say, Hey, it's a choice, right? Biden still to this day, take your vaccine, losers, your own morons. It doesn't really do much, but take it anyway because you're all idiots. And I think they're like, this guy's even worse.


But here's the thing, though. The way he has... Trump has the victory. And the last person that needs counsel on how to address issues is him. He knows how to dance with issues. He's been doing this his entire life. He's a professional. It's not like he needs any coaching in any of these areas. But the part is if he's able to tell history, okay? And here's how history works with vaccine. The Dems, Kamala Harris said, I would never take the vaccine if it's under Trump. All the people on the left said they'd never take it. Do you know when Pfizer got approved for the vaccine? Do you know the date of Pfizer getting approved for the vaccine?


Was it when was it, November?


Two days after the election. Yeah, November. But it's exactly after the election. They could have announced it pre, and it would have been a victory, but they announced it after. Then after, everybody was all pro, Yeah, we should take it. We should take it, we should take it. So that's the part where if the argument is made around choice, if it's choice, So his choice, that's my position, and I got the job done because that's what I do as a business owner. I think I was going to say, The guy's right. He did. You want to take it? You don't want to take it. I didn't take it. My dad took it. My dad's a super conservative, but it's his choice. You want to take it, go for it. It's your choice. I think that's the same way he handled LGBTQ, he's got to handle that. This is only an issue. This is not an issue if RFK is not in it and it's just Biden. This is only an issue if RFK is in it. If RFK is in it, that's the only thing he's got to figure out a way to dance with.


I'm going to take a quick break. Can you stay till after 12:00? Yeah, go for it. Folks, we're going to hang till I never do this because it's funny. My own radio show starts at 12:00, but I won't be doing that. Jim's filling in. Quick break, folks. We're talking to Patrick Bet David. Do me a favor, subscribe, follow his podcast. It's wonderful. Check out the episode today. We talk about everything. Maybe we'll hit some economics. We'll give you guys some advice. Hey, have you heard of cancer fighting foods? It's been reported, diets rich in fruits and veggies may actually lower. Yeah, lower your risk of cancer. Obviously, a topic sensitive to me. Hopefully you hear this and run the store for five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. If not, consider adding field of greens to your diet health regimen. I've been with these guys forever. I love field of greens. Each fruit and vegetable in field of greens was selected by their doctors for its studied benefits. What the body needs is a scoop of this field of greens powder. I like the wild berry. Producer Gee loves the lemon-lime. It's the simplest way to get those daily fruits and veggies, veggies and it's nutrition the way nature intended it.


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He makes great coffee, uses premium beans. I I love the Cinnamon French toast. Someone sent me an email yesterday, said, This better be good. You told me to buy it. It's delicious. I'm proud to personally recommend them. So do me a favor. They ship within 48 hours of roasting. Their coffee's amazing. Go to blackoutcauffy. Com/bongino. See what I'm talking about. Quit drinking that woke corporate junk coffee. Blackoutcauffy. Com/bongino. Use coupon code Bongino for 20% off your first order. Make the switch to blackoutcauffy because it's good coffee, and you can stick it to the left wing media, too. We love them. All right, so back to the show. We were talking about the Black vote in the election. One of the things I think you and I take a particular interest in as business guys is what made the United States, you as a guy who really respects the entrepreneurial process, you become very wealthy making some smart decisions and taking risk. But you and I can both acknowledge as entrepreneurs and content creators in the podcast space, without contract law in a sane country, you go to some countries in the Middle East, Africa, even some part in Western Europe.


When there's no contract law, someone comes in to Patrick David, who's David's beautiful studio here. They go, This is mine now, expropriated. Wealth doesn't mean anything. So law and contract law has to matter. So when a guy like you sees what's going on in New York with this, forget the criminal case for me? That's just dumb, this stormy day. There's no criminal case. The civil case, specifically, where they're like, Trump defrauded a lender. Okay, who's the lender? Bank X. Well, let's subpoena Bank X. Bank X comes in and goes, We love this guy. He paid off the loan. Matter of fact, we want more business. From the business, Patrick Bet David, for getting the politics a second, do you say to yourself, Shit, man, are these guys serious? We can't have a country like that.


Yeah, I mean, you know what's weird? So this whole FTC non-competent, I don't know if you're following that or not. When they now say FTC non-competing, they're banning. Moving forward in four months, effective in August, the non-competes are no longer going to be able to carry weight. And the reason this is going to create this many jobs, it's going to create this much revenue, it's going to do this, it's going to do that. Then small business owners like, wait a minute. So the guy that I invested all this, he's going to go and open up a shop right across the street from me. And that's insane. So the doctor is going to leave. So this guy can leave and take my book of business? Yeah. Okay. Well, that's not fair. And then the guy who wrote it was like, Well, what's wrong with that? You should let people leave. Really? Yes. So how come you don't use that when it comes down to the extra territorial taxes that if I have a US passport and I want to go live in Singapore, I still have to pay US taxes. Oh, you like non-compet to work for you in the area of protecting all the business to stay in the states, but you don't like the non-compet when it comes out to business.


And interesting, because in California, there's a guy named Gavin Newsom, who is the governor there that wanted to find ways of people like you and I who left California to a different state to be able to go get taxes from you on what you made, your success in California. So isn't that a form of a non to compete, so he doesn't want other states to compete. That's a great point. So this is a- Exit tax.


Right, exit tax. Don't dare leave, brother. Right.


So you can take your money anywhere you want, but you're going to have to pay the taxes in it. So law and order is critical. You see what's going on right now with states, right? What's their name? Justin Timberlake and his wife just moved to Nashville, Tennessee. Did you see this? Can you pull this up, Rob, if I'm saying it correctly? What's his wife's name?


Is anyone... Jessica.


Is it Jessica? There it is. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel. Made family choice to flee LA to Nashville. This is May 22nd. Wait a minute. These guys are like the liberal left. Why are you going to Nashville, Tennessee? Interesting. Do you know what state has the lowest taxes all in? All in. Number one is Tennessee, lower than anybody else. You know Arthur Laffer, the Laffer Curve? Yeah, of course. Guess where he lives. He moved to Tennessee. Nobody knows lower taxes than Laffer because he knows how taxes work. This is the great thing about bad policies and good policies. Desantis, good policies. You're here, you want your kids to be safe. You want certain conservative values. You want not have to worry about business, regulation, all that stuff. Florida is a great place for you to live. You want entitlement programs. You want your kids without your permission to go have a procedure done to them and maybe take puberty blockers and get an abortion without you knowing about it. You want those steps? Move to California. It's a great place for you if you want that. You're a small business owner. You want to be left alone.


You got Texas, you got Tennessee, you got Nevada, you got Florida. You got a place. The amount of money Texas and New York lost. They asked Newsom a question last week. They said, Hey, Governor Newsom. California Newsom. California Newsom. California Newsom. Last week, they said, So how do you go from $100 billion of surplus I saw that.


Did you see that? He's blaming climate change and shit. Oh, it rained.


He blamed the rainbombs. Rainbombs, right?


We live in Florida. We get hit by nuclear hurricanes.


We have a huge surplus. California's rainbombs, yeah. So he didn't have an answer. And you're sitting there listening to this guy saying, This is pretty pathetic when you do this, right? I saw that. Listen, bad ideas are getting exposed like never before. The only thing this does, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. The more this does is, at the shrug, John Galt, do you build your own city? You only attract people like yourself. This is going to be more and more of people from far left, super left, going to places like California.


But does that worry? Do you live in Florida?


I live here. I live in Florida.


Okay, so you and I are only an hour apart. So folks, me and Patrick both know Florida well. Amazing place. The Santa's done a great... Scott did a great job, too. But it's really taken off. And to all the people, we have chatsters asking questions now in the chat. A lot of them, they're like, please don't tell these people to stay out of my state. We look at it like a victory. And I get what you're saying ideologically, even these lefty Hollywood people are coming to us. But I know folks in the chat are like, Man, stay out of my state. I don't want you I'm bringing that shit here. I'd rather stay good and healthy, the economy, but not going crazy, then have to deal with liberals, then be stupid, rich, and have to deal with these crazy people as my neighbors all the time.


Yeah, I don't think- You see it down here. For sure. But when DeSantis does what he does with transgenders and what he's doing with Disney, what he's doing, when you're that aggressive, he's actually pushing people out.


Great. Go.


Go to your liberal state. There's a video that came out. I I actually think, I don't know who did this, but somebody did this where the mother is saying, a 16-year-old daughter is crying. They told me, I can't take puberty blockers in Florida, and we're thinking about moving to Canada. And the mother's like, Yeah, after a lot of talk, my husband and I have made a decision. We have to take because my son who sees himself as a girl or whatever it was, we just feel safer taking her to California. Guess what? Go. It's that simple. Go. So that's the part where the people that, like Right now, local Christian schools, waiting lists of families trying to get in. We have it up there. Waiting lists of families trying to get in. I want to have my kids going to your... Now, a lot of people are coming down here to the state of Florida. The only thing is to see what happens when it becomes super Super, super far left in one state and super, super far right in one state. Is that a good thing or a bad thing long term? I don't know.


That's going to be another case study we're going to have to study 5, 10 years from now.


I forgot to take the thyroid drugs. I was like, Why? They do this on my show all the time. Ever since the cancer thing, and I'm like, I could feel it right away. I'm like, Boom, not a kid is back. I agree. It creates this bifurcation of America that was totally unnecessary. You would think ideas at work would spread. Hey, what did DeSantis do in Florida? Would it do in Texas? Prior to them, what did Rick Scott do in Florida? These are ideas that worked. Why? Because people are moving there to get away from you liberal crazy nutbags, okay? But you're right. It's like that's not what happens. It's almost like, and I think this is what you were getting into with California, is they double down on crazy. It's like they ask them, Hey, bro, you got this big, huge government COVID porculous payment, Gavin Newsom. How the F are you $100 billion in debt? And he goes on this climate change rant, and you would think they would change course, but they don't. And I mean, I think that's why they love illegal immigration, because it's the only thing that keeps their population stable.


But you and I are in... By the way, is that an Apollo Creed club? I'm sorry to tell you, but that is an awesome property.


Yeah, we have-Is that from Rocky IV? No, we just had somebody that signed it. Every time we have the UFC or boxer's here, it's either Francis Nganu or... Yeah, we've had some of the boxers signed.


Folks, if you're listening to the show on Apple or Spotify, go watch the Rumbble. This studio is amazing. He's got gizmos everywhere. This is really cool. But you and I are in business. And when you go in front of a board in business and you're pitching the net present value of a project, whatever, a new bottle water brand, whatever, you better bring some freaking data. You're not going to, Hey, I'm going to do Dan's bottle water. Is there a market for it? I don't know. We'll figure it out. So you're asking us for $100 million for a new factory to produce a bottle water brand you're not sure anybody wants? But Democrats do this shit all the time. They're like, Let's do an electric vehicle mandate. Oh, okay. Do you have charging stations? No. Do we have the ability to produce batteries? We do, but we've exported to China because of environmental rules. Really? Do we have transmission lines to get power into blue states from red states that actually produce power? No, we don't have that either. You're like, Dude, are you freaking crazy? You and I as business people listen to this, and we're like, What a bunch of freaking morons voting for this.


By the way, did you see what China is doing to compete in the EV market? Have you been following that?


Yes, they're flooding us with a bunch of shit.


So when Trump put all the sanctions on them, these guys decide to move their money to Mexico. And it's this campus day bill called Hufu San. I don't know if you've heard of Hufu San. Type in H-O-F-U-S-A-N, Mexico. H-o-f-u-s-o-n. Hufu San, Mexico. They build this big ass facility. If you It didn't even show the park. If you show it in Mexico, go to images, check this out. Look how massive this place is. They're building that in Mexico, right? To bypass the parents and the taxes to pay for it. And by the way, typically, we've always been told that labor is the cheapest in China. Do you know, officially, right now, all in labor cost per hour to build cars in China versus Mexico. It's $450 in China, but it's $395 in Mexico. So labor cost is now cheaper in Mexico than it is there. And now they're building cars, EV cars, that they're selling for $9,000 to $12,000. I don't know if you've seen this brand or whatever it's called that they're selling. So the stock for almost every single EV car for this year, 2024, everything is down. If you go back last year and a half, everything is almost down because they're trying to figure out a way to say how to...


They're right there. Look at this. Zoom in a little bit at the top, Rob, so I can go to the top. Here's what a sub-$9,000 car looks like from China's largest EV maker. This is an EV car for $9,000 that they're selling. So they're finding ways on how to compete with their products. So now this is where Biden came out, I think last week, talking about 100% tariff he's trying to put on them. Trump's going to be putting some tariffs on these guys. China's trying to figure out a way on how to get past having it coming in. Now, here's the problem. This is the leverage that China has. If they push China too hard, China can also I'm going to say, Listen, man, 85% of all the pharmaceuticals that you're getting, you're getting from us. The AC, all these different products. You can just be careful putting your tariffs too solid on us. It's going to be... Trump went at China very hard when he was the President, and he kept pushing, pushing, pushing. And some may say that's what China did with COVID. They're like, Okay, no problem. We're going to get rid of you because you cost us a lot of money.


And then Biden comes in right now and does what he does. But this China relationship and the EVs is not going away. In California, this guy, Gavin Newsom, decides to add an additional 50 cents tax. Can you pull up Gavin Newsom 50 cents gas tax? Additional 50 cent gas tax. As if they don't already have the highest gas prices in America, adds another 50 cents. K. D. Gov. Newsom, add another additional 50 cents per gas a gallon tax in the next year on top of the new gas tax that's coming out July first, which is a month from now, where the state's excise gas tax will increase by $0.09 to $59.06 a gallon to keep up with inflation. Why is he doing this? He's doing this because they're trying to go all EV by 2035. This is going to be one of the biggest backfiring moves where he's not going to be the governor there, and he's probably going to be a president because he's their rock star. He's their number one draft pick. But these are types of ideas that you do where the average person is like, Look, I just can't afford to live here anymore.


What are you going to do then? People are going to be leaving. I love the state of California. The weather is great. I love what is... I got so many great memories.


You go out, you hang there a lot?


I'm there in two weeks.


I tell you, I did Shapiro's show, and then I went to get some stem cell thing years ago in Beverly Hills. And I'm sitting there and I'm having an acai bowl. I know I got to turn in my man car. Acai bowl, good for you. By the way, I'm sorry. Is that Yankee Stadium? That is. Paula, if you're watching, he has it. A seat from Yankee Stadium. I knew it, brother. I got to get one. Oh, man. But I'm in California. I'm eating one. I think it's a place called Ronies or Ronies or something like that, right across the street from the Peninsula, whatever the hotel was. And the weather's amazing. I was expecting a bunch of people because I was on Fox at the time to be like, F you. People could not have been nicer. Man, I go into this place. La Scala, food was amazing. Staff couldn't have been nicer. Everybody was coming up, want to take selfies and stuff. I'm like, this place is like a little piece of heaven on Earth. Only liberals could fuck this up. California is amazing. San Diego. You ever see the weather down there?


Secret on the best kept secret.


Oh my gosh, Dave so assed it up. I'm sorry, but you're so right. You just want to grab them, be like, what are you idiots doing? California could be a bigger economy than 99% of the world itself if you would just get the idiot It's out of the way.


Yeah. And by the way, he brags about it. He says, Well, we are the fifth largest economy in the world. We are the fifth largest economy in the world.


They could be the second.


They could be the second. But unfortunately, again, last four years. There's a part of me that last four years is glad things happen, not the lives being lost at all. Take that aside. I'm not in the business of losing lives. But the last four years exposed everybody, exposed Expose motive, expose intention, expose bad ideas, expose good ideas, expose fear porn, expose controversy, expose hypocrites, exposed everything the last four years. It was such a beautiful... It could have taken... You know what Henry Kissinger once said? Very, very weird quote. I don't know if you've heard him say this quote or not. Kissinger once said, The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer. What a thing to say. The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer. Well, guess what? The illegal they did immediately, and the unconstitutional, they did immediately. They did both immediately during COVID. Stay home. Can they really do that? Yes. Who says, You got to stay home. You don't take the vaccine, you're fired. Can they really do that? Yes. Because it's a social contract, Neil deGrasse Tyson. Everybody in America has something called a social contract.


What the hell is a social contract? I never signed a social contract. But again, I thought it was a great thing because we were able to see all these bad ideas. And I hope this year, election time, people show up.


This COVID thing, I know we're running out, but folks, hang on. I just wanted a couple more questions for you. This COVID thing, you just brought up an interesting point, too. I want to get your take on this. So COVID was a unique opportunity for them. This whole globalist, great reset crowd. Their whole idea is your loan. Nothing. You've seen it with Klaus Schwab and all these people. I mean, they say it. It's not a conspiracy theory. He literally They actually wrote a book called The Great Reset, where they have a promo thing called You'll Own Nothing. But I think COVID for them was so valuable because it was an opportunity to do a couple of things. Number one, it was an opportunity to show you what the government can do. We're going to scare you here. We're going to show you that you're not in charge. I think it was a bit of psychological warfare. I think that's why they kept pushing, and they never... You notice they never dialed it back. 15 days to slow the spread, turned it to 30 to 50. They never dialed it back. There was no even talk of it.


But I think another reason And this idea of body sovereignty, which is essential to liberty and freedom, that you're Patrick Bet David. Obviously, I'm the custodian over my own body. Once you have that, you just won't let people do things to you. You're not going to let them keep you in your house. But the home order you just talked about. Do you put a mask on, even though everybody knew this thing didn't do shit, everyone, believe me, they all knew. Only the moron class bought that. And any idea that you're going to insert this substance vaccine into your body and we're going to tell you to do it, I think Take the body sovereignty thing. That's why they freaked out when people started rebelling against the mask and the vaccine because they were like, shit, man, what we don't want to do is create a counter revolution where people start saying, hey, bro, I love them into the government, but not like this. I'm not talking about Conservatives. We always can't stand the government. But I'm talking about independents who are like, yeah, government's a good thing, whatever. But I didn't know you guys were going to do this shit.


And then when people started rebelling, it created a messaging opportunity for Conservatives that I got to tell you, I think lasted. I mean, you probably to some former Democrats who after COVID were like, I'm done. That's why DeSantis run by 20 points.


Yeah, destroyed one and a half million from winning by 32,000 votes to one and a half million four years later. No. And again, this is the part where what Bill Mars said on The View, he says, I'm really surprised, Sonny, saying this. For somebody as brilliant as you knows the history of the woke and what it meant for the black community, for you to be able to say how critical you've been about to work. He says, No. Ideas evolve and titles evolve, and it doesn't mean what it meant before. Back in the days, it used to be a time where only Conservatives hated Jews. That's what he said. He said something like that. I don't know when you got the part, what he said. He says now Conservatives, and now it's Liberals doing what they're doing with the free Palestine. This is just not making sense. So a Bill Maher is a leftist guy who is now the Wright is playing clips from him on some of the points he's making. He's going around on The View challenging those guys, saying, Yeah, go ahead. Why don't you? I dare you to go live a day in Gaza, not before October 7.


See if you could do it. Go ahead and do it and see what takes place.


We played that clip on his show before, folks. Check it out. I want to ask you one last question. I know I'll wrap it up. I appreciate your time. Folks are talking to Patrick Bet David. Check out his show. Check out his podcast today. So you and I, we met again at the UFC recently. We were talking in the green room. We hit it off, and I couldn't believe how big of a guy. I'm like, 6'1, 200 pounds. I'm like, damn, this dude's big. I'm like, we're going to do a podcast. But the UFC thing is critical because you deal with a lot of entertainment people. You're into finance and business and politics. I'm a politics guy. That's what I do. But my business life is separate. But your business life is part of your show because of your background. So you deal with people I don't. Like, Stephen A is never going to do my show, and I wouldn't blame him. I wouldn't do it either. It's too much risk for him. So you talk to people I don't. Ufc, about a year ago, a business partner of mine's there, and he's talking to a bunch of guys who are into rap.


One was an entertainment executive. One's a sports guy. I'm not going to say who they are. But minorities, Hispanic and black. And he's back there and he's like, dude, you're never going to believe this. He calls me the next day. He goes, they're all voting Trump, but they don't want to say it publicly. He's like, we call them Papa Trump or Uncle Trump or something like that. The guys were telling them, and they told him, they said, brother, A whole bunch of other people are doing it, too. They just don't want to say it. You're out there. You're dealing with people, like I said, I'm not dealing with in sports and everywhere else. Are you sensing the same thing? No question about it. You are. That's good, man.


No question about it. And a lot of these guys, maybe the hip hop guys or the UFC guys or the athletes that knew him when he was rich, where it was cool to say, I have a picture with Trump, right? I don't know if you've ever seen a clip of all the times Trump went on the view pre him running. If you've never seen the highlight of how they- That fawned over him? If you ever see this clip, it is by far one of the greatest clips of all time, because all they're doing is to Is this the one, Rob? Go ahead and play this clip. Go ahead and play this clip. Watch this.


He's an outstanding American. No, you're not hearing things.


That's Joy Bayhar admitting her respect and adoration for Donald Trump. I've never seen this before. Who's mad? Donald Trump.


Joy said the guy wears a tube. He says that it's his own hair. So I believe him because I believe Donald. He's an outstanding American, but America doesn't believe him. We've gotten a letter poured in yesterday.


I'm asking, is that really his hair?


Oh, my God. Okay, are you ready?


Come in.


Just check it out.


No, it's true. It's real.


It's not very pretty, but it's real.


Get away from me, you orange menace. Yeah. You're often looking like a real menace. Somebody attacks you.


Should you attack back? I believe, yes. I believe as an... I can give you lots of examples, but if you're known as a patsy, if you're known as somebody that takes it, I think it's terrible.


But the ad hominem attacks, those really are not effective. Personal attacks, like you're fat, you have no talent, all the things he says. Why aren't they effective? Donald's been doing them. Well, because he's in a leadership position. I'm not sure that that's effective way to attack your opponent.


Strange thing has happened over the last couple of years. It's called Twitter. I have this account with millions of people. I've got all these... I used to say, I want to own a newspaper. This is better.


You can pause it right there. By the way, absolutely. This continues for a minute. I never saw that. Absolute love and adoration for him. And you flip because what? Because he's going and representing certain policies you don't. So people are seeing through this right now. There's a lot of people in Hollywood. I did a podcast one time with Right after we were done with the podcast, a very, very big-time actor texted me. I get on the phone with him. I'm like, What? Yeah. He's like, Listen, there's a lot of us out there in the community. We just don't I never talk about it. Gina Carano is on here. Gina would tell the story. Right after we're done with Gina Carano, a director of two movies that I'm certain you've seen a movie. He says, Hey, I just want to let you know. It's funny while you're doing all this podcast. I don't agree with everything you talk about, but we're here in Kabul, and my daughter pulls up to the pool in a value tame hat in Future Looks Bright hat, and other people are saying, Oh, you watch that stuff as well? He says, Just please tell Gina Carano, I support her and what she's doing.


When I'm in LA next couple of weeks, I'm going to reach out to go have dinner with this guy. There's so many of them out there, but they're sitting around just seeing the insanity and they're talking. Look, the future looks bright in a big way, in my opinion. I think common sense is making a comeback. We lost it for a few years, and we Realize if you're a little bit too tolerant with people with bad ideas, they will take everything away from you. I used to pray for four things: courage, wisdom, tolerance, understanding. I took one of them out. I don't want tolerance anymore. I don't ask God for tolerance. I ask for courage, wisdom, and understanding. Because what America did the last few, Christians, too tolerant, libertarians, too tolerant. As long as you do whatever you want to do, do whatever you want, just leave me alone. Or really, we'll go and do whatever we want to do to your kids. We'll take yours. Exactly. So the Christians, the libertarians, the rich Republicans that are afraid for people to know, Conservatives that are afraid to people to know, Hey, God forbid, if this guy knows.


I think we've been a little bit too much. Now it's more, next time they try to do it, we have to defend 100% without any hesitation or second-guessing ourselves. Some of us stood up, but I think it needs to be more of us.


Folks, that's some great parting advice. Don't pray for tolerance, pray for understanding. I think my audience absolutely gets that. It's really brilliant. Patrick, man, that's been a pleasure. Thanks so much for your time, brother. Likewise. Please Please go check out his show, Patrick Bett, David Show, available wherever you get your podcast. Watch today's episode. Give the man a follow. He was very kind to let us use his studio. I hope you enjoyed it today, folks. Thanks, everyone, for streaming. I'll see you back here tomorrow, 11:00 AM Eastern Time, rumble. Com/bongino. Download the Rumble app. Give us a follow on Spotify and Apple, and I'll see you back on the radio tomorrow as well. Take care. Thanks a lot. Bye, bye, bye. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.