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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts, with your host, Dan Bongino. It's bad enough. It's bad enough I've been asking that question to all of you for a long time. When is bad enough, bad enough that eyes are open than to the blind? Last night, who now see and woke up this morning to a different country. Welcome to the revolution. We've been here for a long time on this little battlefield. Glad to see you join us. You may be late, but it's good to see you nonetheless, folks, the republic is dead. I need you all to accept that. Sad. I have to say that I say it with no sense of glee, obviously, but I'm obligated to tell you the truth. The republic as you know it is dead. It is no more. Now it's time to rebuild. Not time to bitch and moan and cry and sit in the corner and shit in a diaper and pretend none of this happened. It's time to rebuild it. There's nowhere else to go. You're not going to flee to Mexico or Canada. There's nowhere else to go.


This is your land. This is your country. It's where you grew up. It's where you earned. It's the military many of you built and served in taxes you sadly had to pay to build all these roads. This is yours. This isn't these scumbags up there and what they did in this bullshit system. And let me tell you something. You are under absolutely no obligation whatsoever. Matter of fact, I would ask you kindly leave the movement if you insist on accepting this, that it's the rule of law and order and we should accept justice. This isn't justice. This is getting fucked. Ever see the movie primal fear? There's a line in that movie, it's fascinating. Says, you want justice? Go to a whorehouse. You want to get fucked, go to court. That's a movie. I'm sitting there last night and I'm talking, this friend of mine. I was out of the house. I never get out of the house during the week. But I had to do something last night. And the other friend comes in and says, there's a verdict. I said, no. They just sent the jury home. She said, no, there's a verdict.


So I rushed out in my car and I turned on the news channel to listen live. Guilty on 34 counts. 34 fabricated bullshit counts. Ladies and gentlemen, if you accept this exit stage left, this isn't for you. Because what's ahead is not going to be pretty. It's going to be a rebuilding process. And I want to send a message out there to the liberal commie fuck wads out there. By the way, if the language isn't for you today, my apologies, but there are other streams. This I'm just warning you now, saying for kids, to the liberal commie fuck wads out there, laugh all you want. I know you're out there celebrating, drinking your chablis or whatever fancy drinks and cocktails. You're all sitting around with your bowties on, celebrating. But let me tell you something, mom. We all know this about you. You're all a bunch of pussies. And we know that. We know that you know that too. Your mommy's still wiping you up after you took a shit in your diaper. We all know who you are, sitting there on your college campuses with your lattes and your laptop, screaming about the intifada or how much you hate capitalism.


We know most of you never served for a cause bigger than yourself a day in your entire life. Are you sure you're ready for what's ahead? Because what's ahead now in this place we're going to rebuild, is an actual constitutional republic with a new set of rules. The rules you seem to like. And to any republican lawmaker out there who's sitting on your ass thinking, oh, we'll send out some mean tweets or something like that, there are two sides going forward. There are the useful idiots who are actually part of this socialist movement and that claim our republican label. And I'll show you what I mean coming up in a minute. And then there are people who understand the fights ahead. The Sean Davis is the Julie Kelly's of the world, the team over at the federalist who now understands the only thing I'm interested going forward now that we've got this new republic that they want, is to feed them their own ipecac. It's now okay to go after your political opponents using strange interpretations of laws you invented. Ladies and gentlemen. All I want to know is what Democrats who actually broke the law, actually broke the law, are getting locked up next.


That's all I want to hear. Fuck sticks. It's all I want to hear. Everyone understand? It's all we want to hear. Didn't about tax cuts, school choice, and about anything anymore. All of the. I love that stuff. We tried for decades to make elections about freedom and liberty, economic prosperity, educational excellence, personal health care, control. You know what happened? We got fed a bowl of dog shit up in New York where this fat slob. Prosecutor Tyrone Commy decided to be a good idea with his Biden Colangelo clown to put the president in a freezing courtroom off the campaign trail for six weeks and then declare him guilty on 34 made up charges. And they expect you to sit back and take it. All I want to know going forward, from any Republican pretending to run for office, running for office, in office, or running for reelection, who are the Democrats who actually broke the law that are going to be locked up next? We're not looking for anything else because we're not going to have anything else if you don't show them the consequences of the dogs of war they let loose. If it's illegal now to try to, quote, manipulate a campaign which is called electioneering, by making book entries on legal charges, then why isn't Hillary Clinton under investigation for the dossier which they booked as a.


Oh, shit. Yeah, that's right, a legal charge. You ready? You ready for what's ahead? I say again, to the blind out there now, see? Welcome to the revolution, man. It's good to have you. A lot of us have been here for a long time. A lot of us understand the fights. I'm a little mad at you for waiting this long, but I also want to welcome you onto this battlefield, folks. The real insurrection happened yesterday. It's like, hard to deal with, man. I'm sorry. I'm like, I hate the word like, but I'm in a bad place and need a placeholder. I think a lot of you are too, but I feel. I feel like the energy shifted. I think a lot of you seen it, too. The Mar a Lago raid was that initial kind of. The bear got up from hibernation, but was still groggy and walking around and do I drink or do I eat or where are the cubs? Or whatever? Not a bear biologist, but you know what I'm saying. Mar a Lago raid woke everyone up, but they weren't really ready. Everyone was kind of hoping there was going to, I think, be some correction mechanism and everyone would realize how crazy this is.


But now it's just gotten crazier and everyone's starting to realize there's no turning back. You either pick a side or you are next, because you are next. You know that, right? I know you feel it. People say, oh, you know you feel it in your heart. Your heart doesn't feel. It's your skin, it's your nose, it's your eyes. It sense and take it all in. I know those senses you have. I know you feel it. You feel like the country's different now? I just canceled my plans. I was going to travel to see some family in New York for Thanksgiving. I canceled that. I canceled it because you and I both know that going up to New York or any other liberal state, now that it's open season on you too, folks, Donald Trump said success was going to be his best revenge. I'm not putting words in his mouth, but I'm going to tell you right now, revenge will be his best success. It's the only way. You will never stop these tyrants from completely burning this place to the ground and leaving nothing but ash behind if you don't show them the error their own ways by showing them what they did to you.


I don't know about you, but the first outlaw president sounds like a good vote to me. I want the outlaw. You need to do today act. Do talk is great, but you need to do donate, volunteer, call ten friends, get them registered. I don't care what you do, it's up to you. But do something today, because if you think this, this President Donald Trump is not going to go to jail or that they'll stop, you're out of your mind. Folks, I got a lot to get to today. I'm going to take the Trump press conference live. We've never done this on the show, so if there's a minor technical hiccup, just hang with us for a second, please, while we sync everything up at 11:00 I wanted to start early, obviously, folks, because I feel an obligation to be here with you today on this important day. Don't accept this, man. Do not accept this. You are under no obligation whatsoever to accept this. All right, let me take a quick break here. We'll start the show off. Hey. For ten years, Patriot Mobile has been America's only christian conservative wireless provider. When I say only, trust me, they're the only one.


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Well, today we can. It's one of my favorite charities. We can give back to the sons, daughters and spouses of american heroes through folds of honor. 91% of every donation goes directly to scholarships for families of fallen or disabled us service members and first responders. This, my friends, is how we meet. Sacrifice with hope. Head to now. I can't wait to see how many of you join this noble mission. It matters because I know my listeners. You all have not forgotten the meaning of memorial day. Will not forget these families who paid the highest price. Donate dot. They've earned four out of four stars on charity navigator. It's one of my favorite charities. So you can give with confidence., comma,, comma, make a life changing difference dot gets me in the mood, folks. I want to make one other quick point. I'm going to play some audio yesterday. Donald Trump's response. I'm going to play about a minute of it yesterday when he got out of court. I think all of you sat there stunned. This is one of those moments. I was not alive, obviously, with the JFK assassination, but my mother said the world stopped when it happened.


I remember Reagan getting shot. I was in a buster brown store trying on new shoes. I also remember the space shuttle, uh, when it, when it, when it exploded in the sky. I also remember the Mar a Lago raid. Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday was one of those days. The world stopped. And forever we're going to tell our kids that they United States changed. The United States changed for the worse. Here's where I was. Here's what I did. But here's how we fixed it. There's no giving up. There's no time to take your toys and run from the sandbox. I get it. I'm with you. This system is fucked. It is done. We need to rebuild it. The republic is dead. You are 100% correct. But it is no time to give up, and I am certainly not giving them shit I built and I own. I worked for this house. I worked for my stuff. I worked for this land. I worked for this community, and I am not giving it up to a bunch of scumbag tyrants. And you are not either. I'm not allowed. He was a really pissed off and indignant Donald Trump yesterday.


And good for him. After he exited the courtroom after this sham trial, bullshit verdict. Check this out.


This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. It's a rigged trial of disgrace. They wouldn't give us a venue change. We were at 5% or 6% in this district, in this area. This was a rigged, disgraceful trial. The real verdict is going to be November 5 by the people, and they know what happened here, and everybody knows what happened here. You have a sore spec da and the whole thing. We didn't do a thing wrong. I'm a very innocent man, and it's okay. I'm fighting for our country. I'm fighting for our constitution. Our whole country is being rigged right now. This was done by the Biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent. And I think it's just a disgrace. And we'll keep fighting. We'll fight till the end, and we'll win, because our country has gone to hell. We don't have the same country anymore. We have a divided mess. We're a nation in decline, Syria's decline. Millions and millions of people pouring into our country right now from prisons and from mental institutions, terrorists, and they're taking over our country.


We have a country that's in big trouble. But this was a rigged decision right from day one with a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case. Never. And we will fight for our constitution. This is long from over. Thank you very much.


Folks. He said in our interview the other day that he's honored to be in this fight. He didn't say he was pissed off about it, although he is. He said he was honored. He understands this fight, that he's emblematic of the fight against all of you. He totally gets it. I think he's never been as laser focused on what matters in this upcoming election. I don't. I've never seen him like this. He understands what's at stake right now. Please don't think for a second this insane, deranged, conflicted, whose family got rich judge in New York will not put this guy in jail. You are crazy. They scheduled the sentencing hearing just days before the RNC. Do you think that was an accident? I saw someone in the chat. I'm sorry, I can't. It's going so quick, I can't scroll back. But someone said, I ain't leaving. You're damn right I ain't leaving. You're doing the freaking Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall Street. I ain't leaving either. The republic is dead. It died yesterday. That's obvious. The Republic had a set of rules, man. It was like a club. It had clubhouse rules. Clubhouse rules.


Clubhouse rules said, don't steal the freaking nutri grain bars or whatever. Someone came in and stole them. Therefore, the rules didn't matter. Someone has to be kicked out. And you're going to have to reinforce a new set of rules. We're a club. The greatest club in the history of humankind. It's called being a United States citizen. That club is dead. It died. It's time for new rules and a new club. It's not time to forfeit the damn treehouse because some assholes stole the freaking protein bars. I ain't leaving either. And I'm not suggesting it's not a holier than now thing, folks, please. You know I love you, man. I live and die with you guys. I actually saw very little of this yesterday. Very little. Sometimes bad news happens, and I go to my email or fake book or truth social and I'll read. And people are like, dan, I'm done. I got to tell you, folks, I don't remember seeing one of those. It's why I said to you, the energy's different. You know it. You feel it. You. The folks listen to me, man. They know they fucked up yesterday. The smart ones, the moron, dumb commie, fuck wild liberals.


They're out there in the streets banging pots and pans. They have no idea what they let loose yesterday. They have no idea because they're fucking stupid. That's why. They're liberals. The smart ones. Did you notice a slightly muted response? Slightly muted, why? Because the smart, tactical liberals, the institutional commies, they know damn well that they stuck that stick right in a bear's eyes and they're like, shit, what do we do now? You think they're dumb? Trump raised $35 million from small donors alone. No one even knows what the super PAC numbers are yet. You don't think they see what's going on on Twitter? You don't think they see all the people calling into urban radio going, they did Trump dirty. You don't think they're hearing this. Celebrate now, you liberal commie fuck wads. Celebrate all you want. Enjoy this moment. Enjoy it. It's like I told the YouTube scumbags when they threw me off. Enjoy every second of it as I turn around and. And build something new to bury. You dipshits enjoy this. Now. You have no idea what's coming because we are going to be licking up your delicious tears. Licking them up on election day, folks.


Of course, Joe Biden and his team were entirely behind this Japanese. Notice the guy standing off to Twinkie shoulder this. This obese slob up in New York did my job. You did. You did. As a useful fucking idiot for the communist socialists who wanted to destroy the Republic.




You did it. You did it. Porky, look off his shoulder. Who's that, folks? Anybody know chat? Who knows Vita? You know who that is? That's Matthew Colangelo. Sad. He was the number three official in Joe Biden's Justice Department who left to go prosecute, basically, like a traffic ticket case up in New York involved Donald Trump. Oh, look at that. Even Google says it. A former. No, that's the guy. He had to look that up. He's like, who is that? Matthew Colangelo, Google left wing Scruggle, a former senior Biden Justice Department official who is a lead attorney in the political prosecution of President Trump with Porky. Go back to the picture one more time. Oh, look, that's the same guy. That's the same guy. He had you do. Is that AI. How'd you figure that out? It's the same. That's the same guy. So when left wing media outlets say it's the rule of law and you should respect it, you should respond back with, do we have another wooden hand? Oh, here, you want to get those here. For those who don't know my middle thumb, this is five. I have foot like orangutan feet right now with a big.


There you go.


Except you think we're going to accept this.


We haven't ripped these out in a long time.


Here. It's time for you to develop grapefruits. Grapefruit. These are not edible grapefruits. These are like, you know, grapefruits. That's. We're accepting nothing because this isn't real. This is fake sham soviet bullshit. We accept nothing. And let me, one more thing. Let me throw out there, because this is important. Tell me if you all agree. Evita, any outlet, conservative or otherwise, that refers to Donald Trump as a convicted felon. Moving forward, turn it off immediately. Thank you. She's good with that. I hear on one conservative outlet, convicted felon. Channel goes right off. He is not a convicted felon. He's a victim of a deep state sham trial. That's it. You hear me chat? Are we in? Channel goes right off. Channel goes right off. I want to show you something else coming up. I'm sorry for. I appreciate your patience with the spots. I'm. We're not going to be running any more spots after this. We're going to go straight through to twelve. That's why we started early. We want to take the Donald Trump press conference in full where we can react to it. I had to be here for you today, folks. There's a lot going on.


I want to show you two articles back to back. One by the great staff at the Federalist. One of the only outlets out there, key, where's the grapefruit that has the freaking balls and grapefruits necessary? Evita, you know something about these people, right? Oh my gosh. See where, I didn't even know that. The federalist, balls of steel, they know exactly the fight going on right now. And then you've got this clown at the Washington examiner and you'll see the difference. Ladies and gentlemen, pick a side. Pick a side because they're coming for you next. Quick break. Done with the spots. But I appreciate your patience. Thank you very much. You guys are great. Brick house and nutrition. Hey, have you heard of cancer fighting foods? It's been reported that diets rich in fruits and veggies may actually lower lower your risk of cancer. It's a topic very sensitive to me. Hopefully you hear this and run to the store for five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. If not, you should consider adding field of greens to your daily health regimen. Every fruit and vegetable and field of greens was selected by their doctors for studied benefits.


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When you shop gourmet gift packages for Fathers Day with Omaha steaks, the possibilities are endless. Endless flavor, endless variety and endless value. Truly, they perfected more than just steak. And your dad is guaranteed to love every bite. Pick from premium proteins like their amazing juicy pork chops, air chilled chicken and beefy burgers. Go to comma. Use promo code Bongino to get an exclusive savings shop for unforgettable gifts that are guaranteed to make dads day. Because if there's one thing Omaha steaks knows, it's dad's. One steak that's Omaha, comma, promo code bongino, a checkout to save on exclusive packages starting at just $89. Thanks. Omaha steaks want to show you the fight ahead. Okay? Because this is what matters. And pick a side. Because if you're not on a side, you're next. Get out of New York. Get out of liberal state. Stop waiting. There's no pass go. There's no collect. $250 ladies and gentlemen, when it comes to tactical political warfare, sometimes you retreat in order to reallocate assets. You're not, you're not leaving the fight. You're not forfeiting. You're reallocating elsewhere to fortify another front line. Get out of these places as soon as you can.


Here's the difference between people who have balls and people who have no idea the fight ahead. They think they're going to write enough Washington Post op eds to talk their way out of this. The commies like twinkies up in New York first. You know what, Justin? Put him out of order. Put the Washington examiner one up first, let me show you this colossal wussbag. I mean, a complete dipshit, useful idiot who the regime in charge right now must love this guy. At the Washington Quinn Hillier. Trump's continued candidacy would insult the country. You and me sharing oxygen insults the country, dipshit. Are you serious? They just fabricated a charge in a blue state with a deep blue da, with a deep blue ag, with a deep blue jury pool, by a deep blue judge, with a deeper blue daughter. Making deep blue money and Trump's candidacy would insult the country. Fuck you. Go fuck yourself. There's one side. Get those people out of the movement. As I say all the time, addition by subtraction is not a thing in politics. But subtraction by subtraction is. Fuck that guy out. We don't want you. Beat it.


Go vote for Joe Biden. Because you know what? They're a useful idiot for him anyway. We don't need you, dipshit. And that the Washington examiner even published that abomination, given the threat to the country, goes to show you some people will never get it. I've used them before. I like their outlet. There's some good people there. That shit is absolutely inexcusable. I would never click on that website again. Now you got the dipshits at media. I taking a shot at my friend Sean Davis, a guy who actually has balls, grapefruit sized balls. Evita knows them well. Evita rights there too. The federalist has some ball busters who understand the fight ahead. Sean, Molly, here's the dipshits immediate. The federalist CEO they're talking about, Sean Davis calls for Republicans to drop a list of Democrats to put in prison after the Trump verdict. Yes. Awesome. Why not? So, Isaac shore for media, just to be clear, because you sound like the kind of useful idiot. You're the one who winds up under the guillotine last. Isaac, don't worry. You can watch everyone else. And then they're like, Isaac, your turn. So what, it's. It's not okay to put your political opponents in jail in blue states on fabricated charges that have never been tried before in an unprecedented legal trial in a american history.


Is that what. Because that's what just happened. So Hillary Clinton, who I believe actually broke the law. Joe Biden. Joe Biden with his son, with a. He's on a laptop smoking like, crack and stuff. I believe that's against the law. This influence peddling scheme you got Bill Clinton getting. You know what I mean? In the White House. What about them? Let's see that list. That's. You're either in the fight, man, or you're not, folks. The same exact crew of people, the same crew of people who were involved in Russiagate, in the impeachment hoax, the norm, Eisenhower, the world, and all these garbage people, they're the exact same people behind all of this. All of this. We have time to play this. MSNBC. Cut. Does he look like he's coming out soon? Okay.


All right.


I'm going to, you know what? I'm going to hold off for a minute, folks. I promise we're going to take this live. I have a request to ask. I obviously am not in this for any other reason. To get Donald Trump elected, please go to donaldj. today and donate. Ladies and gentlemen, I do not speak with forked tongue. I am happy to tell you the amount because it's public record. I'm not showing off. I'm not trying to show off. I gave $100,000. I plan on donating again. I maxed out to the campaign, but I plan on donating to some specific causes to help him getting elected. That's what I did at the time. I'm just asking you to do the same. If you don't have any money to donate, I understand that, too. Times are tough by nomics has been an absolute catastrophic kick in your balls. If you don't have balls, it's been a kick somewhere else. But sometimes with the left, they don't even know what that is. Donald J. to donate. You can also volunteer, folks, if it's as simple as going and getting a yard sign, I don't care.


Make your own yard sign. Stick it up in the front. Show solidarity. Also, one more favor, folks. The country's in distress like never before. I posted on truth and Twitter. I posted the flag upside down. There's never been a better time to do it. I'm sorry. That is it. We are in real distress. Do it. Get it done. All right. They're not live yet. So when they go live, we'll break right in. They are. They are live. Oh, we're breaking now. Okay. We'll break.


All right.


Sorry, folks, again, I'm just, I've never done this before, but this is not the time for me to be talking. This is the time for President Trump. I want to, we're still waiting, so I'm going to show you this. This is what happened on MSNBC this morning. Listen to me when I tell you this. The left knows, the smart ones. They fucked up. Please trust me. They know. They have poked a bear and woken up. I want you to listen to the commentary this morning. This is all they're going to fall back on now. They need an excuse for what happened yesterday. So it's going to be, don't you dare attack the rule of law. You Republicans are trying to do the same thing they did when they stole the election. They're trying to say, don't you dare talk about it. This is the time to open your mouth. They can't come after all of us at once. Take a look at this MSNBC clip. You'll see exactly what I mean.


Michael, I get everything you're saying, and I agree with the officers who showed up and with Robert De Niro. But I'm just curious about the location. Last week when the members of Congress showed up to support Donald Trump, I called it unbecoming of the office. They're serving the people of their district, american citizens, and not supposed to politicize a court proceeding. And I'm just, I feel the same way about the campaign. Is there any concern about the campaign getting a little bit too close to these court proceedings and could that backfire? Any concerns? Looking back, was it a good decision? No, there's no concern. This campaign is not speaking about the substance of the trial in any way, shape or form. What we are talking about, what we talked about yesterday, and what we'll continue.


To talk about is the unique threat.


That Donald Trump poses to our democracy.


Ladies and gentlemen, Mika Brzezinski and Morning Joe, two of the craziest mother on tv are saying to the Biden team, you guys really think this is a good idea, showing up in court being like the face of Joseph Stalin? This is MSNBC. Here's another one. Here's Mike Barnacle. I believe this was this morning saying the same thing. I listen, you guys better not talk about the day. Believe me when I tell you they know they crossed the red line. Trust me, they have no idea what's ahead. And the unknown, unknown is what scares them the most. Check this out. Yeah. The other emissivists.


And Donald J. Trump's reaction to the guilty verdict was once again, he's already demeaned and destroyed much of our electoral process by saying it's rigged and corrupt. And now he took on the rule of law. He took on the definition of justice itself by saying this verdict was corrupt and it was rigged and it's a rigged system. Well, if he was correct in both his assertions that the electoral process is rigged and corrupt and that the judicial process is rigged and corrupt, then there is no more America. There is no more America.


And Lisa, you see what they're trying to do. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the biggest dipsy do flip a roo you have ever seen. I'm sorry. Today's no time for jokes, but that's what I call it. They always accuse you of what they're doing. It is a very simple old socialist style tactic called projection. They know if they project onto something else, what they're doing, it's just going to distract everyone's eyes. That's, that's very simply what he's doing. Oh, if you dare challenge our communist show sham trial up in New York where we're, by the way, they're planning to send Donald Trump to jail. Make no mistake. If you dare challenge it, you're the threat to democracy. You think this is an accident? This is exactly what they're doing. I'll say again, by the way, have no fear. When Donald Trump goes live, they're a little delayed. We will be covering it. Please donate today. Donald J. folks, do something. If you can't donate, volunteer. If you can't volunteer, put up a sign. If you can't afford a sign, you can afford free social media. Start an account or use your account today. And we write this down, folks, write this down.


The 1010 and ten rule. I'm asking you, I'm begging you to do it. Make ten calls, post ten social media posts, and send ten emails to friends over the next few months. You don't have to do it today. All different people reminding them to vote. Ziad. Okay. My in to hear the audio. I don't hear anything, folks. Let us know in the chat if you hear this now. We'll have to, we've never done this before.


You hear it? I'm not doing it now.


All right, Donald Trump's out now. All right, we're still working on it. Just give us a second. What's that? All right, folks, we're still working on it, but promise we'll get back to it. We've never taken a live stream before off Donald Trump, but I think it's important we hear what he has to say. Try it. No, I can't. Keep trying. Keep trying to get him up.


Got it.


Oh, there we go.


Our country is in very bad shape. They're very much against me saying these things. They want to raise your taxes by four times.


I hear it.


They want to stop you from having cars with their ridiculous mandates that make it impossible for you to get a car or afford a car. Make it very possible for China to build all of our cars. It's a very serious problem that we have. We just went through one of many experiences where we had a conflicted judge, highly conflicted. There's never been a more conflicted judge. Now I'm under a gag order, which nobody's ever been under. No presidential candidates ever been under a gag order before. I'm under a gag order, nasty gag order, where I've had to pay thousands of dollars in penalties and fines and was threatened with jail. Think of it. I'm the leading candidate. I'm leading Biden by a lot, and I'm leading the Republicans to the point where that's over. So I'm the leading person for president, and I'm under a gag order by a man that can't put two sentences together given by a court, and they are in total conjunction with the White House and the DOJ. Just so you understand, this is all done by Biden and his people and maybe his people. More importantly, I don't know if Biden knows too much about it because I don't know if he knows about anything, but he's nevertheless the president.


So we have to use his name. And this is done by Washington, and nobody's ever seen anything like it. So we have a judge who's highly conflicted. You know what the confliction is? Nobody, nobody wants to write about it, and I'm not allowed to talk about it. If I do, he said, I get put in jail. So we'll play that game a little bit longer. We won't talk about it, but you're allowed to talk about it. I hope you do, because there's never been anybody so conflicted as this. As far as the trial itself, it was very unfair. We weren't allowed, allowed to use our election expert under any circumstances. You saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side. They were literally crucified by this man who looks like an angel, but he's really a devil. He looks so nice and soft. People say, oh, he seems like such a nice man. Now, unless you saw him in action and you saw that with a certain witness that went through hell. And when we wanted to do things, he wouldn't let them. He wouldn't let us do those things. But when the government wanted something, they got everything.


They got everything they wanted. It's a rigged, it was a rigged trial. We wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. We didn't get it. We wanted a judge change. We wanted a judge that wasn't conflicted. And obviously he didn't do that. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. We had a Da who is a failed Da. Crime is rampant in New York. Violent crime. That's what he's really supposed to be looking at. Crime is rampant in New York. Yesterday in McDonald's, you had a man hitting them up with machetes. A machete. Whoever can imagine even a machete being wielded in a store, in a place where they're eating, and he's going rampant, and Bragg is down watching a trial on what they call crimes. Crimes. They're falsifying business records. That sounds so bad to me. It sounds very bad. You know, it's only a misdemeanor, but to me it sounds so bad when they say falsifying business, that's a bad thing for me. I've never had that before. I'm falsifying. You know what falsifying business records is in the first degree. They say falsifying business records sounds so good, right? It means that legal expense.


I paid a lawyer, totally legal. I paid a lawyer a legal expense. And a bookkeeper, without any knowledge from me, correctly marked it down in the books. A very professional woman, highly respected, she testified, marked it down in the books as a legal expense. So a legal expense paid a lawyer is a legal expense in the books. It's not sheetrock, construction or any other thing. It's a legal expense. Think of that. This is what the falsification of business records were. And I said, what else are you going to call it? What else are you going to call it now? I would have testified. I wanted to testify. The theory is you never testify, because as soon as you testify, anybody, if it were George Washington, don't testify because they'll get you on something that you said slightly wrong, and then they sue you for perjury. But I didn't care about that. I wanted to, but the judge allowed them to go into everything that I was ever involved in. Not this case, everything that I was ever involved in, which is a first. In other words, you could go into every single thing that I ever did.


Was he a bad boy here? Was he a bad boy there? What do you need to go through? All you wanted to do is. I simply. I would have loved to, if I. To this day, I would have liked to have testified. But you would have been. You would have said something out of whack. Like, it was a beautiful, sunny day and it was actually raining out. And I very much appreciate the big crowd of people outside. That's incredible what's happening. The level of support has been incredible. So the whole thing is. Legal expense was marked down as legal expense. Think of it. This is my. This is the crime that I committed that I'm supposed to go to jail for 187 years for. When you have violent crime all over this city at levels that nobody's ever seen before, where you have businesses leaving and businesses are leaving because of this, because heads of businesses say, man, we don't want to get involved with that. I could go through the books of any business person in this city and I could find things that, in theory, I guess, let's indict him, let's destroy his life.


But I'm out there, and I don't mind being out there, because I'm doing something for this country and I'm doing something for our constitution. It's very important, far beyond me. And this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents. It should never be allowed to happen in the future. But this is far beyond me. This is bigger than Trump. This is bigger than me, this is bigger than my presidency. And the people understand it because I just see a poll just came out. The Daily Mail, that was the first one came out, was done last night right after the verdict, where I'm up six points, six points from what we already were. We were leading fairly substantially. We're up six points in the Daily Mail poll. Now, maybe other polls come out. It says something differently, but a lot of people have predicted it because the public understands and they understand what's going on. This is a scam. There's a rigged trial. It shouldn't have been in that venue. We shouldn't have had that judge. He should have allowed us to have an election expert. We had the best expert, most respected expert, head of the Federal elections commission.


He was all set to testify. He was waiting for two days. And when it was his turn, Bragg's people protested and the judge knocked him out, said, you can't testify. He actually said, you can't testify for anything having to do with the trial. You can see what the federal elections is. Well, that doesn't help. Everybody knows that, but you can't testify. So essentially, he wasn't able to testify. Other people weren't able to testify. But with these people, they were able to use people salacious, by the way. And nothing ever happened. There was no anything, nothing ever happened that they know it, but they were as salacious as they could be. And it had nothing to do with the case, but it had to do with politics. And do you notice the timing? The timing was perfect. This case was dead. It was dropped by every agency, every governmental board. It was dropped by the highly respected southern district. They said, no, there's no case here. It was dropped by federal election. And that's what it's about. This is about a federal election, not a state election. You're not even allowed to look at it. They took the state and the city and they went into a federal election.


They're not allowed. The people from federal election, southern district and Washington dropped the case. Everybody dropped the case. There was no case. Savants dropped the case. And when Breg came in, he said, this is the most ridiculous case I've ever seen. And who would have a certain person again, gag order. Who would have a certain person like this ever testify? He said, this is essentially one of the worst people I've ever seen ever to testify. He said, the craziest case I've ever seen. This is brag. Then when I announced I was running for president, long time later, they decided to revive this case, and they got a judge, judge the worst. Arshan, who was responsible for another case. It was also brought. It destroyed the life of a very good man, by the way, destroyed the life of a very good man who went to prison once. And then they just put him in prison again, because they said he lied. He didn't lie. I looked at the statements he made, in fact, he didn't remember something, and they put him in jail again. They've destroyed him with me for many years. He was an honorable person, he was an honest man.


And if you look at what he did, supposedly it never happened. There's never been anything like this over the education of his grandchildren, over. He didn't report that he had a car or two cars on his income. I don't know. I wonder how many people here have cars. I wonder how many people said, oh, gee, I have a car that's worth x dollars. How do you even figure it? And I guess you do have to report it. I would say probably almost nobody does. Nobody even thinks about it. They put this man, they destroyed this man, but they put him in jail again because they didn't want him to testify. They didn't want him to testify. That's why he went to jail. Put him in jail twice. He's 77 years old. And normally I'd say, that's an old guy, but I don't feel 77. Nobody ever says that about me. I'd like them to say, gee, we have to have a little sorrow for this man, because they don't, they just don't say that about me. But maybe I'm better off that way. I think I'm probably better off that way. But they put him in jail twice.


And you have to see what they put him in jail. And he was threatened by the judge. This man was told, you're going to get 15 years in jail if you don't give up Trump. And he was told that you're going to get 15 years in jail. And he made a plea deal because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life. And he was told that viciously, we're living in a fascist state. He was told that viciously. So you can go to jail for four months, five months, or you can get 15 years in jail. So do a plea almost. Who wouldn't do that plea? Everyone does those pleas. It's a horrible thing. There's a whole group of lawyers that fight that. It's so unfair. It's so unfair. But they destroyed his life. So many other things you look at. Southern District, didn't want to bring the case. Wow. Nobody wanted to bring the case. And then, you know, who didn't want to bring the case? Most of all is brag. Brag didn't want to bring it, but then he brought it. And they tried to make it a different case. They didn't say legal expense equal legal expense.


Again, if I wrote down and paid a lawyer, and by the way, this was a highly qualified lawyer. Now, I'm not allowed to use his name because of the gag order, but, you know, he's a sleazebag. Everybody knows that. Took me a while to find out. But he was effective. He did work, but he wasn't a fixer. He was a lawyer. You know, they like to use the word fixer. He wasn't a fixer. He was a lawyer. At the time, he was a fully accredited lawyer. Now, he got into trouble not because of me. He got into trouble because he made out his ideals and he had something to do with tips and medad, and he borrowed money. And that's why he. And then he pled three elections. And as soon as I saw that, I said, I wonder why he did that. He pled. He took a deal. Now, he took a deal because he wanted to get off. In other words, I'll take a plea deal and I want to get off. And he wanted to make a deal with the southern district. And they wrote the worst report I think I've ever seen on any human being, other than the report that was written on James Comey by the inspector general.


A very great inspector general actually wrote a report that was so bad, this one was possibly worse. The southern district, the judge didn't let us use it. He said, it's hearsay. I said it's not hearsay. Wouldn't let us use it. This is about the man. But he got in trouble for a very simple reason, because he was involved with borrowing a lot of money and he did something with the banks. I don't know if it's defrauded the banks, but something happened. You guys know what it is. And then in addition to that, he gave up on three things where he wasn't guilty. In fact, they were going to testify in that. The head of the FEC, the Brad Smith, the election expert, number one rated in the country, was going to testify. He took a plea on three things. He just added them in because that gave him more bargaining power with respect to me. But the three things that he pled on having to do with the election and having to do essentially a little bit with me, they weren't crimes. They weren't crimes, nor is paying money under an NDA. So we have an NDA non disclosure agreement.


It's a big deal. A nondisclosure agreement. Totally honorable, totally good, totally accepted. Everybody has them. Every company has non disclosure agreements. But the press called it slush fund and all sorts of other things. Hush money. Hush money. It's not hush money. It's called the non disclosure agreement. And most of the people in this room have a nondisclosure agreement with their company. It's a disgrace. So it's not hush money. It's a non disclosure agreement. Totally legal, totally common. Everyone has it. And what happened is he signed a non disclosure agreement with dispersal, I guess other people. But it's totally honest. You're allowed to make the payment. You don't have to make it. You can make it any way you want. It's a non disclosure agreement. And he signed that. And there was nothing wrong with signing it. And this should have been a non case. And everybody said it was a non case, including Bragg. Bragg said, until I ran for office. And then they saw the polls, I was leading the Republicans, I was leading the Democrats, I was leading everybody, and all of a sudden they brought it back. It's a very sad thing that's happening in our country.


And it's a, it's a thing that I'm honored in a way. I'm honored. It's not that it's pleasant. It's very bad for family, it's very bad for friends and businesses. But I'm honored to be involved in it because somebody has to do it. And I might as well. Keep going and be the one. But I'm very honored to be involved because we're fighting for our constitution. The money that was paid was paid legally. There was nothing illegal. In fact, the lawyer in creating the NDA, because at that time he was a fully accredited lawyer. He wasn't a fixer. I never thought of him as a fixer. The media called him a fixer or the prosecutors called him a fixer. He was a lawyer and he was fairly good. Later on, I didn't like what he did. I didn't like, for instance, I didn't like that. When I became president, he went around and made deals with companies. When I heard that he was gone, he was gone, and he had payments coming to him. And a lot of this involved things that are very simple. There was nothing wrong. These were standard. This was standard stuff.


All standard stuff. Everything involved was standard. There was no crime here. In fact, I just watched a couple of the reports. You watched Jonathan Turley, Andy McCarthy, Greg Jarrett. You look at all of these people, Mark Levin, all very talented people, great people, many more, many more. And they don't know me. Essentially. They don't know me. They're legal scholars and experts. But I look at them. I watched fairly this morning saying there's no crime here. Everybody says there's no crime here, except for this DA that's got the city out of control with crime. It's out of, it's absolutely out of control. So we have an NDA that was signed. We have legal expenses. And here's the thing. On legal expenses, you have 100 where they say they do a charge. I just recorded this out, falsification of business records in the first degree. It sounds so bad. I said, wow. And even my own lawyers, I get very upset with them because they don't say what it is. They say, well, falsification of legal records is only a felony. Well, that's a lot. It's only a, they say a misdemeanor, but they try and bring it up to a felony.


If there's two crimes. They have all these different things. The other thing is they missed the statute of limitations by a lot because this was very old. They could have brought this seven years ago instead of bringing it right in the middle of the election. So they missed the statute of limitations. They did everything. Now let me give you the good news. The good news is last night, we just got a report this morning in the history of politics, I believe maybe I'm wrong, that somebody will find that I'm wrong. Maybe but I don't think so. They raised with small money donors, meaning like $21, $42, $53, $38, a record $39 million in about a ten hour period. No, think of that. I like those people. Or I guess it's backfired. Now, I don't know. I'd rather not have it happen. I don't want to have it backfiring. I don't win this thing legitimately. Not because they were stupid and did things that they shouldn't be doing. They shouldn't have brought this case. They were saying it this morning. This is a case that should not have been brought. I watched Andy McCarthy say, this is a case that should not have been brought.


And that was this morning. But they all say that. Every legal scholar has said it. Every legal. And these are great people. They really understand the law. The other thing, a poll just came out, the first poll, I don't know, maybe others will be bad. But a poll just came out a little while ago, the Daily Mail, does anybody read the Daily Mail? Very good. They have a good poll, at least I like it today. And the Daily Mail just came out with a poll and it has Trump up six points in the last 12 hours. Six points. Six points since this happened. Who thought this could happen? Because the people of our country know it's a hoax. They know it's a hoax. They get it. You know, they're really smart and it's really something. So we're going to be appealing this scam. We're going to be appealing it on many different things. He wouldn't allow us to have witnesses. He wouldn't allow us to talk. He wouldn't allow us to do anything. The judge was a tyrant. And you got to see that with Bob Costello, a fine man. I've never seen anything like it, and neither has anybody.


That was in that courthouse where he demanded that the courthouse be cleared. Now, the good news is most of the people in the courthouse were the media. The guys were in the media.


Trump press conference. Excuse me, we're going to continue to take it. Don't sway, don't go anywhere. I'm enjoying this as much as you are. This guy's ready to fight.


Bellow acted a little bit upset, which I think he has a right to, was that every question he was being asked was being objected to by the other side and sustained by the judge. Sustained, sustained. I think he did it many times. I don't know what the number, many times even I was sitting there saying, and these were basic questions. And he, I never saw anybody treated that way by a judge. And I've been treated very badly by two other judges also, because it's all the same thing. And it all comes out of the White House. Crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country. He's the worst president in the history of our country. The most incompetent. He's the dumbest president we've ever had. Yes, the dumbest president, most incompetent president, and he's the most dishonest president we've ever had. And so many of the, he's a manchurian candidate. You take a look at the way he treats China, Russia, so many others. You know, I ended the russian pipeline dead. He comes in and he approves it and he gets 3.5 million, meaning three and a half million is paid to the family, his family from the mayor of Moscow's wife.




And I said that come from, nobody wants to talk about it. But he's a very big danger to our country. And the only way they think they can win this election is by doing exactly what they're doing right now, win it in the courts because they can't win it at the ballot box. So we're going to show them that, oh, we're going to fight. It's, it's actually, I don't know, it's something where I'm wired in such a way that a lot of people would have gone away a long time ago. They would have gone away after impeachment hoax number one. That was a total hoax. I had great support from the republican party, though. Then you had impeachment hoax number two. And then they formed the committee. How about they formed the committee of thugs, the j six committee of thugs, and they took their records and they destroyed all of the records after the committee was abandoned because those records were great for us. Now can you imagine if Republicans did that? Everybody would have been in jail by now. The think of that, the unselect, I call it the unselect. They call it select committee.


I call it the unselect committee of thought.


Where does Secret Service phone record pipe bomb?


Democrat and two past Republicans that are no longer Republicans, that are no longer in business anymore. Thank you. But it was all Democrats and two wayward Republicans, Liz Cheney, this Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. He cries every time he goes on television. The most emotional human being I think I've ever seen.


I tore him up on Twitter. Kinzinger.


That was our representatives. These two people were our Republicans. So they had all the stuff that they're leaking. And then when it came time to look at the records, like where the police said, and the Capitol guard said that I supplied, think of it, that I recommended as many soldiers or national guard as you want, 10,000. If you had 500, you wouldn't have had a problem. There wouldn't have been a J six. But Nancy Pelosi and the group didn't want it anyway. So they have testimony to all of that that I did not attack the secret service agent in the front of the, you know, these are strong people. And I supposedly went to the driver and I grabbed him around the neck and he rebuffed me. And then I went to the other guy, who I think is a black belt in karate, and he's slightly younger than me, maybe 35 years, 40 years, 50 years, and I grabbed him around the neck and said, he's a black belt in karate. They know how to get somebody from around their neck. They would have gone like this, and that would be the end of that.


Dumbest story ever. I'm glad he's calling this out.


Shouldn't dispute that. That makes you look like the toughest cookie we've ever seen. What a badass should have gone. But the fact is, it never happened. It was all made up. And that was proven to be made up. It proved to be a false story. And they deleted and destroyed all of that information, every ounce of it. We're dealing with a corrupt government. We have a corrupt country. Our elections are corrupt. Our borders are open. Our borders are going to be closed very soon. November 5 is going to be the most important day in the history of our country. Now, when I say that, people are always saying, do this, do this because we're fighting for America. Donald J yes, I hope everybody watching right now. Donald J because it really makes a difference. They have a lot of money on the other side. I don't know where they get it. Nobody knows where they get it. But for some reason, they get money. But they're not on the side of our country. In many ways, I think they hate our country. Who on earth can want open borders where people are allowed to pour in from countries unknown speaker two from places unknown today, from languages that we don't even, that we haven't even heard of.


We have people sitting in schools with languages where very few people have ever even heard of these languages. It's not like Spanish or French or russian language is unknown. We have people coming from corners of the globe, and many of them, many terrorists record levels of terrorism. Record levels of terrorists have come into our country. Record. They've never seen anything like it. You know, there was a report that in 2019. I don't believe this, by the way. The media gave it and it was good for me. Believe it or not, they said in 2019, there were no terrorists recorded that came into our country. I don't believe that. I don't think that's possible. But they actually, 2019 was a Trump year, and I don't even know where they are.


We don't even know what these terrorists.


Are talking about came to our country. So let's say it was close. Let's say it was close. But now record levels of terrorists. Record levels. The highest level we've ever seen of terrorists are pouring into our country. You have China with just in the last few months, 29,000 people came in. And I looked at them on a line.


Could be members of the Chinese Communist Party.


They're almost all male, from 19 to 25. It looks like a recruiting exercise. Beautiful tents. They have propane stoves, they have cell phones, the best you can buy. I said, what's going on? It looks like they're building an army right in our country.


Thank you.


I don't think that would happen. Right?




We're losing our country. And I really think that this is an event what took place yesterday with this judge. Look, we have conflicted, but he's a crooked judge, and you'll understand that. And I say that knowing that it's very crooked. Dangerous for me to say that. And I don't mind.


It's true.


Because I'm willing to do whatever I have to do to save our country and to save our constitution. I don't mind.


Never. So.


So thank you. So we will continue the fight.


Yes, we will.


We're going to make America great again. Very simple. When people fight MAga, they say, we're going to fight. I watch Biden. We're going to fight Maga. We're going to stop Maga, make America great again. That's all it is, Maga. Make America great again. Our country is in serious trouble. We owe $36 trillion. We were going to be. We were energy independent for the first time ever, and now we're begging Venezuela for oil. One statistic you have to hear, Venezuela was crime ridden.


Caracas, the city, they're sending everyone here.


Two years ago, three years ago. Listen, they just reported a 72% drop in crime in the last year.




Because all of their criminals, most of, and the rest are coming in now. The ones that didn't come in. In Venezuela, their prisons have been emptied. Where are the United States? They're criminals and drug dealers have been taken out of the cities and brought into the United States. And that's true with many other countries. The Congo has just released a lot of people from jail. Congo, Africa just released a lot of people, a lot of people from their prisons and jails and brought them into the United States of America. This is what's happening to our country.




It's not sustainable by vote, by anyone. Little things like our kids can't have a little league game anymore because you have tents and you have migrants living on the fields.


Happened in New York.


Police people are taking over our luxury hotels. Migrants, and yet our veterans, our great veterans are living on the streets.




Like dogs, they're living on the streets. But migrants are living in luxury hotels and cities all over our country run by democrats. So it's my honor to be doing this. It really is. It's a very unpleasant thing, to be honest, but it's a great, great honor. We're gonna. We're gonna do what I have to do. I'm gonna do it. And the support has been, that's why I mentioned the number of $39 million. That's why I mentioned we're up six points. And we went up a lot over the last month because everybody saw it was a rigged deal. It was a rigged trial. We're going to make America great again. We're going to make it better than ever before. November 5, remember, November 5 is the most important day in the history of our country. Thank you very much, everybody.


President Trump. Yes, yes. Exactly what we needed to hear. God bless you, man. That's exactly what we needed to hear, folks. It was an honor to turn over my show. I've never done that before. I appreciate you hanging with us. In the beginning, we had, folks, can you do the fire thing? Because I feel like. Wait, hold on, I gotta. We still have the rusted up the.


Digi cami Gilglasses thing.


Hold on. I got flags. I got this thing.




I don't even know if I still have them because I just. And I want to wait. I wanted to give some. Thank you.


Hey, wait.


Oh, this is funny. Here's the pieces of the digicambing thing. But where's the deal? We got this. We got remotes, we got this damn thyroid drug. We got a cigar from 20 years ago. Fake cigar. No, no. We got fake cigars.


What up?


This is like the prop drawer. Where are my Digi cami glasses. We've got some apple gizmo I don't even think we know how to use.


Holy shit.


All right, you know what? We're gonna have to stick with the fake cigars someone sent me. Right here, ladies and gentlemen, under freak cigar and appreciative digit Camry glasses, there are. I don't even have anymore. Hit the fucking thing, please. Holy shit. 200,000.


What the fuck? This happened.


We got rid of. We got digger gear, we got broken glasses. I got. I don't even know what the fuck this is. Paperwork's from forever. I got gizmos. People sent me. Holy shit. 200? Who the fuck gets 200,000 people? The answer is this guy and his broken digit glass of thingies. We cleaning shit up forever. Even though, what, half this stuff is out here, folks, thank you so much, man. It was really an honor to listen to that whole thing with you, and I hope you understand why we did that. He was like, you know, talk a little more, and this first time, we're doing it. And he's right. But I just didn't want to interrupt for a while. But there was some, you know, slow points in there where I had some stuff to say. If you're listening on Apple or Spotify, I encourage you to check it out on rumble because I had a lot of reaction, folks. This upside down flag, you know what, man? I mean, every word of it. We're in distress, and you know it, and I know it, and we all feel it. Now, again, the ask man, you heard him.


This guy is so ready to fight, he's not going to be able to do it alone. Donald J. if you can't, folks, don't eat a buck a dollar. They're just don't eat a dollar. That's all I'm asking. I promise you, I did it. Go look at the records. It's all public. You can see everything about what I put. I'm going to be putting more money in myself into other causes to help them get elected. It matters to me. If you can't donate a dollar, totally understand. Maybe go out a yard sign. If you can't do a yard sign, email some people register. Some people, go find Scottie Pressler. He's out there registering voters in all of these swing states. There's a number of things you can do. Post on social media. You're outraged today. And do not take any of this lying down. None of it. You are not going to accept this. Don't be forced into accepting it. This is bullshit. And don't listen to anyone or any channel that ever refers to this guy as a convicted felon, because you know it's bullshit. Hey, do we have some time? We do. Can we go into some.


Just quick, someone to show these guys the norm eyes and stuff. Hey, I just want you to. I'm gonna. We're going to be doing the radio show on this same channel, by the way, I'm sorry. I'm, like, real fired up after the speech. Give me a second here. But I've been saying this channel a lot, and a couple of people reached out and they said, dan, I listen to you on Apple and Spotify. You keep saying the radio shows on this channel, and I'm looking on Apple and Spotify, which is my fault. Totally stupid. You guys, thank you for the fear. That's why I love criticism. The radio show, if you want to listen, it'll be free for all 3 hours. And if you want to watch it,, bangino. That's what I mean by this channel. Just go there. Right after this is over, it'll say live radio. Just click there. It stays live today for 3 hours because it's an emergency. We usually do the first two. The last is for local subscribers. I just want to show you a few things before we go, because we did put a show together for this folks, the same people who are marshaling this effort, the legal law fair, twinkies effort up in New York.


The same exact people, the same people who were involved in the collusion hoax. I. Justin, I know you're doing a lot right now, so forgive me, but you have the engrossia tweet. Throw that up on the screen. Look, watch this. This is super important. You know this name. Norm Eisen, one of the legal masterminds of all the lawfare waged against Trump, was spotted in the courthouse overflow room today. This was yesterday. This is a man who should not be within, he notes, 200 miles of any courthouse. This Norm Eisen is to say, here's his tweet yesterday, putting out the fake now n word scandal again, that there's a tape of Donald Trump dropping the n bomb. It never happened, dude. This is the same guy, Norm Eisen, behind all of this shit. I want to play a quick clip of my show from a while back warning you about this guy. This guy is one of the key figure. He's up there with Soros. The level of damage this guy's doing his country. As you start to hear all these new fake stories come out about Trump. This guy, Norm Eisen is one of the masterminds behind.


He was in court yesterday. He was in court. Play the cut of me going off on Eisen a while ago. I want them to see this. One of the ringleaders, by the way, a complete piece of shit. A piece of human garbage who is at the forefront of the effort to burn the United States to the ground is a piece of human garbage known as Norm Eisen. Norm Eisen has been knee deep in all of this bullshit. He knows all the players. Norm Eisen is one of the single most destructive people in America right now. He is out to burn the constitution to the ground. All of these things I'm talking about involve the norm Eisen types. They're all know each other. They're all working to start this coup. Soft coup and potentially hard coup if they don't get their way. Here's Norm Eisen. I want you to listen how he talks about here, how if he doesn't get their way, basically with the efforts to keep Trump off the boutique, here's their new effort that they just going to bankrupt Trump and destroy his business. Totally unethical, moral, and potentially illegal. But they'll do that if they don't get their way.


This is serious stuff, folks. This is not a joke.


Listen to normize and we get your sense.


What's, what's the risk right now for the Trump Organization?


Well, it's substantial, Wolf, including that when all of these trial and appellate proceedings are concluded, it may no longer be called the Trump Organization. It's not just the massive over $300 million in financial penalties for the wrongdoing that the attorney general is seeking, but there is injunctive relief. This judge has already ordered, it's been stayed pending appeal. This judge has already ordered some of the remedies that can be referred to as a corporate death penalty. Trump and his sons not allowing to participate in the business, not allowed to do other business, to take loans for a period of time, perhaps putting a receiver in charge if all of that comes to pass and if it holds up on appeal, and I think the judge has been careful, like with those Eric and Don Junior comments, he's showing balance. If it holds up on appeal, this could be the end of the Trump Organization as we have known it for all of these years, folks.


It's the same people. The same freaking people. This guy was involved in the pee pee hoax, the collusion hoax, the impeachment hoax. It's the same people he's recommending. They bankrupt the Trump empire a little while ago, that segment was me going off on this guy. I've been warning you about him forever now. Now listen. One more clip. This is super important. This is Eisen after the conviction. The same clown falsely claiming there's some n word tape on Donald Trump involved with the pee pee hoax, telling them they should bankrupt the Trump empire. You would think this guy would say, hey, man, let's back off a little bit. The MAGA crowd's really pissed. No. Now he's arguing to put Trump in jail in the clink. These people are crazy. You think we're dealing with normal democrats? You're nuts. You're dealing with commies. Listen to this.


Speaker two, I strongly agree with that timeline. I strongly disagree. As Ryan knows, we spent countless hours. He edited me, putting me to the task. Aaron. He made me look at 10,000 New York falsifying business records cases. And here's what I discovered.


That is why he is who he is.


We love him.


That's right.


And here's what I discovered.




That in the most serious FBR cases, a sentence of imprisonment is routinely imposed.


I warned you. I told you about that guy, folks. Man, I love you all.


20 zero.


Guys are the best, man. You got to do it one more time. You guys are the best, man. Folks, I got a bolt. I'm going to be doing the radio show in a few minutes. An extended show today. It was all for you guys because it's an important day, not going to be some lazy ass and not show up. And we had to take that pressure. You see why he's ready to fight. So am I. Donald J. donate today, not tomorrow. Even if it's a dollar. Just do it. Do the talk is cheap. The do matters. I've been there, done it. Run for office. It's a pain in the ass. Money matters. Activists matter. Also, check me out on the radio show on this channel, bangino. Just a few minutes. It's going to go downstairs and watch this ugly mug of mine. And do me one favor while I got you all here, please give us a follow today. bongino, bangino. Give us a follow. Click that green follow button. You can rate our next chat coming up next and download the Rumble app. That way you get the notifications of the show going live every day at 11:00 a.m. and you'll never miss a show.


Join us in the chat. I love you all so much. Thank you. Also to the McGraw crew and Anita for helping me out with the early time today. We didn't miss a beat. You guys are great. I want you to know I love you all. I consider your family. And special thanks to my crew today guy Justin Avita, for making it happen. Folks, we were, believe me, we have good tech here, but we did something totally virgin to us all today. And, man, outside of a couple of seconds, it worked out great. So you guys are awesome. And I want you to know the audience appreciates it, too. Thank you all. See you on the radio show in a few minutes. It's been a rough day, folks, but the energy's there. Something's changing. The republic, as you knew it, may be dead, but we're going to rebuild something better. See you tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino show.