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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Holy Moses, do I got a weekend update for you. You know what? Sometimes I throw shit out there on social media and I'm like, Why did you write? It wasn't that I put it out, that I got pulled over this weekend. It's that sometimes I had to explain why I had to open the door And I guess now people think I have a broken window. Why don't I think? I was like, Oh, I didn't write. I just have so much. Operation Joe Biden, Dump His Ass is on. Always bring receipts. Why do you think the media is all coming out with these hit pieces on Joe Biden? Because they're doing journalism. They're not doing journalism. Trust me, Operation Dump Joey Boom Bots is absolutely on, receipts incoming. Also, Avita reaches out to me this weekend on Twitter. She's like, Dude. Well, she didn't say dude, but it was like, Dude. She's like, You're on another enemy's list. I'm like, Another one? How the f is that? Did I not say that, Avita? I'm like, How am I on How many lists am I going to be on?


That's why I say public enemy number one. I'm on another enemy's list. Incredible. They're really racking up. Then some dude sends me a Facebook thing. I know where you live or whatever. You're a traitorous asshole. I'm like, Really? Show up at my house. We'll see how that works out at you. I get pleased. It's a bad idea for all of us. Hey, you think our country has a reliable power grid? But we don't. It wasn't built to last. When the next outage strikes, plug in the grid, Dr. 300 for my Patriot Supply. This thing is badass. B-a. My Patriot Supply has helped millions of Americans prepare for emergencies. And power loss, that's an emergency, a big one. Our failing grid means more are coming, and we've seen the lines over the past few years. Just read the news. Get the GRIDD octor 300 right now at mypatientsupply. Com. This generator lasts longer and runs stronger than others. Connect two solar pounders at once and harness up to 200 watts of charging power from the sun. Use it while it charges. It charges fast, too. Multiple ports means no devices left behind. Run phones, fans, CPAP machines, even mini refrigerators.


Don't get caught without it. Take $50 off your GRIDD octor 300 at mypatientsupply. Com. Don't wait. Includes fast, free shipping, mypatrientsupply. Com. All right, gentlemen and ladies, let's get this party started. Man, do I got a freaking weekend update for you. So listen, Old Dan has been a little distracted lately. It's got some shit going on. Life is like kicking you in the balls all the time, and you're like, damn, that hurts. So you try to get a cup on, but it still hurts, whatever. So I've been a little distracted. So this weekend, I decide I got to go to the gym twice. I usually just go once. But on Saturday morning, I guess I'm a little distracted. I'm driving down the road, and at the end of the corner is Don't make a right on red light. It must have been on. I must have missed it. I don't know. My fault, totally my fault. I didn't see it. It's Florida. You can make a right on red unless it says, Don't make a right on red because this light is on. So it must have been on. I missed it. I just didn't see.


The A pillar in the car is really thick, if you know what I mean. So That'll play into the rest of the story because I should have said more in a tweet. I just didn't want to be that guy. You know what I'm saying? I make the right, and I see this police officer behind me, and I don't think anything of it. I'm just driving over the bridge doing my thing. You guys know the bridge? I'm over the bridge. He's behind me, and I have this camera in my thing so I can see in the back. I'm like, So I got to get out of the way for the police officer, which is the right thing to do. I get in the right lane and I see the light. I'm like, Why? He must be pulling someone over. That's so crazy. Let me get out of the way. It's me. I'm like, What the... This is crazy time. How am I going? Of course, I do the right thing. I drive down a little bit. I don't want to drive too far because I don't want to think I'm trying to escape. I take it real slow and I pull into the parking lot the bagel-like store there, and I pull up where no one's around just so he could be safe.


Here's where the issue breaks a little bad for me. I've got this car and the windows don't roll down. No, it's not broken. I didn't want I'm going to put this in a tree, but it's an armored car. So you only roll it down like this, so you can't really roll them down. And I want a guy to think I'm being a dick, so I have to slowly open the car, slowly. So open the car door, very slowly. And I apologize right away. Both hands are visible, empty, like this on the car door, so he knows there's no shenanigans. And I say, Officer, I'm very sorry. I had opened a car door. It's an armored car. So we're talking. Super nice guy. He gives me a warning, very professional. He was a genuinely good guy. He says, You made a write on red. I totally get it. We're talking for a few minutes. But I thought to myself, Thank you to all the police officers out there. The whole door opening thing, I could see that look and why are you opening the door on me? Because you know why? They could be killed. You know how many police officers every day are one door opening away from getting shot to death?


I'm sorry, but that's why I didn't want to put that in a tweet, but my window wasn't broken. It doesn't open. You can't open it. That's why. But thank you to all the police officers out there, that specific guy, very professional, very nice guy. You guys and women out there got a lot of balls. You're one door open away. I'm going to get a little sign, I think from now on, I'm just going to put on a window that says, Hey, this is an arm or car. Can I open the door? Probably a good idea, right? There's my weekend update. It was a little bit crazy. Went to church this weekend, too. Father Marty gave a... I wasn't by myself, which is for other reasons, but Father Marty gave an awesome homily, and it made me think, God's talking to us all, man. And I thought it's like an AM radio a little bit. Sometimes it's hard to hear. You know why it's hard to hear? Because life gets in the way. But you get a nice crisp signal sometimes and you're zoned in. I was zoned in on Sunday, and that show God's putting on, it's clear as day.


At Sunday, it was clear. Operation Dump Joey Boombizal is absolutely on. This is not a drill. It is not an accident. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm beginning to think now there is a better than 50% chance that Joe Biden will not be the nominee. I think the effort to crack the Joe Biden wall of narcissism and stupidity because he doesn't want to leave is starting to crack. He is in big trouble. It is not getting any better. This trial has completely backfired against Donald Trump. The Hunter Biden stuff is a fiasco. This is a total disaster. The money is flowing in for Donald Trump. They know they're in real trouble. Donald Trump's out now fundraising in California. He's in the Las Vegas, Nevada area, areas that have always been traditionally Democrat, at least in modern times. He's kicking ass. He's taking names. Thousands of people show up. Nevada. Justin, you think it's a little hot in Nevada this time of year? A little bit. Justin's like, It's nothing like Florida, though. At least you got the debt rate. No, it's true, right? We have the humidity here, too. I've been in Nevada a lot. When it's 100, it feels like 100.


Florida, when it's 100, it feels like it's 472 because the sweat don't even evaporate. I got out of the sauna last night. I was in the sauna, 184 degrees for half an hour. Folks, dripping, dripping. I was like, I jumped in a freaking pool. I get out, I walk outside, and it was like, hotter outside. I want to go back in the sauna to cool down. And thousands of people show up. This dude is in trouble. It is a response to his cognitive issues, this now pushed to get him out, but also to the personal issues, too, with Hunter Biden. Folks, Paul Sperry's got it right. This is why I'm sorry, but I disagree with many, and I respect your opinion on this. But I disagree with a lot of people who say, Oh, these house investigations aren't doing anything. Folks, if they're not doing anything, these house of Representatives, by the way, the Congressional investigations into the Biden family, why does his approval rating and his polling continue to go down. I wish the house, Jim Jordan and them, could go put handcuffs on people. I'm not apologizing for Republicans not doing enough over the past few years.


I get it. A lot of them have been puppies when they should have been pitbulls. Totally understand. However, I would rather them do investigations that reveal evidence like this in this Paul Sperry tweet than do nothing and just sit back and let Biden get a free ride in the corruption. Look at all this money changing hands with this guy. 3.99 million from Ukraine, 7.28 million from China, 3.5 million from Russia, a million from Romania, a million from Panama. This is all new. Sippenate bank records. I'm not telling you Republicans are the solution to your problems. Stop. The judges ruled they are not. I'm just telling you the Democrats are the cause of all your problems. If the best we can do right now is expose shit like this, $18 million from foreign sources since Biden's been vice president, then I'll take it. It's obviously showing some results. Biden's disapproval ratings are shit. They're in the can. If these guys are going to be useless, at least be useless and hurt Biden, too. Keep it going. Because now the mainstream media, left-wing loser commies, have had to pick up the story because these Republicans in the house, a few of them, a few of them, are not letting And yes, there are a lot of dogs in the Republican house.


I'm hearing some stories now of more Republican swampy bullshit, but some of them know what they're doing. Here, Politico. Politico? Yes, Politico. You mean like the commies? Yes. Politico. Biden insists he's not involved in his family's business dealings, but his aides are telling a different story. Folks, read this. This is Politico. Are they doing journalism? No. What are they doing, folks? They're doing Operation Dump Joe Biden because they know he's going to lose. They note that since 2019, Joe Biden has repeatedly distanced himself from his family's business dealings, basically saying he's never discussed them. But house impeachment inquiry interviews, public records and emails reviewed by Politica, show that members of his inner circle were regularly enmeshed in those dealings. Many of the president's closest staffers have doubled as his relative's business associates during and after their stance working in the Biden family orbit. Folks in the chat You think this article is an accident? You think Politico, all of a sudden, the left-wing outlet, all of a sudden, they've decided to do journalism? Michael, what do you think? Politico doing journalism now? He doubted. Of course, you doubt it. Because we have actual... They've never done journalism before on Democrats.


Why now? Because, folks, the word has gone out to get rid of Joe freaking Biden. All right, Dan, you're going to need to produce more than that. I'm on the case always. Washington Post. Look at the date. Let me see the date on that. Is that June seventh? It is June seventh, 2021. No, 2024. That seems to me like it was just a few days ago. What's today's day? The Tenth? Sounds like it was three days ago. The White House is no place for old men. The world's most important election of 2024 features a criminal and a codger. Now, the Washington Post is taking a little more delicate angle here. You guys pick up where they're going with this. The Washington Post angle is, Okay, we definitely got to get rid of Joe Biden, but we don't want to lose subscribers to our paper. So let's make it out like we're attacking both guys because they're old, Donald Trump and Biden. They want the dude out. You think this article is an accident? Anyone at you? No, hell no. You guys know this is not an accident. The word has gone out in the inner sanctum that they must get rid of this guy.


I don't know when it's going to happen. And by the way, something very suspicious happened this weekend. Did you guys catch this? Now, I'm not going to I'll tell you this hasn't happened before in my prior line of work doing security for presidents, but it's extremely rare for logistics. Something happened. Did you guys catch it? Almost nobody's reported on this. Joe Biden was over in France. Across the Atlantic, for the liberals listening, not France like in some... I mean, France, like the country. So Joe Biden's over in France. You know, he flew back to Delaware. Okay, so what, Dan? He in Delaware. That's not the point. He's got to be back in Europe for a meeting this week. Folks, they never do that. They never do. The logistics of it are a nightmare. To go somewhere, come back, to go back again. Airport logistics, they typically go over there and they'll visit a few countries to look presidential and stay. Why did he come back? Again, I'm not telling you it's unprecedented. I'm just telling you in my time, I've never seen anything like it. They typically, if they have to go, they stay there for a couple of days and they'll do a European swing.


They'll be like, Yeah, do some rallies to make them look presidential overseas. Why did Joe Biden come back to Delaware only to fly back? Is something wrong? Folks, again, I'm voting for the Outlaw. We did the shirt black, too, if you wanted. A couple of people asked us for black, so you asked. We do it. It's available at our store on our website, blanjido. Com, if you wanted. So I'm just wearing this one. It's pretty comfortable, though. I'm voting for the Outlaw. I think you are, too. I want you to look at this. Here's Joe Biden in France. Tell me this guy. By the way, he confused Iraq with Ukraine. Look at him. Does this guy look like Weekend at Bernie's? Macron, the President. It looks like he's holding him up here. Like there's a stick in his spine. Okay, we're going to walk now. We're going to walk. Look at him. There's the shuffle. You see the thing? He does the quickie shuffle, pretending to run. Now Now, Macron. Now, look at this. This is the weirdest thing. Okay, the Secret Service guy. Again, I know the guy, nice stuff guy. He's over there right away.


You know why? They're afraid he's going to fall getting back in the car. Look at this guy. He can barely get back in. Macron's even watching. Like, someone better check to make sure this guy... There he is. You see the shuffle? There it is. Watch it. He shuffles for a half a step. Look at me. I'm vigorous. I'm going to do the Carl Lewis sprint here to the car. Folks, the guy is lost, man. Everybody knows it. You see that? He said it right. He was using one of the Star Wars analogy. He's like, he's using the midi-chlorians. He's every cell in his midi-chlorian force body to try in one step. Here we go. The Force be with you, Joe Biden. That was for these guys. These guys, all they're talking about Star Wars, all that. That's a thing, right? Midi-chlorians, am I crazy? I got it right. The Force be with Joe Biden. The Midi-corians gave me... Folks, it wasn't He's not even a step. Here's a step, right? It was a half a step. So he's ready, right? He's in the Joe Biden stance, if you know what I mean. And he's ready to roll, okay?


So he does this. He doesn't even get the full step in. He can't even do the full step. The midi-chlorians could not power him through it. He couldn't even get a freaking step in. And you wonder why Operation Dump Joey Botts is there. Folks, I have been studying the media for 10... You know this podcast is going to be 10 years old in February? Is that crazy? We started in 2015. Is that bananas or what? Ten freaking years. Ten years. It is, man. It's nuts. Freaking ten years. I'm telling you, I read these people better than anyone. That's why this show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world. We just moved up a spot, PodTrack, by the way. We're number nine now on planet Earth or something. Number nine, top 10. On year nine, that's a good point. You were number nine. You know why? I'm telling you, I read these people better than anyone. This is The bat signal went out. There is a better than 50% chance at this point he's not going to be to nominate. You want more receipts? Election Wizard. It's a great account on Twitter, by the way.


Highly recommended @electionwiz. You get the updated polling all the time. Here, new CBS, YouGov poll. Cbs, folks, it's not some right-leaning poll outlet. It's not bonzino. Com or Breitbart. This is CBS. Look at this. Donald Trump nationally, 50, 49. Voters under 30. Joe Biden should be winning that 80, 20. It's 59, 39 in favor of Biden. Black voters, Trump said 18%, which would be historic. Hispanic voters, Trump said 49%. White college voters, Donald Trump, 48%. Folks, that's a CBS poll. In case you realize, Wow, damn, why are we celebrating? We're still losing these things. Folks, Donald Trump, if this was a standard Republican-Democrat election, should be losing voters under 30, Black voters and Hispanic voters and college voters by 20 points or 80 points in the case of Black voters. And he's not. He's rebuilding a different Republican Party. What do I keep telling you? It's pictures and sound bites, man. That's what campaigns are, pictures and sound bites. I'm going to show you some video how the imagery cannot get any worse. I don't see this guy being a nominee. Trump was in Ocala, Newport, Beach. Then he brings up freaking Uncle Brozey again.


You believe this guy? Who? Trump? No, Biden, again, makes the D-day invasion about cannibals. And Bo, he does this all the time. He just throws up the ads out like a hint. It's good. I appreciate that. Quick break, and I'll get you to that stuff. Okay, americanfinancing. Net. Why do you want to go there? Because a lot of us are struggling to keep up with everyday bills, food, gas, even that power bill, if you're in a home. Call my friends at American Finances, a great company. Interest rates have dropped into the fives, which is nearly a quarter of the average credit card rate. American Financing is saving their customers an average of $854 a month. That's a lot. By tapping into their homes equity and wiping out high interest credit card debt. $854 a month, it's like a $10,000 rate. Credit card interest rates are insane, and most of us are still carrying a balance from month to month. Call American Financing and take care of that today. If you call today, you may not have to make next month's mortgage It's a big deal. Call today, 888-994-7660. The number again, 888-994-7660, or visit them online at americanfinancing.


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These Trump rallies are just insane. I don't even think it matters if Trump's even at these. This is California. This one here. This is California. Impeached Biden, Trump 2024. I'm just going to ask you a simple question. If you're a liberal that's trying to suspend this belief right now and be like, Oh, my gosh, let's pretend this isn't happening, okay? I'm just going to ask you a question. That's California. If Joe Biden were to go to Mississippi, would he get a similar rally like that anywhere? The answer is, come on, don't be stupid. Joe Biden can't even turn out people in liberal states. Here he is, again, you got to play this Uncle Brozey thing. Here he is. He's there for D-Day. And unbelievably, he brings up this Uncle Brozey thing again and his son, Bo. Listen, obviously, anyone dying in combat, I don't care if you're related to anyone, a political opponent. It's a tragedy. This is not about them. Joe Biden cannot stop making every single event about himself. Nothing is going to change. Check this out. I don't want to I don't want to make this personal, but every time I show up at a military site where veterans are buried, it brings back memories.


Here, my grandfather and my mother talk about loss of their son and brother in the South Pacific. I think about my son, Bo, after he was in Iraq. Guillam Michael had it totally right. Why would you say, I don't want to make this about myself and then go and make it about yourself? You ever see that terrible movie GI Jane, the Me more with the Navy SEAL? Have you ever seen that movie? There's this one thing where she comes in barking at the officer in the Navy SEAL base. You remember what he said? She goes, I don't want to make a statement, but... Do you know what the guy says back to her? People who don't want to make statements don't make statements about not making statements. Just shut up. This is about D-Day. It's not about Bo. Bro, it's not about Brozy eating by cannibals. He does this all the time, bro. None of this is going to change. Michael said, Right. You know why he does that? Because it's the only thing he can remember. He doesn't even remember why he's there. All he can remember is his own personal story making it about him.


He's like, Why am I here again? Let me just tell it a Bo and Uncle Brozey story. He has no idea. Nothing is going to get any better, man. Here, you want another image? Snapshots and sound bites, brothers and sisters. There was a kill the Jews rally at the White House this weekend. So just to be clear, do not drive over a pride painting in an intersection. You will be given the death sentence for a hate crime. But show up at the White House screaming, and I'm going to play for you. I'm being ten of it. Kill the Jews, which some of them actually said. I'm not kidding. I'm going to play that for you tomorrow. I got a lot to get through today, but spray paint everywhere. Basically start an insurrection at the White House like these guys. No problem at all. Put that video on. Here we go. Smoke bombs, spray paint on our memorials. These guys, no problem. As long as you go to the White House and scream about kill the Jews, everything's okay. But drive over a pride flag or something? Don't forget it, man. You are going to jail.


The death sentence for you. The gulag a cappella go. Solznyitsyn will write a sequel. You go right to jail. Show up on January sixth. Does grandma walked through an open door at the Capitol. Hang her by her toenails. But show up with a smoke bomb, scream and kill the Jews? No sweat. It's free speech, bro. Free speech or something like that. No, it's not, Gee. It's a dumb question. He's like, Is this a security issue? No, no. Kill the Jews people. Nobody cares. It's not like they have a propensity for violence. There's an actual video I'll show you tomorrow. The guy like, Hezbollah, go get those Zionists, kill the Zionists. No way. Free speech. See, you understand this is what they want, right? This is the whole idea of discretionary, quote, justice. This is what they want. Now, I want you to keep in mind. All right, sarcasm aside. I am a free speech advocate, a real one and a principle. If for the people who were there in front of the White House not releasing smoke bombs and not spray painting and not calling for killing the Jews, you I have every right to free speech.


I may disagree with you, but I respect your ability to speak out. I don't respect your position, but that's okay. I don't want people arrested. What bothers the left is that we say that. You get that, folks? This is what bothers the left. It drives them crazy that they commit real crimes. They commit real crimes, and we want to go after them for actual crimes because they want discretionary justice. They don't want crimes. They want political crimes. They desperately want me to say, Hey, that guy says free Palestine, lock him up. Lock him up for what? I don't know. There isn't a Palestine. I disagree with his position, but lock him up for what? Nothing should happen. He's allowed to He's allowed to have that position. That drives them crazy because they know they're scumbags. They know it. That's why they're freaking out about Trump getting back in office and actually investigating people who do this stuff. Graffity on our National Monuments and our national statues, that's not legal. In case you didn't know. And folks, this is one of the biggest stories of the campaign that few people are talking about. I'm going to tell you something.


There's a guy who writes for the Wall Street Journal. His name is Holman Jenkins. His columns are pretty amazing. He writes once or twice a week. His columns are incredible. And he's been hinting at this for months. And I'm really shocked. No one else is really talking about this but him. Folks, have you noticed that there may be a real Russia collusion? Why Russia collusion case? You mean Trump? No, I don't. No, I don't. But Biden. Put it in that Wall Street Journal article. You haven't read this. You have to. Have you noticed that Vladimir Putin has been unbelievably quiet about this whole Hunter Biden Burisma thing despite the fact that there's zero No question. Him and his FSB intelligence outlets definitely know about why have they been so quiet? This Harmon Jenkins piece is freaking damning. Is there a real Russian collusion scandal going on right With Team Biden? Here's the title of the piece. I'm encouraging you strongly to look this up. In a competent administration, Hunter's trial wouldn't happen. He notes, Harmon Jenkins, that all this goes undiscussed, But it won't always be undiscussed. He notes, Historians are going to pick up this story.


What story? He notes, Notice that Vladimir Putin never mentioned or tried to use Russia's laptop innocence to delegitimize Mr. Biden's 2020 victory. We'll leave that up a second. You see where he's getting at here? In 2020, when they stole the election and bullshitted America saying, Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian, why didn't Putin say anything? Leave that up. Take a few seconds to think about that. Putin knew they had nothing to do with it. Why did he stay quiet? Homan Jenkins goes on, last sentence. He was on the contrary. Putin arranged to be heard echoing a Biden campaign line, that Hunter had done nothing wrong. Who just said it? K Rock and Roll. It's a very good point, exclamation point. Yes, sir. It's a freaking amazing point. Vladimir Putin was real quiet during the 2020 election thievery when the media and everyone else around the world said, 51 intelligence officers think this has the indicators of a Russian laptop. Vladimir Putin could have come out and said, It's bullshit. We have nothing to do with it. But he didn't. He stayed real quiet. Matter of fact, kept implying, Hunter Biden did nothing wrong. Why is that?


Does that anything to do with Biden delaying military aid to Ukraine? You know my stance We can argue that another time. I'm just saying, does that sound like a possible quid pro quo? Hey, man, we're not really going to get all behind Ukraine. Winkie, winkie, nod, nod. But just stay quiet about the laptop. Matter of fact, we'd really like it if you'd hint that Hunter did nothing wrong. That's fascinating. Let me take a quick break, and folks, the Bongino rules in full effect. Did you hear this story out of the Twinkies trial in New York with Judge Murchon about the Facebook guy? Oh, he's a shit poster. He's not saying, Hey, my cousin told me Trump was going to get off. I'm doing the double Bongino rule. This is rare. I usually say give it 24 to 72 hours. In this case, I'm going to say, give it another week. Hold on before you jump to conclusions. I'm not saying there's not shenanigans here. I'm calling shenanigans. I'm just saying the type of shenanigans matters. If you don't know the story, stay tuned. It's a big one. It was all over social media. Man, I'm really...


I am jamming today's show today. Why am I in the mood? Crazy stuff going on. Look at this guy. He knows. How the f... Did you know I was going to do that? A little scammer over there. I slept good last night. I wasn't going to go, but it's a good connection. I slept good last night. You're having trouble sleeping or staying asleep? Trust me, I've been there. I'm there a lot. It's not just about feeling tired the next day. It's about the toll poor sleep can take on every aspect of your life. But guess what? There's hope on the horizon. Comes in the form of beams, dream powder. The stuff has been a game changer for me. You see, when we're sleeping well, we can be sharper, more focused, and ready to tackle whatever life there is that way. Today, my listeners get a special discount on Beam's Dream Powder. It's a science-backed hot cocoa for sleep with no added sugar. Better sleep has never tasted better. Other sleep aids can cause the next day grogginess. We don't like that. But Dream contains a powerful all-natural blend of Magnesium, Elthianine, Apagenin, and melatonin. Hope you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed.


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He did it because conservative slews were going to find it anyway. Now, here's where this thing erupts. The story gets crazy because the guy then comes back and claims to be a shit poster. If you don't know what that means, it's not a poster of shit. On your wall. It's someone who goes online and just trolls, basically. Now, the weird thing is the Democrats have gone suspiciously silent about this. Hans Manki, who's a great Twitter account, brings up a great point. See, here's Michael. Yeah, thank you. He says, This is from a guy who allegedly posted the Trump jury message. I'll show you the message in a minute. Here's obviously what happened in the case, but this is exactly the thing they jailed Douglas Mackey for. Douglas Macky was the guy, of course, made the meme about Hillary, and he got sent to the gulag because he's not a Democrat. So if you're not a Democrat. But here's this guy, Michael Anderson. He writes, Take it easy. I'm a professional shit poster. And he defines shit poster, basically someone who trolls people. Here's what's interesting about this, and here's why I'm begging you. It's a problem either way.


If this guy's a shit poster and just made it up, or he didn't, then someone told him before the verdict, opened their mouths and said they were convicting Trump no matter what or whatever it may be. Either one's a problem. This is why I'm aggressively asking you to hold off judgment. However, here's where things get weird. My investigator mind was going. Do you notice the Democrats have gotten... Right away, they jumped out to defend this thing. Oh, no, guys, this shit poster, it's not real. No one told him Trump was going to get off. But they've gotten suspiciously quiet about this. And haven't you noticed that the media, they were getting ready to... Remember the CNN was ready to rip down that lady's door because she had posted something online about Hillary, whatever it was? Remember that story, the troll lady online at a CNM went crazy? Why is no one interviewing this guy? Anyone think about it? No one's going to find this Michael Anderson, Mr. Anderson. Why is no one chasing the white rabbit there? I'm just telling you, to you on this, there may be more to this story. Maybe he's right.


Maybe it is a shit post. Maybe he's not. But I think there's a reason Merchand realizes they got a problem here. Hold off. Hold off. Let this story just stew a little bit. But I wanted to bring it up this weekend. It also, a lot of this explains the hysterical, I mean, hysterical conspiracy theories now developing about the Supreme Court. Shifting gears a little bit. Folks, they're in a panic. Going back to the beginning of the show, Operation Dump Joe Biden has begun. They realize they have very few avenues left to win this election because nothing is going to change. Matter of fact, again, outlets like even left-leaning Bloomberg are predicting a black swan event could happen, and a black swan event could be a recession. If there's a recession, I could make a strong case to you. If we can keep the cheating in line, Donald Trump could win 32 to 35 states, which would be, in modern times, an unprecedented landslide. So the left are freaking out. Operation Get rid of Joe Biden is on, but Operation Get rid of the Supreme Court, at least as it currently he stands is on, too.


Here's what they're afraid of. And this is another thing I haven't heard a lot of people talk about. I think Levin may have brought it up, but I haven't heard a bunch of people talking about this. The reason the left have been going after Sam Alito, have you missed it? Sam Alito, of course, is a justice on the Supreme Court, and Clarence Thomas. The reason they've been doing this is because there's a case getting ready to be where the decision is going to come out soon. It's about Trump's level of presidential immunity. It involves the Jack Smith prosecution. Without Overcomplicating things. Trump is under federal investigation by the special counsel, Jack Smith, for his actions in and around January sixth. Trump's team is claiming he's the President. He's allowed to question elections. It falls within the scope of his duties. Here's what the left is afraid of. They're terrified that the Supreme Court is going to make a comprehensive ruling that the President is immune during this expansive definition of presidential duties. Am I over explaining this? What does that have to do They're afraid Trump's going to win. And if Trump wins and there's an expansive definition of presidential immunity, their entire lawfare campaign, We got to get Trump in jail and prosecute our political enemies, completely falls apart.


Do you understand? Everybody's reading this thing all wrong. They're like, Oh, the left is terrorizing the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas and Alito. They're like, Clarence Thomas took a vacation. Alito's wife hung the flag upside down. Yeah, no kidding. We're in distress. I I'm holding it upside down, too. Why are they making these scandals up? Because if Trump's in office with this big definition of immunity, they're not going to be able to prosecute him. That's why they're freaking out. Here, listen to this. Here is Grifter, total life loser. I mean, a total complete zero with no human dignity at all. Nicole Wallace. She'll do anything for a dollar. She'll give you any opinion on planet Earth for a buck. Former alleged Republican, total grifter. Here she is. They're terrified Jack Jack Smith is going to get wrecked, and Trump's going to have a big definition of presidential media. So listen to her go after the Supreme Court. Check this out. A group of conservative Republicans sounding the alarm about the irreversible harm the United States Supreme Court could do to the country and our democracy if they decide that the disgraced ex-president is indeed above the law and immune from prosecution.


The threat is compounded by two justices, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, who have personal ties to the attempted overthrow of our government and are refusing to recuse themselves from the case. An ethical rot in the nation's highest court, further highlighted by today's release of the Supreme Court Justice's financial disclosure form. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas disclosed that he took a vacation. Scandal. What is he doing? How dare he stay on the Supreme Court? What is he crazy? Folks, they are terrified. This isn't just about what Donald Trump did or didn't do on January sixth. It's about his next term. If the Supreme Court expands this definition of, Here's things you can't prosecute Donald Trump for, they're going to have four years of not being able to go after him on law fair with Supreme Court precedent, kicking him right in the ass. That's why they're so afraid. And by the way, who are the real insurrectionists? I got a treat for you today. The great Julie Kelly, one of my favorite journalists, she put out an article this weekend. Did you see this thing, man? After the Judge Murchon story, this was the most nuclear thing on the Internet this weekend.


Folks, what the hell was Mark Millie doing on January sixth? Mark Millie had the ability. Mark Millie, of course, basically heading up our military. His fingerprints are all over January sixth, and yet it's a question few people outside Julie Kelly have asked. It's on her sub stack, and War rooms, Kerry Donovan covers this really well. Julie's going to be on later. I'm talking about it on my radio show. What the hell was Mark Millie doing on January sixth? Why wasn't the National Guard there if they thought there was this big threat of an insurrection. Julie notes in her piece, Take some time this weekend to dive into this piece, she talks about, with Millie's fingerprints all over January sixth. Why was Mark Millie talking to Susan Rice before January sixth? Susan Rice? He was working for the Trump administration. He was the Commander-in-Chief. Why did he and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, make last-minute changes to the chain of command for deployment of the National Guard a few days before January sixth? More on that tomorrow. Why was McCarthy MIA the entire afternoon? High-ranking National Guard officials recently disclosed new details of the delayed authorisation for troops to the Capitol to Barry Lautermil.


It's Committee Julie Kelly wrote. Folks, this next comment is this next piece is even more horrendous. Were we looking at a soft coup going on here? They know despite Millie's claims of maintaining neutrality, they suggest his actions were politically motivated. Millie's own words, which he cited to Carol Lennig and Phil Rutgers, and I alone can fix it, reveal his defiant stance against Trump, stating, I'll just fight him and his willingness to fight to face severe consequences. If they want to court-martial me in prison, have at it. Folks, this sounds to me like Mark Millie appears to be hinting at a coup. Mark Millie works for Trump, who was the Commander-in-Chief. What the hell were they doing on January sixth? I'm going to have Julie on later. You can watch the show here on Rumble, rumble. Com/bongino, if you want to stay through for all four hours. Should be on at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. What was Mark Millie up to? Where was the National Guard? I'm going to leave you with this question. It's due on till tomorrow. Why was Mark Millie so quiet on January sixth? He had a lot to say after Trump went out to the church with the Bible.


Remember that? Why was he so quiet? Why did he seemingly disappear on January sixth? Why did he say with Trump, I'll just fight him? You're not supposed to fight him. He's the commander in chief. You're supposed to fight the bad guys. Folks, listen, man, we are in serious distress. Serious distress. The good guys are now being attacked like the bad guys. The bad guys are trying to reframe this to being about them. And how the hell am I on another enemy's list? I'm not kidding. Here's another one. You see this tweet by Robbie Starbucks? So apparently a Ukrainian NGO, non-governmental organization, just put out an enemy's list. That includes US citizens blaming us for Ukraine's issues on the battlefield. Here's where it gets really freaking crazy. The founder was trained by the US State Department, according to Starbucks tweet. Who's on the list of enemies? You got it. One Dan Bongino. The founder, by the way, the name is Anatoly Bonderenko, and was trained at the State Department's tech camp. Now, he's using that training to target us? You see the list of people over there? Folks, what the hell is going going on. How the hell are we now...


This is insane. Us citizens are now on a foreign government, NGOs enemies list. This is crazy. Look at all this stuff. But these people put real money into this. And by the way, my position on Ukraine has been clear. Vladimir Putin is the enemy. But we're not... Folks, there's no battle plan now. The battle plan seems to be prolong the war endlessly over there to degrade Russia's military just hoping nothing happens on our end. Is that a plan? Are you comfortable with that plan? Biden doesn't even seem to know the plan. Just look at... We're not giving him F-16s. Let's give him F-16s. We're not giving them the takums. Let's give them the takums. He does this all the time. We're supposed to back this guy up. Back what up? Biden doesn't even know where Biden stands on this. I read this piece last week, man. This really freaked me out because I've been warning about this forever. I wrote a book a while ago. I don't want to mention the title because I don't want to sound like I'm trying to sell to you. I wrote a book about eight years ago, Warning About Drone Warfare.


This is before this was a huge deal, obviously, way before the Ukraine War. Folks, The future is really, really dangerous with drone warfare. I was at an event with a friend about three, four months ago, and this other dentist friend of mine was there. He was like, Dan, are you optimistic about the future if we don't win this election. I said, I'm not, because ladies and gentlemen, it's going to get really easy to be a tyrant moving forward. I want you to listen to me here. I'm not going all Terminator 2 here or anything, but everything you saw in the movie, some of that stuff is happening. Artificial intelligence, warfare from the skies. Why is the idea of a tyrannical government taking over and using drones so devastating? Because, folks, the thing about drones is there's nothing you can do to stop them. Why? Can anyone here fly? Nobody here is Ironman. You can fly in a jet. So if they're watching you from the sky, there's no way for you to attack back. You could try to shoot the drone down. Think about this. Imagine a tyrannical government with drones monitoring every neighborhood. If you think this stuff is crazy, just follow what's happening in Ukraine right now with drone warfare.


This piece is another must read, Why You Should Be Alarmed by the Wounds I Treated in Ukraine. It's by this doctor. He's talking about how over in Ukraine now, he'd leave this up a second. These trauma centers are filled with people with devastating injuries as these drones come in and basically drop explosives on people. This is what warfare going forward is going to look like. This is scary stuff. It's why I'm also terrified if we lose this election and this tyrannical government continues, there's not going to be an easy way to stop this stuff. He notes these aren't flesh wounds or simple broken legs. Patients in this drone war in Ukraine are being brought in with brain, face, chest, and abdominal wounds requiring amputations. He says he's on call almost 300 days a year for complex craniofacial plastics trauma at their three major trauma centers. Folks, this is a big deal. It's a huge deal. The government understands with AI and drones going forward, there's not going to be an easy way to fight back if we don't stop this stuff soon. All the stuff you saw in the movies that scared the shit out of you is happening right now.


All right, skip this, though. I'll get to that tomorrow. I want to get to Redfield quick. And you can't trust the government either, folks, or their deputies moving forward. This is why we got to... This election, I know you've heard it a thousand times, it's the most important one in our lifetime. Folks, this is the most important election of your lifetime because we're at a pivotal inflection point in human history where the technology to instill and dry the concrete on tyranny is here. We saw it during COVID. Listen, folks, very few people fought back. There were a lot of patriots, most of you on this show who did, but a lot of people just went along. The government had massive power with these vaccine mandates and everything to basically put a boot right in your ass and tell you, Do it, put the mask on, take this freaking shot, or we are going to destroy your life. And they had every ability to do it. This freaks me out going forward because you can't trust these people. I want you to watch Robert Redfield talking about the CDC. He was one of these public health insiders during the COVID thing.


He was on this Chris Cuomo show. Forget that a second, though. I want you to listen to this. How he talks about how the CDC hid data on the vaccine. This is the government you pay. You're supposed to trust these people because they didn't want people to doubt the efficacy of the vaccine. This is the CDC you pay. Take a look at this. I was upset with CDC when I left because they stopped tracking people that were infected that were previously vaccinated. Why? So if you didn't track it, well, because then you couldn't report that there were people vaccinated that got infected. But no, why did they stop tracking it? Because I think there was a decision not to do anything that made the vaccine sound like it didn't work. This is what you're going to have more of if you get Joe Biden. You understand these people have unlimited power right now to manipulate the public discourse. Unlimited. And now they're starting to realize they've got a real problem as nobody trusts government anymore. Folks, if there's some real pandemic that breaks out. Not that COVID wasn't real, but I mean real in that the fatality rate is 30, 40%, something explosive.


Nobody is going to trust the government. Even the New York Times right now is starting to realize, holy shit, we've got a real problem right here. The government we've been touting as the answer to all our problems, the great benefactor, this father, this avuncular figure, nobody trusts us anymore. No one. I say us because the New York Times is locked in with the big government thing. That's why This piece isn't an accident. New York Times, an object lesson from COVID on how to destroy public trust. They note that this Fauci hearing basically was a mess. That inconvenient information was kept from the public, suppressed, denied, or disparaged as crackpot nonsense, and we were right. Do you know after we quit YouTube, YouTube tried to ban us. They actually did ban us because we went out there and told you masks don't stop the Prevention of COVID. We were banned from a major video platform, a global video platform, because we told you the truth, and YouTube has never apologized. I would never go back. I'm happy here on Rumbble. This is in the New York Times. Ladies and gentlemen, they know they've got a real problem.


Nobody trusts the government anymore. Nobody. Everybody, matter of fact, defaults to whatever the government says, believe the opposite. Here's another screenshot here, where they realized the whole public health infrastructure, if something breaks bad, is going to be a source of severe distrust. Nobody's going to believe them if something happens. I've been telling you about this forever. Here, this is the New York Times. If the government misled people about how COVID is transmitted, why would Americans believe what it says about vaccines, bird flu, or HIV? How should people distinguish between wild conspiracy theories and actual conspiracies? No shit What New York Times. I've been telling you about this forever. Nobody believes these people. You got the government telling you men can be women, women can be men. You got a public health infrastructure pushing this stuff. Let's cut a bunch of kids nuts off. That's the best thing for them. Really? Finally, there's some sense coming in here. Do you see this? This American College of Pediatrics briefed this past week stating what we all know is common sense forever, that it's probably not a good idea to castrate kids, finally. Folks, there's a rebellion happening.


Join the revolution. It's happening right now. I'm seeing it in live time. There is a corporate rebellion. There is a cultural rebellion. There's a citizen rebellion against this nonsense. You're starting to see it right now as people's fund meters are absolutely pegged with these tyrannical leftist scumbags. Watch this, finally. We have serious concerns about the Physical and Mental Health Effects of the Current Protocols Promoted for the Care of Children and Adolescents in the United States who express discomfort with their biological sex. This declaration was authored by the American College of Pediatricians, but really it was developed from the expertise of hundreds of doctors, researchers, and other health care workers and leaders who, for years, have been sounding the alarm on the harmful protocols that continue to be promoted by the medical organizations in the United States. Folks, listen to me, please. This is the most important segment I've done in a while here. I am in this every single day. There are things I don't talk about on the air because it's internal dynamics, and I talk about them as bigger picture stuff. What I'm getting at here, and Guy has been with me the longest, and we see it, when COVID was going on in the election right after 2020, there were two big stories the media had to...


The blob had to make go away. That the election was stolen and basically COVID stuff. The vax wasn't working well, masks don't work. Folks, when you did a show and you mentioned any of this stuff, the election was garbage, masks don't work. Gee, do you remember this? It was like a full-court press. Do you remember what? You would get a factcheck. Org, PolitaFack. There'd be 500 tweets from crazy people online screaming for boycott. You'd be getting calls from people like, Oh, my gosh, do you really want to say that? It was the most... I'm telling you, brothers and sisters, it was the craziest time to be in this business. Oh, my gosh, the cat. If you know what I mean, the cat. It was like a coordinated effort to shut you up. And now everything we said was true. The laptop, the masks, the vax. And it's the weirdest thing. It's like they've all been castrated. You can do a... I'm seeing stuff online I don't even want to talk about. But red lines are breached every single day now online by so many people that they don't know what They don't know what to do, the lefties, anymore.


They don't know what to do. I am assuring you, I'm not saying this battle is one. Nobody should be popping the dom and taking a sip. Well, you're probably not drinking it out of a coffee cup. I'm just telling I'm calling you from the inside with certainty, we are overwhelming these people on the left. The fact checkers have lost all of their clout. Elon's basically shut them out. Youtube's lost all their clout. You've got Rumblin' X now, streaming. They have no ability to shut people down anymore. The boycott's corporations are done with these assholes. After they went to them and said, Boycott Joey Bagga Donuts show. He says, Vaccines aren't that effective. And the corporations, when did it, lost all that money because they were advertising on a show that was selling their product. And then what happened? The people that told them to boycott were lying. The vaccines really didn't stop the spread of COVID. I'm telling you, man, we are winning. I am in this every single day. These people are getting their asses kicked. And all of these Silicon Valley people now donating to Donald Trump campaign are doing it openly? Mark my words, man.


The tide is 100% turning. All right, thanks again for tuning in. Don't miss the radio show today, 2:00 PM. I got Julie Kelly on about that Mark Millie story. That is a crazy story. What the hell was he doing on January sixth? I got more on that tomorrow. Please download the Rumble app. It is free. Join us every day at 11:00 AM for the live show. You can watch video on demand anytime, rumble. Com/bongino or the Rumbl app. And please give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. Really helps us stay on the charts. And thanks for making us the number nine show, according to PodTrack in the country. We really appreciate it. See you on the radio show in a few minutes, and here tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino show.