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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


All right, I made it.


He's like, tell me you didn't plug in. Why am I wearing a jacket? I'm wearing a jacket because we got an exclusive interview with your president, Donald J. Trump. Hope to be the future president, the former president.


Go with the laughing at me, folks. I'd love to tell you there was some big technical reason. I was like a second delay. The real reason, I just sat down, didn't even plug in.


I'm going to get to the interview. It happened last minute.


I teased it for many of you on the podcast and radio show today. I just wasn't sure what was going.


To happen, how long the jury would be out. We just finished the interview. That's why I've got the jacket on. Few things get out of the way. I got a quick break in the beginning. We'll run the interview straight through, take a short break after that, and I've got some more content.


This will be my essentially podcast for tomorrow. I think you understand why you're doing it tonight. Appreciate you all being here.


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Stock up on these food kits and my, my patriot dot. I want to keep you waiting anymore. I asked President Trump about the trial, his reaction, how he's feeling. This interview runs about 1520 minutes or so. It's worth your time. Stay tuned. I got a big show for you lined up afterwards. My interview with President Trump.


Speaker one, really excited to welcome back to the show a guy who's been through a lot on a really busy news day. President Donald J. Trump, as his trial comes to a close. Mister President, thanks so much for your time.


We appreciate it.


Well, thank you, Dan. Been my friend for a long time. Dan.


Well, I try to keep my friend circle small.


I only like good people, and you're one of them. So I really appreciate everything you're doing.


Mister President. This trial is obviously a sham, a disgrace to humankind. This judge has been an abomination. But I think the seed of all.


This is obviously the Biden Justice Department.


There's been some commentary today about this.


The evidence is everywhere.


Colangelo, coming from DOJ, you got all these meetings at the White House.


Uh, this is a Biden directed hit, this entire operation.


Well, there's no question about it. I can't mention names like you can, and you mentioned it. I didn't. But the fact is, you know, I gagged, they gagged me. So they're allowed to talk about me. I'm not allowed to talk about them. But this comes right out of the White House. This is the way he wants to try and win. Now, so far, it's reverberated. It's gone the opposite. We're way up in the polls. But, and I can't imagine anybody wanting to vote for this guy. He's been, he's the worst president in the history of our country. Our country's never been so divided like it is right now. He's a disaster. But absolutely, this comes out of the White House. This is a White House show trial, they call it.




Mister President, you're sitting in that court every day. This is the worst case of election interference I've ever seen. The Justice Department and legal entities at the ADA, Manhattan, New York state level, and in Georgia, the judge, the judge.


Here is just unbelievable. It's what he's doing, his rulings, everything else. You know, we have a great case, an unbelievable case, where there is no case. It shouldn't have been brought. But sometimes it's better to have a good judge and a good case. And they got themselves a beauty.


Oh yeah. I mean, the judge's instructions were a constitutional abomination. This is a serious trial, mister president. I mean, you're, you know, yes, you were the president of the United States. Likely to be the next one, we all hope, but you're still a citizen. This isn't the Soviet Union with gulags. This case has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, every element of every piece of every charge. And that's clearly not what the judge appeared to be implying with these ridiculous North Korea style instructions he gave to the jury today.


It's disgraceful and people are angry about it and it's very confusing to people. And the bottom line is there's no crime. They can't show a crime. Nobody knows what the crime is. And if you look at all the legal scholars, Dan, all the legal scholars and the brilliant, let's call them the law mines around town, every one of them, all of your friends, many of your friends, but all of your friends, they say there's no case here, this shouldn't have been brought. And it could have been brought seven years ago. It didn't have to be brought in the middle of an election. Yeah, mister president, they brought it. If I, if I didn't run or something, if I was like everybody else, number 34567, they wouldn't have brought this case ever. I mean, I think, you know, he turned it down two years ago. He didn't want to bring this case. But then when Iran, they said, let's bring a case. So, so far it's been, it's been good for poll numbers anyway.


And I understand the gag order, and I'm not, obviously not trying to get you in any trouble here.


You don't.


You got, these people are just, they've got it in for you. It's clear.


Yeah, but again, I mean, Cy Vance.


And others clearly passed on this case.


The FEC, the Federal elections Commission for the liberals listening has already said, this is not an election violation. This is the, I mean, the case here. No one's, I'm having a hard time determining what crime, mister president. They even alleged in the case and.


They have no crime. So what they're trying to do is make a state case out of a federal. So what they're doing is the state is trying to take the place of federal. It's never happened before. But the Federal elections commission took a pass, a total pass, they said. And they studied it very at length and they took a pass. And now you have the state trying to make a federal crime. The whole thing is crazy and nobody knows what's happening. In fact, they asked the judges, you saw it today, they asked the judge, please reread the instructions which went on for about an hour. And so it's just a crazy thing. It's such a shame. And the world is laughing at America, just laughing with all the problems we have.


Yeah, I think some of the tyrants around the world are taking notes. They're probably thinking himself, this Biden guy is really good at this tyranny thing.


You ever find it odd, mister President.


That they accuse you of being a dictator? You know, the Hitler things are out again.


And yet every single thing these despots.


And scumbags did, they're doing.


Not you. Don't you find that a little weird?


Even if you go back, you had the Comey stuff. I fired Comey and a lot of his people. Wonderful people, right? But I fired them all. We were knocking out the swamp. We, I got rid of Comey, you know, very early. And don't forget, I inherited him. I didn't put him there. They inherited comey. But we got him rid of him and some, some of his people real fast. And a lot of other people too. Thousands of people over the course of the few years. And I mean, the swamp was deep. But I have to tell you, this one is unbelievable. They spied on my campaign. They did the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. The Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine. They did FISA, everything. They did so many different things. The fake news dossier. Remember the fabulous dossier that they paid like $12 million for? That was Hillary Clinton, the DNC, all this stuff they do, Dan. And then they accuse me of, and the funniest part. So they interfere with the election like nobody in history, with their lockboxes and all the horrible things they did. And they sue me for election interference. Okay. You know, it's, they're a disgrace.


They're so bad for this country. These people, they're fascists. It's the only thing they're good at. They can't, they're not good at the wall. I can tell you they're not good at keeping people out because we have about 16, 17 million people from a lot of bad places. You know, you have millions of people from prisons and from mental institutions pouring into our country and destroying our country. And this is what they focus on. It's just disgusting.


Mister president, one of the best lines I think you've given in an interview, I believe we told sean, you, sean Hannity, you said that your revenge will be success.


And I really, I got up and.


I thought that's fantastic.


But by success, do you see personnel.


As being the biggest problem?


And I ask you because you just hinted at something. The problem in government right now, we don't need more laws, mister president. We need better people who will abide by the Biden administration has thrown all this stuff out the window. His people don't care about the law. When you get into office next time, personnel are policy. Is there going to be a massive house leaning here?


But, you know, the policy is largely common sense. We need borders. We need fair elections. We need a good military. We want low interest rates, rates and taxes, you know, et cetera, et cetera. Right? So a lot of policy is common sense, but you need people. And, you know, we had a lot of great people. I rebuilt the military. Biggest tax cuts in history. Biggest regulation cuts in history. All of the things that, you know, but, but I could have made some other choices, too, because of some of the people I didn't like and I didn't. But when I came in, we had, I was in Washington my entire life, 17 times. I never stayed over. So I had to rely on people. And sometimes you speak to a rhino and they'd give you some recommendation whether they meant well or not. And they turn out to be not the great people. Now, unlike Biden, he never fires anybody. I fire people. I mean, think of it. In Afghanistan, they didn't fire anybody. Millie should have been fired. They all should have been fired. That was the most embarrassing day in the history period, in the history of our country, Afghanistan.


The way they not getting out. I was prepared. We were going to get out with dignity and strength. What he, and keep Bagram, by the way, which is 1 hour away from China where they make their nuclear weapons, right? So you know, you want, that's the big air force base. But you look at Biden, nobody got fired. Nobody ever got. Did anybody ever get fired in the Biden administration? And I think they just don't want him to go out and write books like, you know, you fire some of these clowns that turn out not to be good, then they write a nasty book. So I guess maybe in one way, figures at least they won't write books now, they'll get them later.


Yeah, yeah, I listen, I agree. Personnel are policy, and if we don't get rid of some of these dogs in government who are screwing up, absolutely.


You put somebody good in charge of one of these big agencies, you get somebody great, the agency's great. It's like a building. You get a good manager, you get a good manager in a building, it runs good, you get a bad one. No matter what you do, it's not going to run. It's the same thing. Little larger version.


Mister President, I know you've got a.


Thousand important decisions you have to make about personnel with your team. I'm not naive to that, but I.


Made the argument on my show a couple of times. You may think I'm crazy, maybe not. I think your selection for attorney general.


Is your most important pick.


Vice president, obviously important. But if we get the attorney general wrong, I know he won't. But if we get that wrong, after this abomination of justice and what happened.


To you, we're not going to have a country left.


Your thoughts on that?


It's a very big choice. And I made two bad choices. Now, you know I was loyal. Jeff Sessions, he was the first senator to endorse me. He came to me, please let me. He was begging me to do it after I won. And I was loyal. And he didn't have what it took. As soon as he heard the word Russia, he ran for the hills. And Bill Barr, unfortunately, I know he endorsed me recently, so it's always tough to be, I mean, if you can believe that he endorsed me. But he was not a man of strength. He was a coward and he was afraid to go after people on the election, cheating that went on that, you know, and everybody knows where the brain went on, and we're not going to let that happen again. But I wish, you know, I made two different choices there. I had it twice. And then you have other important positions, too, I think. By the way, I think defense was very good at the end. He did a good job, but we had mostly good, you know, Bob Lighthizer was great. We had a lot of great people.


But now I know everybody, Dan. I know the good ones, the strong ones, the weak ones, the dumb ones, the smart ones. I know them all. But I was never, you know, I was never a Washington guy. I was with you in New York, and I knew New York very well. But now I know Washington better than probably anybody. And I know the good ones and the bad ones, the weak ones and the strong ones, and we got to get that. But that is an important. And then you need secretary of state. You need secretary of defense. They're all important in every one of them.


Yeah. Yeah, they are. I just. Attorney general with everything at the weaponization Justice Department is really an important decision.


No question about it.


Speaking of your trial here as well, Mark Levin, a friend of both of ours, a real great patriot there. He put out a very interesting thread.


This morning on his social media accounts talking about how the Supreme Court, and.


We don't know yet what's going to.


Happen, but if there is a ridiculous conviction in this sham, disgusting, filth ridden, grotesque trial, I don't have enough adjectives and adverbs to describe this abomination that the Supreme Court should take this thing immediately on due process violations. They've yet to state a crime, no less prove beyond a reasonable doubt you committed one. Your thoughts on that? And the left's attempts right now to intimidate the Supreme Court, going after Alito and others, they're clearly doing that to send a message in case this winds up at the Supreme Court.


Well, they're trying to play the ref. Alito is a tough guy, and he's strong and very, very smart. And he put out a great statement today. In fact, I commented on, I don't know if you saw that on truth. Your people love truth, and so do I. And everybody commented on that. I gave them a lot of credit for it. But they play the ref. You know, they intimidate them. They, they still to this day, you know, by law, they have to give. You can't have protesters, you can't around the houses. You can. They haven't done a thing. They haven't done a thing. What they're doing is so bad. They haven't done anything to protect the justices. They, it's really disgraceful what's going on. You know, all that, we heard about it for two years. But Alito is great, Thomas great. The three that I put in, I think they're doing it. I mean, it's a little early, but people are, people are starting to warm up to him. I will say this, but they've got to be strong and they've got to be tough. Alita has been very tough, very good, and Thomas has been good, and we're going to see how it all works out.


But it's such an important position, such a big deal. But when I look at the way they're treated, you know, they play the ref, they try and scare them. They try and, you know, like, look, they're humans like everybody else, but they're, they try and do Bobby Knight, you know, the great Bobby Knight. It screams. Scream. And Bobby said, well, you're not going to win this one, but we'll win the next call. Right? And that's what they do with our judges. Not only the Supreme Court justices, but they do it with judges. And they do it with a lot of different people. They do it with a lot of different people where they're afraid to function. People are afraid to function because they don't want to go through it. But the, and the problem is the left. Look, you know the problem is the left. I see. I know the left. I know the right. The big problem here. And they don't talk about it. The problem is the left. And the danger comes from, the big danger comes from the left.


Yeah, yeah, they do. I mean, obviously they've taken on totalitarian tendencies. I mean, we've seen it. The evidence is everywhere.


Mister President, this discussion, I hate to.


Even bring this embarrassing to even have.


This discussion, but this is how crazy they are. This discussion of jail and the secret service advancing a jail. I mean, this is third world type stuff, I got to tell you. There are third world tin pot dictators who are watching this. They can't believe what's happening.


We're living in a third world country. We have no borders. They're pouring in by the millions. And they're coming from prisons and jails and mental institutions and insane asylums and they're coming. They're terrorists. Massive numbers of terrorists are coming in. They're coming from the Congo, they're coming from all over Africa, they're coming from all over Asia, and they're coming from the Middle east, and theyre coming from South America. But you would be amazed, the numbers are getting bigger outside of South America. Theyre coming from all over the world. We have no idea who they are. In many cases, from where they come. The only thing we know is theyre tough as hell and theyre criminals. Many, many criminals are coming in. Many, many criminals are coming in. And this horrible president, the worst president in the history of our country, is allowing it to happen. Hes destroying the fabric of our country. And we're going to have the biggest deportation effort ever. And we're going to get, and we're going to start with the bad ones. And we know who they are. And, you know, who knows who they are? The local police. They know everything about them.


We're going to give immunity to them and we're going to let them do their job because they have to. But local police, they're afraid to protect people because they end up losing their pension, losing their job. You know it better than anybody. They lose their family if they do their job. And we're not going to let that happen. They have to do their job.


So Mister president, Joe Biden had a rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In a gym.


I think about five people showed up.


Two family members and three members of the media.


How does that make you feel that they're, they're trying to hold you up in a courtroom? And the end, the reason they're doing it is obvious. You go to the South Bronx, a deep blue area. Thousands of people show up. It's a raucous crowd. Joe Biden goes to an area, should be Democrat, and, you know, 510 people. I'm exaggerating a little bit, but not too much. The guy can't draw a crowd.


He can't compete against you.


He's not a leader. And the whole thing was a disgrace. The whole election was a rigged election and a disgrace. And we're going to make it up. November 5 is going to be the most important day in the history of our country. We're going to make it up and we're going to make America great again. That's all I can tell you. We're going to do it fast. We're going to drill. We're going to get energy prices down. Like down. I say drill, baby, drill. We're going to get energy prices way down. We're going to bring that. Those numbers, I mean, people are looking at numbers sometimes as high as 50% of costs of things are up no matter what they're making. They're getting wiped out. The middle class is being destroyed. The lower income people are, they can't even live under Biden. He talks about bidenomics. He doesn't use the term anymore. It's a disaster. But the people are being hurt in our country. Look, we wouldn't have had inflation, more importantly, because frankly, that's numbers and it's terrible, but we wouldn't have had all those people being killed in Ukraine. It would have never happened.


Putin would have never done it. We would have had oil prices down. I mean, the high oil prices gave him the money to do it. And we had low oil prices. We had low energy prices. You wouldn't have had Israel. You wouldn't have had the October 7 attack in Israel. You wouldn't have any of this stuff. You wouldn't have China. China wouldn't be eyeing Taiwan, which looks like they wanted pretty badly. They weren't doing it. I had plenty of talks with him and I had plenty of talks with Putin. They would have never gone in. Putin would have never gone in. President Xi would have never gone in. We would have had a much different world. I'll tell you, Dan, you wouldn't have had those two things alone. You wouldn't have had inflation. And if you take those three out and you had, Iran was, as you know, they were broke. They weren't funding Hamas and they weren't funding anything. They weren't funding Hezbollah, they weren't funding any of these terrorist states, these terror gangs, you call them, because they're gangs and they were being funded by Iran. Iran had no money. They had no money.


We had anybody bought. They couldn't do business in the United States. They had no money. And now they have $224 billion, lot of money. They're a different, different group. And they're looking to get a nuclear weapon and they're going to have one soon because there's this idiot is allowing them to have a nuclear weapon, and when they have, you're not going to be able to talk to them anymore.


Yeah. Just a new report released on their progress.


Mister President, I'm sorry you're going through all this.


Thanks for fighting for the country. We really appreciate it. And thank you so much for these exclusive comments after this sham trial today. We really appreciate it. Thanks for your time.


It is my honor to be fighting. Thank you very much. Thanks, Dan, sir.


Appreciate it very much.


President Trump, folks.


There it is.


President Trump. Some exclusive comments on Rumble, folks. Rumbles where the action is.


I really appreciate you being here. We're live right now, obviously, I had.


Just finished taping that jumped up, ran up into the studio once we knew.


It was all locked in. That's why you've got this unusual look.


With me and the jacket on.


Obviously decked out in all black due to the death of our constitutional republic.


Some important takeaways from that. Quick, they'll take a break. And I got a lot more show ahead. And I'm going to tell you was one thing, do not fall for this trap coming up. I'm seeing it already and I'm going to lay it down for you straight and you're going to see the evidence right in front of you. Don't let them sucker you into this trap again. Couple things he hit.




Biden and his team are behind this, folks. He's got this gag order. I don't. Clearly Matt Colangelo from the DOJ took the subordinate position under Bragg because this is being directed by the Biden White House. Meetings up at the White House with Fannie Willis's team and others. The Biden White House is directing this. Second we address the personnel issue. He's on it. I told you he's on it. He understands. Last time there were some good people, there were some bad folks. He knows where the bodies are buried now. You heard it from him. You don't need to hear it from me. I've heard him say this over and over. He understands what happened. And lastly, some breaking news on that foreign policy front. He knows the Iranians are prepping for a nuclear bomb under this, quote, idiot in the White House, which he's absolutely right. And his team is ready to go in there and start bringing back some normalcy to our foreign policy, not this.


Chaos around the world. Man, 104,000 people.




Good to have you here.


I'm going to take a quick break. I got a lot of show left. Don't let them do this election denier thing on you. Let me get you ready for what they're going to do next after this verdict drops. They're going to call you a justice denier if you don't go along with their tyrannical plans. Folks, summer's right around the corner.


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Back to the show, folks. The libs are enjoying this tyranny.


Make absolutely no mistake, President Trump has nailed it. You heard what he said in that interview. He knows these people are enjoying every second of this, but they're going to.


Pretend moving forward that this is all law and order, and you must accept it. You do not have. Listen to me. Do not get suckered into this again. You don't have to accept bullshit. You don't have to accept tyranny. They did the same damn thing with the 2020 election when you smell the rat, and they wanted you to stop talking about it. So they fabricated this b's title out of thin air election denier, and they slapped it on all your backs. And some, not you all, but some people got intimidated. Intimidated enough that they refused to talk about the election. They're doing this now. I want you to watch this. MSNBC cast here talks about this how, hey, man, this is all law and order. This is what I did. No matter what happens, you must accept the verdict. You don't have to accept.


Squad, check this out.


Still to this day, believe in the cases that I brought in, which the jury acquitted. And that's painful because I feel as if there was a injustice. But that's not really accurate. When the jury decides, it decides. Everybody in the system knows that's final. Putting aside the appeal that you just discussed, Joe, and that's okay. We live with it. That's our system. We ought to be proud of it. It's flawed and it's still the best system in the world. Justice is a self defining concept. Whether acquitted or convicted, the jury has spoken and we must accept that. All citizens must accept that.


Now, you don't have to accept anything, ladies and gentlemen. This is left wing media, bullshit artists trying to set you up in advance to not question the obvious. We don't know what's going to happen, but when it goes down, this is an unconstitutional, bullshit sham trial, star chamber action against the former president of the United States. You don't have to accept anything. They're going to label you justice deniers moving forward because they're going to pressure you and everyone else. They're going to pressure you to stop talking about the obvious. And I don't want you to fall in that trap. They were also going to talk about this is a sad moment because they want to look like they're the reasonable ones and that we're all crazy again as they slap the justice denier on all of our. On all of our backs. Get ready for it. You heard it here first. You know it's the way it's going to go down. They've already done this whole sad moment thing. This is what they do. This isn't a sad moment. Hot tip, Tom Elliott.


This is a great supercut right here.


You'll see them already prepping this. This is what they did in the past with the mar a Lago right now. It's a sad moment. They don't mean any of this. They know what they did. And they're trying to prep and make. To make you look like the unreasonable ones. It's nothing more than a dipsy do.


Flip a roo projection mechanism. Check this out.


It's a sad day for America. Hard stop.


This is no time for celebration. You know, I think it's sad.


I have fought Trump for a long time, but I'm sad that this has happened.


How are you feeling about a historic day? You know, it's sad.


And this is a day of profound sadness that an ex president is indicted. But it's also a time to celebrate.


Because it's a sad moment to see a former president have to do this, even though we feel it could lead to justice.


If you don't see this, this is a sad day for America. It's a sad day for America.


It's a sad day.


Well, I don't think anybody can consider.


It a good day, regardless of anything.


It's just really sad, sadness. I think that we got to this point.


I just want to remain measured.


The left full of somber support.


I think really this should be a somber moment, folks.


And listen to me.


This deep state is real.


All of these scandals have been interrelated and are tied in. When I say all of them, I mean, the Russia collusion hoax, the impeachment hoax would go, what we. Impeachment one and impeachment to the, the leaked, the leaked conversation about the Ukraine call. All of this stuff is tied in together. The illicit police state prosecutions of Donald Trump. Why do you think that people like Andy Weissman, who was a Department of justice official knee deep in the PP hoax, russian collusion thing, is one of the lead legal commentators on MSNBC about this case. Now, it's because all of these swamp rodents that were part of the ongoing attacks on Donald Trump, they're all tied together. These people all know each other. This is the same guy. Did you hear him on MSNBC earlier talking about Judge merchant having a man crush on this guy? Now, you may think I'm being hyperbolic and exaggerating. Those are literal words from Andy Weissman about this disgraced judge in this New York case. We're all waiting on the verdict for now here, watch yourself.


As you've noted with respect to Judge Marshawn, I mean, I am. I am like, now, you know, I felt like a man crush on him. He is such a great judge that it's hard to see that the jurors wouldn't have the same impression. I mean, he's just, you just keep on thinking. If you looked at a dictionary for, like, judicial temperament, that's what you get, folks.


These people all know each other.


All you have to do is look at the connection between Adam Schiff, Andy Weissman, Team Biden, Team Obama. They all know each other. It's the same people throughout each of these and watching it all gloriously fall apart as Donald Trump continues to move up in the polls. We addressed that with him during the interview. Prior is, I know shouting fraud is bad, but I'm enjoying every second of it. Paul just popped out of Virginia. Virginia, folks, Virginia is a pretty deep blue state. I mentioned it earlier on the radio show and a bunch of Virginia residents reached out.


I used to live in Maryland right.


Next door, and they said, dan, only the northern parts is deep blue, 100% correct. Just like only Baltimore County, Montgomery county are. And Prince George's county are the only liberal portions of Maryland, too. But we vote as states, we don't vote as counties. Virginia is pretty deep blue. We haven't won in a long time that Donald Trump's running neck and neck with Biden. You would think, you would think that this would be a major wake up call to this Biden team, that they're in trouble. But folks, their hatred for Donald Trump, merchant and all of these other activists that have him in this police state trial up in New York, they can't control it anymore, man. They've lost control. They don't care. I honestly don't think they care if they lose as much as they care about hurting Donald Trump. Jill Biden was on earlier.


She's really running this operation, Joe's wife.


And she seems to think that these polls are going to turn around. There's no evidence of that at all. There is nothing Joe Biden has in the tank. You understand? Any black swan event that would happen that would change the course of the election moving forward will change it for the negative for Joe Biden, not the positive. He's only going to get older. The economy's only going to get worse. He doesn't have time to fix inflation. China's already saber rattling. You've got Russia going on. You've got the Middle east going on. Nothing is going to get better for them. God forbid there's a terror attack or something else.


None of this is going to help the chaos.


President Joe Biden here was Joe Biden on earlier mysteriously claiming some, you know, that the polls are going to somehow turn around. How? What is he going to be like Benjamin Button and start aging in reverse? Joe biden here, check this out.


Are you, how do you turn those.


Numbers around with five months out?


And are you fearful of what a second Trump term could look like?


Or a third, as Donald Trump says? So we are going to meet people where they are. We're going to go to college campuses. We're going to go to just every state that we can get into. I've been traveling every single day. Joe has been traveling as much as possible, and we're not going to take anything for granted. And those polls are going to turn. I'm confident of it.


The polls are not going to turn, doctor, unless you, unless doctor, Jill starts.


Doing brain surgery or something.


Could she do surgery? Oh, she's not a medical doctor. I don't, I don't like calling people.


Doctor or like, who can't actually cut me open or something like that.


How are they going to turn, folks? The guy can't even do a campaign stop. Joe Biden, the oatmeal God, he can't even do a campaign stop without sell. Without selling you the same discredited b's he's been talking about over and over again. Unbelievably, unbelievably. He did it again. You know nothing. Stolen valor is the worst thing you.


Can do in the military. When it comes to telling fake, you know, fictional stories about your life. It's the worst thing you can do.


Stolen valor, folks, I got to tell you up there is stolen civil rights valor. Claiming you were some kind of civil rights activist in your state over and over, when you've had to admit in the past and exit a presidential campaign because you got caught lying about this is absolutely ridiculous. He did it yet again. Nothing's going to get. He does not learn from any of his mistakes. His campaign is collapsing in front of your eyes. Take a look.


Like I said in 1969, I got involved deeply in the civil rights movement in 19. Those of you who are Pennsylvanians know that Delaware used to be a slave state and a southern state. And it's that attitudes. I mean, for real, folks, when he.


Says, I mean, for real, you know, what, what's Chad, what's going on? When he says that? Yes, you know, he's full of shit. It is this verbal tick this guy has. This guy cannot tell the truth about anything. Nothing is going to get better. I am a little concerned about the.


Legal warfare against Donald Trump. I know that. I understand that. But, folks, none of this stuff is working.


This has only gotten worse for this guy. Here's a little quickie montage we put.


Together here for you of Biden's series.


This is like Lemony Snickets and a.


Series of unfortunate events feature Joe Biden. Check this out.


I was sort of raised in the puerto rican community. I had a very close relationship with the greek american community. For real. I am Joe Biden. I grew up in a heavily irish catholic community in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and a heavily italian polish community. When I say I got, I got raised in the black church, he knows I'm not kidding. The persian culture is amazing. As a student of the persian culture, I probably went to shul more than many of you. I come out of the black community in the background of my family as a irish American, not fundamentally unlike the palestinian people, I might say, raised in the synagogues in my state, everybody in town was either polish or italian. I grew up feeling self conscious. My name didn't end in ski. I was raised in a neighborhood where I felt self conscious. My name didn't end in o. That's kind of how I was raised. Like so many Americans.


In HBCU in your home state, mister president, let me.


Tell you, forget about it.


That's right.


That's where I got raised, man.


I mean, folks, there's nothing to even add there. You've seen it, you've heard it. The evidence is right in front of your face.


You've only got to listen to Joe Biden tell you six or 700 different.


Stories about what he did when he didn't, in fact, do it.


So you heard the interview of President Trump.


I want to end where I began with this, folks. This is obviously an act of police state weaponization we haven't seen in modern human history. This is a really serious time, just like after the election, when you understood something was up in your gut when you watched the results coming in on election night. Then a bunch of left wing media types and law enforcement types intimidated a lot of people. Not you, but a number of people out there, and they refuse to talk about the election afterwards.


No matter what happens in the coming.


Days with this verdict and the judicial system and the court system up in New York and this disaster, do not be intimidated.


Stay strong.


They're going to try to slap this justice denier label on your back. Be ready for it.


I know the president's ready for it.


They were very generous to do the show with us today. We really appreciate it. He had a lot going on. Like I said, we jumped in. Sorry for some of the logistics stuff in the beginning, but I wanted to make sure I got you this show pronto so you had the information. Thanks a lot. We really appreciate you tuning in.


Please download the Rumble app. You get the chance. It is free. Can watch my show. We typically air every day at 11:00 a.m. eastern time.


This will be tomorrow's show given the emergency interview we did with President Trump. I'll be back at a regular time on Friday, 11:00 a.m. eastern time. Chat opens early and I will be on the radio, of course, tomorrow and Friday at noon. You can also watch the radio show on my Rumble channel, Bangino, if you want to watch the video simulcast. Thanks so much for tuning in. I really appreciate it, given everything that just happened. Thanks a lot. Big audience, 100,000 people. Appreciate it. See you back here tomorrow.


You just heard the Dan Bongino show.