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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a debt. They've helped resolve over 1 billion in tax debts for their clients. Some of these tax solutions expire. You don't want to wait on this. Tax Network USA is owned by fellow patriots. They're giving you a free consultation. Call 1-800-245-6000. That's 1-800-245-6000, or visit tnusa. Com/dan, tnusa. Com/dan. Thanks, Tax Network USA. We really appreciate you sponsoring the show. Back to the show. So folks, because I never want to be accused by the patriots in this audience who are interested in keeping this government functioning, and we're not going to work like a third-world republic and let our people get killed, and we sure as shit aren't going to let Donald Trump get killed out there.How the hell do we fix this? Because if we don't, it will happen again. Because passing the buck isn't doing an interview going, I'm in charge.Okay, you're going to resign? No, I'm not going to resign.Oh, and by the way, this is the best we could do, Alejandro Mayorkas.Step number one, you want to change the secret service?Hey, Jim, does the President of the United States's height and weight change based on the sex composition of his detail, male or female? It does not. It does not, Jim says.President President Trump is a rather large man.He's a big guy. I'm 6'1, 200 pounds, maybe 197.I don't know.President Trump is a lot bigger than me. When President Trump grabs you for the handshake and pulls you in, he feels like a college wrestler sometimes. He's a big guy.He's heavier than me. I don't know what his weight is. I haven't asked him recently, but I can tell you he's heavier than I am. He's also bigger.Can I just ask a common sense question here? If the President of the United States, or any protective for that matter, if their height and weight do not change, then why are the physical fitness standards different for men and for women? Anyone in the chat have an idea? Oh, because we believe in DEI bullshit if we're a bunch of lefties that are running our government right now. Why do fitness standards change?Folks, I don't care what your sex, religion, creed, whatever it is.If you can't lift and evacuate the President of the United States and use force to protect him, you may be required to kill someone to protect the President of the United States. I hope that never happens, but that may happen one day. If you cannot perform these firearms and physical fitness functions, then get the hell off the job. Get off the job. Has anyone ever wondered why the GI Jane story only exists in movies? These physical disparities are real. Can they be overcome? I don't know. But you're going to have to show us in a physical fitness test. I would change this immediately. There is one standard because there's one protectee. If a female agent, or a male agent for that matter, it doesn't matter to me, cannot lift the President and evacuate them, they cannot do the basic job functions. Imagine hiring someone to develop a website who has zero website experience. What are you relying on? Goodwill?Here's Karine Jean-Pierre, asked a very basic question.There's a bunch of people out there, of course, the media question is always slanted, complaining about female agents. No one's complaining about female agents. They're complaining about agents who can't do the job who happen to be female. That's a totally different story. I have already told you, I work the secret service. There is a valuable role for female protection agents.Oh, what are you, virtue signaling? What are you, a moron?No.Practically speaking, we have female protectees. They go into bathrooms, they go into places where other females, obviously are going to fit in different.There is a role there, but you have to be able to perform the job. Here's phony, fake, pathetic, Karine Jean-Pierre bullshitting this reporter and say, Oh, this is all about DEI crap. they have no... Why are they still doing investigations? All of this bullshit I hear, even from friends, Oh, it makes you a better protection agent. I did them both. They are two completely different skill sets. The only thing the Secret Service should be investigating are threat levels. That is it. There is no reason for them to be doing this. Biden, that was the worst Friday in slip.I was trying to say tyrant and Biden, and it came out Byron. I think we should put that on a shirt.The Byrant spoke out last night. He gave Another pathetic, disgusting interview. He was asked for the first time in forever, President Trump almost has to get killed before the media ask a freaking question, Hey, what about all this violent rhetoric you've been using, like putting a bullseye on the President? Watch him stumble through the whole thing because they're the source of the violent rhetoric, not us.Check this out.You called your opponent an existential threat.On a call a week ago, you said it's time to put Trump in the bullseye. There's some dispute about the context, but I think you appreciateI appreciate that- I didn't say crosshairs.I was talking about focus on. Look, the truth of the matter was what I guess I was talking about at the time was there's very little focus on Trump's agenda. Yeah, the term is bullseye. It was a mistake to use the word. I didn't say crosshairs. I meant bullseye. I meant focus on him, focus on what he's doing. Now, I just want you to understand this will all be let go by the end of the week, and the media, again, will be calling Trump a Hitler, a Nazi, fascist.There'll be articles written.What if the shooter didn't miss?Guaranteed, guaranteed.However, the media now, trying to preserve some sliver of dignity they don't have, has decided, let's ask him one tough question and move on. Remember when Sarah Palin, they had that map with the crosshairs over districts? Remember that? That actually turned into a lawsuit. That went on forever. Biden says, Let's put a bullseye on Trump. He subsequently gets shot, and he gets a free, Oh, yeah, yeah. I didn't mean it. I meant I'm going to focus on. Oh, okay. See if you're given the same deference by the media if you were to say the same thing.Good luck.Want to see the craziest media response I've seen yet? Here is the absolutely hapless Joy Reid, the gold medal winner in the dopey media talking head Olympics.I'm sorry, but I think she should be gold medal winner Emeritus or something.She should never, ever be taken from that spot ever. Hall of Fame. We're establishing today for the first time, the Hall of Fame the best pick. Other people had different ideas. That's okay. That's what makes the conservative movement great. We believe in actual free speech, the God given right to speak out and have an opinion.Some people had a different one.I strongly supported the selection of JD Vance.I'm glad you guys read my Wiki nods.You're always ahead of the news cycle here. Here was Donald Trump's post on truth.You probably read it. Not going to read the whole thing, but he did it at about... It would have come at about noon or so?No, maybe after.I don't know, something like that. But I came out yesterday.And remember, ladies and gentlemen, with the VP pick, I strongly support JD and always have.I want that on the record, period.However, for those of you who didn't and thought another pick was better, this is our ticket now, and we have an existential threat to the United States, and we're going to run with this ticket. But I just want you to remember one thing. The golden rule with a vice presidential pick and selection, the platinum rule, is do no harm. I'm sorry, but nobody votes for the vice president. No one.They're voting for Donald Trump.The pick, you can't do any harm with the pick. I believe JD Vance is...I don't believe it's true. He's young, he's energetic, and nobody is able to speak to the middle class better than JD. His book, Hillbilly Elegy, will change your life if you read it.It's about the hollowing out of middle America. Even liberals like the damn book because they were like, Wow, the middle class is getting screwed over. Nobody talks the language of the middle class better than JD Vance. And ladies and gentlemen, we need that. He is going to live in Pennsylvania for the next few months because he understands that entire area and what happened to it. Another positive, he's a fan Fantastic debater. He is a master debater.You need to pause. If you say that fast, you'll see why.He is definitely a master debater. He understands serial box messaging better than any other of the VP candidates. People only understand sound bites and snapshots. That's why the picture of President Trump is going to go down as one of the most iconic pictures in political history.Snapshots and sound bites.Nobody gets the sound bite better than JD. He's great on TV, and he understands us. He's one of the few guys in politics who changed my mind on a subject.He did a podcast about the hollowing out of America and China and the WTO and trade with China. He's one of the few guys ever changed my position.Here's a quick one-minute clip, some of JD. He's not a big yeller and a screamer, and that's okay.Obviously, I am. We got a bit of different styles there, but that's okay.Here's about a minute, hat-tip The Daily Caller of some of JD's most viral moments from the past.Check this out.The thing the media and Congress and Ryan, they talk about this all the time. The thing they never mentioned is that poor girl was raped by an illegal alien, somebody that should have never been in this state in the first place. When the media and people like Tim Ryan accused me of engaging the great replacement theory-You were peddling it. I'll tell you exactly what happens, Tim. What happens is that my own children, my biracial children, get attacked by scumbage bags online and in person because you are so desperate for political power that you'll accuse me, the father of three beautiful biracial babies, of engaging in racism. We are sick of it. You can believe in a border without being a racist. You can believe in the country without being a racist. AndAll right.There's other news going on in the news cycle. I mean, talk about drinking from a fire hose. It's like drinking from five firehouses at the same time.Judge Eileen Cannon throws out Donald Trump's records case down in Florida because Jack Smith was on Constitutionally appointed. Ladies and gentlemen, another story you were a year ahead of if you're watching the show. Jack Smith, they have no power whatsoever to pluck someone, not senate confirmed, out of the private sector Anoint this guy as a special counsel in the most powerful, potentially destructive case in American history against a former President.Sorry, he's waving to some folks out there, the volunteers.They just made up the authority to do this. It was only a matter of time before these people got exposed. Judge Eileen Kana is like, How did you appoint this guy? I want you to listen to the great Mike Davis. Why am I bringing up Mike Davis? Anyone in the studio know? Because Mike Davis will be a guest on our next primetime special tomorrow night, 07:00 PM Eastern, 06:00 PM local, with the great Jack Pasobeck, too.I got bangers lined up for you.Freaking bangers. Here's Mike Davis explaining how if Jack Smith was unconstitutially appointed. This may affect the DC insurrection case, too. Check this out.So the United States Constitution is very clear that if you want to create new officers or if you want to spend taxpayer money, it has to be through our elected representatives in Congress. We had the Office of the Independent Council, and Congress intentionally let that lapse after the Ken Starr investigation of President Clinton. And so what did the Justice Department do? They tried to sidestep that. They tried to create by fiat, the Office of the Special Counsel through regulation, not through Congress. Then this Office of Special Council is not accountable to the attorney general on a day-to-day basis. There's no day-to-day management, and it essentially gets an unlimited budget. Judge Eileen Canon followed the Constitution. It's very clear that the Office of Special Counsel is unconstitutional, and she just ruled that way today.Folks, All you had to do was... Jim, what's that thing called again?The governing thing with the C? I always forget that. All you had to do was read it. Dan, you didn't go to law school.Yeah, I didn't go to medical school either. But if my heart's... You have one? Look at this.Thank you, D.Look, here we go, folks. The Constitution...Wait, is there... Hold on.No, there's no appendix. There's no appendix. The Constitution right there. Here's how this works, There are words in it. You just read it and you crack it open. Article 6.25, you can appoint a special counsel from the private sector to try a former president of... Oh, no, that's not there. That's not there. It's not in the Constitution. Shit, man. It's like Merrick Garland didn't know that. Of course, he knew it. He just wanted the craziest person possible to prosecute Donald Trump. And that happened to be Jack Smith, who's already gotten smoked in the Supreme Court a couple of times. So right after the pick, right after the pick, by the way, of JD Vans, this happened on the floor.Did you see this? I got to give you some RNC stuff because we're here live at the RNC. This was bananas.On the floor, Don Jr is down there on the floor, and this MSNBC asshole, he sticks a mic in Don Jr's face. Did you guys see this?And of course, obviously, President Trump was just shot a few days ago. You think there'd be a latency period where they wouldn't be dickheads? Let's give us a couple of... No.No, no, no.He sticks a mic in Don's face like, You're giving them the whole fascist, tyrant, bullshit stuff. I want you to see how Don Jr. Ends this thing. This is classic. That's why I love Don Jr. Check this out.What is that change going to look like, Don? Practically, your father, as President, I think you would even say, was a divisive figure. What's it going to look like in the second term? I don't think he was a divisive figure at all. I think the media created divisiveness around him. They lied about Russia, Russia collusion. They said he was a traitor. They went after him in every which way as possible. If the media actually starts being an honest broker, talking about the things that he did, the prosperity he brought, the peace deals that he signed around the world, rather than the disaster that we're living right now. I think you do everyone in the country a big favor. I know immigration is important to him. I covered the family separation crisis closely. Will we continue to see policies like separating 5,000 children deliberately from their parents? You mean the Obama administration? You know they didn't do that, sir. Sure. Will there be a second family separation policy? It's MSD&C, so I expect nothing less from you clowns. Even today, even 48 hours later, you couldn't wait. You couldn't wait with your lies and with your nonsense.So just get out of here.Folks, this is why I love the entire Trump family. They all have the same, go get them, no bullshit approach to this stuff. These people are absolute pieces of shit. They deserve nothing. They deserve never to be treated with any respect because they're liars and they're frauds. Go look up the Lopez Agreement with Dawn said is right. That child separation thing he's complaining about was an Obama era the thing. He's just making that up or he's a moron because that's what media people do. I want to play one last thing for you. It's important.Folks, I want you to keep in perspective.The potential assassination of a President, the border chaos, Ukraine, the Middle East, what's going on in Russia? China saber rattling. What's going on in the Philippines with China and the South China Sea right now, the inflation crisis. I want you to understand that all of this happened under Biden. The media can try to hide that all they want. But the irony of this, hat-tip Tom Elliott and Grabian, is they had said a long time ago that all of this chaos was going to happen under Donald Trump.They had given out all these warnings, yet it's weird. It all materialized under the Oatmeal God in the White House. Here's a little reminder of all the stuff that did happen that they said was going to happen under Donald Trump.Check this out.What would a second Donald Trump term look like?Well, he cannot be the next President because if he is- You can't imagine the things that he's going to do.Mexico, Canada.We can't go to Canada because eventually Canada will become annex to America. And shoot visitors to the White House.Yeah, that means he can shoot the first lady.We're going to see violence, the likes of which we didn't even see on January 6.Make it illegal to run against him, to throw his opponents in jail, to shut down the media.He will make himself into the furor, and he will make everybody raise their hand and salute him.Every Everything they said was going to happen under Trump, sadly, he's gone down under the Oatmeal God.Folks, I will see you tonight, 07:00 PM. There's some strange guy coming over here now. Do you guys know this guy?Do we have security? Security? What?Holy-i don't say that in this climate. Security. I've come to join the Bongino army.Do you know this guy?But I want a good role. I want to be at least the sergeant, and I will work hard.No, you're a lieutenant immediately. You're coming out of OCS, a lieutenant. I'm coming on your show, right?I'm so excited because what I want to know is how you have created this phenomena, how you have created the Bongino army, how you became the Joe Rogan of streaming. This is it. This is unprecedented.You know why? Because of them. These are really good people, Russell, who care about this guy. They care about their country, and they care about honest voices. And you're a no bullshit guy. I posted that picture of me and you yesterday outside the restaurant, and I had like, neighbors I haven't heard from in years. Like, I love that guy because they don't want bullshit. That's why. And that's why you have an audience and I have an audience because you can listen to these media assholes lie to you all day. Come to a show like us and get the truth, the unvarnished truth. And that's what people want. There's a craving for it, man. We're like truth vampire seeking blood, but we want the truth instead.Yeah, I really realized that in our space, integrity and authenticity are what people require, that we're being flooded and gassed and gaslit with toxic disingenuity and dishonesty constantly. And I think that the way that you're cutting through that, mate, is No wonder there are calls for you to be given a position in government.Brother, you're the man.What's his URL?Rumble.Com/russellbrand. Go follow today right now.I will be on with Russell. It's going to be a banger, I promise. Russell, thanks for stopping by, man.Sometimes we have challenges getting an audience. It's almost as if we're streaming against someone that gets a really large audience number.Folks in my chat. So we got a buck 92 right now. You guys are going to watch the show, yes or no? Let's blow up the Rumbble chat. Let's melt the Rumbble chat. Yes, they are. Of course, they are. You're damn right. They are.Thank you for everything you've done in this space. It's so lovely to spend time with you. I look forward to getting to know you later, Dan.Don't miss the show. Bungino, Arnie.Hey, help Russell out. He's got a great show. All right, folks, I'm going to get ready for the radio Show right now. Available streaming, rumble. Com/bungino right here.Please download the Rumble app today. Give us a follow. We added 20,000 new people on Rumble, rumble. Com/bonjino. And also, one more thing, follow us on Apple and Spotify as well.Love you guys. You're the best. See you tonight, 07:00 PM Eastern with Tucker Carlson right back here. See you then.You just heard the Dan Bonjino Show.


debt. They've helped resolve over 1 billion in tax debts for their clients. Some of these tax solutions expire. You don't want to wait on this. Tax Network USA is owned by fellow patriots. They're giving you a free consultation. Call 1-800-245-6000. That's 1-800-245-6000, or visit tnusa. Com/dan, tnusa. Com/dan. Thanks, Tax Network USA. We really appreciate you sponsoring the show. Back to the show. So folks, because I never want to be accused by the patriots in this audience who are interested in keeping this government functioning, and we're not going to work like a third-world republic and let our people get killed, and we sure as shit aren't going to let Donald Trump get killed out there.


How the hell do we fix this? Because if we don't, it will happen again. Because passing the buck isn't doing an interview going, I'm in charge.


Okay, you're going to resign? No, I'm not going to resign.


Oh, and by the way, this is the best we could do, Alejandro Mayorkas.


Step number one, you want to change the secret service?


Hey, Jim, does the President of the United States's height and weight change based on the sex composition of his detail, male or female? It does not. It does not, Jim says.


President President Trump is a rather large man.


He's a big guy. I'm 6'1, 200 pounds, maybe 197.


I don't know.


President Trump is a lot bigger than me. When President Trump grabs you for the handshake and pulls you in, he feels like a college wrestler sometimes. He's a big guy.


He's heavier than me. I don't know what his weight is. I haven't asked him recently, but I can tell you he's heavier than I am. He's also bigger.


Can I just ask a common sense question here? If the President of the United States, or any protective for that matter, if their height and weight do not change, then why are the physical fitness standards different for men and for women? Anyone in the chat have an idea? Oh, because we believe in DEI bullshit if we're a bunch of lefties that are running our government right now. Why do fitness standards change?


Folks, I don't care what your sex, religion, creed, whatever it is.


If you can't lift and evacuate the President of the United States and use force to protect him, you may be required to kill someone to protect the President of the United States. I hope that never happens, but that may happen one day. If you cannot perform these firearms and physical fitness functions, then get the hell off the job. Get off the job. Has anyone ever wondered why the GI Jane story only exists in movies? These physical disparities are real. Can they be overcome? I don't know. But you're going to have to show us in a physical fitness test. I would change this immediately. There is one standard because there's one protectee. If a female agent, or a male agent for that matter, it doesn't matter to me, cannot lift the President and evacuate them, they cannot do the basic job functions. Imagine hiring someone to develop a website who has zero website experience. What are you relying on? Goodwill?


Here's Karine Jean-Pierre, asked a very basic question.


There's a bunch of people out there, of course, the media question is always slanted, complaining about female agents. No one's complaining about female agents. They're complaining about agents who can't do the job who happen to be female. That's a totally different story. I have already told you, I work the secret service. There is a valuable role for female protection agents.


Oh, what are you, virtue signaling? What are you, a moron?




Practically speaking, we have female protectees. They go into bathrooms, they go into places where other females, obviously are going to fit in different.


There is a role there, but you have to be able to perform the job. Here's phony, fake, pathetic, Karine Jean-Pierre bullshitting this reporter and say, Oh, this is all about DEI crap. they have no... Why are they still doing investigations? All of this bullshit I hear, even from friends, Oh, it makes you a better protection agent. I did them both. They are two completely different skill sets. The only thing the Secret Service should be investigating are threat levels. That is it. There is no reason for them to be doing this. Biden, that was the worst Friday in slip.I was trying to say tyrant and Biden, and it came out Byron. I think we should put that on a shirt.The Byrant spoke out last night. He gave Another pathetic, disgusting interview. He was asked for the first time in forever, President Trump almost has to get killed before the media ask a freaking question, Hey, what about all this violent rhetoric you've been using, like putting a bullseye on the President? Watch him stumble through the whole thing because they're the source of the violent rhetoric, not us.Check this out.You called your opponent an existential threat.On a call a week ago, you said it's time to put Trump in the bullseye. There's some dispute about the context, but I think you appreciateI appreciate that- I didn't say crosshairs.I was talking about focus on. Look, the truth of the matter was what I guess I was talking about at the time was there's very little focus on Trump's agenda. Yeah, the term is bullseye. It was a mistake to use the word. I didn't say crosshairs. I meant bullseye. I meant focus on him, focus on what he's doing. Now, I just want you to understand this will all be let go by the end of the week, and the media, again, will be calling Trump a Hitler, a Nazi, fascist.There'll be articles written.What if the shooter didn't miss?Guaranteed, guaranteed.However, the media now, trying to preserve some sliver of dignity they don't have, has decided, let's ask him one tough question and move on. Remember when Sarah Palin, they had that map with the crosshairs over districts? Remember that? That actually turned into a lawsuit. That went on forever. Biden says, Let's put a bullseye on Trump. He subsequently gets shot, and he gets a free, Oh, yeah, yeah. I didn't mean it. I meant I'm going to focus on. Oh, okay. See if you're given the same deference by the media if you were to say the same thing.Good luck.Want to see the craziest media response I've seen yet? Here is the absolutely hapless Joy Reid, the gold medal winner in the dopey media talking head Olympics.I'm sorry, but I think she should be gold medal winner Emeritus or something.She should never, ever be taken from that spot ever. Hall of Fame. We're establishing today for the first time, the Hall of Fame the best pick. Other people had different ideas. That's okay. That's what makes the conservative movement great. We believe in actual free speech, the God given right to speak out and have an opinion.Some people had a different one.I strongly supported the selection of JD Vance.I'm glad you guys read my Wiki nods.You're always ahead of the news cycle here. Here was Donald Trump's post on truth.You probably read it. Not going to read the whole thing, but he did it at about... It would have come at about noon or so?No, maybe after.I don't know, something like that. But I came out yesterday.And remember, ladies and gentlemen, with the VP pick, I strongly support JD and always have.I want that on the record, period.However, for those of you who didn't and thought another pick was better, this is our ticket now, and we have an existential threat to the United States, and we're going to run with this ticket. But I just want you to remember one thing. The golden rule with a vice presidential pick and selection, the platinum rule, is do no harm. I'm sorry, but nobody votes for the vice president. No one.They're voting for Donald Trump.The pick, you can't do any harm with the pick. I believe JD Vance is...I don't believe it's true. He's young, he's energetic, and nobody is able to speak to the middle class better than JD. His book, Hillbilly Elegy, will change your life if you read it.It's about the hollowing out of middle America. Even liberals like the damn book because they were like, Wow, the middle class is getting screwed over. Nobody talks the language of the middle class better than JD Vance. And ladies and gentlemen, we need that. He is going to live in Pennsylvania for the next few months because he understands that entire area and what happened to it. Another positive, he's a fan Fantastic debater. He is a master debater.You need to pause. If you say that fast, you'll see why.He is definitely a master debater. He understands serial box messaging better than any other of the VP candidates. People only understand sound bites and snapshots. That's why the picture of President Trump is going to go down as one of the most iconic pictures in political history.Snapshots and sound bites.Nobody gets the sound bite better than JD. He's great on TV, and he understands us. He's one of the few guys in politics who changed my mind on a subject.He did a podcast about the hollowing out of America and China and the WTO and trade with China. He's one of the few guys ever changed my position.Here's a quick one-minute clip, some of JD. He's not a big yeller and a screamer, and that's okay.Obviously, I am. We got a bit of different styles there, but that's okay.Here's about a minute, hat-tip The Daily Caller of some of JD's most viral moments from the past.Check this out.The thing the media and Congress and Ryan, they talk about this all the time. The thing they never mentioned is that poor girl was raped by an illegal alien, somebody that should have never been in this state in the first place. When the media and people like Tim Ryan accused me of engaging the great replacement theory-You were peddling it. I'll tell you exactly what happens, Tim. What happens is that my own children, my biracial children, get attacked by scumbage bags online and in person because you are so desperate for political power that you'll accuse me, the father of three beautiful biracial babies, of engaging in racism. We are sick of it. You can believe in a border without being a racist. You can believe in the country without being a racist. AndAll right.There's other news going on in the news cycle. I mean, talk about drinking from a fire hose. It's like drinking from five firehouses at the same time.Judge Eileen Cannon throws out Donald Trump's records case down in Florida because Jack Smith was on Constitutionally appointed. Ladies and gentlemen, another story you were a year ahead of if you're watching the show. Jack Smith, they have no power whatsoever to pluck someone, not senate confirmed, out of the private sector Anoint this guy as a special counsel in the most powerful, potentially destructive case in American history against a former President.Sorry, he's waving to some folks out there, the volunteers.They just made up the authority to do this. It was only a matter of time before these people got exposed. Judge Eileen Kana is like, How did you appoint this guy? I want you to listen to the great Mike Davis. Why am I bringing up Mike Davis? Anyone in the studio know? Because Mike Davis will be a guest on our next primetime special tomorrow night, 07:00 PM Eastern, 06:00 PM local, with the great Jack Pasobeck, too.I got bangers lined up for you.Freaking bangers. Here's Mike Davis explaining how if Jack Smith was unconstitutially appointed. This may affect the DC insurrection case, too. Check this out.So the United States Constitution is very clear that if you want to create new officers or if you want to spend taxpayer money, it has to be through our elected representatives in Congress. We had the Office of the Independent Council, and Congress intentionally let that lapse after the Ken Starr investigation of President Clinton. And so what did the Justice Department do? They tried to sidestep that. They tried to create by fiat, the Office of the Special Counsel through regulation, not through Congress. Then this Office of Special Council is not accountable to the attorney general on a day-to-day basis. There's no day-to-day management, and it essentially gets an unlimited budget. Judge Eileen Canon followed the Constitution. It's very clear that the Office of Special Counsel is unconstitutional, and she just ruled that way today.Folks, All you had to do was... Jim, what's that thing called again?The governing thing with the C? I always forget that. All you had to do was read it. Dan, you didn't go to law school.Yeah, I didn't go to medical school either. But if my heart's... You have one? Look at this.Thank you, D.Look, here we go, folks. The Constitution...Wait, is there... Hold on.No, there's no appendix. There's no appendix. The Constitution right there. Here's how this works, There are words in it. You just read it and you crack it open. Article 6.25, you can appoint a special counsel from the private sector to try a former president of... Oh, no, that's not there. That's not there. It's not in the Constitution. Shit, man. It's like Merrick Garland didn't know that. Of course, he knew it. He just wanted the craziest person possible to prosecute Donald Trump. And that happened to be Jack Smith, who's already gotten smoked in the Supreme Court a couple of times. So right after the pick, right after the pick, by the way, of JD Vans, this happened on the floor.Did you see this? I got to give you some RNC stuff because we're here live at the RNC. This was bananas.On the floor, Don Jr is down there on the floor, and this MSNBC asshole, he sticks a mic in Don Jr's face. Did you guys see this?And of course, obviously, President Trump was just shot a few days ago. You think there'd be a latency period where they wouldn't be dickheads? Let's give us a couple of... No.No, no, no.He sticks a mic in Don's face like, You're giving them the whole fascist, tyrant, bullshit stuff. I want you to see how Don Jr. Ends this thing. This is classic. That's why I love Don Jr. Check this out.What is that change going to look like, Don? Practically, your father, as President, I think you would even say, was a divisive figure. What's it going to look like in the second term? I don't think he was a divisive figure at all. I think the media created divisiveness around him. They lied about Russia, Russia collusion. They said he was a traitor. They went after him in every which way as possible. If the media actually starts being an honest broker, talking about the things that he did, the prosperity he brought, the peace deals that he signed around the world, rather than the disaster that we're living right now. I think you do everyone in the country a big favor. I know immigration is important to him. I covered the family separation crisis closely. Will we continue to see policies like separating 5,000 children deliberately from their parents? You mean the Obama administration? You know they didn't do that, sir. Sure. Will there be a second family separation policy? It's MSD&C, so I expect nothing less from you clowns. Even today, even 48 hours later, you couldn't wait. You couldn't wait with your lies and with your nonsense.So just get out of here.Folks, this is why I love the entire Trump family. They all have the same, go get them, no bullshit approach to this stuff. These people are absolute pieces of shit. They deserve nothing. They deserve never to be treated with any respect because they're liars and they're frauds. Go look up the Lopez Agreement with Dawn said is right. That child separation thing he's complaining about was an Obama era the thing. He's just making that up or he's a moron because that's what media people do. I want to play one last thing for you. It's important.Folks, I want you to keep in perspective.The potential assassination of a President, the border chaos, Ukraine, the Middle East, what's going on in Russia? China saber rattling. What's going on in the Philippines with China and the South China Sea right now, the inflation crisis. I want you to understand that all of this happened under Biden. The media can try to hide that all they want. But the irony of this, hat-tip Tom Elliott and Grabian, is they had said a long time ago that all of this chaos was going to happen under Donald Trump.They had given out all these warnings, yet it's weird. It all materialized under the Oatmeal God in the White House. Here's a little reminder of all the stuff that did happen that they said was going to happen under Donald Trump.Check this out.What would a second Donald Trump term look like?Well, he cannot be the next President because if he is- You can't imagine the things that he's going to do.Mexico, Canada.We can't go to Canada because eventually Canada will become annex to America. And shoot visitors to the White House.Yeah, that means he can shoot the first lady.We're going to see violence, the likes of which we didn't even see on January 6.Make it illegal to run against him, to throw his opponents in jail, to shut down the media.He will make himself into the furor, and he will make everybody raise their hand and salute him.Every Everything they said was going to happen under Trump, sadly, he's gone down under the Oatmeal God.Folks, I will see you tonight, 07:00 PM. There's some strange guy coming over here now. Do you guys know this guy?Do we have security? Security? What?Holy-i don't say that in this climate. Security. I've come to join the Bongino army.Do you know this guy?But I want a good role. I want to be at least the sergeant, and I will work hard.No, you're a lieutenant immediately. You're coming out of OCS, a lieutenant. I'm coming on your show, right?I'm so excited because what I want to know is how you have created this phenomena, how you have created the Bongino army, how you became the Joe Rogan of streaming. This is it. This is unprecedented.You know why? Because of them. These are really good people, Russell, who care about this guy. They care about their country, and they care about honest voices. And you're a no bullshit guy. I posted that picture of me and you yesterday outside the restaurant, and I had like, neighbors I haven't heard from in years. Like, I love that guy because they don't want bullshit. That's why. And that's why you have an audience and I have an audience because you can listen to these media assholes lie to you all day. Come to a show like us and get the truth, the unvarnished truth. And that's what people want. There's a craving for it, man. We're like truth vampire seeking blood, but we want the truth instead.Yeah, I really realized that in our space, integrity and authenticity are what people require, that we're being flooded and gassed and gaslit with toxic disingenuity and dishonesty constantly. And I think that the way that you're cutting through that, mate, is No wonder there are calls for you to be given a position in government.Brother, you're the man.What's his URL?Rumble.Com/russellbrand. Go follow today right now.I will be on with Russell. It's going to be a banger, I promise. Russell, thanks for stopping by, man.Sometimes we have challenges getting an audience. It's almost as if we're streaming against someone that gets a really large audience number.Folks in my chat. So we got a buck 92 right now. You guys are going to watch the show, yes or no? Let's blow up the Rumbble chat. Let's melt the Rumbble chat. Yes, they are. Of course, they are. You're damn right. They are.Thank you for everything you've done in this space. It's so lovely to spend time with you. I look forward to getting to know you later, Dan.Don't miss the show. Bungino, Arnie.Hey, help Russell out. He's got a great show. All right, folks, I'm going to get ready for the radio Show right now. Available streaming, rumble. Com/bungino right here.Please download the Rumble app today. Give us a follow. We added 20,000 new people on Rumble, rumble. Com/bonjino. And also, one more thing, follow us on Apple and Spotify as well.Love you guys. You're the best. See you tonight, 07:00 PM Eastern with Tucker Carlson right back here. See you then.You just heard the Dan Bonjino Show.


they have no... Why are they still doing investigations? All of this bullshit I hear, even from friends, Oh, it makes you a better protection agent. I did them both. They are two completely different skill sets. The only thing the Secret Service should be investigating are threat levels. That is it. There is no reason for them to be doing this. Biden, that was the worst Friday in slip.


I was trying to say tyrant and Biden, and it came out Byron. I think we should put that on a shirt.


The Byrant spoke out last night. He gave Another pathetic, disgusting interview. He was asked for the first time in forever, President Trump almost has to get killed before the media ask a freaking question, Hey, what about all this violent rhetoric you've been using, like putting a bullseye on the President? Watch him stumble through the whole thing because they're the source of the violent rhetoric, not us.


Check this out.


You called your opponent an existential threat.


On a call a week ago, you said it's time to put Trump in the bullseye. There's some dispute about the context, but I think you appreciateI appreciate that- I didn't say crosshairs.


I was talking about focus on. Look, the truth of the matter was what I guess I was talking about at the time was there's very little focus on Trump's agenda. Yeah, the term is bullseye. It was a mistake to use the word. I didn't say crosshairs. I meant bullseye. I meant focus on him, focus on what he's doing. Now, I just want you to understand this will all be let go by the end of the week, and the media, again, will be calling Trump a Hitler, a Nazi, fascist.


There'll be articles written.


What if the shooter didn't miss?


Guaranteed, guaranteed.


However, the media now, trying to preserve some sliver of dignity they don't have, has decided, let's ask him one tough question and move on. Remember when Sarah Palin, they had that map with the crosshairs over districts? Remember that? That actually turned into a lawsuit. That went on forever. Biden says, Let's put a bullseye on Trump. He subsequently gets shot, and he gets a free, Oh, yeah, yeah. I didn't mean it. I meant I'm going to focus on. Oh, okay. See if you're given the same deference by the media if you were to say the same thing.


Good luck.


Want to see the craziest media response I've seen yet? Here is the absolutely hapless Joy Reid, the gold medal winner in the dopey media talking head Olympics.


I'm sorry, but I think she should be gold medal winner Emeritus or something.


She should never, ever be taken from that spot ever. Hall of Fame. We're establishing today for the first time, the Hall of Fame the best pick. Other people had different ideas. That's okay. That's what makes the conservative movement great. We believe in actual free speech, the God given right to speak out and have an opinion.Some people had a different one.I strongly supported the selection of JD Vance.I'm glad you guys read my Wiki nods.You're always ahead of the news cycle here. Here was Donald Trump's post on truth.You probably read it. Not going to read the whole thing, but he did it at about... It would have come at about noon or so?No, maybe after.I don't know, something like that. But I came out yesterday.And remember, ladies and gentlemen, with the VP pick, I strongly support JD and always have.I want that on the record, period.However, for those of you who didn't and thought another pick was better, this is our ticket now, and we have an existential threat to the United States, and we're going to run with this ticket. But I just want you to remember one thing. The golden rule with a vice presidential pick and selection, the platinum rule, is do no harm. I'm sorry, but nobody votes for the vice president. No one.They're voting for Donald Trump.The pick, you can't do any harm with the pick. I believe JD Vance is...I don't believe it's true. He's young, he's energetic, and nobody is able to speak to the middle class better than JD. His book, Hillbilly Elegy, will change your life if you read it.It's about the hollowing out of middle America. Even liberals like the damn book because they were like, Wow, the middle class is getting screwed over. Nobody talks the language of the middle class better than JD Vance. And ladies and gentlemen, we need that. He is going to live in Pennsylvania for the next few months because he understands that entire area and what happened to it. Another positive, he's a fan Fantastic debater. He is a master debater.You need to pause. If you say that fast, you'll see why.He is definitely a master debater. He understands serial box messaging better than any other of the VP candidates. People only understand sound bites and snapshots. That's why the picture of President Trump is going to go down as one of the most iconic pictures in political history.Snapshots and sound bites.Nobody gets the sound bite better than JD. He's great on TV, and he understands us. He's one of the few guys in politics who changed my mind on a subject.He did a podcast about the hollowing out of America and China and the WTO and trade with China. He's one of the few guys ever changed my position.Here's a quick one-minute clip, some of JD. He's not a big yeller and a screamer, and that's okay.Obviously, I am. We got a bit of different styles there, but that's okay.Here's about a minute, hat-tip The Daily Caller of some of JD's most viral moments from the past.Check this out.The thing the media and Congress and Ryan, they talk about this all the time. The thing they never mentioned is that poor girl was raped by an illegal alien, somebody that should have never been in this state in the first place. When the media and people like Tim Ryan accused me of engaging the great replacement theory-You were peddling it. I'll tell you exactly what happens, Tim. What happens is that my own children, my biracial children, get attacked by scumbage bags online and in person because you are so desperate for political power that you'll accuse me, the father of three beautiful biracial babies, of engaging in racism. We are sick of it. You can believe in a border without being a racist. You can believe in the country without being a racist. AndAll right.There's other news going on in the news cycle. I mean, talk about drinking from a fire hose. It's like drinking from five firehouses at the same time.Judge Eileen Cannon throws out Donald Trump's records case down in Florida because Jack Smith was on Constitutionally appointed. Ladies and gentlemen, another story you were a year ahead of if you're watching the show. Jack Smith, they have no power whatsoever to pluck someone, not senate confirmed, out of the private sector Anoint this guy as a special counsel in the most powerful, potentially destructive case in American history against a former President.Sorry, he's waving to some folks out there, the volunteers.They just made up the authority to do this. It was only a matter of time before these people got exposed. Judge Eileen Kana is like, How did you appoint this guy? I want you to listen to the great Mike Davis. Why am I bringing up Mike Davis? Anyone in the studio know? Because Mike Davis will be a guest on our next primetime special tomorrow night, 07:00 PM Eastern, 06:00 PM local, with the great Jack Pasobeck, too.I got bangers lined up for you.Freaking bangers. Here's Mike Davis explaining how if Jack Smith was unconstitutially appointed. This may affect the DC insurrection case, too. Check this out.So the United States Constitution is very clear that if you want to create new officers or if you want to spend taxpayer money, it has to be through our elected representatives in Congress. We had the Office of the Independent Council, and Congress intentionally let that lapse after the Ken Starr investigation of President Clinton. And so what did the Justice Department do? They tried to sidestep that. They tried to create by fiat, the Office of the Special Counsel through regulation, not through Congress. Then this Office of Special Council is not accountable to the attorney general on a day-to-day basis. There's no day-to-day management, and it essentially gets an unlimited budget. Judge Eileen Canon followed the Constitution. It's very clear that the Office of Special Counsel is unconstitutional, and she just ruled that way today.Folks, All you had to do was... Jim, what's that thing called again?The governing thing with the C? I always forget that. All you had to do was read it. Dan, you didn't go to law school.Yeah, I didn't go to medical school either. But if my heart's... You have one? Look at this.Thank you, D.Look, here we go, folks. The Constitution...Wait, is there... Hold on.No, there's no appendix. There's no appendix. The Constitution right there. Here's how this works, There are words in it. You just read it and you crack it open. Article 6.25, you can appoint a special counsel from the private sector to try a former president of... Oh, no, that's not there. That's not there. It's not in the Constitution. Shit, man. It's like Merrick Garland didn't know that. Of course, he knew it. He just wanted the craziest person possible to prosecute Donald Trump. And that happened to be Jack Smith, who's already gotten smoked in the Supreme Court a couple of times. So right after the pick, right after the pick, by the way, of JD Vans, this happened on the floor.Did you see this? I got to give you some RNC stuff because we're here live at the RNC. This was bananas.On the floor, Don Jr is down there on the floor, and this MSNBC asshole, he sticks a mic in Don Jr's face. Did you guys see this?And of course, obviously, President Trump was just shot a few days ago. You think there'd be a latency period where they wouldn't be dickheads? Let's give us a couple of... No.No, no, no.He sticks a mic in Don's face like, You're giving them the whole fascist, tyrant, bullshit stuff. I want you to see how Don Jr. Ends this thing. This is classic. That's why I love Don Jr. Check this out.What is that change going to look like, Don? Practically, your father, as President, I think you would even say, was a divisive figure. What's it going to look like in the second term? I don't think he was a divisive figure at all. I think the media created divisiveness around him. They lied about Russia, Russia collusion. They said he was a traitor. They went after him in every which way as possible. If the media actually starts being an honest broker, talking about the things that he did, the prosperity he brought, the peace deals that he signed around the world, rather than the disaster that we're living right now. I think you do everyone in the country a big favor. I know immigration is important to him. I covered the family separation crisis closely. Will we continue to see policies like separating 5,000 children deliberately from their parents? You mean the Obama administration? You know they didn't do that, sir. Sure. Will there be a second family separation policy? It's MSD&C, so I expect nothing less from you clowns. Even today, even 48 hours later, you couldn't wait. You couldn't wait with your lies and with your nonsense.So just get out of here.Folks, this is why I love the entire Trump family. They all have the same, go get them, no bullshit approach to this stuff. These people are absolute pieces of shit. They deserve nothing. They deserve never to be treated with any respect because they're liars and they're frauds. Go look up the Lopez Agreement with Dawn said is right. That child separation thing he's complaining about was an Obama era the thing. He's just making that up or he's a moron because that's what media people do. I want to play one last thing for you. It's important.Folks, I want you to keep in perspective.The potential assassination of a President, the border chaos, Ukraine, the Middle East, what's going on in Russia? China saber rattling. What's going on in the Philippines with China and the South China Sea right now, the inflation crisis. I want you to understand that all of this happened under Biden. The media can try to hide that all they want. But the irony of this, hat-tip Tom Elliott and Grabian, is they had said a long time ago that all of this chaos was going to happen under Donald Trump.They had given out all these warnings, yet it's weird. It all materialized under the Oatmeal God in the White House. Here's a little reminder of all the stuff that did happen that they said was going to happen under Donald Trump.Check this out.What would a second Donald Trump term look like?Well, he cannot be the next President because if he is- You can't imagine the things that he's going to do.Mexico, Canada.We can't go to Canada because eventually Canada will become annex to America. And shoot visitors to the White House.Yeah, that means he can shoot the first lady.We're going to see violence, the likes of which we didn't even see on January 6.Make it illegal to run against him, to throw his opponents in jail, to shut down the media.He will make himself into the furor, and he will make everybody raise their hand and salute him.Every Everything they said was going to happen under Trump, sadly, he's gone down under the Oatmeal God.Folks, I will see you tonight, 07:00 PM. There's some strange guy coming over here now. Do you guys know this guy?Do we have security? Security? What?Holy-i don't say that in this climate. Security. I've come to join the Bongino army.Do you know this guy?But I want a good role. I want to be at least the sergeant, and I will work hard.No, you're a lieutenant immediately. You're coming out of OCS, a lieutenant. I'm coming on your show, right?I'm so excited because what I want to know is how you have created this phenomena, how you have created the Bongino army, how you became the Joe Rogan of streaming. This is it. This is unprecedented.You know why? Because of them. These are really good people, Russell, who care about this guy. They care about their country, and they care about honest voices. And you're a no bullshit guy. I posted that picture of me and you yesterday outside the restaurant, and I had like, neighbors I haven't heard from in years. Like, I love that guy because they don't want bullshit. That's why. And that's why you have an audience and I have an audience because you can listen to these media assholes lie to you all day. Come to a show like us and get the truth, the unvarnished truth. And that's what people want. There's a craving for it, man. We're like truth vampire seeking blood, but we want the truth instead.Yeah, I really realized that in our space, integrity and authenticity are what people require, that we're being flooded and gassed and gaslit with toxic disingenuity and dishonesty constantly. And I think that the way that you're cutting through that, mate, is No wonder there are calls for you to be given a position in government.Brother, you're the man.What's his URL?Rumble.Com/russellbrand. Go follow today right now.I will be on with Russell. It's going to be a banger, I promise. Russell, thanks for stopping by, man.Sometimes we have challenges getting an audience. It's almost as if we're streaming against someone that gets a really large audience number.Folks in my chat. So we got a buck 92 right now. You guys are going to watch the show, yes or no? Let's blow up the Rumbble chat. Let's melt the Rumbble chat. Yes, they are. Of course, they are. You're damn right. They are.Thank you for everything you've done in this space. It's so lovely to spend time with you. I look forward to getting to know you later, Dan.Don't miss the show. Bungino, Arnie.Hey, help Russell out. He's got a great show. All right, folks, I'm going to get ready for the radio Show right now. Available streaming, rumble. Com/bungino right here.Please download the Rumble app today. Give us a follow. We added 20,000 new people on Rumble, rumble. Com/bonjino. And also, one more thing, follow us on Apple and Spotify as well.Love you guys. You're the best. See you tonight, 07:00 PM Eastern with Tucker Carlson right back here. See you then.You just heard the Dan Bonjino Show.


the best pick. Other people had different ideas. That's okay. That's what makes the conservative movement great. We believe in actual free speech, the God given right to speak out and have an opinion.


Some people had a different one.


I strongly supported the selection of JD Vance.


I'm glad you guys read my Wiki nods.


You're always ahead of the news cycle here. Here was Donald Trump's post on truth.


You probably read it. Not going to read the whole thing, but he did it at about... It would have come at about noon or so?


No, maybe after.


I don't know, something like that. But I came out yesterday.


And remember, ladies and gentlemen, with the VP pick, I strongly support JD and always have.


I want that on the record, period.


However, for those of you who didn't and thought another pick was better, this is our ticket now, and we have an existential threat to the United States, and we're going to run with this ticket. But I just want you to remember one thing. The golden rule with a vice presidential pick and selection, the platinum rule, is do no harm. I'm sorry, but nobody votes for the vice president. No one.


They're voting for Donald Trump.


The pick, you can't do any harm with the pick. I believe JD Vance is...


I don't believe it's true. He's young, he's energetic, and nobody is able to speak to the middle class better than JD. His book, Hillbilly Elegy, will change your life if you read it.


It's about the hollowing out of middle America. Even liberals like the damn book because they were like, Wow, the middle class is getting screwed over. Nobody talks the language of the middle class better than JD Vance. And ladies and gentlemen, we need that. He is going to live in Pennsylvania for the next few months because he understands that entire area and what happened to it. Another positive, he's a fan Fantastic debater. He is a master debater.


You need to pause. If you say that fast, you'll see why.


He is definitely a master debater. He understands serial box messaging better than any other of the VP candidates. People only understand sound bites and snapshots. That's why the picture of President Trump is going to go down as one of the most iconic pictures in political history.


Snapshots and sound bites.


Nobody gets the sound bite better than JD. He's great on TV, and he understands us. He's one of the few guys in politics who changed my mind on a subject.


He did a podcast about the hollowing out of America and China and the WTO and trade with China. He's one of the few guys ever changed my position.


Here's a quick one-minute clip, some of JD. He's not a big yeller and a screamer, and that's okay.


Obviously, I am. We got a bit of different styles there, but that's okay.


Here's about a minute, hat-tip The Daily Caller of some of JD's most viral moments from the past.


Check this out.


The thing the media and Congress and Ryan, they talk about this all the time. The thing they never mentioned is that poor girl was raped by an illegal alien, somebody that should have never been in this state in the first place. When the media and people like Tim Ryan accused me of engaging the great replacement theory-You were peddling it. I'll tell you exactly what happens, Tim. What happens is that my own children, my biracial children, get attacked by scumbage bags online and in person because you are so desperate for political power that you'll accuse me, the father of three beautiful biracial babies, of engaging in racism. We are sick of it. You can believe in a border without being a racist. You can believe in the country without being a racist. AndAll right.There's other news going on in the news cycle. I mean, talk about drinking from a fire hose. It's like drinking from five firehouses at the same time.Judge Eileen Cannon throws out Donald Trump's records case down in Florida because Jack Smith was on Constitutionally appointed. Ladies and gentlemen, another story you were a year ahead of if you're watching the show. Jack Smith, they have no power whatsoever to pluck someone, not senate confirmed, out of the private sector Anoint this guy as a special counsel in the most powerful, potentially destructive case in American history against a former President.Sorry, he's waving to some folks out there, the volunteers.They just made up the authority to do this. It was only a matter of time before these people got exposed. Judge Eileen Kana is like, How did you appoint this guy? I want you to listen to the great Mike Davis. Why am I bringing up Mike Davis? Anyone in the studio know? Because Mike Davis will be a guest on our next primetime special tomorrow night, 07:00 PM Eastern, 06:00 PM local, with the great Jack Pasobeck, too.I got bangers lined up for you.Freaking bangers. Here's Mike Davis explaining how if Jack Smith was unconstitutially appointed. This may affect the DC insurrection case, too. Check this out.So the United States Constitution is very clear that if you want to create new officers or if you want to spend taxpayer money, it has to be through our elected representatives in Congress. We had the Office of the Independent Council, and Congress intentionally let that lapse after the Ken Starr investigation of President Clinton. And so what did the Justice Department do? They tried to sidestep that. They tried to create by fiat, the Office of the Special Counsel through regulation, not through Congress. Then this Office of Special Council is not accountable to the attorney general on a day-to-day basis. There's no day-to-day management, and it essentially gets an unlimited budget. Judge Eileen Canon followed the Constitution. It's very clear that the Office of Special Counsel is unconstitutional, and she just ruled that way today.Folks, All you had to do was... Jim, what's that thing called again?The governing thing with the C? I always forget that. All you had to do was read it. Dan, you didn't go to law school.Yeah, I didn't go to medical school either. But if my heart's... You have one? Look at this.Thank you, D.Look, here we go, folks. The Constitution...Wait, is there... Hold on.No, there's no appendix. There's no appendix. The Constitution right there. Here's how this works, There are words in it. You just read it and you crack it open. Article 6.25, you can appoint a special counsel from the private sector to try a former president of... Oh, no, that's not there. That's not there. It's not in the Constitution. Shit, man. It's like Merrick Garland didn't know that. Of course, he knew it. He just wanted the craziest person possible to prosecute Donald Trump. And that happened to be Jack Smith, who's already gotten smoked in the Supreme Court a couple of times. So right after the pick, right after the pick, by the way, of JD Vans, this happened on the floor.Did you see this? I got to give you some RNC stuff because we're here live at the RNC. This was bananas.On the floor, Don Jr is down there on the floor, and this MSNBC asshole, he sticks a mic in Don Jr's face. Did you guys see this?And of course, obviously, President Trump was just shot a few days ago. You think there'd be a latency period where they wouldn't be dickheads? Let's give us a couple of... No.No, no, no.He sticks a mic in Don's face like, You're giving them the whole fascist, tyrant, bullshit stuff. I want you to see how Don Jr. Ends this thing. This is classic. That's why I love Don Jr. Check this out.What is that change going to look like, Don? Practically, your father, as President, I think you would even say, was a divisive figure. What's it going to look like in the second term? I don't think he was a divisive figure at all. I think the media created divisiveness around him. They lied about Russia, Russia collusion. They said he was a traitor. They went after him in every which way as possible. If the media actually starts being an honest broker, talking about the things that he did, the prosperity he brought, the peace deals that he signed around the world, rather than the disaster that we're living right now. I think you do everyone in the country a big favor. I know immigration is important to him. I covered the family separation crisis closely. Will we continue to see policies like separating 5,000 children deliberately from their parents? You mean the Obama administration? You know they didn't do that, sir. Sure. Will there be a second family separation policy? It's MSD&C, so I expect nothing less from you clowns. Even today, even 48 hours later, you couldn't wait. You couldn't wait with your lies and with your nonsense.So just get out of here.Folks, this is why I love the entire Trump family. They all have the same, go get them, no bullshit approach to this stuff. These people are absolute pieces of shit. They deserve nothing. They deserve never to be treated with any respect because they're liars and they're frauds. Go look up the Lopez Agreement with Dawn said is right. That child separation thing he's complaining about was an Obama era the thing. He's just making that up or he's a moron because that's what media people do. I want to play one last thing for you. It's important.Folks, I want you to keep in perspective.The potential assassination of a President, the border chaos, Ukraine, the Middle East, what's going on in Russia? China saber rattling. What's going on in the Philippines with China and the South China Sea right now, the inflation crisis. I want you to understand that all of this happened under Biden. The media can try to hide that all they want. But the irony of this, hat-tip Tom Elliott and Grabian, is they had said a long time ago that all of this chaos was going to happen under Donald Trump.They had given out all these warnings, yet it's weird. It all materialized under the Oatmeal God in the White House. Here's a little reminder of all the stuff that did happen that they said was going to happen under Donald Trump.Check this out.What would a second Donald Trump term look like?Well, he cannot be the next President because if he is- You can't imagine the things that he's going to do.Mexico, Canada.We can't go to Canada because eventually Canada will become annex to America. And shoot visitors to the White House.Yeah, that means he can shoot the first lady.We're going to see violence, the likes of which we didn't even see on January 6.Make it illegal to run against him, to throw his opponents in jail, to shut down the media.He will make himself into the furor, and he will make everybody raise their hand and salute him.Every Everything they said was going to happen under Trump, sadly, he's gone down under the Oatmeal God.Folks, I will see you tonight, 07:00 PM. There's some strange guy coming over here now. Do you guys know this guy?Do we have security? Security? What?Holy-i don't say that in this climate. Security. I've come to join the Bongino army.Do you know this guy?But I want a good role. I want to be at least the sergeant, and I will work hard.No, you're a lieutenant immediately. You're coming out of OCS, a lieutenant. I'm coming on your show, right?I'm so excited because what I want to know is how you have created this phenomena, how you have created the Bongino army, how you became the Joe Rogan of streaming. This is it. This is unprecedented.You know why? Because of them. These are really good people, Russell, who care about this guy. They care about their country, and they care about honest voices. And you're a no bullshit guy. I posted that picture of me and you yesterday outside the restaurant, and I had like, neighbors I haven't heard from in years. Like, I love that guy because they don't want bullshit. That's why. And that's why you have an audience and I have an audience because you can listen to these media assholes lie to you all day. Come to a show like us and get the truth, the unvarnished truth. And that's what people want. There's a craving for it, man. We're like truth vampire seeking blood, but we want the truth instead.Yeah, I really realized that in our space, integrity and authenticity are what people require, that we're being flooded and gassed and gaslit with toxic disingenuity and dishonesty constantly. And I think that the way that you're cutting through that, mate, is No wonder there are calls for you to be given a position in government.Brother, you're the man.What's his URL?Rumble.Com/russellbrand. Go follow today right now.I will be on with Russell. It's going to be a banger, I promise. Russell, thanks for stopping by, man.Sometimes we have challenges getting an audience. It's almost as if we're streaming against someone that gets a really large audience number.Folks in my chat. So we got a buck 92 right now. You guys are going to watch the show, yes or no? Let's blow up the Rumbble chat. Let's melt the Rumbble chat. Yes, they are. Of course, they are. You're damn right. They are.Thank you for everything you've done in this space. It's so lovely to spend time with you. I look forward to getting to know you later, Dan.Don't miss the show. Bungino, Arnie.Hey, help Russell out. He's got a great show. All right, folks, I'm going to get ready for the radio Show right now. Available streaming, rumble. Com/bungino right here.Please download the Rumble app today. Give us a follow. We added 20,000 new people on Rumble, rumble. Com/bonjino. And also, one more thing, follow us on Apple and Spotify as well.Love you guys. You're the best. See you tonight, 07:00 PM Eastern with Tucker Carlson right back here. See you then.You just heard the Dan Bonjino Show.


All right.


There's other news going on in the news cycle. I mean, talk about drinking from a fire hose. It's like drinking from five firehouses at the same time.


Judge Eileen Cannon throws out Donald Trump's records case down in Florida because Jack Smith was on Constitutionally appointed. Ladies and gentlemen, another story you were a year ahead of if you're watching the show. Jack Smith, they have no power whatsoever to pluck someone, not senate confirmed, out of the private sector Anoint this guy as a special counsel in the most powerful, potentially destructive case in American history against a former President.


Sorry, he's waving to some folks out there, the volunteers.


They just made up the authority to do this. It was only a matter of time before these people got exposed. Judge Eileen Kana is like, How did you appoint this guy? I want you to listen to the great Mike Davis. Why am I bringing up Mike Davis? Anyone in the studio know? Because Mike Davis will be a guest on our next primetime special tomorrow night, 07:00 PM Eastern, 06:00 PM local, with the great Jack Pasobeck, too.


I got bangers lined up for you.


Freaking bangers. Here's Mike Davis explaining how if Jack Smith was unconstitutially appointed. This may affect the DC insurrection case, too. Check this out.


So the United States Constitution is very clear that if you want to create new officers or if you want to spend taxpayer money, it has to be through our elected representatives in Congress. We had the Office of the Independent Council, and Congress intentionally let that lapse after the Ken Starr investigation of President Clinton. And so what did the Justice Department do? They tried to sidestep that. They tried to create by fiat, the Office of the Special Counsel through regulation, not through Congress. Then this Office of Special Council is not accountable to the attorney general on a day-to-day basis. There's no day-to-day management, and it essentially gets an unlimited budget. Judge Eileen Canon followed the Constitution. It's very clear that the Office of Special Counsel is unconstitutional, and she just ruled that way today.


Folks, All you had to do was... Jim, what's that thing called again?


The governing thing with the C? I always forget that. All you had to do was read it. Dan, you didn't go to law school.


Yeah, I didn't go to medical school either. But if my heart's... You have one? Look at this.


Thank you, D.


Look, here we go, folks. The Constitution...


Wait, is there... Hold on.


No, there's no appendix. There's no appendix. The Constitution right there. Here's how this works, There are words in it. You just read it and you crack it open. Article 6.25, you can appoint a special counsel from the private sector to try a former president of... Oh, no, that's not there. That's not there. It's not in the Constitution. Shit, man. It's like Merrick Garland didn't know that. Of course, he knew it. He just wanted the craziest person possible to prosecute Donald Trump. And that happened to be Jack Smith, who's already gotten smoked in the Supreme Court a couple of times. So right after the pick, right after the pick, by the way, of JD Vans, this happened on the floor.


Did you see this? I got to give you some RNC stuff because we're here live at the RNC. This was bananas.


On the floor, Don Jr is down there on the floor, and this MSNBC asshole, he sticks a mic in Don Jr's face. Did you guys see this?


And of course, obviously, President Trump was just shot a few days ago. You think there'd be a latency period where they wouldn't be dickheads? Let's give us a couple of... No.


No, no, no.


He sticks a mic in Don's face like, You're giving them the whole fascist, tyrant, bullshit stuff. I want you to see how Don Jr. Ends this thing. This is classic. That's why I love Don Jr. Check this out.


What is that change going to look like, Don? Practically, your father, as President, I think you would even say, was a divisive figure. What's it going to look like in the second term? I don't think he was a divisive figure at all. I think the media created divisiveness around him. They lied about Russia, Russia collusion. They said he was a traitor. They went after him in every which way as possible. If the media actually starts being an honest broker, talking about the things that he did, the prosperity he brought, the peace deals that he signed around the world, rather than the disaster that we're living right now. I think you do everyone in the country a big favor. I know immigration is important to him. I covered the family separation crisis closely. Will we continue to see policies like separating 5,000 children deliberately from their parents? You mean the Obama administration? You know they didn't do that, sir. Sure. Will there be a second family separation policy? It's MSD&C, so I expect nothing less from you clowns. Even today, even 48 hours later, you couldn't wait. You couldn't wait with your lies and with your nonsense.


So just get out of here.


Folks, this is why I love the entire Trump family. They all have the same, go get them, no bullshit approach to this stuff. These people are absolute pieces of shit. They deserve nothing. They deserve never to be treated with any respect because they're liars and they're frauds. Go look up the Lopez Agreement with Dawn said is right. That child separation thing he's complaining about was an Obama era the thing. He's just making that up or he's a moron because that's what media people do. I want to play one last thing for you. It's important.


Folks, I want you to keep in perspective.


The potential assassination of a President, the border chaos, Ukraine, the Middle East, what's going on in Russia? China saber rattling. What's going on in the Philippines with China and the South China Sea right now, the inflation crisis. I want you to understand that all of this happened under Biden. The media can try to hide that all they want. But the irony of this, hat-tip Tom Elliott and Grabian, is they had said a long time ago that all of this chaos was going to happen under Donald Trump.


They had given out all these warnings, yet it's weird. It all materialized under the Oatmeal God in the White House. Here's a little reminder of all the stuff that did happen that they said was going to happen under Donald Trump.


Check this out.


What would a second Donald Trump term look like?


Well, he cannot be the next President because if he is- You can't imagine the things that he's going to do.


Mexico, Canada.


We can't go to Canada because eventually Canada will become annex to America. And shoot visitors to the White House.


Yeah, that means he can shoot the first lady.


We're going to see violence, the likes of which we didn't even see on January 6.


Make it illegal to run against him, to throw his opponents in jail, to shut down the media.


He will make himself into the furor, and he will make everybody raise their hand and salute him.


Every Everything they said was going to happen under Trump, sadly, he's gone down under the Oatmeal God.


Folks, I will see you tonight, 07:00 PM. There's some strange guy coming over here now. Do you guys know this guy?


Do we have security? Security? What?


Holy-i don't say that in this climate. Security. I've come to join the Bongino army.


Do you know this guy?


But I want a good role. I want to be at least the sergeant, and I will work hard.


No, you're a lieutenant immediately. You're coming out of OCS, a lieutenant. I'm coming on your show, right?


I'm so excited because what I want to know is how you have created this phenomena, how you have created the Bongino army, how you became the Joe Rogan of streaming. This is it. This is unprecedented.


You know why? Because of them. These are really good people, Russell, who care about this guy. They care about their country, and they care about honest voices. And you're a no bullshit guy. I posted that picture of me and you yesterday outside the restaurant, and I had like, neighbors I haven't heard from in years. Like, I love that guy because they don't want bullshit. That's why. And that's why you have an audience and I have an audience because you can listen to these media assholes lie to you all day. Come to a show like us and get the truth, the unvarnished truth. And that's what people want. There's a craving for it, man. We're like truth vampire seeking blood, but we want the truth instead.


Yeah, I really realized that in our space, integrity and authenticity are what people require, that we're being flooded and gassed and gaslit with toxic disingenuity and dishonesty constantly. And I think that the way that you're cutting through that, mate, is No wonder there are calls for you to be given a position in government.


Brother, you're the man.


What's his URL?




Com/russellbrand. Go follow today right now.


I will be on with Russell. It's going to be a banger, I promise. Russell, thanks for stopping by, man.


Sometimes we have challenges getting an audience. It's almost as if we're streaming against someone that gets a really large audience number.


Folks in my chat. So we got a buck 92 right now. You guys are going to watch the show, yes or no? Let's blow up the Rumbble chat. Let's melt the Rumbble chat. Yes, they are. Of course, they are. You're damn right. They are.


Thank you for everything you've done in this space. It's so lovely to spend time with you. I look forward to getting to know you later, Dan.


Don't miss the show. Bungino, Arnie.


Hey, help Russell out. He's got a great show. All right, folks, I'm going to get ready for the radio Show right now. Available streaming, rumble. Com/bungino right here.


Please download the Rumble app today. Give us a follow. We added 20,000 new people on Rumble, rumble. Com/bonjino. And also, one more thing, follow us on Apple and Spotify as well.


Love you guys. You're the best. See you tonight, 07:00 PM Eastern with Tucker Carlson right back here. See you then.


You just heard the Dan Bonjino Show.