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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. All right, the Weekend Update is back, and I got such a monster show today. My crew was like, Really? Really? You really think you're going to get to all this? The answer is probably not, but we will get to it at some point in the week. If we don't, maybe at the end of the year, we'll do a land of misfit toys. Stories we should have gotten to, but never, ever I've never did. Jim does that sometimes for us in the radio show. The weekend, I got a good one for you this weekend, too. Toured up. But there's a Secret Service story out there, another scandal. You probably heard about it. This one, I got to ask you, apply the Bongino rule. I think I've got an explanation for this one. It's not necessarily a good one for them, but I think I could tell you maybe what happened. But until we form a final opinion, just give it to Bongino Rule, 24, 72 hours. Chill a little bit on that one. And then I've got some inside baseball for you about what's going on at the Kamala things.


Ladies and gentlemen, when you see this one sign, when you see this sign from my experience doing hundreds, if not thousands of political rallies, you're in trouble. Hey, you've heard me rave about Beam every week, so get it now. They're offering their largest discount at shopbeam. Com/bongino. Use code Bongino. All right, listen, I got to send a special shout out to a friend of mine, country singer Nate Smith. I'll get to that in a second. This guy is really, really great and amazing guy. Hey, many Americans are tired and frustrated by a stall economy I mean, inflation, endless wars, and the relentless assault on our values. Thankfully, this company is like Patriot Mobile that still believe in America and our rights. I'm proud to partner with Patriot Mobile because we're on the front lines fighting for our rights. The sanctity of life, a military and first-responder hero. Take a stand for conservative causes today. Put America first by switching to Patriot Mobile today. You get the same nationwide coverage as the big providers because Patriot Mobile operates across all three major networks, plus they back their service with a coverage guarantee. They're 100% US-based customer service team will find the best plan for your needs.


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That's not me, brothers and sisters, okay? I'm no one's moral compass. Don't look to me for values and all that other stuff. Don't. You want to look to me for political tactics on how to win and kick ass and then cutesy time? Cool. But I'm just a bro like you who loves all the things you love, like partying and everything else. I'm definitely not your spiritual advisor at all. I'm serious, man. I feel like we all need to know this with each other so you don't have unrealistic expectations of who I am. I had a really good time this week. And first, I want to send a special shout out. Country singer Nate Smith, who, by the way, number one on the charts right now with bulletproof. Ladies and gentlemen, I'd sing it for you, but my voice is really bad today. Scratchy. My voice is bad all the time, but today it's unusually bad because it's really scratchy from yelling all weekend. Get to that in a second. But here's a picture. This guy, man, that's a country singer. Who's that lovely lady? That's my sister-in-law. It's Paula's sister, Natalie. She went to the concert, and Nate's the nicest guy, man.


Afterwards, she was with her crew, and this work crew. He's like, Tell them, bring them backstage, man. Hang out. I was like, Dude, you are the nicest guy. Do me a favor, Bongino Army. Represent this guy, Nate Smith. He's the real deal. Go download Bulletproof, the song. You're going to love it. Unfortunately, I had to practice that this weekend. The song is like, I tried Jack, I tried Jim, all those heartbreak bottles on the shelf. I think I tried all of them this weekend, too. It was Paula's birthday weekend. I thought her birthday It was last week. It was, but we did a little celebrating this weekend. We went to the coolest place in South Florida. If you've never been to Cafe Marto Ranos, by the way, it's an institution down there in Fort Lauderdale, Marto Ranos. It's Mart, Marto, with an O, M-A-R-T-O-R-A-N-O-S, Cafe Martoranos. The guy who owns it, Stevie Marteranos, Cuzzi Cuz, is the greatest guy. He gave me his hat, Yo Cuz hat. Yo Cuzze, Cuzzi Cuz, which reminds me of my New York days, and it says on the back, Who doesn't want to be Italian, Cuz? So I was partying this weekend with Stevie Marteranos and Marteranos.


Dude, you go to this restaurant, the food is amazing. And Stevie DJs. He's been doing it for decades. He DJs while he's cooking. No, in the kitchen, you can see him. He was tearing it up. I was there partying, rocking, singing so much. So some cat took a picture on Marderanos' website, Yo cuz, and you see that guy in a blue T-shirt? Because I don't wear anything but T-shirts in the background with the hat on. That's me. That's Excuse me. Yes, he's blurry with the hat. It was the black hat. He gave me two. This is the why Yo Cuzz-y. But that is me and Paula partying hard with our friends. And man, we had a good time. My liver is still recovering. So again, I just got to be straight with you. I have a good time, man. I don't mess with people. I don't break any laws. I never disrespect people. I don't do anything during the week. Monday through Friday, man, I get up at 6:00 in the morning, cold punch, shower, workout, work, work, work, work, We had a good one. Cafe Marderanos. It's hard to get in. Make your reservation early.


Thank me later. Send me pictures. You're going to love it. Listen, I told you we are the misfits now, right? It's the reason I tied the weekend update back in this and put this story first. We're the misfits now. You understand that, right? We're the renegades. My original show was called The Renegade Republican. I don't know if you know that. It's for a reason. I sensed this cultural shift where the left that used to be like this Rage Against a machine, Bob Dylan, fight against the dying of the light, people, all that stuff, right? I sense this change coming after the hippies that, man, we're the real renegades now, fighting for the government, get the hell out of our life for this libertarian streaking us, leave us the F alone, man, let us do our thing. I noticed that the left were becoming this machine they used to rage against. Now, even in New York Times, starting to notice that, we're the cool kids now. They all want to be like us, but they can't. They're the where we're going to win crowd. You know what? We got to pull that video. Can you pull that for me now?


Sorry to mess up the whole show. Here, this is the left. I should just put this in the beginning of the show. Here is the left compared to, They want to be us now, but they're freaking lame. I'm sorry. No offense to Karens. My name's Dan. People hate that name, too. But this is the left is full of nothing but the crazy Karens. This is the Queen of the Karens. This was at a Kamala Harris rally. This is who they are now. This is the former Rage Against the machine They're now not only the machine, they're the Earth people. Watch this. We're going to win. We're going to win. I mean, not to be cocky, but I'm optimistic. I've always been a supporter of She's a woman, and she's Black, and she'll be the first President candidate that I think she will win. Like I said, I'm all about equal access and equal So women tell the choice. Folks, brothers and sisters, I'm not messing with you, man. You're the misfits now. You understand that. You're the renegades. There's no victory lap to be taken here. It's just true. You're the outcasts. They want to be you.


No, that's the left now. That's the queen. I'm anointing her, Queen of the Karens. Ladies and gentlemen, go find her and say, Thank you. Here's your medal, Queen of the Karens. Be nice to her. Again, we don't want to be rude or obnoxious or anything. That's the lefties. Let them have a monopoly on their own crazy violence. We don't do that. We don't need to be. They want to be us. We don't want to be them. New York Times, Kid Rock threw the party. Magga Faithful brought the joy, rage, and the smearred off ice. Folks, this is the New York Times. Kid Rock, who is another genuinely good dude. His name is Bobby. He is a really, really good dude. Turn that article up. They're now jealous because Kid Rock is going into all of these places America forgot. Real America, the country, real America. The America that works for a living and gets turd under their fingernails. And look at this. Everywhere he goes, tens of thousands of people show up for his Rock the Country concert. This is the New York Times. What remained was a snapshot of a maturing American subculture. You know what that means?


We're jealous of you guys. We're a bunch of losers. With unwritten conventions rivaling those of deadheads, don't compare us to Swift. That's a death sentence. And a dizzying mashup of hedonism, piety, angry, rebellion, and a beer-guzzling pursuit of happiness. Yes, yes. We have made it. We have conquered the culture. And now the crazy queen of the Karens, they don't want to be us, but they can't. They can't. You're not allowed in. We love that libertarians come on in. Even Democrats who are angry at big government, come on in. We don't want you crazy people, though. You stay over there on the crazy side. You're not allowed in. This club is only for the cool kids and the renegades and the outkasts and the misfits. Ladies and gentlemen, that's you now. But that's why I had to tell you about my weekend, too. They all want to be us, man. We're all having a good time. We're enjoying life, man. These liberals are always angry at everything all the time, always angry and pissed off. We're a bunch of beer guzzlers pursuing happiness. Even a New York Times had to note that. Gosh, that had to hurt.


All right, let me get a lot of serious news. We're going to talk about it, right? So there's another secret service scandal this weekend. Did any of you hear? Hat tip to my good friend, Chaya Rachik over at Libsa TikTok, and Jordan Shacktell and others. They tagged me in this. They wanted my commentary on it. If you haven't seen it, let me just tee this video up for you. I'll voice over it, okay? There is a female secret service agent. It's a Kamala Harris rally somewhere close by. She appears on this video to be taping over a security camera. And then there's an allegation by the owner that the Secret Service broke into her place or picked a lock or something like that and used her bathroom, and that basically left this thing dirty and stuff. So here's the agent. This is from a business insider video. Looking at the security camera, you'll see it's a salon. You see it's a salon front porch. If and those of you listening on Apple, she's looking up, she doesn't know what to do. She goes away. She sees this security camera. She comes back, you'll see in a few minutes, and she places basically what appears to be some duct tape over the camera to block this camera out.


And again, the bathroom thing turned into a big deal. The salon owner says they weren't authorized to go in there. She's saying they came in and picked the lock and did all this. Now, it's a couple of points I want to make here, okay? If this is true, and I'm applying to Bongino, I have no reason to believe, by the way, there you go. You see the camera's blacked out because now the security tape goes over. You hear some of that sound in the background. That's obviously from the camera. If this is true, if the allegations It's going to turn out to be correct, ladies and gentlemen, the Secret Service or any police, whatever, without some a warrant, has no authority whatsoever to break into your place. There's a name for that. And you guys know what it is? It's called burglary. These guys are being crude. They think this is a trick question. That's got a name. That's called burglary. There is no exemption to burglary without warrants and other things where you can actively force your way in. If this is true, the Secret Service and whoever did that, because there's no doubt it happened, okay?


The only question is who did it? Because the Secret Service has already made some apology for it. So no No one's disputing the story that the lady's salon was in fact, used and broken into. It's only the who did it portion. The safety camera thing, let me get to this first, because I feel like I owe you a little bit of inside expertise on this, and I'm never going to bullshit you. I have been very harsh on the Secret Service. The active director is a total nightmare. The acting director right now needs to resign immediately. The agency is broken. It needs entirely new leadership. The eighth floor needs to be cleaned out. No question about it. I I will say this, though. Taping security cameras over... Wait, with a big asterisk first. Taping over security cameras is pretty common. However, here's the asterisk. We ask permission first. This isn't hard. Now, why do you tape over security cameras? I've already discussed this before. We usually do it, obviously, with permission because you don't want people knowing the movements of your protectee. So if we're walking in a hotel, whether it's with Trump or Bush or Obama or Biden or anyone else for that matter, Harris, you don't want people to know.


We'll usually staff a secret service agent in that hotel security room. It's It's always a security room with a bunch of cameras. But we typically tape over the cameras in the areas they're going to be because of a couple of things. You want to just hear the truth? I'm going to tell you. We don't want people knowing where she is unless it's us. You get what I'm saying? And also, folks, protect these, do weird things. I mean, this is the part I shouldn't tell you, but I'll tell you. They pick their nose and stuff, like weirdos stuff. You don't want them on camera. Someone's taping it. So that's typically... But they do it with permission. What the hell is this lady was doing? And she's saying that they didn't get permission to do it, did it anyway. It's just freaking weird. But that's not the worst part of the video. There's an allegation here, again, I have no reason to disbelieve, that they broke into the salon. Now, the Secret Service is hedging on the story. They're hinting it wasn't them. I don't know, hinting it may be the local police or whatever. It doesn't matter.


It doesn't matter. Again, for the thousandth time to the Secret Service. If you guys are going to be responsible for security, then you guys are responsible for security. If it's your post-standers, if it's your HSI guys, if it's police officers doing it, it's your responsibility. If this happened, you were responsible. The only thing I can think of is when I first got in the Secret Service, this guy told this story in the training center about, Hey, Man, we got to do what we got to do for protection. I'll never forget, a lot of students thought we could break into places if it was a protection thing. They did. I had to explain to them later with a bunch of other guys. It's not really the case at all. I'm guessing that may have happened in this case. Oh, yeah, we're just going to use it. It's in a federally protected area. That's not the way any of this works. I'm just asking to apply to Bongino rule because we don't know who did it, but it doesn't really matter. It's the Secret Services responsibility no matter what. The camera thing, again, is pretty common, but not without permission.


All right, moving on. There you go. That's the inside story on what happens with these things. What did I tell you at the beginning of the show? When you see black curtains, ladies and gentlemen, that is big time trouble for a campaign. Black curtains, it's over. It is not a good sign. I'm going to show you what I mean in a second. Quick backstory to this. You P1s, you remember this story? This may be like the P, P, P, P, P Peepee tape on. This is like P1s of P1s. I've told this story many times. I'm doing a site once for Obama. I'm the lead advance, right? Obama's going up to New Jersey with the New Jersey Devils hockey team players. I think it was the Prudential Center. I could be wrong, but whatever. He's doing a rally. This is years ago for John Corzine. Corzine is running... Corzine is a Democrat governor. He's running against this guy. You may have heard from me, he's too many twinkies, Chris Christie. Christie's not the governor yet, okay? He's running against Chris Christie. It's an off-cycle election. The Obama people tell me, I'm the lead, I go, How many people we need to expect for the magnetometers, the metal detectors?


I got to know so I can get the appropriate amount of magnetometers. They're like, 22,000 people. I'm like, Bullshit. There ain't no way to get no 22K. I start talking to some locals. Probably shouldn't tell you this, border. I'm like, They're going to get 22,000 people because I ain't going to order all these mags and no one's going to use them. Guys, they ain't getting no 22,000 people. They're lucky if they get 10. I went around their back and ordered a few less magnatons because I knew they weren't going to need it. Sure enough, that game day comes, they don't get 10. They got eight. They got basically a third of the people they thought they were going to When they can't get enough people in a big arena, which happens a lot. And by the way, who won that election? Twinkies, Chris Christie won. I knew it was over. I knew it was over. I knew it. I knew it was over. Because once you see these, these black curtains, that's bad news. Now, I don't want to hear any red wave talk. It's just nothing's over. It's a 50/50 election. I'm just saying I got to give you both sides of it.


Don't get into... Leave that picture up for a second. Don't Don't get into the red wave talk or the landslide talk because it's bullshit, and stop it. However, don't get into the bullshit AstroTurf stuff either with the Kamala Harris campaign. Like, Oh, my gosh, we're killing you guys. Big, huge crowds everywhere. I'm not telling you Trump hasn't had these two at times. There are times that black curtains come out. But here's the difference. Trump has done, I don't know, how many? A thousand rallies over the last eight years, maybe more? Not everyone's going to be a Ringer. She just started. You already got the black curtains out? She just started. So everyone needs to chill with the Kamala Harris. Oh, my gosh. The Kamala revolution is here. Every single campaign she's ever started started this way, and it always dies hard. She needs someone to come in and save her. She's a mess. All right, quick break, and I want to give you some more inside baseball. Did you hear about this medical emergency story? Hey, listen, man, Laura Lumer broke this thing first. Whether you like her or not, she broke this story first.


Nobody made fun of her. Everyone who made fun of her, she go back and apologize. She was absolutely right. Did you hear about this medical emergency story? Now it explains everything about the coup, because there was a coup to get by now. And in a really stunning video, he admitted it this weekend. Don't go anywhere. Man, we got almost 150,000 people already. The Bonshino army, repping strong. I need you to go download bulletproof today, too. Show them how powerful we are. We need good people and patriots out there, man. Got to take care of our peeps, man. I love you guys so much. This little army we're building, you guys are special to me. That's why I feel like I need to be honest with you so you know who I am. I know who you are. I read your emails and everything. You guys are great. Hey, American financing. The ability to provide for you and your family has changed quite a bit in the last couple of years. That's for sure. When you go shopping, you're getting less, but you spend in the same. You have to decide what to buy and what to do without.


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I don't believe this AstroTurf thing for a second. If there was ever a PSYOP, Kamala Harris is the PSYOP. This woman has run garbage campaigns every single time. She had to be rescued in California. She never got out of Iowa. She's a terrible candidate, terrible and totally unrelated. It's relatable. But now we know why she's in there and not Joe Biden. The folks, there's a huge cover up going on. Jennifer Van Laar has done some great work on this story, too. I told you about Lumer, but Van Laar has been all over this as well. Las Vegas police recordings released from the Biden medical event, code 3 transport to the airport in red state. This is that story I told you. Lumer broke a while. Everybody made fun of her. Are you crazy? Biden had some medical event in Nevada. Oh, really? You thought she was nuts? Well, they finally They got their hands on these audio tapes. I want you to listen to this, folks, and keep in mind this 421 code and stuff they're talking about. They're talking about a medical event. Potus is obviously short for President of the United States. You're going to hear that.


Potus 421. You think the Las Vegas Police Department, LVPD, you think the Las Vegas sheriffs and the department around there in that area and the Nevada Sheriff's people, you think they were just making this up on the radio? To be funny, guys. There clearly was a medical event being hidden from everyone in America. You see how the press and everyone jumped down everyone's throat when people started reporting on this? This is why I wait. I always wait. Now we got confirmation. What's the press going to say about this? Listen to this audio, the police department, and it's absolutely clear from a guy with 12 years of experience doing Secret Service motorcades. What's happening here is the transportation advance agent for the Secret Service, the guy responsible for the motorcade route is trying to take his assets from what we call the primary route, the route we were going to use to get from Air Force One to the site, to the hospital route. That's not the same thing. One's the hospital, one's the event. He's trying to get all the assets to the hospital route. This is Las Vegas PD trying to move them over.


Listen to this. 302 685. Are you available for a phone call? I'm calling you now. 302, what's your extension? 302. I just logged on standby. I'm getting on the radio. I'm being on the phone now. It's going to be 7104, sir. 5104? 7104. 302 MCAP 36. I'm at Maryland and DI, confirming we're still holding these intersections. All right. So right now, they're on a hold for something with the President. So if you can go ahead and let them in at north and south flow, but not east and west, just north and south, please. Copy. Control 302. 302, go ahead, sir. Okay, for everybody on the radio, Right now, POTUS is 421. He's being seen, so we're waiting to see how this is shaping out. So for everybody's knowledge, he's 421 right now. We're just trying to figure out what's going on, and we're going to go from there. Do you hear the end of that? Again, everybody laughed when this story came in. Oh, you idiots, conspiracy theories. How many freaking conspiracy theories are going to turn out to be true? Potus is 421. President of the United States is having some medical on the plane.


Folks, I don't know what that is. I'm not the freaking President's doctor, okay? I'm glad he's okay. I don't wish ill will on anyone. But don't tell us this is all bullshit. Was it some cerebral event, a TIA, a heart event, some respiratory incident? I don't know. I'm not his doctor. But folks, the President is not your dentist, okay? He's not your accountant. He is the Commander-in-Chief of the world's most powerful military. It is a good idea to be open with the citizens he works for about the man's health condition when he's in his 80s. If he had an incident, what is it? Is he okay? Was it serious? Was it not? 421, maybe he had a paper cut. I don't know. But folks, let me tell you something. There's no better person to listen to than me on this. I did this. I was the whip in TS. I ran that unit, transportation section. I was there twice, did motorcades my entire career. I'm telling you what you're listening to because I've been on the other end of that as an agent when we had to switch stuff, let's just say, because of things that happened.


That is a secret service agent telling his counterpart from Metro and the police departments and the sheriff's offices, he's trying to get assets from one route over the other to secure intersections of motorcades. I am 100% certain that's what that is. They were moving assets from primary to the hospital route, and the guy was saying, stand by until we hear about what's happening with this medical on the plane. These people should be ashamed of themselves in the media. These Pravda scumbags. This is public business, the health of an 80-year-old President, clearly in poor shape. Is he okay? Is anyone going to ask? Is anyone... Folks, go tag these press pool reporters today. Is anybody in the press pool going to ask about this audio today? President okay? Is that a serious thing? Is he all right now? For those of you like, Oh, we got to move on, Kamala Harris said, No, we don't have to move Come on. The guy's the President now. He's the President right now. I wish he weren't, but he is. Now, does this make sense, by the way? You understand they all knew this? They hid this from you.


The media, the swamp, the Democrats on Capitol Hill, they all knew the guy was sick and had a medical, and nobody's telling you anything. Does this story make sense now? Listen to this. This is shocking video, may not seem as much, but it is, that came out this weekend where Biden basically admits he didn't want to leave. He was pushed out. Now, does it make sense? Why? Listen to this. Look, the polls we had showed that it was neck and neck race. It would have been down the wire. But what happened was a number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races. I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic. You'd be interviewing me about why did Nancy Pelosi say, why did so... And I thought it would be a real distraction. Now does it make sense, folks. Now does it make sense why Biden so abruptly left the race in the middle of a weekend. What is it? Like a month ago now? I'm losing track of time. I feel like we're living in dog years.


The news cycle has been so bananas. Why haven't done any weekend updates? It's not even calm now. It's just calmer, but it's still crazy. He was calm like in a calm time. It's so crazy now. Here's the new measure of calm, which was crazy just a year ago. They pushed him out. I don't know about you. Again, I'm not his doctor. I don't know what he had, but it's clear something serious happened, so much so that some secret service agent was making a call that they might have to get this guy to the hospital, which I'm telling you is a big deal. Why? A little inside baseball, again. There is a pretty well-stocked medical suite on Air Force One, and he's got a cadre of doctors around him. If those doctors are saying, We can't handle this here, we might have to take him to the hospital telling the agent, get the motorcade lined up. Something happened, and they know about it. And the Bongino army is going to get to the bottom of it because we're going to ask questions. How bad is he still the President? And you know what? It does matter for the current race because why is Kamala Harris not asking questions about this?


She says she's the closest one to him. Is she hiding from the American public that the President's really sick or was? It speaks to who she is, doesn't it? It's a serious issue. I'm not letting it go because you tell me. You don't tell me shit on the left. I do what I want. Thank God, some people are starting to point this out. Kamala Harris is a ghost right now. She's a ghost. She's trying to ride this This wave of fake enthusiasm. The black curtains are out already, and she's letting the media do the tough work. Stay tuned. I'll show you what I mean. Receipts incoming in a minute. Hey, Birch Gold. Hey, before Birch, I didn't really endorse any gold companies. I didn't think there was a need to own gold, so I wouldn't recommend it to my listeners. That's just the facts. But now with all the insanity going on, folks, I'm glad I did really well on my Birch Gold purchases. The endless printing of money skyrocketing national debt, global chaos, and yes, an election in November with big ramifications. So I buy gold, and I've been buying gold from Birch Gold for some time now.


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Are you stupid? She is a Communist. That's why she's staying out of the spotlight. And she doesn't want to answer questions about Joe Biden is deteriorating health because she looks like she's part of a massive cover-up, which she is. Play this cut. Here's how he curves on Fox this week and like, Hey, man, JD Vance is everywhere, kicking people's asses all weekend, politically speaking, on the Sunday shows. He looked like a rock star this weekend. Where's Kamala Harris? Trump's out doing rallies. She's hiding, talking off a teleprompter with black curtains. Check this out. Will he now be ordered to avoid the press like Kamala Harris? Because today, for example, JD Vance on three different Sunday shows And Governor Walsh hasn't taken a single question from the press. Tampon Tim, stolen valor Tim, nowhere to be found. He's probably still out there telling people he's a Command Sergeant Major, saw a combat. Kamala Harris don't want to tell you anything because he's a freaking Communist and doesn't want you to know. Yet here's JD Vance. I told you guys, I don't pick them wrong, okay? I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound like a cocky asshole.


I don't pick them wrong. I'm not crazy. I've known JD Vance for a long time. Jd Vance is the real deal. I'm going to say again, because this is important. I don't agree with JD on everything. I don't agree with Donald Trump on everything. I'm not a robot, neither are you. I don't pick candidates on 100% unanimity because the only one I'm going to have that with is me. That's it. He is the real deal. He handles the press. He understands the economy. This guy gets it. Here he is this weekend while Tim Walls, stolen valor tampon Tim, nowhere to be found. Kamala Harris hiding. Here he is schooling down a bash for being a total hack from CNN, saying, Hey, listen, you're sitting here asking me about a comment I made three years ago over and over. Where the hell is Kamala Harris? Nowhere. Good for JD. I I told you you were going to like this guy. Check this out. Because it was literally a novel virus. But Danny, you asked me about... Okay, you've now asked me three questions about comments that I made three years ago. I wonder what Kamala Harris thinks about the fact that she supported policies that opened the American Southern border.


I wonder what Kamala Harris thinks about the fact that she lied to the American people about Joe Biden's middle facility for the office. You are interviewing me, Dana, because I respect the American people enough to sit down for an interview. I appreciate that. Kamala Harris has been the nominee for three weeks. She hasn't sat down for a real interview. Believe me, we are asking. You're not going to get a disagreement there. But the point is, Dana, you've got me for 15 minutes or however long you have me. We should be talking about public policies that matter. Folks, this guy is not afraid of these idiots. You know why? They are his mental inferiors. He understands that. He has nothing to lose by speaking to the media because he doesn't have anything to hide with them. Warts and all. He's happy to defend these things always. Where are the other two? Nowhere to be found. Why aren't the media today asking Kamala Harris, Did Joe Biden have a medical in Nevada? Because you're the vice President. And if he had a medical incident in Nevada, right? In Las Vegas. You understand that if he was incapacitated, you would be elevated to be the acting President while he's out of commission, right?


Were you not aware of that? Is anyone in the media interested? Hello, McFly. Anyone? Anyone. This is another reason they're afraid of putting Kamal in front of the media. She has run garbage campaigns every time. She is an awful candidate. No red wave talk ever. We're 50/50 at best. However, I can't believe how many people are getting PSYOP into believing this woman's like the next Obama. She's not even the next... She's not even the next Beto. I think Beto lasted longer than her in the presidential race. She's terrible. Here's Kamala Harris, a reminder. This is why they can't put her in front of the media. The Trump team put this out. Hat tip to them. Here are her unscripted moments when she's talking to the media. This is what... Folks, I am not kidding. I know I'm not fully objective, okay? I'm a conservative. I support Trump. I get it. But I'm telling you, someone who ran for office, and I lost the race. I lost a couple of races here. I know what it's like, and I know the mistakes I made. This is genuinely awful. This is not a woman who can handle scrutiny even a little bit.


Check this out. We've been to the border. You haven't been to the border. And I haven't been to Europe. I don't understand the point that you're making. Talking about the significance of the passage of time. The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time. Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically, that's wrong. So no longer are you necessarily keeping those private files in some file cabinet that's locked in the basement of the house. It's on your laptop, and it's then, therefore, up here in this cloud that exists above us, right? The Caribbean Nations, island nations, in the Western hemisphere. That is where the Caribbean is. We are also in the Western hemisphere. They are our neighbors. I am here, standing here on the northern flank, on the Eastern flank, talking about what we have in terms of the Eastern flank. I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been. You know?


This is so... I can't even tell you the conversation we're having on this point. She is so cringe. Folks, do not get baited. I'm telling you, this is the biggest sci-op in American political history, the Kamala Phenomena. Kamala Nomena. It is a big, huge media PSYOP. They know this, women. This woman is terrible. They wrote articles about how terrible she was when they thought she was an obstacle to Democrat power. The same people. I want to show you how worried they are, by the way. Someone sent me a message. I'm going to leave out who because they didn't give me permission to say it. They didn't not, but you get the point. They said they're in around the Nevada, Las Vegas area, and some Democrat knocked on their door this weekend and told them that their plan is 10, 10, and 10. He's like, Dan, they stole that from you. This is how worried they are. You follow the Dan Bongino 10, 10, and 10 plan, and we win. You don't, we're going to lose. Bring 10 people to vote with you. Ten. You have now till November. Email 10 people. I do it all the All the time, my friends who've received emails, no.


Hey, you voting? I mean, you don't have to physically drive them there. I'm just saying, remind 10 people to vote. I do it all the time. I don't speak with fork tongue. Send 10 emails to 10 friends Make 10 phone calls or send 10 social media posts about how people can vote, preferably all three. Go to your Facebook, go to Snapchat, TikTok, Rumble, TruSocial, X. Say, Hey, friends, if you're in the area, I'm in Martin County, Florida. Here's the website. Go check if you're registered. Check everything's good to go. Look at your early voting location. This isn't hard. I may sound like a jerk, but you want to win? This is how we win. That was the greatest email I ever got. The Democrats are now stealing our plan. Ten, 10, and 10. You have to bring 10 people with you. Whenever I see you in public, I see people now, they go like this to me. It's not the Leave me alone. It's 10. They do it at rallies. They do it at book signing. Whenever I see them, they go, I'm like, Ten? No, you can bring more. Preferably, bring 100. But I want to give you a realistic goal.


You have what? Eighty-six days or something? Eighty-six days. There's more than enough time. Get it done. Execute. Don't buy into the PSYOP. Folks, they did this to us in 2016 and 2020. They are trying to get you to stay home. Kamala, the phenomenon. Kamala is back. Kamala, hope you're changing. It's bull. Do need I remind you about this? This is my favorite article in the history of the Internet ever. Share this with all your friends. They They did this same thing in 2016. Hillary, hope he changing. Phenomenal look. First woman president. This is the next president, whatever. Here's the article right before the election. Notice the date. It's two weeks before the election. October 24, 2016. It's a real article. Go look it up. Washington Post, Chris Saliza and Aaron Blake. Donald Trump's chances of winning are approaching zero. They're doing the same thing. They're doing the same thing. They are deathly afraid of Donald Trump, and this is why they're afraid. Okay, I got 160. Good, because this is my biggest crowd today yet, which happens. People join. Listen to me. Is everybody ready? Put down what you're doing. Here, you got a pen?


Put it down. They got goosebumps, really. Is that It's important it is you understand this. The Donald Trump 2016 and 2020 coalition, it is not the same. Stop. Anyone saying, Here's what happened in 2020, here's what happened in 2016, throw it out. There was something that happened after the police state persecution, and I use that word intentionally, of Donald Trump. A lot of aggrieved people. It's got nothing to do with skin color at all, by the way. Stop with that. It's not it. People who feel effed by the system, hollowed out, American manufacturing towns feel like the system screwed them over. Minorities who feel like they've been hustled by losers in the government, screwing them over. Working class Americans who feel like they can't go to the grocery store and pick up food no more. The martyrdom of Donald Trump It switched something in the collective American psyche. People who had never considered a Republican because they heard they were like, these rich, bow-tie-wearing people, which is not nothing at all, but the media told them that, now started to say, Well, if the Republicans are these powerful, bow-tie-wearing people running the government, destroying the little guy, well, how come the Democrats are putting them in jail then?


The Democrats are totally I'm really obtus to this right now. You are going to see a massive shift here. Younger voters, Black voters, Hispanic voters, working class voters, Union workers. It's not a skin color thing who feel effed by the system. They are going to create a completely different coalition. It is not the same, and the Democrats are really scared. It's why they're doing this Kamala is brat nonsense. They're trying to make the most uncool candidate in American history Community, cool again, and they can't. I want you to watch this great segment. Sure, about a minute bit. I got a minute of it. It's a Newsmax segment. They went out and did a man on the street, and they went specifically into minority communities. It's segments like this I'm going to play another one tomorrow, by the way, that scare the hell out of the Democrats because they don't know how to counter it. Even the media now, no one's listening. They can't make Uncool Kamala cool again. Check this out. If you're racist today, you lost. Nobody going against Trump. It's not about race. It's about what they provide for the society. It's what they could do for the community.


With her putting a lot of Black Americans in jail for the marijuana, they're not really going for her. We also got people's thoughts on Trump's recent comments on Harris's ethnicity. She was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. Yeah, she was Hindu when it suited her purpose. You Now that she's running, the Black vote, it suits her purpose. So like Trump said, now she's Black. Folks, I'm telling you right now, something big is happening. I don't want to hear landslide talk. I'm going to say this, so are you done hearing about it? Tell me yes, because that means I got to say it 10 more times. I don't want to hear it ever. Execute. That is it. Do not get distracted. They are scared scared, not us. I'm not scared. I'm actually very optimistic, not overly optimistic, but optimistic. We have learned. The Democrats... Let me tie the show in together. Why I put this together the way I did now. Nothing I do here is by accident. Did you notice how I opened up the show?


The Democrats, the liberal media are afraid, folks. Their brand forever has been very simple. You want the stodgy old connected machine guys running your life into the the party of the Rich, vote Republican. We're the Democrats. We're the cool kids. They've lost the narrative. Do you understand that? They have totally lost the narrative. They are now the Cut your kids' balls off, nanny state, government government's going to tell you what to do. Big Daddy government is going to sit here and control everything from the economy to education to your health care. There is nothing cool about that. They are jealous of us now. We're now the beer-guzzling hippie culture going, You know what, man? I just want you to get that out of my life, man. Is that cool? Just leave me. Give us our military accord system. Everything you do sucks. Can you just leave us alone? You're the machine now. You put our guy in jail. You're locking everyone up. How are we the big power players? You're the ones locking us up. We're the renegades now. They have lost the narrative. Nobody wants to be part of the machine. Everybody wants to be part of our culture now.


They're like, Man, I got it. You ever They read these articles from lefties? They go to these MAGA rallies, Trump concerts, kid rock concerts, and they're always looking for a bunch of guys in clan hoods. And it's like every single time they write the same thing. They do. Go read the articles. They're like, Man, it's really weird. Everybody was actually really nice to me. There was just an article and like, Oh, man, what was it? I wish I could find it. Let me think of it. There was just an article about this, about this guy in this lefty rag. It was like a Mother Jones type place. Right now, they were at some Trump rally, and they couldn't believe how nice everybody was. We're the ones right now. We're the misfits. We're the renegades. We're the deadheads. We're definitely not the Swifties. We're the guys showing up at the Nate Smith concerts and the Kid Rock concerts and having a good time. You know what's sexy, man? Liberty's sexy. That's what's sexy. Freedom. Live your freaking life. That's some 90 government, some 80 A 80-plus-year-old guy who had a medical episode telling you where you could get your gas and your food and send your kids to school.


What the hell is sexy about that? Hold on. Hold on a second. Standby. So when I was a kid, the listener sent this to me. This is the exact bumper sticker I I had on my car. I don't know where this guy got this. Did he print it himself or what? This question authority bumper sticker, man, was on my car. I had a Ford Escort. I was 17. My entire life, I'm not going to tell you I was a Republican my whole life. I was definitely a libertarian growing up. But I always said to myself, why do we let these people... It just didn't make any sense to me. How it is that all these people I was with in college, in Stonebrook, in Queens College, too, they were all like, oh, yeah, Democrats, man. It's like the edgy part. I was like, how? They are losing it, man. They want to be us. We don't want to be them. Can you play We Got A Win Lady again? Nobody wants to be the Queen of the Karen's, folks. You're at a kid rock concert. You're having a damn good time rocking your Magga hat, drinking a beer, having a blast.


And this is what the All of people with the black curtains are doing. We're going to win. This is the Queen of the Karens, the Duchess. You want to be this lady? I've always been in. Enough of this. In my ears, I can't destroy any more brain cells from my audience. You don't want to be that. They're jelly kids. They want to be like us. By the way, be very, very careful about this election. Folks, election observers, vote place observers, vote counting location observers. Scott Pressler. Jim, can you book Scott this week, by the way? We got to talk about Pennsylvania. Scott wants to come on, Jim. You know it from the radio show. Be very, very careful about Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Department of State is already releasing his BS tweet saying, There's going to be some shady stuff here. This is a real tweet, verified account. Pennsylvania's one always know the final result of all elections on election night. Any changes in results that occur as counties continue to count bouts are not evidence that an election is rigged. There is no evidence on election night that it is rigged. The numbers will change from Trump up 500 million votes to down 20, but that is not evidence in Pennsylvania.


Here it is, Pennsylvania election official speaking loudly. If you're like, Man, they look like Feghazi. That was in honor of Feghazi Day last week, by the way. Folks, I don't buy any of this shit. Rnc and others, I hope you're on top of this. I want people at ballot boxes. I want people everywhere. Feghazy. Feghazy is a celebrity on this show. Folks, listen, everybody be cool, all right? If you see Feghazy in public, get a selfie and send me the selfie. Don't tell him why, because he won't do it. Just be like, Hey, Fegazi. Can I take a self? Be cool. Don't, you know. What is his real name? Fugly, is he? Folks, get selfies with him. It'd be hilarious, and we'll put it up. We'll put him up on the show. Is that everybody? If you said, Just be cool. Especially if you're going to say it with family and stuff, I don't want to… Just be like, Yo, Fugly is he, or whatever. I don't even know his real name. Don't say Fegayze. He'll never do the selfie. We love Fugliizze. Fugliizze day, my dear. But be cool. Be like, Hey, we love your work, man.


Oogly is he. Get a picture of your selfie. We'll take selfies. We'll make it like the Fugliizze selfie portfolio. Be nice, though. Be like over nice. That way he takes a picture. The coolest thing ever. Fagazy portfolio at the end of the year. This show. I had a good weekend, man. You can tell I'm in a really good mood. Listen, I guess I'm sorry to get to. Don't go anywhere. I may run a little over today, but I just had a good time this weekend. I'm just going to tell you something, folks. I've been poor. I've been middle class. I guess you could say I've been wealthy. I don't know. Who cares? You shouldn't talk about money, but I I don't really give a damn. It doesn't matter. If you ever are in the opportunity where you can do stuff, memories are what matters, man. You don't need a lot of money to make memories. I had such a good time with the orthodontist this weekend and my doctor friend. Always hang around, by the way, people smarter than you. Your goal is to be the dumbest person in every room. Seriously, be the dumbest person because you'll always be smarter.


Never hang around with people dumber than you. You'll get dumber. So these two are just Man, they like to party like I do and work hard. They bust their asses during the week, and their wives are super nice. I went out with this restaurant owner friend of mine, too. Man, I'll tell you, memories. They never go away. You buy a fancy Lamborghini. I don't know how I have a Lincoln Navigator. It's a nice car, but it's not like I have an armored Escalade, which is nice. But I don't have any fancy... I don't have a boat or anything. I'm not a member of any country club. Just build memories, man. They last forever. It is the greatest dopamine high ever. Good friends, man. I thank them for a great weekend. One more thing. In addition to Pennsylvania, be very, very careful about this story, too. Washington Post First, Trump campaign says it's a victim of a foreign hack after a leak of a JD Vance report. The judge is ruling. Bs alert. I am declaring an official, official, Bongeano Rule alert. It's my first official one. There it is on the screen. Red flags everywhere.


You knew we're going to have some October surprise. If you start seeing emails leaking out around October, sound familiar? And they're like, Look, this is a Trump campaign. The Iranians did it. Sound familiar? Thank you, chat folks. I'm not buying any of this, any of this at all. I think they're preparing you right now for some October leak Oh, emails. Look, the Iranians did it. Sure. Sure. No, Dan, you got to believe it. It's the Washington Post. Isn't that the PP tape, Washington Post? Didn't they tell us they had emails last time or something like that, and Trump did it or something like that? What else? That's it. That's the same Washington Post. Donald Trump. Good catch, Justin. Same Washington Post. Donald Trump's chances of winning are approaching zero. Official red flag, Bongino Rule Warning, my first one. You start hearing about leaked emails. Save this clip, fellows. Save the clip. Don't say, I didn't warn you. Trump campaign is a victim of a foreign hack. Sure. Okay. I need a couple of favors. Army, General, Sargent, Anita, McGroian Army. You're up. Everybody, go download my friend Nate Smith's bulletproof. By the way, I'm not a producer or anything like that.


I have anything to do with him business-wise. He's just a great guy, and he's super nice, and he loves America. And his song, Bulletproof, is a freaking banger. Because I did try Jack and Jim this week. Listen to the lyrics, you know what I mean. Download that. Download the Rumble app. It is free. Join us Every day at 11:00 AM. Represent Bungino Army. We had 160 plus thousand people here today. We're probably the number one or two livestream in the world because we kick ass and take names. 11:00 AM. Be here live. If not, you can watch a video on demand. It's all free. Rumble. Com/bungino. Download the Rumble app. Give us a follow on Apple and Spotify, too, where we've been kicking ass and taking names, too. See you on a radio show on Rumble in a few minutes, and back here tomorrow. Thanks for a banger show. See then. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.