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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show's special Primetime RNC Evening Edition. I keep saying I'm going to bring you the best guests to the point where it's really sounding lame right now, but they are the best guests. I don't know what else to say. Today, I got two friends of mine. One is a member of a group he doesn't even know he's a part of, Mike and Mike. He has no idea. He thought he was a solo act. The great Mike Davis, probably the best law fair analysis out there. Another guy has been a longtime friend of mine. I mean, this guy is just an all-around utility player for conservatism, has one of the best conservative pictures you'll ever see face-to-face with Antifa Tell them to go fuck themselves, which was really great. We're going to get to them in a second, but we got a sponsor today, My Pillow. They're having a $25 extravaganza sale on some of their amazing products. Check out their deals at mypillow. Com, and make sure you use promo code Dan. Gee, which camera should I look at? He straight away or that one? Which one's best? Am I looking at that camera straight ahead?


Above the TV.


Okay. Above the TV. Okay. Sorry, guys. Just don't want to be looking weird if I'm looking to the side. Guys, welcome, Jack. Thanks so much. First off, you have a new book out, Jack. What's the title? You were on my show talking about it because you know how to really beat these communists at their tactical game.


Look, Danny, thanks so much for going. By the way, I'm not trying to distract here. I'm literally, just like you, right in the middle of this, getting information from sources as we go. This is one of my White House sources that's coming in talking about the current status of Joe Biden and presidential immunity case. The biggest winner of that is Joe Biden, because Joe Biden is going to get thrown out of office on November fifth, 2024. His old, decrepit, demented ass would be a prime target for the Trump 47 Justice Department on January 20th.Now, Jack, I'll go to you. The difference, because you just brought this up, too. It's a nice ping-pong here. The difference with us and them is the there now? Like, recently, the last couple of weeks, what was it?Who did it? Last week, Raw Sewage. I think they're pronounced raw sewage. I think they're-That's what it was.Yeah, raw story.That's how you pronounce it?What.Is it?Raw sewage.Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, reporters from raw sewage were trying to hit me up. I don't communicate with single-digit IQ, so-called journalist. It's just not my style, right? But they actually today, I posted it up on my X today, both of the people that did the hit piece on me trying to label me as the biggest, the name, calling, whatever? Yeah. Well, they confronted me over a couple of blocks away by the Pfizer. They were shaking when they were communicating. I got it on video.They're always so scared whenever I talk to them in real life.. He was so scared. When you got up in his grill, they were all like... I left the White House one time for the... You remember the RNC was at the White House, the National Convention? Yeah. I'm leaving, I'm walking out with my wife. Remember, it was crazy. Antifa, BLM was everywhere.Was that the night Rampal? Yes.They came up.They got him. They have the video. I played it on Fox.All they do is political Yeah, that happened to us, too. Every day, they do. Every day, they do. We don't do any of that.We walk out and some guy's following us. I'm going to rape your wife. He's got a group of people around. I lose it. I'm not trying to pretend to be a tough guy, but I was going to fuck this guy up. I'm chasing him down the street. He's on a bike, and My old secret service friend, Keith, grabs me. He's like, It isn't worth it. My wife is in heels. She's like, trying to stop me. I'm like, I'm going to kick this dude's ass right here. I'm going to show this guy. They are the biggest pussies ever.The best comment I heard on that video, you, was from Scott Adams. He was talking about it, and I was listening the next day, and he goes, I don't know if Antifa has ever met a guy like Dan Bongino before, because you know Dan Bongino is sitting there and he's going, All right, Do I want to go after the big one first, or do I want to go after the big one? Always go after the most aggressive alpha. I want to drop the biggest one first, man. And you go for the big one. He's like, no, he's going to go for the big one first, and the rest are going to That are like cockroaches.Ivan, I'm going to ask you for a second. I got a Brian Mass. I'm going to buy Brian. You want to come on for a second? Say a few words, man. We look alike.There's no difference here.My audience loves you.I have one working leg. The other one is still recovering.Hey, man, my audience.Hey, good to see you. See you, brother. See you around the way.I'm going to welcome Congressman Brian Mass. Brian, come on. Grab a seat over here if you can. Can we? Okay. I just saw you speaking at the RNC. You were kind enough to come on over. How are you doing, brother? A little bit.I happen to know you.How are you? Because he-Yeah, grab a seat right there. Brian happens to be also my congressman from Florida. It's district 18.Who wants a microphone up their butt?I mean, obviously, no one understands the perils of warfare better than a guy like you who literally left limbs over there. You'd be a good guy, and Jack, I'll get your take on this, too. We got about 10, 15 minutes left here in the show. The Ukraine, how do you see the whole Ukraine situation? My take on it has been, I get it, Putin's not our friend. I totally understand that. I think my issue with the funding and with Congress and everything is we don't seem to have any a coherent plan. Do we give them a TACMs? Give them, but don't let them use them. Do we give them F-16s? Yeah, we're going to give them, but we're not going to train them right away. Do we give them equipment? Yeah, but let's delay the funding. What does winning look Well, we're going to get Crimea back. Well, what if that happens and he unleashes a nuke? It's like there doesn't seem to be a coherent battle plan. I'm wondering for a guy like you who's left limbs on the battlefield, what's your take on that from Congress?Let me just start by confirming what you just said. There is not a coherent battle plan. As far as the future goes, I think you have a tale of two paths. If there's Joe Biden, the path is, Putin probably just waits him out because the chances of there being another opportunity for or another chance of American funding getting through. I didn't vote for it before. I don't think you're going to get funding from America going through again. So I think Putin just waits that out one way or another. If you get Donald Trump, Donald Trump has his red lines. Any foreign intelligence agency is going to tell to their leader. They're not going to gaslight their leaders. They're going to tell them, Donald Trump's red line is Donald Trump's red line. So whatever he tells you on the phone when he calls you after the election and says, be out of there in 24, 48 hours, whatever it is, he means business, and he's going to do what he says he's going to do. So I think those are the two separate paths between them. But I think those are the two separate paths between them.But I think to confirm what you're saying right now. America supports Ukraine to survive, not to win. We're not supporting them to win. It's like the old, you remember Mr. Miyagi, right? In Karate Kid, he's like, right side of the road, good, left side of the road, good. You go in the middle, sooner or later, squish. That's what's going on here. We're not supporting them to win. There's not a plan to say Putin has to be out of power, or there has to be war crimes tribunals, or there has to be Russian nuclear demilitarization because they've elevated their nuclear threat posture numerous times, or there has to be demilitarized zones along NATO borders, or they have to be out of Crimea, or they have to be out of Ukraine. None of that exists for 900 days for the United States of America to say this has to happen.Jack, your thoughts?Well, I couldn't agree more. I was in Ukraine about two months after the war started. We went down and we rode the trains. We rode the rails down to Odessa, and then I was It was literally paying off people to get through checkpoints. We went all the way down through to Mikolaiev and then almost down to Hursan. This is when the Russians were still in Hursan on that side of the river before they pulled back and really hunkered down there. I could tell you that the money that was coming in, the armaments that were coming in. People were asking me if I wanted to buy an AR-15. I'm like, Look, first of all, I got a few back home. But what are you coming up to me here for and doing that? I'm just here to report. I'm here to tell you what's going, what I see. They're like, oh, and you found out the scam is that this stuff would go over there, and they were just releasing it out into the wild with no direct plan. I mean, even prior to all of this going on, we knew one of the reasons that Ukraine was not eligible for NATO membership was due to endemic corruption problems within the government.In fact, who agreed with me on that is Vladimir Zelenskyy, because this is what he ran on when he was running all the way back in 2019 was anticorruption. You've got local governors, you've got all sorts of stuff going on. And to your point, congress, it's that we've got the stuff over there, but we've never sat down and created a concurrent plan for what victory looks like, whether or not NATO would take a role in leadership on that. And then plus the issue they have Now, of course, as we're seeing more and more is these manpower issues. I don't like to give a lot of credit to Kamala Harris for her military and geopolitical prowess. But she had a point. There is something interesting you said about Ukraine is a small country, Russia is in a big country. That's actually true. Russia has these manpower reserves, the conscripts that they can keep drawing on that Ukraine just doesn't have.It's a math problem.It's a math problem. She was a little bit, not for the right reasons, but she was a little bit right when she said that because that's the situation there right now. She tripped over the truth.She tripped over the truth, yeah.Jack, I want to thank you again for joining us. I want to end with a question for you, congressman. Are you on any of the committees that are going to be looking into this secret service debacle?I sit on Foreign Affairs Committee, and I chair oversight on that. I don't think Foreign Affairs Oversight will be looking at what's going on with that. I sit on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Congress as a whole will be looking at this, no doubt about it, but it will primarily be focused on Jamie Comer.Every member we spoke to MTG, Lauren Burbert, Speaker Johnson was on my show earlier before, Jim Jordan. I asked them all the same question I want to pitch to you. You've been involved with congressional hearings in the past. Jack, you've seen them. They devolve into, you've seen it, three-minute filibuster, a 10 Second question. I'm taking back my time. We get it. This isn't that issue. We almost lost the President. And by the way, this is non-partisan. Joe Biden, God forbid, could be next. He's a Democrat. I don't want to lose anyone. I was a secret service agent for Obama, okay, and Bush. This isn't the thing we mess around with. This isn't some third-world republic. Do you think I've gotten four out of five said, yes, it would have their act together. One, not so sure. Do you think with this, given the gravity of the situation, that these The hearings are going to be focused and directed? Will they get together, pregame this? I'm going to ask this, you're going to ask that. I mean, you've been up there now quite a few terms. You've got a sense of it. Please tell me that this isn't going to devolve into some total shit show up to.One, No doubt.Both sides will pregame it. Now, whether they're pushing in the same direction or not, we will be seen. Now, what they can do to avoid, and there's a little inside baseball on, you don't have to do what you just described five minutes here, five minutes there. People People are walking in and out. It's like two ships passing in the night. People are asking the same questions. Okay, you're racing through it because you only have five minutes and you're looking at the clock. The chairman can decide, and the committee should do this, in my opinion. I think Congress should do this often. Get your best prosecutor on the issue and say, Okay, this individual is getting 30 minutes, and then we're going to 30 minutes for the other side, and then we'll go back to 30 minutes for this side, and that thing. Then use your best prosecutors for the issues instead of fighting over, I need my five minutes, or that thing.Yeah, I hope so.I hope so. By the way, thanks again for your service to the country. How did the speech go, by the way? We just saw you on the screen.Such an honor to be able to be on the same stage as-Is that Homan talking?Yeah, I just saw you. Was Navarro after you?I don't know who was after me.What did they give you? Is it five minutes or something?Just different for everybody. How long do you want to speak? What do you want to speak about? We'd like to have you.Don't respond. I'm not asking to you, but I just want to say your name has come up multiple times for positions in an upcoming hopeful administration. We're not talking I'm not talking about any red wave stuff, but your name has been out there quite a bit, given your experience with combat injuries and everything. Listen, someone asked me about that earlier today. I said, Listen, the boss makes his own decisions. You know how the boss is. He does what he does when he wants to do it, and that's his call. But I think we'd all agree, it's time to serve. It's time to serve. I've heard your name quite a bit. Nobody understands some of these departments better than you do. Thanks for taking care of the water down in Florida, 18. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you a lesson about politics, having run and lost. Am I correct, congressman? All politics are local. Local. All politics are local. Not some politics, all of them. The water in Florida is always messed up. We're finally getting our hand on this situation down there. This guy's been all over it. Thanks, Jack. Thanks for your time.Plug your show again. How did people find your show?Human Events Daily. Check out the book Unhumans.Brother, thank you so much. Unhumans. If you want to take it to the commies out there, that's the guidebook on how to do it. And congressman, thanks so much.Dan, take care of home. I hope government finds you in it somewhere. I don't know.I don't know. A couple of people asked me about that today.I think we need a new secret service director.I'm just saying. Guys, what are we going to do about the radio show? Bring these guys with me. Fellas, thanks a lot. Ladies out there in the audience, really appreciate another Banger show. Join us tomorrow, 11 AM Eastern, 10 AM local down here at the RNC for the podcast. Radio show, follow soon after, and then we'll do another primetime show tomorrow night. See you tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in.


presidential immunity case. The biggest winner of that is Joe Biden, because Joe Biden is going to get thrown out of office on November fifth, 2024. His old, decrepit, demented ass would be a prime target for the Trump 47 Justice Department on January 20th.


Now, Jack, I'll go to you. The difference, because you just brought this up, too. It's a nice ping-pong here. The difference with us and them is the there now? Like, recently, the last couple of weeks, what was it?Who did it? Last week, Raw Sewage. I think they're pronounced raw sewage. I think they're-That's what it was.Yeah, raw story.That's how you pronounce it?What.Is it?Raw sewage.Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, reporters from raw sewage were trying to hit me up. I don't communicate with single-digit IQ, so-called journalist. It's just not my style, right? But they actually today, I posted it up on my X today, both of the people that did the hit piece on me trying to label me as the biggest, the name, calling, whatever? Yeah. Well, they confronted me over a couple of blocks away by the Pfizer. They were shaking when they were communicating. I got it on video.They're always so scared whenever I talk to them in real life.. He was so scared. When you got up in his grill, they were all like... I left the White House one time for the... You remember the RNC was at the White House, the National Convention? Yeah. I'm leaving, I'm walking out with my wife. Remember, it was crazy. Antifa, BLM was everywhere.Was that the night Rampal? Yes.They came up.They got him. They have the video. I played it on Fox.All they do is political Yeah, that happened to us, too. Every day, they do. Every day, they do. We don't do any of that.We walk out and some guy's following us. I'm going to rape your wife. He's got a group of people around. I lose it. I'm not trying to pretend to be a tough guy, but I was going to fuck this guy up. I'm chasing him down the street. He's on a bike, and My old secret service friend, Keith, grabs me. He's like, It isn't worth it. My wife is in heels. She's like, trying to stop me. I'm like, I'm going to kick this dude's ass right here. I'm going to show this guy. They are the biggest pussies ever.The best comment I heard on that video, you, was from Scott Adams. He was talking about it, and I was listening the next day, and he goes, I don't know if Antifa has ever met a guy like Dan Bongino before, because you know Dan Bongino is sitting there and he's going, All right, Do I want to go after the big one first, or do I want to go after the big one? Always go after the most aggressive alpha. I want to drop the biggest one first, man. And you go for the big one. He's like, no, he's going to go for the big one first, and the rest are going to That are like cockroaches.Ivan, I'm going to ask you for a second. I got a Brian Mass. I'm going to buy Brian. You want to come on for a second? Say a few words, man. We look alike.There's no difference here.My audience loves you.I have one working leg. The other one is still recovering.Hey, man, my audience.Hey, good to see you. See you, brother. See you around the way.I'm going to welcome Congressman Brian Mass. Brian, come on. Grab a seat over here if you can. Can we? Okay. I just saw you speaking at the RNC. You were kind enough to come on over. How are you doing, brother? A little bit.I happen to know you.How are you? Because he-Yeah, grab a seat right there. Brian happens to be also my congressman from Florida. It's district 18.Who wants a microphone up their butt?I mean, obviously, no one understands the perils of warfare better than a guy like you who literally left limbs over there. You'd be a good guy, and Jack, I'll get your take on this, too. We got about 10, 15 minutes left here in the show. The Ukraine, how do you see the whole Ukraine situation? My take on it has been, I get it, Putin's not our friend. I totally understand that. I think my issue with the funding and with Congress and everything is we don't seem to have any a coherent plan. Do we give them a TACMs? Give them, but don't let them use them. Do we give them F-16s? Yeah, we're going to give them, but we're not going to train them right away. Do we give them equipment? Yeah, but let's delay the funding. What does winning look Well, we're going to get Crimea back. Well, what if that happens and he unleashes a nuke? It's like there doesn't seem to be a coherent battle plan. I'm wondering for a guy like you who's left limbs on the battlefield, what's your take on that from Congress?Let me just start by confirming what you just said. There is not a coherent battle plan. As far as the future goes, I think you have a tale of two paths. If there's Joe Biden, the path is, Putin probably just waits him out because the chances of there being another opportunity for or another chance of American funding getting through. I didn't vote for it before. I don't think you're going to get funding from America going through again. So I think Putin just waits that out one way or another. If you get Donald Trump, Donald Trump has his red lines. Any foreign intelligence agency is going to tell to their leader. They're not going to gaslight their leaders. They're going to tell them, Donald Trump's red line is Donald Trump's red line. So whatever he tells you on the phone when he calls you after the election and says, be out of there in 24, 48 hours, whatever it is, he means business, and he's going to do what he says he's going to do. So I think those are the two separate paths between them. But I think those are the two separate paths between them.But I think to confirm what you're saying right now. America supports Ukraine to survive, not to win. We're not supporting them to win. It's like the old, you remember Mr. Miyagi, right? In Karate Kid, he's like, right side of the road, good, left side of the road, good. You go in the middle, sooner or later, squish. That's what's going on here. We're not supporting them to win. There's not a plan to say Putin has to be out of power, or there has to be war crimes tribunals, or there has to be Russian nuclear demilitarization because they've elevated their nuclear threat posture numerous times, or there has to be demilitarized zones along NATO borders, or they have to be out of Crimea, or they have to be out of Ukraine. None of that exists for 900 days for the United States of America to say this has to happen.Jack, your thoughts?Well, I couldn't agree more. I was in Ukraine about two months after the war started. We went down and we rode the trains. We rode the rails down to Odessa, and then I was It was literally paying off people to get through checkpoints. We went all the way down through to Mikolaiev and then almost down to Hursan. This is when the Russians were still in Hursan on that side of the river before they pulled back and really hunkered down there. I could tell you that the money that was coming in, the armaments that were coming in. People were asking me if I wanted to buy an AR-15. I'm like, Look, first of all, I got a few back home. But what are you coming up to me here for and doing that? I'm just here to report. I'm here to tell you what's going, what I see. They're like, oh, and you found out the scam is that this stuff would go over there, and they were just releasing it out into the wild with no direct plan. I mean, even prior to all of this going on, we knew one of the reasons that Ukraine was not eligible for NATO membership was due to endemic corruption problems within the government.In fact, who agreed with me on that is Vladimir Zelenskyy, because this is what he ran on when he was running all the way back in 2019 was anticorruption. You've got local governors, you've got all sorts of stuff going on. And to your point, congress, it's that we've got the stuff over there, but we've never sat down and created a concurrent plan for what victory looks like, whether or not NATO would take a role in leadership on that. And then plus the issue they have Now, of course, as we're seeing more and more is these manpower issues. I don't like to give a lot of credit to Kamala Harris for her military and geopolitical prowess. But she had a point. There is something interesting you said about Ukraine is a small country, Russia is in a big country. That's actually true. Russia has these manpower reserves, the conscripts that they can keep drawing on that Ukraine just doesn't have.It's a math problem.It's a math problem. She was a little bit, not for the right reasons, but she was a little bit right when she said that because that's the situation there right now. She tripped over the truth.She tripped over the truth, yeah.Jack, I want to thank you again for joining us. I want to end with a question for you, congressman. Are you on any of the committees that are going to be looking into this secret service debacle?I sit on Foreign Affairs Committee, and I chair oversight on that. I don't think Foreign Affairs Oversight will be looking at what's going on with that. I sit on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Congress as a whole will be looking at this, no doubt about it, but it will primarily be focused on Jamie Comer.Every member we spoke to MTG, Lauren Burbert, Speaker Johnson was on my show earlier before, Jim Jordan. I asked them all the same question I want to pitch to you. You've been involved with congressional hearings in the past. Jack, you've seen them. They devolve into, you've seen it, three-minute filibuster, a 10 Second question. I'm taking back my time. We get it. This isn't that issue. We almost lost the President. And by the way, this is non-partisan. Joe Biden, God forbid, could be next. He's a Democrat. I don't want to lose anyone. I was a secret service agent for Obama, okay, and Bush. This isn't the thing we mess around with. This isn't some third-world republic. Do you think I've gotten four out of five said, yes, it would have their act together. One, not so sure. Do you think with this, given the gravity of the situation, that these The hearings are going to be focused and directed? Will they get together, pregame this? I'm going to ask this, you're going to ask that. I mean, you've been up there now quite a few terms. You've got a sense of it. Please tell me that this isn't going to devolve into some total shit show up to.One, No doubt.Both sides will pregame it. Now, whether they're pushing in the same direction or not, we will be seen. Now, what they can do to avoid, and there's a little inside baseball on, you don't have to do what you just described five minutes here, five minutes there. People People are walking in and out. It's like two ships passing in the night. People are asking the same questions. Okay, you're racing through it because you only have five minutes and you're looking at the clock. The chairman can decide, and the committee should do this, in my opinion. I think Congress should do this often. Get your best prosecutor on the issue and say, Okay, this individual is getting 30 minutes, and then we're going to 30 minutes for the other side, and then we'll go back to 30 minutes for this side, and that thing. Then use your best prosecutors for the issues instead of fighting over, I need my five minutes, or that thing.Yeah, I hope so.I hope so. By the way, thanks again for your service to the country. How did the speech go, by the way? We just saw you on the screen.Such an honor to be able to be on the same stage as-Is that Homan talking?Yeah, I just saw you. Was Navarro after you?I don't know who was after me.What did they give you? Is it five minutes or something?Just different for everybody. How long do you want to speak? What do you want to speak about? We'd like to have you.Don't respond. I'm not asking to you, but I just want to say your name has come up multiple times for positions in an upcoming hopeful administration. We're not talking I'm not talking about any red wave stuff, but your name has been out there quite a bit, given your experience with combat injuries and everything. Listen, someone asked me about that earlier today. I said, Listen, the boss makes his own decisions. You know how the boss is. He does what he does when he wants to do it, and that's his call. But I think we'd all agree, it's time to serve. It's time to serve. I've heard your name quite a bit. Nobody understands some of these departments better than you do. Thanks for taking care of the water down in Florida, 18. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you a lesson about politics, having run and lost. Am I correct, congressman? All politics are local. Local. All politics are local. Not some politics, all of them. The water in Florida is always messed up. We're finally getting our hand on this situation down there. This guy's been all over it. Thanks, Jack. Thanks for your time.Plug your show again. How did people find your show?Human Events Daily. Check out the book Unhumans.Brother, thank you so much. Unhumans. If you want to take it to the commies out there, that's the guidebook on how to do it. And congressman, thanks so much.Dan, take care of home. I hope government finds you in it somewhere. I don't know.I don't know. A couple of people asked me about that today.I think we need a new secret service director.I'm just saying. Guys, what are we going to do about the radio show? Bring these guys with me. Fellas, thanks a lot. Ladies out there in the audience, really appreciate another Banger show. Join us tomorrow, 11 AM Eastern, 10 AM local down here at the RNC for the podcast. Radio show, follow soon after, and then we'll do another primetime show tomorrow night. See you tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in.


there now? Like, recently, the last couple of weeks, what was it?


Who did it? Last week, Raw Sewage. I think they're pronounced raw sewage. I think they're-That's what it was.


Yeah, raw story.


That's how you pronounce it?What.


Is it?Raw sewage.


Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, reporters from raw sewage were trying to hit me up. I don't communicate with single-digit IQ, so-called journalist. It's just not my style, right? But they actually today, I posted it up on my X today, both of the people that did the hit piece on me trying to label me as the biggest, the name, calling, whatever? Yeah. Well, they confronted me over a couple of blocks away by the Pfizer. They were shaking when they were communicating. I got it on video.


They're always so scared whenever I talk to them in real life.


. He was so scared. When you got up in his grill, they were all like... I left the White House one time for the... You remember the RNC was at the White House, the National Convention? Yeah. I'm leaving, I'm walking out with my wife. Remember, it was crazy. Antifa, BLM was everywhere.


Was that the night Rampal? Yes.


They came up.


They got him. They have the video. I played it on Fox.


All they do is political Yeah, that happened to us, too. Every day, they do. Every day, they do. We don't do any of that.


We walk out and some guy's following us. I'm going to rape your wife. He's got a group of people around. I lose it. I'm not trying to pretend to be a tough guy, but I was going to fuck this guy up. I'm chasing him down the street. He's on a bike, and My old secret service friend, Keith, grabs me. He's like, It isn't worth it. My wife is in heels. She's like, trying to stop me. I'm like, I'm going to kick this dude's ass right here. I'm going to show this guy. They are the biggest pussies ever.


The best comment I heard on that video, you, was from Scott Adams. He was talking about it, and I was listening the next day, and he goes, I don't know if Antifa has ever met a guy like Dan Bongino before, because you know Dan Bongino is sitting there and he's going, All right, Do I want to go after the big one first, or do I want to go after the big one? Always go after the most aggressive alpha. I want to drop the biggest one first, man. And you go for the big one. He's like, no, he's going to go for the big one first, and the rest are going to That are like cockroaches.


Ivan, I'm going to ask you for a second. I got a Brian Mass. I'm going to buy Brian. You want to come on for a second? Say a few words, man. We look alike.


There's no difference here.


My audience loves you.


I have one working leg. The other one is still recovering.


Hey, man, my audience.


Hey, good to see you. See you, brother. See you around the way.


I'm going to welcome Congressman Brian Mass. Brian, come on. Grab a seat over here if you can. Can we? Okay. I just saw you speaking at the RNC. You were kind enough to come on over. How are you doing, brother? A little bit.


I happen to know you.


How are you? Because he-Yeah, grab a seat right there. Brian happens to be also my congressman from Florida. It's district 18.


Who wants a microphone up their butt?


I mean, obviously, no one understands the perils of warfare better than a guy like you who literally left limbs over there. You'd be a good guy, and Jack, I'll get your take on this, too. We got about 10, 15 minutes left here in the show. The Ukraine, how do you see the whole Ukraine situation? My take on it has been, I get it, Putin's not our friend. I totally understand that. I think my issue with the funding and with Congress and everything is we don't seem to have any a coherent plan. Do we give them a TACMs? Give them, but don't let them use them. Do we give them F-16s? Yeah, we're going to give them, but we're not going to train them right away. Do we give them equipment? Yeah, but let's delay the funding. What does winning look Well, we're going to get Crimea back. Well, what if that happens and he unleashes a nuke? It's like there doesn't seem to be a coherent battle plan. I'm wondering for a guy like you who's left limbs on the battlefield, what's your take on that from Congress?


Let me just start by confirming what you just said. There is not a coherent battle plan. As far as the future goes, I think you have a tale of two paths. If there's Joe Biden, the path is, Putin probably just waits him out because the chances of there being another opportunity for or another chance of American funding getting through. I didn't vote for it before. I don't think you're going to get funding from America going through again. So I think Putin just waits that out one way or another. If you get Donald Trump, Donald Trump has his red lines. Any foreign intelligence agency is going to tell to their leader. They're not going to gaslight their leaders. They're going to tell them, Donald Trump's red line is Donald Trump's red line. So whatever he tells you on the phone when he calls you after the election and says, be out of there in 24, 48 hours, whatever it is, he means business, and he's going to do what he says he's going to do. So I think those are the two separate paths between them. But I think those are the two separate paths between them.


But I think to confirm what you're saying right now. America supports Ukraine to survive, not to win. We're not supporting them to win. It's like the old, you remember Mr. Miyagi, right? In Karate Kid, he's like, right side of the road, good, left side of the road, good. You go in the middle, sooner or later, squish. That's what's going on here. We're not supporting them to win. There's not a plan to say Putin has to be out of power, or there has to be war crimes tribunals, or there has to be Russian nuclear demilitarization because they've elevated their nuclear threat posture numerous times, or there has to be demilitarized zones along NATO borders, or they have to be out of Crimea, or they have to be out of Ukraine. None of that exists for 900 days for the United States of America to say this has to happen.


Jack, your thoughts?


Well, I couldn't agree more. I was in Ukraine about two months after the war started. We went down and we rode the trains. We rode the rails down to Odessa, and then I was It was literally paying off people to get through checkpoints. We went all the way down through to Mikolaiev and then almost down to Hursan. This is when the Russians were still in Hursan on that side of the river before they pulled back and really hunkered down there. I could tell you that the money that was coming in, the armaments that were coming in. People were asking me if I wanted to buy an AR-15. I'm like, Look, first of all, I got a few back home. But what are you coming up to me here for and doing that? I'm just here to report. I'm here to tell you what's going, what I see. They're like, oh, and you found out the scam is that this stuff would go over there, and they were just releasing it out into the wild with no direct plan. I mean, even prior to all of this going on, we knew one of the reasons that Ukraine was not eligible for NATO membership was due to endemic corruption problems within the government.


In fact, who agreed with me on that is Vladimir Zelenskyy, because this is what he ran on when he was running all the way back in 2019 was anticorruption. You've got local governors, you've got all sorts of stuff going on. And to your point, congress, it's that we've got the stuff over there, but we've never sat down and created a concurrent plan for what victory looks like, whether or not NATO would take a role in leadership on that. And then plus the issue they have Now, of course, as we're seeing more and more is these manpower issues. I don't like to give a lot of credit to Kamala Harris for her military and geopolitical prowess. But she had a point. There is something interesting you said about Ukraine is a small country, Russia is in a big country. That's actually true. Russia has these manpower reserves, the conscripts that they can keep drawing on that Ukraine just doesn't have.It's a math problem.It's a math problem. She was a little bit, not for the right reasons, but she was a little bit right when she said that because that's the situation there right now. She tripped over the truth.


She tripped over the truth, yeah.


Jack, I want to thank you again for joining us. I want to end with a question for you, congressman. Are you on any of the committees that are going to be looking into this secret service debacle?


I sit on Foreign Affairs Committee, and I chair oversight on that. I don't think Foreign Affairs Oversight will be looking at what's going on with that. I sit on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Congress as a whole will be looking at this, no doubt about it, but it will primarily be focused on Jamie Comer.


Every member we spoke to MTG, Lauren Burbert, Speaker Johnson was on my show earlier before, Jim Jordan. I asked them all the same question I want to pitch to you. You've been involved with congressional hearings in the past. Jack, you've seen them. They devolve into, you've seen it, three-minute filibuster, a 10 Second question. I'm taking back my time. We get it. This isn't that issue. We almost lost the President. And by the way, this is non-partisan. Joe Biden, God forbid, could be next. He's a Democrat. I don't want to lose anyone. I was a secret service agent for Obama, okay, and Bush. This isn't the thing we mess around with. This isn't some third-world republic. Do you think I've gotten four out of five said, yes, it would have their act together. One, not so sure. Do you think with this, given the gravity of the situation, that these The hearings are going to be focused and directed? Will they get together, pregame this? I'm going to ask this, you're going to ask that. I mean, you've been up there now quite a few terms. You've got a sense of it. Please tell me that this isn't going to devolve into some total shit show up to.


One, No doubt.


Both sides will pregame it. Now, whether they're pushing in the same direction or not, we will be seen. Now, what they can do to avoid, and there's a little inside baseball on, you don't have to do what you just described five minutes here, five minutes there. People People are walking in and out. It's like two ships passing in the night. People are asking the same questions. Okay, you're racing through it because you only have five minutes and you're looking at the clock. The chairman can decide, and the committee should do this, in my opinion. I think Congress should do this often. Get your best prosecutor on the issue and say, Okay, this individual is getting 30 minutes, and then we're going to 30 minutes for the other side, and then we'll go back to 30 minutes for this side, and that thing. Then use your best prosecutors for the issues instead of fighting over, I need my five minutes, or that thing.


Yeah, I hope so.I hope so. By the way, thanks again for your service to the country. How did the speech go, by the way? We just saw you on the screen.


Such an honor to be able to be on the same stage as-Is that Homan talking?


Yeah, I just saw you. Was Navarro after you?


I don't know who was after me.


What did they give you? Is it five minutes or something?


Just different for everybody. How long do you want to speak? What do you want to speak about? We'd like to have you.


Don't respond. I'm not asking to you, but I just want to say your name has come up multiple times for positions in an upcoming hopeful administration. We're not talking I'm not talking about any red wave stuff, but your name has been out there quite a bit, given your experience with combat injuries and everything. Listen, someone asked me about that earlier today. I said, Listen, the boss makes his own decisions. You know how the boss is. He does what he does when he wants to do it, and that's his call. But I think we'd all agree, it's time to serve. It's time to serve. I've heard your name quite a bit. Nobody understands some of these departments better than you do. Thanks for taking care of the water down in Florida, 18. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you a lesson about politics, having run and lost. Am I correct, congressman? All politics are local. Local. All politics are local. Not some politics, all of them. The water in Florida is always messed up. We're finally getting our hand on this situation down there. This guy's been all over it. Thanks, Jack. Thanks for your time.


Plug your show again. How did people find your show?


Human Events Daily. Check out the book Unhumans.


Brother, thank you so much. Unhumans. If you want to take it to the commies out there, that's the guidebook on how to do it. And congressman, thanks so much.


Dan, take care of home. I hope government finds you in it somewhere. I don't know.


I don't know. A couple of people asked me about that today.


I think we need a new secret service director.


I'm just saying. Guys, what are we going to do about the radio show? Bring these guys with me. Fellas, thanks a lot. Ladies out there in the audience, really appreciate another Banger show. Join us tomorrow, 11 AM Eastern, 10 AM local down here at the RNC for the podcast. Radio show, follow soon after, and then we'll do another primetime show tomorrow night. See you tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in.