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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


Hey, this is our special today on... Well, unfortunately, it's a very tragic day for a number of reasons. One, I wish we weren't having to cover this at all. Which one am I looking at? The one with the Which is the best? This one right ahead. Sorry. I wish you didn't have to cover this at all, an attempted assassination of Donald Trump, in addition to the murder of Cory Comperator, but it's also a very solemn day as well. Just want to make sure we acknowledge the death of the 13th at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan. This is a really sad anniversary. And when I was over at Fox doing the Patriot Awards, I'll never forget sitting next to the table of the parents. And I got in the show late, and they were sitting there. So I didn't know who they were because I had walked into the show late, and they seemed so sad. And I asked a friend of mine, I said, Who is that? And he said, It's the families of the 13. So just an acknowledgement to them that God bless you. Our thoughts are most certainly with you today. We got a big show for you today, 2 hours, 10 to 12.


And after that, we've got a special Congressional hearing with five fire starters, and they mean that in the most positive way in Congress, who are just... They're not looking to put this out. We're going to start some fires and figure out what's going on to get some lights and fires under people's asses and get some answers on this assassination attempt. I'm going to start with some questions today, and I want to clear up something, too, that happened with me. And then we're going to get to the show. I've got congressman Eli Crane and congressman Chip Roy. More coming. These guys are great. You love them. Today's show brought to you by Beam. Beam's Labor Day sales here. It's never been a better time to finally try Beam's Dream Powder. I needed some last night. Stuff are a game changer for me. Find it at shopbeam. Com/bongino. Also, we're going to do the spots a little different today just to minimize the breaks. So bear with us. We really appreciate your patience. They keep the show free. And many Americans are tired and frustrated by a stalling economy, endless wars, inflation, and relentless assault on our values.


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Anita, get on that. Did the bell ring? I trust them, But you know, Gee, he may be throwing me a little curveball here. So a couple of things before I get to the show. Number one, thank you to the Heritage Foundation for allowing us to use this amazing studio in space for this really important hearing today on the Trump assassination attempt. We really appreciate that. Just I met some of the kind folks. So thank you guys. We deeply appreciate. They got a great crew here, very tech savvy. Thank you to Gee and Justin, too, for flying up with me last night. Oh, good. The Bell did read. The chat's always on us. We had to squeeze Justin on the plane. He barely made it. He's seven feet tall, so he barely got in there. So we appreciate Justin doing that. And one quick thing before we get started here. So folks, I want to clear something up. I don't talk to media people ever because they suck and I can't stand them. And however much you can't stand them, I promise you can't stand them enough. The level of suck in media is so astronomical.


There isn't a proper suck measurement stick. So I'm in Florida. I love Florida. There was a plan to build some golf course in a state park. People reached out to me for help. I reached out to one of the people involved. I only know him because I donate to a charity, and the project then went away. Local media people, of course, are trying to paint this out to be some big conspiracy theory, of course, because they suck. I'm just telling you, that was my role in it only. I lived there locally, and it was a nice park, and that was it. So there you go, media people. There's your statement. And here's my other statement, too. So that's just for you. You can take a screenshot of that. That's my other one. Let's get to this important hearing today. Ladies and gentlemen, it's been about six weeks since Donald Trump was shot in the head. Cory Comparator was murdered, and two other people were shot in an apocalyptic security failure. These five heroic congressmen are looking for answers. Eli Crane, congressman Biggs, you got Chip Roy, we got Cory Mills, and Matt Gates. They want answers, and the answers are not forthcoming.


We've seen nothing. We've seen almost zero accountability. They asked me, given my prior work experience in the Secret Service, if I would come up and be a part of this panel. It's going to be beginning at noon. I said, yeah, if we could do my podcast before and talk to you guys as well, I think it'd be fantastic. So let me welcome these two heroes. You got congressman Chip Roy to my left. Congressman, thanks for coming out. I appreciate it. Congressman Eli Crain. Thank you, sir. We appreciate it. So So let's get right to it. Congressman Roy, I'll start with you first. It was going to go in a different order. But the Secret Service has a multibillion dollar budget. I mean, you are up there. You're an inappropriate. You're in Congress. You literally have the power of the purse in this body you belong to. A multibillion dollar budget in nearly any private sector, any enterprise. You could build a widget, run a security company, fly a plane. How is it that we give these entities in the government all of this And yet still, no one has been fired for this security failure.


Yeah, Dan, look, first of all, thanks for being here. Thanks for hosting this. And you know because you work there and you understand how bureaucracies work. One of the fundamental things we're going to address today is obviously the failures, the incompetency, the willful blindness, perhaps worse. That's what we're going to talk about today. But let's start with the fact that we fund these agencies that are failing the American people. And that's going to be a question front and center in September. When we come back in, we're going to be debating funding government. Are we going to fund government? Are we going to make sure we get anything out of it, like the Save Act, and make sure only citizens can vote? We'll have debates about that. Whatever happens, I can assure you, the swamp led by Mitch McDonald and others, want to ensure that we have some short term funding bill to December in order to set up an omnibus spending bill. Now, why is that? So they can continue to fund these bureaucracies that aren't just racking up debt. They're endangering, literally, the President of the United States. Literally. President Trump, who was shot because the Secret Service failed to do its job.


No, there's no accountability. She was only gone after she failed at the hearing. Not because they had leadership.And she wasn't fired. She wasn't fired.


She was allowed to resign. Correct. We should go get another cushy job.


The Secret Service is a $3 billion budget. $3 billion. It is up 27% on an inflation adjusted basis over the last decade. Why are we continuing to fund the Secret Service without demanding excellence? Why are they allowed to continue to advance their DEI priorities? I can I'll get into it later. A laundry list of absurd priorities that aren't about protecting the President. Why are we allowing them to do that? I'm sick and tired of hearing people talk about, Oh, what is the danger of shutting down the government? How about the danger to Donald Trump? How about the danger to the American people? How about the danger to these citizens who are dying because of open borders? We got an obligation to use the power of the person. We should do it.


We're definitely getting into the DEI stuff. I just took a note on that. Congressman Crane, thanks for your service of the country first. Deeply appreciated by me and my audience. You're a real American hero. Given your tactical experience, I thought it more appropriate to ask you one of these questions, but as always, feel free to chime in on anything. You and I have been in different spaces, but the goal is the same. You're providing force protection for your guys. We're providing force protection for the President, the Secret Service. You know with your military experience, a good decent sniper is effective anywhere from 750 out to a thousand. That's This guy's within 150 yards of the President. The security perimeter has obviously been compromised. And there's video. You know what, Gee? Can we play the video with one of him running across the roof for the audience? There's video of a shadowy figure within that 150-foot marker. Look, we can see this here. How do you miss this? This is a tactical failure. Someone got murdered in front of his family. This It's not like an uneventful failure.


Yeah. And the thing, too, Dan, is that video is taken from the ground level, right? You had snipers in elevated positions. I can tell you that when I went to Butler the first time with Homeland Security Committee, as soon as I got out of the SUV in the parking lot, I looked up and saw this massive water tower that's overlooking almost the entire grounds. I was wondering, and I was thinking to myself, if I was a counter sniper, that's exactly where I'd want to be. As we got closer and we started touring the facilities, we went, we saw where Trump, the stage was set up, then we went over to the AGR building. I noticed that the water tower directly overlooked that building, and it was only like a 130 shot, which confirmed my questioning as to why wasn't somebody, why wasn't a counter sniper in the water tower? Did anybody even get up there and do a site survey on it to see-Superior overwatch.100%, and I don't believe anybody ever did. It sounds to us like the counter snipers weren't even employed until that rally for the President, and they only got there the day before, which didn't give them the time to set up.


There are some massive questions that we need to answer. It's one of the reasons that we're so grateful you came out to give us your insight and your expertise.Thank you.


No, it's my honor. But just a follow-up. From your military experience, you don't get the opportunity secret service agents do. When you're in the military, and if there's an emergency op, you got to do an exfiltration or whatever you have to. You don't get two weeks to go out there and go, We're going to put a guy here and a guy... At best, you get a satellite image, and you're on a bird going out there, and that's it. What's inexcusable about this is they knew about this Minimum a week out, probably two weeks out. It's not like that water tower just sprouted up the day before. They have an actual team in the Secret Service called the counter sniper team, and the assets still didn't make it in the water tower. You You have to be thinking to yourself, You got to be kidding me, man.


Yeah, well, one of the things that myself and Cory, who just came in the room, what we were talking about is, and this would be interesting to get your take on, when I got to the site, I was questioning why the rally was even held at that site, Dan, because there were so many threats. There were so many buildings, so many rooftops, so many windows, so many trees. Somebody could have made a tree stand in days prior to and just way too many threats to mitigate and cover down on. And so that's one of the things that I'm not familiar with the Secret Service and how you guys do business. But are you guys actually allowed as a Secret Service to tell the campaign, Hey, we don't recommend doing the event at this site?


Yeah, we can. They don't have to listen, obviously. In my experience, we were going to go. When I was in Indonesia doing the lead advance for Obama, he wanted to go to Kalabata Cemetery, which is there, Arlington over there, and the exposure was obscene. I mean, high ground buildings. I'm not talking one or two. I mean, I'm talking like New York City level exposure without New York City level assets. And we said to him at the time, through the DCOS Deputy Chief, we're like, listen, this is just a really, really bad idea. And thankfully, some logistics got in the way, too, and they canceled it, but they don't have to listen. I mean, they'll do it. But having said that, it's not uncommon for us to go to places like that. And I see how you, with military experience, look at that and you're like, gosh, this is really a bad idea. But it saves them money because it's an open field. They don't have to pay for an arena. For sure. And you know, running for office, man, it ain't easy. You sign your money. You're dealing with other people's money. You have to be careful with it.


So that probably had something to do with it. But that's a good question. Congressman Biggs, welcome. Folks, Congressman Andy Biggs, good man, keeps his eye on the federal pocketbook, which unfortunately, you guys got to be dying up there. I I just read an article yesterday in Wall Street Journal. I have to get off track. But for the first time in years, the US federal debt, federal deficit, excuse me, this year is bigger than the value of every private home sale in the United States. I read that. I was like, You have got to be kidding me. So my question parlays off that. You guys are up there as appropriators, right? And I asked Congressman Roy this. And you're probably thinking to yourself, Listen, I wasn't a secret service agent, but I'm not stupid. You have a unit here called the counter sniper unit. We're giving you billions of dollars, and now we find out through multiple media outlets who have reported on this, that the acting director now, who was the Deputy Director, was one of the guys in the decision chain that said, We're not going to employ counter-sniper assets to a Trump rally if it's not within driving distance of DC.


And you got to be thinking yourself like, Well, what the hell are we paying for? This is a six trillion dollar federal budget. What do you mean driving distance? Are you kidding? This has got to be a joke. And unfortunately, it wasn't. Yeah, Dan, first of all, thanks for being here. I appreciate your expertise on this. Look, we're talking about a $3.3 billion budget. And if you are going to restrict the protection service that you are designed to give, then somebody needs to be fired. That's the thing. We should be saying you're fired. And the way we say you're fired is we take away, we use the Holman rule and say, sorry, we're going to rearrange your organization chart. We're going to do that as Congress. Or we say, no, you're not going to get the money you need for a DEI program. The failure here, there's a myriad of apparent failures, right? But one of them is leadership. And that leadership actually comes ultimately from Mayorkas, who oversees all of that Department. And we have impeached him. But we also need to get down into to the secret service and start saying, I want a line item.


In fact, that's my biggest thing. If we're going to actually appropriate, give me the line items for your budget, and we're going to go through, and we're going to see what's duplicative, what's wasteful, who needs to go, because we appropriate the money. We are in charge of the money, the tax period. That's what the Constitution-It's our money. It's our money. It's literally our money. Exactly. It's not there. Exactly. It's actually our money. I hate the word literally. But in this case, this is not figuratively It is our money. Now, granted, yes, my portion of it is small, no doubt. I'm one of 330 million Americans, but it is our money. And Congressman Roy, you mentioned DEI before. So you guys, I assume, brought me up here for a reason, the same reason I talked to you guys on the radio show about Congress.It wasn't DEI.It wasn't DEI. No, definitely not an expert in implementing DEI programs. But I have two suggestions that I think would greatly assist the United States Secret Service in cleaning up this protection model. Number one is the DEI thing has to go. If we can't agree as Americans, forget partisan politics for a second.


I know that's said often, but in this case, it matters. If we can't agree as Americans that the best people should be protecting Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris. If we can't agree on that, then the country just forget about it. If we're employing people based on ridiculous characteristics like skin color and other stuff that have nothing to do with capability at at all. It's racist to even imply it, then that's bad. But second is also, they should not be involved in investigations. What are we doing? We have an FBI. We have a freaking DEA, an IRS. Why is the Secret Service doing investigations? These are two things we could do right away to clean this thing up that I think we get a better product in the end.


Yeah, and we'll go through this a little bit more when we have this more formal forum. But the list of things that have been put out there about the DEI influence. So we know that Cheetal had no national security or law enforcement experience. There was no background on it and should have no influence over the selection of the secret service director obsessed with being DEI compliant. That was from somebody who was close to the situation. If you go through the list of things, the secret service under Cheetal, right? She said, I'm very conscious. I sit in this chair making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates, ensure we're developing and giving opportunities to develop in our workforce, in particular women, adding she said, a target of 30% of recruits being female by 2030. Hosting a seminar on respectful use of pronouns, having a recruiting brochure that boasts the agency as, quote, striving to be the gold standard of DEI, forming an inclusion engagement counsel. I could keep going down through dozens of examples. If this is what your law enforcement is focusing on. Now, I want to be very clear to pause, and I know you believe this.


This is one bucket, and I don't want it to be an excuse for the willful blindness and the strategic strategic decisions that were made that I think merit us investigating to know who is complicit in what. Incompetence isn't an excuse for what I think was purposeful here. But the incompetence is everywhere. The wokeness and the DEI is everywhere. This is a glimpse. Like COVID was a glimpse into the failures of the bureaucracy and our kids being shoved in the corners and the woke education, this is a glimpse into our overall law enforcement and defense infrastructure. Dhs, the Department of Defense, secret service. The American people think the government, whose fundamental responsibility is to secure the blessings of liberty, is doing the job to secure us? They're not. And the President of the United States, the former President, and hopefully soon to be next President, took a bullet, and hopefully that will wake us up to make this government focus on what it's supposed to do, not this woke garbage, killing our agencies and making them not do their job, but rather actually excellence. You want the best and the brightest, regardless of sex, color, whatever their background is.


Judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. We all believe that. But this stuff is killing us.


Yeah, but what I don't get about this, and I'm not trying to play dumb or be coy about it, is I don't understand why this is even a controversial idea. I mean, that we should just judge people by competence. And the very implication that it's somehow tied to skin color is in and of itself racist to even suggest. What are you saying that we can't find enough of X group of people? Do a better job recruiting. This is so ridiculous, this argument that we're hiring people based on characteristics that have no relationship whatsoever to competence. And just to double down on this, I just want to follow up with you. You're right. We have to separate the micro from the macro. I'm not saying that levels of importance. The micro picture, a guy was murdered at the site. But the macro secret service picture, while we're on this, if we're here in government, and that's what you guys do, if we're going to fix this damn thing, then let's fix the freaking thing. And if that's a problem there, and we have the opportunity to make a dent in this Congress and go, You know what?


This is a horrible thing that happened, but we're going to make something good come out. We're going to fix this thing. This DEI, having lived through it, you got to rip this thing up, root and branch, and say, We are not doing this anymore. This is the United States government paid for by taxpayers. I want excellence. We're not getting involved with this stuff.


I agree. I think for us in Congress, we got to get busy and make sure we win the election in November. That's a core priority. In September, we've got to fund government and pick the battles that we're I'm going to pick for the few weeks that we're back in September. But the priority for the Trump administration, a priority, a priority for the next Congress, has to be to rip this stuff apart. We need basically zero-based governing. We need to start from the ground up Start with the Constitution, start with the taxpayer dollars that we have and build up a government that will do its actual functional job. And it's not this stuff. It's not setting up agency booths at pride events across the country to recruit, which is what this Secret Service director was doing. Nobody in America wants that. They want us to be blind. They want us to have the best. We don't care who you are. We want you to be the best. We want that back and getting government to its core responsibility.


This is crazy. We're not even starting. We started, we had 131,000 live streamers. We started early. You see that, Guy? Dan is right again. Thank you, Bonchino Army. Guy is wrong. I knew you all would show up. We're not even at our 11:00 time yet. I don't even think the Rumbel Push went out yet. So this is awesome. Thank you. This is such It's an important topic. I want to welcome Congressman Cory Mills, another awesome guy. I have been following you on this case. Man, you guys are so spot on. I want to ask a tactical question, again, given your background and expertise. We're the Secret Service. Again, $3 billion budget. The the most important job in government, which is not a third-world republic. We don't whack our leaders. This isn't North Korea. Keep these guys alive no matter what. Simple mission, but important. How do you not have a $40 Amazon drone to establish aerial dominance so we can at least cut surveillance. Congressman Crane and I were talking about this sniper. This guy was on a white roof in a gray-tinged outfit. He stuck out like the proverbial sore thumb. Imagine You think this guy was in a gilly suit or something in the woods?


If you don't have flears or thermals, you would have never seen him. But a simple $40 drone would have seen this guy.


The worst part, though, Dan, is that local law enforcement had actually offered a drone, and it was refused by the secret service. So to go back to something that Chip just said, and I want to be very clear on this. Look, if we would have wanted to have conducted a proper investigation on July 14th, you'd immediately subpoenaed the security plan, the comms plan, the data range cards of every one of the counter snipers. You'd have gone through the motorcade operations. You would have gone through every single piece of the advanced paperwork, bringing in ESU, bringing in the Secret Service, everyone questioning independently and then corroborating all the information on a fact fiction board to then determine what was actually occurring. Now what What we've allowed to happen, though, is you've allowed weeks and weeks and weeks to have gone forward. Is there a possibility of memorializing data where it says July ninth, July 10th, July 11th now to try and go ahead and say that things were done, that I's were dotted, T's were crossed when they actually weren't? Absolutely. So now what we have, in my personal opinion, even with our independent investigation, I'm grateful that you're here because your amount of experience, your background is going to be really critical.


But we're now at a point where criminal gross negligence and purposeful intent will be indistinguishable. And the only thing that we're going to have to go off of now is there's a difference between responsibility, mea culpa, I'm sorry, that's on me, I'll resign, and accountability, where criminal gross negligence at a minimum needs to be tried and people behind bars. That's what this is about, is getting the facts and findings, leaving everything on the table and an understanding that we can't remove anything until we have the facts first. So was it purposeful intent? Was it criminal gross negligence? Was it both? That's what we're here to try and determine. But I think that the more The more questions we have, the more questions that's going to come forward. Yeah. You just remind me of a couple of things.


Congressman Biggs will go to you next, and then Congressman Crane. We're going to get to everyone here. We got Mark Morgan over there, another great guy. Mark, we'll have you in a little later, too, after the break, too. Former FBI agent, correct. And CBP, right? Acting Commission. They love a lovely guy over there. Great dude. The text and the emails. So we know after the January sixth pipe bombing incident, not to get sidetracked, but the Secret Service text and emails disappeared. That's a fact. That's not my opinion. Hold on. I don't want to take. I don't want to forget this either. You guys keep bringing up such good stuff. You're such good guests. Be terrible. And I want to have to keep writing stuff down. You said something, Congressman. But you guys are members of Congress. You have oversight responsibilities. The Secret Service said after January sixth, the text and the emails disappeared due to a data exchange, which is the most obscenely ridiculous thing. Okay, let us see the contract. Who did you exchange to? Was it Verizon? What did they do? They deleted it? Because no company in America does that. How can we be confident?


My listeners out there who are watching this, and this is what they're afraid of, that let's say we win in November, which let's hope happens, no red wave talk, but let's hope happens, right? That they're just not going to delete this stuff again, and there'll be no accountability ever. We still don't know who planted this pipe on. I thought it was an insurrection. We should be digging into this stuff. That's what I hear more from my constituents than anything else is that they simply don't trust. Do you trust FBI to investigate? Do you trust Secret Service to investigate? Look, the only person that I've got some trust in right now, besides the people in this room, is the Inspector General, Joe Kafari. Yeah, he seems to be pretty good. Yeah. But the problem is the establishment folks are He could get fired today. They've been going after him now. Yeah.


So he's the guy you got to rely on, and you got to make sure he's got the resources. In the meantime, these other guys are using the resources.


And as Cory just said, we We don't know what they're doing. But the evidence has been forthcoming. It's not transparent. And that is the issue, Dan. That's the problem. And the American people are like, we no longer trust our institutions. Yeah. Isn't it sad? Yeah. And that's what this is about today, is just trying to say we're going to give you as much transparency as we possibly can, even though we have no authority other than being members of Congress. And I think the trust, congressman Crane, you're a perfect guy to comment on this. I want to ask you something else, but this is important. Us as Conservatives, it's not that soldier in the battlefield, that Marine, that seaman, that airman. It's not those guys and women. They raised their right-hand, and they were like, You know what? I'm going to put my ass on a line in a dangerous job every day for, frankly, no money, because I really believe in this. It is absolutely not them. America is united behind them, thankfully, especially our side of the movement, 100 %. But even sane Democrats are like, You know what? Great. But the leadership of these entities, the FBI, the Secret Service.


You have any idea? Obviously, I'm not going to name names. How many FBI agents reach out to me on back channels and are like, I am disgusted by what they're up to. How many Secret Service agents reached out to me? That's why I knew this thing was going to break. And they were like, I can't do it anymore. I can't take it. This place is falling apart. It's just disgusting. The guys who serve who are thinking, how am I working for the briefers? It's all they do is brief. They've never done shit. They just brief all the time. They've never been operational or anything, and they screw it up for everyone. And now Americans across the border are like, The media sucks, the entertainment industry we can't trust. And now our own FBI secret service. Like, what the hell, man?


No, you're right. I hear it from guys in the military all the time, Dan. They're singing the same tune. It just seems like if you want to get to the highest level of any of these institutions and get promoted to those levels, you have to almost be a yes man that just drinks the Kool-Aid and does what you're told. Right now, as we all know, that means you're all about the DEI, you're all about the woke agenda. And it's sad to watch, but it's one of the reasons that guys like myself who never wanted to be a politician actually ran for office because we realized how blessed we were to grow up in this country. And we wanted to make sure that our kids and future generations get to do it as well. And so that's what this is all about today. We had to be really Unconventional just to do this thing today. Cori and I weren't selected to be on the task force. Chip, Andy weren't selected to be on the task force. So what did we say? We didn't say, Oh, we're just going to let this thing go by the wayside.


We're going to trust the government to handle this. No, we said, Hey, we're going to do everything we can to get to the bottom of this for the American people. Be transparent and make sure that this doesn't happen again. It's going to be an uphill climb for us because we don't have subpoena power. But that being said, the days of just relying on Congress to get it done or the FBI to do the investigation and trust their results and trust what they release, those days are over. We need activism. We need it within the citizen base. We also need it within our representatives.


We may not have subpoena power. I certainly don't. But we have people. We've got 130,000 people watching live, so it's probably double the audience, NBC. But this is for Congressman Mills and you, Congressman Crane. From a tactical perspective, there are a lot of my listeners out here who, and candidly, I don't blame them. I'm a facts guy. I tell them all the time, I'd rather be last and right than first and wrong. I don't jump ahead of anything. It's just irresponsible for me. I've got an audience, and I don't do it. Having said that, the security failures as Congressman Mills, you hinted to before, I agree with you. This is beyond just like, oh, we just... This is like almost criminal-level negligence we're talking about here. So you can't blame the audience after being screwed over by the Bureau and with Spygate and the collusion hoax. They hear things like there was another sniper on the water tower. So I'll ask you first, and I'll follow up with you. I've seen no evidence of that, and I think it was Congressman. Who is it? Who is it? Higgins, yeah. And said also, again, definitely not an establishment guy.


I was like, I haven't seen the evidence. I've also seen another theory out there that there were multiple shooters. However, people I trust, validated sources. Every shot has been accounted for. Eight from the A bad guy, one from the local, one from the Secret Service. So I'll start with you first. I don't really blame them, but can you address those things and the facts we have so far so that people understand we got to stay directed here?


Well, and again, to my point earlier, and unlike you, I want to just get the facts out, which is why I don't remove anything from the table until we've actually gotten the facts. When Eli and I went out to the actual location, the first thing we did is we went over to, obviously, the counter sniper positions, and then where Thomas Crooks actually had taken the shot. But then we went over to the water tower. And what I can tell you is that is it impossible to have access the water tower? No, it's not. But it was a heck of a climb or at least a rope or a ladder to order to get to the first ladder to be able to access it to begin with. So the first ladder is not ground level. No, The first ladder is probably what? 20 feet up, at least 30 feet. So 20, 30 feet up. And I can tell you that the only thing I will point out is that there was mysteriously a brand new, what looked to be or appeared to be, to put it in proper terms, Gold chain with a new lock on that gate, meaning that it likely wasn't locked previously.


There was also a trail that runs from the water tower that I walked through the woods that leads to the intersection where the rally turn would have been and where the AGR building lies. That could have been completely accessible and not sure what the security parameters were there. I want to go back to one point, though, which is when we're talking about the Secret Service as a whole and negligence, the fact that you didn't have the morning meeting, as we're being told, between the Secret Service and your local law enforcement for your final procedures and process. The fact that you didn't look at, and you know this as well as I do, Dan, if your local coordination of law enforcement doesn't have a compatible video or communication channel, you set up a jock. And in that jock, you'll have one individual who is the liaison for each of those individuals so that I can call in and say, Hey, listen, I got this on the roof. You then look at your friend, go, Hey, put that out in comms, put that out in comms, and we all send it out together. There were so many things about this where when I look at it, when I think about the advances that I've done in the past, when I look at how we've done things, it draws me away from just negligence, and it pulls me into that purposeful intent arena that I don't necessarily need to get into.


I want to be able to try and find the facts to dispel or to try and prove. And I think that's the key here is that that's what we're all doing together. That's why Eli and I went out there. And to your point, we're not yes men. We're not people who are I'm going to go ahead and say, yes, get along to go along. And that's why a lot of times you're not picked for some of these committees. But I will tell you that every single one of us here understands that we can't trust the FBI when they admit to 287,000 violations of FISA, where they were spying on the American people, all of which we did not actually vote to authorize or to reauthorize.


Lied to our faces.


Lied to our faces. Everyone from-And when I sat there, and Dan, what's even worse, though, is when I sat there in the briefings, and I'll just say it out loud, And we had the IC community sitting there. We were talking about this Pfizer reauthorization, which I was against to begin with, just like the Patriot Act, which I think is a complete spy on American people. But they were like, we have a 98 % reform. And I looked at them and I said, so let me get this straight. What you're telling me is I have to go to the American people and say, well, I'm only spying on 4,000 people illegally now this year. Look, we know- with airplanes.


We got 98 % success record. I was like, good luck.


But that's my whole point is that we can't trust government to investigate government, which is why we set this individual task force, which is why we're bringing an independent people who have expertise such as yourself and Eric and others so that we can get to the facts and make it transparent and also not hide behind some low level classification where we're not being transparent to the American people on all the things. That's one of our biggest sticklers. They'll use the lowest level classification to try and put it into a back room. The American taxpayers pay for our salaries, pay for that office, and pay for that information. We need to be transparent and gain accountability, and that's really what this is for. Yeah.


No, I'm happy to be a part of it. Congressman Crane. Hey, Gee, pull up that crooks walking around video, the one we kept on loop last week. So this emerged from one of the vendors at the site. So you see crooks, he's walking around there, and Obviously, given my training in the space, I don't want to say too much, but even in this short video, there were probably five or 10 indicators we're all trained on. And I'm not saying indicators like this guy is a killer or anything, but he might be someone, a protective intelligence team at the site, a secret service protection, a protective intelligence team, and that's their sole job is to gather intel on people at a site who may be suspicious, or a counter surveillance team would have likely picked up. Then he walks to the site and picks up a range finder. Now, congressman Crane, listen, range finders are used for a lot of things, but one of them is hunting, which means killing something at a distance. I think you know that. I mean, this is the thing, again, where we found out last week The reason the counter surveillance team for the Secret Service, they have an entire unit called the counter surveillance unit designed to counter surveillance, which is what he was doing, didn't pick him up is because there was none.


Now, I'm telling you, I haven't worked with them, they are some of the best agents out there. Counter surveillance guys will go under cover. So they're the door kickers, the scruffy guys that aren't like the pretty boys on the first lady's detail. They may not have the nicest suit, but let me tell you something, they'll kick a door in on you. They are some One of the best agents out there. And I'm telling you right now, if they were at that site, there is absolutely zero chance they don't see this guy. And the locals had already seen him. Forgetting about the fact the locals had already seen him. Assume they hadn't. No chance they don't see this guy. Call the security room that didn't exist and say, anybody watching this guy in a gray shirt there? He looks making some furtive movements there. Yeah.


Why wasn't that team at this event, though? I mean, Trump is one of the most beloved, but he's also one of the most hated around the entire world. Dan, is there anybody that's more targeted than President Trump, to your knowledge?


No. I spent a lot of time in PI, Protective Intelligence, which is where we do threat assessments. If you look at the matrix they use now, whatever, throw an SAT, we're at the rubric or whatever. No, and I've heard this from a number of people, that Biden... And the thing about Biden is he doesn't even travel a lot. President Trump creates these series of externalities by campaigning, which is what he's supposed to do, that Biden doesn't. If anything, President Trump should have an increased security posture around them. And whenever somebody says to me, because I saw some media goon, said something like, Well, the President gets more security. And I said, Well, why? They said, Well, because he's the President. I said, That's not why he gets more security. He gets more security because he's typically the most threatened man in the United States. But when he's not, other people get more. They said, Give me an example. I said, I will, the Pope. As you realize, when the Pope comes here, he probably gets more CAT teams, counter-assault teams, SWAT teams than the President does. Why? Because one, no one wants the Pope to die in their soil.


But second, he is. He's threatened. So it's totally BS. And only in government, congressmen, only in government can we allocate security based on a title, not actual security threats? That's the only place that would be allowed.


Well, the interesting thing, too, and this is something that I can't wait to hear Eric Prince get into, the founder of Blackwater, former Navy SEAL. He made a very good point. I heard him talking on Sean Ryan's show the other day, Dan, and he said, We're lucky it was this, allegedly this 20-year-old kid and not a 10-man Hezbollah team. Can you imagine if we were dealing with that size of a team with that level of experience. This 20-year-old kid with no military experience got within 130 yards of President Trump with an AR-15. He had multiple explosive devices with a remote detonator on him and flew a drone. It's like, what if this was a real threat? And what message does this send to the rest of the world, Dan? What message does it send to the Ayatollas in Iran? What message does it send to North Korea, to Vladimir Putin, to others that would maybe love to make sure that President Trump doesn't get back into office? To me, it sends a message, Hey, open season, because this secret service is not up to the job. I just want to add to that.


Look, not just mentioning where the actual shot took place, but Eli and I can tell you, you can walk another 30, 35 yards or feet to the fence itself. The fence is only about 100. I think we milled it out at 100. And so imagine now, if you will, you've got a team of five or six people with a backpack carrying a collapsible Daniel defense, and they're lined up on that actual area with their back turned, just unzipping the bag, looking like they're reaching in for snacks, gummies, or whatever the case may be. You've now got that full team. And you also have to keep in to affect that. In 2018, the cartels were only making around $500 million. Fast forward to 2021 under Joe Biden, who's the employee of the month every month, that's $13 plus billion in revenue. They know President Trump coming back in, reinstating remain in Mexico and other things is going to cut their revenue drastically. So that Southern border and these cartels are actually encouraged or incentivized to protect their revenue. It's not uncommon for me to see an increase in threat with someone who's actually going to go after these types of other terrorist organizations or for the killing of Kazem Solomoni and Aboumadi Al-Mhandis or even for the shutting down of revenue from these cartels.


And so to Eric's point and to everyone else's, we're lucky that there wasn't a structured 10, 15 man team who came in there with the entire I'm not going to be very specific. We're here to basically eliminate as much as possible. And so I think that while it's an unfortunate and preventable incident, I think that we're lucky in the regards to not only divine intervention that was put in place here, but the fact that we didn't have a stronger organized team.


Gee, play that headshot. That thing. Every time I see this... Sorry. Folks, tell me in a chat if I'm speaking off the mic, I'm the worst, but look at us. Listen, I'm a believer in Jesus Christ, but you guys have you heard of your own... But, man, alive. The fact that you guys are seeing this on the screen, it's not that he turned his head. I'll kick it over to you, congressman Roy. It's that he turned his head in that just exact direction. And that day, I don't know where you were and what we were doing. I was leaving a movie. We hadn't gone to a movie in forever. And my real estate agent called my wife and said, Trump was just shot on TV. And you know, congressman, the saddest thing, I looked at my wife and I said, I knew it because I had done a show show, and I had done a show with Tucker, and Secret Service whistleblowers were reaching out to me saying, Dan, the security around President Trump is not enough. Please help us. So I did a show. I think it's episode 2071. If you all want to watch on Rumba, it was last year in August.


You can all watch it yourself, where I said, Guys, whistleblowers are telling me he is going to get hurt or worse, there's not enough security. And you know what the media did, congressman? Daniel Arken from NBC, to your eternal damnation. Really, I will never get an apology from this asshole, but this guy wrote an article saying that I was some right-wing conspiracy theorist, and that basically suggesting I had no sources despite the fact that these sources were right there on the ground. So I'm not Not surprised that all this happened.


Well, I live in ten and a half acres. I was out working. I was out doing clearance and stuff, and I came back in about 10 minutes after the shooting. My phone's blowing up. My son had a text, Dad, what's going on? We're watching what's happening, watching unfold, became clear pretty quickly that it seemed like it had grazed him, and that was obviously a great blessing. I like you. I'm a Christian, and divine providence stepped in there. I don't know else to actually frame this. No other explanation. The President jokes, and we're all pretty strong borderhawks here, and talked about the importance of carrying the border. The President jokes that a border chart showing the ridiculous abuse-Saved his life. Biden-harris regime saved his life, right? Because he tilted his head to look up at the border chart. It's a great chart, by the way. It's terrible data, but a good chart showing that terrible data. I want to pick up on one thing we talked about earlier on this, but extending We're getting off this point because Cory brought up FISA. We can go worm hole about a thousand different topics. We don't need to get into that.


But I just want to say something because your listeners, your viewers, they sometimes can start to not have hope, right? They can put a lot of hope into, Well, we got to win in November, and we do, we're turning the tide. Now, it's not as fast as we all want. We're all sitting on the Titanic looking to iceberg, and all of us are grabbing that wheel and pulling. Some are on the left, obviously, but some of our own party are pulling the wheel back the other protection. We're not, and we're going to keep doing what we're doing. That's what this forum is about. Take FISA, for example. We were able to get that extension to two years, not five. Andy Bigg sat on a panel to make sure that we got actual reforms in place. I would have made sure that we had the protections in there in the Constitution to make sure that they'd have to have a warrant. Unfortunately, we lost that vote with a tie vote. But Cory, Eli, Andy, myself, Matt Gates, we led that fight, and we massively limited the extent to which they extended FISA against That's the deep state here.


We've massively ensured that we passed a border security first bill. I just want listeners to take heart. It's not as fast as you want, but the fact that we're here, the fact that we're leaning into those fights, we're moving the needle in the right direction. If we can get Donald Trump elected, we're going to have an outsized voice in the Congress this next go-around, and we're going to start using the power of the purse to fix things. But you can't have an event like this unfold and not do what we're doing right now to seek the truth. You guys are right. On July 14th, why is it August 26th? Why is it August 26th? And we've not had full formal hearings making clear what's going on. Why have we not had the task force in place, putting out immediate reports? Why is it that Clay Higgens has had to be as a member of that, who's a good friend of ours and a good man, law enforcement, having to put out his own reports to try to highlight some of the facts? You know, Cory talked about it. You talked about it, Dan. I mean, we've got the fact that they didn't even show up, as you pointed out, to the morning meeting, right?


You've got the communication problems that have been fairly well articulated, but they did not retrieve the radios, according to Clay, that have been set aside for them by the Butler County tactile command. You've got clear evidence that's coming forward in whistleblowers to Senator Holly. For example, the detection canines were not used to monitor entry and so forth. You have personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer. You have the fact that we had guys that basically took a pass because it was too hot. They wouldn't get on the roof and they weren't sitting on that roof, allegedly, according to the whistleblower, because it was too hot. You've got the police body cam footage, where we see him saying, I effing told them they needed to post the guys effing over here. I told them that. I told the Secret Service that effing Tuesday. I told them to post the effing guys over there. That's the local law enforcement. You have the rejection of the police drone that Cory talked about before. You have the conflicting messages on the additional security request. You were one of the initial people, Dan, to put out, Hey, I've got people and sources telling me they were asking for more resources and weren't getting it.


Now you have Josh Hawley putting out a memo this Friday saying, Hey, I've got a whistleblower telling me they were requesting more information and they weren't getting it. The American people deserve to know why the former President of the United States was shot. Not an attempt. He was actually shot. He, fortunately, didn't have a life-threatening injury in the end. We need to have heads roll at the Secret Service in this government all the way to the top. Who knew what, who knew what, when, was there willful blindness here? That's why this form matters.


You brought up something about the security room in comms. I'll go to you, congressman Crane. Again, your military experience, you If you don't have security, you don't have comms, you don't have anything. You're out there on your own. You're in some lone survivor scenario. You're screwed. You're out there by yourself. Comms communicate first. Everything else is second. If they don't know your position, they even tell you in the NYPD, you get in a shooting, You don't have to say, I'm in a shooting. When you're screaming, trust me, they know. Your first thing is, 10:13, I need help. Or you say 10:13, just say the address. Whatever. 101 in Atlantic. Everybody knows to come there. You don't have to say, get the description out later. For a high-level protectee, the Secret Service grades their protectee is pretty standard, high, medium, low. For a high-level protectee like President Trump, not even in question. It's not on the edge. It's not like it's a Prime Minister of Pakistan. Is this a high mid? No, it's none of that. To not You don't have a security room at the site properly staffed. I'm going to tell you, when you mentioned Congressman Mills, the idea of potentially criminal negligence, this is where it comes in for me.


That's the first day of Secret Service training. I I've been an instructor there for three years. You have basic things you do at a site. A site agent, number one, a security room, a PI team. This is for low-level people sometimes. There's no PI team at the site functioning like they should have, and there's no security room, and then no one even bothers to pick up a local radio? I mean, they're talking openly on the air, Hey, we got a guy with a range finder. Someone would have said, If I'm at that site, what the hell is he doing with a range finder? Go get them. And nobody did it. No comms.


No, you're right. Crooks was actually... And one of the counter snipers, one of the local counter snipers, is going to be with us today on the panel. He's going to talk about how they had spotted this guy. He was one of the One of the first guys that spotted him, and they were tracking him because he just looked like he didn't fit. And so they were watching him. There was the report of this guy has a range finder. And then, like you said, Dan, these guys were actually texting each other on cell phones because they didn't have communications. It's just this whole thing is a massive cluster. But one of the things I heard you talk about on your show, Dan, was how for For years, the Secret Service wouldn't even use slings on their primary weapons. I couldn't believe that when I heard it. Yeah, it's true. Because if you've ever had to do prisoner handling or you've ever had to climb a ladder on an op or anything, and you've got a primary, like an AR-15-What do you do?


Ask someone to hold it for you?


You can't just ask somebody to hold it. I'm wondering if some of these problems reflect a much larger problem within the culture of the Secret Service.


Let me answer for you because I want you to follow up. Yes, it is a culture problem. And the reason it's a culture problem, and I'm not saying the military doesn't have their structural, hierarchical, cultural problems, too. But the difference in the military, the Secret Service got lucky for a long time. The old line the IRA said against Margaret Thatcher when they almost hit her with a bomb at the hotel. They said, You guys got to be lucky every day. We only have to be lucky once. We've been lucky. The military, your chances at luck run out real quick. When you're doing ops every day, you're only going to get lucky before people get Got killed. And if a guy got killed and you're out on the op, which happens, sadly, all the time, and you say, Hey, my battle buddy here got killed because he didn't have a sling. He had a malfunction, and he was trying to clear it rather than dropping a weapon with the sling and going to his pistol. Someone's going to go, Well, can't have that. Let's get slings. The thing with the Secret Services and where the cultural problem is, and I'd like you to comment and you, Congressman Mills, is thankfully, nothing happens.


Something did happen in Georgia, the country President Bush, the guy threw the grenade. But again, we got lucky. Dumb ass wrapped it in a towel and wrapped it so tight that the detonator didn't... So we got lucky there, too. But I promise you, if we were dealing with the threats every day, the military war, where if you screw up, people die that day right there. I promise you, they would have had drones, slings, flears, thermals, everything. That's the secret service problem, and that's why I think they need an outside voice. So your thoughts and then yours. Can I have something else?


Yeah, and that's what concerns me. It also leads to when I heard you say that on the air, I thought, well, no wonder No, they didn't have drones. If it took them that long to get slings, no wonder they didn't have drones. And so it's going to be interesting to see where this thing goes, Dan. But I've also heard you talk about the fact that the new acting director probably had a lot of, let's say, authority in some of the decisions that were made that led to failures. He ran the Daily Ops. Yeah. Do you have confidence that we're in a better place now?


No, no, no, no, absolutely not. We were in a cover-up place. So Congressman Mills, again, you have tactical experience. The sling thing, that was just one. I'll give you an even worse one. We used to use the H&K MP5, which is the world's most powerful hand pistol, if we used to joke. It's a nine millimeter. It's a great gun. It's not a bad gun, but it's a nine millimeter. It's all it is. So we used to use this. And agents for years who were hunters or cops or just about all of us, we'd be like, Well, why are we using It's pretty ineffective motorcade weapon. I mean, a nine millimeter, it might reflect right off the damn windshield, given the angle, if the car is moving fast enough. We need to go to a better round. I mean, like a five, five, six. I'm not talking about a conversation that happened 50 years ago. I'm talking about when I was there on the detail in the 2000s, right? So they had just transitioned after I left to the five, five, six round, which, again, is like common sense. Anyone with tactical My experience was when I told the story later, because I didn't want to tell the story until they transitioned, because honestly, I was afraid someone was going to attack them in the motorcade, knowing how weak they were.


This is the weird stuff in my head. I didn't want to get anybody hurt because they were so incompetent. How do you not have five, five, six? They had it with the special weapons teams, but the shift should all be carrying this stuff. No excuse.


That's exactly right. I mean, look, and you know as well as I do, if you're shooting in glass, hitting at a higher angle for reflection, all the different things that you have to compensate that we can account for. But my whole thing was, is to your point and to also my colleague Eli's, their text messaging. If you're a sniper or you're a spotter and you're supposed to be on glass, and you know that your sniper is likely at a higher magnification, which means that he's got a smaller field of view, and you got your spotter who's supposed to be looking at the larger field of view, obviously, if there's an actual threat there, you need to be able to call in it. Three o'clock, building five. And then if the building is quite large, you quadrant it off and then label the individual A1, B2, whatever the case may be, they're text messaging. Imagine this. You're sitting on there. Hey, guys, just wanted to let you know I'm seeing a threat here. What do you think? Jk, L-O-L, emoji smiley face. And then what? You go back onto rifle. I mean, it's impractical, and there's no tactical advantage or lessons learned.


To the military side of it, your lessons are learned in blood. And we always argue the fact that the more sweat shed in training, the less blood shed in battle. And so I think that the idea of what we discussed earlier with DEI, and again, I always say DEI equals DIE, or it stands for didn't earn it. We have to get back to meritocracy and making sure that the very best are there. We have to start looking at threat levels of the individual to determine what the security package is, not the titles. We have to start thinking about what gear do we need in order to mitigate the perceived threats that we've already identified. You're always going to have the what-if scenario. You're always going to go ahead and have Murphy's law in effect. But at least let's go ahead and cover our basis to understand what is necessary based on the perceived threats or the indicated threats that we know exist.Yeah.I want to say something on that.Yeah, please.


I just want to clarify and say, regardless of how this agent looked, if it was a man, I would say the same thing. But when I saw the female agent struggle to holster her weapon three different times, I was thinking to myself, Oh, my God, are you serious right now? That is not acceptable. And anybody who has a high level of training will tell you maybe one miss in a little play, but my God, three.


You have a lot of muscle's memory. And then not to mention the fact, you heard people... This had to bother you, though, Dan, having worked in the secret service in my PD, but you literally have people on the stage going, what do we do? What do we do? That right there is a huge issue for me because when you know you're trying to get off the X, the first thing that you're looking at is that you've either identified a safe room or you got your rolling motor cable, which is rolling hard room. So You know already stage left, here's where we're moving. All right, on me. Ready? Move. And you're already on that process after you've actually called to see if the threat has been mitigated. The fact that you had secret service agents who, one, couldn't even holster their weapon, but two, was sitting here going, What are we doing? What are we doing? That's a real issue for me.


Yeah, well, and listen, they're uncomfortable questions, but this is the panel where they're going to get asked because I don't do cutesy time or comfortable. I do saving lives. And I know you all feel the same way. Listen, they're protecting President Biden, Harris. Everybody says that all the time. This legitimately is not. We cannot have one of these people get hurt or killed. The entire country would be in flames. Nobody wants anything to happen. And you're right. You're watching this agent fumble around, and you're thinking like- Our adversaries are watching this as well. Congressmen, they're watching this, and they're thinking like, this is the one moment you trained for your entire life was You have to train, and you can't even hold your weapon to get your hands free? Let me take a quick break. I got to pay for the show today. My sponsors keep this show free, so we appreciate it. I'm going to go to Mark Morgan next. I want to ask you about the FBI investigation because you have a lot of experience over there? A lot of my listeners, very, very concerned. Who was he working with? Are we ever going to find out?


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How did a 20-year-old manage to clean his digital footprint forever? It seems odd. We haven't seen any leaks at all. I said to the audience as an old investigator myself, if this was a 60-year-old guy, you could say to yourself, Okay. He grew up most of his life without social media. Maybe by his 40s, he decides he's going to plan an assassination in 20 years. All right, crazy story, whatever. And he says, I'm going to go dark on the social media. A 20-year-old? So you're telling me at 13 years old, when every kid's on Snapchat, this kid decides he's going to commit an assassination seven years later and has no detectable social media footprint ever. It is so beyond calculating in the normal brain. Something's up.


Yeah, Dan, look, I think that's a series of questions exactly why we're here today. Exactly why the Congressional members are here. Look, I was a cop. I was a SWAT operator. I've been in countless special events. And everybody here, they've already discussed well the failures operationally. But, Chip, you mentioned it. It's also crisis communications 101. So not only was a colossal operational failure, clearly, but there's been an additional failure of this government from- Where are the briefings? That's it. So let me give you two examples. Remember, Aurora, where we had the shooting at the cinema? What did you see immediately after that? You saw a media press conference multiple times a day. But it wasn't just press conferences. It was the leaders of the organizations, the chief of the police, the special agent charge of the FBI, the Everybody was there, and they were answering every single question, the gag of reporters, and they were taking incoming. Now let's go to Uvalde. What did we see in Uvalde? The same thing. Immediately, press conference after press conference, the director of Texas DPS, Steve McGraw, was there on scene giving a press conference. And just a few days later, what did we see Uvalde?


You had the governor, Governor Abbott leading a press conference. Because why? That's what we should be doing. That's Basic Crisis 101. They've done none of that.


They've done none of that. Ron Roe did one that was a little... It was about an hour or so. But even the answers to the questions seemed to contradict some of his own congressional testimony. Dan, absolutely. These guys raised At the right-hand, you know. That's right. This is a serious thing.


And this was the President of the United States, the former President, right? I mean, what we should have had immediately, we should have had the AG, we should have the Director of the Secret Service, the Director of the FBI, those leaders standing up in front of the world's largest gag of reporters and answering every single question. The reason we're here today and what's happening is because that hasn't happened. And there's a series of questions that I think every American wants to have. And we know, everybody here knows, crisis communications. If you're not providing the answers, guess what? That void is going to be filled.


Do you trust the FBI? I'm not trying to push you in any direction. I'm asking you to be sincere.


I think that the question... Here's what I'll say, is the polls are very clear. That the majority of the American people do not trust the FBI. That's clear. And so that's what I keep saying. A gentleman here may disagree with me a little bit, but look, there's no trust in the FBI. Come on, there's no trust the secret service is going to do their inquiry. That ship has sailed. And the reality is that there's not a trust in Congress either. And so that's why I've actually been calling for an independent commission made of a vector. Look, I'm not trying to kiss your ass, but it has experts like you on it. And other people that have that background, It's separate from this administration, separate from all the bullshit, all the political BS that's going on, actually experts.


You could curse on my show. It's my language for it. Yeah, go ahead, please.


For your viewers to understand context. Mark is going to be humble about his background, but it is deep. And why? You wouldn't have him here and comment on it if it weren't in terms of his background as a cop, FBI, and also had a Border Patrol. We worked with Mark to get the strong border security We all passed. The night and day, all last year, a year and a half ago, it was Mark Morgan working with us to make sure we got a good border security package. Because, and this is what I actually want to get to, my point. We believe in security. We believe in sovereignty. We believe in the rule of law. And this is where I'm going to be as blunt as I can be. You said something earlier as former law enforcement. I wasn't a cop, and I wasn't in uniform, but I was a former federal prosecutor, former first assistant attorney general of Texas. It's important that those of us who swear an oath of the Constitution or those of us who have worked in and around law enforcement, not get ahead of things. You want to seek the truth wherever it may lead.


There's a path to doing that. And you don't want to get out of here and conjecture land. But you're doing a lot of conjecture in your investigative work. You're doing a lot of connect the dots. American people are connecting the dots because of what Mark just said. Nobody's giving a message, nobody's standing up and saying, nobody's giving even the appearance of confidence, much less actual confidence. So the point that I want to make here is that, and this is the blunt thing that I'm going to say, I don't believe, I'll say this, this administration, the current, modern, progressive Democrat, does not believe in the rule of law that we believe in. That's pretty clear. I think we have to be actually clear about that. If you go back and look at the 1992 Democratic National Convention platform, you wouldn't disagree with most of it, okay? You disagree with some, obviously. There was a lot of it. I've been reading it, reading excerpts to my constituents, And I say, Hey, do you agree with this? And they applaud, stuff about putting cops on the street, that parents should take care of their kids, believing in the rule of law, all of that stuff.


And they read it, and I say, This was the platform from the DNC in 1992. Today's Democratic Party, they don't believe in this. I'm just being blunt. And so we're up against a tide, and the swamp and some swamp Republicans aren't willing to actually take them on the way we need to. That's why this form exists. That's why Mark is raising, I think, important points about independent task force. We're all fighting inside, trying to change Congress. President Trump, when he ran against the swamp in 2016, was that engine. And that's what this November needs to be about, not to get political, but it's about taking on this swamp. This is the middle of it. We are seeing it.


And we need leaders. Like right now, if I was a director of the FBI, I say, Screw this administration. I'm going to get out there because I know the FBI's reputation is lying. The American people deserve to know answers. And the suspect, he's dead. So any rights or privileges you're worried about died when he was shot, right?


Can you imagine if they did that? Listen, the FBI's reputation, as you said, has been really significantly damaged. But if they were to do that, let's say, come out next week and Christopher A. Said, America, you know what? This isn't going like it should. This is one of the most significant events in modern American history. We're taking the reins. We work for you guys. Politics of this, be damned. And they said, We are going to do a briefing every day, and we're going to stay till every... You know what? I tell you, they're not going to get my faith or trust back tomorrow, but a lot of us will be like, Wow, that's not bad.


You guys have already hit the basic things that the average American people want to know, right? The basic things. He could address each one of those right now. And we were just talking, whether it's even hurricanes, the confidence in the American people goes from a three to an eight immediately, basically on that one for us.


Let me ask you guys this because I want to get this- And just really quickly, I'm from the freest state in this Union, which is a great state of Florida. I don't know anything about it.


I heard more and got to throw that. And by the way, also very proud of Florida seventh World Series champions, Lake Mary. So that's in my district. Very proud of those guys.


I got to give a shout out to my Bernie boys.


Bernie boys did an amazing job. Bernie boys did an amazing job. But I want to talk on what Mark was talking about, recreating the confidence of government. When we have a hurricane in the state of Florida, not only do we talk about how many pieces of power has been reinstated per day, per hour, what bridges are now back online, what roads have now been cleared, what new Florida power line companies have been redeployed, what new ask. We're doing this on an hourly or a daily basis by Governor DeSantis. And you're telling me that the FBI, the Secret Service, and the Department of Injustice, after one of the largest, most significant incidents that's ever taken place in most of our lives, is radio science with one contradicting thing with a guy who actually was part of the decision making with Sheetal herself. So I don't see where... I think it has to be like Trump talked about. I think it has to be what we're trying to do in Congress. You have to eliminate the top three rungs and start fresh. We need confidence back in government by getting rid of those people who are part of the problem and now acting like the solution.


I want to go around. I want all your takes on this because this is critically important. The problem we have with the 2020 election and all the shenanigans is the legitimate stuff that they fleeced this thing was sitting right in front of our face, and a lot of stuff got spun up. And I swear it was the biggest PSYOP ever. They got all of us distracted with other stuff. That's when I'm terrified with this. Shining up, was there a second shooter? There's no evidence of that. Frankly, it's distracting us from asking about the first shooter. Who was this guy? Why are we talking? We have enough It's enough to go on right now. Listen, if later on evidence services that there were two more shells that were found, I am happy to entertain it. But we have enough going on with the first shooter. So I want all of your takes on this. I'll start with you, congressman Roy, and we'll go around this way. Congressman Crane Mills, and then Mark. Who was this guy working with? He may have been working with no one at all. But you don't find it a little strange.


Again, the digital footprints have been wiped out. The body was apparently quickly autopsied and turned over for cremation. And one of the biggest scandals of American government security failure in American history. And then we find out just days later, Merrick Garland, who I don't trust as far as I could throw in, that's not very far, is like, Oh, look, we've got this Iranian infiltration into the United States, and it's a direct threat to President Trump. We knew about, by the way, three years ago. You can actually go look it up. There's something going on here.


You notice that any time the facts of some event don't fit their narrative, that they sweep it aside. Las Vegas shooting. How often do they talk about that? Zero. Do they ever want to go see the truth on? Still no answers. You can go through example after example. Even the Nashville shooting, they did not want in that school, they did not want to get into the background and the diary and all the stuff of the individual that was transgender or whatever in that shooting in the Christian school in Nashville. Here you've got this. What happens? It just gets swept aside. Again, the reason we're doing this forum is that six weeks ago, Saturday, I think, if my date's correct, six weeks ago, Saturday, President Trump was shot, and we act like that didn't occur as a nation. That is extraordinary on its face. So you're asking questions, and I said before, law enforcement Guys, we're like, Well, you don't want to make too many leaps, particularly publicly. But certainly, all the questions you're raising are the questions we need to pursue, the digital footprint question. How this guy, literally, how he was able to be there, flying a drone, the day that the former President and the Republican nominee would be on a stage, flying a drone, literally the same day, just a couple of hours before the event.


How does that happen? Do you believe, Well, that's just a colossal failure of incompetence? And by the way, they don't even want to pursue that. But I don't believe that. When you get too far down the road, I don't believe that all of that's just accidental. I don't believe that this is all just incompetence.


Or if it is, just put a brief out on it. Exactly. So this is what... Congressman Crane, you addressed Pfizer before. So we have this massive unconstitutional spying apparatus going on where we're like, Well, we spy an American citizen's occasionally. Not willing. I remember a klapper, not wittingly. But it's happening. Everybody knows it's happening. There's been IG reports about the whole thing. There's no communications with this kid anywhere. There's not a single leak. There's not a Facebook picture, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok. Again, I'm not making any leaps. I'm just telling you the facts. If you're forced to make a choice, gun to the head, is there something shady here or not? You're like, Oh, this is weird.


Yeah. I may be the only one on this panel, but I'm not really willing yet to say wholeheartedly that I don't believe there's not a possibility for a second shooter. There's a guy named John I believe. He put a video out that had some evidence that I think this task force should take a look at. It showed the bullet traveling down the bleachers And the trajectory and the angle of this bullet in the flight path and it disturbing people's clothes. One guy hits the deck and then it hitting the railing, and you see the puff of the railing, it was not in line at all with Crooks who's over here. It this way. So I'm not willing to go there yet and say, Hey, I know for a fact it was Thomas Crooks who acted alone. But going back to Chip's point of I don't believe. I don't believe that the FBI is going to get to the bottom of this, and And even if they did, I don't believe that they would give us the truth. I don't believe their story about the J6 pipe bomber. And I know you have questions about it, too, Dan.


I'm telling you on my reputation, I've said in front of my audience, Guys, you You don't have to talk to me again if I'm wrong. It is going to be the biggest scandal in modern American political history when they come out and go, Oh, it was a training exercise, 100%. There is not a single chance in hell an EOD secret service team missed that bomb. There isn't. There is no chance. The dog is not political. The dog smells black. You guys know, the dog smells black powder from 50 yards away. The dog is going to do something. The dog didn't do it. There is zero chance that bomb was placed there, and they're going to say later on, it was a training exercise. I don't trust these people at all, and that's why I'm not willing to throw anything out either.


And Dan, I actually questioned Christopher Ray, Director Ray, in Homeland Security earlier this year, and I asked him if he knew how many individuals were arrested going into the capital. I can't remember exactly what it was. It was several hundred. I think it was close to a thousand, if not over a thousand. Many of those people, Dan, as you know, they were actually allowed into the capital. Whether they should have gone, whether they shouldn't have gone, that's not the issue. But I asked him, so are you telling me, sir, that the FBI couldn't find the one individual that could have committed multiple mass casualties? You guys could arrest all these other people, but you couldn't find the one person. And he said, no, congressmen, we're working on it. We've got a task force on it and all this stuff.I don't believe it for a second day.Can.


I break some news to you guys? Yeah, please. I was going to do it in tomorrow's show, but being that you're all here, you probably need to hear it anyway. So again, I'm promising you this is as well placed as the sources you're going to get. I wouldn't spin your wheels. Texted me this weekend and was there working on January sixth that day. When the pipe bomb incident went down and there was this initial chaos, him and his team were told, Oh, yeah, go take a look, and we're going to investigate and look for this guy, this subject. Then they were told just hours later, specifically to stand down, but never given a reason. The story just makes no sense. And granted, this is a secret service panel about that incident, but they are deeply involved in this, other security failure as well. So maybe I'll just throw that question as well. If you guys want to comment, fine. If not, I totally understand. But there's simply no chance that this explosive device is there. The Democrats and the media have been telling us all we're MAGA fascists who engage in an insurrection to take out the government.


They have prima facia evidence of it, a pipe bomb, trying to take out the VP-elect who's a Democrat, and we're the ones doing the us, literally. We're like, Let's get that guy. No one else wants to talk about it. Not Benny Thompson. You saw Massey go after Benny Thompson. Benny Thompson is like, I don't know nothing about nothing. The The January sixth report, there's a whole big thing about grandma got arrested for trespassing. There's nothing about a bomb out in front of the Capitol. The Secret Service text disappear. It appears the camera footage has been manipulated. The FBI can't seem to find this guy. The cell phone he calls from the night before, they're telling us this is the bomber. The cell phone company, mysteriously, only those records are corrupted. Nobody in the January sixth, they got all of them, but not this guy. It just stinks, congressmen, and nobody trusts these people. Here's the thing that's very interesting.


We talk about the J6 and all the amount of resources and assets that went in to try and make us all the tinfoil cap insurrection that's under the MAGA community. Why is it that they are able to utilize cell phone pings for J6, but they can't for J13? Why can't we do a cell phone ping to determine who's in the AGR building, who was actually on the grounds, who had done travel back and forth between DC? We were told, and again, not take anything off, but the person that Thomas Crooks was actually in touch with, they had tracked that he had been going back forth to DC, and it just so happens that the building area he was having the meeting with is very close to the FBI headquarters. When we look at this, when we talk about things like who is Maxwell Yurick, who is the individuals who are in the room that had to leave that didn't have the data card entry at the time of the actual ascension onto the roof. This is the whole point. They want to continue to try and bring up the fact to try and paint one party for political purposes.


And yet we were the one saying, it doesn't matter who the actual intended target was, Republican or Democrat alike. Let's go after whoever that individual is. Let's get the facts for the American people. Let's get the justice that the American people deserve. But you don't see that on the opposite side. You don't see that, where's Merritt Garland coming on board with this Department of Injustice to say, Hey, I'm pledging all of my assets to go ahead and ensure that we get to it. We're going to go ahead and look at all comms platforms. We're going to talk to every one of the cell phone companies that were in the area. If you are out there, you'll see there's two satellite cell towers that are sitting within 100 yards of the actual... We can't get access to that. I mean, there's too many questions that arise here. And to your point, when it came to FISA, direct violations. We all swear an oath to a Constitution. Direct to a Constitution, it's direct to violation to your fourth and sixth amendment rights with rights to have an actual warrantless search is what they're trying to claim. No, you're supposed to have a warrant for a proper search and seizure, no illegal search and seizure, as well as for a right to be tried in a court before your They're denying that when they violate things like FISA 702, where they got 287,000 plus violations they've admitted to, which in my opinion, if they admitted to 287, it's like a body count.


It's probably more like 300, 400,000. But my whole thing is that we should be pledging the same amount of resource assets to the J13 incident as they were willing to pledge to paint us in a certain light on the J6.


Yeah. Mark, on the January sixth, and unfortunately, the assassination attempt as well. Again, there seems to be this persistent effort, as you indicated before, to just not share information when these are literally taxpayer-funded entities whose job is to share information with us. It breeds this not only as discontent, but this distrust, where if an investigation is to come out, and let's say, just hypothetically speaking, say the FBI does a free and fair investigation, and they come to the conclusion, crooks worked alone. He had no digital footprint because whatever. He was some life loser, and he just didn't want to do it, and nobody wanted to talk to him online, whatever. The sad thing is, nobody's going to trust them at all because their reputation has been so tarnished by J6 and how they handled the pipe bomb and everything else.


Dan, I couldn't say it better myself. And this is when I spent 20 years in the FBI. It hurts for me to agree with you on that. But that's the fact, right? That's the reality we have to face. Another thing, Director Ray, that I really go hard at him is if you see him every time he's questioned by these these gentlemen here and others, is when they question their motives, what does he do? He gets mad. He gets angry, right? I'm like, That's your job. I led CBP, the largest law enforcement organization in the world. And every time I stood in front of a gentleman like this, that was part of my job to take the incoming because that's part of their job. Their American people elected them to go and challenge people like me and the director to question everything that they do. That's their job. When you have a director like that that gets indignant, how dare you question our motives. No, that's exactly what we should be doing in this country. And like you said, there's a lot of the reasons and examples why American distrust the FBI right now. And I'll go back.


I'll go back to the lack of transparency. I'll go back to Uvaldi, too. Again, Governor Abbott was within a week after the shooting, what did they do that press conference? They went through a detailed timeline of the shooter. A detailed. Folks, I'm telling you right now, we have that with the assassination attempt from President Trump. They have that detailed outline. They could get up there and hold a press conference and go through. And I think they could address some of these questions about a second shooter or this or that, all these conspiracies, because they're not being honest and transparent with the American people. Therefore, everybody and all the conspiracy theories are filling the void with stuff when they could address it right now.


I want to bring up something else, too. Congressman Mills, you brought it up before. This was a good friend of mine, a really good high quality agent, nice guy, however may he name it, said to me once, we I landed a helicopter once on a motorcade route. It was a long story, but it was a failure. But nothing happened because we used a secondary route. But he said to me, and I'll never forget, he said, An uneventful failure, Dan, is never a success. Not in our line of work. And I said, We'll call him Tony. I said, Tony, whatever. You are so smart. You are 100 % correct. We're doing that. I was the whip at the time. Wasn't my route, but I was supervising the operation. And I said, We got to clean this up and prevent that from happening again. This was not an uneventful failure. A man was murdered in front of his family. Donald Trump was shot in the head, actually shot in the head. This could have been worse. It turns out, as you indicated before, he had a detonator that, according to a number of sources, including Congressman Walsh, who obviously has his own military experience, this thing worked.


If those devices go off in the car and create a distraction, those CS teams, counter-sniper teams, are probably so preoccupied looking at the distraction, which any human being would. It's not a knock on Anyone's going to go. If a bomb goes off, we're not robots. And in those maybe 5, 10 seconds, fog of war, you know, I was not in war. You guys have been in the military. The fog of war, it might be 10, 20 seconds before they target a choir again. And at that point, Donald Trump's dead. He could have unleashed an entire magazine. This thing could have been 10 times worse.


On your point, though, Dan, what have we heard about... We've been told, Eli and I, that they're quite sophisticated devices in regards to the explosive device, but also the The fact that he had a multi-transmitting detonator, which is a pretty sophisticated level. What have we been told about those explosives? Nothing. What were we told about the white van and who that white van was owned by? Nothing. What were we told about the guy on the bicycle that came by the woodline after the shooting? Nothing. The problem is, is you're not getting any actual input. Your buddy is exactly right. An uneventful failure is still a failure. And this was not uneventful. So why are Why are we not prioritizing this with every single resource assets? Why are we not doing daily briefings? Why is the media already not running this any longer? When you had a former President of the United States shot, you're getting more coverage on the cost of the local goods in the store that just went up, as opposed to a former president being shot on television where it could have been prevented. Why was the AGR building outside the perimeter Who determined that and why at 130 yards?


My point is that you're exactly right that we should be questioning everything. You're exactly right. We need to build the confidence of the FBI and ensure the right comms plan. We're right all in this room and in this forum and asking the questions to get transparency, because if we do not, this will be another one of the greatest cover-ups in American history. I want to ask you guys- real quick.


I'll do respect to Speaker Johnson. To your point, the Task Force, their report is due in December.


Are you kidding me? I know, which is a little late. It's stupid. You had mentioned something about the death of elections. After elections. So, Congressman Crane, if you want to jump in. I have my experience in training, but the Secret Services, like most military entities, you might fly on a helicopter, but they're not going to teach you how to fly the helicopter. That's not what you do. So in the Secret Service, you'll get explosives training, but you're not going to build them, and you're never going to be an EOD guy. So I was watching Congressman Walls, Green Beret, another Florida congressman, and he was on Fox this weekend, and he's asking the same question I am. And he's not known as a bomb thrower or anything. He's like, Listen, I was in the military. It's pretty sophisticated explosive. Who was this guy working with? Given your military training, you just said about the detonator and the explosive. This isn't the thing in five minutes you learn to put together in a parking lot. He had to be online figuring this out, or someone had to have likely helped him.


Yeah, this is something I have a little bit of knowledge on. One of the gentlemen who's coming in to talk with us today, Ben Schafer. He was one of the counter-sniper guys here. He was telling me that the explosives, he was talking to some of the guys, the local guys, the EOD guys that looked at the explosives, did reports on the explosives. To Cory's point, said that these explosives, and the pictures that I saw of these explosives, Dan, where they were built in ammo cans, but they were They were actually pretty advanced. From guys that have years and years of experience who come across explosives all the time, homemade explosives, say, Hey, we're actually really surprised at the complexity of these explosives, which leads a rational think or to believe that this 20-year-old kid with no military experience, with no history online or history that's been scrubbed and wiped, might have been getting help. There's one more question that needs to be answered and one more reason why we have to do this.


A multi-channel detonator.


Yeah, and a multi-channel detonator.


So explain that to the earlier one.


Because you were talking about, okay, if he clacks off this explosion, then it draws a bunch of attention towards the explosives.


I'm thinking like the Malcolm X shooting. The guy creates a ruckus in one direction, but the shot came from the other direction.


Right. And so that was what I was hearing from some of the guys on the ground who believe that he actually had these explosives for diversionary purposes so that he could take shots, maybe clack off the explosion, all the attention goes over here away from him, and then get the hell out of dodge while pandammonium erupts. I don't know if that's the case, but it's definitely something to take a look at. Yeah.


When he said that this week, and I rely on... I consider myself, I hate stupid smart people. Stupid smart people are smart, but they don't know the limits of their own knowledge. So that's not my Same thing. I rely on the EOD guys, their finder function or the dogs, and that was it. But again, it opens up a bunch of questions. I wanted to ask you. It just came out this morning. But Susan Crabbtree, who's been all over this, an amazing reporter, real clear. She has a number of sources that aligned with a story I've been trying to get out in the media for years, that a lot of our security operations, DSS, diplomatic security service and others, that there may be some infiltration of Iranian influence, and it may have something to do with some of the security allocations that they've been doing that have been wrong. I don't know about that. I'm still looking at that story, but I do find it odd that they've known about this Iranian threat ever since the killing of Solomani against Donald Trump and others for years. And yet the security detail was still told No, you cannot have a bigger security footprint despite the fact that it was on the record that they've known about.


Yeah, there it is right there. They've actually known about this threat. There's only, to me, congressman, and correct me if I'm wrong, two possible solutions. Like you had said, congressman Mills, absolute negligence, borderline criminal. Hey, the Iranians want to kill us, don't do anything, or something more nefarious.


No, I mean, look, I think these are the things. Susan, just so everybody knows, we're sitting here, as you pointed out, in the Heritage Foundation. We're going to have our forum here in about 30 minutes. Susan is over there meeting right now in that same room with Jason Chafetz, and I think a couple of other press people. Susan has been obviously one of the leaders in reporting out there and making sure that there's a focus on what the Secret Service does, has for years been doing that now, in particular, I guess this year. And as you pointed out, she sent me a message this morning en route to hear this thing that she's breaking, right? Is Iranian spying, hurting efforts to protect Trump, Harris, Biden, and former Trump national security officials. Some US national security officials are convinced that agencies devoted to protecting the Security of Presidents, former Presidents, et cetera, and their families, as well as current and former, have been compromised by Iranian intelligence assets. Three knowledgeable sources told real clear politics. That's not a small allegation by a serious reporter. And I think these are the... Look, Cory said it before. Our enemies are watching.


They're watching what we're doing. And this continued weakness, this continued... Again, it's something beyond incompetence. Our enemies are watching. The people in our own country are watching. The lack of faith in institutions matters. And I think we've got to get to the bottom of this. And so I applaud Susan over here as having this conversation, seeking the truth. But we've got to go seek the truth as Congress. And it can't be these politically motivated timetables. Again, I've got the utmost respect for a number of the people on the panel. We said, Clay Higgins is a good friend. Mark Green is the chairman of Homeland Security. There are friends of ours that are on this panel. But some of these selections were political. Certainly, the timing of the report is political. The fact that neither Cory nor Eli are on is, I think, a significant question. I'm not sure. I'm not the most experienced prosecutor, but I was a prosecutor. Are there experienced prosecutors on there? I think we need to be aggressive at seeking the truth. It's already too late to be the timeliness that was deserved and necessary to instill confidence, but we could still do the job if we were to act quickly now to get to the bottom of the truth so the American people are going to have confidence in their institutions again.


But right now, it's waning if we don't get to the bottom of it as Congress.


So one last thing, and I think we'll wrap up after this to give us some time to get down to the hearing downstairs, which is really important. I encourage you all to watch it. It's available on all platforms. You're on Rumble, you're on X, Facebook. It's going to be all over the place. Make sure you check it out. It's really important. It's going to be a fact-finding mission. That's our mission here. None of us are here for any other reason other than we want to see all of these protectees, all of them, stay alive. I worked for two Democratic presidents and a Republican, and I know you guys served, and you didn't go, Oh, I'm serving it. You serve the country, and that's it. But it's an exit question here. If we were to win in November, which I hope happens, I don't want to get ahead of ourselves. I hate red wave talk. It's stupid and unnecessary and ridiculous. It's burned us a thousand times. But there's like a red wave counter on my show, but if they do a drinking game, because every time I tell everyone not to do the red wave, but I'm so worried about it.


That's why. But if we win in November, we've already seen the left's capacity for, frankly, street insanity, BLM, Antifa, the riots. We've had this guy take a shot at President Trump already. While our party, resolutely, completely, 100 %, looks on the camera and condemns political violence with absolute, resolute certainty. Everybody got it? Write it down, media people. I've only said it a thousand times, because once you cross that line, there's no going back. The left doesn't. You had Maxine Waters. You had even Kamala Harris. They're going to be out in the streets, all these people. I'm really worried, given these secret service failures, that November to January, before he swears in, we're going to see a lot of chaos. I'll let everybody comment, and I think we wrap it up and head downstairs.


Yeah. I mean, look, there's no doubt. First of all, between now and November fifth, we have one singular mission, and that is to connect and resonate with the American people. We need to, as President Trump says, win too big to rig, right? I mean, that's the goal. Let's get out and get on offense to make sure the American people know what we stand for in terms of the rule of law, securing the border of the United States, driving down prices, getting rid of the regulatory state that's crushing small businesses, make sure that we restore institutions again, restore faith, and stop spending money we don't have that's driving up inflation and killing our ability to have a government we can trust. These are things we can talk about and resonate with the American people. We wake up on November sixth, and we have the White House, and we have the House, and we have the Senate if we do our job. We must immediately start putting forward the plans that we want to put in place to make sure that people understand that on January 21st, things are going to change, that we are going to restore order.


We are going to restore the rule of law, that we were serious about removing the millions of people who have been dumped into our country that are endangering people, killing Lake and Reilly, killing Rachel Morin, killing Lizbeth Medina, killing Jocelyn Nungare. I could keep going down the list. We need to have a plan and put it in place. And when people start doing what they're going to inevitably do, we roll over them. That's just simply, we roll over them rhetorically. We roll over them with the rule of law. They have no basis for going out there and stirring up that trouble. You don't let your streets burn, as happened in the summer of '20. And you got to be critical. We need the administration and in the transition, Republicans, governors need to stand up and do their part to keep the peace, keep order, and make sure that we have a peaceful transition of power. I believe fundamentally in the rule of law. I believe fundamentally in the Constitution of the United States, and I will continue to fight and defend that. Sometimes you take positions that aren't popular when you do that. I think we'll have to come together as a party.


But one thing needs to be certain. On November sixth, we're going to get busy taking this country back. It begins and ends from my standpoint, in protecting the freedom of the American people through the constitutional mandate that the government has to secure the blessings of liberty. That needs to be our focus.


Your thoughts on the transition? If we win, knock on wood, and just the heightened threat level.


Well, obviously this election, we say it all the time, it is so important. It's our election to lose, Dan. That's the way I feel about it. It's our country to lose. That's the way I feel about it. Dan, you say all the time on your show, I guess we just haven't felt enough pain yet, right? You say that all the time. Well, my question to the American people is, have you felt enough pain yet? Are you concerned about these socialists that are on the Democrat ticket? Because make no mistake about it, these people are socialists. They want top-down totalitarian control. I don't care what the commercials say. When you hear Tim Walsh say, One man's socialism is another man's neighborliness, and you hear Kamala Harris talking about equal outcomes, guys, that is the dialect of the socialist Make no mistake about it. We can blame politicians all you want. I'm as bad as anybody at doing it. But if you're not willing to get off your butt, get out there, and not only just go vote, that's a bare minimum, but grab 10 or 15 of your family members, get with turning point action, get on their plan, go help us chase ballots around the country like Democrats do so that we can win this election and save it and try and turn this thing around for our kids, Dan.


Congressman, one thing, you You guys have run and won elections. Can you just tell people, when you vote early, you don't have to go chase them? They get pulled off your list. It saves the Trump and everyone a fortune. Like, please, God, I'm not using his name in vain. I mean it to save the country. I was not a huge fan of early voting. We got to save the country. This is no time for statements. We'll make statements afterwards. Get your vote in the early blanket. Sorry. Closing thoughts.


Look, I just want to go ahead and say, look, I've been a registered Republican my entire life, but I identify as constitutional I identify with the understandings of physical responsibility. You want to talk about the most consequential elections in our lifetime. Let's go ahead and put out two facts. One, this is the first time in American history at $36 trillion that we're going to spend more in servicing the interest on our debt than we will in our entire National Defense annual spending. We are now one of roughly 28 empires and nations in the world's history who's ever exceeded 130% GDP expenditures. And guess what? Only one survived, which is Japan, which many argue they had to redo their currency and banking system. We now join that list of fiscal experimentation. We have to look at what the priorities are. I always talk about pros and cons. Pros is progress, con is Congress. We have identified the fact that we cannot continue to do the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome. We cannot continue to ignore our 7 articles, 27 amendments that govern us. We cannot continue to look at the encroachment of Americans' ability to have their own freedoms, lives, liberties, and pursuit of happiness.


We must strive for that perfect union. If you look, it is not the D&C of 1992, as my good friendship, Roy pointed out, as far as the top priorities. We have to get back to simplicity here. We have to be responsible. We have to eliminate government and ensure our Tenth Amendment right to our state and individual freedoms. We have to secure our borders. We have to prioritize our children. We have to strengthen our military. We have to start identifying that we can't be the biggest consumer of goods, but we need to be the biggest producer of goods to get that GDP, National Debt Ratio inverted. We have to get back to the understanding that DEI, CRT, and ESG isn't a priority, G-O-D is, which is why we were one nation under God. Let's focus on the priorities. Let's get out November fifth. Let's get people out because I can tell you in Florida during our primaries, we only had about a 17% turnout. That is not going to win this nation. If you truly are out there being a self-proclaimed patriot, then get out there and do your part by not only voting, but also in states that have ballot harvesting, go out and ballot harvest.


We have to play the game back at them. We can't We need to play defense. It's time to play offense because our nation is at stake here. So let's get out, let's do our part, and let's win this election so we can save our Republic. Article 4, Section 4, we are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. Let's get back to constitutionality. Indeed.


Mark, final words?


Two things. One, on the voting. There's an old military saying, you go to battle with army, you have. And that's why I look at the voting. Harvest a shit out of it wherever it's legal and vote early. Now, do it as soon as you possibly can, or we're never going to win a national election again if we don't change our mindset. While arguing for in-person voting if we can get the house across the line. The second thing, though, since I'm going to use my time, since I've got three congressional members here, if we do win, what we need is Conservatives to actually have political backbone, strength, and will to do the right thing, right? And we don't have that even among the Republican Party. And I'm going to use the border as an example. Remember, Trump, the Conservatives, we have the White House, the House, and the Senate for two years, and Congress failed, Conservatives failed to pass a A single piece of meaningful border security legislation. Hr, too. You guys did your job. The strongest border security bill that's ever been passed in a single chamber in our lifetime, it literally provided a policy pathway forward to secure a border.


Job well done. It went to the Senate, and it died. And then the Senate Republicans, oh, gosh, we can't even mention HR2. And then we had that miserable, failed Lankford bill that was anything but a border security bill. So I'll leave this with this. If we're going to be able to do what we need to do on the border, we've got to have Republicans that are going to join together and stay strong. And I'll mention this. So when we start a nationwide, a massive, the largest removal operation that this country has ever seen, which we have to do to actually secure our border, are we going to have every single conservative Congressional member that's going to support that?


I've dedicated my entire show to it. I wantYeah. Just thank my audience, too. We had a shocking 200,000 people in this live stream today. Gee, we peaked out what? What, 199, 200? 199. Right there. We were right to, well, we'll round up 200,000. We're Democrat math. 200,000. You guys matter. When Congressman Roy and these Congressional patriots said, You want to come up and do this? I was like, You're damn right, because you know what? We may not have subpoena power. We have the greatest power of all. There's no bullshit. You all. I guarantee you this 200,000 people is a bigger audience than any network news has online. I guarantee. Watch tomorrow on all these livestream things. Thanks to you. Spread the word. Make sure you tune in to the 12 o'clock hearing, where we're going to have some more experts, including Eric Prince, and one of the folks who was actually there, and Matt Gates will be joining as well. I really deeply appreciate your time. Download the Rumble app, folks, if you can, and go to rumble. Com/bongino. We're the home of free speech, and then check out Rumble Premium. If you don't like a lot of ads, we'd love to have you.


Thanks so much for your time. See you in a few minutes at the hearing. Take care. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.