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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. So the entire leftist narrative where they're trying to cover up for Joe Biden, who is an active national security threat to the United States right now, I'm not getting the entire narrative is falling apart. No Hunter's e-mails and these potential payoffs to the Biden crime family by enemies, then ISIS. It's all Russian disinformation. It is. We sure about that?


It's Russian disinformation. We sure about that, because that's not exactly what our director of national intelligence has said in a televised interview nationally on FOX. Oh, I got that for you. I've got also the real cost of Biden nomics to your wallet. It's devastating. You're going to lose a ton of money. Probably your business, too, in many cases of Joe Biden's elected president. I also want to get into the real downsides of what's going on with Twitter right now and Facebook and their censorship and a potential solution today show a bunch of Xpress VPN, protect your online activity from prying eyeballs and busybodies.


Today, get a VPN, go to express VPN Dotcom Bongino. Welcome to the Dan Bongino show on this fine Monday producer. Joe, how are you today? Fine, sir. Dude, I'm doing OK. I'm just a little worried we don't have anything to talk about today. Yeah, I know you said no news this week and I don't know what we're going to do. Yeah. I mean, and then I just go on a funny note and it's not funny, but then ironically funny.


I just read an article at Fox News. It said that there's an asteroid hurtling towards Earth. That's not a joke, by the way, that may that may impact Earth the day before Election Day. Luckily, it's the size of a refrigerator. They're saying it's only a zero point four one percent chance and it will disintegrate and not do any serious damage. But nothing to talk about in twenty twenty. Nothing. This is already the worst decade ever.


And it just. Can we skip to twenty three. Is that even possible that Adam Sandler movie with the fast forward remote where he can be. Just fast forward to twenty thirty please. I'm begging you. Oh yeah. Nothing to talk about at all. All right, let's get right to it. Busy show today. Today brought to you by Helix. Ladies and gentlemen, I have been shockingly sleepy very well lately. A lot of that due to my here given everything going on.


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All right, Joe, let's go on this dead nonexistent news day, right? I mean, gosh, it's like a tidal wave of it's like trying to drink from a tsunami come in. And I have to I have to sit there all morning and portioned out what we're going to talk about, what I have to leave for the rest of the week. So let's get to this one first, because this is the most important issue of the time. I'm not kidding.


Bottom line up front, Joe Biden and his family are an active national security threat to the United States right now. Digest what I just told you. That's not hyperbolic, it's not stated for sound bite effect. That's a fact. The Biden crime family is an active national security threat to the United States, known enemies of the United States, notably Russia and China, nuclear powered enemies, we now have records and emails indicating and a Senate investigation conclusively.


That a member of the family has taken payoffs from people connected to Vladimir Putin, million dollar payoffs, a member of the Biden family, hunter, million dollar payoffs from the former mayor of Moscow's wife, a noted friend of Putin. We also know that there have been payoffs from what they call China Inc, the Biden family, that is the Chinese Communist Party, where in one of the emails it stated some of that money was being held in reserve for Joe Biden.


Joe Bayway, you're suggesting that an article hints that Joe Biden may be in the back pocket monetarily of the Chinese Communist Party? That's exactly what the article is saying. There's more news this weekend about the Ukraine angle as well, you like this gets worse, of course it gets worse about it. There's another article indicating what in Ukraine he was up to something to Ukraine where President Trump was impeached over a perfectly legitimate phone call with the leader of Ukraine.


Yeah. Now you know why he was impeached to distract you from what Biden did in Ukraine Daily Caller this weekend. Stunning article. Was Joe Biden's family paid off to get a prosecutor fired in Ukraine that was looking into a company that hired Hunter Biden? The great Chuck Ross Daily Caller tourism official told Hunter Biden they wanted to, quote, close down an investigation about the firm's owner, according to an unconfirmed email. Fascinating. So, again, to walk this through for the liberals, everything.


Tough time processing basic information, a company in Ukraine, Purisma was under investigation. Fact Company hires Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, also a fact. One of their deliverables in an email was to get the investigator looking into said company fired, also AFACT. Also a fact, Joe Biden, who was the vice president and pointman for the Obama administration in Ukraine, is on tape demanding that same prosecutor be fired. Fact, final fact that prosecutor was, in fact, fired after Biden's demands.


Yeah, it's a matter of fact. Well, those are. You can have your opinion on that, to use the overused adage, which I'm getting a little tired of, but you get it, you are entitled to your own opinion. Of course, you are not entitled to your own set of facts. To quote Ben Shapiro, Facts don't care about your feelings. You can have feelings about the facts, but facts don't care about your feelings and what I just laid out.


You are a series of facts. Now, this story will be in my show Notes Today by Chuck Russell. Please, I'm begging you to read it. Begging like on bended knee. If I could, it'll be in the show, notes Bonjean Compston newsletter. The newsletter is the show notes. The article will be there. Please subscribe. Read this article. Here is the big take away from it. There's a lot of juicy stuff in there, but the bottom line up front they get to right in the beginning of this Daily Caller piece about potential blackmail, information, bribery and all kinds of things happening with Hunter Biden and Joe, quote, an executive at Purisma Holdings, the company I told you a fact was under investigation by Ukrainian prosecutor told Hunter Biden in November of twenty fifteen that he wanted high ranking US officials to express their support for the energy firm as part of an effort to shut down investigations against the company's owner, according to an unconfirmed email Fox News reported on Thursday, according to Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson.


Vadim Pozharskiy. A Brisbane executive emailed Biden and his business associate, Kevin Archer, talking about Hunter Biden on November 2nd, 2015, laying out a series of, quote, deliverables he sought for the company. Now, I know they say this is unconfirmed. I'm going to confirm this for you right now because I always, always do what? Produce the receipts in the evidence, folks. That's what we do here. Hat tip our buddy, add full Nelson on Twitter, who I do communicate with, who has some really good stuff out there.


So we know this now, I've laid out the facts, the predicate facts here. Hunter Biden's company he gets hired by is under investigation. We know that the executive from that company is emailing Hunter Biden, demanding that that investigation be, quote, closed down and quote, they close down any cases into us. So executive from a company under investigation hires Hunter Biden to make this investigation go away. Where did that happen? Well, let's look at screenshot number two from the Daily Caller article where they have the actual email despotisms executive company under investigation said, quote, The goal of the visit was to, quote, bring positive signal and message and support on Nikolais issue to the Ukrainian top officials above with the ultimate purpose.


Nickolay, by the way, is the executive from Burzum under investigation with the ultimate purpose to close down for any cases, pursuits against Nicolay in Ukraine? So, again, Fact Company hires Hunter, Biden Company is under investigation, sends an email, one hundred Biden say our goal is to close down these investigations. Hunter Biden's dad is the point man on Ukraine who said on tape demanding the prosecutor looking into this company be fired prosecutors and fired. Facts, facts.


Those are facts, liberals facts. You know what facts are indisputable. Data points already proven. You may say, well, Dan. That, by the way, key point, Paul, I need you as the ombudsman to in addition to Ombudsman Joe, the official ombudsman of the Dan Bongino show. So we now know that this email from the Verizon executive to Hunter was sent November 2nd of twenty fifteen. The email from I'm doing this slowly for the liberals listening who have like six inch thick skulls who are incapable of processing facts.


The Prisma executive emails sends a series of emails, one hundred Biden and his business partner on November 2nd of twenty fifteen, demanding that for our money they close down any cases into the company. KARISMA Everybody tracking Paula. Do I get ahead? Not Joe. Do I get a head nod? We got to hadnot, so we're good to go but. Here is a close inner circle confidant of Joe Biden, who works with Biden, a guy by the name of Amos Hochstein.


Here is an email chain from Amos Hochstein on, well, let's just put it up, we can look at the data ourselves on November 2nd. Twenty fifteen. It's from a redacted source to Amos Hochstein Monday, November 2nd, twenty fifteen, twelve, thirty PM subject under Biden's office called to Amos Austin. He is requesting a meeting with you this Friday. Would you like me to arrange this Hosteen response back? Yes. Same day, November 2nd.


Twenty fifteen. The same day the Ba'athism executive is emailing Hunter Biden, demanding that they get a meeting to, quote, close down any cases into the company. Hunter Biden is being paid handsomely for and at Joe Biden's dad is later on tape demanding the prosecutor be fired for.


Those are emails, again, fax data points, irrefutable data points, facts don't care about your feelings, hat tip Shapiro. You may have feelings about the facts, but the facts don't care about your darn feelings. You don't find this odd. That some redacted source is emailing a confidant of Joe Biden, Amos hoaxing, asking to set up a meeting with Hunter Biden on the same day, Hunter Biden gets an email from a Verismo executive demanding that they close down any cases into their company for their corruption investigation.


You're not scratching your head a little bit. Oh, that's that's that's that's weird. That sounds a little weird. Little rewrite. A little weird. Really weird. Crazy talk. So there's the Senate. One of the Senate committees interviewed some of the players in this scandal. Again, in case you're looking for more evidence that these November 2nd emails are, in fact, authentic. This is from the Senate's own documents, as a matter of fact, where they interviewed some of the players in this scandal.


Check this out. I'm sorry. I know I got out of line. I'll get back. Yeah, you know what, Paula? Put this up. All right. Let's do this email first. This is the one of the Ukrainian executives as well that hired Hunter Biden because case you're saying, oh, well, how do we know this meeting made its way eventually up to Joe Biden himself? Here's Vadum asking how we start Paul off. I always say go out of order.


Vadum Pozharskiy email. By the way, no one's denying this email's authentic to Hunter Biden himself. Deer Hunter, thank you for inviting me to D.C. Give me an opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together. It's an honor and a pleasure. This was sent April 17, 20, 15, indicating what that after the request for the November meeting of after the request later on. They've already met with Joe Biden. They already know what's going on.


Joe Biden's already in on this whole thing. Biden's already met with these people. We have the emails. There's no question Biden's involved in this sorry now to go back to the Senate interview, because this matters, this is all Underoath stuff. Check this out. They're interviewing Hosteen, who again is on this email chain trying to set up a meeting with Hunter Biden after Biden gets an email from a Brisbane executive demanding that these cases be closed down into the company, Biden's getting paid by.


It says, this is Mr. Hoechst answer about the Hunter Biden meeting, quote, I believe it was in early November of twenty fifteen. Wow, that sounds weird. The same day he got the email from Barack Obama demanding that the cases to the company be closed. He's asked, well, how long was your conversation with Roger before they get the name right? But he says probably 20 minutes or so. And did you tell him about Russia's disinformation efforts hosting?


I did, and what was his response? I think he was frustrated with the Russia Russia narrative. So just to be clear, let's walk through this again. Burris is under investigation in Ukraine, hires Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's kid. Hires them to, quote, close down any cases into Karisma. They then email Biden's inner circle, demanding meetings and all this stuff, which we now can see with Hunter Biden, who's working for the company to get this prosecutor fired.


We then know in twenty sixteen the prosecutor is firing Joe Biden's on tape in March of twenty sixteen, talking about firing the prosecutor, looking into his son's company. We also know, according to a company executive, that they'd already met with Biden because there's an email earlier in the year in April saying thank you for the opportunity to meet with your dad. Folks, nobody finds us in any way disturbing. Are you picking up what I'm putting down? That a company on an email chain we now have documented and Senate confirmed Underoath testimony that a company may have paid the vice president of the United States son and and paid them off to close down an international corruption case.


And Biden may know what Joe Biden may know all about this while he's running for president. Shockingly, folks, this case gets worse. You may say, wait, the vice president, United States, there may have been a financial incentive paid by him, by a foreign government to dump a major corruption investigation into a foreign company with serious allegations of corruption. Yes, believe it or not, it does get worse. I got to read to my second spot.


We have a second sponsor when I get back on the other side is I'm going to show you two emails, one from Rudy excuse me, two pieces of video, one from Rudy Giuliani and one from Ron Johnson, US senator that are, believe me, are going to bake your bagels. They're going to cook your muffins because he has this shockingly does get worse. Today Show also brought to you by our friends at patrimonial leftist corporations like Verizon have empowered radicals to tear our country apart by funding their efforts, most recently sending 10 million to Al Sharpton and others.


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Make the switch today. All right. Getting back this story. Yes, this does get worse now. Just summing it up nicely is former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, who's been on this case like white on Rice from the start. Rudy Giuliani was on Newsmax TV and summed up the problem here nicely. This is a huge national security threat to the United States of America going on right now. Where is the media on this? Check this out.


Press corps knew it and covered it up. And now we have Biden's own text messages to his father, to others, which make it clear that they were stealing money, taking money from countries like Iraq, Ukraine, China, Romania. Oh, don't forget Moscow, the three point five million from Moscow that Biden lied about as a debate, which we have proof, of course, today The New York Post completely puts the lie to his claim. He didn't know about Berezhnaya and he didn't know about the shenanigans there and the fact that he was involved in a bribe there since he said he never met or knew anything about Verismo.


And there are text messages that make it clear that in twenty fifteen he had a meeting with the number two person of briskman in Washington, D.C.. Can't sum it up any better than that. No, in the words Giuliani, Rudy Giuliani was a bribe, there was a vice president, United States bribe to make an investigation go away. Where's the media on this now, do you see why President Trump was impeached when he started asking questions about Ukraine?


Does it all makes sense now? Folks, this had nothing to do with President Trump, his phone call with the Ukrainian president? Nothing. This had everything to do with the fact that President Trump was asking questions about what Biden was up to there and it scared the hell out of the Democrats who realize this massive corruption scheme was going to be exposed. Does it also make sense now why the tech tyrant's a Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere are looking to make this Ukraine story desperately go away before the election?


Now, you may say you said it was going to get worse, all, ladies and gentlemen, does I mean, seriously, this is not. This is not meant for a fact, it's a serious question it. Well, what would be worse than an international bribery scheme for a at the time sitting vice president? Well, ladies and gentlemen, the worst thing possible I think I can think of, and I think many of you would agree, would be the abuse of a child.


Right. What does that have to do with any of this? Well, check out The Washington Examiner now. The story in the show notes that if you don't read, you're doing it. You're doing yourself a disservice by the great Dan Shalan. Quote, You just made the connection, top senator asked if FBI investigated child pornography on Hunter Biden's laptop. What? What could be worse than a potential international bribery scheme for a sitting vice president? That the FBI may have come in and sent someone in to retrieve Hunter Biden's laptop from the computer store where Hunter Biden left his laptop behind and the FBI agent they sent in was an agent with a specialty in child pornography.


Don't take my word for it, ladies and gentlemen, listen to Senator Ron Johnson on the Mirror.


Maria Bartiromo show himself there is more to come and there is further analysis of the subpoenas handwriting. And it suggests that the subpoena was served by an FBI agent who his name is Joshua Wilson. And over the last five years, he has been working on child pornography issues. Connect the dots. If an FBI agent is working on child pornography issues for five years, why is he subpoenaing the laptop of Hunter Biden? Is there a connection here? Shouldn't this suggest that there's a child pornography issue here on that laptop?


Well, I think he just made the connection. Again, this is what the FBI has to come clean about this. This isn't a standard investigation where, you know, the FBI doesn't indict somebody, that everything remains confidential. This is something that is we were talking about relates to national security. And if there's criminal activity involved, it could be tied to Hunter Biden or his business associates or even possibly divest other members of the Biden family. And if some of these emails indicate that Joe Biden was fully aware of this, he was taking his temperature and Kottoor for requiring 50 percent from his family member, Soury.


I'm not joking. Can you think of anything more disgusting now, now, now, because we believe in facts here, which we opened up the show, it it is not a fact that child pornography was found in that computer. It is not that is a speculation right now based on who the FBI sent over to look at it.


But it's not a fact. So you may say, well, Dan, given that your show specializes in facts, which is what we do here, unlike the mainstream media, why would we bring this up? Because, ladies and gentlemen, if Hunter Biden is computer, if if it does based on informed speculation, based on who the FBI sent over to retrieve the computer, a specialist in child pornography, if that computer does, in fact, contain the most disgusting thing known to humankind, we can possibly imagine.


And we are now, as you say, couple of weeks out from the most important election of our lifetime, and that person whose computer is that may have this on there is father is running for the presidency of the United States in an election just a couple of weeks away. Is it a fair question to ask that do the enemies of the United States, these people were dealing with the Chinese and the Russians then when the Biden family is dealing with do they have this information, too?


Because if they do, it opens up a very serious blackmail question, does it not? I think we're entitled to that answer. If the computer contained child pornography on it before the election and if the answer is no and someone can confirm that this show will be the first one to put that out there. And believe me, believe me, I hope and pray. And I am not kidding that the answer is no. That's this isn't some political football, this is the peak of human depravity, if, in fact that is there, I think we're entitled to know that.


Because that's a game changer. Because not only is it disgusting filth, disgusting filth of the highest order of disgusting filth, it could be disgusting filth in possession of the enemies of the United States who could blackmail members, members of the potential president's family. Again, now you see why Facebook and Twitter. And the Democrat machine was so eager to make the Ukraine story go away. Oh, look at this Facebook story. Breitbart, by the way, just convenient timing, I'm sure going to be in the show notes today.


The Facebook, quote, content regulation manager that sounds Orwellian and a Mac, and you advised Joe Biden on Ukraine by the great Alan Boukhari, who we interviewed on the show two weeks ago. So what was that title? And Paul, can you put that up against the content? Was it the content distribution manager regulator to the regulators, regulate the Facebook content regulation manager, advise Joe Biden on on on Ukraine? Wow, that's that's that's that's really weird that Facebook is on the record.


Do that guy what Andy Stone, remember who put out a tweet, the Facebook, other content regulation, whatever guy saying, hey, we're going to limit distribution of this negative information about Joe Biden and the crime family's ties to Ukraine. We're not going to let you see that. That's weird because the Facebook content regulators regulate happened to be an adviser to Joe Biden on the same Ukraine issues. We're suspecting him of being involved in corruptly involved. And that's just really weird.


I mean, I'm sure, as we say, just a big Koiki tank. No. Now, because the media, by the way, we had to cut out, just so you know, in case there's a little bit of a Joell always make it drew pretty seamless amplitude, but though you won't even notice it. But there was a portion of the show missing today, maybe like two or three minutes late, because Lucy, the Wonder Dog, I'll show you.


I'll show you if you want to watch Rumball Dotcom slash Mancino. Lucy, the wonder dog who we love was eating my Fox News microphone. This is one of those quickie ties. So if you hear me on Fox tonight and the audio is bad, that may be because Lucy the Wonder Dog, in fact, was eating the cable to my Fox microphone, which is different than this microphone. This is real. This is not a prop that see the cables and this is a real microphone.


I use a live mike for Fox is an r e t. This is real, not a prop. So you won't hear any change on this. But if I sound like Charlie Brown's teacher tonight, them it's because Wonder Dog Lucy in fact ate my laugh Mike for Fox News. I'm just putting that out there. I may have to go find a backup. Producer Kirt, who's another producer who works on my live stream studio. We may need you.


Emergency call the bat signal, light it up for a producer to rescue me with a new lab. My because Lucy, the wonder dog, may have, in fact eaten it one day when we do a live stream, which we will, you will get to see the outtake here, right, Joe? Me going, Paula. The dogs eat in the lab, Mike and Paula. I'm not kidding, Paula. You know, doing a bear crawl like this.


Not a joke under the camera because she didn't know if I was going to keep it a show bear crawl under the camera trying to grab Lucy. I got to say, it was like out of a drama, like a war movie. So I gotta I got to say, come on, Lucy. And barely save this in time before Lucy totally ate my love. Mike for Fox is priceless footage. One day we are going to do a live stream soon.


I'm in negotiations now with a number of entities on the livestream. You will catch all the golden outtakes jokes. Adam Giles, don't let your fool you Josaitis moments to see how you can cut it out himself when he doesn't like what he says. You'll get to see that too.


It's all gold. All right. Is it not just like out of like a job for everybody's them? I've had and Paul is Adam. Lucy, the Wonder Dog. Joe, everyone. All right, let me get back. This is a series. This is important stuff. So, of course, everybody's in a panic. The Democrats, the media, Facebook, Twitter, everyone else over this Ukraine story because it's only the biggest national security threat of our time right now that we may have a president in a couple of months.


Joe Biden, whom could win, who is a compromised national security threat to the United States. Huge story. So everybody, of course, is eager to make it go away because they don't do actual news. They're a joke. So the media's going back to do what? They can't impeach President Trump again. There's only two weeks go to go to the election. So they're going to they're all going to it's like that old catcher's mitt you have.


Your son's a pitcher. It's all worn out. Nice. You can throw a few throw a few Miami. That all. Hey, and comfortable catcher's mitt. Right. They go back to it's Russian disinformation. This must be a Russian disinformation plot. That's weird. Russian disinformation. Poncho Hunter Biden leaves his computer in a computer store. And what the Russians made him do it. He signs over the computer. If he doesn't pick it up within a certain amount of time, there's a receipt.


He surrenders the computer. It's not hacked information. It's not a stolen computer. The Russians did that. I'm I'm I'm unclear. I'm unclear how this is Russian disinformation, confirmed emails now, some of them not all, but confirmed emails. And no one in the Biden campaign is denying that it's Hunter's computer or that any of these are real. So the what the Russians made him do, I'm I'm I'm confused. So Leland Vitter did a good job on Fox this weekend.


Leland was interviewing this Biden campaign hack who just humiliated herself, by the way. She had a green screen in the back, a literal green screen. I don't know if she forgot to turn the green screen on for the. Did you see this? So I listen, I don't want to get distracted because if you're listening on audio, the audio matters. But if you're watching on Rumble, Rumble, dot com slash marginal, this is how incompetent the Biden team is.


They were behind an actual green screen. They forgot to turn the effect on. So it's green, which is super weird. But whatever. This is supposed to be a professional campaign. So here's this. Biden, Flack and Leland Vitters having none of this nonsense about, hey, these emails were hacked. They may be fake, they may be Russian disinformation. These emails between Hunter, Biden and all these cronies and stuff, Leelanau like, well, John, just deny it.


And notice what she says before he cuts. I shouldn't have cut her off, you should either keep going, but she says like, no, no, no, no one's denying it. Oh, they aren't the. Check this out. This is weird.


What's interesting is I feel like you still haven't answered the fundamental question, which is, can anyone say that these emails are inauthentic? And so far, I haven't heard anybody say that. Yeah, I think that's fair. I don't think anybody. Let me ask you. Let me let me let me do this. Hold on. Let me ask it like this. One of the biggest issues that Democrats have had and in the former vice president have had with the Trump family was the emails that connected Donald Trump Jr.


to Russians. There was an entire special counsel investigating that. There are now emails connecting Hunter Biden with both cutouts for the Ukrainian government and Russian intelligence and with the Chinese consulate. So let me just ask the questioning. So should there be the same treatment? Should there be a special counsel? Because when there was an email from Don Jr., the left went crazy.


I think your point about having a special counsel is probably particularly responsible. I think it's a shame that we're spending so much time on this. It's a shame. Hold on. It's a shame trying to figure out if the man who's going to be running for president, United States now to be president, it's a shame to figure out whether or not there was 10 percent of a Chinese company put aside for him. That's a waste of time. Oh, is that the question or not?


Oh, listen, Leland goes after both parties. I don't I honestly, I work with Leland. I know Leland. We're not best friends, but I've spoken to him quite a bit. I don't know what his politics are. I have no idea. I just know he savages both sides of the aisle. I really don't I have no idea what his politics are. But, man, did he have or nailed up against a wall. There are these emails between Hunter, Biden, Hunter, Biden, his business associates and cut outs for foreign governments and enemies of the United States.


Are they real or not? And notice what she says. Well, no one's saying they're inauthentic, so they're real. Not only can they not figure out a green screen, they can't figure out how to get out of this line of questioning because the emails are real.


Because the emails are real. And Leland sums it up nicely at the end, saying this isn't a fair line of questioning, are you insane? Like is the vice president in the pocket of enemies of the United States? We're not supposed to ask this just to be crystal clear. So and he brings up another great point. So we had a Senate investigation, a House investigation, a Southern District of New York investigation, and an entire Bob Mueller witch on special counsel dedicated to investigating Trump's ties to Russia on the basis of a fake PPY hoax dossier that's been thoroughly discredited by everyone, including Mueller himself.


That was a whole four year investigation, but we have emails tying your candidate, Joe Biden, to enemies of the United States you can't say are fake. You can't say that because they're not. And what we're just not supposed to be questioning about this at all. Good job by Leland. Well done. Well, I shouldn't interrupted her there she was in the process of giving him a huge soundbite. We're not saying they're inauthentic. So you're saying they're real.


We're not saying they're authentic, meaning we are saying they're authentic. I'm just do you know, remember the logic and the mode Estonians modus poun and stuff. But you have to do that golledge. If then if they're not inauthentic, that means they're authentic. Kind of binary, no. What are the other? Now, regarding the Biden campaign, flack, who can't figure out a green screen. Trying to change the subject. Well, this could be Russian disinformation, that was a longer interview in the interest of time.


I had to cut that portions of it out. Here is our director of national intelligence this morning, breaking on Maria Bartiromo show, huge news, eviscerating the stupid talking point that these Hunter Biden emails laying out a corruption scheme like we haven't seen in eons in the United States. The claim by the Democrats and sleazeball Adam Schiff, shifty, shifty goingback, these are all Russian disinformation. No evidence the Biden FLAC just said these emails are, quote, not inauthentic.


No one's saying that. That's what she said. That's the exact quote. I'm sorry. No one saying that in response to are these emails inauthentic? So she's suggesting they are authentic. And yet, media flacks. Now, I talk about Mediaplex work for talk about media, who are flaks, you for the buy because they are media people, you know, like the slimes, in other words, the compost. They can't get away from this talking point that none of this may be rushing the information, let's have the director of national intelligence, a good man is not going to risk his reputation for anything.


And he knows everybody would leak it if it was actually Russian disinformation, saying categorically on Maria Bartiromo show this morning that that is false, that there is no evidence whatsoever that these emails are Russian disinformation. Check this out.


Is this Russian disinformation director?


So, Maria, it's funny that some of the people that complain the most about intelligence being politicized are the ones politicizing intelligence and unfortunately in this case, it is Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who, as you pointed out on Friday, said that the intelligence community believes that Hunter Biden's laptop and the emails on it are part of some Russian disinformation campaign. Let me be clear. The intelligence community doesn't believe that because there's no intelligence that supports that.


And we have shared no intelligence with Chairman Schiff or any other member of Congress than Biden's laptop as part of some Russian disinformation campaign. It's simply not true. And this is exactly what I said I would stop when I became the director of national intelligence, and that's people using the intelligence community to leverage some political narrative. And in this case, apparently, Chairman Schiff wants anything against his preferred political candidate to be deemed as not real and is using the intelligence community or attempting to use the intelligence community to say there's nothing to see here.


Don't drag the intelligence community into this. Hunter Biden's laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign. And I think it's clear that the American people know that.


OK, folks, there it is, Gavilan. That, in fact, is what we would call. A conclusive. Period, full stop denial. That any of that nonsense is true. I mean, what else do you need to hear then, the director of national intelligence, a good man, and John Radcliffe stating for the record publicly on a nationally televised popular cable news show that there is zero evidence that Hunter Biden's emails are a Russian disinformation campaign.


What else do you need to. The media, of course, will not run with any of that because they're liars, they're hacks, they're frauds. They are fully embedded, engaged in all kinds of carnal activities with the Biden campaign. They are parroting Biden campaign talking points because that's all they care about is defeating Trump. The truth is a secondary agenda, if not tertiary, maybe quaternary at best. The truth. The truth. Radclyffe just told you there is not a shred of evidence.


This is a Russian disinformation campaign. Stop making it up. Doesn't matter. I got another talking point a minute, I want to get to my third sponsor showing you again how they're going to go to another narrative after the Russian disinformation campaign falls apart, which it did this morning. All right. Thanks for your patience. You know, we love our sponsors. Today's show also brought to you by our friends and we the people Hollister's. Here's mine right here.


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We the people holsters dot com slash down offer Codan go today. Thanks we the people holsters. All right. So we've laid out the case against the Biden family. I've laid out the ridiculous media narrative. This Russian disinformation is not a shred of evidence at all, but it's not a shred of evidence. The media actually does journalism either. So what's the difference? Right. So they're going to go to this other narrative now as well. The other narrative, once John Ratcliffe, once his talking points from this morning, start filtering through the media and the media realizes they're not going to be able to say this anymore because there's no evidence they can produce that this is Russian disinformation.


They're going to go to this. They're going to say, well, this was a politically motivated link. A leak excuse me, designed to damage the Biden campaign and keep in mind the dossier and all that stuff, Joe. Get ready for it. The dossier and all that stuff that wasn't leaked prior to the election market market, Paula, marked a day marked the day right now marked a day, marked a time marking. Guaranteed because they have nothing to fall back on.


The Biden campaign is not denying the authenticity of the emails. It's Russian disinformation line has been totally eviscerated. It's just fake. No evidence will surface that that's true at all. So they're going to say, well, this was a politically motivated leak. And keep in mind, when they had the dossier, which was fake, by the way, on Trump, that didn't leak till after the election. I'm telling you, this is going to be their next line of attack.


We're going to head that off right here. We go quickly through a series of headlines showing you that's fake, too, that the dossier was, in fact, leaked before the election, even though it was categorically false and that so-called credible news outlets leaked to the dossier with no evidence. It was, in fact, true before the election. For liberals listening, the last election for president was in November of twenty sixteen. I know you have a tough time with dates and stuff.


So if it was in November, we'll look at the dates on these articles to show you that you're talking point. Oh, no, no. No one in the mainstream media dared leak that dossier before the election. That is in fact another made up, fabricated talking point, just like Russian disinformation. Let's go to headline number one, The New Yorker. Pretty simple. Again, we can look at the headline, look at the date. There he goes by David Remnick, August 3rd of twenty sixteen, August.


Joe is before November. Right. He's going to need you to fact check me here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know it's tough. These are hard ones. But Joe will help out the liberals there, The New Yorker, Trump and Putin, a love story. The attraction is mutual, but history shows who's really using whom. Again, hints of the dossier, fake collusion, hoax narrative there. Let's go to story number two, which would be Yahoo!


Magazine by the now discredited, at least on this story, Michael Isikoff, who was a key player in promoting the PPY stuff. So here's this takeoff's article at Yahoo! Magazine. Michael Isikoff, Yahoo! Michael Isikoff, Yahoo!


There we make citizens show us. Intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin Michael Isikoff yesterday. Date on that, Paul. Is that September, September, September? Twenty sixteen. Joe, just checking again. We have two sources now. Paul, in September is in fact, before November, correct? Yes and yes. I think they eat my Wheaties this morning just like that. No, they're going to be all these tough questions. Yes.


That is, in fact, before the election. So that's number two. Let's go to David Corn, another discredited collusion hoaxer himself, David Corn and Mother Jones. Let's see if this was, in fact, before the November election. David Corn, Mother Jones, a veteran spy, has given the FBI information alleging a Russian operative to cultivate Donald Trump. Interesting. David Corn, what does that say, Paul? Is that October of twenty sixteen?


And is it now, Joe, again? I mean, did you take your like in your cognitive enhancers this morning? October is before November. Correct. Just just again. Ten. Yeah. I'm got to go to the numbers. Joe's got to go to the numbers that the actual names are confusing him. So he's going to the number designations for the month because he just wants to be sure because he doesn't want to let the audience again. Thank God he had his coffee this morning.


OK, let's try one more, because you may say to yourself, no way. This can't possibly be the media saying they didn't leak the dossier before the election. We didn't do this to Trump. Like what? They're doing it by now. No, you didn't. The information on Trump was actually fake. The Biden information is real. Here we go. Slate magazine, Franklin Form was a Trump server. Remember the Alpha Bank thing in the dossier, the Trump server communicating with Alpha Bank and ran Russia.


That nonsense was a Trump server communicating with Russia. There you go. Slate magazine. You know what? Just for for let's call it hits and giggles. You can figure that out. Let's go to one more here. Let's go to NBC, you know, credible news outlet. Oh, look, Ken Delaney, a noted collusion hoaxer, Ken the Fusion, Ken Delaney. And here it is. What's the date on that? Is that October 31st to gosh, thank God I got pretty good vision.


October thirty, first October. Joe, one more time. I'm really sorry. I know you had your reasons where you is October again before, but you have to go to the numbers, go to the numbers. But that is before the November election, correct? I can't remember. But I think that's what I said just a couple of minutes ago. There you go, Joe. Just confirming before that he was not inaccurate when he stated October before November, before there's Phusion can, in fact, reporting on the on the PP document as well as the fake PPY hoax.


It doesn't matter what I'm telling you, that the facts are out there and the interweb, you can look these articles up yourself, by the way, had tipped the great undercover Huba for that. But get ready for narrative number two after its Russia disinformation, that's going to it's collapsing right now as of this morning, narrative number two will be it's a political hit. And we didn't do this to Trump with the dossier. No, no, you did.


And the difference is the dossier and the dossier was fake and you still did it before the election. Yet the Hunter Biden stuff is, in fact, real. All right, we have an election special coming up this week. I'm hoping to get Steve Cortez, who's fantastic from the Trump campaign, actually e-mailing him right now. Looks like that's going to happen. And I want to interview Robert from the Trafalgar Group. I think it's called Hey. But the Trafalgar Group was one of the few polling outfits that got the twenty sixteen election.


Right. And he's going to become that's confirmed. And we're going to talk to him about some of the polling as well, because they're showing a whole different election than the election you've been told about by the mainstream media. Quickly on this point, before I get to some other stuff, including by nomics, interesting article on Jeno Dotcom. We love Bungeni dot com. We try not to promote our own stuff and help out other people. But, you know, once in a while, it's an article so good.


I'd like you to read it at Polumbo. The great Matt Palumbo's got a fantastic book coming out about the disaster up in New York. I'm going to promote form. Matt Polumbo, Biden campaign manager. Polls are inflated and the race is closer than the media believes. I didn't read that wrong then say Trump campaign manager. That's the Biden campaign manager saying to people, Crystal-Clear Biden is not up by double digits. Ladies and gentlemen, these polls are inflated.


Their oversampling Democrats. That's the Biden people say not to trump people. Read the article, be up in the show notes today and up on that. Here's a quote from it. During a recent grassroots summit, Dylan, who's the campaign manager for Biden, said that despite the national polls, claims Biden is not, quote. Biden is not up by double digits. And another quote, those are inflated national public polling numbers.


I'm out of the prediction game, I'm just telling you, these polls are not right, folks, they're not right. There is something off here. It doesn't match up with the public enthusiasm, the voter enthusiasm gap on the ground. What I'm seeing, it doesn't match up with anything. Here's another article by The Washington Examiner. If Trump's down by 10 and 15 and 20 points and 15 points on, then why is the early voting in, again, early voting in no way dispositive, but early voting an indicator nonetheless and a data point we should use?


Early voting numbers are a fact. We can tell how many Democrats and how many Republicans return their ballots. It's a fact. How you feel about that fact is up to you. I'm going to give you an opinion on that fact. Washington Examiner piece by the great Michael Lee up in the show notes, Actually, I don't know, Michael. I don't know if he's great, but let's assume he is. Headline Early voting data in battleground states shows Trump outpacing national polls, giving Biden an edge.


I thought he was down by 10 points and five points in battleground states from the peace. The GOP is keeping pace in mail in in early voting in three key swing states, despite polls showing early voting should clearly favor Joe Biden. Again, folks, data, data, your feelings about the data is up to you, goes on. Data out of Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio indicates that registered Republicans are returning ballots at about the same rate as registered Democrats in the battleground states.


Listen, ladies, gents, however you decide to feel about that and interpret it again is an opinion and it is up to you and is fair game, but it doesn't ignore or dissolve the fact that we've been told early voting should favor Democrats who favor voting by mail more than Republicans. Everybody copy. So if a state poll in Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio, those three states we showed there, if state polls are accurate, showing by should be trumped down by five and 10 points in some cases, then how is it that even a Democrat state, they prefer voting by mail, that the early voting shows a tie of returns by Republicans and Democrats?


The answer is, I don't trust these polls at all. And we'll see during the election show what Robert from Trafalgar Group has to say about that is going to be an interesting question. All right. Let me get to my last sponsor. Let me get to the most important story of the day, the Biden nomics and the real cost to you if Joe Biden gets elected, because believe me, ladies and gentlemen, this is going to hurt it's going to hurt your wallet and it's going to hurt you.


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Go to my link today. Ventura watches dot com slash Bongino, pick out your favorite watch. Get a great discount right now it's easiest purchase you'll make all year makes great gifts as well. Ventura watches that jump. OK, ladies, we've got to start talking about serious nuts and bolts stuff. This is really important. What will a Biden campaign for office if it results in a Biden presidency, what damage will it do? Because it will do damage?


The question right now is it's not a it's a marginal one. It's not a black or white one. The question is, it is a Biden campaign that results in a Biden presidency going to result in damage to your wallet? It's how much damage can you put a number on it? Dancs to a new study by three terrific economists with a history, a terrific history of calling it like it is. The damage we can now put a number and a face on it.


Excellent article in The Wall Street Journal editorial section today, op ed section, The Cost of Buying Comics. A new study on Biden's tax, health care, energy and regulation proposals predicts sixty five hundred dollars less in median household income by 20 30. God forbid Joe Biden is elected president. Ladies and gentlemen, Kevin Haslet, Casey Mulligan and forgive me, the third author of Skip. It's Escaping Me for a moment. They put together this research piece here.


It's phenomenal. It puts a hard number on how much damage to your business and your personal income this Biden presidency is going to be. Forget the corruption stuff for a minute. It is the more important story. It's why I covered it first. But this is important for you and your kitchen table, the damage this man is going to do. Let's go to the piece and pick out the highlights of your quote from the Wall Street Journal piece. The authors of the study estimate that the Biden agenda, if fully implemented, would reduce full time equivalent employment per person by about three percent.


It would reduce the capital stock per person by some 15 percent, real GDP per person by more than eight percent. Compared to CBO estimates for these variables in twenty thirty, this means there would be get a lot of this one four point nine million fewer working Americans, two point six dollars trillion less in GDP and sixty five hundred dollars less in median household income. There it is, ladies and gentlemen. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Joe Biden is proposing draconian third world like confiscatory tax rates that will suck money out of your wallet, your business and your household at a rate you have not seen before.


There are massive middle tax hikes, middle class tax hikes plan. That's a fact. He's threatened to repeal the middle class tax cuts Trump instituted, which would mean your taxes are going up dramatically. Your Social Security taxes are going to go up, your income taxes, your capital gains taxes, corporate taxes. If you want a business, your pass through rates. If you own a business where you declare your income is personal, are going to go up dramatically, in many cases upwards of 50 percent, you are going to be paying to the federal government.


This is not hard to figure out, as Milton Friedman said, there are four ways to spend money, right? You could spend money on yourself, cost and quality matter. You could spend money on other people. Cost matters, quality, not so much. You're buying someone. You're buying some for someone else. Other people can spend other people's money on themselves. Cost doesn't matter. It's other people's money, but quality does. You find something for yourself.


Joe's paying for my hotel room. I want it. I want the suite in the penthouse. And then he can do what government does the most inefficient way to take and spend money, other people spending other people's money. On other people. Cost doesn't matter, it's not your money. Quality doesn't matter either you're not even buying anything for yourself. You're just spending money on other people. What do you care about the quality? What does that have to do with Biden when you suck money out of the economy and you have other people, Congress spending other people's money, you, the taxpayer on other people, other taxpayers?


The inefficiency is legendary because neither costs nor quality, these programs matter. That is what Joe Biden is threatening to do. That's why these economists who are terrific, Haslet Mulligan and their third partner, forgive me, it's in the article. Are predicting a massive, massive drop in economic output. Listen, ladies and gentlemen, you've been warned. You've been warned. I don't know what else to tell you if you're a liberal or a Democrat, you listen to my show.


I'm not kidding. You're welcome. Here. I know I you know, Tropp, tactical nukes on your head sometimes because I don't like liberal stupidity, but you are welcome to listen to the show. I'm not a tech tyrant, free speech opponent or enemy of it. I'm just telling you, if you vote for it, this is what you're voting for, a sixty five hundred dollar drop in household median income. That's six hundred and fifty sixty five hundred.


That's people's mortgage for the whole year in some cases. I mean, that's rent. Goodbye, John. All right, I want to get to my last story, because it's important we've I've covered kind of briefly in the Charisma Hunter Biden Biden crime family segment there about the devastating emails from Ukraine, China, Moscow payments to the Biden family and elsewhere, and Twitter and Facebook's effort to make this go away. Well, thunderstorm outside there here that Lucy doesn't care, Lucy.


Like, whatever I just say at your Fox News microphone, I'm good. It was tasty. I got my vitamin K for the day or whatever. Looks like thunder. I don't need that. I'm full, has your microphone taste, feel me right up. One Lucy, the one dog, but folks, there is a serious conversation to be had about Twitter and Facebook now again, disclosure again I have to do I am one of the owners of Parler, which is a rival to Twitter.


It's only fair to put that out there. There are some new listeners on the show and others are tired of hearing it parler.


Had a great week, by the way. Thank you. We were still in the top five in the App Store because people are tired of Twitter and their nonsense. So we do appreciate that if you'd like to jump on board there. But folks, being one of the owners investors in parler, I do have a kind of intimate inside baseball knowledge about what goes on with tech companies and how it works. There's a big conversation right now about repealing Section 230 of the Communications Decency Section 230 basically says that the social media companies can claim platform status rather than publisher status.


To be clear, a publisher is someone like The New York Times. If they publish an article and say Dan Bongino is from Mars, we know what we've seen is DNA. The articles are obviously false. I don't know, maybe I am from Mars. I doubt it. But I can sue them as a publisher and say, listen, you publish this. It was an editorial decision. It is defamatory and false. I want money damages. And I have taken that track with another publisher.


I felt defamed me. When you get platform status, so we're clear to everybody, follow me when you get platform status. It is very difficult to sue a platform because the platform is saying we're not a publisher, people post things on Twitter and Facebook, we're not responsible. Therefore, if Joey Bagua doughnut's post Jambon genos from Mars on Facebook, I can sue the person to be clear, but I can't sue Facebook, Facebook saying, no, no, we're not a publisher.


Where platform. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is what enables websites and social media companies to claim platforms, that is very simple. There has been a call now amongst many, which I have to be clear and I have been from the start, I think is a bad idea. And it was summed up nicely by The Wall Street Journal today by Andy Kessler, who's brilliant and is, by the way, is not a liberal by any stretch about why repealing Section two 30.


Is going to be a really bad idea and will lead to more tech censorship, not less. Wall Street Journal Andy Kessler. No quick fix for social media bias. Stripping sites of their liability protection might spur more unfair censorship. Folks, I warned about this repeatedly. I've seen this from the inside. I don't speak for parler, they have their own PR department, they can do the wrong thing. I'm telling you, even though I do have a financial interest in them, I'm telling you as an independent person, this is a really bad idea to repeal to 30 protections.


Why? Don't listen to me, listen to Casler this, he sums it up beautifully, if we take away this platform status Section 230 will end up with more censorship. He says, why? Because if platforms are suddenly liable for everything posted comments, Facebook, comments, tweets, comments undera whatever New York Post comments section or something like that, the knee jerk reaction will be to take down everything questionable, leaving us with giant receptacles of baby shark videos, which would diminish the channel's small business use to reach customers.


Say goodbye to competition to yes, I know there are hundreds of smaller social media competitors. One I'm involved with, by the way, he's right. That wouldn't be able to afford the software, let alone the tens of thousands of humans to take down every, quote, questionable post. Folks, I'm sorry, I know a lot of you will disagree. I know it, and that's fair. I respect and value my audience, but I'm never going to lie to you.


I can't jump on this train and has nothing to do with anything. I by the way, in case any of you think which is fair. Well, then you got involved with Parler and it would crush you guys, too. So maybe there's a conflict of interest. Way before I was involved in Parler, I warned you about the damages could be done to tech companies before I even knew about parler. You will spur more tech censorship, not less.


It is not the answer, I am really sorry to put this out. It is not the answer. Now, I owe you an answer. So what is the answer? I said it on Fox and Friends this morning. You understand why, right? If they lose their platform status and they can be sued for any comment on Twitter and Facebook, they're going to pull down everything, everything, because they don't want to be sued. It's not hard to figure out, and when I say everything, I mean pretty much everything conservatives say and they'll say, no, no, we pull that concerns.


We were afraid of being sued. The better way to do it is to be on these platforms, let people use their own filters. Twitter has it now. Muted words, mute words. You don't want to hear about whatever voter integrity measures you take. It's a Republican talk which is muted. I don't care. You don't like my commentary. Go to Twitter, go to settings, put in muted words and mute Dan Bongino. But these algorithms have got to stop.


I'm with you one hundred percent that the algorithms that selectively filter out conservative content. It is a terrible business decision and the algorithms have got to stop. There should be an option to mute words and filter content or else it's open season and the platforms are not responsible outside of criminality, but pornography and stuff that would break FCC rules. We get that. But other than that, political opinions, it should be open season. One more thing, there should be no interference whatsoever with campaign information, none, none.


The FCC should get involved with Twitter, and that complaint is a valid one, that Twitter will see where it goes legally. We'll see where it goes. The FCC. But it is a valid complaint that Twitter remove damaging information to the Biden campaign before an election and still hasn't removed damaging information about the Trump campaign in the last election. That was debunked and is already proven false, like the Michael Cohen progs story. They haven't removed that these are legitimate Federal Election Commission campaign violation complaints that should be investigated.


Those are the solutions, but ladies and gentlemen, to 30, repeal, I'm telling you, will be a disaster for conservatives. Remember, you heard it here first. This is not a good idea. It's not and I've said this for three years now, three years, you can go back and check the show off. If Judy gets back to me, I will give you the show number and you can go listen yourself way before I was involved in a system.


All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. Please go pick up my new book again. We're still in the top 20 or top 30 on Amazon. My book, Follow the Money. Appreciate it. We discussed the whole Spygate scandal. There it is. Follow the money. Shocking deep sea connections to the anti Trump cabal and subscribe on Rumball to the video show. It's all free. Rumball dotcom slash Bongino. We're over one hundred thousand subscribers already on RuBo Let's get the two hundred thousand rumble dotcom slash Bunshiro.


Really appreciate it. See you all tomorrow.


You just heard.