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New York Post. This is probably the best cover they've had in a long time. Past this bedtime, Dems deliver the final insult to sociopathic kid sniffing, woman groping, loser, fine people hoax promoting, fake storytelling, autobiographical story making up her, Joe Biden. The plagiarist, sniffer, sniffer of children, groper of women, taker of foreign money and influence peddling, loser, bum, loser. I have zero sympathy for this piece of garbage and what he did to the country. So what did they do? They delayed his speech. And I'm going to tell you something. I can't prove it out there because I'm not a Democrat, and I don't keep in touch with a lot of Democrats.


Obviously, I'm a conservative.


But I think they delayed the speeches last night on purpose. I think they wanted to push Joe Biden. Here's how we can prove it tonight, okay? You're on a little test. Folks, chat, folks. Yes or No. Yes, they delayed the speech on purpose to kick him into almost midnight so nobody would see Joe Biden. Did they delay it on purpose? Yes. But Gino, on the case. Or no, they didn't. Their excuse was, a lot of people clapped. A lot of people clapped. Interesting, the RNC didn't have that problem. They actually have applause lines built into speeches to wait for people to clap. I am telling you, he did it on purpose. Here's the test. Here's the test. You guys ready for the test? Obama is speaking tonight. I think it's his night tonight. Obama is speaking tonight. If Obama speaks before 11:00, 10:00, 10:30, and they make sure Obama gets out there on time, you will know it was the final. If you know what I mean, to Joey Boombats, You know it. Watch tonight. They won't bump Obama to midnight. Biden didn't get out there until 11:30 at night, didn't finish till after midnight, screaming and yelling like a lunatic.


So I decided to play the lowlights of this disgusting filthbag speech. He said, Foe people. He was screaming and yelling and foaming again.


The foam. You know the foam? Foaming.


It looked like they must have given him some stimulants to Stay up past this bedtime, screaming about how great he is and wonderfully, I gave everything. Yes, you did, to screwing up America. We're going to play this. I'm going to stop it at certain points. I'm going to play about a minute plus of it. That's it, because there were so many negative points to of the speech. It was hard to sum them all up. But here's some of it. Play this, and we might stop it here.


We're not without electrical... We're not without... Not without, electoral.


Wait, wait, time out. Hold on, pause for a second. What? Electrical? Electoral? Electrural? We're talking about the elections, election electricity for the electoral. What are we talking about? The answer is nobody knows what he's talking about because It's Joe Bribin. Nobody knows what this life loser is talking about. Okay, move on.


Let's hear a little more.


Border encounters have dropped over 50 %. In fact, there are fewer border crossing today than when Donald Trump left office. Happened.


Joe Bribin is bum, who's led eight million people we know about into the country. Four times what happened in the four years of Donald Trump. And likely another, probably 5 to 10 million, got aways we don't even know about. Is running on the border, screaming like a lunatic after his Botox injections. That's a good one. What time was that? Was that like 12:00 of 20 or something, where the Democrats were like, Were they snoring at that time? Let's go on. Let's see what else he had to say.


Donald Trump said, and I quote, There are very fine people on both sides. My God. That's what he said.


Okay. This Just lying bum. Bum. Loser, grifter, woman-groping, kid-snipping, influence-pedaling, father to a drug addict loser, right? Loser, bum. That's who he is. Has to keep stoking racial hatred in this country by lying constantly about the fine people Charlottesville hoax, where Donald Trump said the opposite of what this bum is saying, he said. Bum. He, quote, completely condemned the white supremacist.


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Now, Democrats, you're Dumb shits, I get it. You won't actually look it up. But if you did and you were not dumb shits for a day, okay, you would figure out that Donald Trump actually completely condemn them. Now, why does your bum loser President keep saying it? Because he's a bum. He's an evil piece of garbage who wants to stoke racial hatred in the country. He wants the place to burn because he's evil. That's why this is the party of joy. It's like Brandon Stimpe. Happy, happy, joy, joy, joy. This is the party of joy, stirring up racial hatred, screaming and yelling like a mania. This guy's a bum, total bum. So glad he got humiliated last night. I woke up this morning and I clapped for the Democrats. You clapped for the Democrats? I did. Yes, Democrats. Humiliating this bum last night in front of the whole world. Let him go


What he said and what he meant. From his own chief of staff, a four-star general, John Kelly, that Trump went in Europe The Suckers and Losers. In one of the France, the brave- Another hoax.service members who gave their lives to this country.


Watch the fake anger at the end. Watch it.Suckers.


And Losers. Watch. Who in the hell does he think he is? Who does he think he is?


I don't know because he didn't say it. That's a total hoax. It's been debunked a hundred different ways from Sunday. And you like to fake rage and anger. I'm in. I'm in.


Foaming, foaming, spitting, foaming.


Crap in the diaper. He's probably wearing, peeing himself. I don't think he's anybody because he didn't say it, you moron. You guys are bum. Total bum. When did that happen? Was that 12:45? Was that 2:00 AM? When Democrats trying to hide this bum? Let's see what else he had to say.


They're the ones we're going to bring back. That's not hyperbole.


Which means he's lying.


No longer has to pay those exorbitive prices to the Big Pharma. Republicans, Democrats, we We saved democracy in 2020, and now we must save it again in 2024. Time out.


Okay. So first, the Medicare thing, he's absolutely lying on a Beat Big Pharma. Here's what this bum did. They instituted communists price controls over a series of drugs. What happened is the pharmaceutical companies now, because they can't make money on drugs they spend billions trying to invent, are now cutting their R&D departments. Again, Democrat dips shit. You can look this up. These companies are public. Democrats are like, What does that mean, man? I know you're morons. Public companies have to do public filings. You can look up their quarterly filings. You will see in their last filings that the drug companies that are keeping you alive, if you're a senior or a cancer patient, are cutting R&D budgets because of this bum's Communist price controls. You can look that up if you want. I know you won't, but Who can try? And on the Save democracy thing, Save democracy, does that include jailing Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, George Papadopoulos, investigating Carter Page, spying on Donald Trump, Judge Merchan's gag order, convicting Donald Trump of fake crimes with no victims. I mean, this guy's so full of shit, folks. He's like a baby's diaper. This is the most disgusting, pathetic speech.


And again, I applaud the Democrat elders for the first and last time for humiliating this bum in front of the whole world. Let's finish this off.


You know, we have a thousand trillion... We have a thousand billion-Trillion billion.1,000 billion trillion.He's promising a blood bath.


The blood bath. Another one, other host. He loses in his words.


He's talking about the car industry. That it? Okay, good.


The bloodbath hoax. So we had the Suckers and Losers hoax, the Fine People hoax, and the bloodbath hoax. The guy is a bum. He's a lying bum. I have zero respect for him. I'm glad he was humiliated. I can't stand this guy. And I'm going to tell you this, and you can argue with me all you want. I love you in the chat. You're entitled to your opinion. I respect it, but I'm going to disagree if you disagree with me, because I'm telling you I'm right. This has been the most destructive president we have had in the last 50 or 60 years. Obama was horrible, no doubt. This guy makes Obama and Jimmy Carter look like Bill Clinton. He is horrendous. The guy is a freaking horror show. Last night was an embarrassment, and I don't want to get out in the head of myself because it's only Monday, and they could turn it around. Last night, I'm telling you, was a train wreck. You had liberal outlets. Even this morning, Playbook and Axios, these Communist outlets acknowledging yesterday was a total hit show with an S in front of it.


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