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I'm going to give you your email crack and you can start sending reports in right now. This is a problem for us, though. Good news, bad news. Good news. Last night wasn't that horrible by very low standards for Joe Biden. Here's the bad news insiders are now talking. Folks, listen, one thing about team bribing, I'm serious on this one. They have been very good at stopping leaks. Very good. Remember with the Trump administration, these clown swampies on the inside, the Vindmans and these other goofballs, they were like Trump drinks coke, not Pepsi. And it was like a big leak. You didn't see that. You didn't see that out of team bribing. Now look at this. NBC News. No one involved in the effort thinks he has a path. Biden insiders say the writing is on the wall. Folks, I'm going to stick to my original assertion where I've been for two years now. Biden will not be the nominee. It is only a matter of time. Our goal is to extend the timeline and keep him in as long as possible because he is the easiest one to beat and cutesy time is freaking over.


The negative stories, of course, are not going to stop. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, I'm assuming. Evita, that's a pretty liberal paper. Very liberal case. Evita knows walkie. Well, Milwaukee radio station said it agreed to edit the interview with Joe Biden. Folks, the negative stories are not going to stop with this guy. It's just going to be an endless litany. So if you're thinking after last night, well, Dan, don't defend him too much, because then we're going to prop up his approval rating. Folks, I'm sorry, but stop the nonsense. That's not going to happen. Biden is an awful candidate who is one fall or stumble. I'm not wishing out on anyone. I'm not saying that. I'm just telling you he is one fall or big verbal faux pas away from screwing it up. And by the way, we've got a relief pitcher in the bullpen.




Mariano Rivera. No. I wish I did. I love Mariano. Enter Sam. And we've got. You know what it is? You know what our fail safe is? Say Biden. They. I don't know, they give him a couple cups of coffee or whatever. John, send them some blackouts. Keep them. Keep them going. John, blackout right to the White House. Give him the cinnamon french toast. We need that. We need a mother. Okay. Our race in the hall is there's another debate in September, if he makes it to September, which is possible. If he makes it to September, you really believe he's going to perform better, you know, a couple months from now than he did in the last debate? It's. Yes. Vita says going to be. Of course it's going to be worse. So, folks, don't sweat it. There is no saving this guy. Your goal and your only goal, horse blinkers, man, is to keep this cat in the race as long as possible. Hashtag d Biden. Let's go, Brandon.


Let's go, Brandon. Yes. Yes. There it is.


Let's. Let's go, Brandon. Kids, dark Brandon. Put the little laser eye beams like he's Superman. Hey. CNN is reporting something that I actually was kind of unaware of. I had not heard this story before. I got a lot of good little birdies, but this one I haven't heard. I'm gonna be straight with you. Apparently, he's not had a cabinet meeting in a really long time. I guess what he's trying to do, my humble opinion, is he's trying to prevent leaks, because these cabinet meetings have principles. And then there's usually a backup. If you ever watch a cabinet meeting in the Roosevelt room in the White House, you'll see. Pay attention. Now, when you see it, the cabinet officials are, the principals will be at the table and Biden will be right there in the middle. And then look behind them. You'll see people seated along the window. Those are the backups. The Biden team, I think, is afraid of his own cabinet now. I think they're afraid that the backups or the principals are going to leak at the bad mental condition he's in. So saying he hasn't had a meeting in a while. But here's the kicker.


Even when he did have a meeting, he makes his own cabinet officials submit questions in advance. Folks, I got to tell you, I worked in a White House for five years. I've never heard anything like this. This is the craziest thing I have heard about cabinet meetings. Check this out.


According to two sources, before cabinet meetings that the president attends, cabinet officials will submit their questions and talking points, key talking points and bullet points that they plan to present to the president in these closed door meetings. This is how one source described it. They said the entire display is kind of an act. They would come and say, hey, the president is going to call on you about 25 minutes in and ask this question. What are the bullet points that you'll respond with.


Folks, I'm telling you is, yes, I was not a political operative in the White House. I'm not trying to fake the funk on you. That's an end, by the way, not that it matters in this show, but you get the point more in a minute. But first, hey, summer is here. So those visible dark marks, sunspots and other blemishes that the sun leaves behind until now, the revolutionary dark spot corrective from our friends at Genu cell skin care can help visibly fade away. Dark marks, sunspots, scars and other signs of discoloration all over your skin with three cutting edge ingredients help those visible signs of aging disappear right before your eyes. You'll be amazed at how quickly you can see results. You can now enjoy your summer sun, beach and barbecues without those pesky spots. As always, you'll see the results or your money back, no questions asked. And right now, get your dark spot corrector with every genusell skincare most popular package for over 70% off. Order yours right now and get the Gen 90 instant for immediate results on all of your trouble spots in as little as 12 hours. Dan Dan Dan get a free spa box with two bonus gifts and free shipping.

[00:06:36] Dan I've never heard anything like this. You're on the road with these people all the time. These staffers you work in the White House five years, and you travel on the road with people 200 days, you kind of get familiar with workings of a White House. That's how I was telling you yesterday about Johnny Favs, the Johnny Favreau, the podcast host who's friends with Obama but was a speech writer. I remember that cat walking around. I mean, I'm not buddies with him or anything like that, but you, you get intimately familiar with the workings of this place because you see these people all the time. I've never heard of anything like this. They have to submit their questions in advance. And by the way, another Dan Bon Chino show, conspiracy theory comes true. Michael, you have any idea what the batting averages now? What it's up to? Thousand for a thousand kids. It just keeps getting better. I said the other day, and someone started attacking me on, was it that whatever that Krasenstein cat or whatever. I don't even remember, but I just mauled him. I just put up that the FBI raid thing, and he got quiet awfully quick.


That was weird how that happened. Imagine being a liberal and getting raided by the FBI. Michael, how bad do you have to be to be a liberal and get rated? Now, if I got raided by the FBI, everybody be like, yeah, of course it's the FBI. I mean, Dan's a conservative, like a Maga guy, right? I mean, Evita, would that even be a story? I don't even think Evita would cover it on our new show. She'd be like, yeah, Dan got rated. It wouldn't be everyone be. But to be a liberal, like, you really got to be messed up. But everybody told me it was a conspiracy theory when I said, the Obamas don't like the bidens. They're going to turn on them. And David Axelrod will be the mouthpiece. I'm serious. I was attacked for that. Oh, my gosh. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Okay, here's the morning schmo. Telling you exactly. Mark Levin. This isn't a game. Telling you exactly what I just told you, that Axelrod is the mouthpiece for Obama. Check this out.


I will say one thing that we do have to underline here just so viewers can, can follow what's going on behind the scenes is the Biden campaign. And many democratic officials do believe that Barack Obama is quietly working behind the scenes to orchestrate this. And if Joe Biden believes that, that's not going to get him out of the race any faster. Anytime David Axelrod attacks him, David Axelrod ensures that Joe Biden will dig himself in another day anytime the pod bros say something nasty about Joe Biden, which they have repeatedly said nasty things about Joe Biden. Before the debate. After the debate. Every time they do that, he digs in a little bit further.


Chat, folks. Chad, folks, do I steal you wrong? Do you feel like you're wasting your time here or do you feel like, oh, shit, we were three weeks ahead of it again? Yeah, you were. Who's he talking about? Anyone in a chat? No pod bros. Anyone know he's talking about? He's talking about Johnny Favs, who I just told you about. Johnny Favs was a speech writer for Obama. He hosts this really popular liberal podcast. Honestly, I'm sorry. Do you know. Guys know what the name of it is? I'm not trying to be silly about it. It's popular. I'm not trying to do that. Mariah Carey, Jlo. I don't know her, but it's. I forget what it's called. It's a liberal podcast. Super popular. It's up there with the young turds people. What is it called? You know, pod save America. Yes. Thank you, Avina. That's where liberals go. That Johnny Favs is one of the hosts. That's who Scarborough is talking about. Scarborough was all in on Team Biden. He's cracking a little bit now, but he still feels like he wants to preserve his access because he got that interview the other day. So he's playing it both ways.


He knows exactly what I'm telling you. Listen, I'm going to. Enough of this. Just listen to Axelrod and Johnny Favs and you'll. You'll know exactly where Obama's going. And Obama. Obama's opinion matters because Obama controls what the donors. The donors are the only thing that's going to force this guy out. The Dan Bongino show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to the Dan Bongino show wherever you get your podcasts.