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Very good. We may not agree on everything, but when he does something right, good. When he does something wrong, not good. You'll see Doug Burgum, governor of North Dakota, former presidential candidate. You see Vivek Ramiswami. Of course, you see Eric Trump there. I heard Byron Donnells was there. Every single day, prominent Republicans take your asses. Here it is. You see this thing? The ass. You take You get it out of the seat like this. You see, this is the seat. You remove the ass from the seat. You can even bring the seat with you if you want. You come up to New York, you can put the seat right there. I don't really care. And you put your ass right in front of Donald Trump. Ass, courtroom, New York, because we got to show these goons that we're going to be in charge soon, okay? You guys want to manipulate and screw with power? Be careful what you ask for because that's here, but open up, kids. Here comes the spoonful. It ain't going to taste good. Good for you guys. I appreciate it. Let's see who shows up tomorrow. More, more, more. Cycle them through every single day, every day.


Prominent Republicans with big followings. Get your asses up there. I want to see everyone there. I like to see Rubio there, get Ted Cruz there, get them all there. I don't care if you like or dislike any of these guys. It's time to back up our candidate at this point. Speaking of that, I'm going to get to an important topic. This is something I've been dying I'm going to discuss. I'm going to be doing some segments over the next few days independent of the news. Here's one of them. It's going to be quick, but it's important. I'm not telling you we're wasting time on who the VP's pick is going to be because the vice president is important. Trump is obviously going to be a one-term president at this point. He had his first term. The vice president is probably going to have a leg up on the next presidential cycle, but there's definitely going to be a primary. So the vice presidential pick is important. There's no doubt about it. But folks, there's been so much Palestine This intrigue about the vice presidential pick. Have you heard almost any discussion whatsoever the most important pick of all?


What do you think in the chat that is? Far more important than vice president. Because number one, let me just make the case on why it's more important. I don't even know if it tells you why it's more important than the vice presidency. The vice president doesn't do anything. They're a tie-breaking vote. That's important. But really, they don't do anything besides advise the president. You see him around the White House and everybody treats him like another cabinet member. If the Vice President turns out to suck, we can primary them in four years. What's the position? Yes, sir. Chester is way ahead of me. Attorney general, you guys are so freaking smart. Some of you probably watch my Locals video where I always do a preview to the show. I give my locals crowd a little skinny before the show. Attorney general, hell, yeah. A thousand times more important. Does anybody in the room disagree? No, they do not. Avita? Avita agrees with me, I think. Attorney general, folks, the vice president doesn't really do much. The attorney general is going to have the power to stop this weaponization bullshit, fire all these people, and start over from scratch.


So we have a justice system where you can say, Hey, you know what? I'm pro-life. Am I going to be arrested tomorrow for that? We don't want to say that anymore. You can say to yourself, Justin, the Martin County School Board is having a meeting tonight, and they're talking about this thing about sexual books in school. I'm going to show up. Justin's first thing he's going to say to himself is, I don't want to be on an FBI watchlist, but he's going to go anyway. He won't be on an FBI watchlist anymore because the attorney general is going to run the Department of Justice, and we're going to fire everyone. Folks, the AG talk should be numero uno. I'll leave it up to you guys on the palace intrigue of who it should be, because whenever you mention your name, somebody's got another name, and that's fine. I'm just telling you, it better damn well be a conservative, and it better be someone with freaking balls of absolute titanium. Steel is not even good enough. I don't even want steel. I need titanium. The balls have to be titanium at this point. Steel is no good.


Iron, definitely no good. Titanium. Before I move on to another conspiracy theory defeated, a couple more positions. And these aren't in any specific order, but these are the ones I think are really important. Attorney general, number one, definitely. Vice President, obviously important. Dhs Secretary, can't screw it up, folks. Cisa, that agency Agency that was censoring conservative talk, that Center for Internet Security, that was under DHS. You better get a DHS Secretary in there willing to clean house. I've got a few names there we could consider, too. Secretary of Defense, If you're not going to unscrew this military disaster where we're teaching a bunch of Navy Seals about, pronouns, then do me a favor. Don't apply. We need a ballbuster in there. Secdef. Secdef, ballbuster, too. Titanium, No steel, no iron. Secdef. Treasury. We're going to have to unscrew this economic disaster. We're going to need someone at Treasury who understands the peril we're in economically. Again, I'm not telling you the other ones aren't important. These are the ones I see as the most important. Energy. Got to do something about oil and gas prices. Got to do something about the natural gas export ban.


Hhs. We got to fix the price fixing in medicine. Commerce, we're going to have to unscrew the Inflation Production Act and the Chips Act and All this stuff being run by commerce because it's screwing up the whole economy. And the VA. We got to take care of our vets. They're getting screwed over by these hospitals right now. That's my take. That's my story. I'm sticking to it. Attorney general number one. We have to refocus the conversation around that position. Vice President, you can get rid of in a few years. Besides the fact, if it's a tiebreaker, they're always going to vote Republican anyway. More in a minute, but first. Hey, have you heard of Cancer Fighting Foods? It's been reported that diet rich in fruits and vegetables may actually lower your risk of cancer. Obviously, something very personal to me. Hopefully, you hear this and run to the store for five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. That's what you should do. Miles will tell you that. Problem is, most of us don't have the time. Fruits and vegetables can be perishable. I'm just telling you to try out Field of Greens for your daily health routine.


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That's promo code dan at brickhausnutrition. Com/dan, brickhausnutrition. Com/dan. Make sure you check it out. Feel the greens. You're going to love it. Unbelievable. Yesterday, yet another conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory air quotes, goes down in flames as it's shown to be a conspiracy, but yet not theoretical. Gee, what's our record on conspiracy theories? Is there an update? He wants to say, We are undefeated. We are at 100% telling you something is true and the left telling you it's bullshit. Here is Snopes. I mean, Snopes. They're like to the left of PolitaFack. You're not going to get any more left than Snopes. Snopes makes Mother Jones look like national review, okay? Okay, here's Snopes. They had to update their fact check on the famous or infamous, I should say, Ashley Biden, who, as you know, is the daughter of Joe Biden. The infamous, I took showers with dad diary, which is pretty freaking disgusting. Pretty gross, you ask me. Pretty disgusting. I don't even like talking about it. They had to update it with a little note. On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from unproven to true, based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden that it is, in fact, is her personal journal and diary.


Shower in with dead. Kind of disgusting, folks. I'm just wondering here. Probably wondering, too, wouldn't he? You guys think there's a breaking point ever? Is there a breaking point where Democrats are... I mean, think about it with the conspiracy theories that have come true. Masks, vaccines, spigate, Hunter Biden laptop, Lab Leak, the Nikki Haley drape story, Mike Flynn called the Russian ambassador story, the CIA Carter Page story. Is there ever a point, the Ashley Biden Diary story, chat, chat guys, chat women. Any point at all where Democrats are like, Holy shit, man, this is really crazy. They haven't told us the truth about anything. If I was listening to the Dan Bongino show, I wouldn't look like a moron right now. Is there a breaking point? Truth be told, folks, I don't think so. I'm going to tell you, I think Democrats love being lied to. I think they do. I think they absolutely love being lied to, as long as the lie feeds into their delusions about Donald Trump. I do. I don't think there's That's the breaking point. I'd love to hear your take on it, but I don't think there is. I think they actually enjoy being lied to, and they don't care at all.


The fact that they look like morons, it doesn't bother them one bit. If it feeds their fix, they're almost like meth addicts. They know it's bad for them, but they do it anyway because it just makes them feel good. I really believe that's it, that there's a childlike need to be bullshitted to. I mean, look at what's happening in this absolute mess in court. I've been through federal trials, and I've been through local trials. I have never seen a case like this in my life. Trump's lawyer gets on the stand yesterday in this case, and I've never seen a case in my life where not only does their main witness, Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, not only does he fail to prove the elements of a crime, ladies and gentlemen, he still, they have not yet even alleged a crime. This is so star chambery and medieval in its appearance. I'm actually stunned that even the anti-Trump lunatic judge with his daughter making money off this thing isn't like, I've got to salvage my legal reputation at this point and cut the losses. So just again, just reassert what they're trying to claim. They're claiming Donald Trump falsified a business record, this NDA ledger payment in furtherance of another crime.


Forget the stormy bullshit, all this other stuff. I just want to get back to brass tax nuts and bolts here. The allegation is this falsification of a business record is a felony because they advanced another crime. Here's the kick in the nuts, folks. They have yet to allege another crime. If you're asking what crime, the answer is, I don't know. They're claiming it was an election violation, yet nobody said anything about an election violation. Here was a segment from Fox yesterday. Imagine this. Imagine you're in court and you're a juror. Assume they're Democrats, but let's assume at least one of them is not totally in the tank for Biden and is going to do their actual jury duty. Just one. Let's hope and pray we have just one. You're a juror in the courtroom listening to Donald Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, someone you're supposed to trust, someone, by the way, you have specific privacy rights with, delineated in our legal founding fathers and the way you're entitled to legal protection and due process. Your conversations with your lawyer are supposed to be yours. They're not allowed to get them on discovery. They are privileged.


Attorney, client, privileged. Liberals in the chat, you can look it up. Imagine you understand as a lawyer, you're a convicted perjurer, and then you watch this Fox segment, then they're out in court thinking it works for them, that the lawyer has secretly been taping the client, Donald Trump, and you think this makes this loser look good? Watch this. Check this out. He was recording him We have that recording. Let's listen together. Correct. I'm all over that. I spoke to Alan about it when it comes time for the financing, which will be- What financing? We'll have to pay you. No, I got- Andrew, that little bit that we just heard, we don't have everything that was said in court. But as we get- Folks, can you imagine this? Put yourself I'm in the position for a moment. I know we're all like knee deep in this. It's funny, you see all this. Because cable news has to run 24 hours a day. They have to fill time. You'll get 100 different legal analysts and very smart lawyers. I'm not knocking them. But the thing about lawyers, I found, I'm not knocking the lawyers. This is their job, is that they overlawyer things.


They tend to overthink things. And why is that an issue? Because you got to remember, folks, the people in the jury, outside of, I think, one person, are not lawyers. That's why no one wants lawyers in a jury. People overlawor things. You see all these legal analysts on TV, and a lot of them are really smart. We use some of their stuff, but they're not thinking about these things. I thought about it, in my experience as a nonlawyer, but an investigator in these trials, which is this just sounds bad. The people in the jury, if they're sane, and we got to assume some of them are, we got to hope, I don't assume, but hope, are listening to this going, Wait, this is the guy who's the bedrock of your case, who we now know has lied multiple times and secretly records his clients, and I'm supposed to take this guy's word for it? This case has been a disaster. How do you think this plays to the average American out there? I'm going to be following this thing the whole week, but folks, I suspect between the sound bites and the snapshots, Donald Trump's double opportunity every day to talk to the entire nation.


He talks in the morning outside the courtroom, and he talks in the afternoon. One, before people go work or in work, and second, during drive time where everyone's in front of the radio. This is devastating. This case has been an absolute disaster. It's been a trifecta of horribles. The snapshots are bad as the Republican Party is now turning up in droves to support this guy. The two-a-day press conferences while Biden snots drip out of his nose and he's peeing himself all day are freaking terrible. And finally, your star witness has completely melted your case down, and he's the most unlikable guy in the courtroom. Wait, one last thing. I'm sorry. But I got friends who were in the parole business, probation and parole. They will tell you this. If you're making a parole pitch, a pitch for parole or whatever it may be, and you're in prison and you want to go out on parole, whatever it may be, you better not be the last case of the day. Why? Because everybody's tired, they're hungry, they just want to go home, and most of them are pissed off. Just look it up. There's actual studies on this stuff.


If you're one of the first few cases of the day, you stand a damn well better chance of getting whatever you wanted, probation or parole, whatever it may be. Why? Because the facts are different? No, because people are just in a different mood. When people are in a pissy mood and they think you're a jerk like this guy came off, it doesn't matter what you say. It goes right out the window. Look that up. You think I'm messing with you. The Dan Bongino Show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to the Dan Bongino Show wherever you get your podcast.