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Dan Bongino. Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino. A couple of days ago, I spoke about there's a spiritual war going on right now. I am not a priest. I am not a rabbi. I am not an imam. I'm not Plato or Socrates, and I'm certainly not your spiritual or moral advisor. However, I'm not a moron. There is something going on, neither you or I understand. But you know it's there and you feel it. I don't know what it is, this negative spiritual energy. I have no idea. Is it freaking quantum mechanics? I don't know. I have no idea, but I know it's there. There is a war going on right now for the spiritual side of our lives. And there are so many people getting sucked into this vacuum of evil. I've never seen anything like it. And this is going to be a tough show. I've done this show before, but I'm going to have to do it again because there's going to have to be a divorce here. And not just for me, but you're going to have to divorce yourselves from our movement. If you want to kill people because of their religion or any characteristic whatsoever, and you just want to murder them, and you think that's a good idea, then as I said yesterday, I'm going to repeat today, please get the fuck off my show.


You understand I hate you. I think you're a fucking piece of shit. Can I say this any clearer? I'm not your friend. I'm not your ally. I can't stand you. I hate everything about you. You do not belong in our movement. The conservative movement is about conserving people's rights, God-given rights. It's not about preserving people's rights you like and then kill everyone else because of their religion. You don't belong here. I understand I understand that the left loves these kill the Jews people, and I hate them for it. This is what they do. The left, the commies, and the socialist will align with the kill the Jews crowd in a second to make sure the United States leverages the useful idiocracy and buries this country like a cancer from the inside out. I get that the left does it. I hate it. I fight it every day. It's the only purpose to this show. But I understand that what I don't understand is people pretending, pretending to be on our side and taking advantage of weak minds and sucking them into this vortex of fucking stupid where we're somehow playing along and defending to kill the Jews crowd.


It's done. It's out. You're not welcome here. This is not your house. It is everywhere. It is everywhere. And it's time that everybody speak up with a unified voice and be clear as day, and I don't give a shit about the language and say, Fuck you, motherfuckers. You're not welcome here. Don't you understand what's going on? There is a violent fight going on for the future of America and our kids. This is not about free speech. How do I know that? Because we defend free speech on this show every day. I I'm not suggesting anyone, anyone, and never have, should have any of their constitutional rights violated. Quite the opposite. You have every single God, God given, God, capital G, capital R, God given right to speak out against Israel, to speak out against Jordan, to speak out against the UAE, to speak out against Krapalakistan. You have every right to speak out against religions you don't like. You're free to do that. I don't have to agree with you. You're free to do that. The only thing this show has fought for, and me, because I am this show, it's eponymously named, you have absolutely no right to call for someone's death, to physically beat the shit out of someone, and to break into buildings and trespass on property you don't own.


You have no right to do that. How are suckers claiming to be part of our movement, falling for this childlike bullshit. And their comebacks are so immature and ignorant and stupid. I have to laugh every time I hear these morons all day on social media. Oh, Dan, you don't believe in free speech? I don't believe in free speech, motherfucker? Really? Really? Platforms exist right now because of my sweat equity and money that some of these assholes speak on only because of people like me who fought for free speech while you were sitting on your fat ass eating a bowl of Doritos. Fuck stick. You don't know shit. You never run for office on this stuff. You never financially back platforms up all night on the phone, defending assholes right to speak. You haven't done shit. You sit on Twitter all day and they're a fake name. Get these scumbags out of our movement now. Now. You, it's the left will never do this. The left is trying to destroy the United States. These people hate you. Folks, look at what happened at UCLA last night. You really believe this is the future for the kids you want?


Folks, to my supporters out there, I want to understand where I'm going. You know who I'm talking about. You've seen it, too. There is an evil out there, It's infecting people's brains like a freaking prion, and it is bad. You want this? You want more of this? You think these people are worth defending? This is what you want? You have the right to beat the shit out of people. And by the way, that goes for anyone. Notice, I didn't mention any specific ideological denomination. You got a bunch of people on UCLA basically beating the shit out of each other because they killed the Jews crowds on the campus over there. Is this what you want? You understand these people are taking advantage They're taking advantage of weak minds, man. They're taking advantage of weak minds. How do we know they're weak? You see this video last night? You had them take over a building on Columbia, which is called Breaking It Here. Look at this. This is what This isn't what we want, man. It's time for all of us to stand up against this shit. You have the right to speak out. You don't have the right to start riots, anyone.


I told you the other day, I spent years in law enforcement dealing with these absolute wuss bags, chumps, cowards, astro-terf wuss bags. Here they are on Columbia They want to occupy a building. And now the cops, the NYPD said, Do you guys own this building? No, you don't? Get out. And what happens? They start crying, Oh, look, I've got finals. Watch this. Nobody way. I can't say you. I love you. It's finals. Can I go home? I want to go home. I got finals. These are the people someone you want to get in bed with? Bunch of dips shit loser useful idiots who a bunch of anti-American, anti-liberty folks are co-opting in the name of destroying America? No. No, we're not doing it, man. I'd rather not do a show. I would. I'd rather. Folks, I'll lose every single person in this audience before I ever acquiesced anything. Not a single. I'm not giving up not a fucking thing to these pieces of shit. You don't have the right to occupy a building. It's not yours. What are you going to come in your house next? We're supporting squatting now?


Folks, I'm asking you as friends, man, we got to clean this thing out, man.


You expect it from the left. They hate this country. They They hate you. These people want to see you in prison. Some of them want to see you dead. You expect it from them. Fight it with everything you have, man, where there's going to be nothing left. You want to see what a useful idiot looks like? Look at this moron yesterday. Finally asked an honest question by a reporter. They want to take over buildings, break the law, basically steal people's property, assault people, and call for the death of the Jews. And by the way, they want you to feed them in the process. I want you to listen to this reporter question at the end. These are the pathetic losers, losers that some people are locking arms with. I'm not letting it happen. This thing will go down in flames before I let this thing fall apart to these assholes. No fucking way. Watch. Why should the university be obligated to provide food to people who've taken over a building?


Well, Well, first of all, we're saying that they're obligated to provide food to students who pay for a meal plan here.


But you mentioned that there was a request that food and water be brought in.


Unless I misunderstood- To allow it to be brought in. I mean, well, I guess it's ultimately a question of what community and obligation Columbia feels it has to its students. Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill, even if they disagree with you? If the answer is no, then you should allow basic... I mean, it's crazy to say because we're on an Ivy League campus, but this basic humanitarian aid we're asking for. Could people please have a glass of water?


Don't they have water problems? But they did put themselves in that, very deliberately, in that situation and in that position. So it seems like you're saying, We want to be revolutionaries. We want to take up this building. Now, would you please bring us some food and water?


These are the pieces of shit who are representing what? The next generation. No, no, no, no, man. Not in my country. No, not in your Our country. Not in our country. No, we're not doing it. You want to break an entrance. Just to be clear, you want the right to break into my house, property you don't own. And then while you're in my house, breaking the law, you want me to feed you to... What else Would you like a foot massage? Maybe a pedicure? Maybe a mani-pedi? Maybe do a little French manicure for you? You want your hair did, too? How about get the fuck out of my building? And by the way, here are some handcuffs, you piece of shit. More in a minute, but first.


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Folks, these people want to kill you. They hate your guts. They don't care about anything other than destroying the United States. This is not about Israel. Israel is a symptom of a larger anti-liberty, anti-prosperity movement that has bubbled from the ground up. I told you this now for three days. Please, God, and I'm not using his name in vain, listen to me. He's People don't give a damn about Israel. All they want to do is kill Jews because they think it's like the cause du jour. Tomorrow, it'll be Save the Polar Bears. The day after that, it'll be some new EV push. The day after that, it'll be some fake civil rights issue like voter ID or something. They don't care. They just want to be on TikTok with their friends to fill the empty vacuum of their lives, pretending that they're part of something bigger than themselves because they're small. These people hate you. And to the people pretending to be part of our side, you are not. You're not welcome. You're not at all. You need to go now, join your Communist friends on their mission to destroy the United States. At least expose who you really are.


And why is it that every I want to kill the Jews You're a pussy out there? Why is it that they all have some fake avatar and fake name? Grow a pair of nuts, you cowardly pieces of shit, and at least put your face up there. You know where I am. You know what I look like. You know my name and everything about me. Why do you got to hide? Why do you got to hide? You embarrassed? Mommy embarrassed? Poor Jean Paul. Your parents tell people that their kids died young. Is that what it is? They embarrassed? They raised little Nazis? You want to see what we're fighting? I'm going to tell you the comically stupid responses. Here's one of the revolutionaries. Notice how she goes right to skin color, right to skin color. Proving my point. This is not about Israel. This is about them hating you in their hierarchy of victimhood. Watch this. You're just a white person. You're a white person. We don't like white people. Free, free Palestine. We don't like white people. He said it right. She's honest. She puts her face on it unlike some of the other cowards and chumps on social media who wouldn't dare, dare say that shit to anybody's face.


The response Rances to that were absolutely comical as I try to explain to people, Do you understand you're being used? I don't care what label you put in front of your name. You are being used by anti-American intersectionalists who are dying to cooperate your weak spirit to get you to destroy the United States, and they're using your hatred of Jews to do it. How do I know how stupid these people are? The minute I posted that video, a bunch of kill the Jews Nazis were like, Well, Dan, that woman looks like a Jew. Look at her nose. Oh, okay. So what she just said is okay, but now you just hate her because she's Jewish. You just made my point. You don't even know that, by the way. You have no idea. You're just looking for an excuse to hate the Jews. Then I got this yesterday from, again, the little Nazi dipshits. All day, fighting little Nazis everywhere. Oh, Dan, I see who you're not allowed to condemn. Really? We've never spoken out against things that have happened in Israel. If I recall, we've played now five or six times, Ahoud Barak. Wasn't he the Prime Minister of Israel?


I'm just checking. Talking about leftist organizers? No, no, Dan. Listen, we're not talking about those Israelis. We're only talking about the Jewish. Again, so you just hate them because they're Jews. So it's not about Israel. When the Jewish Supreme Court situation blew up, we spoke out about that every week. What a dumb idea that was. We weren't banned. We're not allowed to speak out. We only talk about the Israel issue every Every other week. So you just hate them because they're Jews. Oh, no, no, no. You spoke out against the wrong Israelis. Oh, which one should I be speaking out against? The Jewish one. Oh, the Jews again. So it's about the Jews. They just want to kill people because they're Jews. And we're supposed to just sit back and listen to all this? What do you think? They're not coming for you next? The Dan Bongino Show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to the Dan Bongino Show wherever you get your podcast.