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Dan Bongino.


Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino.


Here's what this is about. Let's get right to the elements of the show first. The great Julie Kelly, who is really a patriot and a hero to the movement at this point, one of the few honest journalists left. She's been doing Yeomen's work on January sixth, the bomber case, her and Darren Beatty and others. They got their hands on some paperwork yesterday, and it was an Ops plan. And yes, the Ops plan seems pretty standard from the FBI. That's not in question. But in the Ops plan for the search warrant served at Mar-a-Lago, of course, Trump's residence. They note, according to this paperwork, that law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary when looking at the Ops plan. Now, we'll get to that in a second.


I just want you to read it on the screen, so you don't think I'm making any of this up.


Also, they had to address potential conflicts with the secret service you'll see in the next slide, and also the former president where they'd come into contact with him, i.




Donald Trump, if he would arrive because he wasn't at Mar-a-Lago when it went down. Okay, let's just get that out of the Now, immediately, the Twitter reply guys and the so-called experts had to jump in, This isn't nothing burger. This is no big deal. Let me just say, fellows, ladies, this isn't personal. You can do whatever you want. I do what I want. We don't have to agree on everything. I'm just telling you, if you believe that, you're freaking crazy and you need to seek a new line of work. I'm going to say again, this is not a flex. I'm pretty sure I'm the only guy in the space who... Pretty sure. If there's another one out there, tell me, who actually taught this stuff in the training center, served multiple and wrote multiple search warrants up with AUSA, and in fact, protected the president and former president. If there's anyone else out there doing it, let me know. Because I was dealing with this one DBAG lawyer this morning on Twitter who seems to think because he wrote a few search warrants once or twice. All of a sudden, he's an executive protection guy, a tactical guy, a protocol guy.


The guy didn't even know I was a police officer before. He thought I was a capital police officer. So I'm done with morons today. Now, here's the one... Let me give you my take first. Folks, this is a total, absolute failure of our government. The government works for you. I said this when it happened. Guy was there. This is nothing new that the FBI decided to bring guns in tomorrow. I'll go to service search warrant. It was an abomination. None of this should even be relitigated. The fact that the ops plan made it out only makes me relitigate this again. Okay, that's why. This It was a failure of the Secret Service Management, number one. Number two, an absolute catastrophic failure of the now gutless management of the FBI and the Department of Justice. This was not a standard raid. It was an unprecedented raid on a Secret Service protected compound on a former president who was running for president or known to be running for president again. These people in the government work for us. They don't have Avenger-like powers. They have powers we grant to them through the Constitution and the United States Code because we operate on consent to the governed.


They are not allowed to do whatever they want whenever they want. And any lawyer, and I use lawyer in air quotes because these people are like Wikipedia lawyers. They don't know shit about anything. Any lawyer on Twitter, agent or anything else, suggesting to you that, Oh, listen, this was just a standard black and white right thing, immediately unfollow. They have no idea what they're talking about. Folks, there is nothing about this that was standard. The entire United States government, when it comes to blue on blue, four situations organizations, congresspeople, senators, the President of the United States, operates in a gray area that's constantly litigated. Anyone telling you it's a standard plan, and this was a standard ops plan, to discuss use of force options at freaking Mar-a-Lago with the former President, I'm sorry, is a freaking moron. And you should never listen to anything they say again. I am not kidding. This was not SOP. Question number one. As I said when it happened, so this is nothing new. Why was force even considered at all on this raid? Why? Oh, the FBI has to carry guns to protect themselves. Really? They Let me tell you a little story for the morons.


They do. Fbi agents, I don't recommend you do this at all, but go on a White House tour, carry your gun with you. What's going to happen? Okay, you're not going to be allowed in. How do I know that?


My brother was a secret service agent.


And one time we were down in DC and they were having a South Ground's Gardens tour. So I had my White House pass. I walked up and said, Hey, can me and my brother come in and take a look? My brother was not on the protective detail. My brother was a secret service agent in the New York field office. I want you to listen to what I just told you. The Uniform Division guy couldn't have been nicer. He said, Hey, your brother's got to leave his gun out here. He was a secret service agent. Why? Is that the law? Is that SOP? No. It's just there's guns inside the White House there to protect the White House, and they don't want unknowns in there like other guns in there, and they don't know who has them, why they have them, and they don't want anything to break bad or an accidental discharge. Now, you may say, Well, Dan, that's a disingenuous example. That's not the course of official duties. What if the FBI wanted to serve a search warrant in the White House for the cocaine? You mean the same White House protected under the same 1752 code that they protect secret service facilities?


Do you really believe if the FBI today went to walk into the White House to serve a search warrant about the cocaine and said, Hey, it's our job. We're investigating political corruption. You believe the Secret Service would let them in with the guns? If you do, you're a freaking moron. But it's their official duties. Yeah, and we still wouldn't let them in. Why would they let in Mar-a-Lago with guns, which created such a situation that the FBI had to do their ops plan addressing the use of force because it was a standard operating procedure? Freaking morons tell you this. Morons and dumbasses.


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Folks, gray areas exist in government all the time when it comes to situations like this. Don't be stupid. I I'll give you an example. When Hunter Biden was going to be interviewed, Hunter Biden has a protective detail. You can see from the New York Post article.


I'm sorry to go out of order on you guys, but it's important.


Put it up. When Hunter Biden was interviewed, what happened? The Secret Service detail was given a heads up. So a bunch of people with guns didn't show up and create an unnecessary problem. Ex-fbi agent upset by a Hunter Biden probe tip off to Biden transition team. Let me give you another example about how when there's blue on blue FBI versus Secret Service, this stuff is all ironed out in advance, and we don't create dumb ass situations like an ops plan addressing how to engage with the former President if he shows up with a protective detail with freaking guns. Larry Cackle, you know who that is? He was a special agent in charge of Bill Clinton's detail. When Bill Clinton was getting, if you know what I mean, in the office. There was a big to-do that made it all the way up to the Supreme Court if the Secret Service could be forced to testify about what Bill Clinton was up to. Why? Lawyer guy out there and other agents out there who all know everything. It's just a standard thing. These are federal agents. If they witnessed a crime, they got to go talk about it.


Why was it litigated up to the Supreme Court? Oh, because it's a gray area. Dipshits. Because the Secret Service was afraid at the time that if they were forced to testify about what Bill Clinton was up to, that the protectees, Clinton and others, would try to avoid the Secret Service and create a dangerous situation because it's a fucking gray area, morons. Pardon my language. You're telling me this isn't a gray area, the first raid on a presidential compound in US history by the FBI, and it was just a standard ops plan where, yeah, we should just casually address if we have to kill someone? No, it was not an assassination plot. No, I don't believe anyone went in there with the intent to kill anyone. They would have done it. There's no reason for that. They would have done it any other way. I don't believe that at all. The whole point is the whole damn thing was unnecessary. And anybody justifying this obvious fuck-up has no idea what they're talking about, and his opinion should be absolutely disregarded. This is a That's not a big deal. I want you to read 18 U. S.


C. 1752. This authorizes the Secret Service to restrict access to buildings or grounds like Mar-a-Lago. Against any Anyone who engages in acts of physical violence to get any person or property on restricted buildings or grounds. Physical violence. What if it got rough in there? It didn't have to get rough in there. This could have been ironed out in What the hell was the Secret Service management thinking, letting the FBI in there with guns? It was a protected facility. You didn't think there was a potential for something to go bad? Are you freaking stupid? The FBI authorizing this, the DOJ? Folks, we've already talked about this. I cannot believe there are people defending this shit. Here, 1752, again, here's what restricted buildings or grounds means. Any posted, cordoned off or otherwise restricted area of the White House or its grounds, the VP's office or its grounds, of a building or grounds where the President or other person is protected by this secret service is or will be temporarily visiting, i. E, Mar-a-Lago. So I'd like to see the Twitter lawyers out there and experts, fucking dumbasses, morons. I'd like to see them argue this. I'm going to show up tomorrow at making a citizen's arrest at the White House on a cocaine case if I I can produce evidence.


No, I'm going to walk in. It's the law. It says it in the Constitution. I'm allowed to go in there. It's a citizen's arrest. You think the FBI is going to walk in there tomorrow if they have evidence that some member of the Biden team was dealing coke out of the White House? You think the DEA is just going to walk in? It's just standard operating procedure. We just fill out the paperwork. No one in the FBI thought that this paperwork would become public and discoverable and that there was a line in there about engagement. And engagement doesn't mean shooting it out with them. Engagement means simply that, a back and forth. But nobody thought that this could create a potential problem, addressing what an unnecessary use of force would look like at Mar-a-Lago in a situation the FBI created. Nobody thinks this is on you. Just to be clear, you think this is just SOP, fill out the paperwork and it's all going to go? Come on, man. I expect more out of you people. Not you listening. I just all night with this bullshit. Oh, this is just the rules, man. Really, it's the rules.


Interesting. Justin, queue up Jim Comey for me. It's just the FBI rules. So it's just SOP. They're just doing what they had to do When we should all let this go. Really? That's interesting because this was actually addressed once by Jim Comey, another FBI piece of garbage at the management level. A guy used to be the director of the FBI. It's funny how they only want to bend the rules and SOP when they think they can do police state stuff. Remember when they went to go interview Mike Flynn? There was standard operating procedure for that, too. Matter of fact, in this clip, Jim Komi actually talks about it. And then you know what he says? Yeah, but we screwed all that. I said, Forget it. Just did what I wanted to do anyway. Oh, so they bend the rules there. But not when it's the form of... It's the rules, man. It's the rules. You realize what a dumb ass you sound like defending this? Play the cut. Administration, the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official. You would work through the White House Council, and there'd be discussions and approvals, and who would be there.


I thought it's early enough, let's just send a couple of guys over.


What does that Hey, Justin, does that sound like the rules?


You think that's written in the FBI, Diog, and manual? It's early enough. Go ahead and send some guys. You think that's it? Justin, it sounds like you thought it sounds like formal writing, legal procedures. I I thought it was the rules. The Hunter Biden notification, giving them a quote, Heads up. Is that the rules, too? Folks, I got news for you. If the Secret Service wants to stop people from coming in a facility with a firearms, even pursuing a lawful search warrant, they have every authority to do it. They just chose not to. But I guarantee you, guarantee you, that if you show up at the White House tomorrow as a DC Metro cop, again, investigating the cocaine case, with your firearms invest on and your badge out and say, I'm serving a lawful search warrant, you'll be sitting outside that gate. No one's letting you in. Weird. It's the same authority they had to keep armed FBI agents out of Mar-a-Lago. Armed FBI. They could have let the FBI in. They could have said what they say at the White House. You guys come in. We're going to work this out with legal counsel, but you're going to leave your guns right here.


This is a federally protected facility. It's so strange. When I used to go to court, when I'd bring a guy in for processing, the US marshals make you lock up your gun. They do? Why? It's the law. You're allowed to carry your gun. It says it on my commission book, carry firearms. Because these things are all gray areas where we use professional discretion and we're not numb nuts. The attorney general and the FBI fill out a bunch of SOP paperwork work, acknowledging that use of force could potentially happen as a CYA mechanism, never realizing it is going to be discoverable, and nobody thinks this is messed up? Holy shit, man. I've told you over and over. It's not the left I worry about. It's the reply guys who pretend to be on our side just looking for an opportunity for Twitter engagement, and all they do is say dumb shit. It's just paperwork. Oh, yeah, it's just paperwork. Like I said, go try it. Same guys, go try it. Go get a search warrant and walk into the White House. Watch same exact authority. Watch what happens. They will shut you right down. But when it's Donald Trump, the they're on our side.


It's just paperwork. It's paperwork. The Dan Bongino Show.


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