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Brief I'm Dan Bongino.


Flags in the chat, please. The arrest of the telegram CEO, I'm convinced is part of a new Russiagate coming up. I don't know how they're going to do it exactly, but there was a raid recently on two specific figures who have done some commentary with a Russia based network. They're going to somehow, I believe, tie that and the arrest of the telegram CEO to some fake, phony russian effort again to steal the election. I know what you're thinking.


There's no way they're going to go back to Russiagate part seven. Yes, they will, because the media, I promise, will cover for them. Don't tell me what they won't do. Tell me what they did, because what they did, the past is prolog. They will do again.


Here's what I mean. In addition to the telegram CEO, who is, I'm almost 100% certain, going to be tied to some Russiagate fake story again, and you got the flag in the chat, they're also starting to panic. They're starting to real. If Kamala Harris is really up seven points in this poll we just saw coming out today, which is ridiculous. Again, I'm not a red wave guy, as you know.


I don't buy any of this Kamala Harris b's at all. This is all astroturf, folks. There is zero chance she is up seven nationally. Zero, zero.


If they were up by that amount, they would not be panicking like this. Cornel west is a very, very far left guy. Extremely far left guy. You may have seen him on, on Fox and other CNN networks and elsewhere. He's been around forever.


Cornel west is running too well. His name is on the Michigan ballot, a state that if Kamala Harris is up and you believe the polls, I don't. If you do, she's only up by a little and it's within the margin of error. So the Democrats remarked, remarkably, are trying to pull Cornel West's name from the ballot because he's liberal and may pull from Kamala Harris while simultaneously keeping RFK on the ballot to siphon votes from Trump. Here's Cornel west in a media hit directly saying that someone's been offering to pay off some of his campaign debt to make sure he gets off the ballot.


You want to talk about collusion? It's right here. This isn't me saying it. This is him saying it. Listen, did they just one more on this.


Did they offer you, did they offer you a cabinet position, a lower position, and offer to pay off any of your campaign debt? Well, they, they offered serious, substantive conversation about all of those that could lead toward Gotcha. You know, and now, folks, keep in mind, if the situation were reversed and the RNC was throwing around money to get people off the ballot, it would be the biggest freaking media story of our time. But because it's the left in Cornel west right over the head, no one wants to talk about it. But the good news is you are here on the most popular live stream news program in the world, the Bon Chino army.


We dominate and we make no apologies for it. We dominate cable news, everything else. So you're ahead of the story. Now, if the Republicans had any cojones, they'd be investigating this right now because that sounds like a pretty serious charge. Sounds like election interference to me.


Greg Price is all over this on Twitter. He's like, you can't make this up. The Michigan secretary of state, Jocelyn Benson, is denying RFK's request to remove his name from the ballot, but just attempted to remove Cornel west from the ballot. Losing a court case she's now appealing. Sounds to me like election interference.


You see what she's doing, right? I mean, I'm sorry to misstate the obvious, but Cornel west is a very far left liberal. So people who don't like Kamala Harris, now that she's flip flopping on some of these positions, might vote for Cornel west and siphon votes from Harris. RFK's now endorse Trump. So if they really don't like Trump and RFK is on the ballot but they hate Kamala Harris, now they have an option.


You see exactly what she's doing, right? There appears to be a massive colluding, a colluding circle of people interfering in the election in a critical swing state that could very well decide this entire election.


Now, again, in case you think that I'm crazy when I say something big is about to happen before the election, they are not going, by the way, tomorrow. I hate to keep teasing tomorrow I'm sorry, but I'm still putting it together. I've got an exhaustive segment tomorrow on voting machines as well, and why we're going to need paper ballots as a backup doesn't mean don't vote, folks, this may be our last chance to save this thing, but it doesn't mean be stupid either. About the potential for hacking. I'm going to show you left wingers talking about it.


So when they say, oh, it's a conspiracy theory, you'll know what I'm talking about. But why am I bringing this up in the context of this segment? Folks, they are not going to lose this thing without every possible legal, illegal, immoral, and unethical effort to stop Donald Trump. They're not. And I'm just begging you as a friend, listen to me, please.


I am your friend. I promise you, I have no dog in this fight. My skin in the game is purely, purely ideological. I want to advance conservatism. I think Donald Trump's the best vehicle to do it.


More in a minute. But first, hey, before Birch, I didn't really endorse any gold companies. I didn't think there was a need to own gold, so I wouldn't recommend it to my listeners. It's just the facts. But now, with all the insanity going on, folks, I'm glad I did.


I did really well on my birch gold purchases. You know, the endless printing of money, skyrocketing national debt, global chaos, and yes, an election in November with big ramifications. So I buy gold, and I've been buying gold from birch gold for some time now. Gives me the peace of mind knowing if the bottom falls out of our economy, I have something of value to anchor me and my family. If you want that same peace of mind, you can protect your savings by diversifying into physical gold.


The coins are the bars from birch gold birch. And they'll ship it fully insured directly to your home. You already have home and auto insurance. Consider adding financial insurance with an investment in gold. To get started, just text Dan to 9898 to get a free info kit on how it works.


Moving some of your savings to gold is one thing you can do to help provide real financial security for your family. In case you ever need it. Text Dan to 989898 today. Message and data rates apply. I'm telling you right now, we have got to win this thing and they are not going to stop.


I am trying to get you mentally prepared. That way you can respond immediately on Twitter, Facebook, true social, and you are ready and that way you won't be swayed. Say you're a moderate. Some people listen to show who aren't really diehard conservatives. I don't want you to be swayed by bullshit narratives going forward.


Here's the same secretary of state in Michigan, Jocelyn Benson, issuing a just like Merrick Garland the other day, threatening people using the January 6 thing. You saw it. I played the video the other day. Here's the Michigan secretary of state again, in a not even veiled threat that you better damn well certify this election. Even if you have questions.


It's not a veiled threat she makes. It's an open one. You think they're going to go down quietly? Good luck. Check this out.


If someone were to violate the law and not certify the election at the local level, we will come for you. So any local certifier thinking of skirting the law and not certifying the vote, don't even think about it, because we'll get.


Well. You folks, again, folks in the chat, you think I'm just throwing this out there? It's a conspiracy there. Conspiracy theory from who? You just heard her say it.


She's threatened along with Merrick Garland. They are threatening you. They have to certify that. What if there's something legitimately wrong with the election? Like the vote count doesn't match up with the amount of people who showed up to vote?


You better certify it. Winky, Winky, nod, nod. We'll be cracking down on you, too. Remember January 6, folks. We're living in a police state now.


I did a whole movie on this. Entire movie on this. You're living in a police state right now, not tomorrow.


Look at this. Now, this tweet out of. Out of Brazil. The Brazilian Supreme Court going after Elon Musk now. You've got the telegram, CEO.


Now being charged, indicted in France. You get the telegram, CEO. You now got this, kid. The brazilian Supreme Court minister, Alexandre Demoras, has issued a summons for Elon Musk and threatened to ban x in Brazil in 24 hours. You think this is an accident?


That we're 60 plus days out from the most important election to overturn global elites in the swamp, their hegemonic rule over the entire globe for the last 50, 60 years? You think this is all an accident?


There isn't a single show that is going to prepare you better for what's coming in this show, folks. Be ready. This is why, again, can I say this one last time? And I'm apologizing in advance for the redundancy. But I promise you, and assure you I am deeming it absolutely critical to, to winning this election, you have got to vote early and bank your vote.


If there are problems with the machines, which there will be a, if there is a DDoS attack on election day, which I believe there may be, the DHS is already hinting at it. Whether intentional or not, they're hinting at it. If we have a Maricopa county, Arizona situation while we're at a printing paper, we can't print the ballots. If you vote early, you will have time to fix it. And for all the people reaching out to me with legitimate, I get it, legitimate, fair questions like, well, doesn't that give them time to figure out how many votes they need to cheat?


If they're going to cheat, they're going to cheat on election day two and you'll have no time to detect it. There's this hands down, a ground ball decision. Vote early. Vote early. The day the polls open, vote early.


Go to your county board of elections website. Every single county in the country has one. Everyone and you, it'll say, check voter status and you can see if they registered your vote. Screenshot it. Take a picture of it.


You would. If something happens and it says you didn't vote when you did, you now have two to three weeks, depending on how long early voting is in some states. Some states don't have a long at all. Some don't have it. You can, you can figure it out.


Please bank the vote. We can fight for a national election day with paper ballots in the, once we win, we can't now. We don't have it now. We have to fight the fight in front of us, not the fight after the fight in front of us. Because if we don't survive the fight in front of us, there is no other fight.


I'm only telling you the friend folks, I'm not vote. I'm not on the ballot. I'm not voting for myself. I'm not asking you for anything. I'm asking you to support other people.


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