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Dan Bonjino.


Welcome to the Bonjino Brief. I'm Dan Bonjino.


Trump goes out and talks to hostile audiences. He'll talk to anyone, anywhere. He doesn't need a focus group. He doesn't need cue cards. He'll talk to anyone, and people respect it. I'm not saying any politician can get away with what Trump does. They couldn't. I'm telling you right now, don't try to replicate his strategy because it's not going to work. But do you think Kamala Harris, do you really believe this? It's preposterous to even think of. But can you imagine Kamala Harris subjecting herself to an extended interview from conservative journalists in a way like that that Trump is doing to these liberal Black journalists? I'm going to put an offer out there. Folks from the Bonjito Army, I need a favor. Go on X, tag the Kamala Harris account. Cut this clip if you have to. I am promising her on my honor a fair interview. I will not interrupt her. I'll even give them the questions in advance. I'll give them 10. They can pick five. How about that? Kamala Harris is willing to come on my radio show and do just an 18-minute interview or so, I will let them pick. I'll post 10 questions.


They can pick five. I guarantee you she won't do it. Trump does it all the time. Trump goes anywhere. Urban radio, country radio, National Association of Black Journalists, South Bronx. Where's Kamala Harris going? She won't do it. So let me say, Trump's the bad guy because he talks to people who would be his natural ideological opposition, a group of journalists, Black or otherwise, who don't like him. And what? He's the one to be pillory because he said the truth? Kamala Harris She said multiple times different things to different people, depending on where she thinks she can get power from. Of course, this thing was a big W. Anyone telling you otherwise is full of shit. That's why Ellie Mistle is flipping out. He was trumped yesterday. Here's how the thing opens up. The lady goes after him right away, question number one, after delaying the guy for a half an hour and then blaming him for their delays, which, by the way, no one even knows if that was intentional or not yet. I don't trust journalists at all. Here's Donald Trump just absolutely wrecking these journalists. Check this out.


I won the case and got very little publicity. I didn't notice ABC doing any publicity on it, George.


We cover you extensively, sir. I love to move over on to different topics.


I didn't notice you do any publicity I have no capacity on it at all. I won the case, the biggest case. This is an attack on a political opponent. I have another one where I have a hostile judge- Sir, if you don't mind, I'd love to- We have you for a limited time, sir.


I'd love to move on to different topics if we can.


Excuse me, you're the one that held me up for 35 minutes, just so you understand.


You understand how this stuff... The American people generally hate journalists because they're liars. Just go out and look at any public survey on what even Democrats think. There's a substantial swath of Democrats that don't like journalists. They see Trump as the hero in this. It's amazing how many people think this was a net negative for him yesterday. They don't understand at all how he came out of this with a triple W with you.


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Here's one more clip, and I want to get to something else. Our best asset right now is Kamala, who's a total fake and a phony. He absolutely crushes this race baiting journalist trying to, again, falsely defame this guy as a racist. She has no evidence of that at all. Donald Trump has shown nothing but a history of being kind to people of all racial and ethnic groups. They're just making this up. No one ever said this in the past when he wasn't a Republican. They made it up. No, he doesn't have to take it. This is exactly how you deal with these buffoons. Watch this.


You have used words like animal and rabbit to describe black district attorneys. You've attacked black journalists, calling them a loser, saying the questions that they ask are, stupid and racist. You've had dinner with a white supremacist at your Mar-a-Laga So my question, sir, now that you are asking black supporters to vote for you, why should black voters trust you after you have used language like that?


Well, first of all, I don't think I've ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner, a first question. You don't even say, Hello, how are you? Are you with ABC? Because I think they're a fake news network, a terrible network. And I think it's disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the Black population of this country. I've done so much for the Black population of this country.


That is exactly how you deal with these people. Folks, the woman was not asking a question. So Donald Trump has no obligation whatsoever to answer her non-question. If she is going to make a political statement, then Donald Trump has every single moral and ethical right to respond with a statement of his own. That was not a question. It had a question mark at the end, but it was a declarative statement. I think you're a racist, and here's why. None of that's any evidence whatsoever of him being a racist. Again, people make mistakes and do things I'm sure he wish he could take a lot of his stuff back. There is zero evidence whatsoever. Any of those false defamatory statements she made are actually basis for a racism charge. She's just making it up. Nobody paddles right back, pickleball style, than Donald Trump. And folks, listen to me. Our best asset right Now is Kamala. You think that comment yesterday about race and everything is going to damage Trump? I'm telling you, you're reading this all wrong. You can say all you want, racist. You've said it so many times, no one's listening. That's not the point he was making.


He was making the point that this woman is a total phony. She goes in front of liberal groups, and she's a straight-up Communist. She goes in front of middle-class Union workers, and she pretends to be a moderate Democrat. Does she not realize that X and Rumbel and YouTube and truth and Facebook, these clips live on forever. She just said this stuff, ladies and gentlemen, a few years ago, not in the housey-on days of 1964. Here she was just a few years ago in this short clip because she's such an environmental lunatic. One of these green New deal, cow farting people. Here she is implying that young people shouldn't have children. This is how crazy this woman is. She's our best asset. Her. Watch.


I've heard young leaders talk with me about a term they've coined called climate anxiety. Period. Which is fear of the future and the unknown, of whether it makes sense for you to even think about having children, whether it Are you justifying the end of the human race over faux climate anxiety and fake apocalyptic predictions about the end of the Earth that your left-wing lunatic friends have told you?


The Dan Bongino Show.


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