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Dan Bongino.


Welcome to the Bongino Brief.


I'm Dan Bongino. Folks, the fallout continues and the cope is obvious on the left. The left, listen to me, please. You got me, folks. I promise you, man, I'm not good at a lot, but I'm good at this.


Well, I'm good at something, but not a lot. I promise you we're good at this.


Nobody analyzes these idiots better than me. I sat there on advances with these left wing staffers in two Democratic White Houses. You I hear them talk. I ran for office in a deep blue state. I lived in a deep blue state. I have been surrounded by left-wing commis, socialist, forever. By election themes, by losers, commis, socialist, collectivists, lazy bums. I get them. I can read them. Trust me, the smart ones on the left absolutely know they effed up big time. They know it. What matters in politics? Polling, money, activists, volunteers. Donald Trump has never had a better weekend. I'm going to show you some of the poll stuff coming up later. But how do we know? How do we know a tactic or a narrative is benefiting us and not benefiting them. Chad, how do we know? Okay, we measure the reaction of the left. If the left thought this was such a tremendous success, they would be out there advertising how wonderful and fantastic Fantastic and awesome as is, and some are, to be clear. But the other ones are realizing this is backfiring quick. So what they're trying to do is contain our reaction because a volcano went off last week.


On 5:30, 2024. A volcano went off. So they are desperate to contain the reaction, the social media posts, the commentary, people like me, people like Avita, people like Rachel, people People like Pete Hegset, people like some of the Fox crew, some of the Newsmax crew, Mark Levin. They got to put a lid on it. So what's the way they put a lid on conservative reaction in the past? You guessed it. Claim the reaction is racist. The problem is, they've done that so many times. Everybody on the right is like, You guys are full of shit. We know this is some simple defense mechanism. You guys are using, to get away from the obvious, that you're freaking commy scumbags, okay? Here we go. Cut number one. Jamal Bowman, the fire alarm guy, were the dumbest human being up in Congress outside of AOC and Dan Goldman, which would make him the third dumbest, so my math may be a little off, but you get the point. Here he is. This is how you know this thing is blown up in their faces. They're going right to the racist card. If you dare criticize Twinkie's Alvin Bragg, check this out.


We, as Democrats, have to get Alvin Bragg back, and we need to speak out about that. We need to surround our brother, especially the Congressional Black Caucus and Black Democratic leaders from across this country. We need to surround him because since the very beginning, They were mischaracterizing him, calling him out his name and being racist as hell to Alan Bragg. I know I deal with it directly. The last thing I want to say is this is why elections matter. I don't want to hear this crap about your vote doesn't I'm going to stay home and all this nonsense in November. If you stay home and you do not exercise the power of your vote, you are giving your power to white supremacist.


Just This rule applies every single time. Gage your response on their reaction whenever they go to the race card. Listen, if anything was legitimate racism, obviously, we call it out because we're actually the party of Constitutional Liberties for All, not the bullshit lefties who can't stand Black voters. They've always treated Black voters like a spreadsheet, always. However, when they start pulling the fake race card out, which is 99.99 100% of the time, you know what you're doing is right. Folks, they are terrified right now. This is important tactically, we don't let this go. Here, can I be candid with you for a minute?


Well, of course, that's my job, right? Listen to me.


We're in trouble. Big trouble, okay? The left is counting on the steam to get out of the pot, that we're going to turn the temperature down and the water is going to stop boiling. They pulled this in Mar-a-Lago, they pulled it with the mug shot, and they feel like each time they push the window a little bit more open to let all the thief in, right? They feel like they push it open. They feel like, you know what? Your anger is going to dissipate. It is not. Don't let it. Stay on top of this story and remind every single person what they're voting for in November. I want you to watch how this is even backed up. Excuse me. Just destroyed their credibility, even in a Black community. If you haven't heard of this show, you guys know what the Breakfast Club is? Very, very popular Morning radio show, podcast. Guys, Charlamagne is over there. He's got a crew with them in the morning. Un unbelievably popular show, hugely popular in the Black and Hispanic community. Guys got an amazing audience. I want you to listen to this caller who calls the show. This is blowing up in their face.


And it proves my point. People who feel effed over by the system. It's not a Black thing. It's not a white thing. It's not a race thing. It's people who feel effed over by the system. That's a lot of people, from people fighting for grazing rights out West to the inner-city kid who feels like he's being harassed by the system. It's not a race thing. They found a message in Donald Trump being prosecuted for bullshit. Don't listen to me. Listen to them. Check this out. Come on, brother.


Bs TK.


What up, Charlamagne? What up, Jeff?


What up?


What's your thoughts, brother?


Well, I'm going to tell you, man, I feel like Trump got that day dirty. I don't trust the system at all. You know what I mean? Especially being through the system. I'm going to say when I called yesterday about that dog situation. So it's like, after you've been railroaded by this system and you see that when you walk in the courtroom, they want you to be guilty, you're going to be guilty. I don't got no trust in that process at all. You know what I mean? I rock with Trump. I I feel like he's way better than Biden.


Folks, data points matter, man. This isn't a science class, but data points matter, okay? You may say, Oh, I get this all the time from morons on the left who have no idea what they're talking about. They just keep putting this mask in front of their face with no eye holes. They go, Oh, that's just an anecdote. It's just an anecdote. That's just a single subject, just a single person. It doesn't matter. It's all going to wash out in the end. Folks, how many singles... The whole idea of a sample size is a bunch of single subjects starting to add up over time. How many more of these are you going to deny? Let me ask you a question. It's just one Black voter. Remember when Mitt Romney and McCain were running? Folks, Justin, you're not that old. You remember that. Evita, you remember right back in the day. When they were running, if there was a single Black voter in a blue area, you could get on tape publicly professing their support for the pathetic Mitt Romney. It would have been a huge deal. It happened, but it It was rare. It was rare.


These stories are everywhere. You show up in the South Bronx and thousands of people show up for Trump. I love that the left is like, No, don't talk. If Again, if you're a Black voter out there, Biden said it straight, You don't vote for me. You ain't Black. Think about that. You need to go to Biden for your street cred or something. Your entire racial identity is contingent on what Joe buy, fake civil rights act. We have that later in the show, right? That's coming up. I'm sorry, this guy like...


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That's promo code dan at brickhausnutrition. Com/dan, Folks, here's another one.


And since I put this up, this is just a news story. Since I put this up, the only reason I've even put it up now is because it's already outdated. Does data matter to you? Trump campaign raises over 50 million after New York criminal trial verdict. Let's get that out of the show because it's not even relevant. It's now closer to $300 million. Why does that matter? Listen, from a cat who's run for office, okay? People who donate, vote. People who donate how much? It doesn't matter, bro. People who donate, vote. I hate stupid stories, but when I first started running, I had almost no donors. Running for Senate, nobody knows who I am. We did This money bomb thing. I think we had 150 people donate $20 or less. I sat in my Chevy Tahoe in my driveway, and I called every single person because it was quiet in there. I called every person that donated myself because you got to put down your contact info. True story. They had just heard of me. I wasn't on TV, radio, anything like that. They were like, Man, I heard that speech.


I don't know where it was, right scoop or whatever.


They said, I really like what you're about. I am definitely voting. These are people who donated $2.50, $5, $10. They are voting. They are voting. You think the left doesn't know this? The guy raised $300 million. Where do you think it came from? Casper, the freaking friendly ghost? It came from people. Okay, We'll get ahead of ourselves. We still got to show up. 10, 10, and 10. You bring 10 people with you. You email 10 people. You make 10 social media posts before November. There's no negotiating that. I'm sorry, I can't be cute about it. You want to win? Look, you said, well, as me, Trump raised more than 200 million in three days. Folks, the contrasts are everywhere. Take away number one from this show, and don't you forget it, people who donate vote. That's why these donor lists matter. Can I say something? It may be a little unpopular here, but I saw a lot of people complaining this weekend, Oh, they're texting me and stuff. I get it, folks. The text are, I'm totally with you. Point stipulated. I'm not arguing that. We got to save the country. You can just thinking, really, being on these lists so that they can contact you and potentially raise more money is important.


It's not my money. I don't get anything from it. It's not mine. It's important we save the country, and money matters. Anybody telling you otherwise is full of shit. Folks, the contrast this weekend were insane. What?


No, what was the buy-line? Put it up again.


The former president...


Oh, my gosh.


The former president's son, Justin just pointed, says, The byline, I don't know, revealed that 70 million from small donations. You have any idea how many people that is? If that was $1 a person, it isn't. That's a shit ton of votes, man. Not a dollar a person, but you get the point. Even if it's $10 a person and it's seven million people, or by Brian William's math, $740 trillion. It's a lot of votes, man. You just heard the Dan Bongino show..