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Dan Bongino. Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino. Folks, the world is a really dangerous place. It has been since we've been Homo sapiens, sapiens. People engage in violence. War is perpetual. People want to kill each other. I wish they didn't. If men were angels, but We're not. People want to kill us. There are nuclear-powered enemies of the United States that would do absolutely anything to make us go away. Folks, perception is reality. People overseas has have to perceive us as being the biggest, baddest military in the world. You may say, Oh, but we are. It doesn't matter that we are. What matters is that people see that. You can be this big, jacked up, huge bodybuilder-looking type in a bar. I got news for you. Some of those guys are the worst fighters out there. They gas out in about 10 seconds. You give them one punch in the nose and they fall on their faces. But you get one of these guys that's like the smashing machine, Mark Kerr, back in the day, who was big and badass or like a Brock Lesner. You're not going to mess with them. Why? Because the perception is reality.


I've objectively seen those guys fight, and I don't want to tussle with them because I'm going to lose badly and I may get dead. The world's laughing at us right now.


They're laughing at us.


We are dangerously diminished around the world. This case is happening in New York, and they put the former president, probably the next president, in some dingy courtroom with some porn star talking about allegations of and just salacious sexual details, completely irrelevant to this trial at all, is absolutely ridiculous. The fact that this judge and this grace to humankind, a guy who has no business being on the bench. I'm going to say to Judge Murchon, I want you to listen to me right now, the judge in the Twinkies case, I'm embarrassed for you. You're a disgrace, and you disgust me. I know as a conservative in front of your courtroom that you have been entrusted with a sacred duty, my freedom, if I committed some crime in New York. I have zero doubt that even if I was objectively 100% innocent of said crime, zero doubt you would slant the trial to make sure I went to prison. That's what I think of you. I say that you disgrace the humankind because you may be thinking, Oh, Dan, you'd do the same thing if Joe Biden is in front of you. You can go yourself, okay?


Double barrel, middle finger. I I put my ass on the line for Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. They were Democrat presidents. I politically couldn't stand. I went out and did my job because I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and that oath mattered. So you can take that, roll it up in a ball, and shove it up your ass. You don't know what you're talking about. Judge on doesn't live by the code we live by or I live by because he's a loser. Judge Merchan is a hard core Democrat, activist who will do anything to hurt Donald Trump. And he saw an opportunity to put this porn star on the stand and make Donald Trump look stupid in front of the whole country. And what happened? He made himself look stupid as she melted down on cross-examination. It was so bad, as a matter of fact, that the judge, after she embarrassed herself, wondered why the Trump team didn't object. You let this woman go on the stand, totally irrelevant to the trial because you hate Trump. She She then embarrasses you, and then you criticize the Trump team for not objecting.


Miranda Devine summed this up beautifully in a tweet. She says, How are you going to argue with this crazy judge logic? Murchon refuses to strike out the Stormy Daniels' details before she testified as Trump's lawyer has requested because he wants to basically hurt Trump. Then Murchon criticizes Trump lawyers for not objecting enough when she testifies. You're probably thinking to yourself, This can't be real. It is. Merchon is slightly allowed in material whose only purpose is to embarrass Trump, and then after the fact, pretends for the jury that, Oh, look, I don't approve of this. The guy is full of shit. More in a minute, but first.


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I want you to read this from the New York Times. The transcript of this is embarrassing. They note that the defense team moved to strike much of the Stormy Daniels testimony, and Murchon let it in. The judge bristles at this statement. She says, this is Trump's lawyer, that they were under the impression the prosecutors were doing what Murchon allowed during questioning Merchon disagrees. Murchon adds, I was surprised that there were no more objections, admonishing the defense team, Trump's lawyers. The defense has to take some responsibility for that, the judge says. Do you believe this shit? Folks, I want you to understand. This case has nothing to do with any sex acts, salacious sex stories, any of that stuff. It has to do with an allegation of a falsified business record, which no one is yet to prove or even remotely prove. That the business record was a payment that ended up in this woman's pocket is not relevant to the crime at all. I could give you a thousand different stories. When I was working counterfeit cases with the Secret Service, an element of the crime passing counterfeit is not that you knew it was counterfeit, because then everybody's just going to say in court, Oh, I didn't know.


And then you'd get off. That's not an element. So them talking in court endlessly about what you would do in the day before and That you were in court, say, you were in your house designing whatever art thing. Oh, look, he's good at art. He could have counterfeited me. It's not relevant. They're just making this whole thing up. This case is total bullshit. How bad was it? In case you think I'm just subjectively here, biased towards Donald Trump, which I am. I am a supporter of Donald Trump. But I'm telling you, someone who was involved in the criminal justice system, when you were in court I'm just testifying. It has to be relevant to the charge at hand. I can't bring your kindergarten teacher in to say, Oh, look, Johnny was a really bad kid in kindergarten. We gave him detention. It has nothing to do with the crime at hand. This would go on all day these trials. This is how bad it was. When you lose CNN, they're worse than MSNBC. There's a guy who works over there who was on camera doing his... You know what I mean on camera. Remember the shake weight?


Tony, remember the shake weight? You guys get where I'm going with this? They have a guy over there who works out with the shake weight, if you know what I mean. He's shaken, just not to wait. This is CNN. They only have this guy under because he hates Trump. Cnn had to acknowledge yesterday. This thing was a total debacle for the prosecution team in Twinkies.


Check this out.


Jury's, Casey. Just one thing that I've been noticing as this has gone on is that there have been a couple of times where she seems to be cracking a joke, trying to get a reaction from the jury. Our reporters in the room have noted that the jury hasn't seemed to respond to that. No, they're taking their job seriously. What do you make of that? Humor is risky in the courtroom, especially if you go in with lines. It looks like stormy. If something It happens spontaneously. If an easel falls over, people will laugh. They're human. But it's never going to work. If you go in there like, I'm going to amuse the jury. I'm going to say this clever thing.


Folks, this case should have been tossed on mistrial yesterday. Listen, man, I don't want to sound like I'm trying to be a know-it-all, but I've been through quite a few trials and trial preps, both in cases for business and in law enforcement. I'm not a lawyer. I don't pretend to be I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. I'm not a poser. But I promise you, I've been through this quite a bit. You have to be really, really careful in a trial that everything you say and do is relevant. Because here's the deal. You've got a jury, right? The jury's sitting there. If you're bringing up stuff constantly, completely unrelated to the case, like what happened with Stormy Daniels, and the judge is smashing you down, objection, not relevant, sustained, objection, not relevant, sustained, objection, not relevant, sustained, you look in the eyes of the jury like an absolute tool who's just reaching for something. You got to remember, perception is reality. I was talking about it before in terms of our national strength in our military, an unintended segue. But in court, it's the same way. If you are a defense attorney or a prosecutor, and you are constantly getting smacked down by the judge, you look like a moron.


Yesterday, this is what happened with this Stormy Daniels. It just got off on a tangent where I got to believe even the most biased juror is sitting there going, I don't understand what the point to all this is. Is this like a 1-800 triple X soft porn session? Where we're talking about a sex story? Can you imagine what the rest of the world is thinking right now? I mean, if you're Xi Jinping and Putin right now, you got to be sitting there, Guys, am I crazy? You got to be sitting there like this, like with a stogie, just smoking like, Bro, this is great. The collapse of an empire right before our eyes, and we didn't have to do shit. Of course, the motion for a mistrial was denied because the judge is a crazy person. The guy is crazy. I have zero respect for this guy. Zero. Because of what I did in the past. Folks, I couldn't stand Obama. But I promise you, with every single fiber and ounce of my being, I did my job the best I could. The best I could. I never reared, I never said anything about politics.


I kept my political personal life separate from that, and I did my job. I was one of the few guys on that detail who was a lead advance because I did my job and I never aird my political feelings. Some of you may object to that. That's fine. I don't. I swore an oath to do something, and my word matters. This judge is totally, completely incapable of doing his job, and he has as important a job as I had. My job was keep this guy alive behind you, this president. I don't care what his politics are. You keep this guy alive. This guy's job, as you see this guy behind you, Donald Trump, or sitting in front of you in this case, his freedom is in your hands. Your job is to act like a public A servant and a dignified human being. What this guy is doing is absolutely disgusting. For those yesterday who doubted, very few of you, to be candid, but some still doubt that they're preparing to throw this guy in jail. I'd check this story out by Emma Colton at Fox. New York versus Trump. Mayor Eric Adams says, Rikers Island is prepared if Trump is sentenced to jail.


I don't know what's going It's not going to happen, folks. I'm not the Stigian witches. Give me the eye. I'm not. I can't predict if you... I'm just telling you right now, you better get ready. Get ready. And if I were to Trump team, I would make sure to get a picture of him behind bars in that prison jumps. It'll be the most iconic photograph of all time this election will be over. You better get ready for it because Trump's ready for it. The judge gives exactly zero shits. The judge is a straight-up tyrant, and this thing is going to get ugly real fast. And I expect as this case gets worse for the defense, because after yesterday, you realize the whole case now revolves around Michael Cohen. It completely fell apart yesterday. This Stormy Daniels said two completely contradictory things. She said she wasn't in any of this for the money. I want you to think about this. She says, I'm not in it for the money. I just wanted to tell the public my story about Donald Trump. The next question was, then why did you sign a nondisclosure to not disclose it for money?


Tony, does that make sense? Justin? Let me say, If Justin comes in one day and I'm stealing something from the studio, it's mine. But pretend it isn't. I'm stealing the, I support the current income. And I go, Justin, don't tell Dan. He's like, Don't tell Dan. We're going to sign an NDA. And then Justin goes, Hey, I just wanted to get the story out. Well, why did you take the money to not get the story out? Those stories can't be true. She totally screwed this case up. She was a disaster. So much so, like I said, CNN is starting to notice it. This was a debacle. The entire case now revolves around Michael Cohen. It's already a guy who cannot seem to get his story straight ever. I love Donald Trump. I hate Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a generous guy. Donald Trump is not a generous guy. The guy's story changes every 10 seconds. The first question out of their mouth to Michael Cohen is going to be, were you lying then or are you lying now? This case is a dog, an absolute dog. I got one more cut from CNN next, again, showing you how bad this thing got yesterday.


Here's what it came down to at the end of her testimony. Basically, I know you are, but what am I? Tony, remember when we were kids? I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but This is what it was yesterday. You think I'm joking? Wait till I play this CNN clip next. This is what it came down to yesterday. This is how bad this case is. They're laughing at us. They are laughing at us. Putin's probably sitting there with the nuclear thing right now. He's like an X-wing fighter, just getting ready for this thing to get any worse.


Morons. What an embarrassing day for the United States.


Not for us. You guys should be proud. We've been warning them for these liberal absolute goons. One more thing for you. Sorry, but I don't mean to... I'm just really pissed today, as you can tell, but in a good way because I know this is just falling apart for them. Get the hell out of liberal states as soon as you can. No more excuses. I love you. I get a thousand... I'm going to stay and fight. There's nothing to fight. It's over. Go to a swing state or a red state. It is over. There are times in battle when you tactically retreat. Those states are done. You have nothing. You don't have judges, you don't have politicians. No one will protect you. Get out as soon as you can. The Dan Bongino Show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to the Dan Bongino Show wherever you get your podcast.