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This is insane.


As of 2024, it's been reported that the interest we pay on the national debt has surpassed every budget item except Social Security. That's why concerned savers are turning to gold, something not tied to the inflated US dollar.


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Dan Bongino. Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino. I've been asking that question all of you for a long time. When is bad enough, bad enough? That eyes are open, then To the blind last night who now see and woke up this morning to a different country. Welcome to the Revolution. We've been here for a long time on this little battlefield. Glad to see you join us. You may be late, but it's good to see you nonetheless. Folks, the Republic is dead. I need you all to accept that. It's sad I have to say that. I say it with no sense of glee, obviously. But I'm obligated to tell you the truth. The Republic, as you know, it is dead. It is no more. Now it's time to rebuild. It's not time to bitch and moan and cry and sit in a corner and shit in a diaper and pretend none of this happened. It's time to rebuild it. There's nowhere else to go. You're not going to flee to Mexico or Canada. There's nowhere else to go. This is your land. This is your country. It's where you grew up. It's where you earned.


It's the military many of you built and served in. Taxes you, sadly, had to pay to build all these roads. This is yours. This isn't these scumbags up there and what they did in this bullshit system.


Let me tell you something, you are under absolutely no obligation whatsoever. Matter of fact, I would ask you, kindly leave the movement if you insist on accepting this, that it's the rule of law and order, and we should accept justice. This isn't justice. This is getting fucked. You ever see the movie Primal Fear?


There's a line in that movie. It's fascinating. Says, You want justice? Go to a whore house. You want to get fucked? Go to court. That's a movie. I'm sitting there last night and I'm talking this friend of mine. I was out of the house. I never get out of the house during the week, but I had to do something last night. And the other friend comes in and says, There's a verdict. I said, No, they just sent the jury home. She said, No, there's a verdict. So I rushed out in my car and I turned on the news channel to listen live. Guilty on 34 counts, 34 fabricated bullshit counts. Ladies and gentlemen, if you accept this exit stage left, this isn't for you. Because what's ahead is not going to be pretty. It's going to be a rebuilding process. And I want to send a message out there to the liberal commy fuckwads out there By the way, if the language isn't for you today, my apologies, but there are other streams. I'm just warning you now. This ain't for kids. To the liberal commy fuckwads out there, Laugh all you want. I know you're out there celebrating, drinking your Shablil, whatever fancy drinks and cocktails you're all sitting around with your bow ties on celebrating.


But let me tell you something, mom, we all know this about you. You're all a bunch of pussies, and we know that. We know that. You know that, too. Your mommy's still wiping you up after you took a shit in your diaper. We all know who you are. Sitting there in your college campuses with your lattes and your laptop screaming about the intafada or how much you hate capitalism. We know who you are. Most of you never serve for a cause bigger than yourself a day in your entire life. Are you sure you're ready for what's ahead? Because what's ahead now in this place we're going to rebuild is an actual constitutional Republic with a new set of rules, the rules you seem to like.


And to any Republican lawmaker out there who's sitting on your ass thinking, Oh, we'll send out some mean tweets or something like that.


There are two sides going forward. There are the useful idiots who are actually part of this socialist movement, and they claim our Republican label. I'll show you what I mean coming up in a minute.


Then there are people who understand the fights ahead, the Sean Davises, the Julie Kellys of the world, the team over at the Federalist who now understands. The only thing I'm interested going forward, now that we've got this new Republic that they want, is to feed them their own Ipikak. It's now okay to go after your political opponents using strange interpretations of laws you invented?


Ladies and gentlemen, all I want to know is what Democrats who actually broke the law, actually broke the law, are getting locked up next.


That's all I want to hear, fuck sticks. It's all I want to hear. Everyone understand.


More in a minute, but first. We recently had monumental news that no one's talking about.


For the first time in our history, it's been reported that the interest we pay on the national debt surpassed every individual budget item except Social Security. That's right, the US now spends more on interest than on national defense or even Medicare.


It's only getting worse as big government continues to spend like drunken sailors.


That's why savvy investors, central banks, and concerned savers are turning to gold, something not tied to the inflated US dollar. You can, too, with the help of Birch Gold, B-I-R-C-H. For over 20 years, Birch Gold Group has helped thousands of Americans protect their savings by converting an IRA of 401k into an IRA in physical gold.


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Folks, I want to make one quick point. I'm going to play some audio yesterday. Donald Trump's response. I'm going to play about a minute of it yesterday when he got out of court. I think all of you sat there stunned. This was one of those moments I was not alive, obviously, with the JFK assassination, but my mother said the world stopped when it happened. I remember Reagan getting shot. I was in a Buster Brown store, trying on new shoes. I also remember the space shuttle when it exploded in the sky. I also remember the Mar-a-Lago raid. Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday was one of those days the world stopped and forever we're going to tell our kids the day the United States changed for the worst. Here's where I was, here's what I did.


But here's how we fixed it.


There's no giving up. There's no time to take your toys and run from the sandbox. I get it. I'm with you. This system is fucked. It is done. We need to rebuild it. The Republic is dead. You are 100% correct. But it's no time to give up. I am certainly not giving them shit. I built and I own. I worked for this house. I worked for my stuff. I worked for this land. I worked for this community. I am not giving it up to a bunch of scumbag tyrants. And you're not either. I'm not allowing it. He was really pissed off and indignant, Donald Trump, yesterday. And good for him after he exited the courtroom after this Sham trial, bullshit verdict.


Check this out.


This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. It's a rigged trial, a disgrace. They wouldn't give us a venue change. We were at 5% or 6% in this district, in this area. This was a rigged, disgraceful trial. The real verdict is going to be November fifth by the people, and they know what happened here, and everybody knows what happened here. You have a soarist back DA, and the whole thing, we didn't do a thing wrong. I'm a very innocent man, and it's okay. I'm fighting for our country. I'm fighting for our Constitution. Our whole country is being being raped right now. This was done by the Biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent. I think it's just a disgrace. We'll keep fighting. We'll fight till the end and we'll win because our country has gone to hell. We don't have the same country anymore. We have a divided mess. We're a nation in decline, serious decline. Millions and millions of people pouring into our country right now from prisons and from mental institutions, terrorists, and they're taking over our country. We have a country that's in big trouble.


But this was a rigged decision right from day one with a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case. Never. We will fight for our Constitution. This is long from over. Thank you very much.


Folks, he said in our interview the other day that he's honored to be in this fight. He didn't say he was pissed off about it, although he is. He said he was honored.


He understands this fight that he's emblematic of the fight against all of you.


He totally gets it.


I think he's never been as laser-focused on what matters in this upcoming election.


I don't. I've never seen him like this.


He understands what's at stake right now. Please don't think for a second. This insane, deranged, conflicted, whose family got rich judge in New York will not put this guy in jail. You are crazy. They scheduled the sentencing hearing just days before the RNC. Do you think that was an accident? I saw someone in the chat. I'm sorry, I can't see it's going so quick. I can't scroll back, but someone said, I ain't leaving.


You're damn right, I ain't leaving. You're doing the freaking Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall Street.


I ain't leaving either. The Republic is dead. It died yesterday. That's obvious. The Republic had a set of rules, man. It was like a club. It had clubhouse rules. Clubhouse Rules. Clubhouse Rules said, Don't steal the freaking Nutri-Grain bars or whatever. Someone came in and stole them. Therefore, the rules didn't matter. Someone has to be kicked out, and you're going to have to reinforce a new set of rules. We're a club. We're the greatest club in the history of humankind. It's called Being a United States citizen. That club is dead. It died. It's time for new rules and a new club. It's not time to forfeit the damn tree house because some assholes stole the freaking protein bars. I ain't leaving either. And I'm not suggesting, it's not a holier than now thing, folks, please. I love you, man.


I live and die with you guys. I actually saw very little of this yesterday. Very little.


Sometimes bad news happens and I go to my email or Facebook or Truth Social, and I'll read people like, Dan, I'm done. I got to tell you, folks, I don't remember seeing one of those. It's why I said to you, the energy is different. You know it, you feel it. Folks, listen to me, man. They know they fucked up yesterday. The smart ones, the moron dumb commy fuckwad liberals, they're They're out there in the streets banging pots and pans. They have no idea what they let loose yesterday. They have no idea because they're fucking stupid. That's why they're liberals. The smart ones, did you notice a slightly muted response? Slightly muted. Why? Because the smart tactical liberals, the institutional commies, they know damn well that they stuck that stick right in the bear's eyes, and they're like, Shit, what do we do now? You think they're dumb? Trump raised $35 million from small donors alone. No one even knows what the Super PAC numbers are yet. You don't think they see what's going on on Twitter? You don't think they see all the people calling in the urban radio, going they did Trump 30? You don't think they're hearing this?


Celebrate now, you liberal commy fuck wads.


Celebrate all you want.


Enjoy this moment.


Enjoy it. It's like I told the YouTube scumbags when they told me, Enjoy Every second of it is like, Turn around and build something new to bury you dipshits. Enjoy this now. You have no idea what's coming because we are going to be licking up your delicious tears, licking them up on election day.


Folks, of course, Joe Biden and his team were entirely behind this. Did you happen to notice the guy standing off to Twinkie's shoulder, this obese slob up in New York? I did my job. You did. You did. As a useful fucking idiot for the Communist Socialists who wanted to destroy the Republic. Yes, you did it. You did it, Porky. Look off his shoulder. Who's that, folks? Anybody Anybody know? Chat. Who knows?


Avida, you know who that is?


That's Matthew Calangelo. What's that? He was the number three official in Joe Biden's Justice Justice Department, who left to go prosecute basically a traffic ticket case up in New York involved Donald Trump. Oh, look at that. Even Google says it. A former... No. That's the guy, Guy. Guy, you got to look that up.


He's like, Who is Look at that.


Matthew Calangelo, Google, left wing scroogel, a former Senior Biden Justice Department official who is a lead attorney in the political prosecution of President Trump with Porky. Go back to the picture one more time. Oh, look, that's the same guy. That's the same guy.


How did you do?


Is that AI? How did you do?


You figured that out.


That's the same guy. So when left wing media outlets say, It's the rule of law, and you should respect it, you should respond back with...


Do we have another wooden hand? Oh, here. You want to get those?


For those who don't So my middle thought, this is five.


I have foot like orangutans feet right now with a big... There you go. Except you think we're going to accept this?


Here, we haven't ripped these out in a long time. Here, it's time for you to develop grapefruits. These are not edible grapefruits. These are like grapefruits. We're accepting nothing because this isn't real. This is fake, Sham, Soviet bullshit. We accept nothing. One more thing let me throw out there because this is important. Tell me if you all agree, Evita. Any outlet, conservative or otherwise, that refers to Donald Trump as a convicted felon moving forward. Turn it off immediately.


Thank you. She's good with that.


I hear on one conservative outlet, convicted felon. Channel goes right off. He is not a convicted felon. He's a victim of a deep state Sham trial. That's it. You hear me? Chat, are we in? Channel goes right off.


channel goes right I want to show you something else coming up. I'm sorry for... I appreciate your patience with the spots. We're not going to be running any more spots after this. We're going to go straight through to 12. That's why we started early. We want to take the Donald Trump press conference in full where we can react to it. I had to be here for you today, folks. There's a lot going on. I want to show you two articles back to back, one by the great staff at the Federalist, one of the only outlets out there. Gee, where's the grapefruit that has the freaking balls and grapefruits necessary? Evita, you know something about these people, right?


Oh, my gosh. I didn't even know that. The Federalist, Balls of Steel. They know exactly the fight going on right now. And then you've got this clown at the Washington Examiner, and you'll see the difference. Ladies and gentlemen, pick aside.


Pick aside because they're coming for you next. The Dan Bongino Show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to the Dan Bongino Show wherever you get your podcast.