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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. You know how you can tell when the Democrats and their liberal media allies are losing an argument when they start making up absolutely ridiculous talking points that are parroted verbatim by their liberal media friends? Now, there are some honest journalists out there doing some good work. I'll get to one in a minute who actually called the Biden team out of this.


But the filling of the seat of Ruth Bader Ginsburg with Amy back at the hearings started today is driving the Democrats insane and their talking points. I'm not kidding. Have degenerated into sheer, complete, utter madness. I've got that today. I've also got a fascinating new connection by another liberal media guy who's done some honest journalism and has done a lot of it in the past hour. And Matt Bai, who wrote a piece about Nancy Pelosi, who has some pretty heavy financial ties to members of her family.


To who? Oh, crowd strike. Yes. Crowd strike. Where's crowd strike from? All right. That's the company that said the DNC servers were hacked by the Russians despite not knowing the DNC servers were hacked by the Russians. Really, really, really weird how that always goes down. Happy Columbus Day to everyone as a half Italian, half Irish, German, Englishman by the name of Dan Bongino, always proud of Columbus Day, one of the great explorers in human history.


Happy Columbus Day to everyone out there, guys. Joe said, go visit your local Columbus statue before the lunatics tear it down, please. Happy Columbus Day, folks. All right. Welcome to Dan Bongino. Saturday show brought to you by Express VPN. Ladies and gentlemen, get a VPN today. Protect your online activity from prying eyeballs. Get a VPN to express VPN. Dotcom Bongino welcome producer. Joe, how are you today?


Fine, sir, I, I'm doing so well. I'm glad to be here. Things are going nicely. Should I say so. Yes.


Great. Yes. Yeah. We had a stellar week last week against audience in the business.


Thank you again for my book. You guys and ladies out there were amazing. I did no PR and that get to the book and a little later, but I did no PR because obviously the medical procedure last week on the book when it launched couldn't have been worse timing. You drove it to number three on Amazon. It's going down again, will probably be number one by today. My new book, Follow the Money. I'll talk about that in a little bit, too.


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Right. So let's go. I'm going to hit the cannibal two and shout out to Kenny.


All right. Sorry, Kenny. We like to Kenny Bell. You just got to stop. The Kenny Balladur thing will go on forever. So one day the technical bell works the Kenny Bell and if you had it, that then goes on forever. You have to like, put your hands on it. Stop it. Thanks to the other person who sent me the bell to, you know, who you are. Get a whole bunch of bells and we're out of we're out of bell space, unfortunately, folks.


But thank you for everything. OK, so, you know, the Democrats are losing an argument when they start degenerating at the total hysterics. You know, Brent Cavanough farted once in high school. He had a beer and he might have thrown up from the beer. Therefore, he should be on the Supreme Court. Remember those remember the Julie Sweatiness allegations on NBC? Julie Swanwick We made our outrageous allegations so absurd they can only make it on live air at NBC because no credible news station would air them.


So NBC, the the the basically the the onion of media companies outside of the air that. So we're getting to that point now as the Democrats slowly realize there's almost nothing they can do to stop the confirmation hearings of. Connie Barrett, if you're wondering what I'm looking at, I'm looking at the dog who is like sniffing around, what is she doing over there? Lucy, Lucy away from the family she's preparing. So here's the Democrats to new arguments that they launched this weekend to stop the Republicans from filling the vacated seat due to the death of Ruth Bader Guinot vacated.


But to Ginsburg that the new arguments for this Joe get ready argument number one. Yeah, the filling of a Supreme Court seat, according to a constitutional process, is heretofore unconstitutional. And you have to say that almost like an English knight kind of way, like something out of Braveheart, the feeling of a constitutional seat is heretofore unconstitutional because then it makes it sound at least somewhat serious. And if you're laughing right now saying, wait, just to be clear on this, I'm not picking this up.


So the Constitution, which clearly delineates the process, the president nominates someone, the Senate gives their advice and consent to the nomination that I'm going through, this is somehow unconstitutional. I'm Jake Tapper from CNN. Had enough of that to which is fascinating because even CNN is like No. One. So that's talking point number one. The filling of the seat is unconstitutional. The second one, which shockingly is even dumber because you're like, that's not possible.


If there was a one to 10 scale, a dumb like we're already at a nine point six, seven two, it's really hard to supersede that. We actually have this is a nine point seven six seven seven two that they're new talking point as well as the filling of the seat is packing the court. Now. That remember that as it was, it was some of on Carrie Severino, who's really great on Fox this morning after me, and she said, you know, remember that line from The Princess Bride?


I don't think that means what you think it means. Well, court packing, ladies and gentlemen, means adding justices to the Supreme Court when we have had nine justices for only one hundred and fifty years, just a little little, a little bit amounted to one hundred. One hundred and fifty years, not 150 minutes, 150 years. Court packing always has always meant adding to those nine justices to basically destroy the court. Why? Because if you're going to add justices every time you win a presidential election and win control of the chambers of Congress, you need to do it.


Then the opposing party is going to do the same thing, so you'll go from nine to 11 to 13 to twenty one to fifty seven to one hundred and fifty seven to what, a thousand five hundred and fifty seven. You're destroying the court. The legitimacy of it goes out the window immediately. That's why court packing has been a total no go for credible people from both parties. No matter what happens for one hundred and fifty years. Even FDR, when he mentioned court packing, was shut down by who?


His own party. The Democrats were like, that's really dumb. Let's get to the first argument first is a great clip is Jake Tapper from CNN. He has a Biden flack Kate. Cape Fear, I don't even know her Bedingfield Benefield cares, she goes on the air and tries to tries to steamroll even like I say, even CNN has had enough of this and tries to steamroll over Tapper and make this point that following the constitutional process to fill an unquestionably open seat, Ruth Bader Ginsburg did in fact, die over tragic.


That may be the seat is open. How this is unconstitutional. Why watch this? Just hilarity ensues. Check this out.


But he said it's not constitutional what they're doing. How is it not constitutional, what they're doing?


His point is that the people have an opportunity to weigh in on this constitutional process through their vote. And we are now in the midst of the election. Millions of people have already cast their votes. And you see that the vast majority of people say that they want the person who wins the election on November 3rd to nominate the justice. That's a poll that's not the Constitution, but by trying to by trying to that that is there there is the constitutional process of advise and consent.


The American people get to have their say by voting for president, by voting for senators. We are now twenty three days from the election, but it's not going to constitute millions of millions of votes, millions of votes there being voters are being denied their constitutional right to have a say in this process. They elected trying to ram through, are trying to ram through a nominee who, by the way, is going to change the makeup of the court.


And we see time and time again, poll after poll shows that most Americans vehemently disagree with this. That's how the vote should happen on November 3rd. That's not what the word that means. That institutional doesn't mean I like it or I don't like it. It means it's according to the US Constitution, there's nothing unconstitutional about what the US Senate is doing.


Mosi. I always have to go with some movie. Paula, what's the movie with the bachelor party when they leave the guy up on the roof? Come on, what's the joke? The movie, Brad, whatever his name from the singer movie, The Worst with pop culture, The Hangover. Hangover, I remember that.


I remember the scene that the dopey cousin or whatever guy she is, it's unconstitutional. Jake's like, wait, why? Like, I like you even like this at CNN shutting this down. Like, really, dude, this is unconstitutional. The filling of a Supreme Court seat, according to the constitutional process. This is so stupid. They can't even take it to like Kate. You really this doesn't mean you're Jake at the end. This doesn't mean unconstitutional.


What you think it means. You may not like it. I don't blame you. Honestly, I wouldn't like it either if I were a Republican or a Democrat and this was going to I wouldn't like something like about it. You know what? I didn't like Joe. I didn't like Obamacare. I didn't like Obama comparing the Republicans to Iranian terrorists. I didn't like the Iran ransom deal. I didn't like any of that. But that doesn't mean what what happened with Obamacare, you know, was unconstitutional, I think it was, by the way.


But this is totally different, and they're following the Constitution, which is just making this up. That was actually one of the worst examples I've ever given us because Obamacare was unconstitutional. So in that case, we're right. It gets worse. So these are the two dumbest arguments you're ever going to hear. Number one, it's unconstitutional. Number two, that the filling of the seat, according to the constitutional process for the nine seats we've had in the Supreme Court for one hundred and fifty years, even FDR got shut down by his own party trying to pack the Supreme Court.


That filling an empty seat and not a created seat. Is everybody clear on the distinction? We have had nine for one hundred and fifty years. Filling extra seats, you created seat 10 and 11, seat 12 and 13, which you created, would constitute court packing. That's what court packing has always meant. Always not, according to Chris Coons, who was on Fox News this weekend. Democrat senator from Delaware, who's just throwing his credibility out the door.


Chris Coons is on with Chris Wallace. Speaking to Fox News Sunday. And he has a new definition for court packing, which is filling seats on the court that hasn't been packed that are open right now. Check this out.


As I will lay out in my questioning this week, we shouldn't be having this hearing with two members of the committee infected with covid. It's rushed. It constitutes court packing, and her views are too extreme to qualify her to serve on this court.


Do you believe this gaslighting? I mean, do you believe this is unreal? This is unbelievable. This is this is peak Democrat right here. We're they're talking about adding seats to Supreme Court, a beyond radical proposal that even FDR was shut down from doing that nobody would dare do. We have not added seats in a hundred and fifty years because they understand it would destroy the legitimacy of the court. It would politicize it completely. They're proposing this Biden and the others that won't answer this question, will you pack the court, Nazih, or not?


And they have the cajones to turn around and blame the Republicans for filling a seat that's empty in the nine we have now according to a constitutional process. Now, you think I'm making this up, that these are their new talking points? Clearly, someone spoon fed the talking points to Biden, who, by the way, cannot get out a coherent sentence anymore. Here's Biden. Joe had to work some magic with this audio here. He's at an airport.


So forgive us. It's not Joe's fault or our fault. The audio is not great, but here's Biden at an airport being asked. It's audible, though, being asked this same question and notice. Remember I told you they always resort to the silliest talking points when they're in total desperation. The two talking points now or what? That this is unconstitutional and the Republicans are somehow packing the court by failing to listen to Biden baby food and sped baby food, fed sped baby spoon fed, spit it out.


Dan Bongino fed the talking points. He spits them out right here. On to the bib. Check this out.


Backed by Republican John. There it is. Someone fed it to him, he spit it up all over the bed there, someone said, Hey, Joe, you got to tell him it's unconstitutional and that it constitutes court packing. Because he's never had an independent, creative or original thought in his entire life, Biden goes out, speaks to the press for two minutes in front of a jet engine and says exactly that this is unconstitutional and Republicans are packing the courts.


Now, listen, folks, again, I'm supporting President Trump. I hope you do, too. I'm doing my best to get the man re-elected. I think he's by far the best choice. That's obvious. I'm not trying to be an independent, but I'm not. I'm a conservative. I believe in facts, but I am conservative. I'm simply telling you about Joe Biden, that this guy is completely making this up and these two talking points are so stupid that you really risk your own credibility.


I'm not kidding. By going on cable news, talk radio, whatever it may be, putting in an editorial piece, these two complete absurdities, they are so dumb that really they don't even appeal to the moron class. And I think people in the media who understand how stupid these are are trying to save the Democrats from themselves, hence you have that Tapper piece like, hey, guys, are we really going down this road that this is unconstitutional?


Because this is beyond stupid? Because, Joe, simple question. If the appointment of a Supreme Court justice to an open seat for the nine we have now is unconstitutional, then don't you open the door then to Republican attacks that packing the court and adding seats that don't exist is unconstitutional, too? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Just Stammen just. They even us like, hey, hey, I was going well, Kennebec. This can't get any bad promo here on the show, The Cannibal, the cannibal makes a return.


All right, ladies, jump. Just some more election stuff before I get to Nancy Pelosi and crowd strike. The connections are everywhere. Just quick, the excitement for the Biden campaign is off the charts. Joe, it's Paulas like STON. I mean, I'm a little worried folks candidly, right, Joe? The excitement is palpable. I mean, you can feel people everywhere. Lawn signs all over, rallies packed. Twenty thirty thousand people are dying to get into the rallies.


Joe's our guy. Joe's a go Joe. Joe doing the Tampa Genwal fist pump. The number one finger. Joe No. The excitement is palpable. Joe Biden decided to do some kind of a rally in Arizona, which, as they claim is a swing state, could be. We'll see. And really, like I said, the excitement was palpable. Donald Trump should be terrified. He puts his rallies to shame. A ton of people showed up for this one.


Seriously, folks, you better start sweating if you don't get in the sauna. Here's a local Arizona reporter like, oh, my gosh, look at all these people at this Biden rally. He's definitely going to win Arizona. Check this one out.


There's really not much to see. Step out of the way. But it's kind of boring out here. So it is not your typical campaign presidential campaign event. We don't see people rallying outside. We don't see signs are really much of what's going on. And I'm told by one of the Biden staffers, local staffers, is that they kind of kept the details about the visit as far as the timing and the exact locations and pretty much all the people that we saw enter into the parking lot about 45 minutes ago.


We're with the Biden Harris campaign and the pool reporters.


There's literally, not figuratively, literally, nobody there.


It's a campaign. There's nobody there. Now, there are Biden campaign staffers and press people covering the nobody there, but notice what happened. Guys, ladies, listen, I did this for 12 years of my life now. I was on the security side, what I did. But you all you do is coordinate events with campaign staffers and White House staffers. That's all you do in the Secret Service. That's your whole job when you're under protective detail.


That's it. Especially during a campaign. Then notice what the reporter said. So here's what happened. Let me just line out for you. They announced the campaign rally in Arizona. They probably got zero RSVP because nobody gives a damn about Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. There's no zero excitement. Of course, I was being sarcastic in that intro. I hope you all detected that. They then find out that at the last minute they better cancel this thing, but they can't because the emails and stuff already out there and canceling it and putting that in email would be embarrassing.


You get it? Follow me. I'm telling you, I've been behind the scenes of a thousand things. This is a little inside baseball. Once the emails out in public, in the local media gets it, they're going to show up no matter what game day they're figuring out. The day of this rally with zero attendees, the day of this rally that nobody's showing up. They have zero hour VPs. They panic. They're probably sitting around going, we need to cancel this thing, but they can because they put the email out.


People are going to start wondering why did they cancel it? Oh, my gosh, Joe Biden, is that health that what's going so they can. So at that point, you're in kind of this. Conundrum, what do you do? So they say, just let it play and we'll see what happens. Well, they did see what happens and zero people showed up, but then they're like, now, how do we massage this to the local media?


So they tell the local reporter, what? Oh, yeah, yeah. We kept the details all quiet so nobody really knew anything and hinting at it. In other words, Joe, there may have been some confusion about when and where the rally was. That's why the attendance was so low, folks. All right. That is total, complete nonsense. When I was behind the scenes, this stuff is all coordinated with the Secret Service, all of it where the press comes in the public, there's no detail left to chance, none.


So that is all we kept. The details hidden is utter complete garbage. And if the details were so hidden, Joe, quick question.


How did the media woman wind up there holding 15 yards of fence?


Repeat, first down, the median woman found it no problem. Because the details were out there and how many people cared enough to show up in zero Kuzak. Folks, be very careful about the polls, and so I'm going to get to that in a second, let me get to my second sponsor. I'm going to be very careful about these poll. Listen, I don't know what's going to happen. I'm optimistic about President Trump winning, but I don't want to get into the prediction game because it's not going to help.


If I tell you he's going to win, then maybe people won't worry about it and won't vote. And that's no good. If I tell he's going to lose. People may get frustrated. Never just go vote. The election's 20 days away. Predictions don't mean anything. Anyway, I'm just telling you, these predictions and polls, Trump is down by sixteen point. Throw them in the garbage. Nobody cares about Joe Biden. I'll show you some evidence of that in a minute.


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That's Jen. You sell dot com new CEO dot com Jenny sell dot com her Dan for zero at checkout. All right. Back to the show. So I told you folks, listen, I'm not kidding. Ignore the polls, just ignore them. At this point, it's clear as day to me are oversampling Democrats in their polls. Remember, what was the turnout in twenty sixteen percentage wise? Republicans, Democrats. This matters, right? The turnout was thirty four percent Republican.


Thirty eight percent Democrat. The rest were independents and other party affiliations. If you think the turnout amongst Republicans, despite the excitement about Donald Trump and the continuously packed rallies has gone down and it's going to be less than thirty four percent, I don't know where you're getting that from, but I don't call it science. I call it stupidity. That's the problem with these polls. Some of them are weighting Republicans to Democrats below that. Thirty four percent mark of Republicans who showed up in the last election.


For Trump, which is asinine, throw the polls out. There is no excitement for Bydureon is even less excitement for Biden in the race for Hillary Clinton, who at least got one or two people to show up at a rally and maybe a few like pets they brought with them. Biden is nobody. Here's an article, a Washington Examiner by Paul Bedard showing how some other pollsters are now saying way, way, way, way with Trump's behind 16 points nationally.


Hard pass on that one. Check this out. This is a good one charge. It's a two point race, not a 16 point race. Pro Biden media polls are trying to suppress the Trump Trump vote. Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner. Folks, it's all sampling, it's a sampling problem, you want to know how you get a 16 point Biden lead, which is ridiculous nationally, you want to know how you do that. Go, Paul.


Everybody in Manhattan walking down a street in a liberal neighborhood, Manhattan. Of course, you're going to get a Biden 60 point lead. Biden's up 60. It's absurd. Just go out and vote, talk time is over. It's game time now these polls throw them out. Don't let them dissuade you from voting. All right. Sorry about the line to get a little bit of analogy going today, so this is another fascinating story I saw this week in A Real Clear Politics written by Aaron Motty, who just let me tell you before I get started with this peace crowd.


Strike Nancy Pelosi. They're back. Again. Aaron Motty is not a conservative reporter. He, I would say, leans left. I mean, I don't want to characterize him say anything because he does actual journalism. But Aaron Montay has been one of the few guys out there, despite any ideological friction in his head, who's done honest reporting on the whole Spygate scandal. This is not a conservative reporter. He starting and has been has not started, he's been asking questions for a long time, like, hey, listen, man, this Spygate thing sounds like kind of a big deal.


When are you media people going to pipe up and say, hey, we got a problem? This piece is a must read in my show Notes Today by Gino Dotcom's newsletter, Mangino dot com newsletter. That's how you access the newsletter. That is the show notes at the same thing. Article will be in there October eight, 20, 20. Haroen material, clear investigations. Forgive me us a real clear politics.


Pelosi's take a big stake in crowd strike the Democrat connected linchpin of the Russia probe. Wait, wait, wait. You know, it's still. Puzzles me, astonishes me, upsets me, and probably you as well. It's really amazing that the leftist hacks in the media will invent. Financial. Conundrums, the Trumps find themselves in that they have no evidence of it all financial conflicts. Oh my gosh, the Trumps. They were going to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.


You mean the Trump Tower that never happened and never got off the ground and there were no contracts signed or anything? They were going to do that. So that's definitely evidence of Russian collusion, despite the fact that the Trump's build Trump Towers all over the world. And they do real estate. Yet when you have a powerful Democrat like the speaker of the House, whose family members has a seven figure investment in the same company that basically created the Russia hoax crowd strike, nobody in the media outside of our another seem to care at all if you're good, credible.


Let's go to the screen shot number one and let's ask this question first before we dig into this. Don't ever forget, ladies and gentlemen, the allegation that Russia hacked the DNC was the linchpin to the whole collusion probe because then the hack Democrats came back and said after Russia hacked the DNC, they colluded with Trump to get the information out there to hurt Hillary Clinton. None of that's true here from the real clear investigations piece, quote, In early twenty seventeen crowd strike was forced to retract its allegation that Russia had hacked Ukrainian military equipment with the same malware the firm claimed to have discovered inside the DNC server.


This is critical. Why did I put this first? The screenshots are out of order in the piece. For a reason, I want to set it up first before we get to Pelosi, we're actually going to wrap with that. We're going to do it in reverse. We'll get to Pelosi's financial interest at the end. But I want you to understand how key crowd strike this tech company was to the whole collusion hoax. The FBI never went in and investigated the DNC servers, never.


You understand that, right? Crowd strike an independent company with strange ties everywhere and being run by a former Muller confidant, Bob Mueller Co.. Oh, I'll get to that in a minute. Crowd strike looked at the Democrats servers, it was crowd strike that said, hey, we think the Russians hacked the servers, the Democrat servers. Because the malware used resembled a piece of malware used to hack Ukrainian military equipment. In the past. Go back, can you go back to screenshot one, but what's the problem with that?


I just want to so we have this tent that that was well, is it the exact match? Where do we see it? Well, in early twenty something crowd strike was forced to retract its allegation. That this same malware that was used to hack the Ukrainians was used and found inside a DNC server. Yeah, you read that correctly, folks. That was the basis. For the allegation that the Russians hacked the DNC server, Joe, please tell me again, getting Paula, you get this.


I know you're not. I love my wife, but you're useless because she's super smart with the Internet. So this all makes sense there. But the people who are not super smart with the interweb like Joe and I think this makes sense, right? Oh, yeah, you're good. So far, the FBI never says the DNC hacked the servers, right? They don't they don't look at it. They're relying on crowd strikes, saying it crowd strike, looks at the server and says, here's how we know we found this malware.


Oh, OK. And it's the same malware the Russians used to hack the Ukrainian military equipment. Except they retracted that crap. Yeah, yeah. You didn't hear that one, did you? Thank you, bye for the people compliment on my Facebook feed is like we love dance facial expressions. It's not intentional. It's I'm genuinely puzzled, too. So the key allegation that links the Russians to the hack has been retracted. Yes, but you're not going to hear that anywhere outside of the show, Aaron Martey and people who care about the truth.


Yes, that's that's correct. That's why whenever on the show I mentioned the DNC air quotes hack. By the Russians, I put the dreaded air quotes in there because nobody knows that. Yet it's the key component to the collusion hoax Russians hacked it, gave the information to Trump. OK. So now we know that that part is been retracted and that nobody really knows who hacked the DNC, it. You may say this can't possibly get any worse.


Oh, yeah, don't worry. It definitely does. The hack. So just to follow through on the the lunatic collusion hoaxers allegation, the Russians allegedly hacked the DNC and then took the data. In other words, exfiltrate the data, took it out for the liberals listening. And gave it to the Trump team and they put it out there to embarrass Hillary and win the election. That's their charge, right? Now, Joe, an exfiltration or taking of the data would require what would require evidence that the data from the DNC was actually exfiltrate.


Yes, it would, Joe. OK, thank you. I just I know you had to think about that. So if they stole the data, you'd actually have to show the data, made it out of the DNC. I'm just I'm just checking. So clearly, there's evidence of that, even though there's no evidence of the malware Ukrainian thing to had to retract. No, there's actually no evidence of that either. Let's go back to Aaron Mortez.


Terrific piece, because this is really spectacular. So unsealed testimony from the House Intelligence Committee shows that Shawn Henry, who was running crowd strike, admitted under oath behind closed doors in December. Twenty twenty seventeen that the firm quote here's a quote, folks, for liberals listening, that means that the guy in charge of crowd strike actually said this, quote, that the firm did not have concrete evidence that Russian hackers actually stole any emails or other data from DNC servers.


What or. Oh, it goes on. Here's another quote again for the Libs listening, that means he actually said this, quote, crowd straight guy. There's circumstantial evidence, but no evidence that they were actually infiltrated, Shawn Henry said. So. We spent four years investigating a collusion hoax based on a Russian hack where a exfiltrate of data to Russia from the DNC servers, but there's actually, quote, no evidence of the exfiltration. Doing a lot of scratching of facial areas today, I'm just kind of puzzled here as to, again, how we live with the Provida like media, that you've all you're all convinced that there are many, even Republicans, that there's evidence of this Russian hack, because you've been told it by media supposedly interested in the truth.


And outside of Aaron, nobody is actually telling you the truth, that there's actually no evidence of that.


Yeah. It should be neat, but it's done you what you need to get over this pivo you for you Russians become a terrible what is a Yadi coverup, Jaroussky or something. I don't understand what you're saying that to say that when I was there, I was in Russia. Oh, no. Bob Mueller's coming for me, too. Maybe I exfiltrate Joe was in Russia too specific. We're all colluders these days. My gosh. Shockingly, folks, this gets worse.


Listen, I'm going to get to my third sponsor because there's two more nuggets from this piece I want to describe to you. So now we know that the hack is there's no evidence of the hack of the DNC that by the Russians. That is an exfiltration. We know that. We've just given you their own words. I know that's a conspiracy theory for liberals listening. And I'm also telling you that their main charge was retracted about the hacking of the Ukrainian military command.


Now, let's find out who Sean Henry is and let's find out Pelosi's connection, because, again, you always need to follow the money, right, if you're interested in real journalism. Our third sponsor, my good friends at my Patriots supply, you ready for what's next? Listen, ladies and gentlemen, we know the Democrats are planning post-election chaos. Why? Because we read their own words. They want a street fight, not a legal one.


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Get your food supply insured. Get your emergency food supply today. My Patriots supply. Dotcom, all right, back to the peace. So I think we've pretty well established that people parroting the DNC was hacked by the Russians talking point don't know what they're talking about, could have been, but they don't have any evidence. Could have been a lot of things could have been space aliens do. But I'd like to see evidence before we say stupid things like that on the show.


We don't because we do actual evidence here. So who is this guy, Shawn Henry, who was running this crowd strike investigation into the hack they can't prove happened by the Russians at the DNC? Well, let's check that out, because it's in this excellent piece by Aaron Mattey crowd strike president Shawn Henry. What are the chances this guy has a relationship with Bob Mueller, who was running the witch hunt into this hack thing and that what are the chances?


Well, we'll see. Henry, who led the team that remediated the DNC breach and blamed Russia for the hacking. He previously served as assistant director at the FBI and the Robert Mueller. No way. He also works as an analyst at MSG DNC, the cable network that's promoted the Trump Russia innuendo. It's this is just crazy talk, crazy pills, motor. So the same guy was a Bob Mueller confidante, an assistant director in his FBI, Bob Mueller, the same guy who ran with this fake collusion hoax conspiracy theory that the Russians hacked.


The DNC gave the information to Trump. The same guy who did the investigation was one of Mueller's main guys. They were like this thick as thieves. Just really crazy how this got Bob Mueller and all his lieutenants have their tentacles. Andy Weissman, Kathy Ruemmler, anybody in all this stuff. It's just really crazy how no one in the media outside of Aaron Motley seems to have any interest in this at all and isn't even asking basic questions like, hey, maybe there's a conflict of interest here that the FBI that made up the collusion hoax, the collusion hoax investigated by Bob Mueller, former head of the FBI, that the same guy who made the collusion hoax up a crowd strike used to work in the FBI and for Mueller.


Is anybody going to do any entrepreneurial journalism outside of Aaron Martey here, who again is not a conservative by any stretch? I'm just asking. Is that not interesting to you, how every single fabricated connection between a member of the Trump family and some six times remove a guy who had a shot of Russian vodka 17 years ago, is a national conspiracy worthy of impeachment? And yet you have high standing right in front of you between people who made up this whole hoax.


And you're not asking basic questions. Stunning. Let's wrap this up again in reverse order with the whole core of the piece, which is shockingly, Nancy Pelosi's family has financial ties to crowd strike to weird. Back to Aaron Martys piece in the four screen shots, which I said I never do and do all the time. Quote, With the next presidential election now in its final weeks, the Democrats national leader Nancy Pelosi and her husband, Paul Pelosi, are endorsing the publicly traded firm crowd strike in a different way.


Recent financial disclosure filings show the couple has invested up to one million dollars and crowd strike holdings. She gets a lot of dinero. The perch at Pelosi's purchase the stock at a share price of one twenty nine on September 3rd. The price has since risen above excuse me, one hundred forty dollars. Sorry, my throat's still raw excuse me, folks, I know that I don't mean to clear my throat in the air, but still recovering a little bit from last week.


A million dollars. Again, Donald Trump. Who has asset managers managing his assets has minor financial stakes in a bunch of companies, some so minor, they're not even it's laughably small. One hundred thousand to ten thousand dollars, which when you're a billionaire and senior management, that's the subject of a 60 Minutes less, they predicted you watch 60 Minutes, their utter absurdity last night on the Lenine project and the and the that the Regeneron monoclonal antibodies to like Donald Trump, who was believes he was assisted by the antibodies in his infection with coronavirus.


And Donald Trump has some kind of financial investment in Regeneron that that was all over 60 Minutes with an implication of of impropriety. Yet Nancy Pelosi, who a million dollars invested in the company that was knee deep in the fabricated collusion hoax and was being run by a guy who was a Bob Mueller lieutenant, none of that none of that is any interest to the 60 Minutes crew at all or anyone else. Gosh, we're living in peak, stupid. You understand that we are living in absolute peak stupid.


I want to get to some other. Interesting stuff I wrote about in the book, but it's relevant again today because of all the Durham stuff coming out. And I just want to do this segment again on the Obama fixer, because it's important, again, because these ties aren't of any interest at all in the media as well. You've probably, outside of the show, never even heard about Obama's Olivia Pope. You know, Olivia Pope from that show Scandal.


Played by Kerry Washington. She plays the fixer for this president, she's also involved with romantically, she comes in and fixes political problems for people while Obama had a fixer to. If you don't watch this show often, you probably don't know who that fixer is, but she was knee deep in everything. Obama knew all of this. Let me get to my final sponsor. I'm on a rock and roll with this because this is going to blow your mind, too.


And again, this is the portion of my new book, Follow the Money, that's really been baking people's bagels. I'm not making that up, you know, to say, but listen, I get an advance whether you buy it or not. I just really care about this is probably my last book on this topic, but I really care that these people, because I don't know what's going to happen legally. Ladies and gentlemen, they have to be exposed.


They have to be exposed. At a minimum, so that whenever their names come up in public discourse, again, everybody knows to go back, go, hey, why aren't you the fixer? All right, we got an important election coming up. It's just weeks away. Voting has already started early. In-person voting has already started in some states. Arizona, Michigan, you know, go to folks. I voted in Florida. If you live in Ohio.


Early voting, in-person voting already began. Paul and I have already voted here in Florida. That's why I need you. Need you to go to keep America America Dockum now, why they will give you the most trusted up to date voting information, they'll get it to you right now. While you're there, please commit to take one person to the polls, just one at least, or help them access a mail in ballot, whatever you can do.


The 2016 election was decided by thousands of votes, not millions. That's a fact. And three hundred and fifty thousand of you across the country have already helped out. And you've already gone to keep America America dotcom. I'd like to see that get to one million. We can do it or more, make this the biggest, biggest get out the vote effort in conservative history. The liberals have their machine. Don't let them ignore us anymore. Do a little to a lot.


Do your part. How do you do your part? Get the latest voting information and how you can help today at Keep America, America Dotcom. That's Keep America, America Dotcom go today. It is super important we cannot lose this election. Why? Well, ladies and gentlemen, so much is at stake, the Fox and Friends crew was gracious enough this morning to do a nice extended segment on my new best seller, Follow the Money, which I put a lot of work into and I'm extremely proud of.


And I'm honored you blew up the charts with it, despite, again, zero publicity for the book whatsoever on its launch week because of the medical thing we had last week. No need to dwell on that. But you get the point. Thank you for picking up the book and for spreading the word. Please read the reviews, though, because the reviews are by verified purchases of the book. Obviously, I like my book. I wrote it.


The reviews have been outstanding. It's by far my best reviewed book yet. Here's one of them. Not a joke. Again, you can look at it yourself on Amazon All Caps EPIK. Amazing book. Curious about the truth about the anti Trump cabal. Boom. Here it is. Read only this if you care about the truth. All these reviews are basically about this one chapter of the book, there's many there's a bunch of people we expose.


But just briefly about Kathy Ruemmler.


Here's how I open up that chapter on page 66 of the book about Obama's White House lawyer. Quote To say, Obama was a huge fan of grumblers, an understatement, he called her, quote, an outstanding lawyer with impeccable judgment, requested she postponed her departure from the White House on three separate occasions. Yet when she finally did leave, Obama said, quote, I deeply value her smarts, her judgment, her wit. I listen up, but most importantly, her uncanny ability to see around the corners that nobody else anticipates.


That's Barack Obama about his fixer, Kathy Ruemmler, who fixes all his problems, you doubt me? Here's a great piece by Sidney Powell. Yes, Mike Flynn's terrific attorney. She wrote in The Observer a while back, I'll put it in the show notes today, Bungeni, that consolation newsletter, if you'd like to read it about the fixer.


Says Sex, Lies and Dot, Dot, dot, White House Counsel Remler blunders the Secret Service mess from the page. Check this out. Kathy Ruemmler, Obama's fixer seems to creep up every single time there's a scandal. We see it everywhere. Quote from Sydney Palace piece. Enter Kathy Ruemmler after the Secret Service scandal. Former White House counsel who repeatedly discussed this being on the short list for attorney general. This was a while ago when obviously when Obama was in office, there's mounting evidence that she should just be renamed, quote, the fixer, the Olivia Pope for this president.


Mr. Obama proposes great trust in Miss Romer. He has applauded her impeccable legal judgment, still considers her a close personal friend. But yesterday, Miss Rummel was all over the front page of The Washington Post, this time in the Cartagena sex scandal cover up. She was also involved and you can Google this, but in the interest of time or excuse me, Internet site, it's a bad habit I get to get out of don't use Google to use anything.


But in the not Google this, she was also heavily involved. And please check it out in the IRS scandal covering up for Obama, the Benghazi scandal and a multitude of other things, Ruemmler was always there to, quote, see around corners for Obama. Now that we've established that. Obama's fixer leaves the White House and really weird, she keeps turning up in the spy gate scandal, too, as we expose in my book, and yet you don't seemingly hear anything about it as being just weird that at every step of the spy gate scandal and the Mueller witch hunt into the Spygate collusion hoax.


You don't hear anything about how it's really odd that of the what millions, tens of millions of lawyers around the world, Obama's fixer, keeps turning up at these critical junctions in the case. Let's go to ABC News. Here we go, folks. Muehler witness charged in a child pornography case. Yeah, that's Bob Mueller. Mueller's key witness, George Nater, was stopped while entering the US on a flight from the UAE. So just to be clear on this, Bob Mueller, his key witness in the case, a guy by the name of George Nater who was intimately involved in, I believe.


This setup of Erik Prince, who is was in the Trump orbit. I don't want to go into that whole story, but Nader was intimately involved in setting up this meeting. I believe the meeting was a setup. Nader's being used by Mueller to advance this collusion. He's one of his key witnesses. There's no way Obama, Obama's fixer, Kathy Rohmer's Neda's lawyer, right? Well, let's check that out. Let's go to the ABCP. So Nater, George Edwards had frequent access to almost every White House, both Democrat and Republican.


Gee, I wonder if the Clinton White House is in their. You say saying, except for the Obama White House, notice how they throw that in there. Well, he didn't need that, apparently, because one of his lawyers shepherding through this, shepherding him through the seven interviews with Mueller's prosecutors Matthew. Oh, Kathy Ruemmler, White House counsel under Obama. Yes. This really weird. Tens of millions of lawyers around the world. And who is Bob Mueller's key witness, George Nater, I again, I believe, involved in a meeting that was a setup of one of the Trump team members who shows up to see around corners the Obama fixer.


Liberals are saying, Dan, just Chance, she's just a really good lawyer who this guy accused of child pornography who Mueller was using is using as a witness, bizarrely just chance she shows up to defend him.


Oh, OK. You keep telling yourself that. What was this just a chance to what about this political piece here with the Obama fixer sees around corners and winds up again defending who Susan Rice, whose political Kyle Cheney lawyer for Susan Rice. The Obama administration was justifiably concerned about sharing Intel with the Trump team. Crazy how that lawyer let's go to the political piece. Was this the Obama fixer again? Oh, there it is. You got our picture there.


There's Kathy Ruemmler. Check her out. Says the letter by Susan Rice's lawyer, Kathryn Ruemmler, pictured here was a response to Grassley and Graham, who inquired about an email which Rice sent to herself hours before the Obama administration left office. Gosh, that's awfully weird again. Obama's fixer, who, quote, sees around corners, just keeps appearing defending a guy accused of child pornography who's Mullers using to set up Trump, defending Susan Rice, who sent that notorious email to herself.


We did everything by the book. Sure you did. That's why you needed to send yourself an email. Because I'm wearing Joseph Bodmin skills. Paula, is this weird, little weird, right, getting ahead not will be even weirder. If when Carter Page sued the DNC over the fake dossier used to spy on Trump, the fake dossier which alleged that the DNC was hacked and that Trump was involved with the Russians with it, the fake thing we discussed before.


Wouldn't it be crazy if when Carter Page, who is named in that fake dossier, which the whole collusion hoax was based on? That when Carter Page sued the DNC over it, which propagated this, wouldn't it be really crazy if Kathryn Ruemmler appeared again to clean up Obama's mess and, quote, see around corners and would be crazy? So let's go to The Washington Examiner. Great Jerry Donlevy and Espy's Obama White House lawyers fight Carter Pages DNC lawsuit by defending the gist of the Steele dossier.


Is there any chance Kathryn Ruemmler was defending the dossier, too, and seeing around corners? Let's go to the body of Jerry Dunlea of his piece and we'll find out right quick. The DNC legal team, comprised of five lawyers from Latham and Watkins, includes lead counsel Terry Rennolds, Nicholas McQuaid and former White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler. And they claim the statements in this dossier are susceptible to an innocent construction. They relate to business and political contacts that Paige himself undisputably cultivated in Russia.


Oh, yes, sure. OK, great. Yeah. It's just really weird, again, all the lawyers in America and the DNC magically picks the Obama folks are involved in the IRS scandal, Benghazi scandal, the Secret Service scandal, who's also defending an accused child molester. Also defending Obama's national security adviser. All people knee deep in the whole collusion. But it's really Obama's fixers, the only lawyer out there in America. They can seem to find that she keeps creeping up.


You know what would be even weirder? It would be really crazy if not only did Bob Mueller, who's former Lieutenant Shawn Henry, and the FBI ran the company that made up the whole DNC hack thing, that would be crazy. But we already showed that you would be really crazy to. If Bob Mueller's FBI, which ran the Enron investigation and the lead prosecutor over there in the Enron investigation was Mueller's lieutenant, Andy Weissman, remember Enron? You know, it would be even crazier if Kathy Ruemmler, Obama's fixer, worked with Andrew Weissman on that case, loved him and gave him a recommendation when he then went to work with Bob Mueller about the fake stuff about the DNC clues.


That would be really crazy, wouldn't it? Yeah, would be. But Reuters is all over this. They already did the homework first, so don't even worry. Royte bizarre. Joe. I know. Try to get your arms around it. Come on. As Coach Dan used to say. Come on, guys, wake up. I Joe, I know you're puzzled by this whole. Damn right I'm kidding. If Joe knows the story better because he's been listening to it for four years.


Reuters Mueller team lawyer brings witness flipping expertise to Trump Probe. Karen Frye Field Reuters. Who appears in this Reuters piece extolling the virtues of how wonderful Andy Weissman is, who had worked hand in hand with Mueller in the past and it's now was the lieutenant who's now gone completely crazy, making ridiculous conspiracy theories known on MSNBC. But Weissman, who was really the lead prosecutor in the witch hunt against Mueller, against Trump by the military, look who appears in the Reutter piece telling people how wonderful.


Oh, there. Oh, there she is. There she is, folks. Kathy Ruemmler, who served as White House counsel under Obama, said Andy Weissman is willing to take risks to secure witness testimony. You ain't kidding that other prosecutors might not. Little did she know how prescient that was. Ruemmler worked with why she did. Remler worked with wisemen on the DOJ Enron task force that investigated the corporate fraud that led to the collapse. It's just really.


Fantastical spane, fabulous, spectacular, isn't it just crazy how Remler worked with wisemen, who worked with Muller, who worked with showing him? There you go. Look at that is handy. Throwing up our handy dandy flowchart, George Nader, represented by Kathy Ruemmler, Obama's fixer. Obama had a terrorism adviser, Lisa Monaco, who worked with Kathy. Rahm, keep this up for a spin because this is always entertaining. I have a flow chart we put together for the show.


Paula breaks up one from Lisa Monaco, worked with Obama. She also worked with Remler and Weissman on the Enron task force. Monaco, who took the spot previously filled by John Carlin at the at the DOJ. John Carlin, who used to be Bob Mueller, chief of staff. Lisa Monaco is Bob Mueller, chief of staff to. They all worked in the Enron task force run by Weissman Weissman employees Gary and Aaron Zebley, lawyers who had Democratic allegiances, one of them who worked for the Clinton Foundation.


Just really weird how all these people know each other, ladies and gentlemen. Yet Trump knows a guy who in 1967 took a shot of Smirnoff, and he is there definitely Russian colluders, but the fact that all these people involved in a fabricated hack. By the Russians that there's no evidence of conclusive that's then used to foster the collusion, Oak's investigated by Mueller that all the people involved in this all know each other. Obama's fixer appears in all of it and nobody seems to care at all.


Well, I care, and that's why I wrote the darn book. Not going to hammer you a book stuff all week, ladies and gentlemen, I promise you, I've never done that. I respect my audience, but I do think it's important and I'm not relitigating this case for the sake of relitigating it. I'm relitigating it. Ladies and gentlemen, because a lot of this information is just coming out now. You don't believe me. Well, President Trump was on Maria Bartiromo is fantastic, FOX News shows weekend one of the best reporters in the business, Maria.


And I want you to listen very carefully. To the president's words, to Maria Bartiromo about what's going on in this case and why Hillary Clinton, you should pay probably particular attention to crooked Hillary. Check this out.


Other documents are going to be released, Maria, which are blasik. Well, you see, what's coming is really breathtaking. It is. Is it about Hillary Clinton or is it about the FBI that's coming out?


Everything. It's about everything. Hillary Clinton is crooked. Hillary, I don't call it crooked Hillary for nothing. And, you know, just the one thing I keep going back to it. She got a subpoena from the United States Congress, got a subpoena. How do you how do you how do you get rid of your emails after you get a subpoena? She got texts for text messages, emails, et cetera. How do you do that? It's criminal.


What she did is criminal.


Well, OK, listen very carefully. What he said there. Notice Hillary Clinton's name in the Spygate thing and all of the Durham probe keeps coming up. Then you were just talking about Obama's fixer. Oh, I was. But one of the things I address in my thread here is that Obama couldn't have done any of this without Hillary spying on the Trump team. It was Hillary who fed him everything he needed. And when Obama needed more because they had no evidence to spy on Trump, they went to Hillary and they did what?


They just made it up. Hillary would then go to. Perkins Kawi, the law firm that hired Christopher Steeles firm, and Christopher Steele would just go and make it up. But he mentions Hillary Clinton's emails and texts, interesting. What could surface on this? Well, I kind of hated this last week about how crooked Hillary really was, and remember the key assertion, I don't want to confuse you here, but John Ratcliffe, our current director of National Intelligence, the key assertion in his devastating memo he launched a couple of weeks ago was that Hillary made up the whole collusion hoax, which we knew that wasn't a mystery.


But part two is interesting. And she did it to distract people from her email scandal. Well, what could possibly be in her email that she was so worried she had to make up the collusion of. Well, I covered this a bit last week, but it's important, given what President Trump said this weekend, John Solomon's piece at the Hill, it'll be in the shaunessy and this is from 2017. But I put it back in the show notes again for like the 15th time because it's so worth your time.


This did you not. Did you not get that, Paula? Sorry, did I not? All right, I'll go with you. You got it. OK. Sorry. Sometimes I screw Paula up totally on the show notes and stuff because I just go out of order, dish out of the bullpen like nothing. Bring in Mariano Rivera, the closer to the Hill. John Solomon in the show. Don't read this piece. Twenty seventeen. But again, worth your time.


Bill Clinton, the State Department's permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision. Folks, what is Hillary hiding, hiding so much that President Trump brings it up again with Maria Bartiromo this weekend? And she felt the need to distract people by inventing a ridiculous hoax, so you didn't see this well, is it this President Clinton? Well, former President Clinton went over to Russia and traveled over to Russia and asked for two meetings. The first meeting, he asked with the yes permission from the State Department, Hillary was in charge.


He wanted to meet with Arkady Dvorkovich, who was Arkady Dvorkovich? He was a top aide to then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and one of the highest ranking government officials to serve on Rosenbaum's board of Supervisors. Oh, interesting. Bill Clinton went to meet with a guy, sat on the board of Rosatom. Well, why would that be interesting, because Rosatom was the country trying to buy our uranium, was the company excuse me in Russia trying to buy our uranium, you know, nuclear fuel bombs and stuff.


Bill Clinton's meeting with that guy while his wife and her State Department are looking over the deal on a trip, he was paid five hundred thousand dollars by a bank also involved in promoting this deal for the Russians to buy our nuclear weapon grade material. Who else did Bill want to meet with? Oh, Bill, also an email, by the way, so the second person on the list caught everybody's attention was Russian businessman Viktor Vestberg, who is at.


He was named by Medvedev Vicksburg to oversee a new technology investment project called Skolkovo, designed to be Russia's new Silicon Valley, according to media reports. Well. What did we later find out about Skolkovo? That it was a Russian technology project really designed to steal our military technology to create hypersonic missiles to kill us. And Bill Clinton was seeking permission from Hillary's State Department at the time to go meet with the guy running the project. That Hillary's team was promoting and that technology companies involved in it were donating to the Clinton Foundation, a technology project widely thought to believe by the U.S. Army Intel to be stealing technology used to create weapons to kill us.


Sad, isn't it? I mean that. High ranking government officials like Hillary Clinton and a former president of the United States taking a half a million dollars to go surgically plant their lips to the ass of a company and a group of companies involved in a technology project being used to steal technology to create weapons, to kill us. Sad, really sad. Now you see why Hillary had to make up the collusion hoax disgusting. Just gross. All right, folks, I appreciate it.


One more story that maybe we'll get through tomorrow. It's dreadful 60 Minutes profile in the Lennon the Lennon project. They also call themselves the Lincoln Project. You know, they have all kinds of ties to Russia and stuff like that. So I'll cover that tomorrow that one of the people on the Lenin project is just a total lunatic. So I have a supercute from him, from the great Tom Gray, Tom Elliott, Arabian. Well, hopefully we'll get to that tomorrow.


Thanks for everything. Thanks for making last week. Despite the circumstances obviously being a really great week, I put a lot of work into that book. Follow the money. I appreciate you driving up that. We've never been number one on Amazon. We've been number two. Never number one. Honestly, I'm not going to lie to you at this point. I just would like to see it just be cool just because we were number one, even for a few minutes, if you'd like to pick it up.


Of course, we'd appreciate it. Follow the money. Amazon, Barnes and Noble bookstores everywhere. Really appreciate it. Thanks for tuning in. Please watch the video show and download the Rumble app. It is our conservative alternative to YouTube where we don't suppress free speech. Rumble dotcom slash Bongino. It's always free. Watch my video show their rumball dotcom site. Thanks, folks. I appreciate it.


As you just heard, Dan Bongino.