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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Holy Moses, man, I can't take it. I'm sitting here right before the show. Of course I'm listening to Fauci. They've got this, you know, hearing going on up on Capitol Hill. And I gotta tell you, you almost have to admire, in a perverse, tragic way, the Democrats commitment to bullshit lying. They can't stop. They can't stop. Fauci is up there telling these crazy fairy tales about the Wuhan lab, euphemisms, funding. And the Democrats are all in, man. They are all in on destruction. By the way, like the shirt, what do you think? I'm not like a fashion model or anything like that, but what do you think of the shirt? Sorry, walked away from the mic. You all digging, posting that upside down flag every day. You know why? Because we are in distress, big time. I got a big show today sponsored by Burna. It's a non lethal pistol equipped with tear gas and kinetic ammo, which incapacitates an attacker for up to 40 minutes by rna. Visit dan for exclusive 10% discount for my listeners today.


Big show. The fallout continues from 530 24. The absurd, obscene conviction of Donald Trump on a fake star chamber bullshit trial. Is it bad enough yet? It's bad enough now. 206,000 people on Friday joined us, giving a double barrel middle finger to the deep state. Close to $300 million raised. Big show today. Hey. Being in debts, like sinking in quicksand, you're trapped. You feel helpless. And the harder you struggle, the deeper in debt you get. If you're trapped in debt, let me throw you a lifeline. Done with debt. Done with debts created a brilliant new strategy with one goal in mind. Help you get out of debt quickly and permanently. Done with debt can help stop the struggle. First, they stand between you and your bill collectors, and they negotiate a plan to help end your debt without bankruptcy. Without loans. They can help you get out of debt quickly and put more cash in your pocket monthly. But you need to contact done with debt right away because some debt solutions expire. You don't want to miss out. It's easy to get started. Go to and get a free consultation. You have nothing to lose.


Talk with one of their experts and discover a strategy to help end your debt faster and easier than you thought possible. What's the website? that's must qualify for enrollment. Results may vary. Consult with your tax professional prior to enrollment. Thank you, dot. Fellas, let's get to the show. Listen, I don't have a lot of time for a weekend update. Honestly, we wasn't that big of a huge weekend. Kind of just chilled. Did my thing this week and hang out with a doctor friend of mine. Very smart guy. He's pissed off, too. The whole world's pissed off because they're like, holy shit, I never thought I'd actually live in a police state. And it's here right now. By the way, if you like the shirt, we're new. We may do something. If you like it, let me know in the chat. Chad, you like the shirt? You maybe want one or something? Like, I'm voting for the outlaw something. The upside, if I'll do it for you. Listen, man, maybe some. Maybe some boots and some clothes, too. You know what I mean? So the fallout continues to grow from the dreaded 530 24, an infamous day in american history where any kind of faux patina of, hey, this is still a constitutional republic.


Rule of law went out the window. The Democrats said it was my. We're going to be demonstrating this throughout the show, frequently these days, because sadly, it's true, folks. The fallout continues, and the cope is obvious. On the left. The left. Listen to me, please. You got me, folks. I'm. I promise you, man, I'm not good at a lot, but I'm good at this. Well, I'm good at something, but not a lot. I promise you, we're good at this. Nobody analyzes these idiots better than me. I sat there on advances with these left wing staffers. Yeah, with two democratic white houses. You hear them talk? I ran for office in deep blue state. I lived in a deep blue state. I have been surrounded by left wing commie socialists forever, by election thieves, by losers, commies, socialists, collectivists, lazy bums. I get them. I can read them. They trust me. The smart ones on the left absolutely know they effed up big time. They know it. What matters in politics? Polling, money, activists, volunteers. Donald Trump has never had a better weekend. I'm going to show you some of the poll stuff coming up later.


But how do we know? How do we know a tactic or a narrative is benefiting us and not benefiting them? Chad, how do we know? Okay. We measure the reaction of the left. If the left thought this was such a tremendous success, they would be out there advertising how wonderful and fantastic and awesome isn't. Some are to be clear, but the other ones are realizing this is backfiring quick. So what they're trying to do is contain our reaction because a volcano went off last week on 530 24. A volcano went off. So they are desperate to contain the reaction. The social media posts, the commentary, people like me, people like Evita, people like Rachel, people like Pete Hegseth, people like some of the Fox crew, some of the newsmax crew, Mark Levin. They got to put a lid on it. So what's the way they put a lid on conservative reaction in the past, you guessed it, claim the reaction is racist. The problem is they've done that so many times, everybody on the right is like, you guys are full of shit. We know this is some simple defense mechanism you guys are using to get away from the obvious, that you're freaking commie scumbags.


Okay, here we go. Cut. Number one, Jamal Bowman, the fire alarm guy with the dumbest human being up in Congress outside of AOC, and Dan Goldman, which would make him the third dumbest. So my math may be a little up, but you get the point. Here he is. This is how you know this thing is blown up in their faces. They're going right to the racist card. If you dare criticize Twinkies. Alvin Bragg, check this out.


We as Democrats have to get Alvin Bragg's back, and we need to speak out about that. We need to surround our brother, especially the congressional black caucus and black democratic leaders from across this country. We need to surround him because since the very beginning, they were mis characterizing him, calling him out his name, and being racist as hell to Alvin Bragg. And I know I deal with it directly, and this is. And the last thing I want to say is this is why elections matter. I don't want to hear this crap about your vote. Doesn't matter. I'm a stay home. And all this nonsense about November, in November, if you stay home and you do not exercise the power of your vote, you are giving your power to white supremacists.


Just this rule applies every single time. Gage their response on their reaction whenever they go to the race card. And listen, if anything was legitimate racism, obviously, we call it out because we're actually the party of, you know, constitutional liberties for all. Not the bullshit lefties who can't stand black voters. They can't. They've always treated black voters like a spreadsheet. Always. However, when they start pulling the fake race card out, which is 99.99% of the time, you know what you're doing is right, folks. They are terrified. Right now. This is important. Tactically, we don't let this go here. Can I be candid with you for a minute? Well, of course. That's my job, right? Listen to me. We're in trouble. Big trouble. Okay? The left is counting on the. The steam to get out of the pot, that we're going to turn the temperature down and the water's going to stop boiling. They pulled this in Mar a Lago. They pulled it with the mug shot. And they feel like each time they push the window a little bit more open to let all the thieves in, right? They feel like they push it open.


They feel like if you know what you're going to. Your anger is going to dissipate. It is not. Don't let it stay on top of this story and remind every single person what they're voting for in November. I want you to watch how this is even backed up. Excuse me. Just destroyed their credibility, even in the black community. If you haven't heard of this show, you guys know what the Breakfast Club is very, very popular morning radio show. Podcast guy Charlamagne's over there. He's got a crew with him in the morning. Unbelievably popular show. Hugely popular in the black and hispanic community. Guys. Got an amazing audience. I want you to listen to this caller who calls the show. This is blowing up in their face, and it proves my point. People who feel f'ed over by the system, it's not a black thing, it's not a white thing, it's not a race thing. It's people who feel f'ed over by the system. That's a lot of people. From people fighting for grazing rights out west to the inner city kid who feels like he's being harassed by the system. It's not a race thing.


They found a message in Donald Trump being prosecuted for bullshit. Don't listen to me. Listen to them. Check this out.


What up, Charlie, man? What up, Jeff?


What up? What's your thoughts, brother?


Well, I'm gonna tell you, man, I feel like Trump's out there dirty, and I don't trust the system at all, you know, I mean, um, especially being through the system. I'm the same when I call yesterday about that dog situation. So it's like, after you've been railroaded by this system and you see that when you walk in the courtroom, they want you to be guilty. You're gonna be guilty. I don't got no trust in that process. Oh. You know, I mean, I rock with Trump. I feel like that he um, he way better than Biden, folks.


Data points matter, man. This isn't a science class, but data points matter. You may say, oh, I get this all the time from morons on the left who have no idea what they're talking about. They just keep putting this mask in front of their face with no eye holes. They go, oh, that's just an anecdote. It's just an anecdote. That's just a single subject, just a single person. It doesn't matter. It's all going to wash out in the end, folks. How many singles, the whole idea of a sample size is a bunch of single subjects starting to add up over time. How many more of these are you going to deny? Let me ask you a question. If you, it's just one black voter. Remember when Mitt Romney and McCain were running, folks? Justin, you're not that old. You remember that Evita, you remember right back in the day, like when they were running, if, if there was a single black voter in a blue area, you could get on tape publicly professing to support for the pathetic Mitt Romney. It would have been a huge deal. It happened, but it was rare. It was rare.


These stories are everywhere. You show up in the South Bronx and thousands of people show up for Trump. I love that the left is like, no, no, no, no, don't talk that again. You know, if you're a black voter out there, Biden said it straight. You don't vote for me, you ain't black. Think about that. Think about that. You need to go to, you need to go to Biden for your street cred or something for your, your entire racial identity is contingent on what Joe bought. Fake civil rights act. Do we, we have that later in the show, right? That's coming up. I'm sorry. This guy, like, folks, here's another one. And since I put this up, this just the news story. Since I put this up, the only reason I'm even putting up now is because it's already outdated. Does data matter to you? Trump campaign raises over 50 million after New York criminal trial verdict. Let's get that out of the show because it's not even relevant. It's now closer to $300 million. Why does that matter? Listen, from a cat who's run for office, okay, people who donate vote. People donate. How much?


It doesn't matter, bro. People who donate vote. I hate stupid stories, but when I first started running, I had almost no donors running for senate. Nobody knows who I am. We did this money bomb thing. I think we had 150 people donate $20 or less. I sat in my Chevy Tahoe in my driveway, and I called every single person because it was quiet in there. I called every person that donated myself because you got to put down your contact info. True story. They had just heard of me. Know what I mean? I wasn't on tv, radio, anything like that. They were like, man, I heard that speech. I don't know where it was. Right, scoop or whatever they said. I really like what you're about. I am definitely voting for you. These are people who donated $255, $10. They are voting. They are voting. You think the left doesn't know this? The guy raised $300 million. Where do you think it came from? Casper the freaking friendly ghost? It came from people. Don't get ahead of ourselves. We still got to show up. 1010 and ten. You bring ten people with you, you email ten people, you make ten social media posts before November.


There's no negotiating that. I'm sorry I can't be cute about it. You want to win. Trump raised more. 200 million in three days. Folks, the contrasts are everywhere. Takeaway number one from the show, and don't you forget it. People who donate vote. That's why these donor lists matter. And, you know, can I say something? It may be a little unpopular here, but I saw a lot of people complaining this weekend. Oh, they're. They're texting me and stuff. I get it, folks. The text. I'm totally with you. Point stipulated. I'm not arguing that we got to save the country. You can just ignore that really being on these lists so that they can contact you and potentially raise more money is important. It's not my money. I don't get anything from it. It's not mine. It's important we save the country. And money matters. Anybody telling you otherwise is full of shit, folks. The contrast this weekend were insane. What? No. What was the byline? Put it up again. The former president. Oh, my gosh. The former president's son, Justin. Just boys. As a byline on revealed that 70 million from small donations. You have any idea how many people that is?


If that was $1 a person, it isn't. That's a shit ton of votes, man. Not a dollar a person. But you get the point. Even if it's $10 a person and it's 7 million people, or by Brian Williams Math, 740 trillion. It's a lot of votes, man. And did you see what happened at the UFC this weekend? I've been. I wasn't at the one this weekend, but I've been at a few of them. Now when Trump is there, you can go check the video out. This is Trump walking out to the US. This is so. I mean, the contrast here between him and the oatmeal God in the White House. Listen, listen. Is in the building in the former president getting expanded from the assembled map. I'm telling you, in person, it's a thousand times louder. Look at this guy. Look like a prize fighter coming out. The guy just got air quotes. Convicted on 375 fake charges. After the. Like, it's hoist Gracie fighting Ken Shamrock, bro. Looks like he's ready to roll. Looks like he's ready. Looks like it's the Hagler Leonard route. Rob out. Look at this man, by the way. Go to his restaurant in Manhattan.


It's amazing. Of course, folks, it got better. It's not just that. Here's the. This is New Jersey, brothers and sisters. That's not Texas. This stuff matters. These are real people. They're not fake people. You know for sure that if that was Joe Biden, it would have been a hail of booze like you've never seen before. Here is one of the guys. These guys are sitting in the upper deck at the UFC here. I want you to listen to the channel. I'm not going to talk. Listen to what they were saying during the actual match. If you think, oh, that was just a mistake. No, there's really a lot of Biden phones that was not. We love Joe Biden. It reminds, it sounds like, you know, Joe Biden said he was a trucker. Truck Joe Biden. Truck Joe Biden. Weren't you a trace anywhere, truck Joe? But it sounds he wasn't truck Joe. No, he said, gets even better. Of course, Kevin Holland, UFC fighter, he bust this guy's armor. Pretty guy. Should have. You got a tab, man? Me and this guy, tough guy, but you got a tab. His arm looked horrendous. But Kevin Holland wins this fight, and what does he do after the fight, ladies and gentlemen, why am I playing this?


Oh, my gosh. Damn. Why are you playing a bunch of UFC stuff? Why does it matter? Because pictures and soundbites, snapshots and soundbites, folks win campaigns. You don't know it. Do not get into politics. This is what people remember, not white papers. Here's Kevin Holland. Watch what happens after he wins his match. Watch what he does. Check this out. They didn't stop the fight. Yeah. Kevin Harland by submission. Oh, exchange immediately. His arms broken. His. You saw what it snapped. Yeah, I mean, it's limp. It's limp by his side. Even though he's protesting, he's not, he's not even picking the arm up. Kevin Holland sharing a moment with Donald Trump. Trump and Dana White. Snapshots. Snapshots. By the way, I can't even watch that guy's arm. Here's one more cool one. I'll get on some other stuff. Folks, be, be very wary by the way of nonsense polling in the coming days. I'm going to show you. The games are playing right now. I don't know Donald Trump. This convictions hurting him. It's, you really believe that? Here's one more. Here's Sean Strickland, a former childhood. He's a champion anymore. But here's Sean Strickland after his win.


I want you to listen to what he had to say. Snapshots. But here's the soundbite. Check this out. President Trump, you're the man, bro. It is a damn travesty what they're doing to you. I'll be donating to you, my man. Let's get it done. Let's get it done. Congratulations, Sir Sean Stricken, ladies and gentlemen. I'll be donating to you, my man. Let's get it done. Ladies and gentlemen, I've said it many times, I'm voting for the outlaw. I'm going to ask you one more time because I'm trying to think if I should do this or not. You guys, do you guys like to show, what do you want? You want the date or you want. I'm voting for the outlaw. On the bottom. I'm personally, I like, I'm voting for the outlaw better because we started it. I'm voting for the outlaw. I don't know about you. I mean, it's a pretty easy choice for me. You want the outlaw and the kids to niffer outlaw. If you're not sure, then you ain't black. Oh, I can't say that. Joe Biden already said it. Thank you, Evita, for the reminder that should not be in black.


And Joe, Joe Biden. Joe Biden's telling you not black Joe Biden, the whitest white guy ever. You've ever. Guys like pasty white. Be very wary of nonsense polling in the coming days. I'm seeing it now. All bullshit. I'll show you the scam they're pulling right now. Stand by. Quick break. Patriot mobile. For ten years, Patriot Mobile has been America's only christian conservative wireless provider. When I say only, trust me, they're the only one. Patriot Mobile is a proud supporter of the show and I'm proud to partner with them. Patriot Mobile offers dependable nationwide coverage, giving you the ability to access all three major networks, which means you get the same coverage you've been accustomed to without funding the left. When you switch to Patriot Mobile, your supporting company believes in free speech, sanctity of life, second amendment, religious freedom. Our military veterans and our first responder heroes, the 100% us based customer service team there makes switching easy. Keep your number, keep your phone or upgrade. The team will help you find the best plan for your needs. Just go to patreon dan or call 972 Patriot. Get a free month when you use the offer code.


Dan join me and make that switch today. Dan that's Dan or give them a call at nine seven two. Patriot thanks, Patriot mobile, you always appreciate it. Don't buy in to the bullshit push polling nonsense. Listen, I have been absolutely consistent, Justin, have I not? On polling folks. Polling on Donald Trump is typically bullshit. Okay, I get it. Points stipulated. What have I always said that? And then what's the second part? Yes, I'd rather be up than behind in polls, even though it's bullshit. Not because I think the polls matter, I just told you they're bullshit, but because donors watch them. That's why I'm saying now to people donating and voting, don't buy this. This is an absolute scam. Here's political, and I want you to understand the math here. The math of politics is very simple. If I get a voter or, wait, hold on, the math, let me just go to political first here. Here's where they're going with this. Sorry. You know, I'm a little, you know, I get in a mood today. I'm definitely in one. The shift in the, talking about a Reuters poll after the, quote, conviction in the fake justice system.


The shift in the Reuters poll wasn't just Republicans. Politico notes, quote, among independent registered voters, 25% said Trump's conviction made them less likely to support him in November, compared with 18% who said they were more likely and 56% who said the conviction would have no impact on their decision. Folks, I don't buy any of this. This is a desperate plea. I'm going to show you what I mean with a Tom Bevin tweet coming up in a second. But getting back to, you have to understand the math here. This is a very important tactical point. All electoral math isn't the same, ladies and gentlemen. A vote is not just a vote. And I'm not talking about the cheating. That's a separate topic. Obviously a real one. But I'm talking about in for actual votes. A Trump vote that was a Trump vote is kind of a push. A guy who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 is a push. It's not a plus one because we're expecting that vote. Got it. Valuable vote nonetheless. But it's kind of a push for us. Okay. A Biden voter in 2020 and a Hillary voter in 2016 that stays home because they feel aggrieved by the same system targeting Trump, who's now been martyred by them, is a zero.


It's not a plus one. They didn't vote for us, but it was a plus one for Biden. So I'll take that push. You want the people who showed up for us, that's a push. You want the people voted for Biden not to vote for Biden. If they vote for us, then that's a plus two. Why? Because they voted for Biden in 2020, Hillary for 2016, and then they voted for us. So it's minus one for Biden and it's plus one for us. So it's plus two units there. You get to all the electoral math is not the same. It's amazing how many people don't understand this. And I think that's what's happening here. You're seeing a lot of people, this poll is not picking this up. A lot of people who liked Biden in 2020 because they thought it was going to bring back a sense of normalcy, realizing now Biden is absolutely the chaos. President, judicial targeting, legal warfare, the Middle East, Ukraine, inflation, the health care system cost through the roof, the budget, they already know. Now after now, you realize what I just said, right? We'll take the push if Biden voters want to stay home.


Look at Bevin's tweet and you'll see why these polls are total bullshit. Here's Tom Bevin from real clear. Two new national polls taken. The post verdict make of them what you will. Listen, this is very important. Forbes Harris has Trump ahead 51 49. It's a slight bump from their last poll in late March showing a 50 50 tie. This is post verdict. So Trump's up one in this Forbes poll, not some left wing, right wing outlet. Excuse me, Forbes right. So he's up one. But look at this other one. This is the one the lefties love. Reuters Ipsos shows Biden ahead at 41 39. That's up from a 46 46 tie in early May. Hold on. Stand by. Leave that up, Justin. Folks, even if the second poll is correct, Reuters, which I don't buy, I think polls are bullshit. It still shows Biden dropping five points. Yeah, it shows Trump dropping too. But if this was such a success for Biden, like they're making it out to be in every other poll showing Trump ahead is wrong, then this is the best you can do, is that Biden is down to only 41% of row from 46 after the conviction.


So Trump, the best story you have is Trump gets, quote, convicted of 35,000 fake crimes. Biden drops five points. Trump drops some points, too. And this is your victory lap. Holy Moses. You realize how freaking stupid you have to be to fall for that bullshit? Don't be stupid. Please, don't be stupid. I know if you're liberals, it's impossible. You've been vaccinated to any kind of social intelligence or actual intelligence quotient. You're a moron if you buy this. Don't believe these polls. The polls are trying to push you in a direction. Now back to what I was talking about in the beginning of the show. There are going to be two narratives going forward. I want you to pay attention so you're ready to. The first is going to be the one I showed you. Because they're scared of what the smart liberals know that they poked that freaking bear one too many times and they know we're all thinking the same thing right now. We are in real trouble. Real trouble, existential trouble right now. The first narrative is you're a racist. If you criticize Twinkies, Alvin Bragg just dis, obviously, disregard that. Double down on your criticism.


They tell you not to do something, do it twice. The second narrative is going to be, you guys are justice deniers. This is the law and order process. It is no such thing. It is a left wing, tyrannical judge with a far left daughter making a lot of money off left wing activism in a left wing state, with a left wing AG and a left wing DA from a left wing jury pool, with a left wing Justice Department guy prosecuting the case. None of this is real. It is all fake justice. It is not justice at all. It is bullshit justice. This is what the left wants. Discretionary justice, if you get what I mean. They're going to call you justice deniers now. You saw snuffle off against try it this weekend. JD vance went on with Wolf Blitzer. Wolf tried to stunt on him. JD Vance was having absolutely none of it, and you won't either. You shut this right down and you point out what I just told you. This isn't justice. This is Third World Air quotes. Justice. The precisely the shit of founding our founding fathers tried to get away from.


Check this out.


This judge committed multiple elements of reversible error, and he did it while his daughter has made a ton of money off of democratic candidates and while he himself donated to the Biden campaign.


Let me repeat the question.


You cannot say that this trial was anything more than politics masquerading as justice. And yes, I will help Donald Trump. I will help Donald Trump. However, I think that I can, Wolf, because if we allow this to happen, it's so much bigger and so much more troubling than Donald Trump. If we allow the standard that you can throw your political opponents in jail because they're doing better than you in an election, it will be the end of this country as we know it.


Speaker one, there's a takeaway here. It's one thing to show highlights and comment. I ain't. Good job. I don't care about politics. I like JD a lot, but all I care about is lessons and tactics. Okay? We're not learning from something from the show is a freaking waste of time. We can go out and have some drinks and entertain each other and hang out and do, like, bongino events, but this is for real. There's a lesson here. Do what JD did masterfully there. Don't answer that question about, oh, do you really? You know what? You don't respect law and order. It's not a serious question. Don't even answer it. It's. It's. It's worse than the when did you stop beating your wife question. Because Wolf Blitzer knows none of this is about law order. Always go back to the politics. Always who the judge was, who his daughter was, who the AG was, who the ADA was, and where the jury pool was taken from. Always because the third party listening. Remember, libs don't care. They love this. Libs don't care at all. Libs want tyranny. But there's a third party listening. Think about when you get in an argument with someone on Twitter, right?


There's always a third party who comments. If you've got a good argument, who puts, like, the Elmo guy. That's who's listening. Always, always, always go back to the politics. I got a lot to get to. One more and we'll get to the. Take a break. But one more here. This is Ellie honing. Eli honing. I'm sorry, I'm making screwing up his name on purpose. But guys, a CNN analyst, so he worked with Twinkies. And Donald Trump's lawyer as well. Here's Eli Honig on CNN. They realized, I'm telling you, they know they've got a problem here. That's why it's time to hit the freaking gas pedal and it's not time to slow down at all. Check this out.


Other parts get really deep into the weeds usually when we get into the elements of the crime. And what happened today when the parties were arguing about what the jury instructions should be and should not be, absolutely blew my mind. We are, I need to call this out. We collectively, prosecutors are pushing the boundaries of due process here. The general back and forth in the courtroom today was the defense lawyers. Defense lawyers saying, your honor, please tell the jury specifically what the other crime is.




Prosecutors have to prove falsified records for another crime. Defense lawyers were begging him, they have to know what the other crime is. And prosecutors were saying, no, let's keep it very vague and general. It's a bizarro world. I know that there is some aggressive reading of the New York statute that says, well, the jury doesn't really have to know what the other crime is. But to me that suggests that the DA's office is hellbent on getting the conviction now and worry about that as a fallout.


Okay, I made a mistake. Gotta humbly correct myself. I'm kidding. Something I didn't add. They know. They know CNN, MSNBC, they know. Bears been poked. Bears really pissed off. Don't piss off bear. You're going to be called a racist, a justice denier. And there's one more thing I forgot to add. You are definitely going to be called a putin tool. I'll show it to you. Coming up. Going to take quick break. And please do not be fooled. You are the smartest, most tactical political listeners out there of any audience. Do not be fooled. You think they're not going to throw Donald Trump in jail or try? You are crazy. I always bring receipts. If you don't think they're going to try to put him in jail, this insane judge, you are nuts. I'll show you the evidence coming up. Don't go anywhere. American financing. Hey, a lot of us are struggling to keep up with everyday bills. Food, gas, even that power bill. If you own a home, way to call my friends. At american financing, interest rates have dropped into the fives, which is nearly a quarter of the average credit card rate. American financing is saving their customers an average of $854 a month by tapping into their home's equity and wiping out home interest credit card debt.


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This is the whole, this is a Putin stooge narrative. I'm just saying we never waste your freaking time here. We are three to five to six months ahead of the narrative, I expect on x and truth and everywhere else. When you go after the fact that we don't have a freaking justice system anymore, we have a third world star chamber. They're going to call you a Putin stooge. Just look at my Twitter feed. You'll see they're already doing it to us now. And it is a, it's kind of a. Republicans pounce on the justice system. Yeah, the republican Republicans pounce on there's no justice system. I'm not even calling it the justice system is the injustice system from this point on. And by the way, as I said, I'm voting for the outlaw. Do not be fooled by this jail thing. You have no idea how many people came up to me this weekend. I'm talking about like diehards, folks. I saw, I was out a little bit, didn't go too crazy this weekend, kind of preoccupied with some other stuff. But you have no idea how many people came up to me and said they definitely won't throw them in jail.


No way. That's a bridge too far. Are you crazy? Now listen, I can't predict the future. I don't know what's going to happen. I'm just telling you, if you think they won't throw him in jail, I'm, all I'm asking you is for one thing, what evidence do you have that these absolute psychos won't throw them in jail? Boccino, I saw you in there. Little poll. Will they throw Donald, very simple poll. Will they throw Donald Trump in jail? Yes or no? Why? For yes and for no. Boccino, get on the case. I see absolutely no evidence. They won't. Here, receipts. Here's a politico article from June 1. They noted this via the Washington Post. Remember the Trump Organization CFO Alan Wesselberg? He was 76. He had no criminal record. Remember the guy who was, quote, convicted for like free parking or something like that? Remember that? The other fake crime, folks? He was sentenced to five months in jail after basically being forced to plead guilty. And who was the judge? It's that, is that the same judge, Juan Merchant, that's that? He said it. That's the same guy. This is five months in jail by Judge Merchant.


You don't think they'll throw Donald Trump in jail? Folks, this part's a little painful. And here we're in distress, man. This is an existential crisis, ladies and gentlemen. They're trying to get this guy hurt, or worse, or possibly killed. They want him in jail with no protection. Now, if you're sitting there in the chat or elsewhere, and you're saying, Dan, that's a big thing to say, that's serious. I understand. Notice I'm trying to be very dispassionate about it. You know what I did in my prior line of work? Protected both Democrats and Republicans. And I did my freaking job because it mattered. Ladies and gentlemen, these people on the left are absolute, tyrannical, authoritarian scumbags. And I'm telling you, they want this guy. So much for dispassionate hurt or worse. Here, the Democrats, their committee on Homeland Security, Benny Thompson is the ranking member, introduces legislation to ensure no secret service protection for convicted felons. Folks, we're in real trouble. We are in real, real trouble right now, man. I've never seen anything like this before in my life. I've never seen anything like it. I'm having a hard time digesting the fact that I sat there and did my job and protected one of the worst presidents in us history, maybe the worst before Biden, Barack Obama, and did my job.


Because I always thought to myself, we're bigger than this. I swore to do a job. I know this guy sucks, but my job is my job, and I'm going to get it done. They want this guy killed. I mean, and to all of the liberals listening who are pissing in your diapers right now, one, you can kiss my ass. I don't really give a shit what you think at all. But let me ask you one simple question. You shut your mouth and answer the question. Only shut your mouth and answer this question. I don't wanna hear any of your shit from you. Why the hell else would you take away a protection team from a former president when he's surrounded by dangerous people in a prison? Because you want him hurt or killed. You know the answer. And by the way, hat tip mays Moore, this. Yeah, that one you just had up on the screen, Justin. That's it. This is here. I want you to listen here. They've already got the talking points down. You can tell hat tip Mays who picked this up. Here's Susan Rice and Joe Biden in a side by side about, don't you dare question the system if this guy gets killed in jail.


He had it coming, man. It's like law and order or something like that. Look, here's the talking points. Reckless and dangerous to question the justice system. Hat tip maze. Check this out. Proceeding in a fashion that is reckless, dangerous, and irresponsible.


As reckless is dangerous. It's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged.


It's almost like they rehearsed that, folks, because they did. And just when you thought that. I'm not here to upset you on a Monday. Actually, quite the contrary. I hope you understand I opened up the show with the fundraising and the UFC to show you that I'm not here to give you, you know, bullshit. Kind of quoting, you know, the darkest right before dawn. All that bullshit. I'm a street kid, man. You know, I'm not Robert Frost. I'm not trying to be a poet. I'm just here to tell you, man, I'm a knuckles guy, and I know you are, too. I'm a fighter, and I've always been a fighter. And I know you are as well. There's. In order to get off the bench and us to realize the seriousness of the situation we're in right now and the gravity of the situation right now. I got to show you what's going on. We called it, man. We called it. Put up Kyle Beck. This guy's a good guy. Like Kyle. It's Kyle Becker. Follow him on Twitter. Kyle. He's Kyle n a. Becker. He's got some great stuff. Turns out the Biden White House is now admitted in federal court, just like Justin.


Did we not call it the White House? The Biden White House. The bribe in White House is now admitted in federal court that it altered the transcript of Joe Biden's testimony to special counsel Robert her in order for him to appear less incompetent, according to GOP oversight. Did we not call it, Michael? It's your first day here, even though you weren't here. Did we call it? I bets I did. He bets I did. We got people that you don't even know. You don't even know. You don't even know what's going on here. But say it's like a dream. It's like the freaking Avengers. He don't even. Wasn't even here and he already knows. Here it is, ladies and gentlemen in court. Remember the Biden transcripts? Biden stole all those classified documents and they said, we can't prosecute him because he's too dumb. Remember that. You know what I'm talking about, right? And I, and remember, they released the transcript but not the tapes. And we were like, on the show, we said, there's a reason they're hiding the tapes. There's a reason. And the likely reason is it makes this guy sound ridiculous or they were altered.


It turns out it was both. They note the transcripts are accurate, except for this. They took out some words that may have been repeated. Oh, oh, they did. How many times were those words repeated? What does that sound like? And they note that, oh, it's just minor differences. No material. So if it's no material difference and it's just words he repeated, what's the first question you guys have? If it's no big deal? That's right. I'm answering for them because it is. Why not risk release it then? So you can't have it both ways, ladies and gentlemen. These tapes are devastating. You understand? Biden's probably on these tapes freaking out. He's probably on these tapes. He sounds like he's near death, Reverend Cain style. This guy's campaign is in a free fall right now. He doesn't want this tape out there of him stumbling over his words all the time. And he's probably stumbling over his words. Wait, time out. This is important. Take away time. Write this down. Get your pens. They're not hiding this because he stumbles over a few words. Justin's like this. I don't know if he's just doing that because his elbows are tired, because he's interested.


They're doing it as a former investigator myself, who was pretty darn good at interviewing people, they're doing it because he probably stumbled and didn't want to answer during the pivotal questions about intent, if he intended to steal the documents, in other words, why were they in the garage? Why did you refer to them? That's why. Get those tapes no matter what. I don't want any more harshly worded emails from people. Get the damn tapes, folks. They're freaking out, man. Nothing is going well for them. Nothing. This thing with the black vote, I showed you, going back to the beginning of the show, the fact that a lot of black voters have found some cause in Donald Trump, it's not just a prosecution. Black voters are multi dimensional, like every other community. No different than any other community. There's zero difference there. They have the exact same concerns you do. Wallets, school, kids, education, health care is nothing different there. Biden treats them like a spreadsheet he think. Here's Biden's view of the black voter. Use a bunch of racial tropes, cite George Floyd, and tell you Donald Trump's a racist. If you're a black voter, I want you to.


That's all he thinks you're a single dimensional voter, and that's all he needs to do. No, don't listen to me. You listen to him. Here's Biden last week on making his appeal to black voters. Listen to what he says. This is the kind of scum this guy is. Check this out.


Same guy wanted to tear gash you as you peacefully protested George Floyd's murder.


The best he's got. That yo, George Floyd. It's his only story. You don't vote for him, you ain't black. Republicans are all racist.


You have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, and you ain't black.


That wasn't even part of the show. This guy's just taken over. Michael said, whatever leaves do it. Hijacks the whole show. Guys got some set on it. Walks in here just throwing stuff in there. Here's where it gets even worse. Why do politicians do this? Folks, I cannot stand this. When you were, and by the way, I'm not speaking with fork tongue. I ran in Maryland, it's got one of the largest populations of black voters in the country. There's pictures of me on instagram to this day, sitting there in Baltimore, uh, you know, in Lexington market, in front of Oriole stadium, knocking on doors. You don't have to be a weirdo. What is with the pandering? Remember Hillary? I keep hot sauce. This is so limp. Here's Kamala. This is the whole, like, I'm down routine again. This is so pathetic. Just be normal. She doesn't talk like this. Only in front of black audiences where she, you know, look at me, I'm down. Check this out. You wanna see people testifying? Can I get a witness? You know, yeah. I mean, I'm trying. Listen, I'm obviously not black. My name is Bongino. I'm italian and Irish and Germany.


I'm trying to think of an analogy. Like someone comes into, like, some sons of Italy event. I got a scholarship from them. Once when I was a kid, it was like $250, but it meant a lot to my grandmother, God rest her soul. And then some guy comes in, he's like, you know, he's like a scottish guy, and he's like, hey, pizza. And try. Oh, you being like, what? What the. Why? Why do people allow this? I said we bring this up before, too. I was there for this man. I was there. I was a witness to this. This happened. Here is Biden eulogizing a grand exalted cyclops. Now, folks, chat. I need your feedback on this. I feel like doing this once or twice a week, every day to the election, that you should never get tired of this. We need to expose this guy Biden for the racist this guy is. You want to play games with Donald Trump? Donald Trump's a racist. George Floyd, whatever you want to play. You want to play these games all the time. That's all you want to talk about to black voters, okay? You want to talk about race?


Here is Joe Biden eulogizing an actual KKK member who is a member of the US Senate. He was like a grand exalted cyclops. I'm not familiar with the titles, but ask Biden, he seems to know him quite well. Check this out.


As also noted, Robert C. Byrne was a parliamentary library, a keeper of the institution of the Senate, and he was the institution itself. But to me and many people here today, like guys, I see Bill Bradley and Jim Sasser, who long left the senate for greener pastures and I hope better remuneration. We used to kid about that too, but I, for a lot of us, he was a friend and he was a mentor and he was a guy.


He was a friend, folks. He was a friend. Avida just brought up something interesting. They were so afraid of this clip, folks. I was there. I was there. What the hell were you doing? You just criticizing Biden? I was working that day. I was the number one whip that day. Go for it with Obama. I wasn't there with Biden. I was there. I saw that whole thing. I could not believe it. Everybody up there about the grand exalted cyclops, Evita said they're pulling some scam that they've been doing for months on this. They're so afraid of this clip. They put these bullshit fact checks up and they're like, well, fact check. And it's like this, this minor detailing. Oh, look, they found it. They found it. Fact check. This isn't real. That's not. Is that real? That's not real. Is that real? Michael, go fight. This is. Holy shit, folks. This is not part of the show. Wait, wait. Go up to the top here. They're so afraid of this. Reuters does a fact check. Fact check. Robert Byrd, eulogized by Joe Biden at funeral, was not a KKK grand wizard. Wait, what does it say?


Wait, what is it? What does it say? Is it like he was a grand wizard has acknowledged. Oh, he's a. Oh, he's a. Was never a grand. Sorry, what was he. What was he in the Ku Klux Klan? Was he an exalted cyclops or something? Does it actually say what his actual title? I don't know, folks. Grand Cyclops. See, I'm not really familiar with the leadership the great. Wait, the grand wizard is widely understood to be the highest leadership position of the KKK. Wow, you learn something new every day. And then there's a descending hierarchy. Wait, wait. Of grand dragons, Grand titans, and grand cyclopses. There it is. Here it is. Bird was not a grand wizard. Okay? He was, however, a former organizer and member of the KKK. There we go. It's a. It's all good. Now, whatever else that Justin just said. Whoa, man, wipe that sweat off your brow, kids. He was just a regular old member. He wasn't the exalted grand titan or whatever the hell the title is. Gosh, these people. I'm playing this again. Why am I playing it? Because the guy in the White House is a racist, and I have evidence.


And if you're going to call Donald Trump a racist, you damn well better produce some, cuz I got a whole bunch. And we're gonna play this thing on a damn loop to the election. Here's about a minute of Joe Biden doing racist, racist stuff. He's gonna call you a racist, then he got an answer for this. Check this out.


But I tell it, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump and you ain't black, poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.


You got the first sort of mainstream African American who was articulate and bright and clean and nice looking guy. Biden, recalling his early Senate career, bringing up two segregationist senators, Herman Tallmadge and James Eastland, who called African Americans an inferior race. I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland, Biden said. He never called me boy. He always called me son. At least there was some civility. We got things done. The senators that he is speaking of with such adoration are individuals who made and built their reputation on segregation. The Ku Klux Klan celebrated the election of one of them using the word boy. And the way he did can cause hurt and pain. And we need a presidential nominee and the leader of our party to be sensitive to that.


My democratic colleagues don't like me saying this. I think the two party system is.


Good for the south.


And good for the negro. Good for the black. Other than the fact that they still call me boy, I don't think they've. I think they've changed their mind at all to Robert.


That goes on all day, folks. It goes on all day. Go to RNC research eclipse, like eight minutes long. And that's not even all of them. Hey, it gets worse. Listen to me. It gets worse. Don't go anywhere. It's important you understand. That was kind of me. Like, I'm the boss, so I'm not a communist. I don't run anything. I'm just part of this little army like you guys are. No, but this is the most important part of the show. I want you to understand something. Tactics wise, politics, elections, polls, donors, everything else. Nothing is going to get better from now until election day. This is critical because you keep being told by left wing bullshit media it's going to turn around for Biden his approval ratings to polling, which is one block away from turning the corner. Man, just how where? Folks, unlike B's left wing media, I bring receipts and facts. Breitbart GDP was revised down. Our already struggling GDP, our growth numbers are. Is the United States growing or not economically was revised down. Read the headline. It doesn't say revised up. It was revised down to a pathetic 1.3% growth rate.


Let me ask you a simple question. You all are very good at math. If inflation is running at three and three and a half percent and the economy is only growing at 1%, you're not only losing value because you're paying more, you're not making it up on the growth end to even keep up. You're getting poorer under Biden by the day interest rate costs on our massive debt that Biden's run up like no president in american history. Skyrocket by 152% under Joe Bribe. That's the budget committee staff. Keep spending money, dude. Here's Bloomberg. Bloomberg, folks. Not some right wing outlet. In case you think I'm only citing Breitbart, who I love, by the way, actually tells you the truth. Here's Bloomberg. The black swan risk now is a us recession. This is Bloomberg saying, listen, if anything happens, black Swan wise is not going to help this guy economically. It's going to destroy him. Finally, things are only getting worse. You had Biden's own team. This is a great article. It's in the newsletter. Oversight panel investigates the secret services dei practices after they had that blow up at Joint Base Andrews. And here's the most hilarious portion of all here's how you know it's about to go down and that there is a 50 50 shot.


Joe Biden is not the nominee. Look at the date on this. June 1, 2024 is Kamala. The Democrats see secret weapon. If you really believe Kamala Harris is coming out of the bullpen with a lefty to save you, they are trying to rehabilitate a reputation now because they have no other choice. They know this guy likely won't be the nominee.




Two folks, thankfully last week he found the digid glasses. So we did 206,000. You guys are amazing. You blew up the show last year. I don't even know what to say. We had a bigger audience and most cable stations out there, I mean, it was really killer. So it's an honor to have you all on board and the team. And to the new people that are here today, 134,000 on a Monday? I mean, that's like insane. So I really appreciate we found them. We didn't lose them, so he had to find them. Thank you for everything. Download the Rumble app. Join us every day here for the live show bangino or on the Rumble app. The Rumble app is fantastic. It'll give you a notification and you can always watch a video on demand that bangino. Please give us a follow on Spotify and Apple, too. Helps keep us on the top charts. People find the show. We appreciate it means the world to us. It's all free. Thanks so much. See on the radio show on Rumble in a few minutes. And I'm back here at 11:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino show.