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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. I did it, folks. I did it. Three minutes at 45 degrees this morning. My battle with the cold plunge continues. Came out red like a lobster. Again, everything just like, if you know what I mean. But man, do you feel good? That's why the shows have been electric these last few days. That thing is amazing. I needed it because there is a massive show coming today. Breaking news just now about the Secret Service scandal. The DNC last night, I promise I'm going to give you an objective take. And then another part of the Secret Service scandal yesterday, Trump just found out on the air about a threat. But I got to tell you the real story behind that, okay? Because I think this is... Honesty matters, okay? What? Today's who's birthday? Anita? Really? No way. Happy birthday. Look at you. Happy 21st. That's great to know. I didn't know that. It's the Queen of them, the Queen Anita. Look at that. We should have had a little celebration for her. I'd sing, But my voice is terrible, as you know.


Jim, for the radio show, can you get the Joe Biden Happy birthday ready? Happy birthday. Can you get that ready for Anita? Everybody tune in later. Joe Biden sings Anita Happy birthday. Jim, make sure you got that ready. Hey, you've heard Can we rave about Beam's Dream Powder every week? So go get it now. They're offering the largest discounts at shopbeam. Com/bonjino. Use code Bonjino. I got that. Then something I noticed last night about the convention, a good part and a bad part. Hey, before Birch Gold, I didn't endorse any gold company. I I don't think there was a need to buy gold, so I didn't recommend it. That all changed. The inflation, skyrocketing national debt, global chaos, more money printing, the election coming up, all the ramifications I told you about. I've been buying gold from Birch Gold now for some It gives me peace of mind knowing if the bottom falls out of our economy, I have something of value to fall back on. If you want that same peace of mind, you can help protect your savings by diversifying it to physical gold coins or bars from Birch Gold, B-I-R-C-H. They ship it fully insured directly to your home.


You already have home and auto insurance. Consider adding financial insurance with an investment in gold. To get started, just text Dan to 9899898. That's my first name, obviously, to get a free info kit on how it works. Moving some of your savings of gold is one of the best things you can do to provide real financial security for your family in case you need to text Dan to 989898 today. Message and data rates apply. All right, fellows, let's go. Okay, so just quickly, right before we came on the air today, breaking news. Now, five secret service agents have been put on administrative leave after the Butler County, Pennsylvania murder and assassination site happened. Folks, the first question a lot of you in the chat or probably ask you is what? What the hell took so long? Holy Moses, man. Your job was to protect this guy and keep alive. He got shot in the head. A month later, people are finally put on leave? Guys, having been a police officer before being in the Secret Service, it was NYPD, then Secret Service, I've seen how law enforcement is handled from two different perspectives. I'm not telling you the NYPD doesn't screw stuff up.


My gosh, they screw up a lot of stuff. The management over there. The cops are great. I love you. However, when you get in a shooting on the job, even if you're not at fault at all, it's what we call a justifiable use of force. A guy pulls a gun, shoots a few people, you take them out, justifiable use of force. You're still put on leave. What the hell were these agents still working for? If one of them was incapable of doing the site securely enough, the site agent, so that Donald Trump wouldn't get shot in the head and Cory Comperator wouldn't get murdered and two other people wouldn't get shot, why were they still on protection? Now, apparently, one of them is from the Donald Trump detail. I will bet that's because of pressure from yesterday's show in Susan Crabbtree's article before it was just a Pittsburgh office. But I'm going to ask you a question. Folks, I'm not letting this go. We'll be discussing this Monday during the special podcast. Anita and everyone, get the word out. Monday, two-hour special podcast, 10:00 AM Eastern to noon, up in DC, Chip Roy, Andy Biggs, Cory Mills, Matt Gates, all the Ringer's on my show.


We're going to be getting all of this. And I want this question answered. If the guy running the Secret Service now, Ron Rohe, the director who got a promotion out of this, we now know from multiple whistleblowers, he was the guy who stopped certain security assets gets from being used with the Donald Trump detail. That decision alone led to what happened. How is he not... How does he still have a job? Everybody else is on leave but him? Folks, this is total bullshit. This is total bullshit. By the way, I know the sack of the Pittsburgh field office. He's a good guy. I don't let my personal relationships get involved here, and I won't. I've known him for a long time, but someone's got to be held responsible. But how the hell do you suspend this guy or put him on administrative leave? And the director still, not only it gets a promotion despite making the decisions that led to this. Folks, it's freaking obscene. It is typical of how the government works because they answer to no one. Oh, they answer to taxpayers. Not the bureaucracy. They do whatever the hell they want. Absolutely disgraceful.


I've got a couple of other things to talk about I'm going to get to in a second. Yesterday, there was a big, big incident that happened. A guy, he was arrested. He was apparently a threat. I'm going to explain you how this really works and why. Just stay tuned. But I want to get to last night, quick, the DNC. Let me give you the bluff, the bottom line up front, okay? Last night, again, was not terrible. Folks, I get it. I'm trying to view this Here's what I don't want. This is my biggest fear, and I need you to understand. Please, I'm begging you, do not do to them what they do to us, where they underestimate us, and we constantly sneak up on them and kick them in the political in the nuts, okay? Trump has no chance of winning. Don't do it, because then you'll be surprised and you'll get kicked in the nuts. You've got to look at this objectively or you're never going to know how to respond. Monday was a disaster. Tuesday with the Obamas, a lot better. Wednesday, a total disaster. Clinton was a mess. Tim Walls was all over the place.


Gina Ramando, the Commerce Secretary, didn't even know what the BLS was. The jobs numbers revision downward came out. Last night, Kamala Harris spoke. She only spoke for 37 minutes. The speech wasn't terrible. If you're a Democrat, of course we know she was bullshitting and lying, and I'm going to get to that. But it wasn't terrible. One of the reasons, too, that they're going to get a big audience out of this, and believe me, they're going to be advertising this. Watch, when the ratings come out today, they're going to be like, Kamala Harris's speech blows Donald Trumps out of the water. It's all a scam. You know why? The Democrats That's what did we say yesterday, lie to you about everything. No, no, everything. Everything's a lie. The PP hoax, the jobs numbers, the quid pro quo phone call, everything's a A lie. The Charlottesville hoax. Everything is a lie. So all day yesterday, to make sure Kamala Harris wasn't speaking in front of an empty crowd, because I don't think about many people were looking forward to this, and they were afraid. I think people were going to bail to make sure she had a packed audience and it looked like Hopey Changey again.


All day. Did you hear this? Evita texted me, Michael, yesterday. Me and Paula were sitting in this on it. She's like, Dan, I hear Taylor Swift is going to beat her. I responded, L-O-O-Y. Well, I heard this. I knew it was bullshit. I didn't want to say anything, but I shouldn't say I knew. I mean, no one said he should say, but I had a feeling they were smoking everyone up. They were like, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, why did they do that? Why didn't the Harris campaign Just come out and say, Hey, we do respect to these two entertainers. We love them, but that's because they knew they would have no audience. So all day they teased it. Here's what it is, CNN even admitting the whole thing was bullshit. Check this out.In anticipation here and elsewhere that there may be a special guest. I am told by Democrats that Kamala Harris was their guest. They did not want a celebrity at the end of this convention to essentially compete with her. One senior advisor telling me this is a deadly serious election. Oh, nonsense. Ladies and gentlemen, this was absolutely 100% intentional. Who loves Taylor Swift and Beyoncé?


Young people. Michael just said it. If She just stayed up watching it. She covered it on her show and all that stuff, waiting for this to happen because it would be newsworthy. That was the scam. That's exactly what they wanted. Folks, they knew the entire time. They knew the entire time. When I was at the RNC, there was a room... I had heard about Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan. If you go back and watch the show, you'll see in advance, I was talking to Laura Trump, and I said I heard about some people. I had also heard about maybe Elon, but then Elon put out a thing. No, we're not speaking there tonight. Why didn't Taylor Swift and Beyoncé do the same thing? Because it's all a scam. Everything they do is bullshit. Everything. Here's Kamala Harris last night. They've still got this problem, folks. She cannot run on what they actually did for the last four years, so she's running on hope and change, but she can never tell you hope and change from what? Change from her? They don't know what What to do? So they've settled on a message. I'm playing you one short clip.


That's it. Because the 37 minutes, there was no policy to talk about. It was all bullshit. All, Oh, look, I'm one of you. She's not one of you. She's never had an actual job. She's not one of you. In her professional adult life, she has never had a real job, ever. She's not one of you. So I'm not going to waste your time. There's nothing to talk because she said nothing. Hope, changey, an opportunity to come is all bullshit. Here she is, though. They settled on a message. It's not AI. They're now going to blame you. This is a short clip, and I want you to listen to where she's like, Basically, all you stupid Americans out there complaining about everything all the time. She doesn't say in those exact words, but make no mistake, this is going to be their message going forward because there's nothing else they can say. Hope and change from what? Listen to this. Talking about how terrible everything is. Well, my mother had another lesson she used to teach. Never let anyone tell you who you are. You showed them who you are. You already showed us for the last four years.


Geek, can you go to the Wall Street Journal team for the next clip? I know we're a little bit out of our... She's already showed Yes. Do you believe this bullshit? This is going to be her message. Her message is going to be, You all are complaining about what I did, you crazy people. So now I'm going to tell you who I really am despite the fact that you already saw who I was and you're complaining about it. You just heard it. That's not AI, man. That's their message. She's running on joy. Joy, you ever see Renn and Stimpy? Can you see that? Here. You ever see... We're going to keep this up here today. Maybe in honor. Here we go. There's Stimson J. Cat and Renn Hoke. There. This is what they're running on. They're running on the rent and Stimpy agenda. Happy, happy, joy, joy, joy. Because they can't tell you what joy means. Inflation. Here. Happy, happy, joy, joy, joy. What the hell are-I had enough of these, too. What else are they going to run on? What is joy? Runaway inflation? Fake jobs numbers, open borders, chaos in the streets. What the hell is joy?


The answer is it's nothing. Because when you start digging into what joy meant, and Kamala Harris, my mother said, You tell them who you are. This is who she is, Wall Street Journal. I heard Richard Fowler, one of the dumbest guys on TV. I mean, I've never seen a guy who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, say so much dumb stuff. I hear him on Fox this morning. This was his actual defense, not verbatim, but you can watch it yourself. You think I'm making this up. He's debating Will Caine, and of course, Will just destroys him. And he's like, Well, Richard, Kamal has been the vice president three years. And his defense is like, Well, Kamala can't actually do anything. They literally ran on that Kamala was the last person in the room before Biden does anything. She is also the President of the Senate. Granted, typically that doesn't mean anything. But when you have 50/50 or 51/49, which most of the time they had, and you're issuing tie-breaking votes all the time, being the President of the Senate is probably the second most powerful position in government. Does Fowler not know this?


Why are these people so stupid? Kamala Harris single-handedly changed the American economy for the worse with her exact vote. Her, not Biden's, hers. Casey Mulligan, Wall Street Journal. Always receipts, folks. Every freaking day with receipts. Much of America's inflation since 2020 has resulted from one word. Yay. That's what Vice President Harris said twice, breaking Senate ties to advance the American rescue plan. That was the Porculus Bill and the Inflation Production Act of 2022. These laws didn't reduce inflation. They caused it. Again, Richard, I know playing dumb is like your drill, but I don't get this. So Fowler's thing is Kamala Harris is impudent and stupid, and even though she's the last person in the room and is the President of a 50/50 Senate at one point, right? Just to be clear, his stake is she's still too stupid to do anything? They can't run on anything. Happy, happy, happy, happy. This is what they're running on. Freaking morons. And people are going to believe this? Folks, they have not put a single thing of substance out there. And the things they have put out there, they're already running away from. They put one economic proposal out there I've seen.


The economic proposal they put out there was a massive tax hike accompanied by price controls. Then when even left wingers started pointing out that price controls are a communist tactic that have led to starvation and shortages because if companies can't make money, they don't produce anything. Kamala Harris's team ran away from it saying, No, no, not really price controls, just like emergency price gouging like they do in states, which is not what they originally said. How bad is this for them? They'll get a slight bump after last night. They will. The speech for Democrats was not terrible. Why? Because Democrats love to be lied to. They just do. Everything these people say is bullshit, and Kamala Harris effectively lied. But they're going to have a problem going forward. Their best day was yesterday. I promise you, their best day was yesterday. Kamala Harris is as awful a candidate as you think with an even worse record than you think. Here's a CNN panel saying exactly that Hey, man, they were light on any specifics and stuff like that. That's over now. Check this out. She wasn't clear enough on the policies. She did speak a lot of her personal history on her personal history, which was great.


But I still don't feel like she's ready. I feel like more so she should wait. I don't want to, per se, vote for someone that is a backup. Folks, oh, Dan, you shouldn't be playing Fox News panels, what Republican voters like. That's not. That's a CNN panel. I have no idea what that guy's party is. No idea at all. But I can tell you right now, if you're listening on audio, he happens to be Black, which I don't give a rat's ass about, but Democrats are obsessed with, and Democrats keep telling us that they've got a monopoly over Black voters. Not that gentleman. He seems pretty smart. He seems pretty smart. He seems to see right through all this bullshit. So I'm not buying the liberal bullshit argument that we should treat Black people like freaking robots who can't think for themselves. You want to be a racist pig, slob, and say, You know what? Hispanics and Blacks, they all think alike. Then you're in the Democrat Party because you're not in my party, because we treat people like individuals. And maybe that's why that guy is like, You know, these Republicans talk to me like I'm a human being.


Like, I'm not really buying this Kamala Harris. She hasn't actually said anything. Maybe you treating Black voters like robots is starting to work against you. Folks, the convention overall, if I'm a Democrat, which I'm not, they're trying to view it objectively, I give them a B. I give them a B. Obviously, if you're a sane person, it's an F. But I'm just telling you, if you're a Democrat that likes being lied to, you're a diehard, not that guy, but you're a diehard Democrat who likes being lied to, last time was perfect. Status quo, more inflation, more open borders, more crime, all of it. All right, I'm going to take a quick break, and I'm going to help you out a lot here. You know I've been hard on the secret service, but something happened yesterday, and I have to give you some perspective. And sorry, folks, but I'm not going to take any lectures on this unless you've done it yourself. What happened yesterday is not unusual. Maybe it should be after he got shot in the head. Granted. I'm just telling you how it's been done in the past. Maybe they should change that.


Quick break. You're having trouble sleeping or You're not going to sleep. Listen, I've been there a lot. It's not just about feeling tired the next day. Just look it up and do your research. Sleep takes a terrible... The lack of sleep takes a terrible toll. Your glucose metabolism, your well-being, it's really bad for you. There's hope on the horizon. You got beams Beem's Dream Powder. It's been a game changer for me. When you're sleeping well, you're sharper, you're ready to tackle the day. Today, my listeners get a special discount on Beams Dream Powder. It's their science-backed hot cocoa for sleep with no added sugar. Better sleep has never tasted better. These other sleep aids can cause the next day grogginess, but Dream contains a powerful all-natural blend. It has Reishi, Magnesium, Elthianine, Apogenin, and Melatonin to help you fall asleep, stay asleep. It's important to wake up refreshed. You want to try it? Beam's best-selling Dream Powder is now offering Bungino listeners an exclusive discount. Get up to 45% off for a limited time when you go to shopbeam. Com/bongino and use code Bungino at checkout. Beam is B-E-A-M. That's shopbeam. Com/bongino. Use code Bungino for up to 45% off.


Get yourself a good night's sleep. Check it out. Okay, back to the show. Ladies and gentlemen, I only owe you the truth. As I say all the time, the doesn't have an agenda. It's just the truth. People have agendas. I have an agenda. My agenda is conservatism. Sometimes conservatism, people speak the truth about it. Sometimes they don't. However, this happened yesterday. Donald Trump was down at the border, visiting an area Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will likely never see in their entire lives as they run away from the border and allow the invasion to continue and pretend it's not happening, and they run on joy. Happy, happy, joy, joy, joy. This is their whole thing. They will never tell you anything about anything of substance. Happy, happy, joy, joy, happy, happy, joy, joy. Happy, happy, joy, joy, happy, happy, joy. Is that their campaign? That's the DNC. Thank you, guys. That's the whole DNC right there. That's the entire... If you were smoking weed, watching it, it was even a thousand times better. Don't do drugs. Drugs are bad. Do not do drugs. I'm just saying if you're a Democrat and you were smoking weed, watch that, it was probably the greatest convention ever.


Don't you think, fellows? It was like, yeah. You're like Spicoli from Fast Times at Richmond High. You're like, Bro, this is great, bro. What's great? Can you explain to me what they're going to do at the border, what their exact... Bro, joy, baby. Happy, happy, joy, joy. Can you explain to me what they're going to do about marginal tax and their effect on productivity and investment, especially capital investment in the United States? Wholesale costs are... He's right. No, first it's joy. That's joy, bro. But that's definitely racist that you asked the question. I said, This is their whole policy. This is their whole policy. Here was Trump yesterday, so he was at the border. And this threat comes over from this individual, Ronald Servad, who was alleged to have made threats against Donald Trump. Let me just play the clip. Here, they're asking me like, Hey, man, you're basically out here in the open. You've got this guy running around that law enforcement saying is a serious threat to you. How do you feel about it? Donald Trump said this. Let's check this out. There was a manhunt going on in this county. It's what has made death threats to you.


Did you hear about that before coming? What are your thoughts coming down here? Some people told me it's dangerous for you to be here. I've heard it's dangerous, but I also have a job to do. I I heard it's very dangerous. I haven't heard about that. They probably want to keep it from me. Thank you for telling me. Let's get out of here right now. Number one, Donald Trump, again, is the king of the sound bite. I don't want to get off track here, but I can't tell you enough, snapshots and sound bites. Donald Trump is just a natural in front of the camera because he's been there his whole life. He's the only guy I know. Fellas, tell me if I'm wrong, especially you, because you could be a harsh judge or something. The guy got shot in the head a month a go. No, I mean, he actually got shot in the head. Clipped his ear. I mean, didn't take his ear, but he was shot in the head. No one wants to try that, correct? I'll just clip my ear, five, five, six round, traveling at thousands of feet per second. He was shot in the head.


It's a month. It's not 10 years later. He not only is out in public again, totally exposed in the open, but he's joking about it. Everybody's laughing with it. Gee, can anybody else He's not going to do that like that? Seriously. No. Folks, he's just... You may not like some of his speeches. I get it. Some of them, I understand. There is nobody better at the back and forth than this guy. He's laughing about this. It's amazing. And there's a guy out there who, again, according to law enforcement, is a serious threat to his life. And nobody knew where he is. Been locked up now. We can dump that tweet next. I sent it yesterday. They were looking for this guy in Cochis County. They found him, okay? I got this from a lot of people. If this segment makes you mad, I'm sorry, but again, I owe you the truth. Let me just get it out there. Folks, this is not uncommon at all. I did this for 12 years. When I say it's not uncommon, a bunch of people sent me that clip, friends of mine, too, and I love you. Thank you for sending.


I don't expect you to know how the secret service works like this. But they were like, This is an unbelievable failure. How do you not tell Donald Trump? I'm not telling you they shouldn't have, period. End of that statement. Given everything that happened, yes, they probably should have. They probably should have told him, I'm just telling you in the past, I've done advances, a lot of them. I mean, a lot of them. Hundreds. Lead advances, foreign advances, advance in a war zone in Afghanistan. Folks, we rarely tell the President about a threat, rarely, unless there's something There's something imminent. And there's a reason for it. You're not going to like it. That's why I was hesitant to do this, but I owe you the truth. The reason is the President, Democrat or Republican, it's not a partisan thing. He's got a thousand things on his plate. If you were ever on a trip with the President, I mean, in the bubble, you have no idea how many people are up this guy's caboose. Can you do that? Everyone from the chief of staff to the mill aid. You got to go say hello to this guy.


You're going to pin a Purple Heart on that guy. This is the ambassador. His name is Joey Bag of Donuts. You're going to do this. This is that law enforcement officer who died. This is the mom. The name is Antoinette or something. Mr. President, there's a guy who wants to kill you. I'm going to tell you why you don't do it. Again, I'm going to read the chat in a second because I want to see your thoughts. One of the reasons they don't do it is because the President's first question every time is going to be like, Well, am I going to die now? No. Okay, so why are you telling me this? There are thousands of people across the country, this is not a secret, I'm not letting that, that the Secret Service is monitoring for threatening these people. Thousands in every district. They use a system to grade people for the level of threat. Thousands of these exist. In New York alone, there's probably a file like this. Imagine sitting down with the President going, This guy, this guy, this guy, this guy. Now, having said that, I'm just telling... Don't kill the messenger.


I'm just telling you they've done it. Granted, the guy was just shot in the head and is standing out there in the open. And The media had already picked up the story. At this point, yes, it's probably a bit of an F-up, if you know what I mean, to not tell the President, Hey, just FYI, in case you see this on the media, we're looking for this guy. We feel like we've got this site locked It happens. The cops are on it. A mistake. But I'm not going to tell you that they tell the President about every single threat. They just don't. Okay, moving on. That's all I had to say about it. They put out bolos, and I just owe you the truth. I want to get to this RFK thing. You know how I know this thing is a hot story? My brother Jim, he's a union electrician up in New York. Shout out to the local three guys. You do amazing work, man. My brother Jim, he's my brother, so we talk, obviously. But we don't talk all the time because he's an electrician. He busts his ass and I'm working on something.


Hey, we'll talk on a weekend or whatever. When he text me about something political, it's serious. He text me yesterday, Dude, what's going on with RFK? I'm going to tell you what I think is going on. I'm going to tell you how I think it changes the race. I'm going to tell you how I think it helps Trump. Dan, now you're a hypocrite. You said that RFK voters are not going to... Yes. That was when Biden was in the race. Things have I think this marginally helps Donald Trump. Quick break. I promise I'll explain, and I promise you it'll make sense. Bone Charge is a holistic wellness brand with a huge range of evidence-based products to help optimize your life. Paula loves that red light face mask. She's been noticing some wrinkles and blemishes lately, and since Bone Charge sent us the red light face mask to try, she's seen a noticeable difference in fine lines and wrinkles. Folks, I'm going to tell you something, too. You put that thing on at night, the red light stimulates the Simulates that melatonin. Man, night, night. It's great for your skin, but great for my sleep, too.


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You guys are the frontline lieutenants and captains in the Bongino Army rocking the shirt today. If you want one, you pick it up at the website. All of our proceeds head all over to charity. Monday, Special. It's going to be live from DC. Cory Mills, Matt Gates, Chip Roy, Andy Biggs. You're going to see all the ringers there. We'll be on the podcast two hours. We're going to break down every single thing to do with this secret service, massive failure, and we're going to try to get some answers on Monday. Don't miss the show. It's going to be a banger, so don't miss it. Okay, the RFK thing. What's going on with RFK? Everybody's saying, Is RFK going to drop out today? I'm going to tell you with almost 100% certainty, RFK is not... Did I not call it? I told you Michelle Obama was not going to be the nominee. Ding. I told you Joe Biden wasn't going to be the nominee. Did I not? Did I not? That's for you guys. Did I not? Yes. Yes, thank you, Michael. I could play the clips, but it would be stupid because I could just say it, and you know the listeners, no.


They are not going to finish this race. It's very simple. They just don't have the money. Campaigns cost money. I told you this when I I told you Biden was going to drop out. What did I tell you? I've been part of so many presidential campaigns when I was a secret service agent. It costs money. You got to take planes to go campaign. Forget about ads and everything else. They cost money. You think RFK is coming out of his own pocket? They're running out of money. He's not going to make it. He ran a spirited campaign. I thought he should have been entitled to speak on the Democrats side. They locked him out. The Democrats gave him the middle finger. I got to tell you, the guy ran a spirited campaign. I don't agree with all his policy stances. He definitely leans left, if not way left on some stuff. But he ran a decent campaign, but he's not going to stay in. Is he going to drop out today? I can tell you with almost certainty, it looks like it. Is it going to shake things up? First, let me play this. This was a clip from the other day.


This is his running mate, Nicole Shanaher, who they did a decent job. Here she is the other day on a podcast talking about a potential unity agenda. Big question, I think, is, are they going to endorse Donald Trump or not? Check this out. You made some big news today talking about the Kennedy-Shanaher ticket. Does it stay in the race, Nicole? What are your thoughts on that? You know, it's Bobby's decision. I came into this supporting him wholeheartedly to win this election. I have to say there's only one party that has obstructed a fair election for us. Unfortunately, it was the Democratic Party. They've done everything they can, including creating packs to prevent us from being able to have valid access. Folks, this has to be one of the most ironic twists in modern political history. I mean it. I'm not intended... This is not intended as an exaggeration for effect or impact. The ironic twist is this. Rfk, if they... Democrats... People are forgetting, he wanted to get in the Democratic primary. Well, the Democrat primary, nothing's Democratic about it. You guys remember that? It was the Democrats that blocked him out. And Nicole Shannon said, No, you're not getting in our primaries.


They did everything they could to stop him. So what does he do? He starts running and gets on the ballot independently under different lines in different states. The Democrats realize they've got a problem. In one of the greatest twists ever, if he drops today, which I think is likely, and he endorses Donald Trump, which I hope, this will be one of the most amazing twists in political history, that if the Democrats would have let him run, he would not have won the Democrat primary. Trust me, the establishment would have stopped him. If they can stop Bernie Sanders with his commie and his Bernie Bros, they would have crushed RFK. Rfk had no chance of winning the Democrat primary. Rfk He could have got a speaking spot at the DNC. He could have gone out and said, Thank you for giving me a shot. Even Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley and Trump were like this. I'm not a huge Nikki Haley fan. She came out, she did the right thing. It's what you do when you run under a party banner. I'm part of this team. Go team, right? Imagine an RFK speech last night, say two spots or something before Kamala.


Hey, RFK supporters. Thank you, everyone. But we're going for Kamala. Folks, I'm telling you right now, it would have been a big deal. In a race that's likely to be decided by a few votes in a few states, that would have been a big deal. Instead, what did they do? They gave the triple barrel middle finger to RFK, and the Democrat, air quotes, party did the most undemocratic thing possible, and now they're paying the price because he may wind up endorsing Donald Trump. Here's Nicole Chanahan on her Twitter account. This is his running mate, RFK's running My old Democrat buddies have been flooding me with frantic calls, text, and emails. Unlike Roe, I wouldn't dream of airing those private conversations publicly, but the message is clear. They're terrified of us joining forces with Trump. When I point out what the Democratic Party and their Superpacks have done to sabotage us, their response is always, But Trump is worse. Here's an idea, she notes, Stop suing us. Let us debate. Quit rigging the media in the polls. It's a simple formula, people. Get with it. Folks, RFK endorses Trump. That's going to be a big deal.


Now, let me explain why. A lot of you in the chat, I'm expecting because you guys are really ridiculously smart, and you remember everything. I'm giving you your own retort. You should be saying, Dan, you said RFK in the race hurts Biden more than Trump. I did. Who's in the race now? Yes, Kamala. We've got a bit of a problem. Although RFK, I think, still hurts Kamala Harris. A lot of people hated. They call him the double nose. Try to follow me. Michael, you're the ombudsman for this. It makes no sense. Stop me. When it was Biden-Trump, you had a lot of double nose. You just did. People said no to Trump, no to Biden, and I don't know what they were going to do. Rfk was maybe their guy. When Kamala Harris jumped in, the percentage of nos on the Biden side went down because they see Kamala Harris as flawed but not as bad Biden. That percentage that was gettable by the RFK crowd went down because Harris got in and shrunk it. You get it? There were less nos. There were still some nos on the Trump side. Swampy Republicans, Lincoln Project types, goof balls like that, you know what I'm saying?


They don't care. The David Frenches of the world, those people are not really gettable, but some are. Those double nos are still there. If RFK, they would have been with RFK before and are now going to go with Donald Trump because of an endorsement, and some will. I think an endorsement obviously only helps Donald Trump. Here, RFK Jr. Set to speak in Arizona hours before Trump as questions swirl around a possible alliance. Folks, my math is solid here. I'm using simple math. I'm telling you, Spock style. I'm not a Star Trek guy. I was a Star Wars guy. I'm not like these guys here, over here. But whatever. You know, you get But you remember, Spock? Your logic is sound. The percentage of nos that were gettable, shrunk when Harris got in. We now can go grab them. Grab the double nos, the nos on the Trump side. Folks, everything these people are telling you in this election is bullshit. Listen, I'm going to warn you right now. This is a serious segment coming up. I know a lot of humor. We laugh a lot. You and I have fun in the show. I hope It's enjoyable.


It's educational, educational entertainment. Had to boogie down production. But this is serious. I'm telling you right now, and you can... Flags in the chat, please. Everywhere. Everyone, get the flags in the chat. Because remember this day and remember this moment. They are not going to put out a serious policy prescription proposal. They're not. Everybody keeps saying, Oh, it's coming tomorrow, it's coming tomorrow, it's coming tomorrow. They will not. Everything they've put out has I've been laughed at. Their price controls, their massive tax hikes, they keep running away from it. She will never talk publicly about this. However, the Kamala agenda, if she wins, folks, is even worse than you can imagine. Although Kamala will not talk publicly about her Communist agenda, other people are starting to leak out what she's going to do because they've got of the mouth. They can't shut up. The one guy who can never shut up, who you should be following, is Chuck Schumer, the Senate Majority Leader for the Democrats. Schumer is notorious for the of the mouth. He cannot shut up. So he's out there at the DNC, and Kim Strasel wrote about it in a Wall Street Journal.


Chuck Schumer shows his policy cards for 2025. He can't shut up. So they started asking him at this little gaggle out at the DNC. I forget where he was, the CNN Grill or whatever. Hey, man, what's going to happen if you guys win the Senate, the House, and Kamala Harris wins? She notes on a roll at this gaggle, Mr. Schumer explained that he'd work very hard to persuade his colleagues to nuke the filibuster and, We've got a damn good chance of getting that done. The only question these days, he said, is whether to do it only for big ticket items or for everything. No, the show didn't go dead. I'm taking a pregnant pause here for you to digest this for a second. Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any idea how destructive this would be? If they take charge of the house, remember, we just have a slim lead now, just a few votes. Not hard for them to do Say you don't execute, take 10 people with you. You decide, Stay home. I don't care. I don't like Donald Trump's tweets. They win the House. They win the Senate. Say with just 51 votes, forget it, they only need 50.


Tamp on Tim would be the tiebreaker, just like Kamala Harris was. Kamala Harris wins the presidency, and they nuke the filibuster, meaning they will not need to pass the 60 vote threshold in the Senate. They would just say, Ladies and gentlemen, they would control everything. All of this crazy stuff Kamala Harris has told you about. You think Chuck Schumacher said that without Kamala Harris knowing? All of the crazy stuff, your private health care, gone. Tax rates, through the roof. Border, forget it. You think the border is bad now? They're going to figure this. They're going to figure they've got two years until the Kamala Harris midterms, if they win, to do everything they wanted to do, wiping out any voter integrity measures. Government health care everywhere. Public education just destroyed. School choice attacked. Abortion on demand. All of this stuff is going to happen. Ladies and gentlemen, don't listen to me. Listen to the Democrats. You want to hear about crazy? They're already starting to crazy. Illegals, automatically amnesty for everyone. Here's some of the crazy stuff I guarantee you're You're not going to see if they win. It is time to execute and bring 10 people with you.


That is it. Cutsy time is over. Every member of the Bongino Army is your job. It's your task. Here's a segment from Fox. It's quick. It's about 20 seconds. Oregon, Deep Blue, Oregon. They're running a program now to buy illegals homes. You think I'm kidding? You think this isn't going to go national? You're out of your mind. Watch this. A taxpayer-funded group is offering $30,000 to new home buyers. Lauren, you cannot apply if you're an American citizen. What's with that? Why would an American citizen apply for a taxpayer-funded program to get $30,000 for a new home? I mean, it's wild. You think I'm making this stuff up? You think that's not going to be on the agenda next? Pay Claiming off everybody's student loans with your money, stealing your money to give illegals education funds, stealing your money to buy them new homes. You don't think that's going to be their national agenda when they nuke the filibuster? No, no, no, no, no. They're not crazy. They're even telling you, just act normal for the next 70 days, and then we can get crazy. How do I know? Guy's brilliant. Guy says, Dan, you got to play this for me again.


They actually said it at the DNC. Here, we'll play this for you again. Check this out. All He's going to pull it up for you. I'm sorry. It was his idea. They actually said it. Good. I'll go to this. Put the Wall Street Journal thing up there. Here, you want to see another thing coming your way? Folks, this show is the king of receipts. All I do all day is research because I love you and I'm not going to waste your time. They nuked a filibuster in Kamala Harris Wins, which they were already talking about because they're ready to get crazy. They are ready to engage in a massive healthcare rationing program, massive, and they're already trying it out. No, they're not, Dan. Read this Wall Street journal. Read it. This is an order. I'm sorry. It's called Hallelujah: Transplant Test Reversal. So they want to do health care rationing because when the government controls health care, the first thing they do is rather than using a price system, because there's only pricing and rationing, right? That's it. You have free market pricing or rationing. There's no other way to allocate anything. You want to sell Whatever.


Someone gave me a baseball card. You want to sell baseball cards? You can price it or you can ration them. That's it. Socialists like rationing. The problem with rationing is people lose out. People lose out. They have no shot because they're rationed. There's this test. I don't want to make this. I'll make this quick. There's a blood test for people who get organ transplants. They need this blood test. They don't get the blood test, they'll die. Well, the government, through their Center for Medicare for services, thought the blood test was too expensive, so they started rationing them. Ladies and gentlemen, the only reason they stopped... Leave this on the screen a second. The only reason they stopped is there's an election coming up and the word got out. That's it. You're playing at my ear right now. Hold on. Look, read this right here. The CMS denied the reduced coverage was to cut Medicare costs by rationing care. But The American Association of Kidney Patients' Policy Chairman nailed the truth when he called the original coverage guidance, a blunt instrument of cost control. Okay, this is in my ear. It's driving me a little crazy.


Forget this clip. Now, it's making me nuts. No, now I don't want it because it's making me crazy. All right, play it. You got the clip? Play this, guy. We got 70 days to act right, you all. That's right. Now, after seven days, we can go back there and crazy. That was just for game because I know he did a lot of work on it. They are going to go back to getting crazy. You have some specialty treatment paid for by Medicare? I can guarantee you with 100% certainty, if Kamala Harris wins and the government fully takes over health care, they will be rationing everything. They're doing it now. Imagine being a kidney transplant patient. Knowing you need this test to live, You're on Medicare and the government says, No, we're not. This happened. Look it up. I'm not making this up. Do your own fact checks. Folks, everything they're telling you is bullshit. Everything. They are not going to cut middle class taxes. They're going to hike them. How do you think the corporate tax is? The tax on business. Really dumb. Where do businesses get their money from? Customers. So if the business has to pay more in taxes and has to meet a threshold to stay in business, where are they going to get the more money to pay the elevated tax rate?


From the customers? Why are you so freaking stupid, liberals? Here's another one, Hat Tip, Maze Ma. They're lying to you about everything. They're full of shit. Which The story is correct. Here's a quickie on the border. You're going to hear Alejandro Mayorkas, then Kamala Harris, then Joe Biden on the border. What are they running on? Is the border secure like they said or not secure like they said, or not secure but secure like they said, said, said. I don't know. They're full of shit. Watch this. The border is closed. The border is secure. The border is secure. The only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump. Foe Folks, nothing they're telling you is real, man. It's all fake. I mean, how many receipts do I have to show you? They're going to nuke the filibuster. Believe me, you're screwed. Blue, Oregon, 30,000 Buy a legal's home. Trust me, that's going national. They're rationing health care right now. You can read about it yourself. The border. The border is secure. The border is secure. The border is not secure. We can see the border is not secure. Look at this gem yesterday, too. Remember we were told that from AOC and all the other geniuses out there, folks, 12 years, we're all going to die.


The Earth is going to be like a matchstick. We're all going to burn up. In toxic flames. The Atlantic Ocean, Guy, is like a sauna-like spa. You jump in, Atlantic Ocean is 147 degrees. You guys remember that? We're We're all going to die in 12 years. No one can figure out why the Atlantic Ocean is cooling at record's rate. It's a real article, man, from October. Excuse me, August 21st. No one can figure it out, folks. I thought the Atlantic Ocean was like a hot tub. We're all dying. Dead fish everywhere. No one can figure out. Maybe if you stopped propagandizing and started doing actual science on the Atlantic Ocean, maybe you'd figure that out. Folks, everything they're telling you is bullshit. Everything. You may not like the Republican Party. Well, you and my audience, you do. But you got to understand, we're talking to a lot of people out there. There are liberals to watch his show, I get their death threats. Let me just tell you for a second. I get it. You may not like some of our personalities. Listen, mine can be heated. So can Trump sometimes. I get it. But can we just acknowledge that everything we tell you, we actually believe?


Secure borders, lower taxes. How do I know? Because we did it, and we're still running on it now. We don't have your problem. Constantly changing our minds, pretending we didn't do what we did, running away. You notice Trump is running on the Trump record? Did you notice that? Kamala Harris is running against Kamala Harris's record in the Biden-Harris. Don't you find that weird? Trump's running on Trump. Harris is running on not Harris. Nobody finds that weird? Here, This clip from the DNC is fantastic. It's short, but I want you to listen again. This is what they say when the cameras are rolling, but it's not on CNN or elsewhere. Here's a lady saying, We, quote, have to unfuck the economy. It's your economy. Does she not realize Kamala Harris and Biden are in charge now? This is what's happening at their own convention. That's what we need because we need to unfuck our economy. That's what we need because I'm long out of this, Jim. Can you and Guy get on this? Justin is a DJ. Dj Justin, can you get him on? We need to unfuck Eric. This is the Democrats talking. Yes, she's correct.


We do. Wait, I get. Don't go anywhere without watching this one. Here is CNN again, saying the quiet part out loud. This is great. We are forbidden to go into the weekend without planes. Here is CNN. I promise you, I'm not kidding. The The truest thing you have ever heard on CNN. Here's Dana, Dana, whatever her name is, bash, saying, Listen, Democrats are the party of low testosterone beta male in cells, losers. And if you're like a man who hunts or shoots takes care of his wife and kids, uses a chainsaw and stuff. We're definitely not the party for you. No, I'm serious. They actually said this. Cnn finally doing some journalism. This is a real clip. Watch this. But they are doing so in trying to put forward male figures, Tim Walls being one of them, Doug Emhoff last night, who can speak to men out there who might not be the testosterone-laden, gun-toating guy who wants to listen to Hulk Hogan and the players that came out at the RNC. Then Michael That's right. She goes on to be like, We have more like Tim Walls. Yes, you do. You do. You do have men who like tampons and.


Dana Basch, at CNN, you should get a Pulitzer for that act of journalism. You are 100% correct. Be proud. If you have elevated testosterone, you like to hunt, you like Brazilian jiu-jitsu, you like boxing, you like wrestling, you like the Iron Chic and Hope Hogan back in the day, then yes, we are definitely your party. The truest thing I promise you have I've ever heard on CNN. Man, what a week. Over 150,000 streamers. We were third in the United States yesterday in live streams. We almost beat MSNBC. Yes, we beat them the day before. But think about that. A billion dollar, NBC enterprise and little old Dan Bongino in this tiny studio, at least for now, until we move out in a few months. In this tiny studio with about a five-person staff is routinely taken out MSNBC. It's the first time they beat us in a long time yesterday. That is insane. Thank you for everything. Don't miss our special live stream on Monday from Washington, DC on the Secret Service with a massive panel. It's going to be an incredible show. Don't miss it. Happy birthday, Anita. And everyone, please, over the weekend, can you do me a favor?


I ask every day that It just takes a minute of your time, probably less. Go to Spotify, spotify. Com or the app. Just click that follow on the Dan Bongino show. Go to Apple podcast, click that follow. It's free. Then please follow us on Rumbl, rumble. Com/bongino. Download the Rumbl app. It really, really helps us out a lot. We so deeply appreciate. I got the metrics. We've been blowing up those platforms. Thank you so much. See you on the radio show here in Rumbl in a few minutes. And from DC, live Monday, 10:00 AM, an hour early, if everything works right with the tech, which it should. We'll see you there. Thanks for tuning in. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.