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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


What was that last night that that 60 Minutes interview done by the professional journalist, dreaded air quotes twice in the same sentence. I don't even I don't even know what to say anymore. The media has just so abandoned America their reputations. If there was a toilet bowl flush for the media's reputation, 60 Minutes flushed that bowl permanently last night. What was China buying in Joe Biden, ladies and gentlemen, what were they buying, do you think? China, one of our most significant powerful foreign adversaries, they have nuclear weapons and a huge economy.


What do you think they were buying in the Biden family, the Biden family's expertise in an energy consortium? What do you think they were buying Biden's ability to do advanced calculus.


What were they buying? I'll answer that question for you today, along with my. The return of my Trump is the bull in a china shop full of full of China, small C china shop full of broken China, maybe big nose full of broken China theory. But explain that Today show by the May Express VPN. Protect your online activity from those prying eyeballs. It's important. Get a VPN, get it today. Go to express VPN Dotcom Bungeni.


Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show on this fine Monday producer. Joe, how are you today. Fine sir.


As almost always, I'm doing very well sir, and glad to be here on this low news Monday. Yeah, nothing to talk about. Today, I get a blast from the past for Armacost today. Joe used to work for decades at a very popular morning news station. Does conservative talk radio w CIBM? I was on this morning with the great Sean Casey and Bruce rancorously, my co-host over there. So, yeah, Bruce Kelly was a really good time.


So are you happy to be back doing a little radio? So, folks, we got a lot to get through. Got that. Including some news on the Amy Bharat front, which is really good. I want to give you some good news on Monday through and we'll leave. Paula, don't let me exit today's show without the best news ever. A huge, huge endorsement for the Trump economic prosperity and the huge endorsement. That's great. We're going to leave today on that one.


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Bongino go today.


All right, let's go. All right. I love those cuts, you like that sharp, comfortable, too. So last night, 60 Minutes finally aired their version of their disastrous so-called interview with their fake news specialist, Lesley Stahl. And Norah O'Donnell did an equally awful job. I'm sorry. Some people who are praising our Norah O'Donnell did a great job asking Joe Biden questions. She did. Listen, I don't know Norah O'Donnell. It's not personal, but she is a journalist, so therefore she's open to a critique, just like journalists try to critique everyone else.


So the whole essence of journalism is trying to distill what the facts are and get the facts from people running for office. Right. Not give your opinion. That's what opinion people like me do. Unfortunately, I've had to put on a journalism hat because I have to get you the facts when journalists can't because they're fake news specialists. So 60 Minutes spent 15 minutes, Lesley Stahl badgering Donald Trump about everything, not even asking questions. It was an embarrassing interview.


We've covered that last week. But finally last night, they aired Joe Biden portion of their interview where you would think it would be hard hitting. And we could get to facts, Joe, like what the hell Joe Biden's name or a reference to Joe Biden is doing on an email regarding a Chinese business deal with the Chinese communist, where the big guy, Joe Biden's, allegedly getting a 10 percent cut. I'm kind of curious about that. Right.


We did a whole interview with Rudy Giuliani last week, which, by the way, is done because numbers where we kind of covered that a little bit. So you would think the journalist class would ask a question about why Joe Biden may be in the pocket of the communist Chinese. Instead, we get this humiliating exchange where Norah O'Donnell, trying to be a journalist, asks Joe Biden about Joe Biden's talking point, about the Chinese emails where he's allegedly taking a 10 percent cut.


Listen to this. Well, we'll critique it on the other side. Check this out.


I have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life in the closing days of the campaign.


Joe Biden has been forced to address new and unverified claims that he was involved in his son Hunter's foreign business dealings.


The president's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, says he came into possession of emails allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden and turn them over to the tabloid New York Post smoking gun email.


Mr Trump and his allies have called for an investigation that the FBI would neither confirm nor deny to 60 Minutes that one was taking place.


Do you believe the recent leak of material allegedly from Hunter's computer is part of a Russian disinformation campaign?


From what I've read, I didn't know. The intelligence community warned the president that Giuliani was being fed disinformation from the Russians. And we also know that Putin is trying very hard to spread disinformation about Joe Biden. And so when you put the combination of Russia, Giuliani, the president together is just what it is, is a smear campaign because he has nothing he wants to talk about. What is he running on? What is he running?


Joe what? Paul? Why did you cut out the follow up? You guys are messing up the whole show. Joe and Paul are doing you a huge disservice. There's a follow up there where Norah O'Donnell is like, but, sir, are these emails real? Come on, guys. Are we really clear, dude? No, no, no, no. You. It's all of you. Stop blaming me. Second, the follow up question.


When Norah O'Donnell says, hey, are you the big guy that you stop blaming everyone else or because you're fired? It's like Donald, of course I'm joking. There is no follow up. Joe didn't cut it out. Paula didn't cut it because it doesn't exist. So just to be crystal clear. I hope you to get someone to stop listening right before it's that big. Why are you. I'm kidding. We love Joe. He's the best.


Yes. Yes. Joe and I. That's all we do. Because you got to add an element of sarcasm to the stupidity, because me little old Dan Bongino, former federal investigator and you know, just me, a dopey cop and Joe Dopey podcast version, Paula, just the dopey web designer. We're not the smart journalists like Norah O'Donnell. We can't figure this out. Like what? The real quick. No, we're too stupid, of course.


So you see what happened there? You saw the clip. I saw, of course, there is no follow up. That said, notice the set up first where so-called journalists pretend to ask a question. That's really an affirmation of Joe Biden's talking point that none of this stuff about China is real. It's Russian disinformation. Now that's been debunked by the head of the national intelligence community, John Radclyffe and the FBI, that have said that's false, but it doesn't matter to Norah O'Donnell.


She leads and she goes, hey, it's this stuff, all Russian disinformation, as if Joe Biden, Joe, is going to say, no, no, no, it's not. I've actually been bribed by the Chinese communist. Of course, she's going to say yes. Do we have a baseball bat here? But you know what a bug is. Again, you got to keep the handle of the bat lower because if you keep it. Higher than the barrel of VAT, you'll bump it up in here.


No catchable defeat the purpose. I loved baseball, but you got to bend at the knees and hips, the bud, the butt, meaning you just catch the ball with the bat. Of course, he's going to answer that way. Is this Russian disaffiliate? Let me rephrase that question. This is one of these types of questions, Mr. Biden. We've heard from the public. We've heard how awesome you are. Your level of awesomeness is unparalleled on the totem pole of awesomeness in human history.


We've heard this. Can you please confirm, does Mr. Biden just how awesome you are, Nora? Yes, I am, in fact, awesome. How else is he going to answer that? Holy Moses, this is a question you've got a potential president, Joe Biden, who could be elected next week, a week from tomorrow, who could be elected, who's in the pocket of the Chinese government. And your only question is we heard this is Russian disinformation.


You didn't hear that. You didn't hear that from the intelligence community. Have you heard that from Biden? As if he's going to say no? This is our media, and I saw someone I'm not going to say who won the Trump campaign, I ran someone in the Trump campaign tweeted out last night, a good job by Norah O'Donnell. Really? Dude, wife. What are you kidding? So. Mistake number one, it's not a mistake, it's deliberate, Norah O'Donnell bunts to Joe Biden, feeding him his own talking point to Russian disinformation, right.


Allowing Biden to regurgitate this vomit, which is all it is. So that's problem number one. Problem number two, did you hear it in the setup? I know you did. You know, those of you listening or watching on Rumball can rewind or on Apple podcast can hit that 15 second back button. I want you to listen again how she sets up the precursor to the question by showing the footage before there's some voiceover some videos going on while Joe Biden is talking when she's talking and she's not in the interview yet.


And she makes three points about this whole email about the Chinese paying off Hunter Biden and his dad. The 10 percent for the big guy email. She says these are unverified emails, they are no, they're not a person on the email chain has said those are, in fact, legitimate emails. Lieutenant Bob Wolinsky, who's on those emails, has come out and it a press conference about how are they unverified? You have an on the record source on the email chain saying they're his emails.


They're unverified. This is journalism. This is journalism, they'll talk about the peepee hoax, which was never verified by a single cent and being on planet Earth, that's verified. But an actual email where a guy on the email is saying, it's my email, it's not verified, and we're supposed to take the media seriously. You wonder why half of America thinks you're all morons in the media, why we're laughing at you, you buffoons.


They're not unverified. Second, she says of these four allegedly from Hunter Biden's computer, these emails, they're not allegedly from Hunter Biden's computer hunter, Biden signed the receipt, turning over his computer. We have that. Oh, look, I still got him. I still got it from last week. Not planned. Not planned. This is done extemporaneously on the spot. Here it is my receipt mocking the hunter. You can see it in the light.


There it is, my fake Hunter Biden signature from Neverson. There's guys you, Paula Paul actually has it has a hand. That's the actual receipt signed by Hunter Biden for his computer, where his emails verified by your recipient of the emails were taken. They're not allegedly from Hunter Biden's computer. They are emails from Hunter Biden, his computer. What is that? You printed it, can you bring it over here, can you put that to come on the show?


Here's a printed for in case you're having a tough time. OK, thank you, Miss Paula. There's our hand entering the screen for those. You don't think he doesn't she doesn't exist. Here is a printed version of the Hunter Biden receipt. It's Rielle Hunter, Biden seat. Look right here, underlined twice like this is the receipt. It's a quote from the Mac shop. We fix Macs, quote, numbers seven four six nine bill to Hunter Biden signed by Hunter.


But you know what? This what this reminds me of, remember Austin Powers? The penis pump scene where they vouchered the penis pump thing, remember? Sorry, folks, this is a start. Remember that? And he comes out of his cryo freeze and they're like, sir, we're going to return your property. Here's the penis pump. He's like, Now, baby, that's not mine. That's not mine. And they're like, Sir, there's a receipt sign.


One penis pump signed by one Austin Powers. Now, baby, that's not my remember, this is that we have the receipt. This time it's for the damn computer signed by Unabiding. They're not allegedly from Hunter Biden's computer. It's Hunter Biden's computer. I wish we could use movie clips. I really do. I would play that scene. That's not my baby. That's one receipt signed and Ed half the book, he wrote a book about it like How to Use the Penis Pump by Austin Powers.


And they give them the book. That's not mine, baby, either. It's his computer. Hipster, see what that's kind of the same thing, though, is it not? Yeah, can we not use that C can we find out, please? Can we get permission for. That's not my baby. That's Norah O'Donnell last night on 60 Minutes. That's not yours, baby. Allegedly emails from his alleged computer. Oh, Dan, it's a bad joke, can't make joke about Power's penis, but why not?


The media made a joke of themselves about a tape that that nobody thought that was funny. Everybody treated that as real. Trump They peed on them in a hotel in Moscow. Did he's a germophobia. That doesn't make sense. No, no. Someone told someone who told someone who told someone. So I think we're going to spy on his campaign because we heard about this story. No one can verify. They didn't think that was funny. Pre-treated.


That is real. Why is this funny? How is the Hunter Biden receipt different than Austin Powers penis pump section? How is it any different? Watch the scene, you'll laugh, but that's what's happening right now. We have a receipt with his name on it. The third part of that, that's a mistake. So first, unverified, they are verified, alleged computer, it's his computer. Third, she says in the intro, and the emails were given to a tabloid, The New York Post, the tabloid, it's the oldest newspaper in the United States.


The oldest was founded by Alexander Hamilton. It's a more credible newspaper than 60 Minutes is a television broadcast court that a tabloid. I mean, it's really a tabloid, that's what you're what you're putting him on par with, like what the what in one of those newspapers, like the, you know, the Daily Planet from like Superman or something. Idiots. Idiots, idiots in this business, the journal, I'm really sorry, so I said, don't ever call me a journalist, ever call me anything you want.


Begins with an A and as an F, any expletive banned by the FCC you want, fine, I'm fair game. Never call me a journalist. Don't embarrass me like that.


Finally, so we've already pointed out the mistakes they deliberately made, we pointed out the framing of the question, which isn't a question at all to Biden. Is this Russian disinform? It's a statement. Norah O'Donnell saying to Joe Biden, please tell the audience, despite no evidence that this is Russian disinformation, because I don't want to talk about the allegations, you're being bribed or blackmailed by the Chinese and you may be president. This may be the greatest segment we've ever done on my show.


Sorry, self-paced things, but I am enjoying this to no end and I've got like 20 more things to get to.


The two real questions Norah O'Donnell should have asked. She just completely blew past there's no follow up to that at all, what you just watched. Very simple questions for Joe Biden to anyone in the media who has a heart, a mind, a soul, and candidly, folks, even a shred, a sense, a scintilla of dignity left. If you don't ask Joe Biden these two questions. You are taking part in helping to elect a man that could be blackmailed by our major nuclear powered adversary on the geopolitical stage, and you should be ashamed of yourself and anyone else around you contributing to this debacle.


Question one for Joe Biden, are these emails real or not? Now, some of you may be saying, oh, Dan, that's a dumb question, Joe Biden just going to lie and say they're not real. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're missing the whole point here, folks. Once Joe Biden goes on the record. Just like that guy, Steve Scully, remember the debate, the moderator for C-SPAN, for the debate that didn't happen, went on the record with the tweets to Anthony Scaramouch.


You remember that story? Scully went on the record, said, I've been hacked. Yeah. Yeah, I remember that story. Yeah. And everybody laughed it off and they said he'll get out of it. I'll just say he was hacked. No, no, he didn't. Because it was a digital footprint showing Scully was lying. His career is now has been run. Well, Joe Biden's career will be ruined to. Because once he says those emails are real, the follow up question is really, well, where did they come from?


Oh, it was a hack from the Russians. OK, well, let's look into that because there's a digital trail and one of the people on the emails has the digital trail and can authenticate them. All of a sudden, Joe Biden is going to be in a whole lot of trouble once the fog clears. Because we're not going to let it go. So question one, are those emails real? Question two on the email. Where they're talking about a deal with the Chinese connected intelligence firm connected to Chinese intelligence in the military on that email where these people connected to Hunter Buiding are talking about 10 percent for Hunter and 10 percent to hold for the big guy who has been confirmed.


The big guy is Joe Biden. The question for Joe Biden is, are you the big guy? Let him say no. Because when the people on the deal go on the record and raise their right hand in front of Congress or a criminal proceeding and say, I'm on the record now, I'm swearing under oath that Joe Biden is, in fact a big guy. Joe Biden is going to be in a world of trouble. Are those emails real?


Are you the big guy instead, Norah O'Donnell, sad excuse for a journalist, says. The thrust of this information. Pathetic. All right, I rarely replay cuts, but I'm going to play this one again because it's super important. My interview, I'm gonna get to it in a second. I get to my second sponsor here, but. Don't go anywhere. Rudy Giuliani was a guest on my show in an interview that is I don't think it's understated, say went viral, it has exploded.


It is now probably our most largest listen to show audience wise ever. And it launched on a Friday afternoon. To put it in perspective, ladies and gentlemen, nearly a million people saw this over the weekend. That's like a cable news, prime time audience for a show that's digital only. Rudy Giuliani dropped an absolute bombshell on this case and to simplify, I'm going to play this cut in a minute again. Let me get to my second sponsor.


I want you to keep this simple question in mind. What the hell were the Chinese buying in the Biden family and Giuliani's answers disturbing. We'll get to that in a second. Also, Wall Street Journal article on how troubling of a time are in today's show also brought to you by our friends at as low as low.


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Bongino spelled Zello dotcom slash. Bongino don't wait. All right, thanks ASLAV for being a part of the show today. We appreciate. All right. So why is this important? Well, because we may be electing a president, Joe Biden, God forbid, that is in the back pocket of the Chinese. How, Dan, how is that? The Chinese just wanted to do the Chinese Communist Party. By the way, the company they were doing a business deal with is alleged to have ties to the Chinese intelligence community and their military.


Huh? Now, folks, again, I spent 10 plus years in law enforcement dealing with the intel community in multiple countries across the world. I'm not pat myself on the back. I'm just telling you, if you are a journalist who has in take a seat and put your dunce cap on, I'm not interested in your stupid, uninformed opinion. Thanks. Have a good day. I've done this. What do you think the Chinese I spent time in China doing in advance.


It was very uncomfortable, by the way. I'll tell that story another day. I'm short on time. But I've dealt with the Chinese intelligence community, it's not a pleasant experience. What were the Chinese giving Joe Biden and his family money for and planning to give him more money for in the millions? Why? Well, again, I rarely replay a clip, but this is from my interview show. If you haven't seen it yet, you don't know what you're missing.


Go to our Rumball account, apple pie or whatever. It's on a regular stream. Watch the whole interview. But this part with Rudy was so damning again, I had to go back and ask him to repeat it again. When he answered the question for me, what the hell were the Chinese communists really paying Joe Biden and his family for? Check this out. Mr. Mayor, you said something there pretty profound. I want to be sure the audience doesn't miss this.


Is there a possibility here just to reiterate this, that this from the start was a Chinese operation to get dirt on the Bidens altogether, knowing that he run? I mean, you said that. I just want to be sure the audience understands me having some background in intelligence stuff. That's that's that's perfectly possible that this could have been an up from the start, nothing to do with business and everything to do with dirtying up the Biden's two possibilities.


The Chinese are dumb and like to give away billions of dollars. Right, right. Or the Chinese are, among other things, very intelligent and they know what they're doing. Mm hmm. And they figure it was a good investment. And the vice president, since he had a lot of discretion over the islands, the tariffs, and he sold us out like crazy. I mean, it was pathetic, America was sold out completely, if, you know, you lost your job to China somewhere in the middle part of twenty, fifteen, 16, 17, that Joe Biden.


You lost your job. Biden made one point five billion which discussed it, yes. And then I think they figured that's over, but they had to have a another hold on this week, man. So they came up with this deal and the idiot becomes a 10 percent part.


I mean, I cannot if you haven't seen this cut and you're undecided in this election, that video I just played of Rudy Giuliani, regardless of your feelings about the mayor, the president or anyone else, I'm not telling you who to vote for. I have the power to do that. I'm just telling you that what Rudy said there and experienced federal prosecutor, regardless of your feelings about him, I like the mayor. I support the president. I don't hide and or try to cover up my partisan stripes.


I'm a conservative. Even if you're not just understand this, what Rudy said there is absolutely accurate, the Chinese knew the Biden family was deeply populated with morons, with idiots who were greedy. And this whole deal had nothing to do with business at all. It had everything to do with giving them money so that they'd have that money on record in a file they could blackmail the Biden family with later later on. Is this Joe? I mean, Joe's unintelligence.


He's a great producer. Either his politics is not obvious to you what the Chinese were doing. I mean, I'm just checking. Yeah, pretty obvious. Q Well, what do you think the Chinese are morons? No, Biden's a moron and the Chinese knew that they're devious. I wouldn't trust the communists as far as I could throw them. And given my current condition, I can't throw them very far. But they're not stupid. I've dealt with them, they are not stupid, they are experts, social engineers, expert, super smart, devious in many ways evil.


The Communist I'm talking about the people of China, many of them are pissed off with this stuff to the communist leadership are evil. As evil as I've ever seen. But my gosh, don't make the mistake of thinking they're stupid, you have catastrophically underestimated our major geopolitical foe and I know you don't think that. The Biden family did. Because they were too stupid to figure out they were being played. That money and those receipts were going to be used later in a blackmail file.


What do you think they were paying for? How stupid do you have to be to not see through this? Folks, I'm not going to tell the whole story cause I want to waste it, because I'm just saying I spent time in China doing work with my prior line of work.


Can you imagine if I'm over there, I was doing an advance in China for a couple of weeks with Michael Chertoff, I spent a lot of time in Asia who used to be the DHS secretary. Can you imagine if this story came out, just say, for example, that. Well, Secret Service agents lose the site advance for the DHS secretary. We found an e-mail. This was on the cover of The New York Times showing that Dan Bongino was getting a 10 percent cut of a Chinese company alleged to be tied to Chinese intelligence in the military while he was involved in a security advance in China.


I can tell you with absolute certainty, without a shred of doubt, I would not only be fired instantly from the Secret Service instantly, there is zero doubt I would be under investigation for the FBI. Zero doubt. And I'm just a lowly Secret Service advance agent overseas. Yet the vice president of United States running for president now. Has been bought off by the Chinese in an email we know is confirmed the authenticity of the email. And nobody in the media cares.


And you're still undecided in this election, but Chubb's three. Makes a lot of very smart you just the Trump's tweets bother you, but it doesn't bother you that the potential the United States, there's a blackmail file this thick by our major nuclear powered adversary. You're right. Let's get upset about his tweet. That's perfectly logical. Don't be mean, then you'll turn off undecided. I don't know what to tell you if you're on this. I really don't know what to tell you.


I'm I got to be honest, I'm offended at the fact intellectually that you can't figure out what's going on or you can and you don't care. But Trump's tweets. I'm offended by by really the ignorance involved in that statement. I really am. The Wall Street Journal's figured out a, by the way, center, right, sometimes even center left newspaper. Their editorial boards definitely center left on immigration. Even The Wall Street Journal editorial boards figured out that.


Hey, we got a real problem here with Biden, who may be a may have a blackmail file this thick as war and peace over with the Chinese intel services alleged to be connected to this company, we may have a problem. Wall Street Journal, if you haven't read this piece, you're doing yourself a huge disservice, folks. Check it out. It's important. It's by the great Kim Strassel, and I do mean great. Done yeoman's work in uncovering a bunch of scandals, headline the Biden quote, family legacy, what we learned from the text messages of Hunter Biden's partner, Tony Belinsky.


She brings up this is a rather long quami, yet I was going to make it, too. But I want to read this segment from Strauss' piece because, again, it sums up what I've been telling you. What the hell do you think the Chinese were buying? Are you really this stupid? With their 10 percent cut for the big guy, Joe Biden. From the Strassel of pay close attention to every single word of this quote, Kim Strassel.


Hunter in his own angry texts, this is to his business partner here on board this deal makes clear that his contribution to the deal is his name. He rails at Bob Wolinsky, that the CFC, the Chinese company, the CFC heads, are, quote, coming to be capital letters, my partner to be partner with the Bidens. Wait, why? Hunter reminds Bob Wolinsky, quote, that in this instance, only one player holds the trump card and that's me may not be fair, but it's the reality because I'm the only one putting an entire family legacy on the line.


Oh, what the hell is going on here? It goes on, here's another part of the deal, a guy named Gilliard millia, Mr. Gilliard, privately tells Bob Wolinski, the other partner, to this deal to show flexibility since, quote, I know why the CFC chairman in Maine wants the deal and what makes it enormous. It's the family name. Bitin. One last part. CFC again, the Chinese company was closely entwined with the Chinese government and military until it went bankrupt.


Oh, that's fascinating. Following US charges of money laundering, they went bankrupt because what they were associate Chinese military and they were money laundering. Oh, that's good. I want to do a deal with Joe Biden. That's really weird. It ends, there is no question CFC was buying Hunter for influence. I am undecided, Trump's tweets. Kim Strassel, who is a very sober common sense down to earth analysts and a terrific, terrific writer in the opinion section.


Has just distilled down the essence of this entire case to people involved in this deal, Gilliam, Bob Wolinsky involved with Unabiding, we have their tax Bob Nijinsky's confirm the texts and emails are authentic, that they're real. One of the emails indicates the China deal with CFC, a company connected to Chinese intelligence and the government, according to a reporting. That they wanted to pay Biden for the, quote, family name. And nobody cares in the media.


Freaking incredible, incredible, you have a total media blackout. Let me tell you, I said this on Parler this weekend. If Donald Trump wins this election despite a blackout by the mainstream media, a full frontal assault by Twitter and Facebook. A full frontal assault by YouTube and Google. A full frontal assault by the Hollywood hate machine academia and pretty much everyone with any cultural influence in America right now if he wins this re-election effort. I'm not kidding and not being hyperbolic when I tell you.


It will be the single greatest political story ever told. All right, I'm going to move on. I got a lot more to get to. Let me get to my third sponsor of the day. Sponsors pay a lot of money to be here and talk to the greatest audience, in part because we had our best week ever. We're number three on the Apple charts right now, by the way, and there's right behind the great Ben Shapiro. So we can't thank you enough.


You all are just amazing. You've enlightened my life so much, it's hard to describe in words. It's an honor to talk to you.


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LifeLock, Dotcom, Bongino. Go today. All right. Getting back to the show, so I know the good news after that segment we did on the media failing America and acting as a conduit basically for the Russians and their own disinformation campaign. It looks like Amy CONI Barrett will be the next Supreme Court justice, giving the conservative movement a five four majority on the five four. Dan, I thought I was going to be six three genre. John Roberts is not a conservative.


Folks, please stop the nonsense. John Roberts is a full on liberal right now. Let's just dump that. But it will give us a five four conservative majority. Fox News being shown on Sunday, Senate votes to limit debate on Barrett's Supreme Court nomination. That's just a formality. They move toward final vote tonight, Monday evening. Ladies and gentlemen, good news again. I've had my beefs with Mitch McConnell over the years. I'm sure I'll have him again in the future.


Fair enough. But you can't knock Mitch McConnell for Supreme Court justices. Folks, this looks like this is going to be number three, in addition to hundreds more at the appellate and circuit court level for all might be so. McConnell has done an absolutely terrific job getting the courts back to some semblance of constitutionality and away from being a rubber stamp for the the far left, using the courts to pass the agenda. They couldn't get past the popular elections.


Nice work. I bring this story up, though, not because it's not just a news show, you know, a news show. What do you do? You read headlines right now. Connie Bear will be in front of the Supreme Court. And I agree. And you move on. That's not why I brought this story up. There's always an angle to it. This is an opinion show. And I feel like I have to layer this stuff like an onion and peel away.


What does this really mean? Why is this more than just about any CONI buried? Because ladies and gentlemen. There is no more. A serious conservative case against Donald Trump. There's style cases against them. Again, I try to be fair in my analysis here, I am subjective. I am a Trump supporter, I get that, but I try to understand both sides so I can combat the nonsense. There is no longer a serious conservative, never Trump case on the issues there is I'm very sorry.


If you're a conservative out there, the one or two percent of conservatives who are arguing against style. And in effect, trying to get Joe Biden elected, you're not a conservative. You're a man, you know, maybe you're taking an active interest in. Twitter style and the cultural ramifications of tweets and Donald Trump's personality, but not a serious conservative. Donald Trump has now. His case for re-election is strong conservative constitutionalist judges, including after tonight three on the Supreme Court, hundreds more at the appellate and circuit level.


Number two, number three, tax cuts and a growing economy. I thought we were for economic prosperity, deregulation to get the government red tape out of your business. School choice advocacy. A health care package gets rid of big government mandates like the individual mandate, there is no longer a serious conservative case against Trump. There are conservative issues conservatives have against Trump, small ones, but ones that have to be fixed. And one big one, the one big one is we have to do something about the debt.


And the debt has expanded under President Trump. The problem is there's no serious case then to vote for Biden because Biden, Joe Biden is proposing expanding the federal debt to a factor of 10 times what Trump has done. So you have no case there either. But after Amy CONI Bharat. From my mouth, hopefully, to God's ears is confirmed tonight, there is no credible conservative issues base case against Donald Trump. None your issues are based on style and not substance and just admit it, you will elect a liberal radical Democrat because you don't like Trump's tweets and you have an issue with his style.


Just be honest with yourself and stop pretending you're a real conservative because you're not. You're not. Let me leave this segment with a call to action, because there's my Trump is a bull in a china shop theory. I'm really excited to get you. Don't miss this. Ladies and gentlemen, vote now, don't wait, please don't wait, I saw today it was a couple of people, friends of mine, they were like, now my parents like to vote on Election Day.


Please don't do that. Please vote now while you have the chance. Ladies and gentlemen, I am really afraid with the social distancing and the mess is a different time, you can make your Election Day political stance another time. This isn't the year for that. Please don't wait. Early voting is up in many places around the country now. Florida, where I live and elsewhere. Please don't wait. Please. I'm begging you. This is this is not a virtue signal.


This I'm asking you as a friend, someone you spend your time with and I spend time with you. When I go out there and I see you in the streets, please vote early. Why? The lines are only going to get longer with the social distancing, the lines are going to appear longer than they really are. I can see it now. I'm going to wait till Election Day. It's how I've traditionally done it. It's like a thing with me and my film.


It's not a thing. Now stop. The thing is, no time for tradition. This is time to win. What's going to happen on Election Day is a small percentage, a small probably not my listeners, but people you talk to. I'm not kidding. Are going to drive by long lines that are around the corner that appear longer than they are due to social distancing requirements. And they're going to say, man, I got to go to work.


I'm not waiting for this. Please. Please vote now. That's number one, these lines are going to be ridiculously long and appear longer than they are because of social distancing. Second, I want to go get a pumpkin with my daughter this weekend, and we ran into we brought the dog. Everybody wanted to pet Lucy.


We brought Lucy with us. Lucy was like the head of the pumpkin pie. Oh, my God. Look at Lucy. She's a cute dog. I got to tell you.


Got back to that line in Mali in me where the the friend of Mali is like, man, he's a single guy saying, I'm going to get a dog. All these women love the dog. Remember that line and Marley and Me, luckily, I got the most beautiful wife in the world. It's not my problem, but everybody loves the dog. So two young ladies came over to pet the great Lucy. And I forgot, but we have a lease and the lease is the Trump lease for your dog.


I forgot because, you know, it's the lease for USA and the lady's like looking around, but she's like, I love your real true story, folks. And I look at, like, all the Trump, like, asked to like, what's the first thing I said, Paula? What's the first thing I said? I said, thank you. Did you hear me, Paula? If you didn't because she never activates your mike, I'll relay it for you.


My first question, I kid you not with TiVo yet. Folks, I've asked you to make sure 10 people vote, I'm not kidding, I'm up to probably 50 now. Everyone I talk to, I say, did you vote? Did you vote? Did you vote? The woman was like, not yet. I'm thinking of going, but I'm not sure if it's open, I directed her to the site for Martin County where I live. I said it's super easy to use.


We have the best voting system here. Martin County, the woman who runs the elections over here, is just fantastic. Everybody's on the ball here. I directed out of the website how to do it, walked her through it, told her exactly how it goes, and spent about two or three minutes. By the way, I had a mask on. She had no idea who I was. None. And walked her friend. She was there with another woman friend, threw it to Paula, was right there, the kids were right there.


It took me five minutes to do. They wanted to go see a pumpkin, did manage to import. Step one vote now, do not wait step to talk to everyone, everyone, anyone, and I've got my mother haunting all of her neighbors to go vote. She said, New York, it doesn't matter. Everybody vote. It's not good enough for you to vote. Get 10 other people, and once you hit 10, go to 20 and once you hit 20, get to 50.


In Time's over. Let's finish this thing. Let's finish this thing. Now, don't wait. Do tradition later. All right, one final sponsor I want to get to these stories is this Trump story regarding Sudan. It's not a foreign policy story. It is, but it isn't. It speaks to a bigger narrative. And I think you really need to understand why the political winds in this country are shifting. And I think Election Day is going to be a big surprise for a lot of people.


All right. My final sponsor, speaking of which, again, not plan this Segway at all, but perfect timing about what you can do to get out the vote. You can go right now to keep America, America, dotcom. Don't wait. Go today. Election Day. It's not coming up. It's here. People are voting now early in person. Voting has started. It's going. I already voted. The election's over for me and Paula.


The good news is people are turning out in record numbers. Florida has closed the gap dramatically in early voting. People are rushing to the polls, show up now, show up early, do tradition another time. Let's finish this thing today. How can you help go to keep America, America, dotcom, the folks, the job creators network, they provide through Keep America, America Dockum the most up to date voting information, information you can count on and importantly, information you can share.


The twenty sixteen election was not decided by millions of votes, it's not a popular vote election, folks, it's an Electoral College election. The election was decided by thousands, literally thousands of votes. Hundreds of thousands of people have gone to keep America, America that come to figure out how they can help. Let's hit a million. This is the biggest get out the vote effort in conservative history, flood the polls now visit, keep America, America, dotcom and commit.


I dunno if I'm not reading this part. Don't commit to taking one person says commit to taking 10 and then 20 or help someone complete a form to get a mail in ballot. They do something, do a little, do a lot. Do your part. Don't wait. Finish this thing now. Next week this is happening. Go to keep America America dotcom. Now do not wait one additional second. I wouldn't have taken them on as a sponsor.


I didn't think they can help. Not one, 10, then 20, then 50 people. All right. Thanks to Job Creators Network for that sponsoring the show. Probably would have read them for free if I could. All right, just a quick note before we get this, Christopher Wray, thank the Lord and I am not using his name in vain, appears to be on his way out of the FBI if Donald Trump wins re-election. Another reason to vote for Trump to get rid of this walking disaster of an FBI director, Christopher Wray, the second worst director in FBI history after Jim Comey, FOX News up at the show notes Trump could remove.


Ray is FBI director if re-elected. Sources say, thank the Lord. And again, I am not using the Lord's name in vain. Thank you. This guy's been a disaster. Just another reason to turn up and vote, in addition to keeping the Chinese blackmail guy out of the White House, that's another one, too small one. But the smaller picture, lots more risky Chinese blackmail, blackmail guy. Well, little thing. Yeah. Yeah.


So you might have missed it last week in the bevy of media bull on, am I going to force Joe to bleep? That'll take extra time.


But bull beep that you heard last week about that Russian disinformation by name, you may have lost the fact that Donald Trump, the president that everybody wants to believe is the dumbest human being to ever occupy. The White House has just completed the third Middle East peace deal that the geniuses in the foreign policy white paper establishment have told us for literally decades were totally impossible. Trump you know, Joe, the stupid guy, the guy who has the largest economic growth numbers we've had in the last eight years, the stupid guy who just negotiated the third Middle East peace deal, you know, the stupid guy who managed to get rid of the Obamacare individual mandate that the smart Republicans couldn't for a while.


You know, the stupid guy, Trump, he's so stupid, the tweets, he's so dumb. He's managed to pull off the third Middle East peace deal that the geniuses have literally told us was impossible. Impossible. Oh, you don't believe me. We always produce the receipts, folks.


The Hunter Biden penis pump received right here, but we have other receipts, too, including video pollinates when I say that, but I say it anyway. This just goes to prove my theory about Trump the disrupter. Thank you to the guy who sent that hat, by the way. Paul thinks it's hilarious. Literally sent us a hat. Trump the disrupter. Very funny, Paul. Where's it when she runs? That Donald Trump is the bull in the china shop full of broken China.


The China and the China shops are already broken. Donald Trump comes in there trying to preserve the China shop, sell people, broken China, glue it together. A door opens, his bull comes and smashes up. The whole china shop in the china shop is finally forced to close down and stop selling. People broke in China. That ball is Donald Trump. He's about a two thousand pound muscular bull tearing this china shop to shreds that for decades has been allowed to stay in business because no one wants to talk about the fact that the China is all broken.


You don't believe me? For decades, we have been told by foreign policy elites, the Grey Poupon crowd. We've been told that you will never, never. Not maybe never. I'm going to show you the video in a second. Never get a peace deal in the Middle East with any Arab country. If you don't take care of the Palestinians gripes first, never. It'll never happen. Matter of fact, if you cater to the Israeli side of the equation and do things that are the right thing, like putting the embassy in Jerusalem, the actual capital, if you do that, you only aggravate the Palestinians, making them more aggravated and you'll never, ever get a peace deal.


So Donald Trump flips the double barreled middle finger. I'll use this one to make it family friendly. Donald Trump says the double barrel. I'm tempted today to do it and says I'm going to put the US embassy where it should be in Jerusalem, you can't do that. You'll piss off the Palestinians, you'll never get a peace deal. And after I do it, I'm going to get a peace deal with an Arab country anyway. And the foreign policy establishment is like, you are so stupid that Donald Trump.


You're so dumb. Donald Trump. I mean, listen to John Kerry in this speech at the Brookings Institution and the Brookings is listening to John Kerry tell everybody how stupid you are to think this is even possible. What just happened this past week, the third piece, the UAE, Bahrain, now Sudan listener John Kerry, Grey Poupon guy. Tell us how stupid we all are. Check this out.


There will be no separate peace between Israel and the Arab world. I want to make that very clear to all of you. I've heard several prominent politicians in Israel sometimes saying, well, the Arab world's in a different place now. We just have to reach out to them and we can work some things with the Arab world and we'll deal with the Palestinians. No, no, no and no. I can tell you that reaffirmed even in the last week, as I have talked to leaders of the Arab community, there will be no advance and separate peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace.


Everybody needs to understand that that is a hard reality. Joe, can you give us another? Paula, you got a home for us. One more from you. Weird, weird how that happened, right? Mm hmm. Joe, listen, I know you're a substandard intellect like me. Thank you. We're idiots. I mean, like Trump, we're all stupid, you know, podcast producer. What do you do, Adobe? Fire me.


Come on. John Kerry can figure this out. He probably can't. Yeah, I'm just a cop. I mean. I mean, what do I know? John Kerry would have you could have been a police chief. He's so smart right away. And if to be a St. Paul at this web developer, what an idiot. John Kerry can design websites so much smarter than all of us. And he's clearly smarter than Trump, an international businessman who's made lots of money here and there, but made money as well.


He's clearly smarter than this idiot Trump. He just said it right. Is from a while ago, to be fair, John Kerry. But. I want you to understand that this was the accepted. Almost tautological truth. From the white paper writing intelligency on foreign policy for literally decades, that if you think a peace deal will be signed with an Arab country without the Palestinians and even worse, if you aggravate the Palestinians by moving the embassy to Jerusalem, you have no chance.


OK, it just happened for the third time. Yeah, you know, dumb guy Trump did it, but John Kerry's the smart guy, remember, Trump's just an idiot. Definitely vote to get Joe Biden in. So he appoints John Kerry, the commissar of truth or something like that. Why the long face? You just heard it on TV. I thought he was. This is it. These are the more you ever saw the fog of the stupid swamp we live in in D.C..


John Kerry is it. He's the fog machine creator. He's pumping a fog machine of stupid air into the swamp that people all take up. Now, to get back to my theory here. I don't want this segment to be about Sudan, the peace deal we signed this past week that everybody said couldn't happen. I want this to be more about my bull in a china shop theri. There are two assets Trump has that have been chronically underestimated by the radical left and the never Trump right, who again is no conservative case against Donald Trump.


Any mortal asset, No one. Trump not being a product of the political system, he's never run for office before, hasn't learned to fail because he hasn't been brought up in the system. Which carved in stone. Failure based tactics, what do I mean by that? If Trump had run for assemblyman, then say state Senate, then Congress, then Senate, then governor of New York and then become president, I'm telling you, it's accepted doctrinaire truth in the establishment political community.


And we spend years in it that you shouldn't even consider a peace deal with the Arab community without the Palestinian issue, because it can't happen. Folks, don't underestimate the power of that accepted truth where you would be laughed at in a group for mentioning otherwise. Yeah, I think we should move the embassy to Jerusalem and say Palestinians, you guys are going to figure it out, but we're going to work so stupid. What an idiot. And after that happens for the ten thousandth time, as you're in your fortieth political position, you learn to not even bring it up any more because you don't want to be socially shong.


Trump hasn't learned any of that because he's not in that group. He hasn't learned to fail yet, so he just does things that feel right. Think he walks in an office show and he goes. Why do we not have a peace deal between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain because we've been told but no, no, no, I'm just curious, like they they both have common economic interests. Clearly, the leaders of both countries would like a peace deal.


I get you've been told that other stuff by John Kerry, Grey Poupon guy. But just give me up straight. Why don't we have a deal? Why can't we fix this for. I don't like that answer. Let's just do it. But if faith. So first, take what he hasn't learned to fail. Second, ladies and gentlemen, get ready for a real surprise coming up. I'm seeing it right now. There is a massive political realignment happening in the United States.


You know, I was listening to Russ Roberts this week and he has a podcast, and he's a fascinating guy, definitely not a Trump guy, probably hates my guts, but whatever. I don't care. He's super smart. But his insights on the current political environment and some of his guests are fascinating, and one of the insights he's brought up is that. There are big overarching political narratives with MOED which motivate people to action, to go do stuff and vote stories, people tell themselves to simplify this, that make them go do things.


Everybody get that. And Roberts was talking about how Arnold Kling has said the traditional narrative, big narratives. I'm not talking about small things, small issues like I don't mean small and I mean small compared to the big stuff. Not small for your life, but, you know, gun control, abortion, taxes, those are individual issues. Different people have different motives on the big stories. We tell ourselves why we are who we are in politics.


What's the left's story about why they're left this? Their big story is it's the oppressor versus the oppressed. I'm a leftist, I'm oppressed, I'm a victim, and I'm fighting back. Noble cause, Joe. It's the oppressor, the man is it the bigger demand demand is oppressing me right now. That's the lesser the white patriarchy, critical race theory, critical theory in general. Every leftist narrative you've been told, BLM and everything is the man we're fighting against them is a just cause.


You're beating up a Jewish guy in the streets. You know, it doesn't matter. It's just the man, the big, big guy. That's their big overarching narrative, oppressor versus oppressed. What's the right's narrative, the right's narrative, why we do what we do is, hey, this is a choice between civilization and chaos. We are conserving as conservatives. We are conserving a civilized society and establish rules and law and order. Forget the Wangary, that is always been the big overarching narrative of conservatism, it's the reason the law and order narrative with the streets riots motivates conservatives to vote.


They want to preserve civilized streets and they don't want people burning their houses down. So if the left is motivated by oppressor versus oppressed narratives and we're motivated by civilization versus chaos narratives, how are these political winds changing? Because, ladies and gentlemen, groups that have been traditionally motivated to vote Democrat by the oppressor versus oppressed narrative unions, white working class voters. Who've always fallen prey to the Democrats union folks are under attack by these rapacious Republicans, they hate you.


They're oppressing you in the union, right? You understand those narratives are being and I was I was listening to Robin Roberts podcast, didn't cover This is me. This is my take on. I don't think they understand these narratives are being entirely flipped on their heads. The same people the Democrats used to get out the polls by telling them a repressed. Ah, now Trump voters. How they and that's insane. Is it? I'm going to get through tomorrow the story about what Facebook and Twitter and others are doing to suppress conservatives, suppress or oppress conservatives.


And this may maybe will make a lot more sense. Ladies and gentlemen, that narrative that's used to motivate Democrats is now being used to motivate Trump voters notice I didn't say Republicans are conservative.


Donald Trump is the bull in a china shop. Facebook, Twitter, the mainstream media, the government establishment class, the swamp, Google, YouTube, academia, Hollywood, all who have power either in the political or cultural realm, power, power to oppress and keep their thumb on. You are not going after liberals. They're going after Trump. And those people who align with Trump, that oppressor versus oppressed narrative, applies to them. And the left doesn't see it.


They think it's their story. It's Trump's I'll leave you where we came in. I said to you, I put on Parlo this weekend. Posts that one nuclear. That if Donald Trump wins despite Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Accademia, the mainstream media, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, the Hollywood hate machine and pretty much every cultural influencer out there. This will be the single greatest political story. Ever told? I'll see you all tomorrow.


You just heard Dan Bongino.