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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. So let's start with some good news today, because yesterday I was in a mood, as you could probably tell, nearly set the Internet through this screen on fire with the cords, which is not good for any of us. I gotta take that, like, a cardiomobile test just to make sure, like, my heart wasn't gonna explode last night. So calm down a little bit, but not too much. But some good news. Did you see the story of that North Carolina fraternity that protected our beautiful, gorgeous american flag from hitting the ground against these nazi sympathizers on the college campus in North Carolina? I got some good news about that, sir. I got a great clip to open up the show. JD Vance, who is, I hear, running very high in the VP sweep stakes, just eviscerating the ever hapless Caitlin Collins on CNN. And then snapshots, folks. Something happened yesterday on the stage with Trump. It just shows you the complete difference between him and Biden. Big show. Also, they're preparing the next hoax.


Like I told you, the October surprise not going to be in October. It's going to happen early because they can't wait. The polls are freaking disastrous. I'm going to give you an update on that for Biden, folks. When use the bathroom, you close the door. I hope so. Right. You don't want random passerbys looking in on you. Right? You don't want people checking out in the bathroom is kind of gross. Well, using the Internet without ExpressVPN, it's like going to the bathroom and not closing the door. You know, your Internet service provider, the ISP, knows every single website you visit. What's worse, they can sell this information to ad companies and tech giants who will use your data to target you. Express VPN creates a secure, encrypted tunnel between your device and the Internet, so your online activity can't be seen by anyone. I use ExpressVPN on all my devices, my phone, laptop, tablet. Using ExpressVPN's as easy as closing the bathroom door. Just fire up the app, click one button, and you are protected. ExpressVPN is the world's number one rated VPN by Mashable, the verge, and countless others. If you're like me, you believe your online activity is your business.


Secure yourself by visiting bangino today. Use my exclusive link, Express Exp ress, bangino, and you get an extra three months free. That's bangino. Right, fellas, let's get this party started. So the North Carolina fraternity, you may have seen about, heard the story about them. They got into it with these. Fighting off these nazis, and they were protecting our american flag. So I got a text last night from the great John Rich. You know him from his solo career in country music. You also know him from big and Rich with Big Kenny. The guy's a legend. John is a friend of freedom and a friend to the show. We did a live concert on the Rumble channel at what, his bar at seven was that. Remember that key? Seven, eight o'clock at night. We had like 40, 50,000 people who showed up to watch. It was awesome. We had such a blast. Had to get a couple iv's after that weekend. Johnny Rich reached out last night. He calls me up, he says, dude, these guys are patriots. These guys are heroes. I want to make sure, you know, we do the right thing.


If they throw this party, there's some kind of gofundme that they did to do a rager for these kids. And it's up to something like $300,000, which is a lot of money to throw a party at some party. And John's like, I just want to show up there, and I'll show up in the tour bus, and I want to put on a concert for them. So we tweeted this out at last night. He said, for the boys who protected the american flag at UNC, I like to offer a free concert for their celebration of freedom. Maybe we could talk d Bongino into doing a live broadcast from their frat house. Come on, Dan. Live a little bit. So he called me up, said, you okay with this? I said, listen, it's up to them. I'll 100% do it. But I've got. Haven't told the team about this yet. Evita, you in for the rager? She's like, hell, yeah. Gee, I know. Geese in. He's already been. Tony, want to join us for our first road show. So if they say it's okay, it's up to them, folks, it's not up to me. I don't want to make it, like a big political thing.


We could do a show on just like, you know, the flag in the country. Be really cool. But would you all just. Quick, a question for the. For the chat. So, bot Geno, get on the case here? Yes or no? Would you all tune in for that? If. Obviously you tune in for the show. If I let the live stream roll throughout the whole day like Johnny Rich playing music, whoever else shows up, would you stay tuned for, like, two, 3 hours for this party and just watch people jam out? Is that. The chat's blowing up. It'd be great. You get to meet the whole crew here. Get to meet Tony Evita. Although a lot of you saw Evita yesterday in the live stream, apparently left it rolling for the radio. And Evita was. Everybody was texting me. Anita was like, hey, hey, check this out. Evita's on the screen still. I'm like, okay, great. I had to text key, so. All right, if they're cool with it again, I don't want to make a big thing out of it. It's totally up to them. They should have a good time. It's not about me, but I would.


I'm sure that's big on their agenda. Geek. He wants to know if they'll do a Star wars table. Yeah, I'm sure that's what they're doing in the frat. Sure. Evita's like, I just graduated. I don't do it at a frat. That's not what my. My daughter's in college now. That's not what they're doing in a frat. Trust me. But this could be a good time. So I'll stay in touch with you. Who knows? Maybe some other musicians will jump in. It'd be great to see kid rock there. Maybe Jason Aldean or someone. People who, like, really love America could be the coolest party. And just so you know, get this trending, John Rich wants to call it Flagstock, which I think is a great idea. Flag stock. I'm totally down. So there you go. I hope we started trending today, but I'll talk about on radio. To get back to the show. I just want to start out with some good news today because, yeah, folks, seriously, I was a little down yesterday. You could probably tell. I just. I know we're doing the right thing, and I know you're with me, and I love my audience, and I was just really passionate yesterday.


It was a lot of language, and, you know, sometimes it gets worse. And, you know, I'm. I'm not going to tell you. I'm trying because I could try harder. I just, you know, man, I'm just passionate about this. If we're going to fight for liberty and freedom, we're going to fight for liberty and freedom for everyone. Not like this group, but not that group. And this. That's not what we do here. That's not what we do here. The conservative movement is about one set of rules for everyone. That's what we're trying to conserve. That's all that matters. And if you're speaking out against some group because of x reason, that has nothing to do with liberty or freedom, skin color, religion, anything, you're not on our team. And yesterday, that was under my skin a lot. So the, the optics of this campaign are starting to. The contour of the campaign is starting to come together. I told you, this thing has a very 1960s feel to it. The law and order 1968 campaign, this thing. And that was, by the way, just a crushing defeat for democrats. This is having a very law and order feel to it.


And for a couple of reasons. You're seeing on one hand, that the Democrats think about this. This is very important. This is like one of those. This is one of those reasons. I do one of these pregnant pauses here. I need you to really digest this and you'll understand the climate of the time. The Democrats, on one hand, have Donald Trump sitting in a courtroom, a dingy courtroom in Manhattan, in front of a Democrat judge, with a Democrat daughter, with a Democrat ag, in a Democrat state with a likely, largely Democrat jury, on a charge of a fake campaign violation that the dojo and the Federal Elections Commission said never happened. And the Democrats talking point is what? No one's above the law. And then you've got this kid sniffing Reverend came, sociopathic, lying, woman groping piece of human waste in the White House who won't say squat about people on a college campus telling Jews, you're not allowed to come in here. The jew entrance is over there. You, the law and order candidate. Get them out of here, bro. Do not let them get away with this. The contour of the campaign is coming together.


So JD Vance was on CNN last night with Caitlin Collins, who was like, the entertainment reporter once at the Daily Caller. How this woman has a show in primetime is just shows you the shocking paucity of talent on the left. Here she is, a JD Vance just basically lights her up about. Wait, you guys all think this is fair? On the left, check this out.


It's pretty unusual for the number three person in the Department of Justice to then go to the New York prosecutor's office to bring a bogus case against Donald Trump, and then to have the judge presiding over that case to be a donor to Biden Harris. I think that's pretty unusual, Caitlin. And really is, aside from your views or anyone else's views about Donald Trump, this is a real threat to Americans trust in the legal system. If you look at polling, even a lot of folks who are going to vote for Joe Biden, that the law fair against Donald Trump is bogus. We're destroying faith in the american system of law and order to try to bring down Joe Biden's political opponent. That's a threat to democracy, folks.


This is why JD Vance, right now, from what I'm hearing from, I don't want to act like it's some big inside baseball. You just kind of read the news and you see it. Because if I honestly, if I did know who the VP pick was, I wouldn't say or hint anyway, because it'd be irresponsible to do that. But just from reading the news, JD Vance has been rocking up to the top of the charts of potential VP selections. And the answers are pretty simple. He looks apart, acts apart and talks apart. It's just as simple as that. And he is 100% correct. And I'm not recommending or endorsing anyone for it. That's Trump's pick, and that's not my business. He's the presidential nominee in the republican side. It's none of my business. People I'd like to see more than others. But he has his reasons. He's going to do his thing. Okay. JD Vance is absolutely correct. You can't have a bunch of hooligans telling jewish people and black students as well. I'll show you that tomorrow on tomorrow's podcast telling this black student you're not allowed to go anyway. There's a black entrance now, too, that had a name, folks.


It was called Tony segregation. Yes, and it's unanimous. I'm going to speak for everyone on the show because I'm already sure the answer. We're all big negatives on segregation. No good. It's just not a good idea yet. We're back because the left wanted. So you're going to have this campus chaos in one hand. And he got Donald Trump in a courtroom about a fake elections case that no human being would ever, even lawyers can't explain it. Don't let him get away with this, folks. Snapshots and soundbites give you the best contrast. Do not let them get away with this. And this moment happened yesterday. Again, just on a lighter note, but really critical to this current election ecosystem we're in. So you understand why the polls are so bad. American voters are not, are not dumb. Sometimes, you know, I hear people say, oh, people are dumb. Well, you're always going to have any group of people, some idiots and some smart people. But I'm telling you right now, american voters in general, they're not stupid. Yeah, they may not, you know, they may not get the intricacies of an FCC policy on title two, whatever the hell, because they're out, you know, they're out there working for a living.


They don't read white papers like some of these other people have no jobs do. But they get it when someone's full of shit, they do. There's a reason you're seeing this in the poll numbers now, which are just awful for Joe Biden. And it's because of snapshots like this yesterday. Joe Biden can barely walk. I mean, it's obvious his campaign is acknowledging it now. They have a phalanx of people escorting him to the helicopter because they're legitimately afraid he's going to fall on his face with the Biden shuffle. Also, there's, Biden's just not. Jim and I were chatting yesterday during the radio show. Trump was speaking in Wisconsin and a heckler pops out in the audience, you know, and Trump right away is like, go home to mama like your little wuss bags. And the crowds are. Yeah. And it was just the greatest moment. You ever see what happens when Biden has a heckler in the audience? He goes full Reverend Cain from Paul to you. And he melts. Ah, we beat big pharma. He probably takes a dump in his diaper or something. The guy's disgusting. He has no ability whatsoever to relate to people.


There's no social iq at all. Trump just gets it, man. The guy's a showman and it works. I want you to watch this clip from yesterday. This is what I mean by snapshots. These are the short moments that people remember. They add up over time. Watch this. He's in good shape. Thank you, uncle. Look at this guy. The last one, the sign got lost.


Al signs it.


I'll sign. I'll sign it. Beyond. Yeah, he asked me to sign it. I said, I gotta make a speech here. Uncle Sam. Good looking Uncle Sam, though, huh? Give me a pen, somebody. Let's get Uncle Sam taken care of. Come on, give me a pen. I gotta get a pen. Let's go. Yeah, good. Just throw it up there. Give me a pen, please. You think Biden can bend down like that? I don't care. This is priceless stuff. There's small moments. Let's not be dramatic like that. Little things aren't going to change the election, ok? But what they do is they add up over time and it creates a china, not to use ridiculous, flowery language, creates a cornucopia. What? It just creates a general image of who someone is. Trump is perfectly comfortable in almost any situation anywhere because he's a normal guy. He goes to a bodega in the Bronx, everybody's like, four more years. He goes to a rally in Wisconsin. A guy throws a pen, he drops it. What does he do? He immediately makes it about Biden. These are called. You think he's sitting there in his head calculating snapshots, sound bites and contrast.


He's not doing any of that. This all comes naturally. He's like, you know, he, it's like, you know, Derek Cheetah hitting an outside fastball. He just knows what to do. He doesn't have to think about. He just goes the other way with it. That's Trump. He's just a natural at this. And Biden just isn't. It's why he gets angry all the time. We beat big fiber, you're all going to die. They're going to put you in chains. Nobody likes the angry guy. Listen, I'm going to tell you something. It's a bit self deprecating, but it's true. One of the reasons I think we came up short in that congressional race, which would have been a huge upset, but woulda, coulda, shoulda, wasn't, is I'm, listen, man, I can be an angry guy sometimes. And some of it works on the radio because it's passionate. Obviously, we've got a pretty popular show, but in politics, you know, it works on the radio because we're talking to like minded people. There were Democrats and independents who, although we got a lot of them, they were like, I'm not sure it's my guy. I'm just being straight with you.


Trump is just not that guy. Biden is. Nobody likes the angry guy. Now, speaking of the October surprise I mentioned in the beginning of the show, folks, can we put up the poll numbers? Guy, I know we're a little out of order. That app, political polls tweet, folks, they're getting desperate. Now, I'm hearing this is from some very well informed people. Nobody on the Trump team takes polls very seriously because they always underestimate Trump's support. They just do. People are just quiet Trump voters. They don't want to say anything. They don't want to admit they support Trump. However, having said that, underestimate, I want you to remember that word. They typically underestimate Trump. Support. I want you to look at this at political polls, morning consult Bloomberg. These are not right wing polls, folks. These polls are getting to the point now where chatsters, I think you'd agree, fellas, these are near apocalyptic at this point. I mean, even if the margin of error for these polls is, say, plus or minus five. Plus or minus five in Nevada, Nevada, Trump is up eleven. Even if it's the worst poll ever and it's a minus five margin of error, he's still up six points.


North Carolina plus ten. Georgia plus eight. Michigan plus three. Wisconsin plus three. Evita, you know Wisconsin, well, Wisconsin's a tough state, man. You got, you know, the blue areas of Wisconsin, like Maryland, dominate the whole state. Granted, it's swinging, not like Maryland blue, but Arizona plus six. Pennsylvania plus one. Polls, snapshots in time, I get it. I know all the cliches about polls and that's correct. However, if I'm taking a snapshot in time, I want a good snapshot, not a bad one. With Biden in no series of credible long term polls is showing any trend, but down, they are getting their asses kick. And that's why you're going to see the October surprise early, or I shouldn't say the October surprise, singular. It's irresponsible. I think you're going to see a series of October surprises, folks. Things are going to get ugly. I'm going to show you what I mean. Coming up on a, take a quick break here. But I want to remind you, and I want to say this to you very seriously and I'm asking you, please pay very close attention. If Trump wins in November, the November to January period in that presidential elect period before he's inaugurated but is declared the winner, folks, I'm telling you right now, I'm telling you as your friend and as your brother here in liberty and freedom, you better get ready.


The left is using these nazi rallies on these college campuses as a template. You will see the exact, I promise you, the exact same people. You see the nazi rallies, I promise you, you will see them tearing up the streets. If Trump wins. People are asking me, what can I do? Get your, you're ready to go. And listen, man, just buckle down because these people are not kidding around. I know you're not either, but they are going to get violent and don't let them suck you into it. I am promising you that's going to happen. And it'll be the exact same people because they're going to gin up just insanity. Quick break and I'll show you what I mean, by October, surprises. There's another one. I've already predicted it, by the way, but now I'll show you folks, whenever something goes viral, rest assured the frauds are going to jump on the patriotic bandwagon, pretending theyre one of us. Well, theyre not. Do your homework. When companies claim to share our values. For more than ten years, Patreon Mobile has been Americas only christian conservative wireless provider. Patreon Mobile has been a great supporter of the show.


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I was like on fire, f bombs everywhere. And like, I was really expecting Evita not to show up today. I was like, she's going to be like, I can't work for this guy. He's a lunatic. I was in such a mood yesterday. He like, just, he's like earplugs all the time. He just get. Nothing bothers guillot. I think Tony's kind of like, you've been here long enough now where it's kind of like slowly brushing off. But I swear, I was like, Avina's not coming back. This is it. We will never see. And I think Lucy talked her back into it, and it's the only reason she's, I came out today, Evita's got Lucy, and Lucy found a new friend. They're like bosom buddies here. I'm stunned. You can't. He don't even care. He just, like, ear plugs. Everything. Just don't die. That's what he's worried about. He's like, listen, the pay is good. Don't die. I need a patient. Don't have a heart attack. Especially on the air. Go viral for the wrong reasons. Okay, October surprises are coming. Here is one of them. The thing about the left is they can never shut them up, ever.


They just can't. They were incapable of shutting up because they have no self discipline at all. Here is our non esteemed secretary of state, a total life loser and an absolutely incompetent buffoon, prepping the China collusion hoax that's coming. And I'm going to tell you the angle I think they're going to use. Check this out. That Tony blanken. Yeah. We have seen, generally speaking, evidence of attempts to influence and arguably interfere. And we want to make sure that that's cut off as quickly as possible. China collusion, kids. Here it comes. Here it comes. It can never shut up. They can never shut. You really believe Tony Blinken thinks that the Chinese Communist Party is interfering in the election to the point that he's concerned about national security? No, he doesn't care about national security at all. That should be a big concern for everyone. Can we just get that out of the way? Any interference in our elections by a foreign enemy of the United States is a bad thing. Correct. That's not why this guy's saying that, folks. This has nothing to do with national security. He's already planting the seed, just like they did in 2016 when they started filtering out the Russia stuff to launch this October surprise.


And it's going to be. The Trump team is colluding with China. Now. Let's see, chatsters, see if you're ahead of me on this or anyone listening on audio. What do you think the angle is going to be? Remember the angle with Russia? Russians stole the election for Trump. They had a PP tape. Donald Trump knew it. So Donald Trump promised some changes for Russia and the election platform. All this other stuff, of course, it was all fake and made up. We get that. But that was there. So it's going to be some quid pro quo. What do you think it's going to be? Anyone know the angle they're going to go with? Yeah, no rip, but what are they specifically going to say? No one's getting anyone. Anyone. I'll give you. No, no, no. Tick tock, folks. Can I get some red flags? There we go. Who flagged it first. Who flagged it first? Sonny 333 sunny t flagged it first. Hundred percent. They're going to say this. Donald Trump came out. I agree with Donald Trump rather. I don't think the tick tock ban is a great idea. However it happened, and now we got to deal with it.


And again, disclosure, I'm an investor in rumble. They would buy it. If they. It's got to be sold, then they'd obviously be interested in buying it. However, I didn't agree with the bill. I've said that publicly many times. Donald Trump's come out and change his mind and he thinks this is a bad idea. I kind of do, too. You don't want tick tock? Delete the app. I mean, it's. But however we are where we are, and Donald Trump came out publicly and said, I think the ban at tick tock is a bad idea. I am 100% guaranteeing you right now on what's today's date? Is it May 2? May 2 at 1125 and 35 seconds. That that will be their angle if they run with it. They've got a few different October surprises they're planning. It'll be in exchange for stealing the election. China helped out Donald Trump and Donald Trump told them, I don't want to ban tick, that it's all, it's all made up. There's not a shred of truth to any of it. No one's been tougher on China than Trump. It doesn't matter, folks. The media will parrot it. Who will be the first one?


Whoa, wait. Who will be the first one? Will it be Kendallanian mini figazi? Oh, here he is. I thought I lost him. Will it be Donald Trump colluding with China? Here we go. Or will it be real for gazing? Donald Trump colluded with the Chinese Communist Party in exchange for an operating tick tock. Will it be big fig who's actual figzi or little figzy Kendallanian? Someone saying Natasha Bertram, maybe Natasha. She don't look like either one. I don't know. But that will be. They're already preparing it. They're not even smart about it because they can never shut up. Remember the story and just remember because I don't like to waste your time. You heard it here first. Make no mistake, they are absolutely working on this plan right now. We should this for gaze, man. You think folks chat, stirs. Do you think so? A lot of people think it's big for gaze. He was going to break it. I think so, too. He's going to use his FBI creds, they go, you know my time in the FBI, man. I know. Like, I'm really keen on this stuff, like, not wasting any of your time.


But seriously, this is really, this is critical, because if we could intercept this stuff in advance, we were kind of blindsided by the Russia stuff. And I have to admit, and I say this at my, at my own expense, because I'm. I make mistakes, too, folks. I'm not here pretending to be better than anyone. I screw stuff up all the time. When the Russia story first broke, even, I was like, really? Is there something there? I never thought it was true, to be clear, but I thought to myself, gosh, the FBI would really have to jump through a lot of hoops to fake a FISA warrant because I've been through the federal agent, you know, warrant process. And I was like, damn, these guys are really committed to getting this guy out. So get ready for it. It's coming. Make no mistake, too. The White House is terrified. The White House is scared. I'm going to go back to what I was talking about in the beginning. This is what they're going to do. You're going to see a series of just fake and false stories. And I'm sorry I didn't close out my point, but if you're ready to intercept them in advance, you won't get blindsided like we did with the Russia thing where it took me, you know, a couple of weeks to formulate a response and to go out and reach out to sources you already know.


This is B's now. We can intercept it like we did the bloodbath hoax. That's all I wanted to say on that. But make no mistake, they're terrified because they understand the power of snapshots, pictures and soundbites. And the pictures for the Biden White House don't look good, folks. Joe, Biden's America right now is one of open borders. These are pictures. You can see it. It's one of a campus chaos. Street crime, people see it everywhere. The photos, the snapshots are awful. And in case you think again, I'm. Oh, Dan, you're just exaggerating. They're not really scared about it. Come on. Okay, fine. I'm obligated to bring you receipts and I always do. Here's political playbook again, that the most devout leftists on planet Earth, every lefty reads this thing. It comes out every morning. This came out yesterday how the GOP tried to talk Mgt down. That's on a different topic here. It was the playbooks, like a, you know, amalgamation of stuff. But if you go all the way down their email yesterday here, the chaos could make this a spring of unrest and political danger for Biden, particularly his commencement speeches at the Democrat convention.


And if there's no ceasefire, they note that the protests are, quote, a brutal reminder that America has not snapped back to the normalcy Biden promised in the 2020 campaign. Sir, my p one listeners out there, I hope you can answer this. I know you can. I have faith in you. Brothers and sisters, what are the most damaging political narratives, stories in the world? Anyone? Yeah. Ones that change your pre existing notion of who a candidate is. Joe Biden ran on. Donald Trump is the captain of chaos, and I am going to bring back a normal. I'm going to be the country's father and uncle, like Howard Stern ridiculously said, and everything's going to get back to normal. And people said, I'm COVID, George Floyd. I've had enough. A lot of people who didn't understand it wasn't Trump's, obviously Trump's fault. They just voted for normalcy. You see how even playbook is acknowledging right now that this isn't normal? Joe Biden, the only thing he had, the pre existing narrative he ran on, was the grandfather figure to usher in normalcy again. It's all gone again. You're not wasting your time here. I'm never going to talk shit to you guys, ever.


I'm telling you, these contrasts for them are devastating, and they don't know what to do. Biden's left flank is dominated by Nazis and kill the Jews people. They will not let him say anything of substance. He's going to come out supposedly in a little bit and say something about it, which I'll cover tomorrow. I promise you. He'll equivocate because he cannot, cannot sell out his kill the Jews crowd. He can't. He needs and he doesn't have the balls to do the right thing. I'll show you some video from last night, what happened, how this is just killing him and how Corinne Jean Pierre is just completely in overhead. I got that. And then they just. Fantastic debate between Whitlock, Jason Whitlock, and Mark Lamont Hill, who was just an absolute clown. You got to see this. I got a lot of video coming up for you, so stay tuned, folks. Bone charge. It's a holistic wellness plan with a huge range of evidence based products to help optimize your life. Paula, my wife, loves, she's, like, obsessed with this bone charge. Red light face mask. Have you seen these things? She's been noticing the skin as you start to age a little bit.


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Limited inventory available Dan Dan Dan get a free spa box with two bonus gifts and free shipping if you go now. Dan thanks, Jenny. Cell okay, so this is what happened at UCLA last night. Ironically, one of the most progressive campuses and one of the most progressive cities in one of the most progressive states. Folks, this stuff just doesn't work when you're the president. This, there's, there is no scenario where this works, okay, where this looks good and it doesn't matter what side you're on or you think you're on. Oh, I'm, you know, these lasers in these people's eyes, people are beating the shit out of each other here with sticks and stuff like that. No matter what side you are on, think you're on, want to be on what, it doesn't matter when you're the president of the United matters to you. I'm saying for the president and the election, this stuff is devastating. I'm going to tell you as well, the Democrat convention is going to be an absolute nightmare. We are working with Evita now. Evita is very familiar with Chicago where the convention is going to be.


We're going to try to get her down there with a team for some on the street, real reporting. But you know, it's, we got to get security and everything like that because these lunatics, if you think the optics and the contrast and the imagery is bad now on these campuses, ladies and gentlemen, hold the tomatoes, man, because freaking Chicago is going to be an absolute hit show with an s in front of it. It is going to be insane. And the Democrats don't know what to do. The pro terrorists kill the Jews crowd owns the Democrat party. So anytime Biden says anything like anti semitism is bad, but the Palestinians are great, too, he just comes off as just a weak, pathetic, you know, boot licking loser, which is what he is. Here's his hapless press secretary who apparently they're trying to push out and simply won't leave. She just won't go away. They're trying motley crue on her girl. Don't go away mad, just go away. That's probably only funny to Tony was the only one even close to my age. Here's Karine Jean Pierre at the White House yesterday, amazingly acknowledging that the White House, who has spoken to everyone, the national archivist about prosecuting Trump.


Fannie Willis's internal circle about prosecuting. They've magically not spoken to Columbia, where there was a near riot on their campus the other day. Still watch this. Has anyone from the administration been in touch with administrators, leaders at Columbia, or any of these universities that are seeing these protests? I don't have any calls to read out at this time. Obviously, we're closely monitoring the situation. We're getting regular updates, and we're just gonna. I'm just gonna keep it there. Just don't have anything to share as far as calls or readouts. Wait, hold on. I'm gonna text you. I'd show you, but I may get banned. I might get banned from Rumble. And I'm an investor. Imagine that. Can you imagine that? Guys, we've already been banned from YouTube for telling people masks don't work. Can you imagine if I get banned from Rumble? Here's what Paul is. She knows I'm on the air too. I don't think she did that on purpose. How do you not talk to Columbia? So she's had meetings with people from Twinkie's office. Alvin Bragg. Matter of fact, they even have the number three official at the DOJ who left his job to go and work for Twinkies.


They've met with the National Archivist. Like, why the hell would he ever meet with the White House? They met with Fannie Lewis's crew, Fannie Willis's crew, and yet they still haven't spoken to Columbia about a kill the Jews rally that erupted into a riot in the United States's most prominent financial center in New York City. I don't know. I don't know what's going on. These guys are just knocking it out of the park. Also, they had a list of demands. You have that tweet, the UCLA protest. This is hilarious. Fox News has entertained a Google. Google Doc. He's from Bill Malujian, a fox. Excellent reporter. Folks, this may be my favorite segment, and believe me, for all the wrong reasons. So the protesters at UCLA, they kill the Jews crowd. They've taken over campus police, parts of the campus, violating all kinds of different laws. Trespassing, not freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is. I am 100% behind your ability to speak. If a campus tells you you have to leave and you don't leave, it's no different than me telling you to leave my house. So not only are they not leaving, they're requesting this list.


This is classic. These are your revolutionaries, folks. You want to talk about a bunch of eunuchs with no balls at all. They've been castrated. Probably fed their own nuts. Vegan and gluten free food. Super bright flashlights with strobes. Why would they want those? Rope and zip ties. Helmet, shield, and wood. This is the best one, Tony. Notice they're right after each other, too. They want lotion and knee pads. Hmm. By the way, they want food. Just no bagels, too. They're anti bagel. Is that like a jewish thing or. Anyway, who's anti bagel? Who's. Everybody loves bagel. They don't want bagels. They want everything but bagels. These people who are lunatics, they want to take over both public and private colleges where they're not entitled to be. Most of these people don't even go there. I need you to understand that. Matter of fact, put up the tweet with the mug shots. Most of these people not only not go, there are not even college students anywhere. They look like they're like 80 years old. This is my buddy, Jason Howard. He does social media for me. He says, here are the mug shots of ten of the protesters arrested during a protest at one of these campuses.


I want you to look at this picture. Tell me how many look like college. These guys look like they're like 140 years old. One guy's got male pattern baldness, that these aren't college kids. Look at you. Really? Are you kidding? This guy's a college kid. You're average. This is your average. I mean, really? Is this for real, folks? This is the biggest bullshit thing ever. I was really glad to see. I was watching Fox yesterday. It was on the five. It was a Jesse or someone. I think it was Jesse on the five. And Jesse brought up a point we had, we had made yesterday, and he's right. This is not on its face. This is a kill the Jews anti Israel rally. And yes, there are people out there who really want to do that. I'm telling you, 90% of the people there are full blown Marxists. Now, if. I don't want to tease tomorrow's show, because I hate that. It's like, we'll just do it today. But it's taken me some time to put together, and Evita and Jim will be covered. I will definitely be here for a podcast tomorrow. But you understand 100% radio.


I got to scoot out. I'm taking a trip at Evita, and Jim will be doing it, but they're going to be covering some of my podcasts. I'm putting together a segment right now to anybody on our side who thinks this is about free speech and free Palestine. The people funding it are liberal mega donors like Soros and others who I need you to understand are simultaneously funding groups to censor us. Please do not fall in the trap. Whatever your feelings about Israel are, you're entitled to it. It's a free country. But I'm telling you, these people. I don't care what your feelings are in Israel. These people are not your friends. I promise you, they're not your friends. The Jewish Patina on this thing of the israeli state. Yes, there are serious terrorists in this group. Most of them are just sucker. And people in this has nothing to do with free speech. Except the people funding it hate free speech. Don't get lost. I'll share. I'll bring the receipts tomorrow. Trust me, you won't regret it. I'm going to show you this clip, too. This is from Jason Whitlock. I like Jason Whitlock a lot.


He started out in an ESPN doing sports reporting. He now covers culture, sports, and a lot of other things. Really smart guy. He had Mark Lamont Hill on, who, I got to tell you, I've never really respected. It's not personal, but he was a commentator at Fox for a little while. And he's one of those guys like Pete Buttigieg. He uses a lot of big words and says a lot of stuff, but he never really says anything. Jimmy, you know, Mark Lamont Hill, you ever seen him? Let me get right to it. Whitlock's basically making this point that, hey, all these agitators to kill the Jews crowd, antifa, BLM, they never are for anything they say they are, but all they're about is just destroying stuff. Like, can you tell us anything they ever done? I want you to hear, Mark Lamont. This clips a little long, but it's worth it. About a minute 30. Mark Lamont Hill's answer about what they've done is tragically, and I mean tragically, hilarious. Take a look.


You don't have to tear up the whole university, but making the university uncomfortable is exactly what you're supposed to. And I'm a parent of a college student, and I, you know, like, I'm okay. I'm okay with it. Get your grades done, but tear some shit up, too.


And so I hear that, Mark, tear some shit up, too. And again, that's what I always hear from this protest movement that connect BLM, antifa. There are people very skilled at tearing down who I've seen no evidence of that. They're capable of building anything. And so it just seems like destruction for destruction sake. And so if you could. Well, let's start with the biggest scam we've had the last ten years. BLM. What have they built? I know I can rattle off everything they tore down. What have they built?


Oh, when I.


They built new homes and gated white communities. But continue. Go ahead. What else have they built?


You know, I wouldn't get into the specifics of individual members. We can have critiques of people's choices, but if you're talking about the actual movement and the movement for black lives, I'll give you just one example. Mother's Day is Sunday after next, and there is a Mother's Day bailout. There's been a Mother's day bailout for the last, I want to say, six years, but certainly, certainly since the marches where, through mutual aid, we actually bail mothers out of jail.


That's so. Gee, do you remember the number of BLM? Was it like $70 million or something was given a BLM? It was some insane amount of money. I'll underestimate. Say it was ten. I know it was more, but say it was 10 million. The BLM founders went out and then bought gated mansions or whatever and really wealthy communities with the money. Oh, my folks. 73 million. You know how much money that is? 70. Do you have any idea how much $73 million is? All of these companies gave us money to BLM, and this guy's signature accomplishment, their best accomplishment. Did I hear this right, Tony? You cut the clip, right? I mean, his best accomplishment he can. He can cite is they bailed a bunch of criminals out of jail. Oh, but they were mothers. Well, so were the mothers who were probably victims of the people in jail. That's. That's, oh, $73 million. And that's the best you can do? He goes on in a later year. And we did a couple community gardens to ensure. You okay. Sure you did. Black lives matter. Secretly bought a $6 million house. Allies and critics alike, he just pulled us up.


The intelligencer and have questioned where the organization's money's gone. The 73 million for a couple community gardens and to bail some criminals out of jail. That's great. Really knocked it out of the park. Mark, you're totally correct. This thing is really. This thing is really snowballed into something very positive for society. You're right. It's pareto optimized. It's helped someone without hurting anyone. It only burned down american cities, cost a bunch of people their jobs and their livelihood. But, yeah, they bailed some criminals out of jail. This is where we are with this movement. I'm going to leave this segment here because I want to move on to, it's not just domestic chaos, it's foreign chaos, too. And there's this great clip by trumpet and up on Capitol Hill yesterday where Lloyd Austin gets nailed by Corey Mills, a republican congressman, about exactly this. But I want to exit this segment here where I got in, because again, it's the big takeaway, folks. These agitators, the majority of them, not all of them, these agitators on campus are not there for any other reason than to agitate. They're the same BLM people. They're the same antifa people.


They're the same Occupy Wall street people. They're the same people who tore up, what was it, Seattle with the world trade, the WTO. They're the exact same people. All they do is, quote, tear shit up. Mark Lamont Hill thinks it's funny. Whitlock called them out on. That's all they do. Do not under any circumstances get in bed with these people. They are shitheads. They hate you. They will censor you. They were the same people who were advocating to have a needle stuck in your arm and a mask put on your face during COVID and to censor you. They are nobody's friend. They're the only friend of other professional agitators. All right. It's not just domestic, though. These contrasts are bad all over the world, folks. Joe Biden's America, it's ugly, but Joe Biden's world is ugly, too. We're the most powerful nation in the world. It's not even a close second. The globe under Joe Biden has degenerated into a complete chaos hellhole under Joe Biden. I want you to listen to Trump yesterday at the rally again. He's got a natural ability as a politician to just create contrast. He understands that's what this is about.


Even if he's not listening to focus groups, he just gets it. Here he is talking about global chaos, too. This is the kind of stuff he needs to do more of. Check this out. You know, we never got into a war with me. I beat ISIS in record time. We never got into a war with this guy. You'll end up in World War III. You'll end up in World War III. I'll tell you what, it's, this next six months is going to be very scary. You could end up in world War three with this person. And there's a grossly incompetent man. Here's the Atlantic. Bob Gates. Remember Bob Gates? He was a defense secretary for republican and Democrat administrations. Bob Gates, who wrote in his book, I think Joe Biden's been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades, folks. The guy is an agent of chaos and nobody wants chaos. He ran as a candidate of normalcy, stability. He's turned into a total freaking disaster. Joe Biden is a forest fire. He is a malignancy in the body politic. This guy is one of the most destructive figures we've ever had in politics.


He is a unique combination of incompetence and stupidity we haven't seen in a long time. Even his own defense secretary. This is a great cut. I would have played the whole thing because it goes on even longer. But for the sake of brevity, in the show, Republican Congressman Corey Mills. Good dude. He gets Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin up on the Hill, under oath, of course, and he's sitting there talking with him and he's trying to do exactly what I told you, create a contrast between the Trump years we were told were chaotic and the Biden years now that actually are chaotic. Listen to this exchange, by the way. It goes on for like four minutes or so. I cut it short. But check this out.


So Hill area has had eight coups since 2020. Is that correct?


There have been a number there, yes.


Who has been president of the United States since 2020?


Of course. President Biden was in.


The amount of iranian missiles and rockets that's been fired has been vastly increased between 2021 and 2024. Would you agree? Over 159 plus attacks, there have been.


A number of attacks. The vast majority of those attacks have been ineffective.


And can you tell me who was president during this time? Of course, it was President Biden in 2019. We were able to put 18 historic peace treaties in place called Abraham Accords. Do you agree that given the fact that it wasn't since 1979 for Egypt, 1994, for Jordan to normalize relations with Israel, that this was a very good step towards helping with the stabilization of the Middle East?


I do agree with that.


And can you tell me who put that in place?


It was a previous administration, obviously.


Can you tell me who that was? Exactly?


Folks, contrast, contrast. This is what we have to do from now to then, because remember, you and I are already sold. We're sold. We already understand Biden is Reverend Cain. We're all going to die under Biden and that he is a cancerous rot on the body politic. We all get that, okay? Period. There are people out there who trust me are still not convinced it is contrast like this. Snapshots and sound bites that are going to make a difference over time. This one, clips not going to change a lot of mind, but over time, those contrasts matter. I've got some time left, so I want to make sure I get these stories because they're important folks, serious time here. Absolutely no distractions moving forward. Okay. I said it yesterday. Forgive me if I'm. If I'm Chesters, if you. You want me to move on, I will. I'll make it quick. But this is really, really critical. We've got an election coming up that's an absolute game changer. If we lose this next four years with Joe Biden, if he even makes it that far, I'm not sure as a country we're going to have the capability to pick up and run again the capital base, the economy.


The level of destruction is going to be unprecedented. We cannot have distractions. I don't want to hear stories anymore about dogs and all this stuff. The left does this on purpose. Yes. These stories suck. I get it. The stories about, you know, other operatives and people like that. I understand. And I'm not condoning anything. I'm no one's moral judge. I'm just telling you, the left loves when we waste our time beating the shit out of our own people, when they've got this chaos going on all over the United States because there's only a limited hour of news, time limit, a couple hours every day. It's broke. Yesterday was all over the news here. Marjorie Taylor Greene again, is looking up. She's. They're looking to move forward, apparently, with this, you know, move to oust the speaker next week. This is just. We've got to just stop. This is just dumb. I've explained it a thousand times. I had a bunch of people, I'd say the comments were 95% positive. I'm giving you an honest take. About 5% of people. One guy left me a message on Facebook and was like, you don't know what you're talking about, folks.


Until you can present to me a viable plan. How a fight over a speaker spot where we have right now a one or two vote majority, depending on who's sick, is going to help Donald Trump get elected. If you can't answer that question, then I'm sorry. When interested, some guy on the radio show yesterday wrote to me on Facebook and said, listen, I don't care. Speaker Hakeem Jeffries gets the spot before the election. You don't let a friend of mine in the conservative space. We all know, very nice guy. You all know him. We were texting back and forth. He's very frustrated with Johnson, too. But I responded back to him. Your frustrations are real or 100% correct. I confronted Johnson about it on my own show. However, they are going to try to steal this election. Can we all agree? Is anyone in the chat disagree chatsters? Does anyone disagree? They're going to try to steal this thing. They're going to do everything in their power. Intelligence, community manipulations, October surprises, you know, funny stuff with the mail in ballots and dropboxes. Does anyone out there think that that's not going to happen? Of course it's going to happen.


Do you want a Republican as a chair of some of these House committees where we can at least try to look into this stuff in the November period if the election's up in the air? Or do you want the House being run by Democrats where they're going to squash everything? Do you want all of these people counting electoral votes with the Democrats running both chambers? Folks, that's insane. I've probably beaten this up enough. I sense your frustration with it, too. I just, I can't tell you enough how bad of an idea this is. It's not personal. It's just a really, really terrible idea. All right. Hey, I'll put up that electoral map. I want to show you something. I'm going to have to get to this tomorrow because I want to, I want to let this thing kind of breathe a little bit. I want to rush through it. But one more reason. We don't need any distractions moving forward, folks. Sadly, the economy is entering a dangerous era. Does anybody out there in the chat, you guys know what stagflation is? Stagflation is when growth stagnates. And that is we're not growing. We may not be shrinking, but we're not growing.


The economy. We have to grow. There's more people. We have to produce more stuff. So it's stagnant. Stagflation is when you have economic stagnation and inflation at the same time. It is absolutely the single most destructive force in any election ever because not only are people not getting richer and wealthier, they're stagnating while everything around them is getting expensive. It is an, it is a powerhouse. I want to show you an election map. Anybody? Anybody remember this? 119 80. This is Jimmy Carter. Ronald Reagan. Now Ronald Reagan won an even bigger landslide for reelection, but Ronald Reagan, remember, was not, obviously, was not the incumbent, it was Jimmy Carter. He comes in and absolutely destroys Jimmy Carter. Look at the states he won. Is it Minnesota, Georgia? Was it West Virginia, Maryland? And it looks like Rhode island. My eyes has. Oh, and Hawaii. That's it. Reagan won every other state. Why? Stagflation had set in and it was devastating. People's livelihoods were being destroyed. We don't need distractions right now. Everything is, everything's going poorly for the country. Crime, campus chaos, the economy, foreign policy, global chaos, everything. That's not a good thing. It's all terrible.


However you want to continue the terrible, we get distracted. You want to stop the terrible, we vote for Donald Trump. And if it's not going to help Donald Trump win, then I'm not interested. And if you can explain it to me. What's that? Biden said it's great. He says the economy's awesome. Biden's going to. I saw a map this morning that looked pretty devastating. I had a few more state. Obviously Georgia's going to flip our way, but maybe the map this morning had New Mexico, Colorado, and, you know, just the deep blue states. And that was it. Everything else was going Donald Trump's way. No distractions, man. No distractions. Straight on focus. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate. There will there, yes, there will be a podcast tomorrow, Anita, and the chat. I know you're like the queen of the chat there. Make sure you let everybody know. We will be here at 11:00 tomorrow. No doubt. I just won't be able to do the radio show tomorrow because I got a scoot at noon. So obviously can't do a radio show and get on a plane at the same time.


I will be in Nashville for a little bit this weekend doing, hopefully we'll see what happens. Had a rough day, but we hope we'll make it. So I'll see you back here tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. And I will be on the radio in just a few minutes right here on Rumble. See you then. You just heard the Dan Bon Gino show.