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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. I know sometimes we think what we do on these shows and stuff is like a festivist airing of grievances, like a George Kistanza thing. I get it. Sometimes it's like, we're sitting here, we're yelling about Joe Biden. I went off on that loser yesterday. Went nuclear on Twitter. People clipped out that part where I talked about the kid sniffing, plagiarizing, sociopathic, lying, daughter shower, taking sociopathic, lying loser. That went nuclear yesterday. But this is making a difference. It's not what happened yesterday in the Twinkie Stormy trial. It's what didn't happen yesterday that should tell you that what we're doing here, here, is making a huge difference. We are absolutely humiliating these people. I'll tell you what I mean. I got a big show, including a monster secret service story breaking. Folks, I've been telling you about this for years. Someone's going to get killed, and it's time for change. It's time for us to stand up. Stop giving your money to woke companies that don't care about you. Go to blackoutcauffy. Com/bongino.


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I've got a lot more ahead to, including, again, absolute proof that number one, this is absolutely backfiring, and number two, I'm telling you, they're getting ready to scrap Joe Biden. At this point, it is just a matter of Today's show brought to you by Omax Health. You know chronic pain, it's the worst. I've got it.


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All right, fellows, let's get this show started. It's not what happened in the Twinkies case yesterday. He didn't magically stop consuming vast quantities, mass quantities like the cone heads of hostess-based products and sugary goods. That's not what happened. Yesterday in the Twinkie Stormy case up in New York, they were scheduled to put Karen MacDougal on the stand. Karen MacDougal is a woman who alleges some thing or whatever with Donald Trump, and she seemed excited about it based on her Twitter feed and all. And all of a sudden, yesterday, about four o'clock, what happens? The DA in the case decides not to call Karen MacDougal to go up there and probably tell some more salacious tales about whatever Donald Trump was doing during this rendezvous. Why did that happen? Now, the copium was strong on the left. The coping now is just The excuse making and the coping is at the point of just absurdity. Now, if you don't know this guy, he's like one of the clown princes of the left. His name is Ron Flipperusky. Ron Flipperusky, is he a lawyer? I don't even know. But this is probably Probably the greatest dose of copium I've seen all day.


The DA has decided not to call Karen McDdougel to the stand. That has to come as a big relief to Trump. No, not really. I think we would have loved it. I'll tell you why in a minute. They may feel she's unnecessary to proving the elements of the case and don't want to invite reversible error on appeal. It's just the greatest dose of like, Give me the copium. Can I smoke the copium? Ron Flipberusky is a TDS amoeba brain worm, maybe RFK Okay, parasite-infected life loser who has nothing to do but tweet all day. What Flip Burousky is getting at here is they were so damaged by putting Stormy Daniels on the stamp. Stormy Daniels, who just melted down on cross. And brought up a bunch of irrelevant, salacious details. She could barely defend the veracity. The story, by the way, of her rendezvous with Donald Trump has changed so many times that even defenders of Stormy Daniels must be looking at themselves like, Did this even happen anymore? The reason they didn't bring up MacDougal is because this case looks ridiculous. And everyone from CNN down the line, CNN, the Communist News Network, is starting to realize the law fair is blowing up in their faces.


Folks, Flipperoo-ski, listen, I bring receipts, not bullshit like the Flipperoo, okay? Here's Politico. I'm sighting left-wing outlets. Why? Because I Like left-wing outlets? No. Does Dan Bongino like Politico? No, he calls it Bullshitico for a reason. However, how bad do things have to be when headlines like this by Josh Gerstein pop up? Trump's political fate likely won't be decided by the courts after all. Sounds like something we said. See, there's a problem with bringing bullshit cases in court. Justin, you know what the problem is? They're bullshit cases. He's in college. He's so good. It's almost like the college bug didn't infect They're bullshit cases. See, when you bring bullshit cases, you know what happens? Bullshit. Bullshit happens because you have bullshit cases. When your evidence is based on nonsense fairytales, we had a sexual liaison with silk boxers. Last time you said they were this boxers. Last time you said he was standing there. Now he's sitting there like, Which story is true? What winds up happening is the case looks like bullshit, even to the anti-Trump crowd. Am I saying they still can't convict him? No, I'm not saying that. It's New York. There's probably a bunch of TDS-infected jurors who don't really care about evidence.


However, Harvey Weinstein, and I'm not even comparing the two, Harvey Weinstein just had the same case get kicked up on appeal and get tossed under the exact same premise. Folks, they're in real trouble right here. This is how bad it's gotten, the copium on the left. Politico, again, why Stormy Daniels isn't getting the Monica Lewinsky treatment? My chat friends, I've got a question for you.


Why don't you answer Politico's question by Joanna Weiss? You guys would just postulate this for just a second. Take it in. Think about this. Tony, you were around when this happened. You're a little older than me.


What's the difference between Stormy Daniels accusations and Monica Lewinsky's allegations against Bill Clinton? Anyone in the room have an idea?


Anyone in the chat?


Yeah. Who is it? Hold on. Stop the chat. Zyfer 2000. Yes, because Donald Trump is not a Democrat. You are correct. Thank you, Zyfer. You're a genius. I love how Politico and Nercopium spends whatever, a thousand words trying to justify why they're not attacking a porn star. But Monica Walinski, who... I say Walinski because that's what everybody knew. Monica Walinski. Walinski, nobody disputed her. She actually had evidence. You know You know what I mean? Like evidence. Everybody... Tony, remember the evidence? It was like a... Folks, even I'm not... It was a sample, let's just say. Tony says, Well, let's call it the salty napkin. There was a salty napkin. There was actual DNA. But yet, Monica Walinsky was treated like a superhero. Excuse me, he was treated like the enemy. Stormy Daniels Stormy Daniels has a comic book. Why? Because of Zyfer. Zyfer is right. Zyfer, like he's from The Matrix. He's 100% correct because Donald Trump isn't a Democrat. I love how political. Oh, no, Stormy. She's so great. Stormy so up. He love Stormy. There's a difference. Do you remember Jim Carville? When Bill Clinton was accused by whatever, 100 different women? Remember that?


You remember what James Carville said? You drag a dollar through a trailer park That's what you're getting. Nobody was mad at James Carville. They were like, Yeah, those trashy women. I could see the media in the newsroom, they're all massages. Those trashy brands, they're so awful. Meanwhile, Stormy Daniels, this woman's a hero.


She's so great.


She didn't even have any hard core evidence outside of a word. This is why I love guys like this guy. This clip, I just added it this morning, is freaking magic. Like, presto change, oh, man. This is the real Mike Davis. The two mics are the best commentators out there. Mike Benz and Mike Davis. Dick Davis is awesome. I'm going to tell you right now, I don't know if he could get confirmed or not. I personally doubt it, but I'm willing to take a shot. We need this guy as attorney general. We just do. He is one of the greatest media ballbusters I've ever seen, and I want ballbusters because what am I doing here, folks? Showing you this shirt. Cutsy time is over. I'm not here to play games. Here's Mike Davis on the BBC, the UK's Communist News channel. The The lady he's interviewing with is very upset. I'm playing this. This is like four minutes into the interview.


The interview is like eight minutes long, so I can't play the whole thing. I wish I could, but you should watch it.


He keeps calling Stormy a Bimbo and a Pornstar. And the BBC lady, because they love Stormy, unlike Walinski, is very upset about it. Davis just keeps doing it. It is the most glorious interview I have seen on this situation in a very long time.


Watch this.


Malicious smear against President Trump. He can't respond to that, or he goes to jail. That just proves what a kangoo court this is. This is Democrat welfare and election in France. Frankly, the BBC should be ashamed of itself that you just put a Bimbo pornster on.


I think we get the message about how you're addressing her. Thank you very much for doing that.


What would you call her?


I would call her a woman who happens to be either a film star or she has a job. I don't think you have any particular locus.


She definitely She has a job. She definitely has a job. Come on, guys. Everyone, come on. This is life. Everybody up. Come on. What are you doing? Are you kidding? Thank you. Thank you very much. The hell are you guys sitting around? Everybody's got to get up and clap. Is that not the greatest clip you've ever seen? Justin, take that back to college and put it on TikTok and show it to your college buddy. This is what we need to do. You go on the media and shred these idiots. This is exactly how you do it. Oh, she has a job, all right. And I love the media lady in the BBC. I'd call her a film star. Really? What film is that? What Films, exactly. By that measure, a lot of people are film stars.


You know what I mean?


I'm not sure that I'm a film star. I'm not sure about that. Of course, all the cases have fallen apart everywhere, and it's freaking It's been awesome to watch. I don't know about you, but I'm loving all of this. I'm taking it all in. I'm eating it, throwing it up, eating it again, chewing the cud. This is just great. This is great. Here's Fannie Willis. You know Fannie in the First Amendment violation case out of Georgia, where she was doing a with the co-prosecutor who had absolutely no skills whatsoever. Well, maybe some skills. Who knows? Fannie could tell you about that. Here's Fannie doing what Fannie does best. When Fannie sucks, and I mean, sucks. When Fannie sucks, what does she do? She plays the race card. You guys are just coming after me because you're black. No, we're just coming after you because you suck. You know what I mean? Check this out.


Isn't it interesting when we got a bunch of African-American DAs, now we need Daddy to tell us what to do? They can keep looking. I'm not interested in them looking. They can look. I'm sorry they pissed off. Justice is now actually blind. Lady Justice is blind.


Everybody can get it. There we go. This is This is it. Folks, the copium is strong on the left. This is the best thing to do. This is America's finest right here. Fannie Willis gets caught doing the with her boyfriend there. She hires to prosecute Trump As they're meeting with the Biden Whitehouse, they get cold-busted, and they did it because I'm blah. Yeah, okay, sure. That absolutely makes sense. Sure it had nothing to do with this sucking.


You know what I mean? She sucked, right? Justin thinks there's a lot of innuendo. No, she just... It's not my fault. I didn't do it. You know what I mean? You get what I mean, right?


Now you see why this next clip makes a whole world to said, Smoaks the Copium.


It's everywhere.


The left don't know what to do. Everything they're trying just blows. Everything. They don't know what to do. Biden's out there claiming that his uncle was eaten by cannibals. He's a fake civil rights activist. His teacher is Bart Starr for the packers. Their whole race narrative is falling apart as minority voters start piling into the Republican Party. Michigan's collapsing, Wisconsin's collapsing. They don't know what to do, man. They're like this. Remember the Beavis and Butt head with a guy on the Coach? You ever remember that show? It's maybe Tony territory. Kick me in the Jimmy. And the Coach, I'm going to kick him in the balls or something. This is where they are right. It actually happened. You can go watch the clips. It was one of my favorite cartoons. This is what's happening right now. No cup or nothing. Right in the nuts. They have nowhere to go. You got to watch this because that show was freaking hilarious. It was before it's time. Kick me in. This is what's going on. They don't know what to do. How bad does it have to be that on an MSNBC segment, they had to cover this, where the last narrative they had, lost the inflation narrative, lost the economic narrative, lost the tax narrative, lost the school choice narrative.


They're getting crushed everywhere. They're losing the border narrative, the national security narrative. They're losing the chaos narrative as Biden has become Captain Chaos. They're losing everything. The last narrative they had was what?


What was it? Anybody know?


Anyone? Yes, Justin's right. Just kidding. He didn't say it. The last narrative they had is, Trump is a threat to democracy. He's a threat to democracy, folks. The Constitutional Republic will fall under Donald Trump. Listen to the copium in this segment. As they're smoking, it's like it's a gonga, like it's a big, massive blunt. They're doing secondary hises. They blow the smoke in others' faces. Listen to the copium here as they have to admit that the real threat to democracy amongst independents, amongst independents, not even Republicans, is Joe Biden.


Check this out.


Something interesting in this polling was more independents said that they worry about President Biden weakening democracy than Trump, 53% to 42%. What do you make of this? I find it shocking, honestly. I can't make sense of that number. I wish I could. I wish I had some really great insight to it.


She don't know what to do. She's like, flip a roosky. They don't know what to do. The blunt is gone, the copium's out, the high is wearing off. They're like, Anybody got mushrooms? They don't know what... Tequila? They don't know what to do. They live in this bubble, and they can't... Here's the thing. The narrative, the real narrative.


Remember, liberals tell you a story, not the story.


But remember, also, liberals tell themselves a story, not the story. She's not lying. She really doesn't understand why voters would perceive Biden as the greatest threat to the United States other than Trump. To you, it's obvious. Biden has taken on extra constitutional powers, censorship, paying off student loans after courts told him he couldn't. Biden has used his regulatory agencies to destroy business. Lena Khan and others, Gary Gensler at the SEC. People pay attention to this stuff. The threat to democracy, the January sixth gulags, all this stuff going on right now. The threat to democracy from the FBI, the DOJ, and Biden comes from the Biden administration. They don't know this because they don't want to know it. They choose to live in a bubble. Don't ever forget that line I just I said, Liberals tell you a story, not the story, but they also tell a story to themselves. Therefore, the story, which you seem obvious, which is the truth, they're totally oblivious. She's not lying. She really can't understand. It reminds me of that line about Nixon. I always screw up where the New York voter, she was, I can't believe Nixon won. I don't know anyone who voted for him.


Of course you don't. You were a New York voter. You were a liberal. Of course you don't know anyone. That explains that totally. They listen to stuff like this. This clip from Hillary Clinton on MSNBC is so preposterous that, again, a person who knows the story that Hillary Clinton marshaled the greatest hijacking of the DOJ and weaponization of government in modern American history with her fake steel dossier, which she used to start billions of dollars of trouble and investigations and hurt to political opponents. Listen to this absolute life loser, Hillary Clinton, who I'm telling you as being a former agent, knowing people around her, is the absolute meanest, most disgusting person in politics, even worse than Biden on the mean scale. The gross scale Biden's grosser, mean scale, there's no one meaner than her. I could tell you stories for days. She is an awful, awful person. Here she is on MSNBC talking about justice delayed, being justice denied on Donald Trump, when she suffered no legal penalty for the most disgusting government corruption we've seen in 50 years. Take a look.


The pressure and the stress on our system, our country, our Constitution, our future is so intense. For those of us who understand what's at stake, and I don't mean that in a derogatory way to others, but if you've been in this world, as you and I have, and you've studied it and you've watched it, it is a very difficult time right now. Justice delayed is justice denied. The people in our country, it looks as though, will most likely go to vote without knowing the outcome of these other very serious trials. The one that is going on now, currently in New York, is really about election interference. It is about trying to prevent the people of our country from having relevant information that may have influenced how they could have voted in 2016 or whether they would have voted.


Is this life loser for real? I love when they say the quiet part out loud. You must prosecute Donald Trump in these fake charges right now so we can interfere in the election because people need information to go out and make a decision. Oh, really? Hillary, they do. Hillary is a disgusting person, folks.


She is awful.


She treats everyone around her like shit. Her staff used to hate her. They pretend they don't. But go back and ask, get a couple beers in her old staff before the Huma days or in the middle. People hated this woman. She is evil, evil, an absolute life loser. She's saying right now that we need to get people information about Trump or they're going to make the wrong decision. What about when you hid the Hunter Biden laptop? Cooper, one in six Biden voters would have changed their minds if they knew the full story about Biden and his corruption. She doesn't give a shit about that, Clint Cooper article. She don't care about that at all. Again, Democrats tell themselves us story, not the story. They are Completely, utterly full of shit on everything. Nothing they tell you is true. There's a big thing going on right now with the FDIC. What does that have to do with this show? I'll talk about it more on Monday. The head of the FDIC that supervises banks is being accused of some gross stuff, a workplace sexual harassment, all of this stuff under his supervision. The Democrats love him.


Why? Because if he's forced to resign, then a Republican will wind up picking the chair. They don't care about sexual harassment, any of that stuff.


They care about power. This is what you're dealing with.


You want morality? Get a freaking dog. You want to save the country? Throw all that shit out. I don't want to hear any more Santos, motion to vacate stories. Sorry. Win, win, win. Period.


No more.


All right, I got more coming up next is this bubble is slowly breaking.


I'll show you what I mean. The story is slowly trickling out. Always bring it back to the receipts. Hey, for 10 years, Patriot Mobile has been America's only Christian conservative wireless provider. When I say only, trust me, the only one. Patriot Mobile is a proud supporter of the show. I'm proud to partner with them. Patriot Mobile offers dependable nationwide coverage, giving you the ability to access all three major networks. It means you get the same coverage you've been accustomed to without funding the left. When you switch to Patriot Mobile, you're supporting a company who believes in free speech, religious freedom, the sanctity of life, Second Amendment, our military veteran and first responder heroes. They're 100% US-based customer service team.


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It's certainly not some clickbait item.


I'm serious.


I don't know if it's Friday and I'm in a particularly good mood or the story just really gets my goat.


I don't know.


But that may be my favorite first 20-minute block of the show I think I've ever done because I'm just so enreveling in the left's ability to sabotage their own cause and Donald Trump just making them do it.


He dog walks these people all day.


They think they're winning when they're really just dog walking all of them, and it's freaking glorious to watch. How I know? Because the story is finally leaking out. Donald Trump has dog walked them for so long that now the truth is being forced out, even through liberal networks like the Communist News Network. I'm telling you, they're not doing this to be journalists.


You need to listen to me here.


Cnn isn't reporting on inflation and how bad the economy is because they want to do the right thing. Throw that shit right in the garbage. That has nothing to do with it. Understand that through our lens, when Mike Johnson or someone else does something that pisses us off, we complain about it. So many liberals to liberal networks about how badly Joe Biden sucks that the network actually feels in editorial meetings. I've been at Fox, and that, Man, we got to start reporting on this, or we're going to lose our audience, too. That's what this is. That's how bad it is. This is why we're dog walking these idiots. Here's John King at CNN. John King, having to acknowledge that telling people they're in good shape economically like Biden did the other day, it's probably not a good idea. You're basically telling people they're crazy that no, the economy sucks because they know the story, not a story you're telling them.


Check this out.


But you asked them what life is like, and they can't buy a bigger house because of mortgage rates. They still, when you talk about grocery prices. The President has to be careful here. That sounds like somebody in Washington telling people you're wrong. And whatever your party is, voters don't process it that way. They don't like that. Definitely don't like being told they're wrong because it's how they're actually experiencing the economy personally. The inflation drag, the cost of living drag is still giant out in America, and they don't like people in Washington telling them they're wrong. It's so important you understand this. This is not being done out of journalistic integrity. This is being done because their listeners, which aren't you, and certainly isn't me, and I sure as shit know it isn't Avida or Gee or anyone else in the room, their own liberal listeners are complaining to them. It's no different than what we do. If I were to sit here all day and go, Hey, man, that Pfizer thing was great. We should be spying on all America. You guys would all leave. But Republicans voted for it. You're expecting me to stand up for what's right, correct?


It's no different on the left. It's no different on the left. They're emailing the network. This guy sucks. Here, more proof right here. Always receipts, always everywhere. Here's ABC, another commi network, fact-checking Biden on the air now, openly Secondly, about his bullshit claims against inflation. Tell me they're not getting ready to dump this guy. I'm going to call you crazy.


Check this out.


It was 9% when I came to office. 9%.


Inflation was actually 1.4%.


When Biden was sworn in, peaking at 9.1% in June 2022. It has since come down to 3.5%, preventing a further drop housing costs. Folks, this goes on and on. I didn't even play the rest of it. They talk about how housing is through the roof. This This is ABC. The bubble is breaking because the story is leaking out because Biden is completely incapable of politically influencing these media networks anymore because people just hate him, folks. Biden is the trifecta. He doesn't look the part, he doesn't act the part, and he doesn't talk the part. When you're the president, if you even have one of those three, you can get by. The incumbents rarely lose as US presidents. They lose, but it's not often. There is a power to incumbency in the presidency. If you look the part, but don't act the part and talk the part, you may slip by. Likewise for the other two. Biden's none of those. He looks like Reverend Cain from Poltergeist. It's like a rotting corpse. He doesn't act the part. He stumbles around, makes up stories and bullshits people, and he doesn't talk the part. Every freaking thing he says is a lie.


Everything he says policy-wise, people hate. He has nothing. How bad does it have to be when comedians, comedians who are probably 60% plus of them are probably liberals, or if they're not liberals, because I don't want to get into their heads, they have to pretend to be in the comedy community so that they're not canceled. How bad does it have to be? Did you see this clip? This is freaking hilarious. This comedy guy, this comedian is on the stage, and he asked this lady in the crowd, Hey, what do you do for a living? She said she works for the Biden administration. If you haven't seen this, man, it's about a minute of his set, you were missing out. This is hilarious.


Check this What do you do for a living?


I work for a time. You work for the Biden administration. It's your job to wake them up or what's your job? Hey, hey, hey. There's a war. Okay, what do you do for the Biden administration? What a shit show of a job you have. I can't believe you admitted that. You're not always free. You have the freedom to lie. You could have said you were a hooker and I would have been proud of you. What do you do? I travel to Southern States as- You're You go to the South and try to sell them on a Biden? We're not going to be started. What the fuck are you talking about? That's your fucking job. You can go, Hey, listen, I know you guys want Trump, but fight it. I mean, wow. Are you ready to be unemployed or will she buy? Come on, man. On a Friday, Josh Ocean Thomas. That's who that guy is. Thank you guys for telling me his name. That has got to be one of the greatest minutes. And listen, I obviously don't like Biden. I think that's obvious at this point.


Do I really need to explain that?


However, that's objectively funny. That's objectively funny. It's probably not funny to Biden people because their emotions getting away. I probably wouldn't laugh if it was about Trump. I'm just being straight with you. However, take the political names out of it. That's objectively funny. This This guy really sucks, and that guy just nailed it right there. Her job is to go down to the South and convince voters in the South that they should love Joe Biden. He's decimating their economy, their borders, everything. Imagine being that lady. Are you ready to be unemployed? What a classic line. Folks, we've got a conspiracy theory update, and not just one, but many, many. And then I got this Secret Service story coming up because, listen, I'm getting tired of this bullshit.


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There's always a difference.


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Okay, we do. We do. Someone needs to do that. Can someone do a study on Saturday morning? Take the exact same cup of coffee, literally the exact blend, the exact amount, same water, same. And I guarantee you they'll rate it a 10. And on a Wednesday, they'll rate it like a nine. It's something about Saturday. I don't know what the hell it is. He's going to compare it to the airline ticket business. It's like if you go online and you buy it at the right time. It's the same thing we call for your taste buds. Think like that. Conspiracy Theory Update. Conspiracy Theory Update. Number one, I was told, along with many others, you guys remember this? When they were telling us, Dan, Stop talking about RFK.


This one makes me crazy, folks. This is getting like the masks. I hate masks.


Stop talking about RFK. He's going to hurt Trump.


Oh, my gosh. You're being played for suckers. You're being played for suckers.


Democrats are playing you because they want RFK out of the race. It's so obvious only a moron would fall for this. Rfk is going to destroy Joe Biden. You want this guy in the race. You want some receipts? Here we go. Here he does an interview with Sage Steele, and RFK supports late term abortion. I'm sure a lot of Conservatives and Republicans are going to switch their vote to RFK. You want this guy in a race. All he's going to do is leach off Democrats. Check this out.


In other words, keeping it as is with Roe versus Wade having been overturned and leaving it up to the states to determine if and when a woman can have an abortion? No, I wouldn't leave it to the states. You wouldn't? Right. No, I would- You would say completely, it's up to the woman.


My belief is We should leave it to the woman. We shouldn't have government involved.


Even if it's full term?


Even if it's full term. Okay.


Folks, the left was playing people for suckers.


They are trying to, just like the George Soros rallies on campus, are trying to suck Conservatives in and say, Oh, it's about free speech. Join us, as they go and they totally destroy your life, too. This is the RFK op. They are trying to get Conservatives to get this guy either some support or backing. It's crazy. Look at this Daily Caller thing. Leaked pitch deck reveals a former Vivek staffer trying to use MAGA influencers against Trump for RFK. Why are they trying to use MAGA influencers? Because they know the guy's a liberal, and he has no chance of doing anything significant in the race unless the Republicans go and turn the other way. He's There's nothing conservative about this guy at all. It's not then personal, folks. I ran for office. He's perfectly entitled to run. But don't fall for this bullshit conspiracy theory that he's going to hurt Trump. That's the Democrats, I promise, trying to play you. You don't have to go celebrate the guy. I'm not asking you to do that either. I just told you, the guy's not one of us. I'm just saying, don't let them get this guy out of the race.


He's going to destroy Joe Biden. Joe Biden, Trump will win 37 plus states if this guy's in the race and runs a serious campaign. Another You know what? Play the audio first.


You got the Johnson audio? Hold on. Stand easy one second.


Folks, I'm never going to waste your time here.


I promise.


I love my audience.


I absolutely respect you guys, and I'm never going to waste your freaking time.


We had Speaker Mike Johnson on the show.


I was glad he came on.


However, one area, along with the Ukraine funding, I strongly disagree with Speaker Johnson on, strongly, is this FISA bill, this Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act bill where they basically can spy on Americans. We know they use it to spy on Americans because they've used the cornucopia of powers to spy on Americans, being Donald Trump and others, and we know there have been massive abuses. You want to spy on Americans, there's a way. Does anybody know how to do it? It's called the Constitution. You can go and get a warrant. It's not hard. Anyone telling you it's hard is lying. But we were told, No, no, no, this new Pfizer bill, remember, they're If they're going to renew the FISA bill, they already did. We were told, Don't worry, man. There are safeguards built in. There'll be no spying on Americans. Matter of fact, when I interviewed Speaker Johnson, he even said that. He said this. Always got the receipts, man. Check this out. A warrant is required any time you're going to surveil or investigate an American.


Absolutely 100%, we die on that hill.


But when you're using Section 702 of FISA, this is what most people don't understand, it is in its name, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.


It's only allowed to collect data, emails, phone communications, et cetera, from foreign terrorists or people that we suspect to be that.


Really? Wired magazine.


Just the other day.


What's today's date? The 10th? So this article is from the Haucian days of May eighth, like two days ago. Top FBI official urges agents to use warrantless wire tabs on US soil. Holy shit. It's like I told you that was going to happen. I mean, why would Mike Johnson or anyone else take advice from a guy who was actually a federal agent to use warrants? I mean, what the hell do I do? A top FBI official is encouraging employees to continue to investigate Americans using a warrantless foreign surveillance program in an effort to justify the FBI spying powers, according to an internal email obtained by Wired. Go to part two of that. Part two.


I think I'm wasting your time.


Here's this higher up in the FBI, this guy Paul Abate. I urge everyone to continue to look for ways to appropriately use US person queries. Didn't Mike Johnson just say it's not happening? I urge everyone to continue to look for ways to appropriately use US person queries to advance the mission with the A added confidence that this new pre-approval requirement will help ensure that those queries are fully compliant with the law. Whatever.


Just move on.


You know it's hilarious, all these lefty douchebags and swampy, up on Gino, he's angry, a conspiracy. Really? Gee, what's our record on conspiracy theories? You think it's about 99.96427? Me too. Folks, I'm just not saying 100 because I'm struggling, too, to remember a thing I was told I was a conspiracy theorist about that hasn't come true. I haven't seen one Even yet, COVID, elections, spigate, the Russia hoax, the Hunter Biden email hoax. The list goes on and on for days. The Pfizer thing. We're out of them. Justin said, I'm totally out of conspiracies. Completely out of them. Every single one comes true. You want to throw another one? Let's just do one just for the hell of it. Remember we told you about this COVID vaccine? Hey, man, you should probably chill on this thing. I'm not sure it's a good idea. Freaked out about this thing. Oh, independent. By the way, this is not some conservative outlet. Astrazeneca withdraws COVID vaccine worldwide after admitting it could cause rare blood clots. Holy That's so crazy. I mean, Avita has only been talking about this total conspiracy there. We love conspiracy. We were like, Oh, look, Avita W.


She's a conspiracy there. Let's hire her on the show to join us. We're a conspiracy theorist, too. So crazy. What's that? What one? That's true. Yes. When we put out the job opening, Avita, the first question, are you a documented conspiracy theorist, according to a left-wing bullshit artist? Avita said, Yes, 100%. I'm like, You're I heard you're hired. I didn't even-I'm not even. Do you want a series of tinfoil hats, some with wool lining, just for the comfort? Keep waiting. Avita says she's waiting for the apology. Hold your breath. Just take a deep one. Which one are we wrong about? Which one are we wrong about? Oh, replacement theory that we're definitely... That's a total conspiracy theory, too. Despite the fact that we've only played on the show 100 times, the Democrats, Demographic Destiny, Replacement Theory, articles called We Will Replace Them in Democratic. You guys are conspiracy theories. What? For quoting your own words? There's a literal New York Times article called We Will Replace Them. There is a two-minute clip of Democrats talking about replacing voters. It's not our theory, it's yours. Here, another conspiracy theory comes true. So the Republican Party, you're going to see this clip of Lauren Boebert here.


This is a good one. The Republican Party put forth a very simple bill, All Americans Should be For. This is not complicated. The bill basically says you should be able to prove your citizenship if you want to vote. Not hard, right? Nothing complicated. It's not a fail Mary pass. Of course, the Democrats hate this bill. Even some Republicans vote against it. Why? I thought this replacement theory thing was some right-wing conspiracy theory. Isn't this a simple thing? Only citizens should vote? Here's Lauren Boebert on the House floor. Check this out.


Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker, and thank you to Chairman Biggs for leading on this issue. I rise in support of the Equal Representation Act, which will add a citizenship question to the census and exclude illegal aliens from the apportionment base. It is past time we put America and Americans first.


Folks, I already told you, whether illegal immigrants vote in federal elections, that's bad enough. But whether they vote or not, the Democrats still want them counted in the census so that they get more Electoral College votes, which is based on a population of liberal states so that they'll win presidential elections forever. Do you have the demographic destiny thing? Yeah. I'm going to place for it just again, because another conspiracy theory has magically come true. The Democrats don't want citizens only voting because they want non-citizens voting. There's no other way because replacement theory is their actual thing. They talk about it all the time. Here's just 30 seconds of this to remind you that these people are totally full of shit on the left. Check this out. Coming out into the open.


In a few years, we're going to be a majority brown country. White people will not be the majority in the country anymore.


This will be the first generation ever in American history in which Whites will be a minority of the generation at some point. As of 2007, Every year, babies being born in this country, Whites now are the minority. In 2044, everyone is going to be a minority. As the demographics change, as white people become the minority in the country, which is coming. Demographics is destiny. Demographics is Destiny. Demographics is destiny, right? The country is changing. I've been saying it here. Other people have been saying it here for years now, even before Donald Trump. The demographics is destiny. The white population is declining for the first time in history in America, while the A number of multiracial Americans have more than doubled.


Guys, ladies out there.


Again, I love you, man. Who's really obsessed with race and demographics and electoral power and replacing white voters? Us? I don't even talk about it. I only talk about it by playing clips of the left talking about it. But it's a conspiracy theory, right? Is all that made up? Did I make that up? Hat-tip Graebihan, by the way, Tom Elliott. Did I make that up? Tell me, lefty assholes in the chat, point out the... Now, don't tell me Joe Scarborough either. He's not even... Forget that. Point out to me an actual conservative in there anywhere. You can't because you're full of shit. Those are lefty businessmen, lefty media people, lefty politicians. They're obsessed with this idea. And that's why it's killing them that Hispanic voters are going to go for Trump because they're The whole replacement theory agenda, which they try to pin on you as some Nazi, is blowing up in their face. They want non-citizens to vote. Why the hell would you vote against it? Give me one good reason you would not vote for a bill that would exclude non-citizens from federal elections. They shouldn't vote in any election, period. One good reason.


You can't because you're full of shit. It's incredible to have in one show on Friday, like Five or six conspiracy theories go down in one day. You understand, you watch this show, other concerns, not just me. You got Banan, you got Levin, you got others out there, too.


I'm not the only Charlie Kirk.


You got other, Megan Kelly, whatever. If you're watching no shows, you're like two years ahead of the curve because none of this stuff is news to you. Liberals who've been told us story, not the story, these dips are just finding this out now because they're moron.


This story is really important. Get ready, folks, because this is...


Even if you have zero interest in the secret service and internal palace intrig and all this other stuff, this is an important story.




Because none of our protectees should be getting hurt or killed.


I don't care about your...


I worked for two Democratic presidents, Clinton and Obama, and a Republican, one in Bush.


I did my job the same.


If you are a secret service protectee, no one says to you, Hey, man, are you a Democrat or Republican? It's not the way this works. However, even if you don't care about this stuff, there is a damn good chance Donald Trump is going to be the next President. The threat level for Donald Trump, I know, believe me, I know, is through the roof. It is legitimately through the roof. There are people who would kill this guy in a minute. The problem right now is although Donald Trump's detail is staffed by really good people, excuse me, who I'm comfortable in their management ability over there, the Secret Service is now bubbling up through the ranks, has in there completely unqualified to save anybody's life at all. The Secret Service is now running for the hills as they said that they had this unbelievably bad incident happen at Joint Base Andrews. Now, I wasn't there. These are allegations in the media. They were all obviously second-hand. I'm reading it like you did. But the long story short of it is a female agent had what they call some mental episode or whatever at basically Andrews Air Force Base over there, now JBA.


Apparently, They, according to the reports, attacked one of the supervisors. They had to disarm her, put her in handcuffs. This is an agent who's supposed to be protecting Kamala Harris. She was on the vice president's detail. Now, what's really tragic about this story is the Secret Service is acting like this is some unique incident. And, oh, yeah, no problem. Our vetting is great. It's bullshit. I've talked about it before, and now it's in the public eye. Susan Crabbtree has an amazing piece It's at RealClearPolitics. It's in the show notes today. So it's at bonzino. Com/newsletter.


The newsletter show notes the same thing.


You can go right there, the RealClear, too.


You don't need to go through us, but it's right there, the link.


I encourage you to read it, all of it. The incident I just mentioned to you. She notes that following the incident, secret service agents and officers are privately questioning the hiring process and whether the secret service adequately screen this woman's background. Some also wonder whether her hire was part of a DEI push in in response to years of staff shortages that may have required the agency to lower its strict employment standards and physical performance to reach quotas for female agents and officers. Yes. Yes.


Go to the second part of this because this is where they're bullshitting people.


And listen, I love my former agency. I had a great time over there. I worked with the best people I've ever worked with. This line is fucking bullshit. Pardon my language. So So the spokesperson, this guy, Anthony Gugliemmi, confirmed that the Secret Service is one of the numerous agencies that have signed on to the 30/30 initiative, an effort to increase the representation of women in the ranks to 30% of the workforce by 2030? What does that have to do with anything? Here's the bullshit part. Claims that the Secret Services standards have been lowered as a result of our signing this pledge are categorically You're false. Anthony, I don't know you, brother.


I never met this guy in my life. I have no idea who you are. That's bullshit.


You know you're lying. There's only one of two things. I don't know if this guy was an agent or if he's just a PR flack or whatever he is. He's full of shit. Either he was never an agent, never has been through training, or he knows what's going on and is absolutely lying. Folks, I worked there for almost 12 years. I was an instructor in the academy for three years. I was in the operations section and coordinated two classes myself, well, with a co-couer, but was actually the coordinator myself. I'm not mentioning names. I'm just telling you, I personally witnessed people who were pushed through because they met a certain quota, maybe female, maybe others, but they were pushed through despite being categorically unqualified to carry a gun near the President or anyone else. And they were pushed through because the sack of the training said, Center and others was like, Winkie, winkie, nod, nod. That person should really get through. What I'm telling you is that guy's full of shit. He is giving you some standard company line. He is lying to you. Listen, I'm being straight, and this isn't some stupid virtue signal.


In the Secret Service, having female agents is actually pretty valuable because we have female protectees, and the female agents can do things like go in bathrooms with them, and they make really good counter surveillance agents. For some reason, guys never detect a female agents. Also, there were some that are really good on a detail. There is no reason to have a quota. You're either qualified or you're not. And no woman, I don't give a shit who you are. No woman, no white guy, black guy, Martian, alien, Man from Saturn should be next to the President without a gun if they don't meet the standards. I'm telling you, this guy's full of shit. They are putting people near the President and the Vice President because of quotas and looks. You know when they do that little on inauguration day, when the President goes down Pennsylvania Avenue, do you know the pressure, what they call the flankers? The four guys walk around the limo. It's all bullshit.


They're not protecting anything.


Do you know the pressure they had there?


You got to put a Spanish Got to put a Spanish guy.


Got to put a Black guy. Can't have too many white guys. You got to have a woman around. They are obsessed with this. Here's the background for Susan and others. I haven't told you this. The Secret Service got sued about, I don't know, 20, 30 years ago by a group of black agents claiming that they weren't being promoted. I wasn't around for... I have no idea the validity of lawsuit or not. The Secret Service was never the same. They got scared shit. They are obsessed with this DEI stuff. The crazy thing about this is they are putting their own people at risk. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, there are people around them, I assure you right now, who are absolutely incompetent. I can prove it to you right now. If you were to put these guys on the detail under a polygraph and say, I want five names of people who belong nowhere near with the President with a gun, I guarantee you they give you 10. This is bullshit. This guy is lying. The director of the Secret Service is a disaster. This Kim Chetel, they know who put the cocaine in the White House.


I have it from multiple people. She is hiding it. She's full of shit. She needs to resign yesterday. The minute Donald Trump gets into office, this woman needs to go immediately, and the Secret Service needs A massive, massive house cleaning, a massive house cleaning. I don't care if you're a Democrat or a Republican or whatever you are. When you're sitting in the oval office, you should not have a bunch of people around you who are a clear and present danger to your security. It's supposed to be the other way around. This story is 10 times worse than you think it is. This story you heard about this female agent? I haven't heard it. I just read about it. I'm telling you this is the tip of a massive iceberg, and I'm guaranteeing you right now on The trajectory this agency is on, someone's going to get hurt or killed. The Secret Service Director, Kim Chetel, needs to resign immediately.




She's been a disaster, and they need someone in there now who's going to clean this shit show up.


I said my piece. I'm going to follow this. I'm not letting this go. She needs to go.


I'm going to make sure. Kim Chetel, I know you're watching right now, too, by the way.


I know you're watching.


I'm not letting this go. I'm not letting this go. I did the job. I know exactly what you do. I was there. Don't tell me you know what I did. You have my background. I encourage you, by the way. I'm giving you permission. Release all my personnel files. In case anybody out there thinks I'm full of shit and didn't do this job at the highest levels, release my personnel file. I'm giving you permission on camera. Release it. You, on the other hand, didn't do what I did. You did a terrible job. Everybody knows She was the training center. The director was the sack of the training center when this woman graduated. Any explanation for that?


All right, folks, I always have to do these stories.


Are things bad enough yet, by the way?


I'm not just talking about the Secret Service and federal agencies falling apart.


Are things bad enough around the country where massive election changes are going to happen? I'm going to warn you right now. Viewer discretion is advised right here. This is a really disturbing video to watch.


You guys want to V. O. This instead? It's probably better.


I'm going to give you a few seconds here. This is New York City. I ask you all the time, are things bad enough? Have they gotten bad enough that a massive amount, not a small amount, but a massive amount of voters say, I've had enough of this bullshit. I'm voting for Donald Trump? Don't laugh. This stuff has happened. Ronald Reagan won 49 states in 1984 when things got bad enough. They were tired of it, and they wanted more Reagan and less bullshit. This is New York City.


This happened as a poor woman, apparently 3:00 AM in the morning, belt around her neck. Listen, if you've ever been choked out in jiu-jitsu, you know it only takes about five seconds. You see she goes limp right here, about five seconds, go by, you see her arms. She's out.


Look at her.


Now, you're getting oxygen deprivation of the brain. A guy dragging her between two cars. She's had sexually assaulted. I mean, this is just I mean, is this individual incident Joe Biden's fault? No, I mean, I'm not going to feed you a line of bullshit. However, would this incident have happened if we had, say, Giuliani type in New York and they focused on policing?


The answer is, I don't know.


I can't prove it counter factual.


However, I can tell you, having worked as a cop in New York City during that Giuliani, post Giuliani era with broken windows policing, that guys like this were typically in jail because they would jump a turnstile and they would throw them in jail, so they weren't on the street to do that. Is it bad enough yet?


I don't know. Is it getting there? You bet your freaking ass it is. All right, folks, a heavy show today, man. We discussed a lot.


Please check out my radio show. We rated the stream there. Click that join button if you want to watch my radio show coming up next. I get a lot of questions about how to watch the full three-hour radio show. It's on Rumble right here, on this channel right here. You'll see, they'll just feature it coming up next. I'll say, Dave Mangino Radio Show. However, the last hour, it's contract stuff.


It's I wish I could make it easy.


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If you're a subscriber, you can watch the last hour.


The whole show, yeah. And by the way, if you're a local subscriber, you can watch all three hours. But the first two are free right here on Rumbles, so I appreciate that. Also, please give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. We've been falling behind a little bit on Apple, which it's good because everybody's coming over to watch on Rumbles, but we like to keep our numbers up there, too, on Apple and Spotify, because that's how people find us.


When you stay at the top of the charts, it really helps us a lot. It keeps our marketing costs under control. So we really appreciate it.


Thanks a lot, folks. See you on the radio show a little bit, and back here on Monday. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.