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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. There's a big argument going on in the studio here, and I know this is going to cause another Pantera, Goofy Glue, incident. It may shut down the tech. It may, in fact, burn up the electric lines to the studio, which would cost me a fortune.


The new studio is not ready yet. But we're talking about Star Wars and sci-fi films.


I'm I'm just going to go on a record.


I think Aliens, the sequel to Alien. I think Aliens is the best sci-fi film of all time.


I may lose 10,000 people today saying that, but I like Star Wars.


I didn't like the prequels. I thought they were awful. I don't think they should have been made.


I'm not even a fan of the sequel, to be honest. Mark Hamill just killed it for me, totally. But Aliens, the second one, I walked out of that movie theater like, What the hell just happened?


It was crazy. Like I said, yesterday in the radio show, We say on the record as if there's an official record.


There probably isn't. But if there is, I'm going on the record and saying that now. Yesterday was a good day. It was the trifecta. Stormy had a meltdown on the stand, which was expected. Even the judge had to sit there and go, Maybe I'm really stupid, which you are. We had the appeal of the Fannie Willis case get kicked up to a Georgia appeals court. So Fannie Willis and her boyfriend doing a may not get to, you know what I mean? And the disastrous presidential records act, Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant case has now been delayed. So there's a lot of gloomy days on the show. Today, ain't one of them. This was the trifecta. For liberals, you're Probably pretty dopey. That means three. Trifecta, one, two, three. Big show day, a lot of talk about, Hey, a few decades ago, private citizens used to be largely that, private.


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That's expressvpn. Com/bongino. Thank you, ExpressVPN. All right, fellows, let's get this party started.


Yesterday was a big day. A lot of days suck. Some days really suck. Some days the level of suck is really hard to grasp, especially with Oatmeal Brains in the White House, who probably crapped himself.


Hey, did you guys get that email from that guy, Brian, by the way? He loves the new...


His team has been doing the thing with the show.


He's been working with the visuals. Brian really liked the fact that Joe Biden appeared to have crapped his diaper, and he got the face.


He zoomed in, he made the face when you're unloading in the diaper. So we appreciate it. We're trying to make the visuals more appealing. And we get in the new studio, we're going to tear this thing up. The show is going to look 10,000 times better, even if it does now. We're almost there, like September. But yesterday was a good day.


I'm just excited about today's show because the level of suck yesterday was zero.


A lot of great things happened. Let me just sum it up, bottom line for you up front. The Fannie Willis, Georgia, air quotes, election interference, which is really a First Amendment violation case. That case is now being kicked up to appeal. But the portion being kicked up to appeal is getting Fannie Willis, the prosecutor, off the case. Because as you know, she was doing the... Kids, I can't explain that. You got to ask mom and dad when you're 18. Not my business. But she was doing that with the prosecutor. The prosecutor, they had a relationship, apparently was totally unqualified to be working this case. The case is a joke. I suspect they're going to lose that case.


Fannie Willis will likely be removed, and that case is going to go bye-bye, if not on permanent delays. I hope. You never know with these people. Second, the Florida case, the records case where The Jackbooted thugs raided Mar-a-Lago to try and get their spygate documents back from Donald Trump, because that's what that case is really about.


Judge Cannon, we're going to put that case on hiatus for now.


So now Now, what we have to deal with is the case happening right now, which I refer to as the Twinkies case.


Just so we keep them all clear, we got the Fannie case.


That case is important. We got the First Amendment case down in Mar-a-Lago, and we got the Twinkies case up in New York. Twinkies, of course, refers to Alvin Bragg, who amazingly still cannot control his eating habits.


They've got Ozempic, Mounjarro, Wegovy. Just give it a shot. A little bit of self-control. That case blew up yesterday. What an embarrassment.


Now, it is serious, but on a very serious note. Folks, the world is a really dangerous place. It has been since we've been Homo sapiens, sapiens. People engage in violence. War is perpetual. People want to kill each other. I wish they didn't. If men were angels, but we're not.


People want to kill us.


There are nuclear-powered enemies of the United States that would do absolutely anything to make us go away. Folks, perceptive Reception is reality. People overseas have to perceive us as being the biggest, baddest military in the world.


You may say, Oh, but we are.


It doesn't matter that we are.


What matters is that people see that. You can be this big, jacked up, huge bodybuilder-looking type in a bar.


I got news for you. Some of those guys are the worst fighters out there.


They gas out in about 10 seconds. You give them one punch in the nose and they fall on their faces.


But you get one of these guys that's like the smashing machine, Mark Kerr, back in the day, who was big and badass or like a Brock Lesner.


You're not going to mess with them. Why?


Because the perception is reality. I've objectively seen those guys fight, and I don't want to hustle with them because I'm going to lose badly and I may get dead. The world's laughing at us right now. They're laughing at us. We are dangerously diminished around the world.


This case is happening in New York, and they put the former president, probably the next president, in some dingy courtroom with some porn star talking about allegations of this and just salacious sexual details, completely irrelevant to this trial at all, is absolutely ridiculous. The fact that this judge, and this is a disgrace to humankind. A guy who has no business being on the bench. I'm going to say to Judge Murchon, I want you to listen to me right now, the judge in the Twinkies case, I'm embarrassed for you.


You're a disgrace, and you disgust me.


I know as a conservative in front of your courtroom that you have been entrusted with a sacred duty, my freedom, if I committed some crime in New York. I have zero doubt that even if I was objectively 100% innocent of said crime, zero doubt you would slant the trial to make sure I went to prison.


That's what I think of you.


And I say that you disgrace the humankind because you may be thinking, Oh, Dan, you do the same thing if Joe Biden is in front of you. You can go yourself, okay? Double barrel, middle finger. I put my ass on the line for Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. They were Democrat presidents. I politically couldn't stand. I went out and did my job because I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and that oath mattered. So you can take that, roll it up in a ball, and shove it up your ass. You don't know what you're talking about. Judge Murchon doesn't live by the code we live by, or I live by, because he's a loser. Judge Murchon is a hard core Democrat Communist activist who will do anything to hurt Donald Trump. And he saw an opportunity to put this porn star on the stand and make Donald Trump look stupid in front of the whole country. And what happened? He made himself look stupid as she melted down on cross-examination. It was so bad, as a matter of fact, that the judge, after she embarrassed herself, wondered why the Trump team didn't object.


You let this woman go on the totally irrelevant to the trial because you hate Trump. She then embarrasses you, and then you criticize the Trump team for not objecting. Miranda Devine summed this up beautifully in a tweet. She says, How are you going to argue with this crazy judge logic. Murchon refuses to strike out the Stormy Daniels' details before she testified as Trump's lawyer has requested because he wants to basically hurt Trump. Then Murchon criticizes Trump lawyers for not objecting enough when she testifies. You're probably thinking to yourself, this can't be real. It is. Murchon is slightly allowed in material whose only purpose is to embarrass Trump, and then after the fact, pretends for the jury that, Oh, look, I don't approve of this. The guy is full of shit.


I want you to read this from the New York Times.


The transcript of this is embarrassing. They note that the defense team moved to strike much of the Stormy Daniels testimony, and Murchon let it in. The judge bristles at This is a statement. She says, this is Trump's lawyer, that they were under the impression the prosecutors were doing what Murchon allowed during questioning Murchon disagrees. Murchon adds, I was surprised that there were no more objections, admonishing the defense team, Trump's lawyers. The defense has to take some responsibility for that, the judge says. Do you believe this shit?


Folks, I want you to understand this case has nothing to do with any sex acts, salacious sex stories, of that stuff.


It has to do with an allegation of a falsified business record, which no one is yet to prove or even remotely prove. That the business record was a payment that ended up in this woman's pocket is not relevant to the crime at all. I could give you a thousand different stories. When I was working counterfeit cases with the Secret Service, an element of the crime passing counterfeit is not that you knew it was counterfeit, because then everybody's just going to say in court, I didn't know, and then you'd get off.


That's not an element.


So them talking in court endlessly about what you were doing the day before and that you were in court, say, you were in your house designing whatever art thing. Oh, look, he's good at art. He could have counterfeited them. It's not relevant. They're just making this whole thing up. This case is total bullshit. How bad was it? And in case you think I'm just subjectively here, biased towards Donald Trump, which I am. I am a supporter of Donald Trump. But I'm telling you, someone who was involved in the criminal justice system, when you were in court testifying, it has to be relevant to the charge at hand. I can't bring your kindergarten teacher in to say, Oh, look, Johnny was a really bad kid in kindergarten. We gave him detention. It has nothing to do with the crime at hand. This would go on all day, these trials. This is how bad it was. When you lose CNN, they're worse than MSNBC. There's a guy who works over there who was on camera doing his... You know what I mean on camera? Remember the shake weight? Tony, remember the shake weight? You guys get where I'm going with this?


They have a guy over there who works out with the shake weight, if you know what I mean. He's shaken, just not the weight. This is CNN. They only have this guy on her because he hates Trump. Cnn had to acknowledge yesterday. This thing was a total debacle for the prosecution team in Twinkies.


Check this out.


Jury's Casey. Just one thing that I've been noticing as this has gone on is that there have been a couple of times where she seems to be cracking a joke, trying to get a reaction from the jury, and our reporters in the room have noted that the jury hasn't seemed to respond to that. No, they're taking their job seriously. What do you make of that?


Humor is risky in the courtroom, especially if you go in with lines.


It looks like stormy.


If something happens spontaneously, if an easel falls over, people will laugh. They're human.


But it's never going to work.


If you go in there like, I'm going to amuse the jury. I'm going to say this clever thing.


Folks, this case should have been tossed on mistrial yesterday.


Listen, man, I don't want to sound like I'm trying to be a know-it-all, but I've been through quite a few trials and trial preps, both in cases for business and in law enforcement.


I'm not a lawyer. I don't pretend to be. I didn't stay at a Holiday In Express last night. I'm not a poser. But I promise you, I've been through this quite a bit. You have to be really, really careful in a trial that everything you say and do is relevant, because here's the deal. You've got a jury, right? The jury sitting there. If you're bringing up stuff constantly, completely unrelated to the case, like what happened with Stormy Daniels, and the judge is smashing you down, objection, not relevant, sustained, objection, not relevant, sustained, objection, not relevant, sustained, you look in the eyes of the jury like an absolute tool who's just reaching for something. You got to remember, perception is reality. I was talking about it before in terms of our national strength in our military, an unintended segue. But in court, it's the same way. If you are a defense attorney or a prosecutor, and you are constantly getting smacked down by the judge, you look like a moron. Yesterday, this is what happened with this Stormy Daniels. It I just got off on a tangent where I got to believe even the most biased juror is sitting there going, I don't understand what the point to all this is.


Is this like a 1-800 triple X soft porn session where we're talking about a sex story? Can you imagine what the rest of the world is thinking right now? If you're Xi Jinping and Putin right now, you got to be sitting there. Guys, am I crazy? You got to be sitting there like this, like with a stogie, just smoking like, Bro, this is great. The collapse of an empire right before our eyes, and we didn't have to do shit. Of course, the motion for a mistrial was denied, Because the judge is a crazy person. The guy is crazy. I have zero respect for this guy.




Because of what I did in the past. Folks, I couldn't stand Obama. But I promise you, with every Every single fiber and ounce of my being, I did my job the best I could. The best I could.


I never reared, I never said anything about politics.


I kept my political personal life separate from that, and I did my job. I was one of the few guys on that detail who was a lead advance because I did my job and I never aird my political feelings. Some of you may object to that.


That's fine.


I don't. I swore an oath to do something, and my word matters. This judge is totally, completely incapable of doing his job, and he has as important a job as I had. My job was keep this guy alive behind you, this president. I don't care what his politics are. You keep this guy alive. This guy's job, as you see this guy behind you, Donald Trump, or sitting in front of you in this case, his freedom is in your hands. Your job is to act like a public servant and a dignified human being. What this guy is doing is absolutely disgusting. And for those yesterday who doubted, very few of you, to be candid, but some still doubt that they're preparing to throw this guy in jail.


I'd check this story out by Emma Colton at Fox.


New York versus Trump. Mayor Eric Adams says, Rikers Island is prepared if Trump is sentenced to jail. I don't know what's going to happen, folks. I'm not the Stigian, which is, give me the eye. I'm not. I can't predict if you... I'm just telling you right now, you better get ready. Get ready. And if I were to Trump team, I would make sure to get a picture of him behind bars in that prison jumpsuit, it'll be the most iconic photograph of all time this election will be over.


You better get ready for it because Trump's ready for it.


The judge gives exactly zero shits. The judge is a straight up tyrant, and this thing is going to get ugly real fast. And I expect as this case gets worse for the defense, because after yesterday, you realize the whole case now revolves around Michael Cohen. It completely fell apart yesterday. This Stormy Daniels said two completely contradictory things. She said she wasn't in any of this for the money. I want you to think about this. She says, I'm not in it for the money. I just wanted to tell the public my story about Donald The next question was, then why did you sign a nondisclosure to not disclose it for money? Tony, does that make sense? Justin? Let me say, if Justin comes in one day and I'm stealing something from the studio. It's mine. But pretend it isn't. I'm stealing the, I support the current income. And I go, Justin, don't tell Dan. Now, he's like, Don't tell Dan. We're going to sign an NDA. And then Justin goes, Hey, I just wanted to get the story out. Well, why did you take the money to not get the story out? Those stories can't be true.


She totally screwed this case up. She was a disaster. So much so, like I said, CNN is starting to notice it. This was a debacle. The entire case now revolves around Michael Cohen. It already a guy who cannot seem to get his story straight ever. I love Donald Trump.


I hate Donald Trump.


Donald Trump is a generous guy. Donald Trump is not a generous guy. The guy's story changes every 10 seconds. The first question out of their mouth to Michael Cohen is going to be, were you lying then or are you lying now? This case is a dog, an absolute dog. I got one more cut from CNN next, again, showing you how bad this thing got yesterday. Here's what it came down to at the end of her testimony. Basically, I know you are, but what am I? Tony, remember when we were kids? I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but this is what it was yesterday. You think I'm joking? Wait till I play this CNN clip next. This is what it came down to yesterday. This is how bad this case is.


They're laughing at us. They are laughing at us.


Putin's probably sitting there with the nuclear thing right now. He's like an X-wing fighter, just getting ready for this thing to get any worse.


Morons. What an embarrassing day for the United States. Not for us.


You guys should be proud.


We've been warning them for these liberal absolute goons. One more thing for you.


Sorry, but I don't mean to...


I'm just really pissed today, as you can tell, but in a good way because I know this is just falling apart for them.


Get the hell out of liberal states as soon as you can. No more excuses. I love you. I get a thousand... I'm going to stay and fight. There's nothing to fight. It's Over. Go to a swing state or a red state. It is over. There are times in battle when you tactically retreat. Those states are done. You have nothing. You don't have judges, you don't have politicians. No one will protect you. Get out as soon as you can.


I'll play that CNN clip for you in a second. I know you are, but what am I?


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When we're down to, I know you are, but what am I? Here is CNN with Stormy Daniels going, He called me a name first.


Look at this disaster. Check this out.heated.


Because necklace confirms you call him names all the time. Daniel starts to yell, saying, Yes, because he made fun of me first. This is devolving pretty quickly, right? This is pretty toddler-esque conduct and lack of accountability. But what the defense is very effectively getting at is his Daniels disdain for the defendant. This so far, has been a very effective and dramatic cross, and appears to continuing to become even more dramatic.


Now, folks, I can read your mind. You and I have been together a long When we talk in the chat, met you out there in public. A lot of you, fairly enough, are probably thinking, damn, why do you keep playing CNN clips? These people hate Trump. I'm playing them to make a point.


The point I'm trying to make is even these lunatics that will do anything to hurt this guy, anything, will make up any story, PP tapes, that this was so objectively bad that even they, they don't even care about their credibility, were like, Listen, we got to be straight.


This is just This is horrible.


This is just horrible. That's how bad it was. I'm giving them no credit. I hate this network, and you should, too. But how bad does it have to be when they will do anything to hurt this guy? And even they're sitting in an editorial meeting going, This is a freaking debacle. Yesterday could not have gone better for freedom and liberty. The Twinkies case collapses, the Fannie Willish First Amendment case collapses, and the Florida presidential record, Spygate's case totally, completely falls apart.


Folks, there's hope, man.


I know sometimes, a lot of times we get down. I get it. I'm with you. We watch the Oatmeal guy in the White House. We watch him crapping his pants yesterday. Guy showing us the face. You know the Squeezy face?


We've all seen that, right?


The diaper's all fucking moist and stuff.


I mean, it's just the way it was. I'm sorry. The guy needed a change. Someone had to wipe this guy on Marine. I'm sorry. I I can't.


And you're like, The country's done. It's not done. It's not done. I'm sorry.


I'm trying to control the F-bombs. I promise you, I'm really trying.


I just can't help it sometimes. I can't. I'm trying. It is like, I know everyone's got that Achilles heel.


That's mine. It's the Queens in me. Sometimes it just comes out.


Things are going to be okay. I'm telling you, there are enough normal people left.


We're going to save this place.


Because all this stuff is coming out in the wash.


This is how crazy they've gotten yesterday. When I was back at Fox, let me tell you something, love them or hate them, I had a good time there for a decade, and they were always very good to me. And I get it. Some people don't like some of the stuff, and that's fine. Everybody's entitled their opinion. I don't think I've been there for a year or so now. I don't work there or anything like that. But I'm bringing this up for a reason.


If you were to go on the air on Fox and implying It's even implied, like with a wink and a nod, that you wanted someone dead, I'm telling you right now, you probably wouldn't be on the air again because you just don't do that.


However, at these liberal networks, this stuff is all condoned and people love it. Here's Jen Saki, the former White House press spokesperson, who I bet they'd be dying to get back over Karine Jean-Pierre.


Just saying the quiet part out loud, implying like, Yeah, we're just waiting for Trump to die. No. Oh, yeah. Actually said it on their channel. It doesn't No objection. They're all like, Yeah, it sounds pretty good.


Check this out.


I think many of them want to be close to power. They also assume or have this thought in their mind that maybe Donald Trump will go away. Maybe he'll go to jail. Maybe he will die, not to be too morbid, but maybe he's not a young man.


I'm just going to leave that there because, again, we're not them.


There's no moral equivalence. We are not them. They are objectively bad people. We are not. We are not them. The afterlife and what Jesus and what God think of me matters. I'm not them. I will never be them. I don't want any of these people to die horrible deaths, to be killed. I don't want any political violence, and I don't want anybody who wants that on my show either. That's not my bag of donuts. You want that? Maybe go to a different show. This isn't your show. On the left, they love this stuff. Political violence, wishing death on people. They don't care. There is no morally, objectively good people at these networks. None. They have no sense of dignity at all. Now, there's another angle of this I'm going to get back to in a little bit more detail later.


Folks, there's some real trouble with the economy. This is probably the single worst economic clip I've ever seen showing you were being led by idiots. I'm going to get to that later.


But is anybody considered not just the national defense ramifications of how bad this looks to the world?


How we're perceived, how Xi and Putin, Kim Jong Un, the Ayatollas in Iran, how they're looking at this saying, these guys are weak. They're falling apart. This empire is collapsing.


The President's on trial, and there's a porn star talking about boxer shorts or whatever. This is embarrassing. But it's not just that. This is an angle that almost nobody is talking about out there that's a really big deal. How do you think this case looks to investors in the United States. Folks, people spend money in the United States on treasury bills and treasury-denominated financial instruments because they perceive the United States as being safe, not some third-world republic. Have you ever considered what putting Donald Trump in jail would do to our economy? Listen to Kevin Hassan. This is a point not many people are talking about, but we should.


Take a look.


The macro story has been slowing quite considerably. You had 4.9% growth in the third quarter of last year. Now we're down to 1.6% in the first quarter.


Do you expect it to continue to decline?


No, I think it'll stay about where it is right now. But the big risk, the outlook for me is something I've never seen before. I really think if you look at the case in New York, that the judge is being so undemocratic, unconstitutional in his rulings against President Trump, it really looks like there's a conspiracy to put him in jail, to put him behind bars. If President Trump is in chains going to Rikers Island, then would you want to buy a US Treasury the next day? The thing that I'm really worried about, about short term risks for the economy, is that the Democrats are serious in this welfare. If they actually succeed, then imagine, it's like we become a banana Republic the moment they take them to Rikers. I just can't imagine what happens to Treasury markets that day. Wow.


Folks, has anyone considered this? I'm going to get into the economy in a second because this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. But you understand what that means? The reason interest rates in the United States, interest rates for your mortgage, interest rates for your car loan, are still relatively relatively low compared to our history, which they are, even though they're high for now, they're relatively low, historically, is because a bunch of people keep buying them. The minute people stop investing in the United States, interest rates will go through the roof, collapse the entire economy. Of course, Judge Murchand doesn't care about this because he's an ideological lunatic. Nothing matters to this guy but putting Trump in jail. Absolutely nothing. And the snapshots keep getting worse. Snapshots and sound bites, folks, that's what a campaign is. Pictures and sound bites, pictures and sound bites. That's it. If you think it's anything else, please find a new line of work. Snapshots and sound bites. Biden did it again yesterday. Every time this guy opens his mouth, he screws up his campaign even worse. That's why we got to push this guy to get out there every single day.


Quick break.


I'll show you another absolutely humiliating appearance by Biden yesterday, even at a ceremony where he's trying to honor people.


He can't do anything right.


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Okay, the snapshots keep getting worse. This campaign is getting uglier. Yesterday was a great day for us.


Here is Joe Biden. He's honoring these two women on the...


It looks like in the Rose Garden, the White House.


Now, I want you to keep in mind before you listen to this. The two women's names are Theresa Romero, Theresa Romero, Romero from the United Farm Workers, that'll be important in a second, and Dr. Elaine Ochoa. Everybody got it? Everyone in the chat? Theresa Romero from the United Farm Workers and Dr. Elaine Ochoa. All he's got to do is read the prompter. Take a look. Friday, I have the honor of bestowing our nation's highest civilian awards of 19 incredible people. Two Trailblazers, Hispanic-Americans as well. Teresa Romo. Romeo. Excuse me. Teresa Romeo, the first Latina to lead the National Union, a National Union, American Farm Workers. If you look inside the door here, I got only a few buss in there. One of them is César Chávez, who started the whole deal. Dr. Elaine Ochoa, the first Latina to travel to space.


Who is Theresa Romeo, Ellen Ochoa, and the American farmworker?


The guy, of course, can't even... He can't even do a simple ceremony to honor people. And I love it how she screws the lady's name up, not once, But three times. Romeo, Romero. No, it's Romero. Romero. This is who we're running against.


I wonder if he crapped this diaper again yesterday.


And of course, his family situation is getting even worse.


It's It's near comical, by the way, how the lefty liberal goon, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, these other absolute goons, disgusting goons, right?


There is mounds of evidence out there about Hunter Biden, the Laptop, drug problems, illegal firearms problems, international influence peddling. And yet they ignore it, and they take the word of a porn star at a trial who can't even get her own story very strict.


Now it turns out, this is a brilliant move. Somebody got a hold of some heavily redacted emails.


Did you see this story?


Nobody covered this yesterday.


This is hilarious. It shows you how Biden is the worst part of the Biden administration. Do you guys know what it is? Not a trick question.


Anyone know?


The worst part of the Biden administration are the Bidens, and everybody knows it.


Here's an article in the Telegraph. Turns out they got a hold of some emails from inside Inside the Biden administration. The State Department person, Stacey Thompson, the White House State Department's House Director, wrote to some unnamed official, Why is Hunter Biden anywhere near this administration ever?


This piece in the newsletter, Bungino.


Com/newsletter. Read it.


There's other emails in there, too. Folks, I don't want you to think for a second, everyone doesn't know this. They desperately want the Bidens to go away.


Here's the problem, and I said it yesterday. I'm going to say it Again, because it's true.


I have from extremely reliable sources, nobody knows how to approach Biden to get him to get out of the race. They don't because everything goes...


Who do you think is running this operation? I know you're going to Obama. I'm not talking about that. I'm not talking about the politic.


I mean, who do you think is running this campaign decision to stay or go?


Should I stay or should I go? Who do you think is running it?


Doctor Dr. Jill. Yeah.


Dr. Jill. Is she operationally? Do you do brain surgery? Dr. Jill. She's running it.


From what I'm hearing, and you could take it to the bank, sign the check, cash it, spend the money.


Nobody knows how to go to Dr. Jill and say, The guy's got to go.


Everyone knows the guy is an absolute disaster.


I made the prediction yesterday.


I'm going to make it again.


Folks, if this gets any worse for them, poll numbers-wise, and I believe it's going to. They're going to have to dump this guy at the convention. I see no other way around it.


They're at the point now where every single thing they're running on is just a complete Great, utter fabrication.




Donald Trump didn't have that problem. When we hit close to 3% GDP growth for the first time under Donald Trump, that was a real number. It was a government number that if you were going to dispute, you'd have to take it up with the government entity. These were real numbers. When the tax cuts led to a repatriation of money into the United States, those are real numbers. Everything the Biden team is running on right now is absolute bullshit.


Here's what I mean.


I called it. Did I not tell you this was going to happen? What did I tell you last week about the fake crime numbers? You know what?


Put the Just The News article up first, if you would, Tony.


Media outlets continue to represent government crime stats. What did I tell you? Remember we covered this last This was so easy to segment to do because I left the guy's a voicemail. I just pulled the article from last week. The Biden team I told you is going to run on. Crime is going down, crime is going down. The problem is it's not. 31% of police departments didn't even report data to the FBI in 2022 because of this new system. The place is not reporting on the places where crime is going up. Yeah, I can tell you crime went down, too, as long as I cherry-picked certain areas, it's all made up. It's all bullshit. Did I not tell you last week I promise they're going to make this a staple of their campaign.


Biden's like the law and order guy. Here it is yesterday, worst press secretary in the history of the United States, just as we predicted. Check this out. This president's leadership, President Biden, violent crime is at a nearly 50-year low. Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of law enforcement and community leaders, Americans are safer from violent crime today than they were a year ago.


Okay, That's all bullshit. None of that is true. I just told you that is objectively fake. You have no idea what the numbers are because the FBI doesn't have the numbers because 31%, i. E, roughly a third of police departments are not sending their data to the FBI. It's not enough. I told you it was going to happen. Everything they tell you is bullshit.


Everything. Folks, I warned you also about these modern monetary theory more.


Listen, let me tell you right now.


Let's do a time out. T.




I'm never sure how these segments go over.


I love economics, but it's called the dismal science for a reason.


I get it, you should never tell listeners like, This isn't for everyone. You should just do it and see where it goes. But I feel like I owe you a warning. If we lose this election of Biden, I'm telling you objectively for a moment, outside of him crapping himself and everything else, I think we could go into another Great Depression.


Because Biden is being coached by a bunch of idiots, the stupid smart people I've warned you about.


They've got degrees from Harvard and UPenn and all these MBAs. They're morons.


They're really stupid. These people are telling him to practice this modern monetary theory.


It's called MMT.


I I don't need to ask you to memorize what that means, but it is so important to where we are that if you don't understand it, you're not going to understand why inflation is erupting. These MMT guys basically say this, just print a shit ton of money. That's modern monetary theory. That's all it is. Just print money. Don't worry about it.


We can just tax it out of the economy later.


It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. Matter of fact, that kid would be like, Wait, if we print a lot of money, isn't it going to go into the economy and cause prices to go up? Yeah, but the stupid smart people say no.


Peter St. Onge, this guy, I dig this guy totally. He does these great segments. Jared Bernstein, who's one of Biden's big economic advisors, did one of the worst media appearances you've ever seen. I'm going to play for you in a second, but I'm actually going to do it in reverse.




Onge breaks it down first in these two parts. About a minute. This is worth your time. These guys are going to bankrupt you if we lose.


And I want you to listen to how dumb they are. You think inflation is bad now? We lose to Biden.


You better, aliens, man, stop your your linen and drop your linen. Check this out.


Bernstein kicks off confidently asserting that, The US government cannot go bankrupt because we print our own money. This would be news to the hundreds of countries that have gone bankrupt, defaulting on trillions of dollars in debt despite very enthusiastically printing their own money. Indeed, this very moment, five countries are in default, including Lebanon, Belarus, Ghana, and Sri Lanka. Dozens more are swirling the drain. It gets worse, the The interviewer then asked Bernstein, if the government prints its own money, why do they borrow? Why not just print it all? The answer is bad, like scary bad. After fumbling for about 15 seconds, he finally manages to form a coherent sentence, how the Government issues bonds to lend money. This is, of course, not how debt works. Debt is for borrowing money, not lending it. Normal people notice Biden's chief economist apparently does not.


Wait, before I even get to part two, do you understand how freaking stupid Joe Biden's lead economic advisor is?


He thinks that the government, by borrowing people's money, people lending the government money to buy bonds. That's what you do, right? You get a bond, everyone knows what a government bond is. You're giving the government money. The president's lead economic advisor, I'm not kidding, I'm going to play for you in a second. That's why I played in reverse, actually thinks that they're giving you money when you buy a bond. Holy shit, bro. This really What happened? This is the President's lead economic guy. He doesn't understand that. My dog Lucy understands that. Justin's confirming... Lucy He's shaking her head. You give the government money to buy a bond. They don't give you money. Listen to part 2 of St. On, just a bit shorter. I'm going to show you this appearance. Listen, Bernstein, this is the worst thing you are ever going to see. This guy is running the country's economics right now. Here's part two of his first. Check this out.


That little gem is followed by Bernstein collapsing into a garbled series of weight. Is that what they do? Looks to the ceiling, looks to the floor, finally gives up saying, I don't get it. I don't know what they're talking about. That is a literal quote. Now, given how bad team Biden has blown the economy, you might not be surprised that his chief economist is an ideological diversity hire who apparently knows less about debt than your average dog walker. But the problem is Bernstein is just one of many PhD morons who populate the Biden administration. What unites them is a cult-like belief in a crank inflationist theory known as MMT or Modern Monetary Theory.


Folks, we lose to this guy, man.


I'm telling you right now, go buy gold. It is going to be atrocious. When you think to yourself, we have dumb people running the country I got to tell you, I don't mean to offend anyone, so don't take it personal. I'm not sure you really understand how dumb these people are. In case you think he's exaggerating the clip, I'm going to play this thing in full. It's about a minute, 30 seconds. It shouldn't down long, but it's worth your time. I want you to understand this is the President's main economic advisor who is going to dictate your economic life for the next four and a half years, should we lose. He doesn't even understand that a government bond is not the government lending anyone money. It's taking people's money. He has no idea.




The government even borrow.


Well, Again, some of this stuff gets... Some of the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends It's not money, which is why the government definitely prints money, and then it lends that money by selling bonds. Is that what they do? They sell bonds. Yeah, theysell bonds, yeah, they sell bonds, right? Because they sell bonds, and people buy the bonds and lend them the money. Yeah. So a lot of times, at least to my ear with MMT, the language and the concepts can be unnecessarily confusing, but there is No question that the government prints money, and then it uses that money to... Yeah, I guess I'm just... I can't really talk. I don't get it. I don't know what they're talking about because it's like the government clearly prints money. It does it all the time, and it clearly borrows. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this debt and deficit conversation. So I don't think there's anything confusing there.


I got to tell you, I saw that already.


I'm just watching the chat.


The people in the chat, they can't believe it. You know how many what? What a moron. Is this for real? Please turn it off. You're burning my earlobes. That's... He's got bonds. Is the government lending people money? Oh, man, I got to laugh. Why? Because I'll cry. Otherwise, I'll cry. Now, do you see why when Father Bob Sarriko, Father Bob Sarriko, who I love, he does a lot of...


He's a priest, but he does a lot of economic stuff.


You see when he says all the time, it's not that government's too big, it's that it's too stupid. Do you see what he's talking about? What? Is this guy a DEI higher or what? What a moron. And one more thing, and this may piss some people off, but I'm not here to make people happy. I'm here to tell the truth. Hopefully, entertain you, but educate at the same time because it matters to me. I have been warning people forever. Social Security is bankrupt. It is bankrupt. It is funded completely out of tax revenue. There is no trust fund. It is completely done. And the Illusionary Trust Fund is going to completely evaporate in about 10 to 11 years. Now, all of a sudden, even liberal networks are starting to get worried because whenever I said it, a bunch of people, even Republicans, were like, Dan, I paid into the system. You did. So did I. I'm not knocking you. I'm just telling you the government stole your money. Don't get mad at me. Every time... Gee, am I right? Jim, producer Jim, to every Every time I bring this up in a radio or the podcast, someone starts screaming at me on email as if I caused the problem.


There's no money. I don't know what to tell you. I paid into it, too. There's nothing there. Where's it coming from the money from my Social Security? They're printing it. That's it. There's no money. Here's even liberal networks now, finally acknowledging what we've been talking about in a podcast for eight freaking years. There's no money. And in 10 years, even the illusionary money is going to be gone. Watch this.


We turn now to the new report on Social Security and Medicare, warning the two programs could become insolvent in a decade. Elizabeth Schulzey is here to break that down for us. Good morning, Elizabeth. Good morning, Rebecca. This is a sobering new government report for the 70 million Americans who rely on Social Security. The Social Security Trust funds are now set to be depleted by the year 2035. At that point, the government would have to start cutting benefits that are critical to so many retirees and disabled Americans. Medicare is set to be depleted a year later in 2036. More than 67 million older Americans rely on Medicare.


Folks, I'm sorry. I'm really genuinely sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm not here to bullshit you. There's no money in there. The illusion that you gave money to the government and it's in some fund, secluded away is nonsense. The government took your money and spent it and replaced it with a piece of paper that said, I owe you money. Well, where are they going to get the money there? They just printed. Even that illusion is going to be done in 10 years. So if you're in your 50s or 60s right now, listen, you better start preparing because that retirement fund you think is there isn't there. Don't just listen to me. These are liberals now talking about it. They would have listened 10 years ago.


You I want to skip that Druckin Miller thing next, Jim. I want to get to Today in liberal racism, Kathy Hochul. I'm sorry, I'll get to the other one tomorrow. I had a thing about crowd out, but I don't want to kill you all with the economic. I'm just worried. We lose the next election.


But I'm telling you, buy gold, get ready, because it's going to be that bad.


Assets will be king, and it'll be the only thing people have any wealth in.


Your money is going to be worth.


Squat. Gee, can we do a liner for this? I've been dying to do this for a long time. Remember we had Republicans. Can we do like a Today in liberal racism?


Today in liberal Can we do that? Thank you. I've been dying to do this for a long time because, folks, every day there's a new example of the coexist bumper sticker, Tolerance Lefties, coming out with the most blatantly racist things. And Black voters and Hispanic voters have been catching on for a long time. This is why they're hemorrhaging people in the Trump era. I know you've seen it, but it's worth a replay. Here is the racist governor of New York, again, going, Hey, you I don't know. Those black kids, they don't really know what the word computer means. Yes, she said it. Check this out.


Young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't even know what the word computer is. They don't know. They don't know these things. I want the world open up to all of them. Holy shit, bro.


How many of these we got?


Can you get a... Jim, can we get a file of these? Just keep them in a file. From now on, I want to...


Tony, I'll take notes on this, too.


I want the liberal racism file because at the end of the year, I want liberal racist greatest hits. Make a note on that. Remember we had the videos? Folks, you're cool with that? We do some end of the year shows.


We do listicles at the end of the year.


I want this to be one of them. Liberal racist, greatest hits or worst hits at this point. This has got to go on there. They talk about Black folks like this all the time, all the time. If Black people can't get IDs, they're going to put your back in chains. They can't figure out how to vote. If you're Black listening to this. Are you not like, what the... What the hell is it? You don't know what the word computers? I promise you, if I didn't need Avita in the studio, I would be like, Avita, we need to do a roadshow. Please go up to New York in the Bronx outside of a school and ask 10 select kids coming out. Hey, do you know what the word computer means? I guarantee you they'll be 10 for 10. I bet my life on it. They will be 10 for 10. Yeah, it's a computer, like keyboard. That is the Ami Horowitz video. One of my favorite videos ever, where he walks around the Bronx and he's asking people if they know how to get an ID. Perfect timing because it segues beautifully into this tweet coming up next.


I'm like, Yeah, you get ID at the DMV.


It's right down the road.


Here's Brian Crasenstein, a complete tool. Here he is again with black people with ID. Liberals cannot escape saying racist They just can't. Talking about voter ID and Black voters. It's not that they can't get an ID. It's that the ease to get an ID is much less than, say, somebody— this can't even speak English— than say somebody of higher economic status. Wait, don't dare take this down. Just revel in the stupidity of this. So the first sentence, what's the premise of the first sentence? Black people are all poor. Is it what? Please explain to me what else he's saying here. He goes, This means that they, black people, are slightly less likely to vote. Okay, there's no evidence of that at all. That he just made up part two. We shouldn't be throwing in more obstacles for people to vote. You know, black people because they're poor and can't get IDs. We should be making it easier As long as it's safe, which appears to be very safe. Folks, these guys cannot stop. The very staple, tent pole, of liberalism is the idea of That's what they do, and they need to make them feel like victims.


That's why they talk down to Black people all the time. They can't help it. We don't believe in any of that. We believe in conservative, liberty-oriented principles for everyone. That's why we don't have that problem.


All right, I want to play this last time. I'm going to end the show with this, but this clip is important. I don't want any distractions going forward. I'm hesitating to even play this, but I'm playing this clip for a couple of A couple of reasons. It's becoming a distraction, and it needs to stop right now. Christie Noem is seriously lighting her career on fire right now, and the problem is it's becoming a distraction. We've got an election coming up. I'm sorry, folks. I feel really bad about the dog. And did she meet Kim Jong Un?


This is why I'm hesitant. The problem is she's on this book tour, trying to sell these books, and it's becoming just an endless, endless distraction now from us and winning the election, which is all that matters. I don't want to hear about anything else. Laser focus. You know the eye glasses with the things on the side? Put them on. Straight ahead. Straight ahead. Straight ahead like a laser. No deviating. Straight ahead. I don't care. I'm going to play this clip. This It was an absolute disaster on Fox yesterday for her, and I got two pieces of advice for her, and I strongly recommend you take them.


Play the cut.


I still think that you are in line to be Trump's vice president. It's up to Donald Trump. He's the only person who will decide this. He's the only person who will decide. Yes, I do speak to him. May I ask what he said to you about being vice president? I never tell anybody my personal conversations with President Trump. Did the dog story come up in your conversation with Trump? I talk to President Trump all the time. About the dog? About a lot of things, and Right now, I tell you what, he is being persecuted in a political hunt, witch hunt in this court case. I'm proud of him about how tough he is and how well he is doing. Did you bring up the dog? Yes. Enough, Stuart. Did you bring up the dog with Trump? This interview is ridiculous what you were doing right now. So you need to stop. It is. Okay. It is. Let's talk about some real topics that Americans care about. I'm afraid we're out of time. Oh, well, of course we are.


See why I hesitated to play this? But it At this point, I feel like I got to give you two pieces of advice.


Christie, no, you don't have to take advice from me.


You do you, whatever. I'm just telling you this as someone who cares about the party and doesn't get into personal relationships with politicians at all. Wrap the book tour up. It's over.


Wrap it up.


It is a series of debacle appearances.


I'm telling you for your sake, I'm in a publishing company. I own one.


It's a disaster.


Wrap it up. Forget it. I don't care what advance was paid, what PR agreement you made. Just wrap it up. None of this is going to get any better. Every interview has been a series of debacles. It is becoming a massive distraction. Peace of advice, number one. Do with it what you want. Peace of advice, number two, and I strongly suggest you take it, just come clean, that way this goes away. It will haunt you the rest of your life because you're not a Democrat. If you are a Democrat and you were in a picture smoking crack, doing this with a hooker, whatever, it would be no big deal. You're a Republican. For the rest of your life, they're going to ask you about the dog and Kim Jong Un. You should just come out and say, We shot the dog. I get a lot of people didn't like it. Maybe it was a shitty decision moving on. And no, I didn't meet Kim Jong Un. It was a mistake, whatever. Just come clean and let it go because it'll never stop. Peace of advice, you do it what you want.


The ball's in your court. I don't want any more distractions going forward.


Wrapped this book, Tor up. It's no good. It's killing you. It's going to ruin your career. You're going to be finished. I'm just telling you this is someone who's been on my show. Just stop. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. Hey, Click that, join if you want to watch the radio show on Rumbl, coming up next, you can raid my other show, coming up in just two minutes. I'll be right back on the radio show and back here tomorrow at 11:00 AM Eastern Time. Huge crowd today.


Thanks so much for showing up. See you here tomorrow.


You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.