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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


So if you had any doubts that Facebook was fully in the tank for the left, fully in the tank, not just a little in the tank, a tank half full or a quarter full, but fully in the tank filled to the brim, one more drop of gas and oil spill out anywhere. Project Veritas has a video of Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook leadership team that just came out. We'll show you portions of it at the beginning of the show where they're basically just outright saying, like Yamam, we're in the tank for the Biden agenda.


Fagbug. Facebook, I've got that and I want to discuss that is something important, how you're watching a real time realignment of political movements in the United States.


You know, you see this generationally. You see political movements shift often, but you're seeing it right now in rapid time. How some of the stances, traditional old school principal Democrats feel like they were principal Democrats at one time. There may have been how things they claim they stood for tolerance, sticking up for the little guy. Equality and all that stuff are now Republican issues. While the Democrats are all in for oligarchy's monopoly's big business, the party has totally shifted.


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Increasing. Not decreasing and how the Washington, D.C. media symbiotes getting this all wrong. All right, I got a loaded show today. Let's get to it. You don't have to get big tech where you don't have to get big websites. Excuse me, access to your data. Why would you? I choose we choose to protect our online activity here by using Express VPN. You hear him at the beginning of every show. You ever wonder how free to access social media companies make all their money?


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So I promised you this video. This is Facebook, an exposé by James O'Keeffe's group, a Project Veritas, who I've said often James O'Keefe is probably the most feared man in America right now. If you are a die hard leftist or a big tech full time liberal activist, here is a brief portion of their latest video. You can check it out on the Project Veritas website, the full video. A Facebook insider came to them with some video of Zuckerberg, I guess, what company Zoome called or whatever it may be, just basically admitting right now they're not even hiding it anymore, that they're in the tank for the Biden agenda.


They're not even pretending to be other than liberal activists anymore. Check this out.


But these were all important and positive steps. And I am looking forward to opportunities for Facebook to be able to work together with this new administration on some of their top priorities, starting with the response.


There you go. Now, I addressed in the opening portion of the show we were going to talk about how the political spheres that were once the domain of Democrats and Republicans are now switching entirely. The Democrats once alleged when they were a semi serious party, and that's rare, but when they were semi serious party decades ago or tried to be, they once alleged they were in it for things like tolerance, equality, the little guy, we're in it for the union worker, really, because the union workers were complaining last week that their Keystone pipeline jobs were wiped out overnight when the guy they supported, Joe Biden, came in and declared the Keystone pipeline was going to be dead on arrival.


I thought they were in it for the little guy. You're watching a real time political realignment. And I'm going to address tomorrow Victor Davis Hanson article and of enough time today, because it's deep and it addresses something I've discussed in the past. This book, Revolt Against the Masses by Fred Siegel. They make similar assertions in both the article and the book. That's important. But sometimes we tend to overthink this, and why are you seeing this political realignment, to be clear, the Republican Party, conservatives and libertarians now being fully in support of an agenda the Democrats claim they were in support of decades ago.


You know, again, tolerance, equality. Fighting for small business, the little guy. Those are things we support now, they've entirely abandoned. Why is that happening? Well, because Democrats have now given up any premise that they can win. Through. Procedures, elections, things like that, the courts, they don't want that anymore. Democrats are now we'll support anything outside of process and procedure, anything or anyone that gets them through their end game.


Absolute power. I wrote some of these things. They'll support cartels, monopolies, the militarization of the capital. Up active, full blown full frontal racism where they actively discriminate against people who are white because they're white, they'll support they've given up on process and Republicans have started to figure it out that the system they once backed. That they thought, to be fair, would give everybody in pursuit of power somehow. I'm not suggesting it's always for malicious intent, but good Republicans.


Sorry, people calling me during the show, good Republicans assume they could get power by supporting principled ideas. Well, let's just support capitalism. Free markets. Yes, free markets are a good thing. But not everyone who benefits from free markets was in it for pure reasons. In other words, we're starting to understand that big business has abandoned us a long time ago and Republicans are objecting to what they see as a rigged system. Paul, does this make sense?


Are you sure? I need my audience ombudsman. Democrats are in a full blown search for power. They realize that supporting the little guy unions and pretending they're in it for this fight, this champion of of the black and Hispanic community, they're starting to realize that actively supporting policies that would do that support those people aren't getting the power. They're not doing it their labels. So what they've given it up there now when it for monopolies, cartels, militarization of the Capitol, whatever they can do.


Republicans are now figuring out the exact opposite. That they thought they had allies in business and elsewhere and those allies aren't there. Let's get to it. What do I mean? The system is rigged and Republicans and conservatives are figuring it out right now. Let's go to this Daily Caller article first. It's an important one. You'll see it. The show notes and you'll see it at the show. And I encourage you to read it. You can access my show notes and I strongly encourage you to do it.


Please, I need to be able to communicate with you on my email list directly. Go to Van newsletter. It's an important article here. Daily Caller. Corporations that support the 15 dollar an hour minimum wage can afford it. Here's who can't. Thomas Kentner can't, Nancy. The minimum wage. Ladies and gentlemen, conservatives and libertarians and good Republicans for years have understood that there isn't a there's probably not that there's there's not a serious economist out there.


I'm not talking about the clowns who won't acknowledge that raising the minimum wage would impose costs on a company. Correct. It's just tautological. Right. If you're paying your employees seven dollars an hour and that's the value they add to a company and then you demand you pay them fifteen dollars an hour, more than double, it's going to impose costs on the company. This anybody this people who speak to Joe, do you spit. It's a no from Joe.


A no from Paul. So nobody seriously disputes that. If you're at a lemonade stand and you're running a lemonade stand, you have two employees. Those two employees make you ten dollars an hour and hiring a third employee enables you to serve more lemonade and make twelve dollars per hour. Then each hour that employee is worth two dollars per hour. They're not worth more because the government said they're worth more. That's an example using small numbers because there a liberals listening.


So if we understand that the economics of government mandated wages don't work, why are people supporting them if they're going to hurt small businesses? Because Democrats don't give a damn about small businesses. The system is rigged. Big businesses donate to Democrats. Democrats want power. They realize supporting small businesses through free market wages rather than government enforced wages was not getting them to power. So they've abandoned that completely. Now they support a minimum wage with their big business buddies that will crush small businesses, benefit big businesses who will then give Democrats more money.


They'll get power and give the big middle finger to the little guy from The Daily Caller, his Amazon trillion dollar company. Right. Amazon began a company we Republicans a decade ago or maybe before the Trump era probably would have said, hey, it's a free market company, let them do their thing. Now we're starting to change our minds. Why? Because we realize they want the rigged system, too. From the piece, quote, Amazon went further in twenty eighteen, pledging to actively lobby Congress to increase the minimum wage while increasing its own company wide minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour.


Senior vice president of Amazon Global Corporate Affairs, Jay Carney, Jay Carney. Paul, you remember Jay Carney, Jay Carney, who was the White House press secretary under Obama, reiterated that the company's view on an increased minimum wage. He reiterated it in a blog post. He said During the last congressional session, Amazon advocated for the previous version of the Raise the Wage Act, which passed in the House but stalled in the Senate. Carney wrote, We will continue our advocacy this Congress.


You get it, you get it, how Republicans reflexive support for business in the past is now turning out to be a catastrophic error, how the political the the spheres are now. And they're not overlapping. They're entirely swapping Democrats. And then the past, where big business is evil, capitalism's terrible, really. Because now Democrats are fully in the tank with big business who then goes and hires former Obama people, Amazon to influence people in DC, Amazon to get a minimum wage enacted because Amazon doesn't really care.


Amazon's a big business that has the money to spare to do it. And how does this benefit Amazon if a minimum wage of fifteen dollars an hour minimum wage, which will crush small businesses in America? There's no serious question about that. Only DOBs believe otherwise. How does it benefit Amazon? Think, think, think, think it through. They get through this. There's some different. Some of you know. How does that benefit Amazon? Well, Amazon has competitors, small businesses, where Amazon can just replicate their products themselves and make an in-house version of it, wouldn't it be great if all of these small businesses were put out of business and Amazon could just incorporate all their products into the Amazon store and sell an Amazon version of it?


Oh, that would be great, wouldn't it? Republicans are figuring out now that the system is rigged. And that our reflexive support in the past for business in general may have been a catastrophic mistake as business turns around and supports policies that will destroy everyone except the business that's supporting the policy. And then you go and you hire people who leave liberal administrations like Kanae, who have lifetime jobs, who go back and then lobby and write blog posts about policies that will harm the American economy, a hike in the minimum wage, there's no serious question about that.


I want to be crystal clear. The body of economic research on minimum wage is substantial. It is it's idiocy to claim otherwise that demanding small businesses double what their biggest expense, human resources, double spending on human resources from seven dollars to fifteen dollars in many cases will not harm that. Business is pure mathematical idiocy. So if it's going to harm businesses and small businesses, why are Democrats supporting it? Because, again, it helps them obtain power.


It helps their big business buddies. Amazon crushed their competitors. It helps them get jobs when Amazon, when they leave, helps Amazon again crush their grow by crushing any kind of competition whatsoever. And it helps the Democrats obtain power by not only getting jobs in Amazon and elsewhere, but by also getting huge big tech donations to Democrat candidates running for office, which helps them and then gave them game power. What a deal. What a deal. It's like a football game playing uphill for the liberty lovers and downhill for the Democrats and their big business buddies.


You're watching a realignment in real time. Tell me again how this isn't an us versus them fight. US. The great unwashed, they jokingly say. Standard working class dirt under the fingernails, middle middle class Americans who are working for a living, they don't get jobs at Amazon, they don't have the money to pay the employees who generate eight bucks an hour, 15 bucks an hour. The employee hiring him generates eight dollars an hour. Why would you pay them 15?


You'll go out of business because Amazon said so, and so did Jay Carney and the Democrats. Not only this big business, Amazon, not only do they want it rigged. The media wants the system rigged to. You don't believe me, I'm going to play this cut of a morbidly obese coffee fetcher. Balding, middle aged zero. Who just is all in now for censorship, again, the spheres have totally swapped, they're not overlapping things the Republicans once stood for.


Stood for almost universally supported business are now semi in the Democrat camp as they support big business, as big business supports them with political donations, the Democrats and things the Democrats claimed wants to support they never really supported, but claim to support the little guy. Union workers, the rank and file, deplorable class, those who were supposedly in the camp of the Democrats, those are now Trump voters. Why? Because the system is clearly rigged. Now, Democrats in the media again years ago used to support things like civil liberties, free speech, a free media that's totally gone.


The media is now fully in the tank for censorship, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, crushing any idea they don't agree with while simultaneously gaslighting the American public and lying to them themselves. You know, CNN, the network that promoted the hands up, don't don't shoot story false. The collusion hoax, false. You know that. You know that CNN. Well, here's the morbidly obese Brian Stelter on CNN. He wants the system rigged. He wants an opposing political viewpoint channel, Fox News, that does news but has opinion that disagrees with him.


He wants it taken off the air while simultaneously claiming to be a representative of the media. Were you supposed to be able to air opinions even if unpopular and air facts, he wants them taken off the air.


Check out the morbidly obese, Brian Stelter.


It's as predictable as the sunrise Democrats win elections and then Republicans say they are being silenced. But while some cry cancel culture, let me suggest a different way to think about this. A harm reduction model. Most people want clean air and blue skies and accurate news and rational views.


And then in that healthy environment, it looks beautiful. Then we can have great fights about taxes and regulation and health care and all the rest.


The vast majority of people can agree that disinformation about, let's say, the pandemic is unhealthy, it's harmful. So how can that harm be reduced? Well, big tech platforms say they are removing lies about vaccines and stamping out stop the steel beams. And Q And on content, no. Do these private companies have too much power?


Sure. Many people would say, yes, of course they do. But reducing outliers reach is not the same as censoring freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is different than freedom of speech and algorithmic reach as part of the problem. So the morbidly obese Stelter. He says it's OK, Stelter, but there's never been a man with lesser aptitude, achievement, life skills or anything relevant to speaking about the issues of the day to get a cable news show than Stelter, Stelter is dictating to the American public that, yes, you can talk about because I said so, taxes and regulations and stuff, but only after we eliminate our cable news competition.


This is a representative of the media, a representative supposedly of the media who has a show variously titled Reliable Sources. This is the same guy when he's addressing what we need to get Fox News off the air because of coronavirus hoaxes. What do you mean? Like the hoax that Andrew Cuomo didn't send coronavirus infected people into nursing homes? CNN ran interference for that. You mean that? You mean the CNN and then other other networks and other other networks that that's been talked down about coronavirus treatments, despite a meta analysis showing some of them worked because Donald Trump mentioned them, you mean that network?


Does the coffee boy at CNN really want to get into a full blown analysis of factual versus. Hoax based information on networks to determine who gets a new found Ministry of Truth license to have a cable news network. You sure he wants to do that? The coffee fetcher. You know, I put up a Facebook post this weekend about stealth, and some people were like, oh, dad, you know. We should ignore this loser. Now we can't.


Because dopey people like AOC in the coffee fetcher at CNN have been used. By insane people throughout human history to enact a totalitarian, tyrannical agenda, they're known as useful idiots. They're idiots like Stelter and EOC and others, but they're used. By irrational, insane people to enact a totalitarian agenda and to make sure a rigged system. It's codified. You can't ignore the useful idiots. They're tools, they've always been tools. So isn't it weird how now Republicans have completely.


Taken over the tolerance and real tolerance, I mean, like tolerance for people who disagree. There's no one on Fox News I know, calling for the platforming of CNN.


Right. Have you heard that? So where the real tolerant party, right, it's the coffee fetcher that isn't just that's just a fact, right. Isn't it weird how Republicans are the party of tolerance, yet the media want you to believe Democrats are. Isn't it weird that Republicans are the party of media and press freedoms while the Democrats are fully in the tank for censorship? They're admitting it now. The coffee boy just said it. Isn't it weird how now Republicans are fighting against policies, a minimum wage, it would crush small business and the little guy, why Democrats are actively advancing policies that are going to crush your small business, yet you probably believe if you're a liberal small business owner, that Democrats are in this fight for you.


That's hilarious. It's a rigged system. Wake up. It's rigged against you. I'll say it again, while Republicans may not be the answers to all of your problems, I acknowledge that the cause of all your problems, if you're the little guy. Not the elites, big business reps, leftist media lunatics like stouter. The Democrats are the cause of all of your problems if you are the little guy. To show you some more rigging of a minute, how the system is totally rigged.


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The system's rigged. The system's rigged. It's not a talking point, it's a fact. Big business is rigging the system for their buddies in the Democrat Party who go get big jobs with the same big business that impose party policies, that impose costs on you, the regular, great unwashed class in the United States, the media system's rigged. You have people openly calling for now crush our competitors. Fox News. Yeah, but they were right about the biggest stories of the day.


And you were wrong. We don't care. We want them off the air. We want people forced to watch CNN every day. Can you imagine being forced to watch the coffee? Boy, every day I'd throw my TV out the window. I'd have to check if no one was down there. First he went around, right. I could probably get arrested for littering, but it'd be worth it to get rid of the coffee boy. But it's not just the media and big business that are rigging the system.


That's a fact. And how good Republicans, conservatives and Trump supporters are starting to figure this out, the bad Republicans don't give it them, they're in the pocket of big business, too. Sadly, it's a lot of them. But it's almost all Democrats. The DOJ, the Department of Justice Justice is blind, Paula, you think justice is blind, Joe? Do you think justice is blind thinking? Little mini survey of the show today. Waiting your answer, Joe.


Oh, yeah, yeah, justice. Yeah, OK, I know, yeah, just just with your. I'll explain next week. Poor Joe, what's going on still as a reason, I care about that, but now just see that justice is blind like this. Let me show you how Justice Paul, he won a demo. Here's our justice of the United States is blind because the Democrats take remember the day they hated the police? Remember years ago they were all, again, pigs in a blanket flying frame like bacchanals.


Now, all of a sudden, they love the Department of Justice and the militarization of Washington. I thought they hated wars and and the big military government complex. I thought they hated that the left is right. They told us that for years, didn't they? Didn't they? Yeah, they told us that for years. Remember the Code Pink and everything. Now, all of a sudden, we have a militarization of our capital with thousands of troops surrounding the Capitol.


Democrats love it. They also seem to love the Department of Justice, too. I thought they hated law enforcement and justice. So here's our justice. But my sorry, my arthritic elbows don't work very well. If you want to watch the demonstrations, very sophisticated, no one will go to rumble dot com slash Bunjil. Don't worry, none of the system is rigged. Justice is blind like this. You may catch that it's supposed to be blindfolded, but really one eye as you can see what my left eye is peeking around.


So the one. The right eye. Is blind, that right eye of just this is the one that looks towards Democrat, liberal and anti Trump malfeasance, anything you do to hurt Trump or if you're a Democrat or a liberal, you can be relatively sure that there's a high probability you'll get off because justice is blind to Democrats and the anti Trump Brigade. But when the Republicans when they do something, the hammer of the law is to come down hard, as we saw with the troll guy who's figuring that out now.


You don't believe me, check out this piece in the show notes today again, Bungeni dot com slash newsletter. My newsletter is the show notes real clear investigations.


Remember the FBI lawyer? Who doctored the document from the CIA that said Carter Page was the source for them, changed it to was not a source. Which means the opposite of was the source. Remember him, Kevin Kleinsmith? Well, Washington, D.C., as you can see in this real clear piece by Paul Sperry, fails to disbar the anti Trump FBI lawyer despite his guilty plea. He thought the bar association wasn't rigged, he thought the Department of Justice was fair.


So just to be clear. You're a troll meme maker. Making memes on Twitter. The full force of the Justice Department comes down on you. Get burned down American cities, threaten police departments. Be a member of Antifa and BLM known terrorist groups in the United States. Alter a document from the CIA about a Trump campaign worker and his contacts with Russians, nothing happens to you. You're not even disbarred. Do you remember what he did, Clemen Kleinsmith, let me just give you a quick update in case you forgot, and in case you're still one of these Democrats who thinks, no, no, no, I'm in this for the little guy.


I don't like law enforcement overreach. I don't like the idea that we're engaging in a bunch of foreign wars. Then you're not a Democrat. You're Republicans. We're the ones actually fighting for that. The Democrats are all in it for a big Department of Justice in a powerful Department of Justice that targets politicians. That's what they're all about. Now, this FBI lawyer, they were investigating the Trump campaign and they were doing it using Carter Page, who was at one time a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, Carter Page, and had contacts with Russians.


The FBI, because they've been hijacked by liberal interests, was desperate to associate the Trump team with the Russians to prove their collusion hoax, which was totally fake. They couldn't prove it because they had no evidence. So when Carter Page had contacts with Russian some that the FBI was like, this is great, we finally got our PPY hoax. It's real. The collusion hoax is real. One of Trump's foreign policy advisers have contacts with Russians. What was the problem with the story, though, folks?


What was the problem? The problem was Carter Page's contacts with Russians was at the behest of our CIA. Where he was a source, he was talking to Russians to get them nailed to the wall on espionage charges because we asked him to our intelligence agency. So the allegations in this document that he's now pled guilty to the FBI lawyer. Ah, that when they found out that these contacts were not only innocent contacts, but on behalf of our government, Carter Page's contact with the Russians, and they asked the CIA about it.


He said it was this guy a contact for you, and they said, oh, yeah, he was a source. The FBI lawyer altered the email to say he wasn't a source to make those contacts look nefarious. But yeah, tell me again how the system's not rigged. But Danny pled guilty. Yeah, he gets no jail time. Remember, George Papadopoulos went to jail. Mike Flynn was going to be sentenced to jail despite the Department of Justice dropping the case.


If he didn't get a pardon. No joke. He was probably going to at some point. He's been totally bankrupted. Roger Stone, you get of a SWAT team at his house in the morning. If Roger Stone I don't even know how old Roger Stone is. Last time I checked, he was not like a member of Revenge of the Ninja. I'm pretty sure he was not the show Kazuki Ninja character who was going to come out with the stars and the Ninja Swords.


It's Roger Stone, but he gets a SWAT team. But you alter an email, you don't even get this part. Tell me again with a straight face how the system is not rigged, please. There's another one Biden loves the rigged system, he's benefited from it. The MYG, the rigged media, big business Democrats symbiote. Academia, Hollywood, you could throw a whole bunch, it's remember, it's the elites versus us, that's what it is.


It's not me trying to generate some. Fake class struggle, it's a real class struggle if you're connected, you're in the in crowd, you're all set. If you're not and you're one of the deplorable. You'll be a target the rest of your life. That's very real. So not only have you an FBI lawyer altered documents, you get off almost scot free, no jail time. No, no, you don't even get disbarred if you're a member of the Biden crime family.


The media will suppress the story right before the election about your son taking payoffs from the United States's worst foreign enemies, China and Russia. They'll suppress that story for you, which they did. Twitter worked on the liberal Democrats behalf, just like Facebook and others like Mark Zuckerberg said in the beginning. We're all in for the Bidens, but not only that, the people who were investigating. Investigating your son are put at a disadvantage. Because Joe Biden shows you the nerve on these people, how they don't even care, they give you the double barreled middle finger every single day, people defending Hunter Biden, in this case lawyers.


This is not a joke. People defending Hunter Biden against these charges that he sold the country out to China and Russia are now getting appointments in the Department of Justice that's supposed to be prosecuting the case. This is not funny.


I'm not this is not. Is this me? You know, I laugh when I'm so deeply disturbed when they take blood from me because I'm afraid of taking blood. Yet don't let my six foot two hundred pound frame fool you. I am a big boss. I don't like needles. I laugh because if not, I think I'll cry and humiliate myself. That's that laughter. Now watch this clip by Tucker Carlson. In case you think I'm making any of this up, the lawyer defending Joe Biden's kid is now going to get an appointment in the Department of Justice that's supposed to be prosecuted.


Check this out. Who exactly is running the Justice Department? We've got some exclusive reporting on that tonight. In one of his very first acts as president, Joe Biden imported appointed someone called Nicholas McQuaid to run the DOJ criminal division, the all important criminal division. It turns out that's the same criminal division that's currently investigating Biden's son, Hunter. So who is this Nicholas McQuaid exactly? Well, this show can tell you that he is a former business partner of Hunter Biden's new criminal defense attorney, a man called Christopher Clark.


Hunter Biden apparently hired Clark in December to help him with the federal investigation into his business dealings, the criminal investigation the DOJ is conducting. Both McQuaid and Clark were law partners together at Latham and Watkins. They worked on the same cases right up until McQuaid took the job at the Department of Justice on January twenty. First of this year, the same day Nicholas McQuaid was featured in department press release, Latham and Watkins filed a motion in court to withdraw McQuaid as an attorney he was working on with Christopher Clark.


So that means Joe Biden put as the head of the criminal division, the partner of the guy his son had hired to defend him against the criminal division. Wow. So precision matters, let me be clear on this, I don't want to mess this up. The head of the criminal division of the Department of Justice will now be a guy who's partners with a lawyer who was defending Joe Biden's son. In an FBI investigation where he may have sold out the country to China and Russia, Joe Biden, the current president's son.


And the guy running the division is partners with the lawyer defending Joe Biden's son. That doesn't sound like a rigged, rigged system.


Where's the media on this story? Showing you how the media is rigged to because of people like the coffee boy at CNN. Can you imagine if that was Donald Trump? Donald Trump Jr. was under investigation by the DOJ. For taking a payoff from the Moscow mayor, a friend of Putin's wife, so he's under investigation. He has a lawyer. Donald Trump's lawyer is Joey Bag of Donuts, and Joey Bagert, Doughnut's partner, Johnny Begger Doughnut's gets hired to run the criminal division of the DOJ.


I'm sure the coffee boy, it's DNN who promoted the hoax forever to the embarrassment of himself, his network and his family elsewhere.


I'm sure he'd cover that story, right? Oh, yeah, he would. He'd be all over it. It would be plastered on the Kairouan at CNN 24 hours a day until somebody resigned their step down. But because it's Joe Biden doing it, nobody cares. But tell me again how the system's not rigged and how if you're a Democrat, you're in it for the little guy. You think the little guy gets those same courtesies. You think the little guy who gets arrested for opening up his business and fined one hundred thousand dollars like the Attila's gym guys in New Jersey, you think they get to a point to the New Jersey State Department of Justice, whatever vehicles prosecuting them, the partner of the people who are their lawyers, do you think they get to do that now?


Why not? Because where the smelly people again. I say YouTube, whatever commenter had said at one point, the smelts. We're all the schmeling's, the elites, they get to do whatever they want. And they advertised it to check out this piece, not just the news, they're going to be in the show notes that encourage you to read it. John Solomon cite just the news, Joe Biden's brother touts his proximity to the new president ad for a Florida law firm.


This is not the first time a Biden family members use their last name to advance business interests.


I I hate these what if this was the Trump thing, but again, it shows you how we're not living by a by but by an equal set of standard unifying principles. The elites have one set of rules. The great unwashed us, the little people have a separate set of rules, a totally separate and distinct set of rules. We get hurt by those rules, the rigged system benefits the elite bow tie wearing class. By the way, I should say, I really I love bow ties.


I don't like that. But bow ties are cool. I shouldn't like stigmatises. Bow ties are cool. That robe. You get the point. Because there are people who actually go out there and work for a living and make boaties, I'm talking about the fake bow tie wearing class that go and eat there. I said foie gras.


By the way, some lady sent me an email saying I said it wrong. I said foie gras. That's the way he said she said I said Pflugrad that I. I got to go check that. All right. Let me get to my third sponsor and I'm going to get back to this. How these unifying principles. The Democrats don't want unifying principles because you can't rig a system if the rules apply to everyone. Right. Republicans are now totally taking over what used to be the Democrat messaging space.


We're in it for the little guy. Small business, tolerance, the fight for equality. That's our thing now. Real equality, not Democrats, fake equality, equity, they call it now. And the Democrats are now in for a rigged system. If you have a unifying set of rules, you can't rig the system. That's the point. That's why they don't want unifying principles and they don't want to talk about it. That's why the media will turn on a dime when it's a story about Don Jr.


, but when it's one Hunter Biden story, they'll ignore it like it never happened because you can't have one set of rules. I'll get to that in a minute to how when you flip the script on him and you expose this, they freak out right away. This next story is genius. What someone did. They changed the name out like I just did. From kind of a Trump story, from a Democrat story to a Trump story. And other Democrats freaked out when they thought it was about Trump stories.


Larry, let me get to my third sponsor. Hey, just like I've been taken on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, Patriot mobiles taking on the mobile providers swamp, and they have some exciting news to share. Check this out. Patriot Mobile just expanded their coverage, which will make it easy for even more Americans to dump their big name carriers who charge way too much and then donate money to left this. I'm proud to partner with Patriot Mobile because they never sent a penny to the left.


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That's why every time we call something out, they say, well, that's. What about Azem? Well, I want to show you a series of tweets here. From a Twitter account called Cuomo Watch. Of course, eponymous silly name that well, not a person, Andrew Cuomo, someone else is named after the dreadful governor of New York responsible for the deaths of multiple people in nursing homes because he was too stupid to not figure out that sending people infected with coronavirus into nursing homes with all the folks who may be sick was a bad idea.


So this Twitter account at Cuomo watch put up this quote, This is troubling, like no one should say this. Quote, If you see anybody from the Cuomo administration in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. It's attributed to Maxine Cuomo, watch. Well, when that tweet went out, dreadful, right, we don't call for violence on people in the administration, God forbid.


So why did this Twitter account do that? Well, they didn't. You guys get the joke? It was Maxine Waters, liberal Democrat, who said that about the Trump administration, all this Twitter account, did it swap Trump for Cuomo? Let's watch what happened. These Democrats in the New York state, the New York state government, were too stupid to figure out. That was a Maxine Waters quote. It says Maxine Cuomo watch on the tweet.


So a guy by the name of Carl, he's not that bright, says, my gosh, this is appalling and dangerous. Encouraging violence must never be tolerated. Shame on whoever is behind this kind of garbage. Yeah, we agree. It was Maxine Waters. But because he put get out and confront the Cuomo administration in there when the original quote was get out and confront the Trump administration, now, all of a sudden you're upset. But when Maxine Waters said it, the Democrats weren't upset at all.


They ran cover for it. Notice how when you unifying principles, when you swap Trump for Cuomo, the Democrats are upset. But as long as someone's encouraging violence against a Trump administration, all of a sudden they don't care. They run cover for them. No, no, that's OK. Wait, I thought we were against violence. Republicans are weepin the anti violence dialogue party forever. No, no. The Democrats say they're in it for the little guy.


No, no. That's that's that's us. That's us. The Democrats don't care about violence as long as it's a recommendation of violence against the Trump team. Here's some more blue checkmark Democrats who were very upset about this, quote, apparently not realizing it was a liberal Democrat who said it. He's a Jeffrey Benowitz, what's wrong with you threatening violence against duly elected representatives of the people in New York is fascism. The hatred unleashed by Trump and his gang of thugs continues to reverberate throughout the country.


Enough is enough. Fascinating Jeffrey dinner, which didn't say that when the actual quote by Maxine Waters was recommending violence against the Trump team, he only cared when they swapped out Trump for Cuomo. Showing you again what, that these people don't have any principles? Well, here's another one. Last one. Here's a Debbie Ross. Really? Did we not learn anything from the capital insurrection? We must condemn violence and harassment in any form. Stop the violence mob mentality hashtag.


Again, she said nothing when Maxine Waters actually said that, quote. She only appeared to care when it was a fake, thank God. Tweet for violence and confrontation against Cuomo team members, which we've always condemned, but again, not Democrats. Calls for violence and incitement for them, as long as it's calls for incitement, violence and confrontation against Republicans are OK. They were only concerned when you swapped the names out. The GOP is figuring this out, folks, though, Republicans are starting to figure it out.


Starting again, there's a lot of bad Republicans out there, we still have the Adam Kinzinger is in the world who pretend to be principled in a really big frauds, but they're starting to figure out that our unrequited love affair with capitalism and free markets. The principles are a good thing as long as the companies we support abide by those very same principles. But most of them in the big tech space, sadly don't, and we're starting to figure this out, check out this article by Breitbart again.


You'll see it up in the show. Notes by James Pinkerton, A Bad Romance How Republicans Fell Out of Love with Big Tech. I want you to see this poll because I want to I don't want to be Debbie Downer, a Danny Downer all the time with these shows were, you know, this is bad, this is bad, this is bad. I've tried to tell you over the course of the last few weeks, despite the fact that it's been a bad couple of months.


And ladies and gentlemen, my personal life, it's been a thousand times worse. Hope there are people who are, you know, locked up in prisoner of war, prisoner of war camps, who've had it 10000 times worse than us. And I I know personally, quite a few of them, a couple of them lived in Maryland when I ran for office, am I going to say their names? Because I don't want people to attack them in their houses to burn down because they dared talk to a conservative at one point?


But, you know, when you talk to them, they tell you the one thing that got him through it. I mean, the most disastrous of disastrous situations, being in a foreign prison with an enemy, the United States where torture was commonplace. The one thing was hope. There's always hope. Remember what I told you, that famous quote? An enemy is not vanquished until he considers himself so. No matter how bad you think it's gotten on your end, you are not defeated until you consider yourself.


So as long as there is a shred of fight left in you, that fight is still there. They want you demoralized, don't be. We're going to turn this corner eventually, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week, but Republicans are waking up. The good ones, the bad ones are sellouts. Forget them. We got to get rid of him. Primaried from the Breitbart piece. Look. This partisan split, Republicans being tougher on tech than Democrats is further visible on the issue of remedies.


Sixty one percent of Republicans now want to break up big tech that is applying antitrust laws compared to 55 percent of Democrats. Wait, I thought that was the Sherman Antitrust Act, the Clayton Act, antitrust and anti monopoly laws, that was typically the realm of Democrats, right? Democrats told us forever, for decades they were in it for the little guy. Didn't they tell you monopolies were bad? Those are the big guys, I'm admit, for the little guy, the small business, really, because more Republicans now support breaking up big tech monopolies that are unquestionably monopolies than Democrats do.


So maybe what the media has been telling you forever to make you believe in gaslighting you, that Democrats are in it for the little guy is bull stuff.


It's the GOP that knows the good ones that understand the system is rigged. It's the GOP that understands that Facebook and Twitter have rigged the system. Oh, no, Dan, their free market companies, you can always start your own Facebook and Twitter. We tried that in Parlo, remember? And they tried to well, they didn't try they successfully wipe this off the Internet. The website will be back. But I thought that I thought that the free market, right, free markets, you can just start your own.


No, you can't, because the system is rigged and Republicans know it. So now we're going to use that system monopoly laws to break these companies up that have rigged the system. Apple has a total monopoly on its app store. Apple doesn't like your app, they can wipe you off the face of the earth on their devices, which dominates the very definition of monopoly. I thought the left was against monopolies. No, no, no. The left is into power.


And when monopolies, cartels, militarization, weaponized, the Department of Justice and those things help the Democrats get power, they are absolutely in love with the things they claim they tell you they hate. The biggest scam I have ever seen. Let me let me get to my last sponsor and I'll show you another story here, how again, there's no unifying principles here at all because the system is rigged. The idea of one set of rules for everybody means you can't read the system.


The Democrats don't want that. They want their rules, meaning no rules and rules that apply to you that they can weaponize to put you in jail and bankrupt you. That's why they are so afraid, if that's what about Azem, you're damn right it is. What about the rules? Oh, you don't the rules don't apply to you. Maxine Waters can call for violence against the Trump team, but the minute we change that out to Cuomo, all of a sudden it's a big deal.


I thought we had one set of rules, Selimi. A final sponsor today, LifeLock, by the way, on the other side is going to show you again how the rules do not apply. There were no set of rules. Rules that only apply to one are not rules at all. Hey, scammers are using news of the second stimulus to steal American's personal information. Some common scams include offers to get your payment faster. Fake checks are unsolicited messages by someone claiming to be from the IRS.


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I have LifeLock. I had LifeLock again before they were a sponsor. Have it for myself. I have it for my wife. I have it for my kids. I have it from my mother in law. Good thing there is LifeLock out there, they detect a wide range of identity threats, like your Social Security number for sale on the dark web if they detect your information has been compromised. They'll send you an alert. You have access to a dedicated restoration specialist if you become a victim, no one can prevent all identity theft or monitor all transactions at all businesses.


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All right, so again, the Democrats greatest fear are rules and things like the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, which are essentially rules we all have to live by because you can't rig a system if everybody has to live by the rules.


So the Democrats will ally with Monopoly's big business militarization, the Department of Justice, whatever they need to do to align with their buddies, to crush the opposition and get the rules only apply to them do.


And that's why they love Amazon. Just the news, Amazon still committed to hosting Twitter, even as Twitter leaves up incendiary content. Wait, wait. I thought Parler was removed from Amazon Web Services because of what they cited as incendiary content. So Twitter has the same thing. And Amazon like, come on over, Twitter will host you. Why? Because there are no rules. Big business is in the tank for Democrats. Big business gives money to Democrats.


Democrats then leave office and go to work for big business, which gives more money to Democrats which promote policies that benefit big business.


What a scam. Now, do you see why I'm trying to give you some sense of optimism? As this American renaissance happens and the great unwashed us out there, the workers, the Patriots, the liberty lovers, people go to work every day and build this country, drive the trucks who build the houses, clean the floors, landscaped the property, draw out the architectural plans for your homes, fly the planes, clean the planes, how they're all starting to wake up.


How they're all starting to say, you know what? Trump was right. The system is rigged. Joe Biden guy's been in office a week, he said he hated executive orders and because he can't get anything passed through the legislative process, that's all he's doing is executive orders. I thought he hated executive orders. Biden guys have been in office a week, his brothers on video promoting a law firm hey, I'm brumm brother with with with Joe Biden.


The United States wink and a nod. Joe Biden, who has other brothers who were involved with his son, who were in shady deals with enemies of the United States, kicking back money allegedly to the big guy, Joe Biden, which is under investigation. But the investigation, which is really weird, one of the lawyers for Hunter Biden's buddy is now being appointed to oversee the department conducting the investigation. But yeah, yeah, yeah, the system's not rigged at all.


Now. Now you see why this Washington Times headline matters so much, read this article. This is a good one. I know I've said that about a few of the articles in the show today, but the show notes are important. It makes the show easier to follow even afterwards. Because we're limited time, we can't read every article on the air, this is worth your time. Washington Times Jennifer Harper be in the show notes. Trump quietly, quote, getting stronger.


Wait, wait, maybe you told that the elite class, you know, the coffee fetcher at CNN and others, the media people told us Trump is going. He's disgraced, disgraced, Paula. You heard that, right? He's disgraced. It's over. Nobody likes Trump anymore. The movement's dead man is dead. All that. Forget it. Anyone who supported Trump is gone. Forget it. It's over. That's what they told us. Right.


Well, it's interesting because a reporter, not a conservative reporter, by the way, went out to this rally in Wyoming against Matt Gates was running it. He is a mega guy. They had a rally against Liz Cheney, a Republican who has come out. Vigorously against Donald Trump and the whole Magga movement. That's not working out well for Liz Cheney, by the way, so a reporter went out there to cover this rally in Wyoming against Liz Cheney and she found that some really interesting things.


Here are some quotes from the people there. Well, this is from the reporter. She says, quote, I'm really happy I went out there and saw it. I think there's a huge disconnect right now between Washington and the rest of the country. Oh, gee. You think. You think. She says, and you know, Trump, people don't want to hear anything against Trump, actually, the more he stays out of the media, the more he becomes this martyr, this looming figure over the GOP.


The reporter told MSNBC in the aftermath of her visit. Here's some of the comments you heard, quote, a lot of people said they aren't really Republicans, that they're for Trump. That's it. And it's just I think he's actually getting I think the base is getting stronger, truly, Miss Palmari, the reporter advised. That's not what the coffee fetcher told us. The media elites that want to censor these types of opinions, God forbid, it got out on Fox News that Trump was getting stronger or somewhere else because it's actually happening, God forbid the truth, because it's actually real.


A reporter from the other side of the fence is acknowledging that what you've been told now, Trump is disgraced, his political bank account is empty, is false. Stelter and the coffee fetcher crowd, they want to be sure you don't hear that. God forbid, the momentum were to increase and Trump were to make the greatest comeback in American history in twenty twenty four. Republicans are getting it, they're realizing that a blind allegiance to their party and big business because we believe in capitalism and free markets, may be destroying us because big business doesn't believe in us or capitalism.


They believe in themselves. So why should we support them? And that's Republican Party heresy now, not for me. And I have no allegiance to Republicans who have no allegiance to our principles yet worse than the Democrats, at least the Democrats don't try to fake it and be like one of us. You're an infiltrator, a poser. You know, growing up in Glendale, Queens, one of the worst things you could be called was Opposer. Everybody knew Opposer, right?


Talk about all the fights he's been in, how much his car costs, how many girlfriends he had, you know, the poser. Dating like 72 chicks, man, really doesn't even have a girlfriend. My car, I bought that car 40 grand. Really, it's funny I saw for sale last week for ten.


You know, the Pozieres, right? It's the worst thing because the Democrats party opposers. Now, the Democrats come back to that, because I know some of you liberals are going to be like, wow, Donald Trump did that well, did he? That's interesting. Did he really do that? Donald Trump brand is a politician, right? But he promised to rebuild the wall, built it not as much as we could have, but built that wall.


Oh, he didn't. And what is Joe Biden pledging to stop the construction on the wall that Donald Trump didn't build? Just checking, said he would appoint conservative judges.


We got two hundred and thirty four of them in three Supreme Court justices check tax cut. He promised check growing economy. We had for the first time in eight years because Obama couldn't reach a three percent GDP growth, got those tax cuts, promised deregulation. We got that promised the pro-life agenda. We got that. So, yeah, I'm just checking. Was he really the poser or was that you guys the whole time?


Just asking. So, again, on the optimistic note, how we're finally starting to catch on that fealty to big business and the Republican brand was probably a bad idea, maybe we should start seeking out candidates instead of which candidate instead of the label candidates label themselves. We're figuring it out, look at this story, Washington Examiner, Republicans across the country are pushing for stricter voting rules after the 20 20 election. Folks, I'm no one's declaring victory here, I'm not suggesting to you, oh, my gosh, look, the disastrous twenty twenty election problem solved.


I am not telling you that I'm telling you. That there is a renaissance right now happening amongst patriots and liberty lovers throughout the United States that are starting to figure it out in mass numbers. That we have to dump the sellouts in our party for more principled people. At the Trump era and the path we took out there, listen, there were some downsides to his way, too much government spending and that's got to change. Those was our principles.


Our principles are we don't want the government spending money. It doesn't have it can't just abandon it because it was Trump. But overall, we aligned with a candidate who finally, finally, whether it was transactional or not, is irrelevant. Trump, who enacted our ideas rather than talked about it. I told you that this twenty twenty two election. For congressmen and senators throughout the country, that the two things that will matter are tech tyranny. And voting for a free and fair elections and voter integrity measures, you're now seeing it.


Why? Because you're calling your assemblymen, your delegates, your state senators, your congressmen, your senators you're doing and you're learning. You're calling them and saying, hey, where are you on fixing our voter laws so we can have free and fair elections? And they're hearing it. Why do you think, by the way, that article you should read it, it talks about three states, Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania, how Republicans in those states are now starting to clean up their elections.


You may say, darn, it's too late. We already lost folks. It's never too late. Remember, an enemy is only vanquished when they consider themselves. So it's only too late if you consider yourself vanquished. I don't. I'm not willing to give up, I have had a tidal wave of bad news, you have no idea. I'm not even remotely close to the red line give up meter. Life is meaningless, otherwise, what's the point?


Not ready to give up, and you shouldn't be either. You know, folks, I'm going to have to cover this tomorrow. You know what, I'll cover one screenshot from a. Fair enough. Cover the other one tomorrow. Speaking of what I just told you, how about waking up and Republicans are discovering now the good ones, voter integrity and big tech are the two big issues for 20, 23. Don't even talk about anything. I love taxes, spending.


I love without fixing big tech tyranny so that we could speak and our elections, we'll never win again. Those are the issues in twenty, twenty two. Everybody needs to have the horse blinders on. There is a fascinating article in The Wall Street Journal, one of the best I've read in a long time about how big tech gets around using Section 230, their censorship of conservatives and how the Constitution, this is the headline of the piece, can actually crack Section two 30.


This piece is by Philip Hamburger subtitle is Tech Tech companies think the statue to 30 allows them to censor with impunity.


The law is seldom so simple. Here's the first screenshot from the piece, how liberals again, who were supposed to at one point supposed to be big advocates for the ACLU and civil liberties, the ability to speak. They're not they're active totalitarian censors now. Republicans are on the side of free speech dialogue, a free media, that's just a fact. Democrats like Brian Stelter are totalitarians. They want every single opinion. They questions their gaslighting crush so they can lie to you with impunity and the tech companies do their dirty deed for him.


So the liberal comeback is not a First Amendment issue. These are private companies are contrary to the Wall Street Journal piece. Quote, Instead, the danger lies in the statutory protection for massive companies that are akin to common carriers and function as public forums. I'll translate this for you in a minute. This guy is talking about two thirty. The First Amendment protects Americans even in privately owned public forums. Oh, liberals hadn't heard that before, such as company towns.


And the law ordinarily obliges common carriers to serve all customers on terms that are fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory. Here, however, it's the reverse, being unable to impose the full breadth of Section 230 censorship, Congress protects the companies so they can do it. This article's brilliant, there were so many highlights from it, candidly, it was tough to pick just two screenshots. I'll cover it more again tomorrow and I'll get to the second half of this, because this section right here in the quick translation that what the Democrats, their liberal buddies, their media allies and the elites, the them where the US, the actual working class in America, what they're doing to us in the name of combating misinformation.


It's actually a full blown censorship campaign run by government officials who can't do it themselves because of the Bill of Rights, so they're deputizing Twitter and Facebook to do it for them and how there is a ton of legal precedent. That's what this piece covers, showing how you can't do that. You can as the government banned political speech, but then because you can't do it. Use your AOC and Rokan Democrats Twitter account to encourage private companies to do the same.


Ladies and gentlemen, there is a wide breadth and body of legal precedent. How this is entirely illegal to do. You can't empower parts of the United States Code Section 230 to allow private companies to do what you can't do yourself, censor political voice. It's not going to work. I'll get to the second part of this tomorrow and tomorrow. I'll give you some of you may not want to hear this because, you know, I'm on your team.


But I want you to be better debaters. So it makes me a better debater is giving you both sides, even when the other side is kind of stupid. I'm going to give you the other side of the GameStop story. I've given you our side, how they've rigged the system. Well, there's no question Wall Street rigged the system. They shorted stock, they go on TV, they talk down a stock. Wall Street folks make a lot of money, give the money back to Democrats, Democrats, and then leave and go back to work for Wall Street than Wall Street Democrats and go back and leave to work for the government to enact new laws that benefit Wall Street.


Remember, it's to them. But I do want to give you the other side of this tomorrow so that you have you can already think ahead what the liberals and the them class is going to say when you talk about the game stuff. So you don't miss tomorrow's show, folks. Couple asks, I always appreciate it if you make us the Bonjean report, that is, it's Mangino, Bongino If you make us your home for morning news, it is the best conservative online news paper type device.


You'll find out there it's your alternative to the Drudge Report. Mangino Drudge has gone full left. Please check it out. Make it your first stop every morning for news. Matt works really hard to get you the best conservative news stories of the day Bungeni And please subscribe to my Rumball account. Do not watch the video on YouTube. It's nice. I'm seeing our YouTube views go down. Rumbo views go through the roof.


It's all free, of course. Rumball Dotcom Bongino, please subscribe. Today were well over one point three million followers on Rumball Rumble Dotcom Slash Bungle. Check it out today. Thanks for tuning in.


I'll see you tomorrow as you just heard. Dan Bongino.