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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


You know, I usually don't come out of the chute in the beginning of the show with video stuff, but I've got a video today in the beginning about this impeachment hoax, which is such a disastrous debacle for the left. This video is going to bake your bagel's. It's going to roll your marbles. It is so damning to the left's fake case against former President Trump, you're not going to want to miss it today. Show Bunuba expressive VPN. I protect my data and my online activity with a VPN from Express VPN.


Go to express VPN dot com slash Bongino today and get your VPN. Welcome to the Dan Bongino show. Let's get right to it. I've got that. I've got a lot more, including two more embarrassing episodes from the paternalistic left that thinks you're a bunch of idiots. Just to be candid, I'm really sorry, but if you're a leftist, your political leaders dreaded air quotes think you are. In fact, the more I'm all right today, show up you, as I said, by your friends and express VPN.


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All right, Joe, let's go. Here it is. Let's get right to it on this on this Friday. We've got so much to talk about today. This video that sounded so talkradio. We didn't have so much to talk about that I. But it's true. Here's a video right out of the shoot. Right. This is a what we give credit to it on the Rumblefish. Was it Paula Ace a six or something until this is a whoever did this.


You're absolutely this is incredible. What I want to explain to you what is it is pieces of yesterday's impeachment hoax hearing the Democrats, Jamie Raskin and others trying to call out the president for things like talking about a stolen election and stoking violence. And then you're going to hear suspicious voices in between. You're going to hear the voice of Hillary Clinton. You're going to hear some violence and rioting in the background. And it's all entered this first video and sound of Democrats doing exactly what the Democrat impeachment managers said Donald Trump shouldn't have done.


Kind of weird. No. If you want to see the video, it's powerful. Go to Rumble Dotcom Bongino and watch the show. You'll see this.


Donald Trump committed a massive crime against our Constitution and our people. And the worst violation of the presidential oath of office in the history of the United States of America know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard by telling the mob that their election had been stolen from them. I have an objection because ten of the twenty nine electoral votes cast by Florida were cast by electors not lawfully certified. Even then, after that vicious attack, he continued to spread the big lie.


I think it's also critical to understand you can run the best campaign and you can have the election stolen from you.


This was months of cultivating a base of people who were violent.


Praising that violence and everyone be aware they're not going to let up and they should not, and he still gave that marching orders and, quote, fight like hell, Democrats are going to fight like hell. We're going to fight like hell. We'll fight like hell to fight like hell.


But can you imagine telling your supporters that the only way you could possibly lose is if an American election was rigged and stolen from you and you can have the election stolen from you and ask yourself whether you've ever seen anyone at any level of government make the same claim about their own election and you can have the election stolen from the folks.


That's only that's not the whole video. The video goes on for about another minute. It's powerful. It is so powerful because it just sums up so much of what we already know, how the Democrats, their liberal media, bootlicking acolytes are such phony fake frauds. And I know The New York Times and others watch my show every day, these stalker losers. I'll get into that later. So I want you to know how disgusted sane Americans are with you now for claiming that Donald Trump questioning the election is unheard of.


It's never happened. When if you go back, if you, by the way, just watch the video go to Rumbold sponginess, it's a lot easier to follow. That voice you're hearing of Jamie Raskin, Democrat impeachment manager, yesterday, saying it's unheard of to question an election like Trump did. The voice you heard right after that is Jamie Raskin in twenty seventeen. Same guy Armacost, same guy questioning Donald Trump's win on the House floor by questioning Florida's electors.


It's the same guy. It's the exact same dude. And yet the media, these losers feigning pearl clutch, I kept my elbows are three so I can actually clutch and I don't wear pearls anyway clutching them. Oh my God, we've never heard such a thing. We've never heard such a thing. Violence around elections, what you mean like the twenty seventeen inauguration when the left went wild in Washington, D.C.? You've never heard of it? When we work for us, we on this show, we're calling out violence the high the entire time.


The entire time you just jumped on this, we're not for violence, media gravy train now, that's what you think it is. What a bunch of B.S. artists. Kamala Harris in there, we're not going to let up, we're going to fight Bernie Sanders, as you hear all those, we're going to fight like hell. Chuck Schumer, we're going to fight like hell. Joe Biden, we're going to fight like hell. Eric Swalwell, we're going to fight like hell.


What about what do they all have in common? They're all liberal Democrats. All of them, but yet again, when they question an election like Jamie Raskin, Hillary Clinton, who makes multiple appearances in that that one minute clip from the video, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, when they do the exact same thing and left this street, violence burns down American cities, cities, cities, and they erupt on Election Day at twenty sixteen and on Inauguration Day in twenty seventeen for Donald Trump, all of that, the media strangely silent.


And now that you had this tragic incident on January 6th, which. We have universally called it out and matter of fact, I've said repeatedly there were serious anomalies in this 20 20 election, but I said repeatedly, even noted by the left wing, ran a rag political. Was it fraud in the sense that the votes would have overturned the election? I don't know. I only talk when I have evidence. Yet amazingly, they turn around and attack us and Donald Trump, and when the Democrats do the exact same thing, even worse, they are awfully silent.


What a bunch of complete phonies, frauds and fakes. It is gross. Watch that video. It is damning and the media, you absolutely disgust me, you communist tyrants. You said nothing with the PPY hoax, the collusion hoax, leftist violence, killing people, burning down American cities, cities. We did. We called out the violence while you did nothing. You provided air cover, mostly peaceful protests. The cities burning, you idiot, right behind you.


Just turn around. You did nothing. You said nothing, you unprincipled losers. Now, you wonder why we're upset when we conservative media and many of my friends warned about how dangerous the normalization of politically inspired violence was, we warned you about that. You said nothing because it was your leftist violent maniac, lunatic ideological allies that were doing it. You said nothing, zero the entire time. And now when political violence erupted on January six, all of a sudden you jump into it because you think it's click bait and gravy train stuff you can make money off now, you unprincipled losers.


Where were The New York Times, The Washington Post for all that stuff when Jamie Raskin. Was questioning an election when Hillary Clinton repeatedly said the election was stolen. I thought, you're not allowed to say that. All right, I want to get into some other stuff on a sadly humorous note, these paternalistic loser Democrats, but I realized something, Joe. We forgot something in the beginning of the show, and there's going to be a mass mutiny in my audience and I just can't have that has please Joe, it's Friday and we can't we can't do the show without your Friday announcement.


I really there will be a mutiny amongst the listeners.


So Jowzjan, it's from. There you go. Thank you. And Joe's worst night's game show voice brings me back to the halcyon days of all talk radio. But I did forget that. I'm sorry. I was just folks, just so you understand, this video has me so upset visibly, as you can probably see now, I just got lost in the passion of the moment here because it really I'm just so tired of it. I really am.


And you may say to yourself, why do we keep bringing this up? We know the media frauds and phonies, propagandists, Soviet communists, we get all that. Why do we keep doing it? Because, folks, we're never going to win a debate if we don't have ammunition to fight back. Oh, my God. Fight back. What does that mean? Holy Moses, we are never going to have if we don't fight back with facts.


And the fact is, the media stood by and didn't say a damn thing when Democrats made up fake allegations against President Trump, accused him of stealing an election, fought back against the results of the 2016 election. They said nothing while our streets burned down with leftist violence. We are going to call them out. Here's one more thing. This happened just before the show. And forgive me, because of all kinds of like copyright stuff in music, we can actually play the videos.


But there's this group, what is it, hip hop for health or something in New York. And this it just reminded me of some Paul actually brought it up. I should have tipped her appropriately so because the left are paternalistic nihilists. In other words, they think you're all idiots and they're going to be daddy for you. They're so smart. They're your intellectual parents and you great unwashed, deplorable morons just shut your mouth. They talk to everyone like this, by the way, not just black or Hispanic voters, black or Hispanic citizens, Asian citizens, Muslim, Jewish citizens.


It doesn't matter whatever race, color or creed you are. The left and Thomas talks about it in his book Vision of the Anointed, envisions themselves the anointed smart ones. And they think you're all idiots. That's just an easy way to sum up the entire paternalistic attitude left where your daddy shut your mouth, you great unwashed idiots. So in order to. I guess incentivize people in the black community to get the vaccine, they put out this. Hip hop for health people, video, whatever it is, and VMC from Run DMC, I guess it's like a cartoon.


It is the most. You have a screenshot from this thing, Paula. It is one of the most embarrassing things I have ever seen. Look. Oh, my gosh. This is a screenshot from it's like a cartoon and it is so insulting. That I folks, you just have to watch it, we'll try to get a link to put it, we'll put in maybe we can put it on a rumble video somewhere as a separate link or something, and you can watch it.


It's really embarrassing. And it harks back to that video from a few weeks ago of the Chicago Teachers Union. See this picture? Remember this one? The dancers. So the Chicago's teachers unions, like, we're not going to teach your kids because we just don't want you. And we see this screen shot Paul is showing me at our computer. Remember, they were doing the dancing. It was it was the what was it? Bette Midler song with the Rose.


Right. Some say. I don't know the lyrics, nor do I have the voice, if I did, it was yeah, I.


Have fun with it and have fun, my cringeworthy voice. Trust me, folks, for however you recoil in horror at the sound of Dan Bongino is atrocious. Singing voice The video of the Chicago Teachers Union acting out in dance to Bette Midler as the rose in like a fake unity video. While they're giving you the middle finger because they don't want to teach your kids is almost as bad as the cartoon rap video to tell black citizens of New York City, hey, the vaccine is safe.


Don't ask any questions. How do you vote for these idiots, how? Some say nothing like it is as strange as that, even the lyrics. I don't even I haven't heard that song since the 70s. I don't even know if the songs were this another is that another screenshot? They're like. You got to watch the ref, you're missing the rumble today. Can we at some of it out? I have Sauza. It's like some say the.


Kick in is a stranger. He is like a 12.


I'm sorry, I'm backing away from. You got to watch this video. This is the that's the most. If you're laughing like Dan, this is really off the. It is not nearly as off the rails as watching the Chicago Teachers Union. Just Google it in their Dansby. Paul is in the background and it's not even the Chicago Teachers Union dance video. It's not even half as dumb as the rap video directed at minority voters in these cities to try to get them to take the vaccine.


How about just talking to black voters and Hispanic voters and citizens? How about just talking to them like normal people? How about that? How about that crazy approach, like talking to them, like you would talk to anyone else, giving them some data on the vaccine, showing them it's safe? If you just how about how about how about that? If that's what you do, the message you want to get across. You have to rap to them in a cartoon.


Oh, shows totally off the rails today. That's the thing you're laughing at, Mike. It's worse than the video. I'm not kidding. And because of the song in the background, there's all kinds of copyright stuff. So you've got to be careful. I can't take it. That was Paula's idea. When when when we were playing the rap video, the vaccine rap, get the vaccine. The data is great. Don't ask questions of our policy.


Like, remember that video with the teachers? So she's like, you got to play this. All right. You know, let me get to my second more serious stuff, this is important, the brave new world Twitter has created. We like Atlas holding the world on our shoulders and the new world Twitter's given us is not a good one. So Twitter yesterday banned Project Veritas. You'll see a story in the show, notes about it. James O'Keeffe's group is a red state story I put up in the show, notes Twitter's ban President Trump.


They said he will not they will not let him back, even if he runs for office and wins again. They have banned Project Veritas. They banned the New York Post for running the Hunter Biden story. So Twitter have gone full communist. These are disgusting, filthy censors. I have been posted there in a month. They ban anyone who talks about the coronavirus, so Twitter has given us what the communist Chinese and the Soviets could only pray for.


A corporate entity with power to control a national narrative, a corporate entity has massive power, Twitter. They've done what the communists, murderers, tyrants have tried to do for centuries. Over a century, precision matters. They've effectively, effectively censored free speech. The Chinese took no Joe. The Chinese took note. Look at this article and Politico's EU division. China bans the BBC British Broadcasting Company for, quote, fake news on Jinyang coronavirus, the U.K. foreign secretary calls the move an unacceptable curtailing of media freedom.


Is it? Is it is it really unacceptable or is it something you liberals have supported the entire time? Now, of course, it's unacceptable to conservatives who actually believe in free speech, but to liberals, you love this. You love the concentration of corporate power. Twitter corporations write, Twitter, Facebook, they are corporations right now, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and others. You enjoy, you relish and you celebrate the corporate power you've incentivized to curtail free speech in America.


And now all of a sudden, you're starting to get worried about communist governments, emulate the exact same strategy and actually banned the BBC for, quote, fake news, by the way, a term liberals invented, not Trump liberals invented. I've discussed this on the show a thousand times and maybe not with them, but close to it, a term liberals invented. When Donald Trump won, oh, you forget that, no, no, no, people liberals will say, because liberals are really silly people.


Now, Donald Trump is the one who attacked the fake news. Not all, ladies and gentlemen. Remember the show me cover this. It was liberals who invented the term fake news suggesting that the Russians were planting fake news stories in the country to get Donald Trump elected. It was the Libs who did that. Look it up. So now they're fake news term, they are invented is being used by the murderous Chinese government, imprisoning and sterilizing wiggers.


Making political prisoners out of an entire city in Hong Kong. The murderous Chinese government is now emulating the strategy of American liberals, now you see why the French are concerned. The French, but you missed yesterday's show, don't watch yesterday's show, I'm not laughing. The French are actually terrified about what American liberals are doing to create a communist, totalitarian, authoritarian, worldwide information speech control mechanism. The French are terrified. Liberals are a forest fire and their media pals, the George Costanza, Brian Stelter, Oliver Darsey, Maggie Haberman and other all of these this consortium of left wing media conspiracy theory promoting lunatics are promoting a very, very dangerous, dystopian, brave new world future.


And I use that as three words intentionally for you Huxley fans. As it's not so brave. But, folks, I'll get to this story next, they're going to get to my second sponsor here. But this dystopian universe we're walking into right now. A full blown censorship thought control, speech control what real liberals, authentic liberals years ago, decades ago. Fought against censorship, they weren't for the ACLU's entire purpose was civil liberties, including free speech.


That is entirely collapsed, the liberals are now the party of full blown propaganda, speech, suppression, censorship book, war burning and elsewhere. One more thing before I get to this second sponsor. I just didn't want to forget this while we were talking about the impeachment hoax before. Forgive me for jumping around, but this is important. You know, there was an interesting idea brought up yesterday in a cable news channel, if Donald Trump is convicted in this, it's not going to happen.


But just say he is not going to get 67 senators in this impeachment hoax sham trial. Right. Listen, it's Ron Paul, because I want to say this is interesting, someone brought up the fact that if he's convicted and the Senate determines he he should be banned from running for office again, because that is a constitutional the trial is not constitutional. It was designed for presidents. But that is one of the things they can do is the Senate can ban him.


Follow me, Joe, from running for office again. Notice what I said. They're precision matters running for office again. Right. I mean, excuse me, no, no, forgive me, I screwed that up. Scratch that. It prevents him from holding office again. I got ahead of myself now. I already outed it, but it doesn't prevent him from running for office again. So it was actually Chris Wallace. A Fox News, but he did bring up an interesting point, not my best buddy over there.


It doesn't prevent him from running. So while it's a fascinating point, Joe. What if he runs? And wains. And the Senate, where they're not going to, but if they convict him and determine he can't hold hold office again. Huh, wouldn't that be interesting? He becomes the Republican nominee. What are you going to do, tell? Seventy five to 80 million Americans that voted for him. If he wins in twenty twenty four now and he can't take office, be kind of weird, wouldn't it?


Interesting point by Chris Wallace of all people. All right. Get into my second sponsor. Sorry again. Did not mean to bounce around, but there's a lot of stuff. You know, it's a Friday. We got a lot to get in today. Show back to our friends at Derrida's. We the people. Very energetic this morning, we're living in uncertain times and millions have come to realize the importance of the Second Amendment self-protection, you're looking for the perfect accessory to go with that perfect firearm, get an American made holster from our friends that we the people holsters.


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Most of you get where the. What I'm alluding to there. The efforts by The New York Times and others to engage in full blown media suppression of stories that would damage their liberal allies is now becoming deadly. This is costing lives, it's costing elections as they drowned out the Hunter Biden story before the election, people didn't know about the Biden crime family. It's causing real damage to the country. Look at this story at The Blaze by Carlos Garcia.


Be up in the show notes today. Bongino dotcom newsletter is how you subscribe to the newsletter in the show notes.


It's the same thing. The place bombshell report says thousands more coronavirus patients were sent to nursing homes than Cuomo previously admitted. The numbers are skyrocketing. Andrew Cuomo, the dreaded governor, the awful governor of New York, abysmal governor of New York, actually got an Emmy, an Emmy Award for his handling of the coronavirus, despite sending Korona covid-19 infected patients into nursing homes to infect the most vulnerable of citizens of New York State, where many of them thousands subsequently died because of his disastrous decision.


We're now finding out not only did thousands die, but potentially thousands more died and they covered it up. Now, all of a sudden, the Associated Press and others now they're now part of that is critical, Joseph. Now, all of a sudden, the A.P. wakes up. This is the bombshell report the blaze is talking about and decides it's time to cover Andrew Cuomo. What's going on here? Let me give you a deeper story, because I've been around politics for a long time.


And I'm telling you right now, one of the most destructive forces in the United States outside of the forest fire of leftism. Are the absolutely corrupt cover up artists in our disgraced mainstream media? I am not kidding. The destruction they are levying on this country is incalculable. I've been following them for decades, the stuff they do, you may ask yourself, why now is the Associated Press and others finally starting to talk about stories that are damaging to the left?


They do this all the time. The Lincoln Project, remember the Lenine project? I don't even want to get into those losers. I don't want to waste a lot of time, really, they're not even worth my time.


Thank you. You know Slick Wilson. Sleezy, Gailen. John Weaver, Steve Schmidt, the, you know, sociopath from MSNBC. The group, the anti Trump, alleged Republicans that attacked Trump, all of a sudden we're finding out that one of their one of their ringleaders is alleged to have had some inappropriate sexual contact with, you know. I don't want to talk about the Lincoln. There's so disgusting, but why are all of a sudden are the media talking about them now?


Why all of a sudden now we're hearing a little bit more about the Hunter Biden story in The New York Post was unbanned by Twitter. Why now? Why are we hearing from the Associated Press and others now about Andrew Cuomo disastrous handling of the coronaviruses in New York? Because, ladies and gentlemen, the election's over. And the Soviet media did exactly what it was supposed to do, it hid from you information you needed about Cuomo, the Democrats, the groups that were attacking Trump.


And the current president's son, it hid from you deliberately that information so you would make uninformed electoral decisions which would elect their people and give them power, and now they'll leak out the story slowly but surely because they know what will become public at some point. And they'll say, look, look, we did our homework, we did our homework. And they do this all the time. I saw it when I lived in New York City, where the media will eventually tell the truth after lying to you forever, and you may say why?


Why tell the truth ever? Because they know the story is going to get out. It's impossible to hide it. So they wait till when the story has the least amount of political damage, because that's what the media are, politicians, which is after an election, then they tell the story and they hope by 20, 20 to the next election, all of it's dissipated and they go to the MoveOn dog approach. Time to move on. That's old news.


When I was living in New York City, they did this, David Dinkins was one of the worst mayors in the history of New York. He just was. But the media loved him. They loved to play identity politics around Dinkins. Dinkins in New York City was a disaster. Everybody knew it. Yet the media covered for him. They covered for him for years. And then when New York got so bad, people were being murdered in the streets in record numbers.


The crack epidemic was everywhere. Riots were breaking out New York, literally all this was happening. The media couldn't lie anymore to the New York City residents. But for years they did. And then when Giuliani came in and it all turned around, they finally admitted after years and years that the Dinkins era was a disaster because they tried to save their credibility afterwards. They're doing that now. Don't fall for this scam. The Lincoln Project exposé to late folks Cuomo stories now about Hunter Biden, don't let the media off the hook.


You doubt me that the media eventually has to tell the truth, my making sense as to why they they know even the most die hard communist Soviet hammer and sickle flag wrapped liberals, Joe, sooner or later are going to feel the forest fire of liberalism because it's a cancer on society. So the papers and the newspapers and even the mainstream media outlets have to at some point pick when they're going to acknowledge reality. But the time they pick is when it's the least politically damaging.


Is this making sense?


Mm hmm. OK, good, because this is a critical point you'll learn to after decades of watching the media, you'll learn to pick this up yourself to. You doubt me, look at The New York Times, a dyed in the wool leftist, Ezra Klein, not a very bright guy, but, you know, he's a leftist. So that goes without saying. Writes an opinion piece in the hilarious New York Times. California is making liberals squirm.


Ezra Klein is to the left of Lenin, this is his piece, not mine, in The New York Times. California is making liberals squirm. If progressivism can't work there, why should the country believe it can work anywhere else?


Why? OK, why? Why is a dyed in the wool snowflake leftists like Ezra, the hapless Ezra Klein? Why is he writing this piece now? Because people in California, Joe, are in open revolt, yeah, they're trying to now recall their left wing radical nut, Governor Gavin Newsom, and the California leftist media and Ezra Klein are panicking, saying, how do we talk about this? There's no one to blame. We can't blame the conservatives.


So if we're going to do it, let's do it now right after an election and hope the story dies by 20, 20 to everybody. Track horse blinders gets. They can't ignore it. Now, read this, this is a paragraph from this ridiculous piece by Ezra Klein in The New York Times where he the irony of this paragraph is insane. This one paragraph sums up the irony of the left, quote, Ezra Klein, die hard leftists in The New York Times.


California has the highest poverty rate in the nation when you factor in housing costs, advice for the top spot and income inequality to figure this out. Now, there are bright spots in recent years. Irony alert, electric grid modernization, a deeply progressive plan to tax the wealthy to fund poor school districts. A prison population at a 30 year low. But there's a reason one hundred thirty thousand more people leave than enter each year. Notice how he has to them because they can't ignore it anymore.


California is dominated by Democrats, but many of the people Democrats claim to care about most can't afford to live there. Please keep this up for one moment. I look at the screen, you know what you mean. Put it back up in a minute. When I start talking again, I'll leave that up to your judgment.


Joe, are you getting the thick irony here? It's the beginning. He's curious as to why California, despite being a bastion of liberal values, they don't have any. Why is California leading the country in poverty and income inequality where the liberals man, we're in for the little guy. He then explains why. And it's confusing because they have a deeply progressive plan to tax the wealthy, to fund poor school districts that are currently closed because they're not teaching their kids while they're getting their tax money taken to pay for schools that are closed.


And you're taxing the wealthy at confiscatory rates who are now leaving. And he gives the number one hundred thirty thousand more people leave the better. This is this guy, a dunce. He explains it. Right. California sucks right here and he's confused. We tax the hell out of our successful successful residents who are leaving in record numbers. We're letting our prisoners out to attack people on the streets as crime explodes. And then we have these schools that are being funded by ridiculous tax rates that aren't even open.


I'm running out of fingers. I need toes. I'm sorry. I'm not flexible enough to do that kick again. I did in the beginning of the show if Paula decides to leave it in there. If not, we'll have to play it on an out. She didn't like my dancing will decide you. I'm going to leave it up there. If the video's in there of my show, I won't even know. I don't watch my show afterwards.


Thank you for that. We got different screens now we're doing something different since we got back from Houston. I like this because I can keep reading. This is great. Do you get this? Why has California run by Democrats? What's the deal? How come there's so many poor people here? And had so many rich, rich people and poor, poor people with really high income inequality, where Tomica by Tomica. Why? And he explains in the next sentence, it doesn't even get the connection.


The. Are you getting this? Joey, you get to know you, he doesn't even carry. Well. I know it's exhausting, it is exhausting. Thank you. I'm looking for the words. It's exhausting. I am so tired of grabbing liberals rhetorically, of course, because the liberals worship violence, not me, despite the New York Times protestations, otherwise dragging them to the water while they're thirsty and going, please drink, please drink to water.


You're thirsty, please drink, though I'm tired of it. And then when they figure out where the water is, like Ezra Klein, he still doesn't make the connection that he has to put his mouth in the water to drink. He explains why liberalism sucks and still can't figure it out. I have never seen one paragraph sum up the absolute failure to self reflect by liberals all over the world, then this paragraph right here. All right, let me get to my next sponsor and then I want to get up to.


The next story here, because this is important, while lunatic's Ezra Klein, media, Xeros and others continue to cover up for leftist political disasters and are now only exposing them after the election because they think there's no risk and Americans are in revolt about liberalism, they still are ruthlessly attacking successful states like Florida that are doing far better, where people are moving in, not moving out. Like California, liberal media lunatics are still attacking run the Santas from Florida.


It's unbelievable. It is unbelievable the lack of self reflection by these total buffoons. Little excited today, this is why. A folks are coffee. This is Paula's personal fave, the Tavern Blinn, that's opens with smelts do this because I know you smell that, you smell that smell that. I just have a smell feature this Mike. Joe, you're familiar with technology. Sorry, 20. Mike, does it have a smell? I can smell it.


You're never going to smell or taste the better coffee that's not in the spot because that's just the fact. Pressors, coffee started by two guys. They love premium coffee, but they don't like the uppity culture around coffee. So you can smell it there. I can't because the fans on that's why they offer premium handsaws, coffees and resources that make it easy to grow your knowledge and love for coffee and only their very favorite equipment and accessories, their head roaster.


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Roasters Choice makes a fantastic gift. Go to press house coffee dotcom slash Bongino press house coffee dotcom slash Bongino go today. All right. Getting back to my show. So, again, while the media bootlicking Soviet prov the communists are running cover for the left, Hunter Biden, the Lincoln Project, the Lenin Project, Andrew Cuomo and others, they still insisting on attacking one of the best, if not the best, governor in the country right now.


Republican governor, I just told you the whole story in one line there, Republican Governor Ronda Santos of Florida. And they're attacking Ronda Santos of Florida because he's a Republican in Florida, despite the coronavirus pandemic, is still doing quite well. Here's a video of the great run, the Santas fighting back now that there are some rumors out there that the Biden administration is looking at travel restrictions into Florida, not travel restrictions from China Joe. Remember when Joe Biden implied that that would be xenophobic now?


Remember that one here? They're not. No, no, no, no, no. That's a big no. No, it's a yeah. No, but yeah. But I know that no. On the Biden administration, they want to restrict travel into Florida, not travel from anywhere, just restrictions at the Florida. That's really, really weird. So Ron DeSantis, who I really started to like one on the offensive yesterday and asked a few simple questions like, yeah, that's really strange, since they're really promoting a bunch of open border policies down south and are doing very little, at least for international travel restrictions.


They're doing little things, but not much, but they want to restrict traveling to Florida. Very strange. Here's Rhonda Santurce. Nice work.


There was some type of report about potential travel restrictions on Americans and on Floridians. And I just I think it's an absurd report that they would be doing that. I think it would be unconstitutional, it would be unwise and it would be unjust. And if you think about it, restricting the right of Americans to travel freely throughout our country while allowing illegal aliens to pour across the southern border unmolested would be a ridiculous but very damaging pass. So we will oppose it.


One hundred percent. It would not be based in science. It would purely be a political attack against the people of Florida. And it's unclear why they would even try talking about that. Just look at the covid situation in the state of Florida. So since December, the last couple of months, Florida's per case is per capita compared to the rest of the country. Twenty eight. Twenty seven other states, higher per capita cases. And for the bulk for the entire pandemic, it's a similar story.


So just to be clear, Florida is in the bottom half of U.S. states in coronavirus infections per capita. Sounds pretty good. Like they're doing OK, right? Despite the fact that Florida has very few statewide restrictions, unlike the lockdown communist states of New York and California, Florida is in the bottom half. And yet Florida's governor, Rhonda S.A.S. continues to draw the ire of communists in the media. Really strange, Joe.


Sounds like it's politically motivated, not a real media story on why we did not know how dare you impugn their character. Ron DeSantis is turning himself quickly into a very serious candidate for national office for the presidency. I don't know what the president, President Trump, is going to do, you know, I love him in his corner, but whatever he decides or doesn't decide in twenty twenty four, whether it's twenty twenty four. Twenty twenty eight. Ron's a young guy.


Relatively speaking for politics, Rhonda Santurce is turning himself right now into a serious player for the presidency. Let me tell you who's not turning into a serious player for the presidency, who seems to do this. As you watch a drama, you know, when I was a. Young man, hello, young man, you know, no one really says that any more, young man, you know, that was a big thing when I was young.


Remember that, Joe young men, older adults used to say that the kids all the time. Hello, young man. Whenever I used to go to church, the the ushers used to say, hello, young man. Nice to see you. But when I was a young man, I used to play the outfield in baseball.


I love baseball was my sport. It was best that. And, you know, you want it to determine which way the wind was going. So what you would do is you would pick up a few blades of grass, remember this, Joe, and you'd throw him in the air. And obviously, if the blades of grass blew to the right, you know that if you got a fly ball in the outfield and you were playing in left field, that you'd have to shade it more towards the towards the towards the line.


You'd have to you know, you want to go more towards the the foul, you know, where it is. You know, I'm talking about, gosh, I'm spinning. Who does that exact same thing. Although she doesn't play the outfield, she's trying to play politics. Nikki Haley, who apparently say whatever she needs to say to cater to each side. Here's an article in the Hill. Nikki Haley breaks with Trump. We shouldn't have followed him.


Weird, whenever Nikki Haley needed something from Donald Trump, she was all in his corner. She clearly wants to run for president. But now that she thinks she can leverage the disastrous events of January six and listen, it's not the criticism that bothers me. People should be free to criticize whether it's the president or anyone else. I mean, not having agreed with the president on everything.


President Trump, that's not what bothers me about Nikki Haley. What bothers me about Nikki Haley is I honestly, honestly do not believe it's principled.


Nothing against her personally, I don't know if I met her or haven't if I did, it was not memorable. True, what bothers me about Hayley, Joe, is that it's not I don't believe for a second it's principal. I think she's just doing what she wants to do because she believes it'll be politically advantageous in the moment. So while Rhonda Santos's profile grows and the media continues to attack him, the media is now falling in love with Nikki Haley, whose profile will shrink dramatically after today because she thinks now attacking Trump despite kissing his butt forever when he thought it was politically helpful.


Now you're attacking Trump because you probably want to run against him. So I guarantee you she will become the media darling now.


Showing you again how unprincipled I think both Haley and the media are. But then she's a Republican. Yeah, you know what, I'm a registered Republican, I'm not a Republican. I'm sorry, I'm a conservative. There's a difference, but I register in a primary because I understand strategy, which goes to my next story, which is important. I'm hearing a lot of this around the country and folks, I need you for a moment. Let me before I even get to this story, I fully understand you all.


Many of you hate these stories. You do. Whenever I mention the idea of the. Strategy portion of should we start a third party? Registering a run, registering as a Republican to send the message whenever I mentioned the strategy, the argument gets emotional right away and I can't even tell what five, six hundred e-mails then? I don't care. I'm done with the Republican Party. Not caring is not a strategy, and being done is not a strategy either.


I appreciate your sentiments and respect them. I get it. The Republican Party has failed you grotesquely, as evidenced by what I just told you about Nikki Haley. But notice, I haven't been registered as a Republican yet in Florida. Why? Because it's a stupid strategy. I'm really sorry. And starting a third party is an even dumber one. I don't subscribe to strategies that lose. Why is Reid on registering as a Republican a bad idea? Because folks everyone else gets to vote twice and you only get to vote once.


Oh, my gosh, you mean twice. And this is what does that voter fraud. No, no. In many states that don't have open primaries, if you're not registered for a party. You can't vote in the primary, how does that help you? Again, I, I absolutely. I mean, this sincerely, it is heartfelt. I understand your extreme frustration with the losers in the Republican Party who seem to fold like a cheap suit at every opportunity.


But with no possible strategic third party option, why would you unregister so you can't vote? If you really dislike the Republican Party, all of them, I mean, let's give the extreme example, you can't stand any of them. Then, isn't the smart move to stay registered as a Republican and just vote against all of them in the primary, go right yourself in. I'm sorry, that is a losing strategy to unregister without another option. I know you don't want to hear it.


I'm very sorry, but I'm not going to recommend to you something that is going to. Silence you. Secondly, for the year, I mentioned a third party, this the allegations that there's going to be a Patriot Party by Donald Trump, there's not take it from me. There will be no Donald Trump led third party, I'm telling you. It's not going to happen because the Trump people and their network of people are smart. We do not have a parliamentary system.


There is a winner take all system, meaning if you get 90 percent of the vote, you don't get 90 percent of the seats in Congress. You get the same amount of seats won as if you got fifty one percent of the vote. There's only one congressman that sits in the seat and only one president. It's not proportional representation. So the math for a third party, if it were, say, 30 percent of the population would would vote for a Trump third party.


That's not 50. It's not going to happen, it's not going to do you understand what I'm saying? If we had a parliamentary system and in your congressional district, a Trump third party candidate, Joey, of donuts from the Patriot Party got 30 percent of the vote. That's great, and say that happened Countrywide, you'd have 30 percent of the seats in the parliament. That's not the way any of this works. We sadly have a two party system, I wish we didn't, but we do and the Democrats know that if they stay allied under one banner, Democrats.


And we stay split, Republicans and the Patriot Party, there is never any math to win anything ever. It's just not there, and emails keep sending them, I like to read them because I can gauge how upset people are. I'm not making fun of it. Don't take this the wrong way, but emails like I don't care, I'm done anyway. It's not a strategy being done. It's not a strategy. It's a sentiment. And not caring is not a strategy either, because the Democrats care about you a lot, especially about your wallet and your freedoms.


Showing you how futile this third party strategy is now, the Trump people are talking down to third party as RINO sellout. Republicans talk about doing it themselves. You got it. The script is the script is totally flipped. Yeah. See that? First it was there's allegations Trump people are talking about a third party and the establishment Republicans were like, that's a stupid idea. And sadly, it's the one time swaptions were right, the math isn't there now the establishment people are like, let's start a third party and now the Trump people like this is a really stupid idea.


Flip, it's a flip. Jaroussky Reuters You don't you think I'm messing with you? Reuters exclusive. Dozens of former Republican officials in talks to form an anti Trump third party. Here's a screenshot showing you again how dumb of an idea this is, even when the rhinos do it from the peace. This is a quote from the Trump people, the Trump people are calling them the rhinos that want to start their own third party now in all caps, the Trump people responded, oh, these losers, this is real.


The Trump people, Jason Millers, like what a bunch of losers. He says, quote, These losers left the Republican Party when they voted for Joe Biden. You understand? Now, if you are a supporter of the MAGGA movement, which I am, how now the tides have totally turned and now the establishment rhinos are saying, yeah, we're going to start our own third party. They're going to call it Joe the sellout swamp rat Republican Party.


Just kidding. I just make that up. But that's what they should call it. And now the Trump people are like, that's a really stupid idea. They're guaranteed to lose. Thank you. I know. I told you that there's no math, there is no math. The solution, because I owe you one, is to go and vote in primaries and take back your party that you built from the losers running it now. And for those of you responsible, I refuse.


I'm not giving them another dime. Well, the them. It's you, there's no them. Don't give them another dime, run and run against them. I'm not asking you to give them a dime. I'm asking you to go run yourself. I did it. I won two primaries out of three. You do it, take your party back, you build it, listen to the Trump people. This is a loser idea. All right, my last sponsor and then on the other side of this, I just want to show you another again, hilarious piece by the totalitarian communist that The New York Times so thirsty to get me entirely censored platform than elsewhere.


I scare them because my audience is passionate and we you know, we speak about things that, you know, liberty and freedom and stuff that's always bothered the communists. The New York Times. I get to that on the other side and I mean, violent video. We got to get to the Hero of the Day video, right, Paula, to tackle this. You don't go anywhere. All right, Freidel sponsor today, our friends at Bravo Company Manufacturing.


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You know, I was going to put this up there because I don't like to promote The New York Times, you know, stap tape collusion stuff, but they really are so thirsty to get us off the air. It's just so pathetic. And as I'll say them for you, do you guys, I'm a free speech advocate. We have always been on the side of warning about political violence while you guys ran cover for it. So you have no moral high ground.


You're quite pathetic and embarrassing. So but they keep writing the same piece. I was chatting texting with Marvin the other day and I was like, you know, he sent me this piece over and I kind of laugh because I'm like, Mark, this is the same piece written Six Thousand Different Ways. New York Times How Right Wing Radio Stoked Anger Before the Capitol siege. Really? Again, here we go. I only put it up there because it talks about me in their.


And it's written by communist's Michael Greenbaum, Tiffany Shue, we've seen her before, she really hates us. Katie Robertson and Keith Collins, you know, embarrassing. It's just pathetic. It really is. I don't want to talk about this, let's move on. That's why if you sense some hesitation, they're just idiots. I just put it up there because it's just really sad. I will continue to talk about what happened in the election for obvious reasons, because I care about free and fair elections.


I have said repeatedly, even if you click on left wing articles from Politico about my show, that I'm not really sure.


What level of fraud there were, it's hard to prove a counterfactual. It's really hard. I would have liked to seen better signature matching, I'd like to see actual constitutional changes to election law rather than what happened in Pennsylvania and Arizona. These are real arguments. I'll get to an article in a second, Georgia right now. Raphael Warnock, the now senator from Georgia who was involved with some committee, who, again, there are some serious allegations of of voting misconduct.


What we're not allowed to look at these because the communists, a Tiffany shoe and Mickey Greenbaum or something, told us not. Do you realize the more you write about it, the more I talk about it? Have you noticed? You haven't stopped me one bit. I know you want to censor me and I'd be kicked off the air and whatever, do you understand? You do that. That's great. I will buy my own servers. And then you will never stop us if there's nothing you could do.


I've already got multiple backup plans to your communist censorship thuggery. There's nothing you can do. I will talk when and where I want. Just like you guys do all the time when you promote ridiculous conspiracy theories like this Washington Examiner story covered a while ago, Becky Adams, Washington Examiner, Pulitzer Time, last year's prize, by the way, to The New York Times for Russia, collusion reporting looks pretty dumb in hindsight. You think? Haven't quite heard much about that recently.


New York Times, if they turn that Pulitzer Prize back in here. And as I said, I will continue to talk about stories like this one in Bon today, which I strongly encourage you to go to. There's some really good original actual reporting and journalism over there. Rafael Warnock now under investigation for alleged voter registration misconduct. Folks, this is serious stuff from the piece talks in the post-millennial, covered by, again, Matt Polumbo on, Rafael Warnock did some there's some allegations here that are some pretty serious stuff.


Quote, Warnock's, this according to the post-millennial, a Democrat elected last month of the Senate is named as a respondent in the case because he was listed as the CEO of the new Georgia Project. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported that the representatives of the new Georgia project had delivered one thousand two hundred sixty eight voter registration applications to the Gwinnett County elections office beyond the time allowed. Wow, folks, that sound that sounds like something serious that we should look into it.


Not all The New York Times said, don't you dare. That's inciting violence. State election rules require voter registration organizations to submit completed applications within 10 days after they received from the voter. Again, kind of sounds like something we'd like to look into now. No know, The New York Times says any talk of that and a stolen election, you mean like Hillary Clinton said in the video, we open the show that any talk of that is inciting violence.


Didn't I warn you, Joe, years ago, that The New York Times, the Soviet communists at the Times would do this and that they would claim anything they disagreed with politically? They don't want you to talk about free and fair elections because they don't want free and fair elections. So any time you do, what's going to happen, they're going to say that's inciting violence.


You're just making that up, it's actually you guys who covered for the actual violent people and defend BLM. It wasn't us who covered for anybody who engaged in violence on January six. I don't remember that. But I do remember you doing it. Kind of weird. Tiffany, Katie, Keithan and Mickey, kind of stranger, your failure to cover your own newspapers, inciting of violence by suggesting and implying that Trump was an agent of Russia for three years.


Kind of strange, your lack of self reflection and overall ignorance about the media ecosystem today, of course, it's not ignorance, it's activism. They're liberals, they're not serious journalists. They never were. Oh, you know what, we're going have to get this Monday, but we are going to get to the hero of the Davidia, what can we do that it's important? We'll get this. I have a really great story. I know some of you like the economics stuff and some of you are like this one's key.


It's an important story about. GameStop inflation, the federal deficit, the Biden coronavirus spending plan, and how it all ties in together, but it's going to take a few minutes to cover, we are in a really, really dangerous spot right now money wise. I have to talk about on Monday, don't miss the show on Monday, finally being that I've sang a lot of lyrics to a lot of songs today, some deeply disturbing. My voice is one of the worst in broadcast media in the digital space.


You ever hear that Metallica song? Here with a day mama tried to break me, still trying to break me. That's probably not the lyrics to the actually I looked it up before they should. I used to love that song Hero of the Day by Metallica. Here is our actual hero of the day. Joe has seen this video. But you know what? This is the kind of video you can watch three or four times. It's like a really good song.


You can hear it like 10, 10, 20, 30 times before it really loses its effect. I'm going. This is like the third or fourth. So this woman, she is sitting there on the street. There's a police dash cam running from their vehicle and she calls the police because there's some peeping Tom, I guess, staring in the window of her house. So she's outside and you'll see her on dash cam and the peeping Tom tries to get away from the police officers.


I want you to see one of the best tackles I've ever seen by this hero of the day. This mom noticed while you're watching this rumble, that Bungeni, if you want to watch it, you'll you can listen to the news report or audio watch is spending my entire life doing jujitsu at my stuff. They teach you the first thing they teach you, Joe. He who controls the hips, controls the fight, don't go for the legs, go for the hips and watch this textbook tackle by our Here with a Day Mom of the year.


Check this out.


A police officer's dash cam rolling when a Houston area mother tackles a suspected peeper who she says was looking into her daughter's bedroom.


Even if you think you can run from the cops. Good luck getting past this. Mom captured on police dash cam, taking down a man she says was trying to look into her 15 year old daughter's bedroom window early on a Sunday.


Is that correct? Well, why are the Buccaneers not signing her right now? Notice what she does. She keeps her shoulders square, right, keeps the shoulders, keeps her eye on the hips. As the guys running, she hits the hips. It's incredible. This is the most amazing tackle ever played. And again, she loves it so much. Watch it. I can see it. See, she looks looks like a shoulder square. Boom, boom.


Right on the hips. Right. The Metallica. Please go to do a concert on the left. Mama, they tried to bring their off to find the hero, the hero of the year. They teach you that ninjitsu jitsu every time takedowns their hips. If you ever have to control someone, if you're a police officer, someone, or God forbid you're in a fight on the ground, everybody tries to control the knees and the ankles. That's a stupid idea.


You got to control the hips. You control the hips. You control the fight every time. Nice job, Mom. Well done. The Buccaneers should sign her tomorrow. All right, folks, thanks again, it's been a great week of shows. We appreciate it. Even amongst all the turmoil going on now, please, again, check out Bongino Dotcom that separate from Bongino, our news aggregator. But Bagno Dotcom, we write a lot of original pieces over there.


You know, I'll be candid with you. Last week was a rough week for traffic. We think it's because people are, you know, struggling a little bit with the political environment. I get it. But it's time for us to get up off the mat, fight back. So check out Bongino Dotcom. We have a number of original pieces, including that piece about Rafael Warnock. And please subscribe to my Rumball channel. We're almost to one point five million subscribers.


You can watch the video free every day. The show Rumball Dotcom Bongino. Check it out. Thanks again. We'll see you all on Monday. Good day, sir.


You just heard Dan Bongino.