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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. All right, I got a plan. I have a plan, and I need you to hear me out on this because your first instinct, many of you, not all of you, I promise, is going to be, What are you crazy? I just need you to hear me out. Today's show is sponsored in part by Blackout Coffee. Stop giving your money. These garbage coffee companies don't care about you. Visit blackoutcaffee. Com/bongino. Use coupon code Bongino for 20% off your first order. It may sound crazy at first. It involves Trump, the VP announcement, Biden's cognitive disorder, and the news cycle. I think when you hear me out, you're going to say, Sounded crazy when you said it, but now it makes sense. We're going to go into that, and I'm going to explain why. Bringing receipts, as always. Also, the panic is getting worse. This is going to be a crazy news cycle this week, so don't go anywhere. Using the internet without ExpressVPN is like walking your dog in public without putting him on a leash.


That's not a good idea. Most of the time you're fine, but what if the dog runs away, gets dog napped? It's better to be careful. Use ExpressVPN. It's the same thing online. You could connect and you might be okay, but might is not good enough. Every time you connect to an unencrypted network in cafés, hotels, airports, your online data, it's not secured. Any hacker on the network can gain access to and steal your personal data. Paula warns me about all the time. She off. Check it out. Helps me sleep at night. Here's what I'm talking about. They are going to cheat. They're not hiding it. You just heard Have you heard these two idiots calling you a racist and a xenophobe for trying to protect the votes of American citizens and minority Americans? These people are disgusting. They're gross, they're awful. They deserve nothing from you. Nothing. Give them nothing. Don't surrender an inch. Take everything from them. That was from a movie, so I just forget which one. What is that from? What is that from? Folks in the chat, help me out. Give them nothing. And take everything. Where's that from? you're Brian Williams, that's 2 trillion. If you're a normal person, that's 2 million. That's a lot of fake votes, man. It's right there in the New York Times. It's not me telling you it, it's the New York Times. Combine that with illegals. This is why... You see, I'm long in the United States, and I think we got a great chance in the election. I really do. Heard the Dems, actually. Expithied to push you up to August eighth. Is that it? Oh, no. Who said that? We are moving up the October surprise to August eighth, and we're going to lower the flags to half-mask. It'll be 8:00. It'll be a signal to all of the crazies out there to Come out. We miss you, buddy. We miss you, Feghazi. Where's Feghazi been? How come we haven't had Feghazi quotes in a long time? Folks, this is a huge freaking scam. Now, imagine this, okay? Let's go with the low-end. Again, simple math. Say there's only 10 million illegals in the United States right now.We haven't had a monthly in a while. Just do me a favor. Say there's only 10 million. If you generate 10 million fake ballots, right? That's still you're talking about tens, hundreds of thousands of votes that could potentially come in that are fake, that will alter the election. That's at the low end. That's why I don't want to hear shit about landslides or red waves. I heard it last night. I want to start getting into Republican on Republican stuff now. But there's a guy on a cable news channel last night. I don't know, but I think we could win 20 more seats. But really, I'm just worried about holding the house at this point. Don't beat all down. I'm long in the United States. The thing is, if we're up 10 in Pennsylvania, Which I doubt. But if we're even close to that, it's still going to be hard for them. It's still going to be hard for them. But no red wave talk? I'm sorry. This is not the show for you. I want to win. I'm not into moral victories. If you think I'm going to come on the show, if we lose, God forbid, the next day and say, It was a great moral victory, you're crazy.At that point, it's going to be a totally different show. I'm serious. All right, I got more coming up, folks. Axel Rod, also known as Obama Rod. He has spoken again. There are three people to watch. Chat, folks, who are they? Clibern, Mark Warner, and Axel Rod. Clibern speaks what he thinks he speaks for the Black community and the Democrats side. Warner for the Deep State. Axel Rod speaks for Obama and the donors. Axel Rod has spoken again. I'm going to play this clip, and you tell me how long Biden's got. This is why we got to make an announcement quick. We got to stop this news cycle or Biden's going to have to go. We don't want him to go. I don't want him to go. Hug him. Hug him like Feghezi. Hug him like Feghezi. Feghezi. Can we get a Biden head? We have to make him go to Biden. All right, let's get him. We need a Biden head. We need a Biden head. We love Biden. We're all team Biden now. Let's go, Brandon. What is it? Dark Brandon? Is that what they call him? Dark Brandon. This dude, he's got those goofy glasses and stuff.They did laser eyeballs. Let's go, Brandon. We don't want him out of the race. Stop it. Stop the news cycle before he leaves. Keep him in. You think he's in bad shape now? Imagine this guy in three, four months. I don't know what the hell happens to the show. Me and you, we live this craziness together. I know you're thinking this guy's a little nuts. He is. He is a little, maybe a lot. Depends on the day and the hour. Today's show is sponsored by Berna. I I love Berna. It's a game changer for self-defense. Listen, I'm a big Second Amendment advocate, but it's great to have options, right? You all know that. Lethal force isn't the answer for every situation. Say there's an impending threat coming towards you. Your first reaction is to reach for a lethal means of self-defense. You've got options now with Berna, B-Y-R-N-A. It's a way to effectively defend yourself, the escalator situation, without the irreversible consequences of deadly force. They sent me one. Absolutely love it. Berna's non-lethal pistol launcher, equipped with tear gas and kinetic ammo, incapacitates an attacker for up to 40 minutes. This guy, we drive It sometimes has one, too.Absolutely loves it. Had it before me. No need for the nuclear option. We just need protection to ensure you can diffuse the situation and drive the thread away immediately. Really easy to use, super easy to train with, shipped right to your door. It's a great gift idea for dad's His Father's Day. Gift him something he will really love. Check it out. All I'm asking is take a look at the website, byrna. Burna. Com/dan for an exclusive 10% discount as well for my listeners today. Check it out, BYRNA, burna. Com/dan. Go today. You're going to love it. Our last I sponsor today, Blackout Coffee. You could tell I had a couple cups of that, including... No. Once we're kissing the Feghezi head, I've definitely had way too much Blackout Coffee. Why? Because I love it. Blackout Coffee, I don't even need this read. Here's the deal. Let me just give you the website up front so you know where to go. It's blackoutcauffy. Com/bongino, or just put in my last name, Bongino, and you get 20% off your first order. Why don't I need these reads? I don't need them because I love Blackout Coffee. I like the Cinnamon French French toast.I gave these guys here Blueberry Crumbel. They love that, too. But I've got to tell you, John, the owner of the company, totally screwed me up. I'm actually a little mad at him. He sends me this dark chocolate. So now it's an everyday fight at night because I make the coffee at night for the morning. Do I do the dark chocolate or do I do the Cinnamon French toast? And it's very hard to pick. It's very hard to pick. So do me a favor, you decide. Let me know in the chat. Go to blackoutcauffy. Com/bungino. See what I'm talking about. Make the switch to blackoutcauffy. You're going to love it. Blackoutcauffy. Com/bungino. You tell me what I should be drinking. They're both pretty amazing. Check them out. Thanks, Blackout. We appreciate it. All right, back to the show. There he is. We're all in. Can you guys do a little sign? With me and Avita's picture, do a thumbs up or something like that. We're all in. We are, Let's go, Brent. I don't want this laser eye. He thinks he's like, Superman. I don't want this guy out of the race. I don't want it.I don't want to be Zod, like the enemy of Superman, Joe with the laser eyes. I want Joe in the race. But the problem isn't me. The problem isn't me. The problem is Obama wants him out. Here he is, Axel Rod, David Obama Rod. This is just the other day. He popped up right after yesterday's show yesterday. He speaks for Obama. And I want you to notice one thing about this if you're watching on Rumbble, if you're listening, I'll tell you. There's another guy on this hit with him, Jonny Favre. Jonny Favreau, he's a very, very popular liberal podcaster. Let me tell you something. I worked in the White House with this guy. The ladies used to love this guy and go crazy for him. He was a speechwriter for Obama. He now has this crazy popular podcast. This is another guy who is like this with Obama, super tight. I don't like the guy, but they're buddies. You got to trust me on this, okay? That Axel Rod and Jonny Favs are on the same CNN clip speaking out against Biden. Obama is done, and the donors are five minutes away from pulling out.Check this out. If President Biden does withdraw from the race, replacing him at the top of the ticket could be chaotic. But here's what a top Biden fundraiser and longtime supporter, George Clooney, said about that in his op-ed this morning. Would it be messy? Yes, democracy is messy, but would it enliven our party and wake up voters who long before the June debate had already checked out? It sure would. The short ramp to election day would be a benefit for us, not a danger. John Favreau and David Axelrod are back with me. Ax, what do you think about that argument? Look, I think there's merit to it. Sometimes this is all a matter of risk assessment. There's risk associated with everything The question is whether the risk of the status quo eclipses the risk of trying something else. I think we've reached the point where many have come to that conclusion. All right, I have to issue a retraction, folks. This This has been a crazy good show. There's a lot of electricity in the room, but I just got an emergency text from Paula. It's very serious. She's, How dare you say? How dare you?The balls. She's like, The balls on you to insist you make the coffee at night. Are you freaking crazy? She is correct. I do not... Hey, here we go. Give me that. Here it is. She hates these, too. So now I'll get another one. The grapefruits on you to You massive, massive lump on their skin growing like this, do you have to be a physician to go, Hey, there's a problem? You may not know what the problem is, but you're Bro, that isn't normal. Correct? These people are full of shit. You see the panic? They want Biden out, but they cannot acknowledge that they're hiding this executive problem. That's why the freak out. It's not that they're trying to save him. Please don't mistake those things. They are not trying to save him.They want him out. They're trying to save themselves from being part of this cover-up or appearing to be. That's why they got to shut this down. And as for the physician bullshit, remember when they started bringing up Donald Trump's fake mental problems? Remember the 25th Amendment stuff? I just want to note in his supercut, hat-tip, Graby and the great Tom Elliott over there. Awesome He has about a minute of it. This goes on, by the way, for nine minutes. It just took a minute of it. None of these people are physicians either. They sat there and just opined openly about Donald Trump's fake cognitive disorder. Check this out. This is scary. # tag 25th Amendment. President is not equipped to do the job. Now they're saying he's mentally incapacitated, and more than two dozen Democratic lawmakers are backing a bill that says he should leave office. Should he be removed from office. His brain is simply incapable of processing the information. Emotionally, psychologically unstable. Initiate proceedings to remove the President. You and several of your Democratic House colleagues met with a psychiatry professor from Yale, Dr. Bandy Lee. She told CNN today, As the President is unraveling, he seems to be losing his grip on reality and reverting to conspiracy theories.Dr. Lee and other psychiatrists who have been up to meet with members of Congress have been predicting increasingly delusional and paranoid behavior on the part of the President. The President is dangerous and unable to successfully meet the powers and duties of office. We got serious stuff to deal with, and instead, we're caught up every day in what looks like the country debating the mental health of the President. I mean, it's fairly obvious at this point, even the dumbest liberals watching my show, that you're all full of shit all the time. So it's okay to openly speculate about an obviously fake cognitive disorder Donald Trump doesn't have, but a very real disorder we can all see and witness that multiple Democrats have now come out and claimed the witness, including insiders who are now leaking all over the place to the media trying to get rid of him. That's not okay because we're not physicians. These people are so full of shit. This reminds me of COVID when you said to people, we got banned from YouTube for telling people, Hey, these masks don't work because every single person on planet Earth that wore a mask caught COVID.It's like a condom you use where every woman you have sex with gets pregnant. The condom doesn't work. Stop using it. Try something else, dude. It's not working. And we got been, Are you a doctor or an epidemiologist? No, but I'm I'm not an asshole, Fuckwaad. I'm not stupid. Holy shit, man. You guys are so fake on the left. Watch this. Here's Kareen Jean-Pierre. Again, go back to my point here. This is why they're so freaked out, but they still want to get rid of him. They can never acknowledge this executive disorder because they're a part of the cover-up. Here's Kareen Jean-Pierre, caught openly lying. Hat tips, lips of TikTok, by the way. Talking about this visit to a neurologist where she claims, No, he wasn't there to examine him. This is just normal stuff. Check this out. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but it didn't seem to explicitly describe the nature of Dr. Knaar's meeting with Dr. O'connor. Can you say whether that one meeting was related to care for the President himself? I can say that it was not. It was not. Okay, that's great. It was not. Really? Every time.Really? Here's AP, Seung Min Kim. Ap. I mean, you're talking about a Communist outlet. I use leftist sources just to mess with the liberals who will say, He's a conspiracy, dearest. Really? I'm involved with the AP. The AP and I are conspiracy-theorizing? President Joe Biden did see a neurologist at the White House on January 17th for a neurological exam. The confirmation came after Karine Jean-Pierre, inaccurately said with reporters that the meeting was not related to care for the President. Folks, these people are lying to you all the time. Come to the Dan Bongino show. You're three weeks ahead of the news cycle. You'll always get the truth. Watch the liberal media. You'll get nothing but bullshit. You'll be six months behind. I saw a hilarious quote. I think it was Jake Sherman or someone who put it out this morning when he's left wing media guys. It said that someone in the Washington Post, they were quoting the Washington Post, and the gist of it was that Fox Fox News viewers were way ahead of this story. It has got nothing to do with Fox News viewers. Same people, normal people were ahead of the Biden cognitive disorder problem because they just watched the news and didn't listen to bullshit.My gosh, how many times you're going to be lied to? Was that? All you had to do was watch it, folks. It's not my fault that you listen to Moscow Maddow and Goofy Chuck Todd, who are now telling you what we knew six months ago because we just opened our eyes. Oh, look, Biden can't function. Why? Because he couldn't function. I want you to watch this, dude. Is this indicative now? I have to tell you, some of the stuff I hear out of Biden, the fake autobiography, I beat the shit out of corn pop, whatever. I rescued Nelson Mandela. I'm starting to wonder. I'm serious here. I'm not messing around here. I'm starting to wonder if a lot of the stuff he does is due to this cognitive thing or a moral failing. We know he's corrupt. We know he sniffs kids, bribes, influence, peddling, women groping. We know that. But I'm not sure anymore what is a moral failing and what is the biological functions of his brain breaking down. I want you to rewatch this. Every time I play this, a bunch of people ask, they love this clip. This is about a minute.I saw this on Joel Fisher's account on Twitter. I played it before. It's pretty hilarious. This is Biden telling nearly every single demographic group of people he meets with that he was one of them at some point. Again, I just want you to ask yourself a quick, watch With this in mind, is this Biden being evil or is this Biden just having a mental breakdown and he forgets this has already all been debunked? He's both. I'm just not sure what it is. Check this out. I was raised in the Puerto Rican community. I had a very close relationship with the Greek-American community, for real. I am Joe Bidenopoulos. I grew up in a heavily Irish Catholic community in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and a heavily Italian-Polish community. When I say I got I got raised in the black church. He knows I'm not kidding. The Persian culture is amazing. As a student of the Persian culture, I probably went to Shul more than many of you. I come out of the black community. The background of my family is Irish-American, not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people. I might say, raised in the synagogues of my state. Everybody in town is either Polish or Italian.I grew up feeling self-conscious. My name didn't end in S-K-I. I was raised in a neighborhood where I felt self-conscious. My name didn't end in O. That's how I was raised. Like so many Americans of Irish heritage. In HBCU, in your home state, Mr. President. Let me tell you, forget about it. That's where I got raised, man. Just like rabbis, synagogues, and Jewish community centers in your hometown, and that's the tradition I got raised. Hardworking people, a middle class, the neighbors I got raised in. I was raised on GM. I was raised by Daniel Noah. I was raised by a righteous Christian. I got raised on Automobile. There's where it is. Folks, screenshot that. Let's go, Brandon. Thank you. You guys work fast. How you did that? I don't even know where you got that. That is fantastic. Thank you, guys. For those of you who listened on Apple, there's my official Dan Bongino. We're now team Biden. Let's go, Brandon. Me and Avita both want him in the race. We don't want this guy going anywhere. Everybody, Lynn and Jeff here says, I stopped the chat right there. Lynn and Jeff love this clip, exclamation.Everybody loves that clip because it shows this guy is a bullshitter. The only question is, how much of the bullshit is evil and how much is the cognitive disorder? The answer is, I don't know. I really don't at this point. However, I know you may have seen this clip before, but this is devastating. But it's devastating because, again, we understand the left. I want you to go back to that Washington Post, Sherman thing I was just telling you where someone at the Washington Post is going, Oh, my gosh, the Fox News people were way ahead of this Biden mental disorder story. We were not way ahead of anything. It's almost a faux compliment. We're just not crazy like you You're idiots. That's it. There's nothing special about us watching a guy mentally collapse on television and saying, Hey, he's mentally collapsing. It's you, Dipshitz, who listen to Rachel Madigal. That's a cheap fake. You're like, Yeah. Dumbasses. You're so freaking stupid. But the dam's broken. This doctor goes on MSNBC because we got to get good at this. Remember, I only play MSNBC stuff because we know them better than they know us. They won't play our stuff.They don't even want to hear our stuff. Here's a doctor on MSNBC telling Liberals, probably for the first time, Hey, man, I think this guy has freaking Parkinson's. Check this out. What do you mean? What do you mean? Regidity. Loss of arm swing, standing up lourdotically. You notice when he turns, it's end block turning. It's not a quick turn. That's one of the hallmarks of Parkinsonism is rigidity and bradykinesia, slow movement. He has that hallmark, especially with the low voice that said was a cold hypophonia. A small monotone voice like this over time is a hallmark of Parkinsonism. I could have diagnosed him from across the mall. I ended it at that point. It goes on. I could have diagnosed him from across the mall because, folks, you got to understand, You have to get out of... We live in a bubble, too. It's not a bad one, but we do tend to consume a lot of conservative media, but we could just consume just enough of liberal media to understand what they're thinking. That's not the case for them. They live exclusively in a bubble. They never, ever consume our media at all and have no idea.You need to understand, they're hearing this for the first time. I swear to you, as crazy as it sounds to you, that a lot of these people genuinely believe that we were faking this the whole time, and now they're like, Oh, my gosh. That's why this is so important, too. There's a major... Hat tip, Anna Paulina Luna, Republican Congresswoman from Florida. She is pushing for Merrick Garland to be declared inherently contempt of Congress. This is a great thing to do. Merrick Garland, our attorney general in name only, a just human piece of garbage who has turned into a communist in that role, is hiding the Biden audio recordings of his interview with the special prosecutor about Biden's taking of classified documents. I want you to remember that this is clips from a little bit ago. This is why Garland will not release the transcripts. The transcripts must be a thousand times worse than anybody could possibly imagine. That's why he's hiding them. He will not let them... Despite insisting that the audio recordings are the same as the transcripts, which would mean just release them. There is something on that, I'm telling you, there is something on that that is so lethal, the Biden's campaign, that now I'm starting to wonder, you know what, do we even release them?Because I want Biden in the race. Maybe we should mess with Garland for a little bit. But I'm starting to, do we even release these things? Check this out. We have gone beyond precedent to provide the committee with the transcripts of the special counsel's interview with the President. But we have made clear that we will not provide audio recordings from which the transcripts that you already have. He won't... The muskrat. He's not going to do it. You understand how devastating these things have to be that this guy is going to protect this no matter what? Folks, these things have to be really bad. Listen, this is important. I want to wrap up where I started. I know it sounds like a crazy plan, but I'm not being sarcastic. I'm being as serious as a cardiac arrest right now. Trump should announced the VP pick today. He should do it to stop the hemorrhaging. It's not going to go away, but we just want to slow this down because the problem with momentum is negative momentum. Once you get the no-mo, the no momentum instead of the big-mo, folks, people start piling in, and politicians want to save their own asses.Biden will not survive to the end of next week if this continues. Donors, Obama, Axel Rod, Fabs, Mark Warner, the Deep State, Jim Clibern, the Black vote. He can't. He can't withstand that when the money dries up, and we don't want this guy out of the race. Our entire operation has been engineered to fight this loser, and he deserves to feel the wrath of voters at the polls for what he's done to America. They should announce today. Slow this thing down. Operations Save Joe Biden is on. Folks, thanks again for tuning in. By the way, if you are a of your services, obviously using a cloud server, try Rumbl Cloud. Check them out. We are really proud of it. The Rumbl Cloud operation has been blowing up. You don't run the risk of getting canceled by anyone else. Check out Rumbl. We provide cloud services. We're happy to help you out over there. Also, download the Rumbl app. You find my show exclusively on there. Justin, these guys. That's my new... It's an emo? Folks, there we go. You got to show me how to download these. I'm so technologically unsavvy. Download the Rumbl app.It's free. Watch us every day live, 11 AM next week, Tuesday through Friday, we'll be at the RNC. Monday, we'll be here. I think I said that inaccurate last night, but Tuesday through Friday, Avita will be doing her show next week, too, so don't miss it. Rumble. Com/bongino. Every day, 11 AM Eastern Time, and video on demand anytime you'd like. Also, give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. It means a lot to us. That's where a lot of these liberals find this in their eyes open. You'd be stunned. I got a ton of emails about it. Thanks a lot, folks. See you on the radio show here on Rumbling a little bit, and back here tomorrow at 11 AM. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


off. Check it out. Helps me sleep at night. Here's what I'm talking about. They are going to cheat. They're not hiding it. You just heard Have you heard these two idiots calling you a racist and a xenophobe for trying to protect the votes of American citizens and minority Americans? These people are disgusting. They're gross, they're awful. They deserve nothing from you. Nothing. Give them nothing. Don't surrender an inch. Take everything from them. That was from a movie, so I just forget which one. What is that from? What is that from? Folks in the chat, help me out. Give them nothing. And take everything. Where's that from? you're Brian Williams, that's 2 trillion. If you're a normal person, that's 2 million. That's a lot of fake votes, man. It's right there in the New York Times. It's not me telling you it, it's the New York Times. Combine that with illegals. This is why... You see, I'm long in the United States, and I think we got a great chance in the election. I really do. Heard the Dems, actually. Expithied to push you up to August eighth. Is that it? Oh, no. Who said that? We are moving up the October surprise to August eighth, and we're going to lower the flags to half-mask. It'll be 8:00. It'll be a signal to all of the crazies out there to Come out. We miss you, buddy. We miss you, Feghazi. Where's Feghazi been? How come we haven't had Feghazi quotes in a long time? Folks, this is a huge freaking scam. Now, imagine this, okay? Let's go with the low-end. Again, simple math. Say there's only 10 million illegals in the United States right now.We haven't had a monthly in a while. Just do me a favor. Say there's only 10 million. If you generate 10 million fake ballots, right? That's still you're talking about tens, hundreds of thousands of votes that could potentially come in that are fake, that will alter the election. That's at the low end. That's why I don't want to hear shit about landslides or red waves. I heard it last night. I want to start getting into Republican on Republican stuff now. But there's a guy on a cable news channel last night. I don't know, but I think we could win 20 more seats. But really, I'm just worried about holding the house at this point. Don't beat all down. I'm long in the United States. The thing is, if we're up 10 in Pennsylvania, Which I doubt. But if we're even close to that, it's still going to be hard for them. It's still going to be hard for them. But no red wave talk? I'm sorry. This is not the show for you. I want to win. I'm not into moral victories. If you think I'm going to come on the show, if we lose, God forbid, the next day and say, It was a great moral victory, you're crazy.At that point, it's going to be a totally different show. I'm serious. All right, I got more coming up, folks. Axel Rod, also known as Obama Rod. He has spoken again. There are three people to watch. Chat, folks, who are they? Clibern, Mark Warner, and Axel Rod. Clibern speaks what he thinks he speaks for the Black community and the Democrats side. Warner for the Deep State. Axel Rod speaks for Obama and the donors. Axel Rod has spoken again. I'm going to play this clip, and you tell me how long Biden's got. This is why we got to make an announcement quick. We got to stop this news cycle or Biden's going to have to go. We don't want him to go. I don't want him to go. Hug him. Hug him like Feghezi. Hug him like Feghezi. Feghezi. Can we get a Biden head? We have to make him go to Biden. All right, let's get him. We need a Biden head. We need a Biden head. We love Biden. We're all team Biden now. Let's go, Brandon. What is it? Dark Brandon? Is that what they call him? Dark Brandon. This dude, he's got those goofy glasses and stuff.They did laser eyeballs. Let's go, Brandon. We don't want him out of the race. Stop it. Stop the news cycle before he leaves. Keep him in. You think he's in bad shape now? Imagine this guy in three, four months. I don't know what the hell happens to the show. Me and you, we live this craziness together. I know you're thinking this guy's a little nuts. He is. He is a little, maybe a lot. Depends on the day and the hour. Today's show is sponsored by Berna. I I love Berna. It's a game changer for self-defense. Listen, I'm a big Second Amendment advocate, but it's great to have options, right? You all know that. Lethal force isn't the answer for every situation. Say there's an impending threat coming towards you. Your first reaction is to reach for a lethal means of self-defense. You've got options now with Berna, B-Y-R-N-A. It's a way to effectively defend yourself, the escalator situation, without the irreversible consequences of deadly force. They sent me one. Absolutely love it. Berna's non-lethal pistol launcher, equipped with tear gas and kinetic ammo, incapacitates an attacker for up to 40 minutes. This guy, we drive It sometimes has one, too.Absolutely loves it. Had it before me. No need for the nuclear option. We just need protection to ensure you can diffuse the situation and drive the thread away immediately. Really easy to use, super easy to train with, shipped right to your door. It's a great gift idea for dad's His Father's Day. Gift him something he will really love. Check it out. All I'm asking is take a look at the website, byrna. Burna. Com/dan for an exclusive 10% discount as well for my listeners today. Check it out, BYRNA, burna. Com/dan. Go today. You're going to love it. Our last I sponsor today, Blackout Coffee. You could tell I had a couple cups of that, including... No. Once we're kissing the Feghezi head, I've definitely had way too much Blackout Coffee. Why? Because I love it. Blackout Coffee, I don't even need this read. Here's the deal. Let me just give you the website up front so you know where to go. It's blackoutcauffy. Com/bongino, or just put in my last name, Bongino, and you get 20% off your first order. Why don't I need these reads? I don't need them because I love Blackout Coffee. I like the Cinnamon French French toast.I gave these guys here Blueberry Crumbel. They love that, too. But I've got to tell you, John, the owner of the company, totally screwed me up. I'm actually a little mad at him. He sends me this dark chocolate. So now it's an everyday fight at night because I make the coffee at night for the morning. Do I do the dark chocolate or do I do the Cinnamon French toast? And it's very hard to pick. It's very hard to pick. So do me a favor, you decide. Let me know in the chat. Go to blackoutcauffy. Com/bungino. See what I'm talking about. Make the switch to blackoutcauffy. You're going to love it. Blackoutcauffy. Com/bungino. You tell me what I should be drinking. They're both pretty amazing. Check them out. Thanks, Blackout. We appreciate it. All right, back to the show. There he is. We're all in. Can you guys do a little sign? With me and Avita's picture, do a thumbs up or something like that. We're all in. We are, Let's go, Brent. I don't want this laser eye. He thinks he's like, Superman. I don't want this guy out of the race. I don't want it.I don't want to be Zod, like the enemy of Superman, Joe with the laser eyes. I want Joe in the race. But the problem isn't me. The problem isn't me. The problem is Obama wants him out. Here he is, Axel Rod, David Obama Rod. This is just the other day. He popped up right after yesterday's show yesterday. He speaks for Obama. And I want you to notice one thing about this if you're watching on Rumbble, if you're listening, I'll tell you. There's another guy on this hit with him, Jonny Favre. Jonny Favreau, he's a very, very popular liberal podcaster. Let me tell you something. I worked in the White House with this guy. The ladies used to love this guy and go crazy for him. He was a speechwriter for Obama. He now has this crazy popular podcast. This is another guy who is like this with Obama, super tight. I don't like the guy, but they're buddies. You got to trust me on this, okay? That Axel Rod and Jonny Favs are on the same CNN clip speaking out against Biden. Obama is done, and the donors are five minutes away from pulling out.Check this out. If President Biden does withdraw from the race, replacing him at the top of the ticket could be chaotic. But here's what a top Biden fundraiser and longtime supporter, George Clooney, said about that in his op-ed this morning. Would it be messy? Yes, democracy is messy, but would it enliven our party and wake up voters who long before the June debate had already checked out? It sure would. The short ramp to election day would be a benefit for us, not a danger. John Favreau and David Axelrod are back with me. Ax, what do you think about that argument? Look, I think there's merit to it. Sometimes this is all a matter of risk assessment. There's risk associated with everything The question is whether the risk of the status quo eclipses the risk of trying something else. I think we've reached the point where many have come to that conclusion. All right, I have to issue a retraction, folks. This This has been a crazy good show. There's a lot of electricity in the room, but I just got an emergency text from Paula. It's very serious. She's, How dare you say? How dare you?The balls. She's like, The balls on you to insist you make the coffee at night. Are you freaking crazy? She is correct. I do not... Hey, here we go. Give me that. Here it is. She hates these, too. So now I'll get another one. The grapefruits on you to You massive, massive lump on their skin growing like this, do you have to be a physician to go, Hey, there's a problem? You may not know what the problem is, but you're Bro, that isn't normal. Correct? These people are full of shit. You see the panic? They want Biden out, but they cannot acknowledge that they're hiding this executive problem. That's why the freak out. It's not that they're trying to save him. Please don't mistake those things. They are not trying to save him.They want him out. They're trying to save themselves from being part of this cover-up or appearing to be. That's why they got to shut this down. And as for the physician bullshit, remember when they started bringing up Donald Trump's fake mental problems? Remember the 25th Amendment stuff? I just want to note in his supercut, hat-tip, Graby and the great Tom Elliott over there. Awesome He has about a minute of it. This goes on, by the way, for nine minutes. It just took a minute of it. None of these people are physicians either. They sat there and just opined openly about Donald Trump's fake cognitive disorder. Check this out. This is scary. # tag 25th Amendment. President is not equipped to do the job. Now they're saying he's mentally incapacitated, and more than two dozen Democratic lawmakers are backing a bill that says he should leave office. Should he be removed from office. His brain is simply incapable of processing the information. Emotionally, psychologically unstable. Initiate proceedings to remove the President. You and several of your Democratic House colleagues met with a psychiatry professor from Yale, Dr. Bandy Lee. She told CNN today, As the President is unraveling, he seems to be losing his grip on reality and reverting to conspiracy theories.Dr. Lee and other psychiatrists who have been up to meet with members of Congress have been predicting increasingly delusional and paranoid behavior on the part of the President. The President is dangerous and unable to successfully meet the powers and duties of office. We got serious stuff to deal with, and instead, we're caught up every day in what looks like the country debating the mental health of the President. I mean, it's fairly obvious at this point, even the dumbest liberals watching my show, that you're all full of shit all the time. So it's okay to openly speculate about an obviously fake cognitive disorder Donald Trump doesn't have, but a very real disorder we can all see and witness that multiple Democrats have now come out and claimed the witness, including insiders who are now leaking all over the place to the media trying to get rid of him. That's not okay because we're not physicians. These people are so full of shit. This reminds me of COVID when you said to people, we got banned from YouTube for telling people, Hey, these masks don't work because every single person on planet Earth that wore a mask caught COVID.It's like a condom you use where every woman you have sex with gets pregnant. The condom doesn't work. Stop using it. Try something else, dude. It's not working. And we got been, Are you a doctor or an epidemiologist? No, but I'm I'm not an asshole, Fuckwaad. I'm not stupid. Holy shit, man. You guys are so fake on the left. Watch this. Here's Kareen Jean-Pierre. Again, go back to my point here. This is why they're so freaked out, but they still want to get rid of him. They can never acknowledge this executive disorder because they're a part of the cover-up. Here's Kareen Jean-Pierre, caught openly lying. Hat tips, lips of TikTok, by the way. Talking about this visit to a neurologist where she claims, No, he wasn't there to examine him. This is just normal stuff. Check this out. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but it didn't seem to explicitly describe the nature of Dr. Knaar's meeting with Dr. O'connor. Can you say whether that one meeting was related to care for the President himself? I can say that it was not. It was not. Okay, that's great. It was not. Really? Every time.Really? Here's AP, Seung Min Kim. Ap. I mean, you're talking about a Communist outlet. I use leftist sources just to mess with the liberals who will say, He's a conspiracy, dearest. Really? I'm involved with the AP. The AP and I are conspiracy-theorizing? President Joe Biden did see a neurologist at the White House on January 17th for a neurological exam. The confirmation came after Karine Jean-Pierre, inaccurately said with reporters that the meeting was not related to care for the President. Folks, these people are lying to you all the time. Come to the Dan Bongino show. You're three weeks ahead of the news cycle. You'll always get the truth. Watch the liberal media. You'll get nothing but bullshit. You'll be six months behind. I saw a hilarious quote. I think it was Jake Sherman or someone who put it out this morning when he's left wing media guys. It said that someone in the Washington Post, they were quoting the Washington Post, and the gist of it was that Fox Fox News viewers were way ahead of this story. It has got nothing to do with Fox News viewers. Same people, normal people were ahead of the Biden cognitive disorder problem because they just watched the news and didn't listen to bullshit.My gosh, how many times you're going to be lied to? Was that? All you had to do was watch it, folks. It's not my fault that you listen to Moscow Maddow and Goofy Chuck Todd, who are now telling you what we knew six months ago because we just opened our eyes. Oh, look, Biden can't function. Why? Because he couldn't function. I want you to watch this, dude. Is this indicative now? I have to tell you, some of the stuff I hear out of Biden, the fake autobiography, I beat the shit out of corn pop, whatever. I rescued Nelson Mandela. I'm starting to wonder. I'm serious here. I'm not messing around here. I'm starting to wonder if a lot of the stuff he does is due to this cognitive thing or a moral failing. We know he's corrupt. We know he sniffs kids, bribes, influence, peddling, women groping. We know that. But I'm not sure anymore what is a moral failing and what is the biological functions of his brain breaking down. I want you to rewatch this. Every time I play this, a bunch of people ask, they love this clip. This is about a minute.I saw this on Joel Fisher's account on Twitter. I played it before. It's pretty hilarious. This is Biden telling nearly every single demographic group of people he meets with that he was one of them at some point. Again, I just want you to ask yourself a quick, watch With this in mind, is this Biden being evil or is this Biden just having a mental breakdown and he forgets this has already all been debunked? He's both. I'm just not sure what it is. Check this out. I was raised in the Puerto Rican community. I had a very close relationship with the Greek-American community, for real. I am Joe Bidenopoulos. I grew up in a heavily Irish Catholic community in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and a heavily Italian-Polish community. When I say I got I got raised in the black church. He knows I'm not kidding. The Persian culture is amazing. As a student of the Persian culture, I probably went to Shul more than many of you. I come out of the black community. The background of my family is Irish-American, not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people. I might say, raised in the synagogues of my state. Everybody in town is either Polish or Italian.I grew up feeling self-conscious. My name didn't end in S-K-I. I was raised in a neighborhood where I felt self-conscious. My name didn't end in O. That's how I was raised. Like so many Americans of Irish heritage. In HBCU, in your home state, Mr. President. Let me tell you, forget about it. That's where I got raised, man. Just like rabbis, synagogues, and Jewish community centers in your hometown, and that's the tradition I got raised. Hardworking people, a middle class, the neighbors I got raised in. I was raised on GM. I was raised by Daniel Noah. I was raised by a righteous Christian. I got raised on Automobile. There's where it is. Folks, screenshot that. Let's go, Brandon. Thank you. You guys work fast. How you did that? I don't even know where you got that. That is fantastic. Thank you, guys. For those of you who listened on Apple, there's my official Dan Bongino. We're now team Biden. Let's go, Brandon. Me and Avita both want him in the race. We don't want this guy going anywhere. Everybody, Lynn and Jeff here says, I stopped the chat right there. Lynn and Jeff love this clip, exclamation.Everybody loves that clip because it shows this guy is a bullshitter. The only question is, how much of the bullshit is evil and how much is the cognitive disorder? The answer is, I don't know. I really don't at this point. However, I know you may have seen this clip before, but this is devastating. But it's devastating because, again, we understand the left. I want you to go back to that Washington Post, Sherman thing I was just telling you where someone at the Washington Post is going, Oh, my gosh, the Fox News people were way ahead of this Biden mental disorder story. We were not way ahead of anything. It's almost a faux compliment. We're just not crazy like you You're idiots. That's it. There's nothing special about us watching a guy mentally collapse on television and saying, Hey, he's mentally collapsing. It's you, Dipshitz, who listen to Rachel Madigal. That's a cheap fake. You're like, Yeah. Dumbasses. You're so freaking stupid. But the dam's broken. This doctor goes on MSNBC because we got to get good at this. Remember, I only play MSNBC stuff because we know them better than they know us. They won't play our stuff.They don't even want to hear our stuff. Here's a doctor on MSNBC telling Liberals, probably for the first time, Hey, man, I think this guy has freaking Parkinson's. Check this out. What do you mean? What do you mean? Regidity. Loss of arm swing, standing up lourdotically. You notice when he turns, it's end block turning. It's not a quick turn. That's one of the hallmarks of Parkinsonism is rigidity and bradykinesia, slow movement. He has that hallmark, especially with the low voice that said was a cold hypophonia. A small monotone voice like this over time is a hallmark of Parkinsonism. I could have diagnosed him from across the mall. I ended it at that point. It goes on. I could have diagnosed him from across the mall because, folks, you got to understand, You have to get out of... We live in a bubble, too. It's not a bad one, but we do tend to consume a lot of conservative media, but we could just consume just enough of liberal media to understand what they're thinking. That's not the case for them. They live exclusively in a bubble. They never, ever consume our media at all and have no idea.You need to understand, they're hearing this for the first time. I swear to you, as crazy as it sounds to you, that a lot of these people genuinely believe that we were faking this the whole time, and now they're like, Oh, my gosh. That's why this is so important, too. There's a major... Hat tip, Anna Paulina Luna, Republican Congresswoman from Florida. She is pushing for Merrick Garland to be declared inherently contempt of Congress. This is a great thing to do. Merrick Garland, our attorney general in name only, a just human piece of garbage who has turned into a communist in that role, is hiding the Biden audio recordings of his interview with the special prosecutor about Biden's taking of classified documents. I want you to remember that this is clips from a little bit ago. This is why Garland will not release the transcripts. The transcripts must be a thousand times worse than anybody could possibly imagine. That's why he's hiding them. He will not let them... Despite insisting that the audio recordings are the same as the transcripts, which would mean just release them. There is something on that, I'm telling you, there is something on that that is so lethal, the Biden's campaign, that now I'm starting to wonder, you know what, do we even release them?Because I want Biden in the race. Maybe we should mess with Garland for a little bit. But I'm starting to, do we even release these things? Check this out. We have gone beyond precedent to provide the committee with the transcripts of the special counsel's interview with the President. But we have made clear that we will not provide audio recordings from which the transcripts that you already have. He won't... The muskrat. He's not going to do it. You understand how devastating these things have to be that this guy is going to protect this no matter what? Folks, these things have to be really bad. Listen, this is important. I want to wrap up where I started. I know it sounds like a crazy plan, but I'm not being sarcastic. I'm being as serious as a cardiac arrest right now. Trump should announced the VP pick today. He should do it to stop the hemorrhaging. It's not going to go away, but we just want to slow this down because the problem with momentum is negative momentum. Once you get the no-mo, the no momentum instead of the big-mo, folks, people start piling in, and politicians want to save their own asses.Biden will not survive to the end of next week if this continues. Donors, Obama, Axel Rod, Fabs, Mark Warner, the Deep State, Jim Clibern, the Black vote. He can't. He can't withstand that when the money dries up, and we don't want this guy out of the race. Our entire operation has been engineered to fight this loser, and he deserves to feel the wrath of voters at the polls for what he's done to America. They should announce today. Slow this thing down. Operations Save Joe Biden is on. Folks, thanks again for tuning in. By the way, if you are a of your services, obviously using a cloud server, try Rumbl Cloud. Check them out. We are really proud of it. The Rumbl Cloud operation has been blowing up. You don't run the risk of getting canceled by anyone else. Check out Rumbl. We provide cloud services. We're happy to help you out over there. Also, download the Rumbl app. You find my show exclusively on there. Justin, these guys. That's my new... It's an emo? Folks, there we go. You got to show me how to download these. I'm so technologically unsavvy. Download the Rumbl app.It's free. Watch us every day live, 11 AM next week, Tuesday through Friday, we'll be at the RNC. Monday, we'll be here. I think I said that inaccurate last night, but Tuesday through Friday, Avita will be doing her show next week, too, so don't miss it. Rumble. Com/bongino. Every day, 11 AM Eastern Time, and video on demand anytime you'd like. Also, give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. It means a lot to us. That's where a lot of these liberals find this in their eyes open. You'd be stunned. I got a ton of emails about it. Thanks a lot, folks. See you on the radio show here on Rumbling a little bit, and back here tomorrow at 11 AM. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


you're Brian Williams, that's 2 trillion. If you're a normal person, that's 2 million. That's a lot of fake votes, man. It's right there in the New York Times. It's not me telling you it, it's the New York Times. Combine that with illegals. This is why... You see, I'm long in the United States, and I think we got a great chance in the election. I really do. Heard the Dems, actually. Expithied to push you up to August eighth. Is that it? Oh, no. Who said that? We are moving up the October surprise to August eighth, and we're going to lower the flags to half-mask. It'll be 8:00. It'll be a signal to all of the crazies out there to Come out. We miss you, buddy. We miss you, Feghazi. Where's Feghazi been? How come we haven't had Feghazi quotes in a long time? Folks, this is a huge freaking scam. Now, imagine this, okay? Let's go with the low-end. Again, simple math. Say there's only 10 million illegals in the United States right now.


We haven't had a monthly in a while. Just do me a favor. Say there's only 10 million. If you generate 10 million fake ballots, right? That's still you're talking about tens, hundreds of thousands of votes that could potentially come in that are fake, that will alter the election. That's at the low end. That's why I don't want to hear shit about landslides or red waves. I heard it last night. I want to start getting into Republican on Republican stuff now. But there's a guy on a cable news channel last night. I don't know, but I think we could win 20 more seats. But really, I'm just worried about holding the house at this point. Don't beat all down. I'm long in the United States. The thing is, if we're up 10 in Pennsylvania, Which I doubt. But if we're even close to that, it's still going to be hard for them. It's still going to be hard for them. But no red wave talk? I'm sorry. This is not the show for you. I want to win. I'm not into moral victories. If you think I'm going to come on the show, if we lose, God forbid, the next day and say, It was a great moral victory, you're crazy.


At that point, it's going to be a totally different show. I'm serious. All right, I got more coming up, folks. Axel Rod, also known as Obama Rod. He has spoken again. There are three people to watch. Chat, folks, who are they? Clibern, Mark Warner, and Axel Rod. Clibern speaks what he thinks he speaks for the Black community and the Democrats side. Warner for the Deep State. Axel Rod speaks for Obama and the donors. Axel Rod has spoken again. I'm going to play this clip, and you tell me how long Biden's got. This is why we got to make an announcement quick. We got to stop this news cycle or Biden's going to have to go. We don't want him to go. I don't want him to go. Hug him. Hug him like Feghezi. Hug him like Feghezi. Feghezi. Can we get a Biden head? We have to make him go to Biden. All right, let's get him. We need a Biden head. We need a Biden head. We love Biden. We're all team Biden now. Let's go, Brandon. What is it? Dark Brandon? Is that what they call him? Dark Brandon. This dude, he's got those goofy glasses and stuff.


They did laser eyeballs. Let's go, Brandon. We don't want him out of the race. Stop it. Stop the news cycle before he leaves. Keep him in. You think he's in bad shape now? Imagine this guy in three, four months. I don't know what the hell happens to the show. Me and you, we live this craziness together. I know you're thinking this guy's a little nuts. He is. He is a little, maybe a lot. Depends on the day and the hour. Today's show is sponsored by Berna. I I love Berna. It's a game changer for self-defense. Listen, I'm a big Second Amendment advocate, but it's great to have options, right? You all know that. Lethal force isn't the answer for every situation. Say there's an impending threat coming towards you. Your first reaction is to reach for a lethal means of self-defense. You've got options now with Berna, B-Y-R-N-A. It's a way to effectively defend yourself, the escalator situation, without the irreversible consequences of deadly force. They sent me one. Absolutely love it. Berna's non-lethal pistol launcher, equipped with tear gas and kinetic ammo, incapacitates an attacker for up to 40 minutes. This guy, we drive It sometimes has one, too.


Absolutely loves it. Had it before me. No need for the nuclear option. We just need protection to ensure you can diffuse the situation and drive the thread away immediately. Really easy to use, super easy to train with, shipped right to your door. It's a great gift idea for dad's His Father's Day. Gift him something he will really love. Check it out. All I'm asking is take a look at the website, byrna. Burna. Com/dan for an exclusive 10% discount as well for my listeners today. Check it out, BYRNA, burna. Com/dan. Go today. You're going to love it. Our last I sponsor today, Blackout Coffee. You could tell I had a couple cups of that, including... No. Once we're kissing the Feghezi head, I've definitely had way too much Blackout Coffee. Why? Because I love it. Blackout Coffee, I don't even need this read. Here's the deal. Let me just give you the website up front so you know where to go. It's blackoutcauffy. Com/bongino, or just put in my last name, Bongino, and you get 20% off your first order. Why don't I need these reads? I don't need them because I love Blackout Coffee. I like the Cinnamon French French toast.


I gave these guys here Blueberry Crumbel. They love that, too. But I've got to tell you, John, the owner of the company, totally screwed me up. I'm actually a little mad at him. He sends me this dark chocolate. So now it's an everyday fight at night because I make the coffee at night for the morning. Do I do the dark chocolate or do I do the Cinnamon French toast? And it's very hard to pick. It's very hard to pick. So do me a favor, you decide. Let me know in the chat. Go to blackoutcauffy. Com/bungino. See what I'm talking about. Make the switch to blackoutcauffy. You're going to love it. Blackoutcauffy. Com/bungino. You tell me what I should be drinking. They're both pretty amazing. Check them out. Thanks, Blackout. We appreciate it. All right, back to the show. There he is. We're all in. Can you guys do a little sign? With me and Avita's picture, do a thumbs up or something like that. We're all in. We are, Let's go, Brent. I don't want this laser eye. He thinks he's like, Superman. I don't want this guy out of the race. I don't want it.


I don't want to be Zod, like the enemy of Superman, Joe with the laser eyes. I want Joe in the race. But the problem isn't me. The problem isn't me. The problem is Obama wants him out. Here he is, Axel Rod, David Obama Rod. This is just the other day. He popped up right after yesterday's show yesterday. He speaks for Obama. And I want you to notice one thing about this if you're watching on Rumbble, if you're listening, I'll tell you. There's another guy on this hit with him, Jonny Favre. Jonny Favreau, he's a very, very popular liberal podcaster. Let me tell you something. I worked in the White House with this guy. The ladies used to love this guy and go crazy for him. He was a speechwriter for Obama. He now has this crazy popular podcast. This is another guy who is like this with Obama, super tight. I don't like the guy, but they're buddies. You got to trust me on this, okay? That Axel Rod and Jonny Favs are on the same CNN clip speaking out against Biden. Obama is done, and the donors are five minutes away from pulling out.


Check this out. If President Biden does withdraw from the race, replacing him at the top of the ticket could be chaotic. But here's what a top Biden fundraiser and longtime supporter, George Clooney, said about that in his op-ed this morning. Would it be messy? Yes, democracy is messy, but would it enliven our party and wake up voters who long before the June debate had already checked out? It sure would. The short ramp to election day would be a benefit for us, not a danger. John Favreau and David Axelrod are back with me. Ax, what do you think about that argument? Look, I think there's merit to it. Sometimes this is all a matter of risk assessment. There's risk associated with everything The question is whether the risk of the status quo eclipses the risk of trying something else. I think we've reached the point where many have come to that conclusion. All right, I have to issue a retraction, folks. This This has been a crazy good show. There's a lot of electricity in the room, but I just got an emergency text from Paula. It's very serious. She's, How dare you say? How dare you?


The balls. She's like, The balls on you to insist you make the coffee at night. Are you freaking crazy? She is correct. I do not... Hey, here we go. Give me that. Here it is. She hates these, too. So now I'll get another one. The grapefruits on you to You massive, massive lump on their skin growing like this, do you have to be a physician to go, Hey, there's a problem? You may not know what the problem is, but you're Bro, that isn't normal. Correct? These people are full of shit. You see the panic? They want Biden out, but they cannot acknowledge that they're hiding this executive problem. That's why the freak out. It's not that they're trying to save him. Please don't mistake those things. They are not trying to save him.They want him out. They're trying to save themselves from being part of this cover-up or appearing to be. That's why they got to shut this down. And as for the physician bullshit, remember when they started bringing up Donald Trump's fake mental problems? Remember the 25th Amendment stuff? I just want to note in his supercut, hat-tip, Graby and the great Tom Elliott over there. Awesome He has about a minute of it. This goes on, by the way, for nine minutes. It just took a minute of it. None of these people are physicians either. They sat there and just opined openly about Donald Trump's fake cognitive disorder. Check this out. This is scary. # tag 25th Amendment. President is not equipped to do the job. Now they're saying he's mentally incapacitated, and more than two dozen Democratic lawmakers are backing a bill that says he should leave office. Should he be removed from office. His brain is simply incapable of processing the information. Emotionally, psychologically unstable. Initiate proceedings to remove the President. You and several of your Democratic House colleagues met with a psychiatry professor from Yale, Dr. Bandy Lee. She told CNN today, As the President is unraveling, he seems to be losing his grip on reality and reverting to conspiracy theories.Dr. Lee and other psychiatrists who have been up to meet with members of Congress have been predicting increasingly delusional and paranoid behavior on the part of the President. The President is dangerous and unable to successfully meet the powers and duties of office. We got serious stuff to deal with, and instead, we're caught up every day in what looks like the country debating the mental health of the President. I mean, it's fairly obvious at this point, even the dumbest liberals watching my show, that you're all full of shit all the time. So it's okay to openly speculate about an obviously fake cognitive disorder Donald Trump doesn't have, but a very real disorder we can all see and witness that multiple Democrats have now come out and claimed the witness, including insiders who are now leaking all over the place to the media trying to get rid of him. That's not okay because we're not physicians. These people are so full of shit. This reminds me of COVID when you said to people, we got banned from YouTube for telling people, Hey, these masks don't work because every single person on planet Earth that wore a mask caught COVID.It's like a condom you use where every woman you have sex with gets pregnant. The condom doesn't work. Stop using it. Try something else, dude. It's not working. And we got been, Are you a doctor or an epidemiologist? No, but I'm I'm not an asshole, Fuckwaad. I'm not stupid. Holy shit, man. You guys are so fake on the left. Watch this. Here's Kareen Jean-Pierre. Again, go back to my point here. This is why they're so freaked out, but they still want to get rid of him. They can never acknowledge this executive disorder because they're a part of the cover-up. Here's Kareen Jean-Pierre, caught openly lying. Hat tips, lips of TikTok, by the way. Talking about this visit to a neurologist where she claims, No, he wasn't there to examine him. This is just normal stuff. Check this out. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but it didn't seem to explicitly describe the nature of Dr. Knaar's meeting with Dr. O'connor. Can you say whether that one meeting was related to care for the President himself? I can say that it was not. It was not. Okay, that's great. It was not. Really? Every time.Really? Here's AP, Seung Min Kim. Ap. I mean, you're talking about a Communist outlet. I use leftist sources just to mess with the liberals who will say, He's a conspiracy, dearest. Really? I'm involved with the AP. The AP and I are conspiracy-theorizing? President Joe Biden did see a neurologist at the White House on January 17th for a neurological exam. The confirmation came after Karine Jean-Pierre, inaccurately said with reporters that the meeting was not related to care for the President. Folks, these people are lying to you all the time. Come to the Dan Bongino show. You're three weeks ahead of the news cycle. You'll always get the truth. Watch the liberal media. You'll get nothing but bullshit. You'll be six months behind. I saw a hilarious quote. I think it was Jake Sherman or someone who put it out this morning when he's left wing media guys. It said that someone in the Washington Post, they were quoting the Washington Post, and the gist of it was that Fox Fox News viewers were way ahead of this story. It has got nothing to do with Fox News viewers. Same people, normal people were ahead of the Biden cognitive disorder problem because they just watched the news and didn't listen to bullshit.My gosh, how many times you're going to be lied to? Was that? All you had to do was watch it, folks. It's not my fault that you listen to Moscow Maddow and Goofy Chuck Todd, who are now telling you what we knew six months ago because we just opened our eyes. Oh, look, Biden can't function. Why? Because he couldn't function. I want you to watch this, dude. Is this indicative now? I have to tell you, some of the stuff I hear out of Biden, the fake autobiography, I beat the shit out of corn pop, whatever. I rescued Nelson Mandela. I'm starting to wonder. I'm serious here. I'm not messing around here. I'm starting to wonder if a lot of the stuff he does is due to this cognitive thing or a moral failing. We know he's corrupt. We know he sniffs kids, bribes, influence, peddling, women groping. We know that. But I'm not sure anymore what is a moral failing and what is the biological functions of his brain breaking down. I want you to rewatch this. Every time I play this, a bunch of people ask, they love this clip. This is about a minute.I saw this on Joel Fisher's account on Twitter. I played it before. It's pretty hilarious. This is Biden telling nearly every single demographic group of people he meets with that he was one of them at some point. Again, I just want you to ask yourself a quick, watch With this in mind, is this Biden being evil or is this Biden just having a mental breakdown and he forgets this has already all been debunked? He's both. I'm just not sure what it is. Check this out. I was raised in the Puerto Rican community. I had a very close relationship with the Greek-American community, for real. I am Joe Bidenopoulos. I grew up in a heavily Irish Catholic community in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and a heavily Italian-Polish community. When I say I got I got raised in the black church. He knows I'm not kidding. The Persian culture is amazing. As a student of the Persian culture, I probably went to Shul more than many of you. I come out of the black community. The background of my family is Irish-American, not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people. I might say, raised in the synagogues of my state. Everybody in town is either Polish or Italian.I grew up feeling self-conscious. My name didn't end in S-K-I. I was raised in a neighborhood where I felt self-conscious. My name didn't end in O. That's how I was raised. Like so many Americans of Irish heritage. In HBCU, in your home state, Mr. President. Let me tell you, forget about it. That's where I got raised, man. Just like rabbis, synagogues, and Jewish community centers in your hometown, and that's the tradition I got raised. Hardworking people, a middle class, the neighbors I got raised in. I was raised on GM. I was raised by Daniel Noah. I was raised by a righteous Christian. I got raised on Automobile. There's where it is. Folks, screenshot that. Let's go, Brandon. Thank you. You guys work fast. How you did that? I don't even know where you got that. That is fantastic. Thank you, guys. For those of you who listened on Apple, there's my official Dan Bongino. We're now team Biden. Let's go, Brandon. Me and Avita both want him in the race. We don't want this guy going anywhere. Everybody, Lynn and Jeff here says, I stopped the chat right there. Lynn and Jeff love this clip, exclamation.Everybody loves that clip because it shows this guy is a bullshitter. The only question is, how much of the bullshit is evil and how much is the cognitive disorder? The answer is, I don't know. I really don't at this point. However, I know you may have seen this clip before, but this is devastating. But it's devastating because, again, we understand the left. I want you to go back to that Washington Post, Sherman thing I was just telling you where someone at the Washington Post is going, Oh, my gosh, the Fox News people were way ahead of this Biden mental disorder story. We were not way ahead of anything. It's almost a faux compliment. We're just not crazy like you You're idiots. That's it. There's nothing special about us watching a guy mentally collapse on television and saying, Hey, he's mentally collapsing. It's you, Dipshitz, who listen to Rachel Madigal. That's a cheap fake. You're like, Yeah. Dumbasses. You're so freaking stupid. But the dam's broken. This doctor goes on MSNBC because we got to get good at this. Remember, I only play MSNBC stuff because we know them better than they know us. They won't play our stuff.They don't even want to hear our stuff. Here's a doctor on MSNBC telling Liberals, probably for the first time, Hey, man, I think this guy has freaking Parkinson's. Check this out. What do you mean? What do you mean? Regidity. Loss of arm swing, standing up lourdotically. You notice when he turns, it's end block turning. It's not a quick turn. That's one of the hallmarks of Parkinsonism is rigidity and bradykinesia, slow movement. He has that hallmark, especially with the low voice that said was a cold hypophonia. A small monotone voice like this over time is a hallmark of Parkinsonism. I could have diagnosed him from across the mall. I ended it at that point. It goes on. I could have diagnosed him from across the mall because, folks, you got to understand, You have to get out of... We live in a bubble, too. It's not a bad one, but we do tend to consume a lot of conservative media, but we could just consume just enough of liberal media to understand what they're thinking. That's not the case for them. They live exclusively in a bubble. They never, ever consume our media at all and have no idea.You need to understand, they're hearing this for the first time. I swear to you, as crazy as it sounds to you, that a lot of these people genuinely believe that we were faking this the whole time, and now they're like, Oh, my gosh. That's why this is so important, too. There's a major... Hat tip, Anna Paulina Luna, Republican Congresswoman from Florida. She is pushing for Merrick Garland to be declared inherently contempt of Congress. This is a great thing to do. Merrick Garland, our attorney general in name only, a just human piece of garbage who has turned into a communist in that role, is hiding the Biden audio recordings of his interview with the special prosecutor about Biden's taking of classified documents. I want you to remember that this is clips from a little bit ago. This is why Garland will not release the transcripts. The transcripts must be a thousand times worse than anybody could possibly imagine. That's why he's hiding them. He will not let them... Despite insisting that the audio recordings are the same as the transcripts, which would mean just release them. There is something on that, I'm telling you, there is something on that that is so lethal, the Biden's campaign, that now I'm starting to wonder, you know what, do we even release them?Because I want Biden in the race. Maybe we should mess with Garland for a little bit. But I'm starting to, do we even release these things? Check this out. We have gone beyond precedent to provide the committee with the transcripts of the special counsel's interview with the President. But we have made clear that we will not provide audio recordings from which the transcripts that you already have. He won't... The muskrat. He's not going to do it. You understand how devastating these things have to be that this guy is going to protect this no matter what? Folks, these things have to be really bad. Listen, this is important. I want to wrap up where I started. I know it sounds like a crazy plan, but I'm not being sarcastic. I'm being as serious as a cardiac arrest right now. Trump should announced the VP pick today. He should do it to stop the hemorrhaging. It's not going to go away, but we just want to slow this down because the problem with momentum is negative momentum. Once you get the no-mo, the no momentum instead of the big-mo, folks, people start piling in, and politicians want to save their own asses.Biden will not survive to the end of next week if this continues. Donors, Obama, Axel Rod, Fabs, Mark Warner, the Deep State, Jim Clibern, the Black vote. He can't. He can't withstand that when the money dries up, and we don't want this guy out of the race. Our entire operation has been engineered to fight this loser, and he deserves to feel the wrath of voters at the polls for what he's done to America. They should announce today. Slow this thing down. Operations Save Joe Biden is on. Folks, thanks again for tuning in. By the way, if you are a of your services, obviously using a cloud server, try Rumbl Cloud. Check them out. We are really proud of it. The Rumbl Cloud operation has been blowing up. You don't run the risk of getting canceled by anyone else. Check out Rumbl. We provide cloud services. We're happy to help you out over there. Also, download the Rumbl app. You find my show exclusively on there. Justin, these guys. That's my new... It's an emo? Folks, there we go. You got to show me how to download these. I'm so technologically unsavvy. Download the Rumbl app.It's free. Watch us every day live, 11 AM next week, Tuesday through Friday, we'll be at the RNC. Monday, we'll be here. I think I said that inaccurate last night, but Tuesday through Friday, Avita will be doing her show next week, too, so don't miss it. Rumble. Com/bongino. Every day, 11 AM Eastern Time, and video on demand anytime you'd like. Also, give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. It means a lot to us. That's where a lot of these liberals find this in their eyes open. You'd be stunned. I got a ton of emails about it. Thanks a lot, folks. See you on the radio show here on Rumbling a little bit, and back here tomorrow at 11 AM. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


massive, massive lump on their skin growing like this, do you have to be a physician to go, Hey, there's a problem? You may not know what the problem is, but you're Bro, that isn't normal. Correct? These people are full of shit. You see the panic? They want Biden out, but they cannot acknowledge that they're hiding this executive problem. That's why the freak out. It's not that they're trying to save him. Please don't mistake those things. They are not trying to save him.


They want him out. They're trying to save themselves from being part of this cover-up or appearing to be. That's why they got to shut this down. And as for the physician bullshit, remember when they started bringing up Donald Trump's fake mental problems? Remember the 25th Amendment stuff? I just want to note in his supercut, hat-tip, Graby and the great Tom Elliott over there. Awesome He has about a minute of it. This goes on, by the way, for nine minutes. It just took a minute of it. None of these people are physicians either. They sat there and just opined openly about Donald Trump's fake cognitive disorder. Check this out. This is scary. # tag 25th Amendment. President is not equipped to do the job. Now they're saying he's mentally incapacitated, and more than two dozen Democratic lawmakers are backing a bill that says he should leave office. Should he be removed from office. His brain is simply incapable of processing the information. Emotionally, psychologically unstable. Initiate proceedings to remove the President. You and several of your Democratic House colleagues met with a psychiatry professor from Yale, Dr. Bandy Lee. She told CNN today, As the President is unraveling, he seems to be losing his grip on reality and reverting to conspiracy theories.


Dr. Lee and other psychiatrists who have been up to meet with members of Congress have been predicting increasingly delusional and paranoid behavior on the part of the President. The President is dangerous and unable to successfully meet the powers and duties of office. We got serious stuff to deal with, and instead, we're caught up every day in what looks like the country debating the mental health of the President. I mean, it's fairly obvious at this point, even the dumbest liberals watching my show, that you're all full of shit all the time. So it's okay to openly speculate about an obviously fake cognitive disorder Donald Trump doesn't have, but a very real disorder we can all see and witness that multiple Democrats have now come out and claimed the witness, including insiders who are now leaking all over the place to the media trying to get rid of him. That's not okay because we're not physicians. These people are so full of shit. This reminds me of COVID when you said to people, we got banned from YouTube for telling people, Hey, these masks don't work because every single person on planet Earth that wore a mask caught COVID.


It's like a condom you use where every woman you have sex with gets pregnant. The condom doesn't work. Stop using it. Try something else, dude. It's not working. And we got been, Are you a doctor or an epidemiologist? No, but I'm I'm not an asshole, Fuckwaad. I'm not stupid. Holy shit, man. You guys are so fake on the left. Watch this. Here's Kareen Jean-Pierre. Again, go back to my point here. This is why they're so freaked out, but they still want to get rid of him. They can never acknowledge this executive disorder because they're a part of the cover-up. Here's Kareen Jean-Pierre, caught openly lying. Hat tips, lips of TikTok, by the way. Talking about this visit to a neurologist where she claims, No, he wasn't there to examine him. This is just normal stuff. Check this out. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but it didn't seem to explicitly describe the nature of Dr. Knaar's meeting with Dr. O'connor. Can you say whether that one meeting was related to care for the President himself? I can say that it was not. It was not. Okay, that's great. It was not. Really? Every time.


Really? Here's AP, Seung Min Kim. Ap. I mean, you're talking about a Communist outlet. I use leftist sources just to mess with the liberals who will say, He's a conspiracy, dearest. Really? I'm involved with the AP. The AP and I are conspiracy-theorizing? President Joe Biden did see a neurologist at the White House on January 17th for a neurological exam. The confirmation came after Karine Jean-Pierre, inaccurately said with reporters that the meeting was not related to care for the President. Folks, these people are lying to you all the time. Come to the Dan Bongino show. You're three weeks ahead of the news cycle. You'll always get the truth. Watch the liberal media. You'll get nothing but bullshit. You'll be six months behind. I saw a hilarious quote. I think it was Jake Sherman or someone who put it out this morning when he's left wing media guys. It said that someone in the Washington Post, they were quoting the Washington Post, and the gist of it was that Fox Fox News viewers were way ahead of this story. It has got nothing to do with Fox News viewers. Same people, normal people were ahead of the Biden cognitive disorder problem because they just watched the news and didn't listen to bullshit.


My gosh, how many times you're going to be lied to? Was that? All you had to do was watch it, folks. It's not my fault that you listen to Moscow Maddow and Goofy Chuck Todd, who are now telling you what we knew six months ago because we just opened our eyes. Oh, look, Biden can't function. Why? Because he couldn't function. I want you to watch this, dude. Is this indicative now? I have to tell you, some of the stuff I hear out of Biden, the fake autobiography, I beat the shit out of corn pop, whatever. I rescued Nelson Mandela. I'm starting to wonder. I'm serious here. I'm not messing around here. I'm starting to wonder if a lot of the stuff he does is due to this cognitive thing or a moral failing. We know he's corrupt. We know he sniffs kids, bribes, influence, peddling, women groping. We know that. But I'm not sure anymore what is a moral failing and what is the biological functions of his brain breaking down. I want you to rewatch this. Every time I play this, a bunch of people ask, they love this clip. This is about a minute.


I saw this on Joel Fisher's account on Twitter. I played it before. It's pretty hilarious. This is Biden telling nearly every single demographic group of people he meets with that he was one of them at some point. Again, I just want you to ask yourself a quick, watch With this in mind, is this Biden being evil or is this Biden just having a mental breakdown and he forgets this has already all been debunked? He's both. I'm just not sure what it is. Check this out. I was raised in the Puerto Rican community. I had a very close relationship with the Greek-American community, for real. I am Joe Bidenopoulos. I grew up in a heavily Irish Catholic community in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and a heavily Italian-Polish community. When I say I got I got raised in the black church. He knows I'm not kidding. The Persian culture is amazing. As a student of the Persian culture, I probably went to Shul more than many of you. I come out of the black community. The background of my family is Irish-American, not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people. I might say, raised in the synagogues of my state. Everybody in town is either Polish or Italian.


I grew up feeling self-conscious. My name didn't end in S-K-I. I was raised in a neighborhood where I felt self-conscious. My name didn't end in O. That's how I was raised. Like so many Americans of Irish heritage. In HBCU, in your home state, Mr. President. Let me tell you, forget about it. That's where I got raised, man. Just like rabbis, synagogues, and Jewish community centers in your hometown, and that's the tradition I got raised. Hardworking people, a middle class, the neighbors I got raised in. I was raised on GM. I was raised by Daniel Noah. I was raised by a righteous Christian. I got raised on Automobile. There's where it is. Folks, screenshot that. Let's go, Brandon. Thank you. You guys work fast. How you did that? I don't even know where you got that. That is fantastic. Thank you, guys. For those of you who listened on Apple, there's my official Dan Bongino. We're now team Biden. Let's go, Brandon. Me and Avita both want him in the race. We don't want this guy going anywhere. Everybody, Lynn and Jeff here says, I stopped the chat right there. Lynn and Jeff love this clip, exclamation.


Everybody loves that clip because it shows this guy is a bullshitter. The only question is, how much of the bullshit is evil and how much is the cognitive disorder? The answer is, I don't know. I really don't at this point. However, I know you may have seen this clip before, but this is devastating. But it's devastating because, again, we understand the left. I want you to go back to that Washington Post, Sherman thing I was just telling you where someone at the Washington Post is going, Oh, my gosh, the Fox News people were way ahead of this Biden mental disorder story. We were not way ahead of anything. It's almost a faux compliment. We're just not crazy like you You're idiots. That's it. There's nothing special about us watching a guy mentally collapse on television and saying, Hey, he's mentally collapsing. It's you, Dipshitz, who listen to Rachel Madigal. That's a cheap fake. You're like, Yeah. Dumbasses. You're so freaking stupid. But the dam's broken. This doctor goes on MSNBC because we got to get good at this. Remember, I only play MSNBC stuff because we know them better than they know us. They won't play our stuff.


They don't even want to hear our stuff. Here's a doctor on MSNBC telling Liberals, probably for the first time, Hey, man, I think this guy has freaking Parkinson's. Check this out. What do you mean? What do you mean? Regidity. Loss of arm swing, standing up lourdotically. You notice when he turns, it's end block turning. It's not a quick turn. That's one of the hallmarks of Parkinsonism is rigidity and bradykinesia, slow movement. He has that hallmark, especially with the low voice that said was a cold hypophonia. A small monotone voice like this over time is a hallmark of Parkinsonism. I could have diagnosed him from across the mall. I ended it at that point. It goes on. I could have diagnosed him from across the mall because, folks, you got to understand, You have to get out of... We live in a bubble, too. It's not a bad one, but we do tend to consume a lot of conservative media, but we could just consume just enough of liberal media to understand what they're thinking. That's not the case for them. They live exclusively in a bubble. They never, ever consume our media at all and have no idea.


You need to understand, they're hearing this for the first time. I swear to you, as crazy as it sounds to you, that a lot of these people genuinely believe that we were faking this the whole time, and now they're like, Oh, my gosh. That's why this is so important, too. There's a major... Hat tip, Anna Paulina Luna, Republican Congresswoman from Florida. She is pushing for Merrick Garland to be declared inherently contempt of Congress. This is a great thing to do. Merrick Garland, our attorney general in name only, a just human piece of garbage who has turned into a communist in that role, is hiding the Biden audio recordings of his interview with the special prosecutor about Biden's taking of classified documents. I want you to remember that this is clips from a little bit ago. This is why Garland will not release the transcripts. The transcripts must be a thousand times worse than anybody could possibly imagine. That's why he's hiding them. He will not let them... Despite insisting that the audio recordings are the same as the transcripts, which would mean just release them. There is something on that, I'm telling you, there is something on that that is so lethal, the Biden's campaign, that now I'm starting to wonder, you know what, do we even release them?


Because I want Biden in the race. Maybe we should mess with Garland for a little bit. But I'm starting to, do we even release these things? Check this out. We have gone beyond precedent to provide the committee with the transcripts of the special counsel's interview with the President. But we have made clear that we will not provide audio recordings from which the transcripts that you already have. He won't... The muskrat. He's not going to do it. You understand how devastating these things have to be that this guy is going to protect this no matter what? Folks, these things have to be really bad. Listen, this is important. I want to wrap up where I started. I know it sounds like a crazy plan, but I'm not being sarcastic. I'm being as serious as a cardiac arrest right now. Trump should announced the VP pick today. He should do it to stop the hemorrhaging. It's not going to go away, but we just want to slow this down because the problem with momentum is negative momentum. Once you get the no-mo, the no momentum instead of the big-mo, folks, people start piling in, and politicians want to save their own asses.


Biden will not survive to the end of next week if this continues. Donors, Obama, Axel Rod, Fabs, Mark Warner, the Deep State, Jim Clibern, the Black vote. He can't. He can't withstand that when the money dries up, and we don't want this guy out of the race. Our entire operation has been engineered to fight this loser, and he deserves to feel the wrath of voters at the polls for what he's done to America. They should announce today. Slow this thing down. Operations Save Joe Biden is on. Folks, thanks again for tuning in. By the way, if you are a of your services, obviously using a cloud server, try Rumbl Cloud. Check them out. We are really proud of it. The Rumbl Cloud operation has been blowing up. You don't run the risk of getting canceled by anyone else. Check out Rumbl. We provide cloud services. We're happy to help you out over there. Also, download the Rumbl app. You find my show exclusively on there. Justin, these guys. That's my new... It's an emo? Folks, there we go. You got to show me how to download these. I'm so technologically unsavvy. Download the Rumbl app.


It's free. Watch us every day live, 11 AM next week, Tuesday through Friday, we'll be at the RNC. Monday, we'll be here. I think I said that inaccurate last night, but Tuesday through Friday, Avita will be doing her show next week, too, so don't miss it. Rumble. Com/bongino. Every day, 11 AM Eastern Time, and video on demand anytime you'd like. Also, give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. It means a lot to us. That's where a lot of these liberals find this in their eyes open. You'd be stunned. I got a ton of emails about it. Thanks a lot, folks. See you on the radio show here on Rumbling a little bit, and back here tomorrow at 11 AM. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.