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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. More video emerges yesterday, again, confirming our initial account of what happened, that the reason they don't want to disclose the timeline to you in the Trump assassination attempt is because you're going to realize they walked President Trump on stage with an unmitigated threat. I don't know how many different ways I can say It's really a damn shame that we've got to break the news on this show. Why? It's your show. Should be proud of breaking news. No, I'm not. It's the media's job to be doing this. I'm an opinion guy. I don't pretend to be a journalist. I don't want to be. I believe in facts and honest reporting, and I always will. But I would rather you report the facts and me give you my opinion because that's what we're here for afterwards. Not me have to report the facts and then get my opinion on my own facts. The tree story confirmed yesterday. Again, told you that a week ago that the snipers that took out the target had to shoot through a bunch of trees in a miracle shot.


Why the hell were they in that position in the first place? How did the shooter, the assassin, have a better look at President Trump and the line of sight than the actual counter-sniper teams? Folks, every single answer invites a thousand more questions. I got a big show for you today. You heard me rave about Beam every week, so get it now, get good sleep. They're offering the largest discount at shopbeam. Com/bonjino. Use code Bonjino. I'm going to play for you some body cam video. Also, the acting director now. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not personal. Again, you want a friend, you're going to have to get a cat or a dog because I'm not it. I'm all about keeping people alive. The newly appointed acting director, it could be as bad, if not worse, than the director just left. Hey, using the internet without ExpressVPN is like, forgetting to mute yourself on Zoom, and everybody hears you trash talking your coworkers. Couch. May just be a bit of harmless bander, but what happens if your boss overhears you talking about his receding hairline? Expressvpn rerout your network data through a secure encrypted tunnel so your ISP can't see or sell your online activity.


It's so simple to use. Just fire up the app and click one button. Expressvpn is rated number one by CNET and Averge. It works on phones, laptops, even routers, so everyone who shares your WiFi can be going to hear in the video. Again, a couple of people attacked me for it. Honestly, I really don't give too. In other words, he may have been aiming to shoot more people before the The CS guy neutralized him. You're going to hear one of the guys say in this, too, Pay close attention. They lost sight of him. They were tracking him, and they lost him. That's the point Donald Trump should have been stopped from going to the site or kept in the holding room. That's the point they think he jumped on the roof, too. You can hear it again from them. Check this out. Also, the guy acknowledges, I got that picture, meaning these pictures were going around. All right, listen to this, and on the other side, we'll have some commentary. Check this out. We don't know. This is the guy that... Yeah, Yes. Bever County sniper a scene and sent the pictures out. This is him. Okay. All right. Rival's right there, obviously. Got it. The bike in the back is- Wait, I don't want to make you just say it has a bike. Is he on that bike? We don't know.We don't know. I don't know. We're just treating that as suspicious It's a cautious device. One second. I believe the sniper that seen these and sent the pictures is right inside this building. Michelle, is Greg in there? There he is. All right. If you go to that window that's open and yell for Greg, that's the sniper that sent the original pictures and seeing him come from the bike and set the book back down and then I lost sight of him. He's the one that sent the pictures on. I don't know if you got the same ones I did. I think I did, yeah. He's got his glasses on and he's… We had the picture of that. I got that. Then this This is his bike with the stuff. Our sniper seeing him walking away from that, I believe. But he would be right inside that window. He's the one that physically seen this, sent the pictures, and called it out. Okay. And we have somebody detained, correct? That I don't know. There were two people detained on this side. Our guy that was just up here told me that there's a guy detained who's the owner of the bike.And I said, No, that's the owner of the bike. Folks, you can already see the confusion. Again say, Go look for Greg. Greg is the guy who sent the pictures. Folks, the Secret Service and the FBI and DHS has the text of the law enforcement officers on the screen. Excuse me, in their investigative record. I'm watching the screen here. They have the record words. So when Kim Chetel, the former Secret Service Director, since resigned, went up there and said, I have a timeline without specifics. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe she was lying and may have perjured herself. I told you last week they had the timeline. They lost him. They lost sight of him. I told you that.It is really important you understand that this guy was probably not just there to kill President Trump, butt spend 12 years of my life protecting Republicans and Democrats to have someone get whacked. Anyone else, part of this audience, we're I'm not going to do that. I know that's not you, but the guy is in real danger. The people in charge right now and the acting director is part and parcel of the scandal that led up to this security nightmare. The axio They themselves reported it. So I'm going to ask something, everybody paying attention, email your congressman today and to the congressman and the staff who's listening. You need to foya the communications between the management team of the DTD, the Donald Trump detail, and Ron Roe, who was the Deputy Director, and at times when he was, I believe, the Assistant Director of Protective Operations. I think you're going to find that this insufficient security footprint surrounding Donald Trump that It had to this disaster just over a week ago that these people knew about it and covered it up. The fact that this guy's the acting director now should bring about no confidence in you whatsoever that Donald Trump is I wish I had an easy answer for you, but I can't have this guy get hurt.I can't. I'd be lying to you if I said I thought he was safe right now in outdoor rallies. But he's got to do him. He's got to do him. He's got to get out there. There is no easy answer to this. None. I'm not convinced they're up to it technology-wise, because if they give... Here's the problem. If they give the resources now, everyone Everyone's going to ask a question, Why didn't you have the same resources before? It's going to point to the fact that this guy, the acting director now, and Kim Chetel, who just left, they denied him. This is just, Again, a total freaking disaster for his public safety situation. I'm really horrified we're in this situation now. Hey, folks, thanks again for tuning in. Thanks to everyone who picked up the Bongino Army shirts. We appreciate it. We're always trying to do new stuff for The money goes to charity, our proceeds from it. So we really appreciate it. We did $100,000 to Folds of Honor. Thanks to your purchases there. We really appreciate it. I'll say once more, if you want to pick up this book, library, whatever you've borrowed from your friend, I don't really care.I'm not really... I wrote it years ago. Who the hell knows? It even has the right suit. It's called Protecting the President. It diagnosis pretty much everything you're going to see wrong with the Secret Service, chapter by chapter. It's a short book. It's only like 30,000 words. You can probably read it easily in a three-hour plane ride. But once you're done with it, you'll be like, You wrote this 10 years ago? Sounds like you wrote it 10 minutes ago. Thanks again for tuning in. Download the Rumbl app, rumble. Com/bongino. Every day at 11:00 AM, join us for the show. We really appreciate it. Don't forget to download and follow Avita's show as well. She had 8,000 streamers this morning. She was a top 100 podcast in her first week on launch. It is rumble. Com/bonginoreport for her show every morning at 9:00 AM. We really appreciate it. It was a great show this morning. See you back here and follow us both on Apple and Spotify. It helps us stay on the charts. We really appreciate it. We're a top five show this week. Thanks a lot. See her in the radio show in a few minutes.Back here tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


going to hear in the video. Again, a couple of people attacked me for it. Honestly, I really don't give too. In other words, he may have been aiming to shoot more people before the The CS guy neutralized him. You're going to hear one of the guys say in this, too, Pay close attention. They lost sight of him. They were tracking him, and they lost him. That's the point Donald Trump should have been stopped from going to the site or kept in the holding room. That's the point they think he jumped on the roof, too. You can hear it again from them. Check this out. Also, the guy acknowledges, I got that picture, meaning these pictures were going around. All right, listen to this, and on the other side, we'll have some commentary. Check this out. We don't know. This is the guy that... Yeah, Yes. Bever County sniper a scene and sent the pictures out. This is him. Okay. All right. Rival's right there, obviously. Got it. The bike in the back is- Wait, I don't want to make you just say it has a bike. Is he on that bike? We don't know.We don't know. I don't know. We're just treating that as suspicious It's a cautious device. One second. I believe the sniper that seen these and sent the pictures is right inside this building. Michelle, is Greg in there? There he is. All right. If you go to that window that's open and yell for Greg, that's the sniper that sent the original pictures and seeing him come from the bike and set the book back down and then I lost sight of him. He's the one that sent the pictures on. I don't know if you got the same ones I did. I think I did, yeah. He's got his glasses on and he's… We had the picture of that. I got that. Then this This is his bike with the stuff. Our sniper seeing him walking away from that, I believe. But he would be right inside that window. He's the one that physically seen this, sent the pictures, and called it out. Okay. And we have somebody detained, correct? That I don't know. There were two people detained on this side. Our guy that was just up here told me that there's a guy detained who's the owner of the bike.And I said, No, that's the owner of the bike. Folks, you can already see the confusion. Again say, Go look for Greg. Greg is the guy who sent the pictures. Folks, the Secret Service and the FBI and DHS has the text of the law enforcement officers on the screen. Excuse me, in their investigative record. I'm watching the screen here. They have the record words. So when Kim Chetel, the former Secret Service Director, since resigned, went up there and said, I have a timeline without specifics. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe she was lying and may have perjured herself. I told you last week they had the timeline. They lost him. They lost sight of him. I told you that.It is really important you understand that this guy was probably not just there to kill President Trump, butt spend 12 years of my life protecting Republicans and Democrats to have someone get whacked. Anyone else, part of this audience, we're I'm not going to do that. I know that's not you, but the guy is in real danger. The people in charge right now and the acting director is part and parcel of the scandal that led up to this security nightmare. The axio They themselves reported it. So I'm going to ask something, everybody paying attention, email your congressman today and to the congressman and the staff who's listening. You need to foya the communications between the management team of the DTD, the Donald Trump detail, and Ron Roe, who was the Deputy Director, and at times when he was, I believe, the Assistant Director of Protective Operations. I think you're going to find that this insufficient security footprint surrounding Donald Trump that It had to this disaster just over a week ago that these people knew about it and covered it up. The fact that this guy's the acting director now should bring about no confidence in you whatsoever that Donald Trump is I wish I had an easy answer for you, but I can't have this guy get hurt.I can't. I'd be lying to you if I said I thought he was safe right now in outdoor rallies. But he's got to do him. He's got to do him. He's got to get out there. There is no easy answer to this. None. I'm not convinced they're up to it technology-wise, because if they give... Here's the problem. If they give the resources now, everyone Everyone's going to ask a question, Why didn't you have the same resources before? It's going to point to the fact that this guy, the acting director now, and Kim Chetel, who just left, they denied him. This is just, Again, a total freaking disaster for his public safety situation. I'm really horrified we're in this situation now. Hey, folks, thanks again for tuning in. Thanks to everyone who picked up the Bongino Army shirts. We appreciate it. We're always trying to do new stuff for The money goes to charity, our proceeds from it. So we really appreciate it. We did $100,000 to Folds of Honor. Thanks to your purchases there. We really appreciate it. I'll say once more, if you want to pick up this book, library, whatever you've borrowed from your friend, I don't really care.I'm not really... I wrote it years ago. Who the hell knows? It even has the right suit. It's called Protecting the President. It diagnosis pretty much everything you're going to see wrong with the Secret Service, chapter by chapter. It's a short book. It's only like 30,000 words. You can probably read it easily in a three-hour plane ride. But once you're done with it, you'll be like, You wrote this 10 years ago? Sounds like you wrote it 10 minutes ago. Thanks again for tuning in. Download the Rumbl app, rumble. Com/bongino. Every day at 11:00 AM, join us for the show. We really appreciate it. Don't forget to download and follow Avita's show as well. She had 8,000 streamers this morning. She was a top 100 podcast in her first week on launch. It is rumble. Com/bonginoreport for her show every morning at 9:00 AM. We really appreciate it. It was a great show this morning. See you back here and follow us both on Apple and Spotify. It helps us stay on the charts. We really appreciate it. We're a top five show this week. Thanks a lot. See her in the radio show in a few minutes.Back here tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


too. In other words, he may have been aiming to shoot more people before the The CS guy neutralized him. You're going to hear one of the guys say in this, too, Pay close attention. They lost sight of him. They were tracking him, and they lost him. That's the point Donald Trump should have been stopped from going to the site or kept in the holding room. That's the point they think he jumped on the roof, too. You can hear it again from them. Check this out. Also, the guy acknowledges, I got that picture, meaning these pictures were going around. All right, listen to this, and on the other side, we'll have some commentary. Check this out. We don't know. This is the guy that... Yeah, Yes. Bever County sniper a scene and sent the pictures out. This is him. Okay. All right. Rival's right there, obviously. Got it. The bike in the back is- Wait, I don't want to make you just say it has a bike. Is he on that bike? We don't know.


We don't know. I don't know. We're just treating that as suspicious It's a cautious device. One second. I believe the sniper that seen these and sent the pictures is right inside this building. Michelle, is Greg in there? There he is. All right. If you go to that window that's open and yell for Greg, that's the sniper that sent the original pictures and seeing him come from the bike and set the book back down and then I lost sight of him. He's the one that sent the pictures on. I don't know if you got the same ones I did. I think I did, yeah. He's got his glasses on and he's… We had the picture of that. I got that. Then this This is his bike with the stuff. Our sniper seeing him walking away from that, I believe. But he would be right inside that window. He's the one that physically seen this, sent the pictures, and called it out. Okay. And we have somebody detained, correct? That I don't know. There were two people detained on this side. Our guy that was just up here told me that there's a guy detained who's the owner of the bike.


And I said, No, that's the owner of the bike. Folks, you can already see the confusion. Again say, Go look for Greg. Greg is the guy who sent the pictures. Folks, the Secret Service and the FBI and DHS has the text of the law enforcement officers on the screen. Excuse me, in their investigative record. I'm watching the screen here. They have the record words. So when Kim Chetel, the former Secret Service Director, since resigned, went up there and said, I have a timeline without specifics. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe she was lying and may have perjured herself. I told you last week they had the timeline. They lost him. They lost sight of him. I told you that.


It is really important you understand that this guy was probably not just there to kill President Trump, butt spend 12 years of my life protecting Republicans and Democrats to have someone get whacked. Anyone else, part of this audience, we're I'm not going to do that. I know that's not you, but the guy is in real danger. The people in charge right now and the acting director is part and parcel of the scandal that led up to this security nightmare. The axio They themselves reported it. So I'm going to ask something, everybody paying attention, email your congressman today and to the congressman and the staff who's listening. You need to foya the communications between the management team of the DTD, the Donald Trump detail, and Ron Roe, who was the Deputy Director, and at times when he was, I believe, the Assistant Director of Protective Operations. I think you're going to find that this insufficient security footprint surrounding Donald Trump that It had to this disaster just over a week ago that these people knew about it and covered it up. The fact that this guy's the acting director now should bring about no confidence in you whatsoever that Donald Trump is I wish I had an easy answer for you, but I can't have this guy get hurt.I can't. I'd be lying to you if I said I thought he was safe right now in outdoor rallies. But he's got to do him. He's got to do him. He's got to get out there. There is no easy answer to this. None. I'm not convinced they're up to it technology-wise, because if they give... Here's the problem. If they give the resources now, everyone Everyone's going to ask a question, Why didn't you have the same resources before? It's going to point to the fact that this guy, the acting director now, and Kim Chetel, who just left, they denied him. This is just, Again, a total freaking disaster for his public safety situation. I'm really horrified we're in this situation now. Hey, folks, thanks again for tuning in. Thanks to everyone who picked up the Bongino Army shirts. We appreciate it. We're always trying to do new stuff for The money goes to charity, our proceeds from it. So we really appreciate it. We did $100,000 to Folds of Honor. Thanks to your purchases there. We really appreciate it. I'll say once more, if you want to pick up this book, library, whatever you've borrowed from your friend, I don't really care.I'm not really... I wrote it years ago. Who the hell knows? It even has the right suit. It's called Protecting the President. It diagnosis pretty much everything you're going to see wrong with the Secret Service, chapter by chapter. It's a short book. It's only like 30,000 words. You can probably read it easily in a three-hour plane ride. But once you're done with it, you'll be like, You wrote this 10 years ago? Sounds like you wrote it 10 minutes ago. Thanks again for tuning in. Download the Rumbl app, rumble. Com/bongino. Every day at 11:00 AM, join us for the show. We really appreciate it. Don't forget to download and follow Avita's show as well. She had 8,000 streamers this morning. She was a top 100 podcast in her first week on launch. It is rumble. Com/bonginoreport for her show every morning at 9:00 AM. We really appreciate it. It was a great show this morning. See you back here and follow us both on Apple and Spotify. It helps us stay on the charts. We really appreciate it. We're a top five show this week. Thanks a lot. See her in the radio show in a few minutes.Back here tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.


t spend 12 years of my life protecting Republicans and Democrats to have someone get whacked. Anyone else, part of this audience, we're I'm not going to do that. I know that's not you, but the guy is in real danger. The people in charge right now and the acting director is part and parcel of the scandal that led up to this security nightmare. The axio They themselves reported it. So I'm going to ask something, everybody paying attention, email your congressman today and to the congressman and the staff who's listening. You need to foya the communications between the management team of the DTD, the Donald Trump detail, and Ron Roe, who was the Deputy Director, and at times when he was, I believe, the Assistant Director of Protective Operations. I think you're going to find that this insufficient security footprint surrounding Donald Trump that It had to this disaster just over a week ago that these people knew about it and covered it up. The fact that this guy's the acting director now should bring about no confidence in you whatsoever that Donald Trump is I wish I had an easy answer for you, but I can't have this guy get hurt.


I can't. I'd be lying to you if I said I thought he was safe right now in outdoor rallies. But he's got to do him. He's got to do him. He's got to get out there. There is no easy answer to this. None. I'm not convinced they're up to it technology-wise, because if they give... Here's the problem. If they give the resources now, everyone Everyone's going to ask a question, Why didn't you have the same resources before? It's going to point to the fact that this guy, the acting director now, and Kim Chetel, who just left, they denied him. This is just, Again, a total freaking disaster for his public safety situation. I'm really horrified we're in this situation now. Hey, folks, thanks again for tuning in. Thanks to everyone who picked up the Bongino Army shirts. We appreciate it. We're always trying to do new stuff for The money goes to charity, our proceeds from it. So we really appreciate it. We did $100,000 to Folds of Honor. Thanks to your purchases there. We really appreciate it. I'll say once more, if you want to pick up this book, library, whatever you've borrowed from your friend, I don't really care.


I'm not really... I wrote it years ago. Who the hell knows? It even has the right suit. It's called Protecting the President. It diagnosis pretty much everything you're going to see wrong with the Secret Service, chapter by chapter. It's a short book. It's only like 30,000 words. You can probably read it easily in a three-hour plane ride. But once you're done with it, you'll be like, You wrote this 10 years ago? Sounds like you wrote it 10 minutes ago. Thanks again for tuning in. Download the Rumbl app, rumble. Com/bongino. Every day at 11:00 AM, join us for the show. We really appreciate it. Don't forget to download and follow Avita's show as well. She had 8,000 streamers this morning. She was a top 100 podcast in her first week on launch. It is rumble. Com/bonginoreport for her show every morning at 9:00 AM. We really appreciate it. It was a great show this morning. See you back here and follow us both on Apple and Spotify. It helps us stay on the charts. We really appreciate it. We're a top five show this week. Thanks a lot. See her in the radio show in a few minutes.


Back here tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.