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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


Folks, I have a loaded Monday show back in the home studio. Good to be back in the more comfortable environs of my home studio where I am the supreme monarch of my home. Not the case in a hotel room, which was great. Thank you to the hotel staff while I was on the road. But with a camera equipment taking up half the three quarters of the room, Paul and I were on top of each other, not in a pervy weirdo way.


Well, maybe. And then but all day it was driving us crazy. Good to be back. Thanks for sticking with us for those two weeks. It should look a little more normal now, is it? How's the camera? There you go. It's not as digitized as the other ones that you could move your hand and your head around. And everything looks great today. So but you express VPN, you have a right to privacy online, defend it, get a VPN, go to express VPN, Dotcom Bongino.


All right. Welcome to Dan Bongino. So let me get right to it. As I said, Today Show brought you by a good friends and express VPN. You don't have to give big tech websites access to your data. Why would you? I choose to protect my online activity by using Express VPN because I don't trust big tech and I don't know why you would either. You ever wonder how free to access social media companies make all their money?


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It's good to have that bell back and be back home. Thank you again to express for your VPN dotcom Bunshiro. Check that. I get those three months. Right. All right. Let me just start this. Listen, I don't really care about the Super Bowl. I, I really don't. Not even a little bit. But it is funny how the media has to politicize everything. So just a quick segment here before I get to my meat and potatoes.


Liz Cheney, losing her mind, thinks she owns the Republican Party and let the book burning begin. I got those segments and a segment by Tucker Carlson. You're going to want to watch about the absolutely dreadful Shepard Smith. I got a story there for you you're not going to want to miss first.


So The Washington Post, I have to politicize everything. Of course, even the Super Bowl, a football game where some people wanted to just watch and peace, but that wasn't going to happen. There was a political agenda the whole time. Washington Post wonders, this is not a joke, folks, huh? The Buccaneers embody Tampa Bay's love of pirates, the Buccaneers embody that it's not a problem how brutal outlaws became romanticized by Jamie Goodall, who apparently has nothing else of any benefit to society to write about.


This article reminds me of a book I read one time. It was, what was it called? A Women Who Make the World Worse or something. It was Bysshe since passed, and it was about liberal women who have really damaged the women's movement in the United States. This reminds me this should be under the title reporters who make the world. Is this really was this a big issue before you sat down? If you decided to subject yourself to the political propaganda of the NFL and watch the Super Bowl yesterday?


Right. Is this really a thing that people were terrified about, that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers romanticizing pirate outlaws? Apparently, it is a thing if you have nothing else to talk about. Your a liberal writing for The Washington Post and you're desperate to get click bait articles, right? Here's The New York Times on the Super Bowl in Tampa. Super Bowl celebrations bring super spreader concerns. That's fascinating because The New York Times really didn't seem to care about super spreader concerns when it was a celebration after Joe Biden, the election and all that kind of stuff happened.


I phrase that that way for a reason. Let's see. Headline number two from The New York Times didn't seem to care much at all. Hat tip, by the way, read these on social media for showing us this. Yeah. They weren't too concerned about, you know, how come I don't see that they go, all right, but get back home, get used to my old. A rollicking New York City celebration for Biden's win well into the night.


They did. Yeah, Joe, they didn't seem to care much about that. So let's not waste a little time about that. It's just the Super Bowl did happen and all this political propaganda yesterday. So I wanted to make sure you knew that even though the Super Bowl and the NFL are all in on leftist propaganda, they don't really care. Proving my point again that liberal hacks and lunatics in the media who have no lives sitting their mom's basement.


Right, ridiculous click bait pieces will never give you a pass. NFL The NFL could give a zero interest loan to BLM antifa for three to four billion dollars they could probably afford at the NFL. And it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You'll be called the super spreader advanced by The New York Times. You'll be the Buccaneers, the whole Chris Berman, the news you're their team names will be called out for being not politically sensitive enough. It doesn't make a difference.


All right, moving on to actually more important topics of the day. Daily Caller will be up in the show notes today, please check it out. Scott Moorfield. The dreadful Liz Cheney, I actually added the dreadful part headline, Liz Cheney, Trump does not have a role as a leader of our party.


Joe, you said you see that Joe, you see maybe Joe Joe is the most uncomfortable, forced laugh ever, he was like I. Yeah, he sounds like he's been a few weeks and he's sitting on the toilet there. That's what it's. Thanks, Joe. My brother. I don't know. I've never actually witnessed that. But I can only imagine what it would sound like if it were the case. Maybe. Joe, I just have a suggestion.


Maybe Liz Cheney should tell the actual voters that because Trump's approval rating within the Republican Party is a multiple of about, what, six thousand four hundred and twenty two percent higher than Liz Cheney's? Why am I bring in this article up again? It'll be in the show notes. I encourage you to look at it. Because I know some of you reading this article about how Liz Cheney, again, dreadful Republican congresswoman from Wyoming. You're probably reading it and thinking, well, then it was just a few weeks ago where you told us that we shouldn't forfeit the Republican Party, it's our party, we should take it back.


But you're probably thinking this is more evidence right now if you just reading it on its face that why should we support these losers? No, you're wrong. I'm bringing up this article because this exactly makes my point how the Liz Cheney's of the world really believe the party you've built through Donald Trump and others through your donations, your door knocking, your social media posts and your votes, the party you've built, it's not theirs. They really think it's theirs that she's making the opposite argument because contrary to the data, Donald Trump's still mass appeal to Republican voters, Republican voters, alignment with his vision for where the GOP should go.


And he still hasn't started a third party. And I don't think he will. And it's actually talk down that because I've told you how bad of an idea this is, because we're not a parliamentary parliamentary system where we don't have proportional representation in this company. In this country, you run in races where, sadly, the Democrats and Republicans have monopolized the vote in this two party system. They just have there's no proportional representation. So if Greens run, communist run and then the Tea Party would say get a line on a ballot, the Tea Party and then run.


It's win or lose, the Republican or the Democrat are going to get the most vote, no one else gets a vote, that's it. It's not proportional representation. So it's a fool's errand to start a third party right now because you built the Democrats. But this article shows you again how misguided these inside baseball establishment lunatics are. She really believes despite mass approval of Donald Trump by Republican voters who it's their party, Liz Cheney still believes the party somehow is hers.


She thinks it reminds me of that. Joe, you remember that movie Braveheart, right?


Pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. Loved it. Yeah, a great movie. I've seen it. Probably some portion of it 72 times, maybe seventy two point six. Not really sure if that's an accurate number or not, but it's a good guess. Maybe the audience archives, Judy, can fact check that for me. I've seen Braveheart a lot and he walks into the the Scottish nobles after winning this great battle, William Wallace. And he basically says to him, you know, you think these people exist to give you power and titles, but really you exist to give the people power.


I know I'm running the line a little bit. I don't actually have a mean culture stuff. I always get it wrong. But that was the gist of it. That's what's happening here. Liz Cheney still doesn't get it. She's convinced that people exist, voters, Republican voters, to give her power, give her a job, but the party is ours and she exists solely. In a constitutional republic to enact and vote for things we believe in, and if not, we should vote her out and take our party back.


I know some of you disagree, and I respect that there is there are a few topics I get as many emails about as the prospects of starting. A third party, some people were offended then you should be all in for the Patriot Party folks, the math just doesn't work. The idea in principle is a good one. The idea in reality is not. And I do not subscribe to losing strategies. It is not a parliamentary system. You will not elect one congressman in the entire country and the Patriot Party ballot.


I take that back. Maybe you'll get a few, but you won't get enough to change anything. The way to do it is to do what we did in the Tea Party revolution is to go back and within the party, take our own party back and give the Liz Cheney's a one way ticket out of Washington, D.C. That's the way to do it. All right, we got a loaded news day today, so I want to get to more here.


The impeachment trial is going to start this week, ladies and gentlemen, in Washington, D.C., the second folks, impeachment by the ridiculous, now fully discredited Democrat liberals and their media allies. They want to impeach Donald Trump for inciting a riot by suggesting people march to the capital, quote, peacefully and patriotically. How that's inciting a riot, I don't know. But asking liberals to pay attention to common sense and actually read the transcript of what Donald Trump said is apparently too much for the liberals who can read.


I'm sure some of them have a problem with that basic reading comprehension. Maybe we should give him an SAT test before they try to get elected to Congress. But I love this. I love this one. So Washington Times headline can be up in the show notes, please subscribe to my show notes. It is my newsletter. I email it out every morning. I need to be able to talk directly to you. Ladies and gentlemen, the big tech censorship is getting insane.


I need a channel to you directly. My email list is that conduit. Go to Bongino Dotcom newsletter to get my newsletter. Every morning you can read this gem of an article in the Washington Times by Alex Sware. Washington Times, Trump's defense team during the impeachment trial will show clips of Democrats urging violence in 20 20. Good for you. This, again, goes back to my. Ongoing, four and a half year theri. The Donald Trump theory of liberal.


Liberal Manea. Why Donald Trump bothers the left so much. Folks, I've said this forever now, Joe, you can attest to this, my theory, Republicans have always bothered, always, always bothered Democrats and there's always been false charges. If you're all racists and white supremacists, we get all that. We're used to that nonsense. But Donald Trump has. Inflicted upon the Democrats, a sense of Trump derangement syndrome, as it's been called, that is far beyond what we've seen before with Bush, even Reagan.


Why my theory is this. In the past, the Democrats have had this card, the race card, the identity politics card they played against Republicans, which has forced them to back down Republicans who then backed down, apologized. And the Democrats have learned through trial and error that all they have to do are call Republicans racist. Remember that thing they had that internal listserv, journalist, journalists, look it up. A bunch of media people in D.C. had an email group and they would talk amongst each other.


And one of them, I forget who it was, had mentioned. Yeah, yeah. But, you know, when they fight back, just call them racists and they'll all back down the the the the liberal and the media admitted it and it got leaked. This was years ago. They knew that. My theory about Donald Trump is Donald Trump would be called these ridiculous things falsely, obviously. And instead of backing down, which the Democrats got used to hear me out, he would fight back viciously, viciously, call the media fake news, enemies of the truth and all this stuff and that they had become accustomed to putting for those.


You saw that dreadful movie, Dirty Dancing to put a baby in the corner. Nobody puts baby in the corner. And Donald Trump is like the Patrick Swayze. Nobody puts baby in the corner. And he would come out and fight back. And Joe, they didn't know what to do. So they would respond to Democrats because they never had an alternate plan, because it was never necessary. Joe, microplane is bad if I am now, you're all Republicans, all Republicans, racists, they backdowns take a victory lap in the media and move on and rub yourself and celebrate.


Oh, this is so great. Oh, my God.


Look what we did. Trump didn't care. He'd respond back with an even bigger and better message than he had the last time that they called racist and crazy stuff. They didn't know how to respond because there never was a backup plan. So what would they do? They would up their. Response to Trump's response, an increasingly ridiculous ways Trump's a Russian trader, Trump's working with Putin, Trump is giving Putin massages in a hotel. It was insanity. Maxine Waters get up in their faces and confront them all.


And then Trump would call that out and it made them nuts. Why do I bring that up in context of the impeachment trial coming up, ladies and gentlemen, I'm getting behind the scenes word that the establishment of Liz Cheney class or whatever. Not suggesting Liz Cheney specifically, but the Liz Cheney class, the failure class, the class that subscribes to the old George W. Bush vision that when the Democrats call you racist, apologize back down, even though you're not and try to compromise with people who hate you.


The Liz Cheney class wants that in this impeachment trial. They want the Trump team maybe to just apologize and focus on a couple of election law changes in Pennsylvania. But don't dare fight back and call the Democrats out. And the Trump team is like double barrel, middle finger. I'll have to use the index one for the family friendly folks, double barrel, middle finger. Now, we're going to point out what you guys Democrats have done, calling for violence, calling for people to be punched in the face, to be confronted for crowds to confront people showing video of antifa, BLM maybe showing the tweets of Kamala Harris bailing out BLM rioters and terrorists who burned down cities.


Remember that one? This is a brilliant idea. Why? Because, ladies and gentlemen, impeachment is not a criminal trial. It's not. If convicted in the Senate, which I doubt. Donald Trump will face no criminal sanction from the Senate whatsoever. It's not a criminal trial. It's a political trial. And in a political trial, the gold, the gold is what? The goal is to drain the political bank account of Donald Trump, I don't mean money, I mean Donald Trump has a unbelievably high approval rating still to this day with the GOP.


The Liz Cheney class knows that they want him to do things that will. Break his image of a no surrender guy, they want him to surrender and break his no surrender renegade image. So he'll fail, so his political bank accounts train the fact that Trump's defense team is now going to go out, take it to the Democrats, show the videos of them actually inciting violence. In a political trial, we'll do the opposite and drain the political bank account of the Democrats by making it a referendum, this trial on Democrat behavior.


Ladies and gentlemen, it is a brilliant, brilliant approach. All right, I'm going to get to my second spot and then I want to get to the this video buyer's remorse here happening already. Now you're seeing union people, even union leaders, starting to say, I got a video here of a journalist doing actual journalism on a union leader who's like, yeah, maybe that vote for Biden wasn't such a good idea when he canceled all our jobs.


I got that. Then I've got let the book burning begin. And then the video of Tucker Carlson absolutely wrecking the hapless Shepard Smith. Total failure in every regard. Not by Tucker. Biochip. All right, folks, today show brought to you by. So listen up, ladies and gentlemen, it's the final week for the Sharmini Valentine's Day sale for only a few more days. Get the brand new zoek deep correcting sperm for free with your order of Jenny, sell for bags and puffiness.


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All right. Thanks, Jen. Yourself, the hapless Joe Biden presidency starting out with just glowing reviews, Joe, by everyone. Everyone's ecstatic about the electric Joe Biden. Of course, I'm being sarcastic, setting the presidency on fire over the last three weeks with a litany of horrendous. Probably a. constitutional executive orders. Can't stand up to teachers unions, don't want to teach your kids in big cities anymore, it's just been absolutely wonderful. Well, here's Jonathan Swan at Axios doing some actual journalism here for a moment here.


Here's a video of him, he's interviewing Richard Trumka, he's a big labor leader for this in the country.


He represents a lot of unions and he says to him, listen, you know, you guys endorsed Joe Biden here real early here. And now he's dumped this Keystone pipeline. And you're a union rep here. You represent a number of different unions, Trumka and most of your unions, people involved with that, notably eleven thousand hard working American Union workers working on Keystone. They got the dipsy do dump Uru, meaning they don't have jobs anymore. How do you feel about that?


Watch how this goes. And Trumka, the union guy, is shockingly candid about the dreadful past three weeks of this Biden growing disaster. Check this out.


You think Biden realizes that that was a mistake, that announcement? I I think so, yes. Did you talk to him about it? I have not. Why do you think? And if I had, I wouldn't tell you. So why do you think he has come to that realization?


Because the next time the subject came up, it was done the right way. When you said that the Laborers International Union was correct in this statement, I want to read you part of this statement. They said, We support the president's campaign to build back better. Killing good union jobs on day one with nothing to replace them is not building back better. Do you agree with that statement from Terry O'Sullivan?


Yes, ma'am. That one. That was remember our segment a couple of weeks ago, Laura Curran, Nansook, Nassau County executive, talking about people's tennis balls and how we should you can kick people's balls, but you can't touch people's ball. Remember that one, by the way, on our one of our social media accounts? That video of the show for me has over a million views. I think it was one of the most watched. This is Richard Trumka basically saying the same thing about kicking tennis balls that we hear.


We're really kicking his balls right now. One of the top union leaders in the country basically acknowledging. They made a mistake here. Now, do I expect him? The change course and start speaking truth to their union members that, hey, we don't have your interests in mind, we have our union interests in mind, and those aren't the same thing now. Of course not. I'm not stupid. But there is a lesson here, folks. These guys are not in it for you.


You're telling me Richard Trumka. And unions didn't have an idea, at least that Biden would come in and cancel the Keystone pipeline and cancel good union jobs. Come on. Come on. There had to be at least some suspicion this could happen. At least some suspicion, it's common sense. But now, after the fact, everybody's running for cover. This reminds me of something, you know, I don't like to talk about stories unless I feel like I have some some some color to add to it, some background.


You know, in my second book, The Fight, I talk about the dangers of what Mansura Olsen would call concentrated interests and diffuse costs. Unions are a concentrated interest, it's not necessarily a bad interest, I'm not impugning the character of people who work in unions or their leaders, nor Trumka. I'm simply suggesting they have a concentrated interest. They're concentrated interest is whatever the union may be, the boilermakers, steamfitters, electricians, they're concentrated interests are the working conditions and salaries of their workers.


Right now, it's concentrated. In other words, the interests of electricians and local three in New York City are the interests of them. They're probably not yours. Your interests are your job, your kids. But the costs of taking care of those unions are diffused because labor costs go up around the country. Diffused in that if labor costs go up a few bucks here and there, Joe, it probably doesn't affect you directly in your life, but enough of a dramatic fashion that you're willing to go out and organize against unions are concentrated interests.


Does that make sense? Like the unions benefit and the cost to use very small. So you're like, I'm just going to let it go, whatever. Yeah, it's it's why groups like, say, AARP benefit, do they lobby for things that benefit relatively concentrated interest groups of people? And the cost to you are perceived to be small so you don't have an interest in fighting back? Well, the problem with that is that it's very successful doing that because these small, concentrated interests, AARP is kind of a larger it's just you unions are probably a better example.


Teachers union specifically. Because the costs to them are to you specifically, a very small. The benefits to them can be very large, but when they lose like the teachers unions are about to. And the unions losing their jobs on Keystone, the concentrated benefits go away to. Why am I bringing this all up, because, ladies and gentlemen, I'm seriously suggesting that you vote according to your conscience and what you know is right and not what a concentrated interest is telling you, because once they get you those benefits, those benefits can be taketh away like that.


Oh, you thought you were safe on the Keystone pipeline because your concentrated interests supported Joe Biden? Well, Joe Biden unfortunately took your concentrated benefits, your job, because, remember, that works the same way when your interests are at very low cost to me and the general American voter. They're not going to organize to vote against you because there's not much in it for that. Cost me a few extra bucks for a job or whatever. But when you lose your job, it costs them nothing either.


That makes sense to Armacost. It costs them nothing either. Yep. Most people around the country like Joe are concerned. We think this really sucks that you lost your job. Seriously, it is awful. And I've got your back. But the cost to me candidly, folks, is, what, twenty five cents extra at the gas pump? There's a lesson here. Vote your heart, vote your head, don't vote to what these union leaders and others are telling you, you know it's the right thing to get back into schools.


You know, it's the right thing to support serious conservatives and libertarians who support economic freedom. Instead, some of you voted because your union leaders told to vote for Biden, who in turn made sure you had no job later. I'll look it up. Concentrated interests, the diffuse costs, those diffuse costs work both ways, it's relatively low cost to us for Joe Biden to fire you guys. Big mistake. All right, moving on. This is our Let the Book Burning Begin segment, we're back to the Salem witch trials, Joe.


We'll all be Hester Prynne sunim. I'm sure scarlet letters on all of our foreheads may be tattooed. Let the let the let the Salem witch trials begin shortly after that. What am I talking about? I woke up this morning, saw this fascinating article, I have my show name on Google Alert, the Dan Bongino show, obviously for a lot of reasons, because I want to see. What people are talking about, about my show helps us market the show better.


So once in a while, I come up with a gem that has nothing to do with my show but something to do with me. This came up at The New York Times this morning.


And I want to let's frame this article because I always like to give you a kind of where we're going with this before folks I know cancel culture is under your skin. It's on mine. It's cost me a lot of money and a lot of time, obviously, what happened with Parler in L.A. and elsewhere. But I want to assure you, my now five year push to construct a parallel economy free from liberal lunatics, media lunatics, media, totalitarians, media, communists elsewhere, it's happening right now.


Right in front of your eyes, there are small battles were winning. And one of the articles I saw today in The New York Times, it's meant to be kind of a backhanded wink and a nod to publishers. To stop publishing conservative authors, but the reality of it is if you read the article in depth and you know the publishing industry like I do, I mentioned in the piece, I'll tell you how we're actually winning, not losing this fight.


New York Times. Big publishing pushes out Trump's last fan, top editors at Hachette have told employees they've learned the lessons of the capital siege of January 6th. No hate speech, no incitement of violence and no false narratives by Ben Smith. This is, of course, the New York Times article meant to do what show? This is one of those wink and nod articles. Where The New York Times media, tyrants, media, totalitarians and media communists are winking to book publishers that, you know, hey, be a real shame, Joe, if you publish some of these Mago authors and we had to write about how you're publishing, about inciting violence and hate speech and stuff, Joe.


Yeah, sorry. So what they're doing here is The New York Times media, communists and liberals as part of cancer culture. They're doing this wink and nod approach. The wink and nod approach is to be a real shame approach, as I said last week, and they're going down the line. What do I mean by that? They're going from space to space, I want to write this down for I won't miss one anywhere. Trump supporters, conservatives or libertarians publish their ideas anywhere will become a target of the communists that The New York Times in the media and Democrats, the podcast space, the book space, which will cover in this space to let the book burning begin any social media platform.


Parler, Gabb, whatever they'll all become targets, telegram, chat rooms, any chat rooms like clubhouse and others, you dare to speak and unapproved media speak, they will become a target. It's happening right now. I'll tell you that story in a minute. To a great piece by Glenn Greenwald in the show's micro blogs, blogs, radio, TV, anywhere speeches unapproved by the media. Communists will become a wink and nod target. It's guaranteed.


So this one specifically is about books. And this is the wink and nod. God forbid you publish one of these Magga people, the Magga terrorists, as they're starting to call us. Jake Tapper disgracefully said that this weekend. We will come after you next. So here's the first part. This is the invocation of the morals clause that The New York Times is probably winking and nodding that other publishers should do to to make sure, God forbid, conservatives get a book out.


Quote, New York Times piece. Hachette is hardly the only mainstream publisher steering away from Magga books. Simon and Schuster invoked its morals clause. There's the wink and a nod. Maybe you other publisher should do that through clause to cancel the publication of Josh Holli's book Republican from Missouri after he objected to the results of the November election and cheered the protest before the violence broke out. Simon and Schuster, two sources familiar with his plans said, will also stop publishing the right wing activist Candace Owens.


Again, this is signaling this is The New York Times signaling its support in the media for totalitarian communist book burning type activities. But inadvertently, Ben Smith gives the other side of the argument whether he knows it or not. I don't think he understands what he's doing. He may. But he gives the other side of the argument, here's the side you should start to smile about a little bit. Ladies and gentlemen, we are winning small battles in the publishing industry, the parallel economy where we get away from the media, communist and their buddies is being built right now.


And I've been a part of it in a small way, but in a way nonetheless. Here's a guy named Adam Bellow. He founded the Broadside Imprint and HarperCollins, and he now runs a publisher called Bombadier. He says, yeah, there was price inflation in the conservative book market. Bello said he compensated for the inability to bid the bid by splitting sales 50 50 with megastars, including the right wing media figure Dan Bongino and Congressman Matt Gates, a Florida Republican who was a leading Trump acolyte.


This guy, Bella, who I don't remember I have one email from.


I don't I don't know this guy. I'm sorry. I don't remember talking to him much. But Bello said we're already getting a lot of these books, partly because the big publishing houses are saying no and partly because no self respecting conservative should want to be published in a house where people hate them. Amen. Mr. Bellow is absolutely right. So you get my point here, you see what happened, the publishing industry now is already building a parallel economy.


I've been a part of it now, not have none of this is easy. And Belo gives both sides of it. He says basically this is a little bit of inside baseball, but people love behind the scenes talk. Any book, behind the scenes scores huge behind the scenes and airline steward who speaks out. There's a behind the scenes book of 60 Minutes this weekend here. They say Mike Wallace was a terrible guy. The book's like at the top of the charts.


Everybody loves behind the scenes. Let me give you a behind the scenes thing of what happened to me as and showing you how this parallel economy for publishing free of cancer, culture censorship is already happening. The point is this, maybe if you're a Trump supporter who writes a book like me, you may not get a huge advance. It's probably true because what happens, folks, is the big publishing houses, Simon and Schuster, Hachette and others, McMillan and stuff, they are moving away and caving to cancel culture.


So they're not bidding, so they're not bidding on people like me. So you may have if you're Dan Bongino writing another book, forgive me for talking about myself in the third person, you may only have two companies bidding on your book rather than, say, seven or eight. Simple economics, folks, right, if there's fewer people bidding on a product on eBay, it's not going to generate the price people want because there's not many people bidding on it.


You get a thousand people bidding on it. The price goes through the roof. So you may say, well, then, how is that a win? Well, it's a win because conservative publishers who respect conservative thought and who respect Trump supporters. Figured out a new revenue model, they said this and this is what happened to me. They said that we may not be able to give you the biggest advance in the world, which I said fine, I mean, if you're only writing for the advance, then my suggestion was then don't write.


If it's all about the money for you, they just don't do it. I always told people book ask anyone I've spoken about the book business is very hard to make any money, right, because you believe in it. If it makes money later, great. But they came to me and said we may not be able to give you the biggest advance in the world. But we'll split the revenue 50/50. I said, that sounds like a fair deal.


You see, it's in there, that's what this guy, Adam Bellow, mentioned. And folks, it's always been a fair deal for me. Why? Because of you. My audience is always supported my books. And I know, although I may not, like, get really stupid rich up front, like, oh, my gosh, a ten million dollars. That's never happened. I've never even been close to that. Never even even in the ballpark.


I always knew in the end that these companies who came to me and said. You think your audience will back this book? Absolutely, you will underwrite it for a small advance. Absolutely. Some advances got pretty nice at the end, just to be fair, but never close to anything in like seven figures, not even close. We're building the parallel economy. Yeah, the downside, you may not get a huge chunk of upfront money. But you have faith in your audience and all of a sudden it all works out in the end, you've always supported my box always every single time I'm going to write another.


I don't know. I'm not sure. And I don't know. I don't think so. I always say that and I wind up coming up with an idea later on, but. It's happening, we're learning our way around, they can't stop us forever, they can't keep the beach ball underwater. All right. It's probably best they get to my my third sponsor. And I want to go on to the second part of this. How this wink and nod approach, this is a two pronged approach cancel culture to crushing conservatives and Trump supporters.


I want to get to this video of Tucker Carlson. Just flooring Shepard Smith, which is great. The two prong approach is this the wink and a nod approach in the liberal media. Really be a shame if you published, you know, Magga writers wink and nod. And the second prong is media people pushing to have people do platform because of disinformation. Glenn Greenwald has a fantastic piece I'll get to in a minute. Let's get to our third sponsor, Joe Armacost, personal favorite, our friends at Rock Auto Tie.


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Oh, Paul, it's going to she's threatening to mute me on my own show. This is the Dan Bongino show.


Not it is.


It's the Dan Bongino show, not the Paula Bodgy or the Joe Jones actually threatening to meet me. Joe is quietly sending me a text right now because he controls the Adobe audition. I'm cutting that part out because you're singing is awful. No rock audience loves me and I love Rock Idol and I will sing to my heart's content. I'm just kidding. Joe didn't send me that text, but Joe, who is a professional musician, knows how awful my singing is.


I just like rock bottom. All right. Go ahead, Rock. I don't ever believe they never complained. They dig my song. All right. Getting back to some serious stuff, this Glenn Greenwald piece. So this New York Times article I just discussed is part of this two prong strategy where media communists wink and nod to every industry out there, radio, podcasts, blogs, Twitter, social media companies, whatever. They wink and nod and say a podcast like Apple.


It'd be a real shame, you know, if you guys continue to publish Magga people on your podcast platform. Real shame, right? The second strategy is to use the same media people to call everything we do disinformation, despite the fact that they're the actual disinformation specialists who promoted the tape. There is a fantastic substract. I can't recommend enough by Glenn Greenwald. I'm on substance as well. Please subscribe to Glenn Greenwald. He is not a conservative, but that's OK.


He's an actual journalist who has no problem calling out communists in the media because he's afraid of totalitarians like I am and what they'll do. This, the link to his substract article will be in my show notes, however, today on newsletter, please read this piece. It is worth your time. It's called the journalistic tattletale and censorship industry suffers well-deserved blows. Something happened this weekend. I'm going to get to that last in this piece because it's important.


There is The New York Times Tayloe Llorens falsely accused the tech investor of using a slur after spending months trying to infiltrate, infiltrate and monitor a new app that allows free conversation. That's what this piece is about. But he makes some critical pieces about the two prong strategy first and how the book burning has begun. Let's go to screenshot number one where he describes the be a real shame approach. Right? Media writes pieces app will be a real shame if you continue to publish the Dan Bongino show.


So he says. Quote. I've written before about one particularly toxic strain of this authoritarian quote, reporting teams of journalists at three of the most influential corporate media outlets, CNN's media reporters Brian Stelter and Oliver Darsey, NBC's disinformation space unit. Gosh, is that not a communist name or what Ben Collins and Brad need Brandi's Rosnay and the tech reporters of The New York Times McIsaac, Kevin Roo's and Shira Frankel, all of them have written about me, by the way, devote the bulk of their so-called journalism to searching for online spaces, get a load of this show where they believe speech and conduct rules are being violated.


They then flag them and then plead that punitive action be taken banning censorship or content regulation after school detention. These court hall monitors. Are a major factor explaining why tech monopolies, which for reasons of self-interest than ideology, never wanted the responsibility to censor, now do so with abandon and seemingly arbitrary blunt force. They are shamed by the world's loudest media companies when they do not. Amen, Glenn Greenwald nailed it, this is the be a real shame approach, these media reporters and NBC, CNN, they're not real reporters are fakes.


They're communists and also the people, The New York Times, this is what they write endless pieces about everything from what is the new one? What's the new one? Elon Musk is using the it's just jumped to the top of the charts. It's an app where you can talk to people, a clubhouse, clubhouse. Everyone will become a target when it's not approved, left this speech, they're just going down the line. Secondly, talks about how they move from space to space anywhere we go to talk telegram.


This is the one I just mentioned. I'm like losing my mind here, clubhouse, anywhere you go, these communists will follow. They move from space to space. I mentioned before Sparkasse books. Social media doesn't matter. This is an actual quote from a fake journalist. He says, quote, Those of us in journalism have come to terms with the fact that free speech, a principle we hold sacred, is being weaponized against the principles of journalism, complain ridiculous absurdity.


I added that in ultimate establishment journalism maven Steve Call, the dean of Columbia University's School of Journalism and a staff writer at The New Yorker. Talking about a free speech is a bad thing.


This is not a New Yorker and Fox contributor who runs a major journalistic listserv listserv appropriately called Study Hall. Kyle Cheika has already begun begun shaming substract for hosting writers he regards as unacceptable. A recent Guardian article warned that podcast. Here we go, Joe. They're moving down the chain anywhere unapproved speech happens. The Guardian article on that podcast was one of the remaining areas still insufficiently policed. ProPublica on Sunday did the same about Apple, and last month, one of its reporters appeared on MSNBC to demand that Apple censor its podcast content as aggressively as Google's YouTube now censors its video content.


It's got your copy. It is there. Straight up communist. It never stops. It never stops. But what happened this weekend? Well, this fake news specialist, Taylor Llorens, at The New York Times made an abomination of a mistake.


She must have snuck in on clubhouse, apparently some app where people can speak to each other in small groups without the NSA or the communist listening. Well, the communists in the media, like Taylor Llorens, weren't having that.


So Llorens decided to jump in on a private clubhouse talk where a guy named Mark Andriessen was speaking with some, I guess, colleagues of his.


Everybody tracking it's a private chat. This fake news reporter jumps in there. So this is from the piece, this is what happened from Glenn Greenwald piece, the profound pathologies driving all this were on full display on Saturday. This is this past Saturday as a result of a reckless and self humiliating smear campaign by one of the New York Times star tech reporters, Taylor Lawrence. She falsely and very publicly accuse Silicon Valley entrepreneur investor Marc Andreessen of having used the slur word, quote, retarded during a discussion about the Reddit GameStop uprising, and Dreesen said it was retarded.


Interesting. It goes on. Well, Llorens lied. Wow, Joe, that's interesting. Fake news specials lying. Lorenz lied. Andriessen never use that word. And rather than apologize and retracted, she justified her mistake by claiming it was a, quote, male voice that sounded like his. Then she locked her Twitter account as though she, rather than the person she falsely maligned, was the victim. You believe this? Sneaks her way into a chat room, falsely claims this person, Marc Andreessen, used the word, quote, retarded, talking about Reddit and GameStop, it was never Andriessen.


He never said that. And in The New York Times, slime artist Talo, Llorens, WLOX or Twitter account because she's getting spit back on Twitter acting like she's the victim here. They will chase you down the chain. It won't stop until you fight back and we create this entirely parallel economy. Video platform, social media platforms, book publishing apps, app stores, phone companies, all of it, Dan, that sounds hard. You're darn right.


It sounds hard. But it's starting. Don't leave every show depressed, we have to know the battlefield here so we know how to strategically win the fights. The book publishing separation started a long time ago, I was part of it. You're seeing it now with the advent of new social media platforms, new apps developing. Pretty soon, clubhouse, I'm sure, will have a feature to detect troll accounts, so trolls like Taylor Lawrence can't sneak into private chats and do the communist thing, falsely accuse people and propagandize to get them pulled down and get them cancelled.


All right, probably through our last sponsor. Let me do my last sponsor and I want to get this video, which is fantastic. And I want to tell you a great story about the dreadful Shepard Smith. I've never shared this. And, you know, I don't like. Sharon, it's not that really, you know, it's not really that bad of a story, but it just goes to show you what a horrible human being Shepard Smith is.


We ran into him once in the lobby of Fox before I was working there. What a dreadful, miserable human being. All right, today's final sponsor page, your life, Valentine's Day is coming up. I wanted to do something special to celebrate it, so I thought, why not a special portrait of my girls get a professional, hand painted portrait created from any photo at a truly affordable price. Choose from a team of World-Class artists and work with them until every detail is perfect.


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Thanks Pingelly. All right, watch this video. So Shepard Smith, a former absurdity at Fox News, is now doing horrible ratings trying to regain its dignity over its CNBC. Shepard Smith ran a show, and Joe, he's a tremendous investigative reporter to shot Smith and they cracked the story of the century. Joe gets the cheat again and see the video clips and audio before the show. So wouldn't you agree, Joe? This was the story of the century in Naples, Florida.


Oh, they found something at the supermarket. This is it. This is up there with, like, the Lindbergh baby kidnapping to Biggie. Yeah. This is up there with interviews of on foreign soil of foreign leaders who've changed the world. Shepard Smith nails it on his discredited, failing CNBC show, and Tucker wants to give him some credit. They found some dastardly deeds happening in Naples, Florida, an area I'm very familiar with. I ran for Congress over there.


Watch. Tucker is in about a minute and 50, but it's worth your time. Just give Shepard all the accolades he deserves for this incredible act of investigative reporting. Check this out.


We spent an awful lot of time beating up on journalists and the sorry state of journalism, but we don't want it to be all negative. Of course, will hold up the miscreants for abuse. But we also want to celebrate the good guys once in a while. And tonight, we want to bring you the story of a genuine investigative journalist, a man who's been forgotten, cast aside like an acosta when he really should be an Edward R. Murrow. And that's an injustice we plan to rectify right now.


When everyone else was saying you should wear a mask to protect yourself from the coronavirus, this man told you you should wear three masks. Not just one three Ravier like that isn't taught, you're born with it, you got it or you don't. Well, last night, this same investigative journalist, now an anchor at CNBC, broke the story of a lifetime. If Pulitzer Prizes still mattered and they don't, this would get a Pulitzer. You've seen the Zapruder film.


You've seen the moon landing. You've never seen anything like this. Roll tape. We all fantasize about a time when we won't have to wear the masks anymore. It's not now, but some at a supermarket in Florida appear to have decided that the time is now. Look at this.


This was the scene at Okes farm seat and to table market in Naples today. NBC's Sam Brock took this video, which went viral. It looks like it was taken pre pandemic, right. Those customers and employees not wearing masks at all.


This was the scene.


A woman smiled in a grocery store. Actually wasn't quite what we thought it was, we believe the hype, I guess maybe when you spend 30 years reading scripts about car chases, everything seems like a car chase. The problem is not everything is a car chase. Sometimes it's just people smiling at each other in a grocery store. Sorry, overheated news guy. That's not actually a news.


Uh atip, news busters for that, Jim. Hat tip Tucker Carlson as well. Chepe found that we found that video of people shopping in a small supermarket, seized the table in Naples, shopping and smiling at each other. Apparently, some customers chose not to wear a mask. This is apparently the story of the century, according to CHEP. Let me just tell you what kind of guy Shep is, what a loser this guy is. So when I had just met Joe back in 2011.


You know, I was running for Senate. I said no name anywhere, I mean, like in the real sense of where nobody knew who I was. I was a Secret Service agent who left the job to run for office. Everybody's like, who is this guy? So we had got invited on Fox. I don't know what it was, Neil Cavuto or whatever, but I had this press person who was, you know, we were both kind of green in the field and she was just figuring out how to do press because we didn't have any money to pay some, you know, big time MediaPro to get us booked everywhere.


But Fox took interest in the story and Shep was still working there. And again, we were doing some hit in the morning and Shep walks in the lobby and my media person says, folks, this is exactly how it went down. There's no alternate vision of what happened. Remember this story about Shep walks in the lobby and my media person says to me, hey, I'm going to go talk to him and see if he'd be interested in having you on the show.


And I begged her, please don't, because I know Shep was a total liberal, right? She just thought she was so aggressive she didn't even care. She walks up to him. I'm aggressive with me. She wasn't what she was, really. And she goes, Hello, Mr. Smith. I can watch. You know, he was a Secret Service agent running for office. Any chance we get you're in the most dismissive. I want to say something different, but I believe because we're on terrestrial radio, we're subject to FCC rules.


Black hole way possible. He says he does she doesn't even finish her sentence and he goes, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not interested face palms are like he just won the Heisman. Desmond Howard style gives her the faceplant. I mean, in front of all these people, like, embarrassed. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Not interested. As if, like, the first six no's weren't enough and he, like, screams it out. Now I know Szeps defense will be, hey, I got to go to work. This happens all the time in the lobby. Well, maybe in 2011 when Joe and I were both kind of green to the podcast Revolution and to each other and didn't know much about politics, I would have accepted that. But now being in the media myself and having walked that Fox lobby, I don't know, two hundred, three hundred times, I challenge you to email me my emails on the website if I ever did that to you in the Fox lobby.


I've been stopped in the Fox lobby or outside Paul politics, I call you every time, right? What do I say right after I get off the air? I typically call Paula to get the Paula review of what happened. How many times have I had to say, I'll hang up and get back to you in a minute? Right. Because people could I have never, ever, ever disrespected or humiliated someone like that in front of people out there, ever.


There are a few people. I said, hey, quick, I got to do something, but I got to run. He made a big scene, Joe.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Heisman, Desmond Howard still not interested and made sure to humiliate as you just kept walking and disregarded her. And I tell you, she came walking back and I she was tough. Woman was very tough at work, but I got to tell you, I saw in her face like a deflated look, like she was upset. There's the real Shep Smith. And are you allowed to tell stories like that, don't care, tell stories, whatever I want.


Why not? I wasn't working anywhere. Listen, we got to jump to this Washington Examiner story because we're running out of time, I got a whole bunch of stuff I got to get through tomorrow. The good news is, Paula, we've got a lot of our show, including a great red state article. You can get ahead of tomorrow's show by reading it today, show notes again. But you know that consolation newsletter, Red State has done an autopsy on why TIME magazine decided it would be a good idea to admit liberals in a secret cabal manipulated the 2012 election.


What the hell they do that for? Read ahead for tomorrow. I'm going to get into that and the two takeaways from that piece. I also want to get to this great article about how the liberals idea of demographic destiny, how they think growing numbers of Hispanic voters in the United States is going to benefit them. Long run is a total failure, total failure. That article is fascinating, too, but I wanted to end the show on this one.


This will be in the show. Notes two would also be up on, our conservative alternative to the now left leaning Drudge Report. Joe, this is Joe does not get to see this. This is probably the best story I have heard in a long time. I want to leave you with a smile on your face. You know, L.A., more radical, far left congresswoman from Minnesota. Well, L.A., Mark apparently had a very strange relationship with her now husband's business, not the brother husband.


This is the post brother husband. So she married, not her brother, the other not brother husband. She marries the not brother husband who has a consulting political consulting firm. And it's really strange. Johan Omar's always trying to call out these big conservative interests and dark money and whatever and all the other stuff. Apparently, her non brother husband, now his primary source of income, two point eight million dollars. That's a lot of dough. Constituted 70 percent of all Hono Mars campaign spending.


Now, again, a subject I have personal experience to remember, Paula, we ran for office, people tried to convince you to take a paycheck. Here's the difference. Paula was really doing hard core work building up on, the website, which was a campaign website back in the day, and she refused. She said, I will not take that. She wouldn't take it. She would not take it. So I find this kind of weird, the two point eight dollars million was paid for melanoma, Omar are not brother husband's company.


So why is that a good story? Because two congressmen, genius, Washington Examiner Tom Tiphanie hat tip, Tom and Mike Gallagher, they introduced a bill named after Al Hunt Omar that would prevent politicians from paying spouses with campaign funds. And the bill is called Joder. We have a drum roll anywhere. No, I'll have to do it.


Thank you, Miss Paula. It's called the Ohmar Act, I love it, the Omak call your congressman today and say, hey, we are all in for the Ohmar act. The Ohmar act. We should run on this in twenty twenty two. I said they were going to be two big issues in twenty twenty two big tech and fair and free elections, voter ID. Those are the two big issues for twenty twenty two. Let me take that back.


Three, three big issues. Everything's in threes. Right. Remember Herman Cain. God rest his soul. What did you, what was his plan Joe. Nine nine nine people think in threes. I don't know why. There's probably some neuropsychologists you can explain this. Here's the third tenet of our plan, the Ohmar Act, preventing ill Hungama from paying non brother husband two point eight million more 70 percent of their campaign funds to the camp. I love the omeri and big hat tip.


I don't know Tom Tiffany. I do know Mike Gallagher, a radio host out in Texas. My friend Sam used to have the tough guy, tough guy squad. He had me, Mike Gallagher and Allen West than that. So I do know who Mike Gallagher is. But let's pass the Omak call or email your congressman today and say, hey, I'm all in on the act. This is absolutely spectacular. What a great idea.


There's my. Wink and a nod. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. Don't miss tomorrow's show again. It's going to be loaded. You're not going to want to miss those articles I spoke about. They are really, really interesting and should, again, leave you in these horrible times with some good news. The Democrats' plans are really going to fall apart if they're relying on demographics to save them isn't going to work. Identity politics has its limits.


Thanks again for tuning in.


Please subscribe to my video show Rumbold dot com slash Bongino. It is absolutely free. Rumball is like YouTube without the political censorship and better. We're closing in at one point five million subscribers, which is amazing. Rumball dotcom slash marginal and make Bongino everyday book market your home for your morning news. Viewership there has gone through the roof. We really appreciate it. Bungeni Thanks folks. It's good to be home. Thanks for your patience this last couple of weeks.


Joe, Paula, Drew and I, we all appreciate it. See you tomorrow.


You just heard Dan Bongino.