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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


Did you notice the media narrative switch? Did you catch it? The media switch, right. Right in front of your eyes, by the way, because they really think you're morons. Listen, we're a week from any election, and the Biden cover up operation is in full effect. Ladies and gentlemen, the narrative is now switched in the media from there is no evidence of Biden crime, family corruption whatsoever. And now there's evidence. But the evidence was put forth by the Russians.


I've got that. I'm going to show you a great news busters video watching these clowns be clown themselves in front of the entire nation. I've got that. I've got some evidence also from a great piece in The Wall Street Journal about the cautionary tale here, about when the media goes all in for a political party and what happens to the media later, especially when that political movement is a socialist, tyrannical movement. I want to also show you a more media hypocrisy on the Amy CONI Barrett last night being sworn into the Supreme Court.


How hilarious it is that the media can't even get their story straight on any day. It was record time. I was. All right. Let's go to the records and check that out. They show Batebi expressive, ladies and gentlemen, protect your online activity from prying eyeballs today, get a VPN, go to express VPN Dotcom Bongino don't wait. Welcome to the Dan Bongino show producer. Joe's having some technical difficulties today, so we're going to have to hammer through using Paul as the audience ombudsman today.


Let me get right to it. I got a ton of content today, show a bunch of our friends at my Patriots supply. Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for what's next? It's likely coming. Food shortages, power outages, grocery stores closed and social unrest. Are you ready? Do you have enough food and supplies on hand to last at least 30 days? Ladies and gentlemen, you ensure everything in your life that matters everything. You ensure your health.


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There's still time for you to do the same. That's my Patriots Supply Dotcom, the original Patriot preparedness company. My Patriots supply dotcom due to Joe's technical difficulties. I'm going to have to use the Kenny Bell today.


Kenny Bell to the rescue, our big, fancy, sophisticated technical solution to the Joe Technical bell going down the tubes. All right. Let me get to this first on this Hunter Biden scenario, which is growing despite the media blackout. They're doing a terrible job of keeping this story from you. How do I know that? Because I always produce evidence, of course.


So a poll recently that a majority of Americans think that the Biden family was up to no good overseas with their foreign suspicious, shady foreign dealings. So Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, all of these entities, Snapchat and others who are doing their best to stick their fingers in the middle of this election and block you from hearing information about the Biden crime family are doing an absolutely terrible job. The media, which is a joke, an embarrassment, a disgrace to humankind, a stain on this country, full time activists for the Democrat Party, a laughing stock, the same people everywhere.


I want you to watch this clip from News Busters. This is a great one. It's a little it's about a minute, 30 plus, but it's important. I don't use clips this long, but it shows you in the beginning how the media narrative, again, they're clowns, they're jokers and losers and liars. We all know that how months ago and years ago, the Hunter Biden allegations of the Biden crime family's operation overseas shaking down foreign countries for money using former Vice President Biden's name.


How there was no evidence, there was no evidence, the quotes in this video here to say no evidence. And then when the Hunter Biden laptop the receipts, we got the receipt. Here's the receipt. Thanks to Miss Paula, the Hunter Biden laptop, where you actually signed it over his laptop. We've got the receipt right here, Sibos in Espanol. We got the receipt right here. How when he signed over the laptop and now there is evidence now they switched the narrative from there's no evidence of Hunter, Biden, Biden family, corrupt crime, family corruption to now the new narrative being there's evidence, but it's definitely Russian disinformation, which is odd because there's no evidence of that being actually true.


Check this montage out. This is classic. What a bunch of idiots.


I just want to deal, in fact, because there is so much speculation out there and there is zero evidence that Hunter Biden or Joe Biden did anything wrong here.


We should note, again, you and I have said this on the air many times. There is no evidence that Joe Biden was involved in any wrongdoing.


Of course, I want to note that there is no evidence that Joe Biden or Hunter Biden has done anything wrong.


I just want to reiterate and let's be clear for the viewers, there is no evidence Biden did anything wrong. I'll note again, because it's important. There is no I repeat no. There is no evidence that either Biden did anything illegal there. There's been no evidence. There was no evidence. There's no evidence. There is no evidence.


There is not an iota of evidence.


No evidence Biden did anything wrong. There's really no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong.


Nobody's ever accused that. I mean, there's no evidence whatsoever that Joe Biden did anything wrong.


Got that Joe Biden did nothing wrong. Hunter Biden did nothing wrong. Biden secret emails are really fishy story. The Post claimed that the emails were found on a laptop computer that was brought to a repair shop in Delaware in the spring of 2019.


The FBI is now investigating whether those alleged Biden emails are actually connected to a larger foreign intelligence operation.


They may be related to a foreign intelligence operation, foreign intelligence operation, foreign intelligence, foreign intelligence, foreign intelligence operation. For all we know, these emails are made up.


The information found on the laptop may be part of a Russian disinformation campaign, part of a Russian disinformation effort described by many intelligence experts as having hallmarks, all the hallmark hallmarks, rather, all the hallmarks of a Russian or Russian Russian disinformation, Russian disinformation, disinformation campaign. This is a classic example of the right wing media machine.


These people will never recover from this shameless buffoons, these clowns and liars. Of course, we had to put Mr. Potato Head Brian Stelter in there. Well, it was the news busters clip. But any time I see a George Costanza in a media montage of buffoonery, we have to include it in the show because Stelter, such a clown coffee boy fetching loser who has never had a real job in his life, who found himself in a seat in the lowest rated show in that time block on CNN because he's such a zero.


And what do they do? They actively promote foreign intelligence by claiming it's foreign and foreign governments who want to see the United States collapse are celebrating our media doing their dirty work by creating division in this country, by pretending a massive Biden crime family influence operation is fake before an election when they know full well because these people aren't stupid, that that information is, in fact, authentic. Paula asked me this morning, why do they do this because they don't care, there's a great piece in The Wall Street Journal I'll get through tomorrow by Gerard Baker about how the media made a conscious decision a while ago to forfeit their credibility.


They know they're lying. Brian Stelter, for as lame and as much of a loser as he is, he's not as dumb as you think he is. He's actually very calculating and he's doing this strategically to assist the Democrats because he's not a real journalist. He's a fake loser. I'm sorry. I'm very hostile this morning because there are large swaths of America who have no idea the potential future president Joe Biden, could be a foreign asset. They may have a blackmail file in enemies of the United States who are nuclear powered on a potential president, Joe Biden, because his son couldn't keep his hands out of the foreign till.


And yet the media working on behalf of these foreign governments would like to see nothing more than extensive division in this country are laughing that our media is promoting division by pretending all of this is fake. Folks. I want to move on to this other story related to this, but I want to make a very serious point. We need the media. I know you may. We don't need these idiots now, ladies and gentlemen. We do. We do our influence.


In the larger U.S. media ecosystem. A small relative to theirs, it is, I wish it were larger. Our show does twin 700000 to a million over 20 days, audio, video, Facebook, even more. But I'm not even counting that. Ben Shapiro probably does two million or so, and I'm not sure what his numbers are, but he has a lot, is a number one podcast for Fox News, three to five million a night.


Ladies, gentlemen, there are three hundred and thirty million people in this country, NBC, CBS and ABC. Their combined nightly news audience is probably three, four times. What Fox News everywhere do, so when they come out to you like Fusion, Ken Delaney and who you heard in that clip, the NBC News guy is in the back pocket of all of these people feeding him pit bull talking points. You get the rest when he says that on the NBC Nightly News and promotes foreign disinformation by claiming it's foreign disinformation.


It penetrates into society at large. These people are lying to you. They are utter buffoons. We need them. We need them to have a scintilla of dignity. We need the media, but ladies and gentlemen, it's over. It's over. I'm really sorry we will not be able to rescue these people because they don't have the character to be rescued. The media has to be interested at some point because they have a shred of moral decency. In telling you the truth.


You can't rescue repentant liars in the media. You can't. It's over. And what worries me about this is the only solution is to grow our side of the media equation, to get the stories that we're doing a good job and we may get there. But rescuing fusion can Delaney and rescuing Maggie Haberman and and George Costanza at CNN and all of these other these clown shows, whatever Brooke Baldwin, whatever the other that Rachel the Moscow Maddow rescuing them is impossible.


They don't have any dignity. We have to build our side of the equation and tell people the truth. What happens when we don't? Well, Mary, Mary, Anastasia O'Grady, who does a great column at The Wall Street Journal, she traditionally focuses on Latin American politics. She has a great piece this morning. No, it should serve as a cautionary tale and a warning sign for everyone about how dangerous this can be when the media totally goes in the tank for socialist tyrants.


May. Why would that happen? The media find themselves in jail later, too. They're too stupid to figure this out. Here's the piece. If you think I'm messing with you, how free speech dies. Wall Street Journal. Hyper intolerance is a familiar path to tyranny throughout Latin America. They're talking about hyper intolerance to opposing ideas, kind of reminiscent of the idea that we should be intolerant in the media, the Hunter, Biden and the Biden crime families activity overseas.


We should lie about it to protect them. What happens when the media does that? Well, here's a screenshot from the piece, because this has happened throughout history in Latin America, Cuba, Venezuela and elsewhere where the media has gone in the tank for socialist tyrants like Joe Biden and others. And what's happened? Well, let me quote her piece, because this is a warning sign. Ladies and gentlemen, listen very, very closely about the path we're going down now.


And you'll see why I'm so worried about the media and losing the immediate losing the media in this country to falsehoods and gaslighting.


Quote O'Grady, Wall Street Journal. Castro understood the free speech wouldn't fly in the police state that he envisioned, but in his first months in power, Castro continued to pay lip service to democracy and knew better than to march into newsrooms with bayonets and jackboots. He didn't need to. At Castro's disposal were useful journalists ready to do his dirty work by attacking their own colleagues. She kind of sounds like losers in the media attacking The New York Post for publishing that hundred.


Oh, no. It quote unquote goes on. Carlos Ripple's, nineteen eighty five book quote, Harnessing the intellectuals documents, this story, this Castro story on December twenty six nineteen fifty nine, the provincial Association of Journalists of Havana, quote, agreed to impose on all periodicals the obligation to include in the form of clarifications or footnote sounds kind of like fact checks today. No criticisms of editorials or news items that were not in accord with the official government line.


Holy Moses, ladies and gentlemen, kind of sounds like what's happening now. And in editorial's, fake fact checks on content. It's kind of sounds like what Castro is doing, demanding that editorials like criticize Castro have little footnotes on them. That's like the fact check routine now, right? WERD. WERD. Folks were going down a dangerous path. You have one week to change this. Donald Trump is the bull in the small C china shop. And this China shop is full of broken China, and everybody knows that they've been ripping people off for years, Trump goes in there a through ton bull and is tearing the whole thing up.


Forcing this China shop to rebuild with actual China. Please don't make the wrong decision. If Joe Biden is elected, there's no rescuing the media from the same path Cuba and Venezuela and other countries have gone down where useful idiot journalists. Have attacked democracy by attacking their colleagues, people like me, telling the truth, I know what they're doing, this one trying to interview me right now. I know exactly what they're doing. All right, ladies and gentlemen, I want to get to the second story, too, because it's important we had Amy CONI Barrett, their nomination accepted last night, passed handily in the United States Senate.


The left is going absolutely wild, which I find absolutely hilarious because the left brought this on themselves. Remember, it was former Democrat loser, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who decided it would be a good idea to scrap the judicial filibuster. Remember that you libs conveniently forget that, don't you? Because, you know, history fails to penetrate your vibranium coded six inch skulls, you know, history and facts and stuff. You don't really do that stuff well.


So former Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, left wing tyrant, remember, he thought it was a good idea when he was in charge under the Obama administration, when the Democrats had the Senate to scrap the 60 vote requirement in the Senate for judicial nominations. Remember, there was a senile leftist. Harking back to my earlier segment here, leftists who watch NBC, ABC and CBS and who are lied to all the time and live in a world of stupid because you can't do basic research, really believe that it was the Republicans who have upended democracy.


It's an unconstitutional process. The filibuster. You had the filibuster. The filibuster was scrapped because of Harry Reid. You numb nuts do a basic set of reason. The reason the Republican led Senate now was able to pass Amy CONI Barrett on to the Supreme Court through the nomination process. There is because they had fifty two votes rather than 60. The 60 requirement was scrapped by Democrat Harry Reid. Do a basic Internet search, folks, and you'll figure it out yourself.


Republicans don't have to do that because we don't live in your stupid media universe where facts and stuff can't get through. So the liberals who live in this world of lies, of course, can't figure out that this is totally unacceptable to them, that Amy CONI Barritt, a conservative, we finally have a five four conservative majority, by the way. Yes. I'm not misspeaking there. John Roberts is a full blown liberal. Forget him totally. He's he's totally forfeited, as though he's now fully in the tank of the Washington Post editorial column.


So in order to pretend now that this is some kind of historical anomaly, President Trump rushing through dreaded air quotes the nomination of Amy CONI Barrett and her appointment now to the Supreme Court, which is now official to Democrats and their media allies are trotting out easily, easily discredited talking points easily, which will show you in a minute. Let me show you what again. This is the media echo chamber, ABC, which has a massive audience on their nightly news.


This clown, David Murray or me or whatever. I don't know. Is it. I don't know. I don't care. I'm not mispronouncing my purpose. The guy's a liar or he's really stupid. He's not really stupid, which makes him a liar. So here he is on his show with equally stupid liar Terry Moran. Oh, you're really hostile. That I am, because I'm half of America doesn't know what's going on because they're lied to constantly.


Here's David. We're. Last night saying how the Amy CONI Berrett nomination and the vote, appointing her, in fact, to the Supreme Court yesterday in the Senate, happened in record time. And watch Terry Moran have to say, yes, David, you are right, this is record time. The problem is we have the record. So let's watch these idiots first and then we'll go to the actual records and see if it is fact record time.


Check this out.


We are also following the other major headline from Washington tonight. The Senate is now set to vote on President Trump's Supreme Court nominee just a short time from now. Judge Amy Koney back on track to be confirmed in record time. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell telling Republicans Democrats won't be able to do much about this for a long time to come. ABC's Terry Moran live at the Supreme Court for us today Terry. David, you're absolute right.


This is a record that the Senate will be setting tonight because Amy CONI Barrett is certain to become just as Barrett tonight and she will be confirmed closer to Election Day than any Supreme Court justice in American history. And you can see why they want to do it.


So it's a record. Sorry, just in my microphone there, ladies and gentlemen, these again, are prominent media figures, they're not bright or they are bright and they're liars.


I don't know. I got I don't know which one's worse I'm leaning towards. They're liars because these aren't stupid people or they really are stupid people and they just can't figure out how to do research. So you would think if you had a major news outlet like ABC and David Muir and and Terry Moran, you would think, right, that someone who put that copy in the teleprompter, they typed the words in the teleprompter for firmware to read. Right.


That someone would, in fact, check that because it's very easy to check if, in fact, Amy CONI Barrett was confirmed in record time. Paula, how would you how would you check that you would just see the head nod from Miss Paula? Would you go to the records? OK, we're getting a head nod from Paula, this is really wonderful. Paula is nodding your head in approval that if Amy CONI Bear was in fact, confirmed in record time, that the records would indicate that so.


Let's, in fact, go to the records, by the way, had tipped the news busters team that that put this out in their social media account. That's where I pulled this from. So Senate dot gov. I went to the records at Senate dot gov. And here we have Supreme Court nominations, the time they were nominated to the confirmation vote. So we can see on page one, we didn't even get by the way, this goes all the way down throughout history.


Seventeen, eighty nine to the present. I'm not going to show you the whole list because it's too long. This is just the first screenshot I took. We didn't even get the like anywhere past twenty five. And we can see that John Roberts was nominated to be the chief justice on September 6th and that was confirmed on September twenty nine. Oh, OK, that's shorter than Amy CONI Barret's September twenty ninth nomination to October 26. OK. Clearly that's.


Well that was chief justice. That's just an anomaly. There's clearly a record. This is record short time somewhere else or or something. So I went down the list a little further and I went down and we looked at President Lincoln, President Lincoln, you know, top hat, great president, President Lincoln. And you can see that President Lincoln had people confirmed on the same day. December 6th, 1864, confirmed December 6th, 1864. He had one four days later, March six, Stephen Field confirmed, March 10th.


David Davis, December 1st, nominated December 8th, confirm Samuel Miller, nominated July 16. Confirmed July 16. We don't even do you understand you're being lied to. There's only two options, these people are bold faced liars with zero credibility or they're really stupid and they can't do basic homework. Like going to the Senate dot gov website, saying if it's record time she was confirmed, whatever it was, thirty eight days, then that would be the shortest period of time.


It's not even close. It's not a record now. It wasn't a record in the 60s. It wasn't a record ever. It's not a record. And they both agree. David Weir, this is record time, Terry Terry. Yeah, it's a record, David. And dumb liberals scoop this up like you guys record time. Why do we have to do this, Paula? Why do we have to do this every day? You know how much I would just love to come on here and talk about things of deeper meaning and substance rather than constantly having to shred liberal media stupidity, you know why I do it, even at the expense of my own sanity, stress and health.


Because your liberal friends are on Facebook because many of them are really dumb, they don't do their own homework like I do or you do, and they're on their Facebook and their Twitter and they're like, this is record time. Respond back. Did you check the record? Sent it back? No. OK, so you're an idiot. There's no evidence of Hunter Biden. No, no, no. Now there is evidence. Oh, no, no.


Now the evidence is Russian. Do you have any evidence that it's Russian did? No, I don't have evidence of that either. All right, I want to get to why Amy CONI Barret's confirmation last night is so important and you may see well, because we got to finally a conservative majority in the Supreme Court because John Roberts is a liberal. Yes, but there's a very kind of inside baseball. Mechanism that's going to change right now that you really need to know about.


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There are a number of reasons, some I'm not telling you on camera. Well, The Wall Street Journal has a great piece about the dynamic in the Supreme Court run by Chief Justice Liberal John Roberts. Fraid of the Washington Post op ed writers is about to change and change for the better. Editorial board Wall Street Journal Justice Barrett joins the court, a landmark for the judiciary without any guaranteed outcomes, which is true. We're hoping Amy CONI Barrett sticks to her originalist ideas and ideology and doesn't become John Roberts.


An absolute disaster for conservatism. The Liberals best friend, John Roberts. But they wrote this interesting little piece here, here's a screenshot from the piece where they talk about what's about to change for John Roberts, who thought he was the big guy, the grand poobah, the godfather of the Supreme Court. But now, even though he's the chief justice, it's going to take a back seat to one of the greatest Supreme Court justices in American history. I kid you not.


The great legendary Clarence Thomas, why is that? Is he going to be the Supreme Court chief justice of the United States now, Clarence Thomas? Not necessarily, but this is what's going to happen. Wall Street Journal. Chief Justice Roberts is less than originalist, than a pragmatist and a judicial politician. Gee, you think? But the new lineup, including Amy CONI Bear, will reduce his influence as the swing vote. If Roberts joins the liberals now in dissent, all, oh, listen to this with justice, let me can I editorialize you?


I was going to ask if Justice Roberts screws us over again. Now back to the quote and joins the liberals in dissent. The task of assigning the majority opinion will go to the great legendary. I added that in. But it's true. Justice Clarence Thomas as the senior associate justice. Oh, isn't that nice? That could have a crucial impact on how far the majority opinions are willing to go in setting new legal precedents or overturning always. Oh, let me translate.


You get that, Paula. Probably now it's OK. That's OK. I had a little time to do some homework last night. I don't blame me, but let me translate that for you. What's going on here and what that really means? So when Chief Justice Roberts decides to screw us over again and fabricate new legal penumbras out of thin air like Obamacare is a tax really that's quote Obama, it's not a tax. So Roberts just basically made that up because that's what he does, because he's a full blown liberal.


He now stands a pretty strong chance of losing anyway. Because we have now five apparently originalist conservative justices on the Supreme Court now with Amy CONI Barry. Five, four, six, three, stop listening to the news. The problem with that is if Justice Roberts sees the writing on the wall and understands he's going to lose a case and he's in the minority, he doesn't get to vote because he's chief justice. Now he still gets one vote. Then the majority opinion would not be written by him when he's the swing vote because he'll be with the minority, now you get it.


So if the majority opinion is written by the senior associate justice, the legendary Clarence Thomas, oh, you can bet those majority opinions may be a little more wide ranging than they were written when they were written by John Roberts, when he did agree with the conservatives and was in the five four majority where Roberts used to write very limited opinions. Trying to. Restrict. The. Penetration of the opinion into the wider country at large. Clarence Thomas, who actually respects the Constitution.


Maybe a little more apt to write majority opinions now with Roberts on the sideline that are a little more wide ranging. You think Roberts doesn't know this, you think Dan Bongino in The Wall Street Journal are telling you this for the first time. You think Roberts isn't aware now that he's in a bind? So think of the pickle John Roberts finds himself in now. Do I do what I want to do, act like my liberal self, vote liberal, lose the case, and then let Clarence Thomas write the majority opinion which will impact the whole country?


Or or do I side with the Constitution and the conservatives who got me nominated and pushed through and write the majority opinion myself, even though I'm a liberal and want to do liberal things? I don't know, John. I don't know. What do you do? What do you do, John? Paul, is this not a conundrum? Is this not a dilemma? This is a big dilemma. For all Johnny R.. Liberal, John. Tway, what do I do, what do I do?


He's so frightened, the Washington Post opinion column, what am I to do? I sign with the Liberals and making up stuff out of thin air and crapping on the Constitution and knowing I'm going to lose the case and then, like Clarence Thomas, take over. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. You think about that, did you? I got to be honest, I didn't either, but when I read it this morning, I thought, that's fascinating.


I got to tell my audience about that. Johnny R finds himself in a really bad spot right now. Let's wrap up this Amy CONI Barrett saying what a great night last night, but we had a good night. I know I've been particularly hostile today, saw a lot going on, not in the mood. To put up with liberal bias this morning. But, Chris, expose these fake live tough guys from what have I told you forever, ladies and gentlemen, ignore liberal fake tough guys.


They're always calling for violence and burning the world down. And we're going to beat you up if you do this. We're going to it's going to be a coup after the election or this liberal stuff where the peaceful, thankfully nonviolent conservative resistance, because we believe in big our God given rights for everyone, which prevents us from doing violence to someone else because they disagree with. That's insane. That's a liberal thing. The media loves that I'm not OK and not riots.


They're peaceful protests. There's a building burning that it's burning peacefully. So liberals are violent maniac lunatics, but I'm just telling you, they're fake, tough guys just. Don't ignore them. But whenever you can poke fun at them, and that doesn't sound very moral, no, it does. It is more let me explain to you for a minute if you're going to be a liberal, fake, tough guy, lunatic talking on Twitter because you're behind your keyboard.


But we're going to burn the place down, baby Koni by then. Be prepared to be mocked. We're going to mock you and poke fun at you relentlessly. To incentivize others from making buffoons of themselves like you did, what am I talking about? Here's this complete clown, Reza Aslan, a total loser who just is always tweeting. Look at this guy. Look at his avatar. This guy couldn't beat up his 90 year old grandmother, and he's always tweeting stuff like, we're going to burn it down.


This is an actual tweet from this idiot from a month ago. If they even try to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we burn the entire blanking, starts to turn that thing down. You know what I was going to say, because I don't want to make light of this medical figure, but. Reza, as I know, this is hard, this is hard, but I don't want to have to provide Paula do any edits because I got a rush to the doctor after this today.


So I don't want to force any editor. This guy is a colossal washbag of the highest order. He's not burning anything down, but his reputation on Twitter, a total clown. So Reza Aslan, a liberal for Burn It Down now, it's funny, New York Times will write a story that by by us exposing liberal threats to, quote, burn me effing thing down where the ones somehow inside of us that Davey Alba for The New York Times writing that story right now.


Dan Bongino encourages violence by making fun of liberal lunatic who encourage violence. Oh, yeah, that makes a ton of sense. New York to Davey Alba. The double digit IQ duns that makes the world a sense, but showing you how you should really ignore their threats and plow straight ahead because they're fake, they're fake, tough guy losers. Guy couldn't take on his grandmother in a wheelchair. He's going to burn it down. You burn it down.


He here's the Supreme Court yesterday after the confirmation vote. This the great Shelby Talca from The Daily Caller who's like, hello. Well, there are more press than protesters at the Supreme Court. I thought you were going to burn it down, guys. Are you going to burn everything down? Well, thankfully. Thankfully, they didn't burn it down. We don't want to see any violence left this violence especially, which is especially brutal. Ignore them, plow straight ahead.


Stop being intimidated by these idiots if you are, there are a bunch of goofball clowns. They're not even worth 10 seconds of your time. They are only worth your time when we're be clowning them and exposing them for the losers. They are to dis incentivize other media losers from trying to promote violence. Let me end with this on this segment. This is time to double down and triple down. We now have a five four conservative majority on the Supreme Court.


I told you yesterday it's not good enough for you to get out and vote, take 10 or 20 friends, do not make that mistake of thinking. I voted. I did my job. You did not. I'm not trying to be patronizing. I'm trying to tell you we need to win. Winning is what matters. Talk is cheap. Game time is over. Game time is done. This is the time to win. Let's finish this thing now.


Let's finish it next week. Let's win the presidency. Let's take back the House and let's take back the Senate. Why? Because, ladies and gentlemen, these people are violent lunatics, as I just showed you. They have a violent streak, but you said they were fake, tough guys. Some are. Reza Aslan, the fake is a tough guy out there, but there are leftists out there who aren't kidding when they say burn it down.


There are. This is not the time to back away. This is the time to double down. We need to beat this movement, this socialist tyrannical movement, beat it into submission ideologically and at the election booth. We've done it before, when did it happen in modern history? Second term, Ronald Reagan, his vice president, runs for office. George H.W. Bush wins again, essentially what would have been and what the public thought would be three terms of Ronald Reagan.


It wasn't George H.W. Bush ran center left in many cases. But after losing three consecutive elections in landslides, Reagan, Reagan, Bush. The Democrats finally realized, ladies and gentlemen, they had a problem and that their movement was insane. Michael Dukakis and Walter Mondale, who ran respectively against Reagan and Bush in Reagan's second term in Bush's first were liberal lunatics. Insane leftists. After we destroyed them and decimated them in national elections, we beat their ideological movement into submission and they tapped out.


And they realize tyranny and socialism wasn't going to work. The Democrats reform their party for the better. I don't want the Democrat Party to disappear, folks, I'm not a tyrant like the left the year. I want them to have a party full of sane ideas. I have no problem debating them. We can't debate tyranny, though, because I'm not going to debate the value of my own life. After the second term of Reagan and the election of George H.W. Bush, the Democrat Leadership Council was formed.


They revamped their entire message and they elected Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was a morally inept individual, but it was Bill Clinton who gave the speech in front of Congress at the State of the Union who said the era of big government is over. Bill Clinton was right when you want me to say he was wrong because he was a Democrat. No, that's the idiot games left this play. A lot of what Bill Clinton did was ridiculous. Hillary care, of course, is moral ineptitude.


But the Democrats understood they had a problem, the only way to get the Democrats right now to realize they have an AOC Bernie Sanders problem is to beat their ideological movement, beat them so handily with Donald Trump again and at the courts that they finally realize they've got an issue. Double down. Let's finish this thing. There's a week to go. It's not good enough to vote yourself. You have to bring 10, 20 people with you more if you can, someone said to me, I don't have 20 friends.


I don't care if you have family members, you have neighbors. Do you even know 20 people? I'm sure you do find them. I don't want to bother them with voting. Yeah, you want to bother losing your country because that's about to happen in seven days as we descend into Cuba like chaos if this guy takes over by. The big guy, Beijing, Joe. All right, let me get to my next sponsor, I want to get to an election update.


I got two pieces of video here that are really important. Something is happening, ladies and gentlemen, on the ground, something really big for Trump. I'm seeing it. I'm not being overly dramatic. You know, I hate predictions. Joe Biden could very well win. And I don't think it's going to be a landslide in either direction. But I'm telling you, I'm here in Florida, something is happening in Florida and in Pennsylvania, it is happening.


And I'm going to show you a video. I need you to stay tuned. Today's show also brought to you by our friends in Omaha Steaks. Ladies, gentlemen, right now you can get a gourmet assortment of best sellers with an exclusive offer for my listeners. Listen, I mean, forget the FCC, Omaha Steak. I just want to read it because I love Omaha steaks. We eat the heck out of Omaha steaks in this house because the food is just darn delicious at a price you're never going to beat.


You're not going to get steaks like this for the money anywhere. Simple, their burgers, their ground beef is absolutely delicious. Their desserts. Well, how do you get this stuff? We eat it here all the time. My fridge is stacked. We have another fridge downstairs. First world problems. I get it stocked full of Omaha steaks in the freezer. Go to Omaha Steaks Dotcom and enter the code Bongino Buongiorno in the search bar and for this week, Omaha Steaks will add two pounds of their delicious outstanding Paula's favorite premium ground beef free with your order, plus free shipping.


My favorites, the Butchers Best Sellers package, what does it include, the bacon wrapped fillet minions, smoky, sweet bacon. Don't do this to me. I'm hungry for tender filet mignon. Delicious. Joe, here's me right now, he's just not talking, by the way, because this thing may not be recorded, but he hears all of this and he's getting hungry to go. So is Paula. Go to Omaha Steaks, dotcom and urban Jeno in the search bar for exclusive offers not available anywhere else.


And don't forget, when you order today, Omaha Steaks will add two pounds of their premium ground beef free with free shipping. Paula makes empanadas. With that, you can make burgers with it. It's over, it's over. It's so far so good, oh, my state has been bringing people together for over 100 years. Enjoy family, enjoy friends, enjoy the best day of your life. Don't wait another second. Go to Omaha steaks that come Papageno in the search bar.


Get the two pounds of premium ground beef free. All right. Need like a break a second from that one. Food is good, not messing with you. I have to name these blocks now why I don't know, because I just like to this is the election update, bold name, very creative. I thought of that myself, by the way, election 20, 20 empty. So here's a piece of video here. Now, listen, for those of you listening on audio only, we'll let it kind of murmur in the background a little bit and describe it for you.


Don't worry.


But this is video of you may say that's a pretty amazing Trump rally. Look at all these people in Pennsylvania. Play a video, Bob, walking into this Trump rally.


It's really fantastic. Wow. Look at that. Trump signs everywhere. There's a whole road packed. It's Pennsylvania State Road three oh nine. Oh, my gosh. Trump signs everywhere. Look at that.


People like, yeah, this is so great heading into this Trump rally. What's the problem here?


The horns honking in the background for those audio listeners, for those watching on Rumble, Rumble, Dotcom Bungeni, you can see the video yourself. What's the problem with that video? Not the problem for us, but the problem for the Biden campaign. Ladies and gentlemen, that is not a Trump rally. That's a Biden rally. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Trump supporters by the hundreds and thousands have been storming Biden rallies in addition to Trump rally, which is kind of fascinating because he's turning out tens of thousands of people at his rallies and thousands more at the other guy's rallies.


Fascinating. So at Biden rallies, you have 10 or 20 Biden staffers. No Biden supporters at all. And you have hundreds, in some cases thousands of Trump supporters showing up at Biden Biden rallies. That's pretty hilarious. Folks, on a serious note, something's happening, I live here in Florida, I don't get out much for various reasons right now. But something's happening. It's everywhere down here in Florida and in Florida is a 50 50 swing state, which we all know if you win in Florida, nobody wins with 60 percent of the vote.


If you win in Florida, you win with fifty point one fifty one. Forty nine point six pluralities when a third candidates in the race. You don't win in Florida by a lot. Florida is about a 50 50 Republican state. It is the king of swing states. Folks, something's happening here. For Trump, it's everywhere, you can't turn a corner without seeing a Trump sign wave, Trump flags. I live in a relatively liberal part of a conservative county, if you can.


What I mean, it's a conservative county, but there are liberal pockets. I live in one of the liberal portions of it. There are Trump signs everywhere. On the liberal side of town. It's on the street, it's at your door with doorknockers. It's in the skies, skies, what is it, Superman, anybody not kidding, there were like, I live near the water. You you go out in a weekend, there's always like a plane comes by Trump 20, 20, Magga, baby, it's everywhere.


It's in the water, we drive over a bridge that we live near an island on an island. You drive over a bridge to get off these two islands, near, as I said, near. You drive over the bridge, there's a Trump flotilla every weekend, you're like, you know, nobody even looks anymore like what's on it's another Trump flotilla, like hundreds of boats coming. It's everywhere. How many of these Biden ones have I seen?


Something happened and folks. These polls aren't right. There's something wrong, and I want to show you this next video of Savage Trump, which I mean in a good way because it's great, but. You would be an idiot to ignore this. Something profound is happening here. Don't be surprised if there's some major upsets on Election Day and some really upset liberals could happen either way. I don't want to get into predictions game because I don't want a disincentive.


Is anyone from voting either way? I'm just telling you, something's happening here, and if your eyes are open, you're seeing it to. Let me get to the second video and then we'll get to our sponsor and then I've got this great media that is so good, though I can't I can't help but that I'm so excited.


The media here is a video of Savage Trump, who I love when he just goes ape on the media, which is absolutely terrific. So, of course, the media is misconstruing chief of staff to President Trump. Mark Meadows comments where he was asked about the coronavirus. They said, listen, you can't contain it. It's a virus. You can try to mitigate it. We can't get. How would you do that? Does anybody have is there a strategy to contain what are we going to do, put people in pretty covid prisons?


So Meadow's gave an accurate quote, said, listen, we're trying therapeutics and a vaccine. That's how you can tame. So, of course, that's been misconstrued by the morons in the media pretending to be stupid, pretending not to understand what Mark Meadows said. And they're like. Donald Trump, is your administration waving a white flag on coronavirus? Well, Trump just responds that absolutely savage fashion. This is one of the greatest, greatest. Trump quotes the media you will ever see.


Check this out. I know he has his way of the white flag on life. He doesn't leave his base with a white flag on life by class Savage Trump. I love that. We need more of that. That is wonderful. What are we going to do with our four more years of this? It is a bit like ROBERI, this is Russell Crowe, Gratiot, are you not entertained? What are we going to do with sleep? Go in there.


All right, let me get to my last sponsor and I got a media block you're not going to want to miss. It's really good how CNN again can't do a basic Internet search on fake news to figure it out because they're too stupid or they're lying again. They're not stupid. So they're lying to you. But who knows, maybe we'll give them a pass and say they're stupid. Today's show also brought to you by our friends that simply save.


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OK. All right, you know, as I said to you before. Back to where we you know, is this where we came in, kind of Pink Floyd, the wall style, some of you get the reference there. The media and the tech tyrants are doing a tag team, you know, tag, remember the WWF, the tag team matches, remember the Wild Samoans and then back in the day, WWE. Now, remember that back in the day you were the guy was like struggling to get better than the other guy.


Comes in all fresh and starts telling the guy, remember? Well, the media and the tech tyrants are tag teaming to protect Beijing. Joe Biden, the big guy. And you can see now how, again, the lies are just obvious and basically just a couple of quick ones before everyone is more serious. Here's a tweet by CNN. As I think John Levine did, this New York Post showed how stupid the media, they think you're them.


So CNN Trump was the first US president to deploy the term fake news against his opponents.


He was. Really? Because if you put Obama fake news in a search engine, you get this article at the Hill, Obama rails against fake news on. OK. All right then. OK, there you go. CNN again, Brian Stelter versus how smart can the people at CNN be or their liars like the Mr. Potato Head Stelter? But here's another doozy by the Great Recession, who on Twitter put this out, which is fascinating, how now YouTube screw tube.


That's why I can't stand screwtop. Demagnetize me screwtop. I don't care, man. Rumball now I don't care. I'm on your platform telling people how do you like those potatoes isn't that great. Thereby Geto doesn't care at all. You're only making us better at Rumball. You're in a bind. Now we're going to ban d'abord to please go ahead. I put out a press release tomorrow. It'll be millions of free PR. Thank you. Screw tube into the screw tube sensors watching my show right now.


So screw tubes jumping in the censorship fact checking game just like the Cuban Communist. Remember, in the beginning of the show, the Cubans had fact checks, footnotes added to editorials that dared criticize the great Fidel Castro. And by great, I mean total loser and tyrant. Killer and murderer and thug. So screwtop jumped in the game now, so I'm says, hey, look at this, on Google's YouTube platform, they're automatically posting a, quote, mostly false fact check.


If a user appears to be searching for Biden saying he'll ban fracking, he's on video saying he'll ban fracking. What's weird is there is no such editorializing about videos from The Washington Post, CBS when they with their debunked claims about the Steele dossier, he has screenshots below. If you put in the search part of YouTube looking for Biden wants to ban fracking. There it is. Thank you, Paula. You will see there's a disclaimer up, a fact check.


Biden is on video saying he wants to ban fracking. Screw to fact check. No, he's not. Yeah, when you put in Theodosia, you get no such fact check about the PPY hoax and the pizza weird isn't it, screwtop? Badme Screwtop Don't Care Page. Don't care one bit. That's why I'm with Rumball now going to do. I love it, that screw tube has to watch this, they're screener's they have to watch me on their platform, you know, why didn't you leave?


Why don't you leave screwtop vantages? Go to Rumbo while we post the show later on screwtop because we can't stand them. But we don't leave totally because I like to use their platform to advertise their competitor, Rumball, is it a great. We're going to beg you, please, to go right ahead. It'll be the greatest press release ever. You know, what, can we skip ahead a little bit and show you what we do here? And second, I wanted I had to do.


I wanted to do this one thing, and it was really funny. I'm not like a comedy show, I get it, but oh yeah, yeah, here it is. Oh, yes. Can we just skip ahead to Cuomo, Paul, is that we have to do detective stuff tomorrow. I got more Facebook and stuff, but I just kind of hate that enough and I'm running out of time. I want to get to this because it's really important.


Can we do the Cuomo video? So, Chris Cuomo from CNN. I have the story in the show. Notes today, Red State Governor Tim Murtaugh, who is the one of the communications directors, gays, matter of fact, he's on right now, as I'm watching on FOX. But this guy is really becoming one of my favorites. If I had like a bullpen of Mariano Rivera, like rock star relief pitchers out of the pen, Tim Murtaugh is becoming that guy.


He's a little more understated than I am. I'm kind of, you know, me. I'm like, throw in flame twenty four hours a day. But Murtaugh just wrecks these people. So he goes on CNN again. He's a Trump campaign communications guy. He goes on with the hapless Chris Cuomo and Chris Cuomo, who loves to tell America and and proselytize and preach about masks and coronaviruses and coronavirus mitigations. Important. I get coronavirus, especially in the coming weeks.


You know, it could be very serious for me. It's a serious thing. It's not a joke. But what I do find comical and this is Chris Cuomo lecturing America about any kind of mistake someone makes in their coronavirus mitigation measures while Cuomo himself was accused after he had coronavirus of breaking quarantine and is on the record now at his apartment building, sanctioning him for not wearing a mask in his own apartment building while he's using his CNN show to tell you what an idiot you are for not wearing a mask.


So Tomato goes on his show calls about this. Remember when Chris Cuomo on CNN, he pretended he was in his basement for quarantine and CNN covered him coming out of his basement? It was like out of the basement. It was just a big dramatic thing. Remember that? Yes. There's a look at how did you do that? Very good. Paul has a picture here. He is emerging from the basement. Well, Tim Murtaugh does a great job calling him on his hypocrisy because he'd already left the basement.


Check this out. This is great.


I'm about a president sending the right message while giving states what they need to fight a planned apartment building because I did the wrong thing. Why did you get reprimanded by you? Because I did the wrong building for failing to wear a mask after I did the wrong thing for why won't the president adjust his message? Quarantine and went. I never broke. And everyone knows you, Brooke. I never broke quarantine. You deny? I never absolutely came home and you pretended to rise up from your basement like Lazarus.


That's, you know, is the Lazarus like rising from the basement? Ladies and gentlemen had already been out of his basement. He was sick. You could check out the story in The New York Post and elsewhere where Cuomo, while still under quarantine, broke the rules, according to this report, left his basement and was confronted by a biker who saw him was like, hey, aren't you under quarantine? You're supposed to gauge any unnecessary travel. But CNN at a film, it you know, because they they employ Brian Stelter.


I guess they do fake news. And you know what? I thought if I could have, you know, these these WWF, WWE things I do. I just remember back at The Daily, you know, he comes out of his basement like lasers. I wish I could take this. They have like a little IFB when he goes. I emerging like. He was and he's sitting in his. I'm tired, I have defeated he was out a week before hanging out on the beach.


This is a serious disease, not a joke. No one's making fun of the illness. But you're going to sit here and lecture everyone about your coronavirus expertise and mitigation measures when you ignored them yourself and pretended to triumphantly emerge. Basically, you know what it made me think of? Remember the HULKA maniacs? Remember Hulk Hogan? He'd be the they'd have him in the sleeper hold and he'd be falling asleep. And everybody be like, you know, Hulk was like, OK, I'll call him is a hero.


Remember, this was you ever see this? And and halfway through the sleeper hall, Joe, I know you're listening. I know you remember this. Remember halfway through the whole campaign and the crowd would start to get up. Get up. And Huckabee. Remember that he and all of a sudden they start going at each tool, the guy, and drop the bag. That's Chris Cuomo emerging from the basement. He's in the sleeper cell. And CNN cheered him on and he emerged just like he should have ripped his shirt off.


It had like a big S on his chest or something like that. Just do the clown. These people are total. They're just making this up. These are golden calf fake heroes, and the leftist love them, almost lecturing America en masse, couldn't even obey basic quarantine rules. Now, that wasn't me. Killing a fruit flies me dabbling in the show. All right, one more thing, I know it's been heavy on the media here, folks, but again, there's a lot going on.


I really should do the state and I know we got to go to the dock and all, but I really should do the state initiatives. Thank you. OK, we have time. I want to do this Leslie Stahl story, one more quick thing in the media. I know I'm sorry I'm bombarding you with stupidity, that I've just all this stuff is spreading around. So 60 Minutes, the disastrous Leslie Stahl pretended to interview President Trump. It was really a Mike Tyson like assault.


And she accused the president of not having a health killer health care plan. So the president left the interview, which he should have. Good move, and told Kayleigh McEnany, his press person, can you go get our health care plan, which is literally folks this thick? So she brings it back. Kaley McEneaney and here's a photo of her of Lesley Stahl opening the health care plan. Now look at the book you can see in a rumble duck if folks for those who can, it looks like six or seven war and peace books stacked on top of each other.


So Lesley Stahl opens it. And media idiots, you can see this photo here quickly picked up on the fact that one of the pages in the beginning of the book was blank.


So you'll see Beckert Adams cover this story as it the shown us today, munching on that newsletter. If you'd like to subscribe to the show notes, here's Becky Adams. The media media pounced again. Journalists clowned themselves again with 60 Minutes screengrab. But what do they say? Well, because there was an empty page in this book, The Media, which lies to you constantly like Chris Cuomo. I did. My client and I emerge like letters from my name.


They wrote this Use a couple of morons. What's particularly odd about the book, given a given a stall, said The Washington Post's Philip Bump, one of the legendary morons in the media. By the way, total clown almost up there with Mr. Potato Head at CNN is in it. A 900 word plus article wrote is that the page to which she opened appears to be blank. This guy writes for The Washington Post, and he's unaware that in any published book, compendium of words or anything, there's typically a few blank pages.


Has this imbecile at the Post ever read a book? I've written a few I don't know what Philip Bob has. Here's a book I just wrote. Follow the Money. It's it's not a promotion for my book. Let's see. Well, I it the first pages, I don't dare buy this book, ladies and gentlemen, Dan Bongino is scamming the world with Follow the Money. There's a blank page in this book, Blank. Gets hot down here.


Don't buy this book, it's a fake, there's nothing in this book. Follow the money. Yeah, it's a blank book. Philip The has apparently never read a book before. Oh, you have a. You have. Yeah, that is true. Michael Knowles's book is actually by Alan. So here's my other book, Spygate. Let's see. Don't don't you dare buy this book either. I just discovered this for the first time, even though I wrote there's a blank page here to.


Do not buy Dan Bongo's books. They're definitely fake, there's nothing in there. Of course, there are things in the book, they put blank pages in there all the time, but Philip Bump is a moron who writes for The Washington Post who is implying that President Trump handed over a book full of blank pages on his health care plan.


People so freakin stupid. It really is hard to digest this. All right, let's end on this. Listen, more election 2020 stuff not related to the presidential campaign. What have I told you over and over? Ladies and gentlemen, if you are in a liberal state and someone is telling you because they're misinformed and I hope they're not, but someone is telling you, don't vote. You don't have to vote in New York, California. I don't know why they would say that, but.


Or maybe you're just thinking yourself, Trump's not going to win New York or California, so I don't need to show up. Stop, please. There are a number one, the popular vote matters, it doesn't matter for the Electoral College, it matters within the states, but it does matter because it sends a message. OK, so show up and vote regardless, no matter what, for the presidential race, but having said that, this is not just the presidential election.


There are congressmen, there are congresswomen, there are senators on the ballot. Local officials vote Republican straight through. Sorry, the Democrats are just terrible to you know, they turn it into the Cuba party. But also, ladies and gentlemen, there are a number of state initiatives on the ballot. I want to cover these quick we'll and the show on this. You live in Colorado, you know about Prop 113, Wall Street Journal, this is on your ballot when you show up on Election Day.


Gambling with Colorado's elector's. There's a proposition, and you should reject its Prop 113 in California, where they're basically looking to destroy the Electoral College. Meaning your vote in Colorado isn't going to matter. If the national popular vote goes another way, this is for the national popular vote, go to the screenshot from the screengrab. What does this mean? This means Colorado has a proposition on the ballot, one 13 that Colorado is going to vote, however, the national election votes.


Well, what's the problem with that? Well, a popular vote election could encourage sectional candidates who could compete in just a few states kind of like primaries. Oh, and by the way, there's nothing stopping progressive states like California from lowering their voting age from from eight from 18. Among other changes for partisan advantage in the national vote tally, since most voting rules are made at the state level, Republican states can jury rig and do the same thing.


Ladies and gentlemen, the way elections work now in Colorado. Is Colorado votes treat your presidential race like a governor's race in Colorado. Whoever wins the popular vote in Colorado gets all of Colorado's Electoral College votes. It doesn't matter what happens in the rest of the country. That's not what Prop 13 is about. They want your vote in Colorado not to matter. You vote in Colorado for Trump and the rest of the country's popular vote goes for Biden. Colorado goes for Biden, even though Colorado didn't go for Biden.


Why would you disenfranchise your vote in Colorado? That's asinine, reject no to Proposition 113, turn out and vote. Second. Proposition 16 in California, here in California, reject this thing, too. What do they want to do? They want to bring bring back racism. Oh, yeah, they do. They want to bring back racial preferences based on skin color. That sounds kind of racist because it is. Colorado's racial scare campaign. California excuse me, California, that you got to correct sometimes they do that California's racial scare campaign, this is about Proposition 16, again on the ballot.


Say no to this. Let's go to screenshot one. What's this about? It's about bringing back decisions on skin color. Not on ability and elsewhere, Proposition 16 supporters claim that racial minorities have been devastated since the state was prohibited from using race as a factor in decisions, especially in California's public universities. Well, in fact, the number of blacks admitted to the University of California is more than doubled since the year before Prop to nine went into effect.


Scrapped the second screen, sharing their latest jump and say no to Proposition 16 in California. It is an effort by racist liberals to bring back racial preferences rather than a decisions based on merit, which sounds racist because it is. So let's reject that nonsense, do and go to be colorblind society, which has always been the goal.


One more. You have question six in Nevada. Ladies and gentlemen, this is an effort to destroy your state's economy by trying to bring back renewables and institute 50 percent of the energy grid from renewables. Didn't you learn, Nevada, from what happened in California when the grid broke down because they can't do renewables? So you have question six on the Nevada ballot as well. Pay close attention to that. Do not support 50 percent renewable mandate Nevada or you will be California soon.


With electric bills through the roof, you'll be trying to escape your rolling brownouts and blackouts. You really want that? But didn't you learn from all the Californians leaving California to go to your state to escape the same stupidity there? Their question six. All right, folks, sorry, went a little bit over today, but that's really important stuff I will get to detect here and stuff tomorrow. Got a bunch of other stories, too, that I had to leave in the hopper.


But, you know, we always close out the week with a big show on Friday. Thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate it. Please subscribe to my video show on Rumball Rumble Dotcom Slash Bongino. We would really appreciate it. Subscribing Apple podcast and elsewhere as well. It helps us move up the charts. It's all free. Subscriptions are free.


We don't charge our. All right, folks, thanks again. I'll see you tomorrow.


You just heard Dan Bongino.