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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Folks, something really sinister is going on. I want you to put two and two together here. You've got this second assassination attempt at Donald Trump that goes on, right? You've got a guy that apparently has been recruiting, according to multiple reports here, a guy who has been involved in overseas activities, recruiting people in foreign conflicts.


That should be setting off bells and whistles. And then the same day, in a story I'm going to cover in a little more detail tomorrow, you've got the Ohio governor, who, by the way, is a Republican, but is no friend to the MAGA movement at all, saying that a bunch of foreign threats, bomb threats that were initiated in his state in Springfield, and a response to a story they're trying to pin on Donald Trump, have all originated from overseas. There is something really sinister going on. The October surprises are already here. I know you all are savvy. Big show for you today at a freaking humiliating press conference yesterday, again by the secret service director who cannot seem to acknowledge that they cannot do their job. It is just stunning to takes a victory lap in front of the american people.


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Big show today. The current management of the Secret Service, ladies and gentlemen, has altered american history and may do it again. Because if nothing changes at the top, I'm telling you, Trump's not going to.


Make it to inauguration day.


It's that bad.


That's how little faith I have in these people at the top.


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There was just a report, this morning's multiple reports.


This video. A bunch of Hezbollah fighters, uh, in Lebanon. A bunch of pagers they were carrying because they're afraid to communicate by cell phone anymore.


The pagers went off, and what happened? The answer is, their balls were blown off and a lot of their reproductive units downstairs, if you know what I mean. Play that video, if you would, for me, please. There's one of them, right? Oh, my gosh. There goes my testicles all over the. What are those? What are those? Limes. Limes. Testicles. You put the lime and the coconut is nothing. I like to see more then terrorist balls being blown off all over the limes.


You put the lime in the coke.


Look at that. Balls explode. Oh, my gosh. Nuts everywhere. Testicular explosion. Oh, my gosh. I feel so bad. No, I actually don't. You probably right.


One more time. Let's play that again just for an encore performance.


Let's see those testicles explode. Here we are. Oh, my God. Look at that. There you go. Don't be a terrorist and rape women.


And kill babies and stuff like that.


And, ladies and gentlemen, where do you think those pagers were?


Were probably purchased from?


Gee, I don't know. Maybe someone who doesn't like you Hezbollah guys. And you were too stupid to vet your vendors. Not really. Too sure where you got that from.


All right, getting back to the show, I hope to get to some more of that in the coming days, too. But you don't think. Here's what happens when you deal with an advanced civilization and you're a bunch of demon savages. You wind up getting hurt because you're too stupid to figure out how to protect your own people. That's what you get for being a terrorist. If not, you'd be like a carpenter or an h vac or something that requires actual brainpower, unlike being a terrorist. Asshole. Nuts all over the lines, folks, the current management of the secret service has really altered us history. They have you. I mean that in the actual sense that they've altered us history.


The assassination attempts on President Trump, listen.


All of this has political fallout. It does. I wish there weren't politics involved in everything, and I wish this stuff wouldn't have happened.


But the hard reality is people are starting to realize right now that there's one person everybody wants to get rid.


Of in the deep state, in the.


Elite class, the bow tie. Weren't folks eating the foie gras lunches every day? And it's Donald Trump. It is not a coincidence that this.


Guy, they've tried to take him out twice.


And the people who've tried to take.


Him out, we know almost nothing about, the only reason we know anything about.


This guy is because he's still alive. And the current management of the Secret Service is doing almost nothing to correct this. They're not. They've added a few enhancements, but they've done nothing. They're still using old antiquated protective models. I told you we're going to fail. How much failure are you willing to accept? How much you know, let me skip.


Ahead to the Ron Roe videos.


Go to Ron Roe's first video.


Here's Ron Roe, acting director of the secret service.


Here he is yesterday. He's blaming again the off the record movement. I'm way ahead of everyone on this stuff. I told you this yesterday, did I not?


You're ahead of the news cycle.


He's saying, oh, it was an off the record movement. And he's saying the layered security plan works. It doesn't work. If the layered security plan worked, the outer and middle layer wouldn't have failed.


Check this out.


So at this time, it was an off the record movement, meaning it was not on the, on the former president's official schedule. And what I go back to is the layered approach, the elements and the methodologies of the secret Service. You know, there was a front element. It did its job in sweeping ahead of the president. Thats what identified this individual who was in that wood line and the swift action of that agent doing his job, pushing out ahead, sweeping while the president was behind him, several hundred yards and several holes away, out of sight from the gunman, did his job. And that was what alerted the detail. And the swift action is what triggered that.


The first question, was there any evidence to suggest that the suspect knew that Donald Trump was going to be on that golf course at that time?


Based on what I know now, and it's an active investigation. I don't have any information on that. On that.


I don't even know what to say.


About how bad this guy is.


It's not only that he goes up.


There with this profound sense of arrogance.


As if he deserves a pat on the back for nearly getting the president killed twice in a couple months after being the most politically active deputy director and acting director we've had with stupid comments about, you know, red ties on the agents. It the arrogance of this guy that he has not yet stepped down in disgrace is unbelievable. He blames one the OTR movement, which I tweeted out early, this was going.


To be an OTrde.


Here's the incredible. Is anyone in the press. Nothing. Media people, get your pens out again. Homework time. Is anyone in the media going to ask him this question? Acting Director Rowe, you're saying it was an off the record movement, so you're implying what? You didn't have the time to properly secure it? Is that what you're saying? Because it's interesting that you didn't seem to know that the president was going there. Former president, but the suspected killer. Did anybody thought to ask him that? How is that acting Director Roe, that in potential assassin beat you guys on the intel front, you didn't think to ask the president where you're going to go today? Or did you know earlier and you just didn't secure the outer perimeter because you just didn't like, you didn't before because you didn't do your job? Has anybody thought to ask him that? Folks, listen, I need to interact, you.


Guys interact with you guys in the.


Chat because this is unlike my radio show.


We don't have callers.


Please tell me, is this a stupid question? He made two points here and both are freaking ridiculous. While he's taking a victory lap yesterday again. Well, it was an off the record.


Movement and, you know, we didn't know to it.


Well, the killer knew, so he beat you guys on the, on the intel front. Okay, thank you. The folks in the chat, I appreciate your feedback because I'm, sometimes I think I'm crazy. I think maybe because I have some experience in this space, maybe. Am I overreacting? The bad guy knew more about you were going to where you were going to be than you did. You didn't even think to ask the former president. Now, I know they probably, yesterday said they probably knew about ten minutes in advance. They probably knew a couple hours in advance. That's more than enough.


I've got some new.


It's more than enough time to get people out there, more than enough to do an external perimeter sweep, and then, ridiculously, this guy, again, Director Roe says the layered approach works. Again, media people, pens out. Write this down. Director row, you're mentioning this layered approach.


And the success of the layered approach.


Well, what exactly are the layers? Oh, okay. He's probably going to tell you. Well, there's an inner ring, a middle ring and an outer ring. So you're suggesting to me that the outer ring, which should probably be in sniper range, which is generally out to a thousand yards, that he walked right into the outer ring, into the middle ring, into about 300 yards of the president. But then you just said the layered approach works. The layered approach failed. You're telling me you were relying on one agent who thankfully had his eyeballs open at the exact time to see a rifle barrel protruding through a chain link fence, and that's the best you can do? When is this guy going to resign? Man, do you understand? If this cat was in a ghillie suit and had not poked a rifle barrel through, if this guy was in a ghillie suit, President Trump probably be dead. Where was the thermal imagery? Where was the infrared cameras? The guy would have stuck out like a sore thumb. Your outer and middle layer failed. Why is no one asking these questions? Do you not want to know the answers?


Folks? The guy is not safe. I can't say this to you enough. He is not safe. The Secret Service management charge now are absolutely incapable of keeping President Trump safe. He will not make it to inauguration day under this leadership. He's just not going to. It's not going to happen. They have absolutely failed this guy. How much failure are you willing to accept here? New York Post would be Trump assassin exploited a security hole the Secret Service has known about for years and the pictures prove it. A bunch of photographers and newsies have been poking their cameras through the fence line getting pictures of Trump for years. You didn't know. No, you did know, because they told you about it and you just won. You just didn't do anything about it, folks. They just didn't do anything about it. Don't look for a complicated answer when there's a simple one. Occam's razor. Given all possible explanations, except the one that's the most parsimonious, right? The simplest. This is a simple explanation. News photographers knew that there was a visual line of sight problem on the golf course and they exploited it to get photos taken in the line of sight.


Line of sight is also an issue for snipers. The Secret Service is known about an iranian threat and a long range one for years. Why didn't they secure it, Jim? Why didn't they secure it? Producer Jim because they didn't want to. You have another explanation? They didn't know. They did know. Put that up again. Put that headline up again. They did know. They did know. Would be Trump assassin exploited security hall.


Secret Service known about for years.


Why didn't they secure it?


There you go.


Because they didn't want to. Here's another one.


Put up this other one, the next one here about the, that was not searched.


The place was not perimeter searched in advance. Folks, I assure you, even if you had ten minutes notice, and I'm hearing they had longer, even if you had ten minutes notice, you have teams that.


Know the president golfs on the weekend.


You know he's probably going to golf at somewhere close, Jupiter or Palm beach. You know that. Why not get a team out there that goes and searches defense line guys again? Am I, please, I need your help looking at you. Are these dumb questions to how many of you in the chat have any security experience at all? I'm going to guess a lot of you don't. You have other jobs and do other really important things. If President Trump asked you with no training or experience at all today to act as his security and said, I'm going to play golf, is your first instinct not to go? Hey, guys, can we go check out.


The golf course to make sure there's no like snipers waiting there?


Why didn't they search for snipers? Because they didn't want to. It's right here. There's the headline. Secret Service amidst golf course wasn't searched.


Before Trump assassination attempt.


Now we find out with the Butler county event. I was ahead of this story, too. Butler county, the first. We have to discriminate amongst assassination attempts now and make fine distinctions. We're talking about the first assassination attempt when Trump was shot in the head. What did I tell you about line of sight issues? That not every line of sight issue can be cured. They can and sometimes not everyone's going.


To be able to have a proper counter sniper asset.


So you don't let the president walk into a line of sight problem where a shooter can poke to a French with the rifle and ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. You can do things. You can put a truck there. You can put a satellite truck. I told you about a story at Hofstra University. I had a line of sight problem with Hillary Clinton. There was almost no way to mitigate it. We got a bunch of fake snow, you know, you spray on trees and we sprayed the windows. Was it the best solution? No, but it blocked the line of sight and would have made a sniper's shot really difficult to implement. And we moved the podium around in such a way that it would have been really hard. They did none of this. I told you, they did none of it. New York Post again, Secret Service failed to ensure safeguards were in place at Trump's Pennsylvania rally that could have blocked the shooter's view. New report I told you. I said that to you. If you couldn't have covered the roof line because of whatever dumb reason, it was too hot, no one wanted to do it.


I don't know what your dumb reason for not blocking a sniper's vantage point would be. There were a thousand other ways. Put a screen up there. Put one of the screens that Trump.


Looks at to block the line of sight.


At a minimum, if the shooter is going to shoot at that point, he's got to get lucky if he doesn't have some kind of enhanced imagery. Let's just say, I mean, what else do you, what could you possibly need to hear?


Folks, this is really deeply troubling stuff, and I want you to listen to me, please.


The Secret Service has known about the iranian state sponsored threat to President Trump's life and others for a long time. They have done little if not anything to mitigate the threat. They have known about this iranian threat for years. They have known specifically about the long range sniper threat from Iran at a minimum. Minimum for months and way before Butler folks, especially media people, I want you to listen because this is the most important takeaway from any show I've done yet on President Trump and the threats to his life. These Secret Service is responsible for keeping him alive. They have known about the iranian threat for years, and they have known about the sniper threat way before Butler, for months at a minimum.


And now we see this.


New York Post, you're free to assassinate Trump. But alleged shooter Ryan Wesley Ruth told Iran in a book that laid bare.


His was his manifesto. Gee, man, why would a guy who wrote a book about Iran and welcoming them to assassinate Trump got a history of overseas interactions? Why would he be a potential accrue recruit for the Iranians?


I don't know.


I mean, right there, sitting in his book, GoPro camera, stolen license plates, fancy optic on a weapon with obliterated serial numbers, guys got a history of overseas recruiting for foreign interventions, writes in his book about Iran and welcoming them to assassinate President Trump.


Gee, you think there could be something up here? I don't know, man. You think?


Who do we go to for deep state stuff? Let me go to Mike Benz. Stay tuned. I'm going to play an amazing video by Benz, which goes back to something we had mentioned yesterday on the show.


There is already a known effort by the Iranians to recruit people and socially engineer people in the United States to.


Get access to the Secret Service and.


To potentially try to kill Donald Trump.


Watch this connection Benz makes using a story we had discussed yesterday. And you're going to see how, folks, there's something more here they're not telling us.


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Check it out. Burnout. Folks, I want you to watch this video with Benz, and I want you.


To tell me when you're done with this. After listening to yesterday's show, we know about a proffer session. A proffer sessions where you bring a bad guy in with his lawyer. Here's the thing about a proffer session. The information they have about the iranian.


Plot to try to kill Trump.


If it was obtained via proffer, there is a very low probability that the information is false. I don't want to get into walkery, but this is super important you pay attention to this. I've done a ton of proffers. A proffer is not mandatory. You have a constitutional right against self incrimination. You understand that? You can plead the fifth. You have absolutely, you have to say nothing in a criminal case, nothing about anything. You have the right to remain silent, period. If a bad guy comes in with his lawyer in a proffer, he had to agree to do it. We used to call him king for a day deals. Why king for a day? Because everything they say in there will not be used against them unless we can catch him in a lie and then it's open season. So there's no reason to go in at all. If you're not going to tell the truth, you get no benefit from it whatsoever. I'm not telling you people haven't lied in proffers and there hasn't been some double agent shit that's happened in there, too. I'm just telling you there's a high likelihood what they're telling you in a proffer is real.


We know that there is a plot to recruit people to kill Trump in the United States going on right now. Here's Benz on exactly that. This clips about a minute 40, but it's worth your time. You're going to be asking yourself a.


Whole lot of questions after this one.


Who the hell was this guy working with?


Check this out. Speaker one.


Stunning. It was only one month ago, about like five weeks ago, we were told that the CIA had foiled an attempted assassination plot against Donald Trump by a pakistani national with ties to Iran who was plotting a murder for hire operation to have somebody in the United States shoot Donald Trump. Now, Ryan Ruth, I have an article pulled up right here that was cited by Rahim Qassam where this is. Ryan Ruth was seeking recruits from among afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. Mister Ruth, who spent several months in Ukraine last year, said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens expressed interest. He actually said thousands on his Facebook page. And then Ryan Ruth continued, we can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan since it's such a corrupt country, he said in an interview from Washington. So Ryan Ruth is bringing pakistani nationals through Iran to his war fighting effort. He's the guy who we're told just attempted to assassinate Trump. A month ago, the CIA said they had advanced knowledge of a plot to assassinate Trump that was connected to pakistani nationals traveling through Iran.


Now, you know, not to put the cart before the horse, but Ryan Ruth sounds like exactly the operation the CIA described a month ago.


Exactly like the operation. I'm reading the chat as I play the cut.


Obviously, I know what the cut is. I sent it over myself.


And I'm really shocked how many people say, well, you know, it's the deep state, not iranite. As if there couldn't be some aligned.


Interests between both parties.


Folks, please. I know there are commentators out there who are largely stupid, who will say anything to make this an issue about the Jews. I see it all the time. Please don't fall in to the stupidity.


Traps with this stuff.


I've seen it a thousand times. There are people out there who are stuck in this box of hatred that cannot see, possibly see the light in front. They can't. You've got a number of actors who want Trump out of the way. Do we understand this? Can everybody agree? Can we just. Let's just start with the basics. And I'm sorry for, you know, anybody.


Who has to put up with this.


Who understands how the stupidity going on.


On the other side is.


Can we all agree there are a number of actors, state and deep state, that want Trump out of the way? Okay, 99% of you will say, yes, we agree. Can we also agree Donald Trump authorized.


The killing of Soleimani?


The Iranians have never gotten over that. Can we all agree? If you're a sane person, you. Yes, you're right. So the Iranians want Trump? That, yes. So the Iranians we know have used and are trying to use people to get at Trump and others. Yes, we already have the evidence. That's true. And we can agree that there are other people on the inside of the United States government that would like Trump to disappear by whatever means as well. Please don't fall in the trap. I'm seeing it yesterday online. It's just unbelievable how many morons will say the dumbest stuff for clicks. It is so ridiculous. It's really hard to get your arms around, like, no, Iran had nothing to do with it at all, roe. Really? Do you have any, I always ask people, do you have a shred of evidence? That's true because I have a ton of evidence, including proper sessions and people being arrested and locked up and the Iranian Soleimani actually dead, that the Iranians want to kill Trump.


Folks, please don't fall for this stuff, okay?


I have zero doubt at this point that layered incompetence is, at this point, intent. And I've already told you, there have been political reasons to withhold security from President Trump. No show has been out in the.


Forefront of that more than this show.


But do not jump to a ridiculous conclusion because some dipshit on Twitter with 100 followers who have all he cares about is clickbait. Nonsense. Told you, like, oh, no, forget it.


It definitely, whatever. Oh, no.


The Iran is. They have no history of killing Americans at all.


Like, come on, man.


And by the way, are any of.


You expecting an honest review by the FBI on this?


Please tell me you're joking.




I'm gonna take a break, but I.


Want to get to this first.


Washington Times. The FBI agent, the special agent in charge, the sack of Miami had to erase his public vitriol on Trump in.


The field office's jurisdiction because Mar a Lago is there.


You really expect this guy in the FBI, thank God Ron DeSantis from Florida.


Is doing another investigation.


You really believe the sack of Miami? Who is they've. They've got. If the Kerry Pickett wrote a piece in the Washington Times about it in November, the guy running the investigation now apparently hates Donald Trump. So the same FBI that spied on Donald Trump, covered up spying on Donald Trump, tried to set up Donald Trump with a fake dossier, had multiple people, I believe, lie about their target of being Donald Trump. You expect that same FBI to get to the bottom of this is why I'm trying to tell you, put two and two together, we can have two thoughts at the same time. Yes, the Iranians and foreign actors want to kill Donald Trump. And yes, there are deep state actors in the United States that want this.


Guy to go away.


You could have those two thoughts at the same time. Don't believe everything you read online.


I'm telling you, I read a lot of stuff. There's a lot of morons out there.


I want to get back to the.


Secret service press conference yesterday because everything.


We'Ve told you has come true. We have been weeks and days ahead.


And I believe, matter of fact, I don't believe. I know.


I know. The Secret Service is watching this. We are the most popular live stream.


Show in the world right now. We blew away the competition yesterday, and.


They'Re intimidated by this show because they know what I'm saying is right, because.


I have this experience in the space.


I said to you yesterday that the OTR model, the off the record model, was a failure. Nothing's off the record anymore. You can't just show up at a kid's lemonade stand. Within seconds, it's all over social media, and a bad guy knows you're there. Do you hear Ron Rowe yesterday?


We got to get away from the reactive model more than the proactive model.


Where did they hear that?


Where did those.


You guys know? That's right. The damn Bongino show. It's so weird. It's the eponymously named Dan Bongino Show. I could go back and show you where I wrote it that the Secret Service has to get away from the reactive model into the proactive model. It's like they're listening to my show and they realize they're in trouble. I told you yesterday the OTR model was broken. What is Roe command said we got to fix the OTR model. Not after the assassin shows up. What do I got to do? Do I got to consult for you guys? You want to give me a call? I'll help you. Doesn't seem like you're interested. Seems like you're more interested in being right than you are in securing President Trump's life.


Quick break and I'm going to get to something else he said about this.


Canard that the Secret Service is doing more with less, they're doing less with more.


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Hey, back to the show.


So Ron Roe again, taking a victory lap yesterday. An absurd sense of arrogance for an agency that has completely failed at its mission. And I'll say again, I want you.


To make the distinction. So, you know, because I'm getting this from the inside. Everybody ready? Please do not lump the entire Secret Service in together. There are a ton of whistleblowers who have never done anything wrong. Their sights have been airtight. Nothing has happened. Potential assassins have been locked up and caught. They did their jobs. They are blowing the whistle. They're sick of this bullshit. Okay, I just want to make the distinction. The DTD guys as well, the Donald Trump detail guys, have been asking for years. There are mounds of papers and a digital trail for more assets. I promise you, they're not the bad guy. They're the heroes in the story. I can prove it. They've been asking for security assets. People like Ron Rowe and others have been turning them down. And they still go out there with people shooting at them. They still go out there and get it done. It is not the entire secret service, period, but the management at the top has completely failed at the mission, and they keep lying to people. The layered defense worked. The layer defense worked. Every layer failed. Outside of the only, the last backstop, you had a site agent in a pitch and catch design where they go a hole behind and a hole ahead on the golf course for President Trump.


It was the, if the guy would have missed him, President Trump be dead. The outer and middle layer completely failed because you didn't have one. Here he is talking about, again, this ridiculous when the past. We've done more with less. You have not done more with less. Stop lying.


Listen to him yesterday in this dreadful press conference. Check this out. Okay. We understand that the Secret Service has.


Asked Congress for additional resources since the Butler rally.


Have you received those resources yet?


So thank you for that question. So we are working. Look, the Secret Service operates under a paradox of zero fail mission, but also that we have done more with less for decades. And this goes back many, many, many decades. Right. What I can tell you is that we have immediate needs right now and we have great support, not only from President Biden, and you saw his public statement today where he said that, you know, he's going to direct his staff to make sure that the Secret Service has the resources it needs. We're having fantastic conversations with members of Congress. I've been up to the hill last week. We are continuing to have those conversations. But the long and short of it is this coming out of Butler. I have ordered a paradigm shift. The secret Service protective methodologies work and they are sound, and we saw that yesterday. But the way we are positioned right now in this dynamic threat environment, it has given me guidance to say, you know what? We need to look at what our protective methodology is. We need to get out of a reactive model and get to a readiness model.


We need to get out of a reactive model and to a readiness. When did you figure this out? Ron? You've been on the job for almost 30 years. You just said we've had a problem for decades. You also said the secret service security model worked and you fixed it. After Butler, it didn't work. Folks, the security perimeter is out to a thousand yards, sometimes more. A guy with a high powered rifle secreted himself for 12 hours in a fence line 300 yards away from President Trump. Please explain to me in what universe the security model worked. You failed to secure a fence line you knew was a problem because photographers in the media showed you it was a problem. Am I annoyed? Do I look pissed off today?


Guys, I'm sorry. I'm really am in the chat. I'm not. I feel a thousand times better. Yesterday I had that allergy thing. I'm all cleared up.


I don't want to come off like a dick.


Like, that's not my goal today at all.


I'm really trying to be more of a happy warrior with this but do you sense my sense of frustration? I did this for a living for twelve years. This is my. Here.


Check this out. I don't think I've ever showed you this. I don't like showing people names.


But what, what happens when you get.


On the presidential Protection Division, which is usually after about seven, eight years out in the field, they don't take you right away. Not even close. Is there's a menu every time you get on Air Force one. I promise this is a point. Hang with me. The menu comes in this little thing. Probably not supposed to take them, but whatever. I think the statute of limitations worn out. This is what the menu comes in. And the menus look like this. They have a welcome aboard Air Force one and a menus on either side.


So what they used to do when.


I was on the detail is your first time on Air Force one, they'll.


Sign the menu thing, and then your.


Last trip on Air Force one, they'll.


All your shift mates will sign the menu. So this is mine. If you look at the dates, you'll see it's Wednesday, July 26, 2006. That was my first run. And Friday, October 22, 2010, that was.


My last run on Air Force one. Okay.


Ron Roe was with me on the detail when this happened, from 2006 to 2010.


The director.


Now we were there at the same time. We have the same amount of time on the job. We got on the detail in 2006. Folks, this is the point. Not to show you the menu thing. Who cares? To show you the dates. Ron Roe has been effectively conducting advanced level protection for almost 20 years and he still hasn't figured out how to fix the asset allocation problem. And you think this guy's the solution? I promise. Get Elon Musk or Chris Pavlovsky from.


Rumble in there tomorrow.


They've never done security in their lives. I guarantee within a week they have a bunch of panels empowered to make immediate changes and the whole thing is fixed. Guaranteed. I'd saw my right arm off. If I'm wrong, folks, I always bring receipts.




Ron Rose says for decades we've been doing more with less. You have been doing less with more. How do I know you've been doing less? Because it's been decades and the president was almost killed twice in two months. So that's less than you were doing before, where he wasn't almost killed twice in two months. Well, how do I know you've been doing it with more? Because all I've got to do is look up the budget of the secret Service, put that up on the screen, if you could. We always bring receipts. Here it is. This is from downsizing the federal government. I believe they're affiliated with Cato, secret service spending. Here's a chart. In real dollars, in other words, inflation adjusted dollars. For those of you gonna. Oh, that's just inflation. In 2000, the year after I got on the secret service, the budget was 1.5 billion. 2024, again, adjusted for inflation, the budgets, 3.5 billion.


Guys, do we have to whip out Jay's abacus again?




You got to be a hardcore p one to remember this. I mean, this is like the first few shows. A guy named Jay sent us an abacus for liberal math.


Jay's abacus will tell you that.


3.5. Move over just to the left.


Yes. 3.5 billion is, in fact, significantly greater than 1.5 billion when I got on.


The job around 1999.


So what he's saying is a lie. Is anyone in the media again, going to ask this question? What are the layers and how did they succeed if they penetrated your middle perimeter? And second, you keep saying you do more with less, but yet your budget is over double what it was in the year 2000. In real adjusted dollars, it's more than that. So you have more. So why have you done less? Is anybody going to ask this question? The numbers are right in front of you. Why do I got to be the.


One to do this?


Folks, the evidence is everywhere, too, that.


The secret Service may have been infiltrated or DHS. I don't know conclusively that's the case.


However, any honest media reporter would be asking another question. I'm really tired of having to do their homework for them. Outside of Susan Crabtree and a few others, Wegman and others who are asking honest questions, Julie and Beatty and them, everyone else in the media, because it's not a threat against Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. Thankfully, they don't seem to give a shit. How did the guy beat the secret Service intel operation and know that President.


Trump was going to be golfing at that place?


How? Ron Rowe, the director's like, well, we didn't know nothing about nothing.


It was an OTR.


Well, the bad guy knew. How did he beat you? Oh, he just guessed. How do you know he just guessed? Are you guessing that he guessed? Because let me tell you something. If you guessed wrong and he didn't guess, I. And this killer knew, or alleged killer or shooter or potential assassin knew about that site beforehand, then, oh, boy, you got some splain in the dude, don't you, Dan?


You have no evidence the secret Service has been infiltrated by potential foreign nationals looking for intel.


Put it up on the screen, kids. CNBC case. You accuse me of using right leaning outlets. Man accused of duping secret service by posing as a homeland security agent pleads guilty.


Oh, boy. You should read that story.


And I want to show you this.


Clip one more time because it's important.


I played it yesterday, but I'm going to play it again.


Why is no one curious about the GoPro camera? I have a theory on this. I want you to hear me out. I'm admitting it's a theory, but it's a theory again, based on evidence. And no one else seems to be.


Able to put two and two together in the media about this because they don't want to. So you now have a guy, if you listen to the Benz clip, who was engaged in a model of recruitment of foreign actors that us government officials have warned is out there already and yet no one's making the connection. Hey, the Iranians are recruiting people to try to kill Donald Trump. Oh, look, here's a guy who's dealt with foreign actors and no one's making the connection. You've also got a guy using a GoPro to video. What was a potential crime about to happen if they didn't?


Stuff was a crime anyway. He was a prohibited possessor.


You got a guy with a GoPro filming it. And you've also got massive attempts in the past to infiltrate the secret service by foreign actors. Why is no one in the media curious?


Here's my theory on this. This was meant to be a suicide by cop after he took his shot.


He was not meant.


I think, folks, I think he jumped out. I think he did. There is absolutely no reason this guy was there with ceramic plates if he wasn't planning some kind of a shootout.


And those plates, why wasn't he wearing them?


I think he just wanted to buy.


Enough time to get some shots off. And I think he planned this to.


Be a suicide by cop where after he shot Donald Trump, he was going to go down in this faux disgusting, fake, hypocritical blazer glory moment. He thought. Dan, what do you know about these guys? Well, for my three years in the Melville office in Long Island, New York, when we were one man protective intelligence squads, I probably did hundreds of protective intelligence interviews. I was in the PI squad in New York as well. I have interviewed more potential and alleged and wannabe assassins than most guys on the job now have done. And I'm telling you right now, this case is really strange. And this guy was probably a suicide by cop and he jumped out.


There was absolutely no reason for him.


To have used a GoPro camera unless he was emulating or wanted evidence for someone behind them that wanted to use this as propaganda.


I want you to watch this clip.


From CNN and pay close attention to the GoPro part.


This is one of the things that came out right away.


Check this out.


What does the fact that he wanted to survive say to you?


It says that he's not first, he's not suicidal. Apparently he wasn't going to take his own life if he was almost being captured. Clearly, we saw that he was captured without that. And it tells me that he's probably much more politically motivated. The last shooter in Pennsylvania, I don't want to say his name because I don't want to promote him in any way, but he was clearly a guy that was looking for the notoriety of taking that shot. I would think we're going to find that this guy's extremely politically motivated and that he probably was spurred on by much of the political diatribes that are going on these days, talking about Trump, equating him to Hitler and things like that. So I don't think this is the last. We'll see if crazy is out there trying to do this.


That's the wrong clip. That's not the one I wanted, but it's the one I played yesterday. That guy's a different guy. He's coming up next, but it already blew my whole segment. So listen, the GoPro camera is part of a agit prop agenda foreign state actors and terrorists will engage in to.


Raise money to gin up interest in their effort. And by the way, their efforts are being supported by people in the media environment that keep insisting that Donald Trump is some unique threat to democracy. You understand, like, the media could tamp this down immediately if they would just call out actors on the left who keep engaging in some of the sickest, most disgusting rhetoric we've ever seen. Why do you think these people keep going after Donald Trump? The reason is they're protected by media sycophants who never call them out. That was a clip that was about.


Which I would have played, but now I kind of blew it off.


That's a guy on CNN saying the, saying a quiet part out loud, that this guy was probably engaged in political ideology. He was more ideologically driven to CNN. People probably don't know what to do. Trump tweeted this out yesterday to Eric Daughtry that the Trump team just sent out a long list of receipts about democrats rhetoric. It's all over the place, folks. The evidence of the media being involved in an effort to pat on the back people who incite violence is creating an environment where it's safe to incite violence, and you're rewarded for it. I want you to watch this media.


Research center supercut here. It's about a minute of the democrats.


And their threat to democracy trope. And tell me this isn't contributing to.


The heightened threat environment against Donald Trump. Check this out.


Stochastic terrorism is right. When a leader uses language that is more likely than not to radicalize, democracy.


Is on the ballot.




Democracy is on the ballot.


Democracy is on the ballot. Democracy's on the ballot. Democracy's on the ballot.


Democracy is literally on the ballot.


Democracy is on the ballot for this election.


Vice President Harris has made very clear.


That democracy is on the ballot here.


Democracy, of course, is, as the president likes to say, on the ballot.


Terrorism experts call this stochastic terrorism, where.


Somebody has been so demonized that it.


Creates this heightened risk of lone wolf actors.


Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany.


You now have a president, as you.


Said, talking about exterminating Latinos.


A reelection of Donald Trump could mean.


The end of democracy.


This would be the end of America.


An actual Trump led wannabe empire is.


The end of democracy.


Stochastic terrorism is a way of using language that is clearly meant to incite some percentage of the people listening for a violent.


What does that potentially do for unbalanced people out there?


He is destructive to our democracy, and.


He has to be, he has to be eliminated.


You see how this creates an environment where it's safe? You have a safe space if you're threatening President Trump. And yet if you say anything about President Biden, anything I'm not talking about, which you don't, you know, obviously, we.


Don'T engage any of that stuff here.


But if you say anything about President Biden and about his politics, and we have spoken out resolutely against political violence, everything is inciting violence, even when you're speaking out against it. Here's Stacey Plaskin. I believe one of the spokespeople for the Harris campaign or surrogate or something. Here's Stacey Plotkid, quote, Trump needs to be shot. Oh, yeah. Before she has to correct herself. This was actually said. If this is said on any other cable news channel that's not full of liberals, you would be banned from the station forever. Tell me they are not accomplices in this safe environment. If you threaten President Trump, why keep doing it? Because you can, that's why.


Check this out.


Having Trump not only have had the codes, but now having the classified information for Americans and being able to put that out and share it in his resort with anyone and everyone who comes through should be terrifying to all Americans. And he needs to be shot. Stopped.


Now they're going to say again, like, oh, my gosh, it was just a verbal slip of the tongue, folks. How many slips of the tongue are we going to have with the left? This happens all the time. President Trump is the most threatened human being on earth. The Secret Service can't figure out his security. The acting director of the Secret Service keeps taking victory laps. The media keeps blaming Republicans for Trump getting shot, keeps providing cover for Democrats, saying he needs to be shot. Oh, I don't mean shot. That's what you just said. Remember Rick Wilson, the dude I ran into in the airport? That Lenin project piece of shit? That guy who stinks like a rotting bag of sulfur containing eggs? I ran into him in the airport. I've never smelled a human being. The guy smell again. Taking a shower in six months. You know Rick Wilson, the dandruff guy? He's about 4ft tall, looks like one of the Oompa loopers. I ran into this loser in the airport one time, started sweating when I so much only added to his bo problem as the microbes fed off of the oil and the sweat in his atrocious underarms.


Someone send that guy a box a.


Degree or something like that.


Remember when Rick Wilson was on, was on, it was at CNN or something. And someone needs to put a bullet in Donald Trump. People say this all the time and then they blame you for it. Here's Philip Bump, the guy who humiliated himself on that comedian's podcast, claiming he didn't have any evidence of Hunter, Biden and Biden family members profiting off foreign collusion. Remember this douchebag? The Washington Post? Philip Bump. Another chance for Trump to frame democrats.


As danger has emerged.


I just played for you the clips. Philip Bump will do anything to provide cover for people who implicitly or explicitly threaten Donald Trump by trying to blame republicans. That's who Philip Bump is. He is the single dumbest guy in print media today who, when he's even mildly challenged by a comedian he's embarrassed and humiliated, has to walk off the set. That's who he is. Here's politico with their republicans pound story.


See, I waited this time.




I've got to learn these guys slip that in.


I always forget about republicans outraged over a possible assassination attempt. They're going to keep trying to kill joe. We're outraged like, in other words, like we're a bunch of maniacal, salivating at the mouth, foaming at the mouth, crapping in our diapers, lunatics that we're out. Of course we'd be outraged. Here's Dana. Bashdheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh from cnn, another hapless loser who got owned by jd vance here.


They're going to get back to some of that stuff tomorrow because we still got a campaign to win.


Here's dana bash saying, you know what, despite what I just played you, a litany of videos of people saying Trump needs to be shot, then correcting themselves.


People saying put a bullet in his.


Head, commentators saying he's a threat to democracy. Here's Dana bash. There's no evidence that any of the.


Rhetoric'S to blame for this. Check this out.


The parent assassination attempt, the second time against President Trump. He just weighed in in an interview with Fox News Digital, blaming both President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for the second attempt on his life.


Well, everything is political right now. Look, they have each separately. Even President Biden today when he came out and spoke to reporters on his way out to the helicopter said that he is very glad that the secret Service was able to do their job, that hes very glad that former President Trump wasnt hurt. And Kamala Harris said the same thing. Everything is politicized in this environment. So its not surprising that that is what he said. Theres absolutely, again, no basis in fact that they were behind this at all. We dont know much about this guy yet at all.


There's no evidence, folks. The media coverage gets worse. They are accomplices in this, folks because they provided a safe space for people threatening Donald Trump, period. Dispositive fact, axiomatic truth. Here's there's no place for violence in politics. Trump's lies and rhetoric must stop. Look at the date of this, September 16. Meanwhile, no matter how many times republicans call out political violence, if you go to Google and put republicans inciting violence, here are some of the articles that come up. This is just taken from my phone. Tom Cotton, Kerry Lee show how much Trump Republicans have normalized violent rhetoric. Despite repeatedly calling for non violent, Republicans immediately seize on Trump rally shooting to incite more violence. These Republicans use violent rhetoric. They are featured speakers at the RNC. Ladies and gentlemen, f these people, okay, you understand? Ignore them. Move ahead. Execute and win. Execute and win.


Execute and win. And I cannot wrap up today's show without a special gift for you all. Ready, set. The blackout. Hold on.


If you're listening on Apple and Spotify.


Gotta tune in to the end of the show. You guys ready with this clip?


You sure? I have a special security expert guest on the show today.


Anybody know who he is?


It's Frank Page. Hello, Denmark. Gino show audience. It is always fantastic to speak to the glorious Bargino army. I would like to give my input on the Trump security nightmare going forward. Gentlemen, cue the cut. Go, Frank, for gazing.


So there's an inevitable sit down with protectees across the secret Service spectrum about open air events. This is going to happen, I guarantee you. The question I can't answer right now is whether each protective is going to go with the program. In other words, will Donald Trump, if encouraged by the secret Service to stop golfing or to change golf courses or do something that's far more protected? Will he abide by that? I think in these remaining weeks, I would take the advice of security professionals, whatever they say. But we're already living in a society where our nominees, our vice presidential nominees, are speaking from behind bullet resistant glass at open air rallies. How far can this go? How far can we fund, if at all, the secret Service to put numerous drones up to see an aerial shot of golf courses, concerts, rallies? Is this going to become the norm? Where is the perimeter? Because the more you move a perimeter out, we're already hearing that this shooter was on the fence line or behind the fence line of the golf course. Where do you put your perimeter? How many agents, how many police officers will you need?


Do you need an entire square acre? Do you need miles of perimeter? These are questions that almost can't be answered because they're cost prohibitive and resource prohibitive.


Frank Figlizi, thank you very much for.


Being with us this evening.


What would we do without input from faghese who says, man, we don't know where the perimeter would be. Frank, let me help you because you're such a freaking moron. Here's where the perimeter is. How far out is the threat level from where Donald Trump is, if you viewed him as the center of a circle? Well, a high powered rifle, probably out to 1000 yards for a really good shooter, that's where the perimeter is.


Eight. Eight.


This guy was one of the big shots in the FBI.


Can you imagine?


The perimeter is measured by the threat, and that's where you put your assets, Frank. It's not hard. Folks, thanks again for checking out the show. Today. Big crowd.




We have 180,000. Nice. Love it.


We were number one yesterday, too, thanks to you. The Bongino army, please, Bangino Army, a little bit of homework for you if you don't mind. Everybody hates homework, but this is good homework. Download the Rumble app. Sign up for Rumble Premium if you don't like the ads. Otherwise, it's free. bangino. If you just want to watch on your computer, join us every day at 11:00 a.m. we would love to see you on the live stream. And please give us a follow on Apple Podcasts and Spotify as well. You'd be surprised how many middle of the road is find us and become.


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See on the radio show here on Rumble in a few minutes and back.


Here tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. thanks for tuning in.


You just heard the Dan Bongino show.