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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


Folks, throw out everything you heard about the debate last night. I'm serious. Everything. Listen, it's just my opinion. You can disregard it if you'd like. But and this isn't me trying to ingratiate myself with the Trump camp. I don't need to do that. And they don't expect me to do that or want me to do that. And I wouldn't allow myself to do that either. I'm telling you, there was a strategy that was executed last night by Donald Trump, wasn't executed flawlessly, but was executed very well.


And the cable commentary class, me included in that class, but the others present company excluded or missing it completely. What happened last night? I gave you a little tease on Sean Hannity's show last night, but I think Trump executed this plan pretty darn well. And again, I think a lot of people missed it. I got that today. I'm hoping to get to the just other tactical nuke dropped in the Spygate case today. What we've told you whole time, Hillary concocted the whole thing, breaking news, which you already know.


But now the evidence is overwhelming today show. But you express VPN, protect your online activity from prying eyeballs today. Get a VPN, go to express VPN, dot com, slash bunji, go today. Welcome to the Dan Bongino show producer. Joe, after last night, Joe was texting me last night during the show. So during the show to the debate, he could have called it a show. Yeah. Interesting, right, Joe? Don't do that, dude.


I stay. That may be understatement of the year. Yeah, it was fun. It was entertaining. Boy, there the bullets were flying in my text.


Yeah, it was. Yeah I know. I know. I know. I saw them. I know Joe. It's not like that either. Joe usually goes to bed at like four o'clock in the afternoon because he was a morning radio guy forever. And Joe always texted me like ten thirty at night. I'm like, oh my gosh, that's that's like three o'clock in the morning for normal folks, you know? So good job, Joe. We got a lot of video for you today.


I'm going to prove to you Trump did not lose this debate. No, I'm going to lay it all out. All right. Let's get right to it today. Show about you, our friends, that personal defense network. Twenty twenty brought a lot of upheaval to our society. We know that you now know how important it is to defend yourself, ladies and gentlemen. But you know, good defending yourself. If you don't know how you know the training, you don't have the skills.


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All right, let's go. All right. Throw out everything you heard. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you, the commentary class is blowing this whole thing, the commentary during and after last night's debate last night, even candidly from some of my friends who were Trump supporters this morning, was, oh, man, I think Trump lost. I said, you do. So I texted one of them back. I said, You still vote for Trump.


Oh, hell, yeah. I like the way he went after. So how did you how how did you lose? And I don't get it. You think he lost why? Because other people told you he lost. But when I asked you how he did, you like this bombastic style and you're still voting for him. So I guess I'm unsure how he lost. I'm telling you, throw out every single thing you've heard, Trump won, I can prove it.


How? Well, bottom line up front, ladies and gentlemen, Trump is the shark. He's a wolf, he's a grizzly bear. He's the Lion King, as I said last night, he's the apex predator when it comes to politics. Yeah. He can be mean, he can be bombastic. He can't be controlled. Now, a lot of folks, again, friends of mine are chessboards, Emami said, gosh. He seemed a little out of control last night, he was so forceful and his presence was just I don't know, I think it was too much, which is ironic because that's the same thing I heard during the twenty sixteen debate with Hillary Clinton.


Oh, my gosh, he was so rough on Hillary threatening to lock her up. He also won an overwhelming Electoral College landslide. What are you missing here? Trump and their team had a strategy last night and the strategy was very clear. This is a base election stop. Gavel down, stop the words, everybody understand what that means. Yeah, please explain. This is not a standard presidential election. Where you try to get your supporters to show up and then you try to convince enough independents to win.


That's typical presidential politics, how that works. George W. George H.W. Reagan, get your Republicans to show up your say. Let's just say four round numbers. And it's roughly true, 40 percent of the population is going to vote Republican no matter what, 40 percent Democrat. Right. You got 20 percent persuadable in the middle. That's your standard presidential election. You need to convince 11 percent of those persuadable to come over to your side while you still keep your 40 percent.


Got it. Makes sense, right? Simple math. Yep. Thank you. I'm going to need you here, ombudsman jokes, that's not this election and it's never been Donald Trump, OK? Do you really believe there are people after three years and, what, 10 months of the Donald Trump presidency, do you really believe 10 or 20 percent of people still haven't made up their mind on Trump? I'll wait.


Hold on. OK, you're shaking your head go, no, you're right. Of course, there aren't 20 percent of people, the election's over, people's decisions are already made. And the ones that haven't made their decision are so small that even if Trump loses all of them, the Trump team has made the calculation that if they turn out, they're 40 percent. In numbers we've never seen before. That they can win without persuading almost anyone in the middle.


Don't let me lose you here. And let's say in a standard presidential election. Remember my math, really simple stuff. Forty percent are yours, 40 percent of your opponents, you're trying to get the 20 percent in the middle, a majority of them to go for you, you win with 51 percent, right?


But what if in a standard presidential election, your 40 percent? A voters, you got me the Republicans, 40 percent Democrats. What if in a standard presidential election, only 50 percent of your 40 percent show up? But what if you are so loyal to your supporters and your. You're a grizzly bear, you know, you've given up on that, and I'm not giving up in the sense of forfeited, but you realize that the independence, you're not going to convince them anyway.


What if you do so much to cater to your base, conservative judges, tax cuts, this bombastic style attack mode? What if you do it so well that your 40 percent shows up? But 80 percent of your 40 percent shows up rather than half in a standard presidential cycle. Do you even need the independents? And the answer is probably no. Now, what does this have to do with the debate last night? The Trump team clearly won, and so that's the Trump side saying, go for it, buddy, Lion King style.


Hold up the little white and little to the Lion King baby Musim Borucki would never say I never saw The Lion King. I only know that. Can you feel the love tonight, Elijah? There you go. It's the Republican Party. Hold Donald Trump right there. They said go for it. Larry King style like style. Because your base has they get fired up and he did so his side successful. Yeah, pretty much so much so that his own supporters are taxed to be going, gosh, I think he lost.


Why, you don't like him? No, I loved it. I just think the media told me he lost. OK, you're wrong. But think about the math on the other side now. So we know excitement for Joe Biden on the left, Joe, ranges from, what, about zero zero zero point one percent? So somewhere that wide range, nobody on the left really cares about Joe Biden. They just hate Donald Trump. So what did Donald Trump do last night?


Donald Trump knows the energy on the left, Joe is where he's with the crowd, or is it with the standard rank and file kind of sort of Democrat? Well, Joe knows the answers with the far left crowd. That's where the energy is right where the money is right. That's where the primary votes are and that's where the turnout is. Well, what did Trump get him to do last night by. He got him to basically disavow the left on almost every issue outside of packing the courts.


Oh, everybody missed that. Oh, you didn't you think that was an accident? Let's go to the videotape here. Interesting. And let's see exactly what Trump did last night to get Biden's 40 percent to show up at less than 50 percent of the 40 percent oh oh oh. Kind of like what they did to Hillary, where three million Obama voters who voted for Obama didn't show up to vote for Hillary despite an increased population eight years later. Cable news, people coocoo, they missed the whole thing.


Let's go to video No one here is Trump again, Alpha style. Catering to his base who loved it. And dismantling Biden's space, his lefty radicals, he needs to show up by getting Biden to kind of admit and say, hey, I fought against socialism, but the left loves socialism. You don't believe me. Watch Trump do it right here. This isn't a mistake. Your party wants to go. Socialist Party is socialist right now. I am.


And they're going to dominate you, Joe. You know that I am the Democratic Party right now. The platform of the Democratic Party is what I in fact approved of, what I approved of.


You think that was a mistake? Listen, again, I'm not suggesting to you everything Donald Trump does is four dimensional chess, I'm not there are sometimes he just says things that he just says and doesn't have a plan for it and it happens. But a lot of what Donald Trump and his team do. Is four dimensional chess and these idiots on the left in the cable commentary class, some of whom fall for it like that. Donald Trump's campaign manager, Bill Stepien, is not stupid.


They have figured out a long time ago that this is a base election. It is not. Get your 40 percent and win the independents. It's done. There are no independents. You've made your decision about Donald Trump a long time ago, you just need right now to turn out every single Donald Trump voter possible. And the way you do it and get every single potential Biden voter to stay home, if you can, is by getting Biden to admit he's not a socialist on national television, you may say I'm not buying it.


OK, can we reverse the roles of men? And I know Joe's politics. I don't think Joe Biden is putting them out. These put them on Joseph Conservative like me. Put yourself. Let's switch the roles. Imagine Donald Trump. Last night, Joe Biden got Donald Trump to disavow the Tea Party. The Federalist Society and conservative groups think about it for a minute. Oh, dude. Huh? What would happen, yeah, every Republican out there would be on Twitter going, screw this guy, I'm done, I've had enough of them, I'm sitting this one out.


But when Trump gets Biden to do it on TV last night while being the apex predator, the top of the totem pole, the very height of the food chain, everybody goes, oh, man, he was out of control. What was he doing? It was so crazy. What he was doing was perfectly calculated. He got Biden to disavow his whole base last night. Do you think this was a mistake, by the way this came up, I'm going to show you not just one time, I'm going to show you multiple videos.


Here's another video of Trump doing exactly what I'm telling you during the debate and telling Biden he's doing it. You just lost the left. Here's the deal.


The fact is that everything he's saying so far is simply a lie. I'm not here to call out his lies. Everybody knows he's a liar.


But you I just want to I want to make sure you did last night.


Last night first.


And I want to make sure. Can you let him finish, sir? He doesn't know how to do that. He has you know, you picked this guy the wrong night at the wrong time and you agreed with her. Sanders said, I didn't that himself. There is no manifesto. No. Let him speak. Mr. Number two, just lost the left. Number two, you just lost the left.


You agreed with Bernie Sanders on a plan, both resolutely an idea what the socialists call it.


How did everybody miss this? I'm serious, I'm not trying to be like the Stygian, which is here from Clash of the Titans. Give me the I I'm just telling you, if you're maybe it's because I ran for office and lost. So I'm honest. Hey, I got pretty good to lose. I lost three times, almost one month. But you know what doesn't work? You move on, you do other things you can off your butt and you find other things to do.


The fights here now, not over there, but when you run and you lose, you learn what works and what doesn't. And when you run in a as a massive underdog and you almost win to have it slip out of your fingers, you really learn what works and what doesn't. Trump has figured out it's a base election, find Trump's supporters and get them to vote and get people who could be Biden supporters to no longer be Biden supporters. Forget the independents.


And I'm not saying that a mean way. If they want to vote Trump, he'll take them. He is not catering to people. He's not going to change. And his campaign manager has clearly figured this out. Trump is Trump you're either with or more you're not. The goal now is to turn out every Trump is Trump voter and to get everyone suspicious of Biden even more suspicious of Biden. He just said, you lost the left, you lost the left.


He's signaling to Sanders supporters that this guy's a fraud. This guy telling you, oh, he's with you, I'm with Bernie and see which Biden does all the time, he's lying and any signaling to moderates through their use of social media and their kids and the Biden website, which I'll show you later, they're signaling to moderates that he's lying to you, to Biden. He's telling Sanders and AOC one thing, Biden and moderate Democrats, another thing, and both of those things can't be true.


And Trump is exposing him beautifully. Was it flawless, was it perfect? No, probably a few interruptions. I would have passed on, but I'm very sorry if you fell for the media hackery. Oh, my gosh. Trump lost. What a disaster. Even a Trump supporters texting me. This is a total. BLANKO. It rhymes with pit. It is I said again, I'll ask you again, are you not voting for Trump now?


No, no, I'm voting for. So how was it a pit show? You just missed it, I'm sorry. I think now I think I missed it because of the theatrics and the back and forth. And yes, well, yes, it was a little missed it. Yeah.


And I attribute a lot of that to Chris Wallace, who, frankly, should have just let them go at it. Wallace, I'm very sorry. Did not do a very good job. He should have just let them go at that point. Stop making yourself that. He interrupted Trump seventy six times and Biden 15 times. So you're right, a lot of people got distracted by that. But I said this during my I do these little previews on parler before the show.


He had a sneak peek. Folks, this is not a tea and crumpets match. This is not a reality show, it's not a who would you like to have Entenmann's coffee cake with and a sancha? That's not what this is about. It's about winning an election. And winning an election is about getting votes and getting votes is a numbers game. And they executed a strategy last night, not perfectly, but very well, to make sure Biden's numbers game is worse and Trump's numbers game is better.


I'm going to show has got to my second sponsor here, but I'm going to show you this video here to prove to you again, because, folks, we always produce evidence on this show. That if Biden won and Trump did such damage to his campaign last night, like the media is telling you, even Trump supporters texting me, then why is the media now so eager to make debate two and three go away? I'm confused someone and I want to unconfuse me, Joe Pesci style here.


If Biden won, why are lefty media hacks desperate to make all future debates go away? I'm just asking. Don't worry. I've got the evidence there to. We get to my second sponsor today, show what you buy when you sell, Jenny Sells, pulled out my jaw line, tighten up my neckline and completely gotten rid of leathery looking skin from years of sun damage. Now, when I look in the mirror, I see a happier, younger, more glowing version of myself.


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All right. So proving my point, if these media folks who are leftists, they're activists, they're working full time for the left, if my point is, is wrong and that Biden just smoked out Trump last night was embarrassing, was a disaster, was a pit show. Then why are the leftist media hacks so eager to make the big two and three go away? Oh, you think I'm making that up? I tip the great Tom Elliott at Greybeard.


Here is a supercute of leftists in the media. Basically throwing out a dog whistle that Biden shouldn't show up for the next two debates. Check this out. So very simple question. After what went down this evening, do you think Joe Biden should participate in a second or third debate?


Should the next two debates go on as scheduled?


I wouldn't be surprised, by the way, if this is the last presidential debate, there have been other debates.


Are we really going to repeat this or are we going to have another two of these?


I think we have to hear from the presidential commission on debates tomorrow. We we can't do two more of these. Why are we bothering with a discussion of the rules of format of time limits of moderators at all when we have just seen what is going to happen? You know, folks, I'm all about evidence.


You know, evidence is my thing. It was my prior line of work to prosecute a case. You need evidence, opinion, conjecture is nice. It can lead you to evidence. But opinions aren't evidence unless they're backed up by facts. Right. If what I'm telling you, again, is wrong and Trump got annihilated last night, it's all over. His strategy was stupid. It was so terrible was a disaster. Then why is the leftist media so eager to make the next three debates go away?


The answer is because and the Biden team is saying they're going to show up. But because they know the media that what happened last night was a disaster. For Joe Biden, not Donald Trump, he couldn't answer a question, he lost he lost his marbles. What now? Move because I've got a lot more.


So this is interesting. But you understand the strategy now. Good. So we can put that baby to bed, Tucker, and give her the benki or whatever binkie time the strategy was, rile up my base, go Lion King, apex predator style, get more of my people to show up. Will independents worry about another time and get Biden's base to realize he's lying to both sides? That Biden's telling one side he's not a socialist and telling the socialist he's a socialist?


Worked beautifully. Don't ever forget the line last night, the takeaway is you lost the left from Donald Trump. We'll see how that strategy works November 3rd. What did I warn you yesterday? I never play clips of myself because it's super dorky once in a while I do, but it's very rare because the dork factor is high. But I did warn you yesterday on my show. Matter of fact, they think the show is titled like the one thing that could change everything.


What was the show? Final decision? You remember, Paula? I can remember it was a cool title. I thought of it myself. Gosh, that sounded really egomaniacal. This could be a deal breaker in the debate tonight. That was the title, the show. I had to go to my count there. Check it out. What did I say the deal breaker would be? I said to you, Joe Biden, if he loses, his temper is going to be a real disaster because Joe Biden is running as what you know, what are the most damaging political narratives, folks?


The damaging political narratives are only damaging if they change a pre-existing view you had of who the candidate was. Right. Why did the all that stuff with Donald Trump and the women in office? Why didn't it damage Donald Trump? He won. Why didn't it damage him? Why was it a catastrophic whereas it would have been to other candidates? Because there was nothing new there. Donald Trump had openly spoken about, as you know, Playboy passed on Howard Stern.


There was nothing new. It was there was nothing in the narrative that conflicted with what people had already baked into the cake. You dig? Yep. Why did I warn you yesterday? And we called it again, not patting ourselves on the back. Just don't you think you're wasting your time here? I told you at some point Joe Biden is going to lose his temper because I've heard from sources his temper is getting volcanic as his cognitive decline continues.


Well, Biden did lose his temper last night, now doubling down. Why is that a damaging political narrative? Because Joe Biden's running as the calming influence, the change guy trumps the chaos. Agent Trump is a maniac. He's out of control when in reality, the only person who got super personal last night lost control wasn't Donald Trump. It was Joey Boombox. Joey by. Don't believe me, here's more evidence.


Joe Biden was going to lose his temper and in fact did check this out, we're ending the filibuster or packing every position I take in that that'll become the issue.


The issue is the American people should speak. You should go out and vote. You're in voting now.


Vote and let your senators know. How are you feeling that vote now? In fact, make sure you, in fact, let people know it doesn't work. Senator. I'm not going to answer the question because I said that because the question of the question is yes. Is where the left what you should and who is on your list.


Joe tells you now it's Biden. She said, I mean, this is hilarious. Biden is the one telling Trump he's not presidential. Biden called him a clown, a racist, told them to shut up, not Trump, wasn't the other way around. Again, one of the most damaging political narratives, the change, a preexisting thought or a pre-existing line of inquiry. You want to go down. And that line for Biden is, listen, folks, if you're questioning me, I'm the serious guy trumps the chaos candidate.


Really? You were the only one who lost it last night. Telling the guy to shut up, you wouldn't, by the way, to even get there's so many damaging moments for Biden, that's why the media doesn't want another debate. It's hard to remember them all. I had to limit it because it's an hour, an hour and 10 minutes, Joe. He wouldn't even answer the question about packing the courts. That's the one time, the one time where I think Biden followed me here, caught on to troub strategy, trying to create a chasm between Biden and the far left, which Trump successfully did remember.


You lost the left. That's the key takeaway Trump tells Biden during the interview. I think at some point Biden catches on to this, figures out with the pack the court question, which the radical left wants to do. They want to add members to the Supreme Court, which would destroy the country. I think he catches on Biden at this point and therefore says, I'm not answering that question and loses his patience because he knows which trumps what Trump's doing and says, will you just shut up, man?


Face tough guy Joe Biden. Let's do push ups. We'll take him out the back. Whatever, dude. Want to see the Trump strategy again? Am I being honest, a dead horse? No, no. You want to see it again? Thank you, Joe. EUPOL and Joe both agree.


So I'm assuming that Joe let's see it again in action. Where Trump knows Biden's lied to the left, telling, Biden tells the left he's a socialist and he's going to support their green New Deal socialism, and then he tells the moderate Democrats, no, no, don't pay attention to those socialists. I'm not one of them Trump noses. So, again, his goal is to make Biden lie to both sides last night or disavow both sides, which he did beautifully.


Watch this cut about what he does here to separate Biden from the green New Deal lunatics when Trump already knows Biden's on the record supporting a green New Deal. This is just genius. Watch this.


The Green New Deal and the idea of what what your environmental change will do. The Green New Deal will pay for itself as we move forward. We're not going to build plants that, in fact, are great polluting, planned to use it to build a new deal. Pardon me. You support. No, I don't support the green. You don't? Oh, well, that's a big statement. I accept the radical left. I said I support you.


The Biden plan. You see it? Yeah. I don't support the green new deal, says Biden. What is Trump who immediately jumps in? Oh, oh, oh, that's a big statement. There is not a moment in the debate that's been misread more than this. I've seen a bunch of supposedly smart conservative commentators say, why did Trump do that? He's going to make Biden look like a moderate. Now that Biden's come out and said he doesn't support the Green New Deal, you please tell me you're tracking that.


I get it how some people would fall for that. That's not what Trump was doing. Trump already knows Biden's on the record about the green New Deal supporting it, so he gets them in front of 80 plus million people to admit he's a liar. Again, you just lost the left. Qasm, Biden, the left, Biden, the left chasm wider there. And should I vote? And I don't know. I don't like this guy so much anymore.


Put yourself in Biden's shoes if you were a conservative. Imagine getting Donald Trump to disavow the tax cuts he signed into law. You'd be like, why I'm not vote for this guy, but what? Because Trump got Biden to do it? You missed it. You may say, Dan, what proof do you have that Biden's already on the record supporting the green New Deal? Trump got him to say he wasn't supporting in front of 80 million people?


Gee, I don't know Biden's own website. This is from Joe Biden Dotcom. You can look it up yourself, folks. I did the homework, though. Don't worry about it. From Biden, Joe Biden, Dotcom. Joe Biden believes the green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. It powerfully captures two basic truths.


Again, they explain to me how Trump lost that exchange oh, my gosh, you're allowing Biden to paint himself as a moderate, really? Because that's not exactly what he has on his website or what he told the radical leftist AOC. Lunatics that have hijacked this party that he needs, he needs to go vote for him. He told them the opposite. So now Trump exposed him as a liar in front of the largest swath of Democrat voters, the radical lunatics.


Yeah, that's exactly what happened. Let me show you a quick poll again, in case you think I'm crazy here and that nightmare, Mayor Dan, this is just you. You're the only one who thinks Trump walked away with the WWE heavyweight belt last night. Am I? Because this is a fascinating poll they did on Telemundo. Yeah, Telemundo, Spanish speaking channel media told you Biden one ride was a disaster for Trump, total disaster. Oh, my gosh.


Pearl clutching everywhere. Here's a poll from Telemundo that says the exact opposite. Screenshot there, who won the debate, Trump? Sixty six percent. Biden, 34 percent. Tell me again how. Dan Bongino, crazy time. You just lost the left, Biden alienates his core supporters in the radical left on national television, the media panics. They don't want to second or third debate. And a Telemundo poll has nearly two out of three people saying Donald Trump won on Telemundo.


But yes, today, some of my own friends are text me, they've been told by the media the same media told you collusion was real, by the way, that Trump lost. And they're worried and they buy it. Guys, ladies, my friends, who am I? No, I love you, but don't text me that. It's I'm sorry you fell for it. I had one friend text Paul this morning. Love her to death.


Oh, my gosh, this was horrible, Trump wouldn't disavow white supremacists. Oh, you fell for that, too. I'll follow the same time and get another sponsor to get through, but you fell for that, too. So you fell for the Trump lost the debate, despite the fact that Trump did everything he came in to do, did it better got Biden to disavow and the media thinks this was a disaster and you think Trump wouldn't disavow white supremacists?


So I ask you a simple question, like I had asked the woman this morning, do you think Trump is a racist, a bigot or a white supremacist? No, I don't. So what you're telling me is you fell for another media stunt last night? Oh, yeah. That's exactly what you're telling me. I got the proof there, too, don't worry, I'm not going to waste your time. All right, folks, let me get to my third sponsor.


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All right. OK, so I just realized I skipped the segment identified I want to sipi this one's a quick one, though. You caught that. I know she caught that in the background there. I wanted to get to that Telemundo poll because it's so it just proves your point. Oh, my gosh. Trump lost the media as people in the real world. The Trump win two out of three people. Oh yeah, he won. Here was another devastating moment for Biden before we get to the.


Folks who fell for the white supremacist stunt that got pulled yesterday, here's Biden on Antifa. Apparently, Biden thinks R.A.F. is a conspiracy theory. You know what a stupid look at this. Just total numskull. Check this out. I'll tell you what.


I'll tell you what. Somebody's got to do something about Antifa and the left, because this is not a right wing problem. This is where I direct this white supremacist. And Tiffani's an idea, not an organization. You've got. If not, that's what it is. Tonight, FBI, his FBI director, said, well, you know, we're done, sir. Moving on to the next years.


OK, Joe Biden must have missed this video of Antifa, the idea of murdering someone on the streets of Portland. You may want to check this one out.


You go out and we go from here on out here. Tough to watch. Now, to be clear, ideas do kill people. Socialism kills hundreds of millions, but it's actually people who pull the trigger. And when those people who pulled the trigger say, I am an TIFA, maybe Joe Biden should listen. But he can't because he's a numbskull. And again, I think he caught on halfway through the debate to the tactic and now was trying to backtrack to cater to his leftist lunatics realized and he went down a rabbit hole.


And Trump played him like a Stradivarius. All right, getting ahead of the next Trump is a racist fairy tale, which really, folks, I'm not kidding. As my friends and listeners, I've corresponded with a lot of you, you know, via communication channels on social media and elsewhere. I can't take it anymore. Listen, I'm just going to ask you a simple question. It's a very simple question, because, again, I'm getting this from Trump supporters this morning who fell for the dopy white supremacist hoax last night.


Again, this is like the five thousand Trump is a white supremacist hoax. Very simple question. And we can put all this to bed. Do you believe Trump is a grand wizard in the Ku Klux Klan? That he's a bigoted, misogynistic, racist xenophobe? If you do and you bought that hoax. He's not your guy. OK, I wouldn't vote for him either, if I believe that. Right. Who'd want to vote for a white supremacist, xenophobic, racist?


Well, the answer is nobody. If you believe that, stop texting me because you fell for it. Because nobody believed that. Nobody even said that or hinted that before Trump ran as a Republican, meaning it's probably fake. So last night. This happened again, he was asked a question for the I mean, I can't even take will you disavow David Duke Trump's I guess I will disavow when the Charlottesville thing happened. I completely condemn the white supremacist.


None of this is good enough because the media wants you to believe Trump's a white supremacist. If you're dumb enough to fall for that, he's not your guy. You don't vote then because you're not smart enough to process. And I'm very sorry. Because it's starting again today with even conservative you oh, my gosh, he fumbled the white supremacist quiddity. Let's look at this article. Breitbart be in the show notes today. Read it by dot com slash newsletter's how you access the show notes fact check.


The transcript of the debate shows Trump agreed to condemn, condemn white supremacists. Stand by. Followed Wallace's problem talking about the proud boys. Want to read the actual transcript or the takeaways and you know what, forget the transcript. Play the video. Here's from the Bridport. Here's the actual takeaways from those of you've been told this morning that Trump fumbled the white supremacy question. Again, you believe he's a white supremacist? No, I don't believe it.


Then why are you bringing this up? Breitbart, three things are clear from the transcript below, and we'll play that, we'll play the video a second. Chris Wallace refused to accept Shaw for an answer about this white supremacist condemnation question and demanded Trump condemn extremists on stage. He only demanded Trump do that. By the way, Wallace is the one who introduced the stand down language, not Trump, who is doing what he was asked, condemned white supremacists.


Trump's answer was sure. Biden is the one who demanded Trump condemn the proud boys, a right wing group, and Trump complied. For Biden refused to condemn and condemn Antifa, saying it was, quote, an idea, not an organization, Wollaston tried to end the argument. Want to see the exchange again, pay very close attention when he's asked to condemn white supremacists to exactly what Donald Trump says, and tell me again how you got snookered into another media narrative about how Trump is a grand wizard in the Ku Klux Klan.


This is just really stupid now, folks. Really, really stupid. Play the video.


Are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence? And a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha and as we've seen in Portland.


Are you prepared to do it? Go ahead. I would say almost everything I see is from the left wing, not from the right. But what are you what are you are you saying I'm willing to do anything I want to see and do it, sir.


Do it. Say. You want to call them, what do you want to call them? Give me a name, give me something like music and different voices and right from the message, stand back and stand by.


But I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about Antifa and the left, because this is not a right wing problem, is this is a left side.


Again, I'm just really, really sorry for all the conservative virtue signalling talking heads suckers out there who are tweeting. Oh, my gosh, Trump blew it on the white supremacist question. How how exactly did he do that? Do you want to condemn white supremacist, sure. Give me a name to condemn them with. You know why Trump said that? Because no matter what he says. The media will run with the narrative that he didn't condemn white supremacists and you fell for it, not you and my audience.


Some of these, you know, virtue signalling, highbrow conservative. He fumbled. He did not fumble anything. He has said repeatedly, I completely condemn the white supremacy is everybody should any form of racial discrimination based on skin color is obviously a scourge and cancer on our society, obviously. What else do you want the guy to say? I'm very sorry if you fell for this. I got annoyed at one of my friends this morning over this, not the guy, not you.


Another guy who whatever. Believe it, he blew it. All right, I got a lot to get to, too, I know we're late in the show, but I got one more sponsor and folks, there were some I mean, that I don't even know what to tell you if you've been watching my show three years. Again, everything I've told you about the whole Spygate, Clinton, Obama, Obama gate scandal, it all just came true yesterday.


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A great prices to Helix also offers exclusive discounts for military first responders, teachers and students. Check out their website for more information. Helix like sleep dotcom. Dan, go today. All right, so lost in all the hysteria and hubbub yesterday around the debate, John Radcliffe, who is our current director of national intelligence and a very good man. As declassified some more information and released a letter yesterday that I don't know how to describe it, I'm losing words for this stuff, a tactical nuke, a bombshell, I don't know.


Here's the letter. I'm not going to read the whole thing, but it has three critical takeaways, which I'll sum up in a sentence each and then I'll translate for. You can read this on the screen if you want to go to watch on video, Rumball Dotcom slash Bongino to watch the video version of the show takeaway No. One. The Russians knew about Hillary Clinton's plan to invent the collusion hoax. Why why her? Take away number two, the Duce.


CIA Director John Brennan briefed Obama that the Russians knew about Hillary's plan to torture Trump with the Russian collusion hoax and briefed Obama on July twenty sixth. He did of twenty 16, sounds like a show I did a few weeks ago about an op ed about John Brennan. Oh, some of you putting that together right now. So the Russians knew about the collusion hoax, Brennan knew about the collusion hoax, Obama knew about the collusion hoax. Let's take away number three.


The US intel community warned the FBI that Hillary was doing the Russian collusion hoax. It was her idea that the Russians knew about it as well and they knew it was a distraction to get people away from the email scandal. Hillary was enmeshed in gush. Sounds like a show we did. Sixty two thousand four hundred and twenty two times over the last three years. What did I tell you? Weird, the collusion hoax was weird, and that was always invented in Hillary Clinton's head with her political advisors to distract you from her email scandal.


It was always what my golden rule of the collusion hoax that Trump colluded with the Russians to win the election. It was always made up. It's 100 percent fake news and the information was attached to real people to make the fake information seem real. I trust Joe, I've known him a long time, if someone wanted to get me to believe something that was not true, they'd probably tell Joe, Hey, Joe, convince Dan that the sky is purple, not blue.


And I'd be like, gosh, Joe, crazy. This guy really is, but maybe I'm nuts. You know, what he's telling you is fake, but because it's from a trusted source, you start to believe in. Folks, this is get any better than this, I don't understand the director of national intelligence just told you yesterday that the whole collusion hoax is made up by Hillary and the Russians knew about it. And so did Obama, where was that on the evening news?


I'm just checking. It didn't even make the main story on some channels we like. Am I missing this saying I'm serious for a minute? Am I making you can read the memo, by the way, am I missing this? So we've been told that Trump is a traitor. A treasonous lerche who sold out the United States to Putin for four years by the media, and now we find out, oh yeah, by the way, it all fake.


Hillary made it up. Obama knew and the FBI knew about it, too, because it was a distraction. Oh. Maybe you want to cover that. But there's some basic facts people are leaving out of the story, so I by the way, Comey is testifying today, so we'll have coverage of that tomorrow. Lying hack, Jim Comey, totally disgraced, worst director in FBI history. We'll have that tomorrow. Don't miss that show. But I thought I deliberated on this, I said, how do I cover this today without confusing people?


Because Paul always keeps me grounded. And, you know, she said to me yesterday, she's like, just make it make sense, don't confuse people too much. So here's the best way to do this. You can avoid an assertion, right, but you can't avoid a question. Yes, and what a question. They can't avoid it. You make an assertion to them they can disregard. So the best way to cover this is. How would you do it?


If Joe Armacost was going to set up his political opponent, Joe was running for president and make up a fake story about him colluding with the Russians. How would you do it? Well, the first thing I would do, Joe, tell me if I'm wrong. OK, it's I would get a campaign flack, a loser with no integrity to go on national television and do a trial balloon. Right. Armacost campaign flak. He's running against Tony Donitz.


Tony colluded with the Russians is probably not going to say he's going to get one of his campaign flacks with zero dignity to go out and float it to see how it, you know, give it a test run. Right, Joe? Make sure it get a laugh. That makes sense. Yeah. You say there's no way that happened. OK, let's go to late July. I think it's July 24th. Wow, that's really weird. A couple of days before the briefing of Brennan and Obama about Hillary.


That's really strange. Here is Hillary's campaign flack on national cable television. The first time we hear about this Russian collusion thing, they just made up weird how it happened at the exact same time Obama got wind of this. Check this out.


What's disturbing to us is that we experts are telling us that Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails, and other experts are now saying that they are the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump. I don't think it's coincidental that these emails were released on the eve of our convention.


Again, if you were going to invent the Kaloogian hoax, what would be step one? Tell everybody about the collusion hoax and use your campaign flag to do it. Everybody was like, oh, my gosh, did Robby Mook Clinton, you know, phony fraud loser, did he just go on national television and tell people Trump is colluding with the Russians about Hillary's hacked emails, the distraction? Oh, yeah, he did. And instead of the media being critical about and say, do you have any actual evidence of that?


They just let it go. So, again, how would you foster a collusion hoax? Step one, get your act to go out and do it well, what would be step two? Sooner or later, you're going to have to provide some dreaded air quotes, your folks evidence of the collusion that doesn't exist. You have to write something. The media is going to ask you some questions, even other frauds. So how about getting a foreigner friendly to the Clinton Foundation and the Clintons overseas?


How about getting a foreigner to pitch a tip to the FBI that someone on the Clinton excuse me, the Trump team told you something about Russians or dirt and Hillary? Now, keep in mind, July twenty sixth is the date we now have from Radclyffe that that Obama finds out about Hillary's scheme to invent this collusion hoax. Now, you would think Obama would have shut this down, right? Remember the Rakoff letter, don't lose what we're doing here, the Radclyffe letter states, specifically, the CIA director John Brennan tells Obama, Hey, Hillary's going to make up this collusion hoax.


The Russians know about it. You would think Obama is a responsible human being, would have shut it down. No, no. They were in on the whole thing. How do I know that? Because they let me go on TV and say it two days before they were about to launch this hoax. They knew about it and then look at what happens on July twenty sixth, they get someone to play ball with them from overseas. Here's The Canberra Times Australian newspaper for the Liberals.


That's where Canberra is for the Republicans. I'm sorry to have to repeat that downer rush.


A tip sparked the FBI Trump probe. Pete Mitchell, Canberra Times.


Let's take a screenshot from that piece and let's see what date this friendly foreigner tip they needed came in on July 26 oh oh same day Obama finds out about it, says, quote, The Horowitz report details how Mr. Alexander Downer sat on this information about this. Papadopoulos giving him information about Russia and Hillary's stuff until July. Twenty sixth. Four days after WikiLeaks publicly released hacked emails from the Democratic convention. So if you're Obama in the Oval Office and you've been told by your CIA director, Hillary is going to make up a story about Russian collusion and you're in on it, Obama, because you want this story to go forward again, you let their campaign flacks float it.


Then you make sure through your CIA and others that a foreigner says, hey, I met with one of these Trump guys, this collusion thing, he could be real. You know, conveniently, the tip comes in on the same day, July twenty six. This Obama finds out it just weird a coincidence, I'm sure. So step one, campaign flack makes announcements step to get friendly, foreigner on board with a tip. Step three, I would pay a former spy.


Who worked the Russia desk? To write a report saying that Trump's colluding with the Russians. Which would appear right after I was told in the Oval Office on July twenty sixth that Trump is colluding with the Russians, that we're going to make it up. That didn't happen. Oh, here it is. Here's Dossie number ninety five by Christopher Steele, a paid foreign spy who used to work the Russian DAX for U.K. intelligence. You can read through it if you'd like.


I have it highlighted. Hat tip, the great Hans monarchy, by the way, who has great stuff on there. So I get some of these screenshots from you can read Christopher Steeles report number ninety five, which clearly lays out a made up, fabricated scheme between Donald Trump and the Russians to get Hillary's emails and throw the election. What's the problem about report ninety five? It's made up and it's all false. But again, if you're in the Oval Office on July twenty sixth and you're figuring out right then and there that Hillary is going to hatch this fake collusion hoax, you need evidence.


Even if you have to make it up. Well, Dan, how do you know report ninety five, which is the first time we hear about the collusion hoax they made up in the Oval Office and with Hillary, how do you know that happened at the same time, July twenty six, twenty sixteen that Obama found that? I just read it in the IG report, which is right here. Report number ninety five.


According to Steele and his reports report, Aoki's dated June twenty four point ninety five, dated July 28th, 2016. Wow, that's really weird.


Gosh, Joe, that's just a crazy coincidence. Yeah. Two days after Obama and Hillary and Brennan hatched this plot to fabricate the collusion hoax, a foreign spy says collusions really makes up a report just two days later after a foreigner just magically emergencies. As I was talking to Papadopoulos, collusion, I don't know, collusion thing could be real emails. I don't know. I don't know. So what else would you do? Get a flag to float it, a friendly foreigner to vent a tip.


Write a fake report from a spy saying collusions real, we have the proof data just two days after you invent this scheme. What would you do right after you invented this scheme, got people to write about it, got the media to pick up on it, had a fake dossier written about it. I know what I would do as the president of the United States, I would put out a presidential policy directive on cybersecurity because I'm so worried about the hack and the Russians that just happen to make it look like this is so serious.


I've got to do something. There's no way that happened. Let's check out presidential policy directive forty one US cyber incident coordination by Barack Obama. Quote, On July 26, 2016, President Barack Obama signed a presidential policy directive forty one where they go on to explain about the DNC hack and everything else. Wow. That's just a really insane Koiki thinking. Holy cow. The downar tip comes from overseas. It just magically appears on July twenty six. That's not even true.


They had it since May.


Yeah. Yeah. Obama finds out about Hillary's little scheme. Make up the collusion hopes, they find out the Russians know about the collusion hoax, they find out it's a distraction, all of a sudden made up evidence started appearing anywhere. And magically, Barack Obama releases presidential protect presidential policy directive. Sorry, my Secret Service are coming.


That's what that stood for. Presidential Protective Division and Secret Service Presidential Policy Directive 41, which is this is so serious. I'm putting a policy directive out. To combat the hack that we can't prove happen, that Trump had nothing to do with, but we're going to make up and make believe Trump had everything to do with. Listen, I'm running out of time, so I'm just going to kind of tease this for tomorrow and forgive me if I had more time, I would do it.


But the show is cut for an hour radio. We're on radio across the country now, so I have to be delicate with the timelines here. But I just want to tease this for tomorrow, because here's how we're going to open the show tomorrow so well, I just laid out what happened. We now know Hillary invented the collusion hoax. Obama knew, the Russians knew, and it was a distraction from her email scandal. Wow. Seems kind of huge.


I just laid out for you how I would do it, which is conveniently exactly how Obama would fake a collusion hoax. Do I laid out one, two, three, four, five steps, which worked beautifully because the media ate it right up. But now I want to move to part three and we'll cover this tomorrow, I'll just tease it a little bit today because it's important. How would you cover your tracks? When you amazingly lost the election to Donald Trump, which nobody saw coming, the Obama team thought they would do this and get away with it because Hillary Clinton would be president.


It's no more difficult than that to understand how could they do this because they thought they'd get away with it. That's how Donald Trump got elected. They didn't know what to do. So step three is how the hell do you cover your tracks? Ladies and gentlemen, wouldn't it be really weird? If Barack Obama's presidential policy directive about cybersecurity hacks of the DNC. Which was launched on the same day, Brennan tells them about the collusion hoax. Wouldn't it be really weird if the FBI agent in charge of that?


Went later to work for BuzzFeed to try to verify the dossier. Oh, that's only a whole chapter in my book, Follow the Money Out on Tuesday, which I wrote almost a year ago, because I've been on to this guy from the start. Look, upon coming to the rescue. There it is. Please pick it up. But wouldn't it be weird? Let me show you this screenshot of FTI Consulting, where this FBI agent by the name of Ferranti, I got a whole thing on him tomorrow.


Put that up for a second. Let's see what he did prior to joining FTI Consulting, Mr. Ferrante served as the director of Cyber Incident Response at the National Security Council at the White House.


What else did he do? He led the development and implementation of Presidential Policy Directive 41.


Whoa, whoa. Well, he did. You mean the presidential policy directive that magically appeared the same day Obama found out about the collusion hoax and jumped in? Wait till I tell you what Ferrante front, they went on to do later after leaving the FBI after the election and after the firing of Jim Comey. You're going to be like, this can't possibly be real. Now you'll see why I wrote a whole chapter on my book as Ferranti has managed to escape scrutiny.


Shocking. Unfortunately, we have to get to that tomorrow. But you're not going to want to miss this segment, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to explain to you to why John Brennan's Washington Post op ed from a few weeks ago, which I covered extensively on the show, had tipped seven nine or by the way, why John Brennan mentioned a very specific date in his op ed. That July 26th. Brennan typically talks in code. Why was he so specific?


I'll get to that tomorrow. All right, folks. Sorry about that. But again, we got to cut it for radio. I appreciate it. Hope you enjoyed the show today. Remember, Trump won the debate. Hands down wasn't perfect, but it was definitely a win. Don't fall for the media hype. They don't fall for this white supremacist crap. It's all garbage. Don't fall in the trap, please. I'm as a friend. I'm begging you.


This is all garbage. Please subscribe to my show Rumball dot com slash Bongino. That is the video version of the program where like YouTube, but much better because we actually support free speech. Check that out. Go to Apple podcasts as well. Subscribe there and check out the show up on dot com. Really appreciate it.


You just heard Dan Bongino.