
The Dan Bongino Show

He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.

Trump Did It Better (Ep 1486)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:07:02

Joe Biden’s press conference was a total disaster. In this episode, I discuss the evidence that Biden is in worse condition than advertised, and I present conclusive evidence that he is lying. Also, I interview Governor Kristi Noem about the controversy surrounding her refusal to sign a bill preventing men from competing in women’s sports.  News Picks: GOP voters are done supporting politicians who turn on their interests.  Joe Biden blatantly lies about the Trump tax cuts during his press conference. Goldman Sachs is in a fight with its woke employees.  Is this story about Hunter Biden and a handgun for real? Obama era lieutenants are back in key Justice Department roles. Support for voter ID laws is massive. Al Sharpton disgraces himself. Again. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Biden’s Latest Move Is His Most Radical Yet (1485)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 58:33

Joe Biden isn’t hiding it anymore. He’s now openly talking about destroying the country through radical transformation. In this episode, I discuss the disturbing plans. I also address the Biden administration’s attacks on the Second Amendment.  News Picks: Democrats are ignoring the evidence about universal background checks.  The nutty Ninth Circuit rules Americans have no right to carry firearms? This is insanity.  FBI statistics show that knives kill far more people than rifles every year.  Jen Psaki hilariously claims she isn’t familiar with the claim that Hunter Biden received money from a Russian billionaire.  Joe Biden threatens to destroy the country with a strong push for his liberal agenda.  Liberals are lying again, income inequality is not growing. Fakebook wants to change section 230, for its benefit. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Gun Grabbing Begins! (Ep 1484)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 59:22

Joe Biden and his cabal of liberal totalitarians are moving to confiscate your firearms. In this episode, I discuss the latest leftist efforts to destroy the Second Amendment and I debunk the outrageous talking points they’re using to advance their agenda.  News Picks: Here’s the link to record a video about why you like the show. Thanks for considering. Biden moves to confiscate guns.   The “assault weapons” ban didn’t work. Here’s the evidence. Here’s the list discussed in the show of suspects the FBI was warned about, and failed to stop. Barack Obama stirs racial animus by attributing a racial motive to recent attacks. Al Sharpton piles on with misinformation. The video piece in the show today about the “black militia.” Marcio Rubio says there is “stuff flying over military installations we can’t identify.”  Another perspective on the Kristi Noem/NCAA controversy in South Dakota. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Tucker Takes On Kristi Noem In Must See Video (Ep 1483)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:00:42

Is Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota finished? Or does she have a point? In this episode, I discuss the uproar over her refusal to sign a bill involving transgender participation in sports. I also address some troubling new developments in the framing of General Mike Flynn.  News Picks: What happened to Governor Kristi Noem? The sordid tale of the framing of General Mike Flynn keeps getting uglier.  Elon Musk absolutely wrecks Bernie Sanders. Liberals say “follow the science” when it’s convenient. But do they mean it? Trump senses an opening to expose Biden for his immigration policy failures. The tax rates on NY City residents are about to explode.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Trump, The Border, and UFOs? (Ep 1482)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:01:27

This latest proposal by the hapless Biden administration is going to pour gasoline on the exploding crisis at the border. In this episode, I discuss the latest developments on this, and the stunning video by a prominent liberal acknowledging the growing threat of cancel culture.  News Picks: New emails surface about the election in Georgia.  Breaking: Trump advisor says the former president is getting into the social media business. Months after the 2020 election and courts are now recognizing irregularities in the 2020 election.  Coverage of an incredible interview with Trump’s former intelligence director where he acknowledges the existence of UFOs. The immigration disaster at the border is about to get even worse because of this outrageous proposal by the Biden admin.  They were warned: Portland sees massive increase in homicides following police cuts.  Bill Maher calls out liberal segregationists. The article discussed in the show which related the PR battle against smoking, to the Second Amendment. The left is cancelling itself. Grab your popcorn.  Medicare for all would be a disaster. Here are the facts.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Bongino Brief - Mar 20, 2021

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 07:35

What should Trump 2024 look like?

Fireworks Erupt On Capitol Hill With Fauci (Ep 1481)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 59:10

Senator Rand Paul absolutely destroys Dr. Fauci in a tense exchange on Capitol Hill. In this episode, I discuss the fireworks, and I address the latest media conspiracy theory about the Hunter Biden laptop.  News Picks: Yes, Trump is moving the needle on the Hispanic vote. The evidence is clear. More evidence that the Hispanic vote is moving toward the GOP. Who is Ken Dilanian working for? The NY Times reports Biden is quietly copying Trump’s immigration policy.  The data is clear on the effects of the minimum wage. Don’t be deceived. A Harry and Meghan “go fund me” face-plants in spectacular fashion. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

I Have A Big Announcement (Ep 1480)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:00:31

I have a big announcement and I’m incredibly excited to share it with my audience first. In this episode, I also discuss the latest conspiracy theory being pumped by the left in order to assist them in unraveling the country, and the latest strong move by this growing force in the GOP.  News Picks: Ron DeSantis strikes again! Second Amendment Rights are under attack in Florida.  Democrats, without evidence, rush to blame the attacks in Atlanta on “white supremacy.”  How “woke” white liberals are turning Minorities into conservatives. No, the latest DNI report doesn’t say that the Hunter laptop story is Russian disinformation. Yes, the Biden tax hike will hit people making under 400k.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Trump Hints At What’s Next (Ep 1479)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:01:45

Will Donald Trump run in 2024? Trump dropped some hints in an interview last night. Also, I address a bombshell story out of Virginia which is clear evidence that the fight is coming to your door.  News Picks: Teachers target parents in Virginia for speaking out against racist curriculum.  The latest DNI report appears to be politically motivated.  Is there a media depression going on right now without Trump? Liberals are bringing segregation back.  The “woke” Grammys suffer a huge ratings collapse. After “woke” lunatics push Piers Morgan out of his morning show, the ratings collapsed. The media outs the source responsible for the latest fake news story about Trump.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Debunking Liberal Tax Hike Madness (Ep 1478)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:02:38

Biden is about to blow up your tax bill and crush the economy. In this episode, I debunk ridiculous liberal myths about the Trump tax cuts and other tax cuts in the past. I also address a stunning retraction by the fake-news.  News Picks: Biden is about to crush the economy with a massive tax hike. The Heritage Foundation report on tax rates and tax revenues discussed in the show today.  The article about the Bush tax cuts discussed in the show today. Taxes are a “deadweight” loss. Here’s the evidence. The Washington Post’s fake Trump quote is a lot worse than you think.  Washington Post “fact-checker” humiliates himself in botched “fact-check.” Joe Biden is getting ready to shove a massive tax hike down your throats.  Nancy Pelosi is trying to steal an election, yet the liberal media remains silent. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Troubling News I Heard About The Biden Border Crisis (Ep 1477)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:01:48

In this episode, I discuss an explosive tip I received about the crisis at the southern border. I also address another massive media correction about the 2020 election. Finally I address the secret ways big-tech monitors you on the web.  News Picks: Trump was misquoted again, in a story about the Georgia 2020 election. Four hidden ways big tech sucks up your data.  Tom Cotton absolutely destroys Biden nominee during a hearing.  The hapless Brian Stelter humiliates himself yet again.  Gas prices continue to surge under Biden. Is inflation going to crush our economy?  The criminalization of free speech continues around the world.  Liberals want to give the corrupt media a enormous handout. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Bongino Brief - Mar 13, 2021

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 09:58

What would a war with China look like?

Biden Tries to Erase Trump (1476)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 59:39

Joe Biden used his first national address to blast out fake news and take cheap shots at Trump. Also, what would war with China look like? I discuss a troubling article which lays out the details. Finally, I address some good news on the foreign policy front.  News Picks: This is terrifying. A leaked war game exercise showed us “losing fast” to China. What would a war with China would look like?  Joe Biden takes veiled swipe at Trump during his first national address.  Eight RINOs vote for the latest gun grabbing bill.  An interesting article about the difficulty of cracking into the podcasting space. Ted Cruz destroys the fake “fact-checkers.”  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

This Show Will Cure You of Your Liberalism (Ep 1475)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:05:28

If liberals are correct, and government spending and high taxes make us all better off, then why not spend and tax even more? In this episode, I address these questions and the anti-intellectual nature of liberalism.  News Picks: Here’s the tab for every American for the disastrous coronavirus “stimulus” bill.  Our massive federal debt is spiraling out of control.  The House passes the outrageous 1.9 trillion dollar pork bill.  Economic freedom is evaporating in the United States. Is a major tax hike coming your way? The border crisis is out of control.  A solid explanation of the “seen versus unseen” phenomenon in economics.  This The NY Times article is a disturbing portrait of the cannibalistic nature of cancel culture. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

This Video Can Change Your Life (Ep 1474)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 58:00

In this episode, I discuss a powerful video which can change your life, and motivate you to fight back against cancerous cancel culture.  News Picks: Half of the country now believes Biden can’t handle the job.  The “stimulus” bill is a budget-busting disaster. A troubling Bari Weiss article about threat of cancel culture and the deterioration of our elite schools.  Bill Maher has a moment of clarity on identity politics.  Illegal border crossings are exploding.  Mumford and Sons musician leaves the band after the cancel mob cancels him for reading a book.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Worst Piece of Legislation I’ve Ever Seen (Ep 1473)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:03:22

In this episode, I discuss the most destructive piece of legislation I’ve seen in decades. This bill will make it impossible for conservatives to win any elections in the future. I also address a potential big break in the Spygate scandal.  News Picks: Insane things tucked into the HR 1 elections bill.  Biden can’t remember the name of his own Secretary of Defense.  Again! There is NO evidence of Russian “collusion.”  A win for free speech on college campuses. Is the inflation menace peeking its ugly head? An optimistic note about American education? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Who Is In Charge At The White House? (Ep 1472)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:01:43

In this episode, I discuss the bombshell new report which destroys many of the Biden administration’s false claims about “systematic racism.” I also address the stunning new story proving once and for all that politicians are using the COVID crisis to advance a political agenda.  News Picks: Is hyperinflation right around the corner? This story about a major hack is deeply disturbing. It’s time to start talking about America’s coming bankruptcy.  The SEC follows the Chinese communist party model.  The Wall Street Journal article on policing discussed on the show today. The Left’s cringiest moments on race. Former police officer leads the effort to oust George Soros-funded prosecutors. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Bongino Brief - Mar 06, 2021

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 07:50

Debating gun control with liberals.

News Headlines: Communists or Liberals? (Ep 1471)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:05:25

Sadly, big tech and big business in the US are doing the heavy limiting for tyrants. In this episode, I discuss the sorry comparisons between China and the US on the freedom scale.  News Picks: The brilliant words of Solzhenitsyn. Senate advances the outrageously expensive 1.9T “stimulus” bill. What is China’s social scoring system? China’s surveillance state should scare everyone. Big tech censorship is targeting non-profits now? Amazon goes all in on censorship.  China makes anal swabs mandatory for foreigners? Jimmy Kimmel loses it on cancel culture. Graffiti is back in NY. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Why Trump is Really Winning (Ep 1470)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:03:50

In this episode, I discuss the explosive new article on this liberal website which explains, in detail, why Trump is an existential threat to the Democrats.  News Picks: A must-read Abigail Shrier article about the growing book-banning/cancel culture movement on the left. The crisis at the border is exploding as 108 illegal immigrants released by the Border Patrol in TX test positive for coronavirus. A disturbing spike in apprehensions of illegal immigrants at the border.  Scientists are struggling to explain the plunge in coronavirus cases. Now three masks? When will the madness stop?  China demands foreigners take the anal swab test. A fascinating New York Mag article about who voted for Trump, and why. This is good news for Trump supporters.  Biden wants to reverse everything Trump did, even to the detriment of his own agenda. The White House cuts the video feed after Biden tries to take questions. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.